How does laryngotracheitis manifest in children? Let's look at the concept, symptoms and treatment of acute laryngotracheitis: how to help your baby at home and when to go to the hospital. Danger signs and possible complications

Because the the immune system the child is not yet sufficiently developed, there is a high risk of developing various diseases. First of all, inflammatory reactions occur in the organs of the nasopharynx. One of the most common diseases is laryngotracheitis, a disease that causes inflammation of the pharynx and trachea. This disease is especially dangerous for young children, since it is in childhood there is a high risk of developing false croup. Therefore, it is very important to understand how to treat laryngotracheitis in a child in order to prevent the development of complications.

Causes and symptoms

Often, laryngotracheitis is caused by a viral infection (parainfluenza, influenza, herpes). Among the main reasons contributing to the occurrence and development of the disease are:

  • features of the anatomical and physiological structure of the nasopharynx organs under the age of five years (narrow larynx);
  • colds; weakened immune system;
  • hypothermia, often a small draft is enough;
  • contact with a carrier of infection;
  • loud and prolonged screaming, overstrain of the vocal cords, mechanical damage larynx;
  • inhalation various substances, causing allergies(varnish, paint, wool, dust);
  • high temperature (above 22 degrees), low humidity (less than 50%) and dusty air in the room where the patient is.

The likelihood of laryngotracheitis increases if you have chronic diseases nasopharynx, frequent nasal congestion, diseases of teeth and gums.

Also, under the age of five years, the disease is often accompanied by signs of false croup, which is dangerous due to severe swelling of the pharynx and can cause suffocation. Therefore, in order to prevent a threat to the child’s life, you should know what symptoms appear with laryngotracheitis, and what treatment is required at different stages of the development of the disease.

There are several forms of the disease, each of which is characterized by certain symptoms and requires an individual approach:

  • Catarrhal form- the safest type of laryngotracheitis. It is this form that most often occurs under the age of fourteen. The main symptoms of laryngotracheitis in this case are similar to the signs of most viral infections: sore throat, hoarseness, dry annoying cough, hyperthermia. However, if incorrect or untimely treatment there is a high probability of developing stenosis, which is life-threatening.
  • Hyperplastic form- a type of laryngotracheitis, which also often develops in children. The main difference between this form is the severe swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa, which can cause difficulty breathing.
  • Hemorrhagic form is accompanied by hemorrhage in the laryngeal mucosa and often occurs due to the presence of certain provoking factors (disorders of the hematopoietic process, liver disease). Main features in in this case: dryness in oral cavity, attacks of suffocating cough, viscous secretion mixed with blood, sensation of a foreign object in the throat.

Laryngotracheitis is diagnosed in 30% of children under three years of age who first encountered a common respiratory viral infection. The risk of developing the disease is higher in those who suffer from allergies.

The main symptoms and signs of laryngotracheitis, which appear at any stage of the disease:

  • runny nose, hyperthermia, general weakness - the main signs of acute respiratory disease;
  • change in voice timbre, hoarseness;
  • sore throat when swallowing;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dry, paroxysmal, barking cough;
  • rapid or, on the contrary, difficulty breathing; dyspnea;
  • in later stages of the disease, paleness may appear due to difficulty breathing skin, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle.

Important! If you get laryngotracheitis infant, then the following signs will help diagnose the disease: lethargy, increased anxiety, moodiness, runny nose, loud, barking cough.


It is necessary to treat laryngotracheitis in children comprehensively, carrying out procedures aimed at combating the cause of the disease, as well as eliminating and alleviating the main symptoms.

When treating laryngotracheitis in patients predisposed to allergies, it is necessary to limit the use of essential oils and use infusions carefully medicinal herbs, use only proven medications.

  • Use of antiallergic drugs. The action of this class of drugs is aimed at reducing edema and preventing the development of stenosis. Also most of antihistamines have a sedative effect, which will help the child calm down and reduce muscle spasms. The choice and form of the drug depend on the age of the child. For example, you can use Fenistil, Zodak, Loratadine.
  • Antitussive drugs for laryngotracheitis are used only when the disease is accompanied by a dry cough without sputum production. In order for the child to sleep peacefully at night and not wake up from attacks of suffocating cough, they use Stoptusin, Herbion with plantain.
  • Mucolytic and expectorant drugs for productive cough to thin and improve mucus removal. In this case, breastfeeding, medications based on ambroxol (Ambroxol, Lazolvan), acetylcesteine ​​(ACC) are recommended.
  • Using lozenges, lozenges based on medicinal herbs, antiseptic and analgesic sprays for laryngotracheitis will help reduce sore throat, moisturize the pharyngeal mucosa, and eliminate soreness.

Important! In children, medications in the form of sprays should be used with caution to avoid the development of bronchospasm.

