Mutations of people and animals after Chernobyl. Chernobyl mutants. Effect of Radiation on Man and Environment

The accident at the NPP in the city of Chernobyl occurred back in 1986. There was a huge number of deadly radioactive substances into the atmosphere. It was from the moment of people and began to torment the question, is there a mutant in Chernobyl?


There are many legends around the Chernobyl NPP. Not so long ago, the question was discussed, whether some monsters live in Chernobyl. It was said that people-mutants appeared there or, as they are also called, Chernobyl mutants. Find out if there are zombies in Chernobyl?

The photos of mutants actively appeared on the Internet, but everyone understands that Photoshop can work wonders. Therefore, we need some confirmed facts and arguments. Scientists - radiologists studied mutations in multicellular organisms, which arose from the action of radiation. During the research, it turned out that some violation of the DNA structure occurred.

Destruction of myths

But, the occurrence of mutation in somatic cells does not lead to mutation of the whole organism, only the risk of developing the development of cancer is increasing. In the event of damage to sex cells, there is a possibility of the birth cases of mutants in subsequent generations.

However, to this day, it was not possible to detect mutations from the descendants of those people who survived this terrible accident. The scientists do not do forecasts, but it is quite understandable that radiation has led to changes at the gene level among future generations (meaning born by the irradiated parents).

After the Chernobyl tragedy, the frequency of occurrence of various damage in somatic cells has increased large number People and animals living in many remote regions. Again, scientists do not make any connections with an accident.

Ukrainian scientists have discovered the increase in mortality in experimental mice, which were subjected to radiation irradiation in the Chernovaya region. The change was touched on the offspring of these mice, the miscarriages were frequent, in other words, mice embryos, who were missing, were simply not born.

But let's clarify the situation. Radiation is not the only Mutagen. The same properties and many others chemical elements (From the most famous it is worth highlighting ethyl alcohol). Also, the dependence of the probability of mutation from the intensity or total radiation dose was not fully studied. And it is completely unclear how the mutation is expressed at the level of the phenotype.

From here, it can be concluded that people are essentially not representing how mutations may occur at the level of the phenotype.

Do you live mutants in Chernobyl? It is unlikely that now they are there, the Chernobyl alienation zone is currently possible only with deep regrets to consider as a polygon for a natural large experiment.

Do people live in Chernobyl? Nobody lives in the exclusion zone, but in nearby areas people live. Moreover, people, and not some mythical mutants.

The Chernobyl alienation zone is a 30-kilometer zone, prohibited for free access around the Chernobyl NPP in Ukraine, formed by the SESS explosion in 1986. Like any forbidden place, he covered in many legends and rumors - about terrible mutants, giant mushrooms and fruits, huge levels of radiation.

Are there mutants in the Chernobyl alienation zone?

Not. Of course, if we argue that any organism in relation to your parents is a mutant, since it borrowed its genetic code from DNA of both parents, then yes. But terrifying mutants from fantastic films, books or universe "STALKER" in Chernobyl is not found. There is not to find no bloodsuckers, no burers, no zombies, nor even pseudo-free. But the usual herbal and animal life in the absence of a person quite flourishes - deer, boars, wolves and many other livelies are found.

Do people live in the Chernobyl zone of alienation?

Yes. And a lot. First, these are those inhabitants who did not want to leave their homes during evacuation, as well as those who later returned there. For the current time, these are olders aged 70-90 years, calmly leading household.

Secondly, these are workers who serve the Chernobyl (Chernobyl nuclear power plant continued to produce electricity to stopping the last working power unit in 2000), as well as builders and engineers engaged in the construction and installation of protective sarcophagus over a destroyed 4 power unit. In the Chernobyl alienation zone several times a day, electric trains of Slavutych seven, delivering workers on the Chernobylleg.

Thirdly, if there are good weather in the Chernobyl zone of alienation, there are quite a few tourists who want to look at the Ghost City of Pripyat and other local attractions.

