How best to calm the nervous system. Walking is the most accessible way to combat stress. Nervousness before a performance

Nervous tension accompanies the life of every person.

How to calm down and pass all the tests of fate?

This will be discussed in the article.

You will learn how to protect your nervous system from stress, learn not to take everything that happens in life to heart, and get practical practical advice.

How to relieve stress and why it occurs

The causes of stress can be both external and internal factors. Some people quickly get out of tense situations, while others spend hours stressing themselves out, analyzing what they did wrong. The causes of stress are:

Inadequate sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, then the nervous system becomes defenseless, opening the door to stress. The presence of a source of disorder. Our nerves are not iron. When they are constantly exposed to irritants, it is difficult to relax. Poor nutrition. If the body does not have enough nutrients, he can't to the fullest resist stress.

How to calm your nerves and forget about all your problems? Get enough sleep! Getting enough sleep for eight hours a day will relax the body and strengthen it. Do not use synthetic sedatives unless absolutely necessary. The following tips will help you find peace of mind:

Look at things more simply. To understand whether it is worthwhile to perceive this or that painfully life situation, ask yourself whether the event will be important to you in a month or a year. If the answer is no, then there is no point in being nervous. Life is too fleeting to waste on insignificant things. Take a walk on fresh air. How to calm yourself after stress? Take a walk, get some fresh air. This will be beneficial. Minimize stress. If you are concerned about a specific irritant, try to have as little contact with it as possible. Communicate more with animals. It has been scientifically proven that such communication leads to peace of mind. If you don't have a cat or dog yet, get one. You won't even notice how your life will change. Funny behavior of pets can smooth out any rough edges. Play sports. Classes active species Sports strengthen the nervous system and tone the body. Look for positive aspects in everything. Even if an unpleasant situation happens, find something good in it. Got fired? You can find something better to do! Financial difficulties? Trials will lead you to financial well-being! Broke up with your other half? Everything will work out, and you will find a worthy life partner!

If you cannot abstract yourself from the problem and are looking for how to calm your nerves using other methods, psychophysiological techniques will help. Nai The best way relaxation - breathing exercises. Take deep breaths, then hold your breath and exhale slowly. After stress, it is best to be alone and listen to relaxing music.

Music can help calm your nerves during pregnancy. Rhythmic, positive tracks or calm, monotonous works are suitable. Eliminate sad songs and rock music: they aggravate psychological constraint.

How to calm your nerves folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers to calm the nerves with herbal infusions and healing baths. Use one of the following recipes to strengthen the body and minimize the impact of irritants on the nervous system:

Lime tea. It is a natural source of a complex of minerals, vitamins and nutrients. Has a beneficial effect on nerve cells. Brew linden tea in a ceramic bowl and drink with honey. If desired, you can add lemon or orange zest. Mint and lemon balm. How to calm your nerves at home? Drink mint tea at night to get better sleep. Chamomile baths. Brew a glass of dry chamomile in an enamel container and pour it into a warm bath. Motherwort and valerian. Brew the stems and leaves of the herbs as tea and drink at night.

If you are interested in how to quickly calm down, then first of all use folk remedies. However, use herbs with caution, because some of them have contraindications.

Folk methods and psychophysiological techniques will help you always stay on top of life events. Use these tips and you will be calm and balanced

We bring to your attention 15 tips on how to calm women's nerves at home. Modern life is filled with constant stress, surprises and unforeseen situations, and the rhythm of life of many women reaches simply colossal speed. You need to do your best at work, look after the children, keep the house clean and tidy, cook food, and so on. Tasks modern woman The list can go on for a very long time, and many simply forget that among all this bustle and hassle, it is also necessary to have time to enjoy life, relax and restore the nervous system.

Most often, older women are engaged in achieving inner peace, and even then not always, but in youth it seems that the nerves are iron and the body is eternal, so there is no point in feeling sorry for it. In fact, you need to take care of the nervous system from a young age, trying to keep inner balance and maintain normal emotional state. Today we’ll talk about how to calm your nerves and put your thoughts in order without leaving home.

