Symptoms of viral angina in children, photo of throat and complex treatment. Viral Angina in a child enterovirus monitor in children - the most infectious

The most common causes of children's visits with parents to the precinct pediatrician is a strong throat pain, cough and a runny nose. During seasonal flu epidemics and ARVI, viral monitors in children are diagnosed in 50% of cases of sore throat appeals. Antibiotics will not help quickly get rid of the virus. Doctors recommend leaving a child at home to prevent the spread of infection, conduct symptomatic therapy and prevent complications.

If the child has rhinitis, conjunctivitis, voices, pain in the throat and cough, it is hardly a bacterial infection. Symptoms and treatment of viral angina in children from acute streptococcal tonsillitis should be distinguished. In the first case, as a rule, antibiotics are not required. A virus infection is also the cause of pharyngitis or acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. If the inflammatory process covers the rotogulip, it develops tonsillopharygitis.

Sky almonds are two small lymphoid formations located in the deepening between the soft heaven and the tongue. They filter bacteria and viruses entering the body through the mouth and nose to neutralize, prevent the respiratory system into the flowing departments. However, the almonds are so overloaded with infectious agents that they are infected. Other common causes of acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis are rinoviruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses, flu and B, flu and paragripp.

The inflammation of the skymands of viral etiology in adults is celebrated 2-4 times during the year, preschool children over the same period are ill from 6 to 10 times.

Symptoms of viral angina in children:

  1. an increase in cervical lymph nodes, their pain;
  2. pain in the neck and throat when swallowing, which is given in the ears;
  3. fever, body temperature 38.1-39.5 ° C;
  4. red swollen decrees almonds;
  5. decline in appetite;
  6. hoarse voice;
  7. headache;
  8. runny nose;
  9. weakness;
  10. cough.

The disease of the throat of viral etiology begins with an increase in temperature to 38.3 ° C and higher, chills, lobs in the body. The mucousness of the pharynx and nasal moves is inflamed, the throat begins to hurt, their eyes are blushing and wrapped. It is difficult to recognize the viral anchina on the basis of only a medical examination. Doctors take into account concomitant circumstances. So, the peak of viral infections in children aged 5 to 15 years is timed to the season from November to April.


Enterovirus affects the intestines, anteriority and mucous eye. The incubation period of viral infection varies from several days to four weeks. Children are usually infected in the warm season. The disease begins acutely, from the inflammatory process in the rotoglot, in the future, Papulous rash appears on the mucous membrane. Doctors call this condition "enterovirus vesicular pharyngitis", the word "Gerpepina" was gained in the surprise.

After The initial infection by enterovirus is formed by immunity, which is preserved for a long time.

The mucousness of the pharyngeal ring, the skymands are covered with reddish papula, reaching 1-3 mm in diameter. Then the vesicles are formed - bubbles filled with light liquid, with a red halo around. The mucous membrane of the rotogling at enterovirus angina is inflamed, which delivers the pain pain that is enhanced within 2-4 days. During this time, bubbles are opened, the contents implies, the surface is delayed with crusts.

For the initial stage of viral angina, children are characterized by a sharp rise in temperature to 39-41 ° C, weakness, staring pain, nasal congestion and a runny nose. At the same time begin digestion disorders Due to the damage to the intestinal walls enterovirus. Lab tests will help to distinguish bacterial angina from enterovirus pharyngitis - immuno-immimensional analysis, polymerase chain reaction and other virological diagnostic methods.

There is no generally accepted and effective drug to eliminate the causative agent. Doctors prescribe antiviral agents, symptomatic treatment, as in the case of viral tonsillitis.

The immune system of the child copes with the causative agent of the disease during the acute period. Just from the moment the first symptoms appear to recovery takes 8-14 days. This type of infection in children has an early age, with weakened immune defense flows. It is possible to develop encephalitis and meningitis, other serious complications.

Etiotropic treatment of viral angina

Antiviral drugs With an angina for children, a doctor is appointed to prevent serious complications. Moreover, there should be no doubt in the nature of the disease - enterovirus, adenoviral, herpetic. Characteristic distinctive features arise in the first days, namely conjunctivitis, runny nose, cough, strong redness and tonsil swelling, lack of plaque in the Rothoglotka.

Before treating a virus angina in a child, it should be consulted with a doctor. In case of suspicion of herpetic infection, a specialist may prescribe "Acyclovir" or "Famciclovir". Viral tonsillitis is treated with antiviral medicines ( "Viferon", "Arbidol", "Infpopheron" and others). Children under year prescribe drugs with immunostimulating effect in form rectal Suppositories.

Dr. Komarovsky: What can not be done with a viral variety of angina

Symptomatic therapy of viral tonsillitis in children

The patients should be at home, at elevated temperature - to observe the bed mode. Pediatrician at the reception can recommend funds that facilitate the condition of small patients. With viral sink, the throat with warm salt water, give herbal tea with honey. Without a recipe, they are released in a pharmacy anti-inflammatory and painkillers based on ibuprofen and paracetamol in the form of suspensions, tablets and suppositories.

Viral agnus typically passes without specific treatment after 4-10 days. Therapy of the bacterial threshing includes the reception of antibiotics.

How to treat viral angina in children - symptomatic therapy:

  • Abundant drink.
  • Antipyretic means "paracetamol", "Nurofen, Efferoralgan".
  • Anesthetic for the throat "Tantumum-Verde", "Hexoral Tab", "Teraflu Lahr".
  • Antihistamines "Disloratadine", "Phenistil", "Supratin".
  • Rinsing the throat with salt solutions and infusions of calendula, chamomiles, sage.

Weak solutions of mangartage, food soda and salt (marine or cooking) are used. Liquid for rinsing the throat should be warm, but not hot. The procedure is performed 2-3 times a day. The infusion of herbs is prepared from one or two tablespoons of raw materials and 250 ml of boiling water. The irrigation of the pharynx and almonds brings the pain relief, eliminates other unpleasant sensations, weakens the inflammatory process.

How to recognize and cure a viral angina with your child Updated: August 18, 2016 by the author: admin.

Cooking the angle can be at any age. This disease is most difficult in kids. Frequently often angrint arises against the background of viral infection.

The reasons

Viruses are the second at odds of the development of an angino in childhood after bacteria. Most often, the development of acute tonsillitis leads to infection with adenoviral infection, flu and paragripp, as well as herpes.

