Names for boys born in autumn. Male names, letter L. Important points when choosing

Rating of names of newborns in Moscow for 2017,or 10 principles - how to choose a name for your daughter and son.

Have you noticed that you subconsciously associate female and male names with specific people who met at different stages life path? When a husband, for example, insists on the name Andrey, the pregnant wife suddenly remembers a hooligan and a loser from a parallel class or a brawler neighbor from the parental home (yes, all Andreys will forgive us!). Alas, beautiful name, of course, it has nothing to do with it, but stumbling all your life over unpleasant memories is also not an option. And you know, that's right, because the name of the one who will soon become the meaning of life, the most desirable and beloved man in the world, for whom - to hell with fame and career - his name should be the most pleasant, sonorous and, of course, the best.

At first glance, it seems - what's so complicated, there are so many of them, whole lists of names - choose any. The problem is that choosing a name among so many options is a difficult task. This cat can have a second, third, fifth chance. She can become Vasilisa today, and tomorrow Murka. Parents do not have such a chance, therefore, once they come to a common opinion, only this name is sent to the second line of the first official document in a child's life. Think about whether he will thank you when he grows up, or when he meets new friends, he will introduce himself differently, because, well, his name does not fit into the modern chronicle. Let's discuss this topic, and take popular names boys and girls, who were more often called newborns by residents of Moscow last year. At the same time, we will find out what criteria parents use more often. Perhaps, for those who are going to become parents in 2018, the names of boys and girls from our list will help to find a compromise and finally solve a serious family problem.


To begin with, we propose to peep the solution from those who have already passed the thorny path to parenthood, for whom the choice of a name is no longer a problem, but a small bundle of female happiness.

According to official statistics, the popular names of girls in 2017, included in the TOP-20 among Muscovites, are:

Sofia (Sofya), Maria, Anna, Polina, Alice, Anastasia, Alexandra, Barbara, Victoria, Elizabeth, Xenia, Veronica, Ekaterina, Daria, Arina, Eva, Vasilisa, Valeria, Milana, Ulyana

If we analyze the statistics for the last 2-3 years, it turns out that the popular names for newborns from the top twenty have not changed much. The statistics differ only in that some positions are reversed. Sophia, for example, in 2015, was in 8th place, and then Maria was in the lead. Behind her were the same Anastasia and Anna. In numerical terms, in the past year Sophia in Moscow increased by 3,780 people, the number of Marys increased by 2,709, Ann by 2,595, Alice by 2,200, Victoria by 2,124, Anastasy by 2,082, Polin by 1962, Alexander by 1817 , Elizabeth at 1 806. The name Daria disappeared from the TOP - the royal Catherine appeared instead.


Male representatives who were registered in one of the Moscow registry offices were more often called:

Alexander, Mikhail, Artem, Maxim, Daniel, Ivan, Dmitry, Ilya, Egor, Kirill, Timofey, Roman, Nikita, Andrey, Fedor, Matvey, Mark, Vladimir, Lev, Yaroslav

Popular boy names in 2017 are the same as a year later. Alexander (+3,201) and Mikhail (+2,677) remained in the top position. There were 2,621 newborns named Artem. Maxims were named 2,568 babies. Daniels, Ivans, Dmitrys - 2,405, 2,289 and 1,968, respectively, and 1,459 and 1,453 people arrived in the Matveev and Andreev regiment.


While some are guided by popularity or pedigree, others who are about to become parents in 2018 are looking for rare and beautiful names for boys and girls to name their children. And there are more such extroverts every year - this is confirmed by representatives of the Moscow registry offices.

At the beginning of 2018, rare and beautiful names for boys are Forward, Nord, Franklin. Many Muscovites still follow the established tradition of naming newborns in the "old way". In the list of current such rare Orthodox names for boys like Velesvet, Ladomir, Patrikey, Kharlampy.

Of course, a similar picture is observed in the "women's hall". Among the rare and beautiful names for girls are Dorothea, Vassa. Isidore. Beautiful, is not it. I would like to believe that the surnames and patronymics are consonant with them. Well, rare Orthodox names for girls are Zlatozara, Ladislava, Agrafena. A few years will pass, and a boy named Orpheus will be brought to the group of one of the capital's kindergartens, and a little girl will appear in another - bright and bright, like her name Iskra.