What will help you calm down?

Unfortunately, a young, ambitious woman with a lot of responsibilities and tasks simply does not have enough time to stop, breathe and calm herself down. The day is scheduled literally minute by minute, and the experiences and anxieties accumulated in the soul have to be put into the background in the mind, because first of all it is necessary to complete the tasks planned for the day. And after a busy day, you want to fall asleep quickly and not think about anything - there is simply no time for relaxation of the mind. It is worth noting here that often the decisions made by a person on the verge of a nervous breakdown are erroneous, incorrect and hasty. This is where problems at work begin, a decrease in labor efficiency, a woman no longer has time to do what she planned, which causes even greater nervous tension. This is how a real vicious circle is formed.

In order to relieve stress and calm nerves, you need to clearly determine what situation made you angry, think about it, think through options for solving the problem, and only then move on. But you should spend some time on this. Let’s say the situation at home has become tense due to your constant busyness. My nerves are tense, I don’t want to go home after work, because I’m sure another quarrel awaits. Stop and think: maybe there are ways to spend more time with your family? Discuss this issue calmly with your husband, then talk to your boss, for example, about working five rather than six days a week, or taking part of the work home. Understand the situation, and nervous tension will gradually disappear.

The main thing is not to screw up your consciousness, convincing yourself that the problem cannot be solved, and every day the situation will only become more complicated. In order to solve a problem, you need to have a cool mind, and coming home and regularly making trouble, defending your rightness, is a direct path to worsening the situation.

In fact, nervous shock is also a disease, only not of a physical, but of a psychological nature, and it also gives complications and can be advanced to an incurable form. Therefore, you should treat your emotional state with care, not even neglecting to take a couple of days off at your own expense, and sort yourself out, calm your nerves, improve your family relationships, or think about how to solve difficult work issues. Only after you deal with your subconscious feelings can you find solutions to the problem. Well, for our part, we have selected 15 tips for you that should support the nervous system and help calm your nerves at home. You can turn to one or several tips at once, the main thing is to concentrate on what you are doing and let go of all extraneous thoughts.

Calming down at home: 15 tips on how to improve your emotional state and calm down.

1. Breathing exercises.

It has long been proven that with the help breathing exercises can be significantly improved not only emotional background, but also the general well-being of the body. Please note that a person's breathing rhythms radically depend on how he feels on a psychological level, and as soon as a stressful or tense situation arises, people begin to breathe at a different pace. You can calm your nerves by controlling your breathing processes, for which there are several special techniques, developed by specialists. If stress occurs suddenly, then with the help of a one-time use of breathing exercises you can significantly calm your nerves. But for full recovery The nervous system will have to repeat the exercises with some regularity. Here are some of them:

Deep breaths. It is necessary to keep your back straight, straighten your shoulders, and inhale the air as deeply as possible, slowly, and then exhale completely, releasing your lungs gradually. You must strive to ensure that the exhalation exceeds the inhalation in duration. After exhaling completely, hold your breath a little and repeat the exercise again.

Breathing according to yoga techniques. Here the nervous system should calm down precisely at the moment of exhalation, on which you need to focus all your attention. If inhalation increases tone in the body, then exhalation relaxes, helps you feel calm and peaceful. You can learn more about this technique in yoga classes, or simply by studying the rules for its implementation on the Internet.

Beginners in the field of breathing exercises should be extremely careful with the exercises. Do not delay the implementation, and if out of habit you experience a feeling of weakness, dizziness, bad feeling, you must immediately stop breathing exercises.

2. Learn mentality.

In order to calm your nerves, it is not enough just to do the exercises; you need to be able to put yourself in the right mood. If you do breathing exercises or take a bath with the thought that life is going downhill and nothing can be done, then it will not be of any use. You need to learn to control your subconscious, setting yourself a positive direction of thinking. Being in this mood, you can learn to control your own nervous system. For example, if you feel strong tension or emotional outburst, resort to the following settings: “Everything that is not done is for the better”,"The problem is solved, hopeless situations can not be", “I have close people who will always help me”, “I’m strong, and I can cope with the task, everyone can do it, so I can do it too”, and so on.

