Aspects of the Moon and Mars. Psychological problems. Moon and Mars: Aspects in Sinastria

Moon in Connection with Moon
This aspect indicates instantaneous intuitive understanding. Both people know about the arrangement of the spirit, emotional changes and the needs of each other. As a result, due to the creative and emotional flow, which improves the relationship, is developing a strong sense of emotional compatibility and understanding.

Moon Men in Connection with Women Mercury
This is an interesting aspect, because the emotions of partners are understood rationally and easily transmitted. A man can feel a certain disappointment when his emotional reactions meet the cold analytical mind of his partner, as he could count on the warmth of emotions. Over time, he learns that the position of the woman helps to balance any excessive reactions that he retained from childhood. At the same time, imitating your partner, a woman learns to be more feminine. The subconsciously permutation of the roles of a man and a woman can be eventually adjusted, because each of them learns about himself from the partner.

Moon Women in Connection with Mercury Men
This is an excellent aspect for compatibility. The emotional and thought side of life is encountered together and balanced. A woman can be especially attached to his partner, as she can feel every thought. This can cause a man a feeling of excessive "maternal guardianship", but in general it rejoices its susceptibility to his analytical mind.

Moon Men in Connection with Women's Venus
This aspect indicates a relationship with the "female orientation". Artistic interests, musical taste and development of personal talents are important areas in these relationships. However, a woman must be responsible if she wants this partnership to work. Although her partner is sensitive and susceptible, it cannot rely on him more than it relies on his own internal emotional experience.

Moon Women in Connection with Venus Men
Emotions and feelings are connected together to form a special sensitivity between partners. A man demonstrates his softer side, which allows a woman to express her most vulnerable feelings. Many children's memories, especially related to adolescence, can be worked out in these relationships. The result of instinctive harmony and participation that is found in this partnership may be abundance, property and property accumulation.

Moon Men in Connection with Mars Women
This is an impulsive aspect. He reveals the instinctive and progressive aspects of both individuals. Energy can create strong sexual attraction, a woman can be a more energetic partner. Energetic activity and severe reactions create live relationships. EDIPMS conflict is possible, as each partner copes with the permutation of roles expressed by this aspect. The woman reacts as if she were a man who appeal to the children's image of her mother. A man can subconsciously respond as if he were the mother of his partner, as he tries to balance his feelings with more primitive qualities of her ego. Everyone becomes an important teacher for his partner.

Moon Women in Connection with Mars Men
Women's mystery responds to male sexuality and acts as a background for its expression. There is a strong sexual attraction that helps to keep these relationships. However, if the partnership should be long, impulsivity should be curled. Spontaneity and hopes for the future are connected to the actions in order to eventually defeat the challenges of both ego.

Moon Men in Connection with Jupiter Women
Here a woman can raise a man to the highest consciousness. For him, it is almost impossible to experience despondency in her presence. His sphere of emotions is expanding, as the woman knows how he reacts to her ideas and helps him see the highest truth in everything he feels. This aspect appears to reduce sexuality, as it focuses the highest mind of a woman. However, increased awareness, optimism and joy, symbolized by this aspect, allow relationships to express the feeling of happiness.

Moon Women in Connection with Jupiter Men
This aspect frees the woman from past prohibitions and deterrences, because her partner reveals the feelings of the energies and abundant freedom. These relationships bring favorable opportunities to her life and good luck, while the natural indecision, which she can feel helps her to keep the interest of a man.

Sexuality is less important with this aspect, but the connection of her feelings with its expansiveness creates an excellent combination for a long partnership.

Moon Men in Connection with Saturn Women
This aspect connects the relationship, strengthening their intentions and bring together two people due to karmic experience1. A man feels causes, while a woman must be responsible for the results. Due to the fact that the woman is aware of the outcome of things, she tends to restrain their partner, imposing traditional and responsible life style. As a result, he can feel as if planted in a cage, but it is difficult for him to destroy his own attachment towards a woman. At the subconscious level, a man takes the role of his mother, while the woman beats the life style of his father. As a result of the relationship, they become deeply rooted in customs, values, memories and unresolved karmic tasks.

Moon Women in Connection with Saturn Men
Here each of the partners play a parent role. She plays the role of mother, and he is the Father, and both are trying to imitate their family. The partnership is impregnated with a proprietary attitude, as well as a sense of restrained wisdom and prudence. A man tries to capture his self-esteem. A woman needs a development, since her emotions are characterized by childish features. This is a karmic relationship, often representing the balance of marriage in prior incarnation. In many cases, they are associated with religious or spiritual lessons that a woman should learn from a man.

Moon men in conjunction with uranium women
This aspect brings excitement and instant attraction. Prolonged relationships are difficult, as partners may be too unpredictable. Expectations can be unlikely or double-sided love of love, which makes a partnership full may not be absent. The man seems to be subordinate to his more excited and independent partner. A woman either leads relationships because of his time humanity, or ceases them because of their need for spontaneity and freedom. If this is quite mature people who can recognize their own differences, then possible emotional development and awareness.

Moon Women in Connection with Uranium Men
This aspect creates a very interesting relationship. A woman tends to live past, while a man breaks through the road to the future. In these relationships, there may be strong instant sexual attraction, but real sexuality may lack reliability or satisfaction. From the side of the woman there is an emotional involvement, but its individualist partner, apparently, is not able to give it a sense of reliability and peace that she is looking for. Despite this, relationships can be characterized by personal growth and spiritual evolution.

Moon men in conjunction with neptune woman
This aspect creates aesthetic attraction involving mystical obhrothon. Each partner is mentally configured to another. Both are compassionatively susceptible to each other's needs. The result of this combination may be artistic creativity. The sensitivity of a man acquires a cosmic understanding through the configuration of a woman on nature and the universe as a whole. A susceptible stream makes this aspect of one of the most pleasant combinations, thanks to which the prosperity of relationships or marriage is possible.

Moon Women in Connection with Neptune Men
Sensitivity, susceptibility and charm are connected with compassionate understanding and feeling of plasticity. Partners feel comfortable and can act together, so that intuitive understanding increases. Similar musical and aesthetic tastes are added to this excellent combination. A woman finds new ways to idealize his partner, and he shares his sense of Divine love with her. These relationships combine emotional "grounding" (through a woman) with the ability to touch the limitless (through a man).

Moon Male in Connection with Pluto Women
This aspect symbolizes a direct mental connection between two people. It causes powerful magnetism and severe sexual attraction. But the relationship actually turns out to be deeper. The subconscious needs of each of them are derived from the surface due to another partner. A woman reveals a man's conscious cosmic meaning of a collective unconscious, so that it can grow emotional isolation. This dynamic and strong partnership may also generate great wealth.

Moon Women in Connection with Pluto Men
The mental connection between both people gives the relationship of greater depth. A woman relies on a man, as he can open her hidden cosmic truths, symbolized by its emotional reactions. A man can break through the pretense associated with old memories to help her implement an important transformation. Here is a strong sexual attraction. Intense passion can hold together people long enough to operate other important faces in their individuality and relationships.

Moon in the square to the moon
Each individual examines the stress caused by the past experience, as a threat to today's relationship. Maternal influence in partners is expressed in various ways, so conflicts are possible. Sexual attraction can be strong, but discrepancies in family issues, houses, feelings and children can cool romantic relationships.

Moon Men in the Quadrature to Mercury Women
A man subconsciously beats his children's difficulties. However, this time he can take a maternal role, while the woman acts as he did in school years. A woman, in turn, can represent him like her mother, with which she did not converge in her eyes. The difficulties caused by this quadrature will depend on the friction who experienced each of the partners in their orphanages. The woman should mentally cut the umbilical cord with his own mother, as the man (as his mother) is symbolically fighting, keeping and protecting his nest.

Women's moon in quadrature to Mercury Men
This aspect causes the tension between the natural maternal instinct of a woman and the ability of a man to establish contact with it. Possible obstacles in communication, which impede the flow of relationships. A woman does not feel the male "power" she was looking for, and can go to himself or even stop communicating if she subconsciously trust some threat to his femininity.

Moon men in square to Venus Women
This aspect indicates tensions. The woman is forced to encounter a subconscious rivalry with his mother, while a man can view a woman as a source of tension between him and his mother. Since a woman dominates in this relationship, a man often feels preparing his attempts to achieve successfully male rolewhich he wants to play. As a result, this aspect reveals an internal struggle in both partners, which causes difficulties when trying to honest communication.

Moon women in square to Venus Men
Here the woman is trying to play the role of his mother, but sees how mature maternal instinct fights the child. Due to the fact that she never managed to fully resolve his baby problems with his mother, she tends to transfer this role to her partner. Fighting for a sense of own value, he, in turn, is again experiencing a conflict with his own mother and internal feelings of indignation and resentment that could experience. Since both partners carry feelings from the past, these feelings require permission if the relationship should be saved.

Moon men in square to mars women
Here the man subconsciously struggles with him, as it allows the woman to fulfill the most ego of desires who contradict everything she taught his mother. A woman can feel that he pushes her. It may also have difficulty understanding their own aggressive trends in these relationships, as it subconsciously fights his own mother through its partner. As a result, she tries to force him to seem subordinate, as he tries to develop a strong sense of his "I". There is sexual attraction, but sexual relationships can be used as a subconscious theater of hostilities, where the child is trying to free themselves from the parent.

Women's moon in quadrature to Mars Men
This aspect causes severe sexual tension. Since Mars symbolizes the young energetic man, and the Moon represents a mother, in these relationships some subconscious blood mixing temptation can be hidden. A woman receives his "God of war," but can not really be yourself, because some vague or subconscious can feel that it violates that acceptable role in society she wanted to play. Thus, she tries to convince himself that he did not suppress her partner, while he in turn would fight for the domination. This partnership can be overwhelmed with tensions and subconscious concerns.

Moon Men in the Quadrature to Jupiter Women
This aspect causes exaggerated feelings, pouring into unreasonable judgments. The proprietary attitude of the man faces the prompting of a woman to freedom. However, optimism, with which it can raise the mind of a man, comes from her free spirit. Thus, there is a controversial conflict here, which can be resolved only if the man will increase its level of consciousness.

Women's moon in quadrature to Jupiter Men
Major protecting instincts Women stopped in this partnership, since her knight in shining armor can well protect himself. He rejects her emotional reactions in favor of its power plans. Because of the inability to express those instincts who taught her mother, a woman can subconsciously retreat back to a more childish condition, and not try to look in the face of her inability (as a woman) to take the unbridle in a man she loves.