Of course, there is no clear algorithm in the matter of choosing a name. The ideal option is when both spouses like it and they affectionately call it a baby that has not yet been born. There are families in which there is a tradition - to give newborns the names of representatives of previous generations. Psychologists have their own opinions on this matter, and not always positive ones. Although, in our opinion, this is a personal matter for everyone. Yes, and we cannot know what, for example, the name of our great-great-grandparent was, which means that a coincidence is very likely.

Summarizing the experience of several dozen families, we have drawn our conclusions. What criteria are most often guided by future mom and dad? What is more often taken into account - the most popular names for newborns of previous seasons or do they prefer their son or daughter to be the only bearers of the name?

Before you - 10 criteria that will help with the choice. We hope that if the issue is really acute, we will help you find a way out:


Find in 2018 rare and modern name for a prince or princess it is also difficult because not everyone is consonant with a patronymic and surname. The criterion is subjective, because people have different tastes. Some like the lyrical Varfolomey Alekseevich, others give phonetic rigidity, as in Spiridon Rostislavovich. Try to find the golden mean. Of course, when the baby grows up, he will have a chance to take on a different name. Still, think about how comfortable you would feel if every time the teacher called you by this name and surname, calling you to the blackboard.

2. IN HONOR...

Anyone - grandparents, famous artists, favorite characters from TV shows, astronauts, teachers and doctors ... we touched on this issue a little earlier. And why not look for a rare and modern name for a girl (boy) in your environment? You say - you should not try on the script? But then, to be principled to the end, then each of us should have our own unique name. Option two - do not accept the opinion of the public or look for something exotic. You decide.


The trend was especially actively supported in the post-revolutionary years, when people tried in every possible way to demonstrate their truly communist face. Originally from the USSR, the names Oktyabrina, Vladlen (Vladimir Lenin). One can only guess how much one had to love the CPSU in order to name the daughter Dazdraperma - "Long live the First of May." Dear boys and girls, please be careful here. Do not give in to nostalgia and call the baby the name of your first love, especially if the other half is aware of those events. Show mercy, well, you don't need senseless arguments now.


This is what believers do. It is believed that, having received the name of the patron, the child acquires an angel in heaven. And in the church calendar 2018 you can find a rare and modern name for a boy, a girl. If not a single saint celebrates a name day on the baby’s birthday, then look at the next, but not the previous date.


Choosing a rare and beautiful name for a boy or girl in 2018 is still fashionable, taking into account the sign of the zodiac. A few examples are in front of you:

Aries: Alexander, Valery, Ruslan; Arina, Larisa, Svetlana;
Taurus: Anton, Artem, Maxim; Angela, Tatiana, Natalia;
Gemini: Eugene, Igor, Konstantin; Anastasia, Christina, Margarita;
Cancer: Andrey, Leo, Stanislav; Anita, Diana, Sophia;
Leo: Adam, Ilya, Roman; Varvara, Zhanna, Regina;
Virgo: Dmitry, Victor, Stepan; Anita, Elizabeth, Tamara;
Libra: Alexey, Boris, Nikita; Victoria, Love, Julia;
Scorpio: Makar, Savva, Yuri; Alevtina, Taisiya, Yaroslav;
Sagittarius: Athanasius, Vyacheslav, Semyon; Isabella, Maya, Martha;
Capricorn: Bronislav, Daniel, Leonid; Vera, Kira, Emma;
Aquarius: Albert, Vitaly, Pavel; Galina, Lolita, Snezhana;
Pisces: Vasily, Ivan, Philip; Valeria, Violetta, Polina.


interesting story a friend said: “A couple of years ago, the “bird of happiness” knocked on our house - we had beautiful girl Sasha. The name was chosen in advance, so when she arrived home at the age of five days, our princess already had a name. Our family members were divided into 2 camps: some unconditionally approved the choice of the name, others did not like our choice at all, because Sasha is the name "for a boy, not for a girl." In the end, the relatives reconciled after reading the meaning of the name Alexander: “The name Alexander means protector of people, courageous, help. The imperious sound of this name creates the image of a mistress, strong and independent. It is full of dignity and significance, administrative authority and ideological adherence to principles, based on the invincibility of its potential.” Relatives came to the conclusion that the girl will be with strong character and will become a major leader in the future.”