But after all, after an explosion of a nuclear reactor, many radioactive material are scattered throughout the exclusion zone. There should be radiation everywhere

Most scattered fountain fragments were collected by the liquidators of the accident back in the first days after the accident and disposed of. Therefore, at the current time, the radiation background in the Chernobyl zone of the alienation does not greatly exceed or does not exceed the natural radiation background at any other place of the planet. Of course, there are places, fountaining is much stronger, where there is a risk in a short time to get a very large dose of radiation, so it's not worth shusting there without a dosimeter. Some video bugger MSH has repeatedly been in the exclusion zone, which recorded a lot of video from detailed explanations What is happening, as well as filmed just such places where the radiation background greatly exceeds the norm. Link to the channel:

Are there an anomalies in Chernobyl?

Not. In the Chernobyl zone of the alienation, there is nothing similar to those described in many fantastic works from the Stalker series of anomalies. There are also artifacts, which is logical, because according to the authors of such books, artifacts are born in anomalies.

Are there stalkers in the Chernobyl alienation zone?

Since there are no anomalies, artifacts, monolith and other fictional things and phenomena, then stalkers there is no need to be. All valuable things from abandoned apartments, as well as other things that can be without problems, for example, scrap metal, have long been pulled out by marauders, so for them at the current time the exclusion zone is hardly of interest.

On the Internet you can find many photos of lamb or calf with two heads or excess pair of legs. Where to take such mutants from, if not because of the action of radiation?

Yes, such mutants are really found. Only the Chernobia and in general, any other nuclear power plant here is not more. Even in Kunstkamera, created by Peter I, a two-headed lamb was in the anatomical section. The same terrible species of animals were collected in museums different countries Since the days of the Middle Ages.

And in the "Annals" of Tacitis there is a mention of such things in the days of Nero (37 - 68):

(1) At the end of the year, the people are frightened by the sinister signs: frequent more than ever blows of lightning, a star-comet, which Nero tried whenever the nice blood shed, (2) babies about two heads found on the streets, and the same young animals found When cursing the victims in cases where the custom requires a pregnant animal to sacrifice. (3) A calf was born in the Plazetzensky district near the road, whose head has grown up with the foot;

Usually, such mutants, in addition to external oddities, receive many problems with the development of the body and do not live for a long time or are born altogether. The reason for the appearance of such organisms - a failure in the mechanism of mutation or crossing genes, which can be caused by a set of both external and internal factors - From poor nutrition and diseases of animal parents to magnetic storms and poor air.

Is it dangerous to use the meat of animals living in the Chernobyl zone of alienation or collect mushrooms and berries there?

Yes. Plants and especially mushrooms can accumulate many radioactive elements from soil and water, and their use can be dangerous to health. The same applies to animals, as well as to machinery, materials and decorations, pulled by marauders from the alienation zone.

Due to radiation in the Chernobyl zone, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits of huge sizes grow

No, there is no reliable evidence of any plants or other organisms in the Chernobyl zone of alienation, which would be significantly different in size or other properties from their relatives in other places of the planet.

At the international conference, genetics unveiled shocking data on the fact that mutations due to the explosion at NPP will continue 800 years.

On April 26, 1986, the largest genetics accident occurred at the Chernobyl NPP in its own way of nuclear energy, both on the intended number of people who died and affected by its consequences and economic damage.

Effects chernobyl catastrophe Millions of man in Ukraine, in Belarus, in other European countries have affected. Dozens of people died in a few weeks, hundreds and perhaps thousands - over the next years.

However, there are no accurate data on the number of victims so far, since the calculations of various agencies and statistical offices Sometimes it is sometimes very significant.

As reported by, in September 2005, the International Agency for atomic energyThe World Health Organization and UN representatives held a forum dedicated to the genuine scale of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

According to their data, 50 people were died of acute radiation sickness from among the so-called Sun explosion liquidators, and another 9 killed from cancer thyroid gland. That is, the number of dead reached 59 people.