Moon men in square to Saturn women
Here a man can play a role like the role of his mother when she tried to recognize his father. A woman partner feels tension from his parental influence. She can subconsciously play the role like the role of her father, when he tried in vain to capture a certain social dignity on her mother. These relationships contain built-in fear of fear, dependence and continuation of karmic tensions from past generations.

Moon Women in Quadrature to Saturn Men
Here each individual plays a parent role. In these relationships, family values \u200b\u200bcome into conflict, which are a continuation of each family. For karmic reasons, a man tries to restrain his partner some traditional way. A woman feels blocked because a man is not susceptible to her emotional reactions. The more she holds back their feelings, the more the man feels that his influence on it is effective. If these relationships should continue, an open reassessment of personal values \u200b\u200bis necessary.

Moon men in square to uranium women
The men have reinforced own feelings, as it is subconsciously jealous of the bizarre "female position", which constantly brings the disappointment of its need for emotional reliability. He feels a threat from a universal feeling of freedom expressed by his partner. A man may be surprised why he does not agree with her more liberal positions. In fact, she tries to free himself from his mother and rebel against his partner when he hopes for maternal care. This is a bad aspect for a long partnership.

Moon women in square to uranium men
A woman is experiencing emotional disappointment with aspect, because a man is counting on its reliability and protection, but trying to stay free from emotional dependence. He sees his symbolic mother in it and considers the relationship as a challenge that he must overcome to defend his individuality during the struggle aimed at breaking the subconscious umbilical cord. She considers him an exciting, stimulating and unique, but cannot sincerely call him with his own, as part of his attractiveness comes from impractical fantasies and changing oddities that constantly liberate him from emotional traps. This is a very difficult aspect to create durable and long relationships.

Moon Men in the Quadrature to Neptune Women
This aspect makes confusion in relationship. A man feels an escapist position in a woman, but can not really determine it. It can try to provide protection and reliability, but he is never sure about the devotion or intentions of the partner. Thus, the feeling of deception is inclined to accumulate important questions. A man subconsciously tries to please his mother, holding a woman of his dreams. In reality, he feels a feeling of failure, but if he is looking for mystical answers, he only deepens his sense of loneliness. He can symbolically become the Don Kijot, chasing behind windmills.

Moon Women in the Quadrature to Neptune Men
A woman is experiencing a feeling of subconscious loneliness, as its idealized idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship is constantly decaying. The more she is trying to identify with her partner, the more loses himself. A man may try to find himself through her maternal instinct, subconsciously rendered at this return of symbolic childhood, from which he tries to escape. There is a great mental interaction, as each partner is reached to another at many levels. Because of the wrong understanding, the lack of clearly defined goals, as well as confusion with the identification of partners, is difficult to determine their relationship.

Moon men in square to Pluto Women
This aspect seems to contribute to the relationship of power elements. At the mental level, each individual opposes and exposes the other. A woman can be a destroyer of a male concept about family reliability. A man, in turn, considers it as everyone he could be if it was more energetic. Sexual intensity is high, but the same can be said about rivalry and jealousy. The symbolic protective male instinct meets a worthy opponent in a woman who really can protect himself.

Moon Women in Quadrature to Pluto Men
Here the woman literally pushes hell in Dante. The relationship is forced to break it with the past, but it does not promise a reliable future. A man tries to escape from his leave. He can try to symbolically humiliate his partner to feel his own strength. There is a struggle between the dark side of a man who needs to go to the surface, and a woman who can only reflect the negativity of its partner. Over time, if each person looks in the face of his inner struggle, relationships can be resolved.

Moon in Trinina to Moon
For these relationships, harmonious emotional quality is characterized. Both people understand the feelings of each other without losing themselves in this process. Good communication, friendly relations, cooperation and spirit of mutual assistance make this aspect of an excellent combination for a long relationship or marriage.

Moon Men in Trini to Mercury Women
Men like these relationships, because he finds an understanding that he sought from his mother. He feels confidence, expressing his emotions, and enjoys the fact that the woman is able to focus his subconscious feelings. The woman, in turn, enjoys his susceptibility to her ideas, as his reactions help her to develop harmony with him. This relationship can be characteristic of sincere and direct child quality. A man can feel a threat, but his fears are easily overcome, because a woman understands his feelings.

Women's Moon in Trinus to Mercury Men
This aspect indicates free and easy communication. The woman symbolically shows passion, and a man combines emotions with reason so that each partner function the most harmonious archetypical way. A man enjoys the mother qualities of his partner, whereas his logical mind ensures a reliable basis for her feelings.

Moon Men in Trini to Venus Women
For this aspect with female orientation, mutual susceptibility and sensitivity is characteristic. A man seeks to meet his needs. The woman complements the love pattern, which he learned from his mother. Thus, the love he receives from his partner is well acquainted with his subconscious. This aspect adds a note of lightness and ease of what can be an excellent partnership.

Women's moon in trine to Venus Men
This is an excellent aspect for good compatibility. A woman feels emotionally comfortable, and her partner enjoys her support and maternal qualities. Both partners accented creativity, since the principle God's Mother Nources these relationships from the natural wealth of the universe. As a result, a steady flow of senses, intuition and cooperation does not cease to strengthen the harmony of relationships. A man can appreciate how his mother contributed to the development of his needs. Therefore, he is easily positively transferring maternal love on his partner.

Moon Men in Trini to Marsa Women
The perseverance and energy of women act as an incentive for everything that should be expressed by a man. Revealing his emotional nature to the partner, it learns how the emotions of her mothers can be combined with actions to achieve consistent purposes. As a result, it transfers the image of his mother and provides a partner to the completeness of which he achieves. These are live and active relationships.

Women's moon in Trinina to Mars Men
The natural maternal instinct of a woman is connected with the desires of her partner when he leads her forward to the future. Attraction instinctive and easily controlled. A woman learns how to translate his instincts into action, while a man learns how to act through instincts. The living spirit of cooperation pushes this partnership to discoveries - as well as about their relationship with the world. However, if this partnership should be preserved, both people need to curb their often restless or even a reckless position.

Moon Men in Trini to Jupiter Women
This aspect gives the relationship of a note of lightness and happiness. Expanding feelings teach a man how to find his place in the universe. A woman learns about how to combine emotions with her supreme mind. If partners exhibit caution against excesses, this aspect can create an emotional center of truth in partnership. If these excesses are not limited to, emotional "weakness" can affect the reliability of relationships.

Moon Women in Trinos to Jupiter Men
Two people experience harmony on travel, philosophy and finding their place in life. A woman appreciates the free spirit of a man and provides him with a cozy nest, whereas he helps the development of her emotional "I" and the expansion of her consciousness. This aspect does not associate relationships, but can add pleasure and enjoy the partnership stable in other relations.

Moon men in trine to Saturn women
This aspect brings sensitiveness and caution in relationship. Restraint and caution bind two people together in such a way that they can isolate them from the rest of the world, but none of them feels dependent. A man welcomes projection of a woman her father, as it increases his maturity. The woman, in turn, is proud that he grows to take a decent role. As a result, this aspect can create a fairly stable basis for a solid partnership or marriage.

Women's moon in trine to Saturn Men
This aspect creates a harmonious equilibrium between the emotions of the woman and the need of a man in growth and status. Both partners feel patrons towards each other. The ability of a woman to give way to a man because of his strength and wisdom makes these relationships compatible. She recreates the role of his mother, as it tries to implement the traditions of the past; A man imposes traditions that make her feel part of something more than she herself.

Moon men in trine to uranium women
This aspect introduces pleasant excitement in relationship. Note of unpredictability retains the interest of each partner to another. Thanks to his sparkling originality, a woman teaches a man more flexibly to emotions. He, in turn, provides emotional stability so that it can safely express their individuality. Although this aspect does not bonded the shaky partnership in other relationships, it adds the potential for understanding, with which both partners can grow.

Women's moon in trine to uranium men
Here the woman subconsciously takes the role played by her mother to help a man get rid of his mother. His feeling of freedom helps him to establish his unique individuality, and the woman is able to understand this without losing the feelings of their "I". The combination of the original expression and ingenuity of the man and the harmonious perception of a woman can make these relationships very interesting.

Moon Men in Trini to Neptune Women
This aspect indicates the subconscious susceptibility of both individuals. Each of the partners understands the feelings of another at an intuitive level, a soft romantic stream directs relationships. Like a woman bumping in the moonlight, the partnership reflects one of the most harmonious combinations of characters. A man warms up a woman with his love, and she sings soothing and thanks him for their efforts. Her inspiration helps the birth of his eternal feelings to the universe.

Women's moon in Trinina to Neptune Men
Here a woman sees a man idealized dream about himself. Like the rain falling on fertile land, a man pours his love to a woman, and she grows to the image of his ideal. Mutual passion and mental understanding is characteristic of both partners, as their creative imagination moves to the same favorable position. Like Sirano de Bergeracca, a man chants his Roxana.

Moon men in Trinina to Pluto Women
This aspect brings the depth and understanding relationship. A man encourages a woman to plunge into the well of her subconscious, so that she could cross the limits of his lower "I". It can eventually become a diamond, which he patiently searched. He must understand her volatile nature and how much she needs transformation. With the help of attention, care and sincere love, both partners can literally transform each other.

Women's Moon in Trinos to Pluto Men
With this mental aspect, a woman tries to transform his partner. She sneaks through thorn to find a tiny seed, which eventually causes birth in his mind. If he allows her to elevate himself, then through the passion and suffering of darkness can be transformed into light. The great challenge of this aspect may generate a partnership that has greater social significance.

Moon in opposition to the moon
This is a difficult combination for compatibility, since the emotional susceptibility of two individuals opposes each other. There is a strong attraction, both partners seek to achieve a balanced feeling of objectivity. But when each of them is trying to move to the center, emotions can reach extremes. This causes tensions and an explosion of feelings that attach additional excitement. However, as a result, this tension may cause the completion of relationships.

Moon Men in Opposition to Mercury Women
This aspect indicates that the senses of men may be incompatible with the ideas of a partner. An analytical view of a woman on his emotions can make it difficult to meet the mind and heart. Disappointment and dissatisfaction may eventually destroy these relationships.

Moon Women in opposition to Mercury Men
Natural opposition between thoughts and feelings cause friction. Maternal woman instinct oppose the ability of a man to think for themselves. His ideas, apparently, differ from the senses and behaviors familiar to it. As a result, the harmony of relationships may be violated by the subconscious children of resentment and indignation. In general, there is a lack of understanding on both sides, which is constantly impeding a free flow of communication.