All the names of boys and girls that are fashionable in 2018 can be distributed by season - on an intuitive level. You will not deny that the name Snezhana is not very suitable for those born in August, and Yulia for those who were born in January. Some information on this:

Winter names: Yakov, Efim, Maria, Svetlana;
Spring names: Savva, Samson, Eva, Sofia;
Summer names: Stepan, Julius, Anna, Margarita;
Autumn names: Semyon, Kondrat, Vasilisa, Zlata.


Just the case when it's time to open the ratings and see what rare and beautiful names of boys and girls came into fashion in 2018.


I don’t know whether to consider this exotic or fanaticism, but, probably, you shouldn’t follow the example of one businessman and name your son after the company, if it is called Mirax. The question is rather tricky. Judging by the fact that children with the names Viagra, Eros, Meningitis, Google, BOC rVF 260602 live in different cities of Russia, not everyone strives for balance. And what do you think about this? We invite you to discuss it in the comments below the article.


A kind of lottery: if you have several names in mind, write everything down on paper, roll it into tubes and pull. The second half will have to accept the option or try to find good arguments to dissuade the spouse.


What semantic load do the names from the first male and female five carry - we think it's interesting:

Sophia: wise, reasonable. The name came to Russia with the adoption of Orthodoxy, and at first it was given to babies born in aristocratic families;
Maria: serene. It took root among Russians, Catholics, Orthodox, Jews. It was worn by many royalty;
Anna: strength, courage. Biblical name, sometimes translated as "God's grace";
Polina: sunny, liberating;
Alice: in English it means "noble birth".

And now for the men:
Alexander: protector, man, protector. It is written for such people - to rule and rule;
Michael: like God, asked of God (translated from Hebrew);
Artem: of impeccable health, dedicated to Artemis;
Maxim: the greatest;
Daniel: The literal translation is "God is my judge."

Do you want to offer your own options for beautiful names, or do not agree with the opinion of the author on some issues? We invite you to express your position in the comments.

The Year of the Red Fire Rooster is Coming Chinese horoscope, one of the 12 animals of ancient astrology. The rooster is calm, reasonable, straightforward, hardworking. Can be generous and self-centered. Representatives of this sign have great taste, love to dress up. They are popular with the opposite sex.

Children born this year will be distinguished by purposefulness and business acumen. At the same time, they may not be gullible, dream a lot. How to name the future man, not later regretting an unsuccessful decision or an inappropriate patronymic for a grandson - this is the task facing the newly-made parents of a baby.

It is important that you like the name of your son, but at the same time do not overdo it in the pursuit of originality, which is often found in recent times.

Maybe you strive for your baby to be the one and only on Earth, but he will not be very comfortable when he is called Akakiy or Novomir.

Psychologists say that children up to a certain age tend to be “like everyone else”, not to stand out from the general mass of their peers. I also don’t want to merge with the general crowd of too common copies and be the eighth in the school class.

How to name a boy born in the spring of 2017

Babies born in the spring are often indecisive, sensitive natures. For men, these are not the strongest qualities. Indecision can slow down their career growth, interfere with achieving their goals. They are more creative natures, but perseverance does not hurt them. They have enough stubbornness and ambition, but they do not like to solve problems, they try to bypass them or bury themselves headlong in the sand.

So it makes sense to think about strong names for the heir, carrying the energy hardness. These are Grigory, Yegor, Dmitry, Igor, Gleb, Bogdan. They contain paired consonants and a rolling R sound. Choosing according to the holy calendar remains popular with modern parents. The baby will have a beautiful name from the church calendar, as well as his personal guardian angel. Moreover, there are much more male options in the calendar than female ones.

