Mental disorders and disorders of behavior. Mental disorders and phenomena psyche violation treatment

The term "mental disorder" refers to a huge number of different painful states. To learn to navigate them, understand their essence, we will use the experience of presenting the teachings about these disorders, that is, psychiatry, in textbooks intended for specialists.

Studying psychiatry (Greek. Psyche - Soul, IaTeria - Treatment) Traditionally begin with the representation of general psychopathology and only then go to private psychiatry. The general psychopathology includes the study of symptoms and syndromes (signs) of mental illness, since any disease, including mental, is, first of all, a combination of its definite manifestations. Private psychiatry gives a description of specific mental illness - the reasons for their occurrence, development mechanisms, clinical manifestations, treatment, prevention measures.

Consider the main symptoms and syndromes of mental disorders in the order of their weighting - from the lungs to deeper.

Asthenic syndrome.

Asthenic syndrome (asthenia) is a widespread condition, which is manifested by increased fatigue, extracitution, decrease in efficiency. People with asthenic disorders have weakness, the instability of the mood, is characterized by impressionable, sentimentality, tearless; They are easily touched, they are easily annoyed, lose their composure because of any little things. Asthenic states are also characteristic of frequent headaches, sleep disorders (it becomes superficial, does not bring rest, in the afternoon there is an increased drowsiness).

Asthenium is a nonspecific disorder, i.e. It may be observed by almost any mental illness, as well as with the somatic, in particular after operations, severe infectious diseases, or when overwork.


The obsessions are called experiences in which a person besides the will any special thoughts, fears, doubts arise. At the same time, a person recognizes them as his own, they attend him again and again, it is impossible to get rid of them, despite the critical attitude towards them. Obsessive disorders can manifest themselves in the emergence of painful doubts, completely unjustified, and sometimes just ridiculous thoughts, in an insurmountable desire to recalculate everything. A person with such disorders can check several times, turned off the light in the apartment, whether the front door closed, and it is worth it from home, as doubts again master them.

The same group of disorders include obsessive fears - fear of height, closed premises, open spaces, travel in transport and many others. Sometimes, to relieve the alarm, internal tension, calm down a bit, people experiencing obsessive fears and doubts make certain obsessive actions, or movement (rituals). For example, a person with an obsessive fear of pollution can be in the bathroom, repeatedly wash his hands with soap, and if something distracted him, again and again start the entire procedure again.

Affective syndromes.

These mental disorders are the most common. Affective syndromes are manifested by persistent mood changes, more often than its decline - depression, or an increase in mania. Affective syndromes are often found at the very beginning of the mental illness. They can remain predominant throughout its length, but can complicate, to coexist to other, more severe mental disorders. With the reverse development of the disease, depression and mania are often disappearing the latter.

Speaking of depression, we, first of all, we mean the following manifestations.

  1. Reducing the mood, feeling of depression, depression, longing, in severe cases, felt physically as heaviness, or chest pain. This is extremely painful condition for a person.
  2. A decrease in mental activity of thought becomes poorer, short, vague). The person in such a state answers the questions not immediately - after a pause, gives brief, single responses, says slowly, a quiet voice. Quite often, patients with depression are noted that it is difficult to delve into the meaning of the question asked them, to the essence of the read, complain about reducing memory. Such patients with difficulty make decisions, cannot switch to new activities.
  3. Motor braking - patients experience weakness, lethargy, muscle relaxation, talk about fatigue, their movements are slowed down, fiscased.

In addition to the listed, characteristic manifestations of depression are:

  • the feeling of guilt, the ideas of self-evidence, sinfulness;
  • the feeling of despair, hopelessness, deadlock, which is very often accompanied by thoughts of death and attempts of suicide;
  • daily fluctuations in the state, more often with some relief of health in the evening;
  • sleep disorders Night sleep surface, intermittent, with early awakening, disturbing dreams, sleep does not bring rest).

Depression may also be accompanied by sweating, tachycardia, blood pressure fluctuations, feeling of heat, cold, zyabacity, decreased appetite, body weight loss, constipation (sometimes from the digestive system there are such symptoms as heartburn, nausea, belching).
Depressed is characterized by a high risk of committing suicide!

Carefully read the text below - this will help you to notice the appearance of suicidal thoughts and intentions of a person with depression.

