Little puppy itches. Causes of the appearance of itching and its treatment in the dog. Hyperfunction of sebaceous glands

Even if the dog has no flea, the itching is present gives her great inconvenience. An animal itches, it is not sleeping, trying to flick wool.

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    Causes of allergic reactions:

    • applied feed or shift it;
    • hygiene facilities that hit the body;
    • substances that penetrate air;
    • vaccination.


    A sign of the feed rejection is the combing of a dog head, ears or tail. A rash appears on the body. This is especially noticeable in short-haired pets. In such breeds like spitz, which are characterized by long wool, see it difficult. Dogs bite themselves so much that they erase the front cutters.

    The reaction can cause horse, milk, beef, lamb, chicken.Often the change of feed provokes allergies. For example, the transition from a conventional dry product for the nutrition of the premium class.

    Hygiene products

    Itching after washing occurs due to poor water quality or detergent. Not all products for hygiene are suitable for pet skin.

    When such a reaction appears, the use of shampoo or other detergent should be excluded. Some time swimming PSA needs to be carried out in clean water. From the surface of the skin, dirt and dust will be removed, but the natural lubricant will remain.

    Ingress of substances

    Especially often such an allergic reaction is observed in puppies.She is seasonal. This is due to dust, flowering plants, the appearance of a fluff in the air.

    He is difficult to cure such an allergies, therefore it is better to exclude the influence of these factors. We must try not to walk with the dog during the period of mass flowering.


    If the dog has no flea, and it constantly nibbles itself, the cause of the state can be a vaccination reaction.

    To check, you need to conduct an external inspection - push the wool and explore the skin. Water can appear on the surface. This means that the body turns the vaccine. Young puppies have wool loss.

    Often allergic to medicines should be considered as individual intolerance.

    Pathology of sebaceous glands

    The cause of the itch can serve the pathology of the sebaceous glands. More often this occurs in cats, but it happens with dogs.

    At the base of the tail, dark spots are formed. The dog is experiencing strong discomfort. He sculits, biting himself for the hind hips, stretches wool near the tail, spinning and loses sore places. To save a pet from itching, shampoos are used that regulate the function of the glands.


    During dermatitis there is a constant itching.There is a swelling and irritation of the cover of the skin. If you do not care, then wounds will appear at this place.

    The symptoms of dermatitis include:

    • redness and swelling of the site;
    • raising the temperature at the place of the defeat;
    • wool loss or her clogging;
    • bleeding.

    Several types of dermatitis are isolated:


    Fungi are a common cause of itching. They can be infected at home when contacting other patients with animals.

The dog is often itching because of itching in certain places. It can be hung on her nose, ears, face of the muzzle, neck, shoulder, sides.

(sarcastose) Microscopic tick deeply damages the skin and causes an incessant heavy itch. The dog is actively hidden at night. This state leads the animal to nervous and physical exhaustion, it cannot eat and can even die.

Hayletiosis is caused by a tick, living on the surface of the skin. On dark wool, they are noticeable as moving dandles. That is, if in addition to itching, it's worth looking at it, whether it is tick. If the dog not only itches, but it falls wool, you can suspect food allergies.

It is worth remembering whether something in the animal's diet has recently been changed. This applies to both natural nutrition and dry feed. With similar symptoms, such or red scabies arise. With it, the purulent inflammation of the skin often joins itch.

Lesions of the skin and wool begin with the outside of the forehead. They are red in appearance, and wool falls out. To determine the pathogen, you must urgently spend the scraping from the skin.

What if the dog is constantly itching ears, eyes, muzzle, paws or other parts of the body?

  • , fleas or valvened dogs, as well as the floor in the aviary or apartment you need to be treated with a solution of non-neaseane, butoxes and so on.
  • After processing in 5 days you need to put on a special collar against fleas on the dog.
  • In case of suspected lingvatuletis, sonication, sarcaptosis, haylethyosis is better to contact the vet to accurately form a diagnosis and appointing the correct diagnosis.
  • Without a specialist, it is not necessary to do with the detection of allergen or suspected demodecosis.

It happens that the owner of the dog noticed that the pet begins to bite himself, but does not attach a strong meaning to this, believing that the whole thing in the infection of animal fleas and buys funds from their excretion (collar, various drops that are applied to the withers). But there are also other reasons, such as skin diseases (various dermatitis, dermatoses), allergic skin reactions.