Moon men in opposition to Venus Women
This aspect causes difficulties at the level of feelings. Relationship seems to have a female orientation. A woman subconsciously struggles with the authority of his mother. A man who often experienced difficult childhood is drawn to these relationships to develop new emotional positions. He subconsciously sees how his mother's concern is played by his femininity again, which allows him to learn lessons who will lead to a larger contact with his true feelings.

Moon Women in Opposition to Venus Men
Here a woman represents himself as his mother and himself, in the perception of a man. It can create situations aimed at ensuring that the man puts it to punish it. Through his strength, she can learn to distinguish their own feelings from those that were projected on her in childhood. It is difficult psychological complexwhich can destroy the relationship. The man apparently plays a very secondary role in the whole complex, and he may have a resentment. Both partners may never see each other as they really are. The development of this complex can be beneficial, but the solution to the problem may eventually put an end to the relationship.

Moon men in opposition to Marsa Women
This aspect seems to contribute to the relationship of rapid or impulsive actions. Woman beats the role of a man. A man considers himself as a woman, while he subconsciously plays the role of his mother as opposed to himself. To gain freedom from the influence of his mother, he must create situations in which a loving to argue a woman (which he plays himself) wins a serious victory. The more the man does it, the more frees from his past. However, in resolving this problem, the current relationship suffer.

Moon Women in Opposition to Mars Men
Here the man subconsciously draws through a woman to his mother. Therefore, strong sexual attraction, which indicates this aspect, bears hidden bleed mixing trends, which holds back these relationships. At the same time, the woman tends to unintently beat the subconscious feelings of his own mother. Friction, passion and conflict - here distinctive features This partnership.

Moon Men in opposition to Jupiter Women
In this aspect, there is a conflict between the proprietary feelings of a man and the free spirit of a woman. He is trying to establish a connection with her emotional feelings and expects it the same. She also appeals to him through his highest mind. As a result, the relationship is functioning at two different levels of consciousness that do not complement each other. This conflict is manifested by the discrepancy in opinions opposite to philosophies and contradictions in positions that are difficult to resolve.

Moon Women in Opposition to Jupiter Men
At the same time, the aspect of the natural maternal instinct of a woman stops the need of a man in freedom. She feels irresponsibility in it, which causes her feeling of unprotected. A man believes that she is overly reacting to his need for expansion and at a desire to try everything that can offer him life. Thus, he often fails to offer her enough reliability and protection, and it feels some vulnerability. Optimism with which she possesses takes her despair at moments of genuine confrontation.

Moon men in opposition to Saturn women
This aspect imposes a strict tone on the relationship. Both individuals seem to work out parental conflicts that violate the personal sense of harmony. This is due to the fact that the woman subconsciously absorbed some kind of guilt from his father and tend to project him on his partner. It feels restrictions on reasons that are not related to it. Carmic patterns are broken here, since the difficulties of a woman with understanding the emotions of men must be overcome if the relationship should be preserved.

Moon Women in Opposition to Saturn Men
This aspect often causes a dependence situation in which a woman fights for its emotional freedom, and a man spends a mass of energy, trying to influence it. Confusion between Anima's figure in a man and real womanWith which he deals, it makes it difficult for genuine communication. A man is trying to impose his feeling of wisdom, the dignity and correctness of a woman, and she feels stunned and depressed. Relationships with such aspects can continue during an indefinite period of time until each partner reaches certain karmic maturity.

Moon men in opposition to uranium women
Unpredictable behavior of a woman reveals the last uncertainty of a man. It symbolically protests against protective leave. Unstable patterns lead their beginning from her adolescence or time of study in college when she began to learn their own originality and independence. Subconsciously considering a man as a replacement maternal figure, from which she should free himself, a woman is not ready to give relationships everything is capable of. This aspect is very difficult and too unstable for marriage or long partnership.

Moon Women in Opposition to Uranium Men
A man considers a woman as a symbol of values, which his mother adhered to the past. He feels the need to protest against any form of domination and will fight to defend his feeling of freedom and originality. Relationships will not be boring, but a woman will not be able to convert the final surprise if it becomes dependent on the unstable nature of a man.

Moon men in opposition to Neptune Women
This aspect causes a sense of loss in a man. He reaches a woman, only to discover that it is not there. Instead, he faces dreams, illusions, fantasies and battles from Maya, although in reality it is susceptibility to his real feelings. In turn, the image of anomus in a woman is not consistent with what she sees in a man. She comes to confusion and may try to make him fit her ideal, thus creating dreams in which she will have to live. Due to the difficulties caused by this aspect, the relationship can easily turn into a source of chagrin.

Moon Women in Opposition to Neptune Men
In this case, both individuals are difficult to express true feelings to each other. A man can hide for images that mask his real individuality, while a woman never ceases to try to bring his feeling on the surface of which she guesses. She stretches behind the wind, and he constantly eludes her hands. As a result, it can be disappointed or losing their sense of individuality.

Moon men in opposition to Pluto Women
This aspect contributes non-permanent, continuous quality. The woman "recharges" a man, but he considers her power as a threat to his sense of confidence and reliability. Disputes leading to breaks, disunity and parting, eventually lead a man to a more cosmic understanding of their feelings. The woman, in turn, tends to destroy the same house to which she strives, as she pursues a constant need for revival.

Moon Women in Opposition to Pluto Men
At the same time, the aspect of the reviving Pluto force is often too much for sophisticated female emotions. A woman can feel the threat from the dark side of life, not understanding the depths to which her partner leads. A man seeks to handle the "man" through her susceptibility, but can consider it too power and balanced to satisfy his energetic motivation. This energy is symbolized by the classical case of the confusion of Diana with Lucifer, when the goddess of the Moon is experiencing a devil. In mythology she wins, but in real life the winners do not exist, since this aspect challenges the very essence of both individuals.

The headlines aspects of the planets in the maps of consolestation between a man and a woman

Aspects of the Sun.

Sun Women in Connection with Sun Men

Compatibility. Aspect of friendship. (Unity of centers of consciousness).

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Sun Men in Connection from the Moon Women

Women's Sun (Sex. Pl. For Women's Day Birthday) in conjunction with Moon Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Night Birth)

Compatibility. SEXUALITY. (Mental heartbud)

Sun Men in Connection with Women Mercury

Compatibility. (Contactivity ability).

Sun Women in Connection with Mercury Men

Sun Men in Connection with Women's Venus

Compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Women's sun (Sex. Pl. For women of daybirth) in conjunction with the Venus of Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday)

Compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Sun Men in Connection with Mars Women

Sun Women in Connection with Mars Men

Not compatibility. Rivalry.

Sun Men in Connection with Jupiter Women

Sun Women in Connection with Jupiter Men

Sun Men in Connection with Saturn Women

Sun Women in Connection with Saturn Men

or Organizations and disciplines.

Sun Men in Connection with Uranium Women

Do not break the relationship.

Sun Women in Connection with Uranium Men

The end of the relationship.

Sun Men in Connection with Neptune Woman

Sun Women in Connection with Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Mystic. Disappointment.

Sun Men in Connection with Pluto Women

Sun Women in Connection with Pluto Men

Do not compatible. Formula of power.

Women's sun in sextile with sun men

Compatibility. Aspect of friendship.

Sun men in sextile with moon woman

Compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Sun Women (Sex. Pl. For women of daylight) in sextile with Moon Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Night Birth)

Compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Sun men in sextile with female mercury

Compatibility. Contactivity ability.

Sun Women (Sex. Pl. For Women's Day Birthday) In Sextyle With Mercury Men

individuality of man + mind, contact \u003d Ability to present your knowledge and yourself.

Compatibility. Contactivity ability.

Sun men in sextile with Women's Venus

Compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Women's sun (Sex. Pl. For women of daylight) in sextile with Venus

men (sex. Pl. for men's day birthday)

individuality of man + feeling of sympathy, creativity \u003d genuine kindness, artistry.

Compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Sun men in sextile with Mars Women

Aspect favorable for business relationships (business).

Women's sun in sextile with Mars Men

Sun Men in Sextile with Jupiter Women

Compatibility. Formula of happiness: the happiness of a man from the presence of a woman.

Sun Women in Sextile with Jupiter Men

Compatibility. Formula of happiness: the happiness of a woman from the presence of a man.

Sun men in sextile with Saturn women

Sun Women in Sextile with Saturn Men

Compatibility. Formula of durable relationships.

This is a strong, sustainable and long-term relationship.

Sun men in sextile with uranium women

Compatibility. Need originity.

Women's sun in sextile with uranium men

Compatibility. Need originity.

Sun men in sextile with neptune woman

Sun Women in Sextile with Neptune Men

Compatibility. Creation. Mystic.

Sun men in sextile with pluto woman

Sun Women in Sextile with Pluto Men

Compatibility. Formula of power.

Sun squared to the sun

Sun Men in the square to the moon of women

Women's sun (sex. Pl. For women of daybirth) in the square to the moon of men (sex. Pl. For men's birthday)

The Sun of Men in the Quadrature to Mercury Women is not compatible.

Sun Women in the Quadrature to Mercury Men

Not compatibility.

Sun Men in the square to Venus Women

Not compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Women's sun (sex. Pl. For women of daybirth) in the square to Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For men day birthday)

Not compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Sun Men in the square to Marsa Women

Not compatibility. Rivalry.

Sun Women in the square to Mars Men

Not compatibility. Rivalry.

Sun Men in the Quadrature to Jupiter Women

Sun Women in the Quadrature to Jupiter Men

Not compatibility. Formula of irreconcilable worldviews.

Sun men in square to Saturn women

Not compatibility. Formula of misfortune. A man feels not happy.

Sun Women in the Quadrature to Saturn Men

Not compatibility. Formula of misfortune. Woman feels not happy.

Sun men in quadrature to uranium women

Women's sun squared to uranium men

Not compatibility. Need originity. Unexpected breaks of relationships are possible.

Sun Men in the Quadrature to Neptune Women

Sun Women in the Quadrature to Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Mystic. Disappointment.

Sun Men in the square to Pluto Women

Do not compatible. Formula of power.

Woman's sun in square to Pluto Men.

Do not compatible. Formula of power.

Women's sun in trine to the sun men

Compatibility. Aspect of friendship.

Sun men in trine to the moon of women

Compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Sun Women (Sex. Pl. For women of daybirth) in Trinina to Moon Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Night Birth)

Compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Sun Men in Trini to Mercury Women

Compatibility. Contactivity ability.

Women's sun in Trinina to Mercury Men

Compatibility. Contactivity ability.

Sun men in trine to Venus women

Compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Sun Women (Sex. Pl. For Women's Day Birthday) in Trinina to Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday)

Compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Sun Men in Trini to Marsa Women

Compatibility. Enterprise.

