Camphor oil - what is it used for, what does it treat. Camphor oil in a home medicine cabinet Useful properties of camphor oil

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


This substance with a unique aroma is familiar to many from childhood. Camphor oil is a natural remedy that mothers used to rub their children when they had a cold or when they came back from a walk with wet feet. The unique composition of the product allows it to be used in traditional, traditional medicine, cosmetology. What properties does essential oil have, why the medicine has been popular for many years, how to use it correctly - more about this in the review.

What is camphor oil made from?

The raw materials for production are Japanese laurel or camphor wood. It grows up to 50 meters high with a trunk diameter of up to five, has a powerful crown, and is found in East Asia, Africa, North America, and the Caucasus. Old camphor laurel trees that are suitable for production are:

  • sawed;
  • laurel wood is crushed;
  • grind into powder;
  • steam distillation with high temperature produce oil concentrate;
  • at chemical reactions camphor is obtained - colorless crystals with a specific aroma.

In pharmacies you can more often find synthetic camphor, which has a similar smell and healing properties. It is important that in natural product There are significantly more useful components. Composition includes:

  • camphor - crystalline powder;
  • cineole is a natural antiseptic;
  • pinene – a resinous substance that imparts viscosity;
  • safrole is a component of essential laurel oil that enhances the effect when used.

Beneficial features

Greater popularity medicine provide diverse properties of camphor oil. Scientific research have proven the effectiveness of the drug. Application of the medicine:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • reduces pain;
  • heals wounds;
  • activates nervous processes;
  • increases venous tone;
  • improves the functioning of the respiratory center of the brain;
  • restores ventilation in the lungs;
  • activates metabolic processes in the myocardium;
  • stimulates the discharge of sputum;
  • increases blood circulation in the brain.

Thanks to its composition, the benefits of camphor oil are unique. The product has an amazing set of properties:

  • regulating sebum secretion;
  • exciting;
  • antimicrobial;
  • annoying;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • relieving itching;
  • analgesic;
  • nourishing;
  • strengthening;
  • stimulating;
  • wound healing;
  • cleansing;
  • rejuvenating;
  • brightening the skin.

Camphor oil - application

Oil concentrate is used in cosmetology and medicine externally and internally. The use of camphor oil gives excellent results. It is used:

  • in the form of compresses to relieve joint pain, muscle inflammation, and eliminate spasms;
  • when administered subcutaneously to counteract cardiac, respiratory failure;
  • to combat bedsores;
  • for healthy skin - antiseptic properties help.

Camphor oil is used:

  • to repel insects with the smell of camphor;
  • in the treatment of cough;
  • to reduce swelling due to inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • in aromatherapy – helps relieve stress and relaxation;
  • in the shape of camphor ointment for neuralgia, arthritis, rheumatism;
  • to restore damaged hair;
  • as part of creams – rejuvenates the skin;
  • for the treatment of bronchitis, asthma, neurosis, arrhythmia, gout.

In medicine

According to the instructions, treatment with camphor oil is effective for colds and skin pathologies. It is used when the ears, nose, and teeth hurt. Recommended:

  • for cough, rubbing with a warm solution;
  • for a runny nose, instill 3 drops of a mixture of equal parts of propolis tincture, vegetable oil, camphor oil;
  • toothache remove by applying a tampon with the drug;
  • when treating otitis, camphor oil cannot be instilled into the ear; you need to make a compress from it or alcohol;
  • sinusitis is treated by applying flat cakes with the addition of flour and honey;
  • For skin problems, oil applications are performed.

For cosmetic purposes

Application castor oil solves many problems in cosmetology. By making homemade face masks, you can cope with problem skin. Regular use of a cosmetic product helps:

  • purification;
  • disinfection;
  • normalization of work sebaceous glands;
  • lightening pigment spots;
  • nutrition;
  • relieving skin irritations
  • fight against freckles;
  • eliminating wrinkles;
  • rejuvenation

Thanks to its enhanced nutrition, camphor oil for eyelashes helps improve their growth, thickness, and stop hair loss. The product restores the condition of the eyebrows. For eyelash growth you need:

  • make a mixture of a tablespoon of castor oil and three drops of camphor;
  • transfer to a clean jar;
  • apply to eyelashes and eyebrows using combing movements;
  • do the procedure daily at night;
  • duration – month.