  • If the disease is accompanied by a significant increase in temperature (above 38 degrees), antipyretic drugs should be used in the form of suppositories or syrups based on paracetamol (Cefekon suppositories, Efferalgan syrup) or ibuprofen (Nurofen syrup, Ibufen).
  • If laryngotracheitis is caused by a viral infection, then use antiviral drugs, for example, Groprinosin, Amizon, interferon-based drugs (Laferobion).
  • Antibiotics for laryngotracheitis in children are used in following situations: when the disease is caused bacterial infection; with high intoxication of the body; to prevent complications due to the viral nature of the disease. Considering the fact that the cause of laryngotracheitis is most often viruses, the use of antibacterial drugs usually not necessary. If there is a need to use antibiotics, then preference is given to penicillin drugs (Augmentin). Cephalosporins (Cefadox) and, in particularly severe cases, macrolides (Sumamed) are also used.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

At the same time with general recommendations on treatment and use of standard medications, V complex therapy For laryngotracheitis, physiotherapeutic procedures are used to speed up the recovery process and alleviate the symptoms of the disease:

  • warm compresses on the pharynx and trachea (heating pad with warm water), mustard plasters;
  • inhalation over steam and using a nebulizer;
  • electrophoresis, UHF, microwave therapy;
  • massage;
  • hot baths for lower and upper extremities.

Important! Foot baths and warm compresses should only be used when normal temperature bodies.

If steam inhalations are used in the treatment of laryngotracheitis, then the following basic recommendations must be followed:

For the convenience and safety of the inhalation procedure, as well as more effective delivery of drugs to the area of ​​inflammation, it is better to use a special device - a nebulizer. However, it should be remembered that most nebulizers cannot use herbal infusions and essential oils. Nebulizers use alkaline inhalations with mineral water(Borjomi, Polyana Kvasova), medications indicated to eliminate the symptoms of the disease in inhalation form (Lazolvan, Sinupret, Nebutamol).

Gargling with infusions and decoctions of various herbs, for the preparation of which chamomile and calendula flowers, and sage are most often used. This procedure helps reduce inflammation, reduce painful sensations. Rinsing is carried out three times a day until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

Most often, treatment of laryngotracheitis in children is carried out on an outpatient basis. However, you should know the situations when you need to seek emergency medical assistance. Most often, danger is caused by conditions complicated by severe swelling of the larynx. In this case, the disease is accompanied by:

  • intermittent, uneven breathing;
  • shortness of breath;
  • difficulty breathing, noisy breathing;
  • excessive excitability or, on the contrary, drowsiness;
  • pallor and cyanosis of the skin.

In this case, there is a stenosing form of laryngotracheitis (false croup), which is dangerous due to the development of asphyxia. First aid for false croup:

  • alkaline inhalations;
  • hot baths for the upper and lower extremities;
  • Humidify the air using a humidifier and frequent wet cleaning.

most common in children aged 6 months to 7 years, with observed interesting fact: Girls are more susceptible to the disease. In any case, the main reason for the development of the disease is damage to the larynx and some parts of the trachea by microorganisms unfavorable to the body.

Typically, a virus or infection is directly related to colds. Due to weakened immunity and other factors, inflammation develops. Due to the high vulnerability of the body of children, laryngotracheitis develops quite quickly in them and requires timely treatment. Not treating such a disease is very dangerous, as there is a high risk of a number of complications.

A nebulizer is a special device for carrying out inhalation procedures. For the treatment of most ENT ailments, this device is necessary, especially if there are small children in the family.

The following should be used as a nebulizer solution for laryngotracheitis:

  • alcohol tincture of propolis in a ratio of 1:20 with saline. solution
  • Tonzilong in ratios: 1:1 with saline solution(from 7 years old) and 1:2 (1-7 years old)
  • in its pure form is very effective in treating cough
  • on alcohol - in a ratio of 1:40 with saline. solution (no more than 4 ml of tincture at a time)
  • Interferon – one ampoule with 3 ml saline. solution

Inhalations with a child must be carried out at least 2 times a day, one of which is required before bedtime. If you have frequent coughing attacks, you can increase the frequency of inhalation of vapors, as they significantly soften it.

Folk remedies for illness

First of all, it is important to understand that for laryngotracheitis in children, folk remedies can only be used as a supplement to drug treatment. Moreover, when using most popular recipes, you need to be extremely careful, since their components can only intensify the symptoms.

Before giving your child any homemade medications, make sure he is not allergic to their ingredients.

The following folk recipes will be the most effective for laryngotracheitis in children:

  • Steam inhalations. In principle, inhalation is a mandatory procedure for this disease. It must be done 2-3 times a day (necessarily before bedtime). The procedure can be carried out by any available methods, the simplest and most effective way is to inhale the vapors from a container with boiled potatoes and a couple of drops of essential oils added there.
  • Honey. Any of folk remedies, prepared using honey, will be beneficial for the child. The most successful recipes: honey with black radish juice (1 to 1, take a teaspoon three times a day) and honey with aloe juice (similar to the previous one).
  • Herbal decoctions and tinctures. These products must be used very carefully, as they can irritate the mucous membranes of the throat, trachea and larynx, increasing unpleasant symptoms.
  • Garlic with milk. Mix 5 crushed garlic cloves with a glass of milk. Bring the mixture to a boil, stir and cool. It is important to drink a glass of medicine in several doses a day.
  • Potato juice for rinsing. To prepare this product, you need to extract the juice of one whole potato. Then add it to a glass of rinse solution (200 ml of water plus a teaspoon of soda) and stir. Give the resulting mixture to your child to gargle with. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

Danger signs and possible complications

Since laryngotracheitis in children is quite dangerous due to its complications, it is important to consider the risk of their development during therapy. It is worth understanding that with timely treatment, the disease will subside in 4-7 days.