Of the most popular at present, which will also be in demand in the new 2017 - according to the calendar of March - Daniel, Makar, Ilya, Fedor, Yaroslav, Philip. Boys born in April are still called Ivan (one of the most common names in recent years), Nikita, Kirill, Andrei, Alexei. Zakhar is a very popular option among young parents. Zakhar also celebrates his birthday in April.

Of the May birthdays - loved by many Maxim, Alexander. Translated from Greek, Alexander means protector of people, not bad for a real man. Not for nothing, apparently, Alexander is in the top of popularity of all time, not only in his native open spaces, but throughout the world - beautiful, sonorous, noble, out of fashion. If you want to distinguish yourself, you can call the May baby Luke, Clement, Gavrila, or even Sylvester (translated from Latin forest).

What to call a summer tomboy

Summer children, as a rule, are very emotional, mobile, energetic and stubborn. Many famous people born in the summer - actors, politicians, public figures. Those born in the summer are distinguished by optimism, cheerfulness, high self-esteem.

So it is important to support the son's innate positive attitude with a consonant name.

If parents adhere to the church calendar, then summer name days are again popular with Ivan and Timofey. In July, Catholics have the holy calendar at Claudius and Benedict, who are not often found in our open spaces. Parents who don't want to limit themselves to the conservative option can also opt for Ernest, Heinrich, or even Photius. From the eternal classics, Alexander, Andrey, Vladimir will do.

Autumn male names in 2017

Boys born in autumn will delight you with their determination, diligence and perseverance. autumn men- good family men, reasonable, responsible, do everything slowly and deliberately. Babies can be called whatever you want, since little can affect the nature inherent in nature.

Scientists have found that children born in the fall are more active and energetic than their other peers.

The men's September calendar selection is huge, look for a harmonious combination with a patronymic so that your son grows up even more harmonious in nature. Bogdan, Semyon, Stepan, Miron, Timofey are some of the most popular and beloved in recent times.

September's birthdays - Georgy, Ivan, Mikhail, Alexander, Anton - will also always have a relevant and noble sound. Approximately the same choice for those born in October - November. Of the unusual and rare - African, Galaction, Augustine and Peacock. But this assortment is for a big fan and original.

Babies born in winter are strong-willed, purposeful, stubborn natures. The winter man is endowed with a sharp disposition, self-esteem, and rigidity. At work, they “burn” and expect high results from others. Qualities for a man that deserve respect. Especially, in December they are most pronounced.

In order not to aggravate all the rigidity that the harsh winter endowed them with, it is worth considering a soft, harmonious option for your son. Perhaps he will help the proud, domineering little boy to balance the quarrelsomeness, the desire to argue with others all the time. 2017 Year of the Rooster will add optimism to them, which winter men often lack. And Roosters are born leaders, so all the makings of a future leader are on the face.

A good choice for a winter baby will be all the popular options for the letter A - Alexander, Andrey, Arseniy, Artem, Alexei, Arkady, Athanasius. They are also present in the winter Saints. According to astrologers, "December" should be called Ilya, Danya, Cyril, Nikita, Anton, Mikhail, Pavel, Sergey, Fedor. The Janvarskys, in order to soften their hardness and pride, are best called Gregory, Vasily, Peter or Ignat. Those born in February will suit Arseny, Maxim, George, Ivan, Alexander, Efim.

For lovers of rare species

Lists of super-original and funny names in recent years have been replenished with new copies, ranging from English. Eden, Paradis and not ending with Google, Dobrynya, Xerox. Unlike Soviet times, the field of activity for modern parents has grown significantly.

The most basic requirements for most moms and dads are that the name be rare, but noble. The choice is more than huge for any letter of the alphabet. Augustine, Adam, Anastasy, Artamon, Arthur, Vilen, Volodar, Gaspard, German, Count. Of those gaining popularity in recent years, but remaining quite rare at the same time - Mark, Maximilian, Naum, Oscar, Plato.

Whatever the choice, it is hardly worth calling the born son for a joke or without consonance with the patronymic (Artamon Arturovich or Xenophon Konstantinovich), as well as all the boys in a row born in 2017 - Petya in honor of the year of the Rooster.