The anti-inflammatory properties of the oil in the fight against acne provide an excellent therapeutic effect. After the procedure, the pores become narrower and the appearance. To prepare the composition, you need to mix a teaspoon of cumin oil with three drops of camphor. For treatment:

  • apply a mask to the problem area twice a day for 20 minutes;
  • sweep warm water;
  • carry out the procedure every other day;
  • course – 2 weeks.

Cosmetologists use herbal preparations to solve many problems. A compress of equal parts of grape, peach, camphor, and castor oils, when used daily, helps to cope with wrinkles around the eyes and promotes the resorption of scars. Good results provides a remedy for hair problems:

  • for oily ones - add to shampoo;
  • against hair loss, rub a mixture of lemon juice and a teaspoon of camphor oil into your head;
  • when dry, mix the yolk, a spoonful of almond oil, 5 drops each of camphor and tea tree, apply for five minutes.


Camphor essential extract – herbal product with active active ingredients, which has restrictions for use. You need to be careful about this to avoid trouble. Special approach Pregnant women and nursing mothers require. Camphor, the use of which is not approved by the doctor, can harm the child. Contraindications are:

  • hypersensitivity to the composition;
  • epilepsy;
  • myocarditis;
  • convulsions;
  • dermatitis;
  • endocardium;
  • eczema;
  • aneurysm of large vessels;
  • chronic heart failure.

During treatment, it is possible that side effects. If there is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, it is possible allergic reactions. It is advisable to first check the effect of the drug on the body - apply the mixture to the crook of the elbow. Side effects observed:

Camphor oil price

Medicines with camphor oil can be purchased at a pharmacy or purchased through online sites. The cost is determined by the composition, trade margin, and delivery costs. The average price in rubles for Moscow residents is.

Everyone knows that camphor oil can only be used externally. After applying the oil, the skin warms up, a blush appears on it, and the sensation of pain is eliminated. It can help remove and is included in useful massage creams.

Camphor activates the function of the heart and is used to eliminate the effects of shock.

Unique pharmacological properties this substance is used to heal many pathological conditions. The scope of camphor is very wide: from folk or traditional medicine to cosmetology. Today you will find out what diseases this herbal product can cure.

Beneficial features This product was used even during the existence of the Latin Empire. Few people know that camphor is nothing more than an essential oil acquired after steaming Japanese laurel wood. However, only a plant that has reached 40 years of age is suitable for the necessary purposes. Older trees produce higher quality substances.

Camphor presents crystalline substance white, pharmaceutical alcohol or oil is produced from it. These products are purchased without a prescription in pharmacies. As noted above, they can only be used externally.

When fainting, the patient is given camphor to inhale or the skin of the temples is rubbed with it. There were times when society ladies always carried a bottle filled with camphor with them. Inhaling its aroma, women easily coped with manifestations of weakness.

The useful product has found application for the prevention of bedsores, soft tissue bruises, osteochondrosis, muscle pain, arthritis, arthrosis, inflammation of striated muscles, neuritis of various etiologies.

Usually, camphor oil is rubbed on problem areas of the body for medicinal purposes.

Substantial part pharmacological drugs sold by pharmacies, is made from medicinal plants. Synthetic products have many contraindications and side effects. Moreover, chemical composition the latter has a harmful effect on liver cells and can cause severe allergic reactions in patients.

The use of camphor oil will help you cope with many pathological phenomena without harmful consequences. Pharmacies sell the product in pure form, or drugs obtained on its basis:

Healing ointment;

Alcohol tincture.

However, you should not get too carried away with camphor. You will learn about the dangers of the product and some contraindications by reading the article to the end. As for other cases, the natural drug is completely safe, it can heal the following ailments:

Brittle hair;


Poisoning with drugs or sleeping pills;


Cardiovascular failure;


Respiratory depression;




Pustular skin diseases;

Camphor oil for ear and nose

Hearing loss

Mix 1-2 drops of camphor oil with chopped garlic clove. Wrap the resulting mixture in two layers of gauze and insert it into the ear canals for 15-20 minutes before bedtime. We hold it until we feel a noticeable burning sensation. We use the procedure to cure hearing loss for 2 or 3 weeks, then stop for seven days and repeat the course.


You can also breathe in the aroma of camphor directly from an open bottle (no more than 1-3 minutes!), or do it.