However, if some dangerous signs appear, you should not self-medicate; it is advisable to immediately contact the clinic. These are:

  • lack of air for breathing in a child
  • pale skin
  • breathing is too loud, whistling when inhaling
  • heaviness of breathing
  • depression of the neck when inhaling

The main complications of laryngotracheitis in children include:

  • tracheobronchitis
  • pneumonia
  • bronchopulmonary diseases
  • asphyxia (suffocation)
  • development of a laryngeal tumor or even laryngeal cancer

Laryngotracheitis in a child can be very dangerous, so you should not ignore a visit to a specialist. It is important to understand that only a doctor can correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct course of treatment.

Health to you and your children!

Laryngotracheitis is a form of laryngitis that affects the upper region of the trachea and larynx. The pathology leads to breathing problems and loss of voice. The acute stenotic form of laryngotracheitis is particularly dangerous, since due to swelling of the mucous membrane, complete closure of the respiratory passage is possible, leading to asphyxia.


IN medical practice There are several types of classifications that contribute to the rapid diagnosis of pathology.

According to its form, laryngotracheitis is divided into:

  • acute (includes primary and recurrent periods);
  • chronic.

The shape influences the duration of the disease and its impact on general state child. Chronic pathology manifests itself due to decreased immunity and a constant inflammatory process in the area of ​​the child’s vocal cords.

According to the course of the disease:

  • wavy;
  • permanent.

However, the most common classification is the division of pathology types according to morphological manifestations:

  1. Catarrhal form - during the diagnostic process, compactions of mucous tissue and minor hemorrhages are revealed.
  2. Hypertrophic - there is a change in the color of the mucous membrane, a bluish tint appears, and carpal or ulcerative formations may occur.
  3. Atrophic – has pronounced signs atrophy of muscle tissue and glands in the mucosal area.

Timely determination of the form and cause of the inflammatory process can reduce the risk of complications and significantly speed up the child’s recovery process.

Causes of the disease

The inflammatory process with laryngotracheitis develops due to a number of reasons, which include not only external influences, but also disruption of internal processes.

However, the most common cause of pathology remains infectious infection.


Infectious pathogens that contribute to the development of laryngotracheitis include:

  • viral pathogens: parainfluenza virus, influenza, herpes, measles virus, PC virus, group of adenoviruses, ARVI, rubella, chickenpox;
  • bacterial organisms: Haemophilus influenzae type b, staphylococcus, pneumococcus, group A hemolytic streptococcus (the causative agent of scarlet fever), tubercle bacilli, treponema pallidum (tertiary syphilis), chlamydia, mycoplasma.

Viral laryngotracheitis is much more common than bacterial laryngotracheitis, but the course of the disease in this case is much easier, and the body’s condition improves faster with properly selected methods of therapy.

Factors provoking the disease

Not in all cases, exposure to infectious agents leads to the development of a particular disease. Factors contributing to the development of laryngotracheitis in children include:

  1. Hypothermia.
  2. Impaired nasal breathing.
  3. General decrease in the level of immune defense.
  4. Development of chronic forms of diseases (gastritis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, ischemic disease hearts and others).
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Bronchial asthma.
  7. Pneumosclerosis.
  8. Bronchiectasis.
  9. Emphysema.
  10. Hypovitaminosis.
  11. Allergic rhinitis.
  12. Tonsillitis.
  13. Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis.
  14. High susceptibility to stress.
  15. Overstrain of the vocal cords.
  16. Mechanical damage to the larynx.
  17. Foreign objects entering the area of ​​the upper respiratory tract.
  18. Passive smoking (if the child is in an adult smoking area).

A low level of immune defense affects all processes in the body in both adults and children. Insufficient resistance of the body indirectly contributes to an increase in numbers pathogenic infection, and various types of violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane - the penetration of infection.


The first and most expressive symptom of laryngotracheitis in children is hoarseness.

Common signs of the disease also include:

  • swelling of the tissues of the throat, severe redness of the tissues;
  • barking cough;
  • temperature rise to 38 degrees;
  • dryness and sore throat;
  • muscle spasms in the larynx area.

However, these signs also occur in other diseases of the upper respiratory tract of varying nature and severity, therefore, to identify laryngotracheitis, it is necessary to full examination and find out the cause of the disease.