Also, according to research of international organizations, total number Radiation killed from irradiation can be another 3940 people. Such a potential amount is derived based on expert settlements.

The risk group included staff, participants in the elimination of the consequences of the accident, evacuated people and the population of affected territories; The number of deaths taken from the ratio of known cases fatal outcome from diseases of cancer and leukemia and a statistical forecast based on the amount of the received dose. This figure meets the results of research by Soviet scientists conducted in 1986.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine calculated that over 124 thousand people died due to exposure to 1994. And with the influence of the accident on the Chernobyl, the death of 532 Ukrainian liquidators only for 2003 is connected.

According to the IAEA, the total number of people who received high doses of irradiation reaches more than 600 thousand people (586 thousand - according to other data).

Researchers have calculated that the total number of evacuated amounted to more than 350 thousand people. Of these, more than 96 thousand were removed from the territory of Ukraine, 135 thousand - from Belarus

According to the IAEA, the population in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, currently living in an infected area, is about five million people.

Currently, 2.3 million people live in the Chernobyl district. In the zone of reinforced radiation control - almost 1.6 million. Not far from the canned power unit live 400 people.

The consequences of Chernobyl continue to fold generations and a quarter of a century after the tragedy. As scientists found out, 25 years after the Chernobyl catastrophe genetic mutations twice the number congenital anomalies The descendants of people living in the territories affected by radiation.

Lecturer of the Department of Genetics of the Zhytomyr Agricultural Academy Professor Vyacheslav Sergeevich Konovalov even gathered a collection of abnormal events in the wilderness, which happened after the Chernobyl catastrophe in Ukraine

The main exhibit is a foal that has eight feet, more like a kangaroo

In the collection of mutants there is a skull of cows with four horns, calf with eight legs

... a pig with two tricks ...

and ... the germ screaming of a man with completely changed signs.

Total in the collection - 100 freaks.

To prove that the consequences of Chernobyl for people are much more detaining than the official authorities spoke, the professor collected and abortive material.

On these unborn children can not be looked without fear. Radiation dismissed them in the womb. Fruits have no legs, guts.

Among those who were still born, cases of deformities met much more often than in pure areas.

In his report, the "Genetic aspects of the Chernobyl catastrophe - 25 years later, he led monitoring data on congenital pathologies In humans and animals, writes LifeNews. Genetics on flue-frosophilas flew experience how long the effect of Chernobyl's effects will be felt in the genotype: - in the flies of mutations are manifested and after forty-generations. In terms of human age, this is eight hundred years old! - Says a scientist.

According to genetics, he was blocked oxygen in 1992. The authorities of Ukraine began to inspire the population that the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster are no longer dangerous. But the neuronal genetics did not give up - Konovalov left to lecture in the United States. And there on the whole world spoke about mutations caused by Chernobyl. Western press did not stay away from the raised topic, and soon monstrous pictures of children with pathologies became publicity

These photos are published on the network under the headlines "Chernobyl and his victim"

According to scientists, gene defects caused by radiation, the body must restore, but when this system gives a failure, playback is on the damaged copy.

In the ugliness itself, these are anomalies that always occur - explains Genetic Alexander Rudoya.

In some sense, such mutations are for nature - the norm. Another thing is that Chernobyl accelerated mutational processes many times.

Now there is another process: on the one hand, adaptation, and on the other - the continuation of mutations in the cellular level imperceptible to the eyes, "the scientist says.

It is such a victim of a genetic failure that has become a 9-year-old girl who was born with physical disabilities, which lives in the village of Piazza, located near the exclusion zone around the closed Chernobyl

Photo used: Paul Fusco, Daniel Berehulak, Sergey Abramchuk, Damir Sagolj.