Women's sun in Trinina to Mars Men

Compatibility. Enterprise.

Sun Men in Triny to Jupiter Women

Compatibility. Formula of happiness: the happiness of a man from the presence of a woman.

Sun Women in Trinos to Jupiter Men

Compatibility. Formula of happiness: the happiness of a woman from the presence of a man.

Sun Men in Trinos to Saturn Women

Compatibility. Formula of durable relationships.

Sun Women in Trinos to Saturn Men

Compatibility. Formula of durable relationships.

Sun Men in Trini to Uranium Women

Compatibility. Need originity.

Women's sun in trine to uranium men

Compatibility. Need originity.

Sun Men in Trini to Neptune Women

Compatibility. Creation. Mystic.

Sun Women in Trinina to Neptune Men

Compatibility. Creation. Mystic.

Sun Men in Trinos to Pluto Women

Women's sun in Trinos to Pluto Men

Compatibility. Formula of power. Aspect of business relationships.

Sun in opposition to the Sun Men

Not compatibility. Aspect of hostility.

Sun men in opposition to the moon of women

Not compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Sun Women (Sex. Pl. For women of daybirth) In the opposition to the Moon Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Night Birth)

Not compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Sun Men in opposition to Mercury Women

Not compatibility.

Women's sun in opposition to Mercury Men

Not compatibility.

Sun men in opposition to Venus Women

Not compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Women's sun (sex. Pl. For women of daybirth) in opposition to Venus Men

(Sex. Pl. for Men Day Birthday)

Not compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Sun Men in opposition to Marsa Women

Not compatibility. Rivalry.

Women's sun in opposition to Mars Men

Not compatibility. Rivalry.

Sun Men in opposition to Jupiter Women

Not compatibility. Formula of irreconcilable worldviews.

Women's sun in opposition to Jupiter Men

Not compatibility. Formula of irreconcilable worldviews.

Sun men in opposition to Saturn women

Not compatibility. Formula of misfortune. A man feels not happy.

Sun Women in Opposition to Saturn Men

Not compatibility. Formula of misfortune. Woman feels not happy.

Sun men in opposition to uranium women

Not compatibility. Need originity. Unexpected breaks of relationships are possible.

Sun Women in Opposition to Uranium Men

Not compatibility. Need originity. Unexpected breaks of relationships are possible.

Sun men in opposition to Neptune Women

Sun Women in opposition to Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Mystic. Indicates disappointment or romantic feelings.

Sun Men in opposition to Pluto Women

Sun Women in Opposition to Pluto Men

Not compatibility. Formula of power.

Aspects of the Moon

Moon Women in Connection with Moon Men

Compatibility. Aspect of friendship.

Moon Men in Connection with Women Mercury

Compatibility. Aspect of friendship.

Moon Women in Connection with Mercury Men

Compatibility. Aspect of friendship.

Moon Men in Connection with Women's Venus

Compatibility. Aspect of friendship.

Moon Women in Connection with Venus Men

Compatibility. Aspect of friendship.

Moon Men (Sex. Pl. For men's birthday) in conjunction with Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women night birth)

Not compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Moon Women in Connection with Mars Men

Not compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Moon Men in Connection with Jupiter Women

Compatibility. Formula happiness: the happiness of a man from the presence of a woman.

Moon Women in Connection with Jupiter Men

Compatibility. Formula happiness: the happiness of a woman from the presence of a man.

Moon Men in Connection with Saturn Women

Not compatibility. Formula of misfortune. A man feels not happy.

Moon Women in Connection with Saturn Men

Not compatibility. Formula of misfortune. Woman feels not happy.

Moon men in conjunction with uranium women

Moon Women in Connection with Uranium Men

Not compatibility. Need originity. Possible breaks of relationships.

Moon men in conjunction with neptune woman

Moon Women in Connection with Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Mystic. Indicates disappointment.

Moon Male in Connection with Pluto Women

Moon Women in Connection with Pluto Men

Not compatibility. Formula of popularity.

Moon Women in Sextile with Moon Men

Moon Men in Sextile with Mercury Women

Compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Women's moon in sextile with Mercury Men

Compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Moon men in sextile with Women's Venus

Compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Women's Moon in Sextile with Men Venus

Compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Moon Men (Sex. Pl. For men's birthday) in sextile with Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women night birth)

Compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Moon Women in Sextile with Mars Men

Compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Moon men in sextile with jupiter women

Compatibility. Formula of happiness: the happiness of a man from the presence of a woman.

Women's moon in sextile with Jupiter Men

Compatibility. Formula of happiness: the happiness of a woman from the presence of a man.

Moon men in sextile with Saturn women

Compatibility. Formula of durable relationships.

Women's moon in sextile with Saturn Men

Compatibility. Formula of durable relationships.

Moon men in sextile with uranium women

Women's moon in sextile with uranium men

Compatibility. Aspect of the original relationship.

Moon men in sextile with neptune woman

Moon Women in Sextile with Neptune Men

Compatibility. Aspect of creativity.

Moon men in sextile with pluto women

Moon Women in Sextile with Pluto Men

Compatibility. Aspect of popularity.

Moon women in square to moon men

Moon Men in the Quadrature to Mercury Women

Not compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Women's moon in quadrature to Mercury Men

Not compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Moon men in square to Venus Women

Not compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Moon women in square to Venus Men

Not compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Moon men (sex. Pl. For men's birthday) in the square to Marsa Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday)

Not compatibility. Equality.

Women's moon in quadrature to Mars Men

Not compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Moon Men in the Quadrature to Jupiter Women

Not compatibility. Formula of irreconcilable worldviews.

Women's moon in quadrature to Jupiter Men

Not compatibility. Formula of irreconcilable worldviews.

Moon men in square to Saturn women

Moon Women in Quadrature to Saturn Men

Moon men in square to uranium women

Not compatibility. Need originity.

Moon women in square to uranium men

Not compatibility. Need originity.

Moon Men in the Quadrature to Neptune Women

Moon Women in the Quadrature to Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Aspect of creativity. Possible disappointment.

Moon men in square to Pluto Women

Moon Women in Quadrature to Pluto Men

Women's moon in Trinina to Men's Moon

Compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Moon Men in Trini to Mercury Women

Compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Women's Moon in Trinus to Mercury Men

Compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Moon Men in Trini to Venus Women

Compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Women's moon in trine to Venus Men

Compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Moon of men (sex. Pl. For men's birthday) in the trine to Marsa Women (Sex. Pl. For women night birth)

Compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Women's moon in Trinina to Mars Men

Compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Moon Men in Trini to Jupiter Women

Compatibility. Formula of happiness: the happiness of a man from the presence of a woman.

Moon Women in Trinos to Jupiter Men

Compatibility. Formula of happiness: the happiness of a woman from the presence of a man.

Moon men in trine to Saturn women

Compatibility. Formula of durable relationships.

Women's moon in trine to Saturn Men

Compatibility. Formula of durable relationships.

Moon men in trine to uranium women

Compatibility. Aspect of the original relationship.

Women's moon in trine to uranium men

Compatibility. Aspect of the original relationship.

Moon Men in Trini to Neptune Women

Compatibility. Aspect of creativity.

Women's moon in Trinina to Neptune Men

Compatibility. Aspect of creativity.

Moon men in Trinina to Pluto Women

Compatibility. Aspect of popularity.

Women's Moon in Trinos to Pluto Men

Compatibility. Aspect of popularity.

Moon Women in Opposition to the Moon

Not compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Moon Men in Opposition to Mercury Women

Not compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Moon Women in opposition to Mercury Men

Not compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Moon men in opposition to Venus Women

Not compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Moon Women in Opposition to Venus Men

Not compatibility. Psychological aspect.

Moon Men (Sex. Pl. For men's birthday) in opposition to Marsa Women (Sex. Pl. For women night birth)

Not compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Moon Women in Opposition to Mars Men

Not compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Moon Men in opposition to Jupiter Women

Not compatibility. Formula of irreconcilable worldviews.

Moon Women in Opposition to Jupiter Men

Not compatibility. Formula of irreconcilable worldviews.

Moon men in opposition to Saturn women

Not compatibility. Formula of misfortune: a man feels not happy.

Moon Women in Opposition to Saturn Men

Not compatibility. Formula of misfortune: a woman feels not happy.

Moon men in opposition to uranium women

Not compatibility. Need originity.

Moon Women in Opposition to Uranium Men

Not compatibility. Need originity.

Moon men in opposition to Neptune Women

Moon Women in Opposition to Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Aspect of creativity. Perhaps disappointment.

Moon men c) opposition to Pluto Women

Not compatibility. Aspect of popularity

Moon Women in Opposition to Pluto Men

Not compatibility. Aspect of popularity

Aspects of Mercury

Mercury in conjunction with Mercury

Mercury Men in Connection with Women's Venus

Mercury Women in Connection with Venus Men

Compatibility. Sensual understanding.

Mercury Men in Connection with Mars Women

Mercury Women in Connection with Mars Men

Compatibility. Active mutual understanding.

Mercury Men in Connection with Jupiter Women

Mercury Women in Connection with Jupiter Men

Compatibility. Philosophical mutual understanding.

Mercury Men in Connection with Saturn Women

Mercury Women in Connection with Saturn Men

Compatibility. Long-term relationship.

Mercury men in conjunction with uranium women

Mercury Women in Connection with Uranium Men

Compatibility. Original mutual understanding.

Mercury Men in Connection with Neptune Woman

Mercury Women in Connection with Neptune Men

Compatibility. Mystical mutual understanding.

Mercury Men in Connection with Pluto Women

Mercury Women in Connection with Pluto Men

Compatibility. Delete mutual understanding.

Mercury in sextile with Mercury

Compatibility. Intellectual understanding.

Mercury men in sextile with Women's Venus

Compatibility. Sensual understanding.

Mercury Women in Sextile with Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday)

Compatibility. Sensual understanding.

Mercury men in sextile with Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women of night birth)

Compatibility. Active mutual understanding.

Mercury women in sextile with Mars Men

Compatibility. Active mutual understanding.

Mercury Men in Sextile with Jupiter Women

Compatibility. Philosophical mutual understanding.

Mercury Women in Sextile with Jupiter Men

Compatibility. Philosophical mutual understanding.

Mercury Men in Sextile with Saturn Women

Compatibility. Long-term relationship.

Mercury Women in Sextile with Saturn Men

Compatibility. Long-term relationship.