Colds, rheumatism

Take a bath of warm water, to which we first add 10 drops of camphor oil.

How to provoke sweating during a cold

Rub the medicinal mixture onto your chest and back at night. The mixture consists of dissolved 2 g of camphor, 10 ml of alcohol, a glass of vinegar.

The use of camphor oil for scars, acne, wrinkles

A useful product can cope with acne, smoothes out wrinkles, scars, scars. It is included in cosmetic preparations for hygiene care behind oily skin faces.

Rash, inflammation of the facial skin

For pustules and acne, mix 1-2 drops of camphor, 1 tsp. caraway oil. Apply the resulting mixture to problem skin in the mornings and evenings, then rinse with warm water.

Camphor oil is used when smoothing scars is required. To do this, we soak sterile gauze with the useful product, secure it to the painful area, and cover it with film on top. Leave the compress for 1 or 2 hours, the course lasts thirty days.

Using camphor oil for eyelash and hair growth

The product improves the growth of hair and eyelashes, is useful in caring for them, and improves their appearance.

Dandruff, pink spots

Camphor oil should be rubbed into the scalp and after sixty minutes, wash your hair. We are undergoing treatment for one month.

For eyelashes

Eyebrows and eyelashes will become thicker and grow faster if you apply the healthy mixture to them for 1 or 2 hours in the evenings for thirty days. For prevention, you can use it once every seven days. Ingredients: 2-3 drops of camphor and 1 tbsp. castor oil.

Mask for oily hair

Mix well half a teaspoon of camphor oil, yolk chicken egg, 2 tsp. warm water. Apply the mixture to damp hair, while massaging the scalp. Wash off the mixture with warm water, otherwise the yolk will curdle.

Prices for camphor oil

Like the cost of any other product, the cost of oil largely depends on the quality of the plant materials used. It is also worth taking into account the inflated prices of goods, which protect the commercial demands of pharmacies.

Camphor oil is widely used in homeopathic medicine. medical practice. This is an ancient branch of alternative folk medicine that uses minimum doses medications.

If you prefer such methods of treating diseases, you can use them, spending much less money. Today, prices for the product range from 14 to 27 rubles per 30 ml bottle.

According to the pharmacy instructions, it is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to ingest camphor oil, since the product, due to its great penetration, easily passes through the placental-uterine barrier, thereby provoking intrauterine death or fetal anomalies.

The use of camphor oil can provoke an allergic reaction. That’s why you should first find out the body’s reaction. You can easily check by applying a couple of drops useful product on the area of ​​the elbow bend.

The product should not be used internally to avoid poisoning. It is suitable for external use only.

Camphor oil is not used for diseases such as dermatitis. It is also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, hypersensitivity body.

Increased doses of oil cause dizziness, severe agitation, headaches,...

It is not recommended to use camphor oil in patients with epilepsy or prone to seizures. And also during breastfeeding, when there is not enough milk, endocarditis (damage to inner shell heart), aneurysm (enlargement of the aorta or other large arteries).

Recipes, uses and medicinal properties of camphor oil.

Traditional treatment with camphor oil.

Camphor oil for female beauty. Video

Among the traditional treatment methods camphor oil occupies an important place, as it has a great many healing properties. Camphor oil has powerful healing and anti-inflammatory properties. The use of this oil for treatment helps diseases such as , . In pharmacy kiosks they sell it in the form of oil, camphor alcohol or ointment.

What is this? Camphor oil- This camphor laurel oil (camphor tree). Camphor oil or camphor All contain antiseptic Far Eastern analgesic warming mixtures. Camphor Experts consider it a safe remedy for the treatment of local rheumatic ailments. This is not all the benefits of camphor oil! It is used in aromatherapy (smell treatment). If at all, you don’t know the beneficial properties of camphor oil for colds, and one thing is that it is used in the treatment of children.

CAMPHOR OIL. EXTERNAL USE. Camphor oil can cure many diseases. The oil is used for: injuries, tumors, purulent wounds, dislocations with swelling and cyanosis; effectively apply copious lotions with camphor oil. In a few days the pain goes away, improvement occurs, and the wounds heal. Rubbed camphor oil for children with umbilical hernia. Camphor oil is used for mastitis for compresses, radiculitis and rheumatism, heel spurs. In seriously ill bedridden patients, to avoid diaper rash and bedsores, it is useful to lubricate the body with camphor oil after washing. It can be cured axillary lymph node. Lotions use from camphor oil within a period of ten days. After tooth extraction, if a tumor appears, apply camphor oil to the cheek - externally, my ears hurt- again camphor oil. You need to warm it up a little in a bottle directly in a water bath and Place warm in the ears. Hot milk with four drops of oil instantly relieves coughs a couple of times a day.