In the presence of depression on the possibility of suicide attempts to testify:

  • statements of a sick person about his unnecessaryness, guilt, sin;
  • a sense of hopelessness, meaningless life, unwillingness to build plans for the future;
  • sudden soothing after a long period of anxiety and longing;
  • accumulation of drugs;
  • a sudden desire to meet with old friends, ask for forgiveness from loved ones, put your affairs in order, draw up a testament.

The appearance of suicidal thoughts and intentions is an indication of the immediate appeal to the doctor, to solving the issue of hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital!

Mania (maniacal states) are characterized by the following signs.

  1. Increased mood (fun, carefit, rainbowness, unshakable optimism).
  2. Accelerating the rate of mental activity (the emergence of many thoughts, a variety of plans and desires, ideas of an inflated assessment of their own personality).
  3. Motor excitement Excessive liveliness, mobility, spelling, feeling of excess energy, striving for activity).

For manic states, as for depression, characteristic sleep disorders are characteristic: usually people with these disorders sleep, but a short sleep is enough to feel cheerful, rested. With a soft version of the manic state (the so-called hypomania), a person has a rise in creative forces, an increase in intellectual productivity, a vital tone, efficiency. He can work a lot and sleep a little. All events are perceived with them with optimism.

If the hypomapion goes into mania, that is, the state becomes heavier, an increased distraction is joined to the listed manifestations, extreme attention of attention and as a result of the loss of productivity. Often, people are in a state of mania look lightweight, boasts, their speech is abounding with jokes, sharpness, quotes, facial expressions, the face is painted. When talking, they often change the position, they cannot stop in place, actively gesticulate.

Characteristic symptoms of mania are an increase in appetite, strengthening sexuality. The behavior of patients is unrestrained, they can establish multiple sexual connections, commit low-adequate and sometimes ridiculous actions. Merry and joyful mood can be replaced with irritability and angry. As a rule, when mania is lost understanding of the pain of its condition.


Sennestopathy (Lat. Sensus - feeling, feeling, Pathos - disease, suffering) call the symptoms of mental disorders, manifested by extremely diverse unusual sensations in the body in the form of tingling, burning, twisting, tingling, transfusions, etc., not related to disease. internal organ. Sennestopathy is always unique, no matter what. The indefinite nature of these disorders causes serious difficulties when trying to characterize them. To describe such sensations, patients sometimes use their own definitions ("rustle under the edges", "squals in the spleen", it seems that the head is broken down). Often, sensenestopathy is accompanied by thoughts about the presence of any somatic disease, and then it is about hypochondriac syndrome.

Hypochondriac syndrome.

For this syndrome, a persistent concern is characterized by their own health, constant thoughts on the presence of a serious progressive and, possibly incurable somatic disease. People with such a disorder impose a resistant complaints of a somatic nature, often interpreting the normal or ordinary sensations as a manifestation of the disease. Despite the negative results of surveys, separating specialists, they regularly visit different doctors, insisting on additional serious surveys, repeated consultations. Often, hypochondriac disorders are developing against the background of depression.


In the event of illusions, really existing items are perceived by a person in a changed - erroneous form. The illusory perception may occur on a background of full mental health when it is a manifestation of one of the laws of physics: if, for example, look at some kind of water under water, it will seem significantly larger than in reality.

Illusions can appear under the influence of a strong feeling - anxiety, fear. So, at night, trees can be perceived in the forest as some kinds. In pathological conditions, real images and items can be perceived in the fancy-fiction form: the wallpaper drawing is the "woven woven", the shadow from the lamb is the "head of a terrible lizard", the pattern on the carpet is "an excellent unprecedented landscape."


So called disorders, in which a person with a disturbed psyche sees, hears, feels what does not exist in real reality.

Hallucinations are divided into hearing, visual, olfactory, taste, tactile, hallucinations of general feeling (visceral, muscular). However, their combination is also possible (for example, a sick person can see in his room a group of unfamiliar people, hear how they talk).

Hearing hallucinations are manifested in the pathological perception of some words, speeches, conversations (verbal hallucinations), as well as individual sounds or noise. The verbal hallucinations can be the most different content - from the so-called ulters when a sick person hears a voice calling him by name or by last name, to whole phrases, conversations with the participation of one or several votes. Patients call verbal hallucinations with "voices".

Sometimes the "voices" is imperative - these are the so-called imperative hallucinations, when a person hears the orders to be silent, hit, kill anyone, cause damage to himself. Such states are very dangerous both for the patients themselves and for others, and therefore are an indication of serious medication treatment, as well as to special observation and care.