The peak of the incidence of such forms of Angi is to age from 3-7 years.

The most susceptible to infection of kids attending educational institutions. In crowded organized teams, viral infections usually apply with greater speed.

For viral angina, systemic manifestations are characteristic. Catarial symptoms are also manifested: a runny nose and cough. For bacterial angine, such manifestations are usually not characteristic and practically does not occur.

Viral forms of the disease usually occur in 5-7 days and end with complete recovery.

How can I get infected?

It is possible to get angina after any contact with sick and contagious man. The most common infection option is a drip.

The smallest virus particles during conversation or sneezing enter the environment. There they can be long enough and not lose their vitality. Finding into the mucous membranes of another child, viruses begin to multiply quickly and provoke the development of the inflammatory process.

Another, also a fairly frequent way of infection is the contact-household option.

It is possible during joint games with identical toys or when using a common kitchenware. Such cases of infection are noted inside the family or in kindergarten. Violation of personal hygiene rules also leads to possible infection.


The first clinical manifestations of the disease appear after the incubation period. With viral angina, it is usually about 1-3 days.

With some forms of infections, the incubation period can even last before the week. At this time, as a rule, the child has no adverse symptoms of the disease, and nothing bothers him.

The main manifestations of viral angina in childhood are considered:

  • Increase body temperature. It usually rises to 38-39 degrees during the first day of the disease and is preserved over a couple of days. Against the background of high body temperature, fever and strong heat appear, and sweating is enhanced.
  • Soreness in the throat when swallowing. Any food, especially with solid particles, can cause an increase in pain syndrome.
  • Red Zea and the increase of almonds. They become bright red. On almonds, various rashes appear, as well as blessed or gray raids. For viral angins are not characterized by purulent crusts. This symptom occurs only when infected with a bacterial infection.
  • An increase in peripheral lymph nodes. Most often suffer from occipital and subnumberless. They become sufficiently dense and painful when feeling.
  • Pronounced headache, decreased appetite, change in the overall condition of the child. The baby becomes more capricious, refuses to eat, tries to spend more time in the crib. At high temperatures, the symptoms of thirst and dryness in the mouth increase.

What does it look like?

With viral sinking, almonds become enlarged and bright red. The entire zev and the rotogling also have a scarlet color. On almonds, various rashes appear.

With adenovirus versions of the disease, they have the kind of white wicked grains, which are located at some distance from each other.

Usually on 4-5 days of the disease they are open, and the fluid expires outwards.

In place of the former bubbles remain areas with erosions and ulcers. The almond surface becomes loose and easy to bleed at any touch.

A week after the start of the herpes snealing, almonds become clean and do not have traces from bubbles and yasers.


After the emergence of the first signs of the disease, a kid to the pediatrician should be shown. The doctor will inspect the child's throat and will be able to put the correct diagnosis.

To clarify the pathogen, additional analyzes and surveys are sometimes required.

All kids sick, sick, the smear is taken from the almond surface. It allows you to accurately establish the causative agent of the disease, as well as eliminate such dangerous children's infections as scarletin and diphtheria.

Common blood test is carried out by all kids having acute tonsillitis.

Increasing the number of lymphocytes on a general background of the large content of leukocytes indicates the presence of viral infection in the body. Also, similar variants of acute tonsillitis proceed with a strong acceleration of ESP.


It is possible to treat an angina at home. Conduct such treatment with the obligatory control of the attending physician. The doctor will be able to identify the development of complications in time, and will also hold the necessary correction of therapy if necessary.

For the treatment of viral angina use:

  • Antiviral agents. They help effectively cope with viruses, and also contribute to rapid recovery. Preparations are most often used: acyclovir, remantadine, viriferon, horroprinosine, isoprosis. They have a pronounced viralotoxic effect. Antiviral tools are usually prescribed in the form of tablets, and with severe situations - in injections and injections.

  • Immunostimulating drugs. Significantly enhance the effect of antiviral agents. Can be assigned in the form of droplets, tablets, as well as candles. In children's practice, interferon, immunal and others are most often applied. They are prescribed for 7-10 days. Strengthen the immune system and contribute to the good work of the immune system.
  • Antipyretic. Apply only with increasing body temperature above 38 degrees. To improve well-being, paracetamol or ibuprofen preparations are perfectly suitable. Such means are approved for use in pediatric practice.
  • Antihistamines. Used to eliminate tonsil edema and reduce symptoms intoxication. Assigned for 5 days, usually 1-2 times a day. Some drugs can cause increased drowsiness, therefore usually recommended for use in the first half of the day. As antihistamine funds will be suitable: Claritin, Supratin, Loratadine and others.

  • Warm abundant drink. It helps to eliminate viral toxins from the body. Such a simple measure helps to prevent the development of dangerous complications that are manifested by inflammation in the kidneys or heart. Cotes or fruits cooked from berries and fruits are suitable as beverages.
  • Bed regime for the entire period of high temperature. Finding into bed will contribute to rapid recovery and improved well-being in a short time. Usually, with viral angins, doctors recommend kids to observe bed regime within 2-3 days.
  • Gentling food. All cooked meals must be comfortable temperatures, not higher than 50 degrees. Strong cold products can cause increased soreness when swallowing. It is better to choose dishes with a more liquid consistency that are not able to injure the almonds.
  • Rinse. Help to wash the almonds and eliminate the fall from their surfaces. Conducted usually 3-4 times a day for 5-7 days. For washes, brazers from chamomile, calendula or sage, as well as a solution of dilute hydrogen and soda and soda solution are well suited.
  • Package pupins or lollipops. Eliminate pain in the throat and help reduce the inflammation of the almonds. Faringosept, Strepsils, septol helps to cope with soreness when swallowing. Assigned 3 times a day for a week. The longer use of painkillers is negotiated with the attending physician.

  • Polyvitamin complexes, including selenium. Microelements contained in such preparations are needed for rapid recovery after the disease, as well as to improve the operation of the immune system. Selenium helps the body faster cope with viruses and activates the work of immunity.

  • Creating a comfortable microclimate indoor. Necessary dry air in the children's room leads to breathing during a viral infection. The use of special devices - Villageers helps to cope with this problem. They create the optimal humidity in the children's room, which is needed for good breathing.

Below you can watch the video of Dr. Komarovsky about the angina in children.