In order to relieve stress and calm your nerves, you need to choose for yourself the attitude that will encourage and help as much as possible, and then regularly remind yourself of it, repeating to yourself. It is also important to understand the situation itself, which caused nervous tension, and understanding why circumstances turned out that way. When the brain thinks chaotically about a problem: "Everything is bad", he simply cannot concentrate on understanding what exactly the reason is, and from which side he should look for a solution to the problem. And having set a clear setting: “Now I’m stressed because yesterday I didn’t have time to complete my work plan”, for example, options for solving the problem will immediately form: you need to come to work earlier tomorrow, or take some of the work home, and so on.

When a person knows what he should do, the mind calms down and nervous tension goes away.

3. Water procedures.

It’s not for nothing that they say that when your nerves give out, you need to turn to water treatments. This could be a simple shower at home, a bath with aromatic oils, or a visit to the spa. At the subconscious level, a person associates water procedures with getting rid of unnecessary thoughts, cleansing not only the body, but also the mind. Therefore, in order to calm your nerves, experts recommend spending some time in a warm shower before going to bed. Cold and hot shower, just like dousing, although they are good for health, they do not calm the nerves, but only excite them, so you should choose a comfortable water temperature.

To stimulate the soothing effects of the shower, you can listen to your favorite songs while bathing, create pleasant lighting and light an aroma lamp with your favorite soothing oil. After completing the procedure, go to bed, having previously dressed in things made of soft, natural material that are pleasant to the skin.

4. A comfortable environment as a way to calm your nerves.

A person is a creature that is very dependent on the environment, so try to organize maximum comfort for yourself. A strong, healthy sleep. And in order to fall asleep with pleasure, you need to organize a comfortable sleeping place for yourself: make the bed with fresh, fragrant bed linen, choose a comfortable mattress, clean the room. A clean, comfortable environment will help you go to sleep faster, as well as recover as much as possible during your rest.

5. Take time for yourself.

Modern women, for the most part, are forced to solve many problems at once, family, household, and work. But you still need to find some time to let go of all thoughts about them, free your consciousness and thoughts, and take care of yourself. We are not talking about going to beauty salons or shopping centers, for many this has already become an integral part of life, and does not have the effect of relaxation. Although, if this technique helps you, then you can do shopping therapy. Or just forget about all the problems, think about something pleasant, relax, and be free from constant hassle, at least for a while.

Constant load on the nervous system leads to negative consequences. If you have been in a stressful situation for a long time, it is better to take a vacation and go on vacation abroad, or at least to one of the sanatoriums in our country.

6. Massage.

Everyone knows this way to calm the nerves. It’s great, of course, to undergo a massage course during sessions, letting go of all problems and worries, but if this is not possible, you can solve the issue yourself. You've probably noticed that a person who starts to get nervous, without noticing it, runs his hand over his head. So, this is justified by the fact that the scalp and face are very rich in nerve endings, and even basic stroking of the hair helps to calm down a little. Try to massage your scalp yourself, imitating a comb with your fingers and moving from the forehead to the back of the head. Using massage movements, rub your temple area, forehead and cheeks.

7. Sweets as a way to calm your nerves.

Despite all the diets and restrictions, during times of stress you can allow yourself to eat a little sweet, because sweet foods contain certain hormones that have a calming effect on nerve cells. So take it like medicine in in this case, which must be taken to heal the nerves. It's not about eating a bucket of ice cream or a huge piece chocolate cake. It is quite possible to replace such high-calorie foods with prunes, dried apricots, honey or dark chocolate in small quantities. Of course, stress is not a reason to overeat, since in the future there will be another source of tension, such as overweight. Everything is good in moderation.