Spectating hallucinations can be elementary (in the form of sparks, smoke), or subject. Sometimes the patient sees entire scenes (battlefield, blood pressure). The olfactory hallucinations most often represent an imaginary feeling of unpleasant odors (rotting, strains, poisons, some kind of food), less than unfamiliar or pleasant.

Tactile hallucinations arise mainly at late age, while patients are experiencing burning, itching, bites, pain, other sensations, touches to the body. The text contained below lists the features for which one can determine or at least suspect the presence of auditory and visual hallucinatory disorders in a patient.

Signs of hairdresses and visual hallucinations.

  • conversations with yourself, resembling a conversation, such as emotional answers to some questions);
  • unexpected laughter for no reason;
  • alarmed and concerned;
  • difficulties of concentration on the topic of conversation or a certain task;
  • a person listens to something or sees what you can't see.

Dead disorders.

According to experts, such violations relate to the main signs of psychosis. Determine what nonsense is - the task is not easy. With these disorders, even psychiatrists often diverge in assessing the state of the patient.

The following signs of Breda are distinguished:

  1. It is based on improper conclusions, erroneous judgments, false conviction.
  2. Brad always occurs on a painful basis - it is always a symptom of the disease.
  3. Brad is not amenable to correction or separation from the side, despite the explicit contradiction with the reality of a person with a crazy disorder completely convinced of the reliability of his mistaken ideas.
  4. Drain convictions have extraordinary significance for a patient, one way or another, its actions and behavior are determined.

Dead ideas are extremely diverse in its content. It may be ideas:

  • persecution, poisoning, impact, material damage, witchcraft, damage, accusations, jealousy;
  • self-evidence, hypochondriac, denial;
  • invention, high origin, wealth, greatness;
  • love, erotic nonsense.

Drain disorders are ambiguous and in their form. The so-called interpretative nonsense is distinguished, in which the evidence of the main delusional idea is one-sided interpretations of everyday events and facts. This is a pretty resistant disorder, when a person's patient has a reflection of causal relationships between phenomena. Such nonsense is always logically justified in its own way. The person suffering from this form can infinitely prove his truth, bring the mass of arguments, to discuss. The content of interpretative nonsense can reflect all human feelings and experiences.

Another form of nonsense is sensual, or figurative nonsense, which arises against the background of anxiety, fear, confusion, pronounced mood disorders, hallucinations, disturbances of consciousness. Such nonsense is observed with acutely developed painful states. In this case, during the formation of nonsense, there are no evidence, logical parcels, a special - "delusional" manner perceived by all the surrounding.

Often the development of acute sensual nonsense syndrome is preceded by such phenomena as Derealization and Depersonalization. Derealization is called the feeling of the alroding world, when everything around is perceived as "unreal", "arranged", "artificial", depersonalization - a sense of alleviation of self. Patients with depersonalization characterize themselves as "who lost their own face", "bosses", "lost the completeness of feelings."

Catatonic syndromes.

So determines the states in which violations prevail in the motor sphere are prevailing: inhibition, stupor (lat. Stupor - stupor, immobility) or, on the contrary, excitation. With a catatonic stupor, the muscle tone is often increased. This condition is characterized by complete immobility, as well as complete silence, refusal from speech. A person can freeze in the most unusual, uncomfortable pose - stretching his hand, lifting one leg, with a headed head with a raised pillow.

For the state of chatonic excitation, chaoticism, non-precious, repeatability of individual movements, which may be accompanied by either complete silence or shouting individual phrases or words. Catomiconic syndromes can be observed in clear consciousness, which indicates a lot of gravity of disorders, and accompanied by the permanent of consciousness. In the latter case, we are talking about a more good-pleasant course of the disease.

Syndromes permanent consciousness.

These states are found not only in mental disorders, but also in severe somatic patients. When perplexing consciousness finds the perception of the surrounding, contact with the outside world is disturbed.

There are several syndromes of permanent consciousness. They are characterized by a number of common features.

  1. Extermination from the outside world. Patients are not able to realize what is happening, as a result of which their contact with others is disturbed.
  2. Violation of orientation in time, place, situation and in self.
  3. Violation of thinking - loss of ability correctly, logically thinking. Sometimes the incoherence of thinking is noted.
  4. Memory disorder. During the period of permanent consciousness, the assimilation of new information and reproduction of available is violated. After leaving the state of disturbed consciousness, a patient may occur partial or complete amnesia (sediment) of the undergoing state.

Each of the listed symptoms may occur with different mental disorders, and only their combination allows us to talk about the permanent consciousness. The above symptoms are reversible. When restoring consciousness, they disappear.