The kids are subject to various infectious diseases, and the diagnosis of "angina" heard almost every parent. A special place among the diseases of the throat occupies a viral nurse in children, because the nature of this disease differs from the usual bacterial tonsillitis. The causative agents of viral angina are viruses that specifically act on the child's body.

Pediatrician, Neonatologist

It differs from the usual scheme and treatment of viral tonsillitis in children, so it is important correctly and in time to recognize the disease. But how to determine the viral disease in children and distinguish from bacterial tonsillitis? Parents must know that it should be paid special attention to the treatment of the disease, let's talk in this article.

What is viral angina?

Viral angina is an infectious disease caused by viruses, which is manifested by the lesion of the mucous membrane of the oral church, intestines and other internal organs.

Causes of virus angina in children

Angle can cause adenoviruses and. Of particular importance is attached to the most common form - the Gerpang, the cause of enteroviruses.

Herpetic angina received its name due to the similarity of the lesions of the mucous membrane with a rash during herpes. Bubble rash can spread to the area around the mouth, lips, which causes many mistakes in the diagnosis of the disease. A more accurate name of the ailment - enterovirus vesicular pharyngitis or stomatitis.

They cause enterovirus angina most often the viruses of the cokes group A, less often the viruses of the group B, in 25% of cases are another type of virus - ESO. All these pathogens have high contagiousness (contagious).

  • the danger of infection with the virus is due to the possibility of an infectious agent to affect the nervous system, the internal organs of the child;
  • the favorite habitat of the pathogen is a wet environment, open reservoirs, soil, sewage drain. The presence of a virus on food products, household items;
  • the pathogen is distinguished by high resistance, can maintain viability for several years under the action of low temperatures. Alcohol, antibiotics, lysol can not get rid of the virus;
  • the pathogen is sensitive to the action of high temperatures, and when boiling is killed instantly. From antiseptics to combat virus, solutions containing formalin or chloramine are suitable;
  • not all people fall into contact with the virus. Most susceptible to the development of infection people with weakened immunity;
  • most cases of infection with a virus end with complete recovery and do not bear negative health effects;

The development of viral disease for pregnant women is very dangerous. The virus often leads to the defeat of the fetus and even to its intrauterine death. Insecable illness and for persons with weakened immunity, in which the disease occurs in severe form with the development of complications.

  • the incubation period with a viral infection ranges from 2 to 10 days.

Less common cause of viral angina - adenovirus. It causes not only the defeat of the almonds, but also conjunctivitis, runny nose, cough ,. Adenoviral sinks are characterized by film raids, which are removed during processing.

Ways of penetration of the virus

  • alimentary;

When using infected food, drinks can penetrate the pathogen into the gastrointestinal tract.

  • airborne drip;

The virus penetrates the environment during sneezing or casstery of the infection carrier, after which the causative agent falls on the mucous membrane of a healthy child.

  • contact-household;

With a close contact with the infection carrier, especially in the first 5 days from the beginning of the disease, the virus is easily transmitted through household items, toys, dishes. Kisses and contacts with saliva or discharge from the oral cavity, pharynx are especially dangerous.

  • water.

Often flash outbreaks occur in children attending one pool. Often the disease overtakes kids on vacation near water bodies.

Dissemination mechanism

The virus falls through the nasophack mucosa or oral cavity in the child's body. With the current lymph, the infectious agent penetrates into lymph nodes, where actively multiplies and the circulatory system is distributed throughout the body. A large number of viruses focuses on the mucous membrane of the rotogling, in vesicles and tax. In the case of the prevalence of the process, the bubbles can be formed on the internal organs.

With a serious course, specific rash may affect the internal organs - the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, heart, nervous system. The child appears, disorders of digestion, pain in the heart.

The disease appears more often in childhood. This is due to the large number of contacts of the kids, a visit to children's institutions, non-compliance with preventive measures. The guys from 3 to 10 years are most susceptible to death. Newborn and chest children, subject to natural feeding, reliably protected from disease with maternal antibodies.

In adults, viral anemia is rarely found, and its manifestations are erased. The disease overtakes people with weakened immunity, systemic diseases that have not previously hurt an angina.

After a person suffered illness, a persistent immunity is formed to viruses that caused the disease. The disease can not repeat again after time and does not go into a chronic form.

Seasonality of the disease

In most cases, viral angina makes itself felt in the warm season (enteroviruses) and in the offseason (characteristic of adenovirus). Flashing diseases often occur in summer and autumn when the causative agent is particularly active.

Source infection

The disease is very common among children visiting children's institutions. The sick child quickly infects others, after all, the ways of infection with infection are several. In addition, the source of the infection can be the kid who has undergone the disease. The selection of the causative agent at the carrier of the virus is preserved within a month.

Although mainly the disease is transmitted from person to man, cases of infection from pigs are recorded.

Factors of development of infection

Although the disease is very common and has a high infinity, not all people who meet with the virus are sick. The disease may occur when a variety of factors are combined.

  • decrease in immunity;

The inability of immunity to give an adequate response in the penetration of infection, low immunoreactivity is the main factor in the development of the disease.

  • stress;

Stressful situations significantly reduce the protective forces of the child's body. Stressors include unfavorable relationships in the family, adaptation of the baby to the new team, kindergarten or school.

  • overwork;

Excessive load at school, physical and mental overwork increase the risk of developing alend.

  • background diseases;

Children with chronic diseases, metabolic disorders, adenoid vegetations that have suffered infectious diseases, with a greater probability they can get a virus angina.

  • congenital imminent pathology.

In immunodeficiencies, oncological diseases, the child is subject to the development of infectious diseases.

Signs of viral angina in children

The first signs of illness may arise at different times, it all depends on the resistance of the organism of the crumbs to infection. Usually, the first manifestations occur in 3 - 14 days from the moment of contact of the child with a source of illness. The incubation period passes without visible changes of the state of the baby, nothing issues the development of the disease.

After the end of the latent period, the first manifestations of the disease appear, the degree of severity of which is also individual. Some children are good and easily tolerated the disease, others feel a significant deterioration in the overall state from the first day of the development of the disease.

Symptoms of viral angina in children include a number of manifestations.


The disease usually flows with a high febrile temperature, up to 40 ºС. The temperature rapidly increases and is heavily shot down by conventional anti-inflammatory agents. For characteristic 2 peak of temperature rise - in the first and third day, high numbers are saved on the other days. It is saved by a symptom of about 4 to 5 days, then gradually decreases against the background of the treatment.