As a rule, itching does not bring serious consequences, in addition to permanent discomfort for the animal organism, however, in rare cases, he speaks of disadvantaged in the health of the dog and requires access to the veterinarian.

Attention should be paid if the animal nourge the time and bites itself, despite the processing from fleas, it is also necessary show his veterinarian. Even if discomfort is not too serious cause, a pet constantly biting himself is injured, which can lead to pain, wool falling, as well as infection of the wound when dirt in them.

What are the reasons for restless behavior of the dog?

As a rule, there are several reasons that the animal nibbles itself:

Why does a dog gnawing his paws?

Often the dog nibbles itself in the limbs. There are the following reasons that can lead to such behavior:

  • Inappropriate processing of claws. Often, the owners forget about the need to contain in order of claws of a pet and regularly cut them or make it incorrectly, which leads to significant discomfort. The dog becomes inconvenient to move, and she begins to gnaw the limbs, trying to get rid of themselves from pain.
  • Subcutaneous ticks or fungal diseases Provocate the strongest itching in paw pads, and the animal begins to bite himself.
  • Insufficient hygiene. Usually, after a walk, the caring owner washes her pet's pet, and if this is not done, then a lumps made of dirt and wool (chopencies) are formed between his fingers, which interfere with moving, and therefore the animal begins to straighten this dirt.
  • Locking pads on the paws. You can injure skin than you like. Reagents that are treated by road from ice, often turn out to be chemically aggressive to the skin, eat it, thereby lead to itching and pain.
  • Inflammation of the cognce bed (Panariums), the numbness of the paw (usually happens due to circulatory disorders), as well as articular pain.
  • Disorders and errors in nutrition. Often the reason for obsessive behavior is an excess or lack of nutrients and vitamins.
  • Netrosy-like state. It is necessary to identify the reasons that cause stress at the pet and try to exclude them.

How to help your pet?

It is the food allergy that is the most common cause of combs on the skin of pets. Need to change food habits pet, try to remember how it fed to the manifestations of the ailment, to include on the menu only useful products or finished feeds. If noted that allergic symptoms disappeared, the case was really in the unsuitable ingredient or stern (take note and do not buy them later).

Treatment of any types of allergies are usually produced: detection of allergen and restriction of contact with it. However, if an allergen cannot detect or not possible to prevent seasonal allergies, doctors recommend treatment to reduce the manifestation of symptoms (the use of antihistamine drugs, hormonal ointments and medicines).

When, when washing a pet, you found fleas, most likely, the cause of nervous behavior is in them. Now in the pet stores presents a whole line of funds from these bloodsowing insects.

It should be noted that if the dog itches and nibbles itself, it is impossible to leave this fact, but also illiterate self-treatment can lead to a deterioration in the state of your pet. Therefore, it is best to show an animal veterinarian.

It is also worth mentioning about such pets like ferrets. The establishment of the house of ferrets has become a rather frequent phenomenon. And their owners are concerned about the behavior of their pets no less than breeders of cats and dogs.

Ferrices are in principle, it is casual more often than cats and dogs. But if broachings appear on the body of the animal - it may be an alarming sign. The reasons for the ferrous ferments and dogs are similar. Allergies, ticks, infection - this can cause choreke constantly. But the most frequent cause is molting. To facilitate the fate of the pet, ensure it the right diet.

Combing the item plot, the dog hurts the skin, causes wool loss. Dandruff appears, infection is infected with fungi. Skin combing may be a symptom of the disease.

And if the dog is constantly itching, but there is no flea, you need to look for the cause. By running the disease, you can skip the early stages of the disease. Strong itching accompanies:

  • lymphosarcoma in old dogs;
  • mammary cancer;
  • glice invasions;
  • inflammation of the ear, the hematoma ear;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • fungal infections.

The dog is often itching because of itching in certain places. It can be hung on her nose, ears, face of the muzzle, neck, shoulder, sides.

The reasons are the dog constantly itching, can be quite a lot.

Causes of itch

Strong itching causes and inconspicuous to the eye of ticks, which cause a variety of diseases: lingvatulese (ticks in the nose of the dog), the detectosis (the tick is localized in the ears).