Larovoye (dementia).

Weakly call a deep depletion of the entire mental activity of a person, a resistant decrease in all intellectual functions. With dementia, it worsens (and sometimes completely lost) the ability to acquire new knowledge, their practical use, is disturbed by adaptability to the environment.

Experts distinguish the acquired pathology of intelligence (dementia, or dementia), which develops as a result of the progression of some mental illness, and congenital (oligophrenia, or smallness).

Summarizing the above, we note that in this lecture, information on the most common symptoms and syndromes of mental disorders is given. It will help the reader better to figure out what is concrete mental diseases, such as schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, neurosis.

EG Ryton, E.S. Akimkin
"The main symptoms and syndromes of mental disorders."

Mental disorder is a very frightening phrase, to hear into your address every person is afraid. In fact, this term has very broad borders, not always a mental diagnosis is a sentence. In various contexts (legal, psychiatric, psychological), this concept is interpreted in different ways. The list of ICD-10 disorder of psyche and behavior is highlighted in a separate class of disease and differ according to the clinical picture. Features of human psyche at all times caused live interest among doctors and scientists, especially from the point of view of the boundary between the norm and pathology. The World Health Organization argues that every fifth person on the planet suffers from various mental disabilities. What are the types of mental disorders? What provokes the occurrence of psyche disorders?

Etiological differences

The psyche and the human brain is so difficult to arrange that there is still no possibility to allocate clearly all the causes of mental disorders. The most correct is the belief that such diseases are developing due to the complex influence of social, personal and biological reasons. All provoking factors can be divided into two large categories: endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external). Mental impairment of endogenous nature is more connected with genes and heredity. The occurrence of such diseases usually occurs suddenly, without any explicit environmental influences. Exogenous factors include various neuroinfections, stressful situations, intoxication, psychological injuries obtained in the process of formation. Mental disorders in brain injuries or vascular disorders are also a consequence of the effect of external reasons. It sometimes happens that the tendency to certain mental disease itself does not guarantee their emergence. However, it is the various external factors and features of psyche, as a result, to work as a starting mechanism.

Asthenium is a whole complex of disorders characterizing the initial stage of mental disorder. The patient begins to quickly tire, exhausted. Performance decreases. There is general lethargy, weakness, mood becomes unstable. Frequent headaches, sleep disorder and constant feeling of fatigue - requiring detailed consideration. It is worth noting, asthenia is not always the main sign of mental disorder and rather refers to a non-specific symptom, as it may occur in somatic diseases.

Suicidal thoughts or deeds are a reason for emergency hospitalization of the patient in a psychiatric clinic.

The state of obsession. The patient is beginning to attend special thoughts, from which it is impossible to get rid of. The feeling of fear, depression, uncertainty and doubts are strengthened. The state of obsessions can be accompanied by certain rhythmic actions, movements and rituals. Some patients carefully and die for a long time, others - repeatedly check if the door is closed, whether the light, iron, etc. are turned off.

Affective syndrome is the most common first sign of a mental disorder, which is accompanied by a resistant change in mood. Most often, the patient has a reduced mood with a depressive episode, much less often by mania, accompanied by a high mood. With the effective treatment of mental disorder, depression or mania disappear last. Against the background of affective disorder there is a decrease. The patient has difficulty making decisions. In addition, depression is accompanied by a number of somatic: disruption of digestion, feeling heat or cold, nausea, heartburn, belching.

If affective syndrome is accompanied by Mania, the patient has an increased mood. The rate of mental activity is repeatedly accelerated, to sleep by a minimum of time. Excess energy can be changed by sharp apathy and drowsiness.

Dementia is the last stage of mental disorder, which is accompanied by a resistant reduction in intellectual functions and dementia.

Hypochondria, tactile and visual hallucinations, delusional ideas, abuse of psychoactive substances and - all this accompanies mental disorder. Close relatives of the patient do not always immediately understand what is happening, therefore, they turn to psychiatric help when the disorder becomes pronounced.

Timely treatment of mental disorders - warranty of success

Modern medicine has fairly effective means for the treatment of mental disorders in its arsenal. The earlier treatment is started, the higher the chance of success.

The article presents an overview of the symptoms and syndromes of mental disorders, including the features of their manifestations in children, adolescents, the elderly, men and women. Mentioned by some methods and means used in traditional and alternative medicine for the treatment of such diseases.