Rashes in the sky and on almonds

After 2 -3 days after raising the temperature in the mouth, a characteristic rash appears. Rash are reddish small papulas. The nodules are located on the mucous membrane of the language, pharynx, almonds and heaven in the amount of 3 - 7 pieces. In case of severe infection, the disease begins with abundant rash containing more than 20 papules.

It happens that papules occur in a small amount and it is difficult to notice, which leads to diagnostic errors.

Gradually, papules increase in size and turn into vesicles (bubbles with serous contents). After 24 - 48 hours, bubbles are opened, and a gray-white gray-white is formed on the mucous membrane, surrounded by a red crown. If the ulcers are located close to each other, they can merge and form a larger defect.

Formed ulcers bring significant pain to the child. The usual meal or drink becomes a real test for crumbs. The child cries, complains of pain in the throat, often there is a feeling of "coma" and burning.

With adenovirus sinking, the rash have the appearance of white wicked grains or film translucent raids located in palatal almonds.


Since the lymphatic system plays a considerable role in the spread of the virus, the increase in lymph nodes is very characteristic of infection. The cervical lymph nodes are most susceptible to changes, they become dense, edema, painful when touched.

General symptomatics

Baby's well-being is disturbed, the baby becomes sluggish, capricious, irritable. Sleep and appetite are significantly violated, symptoms of intoxication appear. The appearance of pain in the muscles, especially in the neck area. Often, kids complain about headaches, malaise, catarrhal phenomena appear - runny nose, cough.

The development of intoxication and dyspeptic disorders is more characteristic of children, in adults, the disease most often passes without complications.


The problems of the gastrointestinal tract are associated with both general intoxication and the influence of enterovirus or adenovirus on the intestinal mucous membrane. Often there is nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, it is possible to develop diarrhea.

The rashes in the oral cavity are on average, 3-5 days are saved, healing the ulcerations begins from the 6th - 7th day of the disease. But there are cases of a wavy flow of the disease, when the appearance of rash repeats every 2 - 3 days. Such a current is characteristic of weakened children with somatic diseases. In the case of severe illness, vesicular rash appears on the torso, brushes and feet.

Rash on the tele

Some children have a rash is not limited to the oral cavity, the elements can be found on the skin of the brushes and stop. The rashes are localized more often on the palms of the brushes and the soles of the feet and are small bubbles with a wedding of redness of the periphery. Usually, the rash is held from 5 days to a week and disappears without a trace, not leaving the scarpets.

Diagnosis and Differential Diagnostics

The disease is determined by a pediatrician or otorinolaryngologist, for an experienced specialist, the diagnosis of complexity disease does not represent and includes the following methods.

  • collection of anamnesis;

The doctor draws attention to the age of crumbs, visiting the children's team and the possibility of contact with patients with children. Chronic somatic diseases and violations in the work of the immune system also indicate the possibility of the development of an angina.

  • inspection;

To establish a diagnosis, the specialist carefully examines the rodoglotka (throat) of the baby, paying attention to the presence of specific bubble rashes or raids. If there are rashes, not only on the mucous membrane of the ointment, but also on the body, it is necessary to differentiate the disease with the syndrome "Hand - Noga - Mouth" syndrome.

The course of the disease is sometimes similar to the "Hand - Rot" syndrome caused by the same enterisiruses. But, unlike, with syndrome, the rash does not apply to the almonds.

A virus angina needs to be distinguished from other pathologies, for example, during the thrush in the language, the sky, the inner surface of the cheek is noticeable flaw, bubbles do not appear.

A virus angina is easily confused with herpety, rash at which also is bubbles, and the disease passes with an increase in temperature. But during stomatitis, rash is located mainly in the language and gums and never applies to almonds.

Burnt bubbles with serous contents and a plaque with adenovirus infection can be confused with purulent disconnected with bacterial threshing. You can distinguish the disease, turning attention to the localization of rashes, with tonsillitis, the separated does not go beyond the almonds. In addition, for viral angina, the presence of a runny nose, which may not be with a bacterial shankine.

  • lab diagnostics:
    • clinical blood test - will show the increase in leukocytes;
    • sowing smears from rotolding - will help to exclude another microflora;
    • an immunoafator blood test - helps to determine the presence of specific antibodies that were formed in response to the penetration of the virus. With an increase in antibodies, 4 times can be diagnosed with a diagnosis of viral stranger;
    • the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is needed to detect the virus itself in flushing from the patient's pharynx. This method helps to determine the DNA of the virus for accurate diagnostics;
    • spinal puncture - is carried out for the study of the liquor. Diagnosis is assigned only to children with signs of damage to the nervous system.
  • consultation specialists.

In the event of a severe course of the disease and suspicion of the defeat of the internal organs, the consultation of the neurologist, the urologist, the nephrologist, the cardiologist is obligatory.

How to treat a virus angina in a child?

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the treatment of viral angina in children should be aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, preventing the dehydration of the body. The use of antibiotics does not reduce the risk of complications of viral infection, and the treatment of herpetic angina in children acyclovir is unreasonable, since the drug does not affect the virus.

  • bed mode;

A simple, but important way to speed up the duration of recovery and prevent the development of complications.

  • fighting hyperthermia;

Anti-inflammatory agents based on paracetamol and ibuprofen are suitable for reducing body temperature and pain relief.

  • gargling;

To prevent the accession of the secondary infection, the rinse of the rotogling solutions for the rinsing of the throat, with antiseptic means, for example, Miraism, AjiCeptom, Biocide is recommended. If viral aneg has evolved in a child up to a year, it is necessary to irrigate the rotogulk with a syringe without a needle. It is possible to rinse the hens of medicinal herbs - chamomiles, calendula.

  • local anesthesia;

Aerosols are suitable for removing pain and inflammation in the throat: inhalipte, hexoral, tantumum verte or lidocaine solution.

  • antiallergic means;

Preparations such as zetrin, phenkarol, claritine, will prevent the development of allergic reactions and will have an anti-ethnic effect.

  • physiotherapy.

The UFO is able to accelerate the healing of ulcers and reduce the time of recovery.

Pay attention to the child's drinking mode, suggest the baby to choose a suitable drink. Although the baby's appetite is reduced, take care of sufficient food intake and beverages. From food recommended soups-mashed potatoes, Kieli, porridge. All products must be liquid consistency to additionally do not injure tender mucous membranes.