With itching scabies (sarcastose), microscopic tick deeply damages the skin and causes an incessant heavy itch. The dog is actively hidden at night. This state leads the animal to nervous and physical exhaustion, it cannot eat and can even die.

Hayletiosis is caused by a tick, living on the surface of the skin. On dark wool, they are noticeable as moving dandles. That is, if in addition to itching, the dog appeared dandruff, it is worth looking at it, whether it is tight. If the dog not only itches, but it falls wool, you can suspect food allergies.

It is worth remembering whether something in the animal's diet has recently been changed. This applies to both natural nutrition and dry feed. Such symptoms arises such a dangerous disease as demodecosis or red scabies. With it, the purulent inflammation of the skin often joins itch.

Lesions of the skin and wool begin with the outside of the forehead. They are red in appearance, and wool falls out. To determine the pathogen, you must urgently spend the scraping from the skin.

What to do?

What if the dog is constantly itching ears, eyes, muzzle, paws or other parts of the body?

If the dog is strongly drawn, it is impossible to leave it without attention, even if there is no flea on her wool, itching may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Before using one or another treatment, it is necessary to establish why the dog itches, if she has no flea.

Skin combing in the area of \u200b\u200birritation not only traums the cover, but also causes and loss of wool, the body of the animal becomes a favorable medium for dandruff and infectious fungi. At the same time, itching itself can only be a symptom of one-way of very heavy diseases:

  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Helmintous invasion;
  • Inflammatory processes in the ear;
  • Breast cancer;
  • Fungal lesions;
  • Lymphosarcoma in old animals;
  • Hematoma ear.


Why does a dog itch if she has no fleas? The reason can serve the food allergy. With an allergic reaction of the body for any ingredients, the pet starts combing her ears, and the tail.

But not only the food allergy causes skin itching, in the spring-summer period in young animals aged from one to three years old is atopic dermatitis. The dog is strongly drawn at contact allergies, as a result of a long-term reception of drugs, for example, ear droplets - in this case, the dog begins combing ears, and the resulting wounds become a great place to attach infection.

In no case cannot be diagnosed independently and, moreover, give any drugs as treatment. Only a veterinarian can prescribe medicines, otherwise it is possible not only not to achieve a positive effect, but also provoke a deterioration in the well-being of a pet.

When diagnosing allergy, a veterinarian cannot immediately determine its appearance, since similar symptoms have similar reactions. But various drugs are prescribed for different types of allergies, which is why the correct diagnosis is important.

The process includes a special diet - to identify food allergies. If the power regulation allows you to get rid of the symptoms, the diet is saved for life. In the event that redness and itching are not going, there is atopic dermatitis. Medicinal preparations are prescribed for the treatment of atopic dermatitis.

The skin in these places can be covered in bloody wounds. In the place of combing skin not only blushes, but also covered by pustulas.

Ear scabies. When it bothers itching, but fleas is not observed, there is a chance of damage to the skin of a dog tick OtoDects. This microorganism preferably populates the hearing channels of the PSA and causes ear scabies.

Treating itching in dogs

Even if the flea in dogs did not find it, the treatment of itching should be mandatory. Only a veterinarian can assign therapy after a thorough inspection of the animal and analysis of the diagnostic results.

There are several reasons for the occurrence of itching and, as a result, the dog itches and nibbles himself. Among them you can select the following:

In most cases, the dog nibbles itself in the paw and fingers zone. Owners often begin to panic, suspecting a dog serious illness, such as atopy. But it should be aware that the cause of discomfort in this zone can be both the above-described diseases and not yet mentioned factors. The latter include:

  • Deploy state of nail plates. Often, the owners forget about the need to cut claws of a pet, which leads to their uncontrollable growth and, as a result, the emergence of serious discomfort in the animal. They may even interfere with normal walking, and homemade favorite begins to actively nibble himself, trying to get rid of pain.
  • Dirt between fingers. If the animal has not worked for a long time, rollers from wool and dirt are formed between the fingers, which interfere with walking. As a result, the dog begins to gnaw himself actively.
  • Damage to paw pads. The cause of skin injury can be almost any factor, for example, contact with the reagent, which is used in winter to reduce slip on ice or even on simple asphalt.
  • The subcutaneous tick and fungus can also cause strong itching in the paws in the dog, and since the animal can not scratch, it begins to actively nibble the skin between the fingers.
  • Inflammation of the nail bed, numbness of the paw (usually arises due to the deterioration of blood circulation), as well as pain in the joints.
  • Balanced nutrition disorders. Often, the dog nibbles itself and its paws due to the oversupply of the protein in the menu or, on the contrary, from the lack of necessary vitamins.
  • Neurosis. The mental state of the dog rarely causes a similar symptom, but it is still possible. If, not counting the flashes of the paw, the dog looks absolutely healthy and, moreover, it has serious reasons to be nervous, it is worth trying to reduce the effect of stress on the life of the animal.

If the dog is drawn, but there is no flea, the events of past days should be analyzed. The causes of the ferrous may be somewhat:

In most cases itch provokes allergic. The situation is complicated by a plurality of provocateurs. In some cases, unpleasant symptoms passes independently for several days, in others, special complex therapy is required.

The dog is strongly drawn under different diseases that are not associated with skin. At the early stage of the disease itching accompanies:

  • lymphosarcoma in elderly dogs;
  • mammary cancer;
  • fungus;
  • ear infection;
  • glice invasions.

Endocrine diseases are a class of diseases caused by a disorder of one or several endocrine glands. They are based on hyperfunction (increasing the function), hypofunction (function reduction) or dysfunction (violation) of internal secretion.

Such diseases include: hyperadrenoxorticism (Cushing syndrome), dog hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus.

Another cause of it can be psychogenic disorders of your animal. They may arise both as a result of boredom animal and insufficient training and municipality.

These disorders appear in an obsessive licking, biting certain places, possibly sucking nipples at the bitches, the dog can constantly chase his own tail. There is a genetic predisposition at Padel, Dobermans. Also, an animal may have hidden diseases (granuloma, malasawsia, tumors of obese cells, diseases of the musculoskeletal system), which are also accompanied by various psychogenic disorders.

Therapy is reduced to the treatment of hidden illness and the giving of antidepressants.

Strong animal molting, dandruff formation, wool sweat, rare scratching - all these signs may indicate a violation of the function of the internal organs. There are various problems with the gastrointestinal tract (as a rule, in young animals, problems of the digestibility of nutrients), as well as problems with the liver and kidneys (age animals).

In conclusion, I want to summarize. Any problem associated with melting, massacre and "discrepancies" of the skin of the pet is not so obvious and can be a symptom of a more serious disease. It is better to turn to a specialist in a timely manner who will help you deal with the cause of your pet's ailment. By self-medication, you risk lubricate the picture, thereby delaying the setting of the correct diagnosis and the appointment of the necessary treatment.

Health to you and your pets.

As a rule, the owners of their pets in rare cases can independently determine the main cause of the occurrence of itching. In this case, it is necessary to seek help to a qualified technician, since a similar symptom can be caused by several reasons.

If your dog continues to hide all the time, but you didn't find fleas at the same time, it is necessary to inspect its skin cover for other insects, for example:

  • Ticks: Hamazova, Ixodic, subcutaneous, ear, scales others.
  • Voceedov.

Ixodic ticks cause the following diseases: piroplasmosis, hemobaronellosis, erlihiosis, Lime Burrelioz. The salivary glands, which are highlighted by tongs, are able to cause severe itching and bumps in dogs in the head, ears and neck. In addition, the bite of flea or tick can provoke an allergic reaction that will lead to itching and rash on the skin. The dog continues to hide all this time, deals with various damage. Only a veterinarian will help cure a pet from piroplasmosis.

Treating itching in dogs

Signs of Cushing Syndrome

It is important to understand that healthy dog \u200b\u200bnever makes constantly scratching itself, the lazy sacrifice of the ear after sleep is quite normal. But if this process goes into chronic skin tearing with claws, it becomes a reason for immediate visit to the veterinarian. As a result, the dog can make a mass of infections that cause different diseases into the blood. Below is a list of probable diseases.