Syndromes and signs

Asthenic syndrome

The painful state, called as asthenia, neuropsychic weakness or chronic fatigue syndrome, is manifested by increased fatigue and extractability. Patients have a weakening or complete loss of ability to any long-term physical and mental tension.

The development of asthenic syndrome can lead:

Asthenic syndrome can be observed both at the initial stage of the development of the disease of the internal organs, and occur after the acute disease suffered.

Asthenium often accompanies a chronic disease, being one of its manifestations.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is more often manifested in people with an unbalanced or weak type of higher nervous activity.

The presence of asthenia is indicated by the following signs:

  • irritable weakness;
  • the predominance of reduced mood;
  • sleep disorders;
  • intolerance of bright light, noise and sharp odors;
  • headaches;
  • weather dependence.

Manifestations of neuropsychic weakness are determined by the main disease. For example, atherosclerosis, pronounced memory disorders are observed, with hypertension - painful sensations in the field of heart and headaches.


The term "obsession" (obsessive state, obsession) is used to designate the set of symptoms associated with periodically emerging obsessive unwanted thoughts, ideas, ideas.

An individual, which is fixed on such thoughts, as a rule, causing negative emotions or stressful state, is difficult to get rid of them. This syndrome can manifest itself in the form of obsessive fears, thoughts and images, the desire to get rid of which often leads to the fulfillment of special "rituals" - copulsions.

Psychiatre highlighted several distinguishing features of obsessive states:

  1. The obsessive thoughts are reproduced by consciousness arbitrarily (against the will of a person), while consciousness remains clear. The patient is trying to fight obsession.
  2. The obsessions are alien thinking, the visible relationship of obsessive thoughts and the content of thinking is absent.
  3. Outlusion is closely related to emotions, more often than a depressive nature, anxiety.
  4. At the intellectual abilities of the obsession are not reflected.
  5. The patient aware of the unnaturalness of obsessive thoughts, retains a critical attitude towards them.

Affective syndrome

Symotic syndromes call symptoms of mental disorders, closely related to mood disorders.

Two groups of affective syndromes are distinguished:

  1. With the predominance of a manic (elevated) mood
  2. With the predominance of depressive (reduced) mood.

In the clinical picture of affective syndromes, a leading role belongs to violations of the emotional sphere - from small mood oscillations to sufficiently pronounced disorders (affects).

In character, all affects are divided into the lunatic, which proceed with the predominance of excitation (delight, joy), and asthenic, flowing with the predominance of braking (longing, fear, sadness, despair).

Affective syndromes are observed in many diseases: with circular psychosis and schizophrenia, they are the only manifestations of the disease, with progressive paralysis, syphilis, brain tumors, vascular psychosis - its initial manifestations.

Affective syndromes are such disorders like depression, dysphoria, euphoria, mania.

Depression is quite common mental disorders that require special attention, because 50% of persons who perform suicidal attempts are there are signs of this mental disorder.

Characteristic features of depression:

  • reduced mood;
  • pessimistic attitude to reality, negative judgments;
  • motor and volitional inhibition;
  • depression of instinctive activities (loss of appetite or, on the contrary, a tendency to overeating, reducing sexual attraction);
  • concentration of attention on painful experiences and difficulties in its concentration;
  • reduced self-esteem.

Dysphoria, or mood disorders, which are characterized by angrily-dust, stress affect with irritability, reaching outbreaks of anger and aggressiveness, are characteristic of psychopaths of excitable type and alcoholics.

Dysphoria is often found in epilepsy and organic CNS diseases.

Euphoria, or a raised mood with a shade of carelessness, content, not accompanied by accelerating associative processes, is found in the atherosclerosis clinic, progressive paralysis, brain injury.


Psychopathological syndrome, which is characterized by triad symptoms:

  • unmotivated high mood,
  • acceleration of thinking and speech,
  • motor excitation.

There are signs that are not manifested in all cases of manic syndrome:

  • strengthening instinctive activities (increase in appetite, sexual attraction, self-defense trends),
  • the instability of attention and reassessment of themselves as a person who sometimes achieves the delusional ideas of greatness.

Such a condition may occur during schizophrenia, intoxication, infections, injuries, brain lesions and other diseases.


The term "senthenetopathy" is determined by a suddenly appearing painful, extremely unpleasant bodily sensation.

This deprived objectiveness occurs in localization site, although there is no objective pathological process in it.

Sentenestopathy are frequent symptoms of mental disorders, as well as structural components of depressive syndrome, hypochondriac, mental automatism syndrome.