What do not need to do?

  1. Treat the disease with antibiotics and means against herpes virus, such as acyclovir.
  2. Processing the throat with a solution of lugol, which additionally injures fabrics and causes allergic reactions.
  3. Carry out inhalations, put compresses. Such treatment methods are local increasing blood circulation, increase body temperature, can provoke the spread of infection.


This infection is a danger in connection with the possibility of virus to affect not only the mucous membrane of the toddler, but also nervous and muscle tissue. The most dangerous complication is the defeat of the brain and its shells in the form of meningitis and encephalitis.

In generalized the form of the disease, the damage to the internal organs with the development of pyelonephritis, myocarditis, hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is possible. And the prolonged course of the disease creates prerequisites for an abnormal immune response and the development of the rheumatic process.

The virus significantly reduces the body's protective forces and creates the soil to attach the bacterial microflora. Bacteria cause the suppuration of mucous membranes to form abscesses and phlegm.


Since the probability of catching the virus from a sick child is very high, anti-epidemic measures are becoming a method:

  • identification and insulation of the illness;
  • introduction of quarantine for contact persons at least 14 days;
  • began infection, the baby may return to the team no earlier than a week after the disease manifestation;
  • introduction of specific gamma globulin to children who in contact with an infected child;
  • disinfection of the epidemiological focus;
  • strengthening the protective forces of the body by rationalizing the labor and recreation, healthy, hardening;
  • mandatory daily walks, wet cleaning of the room;
  • compliance by the toddler of personal hygiene rules, washing the hands, use of personal care facilities.

Enteroviruses and adenoviruses are distinguished by a big variety, therefore specific vaccinations from them are not developed, the exception is vaccine against poliomyelitis. But immunity from re-infectionafter the suffered disease, it remains for life.


Infection of viruses is often found in children under the age of 5 years. It is not an exception and development of viral angina for kids.

The disease has characteristic signs, and in typical flow to suspect and to identify the disease is not at all difficult. Difficulties arise with a small amount of rash elements or when localizing rashes in atypical places. In doubtful cases, laboratory methods of diagnosis and consultation of an experienced specialist will recognize the disease.

A nintus of viral nature is a very common disease among children from 3 to 7 years old - it is the kids at this age in a group of risk on the development of pathology.

Children of preschool and school age are constantly in closed premises and large groups (kindergartens and classes), where viral pathogens are much easier to spread and show signs of active vitality.

Symptoms of viral angina in children may differ depending on the type of pathogen, which there are a large amount.

True angina is caused by bacteria, the disease of viral nature belongs to atypical and provoked by the following microorganisms:

  • adenovirus;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • rotavirus;
  • influenza viruses, which in nature there are about two thousand;
  • epstein-Barr virus, in which tonsillitis occurs against the background of infectious mononucleosis;
  • enteroviruses Coksaki type A and B and Esno viruses causing herpetic angina.

Infection occurs after the introduction of a pathogenic causative agent into the cavity of the child's ointment and the beginning of its active breeding. The predominant form of transmission of viral agents is air-drip.

Penetration into the body occurs when inhaling the pathogens spread by an already frowning person with saliva and nasal mucus (with coughing, sneezing, conversation).

The contact-household path of infection provides for the use of common utensils, personal hygiene, toys, and fecal-oral - the use of products in improper way, unwashed hands.

The peak of infection is accounted for by the periods that manifest themselves in children by avitaminosis and the decrease in immunity is winter (from October to December) and Spring (March-April).

An angina virus penetrates the baby's body, weakened by frequent colds and disadvantages of vitamins. Deficated cell protection is subject to easy to implement the pathogen and react to its livelihood signs of intoxication.

In this way, the main causes of virus tonsillitis disease can be distinguished in children:

  • weakened immunity;
  • recurrent pathology of respiratory, nose and throat - sinusites, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • local and systemic supercooling;
  • close contact with already pool children in schools and kindergartens;
  • the tendency to stress and disorders - signs of an unstable nervous system.

In children with diseases of the stomach, symptoms of viral angina develop more often. The causative agent affects not only the respiratory organs, but also on the gastrointestinal tract, which is manifested by dyspepsic phenomena and stool disorders.

Characteristic symptoms depending on the type of pathogen

The tonsillitis of viral etiology in children is divided into three types:

  • adenoviral;
  • influencing;
  • herpety;

In the first two cases, a diagnosis of viral monitorexcept herpety - here the name of the disease is highlighted in a special category. Although herpesy tonsillitis is not caused by herpes virus, and the scientific name of the disease - enterovirus vesicular stomatitis.

Herpess Angina

Gripposnaya Angina

A variety of tonsillitis caused by influenza viruses of different strains (in total there are over two thousand). The peak of morbidity falls on autumn and winter, when the child's body is weakened and susceptible to the introduction of pathogens.

The development of pathology occurs rapidly, starting with an increase in temperature to 39-40 ° C.

  • a sharp pain in the throat, accompanied by a flip and dryness of mucous membranes;
  • unproductive cough without wet separation;
  • nasal congestion and abundant swelling;
  • increased sweating, weakness, drowsiness;
  • strong headaches, lubrication in the body, muscles and joints.

A distinctive feature of influenzahnaya angina is the spilled hyperemium of the throat, when the mucous membrane acquires dark red, almost cherry shade.

Inflammation and swelling applies not only to the almond area, but also on the surface of the sky a mead. In parallel, the child complains of severe dryness in the mouth, it increases lymphatic nodes, the color of the skin becomes pale or blue.

Differences of viral angina from bacterial

A distinctive feature of viral tonsillitis is a seasonal character - pathology extends during the periods of the flu epidemic and ARVI (in winter and spring).

Also, the peculiarity of the viral etiology of the disease is the defeat of the entire surface of the larynx, and not just almonds, including the pagan tongue, the arrangements and the root of the language.

Viral nurse is characterized by acute start and rapid development, in the presence of an incubation period, the symptoms of the disease are manifested immediately upon its completion. It is an increase in temperature, inflammation of the larynx, runny nose, nasal congestion and cough.

Viral tonsillitis in children is also accompanied by headaches, feeling breakdown, kids become capricious, sleep well and refuse food.

Under the influence of the virus in the nasophal, a large number of mucus is formed, which flows along the back of the sandy wall and falls into the upper bronchi departments, causing their irritation - a dry or wet cough appears.