8. Movement is life.

As experts have long confirmed, during movement the circulation of blood flows in the body improves, therefore, substances useful and necessary for it move faster and reach their goals. Therefore, if your nerves are getting worse, engage in some kind of moving, active activity. For example, if there is a conflict at home, go to the store or just take a walk in the park, putting your thoughts in order. If you can't complete a task at work, take a break by choosing a task that requires movement.

If we talk about regular, and not one-time calming of nerves by physical activity, you can choose to visit the pool, fitness center, dance, do basic exercises or stretching at home - whichever suits you best. The main thing is to remember that your goal is not to win a medal, but to calm your nerves, and there is no need for overload in such a matter. Therefore, listen carefully to your body, if it is tired, do not force yourself and just rest.

9. Change of interior.

We are not talking about starting repairs, as this will put even more stress on the nervous system. But rearranging some furniture, interior items, just cleaning out your wardrobe or sorting out your desk is what you need. On a subconscious level, a person who puts things in order around him puts things in order in his own thoughts, putting all problems and tasks on shelves, like books in a closet. According to psychologists, by changing the place of twenty-seven objects in a familiar, surrounding environment, you can make room for energy circulation. Consequently, this will help improve your emotional state, calm your nerves at home, and improve your own thought process.

10. Creativity.

For many people, in order to relieve stress, it is advisable to put on paper everything that makes them nervous. It doesn't matter what style or how you draw, the main thing is that drawing has strong calming properties. A person relaxes, giving himself completely to his activities, while nerves become less tense and problems recede into the background. It’s not for nothing that such a thing as coloring books for adults is gaining more and more popularity. "Anti stress". Here the pictures consist of the smallest details that need to be colored in different colors using pencils or markers.

In the process of painstaking coloring, a person is distracted from problems, the mind relaxes and after some time the nervous tension recedes.

11. Aromatherapy.

You can also calm women’s nerves by influencing the body through the sense of smell. There are many essential oils which are used for relaxation. These include lavender oil, tangerine or orange, chamomile, bergamot, geranium, and some others. The ways to use them are also different, and you can choose the one that suits you based on your preferences. Some people like to take a bath with oil, others like to rub their skin with it or use it during a massage. You can simply light an aroma lamp and sit on the sofa with your favorite book. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of oil, as it will be too saturated air or the ingestion of a large dose of oils into the body has a stimulating effect on the nervous system.

12. The right image life.

In order to calm your nerves at home, it is enough to reconsider your attitude towards sleep and nutrition. To keep your nervous system strong and less exposed to external irritants, you need to get enough sleep and eat right. If, after all, your nerves are damaged, then you need to take your lifestyle even more seriously: avoid watching TV at night until three o’clock in the morning, acute fatty foods. Analyze how many hours your body needs so that getting up in the morning is not difficult and almost painful, and go to bed at the appropriate time. It may be difficult at first to get into the habit of falling asleep early, but over time it will become a habit, and you will feel how much calmer you have become about problems.

When a person has a lot of responsibility, he feels constant tension, so he simply needs proper rest. Otherwise, even a small problem can actually drive you crazy at the moment when your stress resistance reaches its limit. A simple traffic jam or cold coffee results in real hysteria.

Often, after overcoming nervous breakdowns, people then suffer from maximalism. If they start drawing, they try to do it perfectly, if it’s about sports, but they exhaust themselves in the gym for several hours, and so on. Then there will be no effect from such calming, but only a new reason for stress will appear: the drawing is not beautiful enough, and yesterday’s run is too short.

The key to calming your nerves using these methods is to remain calm. All actions must be performed measuredly, for the benefit of the body and emotional state, and without subjecting it to new tests.

13. Laughter prolongs life.

When a person laughs, endorphins are produced, the so-called hormones of happiness. They will help you overcome nervous tension. We are talking here not only about having fun with friends in the company, but also about watching funny films or videos, reading jokes, and so on. Any reason to laugh heartily can cut your nervous tension in half. Therefore, try to find as much as possible more reasons for joy, laughter and fun, even the simplest brochure with funny stories, purchased from Subway, can have a positive impact on your state of mind.