Zombies in Chernobyl, mutants and other anomalies pursue everyone who at least a little can interest the topic of the history of Chernobyl and Pripyat directly. But does it really exist?

The whole world remembered the frightening date of the explosion - April 26, 1986. This, perhaps, was the most powerful explosion at the nuclear power plant in the entire history of mankind, as a result of which an incredible number of radioactive substances and elements was thrown into the atmosphere.

Literally in a few days, the thrown radiation with wind and favorable at that time climatic conditions It spread through the nearby territories, causing a crushing damage throughout the living. The largest catastrophe In the whole history in nuclear power engineering negative impact On the vegetation world, animals, as well as the health of people not one generation.

Give us all new and new myths about Chernobyl. We are witnessing that Chernobyl abnormalities are developing to this day, and scientists are not solved to predict improved situation. Radiation never passes without a trace for living organisms. The legends about Chernobyl seem to be something impossible and fictional, but, for example, the photo of Zombies in Chernobyl speaks about the opposite. Who are these zombies in Chernobyl? Do they really exist? Let's talk more about these frightening facts.

After an explosion occurred in the ill-fated spring night atomic reactorThe authorities decided not to create a panic among the population and reported on the occurrence of a catastrophe only a day later.

Evacuation took place calmly and measured, and the usual population did not know about the consequences that expect them and subsequent generations. Abmarketage touched the main city of that territory directly - Pripyat. Also strongly suffered a neighboring rural population, which was located within a radius of 30 km.

By the time the last inhabitants were evacuated, and, without exception, people and animals had already had a greater overdose by radiation and other hazardous substances that were thrown into the atmosphere after the explosion.

The level of infection of poisonous substances was so high that in the first months, dozens of infected people died from radiation sickness. But not only those who have been close to the Chernobyl, obtained excess in the amount of radiation in the body. Within a radius of 200 thousand kilometers thousand people received incurable disease - thyroid cancer.

From school, we know that radiation is the best catalyst for the development of mutagenic processes in any living organism. After the question, is there any mutants in Chernobyl set much more often.

Even after people left the scene, many of them have occurred at the gene level. The result of these changes appeared already in the next generation: more than 50 thousand born babes in the following years in the USSR had various mutations and deformities.

Instead of accepted by 4% of "mistakes of nature", which could be born, this percentage increased not just several times, but reached a limit of 30%. This is what official data is said. In fact, the fertility of the disabled was significantly higher.

After the studies of such Chernobyl anomaly were confirmed, as the birth of mutants, the young residence in Pripyat, strongly recommended not to plan pregnancy and childbirth. In some cases, they even forbid pregnancy. This is due to the fact that after irradiation, the likelihood of the birth of a child with obvious deviations is much higher than ever.

So is there mutants in Pripyat?

Of course have. Radiation negatively affects the entire living world, as a result of which the anomalies of Chernobyl were recorded and confirmed by photo and video stations. There are in Chernobyl and mutants among animals. For example, the most common mutation of livestock has become a change in wool, the appearance of a second head or an additional pair of paws.

Soviet authority for a long time tried to hide the consequences of the catastrophe, but later long years We can fully consider this topic. Popular studies on the topic and the photos of which are common on the Internet, attract not only extremals trying to get into the exclusion zone, but also new researchers.

Chernobyl myths. Is it possible to destroy them?

The legends of Chernobyl are covered with a curtain of the unknown, which scares, attracts and interests everyone. Are there zombies in Chernobyl? Is there mutants or mutant people in Chernobyl? It is these issues that have become the most popular among all the questions that were asked by conductors in the zone of alienation and possible residents of the terrain. This is mainly the mostly implied most questions on this topic.

It is worth noting that Chernobyl myths often mention the existence of zombies whose photos are widespread over the Internet. But now almost everyone knows how to use Photoshop and create similar pictures will not be any difficulty. Does this mean that mutants in Chernobyl actually do not exist? Let's come to this issue from a scientific point of view.