The virus causing an angina provokes pronounced redness of the throat, while the almonds are not covered in gentle, and the entire surface of the larynx is covered with a whitish touch (with herpes tonsillitis on the mucous membrane, red bubbles filled with liquid are poured.

For bacterial angina, such signs like tearing, runny nose and cough are not characteristic. Initially, the patient complains of throat pain, the temperature rises not immediately, but in the course of the progression of infection and the development of signs of intoxication.

The manifestations of bacterial tonsillitis are clearly localized - the inflammatory process does not leave the borders of the almonds, the glands are covered with a purulent flap, it accumulates in the lacuna.

In the bacterial threshing, the cough does not arise, since the nasal cavity is not involved in the process of inflammation, and the mucus does not stand out and does not flow into the upper respiratory tract.

Complaints are reduced to the throat pain, the almond mucosa is inflamed, loose and swelling, covered with a white and yellow layer of a fuel with an admixture of pus. Cough and runny nose can appear on 3-4 day of the disease in the form of complications and layers of secondary infection.

What needs to be examined

Many parents with the development of the child in the throat and increase the temperature begin to treat viral anneas with antibiotics, not referring to the doctor and without establishing the etiology of the disease.

Such tactics are radically incorrect, since the treatment of bacterial and viral infections is very different - the use of antibiotics in the viral form of tonsillitis can only harm, causing the resistance of the body to drugs.

Diagnostics include the following activities:

  • faringoscopy is inspection of the larynx for redness, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane, the presence of rash and the nature of the taxation;
  • general blood test - an increased number of leukocytes is detected;
  • a biochemical blood test is needed in the event of a disease of small children, in particular, the adenoviral type of tonsillitis, which is often complicated by pneumonia. The development of lung inflammation indicates the level of sialic acid and fibrinogen in the blood, the positive result of the sample on the C-jet protein;
  • ELISA - study of epithelial cells to detect antigen to viruses in them;
    immunofluorescence reactions - high-precision method to determine specific antibodies to the causative agent;
  • PCR Diagnostics - explore blood or smear, taken from the oz, revealing the DNA of the virus there;
  • serological research methods - the reaction of the binding of complement, PCR, IFA, the method of molecular hybridization, immunoelectronic microscopy.

In the case of the development of complications, diagnosis is needed with the participation of narrow specialists - cardiologist, neurologist and others in terms of the situation. Such cases occur in children with weakened immunity and under the age of year, with severe viral angina.


Children need to treat viral angina in the development of signs of intoxication - headaches, increase temperature, feverish syndrome.

Therapy provides relief from the causative agent of the disease (virus) and eliminating the pronounced symptoms of pathology, since the child is seriously tolerates the manifestation of the angina. Treatment is divided into systemic and local.

Elimination of the pathogen

With viral etiology, the child's threshing drugs, contributing to a decrease in the activity of the causative agent at the initial stage of the development of the disease and increase the resistance of the body of infection:

  • Antiviral - acyclovir, ganciclovir, phoskarnet, penciclovir.
  • Immunomodulators - Children before the year doctors recommend taking syrup immunoflazide and droplets Immunal. A good effect in increasing the protective forces of the body gives the use of bronchomunal preparations, a tincture of Echinacea or Eleutherococcus. Genferon, Viferon (in the form of candles), cycloferon in tablets are prescribed for children older age. Influencing angina can be stopped at the initial stage by injection into the nose of the drug interferon.
  • Vitamin complexes - Sana-Salt, Peak, Alphabet, Multitabs and others, depending on the age of a child to saturate the body with vitamins, useful macroelements and increasing resistance to infections.

In the case of infection of the herpentine, the use of antiviral drugs is not always justifiedSince the body is required at least 7 days to directly cope with the causative agent of the disease.

Only after this period, immunity is produced to the coking viruses and echorals, which remains for the entire subsequent life and preventing herpetic tonsillitis preventing infection.

Additional measures

Also, to speed up recovery and suppress the activity of viruses, a small patient needs to create comfortable conditions, including:

  • bed regime - the transfer of an angina on the legs creates an additional burden on the joints, which is fraught with the development of complications;
  • isolation from other family members - Especially this item is important when the child is transferred to herpes angina;
  • maintain optimal levels of humidifier and temperature - in a hot and dry environment (or, on the contrary, damp) the virus breeds more actively, therefore it is not worth heating the room above 22 ° C, the recommended humidity is 50%;
  • fractional food by semi-liquid food without annoying throat - these are soups, broths, cereals, mashed potatoes;
  • compliance with drinking regime - to reduce signs of intoxication. Clear tea with raspberries, honey, lemon (they increase the sweating and help reduce temperature), warm milk, pure water, fresh and frozen berries, chamomile decractions, rowan fruits, viburnum and rosehip;
  • conducting wet cleaning Without the use of aggressive chemicals and venting the room where the patient is located.

These are measures to speed up the struggle of the body with the causative agent of viral tonsillitis - observing the simple rules, it is possible to facilitate the condition of the child and cure the angina faster.

The reception of an immunostimulant and antiviral drug appointed by the doctor should be carried out taking into account dosages and multiplicity.

Symptomatic therapy

Receiving systemic preparations and local throat processing - mandatory conditions for facilitating heavy symptoms of the occurrence of angina.

Tonnsillitis is manifested by strong pain in the throat, which interfere with the child is normal, drink and sleep, so you need to try to stop them. Also discomfort to a small patient deliver signs of intoxication - headaches, fever, chills.

Symptomatic treatment of virus angina in children includes:

  • Reception of drugs of the NSAID Group (anti-inflammatory nesteroids). They contribute to a decrease in temperature, eliminate intoxicating and normalizing well-being. For young children, paracetamol and Panadol candles are recommended to reduce the impact on the liver. From two years you can drink Nooofen and Ibuprofen syruphes and Ibuproofen syrupnes, and Ibuklin is suitable for children older than the year. Reception aspirin is not recommended until it reaches 14 years of age, since the risk of toxic lesion of the brain increases with viral sinking.
  • Harrow irrigation by sprays with anesthetic and antiseptic effect. Preparations of hexoral, Miramistin, inhalipt and mohalitus allow an anesthesia to the inflamed surface of the larynx, give children the opportunity to sleep and relax for several hours in a row. Also, these means cleaned the epithelium mucosa from pathological plaque, accelerating recovery.
  • Gargling. For this purpose, Furaticyline, Miramistin, chlorophyllipte are used for children over 3 years old. The easiest way to clear the mucous throat is to prepare a solution of salt and food soda - at 0.5 cl. on 500 ml of water. Rinse is carried out up to 4-5 times a day, after which local sprays are used.