Hypochondriac syndrome

Heproyondria (hypochondriatic disorder) is a condition characterized by constant concern due to the possibility of getting sick, complaints, concern for their self-meaning, the perception of ordinary sensations as abnormal, assumptions about the presence, except for the main disease, any additional.

Most often concerns arise about the heart, gastrointestinal tract, genital organs and brain. Pathological reversal of attention can lead to one or another failures in the work of the body.

Some features of the hypochondria are inherent in the development of hypochondria: imperidity, anxiety, depressiveness.


Illusions - distorted perceptions in which a real object or phenomenon is not recognized, and another image is perceived instead.

The following varieties of illusions distinguish:

  1. Physical, incl. Optical, acoustic
  2. Physiological;
  3. Affective;
  4. Verbal and others.

Metamorphycia (organic), physical and physiological illusions can occur in people whose mental health is no doubt. The patient with optical illusions can perceive the raincoat hanging on the hanger as the killer, stains on the bed underwear to him, the belt on the back of the chair - snake.

In the acoustic illusions, the patient in an overheardous conversation distinguishes the threats to its address, the replicas of passers-by perceives as the accusations and insults addressed to it.

Most often illusions are observed in infectious and intoxication diseases, but may occur with other painful states.

The emergence of illusions predispose fear, fatigue, anxiety, exhaustion, as well as distortion of perception due to poor lighting, noise, reduction of hearing and visual acuity.


The image, without an irritant arising in consciousness, is called hallucination. In other words, this is a mistake, the error of the perception of the senses, when a person sees, hears, feels what does not really exist.

The conditions under which hallucinations arise:

The true, functional and other varieties of hallucinations are distinguished. True hallucinations are customary to classify by analyzers: visual, acoustic, tactile, taste, olfactory, somatic, motor, vestibular, complex.

Dead disorders

A nonsense disorder is called a condition for which the presence of nonsense - thinking disorder, accompanied by the emergence of distances from the reality of reasoning, ideas and conclusions.

There are three groups of delusional states combined by a common content:

Catatonic syndromes

Catomiconic syndrome refers to the group of psychopathological syndromes, the main clinical manifestation of which motor disorders are.

The structure of this syndrome is:

  1. Cattonic excitation (pathetic, impulsive, silent).
  2. Catomonic stupor (cataleptic, negativistic, stupor with a stupor).

Depending on the form of excitation, a moderate or pronounced motor and speech activity may be observed in a patient.

The extreme degree of excitement is chaotic, senseless actions of an aggressive nature, making themselves and surrounding heavy damage.

For the state of the catatonic stupor, the motor inhibition, silence. The patient can be in a casual state for a long time - up to several months.

Diseases in which manifestations of catatonic syndromes are possible: schizophrenia, infectious, organic and other psychosis.

Measurement of consciousness

Twilight disorder (permanent) of consciousness is one of the types of violations of consciousness, which arises suddenly and manifests itself the inability of the patient to navigate in the surrounding world.

It remains unchanged ability to fulfill the usual action, there are speech and motor arousal, affects of fear, malice and longing.

There may be acute nonsense prosecution and predominantly visual hallucinations of a frightening nature. The delusional ideas of persecution and greatness become defining factors for the behavior of a patient who can make devastating, aggressive actions.

For the twilight permanent of consciousness, amnesia is characterized - the complete forgetting the breakdown period. The specified state is observed in epilepsy and organic lesions of the brain hemispheses. Less often occurs during crank-brain injuries and hysteria.


The term "dementia" is used to indicate an irreversible discrepancy of mental activities with loss or decreased by the emergence of this state of knowledge, skills and inability to acquire new ones. Demissions arises as a result of transferred diseases.

According to the degree of severity distinguish:

  1. Full (total)arising with progressive paralysis, peak disease.
  2. Partial dementia (With vascular diseases of the CNS, the consequences of the cranial injury, chronic alcoholism).

With full dementia There are deep disorders of criticism, memory, judgments, unproductiveness of thinking, the disappearance of the individual character traits previously inherent in the patient, as well as a careless mood.

With partial dementia There is a moderate decrease in criticism, memory, judgments. Reduced mood with irritability, tearful, fatigue.

Video: Rising mental illnesses in Russia

Symptoms of mental disorder

Among women. Increased risk of mental disorders in the premenstrual period, during and after pregnancy, during the middle-aged and aging. Disorders of food behavior, affective disorders, including postpartum, depressed.

In men. Mental disorders arise more often than women. Traumatic and alcoholic psychosis.