Zombie Chernobyl - what does science say?

A lot of research has been made to biologists and radiologists on the topic of organisms mutations due to radiation irradiation and other substances that have fallen into the atmosphere after the explosion. Each experiment conducted argued that radiation is more or less affecting the multicellular organism, leading to various mutations. Those substances that were noticed were changed the DNA structure and caused various deviations.

After the first results of research on the topic were made public, there are Chernobyl mutants, work in the study of radiation and the consequences of the catastrophe after the Chernobyl explosion continued. Further research It was shown that mutation in bodily or somatic cells does not expose the mutation of the whole organism.

Radiation greatly increases the development of various oncological diseases different organs. For example, if sex cells were irradiated, the probability (almost up to 70%) of mutants in subsequent several generations increased in the future. It was this for a long time that I tried to hide or smooth out many scientists and power.

However, today even modern laboratories could not identify mutations at the subsequent generation of people who survived the accident. But this does not mean that we are safe. Forecasts of scientists about future generations in people susceptible to radiation irradiation do not coincide, and what will happen, will show only time. Changes at the gene level can lead to the most unexpected consequences.

We note that after Chernobyl, cases of changes in bodily cells have increased in a significant number of people and animals, even outside the alienation zone in the most remote regions. The radiologists themselves include such mutations to such a loud and frightening concept as Chernobyl anomalies.


What caused Chernobyl anomalies?

After radiation irradiation In the Chernobyl NPP area, Ukrainian scientists conducted research in laboratories above experimental mice. The surviving tests showed that the changes affected not only irradiated test, but also further offspring. Cases of miscarriage in mice. But why? Is it true that in Chernobyl there are mutants? Could this provoke their appearance? Let's figure it out a little in the current situation.

After the explosion at the fourth atomic reactor occurred, tons of different substances were thrown into the air, including radiation. It follows from this that radiation is not the only reagent causing a change in multicellular organisms. The same properties have both ethyl alcohol and many other chemical elements.

To date, all the factors of mutation were not studied, as well as the dependence of the probability of mutation from the obtained unified dose and the total excess of radiation in a living organism. And completely unexplored is the fact that the manifestation of mutation occurs depending on the phenotype. From this you can definitely conclude that we have no idea how mutations at the level of the phenotype occur and develop.

But what is the answer to the question, is there any mutants in pripsy? At the moment, it is difficult to unambiguously answer this question, because for each person the concept of mutation is different. Animals that have been susceptible to radiation have obvious deviations and they can be called mutants. Such animals can have an additional pair of paws, an excess tail or head, other obvious deviations that scare us, but attract.

But what about the photo of zombies in Chernobyl? We can conclude that most of Photos that are common on the Internet, it normal work Which joker. But do not forget that at the moment there are different workers who are directly on the atomic reactor and because of their protective suits and uniforms are impressionable people can perceive them as the most real monsters.

Chernobyl - New World and New Lives

After years, some people were seriously interested in the problem of the explosion of the Chernobyl reactor and the consequences - destruction and loneliness in this area. Bright example the use of this topic becomes known computer game Stalker.

As a basis, the area is taken closed and unknown zones for us and various so-called zombies in Chernobyl: monsters, mutants and other unpleasant heroes arising after radiation irradiation. After the release of this game, many began to perceive this image and heroes of the game for reality. Gamers believe in terrible anomalies in Chernobyl and that the computer idea is true.

However, there is something true in this, because the radiation influenced all multicellular organisms, causing a mutation at the genome. For a long time, various myths of Chernobyl will be invented, and we will see and feel the consequences of this terrible catastrophe.

Thanks to the radiation substances and elements, a flora and fauna with uncontrolled mutation and without interference with the human factor are rapidly developing in the zone. But is it true that in Chernobyl there are mutants? From ignorance and unknown about Chernobyl mutants are legends. We are afraid of dogs with three heads and unknown early animals passing them from mouth to mouth. Each narrator complements these legends with its fantasies and thereby makes them more frightening and interesting.