Conducting steam inhalations and physiotherapy in viral sinks is not recommended, as well as imposing on the neck of warming compresses. At elevated temperature, such actions are contraindicated and lead to the activation of the viral pathogen in the tissues.

At the recovery stage, to heal the mucous throat and increase the local immunity to children appoint the course of Ufo Lastani.

When developing related signs, such as cough and runny nose, use drugs to eliminate them.

To purify the nasal cavity from the accumulation of mucus, the sprays of Aqua Maris, the delinquer, is washed with the nose of the Dolfin system.

At night, you can enter a small amount of funds for Nazivin, Sanorin or Pinsol in the children's dosage in the nostrils. Syrups based on dry cough helps ivy and plantain based syrups, drugs Prospan, Gedelix, Fravisil.

Possible complications

One of the main complications of viral tonsillitis is considered to attach a secondary, bacterial infection. This happens when the child's immunity is too weak and not complying with medical prescriptions.

The development of bacterial (including purulent) angina is fraught with the following complications for a child:

  • heart rheumatism - the consequence develops with the active reproduction of pathogenic pathogens in the cells of the internal organs with inadequate therapy of the disease, when a negative effect on connecting tissues is negative;
  • myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle;
  • the rheumatism of the joints - the disease appears during the transfer of the angina on the legs, is characterized by swelling of the joints and pain in them (however, it is rapidly treated);
  • pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis - inflammatory kidney processes, developing as a complication of bacterial angina and when not compliance with the drinking mode (when toxins, a long time cannot leave the body);
  • neuroinfection, for example, meningitis;
  • chronic runny nose, otitis, tonsillitis.

Such serious consequences are developing mainly in children with recurrent colds that reduce immunity and chronic pathologies of respiratory organs.

To prevent such complications, you need to see the doctor in time and comply with all the recommendations, as well as take measures to strengthen the body's protective forces.


If viral angina is diagnosed in time and start treated, it will not cause serious complications. The recovery will occur after 7-10 days, after which the baby needs a small recovery period.

At this time, it is necessary to limit physical exertion and contact with peers (so when the Gerpenta is transferred, the child is infected for another 3-5 days).

Immunity strengthening measures appointed by the doctor may continue up to the month.

A favorable prognosis of viral tonsillitis will be for those children who have parents from the Small years teach often to wash their hands, there are no dirty fruits and vegetables, not lick toys, not to use someone else's dishes.

In contact with

Most often, angina develops against the background of infectious infection. However, recently, otolaryngologists speak of a disease flowing with similar symptoms, but having completely different causes of occurrence.

Today, viral monitor in children is not a rare diagnosis. It leads to inflammation of the tonsils and the lymphadenoid ring in the throat, as in the activation of bacteria, but there is no purulent damage to the oralogotment, which determines the specifics of the disease and its treatment.

According to the speaking name, the virus aphony from the child develops against the background of the activation of numerous viruses. It can be cokesaki, just, enteroviruses, flu strains, Epstein Barra, herpes, adenoviruses. Ways of infection - airborne-drip (conversation), contact-household (kisses, toys, dishes), fecal-oral (food).

Infected child highlights viruses about a month since infection. They usually affect lymph nodes, multiply there and settle on the surface of the almonds. Many factors contribute to infection.


  • seasonal decrease in temperature;
  • bad (scant, unbalanced, monotonous) nutrition;
  • lack of sanitary standards, non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • superchilding of the body: General (frost on the street) and local (legs knocked, ears climbed, moved ice cream);
  • passive smoking;
  • bad environmental situation;
  • climate change.


  • weakened immunity;
  • infection after the operation on the nasopharynk;
  • launched caries;
  • purulent diseases of nasopharynses;
  • wounds, abrasions, scratches - any injuries of almonds;
  • their pathological structure or location;
  • complications after ARVI, influenza, diphtheria, scarletins;
  • a number of diseases: allergies, tuberculosis, red lupus;
  • stress.

Outbreaks of viral angina fall on October-December and March-April. In the fall, the body does not have time to adapt to cold weather, in spring - weakened after the winter. In adults, the disease occurs less often, since children are more often in contact with each other (at school, kindergarten) and have weak protective reactions.

In order to recognize the enemy on time, you need to imagine a clinical picture of the disease.

The origin of terms. The word "virus" goes back to the Latin "Virus", which means "poison"; "Angina" - from the same language, from "ANGO", what to "strange".


The main symptoms of viral angina in children are very similar to the signs of the usual form of the disease. The main difference from the bacterial infection is the absence on the poverty almonds and purulent follicles. Depending on the state of immunity, the incubation period ranges from 2 days to 2 weeks.

Primary signs

Symptoms that appear directly primarily:

  • elevated temperature (38-40 ° C);
  • lubrication in the body;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • decline in appetite;
  • strong sore throat;
  • abundant salivament;
  • increased lymph nodes.

Secondary signs

After some time (from 1 hour to 2 days), other signs are attached to the specified symptoms of viral angina, which can be very reminded by the usual:

  • sore throat;
  • hoarseness voices;
  • minor bumping;
  • runny nose;
  • in 50% of cases - nausea, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • female, inflammation, redness GRAND;
  • the main difference from the cold is the appearance of small, but not purulent papules on the almonds;
  • with a damage to about 3 days at the site of Papul (rash), vesicles appear (bubbles) with serous contents, after which they are revealed, forming yazens merging among themselves, - at this stage of the disease, the pain in the throat is enhanced, the appetite disappears.

In the competent treatment of viral angina in children, the symptoms of the disease disappear in 5-7 days. In the absence of therapeutic measures on tonsillitis, a bacterial infection may be layered. This can lead to complications.

Therefore, it is so important and correctly diagnosed. And for this you need as quickly as possible, at the first clinical signs, seek help in the hospital.

According to history pages. In the works of Hippocrat, Avicenna and Celsius says that angina very often led to suffocation very often, therefore, intubation and tracheotomy were used for its treatment.