In children. One of the most common disorders - attention deficit syndrome. Symptoms - problems with a long-term concentration of attention, hyperactivity, weakened control over impulses.

In teenagers. Often there are disorders of food behavior. School phobias, hyperactivity syndrome, alarming disorders are observed.

In the elderly. Mental diseases are detected more often than young people and middle-aged people. Symptoms of dementia, depression, psycho-neurotic disorders.

Video: Panic Attacks

Treatment and prevention

In the treatment of asthenic syndrome The main efforts are directed to the elimination of the cause leading to the disease. A concrete therapy is carried out, including the reception of vitamins and glucose, the correct organization of work and recreation, sleep restoration, full nutrition, dosage physical exertion, prescribed medicines: nootropics, antidepressants, sedatives, anabolic steroids.

Treatment of obsessive states It is carried out by eliminating the causes of traumatic patient, as well as using the impact on the pathophysiological links in the brain.

Therapy of affective states It begins with the establishment of supervision and directions of the patient to a specialist. Depressive patients capable of committing a suicidal attempt are subject to hospitalization.

When prescribing medication therapy, the characteristics of the patient's condition are taken into account. For example, when depressed, which is the phase of circular psychosis, psychotropic drugs are used, and in the presence of anxiety, combined antidepressants and neuroleptic treatment are prescribed.

Acute mental disorder In the form of a manic state is an indication for hospitalization necessary to protect others from the inadequate actions of a sick person. Neuroleptics are used to treat such patients.

Since nonsense is a symptom of brain damage, pharmacotherapy and biological methods of influence are used for its treatment.

For the treatment of hypochondria It is recommended to use psychotherapeutic techniques. In cases where psychotherapy turns out to be unsolved, activities are held to reduce the importance of hypochondriacal concerns. For most cases, hypocritical therapy is excluded.

Folk remedies

The list of funds used by folk healers for the treatment of depression includes:

  • flower pollen,
  • bananas
  • carrot,
  • the tincture of ginseng roots and Aralia Manychu
  • infusions of Dyagil and a bird's mountaineer,
  • brigade of pepper mint sheet,
  • baths with infusion of poplar leaves.

The arsenal of the funds of traditional medicine has many advice and recipes that help get rid of sleep disturbances and a number of other symptoms of mental disorders.

The sickness of the psyche with a naked eye is invisible and therefore very cunning. Mental deviations significantly complicate a man's life when he does not suspect the presence of a problem. Specialists who explore this aspect of an infinite human essence, say that many of us have signs of mental illness, but does it mean that every second resident on the planet should be treated? How do you know that a person is really sick and he needs qualified help?

What is a mental disorder?

The definition of "mental disorder" covers a large range of deviations from the norm of the mental state of people. Internal health disorders, which are discussed, do not need to be taken as a negative manifestation of the negative side of the person's personality. Like any physical disease, mental disorder it is a violation of the mechanisms and processes of reality perceptionwhich is why certain difficulties are created. People who have faced data problems are poorly adapted to real living conditions and do not always truly interpret reality.

Signs and symptoms of psyche disorders

The characteristic features of mental deviations include violations of thinking, mood and behavior that go beyond generally accepted cultural beliefs and norms. Most often, general symptoms are characterized by an oppressed mental condition. Moreover, a person loses the ability to fully fulfill the usual social functions. The entire spectrum of signs and symptoms can be divided into a number of groups:

  • cognitive - unjustified pathological beliefs, memory disturbances, complications of clear thinking;
  • physical - insomnia, pain in different parts of the body;
  • behavioral - abuse of active mental drugs, the inability to produce simple self-service actions, unjustified aggression;
  • emotional - sudden feeling of fear, sadness, anxiety;
  • perceptive - states when a person notices the phenomena that other people do not see (movements of objects, sounds, etc.).

Causes of mental deviations

The aspect of the etiology of these diseases is not fully studied, because modern medicine cannot accurately determine the mechanisms that cause mental deviations. However, some reasons can be determined, whose relationship with mental disorders is scientifically proven:

  • brain diseases;
  • stressful states in life;
  • medical problems;
  • genetic location;
  • hereditary reasons;
  • difficult circumstances in the family.

In addition, doctors note a number of special cases that are concrete deviations, incidents or states, against which serious mental disorders appear. The reasons for which will be discussed are often happening in everyday life, and therefore lead to a deterioration in human mental health in the most unexpected situations.