Are you planning a new addition to your family in 2017? It's time to think about a name for the long-awaited crumbs! This is a difficult and responsible choice for any parent, because it is known that names carry a hidden meaning. Often they determine the fate of a person and the attitude of others around him. If you already know the sex of the child, it is worth looking after a couple of sonorous names for him in advance and discussing your choice in the family circle. In this article, we will tell you what is the best name for a boy born in 2017, and which names should be avoided.

When choosing a name, consider its meaning and combination with the surname

How to choose a name for a child?

When looking for a name for a baby, it is worth considering many details that seem insignificant at first glance. The combination of first and last name plays an important role. For example, the popular foreign names Oscar or Michael sound ridiculous with Russian surnames and patronymics. Very often, the name of the baby is given in honor of the saint on whose day he was born. This tradition is as old as the world, and many still adhere to it.

It is believed that in this way the newborn receives an intercessor in heaven, under whose supervision he will be all his life. However, it should be borne in mind that the boy will certainly be ashamed to introduce himself as Akakiy or Spiridon. In addition, a name that is too unusual can cause ridicule for a child in a kindergarten or school. In this case, one name is given at baptism, and another, secular name is indicated in the documents.

Names trendy in 2017

The most popular male names in 2017 are Sasha, Maxim and Artem
  • Surely many parents in 2017 will name their sons Alexandrami. Translated from ancient Greek, this name means "protector" and "man." It became popular after the triumphal campaigns of the great commander Alexander the Great. characteristic features Sash are purposefulness, courage and authority - the qualities necessary for the representative of the stronger sex.
  • The name is less popular Maksim. It came to us from ancient rome and translates as "greatest". Maxims are distinguished by a proud and at the same time balanced character. They are easily influenced, both positively and negatively. Often, the bearers of this name, due to the increased care of their relatives, lose their independence and faith in themselves, but many of them still achieved success in life.
  • Artem is another name that thousands of babies have received in recent years. There are two versions of its origin. The first one points to a literal translation from Greek - "unharmed", "healthy". The second associates the name with the goddess Artemis, the patroness of hunting and fertility. Artem is sociable, independent and assertive. He is an authority for classmates, colleagues and family.
  • Most likely, many parents in 2017 will name their child Michael, which in Hebrew means "equal to God." In Christianity, this name is the head of the angelic army, the messenger of the Most High and the protector of the Israeli people. Michael is also the patron saint of the city of Kyiv. Misha are charming and sociable, sensitive to art and proactive in their work. It is not surprising that this is the name of many successful men.
  • In recent years, more and more boys are given the name Daniel(Danila). It comes from the biblical Daniel (that was the name of one of the Christian prophets) and is translated as "God is my judge." That is why its owners are revered as fair and decent people. Daniels can boast of their calmness, optimism and prudence. Them weak side is a small supply of mental and physical strength, which is spent faster than other men.

Many parents will like such names as Ivan (gift of God), Andrei (courageous), Alexei (defender), Nikita (winner, conqueror), Kirill (master), Vladislav (owning fame).

Remember that each of the names is endowed with a specific meaning.

Unusual male names and their meaning

Recently, children are often given original and sonorous names. Here is a list of options that moms and dads with imagination will appreciate:

  • Name Arthur has many interpretations. According to one version, it comes from the Latin artus, which means "strength", "power". Among the ancient people of the Celts, this word meant a strong bear. It became famous thanks to the legends of the British King Arthur. The namesake of a medieval hero is often stubborn and quick-tempered, but at the same time has a talent for creativity.
  • Gleb- the name of the mysterious passage. From Old Norse, it is translated as “heir of the gods” or “pleasing to God”, it could go into Russian from the words “lump” or “bread”. Gleb is a reasonable and restrained young man, a good leader and a patient husband.
  • Elisha translated from Hebrew as "God saves." The owner of this name from childhood shows friendliness and openness. It's versatile developed person able to realize himself in almost all areas of activity. It is believed that no woman can resist Elisha.
  • a lion is not only the king of beasts, but also the “heart” in Hebrew. Many people associate such a name with impudence and aggression, but in fact its bearer is a very soft and friendly person who will someday make an excellent husband. However, Leo is not alien to purposefulness and assertiveness.