Camphor oil for weight loss. Video


The technology for using camphor oil is as follows: moisten a gauze napkin generously with it and apply it to the affected area (on a direct wound or tumor), Cover with a piece of cellophane and bandage it well with a scarf. You can keep the bandage on for a day or more. Change the dressing after this, replacing the gauze pad with a fresh one, again moistened generously with camphor oil. Oil does not cause any harm, and its benefits and effects are simply amazing, even doctors then admit their powerlessness. Camphor oil has tremendous power.

Camphor oil is a ten percent solution of camphor in sunflower oil. Camphor is an essential oil extracted from the wood of the Japanese laurel tree, which is widely used to treat diseases in medicine of the musculoskeletal system.

Previously, it was widely used camphor oil subcutaneous. When administering camphor solution subcutaneously narrowing occurs blood vessels peripheral and stimulation of the vasomotor respiratory center, and metabolic processes are enhanced in the cardiac muscle. Camphor solution for subcutaneous injection complex therapy applied in the treatment of pneumonia, respiratory depression, and infectious and inflammatory diseases, chronic and acute failure cardiac. That's how they used it in case of collapse and therapy for poisoning with sleeping pills and narcotic drugs. Nowadays, the product is used externally only or locally, because it contains synthetic substances.


Camphor oil for thrombophlebitis. Video

Camphor oil has wound-healing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, cleansing, analgesic and irritant effects. In medicine, it is used in rheumatism, muscle inflammation, bronchitis, asthma, and cough, as well as for the prevention of bedsores.
For coughs, colds, treatment with camphor oil is carried out by applying warm compresses and rubbing the chest. For the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system with camphor oil are used the same way rubbing and compresses. Camphor oil is often prescribed to children for the treatment of otitis media. However, in the treatment of diseases of inflammatory ears with camphor oil burying is not recommended straight into your ear his. Camphor oil should be used in this case in the form of compresses.

For cosmetic purposes, the product is used for hair and skin care. It cleanses well and disinfects the skin, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and has a rejuvenating effect.

APPLICATION OF CAMPHORO OIL. The use of camphor oil also helps eliminate acne, skin pigmentation and scars.
Camphor oil for hair in those cases used, it is necessary to eliminate them when their fat content is increased or fragility. You can use the product in the form of masks or add it to shampoos. Ready-made preparations with camphor oil for hair can be purchased in pharmacies.

PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. Camphor oil. Contraindications and side effects. Camphor oil and preparations based on it are contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity and a tendency to convulsive reactions and epilepsy. This remedy should be used with caution during pregnancy and only as prescribed by a doctor. The drug is contraindicated during breastfeeding. Camphor oil is also prescribed to children with caution. It is not recommended to use camphor and preparations containing it when treating children under two years of age.
External use of camphor oil for violations skin integrity is contraindicated, as well as . This product should not be used internally. Camphor oil side effects when used externally can manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions varying degrees expressiveness. When the drug is administered subcutaneously, tachycardia, and the development of fat embolism and oleogranuloma.

Be healthy!

Camphor oil, treatment. Video

Every day, drugs based on natural ingredients are becoming increasingly popular. To create these medicinal products, ingredients that can be found in nature, such as plants and their nectars, are used. Natural medicine has a large number of adherents, and numerous studies have shown that with the help of the described therapy it is possible to cure most diseases. One of effective drugs of natural origin is camphor oil, composition and medicinal properties which are described in the article below.

What is camphor oil made from: composition

It should be noted that camphor is a substance that is part of a large number of vegetable oils. At the same time, this product is also obtained synthetically, however, greatest number of the described substance in camphor oil. This oil is obtained by processing the leaves of the camphor laurel tree, which grows in far east, in particular in China, Japan, and also in Indonesia.