Systematic abuse of alcoholic beverages often leads to human psyche disorders. The human body suffering from chronic alcoholism constantly contains a large number of ethyl alcohol decay products that cause serious changes in thinking, behavior and mood. In this regard, there are dangerous impairment of psyche, among which:

  • Delirium tremens. Frequent atepatic mental disorder that appears due to deep violations of the exchange processes in all systems and organs of the human body. White hotness is expressed in convulsive seizures and sleep disorders. Most often, the listed phenomena appear 60-80 hours after the use of alcohol. A person has sharp changes in mood, constantly changing fun to worry.
  • Psychosis. Sincere disease, which is explained by violation of the exchange processes in the brain. The toxic effect of ethyl alcohol eclipses the consciousness of man, but the consequences appear only a few days after the completion of alcohol consumption. A person captures the mania of persecution or a sense of fear. In addition, he can appear various intrusive ideas that are related to the fact that someone wants to cause moral or physical damage to him.
  • Hallucinations - pronounced views brought to pathologically to the level of perception of real objects. A person seems to be the surrounding items and people fall, rotate or shake. The perception of time flow is distorted.
  • . A mental illness, which is called nonsense, a person is expressed in manifestation of unshakable conclusions and judgments that do not appropriate reality. In this state, the patient appears a light and a dream. The line between sleep and reality becomes blurred, man confuses one with another.

Injury to the brain

In the injuries of the brain, a whole complex of significant mental illnesses may appear. Due to the damage of the brain, complex processes are launched, which lead to the turbidity of consciousness. After these cases, such psychological diseases often occur:

Somatic diseases

Against the background of somatic violations, the human psyche suffers very seriously. There are violations from which it is almost impossible to get rid of. We present a list of mental illnesses that, with somatic disorders, medicine considers the most common:

  • Dementia. A terrible disease that is decoded as acquired by dementia. This psychological disorder is often found in people with age 55-80 years, which have a somatic disease. The diagnosis of "dementia" is made by patients with reduced cognitive functions. Somatic diseases lead to irreversible processes in the brain. Moreover, mental imagination does not suffer.
  • Korsakovsky syndrome. The disease, which is a combination of memory violations regarding the events, appearance of false memories and loss of orientation in space. Serious mental illness, not amenable to the treatment of well-known medicine in ways. A man always forgets about the events that only happened, often asks the same questions.
  • Asthenic negros-like disease. Deviation of the psyche when a person appears talkative and hyperactivity. A person often flows into short-term depression, it is constantly experiencing phobic disorders. Most often, fears do not change and have clear outlines.


Almost every person who suffers from epilepsy, mental violations are noted. Disorders appearing against the background of this ailment are permanent (permanent) and single (paroxysmal). The following cases of mental illness described below, in medical practice are most often found:

Malignant neoplasms

The emergence of malignant tumors often leads to changes in the state of the human psyche. With an increase in the neoplasms on the brain, the pressure rises, due to this, significant deviations appear. In this state, a person has melancholy, delusional phenomena, unfortunate fears and many other symptoms. All this indicates the presence of such psychological diseases:

Vascular brain disorders

The pathology of the vessels and the circulatory system is instantly reflected in the state of the human psyche. With the development of diseases that are associated with a decrease or an increase in blood pressure, deviate from the norm of the brain function. Heavy chronic disorders lead to the emergence of very dangerous mental abnormalities, including:

Types of mental violations

Mental disorders in humans may appear regardless of ethnicity, age or floor. Mechanisms for the emergence of mental diseases are not fully understood, because medicine cannot give specific definitions. However, today it is clearly established a link between certain age frameworks and diseases of the psyche. For any age, their most common disorders are characteristic.

In the elderly people

In the elderly, age on the background of diseases such as bronchial asthma, renal or heart failure and diabetes mellitus appear many mental abnormalities. Elder psychological diseases include:

  • dementia;
  • paranoia;
  • peak syndrome;
  • marasmus;
  • alzheimer's syndrome.

Types of psyche violations in adolescents

Often, spiritual teenage diseases are associated with unfavorable factors in the past. Typically, such mental disorders are noted:

  • bulimia nervous;
  • prolonged depression;
  • drancorecia;
  • nervous anorexia.

Mental diseases are not treated independently, because when manifesting any suspicion of impairment of psyche it is necessary to urgently seek help from a psychotherapist.. The patient's conversation with the doctor will be able to help quickly determine the diagnosis and choose the correct treatment scheme. Almost all the diseases of the psyche are healing if you appeal in a timely manner.