For example, local who own willing And certain reasons refused to leave the 30-kilometer zone, or those who returned to their native house after the accident, talk about explicit changes in the plant world: supposedly mushrooms in Chernobyl grow to incredible large sizesAnd in the forests and near different roads grow huge vegetable and fruit fruits irradiated with radiation.

Element of truth

We must admit that almost all the legends of Chernobyl have their own proportion of truth. There are huge fruits, and mutated animals. But, fortunately for us, most of those animals that mutated due to radiation elements irradiation cannot have offspring. Today, all sorts of Chernobyl mutants are ever less often and less often, because from the moment the accident has already passed thirty years. But the first time when everything was strictly confidentially and no details were disclosed, people only guess what is there, and it was a reason to come up with a hundred horror stories about zombies in Chernobyl. And a large number of mutations manifested in children and animals only heated interest in this topic.

Immediately after the terrible Chernobyl disaster, taken out of pregnant women, the doctors, scientists and power were forced forced (or, as officially mentioned, recommended) to make an abortion. Because of the high probability of the birth of mutants or sick children, an exception was not made even to women on a large period of pregnancy.

Most without listening to specialists, and tried to preserve their baby and gave birth to children. Unfortunately, scientists were right and many born children were with obvious deviations not only by external, but also genetic features.

The famous Soviet geneticist Konovalov collected a unique collection of mutants from children exposed to abortion. This was done in order for further generations to understand how the human error was devastated at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and did not allow such a catastrophe.

Radiation did not regret children: in this collection you can see specimens with dispersed limbs, the absence of vital internal organs, with worn bodies and other deviations. It is worth noting that the number of defective newborns after some five years after the Chernobyl accident exceeded any indicators, and from official data - exceeded the previous data almost three times.

Animals zombies in Chernobyl

Most of the stories about the fact that in Chernobyl there are mutants, are proved by various photos, video and alive examples. Most often observed at domestic livestock. Even if the animal did not receive a large dose of radiation immediately after the explosion, it was fed on the contaminated fields, where the level of radioactive contamination exceeded hundreds of times.

In order to prevent the reproduction of such animals, most of the evacuation was shot, and the bodies were given to scientists to study these samples and learning how much animals were mutated at the gene level. Scientists have noticed that almost all animals that were to be rejected were obvious deviations of the fetus. This fact once again confirms those the enormous consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe, which everyone speaks.

The consequences of the emission of such a large number of radioactive elements will still be rejected, damage to health and cripple live organisms and people. This is due to the fact that at the gene level radiation broke the reproductive systems, contributed to the development and was the "founder" of many gene mutations. These mutations will move from generation to generation, giving birth to the myths of zombies in Chernobyl, many more years.

Contrary to the fact that today there should be no extraneous people in a closed zone, non-work on a nuclear power plant, in pripyat enough self-movies who do not want to leave from that area in spite of everything.

Maybe some believe that people living on the terrain are the same zombies in Chernobyl, the photos of which are full on the Internet. But in fact, these are ordinary residents. The state practically does not help people who have decided to remain, and residents, in turn, are trying to survive as they can.

In order to stay alive, the locals are engaged in poaching, go to the most contaminated radiation "" to collect berries and mushrooms, fish in the River Pripyat. In most cases, the harvest scares us, because the huge dimensions of mushrooms and various berries exceed any permissible, and the fish reaches the size of a person.

The city of Pripyat in three kilometers from the city is a nuclear power plant. Lenin, somewhere from the city, several thousand people go to work. From the 25th to April 26, at night, the fourth reactor employees conduct tests of the power supply system of the reactor. It should have led to economy of electricity.