Mercury men in sextile with uranium women

Compatibility. Original mutual understanding.

Mercury Women in Sextile with Uranium Men

Compatibility. Original mutual understanding.

Mercury men in sextile with neptune woman

Compatibility. Mystical mutual understanding.

Mercury Women in Sextile with Neptune Men

Compatibility. Mystical mutual understanding.

Mercury Men in Sextile with Pluto Women

Compatibility. Delete mutual understanding.

Mercury Women in Sextile with Pluto Men

Compatibility. Delete mutual understanding.

Mercury in quadrature to Mercury

Not compatibility. Intellectual not understanding.

Mercury Men in the Quadrature to Venus Women

Mercury Women in the Quadrature to Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday)

Not compatibility. Sensual not understanding.

Mercury Men in the Quadrature to Marsa Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday)

Mercury Women in the Quadrature to Mars Men

Not compatibility. Impulsive not understanding.

Mercury Men in the Quadrature to Jupiter Women

Mercury Women in Quadrature to Jupiter Men

Not compatibility. Philosophical not understanding.

Mercury Men in the Quadrature to Saturn Women

Mercury Women in the Quadrature to Saturn Men

Not compatibility. Difficulties in understanding.

Mercury Men in the Quadrature to Uranium Women

Mercury women in quadrature to uranium men

Not compatibility. Miscellaneous understanding.

Mercury Men in the Quadrature to Neptune Women

Mercury women in quadrature to Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Creative not understanding.

Mercury Men in the square to Pluto Women

Mercury Women in the Quadrature to Pluto Men

Not compatibility. Deepless not understanding.

Mercury in Trinina to Mercury

Compatibility. Intellectual understanding.

Mercury men in trine to Venus women

Compatibility. Sensual understanding.

Mercury Women in Trini to Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday)

Compatibility. Sensual understanding.

Mercury Men in Trini to Marsa Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday)

Compatibility. Active mutual understanding.

Mercury Women in Trina to Mars Men

Compatibility. Active mutual understanding.

Mercury Men in Trini to Jupiter Women

Compatibility. Philosophical mutual understanding.

Mercury Women in Trinos to Jupiter Men

Compatibility. Philosophical mutual understanding.

Mercury men in trine to Saturn women

Compatibility. Long-term relationship.

Mercury Women in Trinos to Saturn Men

Compatibility. Long-term relationship.

Mercury Men in Trinina to Uranium Women

Compatibility. Original mutual understanding.

Mercury Women in Trinina to Uranium Men

Compatibility. Original mutual understanding.

Mercury Men in Trinos to Neptune Women

Mercury Women in Trinina to Neptune Men

Compatibility. Creative mutual understanding.

Mercury Men in Trinos to Pluto Women

Compatibility. Delete mutual understanding.

Mercury Women in Trinos to Pluto Men

Compatibility. Delete mutual understanding.

Mercury in opposition to Mercury

Not compatibility. Intellectual not understanding.

Mercury Men in Opposition to Venus Women

Not compatibility. Sensual not understanding.

Mercury Women in opposition to Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday)

Not compatibility. Sensual not understanding.

This aspect refers to the category of aspects of relationships. He rarely leaves people indifferent.

Mercury Men in opposition to Marsa Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday)

Not compatibility. Impulsive not understanding.

Mercury women in opposition to Mars Men

Not compatibility. Impulsive not understanding.

Mercury Men in Opposition to Jupiter Women

Not compatibility. Philosophical not understanding.

Mercury Women in Opposition to Jupiter Men

Not compatibility. Philosophical not understanding.

Mercury Men in Opposition to Saturn Women

Not compatibility. Difficulties in understanding.

Mercury Women in Opposition to Saturn Men

Not compatibility. Difficulties in understanding.

Mercury men in opposition to uranium women

Mercury Women in Opposition to Uranium Men

Not compatibility. Inadequate understanding.

Mercury Men in opposition to Neptune Women

Not compatibility. Creative not understanding.

Mercury woman in opposition to Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Creative not understanding.

Mercury Men in Opposition to Pluto Women

Not compatibility. Deepless not understanding.

Mercury woman in opposition to Pluto Men

Not compatibility. Deepless not understanding.

Aspects of Venus

Venus Women in Connection with Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday)

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In conjunction with Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women Night birth)

Compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Venus Women in Connection with Mars Men

Compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In conjunction with Jupiter Women

Venus Women in Connection with Jupiter Men

Compatibility. Generosity of feelings.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) in Connection with Saturn Women

Venus Women in Connection with Saturn Men

Not compatibility. The coldness of feelings.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For genuine men) in conjunction with uranium women

Unexpected breaks of relationships are possible.

Venus Women in Connection with Uranium Men

Unexpected breaks of relationships are not possible.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In conjunction with Neptune Woman

Venus Women in Connection with Neptune Men

Compatibility. Mystical love.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In Connection with Pluto Women

"Rock Passion."

Venus Women in Connection with Pluto Men

"Rock Passion."

Venus Women in Sextile with Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday)

Compatibility. Aspect of sympathy, love.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In Sextyle With Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women Night birth)

Compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Venus Women in Sextile with Mars Men

Compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Compatibility. Generosity of feelings.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In Sextyle With Jupiter Women

Compatibility. Generosity of feelings.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In Sextyle With Saturn Women

Compatibility. Formula of durable relationships.

Venus Women in Sextile with Saturn Men

Compatibility. Formula of durable relationships.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In Sextyle With Uranium Women

Venus Women in Sextile with Uranium Men

Compatibility. Aspect of friendship-love.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In Sextyle With Neptune Women

Compatibility. Mystical love.

Venus Women in Sextile with Neptune Men

Compatibility. Mystical love.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In Sextyle With Pluto Women

Venus Women in Sextile with Pluto Men

Compatibility. Syxuality. Rock love.

Venus Women in the quadrature to Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday)

Not compatibility aspect enmity.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) in the quadrature to Marsa Women (Sex. Pl. For women Night birth)

Not compatibility. Sexuality or impulsive passion.

Venus Women in Quadrature to Mars Men

Not compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) in the Quadrature to Jupiter Women

Venus Women in Quadrature to Jupiter Men

Not compatibility. Wastefulness.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) in the square to Saturn Women

Not compatibility. The coldness of feelings.

Venus Women in Quadrature to Saturn Men

Not compatibility. The coldness of feelings.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) in the quadrature to uranium women

Not compatibility. Inadequacy of feelings.

Venus Women in the Quadrature to Uranium Men

Not compatibility. Inadequacy of feelings.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In the Quadrature to Neptune Women

Venus Women in Quadrature to Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Mystical love. Indicates disappointment.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In the square to Pluto Women

Venus Women in Quadrature to Pluto Men

Not compatibility. Rock passion.

Venus Women in Trinina to Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday)

Compatibility. Aspect of sympathy, love.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In Trinus to Marsa Women (Sex. Pl. For women Night birth)

Compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Venus Women in Trinina to Mars Men

Compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In Trinos to Jupiter Women

Compatibility. Generosity of feelings.

Venus Women in Trinos to Jupiter Men

Compatibility. Generosity of feelings.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) in Trinina to Saturn Women

Compatibility. Formula of durable relationships.

Venus Women in Trinina to Saturn Men

Compatibility. Formula of durable relationships.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In Trini to Uranium Women

Compatibility. Inadequacy of feelings.

Venus Women in Trini to Uranium Men

Compatibility. Inadequacy of feelings.

Venus Men in (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) Trini to Neptune Women

Compatibility. Mystical love.

Venus Women in Trini to Neptune Men

Compatibility. Mystical love.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In Trinos to Pluto Women

Compatibility. Syxuality. Rock love.

Venus Women in Trinos to Pluto Men

Compatibility. Syxuality. Rock love.

Venus (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) in the opposition to Venus

Not compatibility. Sensual disagreements.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In the opposition to Marsa Women (Sex. Pl. For women night)

Not compatibility. SEXUALITY.

Venus Women in opposition to Mars Men

Not compatibility. Social manifestation (external).

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In the opposition to Jupiter Women

Venus Women in opposition to Jupiter Men

Not compatibility. Wasting.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In the opposition to Saturn Women

Not compatibility. The coldness of feelings.

Venus Women in opposition to Saturn Men

Not compatibility. The coldness of feelings.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In the opposition to uranium women

Not compatibility. Inadequacy of feelings.

Venus Women in Opposition to Uranium Men

Not compatibility. Inadequacy of feelings.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In the opposition to Neptune Women

Venus Women in opposition to Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Mystical love. Disappointment.

Venus Men (Sex. Pl. For Men Day Birthday) In the opposition to Pluto Women

Not compatibility. Rock passion.

Venus Women in opposition to Pluto Men

Not compatibility. Rock passion.

Aspects of Mars

Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in conjunction with Mars Men


Mars Men in Connection with Jupiter Women


Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in conjunction with Jupiter Men


Mars Men in Connection with Saturn Women


Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in conjunction with Saturn


Mars Men in Connection with Uranium Women

Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in conjunction with uranium men

Not compatibility. Inadequacy in actions.

Mars Men in Connection with Neptune Women

Mars Women in Connection with Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Creativity or care from reality.

Mars Men in Connection with Pluto Women


Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in conjunction with Pluto Men


Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in sextile with Mars Men

Mars Men in a sextile with Jupiter Women

Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in sextile with Jupiter Men

Compatibility. Expanding opportunities.

Mars Men in Sextile with Saturn Women

Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in sextile with Saturn Men

Compatibility. Long-term cooperation.

Mars Men in sextile with uranium women

Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women in the night) in sextile with uranium men

Compatibility. Original entrepreneurship.

Mars Men in sextile with Neptune Women

Compatibility. Creation.

Mars Women in Sextile with Neptune Men

Compatibility. Creation.

Mars Men in Sextile with Pluto Women

Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in sextile with Pluto Men

Compatibility. Large activity.

Mars Women (sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in quadrature to Mars Men


Mars Men in the Quadrature to Jupiter Women


Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in quadrature to Jupiter


Mars Men in the square to Saturn women


Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in the square to Saturn Men


Mars Men in the square to uranium women

Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in the square to uranium men

Not compatibility. Inadequacy.

Mars Men in the quadrature to Neptune Women

Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in quadrature to Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Creative. Disappointment.

Mars Men in the Quadrature to Pluto Women


Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women in the night) in the square to Pluto Men


Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women in the night) in the trine to Marsa Men

Compatibility. Team work.

Mars Men in Trini to Jupiter Women

Compatibility. Expanding opportunities.

Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women in the night) in the trine to Jupiter Men

Compatibility. Expanding opportunities.

Mars Men in Trinina to Saturn Women

Compatibility. Long-term cooperation.

Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women in the night) in Trinina to Saturn Men

Compatibility. Long-term cooperation.

Mars Men in Trini to Uranium Women

Compatibility. Original entrepreneurship.

Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in trine to uranium men

Compatibility. Original entrepreneurship.

Mars Men in Trini to Neptune Women

Compatibility. Creation.

Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in Trinos to Neptune Men

Compatibility. Creation.

Mars Men in Trini to Pluto Women

Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women in the night) in Trinina to Pluto Men

Compatibility. Large entrepreneurship.

Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in opposition to Marsa Men


Mars Men in opposition to Jupiter Women


Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in opposition to Jupiter Men


Mars Men in opposition to Saturn women


Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in opposition to Saturn Men


Mars Men in opposition to uranium women

Not compatibility. Inadequacy.

Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in opposition to uranium men

Not compatibility. Inadequacy.

Mars Men in opposition to Neptune Women


Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in opposition to Neptune Men


Mars Men in opposition to Pluto Women


Mars Women (Sex. Pl. For women's birthday) in opposition to Pluto Men


Aspects of Jupiter

Jupiter in Connection with Jupiter


Jupiter Men in Connection with Saturn Women


Jupiter Women in Connection with Saturn Men


Jupiter Men in Connection with Uranium Women


Jupiter woman in conjunction with uranium men


Jupiter Men in Connection with Neptune Women

Jupiter Women in Connection with Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Creation. Disappointment.

Jupiter Men in Connection with Pluto Women


Jupiter Women in Connection with Pluto Men


Jupiter in sextile with Jupiter

Compatibility. Expanding opportunities.

Jupiter man in sextile with Saturn women

Compatibility. Long-term relationship.

Jupiter woman in sextile with Saturn Men

Compatibility. Long-term relationship.

Jupiter men in sextile with uranium women


Jupiter woman in sextile with uranium men

Jupiter men in sextile with neptune woman

Jupiter woman in sextile with neptune man

Compatibility. Creation. Religion.

Jupiter men in sextile with Pluto Women

Jupiter woman in sextile with Pluto Men

Compatibility. Large-scale activity.

Jupiter in quadrature to Jupiter


Jupiter men in square to Saturn women


Jupiter women in square to Saturn Men


Jupiter man in square to uranium women

Not compatibility. Inadequacy.

Jupiter women in square to uranium men

Not compatibility. Inadequacy.

Jupiter Men in the Quadrature to Neptune Women

Not compatibility. Creation. Disappointment.

Jupiter woman in quadrature to Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Creation. Disappointment.

Jupiter Men in the Quadrature to Pluto Women


Jupiter woman in square to Pluto Men


Jupiter in Trinina to Jupiter

Compatibility. Extension of horizons.

Jupiter Men in Trinina to Saturn Women

Compatibility. Long-term relationship.

Jupiter women in Trinina to Saturn Men

Compatibility. Long-term relationship.

Jupiter Men in Trini to Uranium Women

Compatibility. Originality. Rationalization.

Jupiter woman in trine to uranium men

Compatibility. Originality. Rationalization.

Jupiter Men in Trini to Neptune Women

Compatibility. Creation. Religion.

Jupiter woman in Trini to Neptune Men

Compatibility. Creation. Religion.

Jupiter Men in Trinos to Pluto Women

Compatibility. Large-scale activity.

Jupiter woman in trine to Pluto Men

Compatibility. Large-scale activity.

Jupiter in opposition to Jupiter


Jupiter Men in opposition to Saturn women


Jupiter woman in opposition to Saturn Men


Jupiter men in opposition to uranium women


Jupiter woman in opposition to uranium men

Not compatibility. Inadequacy.

Jupiter man in opposition to Neptune Women

Jupiter woman in opposition to Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Creation. Disappointment.

Jupiter Men in the opposition to Pluto Women


Jupiter woman in opposition to Pluto Men


Aspects of Saturn

Saturn in conjunction with Saturn


Saturn Men in Connection with Uranium Women

Saturn women in conjunction with uranium men

Not compatibility. The struggle of conservatism and innovation.

Saturn Men in Connection with Neptune Women

Not compatibility. Creation. Disappointment.

Saturn Women in Connection with Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Creation. Disappointment.

Saturn Men in Connection with Pluto Women


Saturn Women in Connection with Pluto Men


Saturn in sextile with Saturn

Saturn men in sextile with uranium women

Compatibility. Originality.

Saturn women in sextile with uranium men

Compatibility. Originality.

Saturn men in sextile with neptune woman

Compatibility. Creation. Religion.

Saturn Women in Sextile with Neptune Men

Compatibility. Creation. Religion.

Saturn Men in Sextile with Pluto Women

Saturn women in sextile with Pluto Men

Compatibility. Large-scale events.

Saturn in the square to Saturn


Saturn Men in the square to uranium women

Not compatibility. Inadequacy.

Saturn women in quadrature to uranium men

Not compatibility. Inadequacy.

Saturn Men in the Quadrature to Neptune Women

Saturn women in quadrature to Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Creation. Sectarianism.

Saturn Men in the Quadrature to Pluto Women


Saturn women in quadrature to Pluto Men


Saturn in Trinina to Saturn

Compatibility. Strength and reliability.

Saturn Men in Trini to Uranium Women

Compatibility. Originality.

Saturn Women in Trinina to Uranium Men

Compatibility. Originality.

Saturn Men in Trinina to Neptune Women

Compatibility. Creation. Religion.

Saturn Women in Trini to Neptune Men

Compatibility. Creation. Religion.

Saturn Men in Trinina to Pluto Women

Compatibility. Large-scale events.

Saturn women in Trinina to Pluto Men

Compatibility. Large-scale events.

Saturn in opposition to Saturn


Saturn Men in opposition to uranium women


Saturn women in opposition to uranium men

Not compatibility. Inadequacy.

Saturn Men in opposition to Neptune Women

Saturn women in opposition to Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Creation. Religion. Sectarianism.

Saturn Men in opposition to Pluto Women


Saturn women in opposition to Pluto Men


Aspects of uranium

Uranium in conjunction with uranium

Aspect of generations.

Uranus men in conjunction with neptune woman

Aspect of generations.

Uranus Women in Connection with Neptune Men

Aspect of generations.

Uranus Men in Connection with Pluto Women

Aspect of generations.

Uranus Women in Connection with Pluto Men

Uranus in sextile with uranium

Uranus men in sextile with neptune woman

Compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus women in sextile with neptune man

Compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus men in sextile with Pluto Women

Compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus Women in Sextile with Pluto Men

Compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus in square to uranium

Not compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus men in quadrature to Neptune Women

Not compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus Women in quadrature to Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus men in square to Pluto Women

Not compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus women in quadrature to Pluto Men

Not compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus in trine to uranium

Compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus Men in Trinos to Neptune Women

Compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus Women in Trinina to Neptune Men

Compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus Men in Trinina to Pluto Women

Compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus Women in Trinos to Pluto Men

Compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus in opposition to uranium

Not compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus Men in opposition to Neptune Women

Not compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus Women in opposition to Neptune Men

Not compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus Men in opposition to Pluto Women

Not compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Uranus woman in opposition to Pluto Men

Not compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Aspects of Neptune

Neptune in conjunction with neptune

Compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Neptune Men in Connection with Pluto Women

Not compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Neptune Women in Connection with Pluto Men

Not compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Neptune in sextile with neptune

Compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Neptune Men in Sextile with Pluto Women

Compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Neptune Women in Sextile with Pluto Men

Compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Neptune in the quadrature to Neptune

Not compatibility. Aspect of generations ..

Neptune Men in Quadrature with Pluto Women

Not compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Neptune Women in Quadrature with Pluto Men

Not compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Neptune in Trinina to Neptune

Compatibility. Aspect of generations.

Aspects of Pluto

Pluto in Connection with Pluto

CONFLICT. Aspect of generation

tell friends

Tags: compatibility, aspects of planets, between a man and a woman, Sinastria, a joint card, people compatibility, combustion of horoscopes, Sinastry online, planetary compatibility, compatibility aspects, interpretations and compatibility

Moon in Connection with Moon
This comparative combination implies emotional penetration in the relationship between these people, when they are equally experiencing all mood swings and emotional collisions. This, on the one hand, is very promoted by the integrity and completeness of mutual understanding, and on the other hand, there is a certain danger of emotional overloads in the conditions of extreme. In this regard, these personal data will be very useful to establish, at least for themselves personally, some borders in family relationships that should not be mixed with external relationships. Given the similarity of the submissions about the family, house and house-building in these people, it is possible to argue with a certain confidence that in this regard they may well find a common language.
This combination is very effective in business, professional and financial relationships between people, especially if the aspects of the moon are positive in their natal horoscopes. The greatest success seeks to the partners engaged in all this under the Market of Family Business.

Moon in conjunction with Mercury
This comparative aspect is most favorable with relationships based on cooperation within the family and the house (business, home-owned, healthy lifestyle, etc.) In the process of the dynamics of relationships, people are easier to overcome emotional problems and are better and better to understand each other "Mercurian" individuality in every way It helps to create an analytical base for probable estimates of all sorts of "lunar" personality reactions with sensually emotional mood drops. This, on the one hand, increases mutual understanding, but, on the other, it may be painfully reflected in the easiest "lunar" personality in the event that critical assessments in its respect will be excessive. The "lunar" individuality provides a reliable basic basis for the subsequent surge of the intellectual activity of the Mercurian personality, which, in turn, helps more reasonably and purposefully solve the "earth" household problems "lunar" individuality. At the same time, sometimes there are such situations when these partners are so deepened to the discussion of the little things that it is not only annoying the surrounding, but also harms their joint activities, starting to buck on the spot. Nevertheless, this combination is very effective in business relationships, especially if they require a thorough and methodological calculation against romantic feelings and physical attraction of partners cannot be said unambiguously, since this aspect itself is not quite informative in this regard.