As part of this essential oil contains a large number of nutrients, among which it is necessary to highlight:

  • camphor is the main active ingredient, which in its pure form has a crystalline structure and has a number of beneficial properties for the body;
  • cineole is a substance that gives the described product great benefits, since cineole, or methane oxide, is a natural antiseptic;
  • safrole is a component of laurel oil, which allows this product to be used for cosmetic purposes, enhancing the effect of the compound used;
  • pinene is an oil derivative that provides it with viscosity and is a resinous substance, etc.

Useful and healing properties

The oil obtained by pressing bay leaves has a number of beneficial properties, due to which the described product is used for medicinal purposes. As part of this, it should be noted that the product in question is, first of all, an antiseptic, which has a special effect on the body, destroying all pathogenic microorganisms that can harm a person. In addition, the drug helps increase cough productivity by clearing the upper Airways from sputum.

You can use the oil to treat inflammatory processes, both internal and external. The influence of laurel is also positive from the point of view of restoring damaged tissue, since the described product contains regenerating components that allow wounds to heal. Also, the beneficial properties of the product include increasing the general and local barrier functions of the body.

What does oil help with and what does it cure?

It should be noted that camphor oil is a fairly popular remedy that is used in different areas therapeutic effects, including in gynecology, dermatology, immunology, etc. As part of this, this product is successfully used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for the prevention of most viral, dermatological, dystrophic, degenerative processes and diseases.

The oil is shown as local drug for muscle and joint pain, arthritis, arthrosis, myositis, neuralgia. The product is recommended as a subcutaneous injection for respiratory dysfunction, low blood pressure, and pathological functioning of the heart muscle. It is important to note that camphor increases cough productivity during colds. It is for this reason that the composition is recommended for use for coughs in children and adults.

Quite often, camphor oil is used for sinusitis, as a local thinner that facilitates breathing and cleanses maxillary sinuses from mucus and purulent deposits. Sometimes a herbal preparation is recommended for use for lactostasis during breastfeeding, and some doctors claim that laurel oil, when used externally for a long time, helps with mastopathy and promotes tumor resorption.

Instructions for using oil in traditional medicine

Camphor laurel oil is a popular tool in traditional medicine, in which medicinal composition used in pure form, or combined with additional ingredients to enhance the therapeutic effect. It should be noted that the described product is highly toxic, and therefore it is strictly forbidden to take it internally. For this reason, this substance is used only as local remedy. Also, it is important to note that it must be used strictly according to the instructions so that the treatment is as productive as possible and the current situation does not worsen.

How to instill oil into the ear for otitis media

Only the attending physician can unequivocally answer the question of whether camphor oil can be dripped into the ear, since this herbal preparation will not be effective in every case. If the decision to use the described product as drops has been made, then some preparatory procedures need to be carried out.

First of all, to prevent itching after administering the medicine to the ear, camphor oil should be combined in a 1:1 ratio with almond oil. Then the mixture must be heated in a water bath and administered twice a day at sore ear three drops of the prepared drug.

How to treat an ear with a compress

The most popular method of treating otitis at home is a compress on the ear with camphor oil. To prepare it, you will need to heat the oil a little, and then soak a cotton wool in it. The cotton wool should be squeezed out of excess product and carefully inserted into the patient. auricle. It is important to note that this method of treatment will be relevant only in the first days. If the situation worsens the next day, you should stop treatment and seek help from a doctor.

Rub with oil for coughs and colds

Rubbing with bay tree oil helps very well during colds. To carry out the procedure, you need to rub camphor oil heated in a water bath into the skin at the level of the bronchi on the chest and back.

The feet are also rubbed, after which terry socks are put on the feet, and a T-shirt made of natural fabric is put on the body. After the procedure, you need to wrap yourself in a blanket and spend several hours in this position, so it is recommended to rub yourself before bed.

Use in the nose to treat a runny nose

Runny nose and nasal congestion are the main problem, for which camphor-based drops are used. To prepare the product, you need to combine propolis tincture, sunflower oil and, of course, camphor oil in equal proportions. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied in the form of drops several times daily, 2-3 drops in each nostril.

How to use camphor oil in cosmetology

Thanks to a number of positive properties, which camphor oil can provide, it is often used for cosmetic purposes. It is used to produce a variety of lotions and masks that allow you to achieve maximum results. You can also use camphor oil in its pure form, which will also have a positive effect in skin, nails and hair care.

Hair growth mask recipe

It should be noted that the described drug allows you to care not only for your hair, stimulating its growth and strengthening the hair roots, it is also an excellent strengthening product for eyebrows and eyelashes.