Each family has its own tradition of choosing a name for the baby.
  • Mark translated from Latin means "born in March", and from German - "essence", "core". According to another version, the name comes from the French title "marquis" (written as marquis). Mark shines with career success and a thirst for knowledge, but selfishness often lies on the way to his happiness.
  • Name Matvey in Hebrew means "gift of God" or "God's man." The owner of this name is a modest and patient, incredibly honest man. He is a born peacemaker and a great family man. To everyone's surprise, in the face of danger, Matvey can show remarkable courage.
  • Myron means “miro” (sacred oil in Christianity, one of the gifts to the newborn Jesus) in Greek and “emir”, that is, the ruler, in Persian. A man with this name is hardworking, true to his word and knows how to achieve his goal. At work or in a company, he often becomes a leader.
  • Rodion- name from Slavic roots, derived from the word "native". AT Greek this word denoted an inhabitant of the island of Rhodes, named after the hermit saint. Rodion is characterized by a desire for independence, calmness and excellent self-control.

Each parent chooses a name for the baby according to their own criteria. For some, family traditions come first, for others, fashion trends and advice from friends. Many believe that a name chosen according to horoscopes will bring success to the child in the future. But do not forget that only your love and care will make your child truly happy!

Modern parents can only be envied - the choice of male names is simply huge - for every taste. But on the other hand, a logical question arises: how to choose from all this diversity the only name that will reflect the character and predetermine fate? Having at hand a list of rare and beautiful names for boys in 2017 by months, the task is greatly simplified, but there are many nuances in its solution, which will be discussed below.

Gone are the days when names were chosen at random, simply based on their euphony or following a common hobby. Now parents are thinking more and more about the meaning of the name, the meaning invested in it. And this is indeed correct. It is also true that many fathers and mothers are increasingly paying attention to Old Russian, Slavic variants, which may be a little unusual for the modern ear, but so dear to the heart and also very fashionable now.

Elisha, Yaroslav, Radomir, Bogdan - does it really smell like something familiar and familiar? Moreover, little Elisha will show a craving for creativity from the very early age, Zakhar will be kind and responsive to other people's suffering, and Alexander will grow up to be a real man, protector and support of his family.

Tip: When choosing Russian popular names for boys, we remember that the trend of turning to the origins is now very popular. Originally Slavic names, pleasant to the ear, are becoming the choice of an increasing number of parents.

Mind and heart

If an addition is expected in your family and it is already known that it will be a boy, it is better to take care of choosing a name for him in advance. There is still time, and it will be possible to approach this responsible matter with all seriousness. Before you start looking for modern names for boys in 2017 that are relevant in Russia, we advise you to take a closer look at some tips that will come in handy when you have to face the difficulty of choosing.

So, to start:

  • we tune in a positive way, trying to understand exactly in which direction the search will go - do you want to choose a fashionable and modern name or a rare old one;
  • immediately exclude the possibility of borrowing names tragically deceased relatives or close people with a dysfunctional fate. The same applies to the great martyrs who suffered for the faith - there is a danger that the child will have to endure a similar fate;
  • We pay attention to consonance with the surname and patronymic. The name chosen for the baby should in no case sound comical, since in the future it can become an inexhaustible supply for mockery of school pranksters;
  • we consult, if necessary, with relatives whom we trust, in case their proposal turns out to be truly sensible.

Names for boys by month - a great tip

A really good help in choosing a name for boys in 2017, like many centuries ago, can be the Orthodox Monthly Book, or, in a different way, Saints. Previously, children were named exactly according to this book, and parents simply chose the most pleasant name from several offered by the priest. This was done simply - by date of birth. It turned out that on one day several saints were venerated at once, and on the other - not a single one. Then, in the second case, they chose the closest date of birth of a saint and named after him. Most often it was 8 - the day when it was allowed to name the baby or 40 - the day of christening. If it turned out that the day of the patron saint was celebrated several times a year, then the name day was celebrated on the date closest to the child's birthday.