Moon in conjunction with Venus
By and large, this is one of the most favorable comparative aspects. The "lunar" individuality is capable of very able to ensure the household and emotional security of the "Venusian" personality, which, for his part, with his love and expression provides absolute mutual understanding of each other quite likely the emergence of a strong emotional relationship between them. If the remaining factors are positive, then between partners there are also romantic and physical mutual reconciliation. In the process of relationships, these people are so closely with each other that the sphere of their common interests and worldviews begins to cover all new and new areas, including spiritual and emotional sensual. This comparison works very effectively in the field of financial and business relationships, unless, of course, the remaining horoscope factors contribute to practical organizational activities (especially comparative aspects, including Saturn and Mercury). People can fully effectively cooperate in such areas of activity as art, restaurant business, real estate, jewelry, tailoring of fashionable and expensive clothing, etc.
This comparative combination is very favorable when creating family relationships and marriage, as well as any relationship that can occur in people living and working under the same roof. The world, love, consent and mutual understanding will be the basis of such relationships. Both personalities do not get closed within their "happy nest" - they are socially active and have many common friends and comrades. The negativity of this aspect will be the cause of weaknesses and promotion of partners, in particular, in relation to food and beytia, as well as the talentless lazy pastime and the search for carnal pleasures.

Moon in conjunction with Mars
This comparative aspect can be attributed to the category of difficult.
The aggressiveness of the "Martian" personality is emotionally annoying and oppressed by the "lunar", hypersensitivity and the movements of the moods of which cause a feeling of intolerance and impatient from the "Martian" personality.
For the "lunar" individuality "Martian" rude and insensitive, while for the "lunar" - weak, lazy and plowing with their desires.
With the complete positiveness of this comparative aspect, constructive relations in the field of business may well arise between partners and in domestic conditions. It is possible to physically attraction to each other, but this does not mean their compatibility.
The Martian personality can attempt to change or improve the lunar life or even try to involve it in active activities in order to stimulate its ambitiousness. In some cases, the "Martian" person may well provide a safe and prosperous existence of "lunar", which, in turn, will be able to create a reliable comfortable and cozy rear for the "Martian" individuality. Relationships in this aspect are most favorable if the "Martian" individual is a man, and the "lunar" is a woman. Although, in general, this aspect does not differ in favorable in relation to the creation of marital and family relationships, as well as in relation to those who live under one roof of people, for the disagreements between them sooner or later will be felt.

Moon in connection with Jupiter
This comparative aspect is very preferable for those who want to form a harmonious relationship, since the sense of mutual trust and responsibility in partners in this case is very high. They equally according to the benefits of the family, at home and strong rear, as their ideology of being and worldview relies, in fact, on the same vitality. Emotionally they sympathize with each other and they have a lot of common interests. "Jupitorian" individuality infects with its optimism and bribes with emotional clarity, while the "lunar" person skillfully creates comfort and comfort, which are the basis for the active activities of the "Jupitorian" personality. By itself, this aspect does not guarantee the emergence of romantic feelings of the highest sample, but on the duration of relations if it is possible, it can still be calculated, since it forms them not on the basis of physical attraction, but on the basis of spiritual and aesthetic connections. In addition, this aspect is very favorable in the formation of the relationship of "parents-children", especially if parents are "Jupitorian" personality. For business relationships, this aspect also fits well. Both partners tend to have approximately the same family roots and education on the ideological orientation (or equally striving for the implementation of similar education principles). They may well be excellent travel partners.

Moon in conjunction with Saturn
Except for business and professional activity It is unlikely to be able to form a good relationship with this aspect.
"Saturnian" individuality with its depressive states, capable of poisoning the life of others, negatively affects the "lunar", which is inflicted by itself, is subject to a sharp change of sentiment and irresponsible, which, of course, does not elude the attention of the "Saturnian" personality.
The "lunar" person seems that the partner is very often insensitive, although, to the honor of both, they can restrain mutual negative emotional trends and depressive excuses.
But at a given combination, a certain emotional coolness and alienation in the relationship of these people cannot be avoided. In short, the cup of all such relationships arise on the basis of any mercantile interests, rather than on the basis of high matters. The career of the "Saturnian" personality is also a matter of conflict with purely household problems that are enthusiastic "lunar". And if, say, the "Saturnian" person is engaged in financial activities, then the "lunar" is generally the best "forget" about the existence of that.
Perhaps, perhaps, a mutual acute sense of mutual responsibility should be attributed to the positive side of this aspect, on the basis of which business or professional relationships may arise between these people.

Moon in conjunction with uranium
This combination implies the occurrence between people exciting imagination, although not always stable, relationships. Here everything will depend on the overall characteristics of the comparative aspect and the entire comparison as a whole. So, let's say, if in comparison there are no positive aspects of Saturn, able to balance the relationship, then with a lot of confidence, it is possible to talk about the explicit instability of relations based on an unpredictable and unexpected change of feelings. Nevertheless, in some cases there may be a psychoidal connection between personalities, which is in many respects with their mutual passion of astrology and occult. The "Uranian" person in stimulantly affects the feelings of "lunar", which can lead to unexpected changes and turns of fate in their relationship.
Concerning personal life These people, they may well live together without even the spouses. Their house is very loved to visit guests and friends, as it is always distinguished by his cloin and hospitality. Lunar personality can competently organize home comfort and leisure, which is very facilitated by further even more efficient livelihoods of the Uranian personality. This combination is excellent for business and professional relationships, and in any, even quite unusual, at first glance, the field of activity.

Moon in conjunction with neptune
This comparative combination implies the occurrence of relationships based on a strong psychoidal relationship between partners who are capable not only to anticipate each other's mood changes, but also empathize with them at the same time. With the negativeness of aspect or in the event of the immaturity of personalities in a psychological plan, the connection between them is either violated or becomes false in essence, and the main initiator of this becomes "Neptune" personality. In addition, emotional problems arising from a subconscious assessment of past experiences can also significantly harm the relations of these people. With positivity aspects you can more confidently talk about mutual sympathy and the penetration of personalities that are common interests in mystico-psychological surveys, spiritual sciences, the occult. At the same time, psychoidal relationship is actually manifested in the full psychological compatibility of partners. Their common house becomes the "temple" of their existence, on the landscaping of which they with an excellent desire spend all their time and means. Their common interests are directed towards all beautiful, they have less and less and less secrets From each other, they may well do joint business activity, which, of course, should cover the scope of their common interests based on the psychological assessment of real existence.

Moon in conjunction with Pluto
This comparative aspect is dynamic and largely determined by the sensitive side of the relationship of individualities. The excessive energy of the Plutonian personality is often much higher than the sensual and emotional opportunities for adequate perceptions by its "lunar" personality, which, naturally, causes the occurrence of unstable and unpredictable emotional reactions from its part, especially when it concerns indigenous changes, "remelting and alterations" of a partner In general, the "plutonian" person dreamed of. In some cases, there is a strong physical attraction between people with this aspect, but this is not a guarantee of prolonged and successful relationships. It is necessary to more detailed study of the entire comparison as a whole in particular, if it will be obvious with a horoscopic comparison that the volitional energy potential of the Plutonian personality will be obvious. Obviously above, it does not foreshadow the "lunar" personality of anything good, as it will constantly feel powerful psychological pressure. With the positivity of this aspect, it is possible, in principle, to talk about the emergence of the lunar partner business relationships between people can organize the necessary and comfortable living conditions for Plutonian, which, in turn, will ensure a reliable prospect of well-being for both. At the same time, even possibly the occurrence of psychointuitive communication in relations, which is most often associated with the mutual hobby of the occult and yoga.

Moon in connection with the upstream node
This comparative combination involves the emergence of such relationships between people, in which their ideologically emotional attitudes equally coincides with generally accepted social norms and worldviews. As a rule, both personalities brought up approximately on the same traditions, which was the result of the adequacy of the perception by them of the basic values \u200b\u200bof being. As a result, they fully find a common language and interest in any field of activity that is capable of attracting them.

Moon in conjunction with the setting node
With this combination in the relationship between people, it is possible to expect, unlike the previous combination, the discrepancies of worldviews on the generally accepted positions of the assessment of social being. The identity of the "node" will perceive the "lunar" as the surface and blindly obeying the trends of the time, which, naturally, will perceive the identity of the "knot" as a negative and conservative, capable of emotionally oppress.

This comparative combination implies the occurrence of relationships based on a strong psychoidal relationship between partners who are capable not only to anticipate each other's mood changes, but also empathize with them at the same time. With the negativeness of aspect or in the event of the immaturity of personalities in a psychological plan, the connection between them is either violated or becomes false in essence, and the main initiator of this becomes "Neptune" personality. In addition, emotional problems arising from a subconscious assessment of past experiences can also significantly harm the relations of these people. With the positivity aspects, you can more confidently talk about mutual sympathy and penetration of personalities that have common interests in mystico-psychological surveys, spiritual sciences, the occult. At the same time, psychoidal relationship is actually manifested in the full psychological compatibility of partners. Their common house becomes the "temple" of their existence, for the improvement of which they with an excellent desire spend all their time and means. Their common interests are fixed in the direction of all beautiful, they have fewer and fewer secrets from each other, they may well do joint business activity, which, of course, should cover the scope of their common interests based on the psychological assessment of real life.

Moon in conjunction, sextile or trine to Neptune

This aspect indicates a mental connection. Partners are extremely susceptible to the mood and feelings of each other. There is often telepathic communication. There is a lot of sympathy between people. At times, Neptune may seem slightly deserted from the moon, especially in the case of a connection. Any of these aspects may indicate that people are strongly inspired and inspire each other, and for highly developed individuals - on spiritual harmony and mutual devotion. Sextile and Trin are not so strong as a compound, but still noticeably contribute to the compatibility of people. There is a lot of mutual sympathy, consolation, support, positive experience. Any interest in mysticism and occult knowledge will be strengthened by this aspect.

Moon men in conjunction with neptune woman

This aspect creates aesthetic attraction involving mystical overtones. Each partner is mentally configured to another. Both are compassionatively susceptible to each other's needs. The result of this combination may be artistic creativity. The sensitivity of a man acquires a cosmic understanding through the configuration of a woman on nature and the universe as a whole. A susceptible stream makes this aspect of one of the most pleasant combinations, thanks to which the prosperity of relationships or marriage is possible.

Moon Women in Connection with Neptune Men

Sensitivity, susceptibility and charm are connected with compassionate understanding and feeling of plasticity. Partners feel comfortable and can act together, so that intuitive understanding increases. Similar musical and aesthetic tastes are added to this excellent combination. A woman finds new ways to idealize his partner, and he shares his sense of Divine love with her. These relationships combine emotional "grounding" (through a woman) with the ability to touch the limitless (through a man).

Moon in sextile to Neptune

With this comparative aspect, an intuitive relationship arises between people, which largely determines the nature of their relationship. Persons are able to telepathically feel the mood of each other, help each other to cope with its unpredictable differences, due to the possibilities of communication at the subconscious level. The joint passion for spiritual and psychological teachings strengthens and improves this relationship. This comparative combination allows you to form harmonious family relationships. The house for these people becomes truly their fortress.