14. Sedatives.

If stress really goes off scale, and the above methods do not have the desired effect, you can turn to sedatives. It is advisable to choose products that are based on natural ingredients, herbs, tinctures, soothing tea. In principle, you can also buy a special mixture at the pharmacy that calms the nervous system. Or prepare it yourself from herbs such as chamomile, valerian, lavender, mint and others.

But any sedatives cannot be taken on an ongoing basis, otherwise, indifference to the outside world, apathy, drowsiness may occur, which is also not the best the best way out from the situation. Therefore, again you should remember that everything is good in moderation.

15. Advice from a psychologist.

This type of solution to the problem is not yet very common in our country, although it is gradually gaining popularity. But in the west, when the slightest psychological problem a person does not hesitate to seek advice from a specialist. And this is the right approach - the sooner you start solving the problem, the less advanced the stage of its development. So if you feel that the tension is growing, your nerves are giving way, then you should make an appointment with a psychologist. The specialist will conduct a series of studies, tests, and identify the cause of your anxiety, after which he will help you find a way out.

Modern life is an endless cycle of events, and not every person has the strength to endure such serious psychological stress without significant consequences. Surely everyone who reads this article has heard the expression “all diseases come from nerves” at least once in their life. And indeed it is. There is a whole science in medicine called psychosomatics. She studies the influence psychological factors on the physiological state of a person. Have you ever wondered how to calm your nerves? This can be done at home in several ways; let’s look at each of them so that, if necessary, we can help ourselves and our loved ones as effectively as possible.

The first step to peace of mind

No matter how it sounds, the first thing you need to do when emotions go off scale is to try to distance yourself from what irritates you. Tired of work? Put it off until better times. If the cause of nervous tension is unpleasant news or communication with a certain person, do not contact him. The best way to quickly disengage is to go into solitude (even relative) and restore your breathing. Sit comfortably on a sofa, chair or bed and, closing your eyes, breathe deeply and evenly, thinking, for example, that today it is sunny outside, and the day before yesterday funny curly clouds floated across the sky.

Another option to escape from problems “into another dimension” is to look at an album with your childhood photographs. As a rule, many people have very pleasant memories associated with their childhood. Bringing them out with the help of old photos can quickly calm your nerves. The same method can be used to calm a child. Sit him next to you and talk about your childhood. As a rule, children in this case are quickly distracted from the phenomenon that upset them and make contact with their parents.

Medicines for peace of mind

The first thing that comes to mind for any person experiencing strong emotional disturbance is taking sedatives. Indeed, soothing drops can relieve nervous tension in a matter of minutes and help you relax. There is only one “but” here: many drugs have a depressing effect on the nervous system, which means they can provoke phenomena such as lethargy, drowsiness and general absent-mindedness. In addition, some drugs simply cannot be taken by people who drive a car or deal with high-risk objects, such as electrical appliances. That is why you need to be very careful when choosing a drug that calms the nervous system.

Which drugs to choose

One of the most accessible and safest in terms of side effects is the modern herbal drug Novopassit. It can be taken even in emergency cases. But for those who constantly experience emotional stress and often suffer from nervous overstrain, a drug that calms the nervous system according to the “cumulative” principle is more suitable. Such medications need to be taken for a long time, but the effect lasts for a long period. This group of products includes motherwort or valerian extract in tablets. These remedies are the best for those who want to calm their nerves for a long time. Medicines, even if they are created using only natural herbs, can only be used after consultation with a doctor.

Folk remedies for the nervous system

In addition to medications, there is a very simple and accessible way to everyone, explaining how to calm the nerves at home - sedative herbal mixtures, from which you can prepare aromatic tea. The most powerful are those that contain several plants. Such teas can be bought at the pharmacy, or you can prepare a soothing mixture yourself from the following ingredients: valerian root, sweet clover, dried hawthorn flowers, hop cones, peppermint leaves, motherwort and watchwort. It is enough to brew a tablespoon of this mixture in 0.25 liters of water and let it brew well. This tea has a very quick and strong effect, so it is better to take it before bed.