Regarding hair growth stimulation, then for these purposes you can prepare effective mask, in which you need to combine egg yolk, a teaspoon of pepper, as well as one spoon each of camphor and sesame oil. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the hair roots, after which they are kept under film for 3 minutes.

Anti-wrinkle facial product

Camphor oil, oddly enough, is an excellent care product for aging, aging skin. The described product allows you not only to saturate the covers with all the necessary nutrients, but also to smooth out small facial wrinkles. In order to create the described cosmetic product, you need to dilute three drops of essential camphor oil in a tablespoon of milk thistle oil. The resulting preparation should be distributed daily over the skin of the face before bed.

Use to treat pimples and blackheads

The composition of the lotion proposed below is suitable for those who have problem skin with multiple rashes. A specific product will help narrow pores, relieve inflammation and dry out existing acne. To receive treatment cosmetic product You will need to combine a tablespoon of wheat germ oil, a teaspoon of cumin oil and a few drops of camphor extract in a container. The care product should be used twice a day, applied to problem areas.

How to use for thin and brittle eyelashes

As already mentioned, the ether in question is very useful not only for hair, but also for eyelashes. The drug has a pronounced cosmetic effect, significantly strengthening and stimulating hair growth.

To carry out the procedure, you need to mix castor and camphor oil in equal parts, and then use a mascara brush to distribute the mixture along the entire length of the eyelashes. You need to apply the miracle product overnight, washing off the remaining oils in the morning.

How to use nail oil

This herbal preparation is no less effective as part of manicure procedures, since the described vegetable oil good for brittle nails. To improve your nails, you should not cover the nail plate with any varnish for several weeks, and apply camphor oil to the nail bed every evening.

Harm and contraindications to the use of oil

As already noted, it is strictly forbidden to take camphor oil internally, as this can lead to serious negative consequences. This product is a psychostimulant, for this reason it is necessary to refrain from using it for people with mental disorders, neurotic diseases, high blood pressure. It is also better to refrain from treatment with camphor during pregnancy, since the composition may negatively affect the subsequent development of the baby.

Camphor oil is widely popular in the field of medicine and cosmetology. Of the two types of this herbal product, the so-called white camphor oil is used in treatment and care.

The healing properties of camphor oil.
Camphor oil is isolated from Japanese laurel wood through steam distillation. This tree grows in China, Taiwan and Japan. This herbal product is especially valued in medicine; it is used in the treatment of asthma, epilepsy, bronchitis, gout, rheumatism, arthritis, muscle inflammation, colds and coughs (stimulates the discharge and removal of sputum), arrhythmia and neuroses, as well as to prevent the appearance of bedsores in patients who are forced to stay in bed all the time. In general, this remedy has been used for quite a long time. In pharmacy chains, camphor oil can be bought in the form of an ointment, oil and alcohol solution.

Since camphor oil has a whole bouquet side effects, it is used exclusively externally.

In the cosmetic industry, camphor oil is effectively used in therapy. acne, smoothing wrinkles, eliminating scars, are also included in the basis of creams and various cosmetic preparations for oily facial skin. This product also gives excellent results in caring for hair and eyelashes, has a stimulating effect on their growth and helps strengthen them.

Thanks to its rich composition, camphor oil exhibits analgesic, nourishing, cleansing, anti-inflammatory, irritating, wound-healing, antiseptic and rejuvenating effects, is able to regulate sebum secretion, and has a lightening effect on pigmented areas.

Camphor oil use in cosmetology, recipes.

The rich composition of camphor oil provides it with certain properties, thanks to which its popularity in skin care is growing every day. Camphor oil is an excellent means of cleansing and disinfecting the skin, reduces its oiliness by normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, significantly increases its elasticity, making it younger.

Camphor oil for eyelashes.
To restore the original density of eyebrows and eyelashes, improve their growth and nutrition, effectively use the following mixture: enrich a tablespoon of castor oil with three drops of camphor oil. Mix the composition and place in a clean and dry old mascara jar. Apply the composition to eyelashes and eyebrows (if necessary), as if combing them, at night for a month. To prevent hair loss, use once a week.