Acute laryngotracheitis in children

Signs of acute laryngotracheitis include:

  1. Fatigue, weakness.
  2. Nasal congestion.
  3. Sore throat.
  4. Redness of the tissues of the throat.
  5. The appearance of pain during swallowing.
  6. The appearance of pain in the upper half chest(closer to the center).
  7. Increase in body temperature to 38 or 39 degrees (not found in all cases).
  8. A large amount of secretion from the nasal mucosa.
  9. Dry cough, similar to barking.
  10. Cough in attacks that get worse at night.
  11. Hoarseness of voice.
  12. Loss of voice.

In progress effective treatment There is a change from a dry cough to a wet one, which promotes the release of sputum (the appearance of purulent inclusions in the sputum is possible in severe forms of the disease).

Stenosing laryngotracheitis

Stenosing laryngotracheitis is observed as a continuation of ARVI, developing on the 2nd or 3rd day of infection. The pathology manifests itself as a narrowing of the lumen in the throat, leading to difficulty breathing.

To his characteristic features relate:

  1. Seizures barking cough, intensifying towards night (a quiet cough symbolizes swelling of the larynx).
  2. Whistling during noisy breathing.
  3. Dyspnea.
  4. Hoarseness or complete loss of voice.
  5. Anxiety, attacks of fear.
  6. Changes in skin color (bluishness of the nasolabial triangle and fingertips with general pallor).
  7. Temperature rises to 38-39 degrees.
  8. Runny nose.
  9. Redness of the throat.
  10. High heart rate.

In the case of severe laryngotracheitis, asphyxia may occur due to complete closure of the airways.

Allergic laryngotracheitis

The allergic form of the disease is possible upon contact with a strong allergen, as well as after introducing an irritating object or substance into the respiratory tract.

Signs of an allergic type of disease include:

  1. Change, hoarseness or complete loss of voice.
  2. Barking cough.
  3. Compressed breathing with signs of whistling and wheezing.

The most common allergens include dust, feathers, animal hair, chemicals or cosmetics.

The first stage of treatment is to completely isolate the child from exposure to the allergen.

Chronic form of the disease

The chronic form of laryngotracheitis is a type of disease that occurs with a certain periodicity. Pathology occurs when residual phenomenon infectious infection or low level of the child’s immune defense.

Signs include:

  1. Hoarseness, hoarseness, “tired” voice.
  2. Sore throat.
  3. Regular cough.

To reduce the risk of developing chronic form diseases, it is necessary to begin on time and completely complete the course of treatment for upper respiratory tract disease, even after the disappearance of the first signs of the disease.


Children with laryngotracheitis need accurate and timely diagnosis. The examination is carried out by a pediatrician, and it is this specialist who writes out a referral for appropriate tests and procedures.

Diagnostics consists of:

  • studying the patient’s medical history, identifying the cause and symptoms of the emerging ailment;
  • general visual inspection, palpation of lymph nodes;
  • examination using an endoscope (identifying areas of redness, swelling, purulent formations or plaque in the larynx area);
  • smear analysis;
  • general blood test.

Diagnostics allows us to identify the form, degree and scale of inflammatory disease, and also distinguish it from diseases with similar symptoms. In some cases, the pediatrician may prescribe additional analysis methods.

Treatment of laryngotracheitis in children

Treatment of upper respiratory tract disease in children occurs in several stages. Complex treatment allows you to reduce the risk of complications, speed up recovery time and reduce possible side effects after using strong medications.

Elements of treatment of laryngotracheitis in children:

  1. Compliance with the regime.
  2. Use of medications.
  3. Physiotherapy procedures.

Choice necessary measures for the treatment of a child is carried out by the attending physician, since self-treatment may lead to complications and prolongation of therapy due to the ineffectiveness of the treatment regimen.


The regimen allows the baby’s body to calmly gain strength in order to cope with the disease.

Necessary measures during treatment:

  • compliance with bed rest;
  • limiting the load on vocal structures;
  • maintaining the temperature around 18 degrees (without drafts), air humidity – 70%;
  • ventilation of enclosed spaces.

An important element of treatment is the child’s sleep. If the baby gets a good night's sleep and does not put strain on the ligaments (speak in a whisper), recovery will go much faster.


Nutrition also undergoes some changes during treatment. For effective assistance the immune system needs:

A child's diet during illness should include soft foods and dishes that do not irritate the throat.

Emergency care for stenosing laryngotracheitis

Stenosing laryngotracheitis is a form of the disease during which there is a risk of asphyxia due to respiratory failure.

When providing first first aid necessary:

  1. Depending on the age of the child, you should take a solution of naphthyzine (concentration 0.05%) in an amount of 0.3 to 0.5 ml.
  2. Dilute with water, adding 3 to 5 ml.
  3. Sit your baby down and help him tilt his head back.
  4. The medicinal solution is poured into one of the nostrils using a syringe without a needle (if successful, the child will begin to cough).
  5. If the child does not cough, the procedure is repeated, but the solution should be poured into the other nasal passage.