If the question is “how to calm your nerves at home?” worries throughout the day, then the best remedy considered ordinary honey. By adding just one spoon of this product to a glass of warm milk and drinking the resulting drink, you can quickly calm down. This remedy is especially suitable for children who, due to emotional instability, can be nervous at any time of the day.

In addition to tea, you can use herbs to make fragrant pads - sachets. They should add those plants that are used to make tea, as well as sprigs of rosemary, lavender, wormwood and lemon balm. These fragrant pillows can be placed at the head of the bed, in the bathroom, and indeed in any room in your home. Made in the form of decorative bags and keychains, the sachets can be taken with you to work so that the calming effect of herbs will be with you throughout the day.

Calm in music

It has long been proven that many classical pieces of music can act on the human nervous system no worse than drugs. Therefore, during periods of strong anxiety, psychologists recommend isolating yourself from irritants. Today, it is not difficult to buy collections, which are often called “Calming Melodies” or “Music for Relaxation.” Put on your favorite pajamas, turn on the tune of your choice and enjoy the beauty of the art of music. The category of relaxers also includes works by your favorite performers, even if they belong to the genre of pop or rock music. Of course, they cannot be used in attempts to calm the baby. Soothing melodies for him are the musical masterpieces of Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky or Beethoven.

If it is not possible to play music loudly, use headphones; this will also help isolate yourself from external stimuli.

Drown your sorrows... in the bath

In this section of the article we will not talk about what every second reader thought when he saw the subtitle. If the soothing sound could not possibly restore, you should think about fragrant water. The water in it should not be very hot, but not cool either. When filling, you can add some soothing herbs or a decoction of them to the bath. Lying in lush foam, you can truly relax not only the nerves, but also the muscles of the whole body. Lie in it until you feel completely satisfied with your own perfection.

Game as a way to forget about nerves

This method clearly explains how to calm nerves at home if we are talking about a small child. For him, playing is the best way to forget about troubles. Special attention You should pay attention to what the upset baby is playing. It is better to opt for active entertainment in the fresh air or a measured activity, for example, modeling from plasticine or clay. If a child’s emotions still take over, he can “punish” the malleable material and “mold” his resentment out of it.

Adults can also distract themselves from troubles with the help of, for example, cards or chess. Playing solitaire or thinking about your opponent's next move, you can forget about the problem for a while. Some individuals calm down by doing their favorite hobby: embroidering, drawing or wood carving.

Aroma and play of light

If you feel emotional excitement, tension or anger, try to change the atmosphere in the room with the help of candles and aromatherapy lamps, which can be bought at any store. The aromas of patchouli, ylang-ylang and other exotic plants and flowers in any case will not remind you of existing problems. By changing the lighting, filling the house with new aromas, you can do whatever you want: watch your favorite movie, read a book, or just lie and look at the shadows on the ceiling. If you combine this method of relaxation with a bath, calm will come many times faster.

Modern people rarely lead a calm, measured life. We all have enough problems of various nature, which can not only ruin your mood, but also cause a whole storm of negative emotions. If there is a feeling of tension, irritability or emptiness, uncertainty, this means that the nervous system does not cope well with overload. This condition can cause sleep problems, exacerbation chronic diseases, headache. How to calm your nerves and relieve tension to help yourself? There are enough remedies that relate to both traditional and folk medicine. Let's look at the most effective ones.

How to quickly calm your nerves

These tips will help bring the nervous system back to normal, especially if they are followed comprehensively. They are suitable for those who want to know how to calm their nerves without pills.