One of these infectious diseases is deprived. Symptoms are losing similar to those that cause subcutaneous ticks. Initially, the muzzle and dog paws are affected. A pet convulsively draws and on the place of combs formed a circular propellerals. It makes no sense to take for treatment without the recommendation of the doctor, therefore, when identifying such symptoms, you should contact the veterinary clinic to accurately establish the original source of the disease.

Wet or dry eczema

It is also possible to infect wet or dry eczema. The dog is not insured against this disease, since the animal in the blood constantly lives the pathogens of this disease, but they are suppressed by the immune system. Initially, symptoms are expressed in a characteristic strong itching and a discrepanion of wool, up to the formation of bleeding plots, or dry skin.

Disease of the Hyperplazia of Shan gland - "Song tail"

This disease is accompanied not only by the appearance of itching in the animal, in the field of the sacrilate department and the anal hole, and acne is formed on the skin in the form of black dots. In the case when the lesion of the hyperplasia is localized under the tail of the dog, it is in the sitting position, can fierce along the horizontal surface, for example, by carpet or grass.

If the disease progresses, then the disease exposed to the body of the animal is losing wool. At the same time, the pet constantly itching the back and the sacral part of the spine, and teach teaching to the ears and in the abdomen. With the rapid detection of such a disease, there is no need to visit the veterinarian, it suffices to comply with the rules for caring for a dog and to clean the pores in a timely manner.

All these three diseases unites a similar picture. Often, the owners do not pay attention to the strengthening of thirst and appetite, the completeness of the animal (disgusting belly or strong obesity). And the first thing that the owner pays attention is bald skin. They can be symmetrical, not symmetrical, or the animal can remain without wool at all. In any case, you will need a specialist help.

Endocrine diseases are severe diseases, with serious consequences.

What does the owner sees? While the body progresses the disease, the animal owner can observe an enhanced thirst and an animal appetite, more frequent urination, rounded disgusting belly, as well as symmetric alopecia (hairless sections), skin pigmentation (darker sites).

Depending on the causes of the occurrence of this disease, there is conservative and surgical treatment.

An animal becomes sluggish, drowy, it is hard to carry physical exertion, symmetric alopecia (hairless sections) appear on the body, the so-called "rat tail" may appear (when the tail is completely without wool). Itching is moderate, but if it is complicated by skin infections, it becomes strong. There is hyperpigmentation of the skin. An animal begins to suffer from obesity.

Itching as a symptom of possible pets

Itching is one of the most annoying and uncomfortable sensations not only for people, but also for pets.

If your dog is drawn with anxious regularity, it is necessary to look at its behavior and appearance, perhaps this is no longer innocuous scratch, but the symptom of upcoming problems.

Sometimes the causes of the itch lie on the surface, and the owner does not take them into account, more often, to clarify the root causes of itching, it is necessary to undergo surveys and identify the pathogen by the "sample method".

Too obvious to notice

A very common situation, when the owner leads a pet on clinics, surrendering expensive tests, the veterinarian "beats" in search of reasons, and in the end the dog itches even stronger only from the experience of stress. Therefore, before applying to the clinic, consider the most harmless causes of itching.

The first common cause is stress. Remember one of the difficult periods of my life when you went to bed and felt that ants run under the skin or sheets were covered with sand. He started to hide the head and the whole body, while there was a hair loss, and the general well-being was far from the fountain. Dogs react in the same way, only their feelings are stronger.

Sleeping restless and at the same time the pet is climbing wool - most likely, the reason is overexcited on the nervous soil. Provide animal peace and plentiful nutrition, refuse group walks, in the literal sense - protect from children or new family members. The dog is adapted, but she needs time.

Itching, which is observed after washing is guaranteedly associated with poor water or detergent. Pet skin is more gentle and more susceptible to irritation, so frequent bathing of dogs is contraindicated. If the dog is dandruff and itches the body - eliminate the shampoo and bathe your pet with clean water. It will save the natural lubricant of the skin from damage, but will allow remove dirt and dust.

Allergies - the most severe deviation in terms of detection of root causes. If the dog has paws and muzzles, skin reactions are observed, separation from the nose, fragility of wool - there is a possibility of allergies.

Determine what the pet's body reacts is quite difficult. A set of analyzes is carried out in the vetclinite, in case of failure, the substance causing allergies is determined by exceptions.