Treatment of laryngotracheitis is not complete without complex administration of medications, the action of which is aimed at reducing swelling, restoring breathing and suppressing activity pathogenic flora in case of an infectious form of the disease.

For elimination viral infection for laryngotracheitis the following are used:

  • "Interferon";
  • "Tsitovir";
  • "Amiksin";
  • "Aflubin";
  • "Nazoferon".

The last 2 of the listed drugs are approved for use in infants, however, before taking any medications, you should consult with your pediatrician to exclude side effects and designing the most appropriate treatment regimen.

To eliminate bacterial pathogens during the treatment of laryngotracheitis, the following are used:

  • "Augmentin";
  • "Zinnat";
  • "Sumamed";
  • "Ceftriaxone".

The listed antibiotics are in some cases approved for use in children over 1 year of age. Antibiotics are strong drugs and have a number of contraindications.

Antiallergic drugs during treatment:

  • "Loratadine";
  • "Zodak";
  • "Suprastin".

Antihistamines help calm the child and help relieve swelling; they also cannot be avoided in case of allergic form laryngotracheitis.

Means for coughing and removing mucus:

  • "Ambroxol";
  • "Erespal";
  • "ACC";
  • "Mukolvan" for inhalation.

Making breathing easier by removing mucus helps improve the child's condition.

Means used to boost immune defense in children include:

  • "Viferon";
  • "Kipferon";
  • "Arbidol";
  • "Anaferon";
  • "Cycloferon";
  • "Lykopid";
  • "Ribomunil";
  • "Bronchomunal".

The drugs also have an antiviral effect and are used with the permission of a pediatrician during epidemics to prevent diseases.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

The most used methods of physiotherapy for laryngotracheitis include:

  1. UHF therapy.
  2. Electrophoresis.
  3. Ultraviolet irradiation.
  4. Microwave exposure.
  5. Inhalations.

However, inhalations are among the methods that can be used at home to reduce the symptoms of the disease.

For inhalation, a nebulizer is used; the classic method of inhaling steam is prohibited.

Restrictions when performing inhalations:

  • the procedure is prohibited for use on infants due to the high risk of mucosal burns;
  • the procedure is carried out only at rest;
  • inhalations are carried out 2 times a day between meals;
  • within half an hour after therapeutic measure it is forbidden to eat, drink or talk;
  • During inhalation, inhalation is carried out through the mouth and exhalation through the nose.

Infusions are used for inhalation solutions medicinal herbs(mint, calendula, chamomile, sage), mineral water, saline or soda solution.

Folk remedies

During the treatment period, folk remedies are used as additional means of therapy to reduce the severity of symptoms. Before using home methods, you should consult your pediatrician.

Recipe one:

  1. You need to cut a glass out of black radish. To do this, cut off the “lid” and cut out the inner part.
  2. 2 tablespoons of honey are poured into the glass.
  3. The glass of radish is closed with a lid and kept for 2 hours.
  4. Radish juice along with honey is poured into a glass container and mixed.
  5. The product is used 1 teaspoon up to 3 times a day.

You should use honey to treat laryngotracheitis very carefully, after first making sure that the patient is not allergic.

Recipe two:

  1. 300g honey.
  2. 100g chopped ginger root.
  3. The mixture must be mixed well and placed on low heat, then heated for 5 minutes.
  4. The product is added to tea for oral use.

Before use, you must make sure that your child is not allergic.

Recipes based on medicinal herbs:

  • 3 tablespoons of a dry mixture of herbs (St. John's wort, oregano, plantain, wild rosemary) are poured with 1 glass of boiling water and kept in a thermos for 4 hours, taken 1 medium sip 20 minutes before meals;
  • 1 tablespoon of a dry mixture of herbs (marshmallow root, licorice root, coltsfoot, mullein flowers) is kept in 1 glass of cold water for 2 hours, then brought to a boil. The infusion of the mixture is used on the day of preparation (after clearing the herbs with gauze).

Before using herbs, you should make sure that there are no contraindications and that it is possible to combine home methods and basic treatment.

Treatment of laryngotracheitis in children under one year of age

Children of the youngest age are not able to complain about ailments themselves, so responsibility for identifying pathology falls entirely on the child’s parents. Clinical signs For infant is anxiety, wheezing during screaming, coughing, discharge from the sinuses.

It is also worth noting that young children often suffer severe illnesses without a high fever, so at the slightest sign of illness (even at normal body temperature), you should consult a pediatrician.

Timely use of measures and approved medications reduces the risk of asphyxia in infants.

Complications of laryngotracheitis

With absence timely diagnosis and treatment, laryngotracheitis can lead to the development severe complications, which include:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchiolitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • false croup

According to statistics, complications associated with breathing problems most often occur in children aged 3-6 years.

What should not be done with laryngotracheitis in children

What is forbidden to do while treating a child for laryngotracheitis:

  1. Carry out inhalations using improvised means (inhalation of steam over a pan); the procedure is carried out only with the help of a nebulizer.
  2. Apply warm compresses to the neck area.
  3. Use spicy foods or vegetables (onions, garlic, alcohol solutions) during treatment.