    • Breathing exercises. Alternating a deep breath through the nose and the same exhalation through the mouth 10 times, then resting for 10 minutes, can be repeated again. When performing this exercise, you should sit comfortably in a chair or on the sofa, close your eyes and relax all your muscles. Drive your thoughts away.
    • Spa treatments. Are you angry and looking for a way to calm your nerves? and visit a salon where specialists will help you come to your senses with a relaxation procedure.
    • Hot shower or herbal bath. Procedures using water perfectly calm the nerves, but the most effective are a hot shower and a bath with a decoction of soothing herbs. If you turn on calm, quiet music while taking a bath, the tension will be relieved quite quickly. Instead of a decoction of herbs, you can fill the bath with your favorite aromatic foam. A hot bath has a strong relaxing effect.
    • Check. Try counting to yourself from 0 to 100 and back.
    • Communication with animals (especially a cat). Fluffy pets are excellent psychotherapists; their purring has a positive effect on the human nervous system.
    • Walking barefoot. In this way, the influence is exerted on points located on the feet and responsible for certain organs and systems. IN winter time you can scatter peas or buckwheat on the floor and walk, stepping on the grains.
    • Pouring. This procedure helps and strengthens immune system. You should start dousing using warm water, gradually lowering the temperature.
    • Running or fast walking. Physical exercise effectively restore frayed nerves.
    • Be alone. For some people in an effective way and the answer to the question of how to calm your nerves is to be in a quiet environment alone with yourself. It is advisable to lie down, relax, and turn off the phone. It is also good to fill the room with your favorite scent using aromatherapy candles or lamps.
    • Music. Turn on some light relaxing music. You can download musical compositions of this style to your computer. No need in nervous state listen to fast music or rock. This will only make the condition worse.
  • Hobby. When a person starts to get nervous, doing something he loves that brings moral satisfaction will help him switch and get out of this state. Someone likes to sew or knit, embroider or make something - any hobby will help you achieve a state of balance.
  • Walk. It’s good if you have the opportunity to walk through a park or just along a uncrowded street. Fresh air has a positive effect on the body and restores emotional well-being.

Calm your nerves with traditional medicine

How to calm the nerves if the smallest problem makes a person angry, the mood is subject to rapid changes, and the nerves “give up” without any apparent reason? In this case, you can turn to the means traditional medicine. Good result give decoctions medicinal herbs, however, they should be used if there is no allergic reaction.

    • Mint, lemon balm, chamomile. These herbs are considered the easiest remedies that have a calming effect, strengthen the nervous system and have a positive effect on the entire body. They can be used even by children.
  • Valerian. It is a powerful remedy that effectively calms frayed nerves, relieves anxiety, and relieves insomnia. However, to get the desired effect, you need to take a decoction of valerian root for at least a month.
  • Motherwort. Both a decoction and an alcohol-based tincture or homemade tincture are used. The product perfectly relieves phobias and anxieties.
  • St. John's wort. Perfectly strengthens the nervous system. If a decoction of St. John's wort is taken systematically, a person becomes more resistant to stressful situations.
  • Lime tea. A remedy that effectively helps get rid of irritability, depression and chronic fatigue. It’s good to add a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon to linden tea.

You can find many ways to calm your nerves at home, and then, in a calm state, look for ways to solve the problem.

Exclude from Everyday life various stressful situations, conflicts, quarrels or depression will not work. The human psyche instantly notes dangerous and harmful factors environment and reacts to them immediately. Frequent emotional stress can disrupt the functioning of the entire body. When figuring out how to relieve stress and calm your nerves, you need to objectively evaluate the existing nuances. Important points choosing a specific tool are:

  • frequency of breakdowns;
  • psychological condition;
  • established, often incorrect, daily routine.

How to calm your nerves

There are several ways to get rid of irritability, excessive sensitivity to events, and bring your psyche back to normal. The most effective methods The use of sedatives, natural remedies, traditional medicine complexes or special breathing exercises are considered. You can increase their effectiveness by changing your daily routine, diet, or refusing bad habits. Necessary:

  • spend more time outdoors;
  • do not forget about proper sleep;
  • establish proper nutrition.