The average family living in a three-bedroom apartment independently brings to the house about 120 allergens, including dust on shoes, and old buildings can be allergenic themselves. If you suspect allergies from a pet - stock antihistamine preparations and act. Gradually, you will find the cause.

Itching as a symptom of possible pets

Officially registered deaths from it was not yet observed, but to deny the possibility of serious complications due to the infection of blood or the weakening of the immune system cannot be missed.

A healthy dog \u200b\u200bdoes not stick chronically, lazily scratch the ear after a dream nobody prohibits. A pet-breaking pet is a reason for the immediate appeal to the veterinary clinic. A brief list of possible diseases below.

Wet and dry eczema - a disease from which no one is insured. Eczema pathogens are constantly in the blood of the dog and are suppressed by immunity. Primary symptoms are expressed only by a strong itch, while the dog itches to the blood, stretches wool. As a result, either a bare section of dry peeling skin in growths, or a bleeding wound is formed.

Risk zones: the base of the tail, plots behind the ears, sides, armpits. Treatment is selected individually, depending on the season of the year, the general condition of the body and the degree of defeat.

In the progressive stage, the affected areas of the bald, the dog is constantly drawn by the back and the base of the tail, acne can spread to ear sinks and stomach. The output is only one - regular pore cleaning and the maintenance of the dog in accordance with the rules of hygiene.

Early diseases are accompanied by itching, wet-eared discharge, crusts, unpleasant smell, up to the overwhelming of the ear canal. If otitis, neoplasms and tick are excluded, then the causes of the itch lie much deeper, most likely, the dog has an autoimmune disease or an internal inflammatory process.

Endometritis is chronic inflammation of the uterus. Symptoms: The dog itches and drinks a lot, the leukocytes in the blood are increased, the body temperature is normal or elevated, lethargy is observed, at first appetite and the state of wool is normal. Special risk group - unbreakable thoroughbred bits of old age.

The diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound. At the stage of manifestation of the "full picture" is fixed only by operation - the removal of the uterus, sometimes ovaries.

Itching may be a symptom of many more diseases and deviations. In the complex with vomiting and increased salivation, itching may indicate poisoning. Excessive staying in the sun can cause itching due to the skin of the skin burns.

If the dog, besides itching, there is no dehydration, changing the base temperature of the body or behavioral deviations - write down your observations and consult your doctor at least by phone.

Officially registered deaths from it was not yet observed, but to deny the possibility of serious complications due to the infection of blood or the weakening of the immune system cannot be missed. A healthy dog \u200b\u200bdoes not stick chronically, lazily scratch the ear after a dream nobody prohibits. A pet-breaking pet is a reason for the immediate appeal to the veterinary clinic. A brief list of possible diseases below.

Wet and dry eczema - a disease from which no one is insured. Eczema pathogens are constantly in the blood of the dog and are suppressed by immunity. Primary symptoms are expressed only by a strong itch, while the dog itches to the blood, stretches wool. As a result, either a bare section of dry peeling skin in growths, or a bleeding wound is formed.

Seborrhea is a disease that can be a symptom of the disease or genetic deviation. Due to the permanent scania of one place, the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe ballast, the skin is thickened, covered with a rough crust with scales. Due to the fact that Seborrhea is more likely a symptom of progressive disease, a pet must be examined at a minimum - to be reduced to the clinic for inspection.

"Silent Tail" - accompanied by a strong itching in the region of the sacrum and anal hole. Within a few days after the manifestation of the first symptoms on the skin, black dots - acne are clearly visible. In the case of lesion under the tail, the dog can "ride" through the carpets or asphalt in the sitting position (the same symptom is observed when defeated by worms).



After determining the causes of the appearance of itching, treatment is carried out. For therapy, the following drugs are applied:

  • Antihistamines. Carry out the blockade of histamine receptors, which cause allergies.
  • Antiflogistic preparations. Remove swelling and itching.
  • Battakes with gray. Remove skin irritation.
  • Aloe ointment. If you treat them wound, the healing process is accelerated.
  • Colloidal solutions. Remove inflammation.
  • Corticosteroidpreparations. Lower pain.

Treatment of hypothyroidism is lifelong. It is necessary to support the heart system, monitoring the condition of skin cover and other systems subjected to damage as a result of hypothyroidism.