Overheating stimulates blood flow and can increase swelling, as a result of which the use of steam inhalation is prohibited.


To protect the child from the development of infectious diseases, parents are recommended to use a number of preventive measures, aimed at reducing contact with possible pathogens and increasing the baby’s immune defense.

Prevention measures:

  1. Thoughtful and moderate hardening.
  2. Regular walks on fresh air.
  3. Class active species sports
  4. Compliance with healthy eating rules.
  5. Maintaining the temperature of the interior at no higher than 25 degrees.
  6. Air humidification in rooms.
  7. Regular wet cleaning.
  8. Elimination of possible allergens.
  9. Addition of complexes of vitamins and microelements.
  10. Completion of treatment for upper respiratory tract diseases.

Any disease in both children and adults must be brought to an end. In the event of a bacterial or fungal infection, the temporary disappearance of symptoms of the disease is not an indicator of cure, which is why, in order to reliably prevent complications and the spread of infectious inflammation to neighboring internal organs, the instructions of the attending physician should be followed.


Laryngotracheitis is a disease that affects the tissues of the larynx and trachea. The main danger of the disease is the development of suffocation due to acute stenosis. Children need the vigilant attention of their parents and timely, comprehensive treatment to avoid the development of complications and further progress of the pathology.

Laryngotracheitis is diagnosed more often in preschool children, and somewhat less frequently in adolescents. This phenomenon is due to physiological features: the larynx in children under 3-6 years of age is short, in the period from 5 years to puberty, organ growth respiratory system happens unevenly. The short length of the upper respiratory tract allows the infection to quickly enter the pharynx into the larynx and travel along the trachea. This is how laryngotracheitis develops; treatment of this disease in children is often difficult. Toddlers up to 2-3 years of age (or slightly longer) cannot synchronize breathing and muscle contractions. Therefore, the choice of drugs or procedures for this age category is limited - for example, sprays are not recommended.

Why and how laryngotracheitis begins

  • Distinct hoarseness.
  • Expectorants. Mucaltin in all forms, ACC, mixtures based on marshmallow root, modern syrups “Linkas”, “Gerbion” - plantain syrup - are recommended for children and adults. The nuances of age intake are indicated in the instructions. “Sinekod”: drops (prescribed for a few days for babies after 2 months), and syrup when children reach three years of age. This medicine is also an antitussive medicine.

Folk recipes

Stenosing laryngotracheitis

Once in the body, the virus attaches itself to the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and inhibits local protective functions. Natural phagocytes are unable to resist infection, pathogenic microflora develops intensively - this is how a focus of inflammation arises.

A virus or bacteria leads to the production of purulent exudate: for example, cough with sputum, mucous greenish discharge from the nose. Since pathogenic microorganisms multiply and colonize the warm, moist habitat quickly, the tracheal mucosa soon swells and becomes hyperemic.

The cause of the rapid development of laryngotracheitis - simultaneous inflammation of the larynx and trachea - can be a virus or bacteria that enters the body through airborne droplets or household contact. Aggravating factors are considered: reduced immunity, hypothermia (local or general), dysbacteriosis. Under such conditions, resistance decreases and the overall balance of microflora is disrupted.

Infection in the trachea can occur in the presence of internal chronic inflammatory processes: with a sluggish course of tonsillitis, a constant runny nose (sinusitis or rhinitis), and frequent pharyngitis. Sometimes the cause of the disease is an allergy. Then the doctor prescribes allergy tests, determines the main irritant, and this form can be cured quickly: you need to exclude the allergen and prescribe an antihistamine. There are acute laryngotracheitis and stenotic laryngotracheitis.

How to treat classic acute laryngotracheitis

Traditionally, the disease occurs as a complication of acute respiratory viral infection. The first signs of the disease are respiratory manifestations. The primary symptom is a runny nose, possible nasal congestion, discomfort or painful sensations when swallowing, coughing. Low-grade fever rises to 38o. If an increase in temperature is accompanied by spasms, then it is worth taking antipyretic syrups such as Panadol, Nise, first clarifying how serious the child’s condition is.

When an infection invades a new habitat, and inflammatory process progresses, then the following appear:

  • Dry, hacking cough. The attacks are worse at night, when taking a deep breath. The child complains of pain in the sternum.
  • Sputum appears and takes on a purulent hue.
  • Distinct hoarseness.
  • The acute form is accompanied by slight stenosis of the larynx.

It is possible to treat laryngotracheitis in a child at home. It is suggested to follow the rules: bed rest, creating optimal humidity in the room - you can use a humidifier or place containers of water around the apartment. Shown gentle balanced diet: no spicy foods, nothing fatty, reduce sweets consumption to a minimum. Be sure to remember to drink plenty of warm drinks, which will help flush toxins from the body.