At about 1:23, it turns off the emergency stop system and the experiment begins. After that, a sudden explosion occurs in the active zone of the reactor, the kilometer pillar of the flame is risen saturated with molten radioactive particles. It happened the most serious in history ...

The first firefighters arrived at the place began to fight with fire without the necessary protective equipment. This strange fire did not steal anywhere. All firefighters received deadly doses of radiation. However, thanks to these people, they managed to prevent the second explosion, he would demolish half of the earth.

43 thousand inhabitants do not know anything about the catastrophe of what happened in the 3rd kilometers from the city. There are rumors in the city that the fire occurred at night and people died, but there are no official information. Passers-by people almost do not notice the soldiers passing around the city in respirators. The first measurements of the level of radiation have shown that by the middle of the day in Pripyat, the level of radiation rose to 200 billiongen, in other words, 15 thousand times higher than usual. By evening, the level of radiation exceeded the usual 600 thousand times.

It is believed that the human body can absorb 2 X-rays per year without consequences. But the dose of more than 400 x-rays is considered deadly. On this first day, the residents of Pripyat received a radiation dose 50 times higher than safe. So they would get lethal dose For 4 days. At the Institute of Atomic Energy, the figures caused shock, such a level of radioactivity did not see any other.

30 hours after the explosion, the first security measures begin to be taken. More than a thousand buses arrive in the city. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the army announced a complete evacuation of the city. To avoid panic authorities, they decided to hide the whole seriousness of the situation. Residents gave 2 hours to pack things and gather at their homes. People had to quit everything that belonged to them. They already never come back here. It was announced the creation of 30 kilometer zone alienation. For evacuation, 145 thousand inhabitants needed a whole week.

Meanwhile, the clouds carry the wind to the north. For April 26 and 27, the clouds passed a thousand kilometers over Russia, Belarus and the Baltic countries. April 28, they appeared over Sweden, where elevated level Radioactivity is marked next to one of the Swedish nuclear power plants. Shortly thereafter, the population warn about the danger in television news. Radioactive dust falls on Stockholm. The level of radiation suggests that a major accident occurred somewhere. But where? 60 hours after the catastrophe, no official statements outside the USSR did not have. After 3 days after the accident, American satellites detect the ruins of Ukrainian. Smoke, which comes from the failure, is clearly visible in the thermal imager. A huge amount of radioactive gas and dust is thrown into the atmosphere. All Europe is in the power of the winds.

To prevent an accident, the most experienced pilots cause the most experienced pilots. Soldiers who do not have the right protective equipment with bare hands Drop into the 80 kilogram sand bags in the baked. All hope that the fire will be able to put out by filling out the reactor with tons of sand and boric acidneutralizing radiation. The first day of 110 departures, the second day 300. The level of radiation over the reactor is 3500 X-ray, almost 9 times higher than the deadly. Some pilots take 33 departures per day. According to the military, from 500,000 liquidators 20,000 died, 200,000 are officially called upon by disabled.

The victims are taken to Moscow Hospital No. 6, the only hospital is specialized in the treatment of radiation diseases and diseases associated with large doses of radiation. Behind the first symptoms of radiation sickness - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, follows the latent period. Fatal symptoms, bone marrow destruction and terrible burns eating tissues to the dice appear later. Almost every day, dozens of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident were brought to the hospital for two weeks. Doctors understood these people are already doomed.

6 days after the accident, despite the fact that the level of radiation is 1000 times the usual, the authorities call people to participate in celebration on May 1. Even where there is already a high level of radiation. Frames from the parade suspiciously disappeared from the archives. A few years later, children and animals mutants began to appear. Two-headed, six-legged animals, unusual children.

The tragedy forced the USSR to improve all reactors of this type to prevent the possibility of such a repetition of the monstrous catastrophe. 200 tons of deadly uranium and ton of even more deadly plutonium, still remain inside the destroyed reactor.

Chernobyl zone. Photo. Pripyat, accident. Chernobyl mutants. Explosion.