Camphor oil for acne.
A combination of camphor oil (three drops) with cumin oil (a teaspoon) will help treat acne. The resulting product can be used as a mask with therapeutic purpose or an effective cleansing lotion that should be used twice a day. It is necessary to wash off the mask or lotion with warm water. The procedure significantly improves the external condition problem skin, apparently tightens pores, relieves inflammation.

To use a mixture of oils as a mask, it is necessary to add cosmetic clay to this composition in an amount sufficient to obtain a sour cream-like consistency. It is recommended to leave the mask on the face for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Camphor oil for wrinkles (for mature and aging skin).
Camphor oil has an excellent strengthening effect on aging skin: combine a tablespoon of grape seed and milk thistle oils, and then flavor this mixture with camphor oil (five drops). Apply the composition to the face, placing a cotton napkin on top. Then, after twenty minutes, remove the fabric, rinse off the remaining mask with water and apply a moisturizing cream.

This herbal remedy Effectively applied to the skin around the eyes. It is good to combine peach, grape, castor and camphor oils in a teaspoon. Apply the composition daily to the eyelid area as a mask, or use as a makeup remover.

Whitening mask.
Combine a tablespoon sea ​​buckthorn oil with three drops of camphor. To achieve an overall brightening effect, apply the mixture to the skin as a night cream. If you need to eliminate small pigmented areas or lighten freckles, then the composition is applied pointwise directly to problem areas two to three times a day.

The use of camphor oil in treatment, recipes.
To resolve or smooth keloid scars, camphor oil is recommended in the form of compresses. Soak a sterile dressing in this oil, apply it to the affected area, wrap it with polyethylene on top and secure it. The procedure must be done every day for a month. The first time it is recommended to leave the compress for no more than an hour; if the procedure does not cause discomfort or other uncomfortable sensations, you can apply the compress at night from the next procedure.

Also compresses with this medicinal oil good in treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The compress is made in the same way as in the first case, only leave it for a day, then change it.

To relieve pain and accelerate healing processes purulent wounds, injuries and other injuries, it is good to make lotions with camphor oil. Do the procedure daily, change every twenty minutes (four times a day). After three days of using camphor oil, visible improvement is observed.

To prevent the formation of bedsores in bedridden patients, camphor oil is applied to the patient’s skin after hygiene procedures.

For ear pain, this remedy is used in the form of lotions applied to the area around the sore ear. Do not put oil in your ear!

Taking the oil (four drops) twice a day, either with milk or added to milk and then taken, will help get rid of a cough. Rubbing with heated oil also helps. It is advisable to carry out such manipulations at night, cover yourself with a warm blanket.

This recipe based on this miraculous herbal preparation will help you get rid of a runny nose effectively and in the shortest possible time: combine a teaspoon of vegetable oil (any), propolis tincture and camphor oil. Place three drops of the product into each nasal passage.

Using camphor oil for hair.
In the care of oily and brittle hair, as well as for the treatment of hair loss, it is recommended to add camphor oil to masks and ready-made shampoos.

Here effective recipe for oily hair: beat the egg yolk with two tablespoons of water, add half a teaspoon of camphor oil to the mixture. Apply the composition to your hair, leave for no more than three minutes and rinse with plain water.

For dry hair, it is advisable to add a tablespoon of almond oil, five drops of camphor oil and three drops of tea tree oil to the egg yolk. Apply the mixture to pre-moistened hair, leave for five minutes, then rinse with warm water.

To treat hair loss, a mask is recommended: combine a teaspoon of camphor oil with freshly squeezed juice of one lemon. Rub the composition into the scalp for twenty minutes, then wrap your head with plastic wrap and leave for half an hour. For maximum results, carry out the procedure every day for fourteen days.

To speed up hair growth, a mask based on this wonderful herbal preparation is suitable: grind an egg yolk with a tablespoon of sesame oil, add half a teaspoon of camphor oil and a teaspoon of hot pepper tincture. Mix everything thoroughly and rub into the hair roots, wrap the top with cling film and leave for half an hour. Wash off the mask using shampoo. It is recommended to make a mask three times a week. The course of treatment includes twelve masks.

Camphor oil is approved for use by children, but not younger than two years of age. Mainly shown in the form of rubbing and compresses.

Contraindications to the use of camphor oil:

  • presence of hypersensitivity to the drug,
  • epilepsy.
Side effects.
If you are hypersensitive to the drug after external use of camphor oil, allergic reactions and irritation may occur.