Treatment of acute laryngotracheitis with medications:

  • If the disease is viral in nature, Amizon, Arbidol, Ingaverin, and other antiviral drugs and drugs that stimulate the production of immune bodies are prescribed. If the cause of the disease is a bacteria, then it is necessary to take antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. These may be representatives of the penicillin series - Flemoxin, Flemoclav, azithromycins - Sumamed, Azitsin and other variations with other active ingredients. The causative agent is being clarified based on the results of clinical tests.
  • Antispasmodic antitussives will help alleviate the patient's condition. These medications will help with unproductive, painful cough. For example, Erespal syrup prevents spasms, reduces exudation and suppresses inflammation. The medication reduces respiratory syndrome.
  • Expectorants. Mucaltin in all forms, ACC, mixtures based on marshmallow root, modern syrups “Linkas”, “Gerbion” - plantain syrup - are recommended for children and adults. The nuances of age intake are indicated in the instructions. “Sinekod”: drops (prescribed for a few days for babies after 2 months), and syrup when children reach three years of age. This medicine is also an antitussive medicine.
  • Swelling is relieved using antihistamines: at home, Erius (syrup), traditional Loratadine, Zyrtec are suitable.
  • Rinsing with solutions of Furacilin, Rotokan, Tantum Verde will have a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect.

Important: the dosage of drugs and their names are chosen by a specialist. Parents should not interrupt the course of treatment or change medications without permission. The number of days the doctor prescribed is the price for taking the medicine.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies that have been used for many generations will help cure the disease faster. Alkaline inhalations are effective: you can take regular soda - a teaspoon per glass, and if you have a nebulizer, then it is rational to do inhalation based on Borjomi mineral water mixed with saline solution. Natural essential oils of eucalyptus and mint are suitable for this procedure.

If there is no temperature, then it is allowed to steam your feet in mustard. Herbal teas from chamomile, calendula, and sage have proven to be excellent. Honey is not recommended. It causes increased production of mucus, which is the habitat of the infection.

You can prepare an infusion of figs with milk - leave 4-5 mashed fresh juicy fruits in warm milk for 8 hours. It is recommended to wrap the infusion in a terry towel or pour it into a thermos. Take a third of a glass three times a day.

Various fees may apply. For example: on the table. spoon of coltsfoot and oregano herb plus 2 tablespoons. chamomile flowers. Linden, calendula, and St. John's wort complement each other perfectly. The standard requirement is a tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials per 200-250 ml of boiling water. The broth is infused and filtered. Drink 3-4 times a day.

Gargling with herbal decoctions, a solution of sea salt or ordinary salt and soda with drops of iodine is recommended.

Stenosing laryngotracheitis

Stenosis is a narrowing of the lumen of the cavity. With such a course of laryngotracheitis, breathing becomes difficult. Swelling of the larynx and glottis contributes to changes in voice timbre. Stenosing laryngotracheitis is characterized by additional symptoms:

  • Inhalation and exhalation become noisy and audible.
  • Shortness of breath occurs at the slightest exertion.
  • The heartbeat quickens, the baby tries to breathe more intensely to saturate the tissues with oxygen.

A severe form of stenotic laryngotracheitis can cause laryngospasm. Attack severe cough provokes spasm of the respiratory passage. The baby unsuccessfully tries to breathe, the nasolabial triangle turns blue, and the child panics. An adult must act quickly:

  • First you need to open the window, humidify the surrounding space as much as possible, and calm the child.
  • Keep the baby in an upright position or sit him in a chair with a straight back.
  • Hold your tongue with a spoon and immediately inject an antihistamine. You can give an antispasmodic if the child is able to swallow it.
  • After removal acute condition Alkaline drinking is indicated - mineral water or a weak soda solution.

If such symptoms are detected, immediately call a doctor or “ ambulance", and further treatment is recommended to be carried out in a hospital.
How to treat laryngotracheitis in children with mild stenosis? Doctors recommend using the same means as for acute illness. In questionable situations, you should always consult a doctor.

Young children have an imperfect immune system; it is in the stage of formation and development. Any hypothermia can trigger the development of an infection that was previously dormant peacefully in the body. What we call appears, but in reality infection viral or bacterial nature. One of frequent illnesses in young children there is acute laryngotracheitis.

What is acute laryngotracheitis

This disease was previously called false croup because of the characteristic barking. Now this term is more applicable to conditions of throat swelling of an allergic nature. Acute laryngotracheitis affects the pharynx and trachea of ​​a child, mainly boys aged from one to seven years. This “selectivity” of the disease is most likely due to the fact that little girls risk their health less in outdoor games during the cold season. Boys, on the other hand, are active and very mobile, they strive to take off clothes that interfere with their play, they become hypothermic and, as a result, get sick.

Treatment of acute laryngotracheitis in children requires correct diagnosis of the disease. This disease develops rapidly and manifests itself quite acutely.

Initially, a child who has caught a cold feels the usual malaise, weakness, lethargy, a runny nose, and a headache.

Acute laryngotracheitis begins suddenly, manifested by difficulty breathing, hoarseness or complete loss.