Using sedatives

Strong medications intended to treat the nervous system are prescribed by specialists in emergency cases. Prescription sedative tablets have a special composition and are not recommended to be taken unless prescribed by specialists. The course of treatment should not exceed specifically established periods. This period depends on the degree of the unpleasant condition. How to relieve severe stress and calm your nerves medicines? Accept:

  • “Atarax” (a medicine with a combined effect that additionally relieves sleep disturbances);
  • “Glycine” (normalizes the state of mind, helps improve mental activity, does not have the properties of a sleeping pill);
  • “Nervo Vit” (contains valerian extract, has a complex effect on the nervous system).


Majority sedatives, available in tablets, have a number of contraindications. They should be taken after consultation with a specialist. They are prescribed in case of emergency, when stress reaches its maximum manifestation. Traditionally, tablets are used to treat the consequences of severe emotional shocks, prolonged depression, nervous breakdowns. Common prescriptions that help solve the problem, how to relieve stress and quickly calm your nerves are:

  • “Tenoten” (available in different forms, intended for the treatment of neurotic diseases, stress conditions, taken by prescription);
  • "Quattrex" (dispensed in pharmacies with a prescription, refers to drugs wide range);
  • "Phenazepam" (a highly active tranquilizer, has a hypnotic, muscle-relaxing effect on the body).

Natural sedatives

The most common herbal sedatives are:

  • "Persen" (recommended to be taken at the time of neuroses, stressful conditions, as a prophylactic);
  • "Novo Passit" (has a complex effect, but has some side effects, sold without a prescription);
  • “Motherwort” in the form of tablets or tinctures (a sedative, considered safe, available in pharmacies over the counter);
  • “Valerian” in tablets (calms the psyche, does not disturb sleep, helps fight anxiety, stress and other mental conditions).

Sedatives for sleep disorders

Some stress relievers that can calm the central nervous system include:

  • “Adaptol” (relieves irritability, normalizes sleep, relieves the effects of stressful conditions);
  • “Deprim” (contains St. John’s wort extract, has a calming effect on the body, relieves insomnia);
  • “Melison” (lavender extract and a mixture of other herbs have a beneficial effect on the psyche and normalize sleep).

Using breathing exercises

Some methods to help cope with the problem do not involve the use medications. Gymnastics will help you quickly figure out how to get rid of stress. Special breathing exercises can have no less effective effects on the psyche than medications. It is recommended to listen to soothing melodies while doing gymnastics. Breathing exercises to calm down:

  1. Relieving tension from the shoulders and neck (hands should be placed on the shoulders, while inhaling, move them as far apart as possible, repeat the exercise several times).
  2. Relieving tension from the back (raise your arms up, while inhaling, stretch your body as much as possible, standing on your tiptoes, try to “reach the sky” with your hands, repeat up to 5 times).
  3. Belly breathing (the air must be inhaled and exhaled several times so that it fills not only chest, but also the stomach).
  4. Slow breathing to calm down (you need to inhale the air slowly and as deeply as possible, exhale sharply, repeat several times).
  5. Active breathing through the nostrils (inhale air through nasal cavity, capturing maximum oxygen through the nostrils).

When solving the problem of how to cope with stress, it is recommended to use a breathing technique from yoga. Inhale in four counts, then exhale, and hold your breath for the same amount of time. You need to repeat these steps several times. Experts note that noticeable relief of the emotional state occurs within a few minutes.

Through songs and music

The influence of certain melodies and sounds on the human psyche has been studied by psychologists for many centuries. It is believed that music to calm the nerves has no less effect than traditional medicine or medications. Doctors recommend listening to compositions by S. Rachmaninov, I. Bach, P. Tchaikovsky. Calming melodies include your favorite songs or pieces of music that you enjoy. to a specific person and during which he relaxes.

To eliminate stress, it is recommended to listen to special musical compositions for meditation and recording sounds of nature. Such relaxing sessions should be carried out not only during periods of nervous tension, but also regularly - to prevent breakdowns and neurosis. Melodies will be an ideal addition to gymnastics or the process of getting ready for bed.