Moon in quadrature to Neptune

Moon in opposition or quadrature to Neptune

There is too much sensitivity to the mood of each other and feelings, making the reaction unnecessarily emotional and slightly disturbing. Neptune can put the moon in confusion, confusion, perplexity or confusion. Sometimes he leads to misunderstanding, the meaning or cause of which is impossible to explain. Neptune all the time seems to be a little mystical, mysterious moon, and in some cases the man of the moon will suspect him of deception and scam. If both personals have weak character, Will, allow prompision, they will adversely influence each other. Neptune can be misleading the moon and can deliver it a lot of concern and even problems. This aspect is not favorable if found in the maps of spouses.

Moon Men in the Quadrature to Neptune Women

This aspect makes confusion in relationship. A man feels an escapist position in a woman, but can not really determine it. It can try to provide protection and reliability, but he is never sure about the devotion or intentions of the partner. Thus, the feeling of deception is inclined to accumulate important questions. A man subconsciously tries to please his mother, holding a woman of his dreams. In reality, he feels a feeling of failure, however, if he is looking for mystical answers, he only deepens his sense of loneliness. He can symbolically become the Don Kijot, chasing behind windmills.

Moon Women in the Quadrature to Neptune Men

A woman is experiencing a feeling of subconscious loneliness, as its idealized idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship is constantly decaying. The more she is trying to identify with her partner, the more loses himself. A man may try to find himself through her maternal instinct, subconsciously rendered at this return of symbolic childhood, from which he tries to escape. There is a great mental interaction, as each partner is reached to another at many levels. Because of the wrong understanding, the lack of clearly defined goals, as well as confusion with the identification of partners, is difficult to determine their relationship.

Moon in Trinina to Neptune

At the same time, a comparative aspect between personalities establishes a relationship based on psychoidal communication, implied and subsequent transpose into the plane, intuitive feeling, subconscious reactions of partners in the course of relationships with each other. The community of spiritual and emotional worldview with the same ability to the creative imagination even more improves this relationship in the psychological plan. In some cases, a karmic connection may well develop between these personalities. Both personalities certainly seek to engage in meditation, occultity and spiritual and religious teachings, trying to achieve a telepathic interconnection among themselves. Equally, respecting personality ambitions of each other and in every way supporting their partner, these people even more strengthen their relationships.

Moon Men in Trini to Neptune Women

This aspect indicates the subconscious susceptibility of both individuals. Each of the partners understands the feelings of another at an intuitive level, a soft romantic stream directs relationships. Like a woman bumping in the moonlight, the partnership reflects one of the most harmonious combinations of characters. A man warms up a woman with his love, and she sings soothing and thanks him for their efforts. Her inspiration helps the birth of his eternal feelings to the universe.

Women's moon in Trinina to Neptune Men

Here a woman sees a man idealized dream about himself. Like the rain falling on fertile land, a man pours his love to a woman, and she grows to the image of his ideal. Mutual passion and mental understanding is characteristic of both partners, as their creative imagination moves to the same favorable position. Like Sirano de Bergeracca, a man chants his Roxana.

Moon in opposition to Neptune

With this comparative aspect, there are a relationship between personalities, in which there are barely caught psychological inconsistencies. So, the "Neptune" person may well seem somewhat uncertain and unclear in their intentions. Both personality are able to stimulate a tendency towards emotionally psychological depressions, the reason for which is a retrospective view of the negative sides. last Life. On the other hand, with the positiveness aspect as a whole, a psychotheylepatic relationship may well be established between partners, supported by mutual stimulating trends to mutual interest in psychology, occultism, astrology, art. At the same time, again, with the positivity aspects, partners help each other in resolving psychological problems and in the self-expression of creative, intuitive abilities. Their common house becomes a place of beloved pastime, where they can safely engage in art, sciences, meditation.

With the negativeness of the aspect between people, distrust, deception, especially from the Neptune personality, arise. They stimulate and indulge in an unhealthy lifestyle of each other, abuse, classes of idle hobbies and just idleness.

Moon men in opposition to Neptune Women

This aspect causes a sense of loss in a man. He reaches a woman, only to discover that it is not there. Instead, he faces dreams, illusions, fantasies and battles from Maya, although in reality it is susceptibility to his real feelings. In turn, the image of anomus in a woman is not consistent with what she sees in a man. She comes to confusion and may try to make him fit her ideal, thus creating dreams in which she will have to live. Due to the difficulties caused by this aspect, the relationship can easily turn into a source of chagrin.

Moon Women in Opposition to Neptune Men

In this case, both individuals are difficult to express true feelings to each other. A man can hide for images that mask his real individuality, while a woman never ceases to try to bring his feeling on the surface of which she guesses. She stretches behind the wind, and he constantly eludes her hands. As a result, it can be disappointed or losing their sense of individuality.

Different sources of synastric astrology.

Target function - the development of the solar sign. Ascendant of one partner in sextile and quikone with another sign of another. The rest of the connection of the moon and Mars cannot be considered a harmonious synastric aspect. It is necessary to swim ahead: towards the Sun - men and in the moonwalk - women.

The interaction of the Moon - Mars in Sinastria will be an important factor that either bonds at the instinctive level of relationships or makes them very complex. The energy of the Moon and Mars is difficult to control the man - the moon is a way to respond, and Mars is an action at the level of instincts and somehow smooth out energy data is almost impossible.

With stressed aspects of the moon - Mars, the attraction is also present, but these aspects make tension in relation. If we are talking about opposite polits In Sinastria, then sexual attraction to each other when connecting Moon-Mars will be markedly on both sides. Those. If in a human natal map with Mars, Mars is tensely aspect. In order for this connection to not too much to harm the relationship, there should be no accurate intense aspects in the Sinastry.

Relationships will be more difficult if the moon belongs to a woman, the square or opposition of the Moon Mars will make relations for it unbearable. A woman will cry in this union and it would be better for her to avoid such connections, especially if the orbis of a synastric aspect up to 1-2 degrees. A woman will provoke a man with her activity from her, he wants to slip away from this energy. If the horoscope of the man is generally weak, then in this relationship the man will be a repeater.

1. Marriage "on threads".

With a square or opposition of Moon Mars in the Sinastria, the man of the moon can constantly feel pressure from the man of Mars pressure, control or manipulation. The man of the moon may experience confusion, anxiety, disorganization, but clearly articulate the cause of his excitement or fear, it will be difficult for him.

People stimulate each other to constructive activities, mutual understanding is achieved easier. On the subconscious level, partners feel that it is necessary to come to each other and easily come to consent. Also, Trin and Sextile Moon Mars give mutual sexual attraction, but not so strong as when connected. You can contact the highest forces. Probably, a desire to look into the future will appear. 2. Never forget that all degrees are alive. They have angels and genius, not to mention Sabian symbols.

3. The last degrees are not to blame for the fact that something from the accumulated begins to rot. Help them clear if they are asked. Calculations of the date and coordinates of the place of average relative to the time of birth and place of birth of both partners and the construction of a map according to these data, i.e. Building a map of the relationship. Aspects established between the planets of one partner and the Midpochints of the other correspond to the expectations of people in relation to each other. These channel, beyond which is almost impossible to exit.

3. Marriage "On Lightning".

And those and others need to be viewed as pitfalls. Harmonious aspects are stones covered with moss, and disharmonious - sharp stones, fragments of recent disasters. Sinastry gives an answer to the question - what we have, and the composition gives an indication - for which all this, and the methods of finding compromise solutions in the event of a conflict.

2. Marriage "on shoelaces".

The study of the nature of the marital life in different layers of our society has shown that many marriages can be provided as a combination of seven types of relations between men and women. There is my house - in the country of snails, who kept the ancient status. How fungone has a bluff from threads, your rich, stray cactus.

Main constellations: the sun of a man in a square to the sun of a woman, the sun of a man in conjunction with the moon woman, Stellium planets of one partner in a sunny sign of another. Symbolic governor - Moon. Target feature - search for methods to combat aspects of its natal map. Sunny sign Often in opposition with the partner ascendent sign.

4. Marriage "On Buttons".

With us with you with a bribe, we live in one notebook, we look at the pages, we compose noby. You see how everything turned around, you fell in love - as stumbled, but stumbled - it did not fall, there are strength - twist at the beginning. The main magnets are custard 5, 7, 4, 8 houses. Such spouses feel comfortably comfortably and strive sometimes do everything together.

6. Marriage "on hooks".

6th house. "It was the only person whose word for me was the law." People consisting in such marriages live difficult. Very carefully need to approach aspects of Mars and the Moon. The safest is quintile. Relations containing trigon are quickly exhausted, although they leave bright memories. Squares and oppositions well support the overall tone. Unions, which are nice to see from the part, are obtained by connecting Venus Men and Moon Women and Mars Women and the Sun of Men.

When analyzing aspects in the Sinastria, it is necessary to very clearly imagine their internal structure. For example, Men Venus to Venus Women? When he has trigon: "Slightly light, and I have your feet," a quone of her. Standard Square Situation.

The sun and the ascendant leader belong to one quantian. The role of a magnet in these pairs is carried out degrees of Lilith. Squares and oppositions of the Black Moon are enough dead grip. In contact with the degree of Lilith, the human consciousness feels his infinite remoteness from the whole earthly and, of course, the fear of loneliness. On transits, the black moon ruthlessly shifts the results achieved and may refuse the place. To people moving towards land, Lilith belongs tolee.

IN family life Transit Lilith is fraught with quarrels, depression, mutual cooling. The problem of people who are married "on buttons" is associated with deep misunderstanding, challenges in joint activities. For health, such marriages are harmful, for in disputes of truth is rarely born, and nerve cells Many dips. Bred from fatigue. In the heat of battles, they wish each other early end, without thinking about the consequences.

In the power to melt onalaned anyone, so it is destined: "To be one." She is punished, heavy cargo, she has a vocation, I swear. For this marriage, the partner planets hit the neighborhood of the rising node (ORBIS 15 degrees.). In the family synastries of this class, many sextiles are extremely sextilated and even trigons come across. Significant for a couple of events coincide in time with turning points in the life of the country (A. Aakhmatova and B., Friendly broke up on the day of the February Revolution).

The symbolic place of the sun and the moon in relationships is indicated in the composition. The synastric connection of the moon and Mars often serves as an indication that in the pair is a very high probability of conception of the child (if the moon belongs to a woman, and Mars a man). Of course there will be a man with a moon in Sinastry. Ascendant and the Sun partners often in coincidence. The trigon and sextile between Moon and Mars in Sinastry bonds relationships, especially when partners are engaged in active activities, household and domestic affairs together.