Having found itching the animal, the main task of the owner is to refer to a qualified doctor and do not engage in self-medication. Only a veterinarian will be able to say what to do if the dog itches. The correct approach, timely diagnosis, treatment and care, will help to eliminate the problem, helping the animal to get rid of discomfort.

To eliminate dermatitis caused by overvoltage, inside is used, preferably soothing phytto-media: stop stress and cat Baun, and external - antiseptic aerosols.

To counteract staphylococcal infection, external or injection antimicrobial and antiflogistic means are used, as well as immune correction. Wound-raising ointments, powders, antiseptic aerosols are in demand.

Cancel drugs on which a hypersensitive reaction may occur. If necessary, antihistamines are used. Optimize the diet - go to the finished low-allergenic feed.

Immune stimulation is carried out after the diet and reduce the load on the service dog. After 2 ... 4 days, the injections of medicines that stimulate the body protection system are hammavita, cataadal or phosparenyl.

If microscopic fungi was detected in the pathological material, use external and internal antimicotic drugs for cats and dogs. With small lesions, ointments are used - myoson, clotrimazole or pit, aerosol antimicotics - Fongin, exoderil and its analogues. If fungal lesions are significant, use solutions for bathing - imaging or fucuricin, or oral preparations, among which is the most in demand by Griestoofulvin.

Treating itching in dogs

Skin irritation from detergents

Why is the dog constantly itching, but there is no flea? The reason may be the use of a new shampoo variety. Then the dog will demonstrate increased anxiety.

All detergents are carried out by the process of cleaning the protective layer of the skin. There is a slight drying of the skin. In addition, there are both shampoo varieties, the use of which is not at all acceptable to your dog. Their use causes unbearable itching.

Veterinarians are not recommended to often bathe a pet. This is contraindicated with animals. But if the presence of inflammatory processes is observed, this indicates increased skin sensitivity. Consequently, your pupil will need a swimming with a children's hypoallergenic shampoo or soap. Such an action will help protect the condition of the natural lubricant of the skin, but at the same time it will contribute to the removal of dirt and dust.

Subsequent observation and prevention

So, the first reason you need to check and exclude if your puppy itches, - this is flea. If the flea has a lot of puppy, you can see them. Turn the puppy with a rut up. Puchs of puppies are usually naked, there can be seen fleering. Or wool over tail - there is also a favorite place flea.
It happens that there is a flea, but you do not see them. But flea excrement (poop) can be seen. These are black dots. They can be on the skin and on wool. For researchers: If you blur the flea excrement in water, water is painted in red. Because the fleas feed blood and the product of their livelihoods, respectively, digested blood.

I heard the opinion that a small number of fleas for the dog even in a sense is useful: supposedly for cheerfulness and for a tone of a dog even useful to scratch. Again, there is something to do.
But we will leave the author of this approval the opportunity to scratch pleads from the bite of fleas, and I still think that a flea dog needs to get rid. Moreover, fleas - carriers of ribbon helminths Dipylidium Caninum (cucumber chain). It is when the dog is whining the teeth of fleas, from the slapped flea in the dog's mouth gets the egg Helmint cucumber chain, and the dog is infected.

Signs that exactly the fleas will puppy puppy: sleeps, and then picks up and begins to hide. And he is still going on, and then begins to bite the front teeth quickly quickly finely paw or above the tail.

When you smeared the puppy with a pipette, do not be scared, if 2-3 days it can be hung even stronger. Maybe the drug itself accumulates in the skin and causes itching, and maybe a flea before death is very evil. But this may well be: after processing a few days, the puppy continues to be hung.
Some drugs in pipettes are baked skin. By samples, you can choose the one from which your dog will not be wanted. For example, my dogs from an imported expensive drug were sculpted, and from Russian inexpensive (by the way, an effective and well-portable) was not chopped.

If the dog scratches the ears strongly, it can have an OtOdectEs' ear tick (display). In any case, if the dog scratches the ears, you need to refer to the vet to set the correct diagnosis and appointment of adequate treatment.

Many dog \u200b\u200blovers are heard about such a formidable disease as demodecosis caused by the subcutaneous tick demodex demodex. BUT! Note! With the damage to the tick demodex, the dog does not bope!