If the virus angina suspected, the doctors guide the child to a series of analyzes, produce an external inspection, collect data. Diagnostic techniques are usually reduced to the following activities:

  1. Farmingoscopy.
  2. Analysis of the complaints of a small patient.
  3. Palpation of increased lymph nodes.
  4. Blood analysis (general and on RSK) will show leukocytosis, a laid shift to the left, an enlarged ESP.
  5. A smear from the zea (PCR) will reveal the pathogen.
  6. Serological diagnostics (IFA) will determine the absence or presence of antibodies.
  7. The ECG is appointed in rare, already running cases to determine the toxic damage to the cardiovascular system as a complication: weakened tones, tachycardia, hypotension.

These diagnostic studies allow the most accurately differentiate the viral angina from the bacterial and from ARVI with influenza. This plays an important role in the appointment of further treatment, because antibiotics turn out to be useless in this case.

About the diagnosis. Angina is a conversational word used in everyday life. In the diagnosis of a child, tonsillitis will most likely be indicated. In ancient times, the disease was called chest toas. As for the specifically virus form, it is often called vesicular tonsillitis or.


Complex treatment of viral angina in children involves bed regime, a special diet, adoption of drug drugs, the use of folk remedies (with the permission of the doctor).

Medicia treatment

With viral angina, antibiotics are not appointed, as they only aggravate the situation, weakening immunity and reducing the effectiveness of antiviral treatment.

Medical drugs for use inside:

  • preparations that prevent the breeding of viral infection: Citovir 3, Neovir, Cycloferon, Isopripozin, Kagole, Viferon, Ergoferon, Genferon Light, Anaferon, Infpopheron - They can be in the form of candles, drops, tablets;
  • hyposensitizing and antihistamines: diazoline, erius, tavern, zirtek, zoda, suprastin;
  • antipyretic at temperatures above 38 ° C: NAZ, NUROFEN, Paracetamol, Ibuklin, Cefecon, Aspirin (from 12 years old) - kids better put candles, and after 3 years it is possible to give syrup;
  • immunomodulators: Licopid, Immunorix, Amixin;
  • to prevent dehydration with a strong heat: recider;
  • vitamin therapy: especially vitamin C;
  • antibiotics can be appointed only in the case of complications when bacterial (about antibiotics for the treatment of children's angina, read) on a viral infection.

Local therapy:

  • removal of antiseptic tablets: Faringosepat, Sebieldina, Travincel, Immudon, Lizobakta;
  • irrigation of the pharynx against anti-inflammatory sprays: Tantuum Verde (after 3 years), hexoral, tamper, interferon;
  • rinse the throat with Drug herbs (sage, calendula), Mirismine, solutions of furaciline, mangartage, salt and soda;
  • treatment of almonds with a lugola, proprolis tincture;
  • nasal washing with a salt of sea salt;
  • ultraviolet.

Folk remedies

With the permission of a doctor who treats a child, viral angina can be defeated with the help of folk remedies. Warm (not hot) solutions for rinsing throats are best helpful. In the first day, the disease can be carried out this procedure up to 10 times, then gradually reduce their intensity. You can use the following recipes.

  1. Mix the same daisy and linden flowers, pour 300 ml boiling water, wait 2 hours.
  2. Slowly pour in 200 ml of ordinary water 15 ml of the golden root tincture.
  3. Mix equally wormwood, calendula, plantain, sage; Pour 200 ml of boiling water, wait an hour.
  4. Mix linden flowers and oak 1 to 2 bark, pour 200 ml of boiling water, wait for an hour, then add 10 ml of honey.
  5. Courbed coat to pour 1 to 1 with water 1 to 1, wait for half an hour, strain, in 200 ml of obtained inferior pouring 15 ml of apple vinegar.
  6. 3 chopped medium cloves of garlic pour 200 ml of boiling water, wait for an hour, strain.
  7. 50 grams of Low Pecs Cook 10 minutes in 500 ml of water, wait 3 hours, strain.
  8. 100 grams of blueberries (better dried) pour 400 ml of water, keep on fire until the amount of volume is twice.

Patient care

To facilitate the speedy recovery of the child, the next patient care is recommended for viral sorrows.

  1. Bed regime in the first 3-4 days of the disease, full of peace.
  2. Isolation from others.
  3. Compliance with diet: semi-liquid and liquid poured dishes, no sharp, salty, pickled, smoked food.
  4. Abundant drinking in warm form with a volume of about 2 liters per day.
  5. Ban on warming compresses.
  6. The hourly rinsing of the throat by folk remedies or medical solutions prescribed by the doctor.
  7. At elevated temperature, the failure of walks. After its decline, half-hour outlets are possible.
  8. Room ventilation, maintaining the required level of humidity in it.
  9. Favorable psychological situation, moral support for the child, positive emotions will speed up the process of recovery.

After the diagnosis is made, the doctor will definitely tell how to treat a viral angina at the child at home, if he was not left in the hospital. Competent care for the patient, the use of drug drugs is strictly for its intended purpose, the addition of the main therapy by folk remedies - all this in a single complex will give good results, and the baby in the sooner will recover, and without any complications. Malgy;

  • myocarditis.
  • The first two diagnoses are especially dangerous, as they are associated with the lesion of the brain. In order for viral angina without rearranged into something more, you need to try to identify it in a timely manner. And even better - from the very birth to abide by preventive measures. It is much easier and safer than to free a small organism from the unreasonable viruses.

    Interesting fact. After the child suffered a viral angina, he has a persistent immunity to the pathogen, which caused a disease. But there is a huge number of strains, which is why this form can be diagnosed again and again.


    To protect the child from viral angina, from the first days of his life it is important to engage in the prevention of the disease, which involves the following measures:

    • acqualing the child often wash your hands: before eating, after the toilet, walks, animals;
    • rinse the nasopharynk after contacts with sick people;
    • woven gauze bandages in public places during epidemics;
    • vitaminotherapy courses twice a year;
    • hardening;
    • good nutrition;
    • strengthening immunity;
    • constant ventilation of the room, if necessary - its quartzing;
    • timely treatment of all diseases.

    If you think about prevention in a timely manner, the child will never know what kind of viral aneg is and the rest of the disease - too. A strong immunity with a healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of infection with dangerous microorganisms and reduces it to almost zero. Parents are simply obliged to take appropriate measures for this.

    Complications after the virus form of the disease are not so dangerous as after, but they can lead to death on the background of meningitis - you need to know about it.