Now all these subtleties may not be respected, and parents can even give the child a double name - one worldly, the other - after church calendar. Now this is not forbidden, but on the contrary, it is even considered that it provides the owner of such a double name with additional protection.

If you are looking for beautiful and popular boy names in 2017 in Russia, then better exit than to view the list below, painted for each of the months, is simply not there. This list contains the most interesting options, both well-known and those that are almost never used, but do not become less original and euphonious from this.




When the Russian fashionable male names provided by us by months are always at hand, you can make an informed and dear choice. Well, if there was no such option on the list, if you wish, you can always ask for a more extended list by doing it directly in the church. However, paying tribute to traditions, do not hit the old days, keeping in touch with reality. Modern people experience some difficulties in communicating with a person with a too archaic name like Akaki.

2017 is the time when history and modernity meet, refer to the memory of your ancestors, do not hesitate to call your son Potap, Mark or Trofim. Continue the history of the family in sonorous names that create a wonderful tandem with your last name.

Choosing a name for a man is a responsible matter. A newborn boy needs to be given a name that would personify courage, strength, and self-confidence. Of no small importance is the fact in which month the boy was born. For example, winter children are stubborn and domineering natures, so the name for them should contain soft sounds mitigating negative character traits.

But in the spring, romantic and sublime natures are born, such boys need to choose strong and truly masculine names. Bold and kind personalities are born in summer, the names of such people must contain ringing sounds. But autumn gives the child notes of incredulity and selfishness, so simple but sonorous names are selected for such people. And what are the popular male names of 2019 planned to be in Russia?

Today, parents are trying to choose unusual names for their kids. But you should not get carried away with such a fashionable trend. For a Russian child, it is advisable to select only a domestic name that will not distinguish the baby from his peers. As statistics show, the most popular male names in 2019 will not differ much from last year's period.

Popular male names

If you rely on the month of the child's birth, then the calendar of popular names advises choosing names for sons from the following list:

  • January - Kirill, Anton, Stepan.
  • February - Ivan, Alexey, Roman.
  • March - Konstantin, Denis, Bogdan.
  • April - Maxim, Yegor, Semyon.
  • May - Arseny, Nikita, Vitaly.
  • June - Yuri, Vasily, Tikhon.
  • July - Philip, Andrey, Pavel.
  • August - Gleb, Leonid, Elizar.
  • September - Alexander, Sergey, Nikita.
  • October - Mark, Jacob, Nazar.
  • November - Rodion, Ignat, Gury.
  • December - Naum, Savva, Arkhip.

The employees of the registry office have compiled their list, which includes the most beautiful modern Russian male names in 2019:

  • Artem
  • Maksim
  • Alexander
  • Michael
  • Denis
  • Matvey
  • Artem
  • Danil
  • Kirill
  • Savely

So, the question of what is the most popular male name in Russia in 2019 to give to your newborn boy remains only with the parents. And what is the meaning of the most popular male nouns regarding folk wisdom?

  • Danil - such a name belongs to courageous and responsible individuals. Danilas love order in everything they create themselves. Danila also demands responsibility and justice from others.
  • Michael is a very charming and sweet person. Michaels will definitely become good workers and responsible families.
  • Artem - a boy with that name can be called a leader. Artyom should be called a spring child in order to give the baby, together with the name, courage, courage and determination.
  • Maxim - people who need constant support from loved ones or relatives. Maxim loves to work, so he often achieves excellent material benefits.
  • Alexander are purposeful, powerful and determined boys. Alexandra love honesty and a sincere attitude to life.

The list of popular male names in 2019 also includes beautiful names that have come into real modernity from the most ancient years:

  • Arthur is a domineering and strong nature. Often he shows selfishness and short temper, but Arthur always tends to be responsible and fair.
  • Gleb is an ideal family man and son. Gleb has a reasonable disposition, he is distinguished by kindness and justice.
  • Elisha is an open and honest boy. Elisha in the future will be the favorite of the female.
  • Rodion is an independent and somewhat wayward boy. But his positive qualities are the desire for the best, as well as spiritual openness.
  • Miron - a boy named Miron will always be purposeful in life. He definitely gets what he wants.