Causes of acute laryngotracheitis in children

Since the treatment of acute laryngotracheitis in children must be carried out comprehensively, it is very important to identify the true cause of the disease in time.

It could be:

  • Flu type A
  • Parainfluenza of the first group
  • Measles
  • Rhinoviruses
  • Enteroviruses

Since the body of a small child does not cope well with thermoregulation, illnesses due to hypothermia (colds) are a common and very common occurrence. It may appear minor, which goes away quite quickly, but it can also awaken a dormant infection, especially if the child has recently been ill. The immune system is weakened by the fight against a serious enemy and cannot fight off another infection. At this moment, it is very important to protect the baby from cold and drafts.

Any of past diseases greatly weakens the body of a small child, making him very sensitive to various other infections.

Slight hypothermia gives impetus to the development of inflammation, first in the pharynx, and then down to the trachea. At the same time, the delicate and sensitive vocal cords are affected. Acute laryngotracheitis occurs.

This disease is a frequent companion to cold viral diseases or their direct consequence. If you don’t take action in time and start treating the baby, then the banal can turn into serious illness which can have dangerous complications.

Acute viral infections, penetrating the child’s body, cause tracheal vascular spasms. Because of this, blood circulation is disrupted, the mucous membranes swell, and secretions begin to be actively produced.

Gradually, the secretion becomes thick and viscous, with purulent contents, the trachea becomes “clogged” with it and the child finds it difficult to breathe. Due to the fact that air literally breaks through the reduced lumen of the trachea, the child’s breathing becomes heavy, hoarse and labored. The next stage appears sharp, which is characterized as barking.The baby may have disturbed sleep due to difficulty breathing; many find it difficult to eat food, especially hard food, and chew it.

It is very important to begin treatment of acute laryngotracheitis in children as early as possible - an advanced disease can become protracted or even complicated by pneumonia. It will be much more difficult to cure these diseases, and the treatment process will take a lot of time.

During this disease, it is customary to distinguish three stages:

  1. First degree of illness. At this time, the child is still quite alert, can play, eats and sleeps normally. From external manifestations One can only note difficulty, rather heavy breathing, in some cases with wheezing, some hoarseness of voice and obvious symptoms. The cough manifests itself in paroxysms and can last from several minutes to several hours. The child may be capricious, but such a cough does not cause any particular, very pronounced discomfort in the baby. This is a fairly mild condition that can be quickly and effectively treated with prompt medical attention and correct positioning diagnosis.
  2. Second degree of the disease. At this time, acute laryngotracheitis is in the stage of incomplete compensation. This means the fact that the body fights infection, resisting with all the forces of its imperfect immunity. At this time, the cough becomes severe, the child cannot clear his throat, he painfully tries to catch his breath, his skin may turn blue from lack of oxygen. The breathing is very heavy, it can be heard even at a distance from the baby, it comes out with a whistle from the constantly partly open mouth. Because of this, a coating forms on the tongue, lips dry out and crack.
  3. The third degree of the disease is called decompensated stenosis. This name means that the child’s trachea is completely clogged with thick mucus, which greatly interferes with breathing, is difficult to separate and provokes attacks of painful lingering cough. The child is worried, becomes lethargic, is not interested in anything, his sleep is disturbed, and his appetite is completely absent. This is a very serious and complex condition, which most likely requires urgent hospitalization of the child.

Methods of external influence on the acute form of laryngotracheitis

Treatment of acute laryngotracheitis in children is carried out comprehensively and necessarily includes a visit to a pediatrician or a specialized specialist. You cannot begin to treat your baby without an accurate diagnosis from a doctor.

The symptoms of this disease can be very similar to others that are very dangerous and difficult to treat - whooping cough, diphtheria. Self-medication can be especially dangerous in the case of a very young child or in a severe stage of an advanced disease.

Complex treatment includes:

  • Usage . Moist heat dilates the bronchi, thins mucus and helps empty the trachea of ​​contents. It becomes easier for the child to breathe, he can cough and get rid of phlegm. It is best to do inhalations with a special ultrasonic device, especially for very young children. You can get by with a regular inhaler, you just need to be careful so that the child does not painfully turn the vessel over on himself or get burned by the steam. Inhalation with a soda solution helps best, but you can also use sea ​​salt, and also mix these two substances to enhance the effect. Repeat inhalations several times a day, most often during a coughing attack. At high temperature This procedure cannot be performed on a child.
  • Foot baths. You need to steam your feet at a tolerable temperature, making sure that the room is not cold. Hot baths dilate blood vessels and promote better cleansing trachea from sputum. The baby feels much better after this procedure. If your body temperature is high, it is prohibited to hover your feet.
  • A steam bath is a method that is still used to treat coughing attacks due to whooping cough. The bathroom is completely filled with steam from boiling water, and then the sick child is brought in there. Inhaling hot and very humid air “opens” the bronchi and trachea, causes vasodilation and helps clear phlegm. subsides quite quickly.

Drug treatment of the disease

If affected by acute laryngotracheitis, it is very dangerous to give your child medications, especially antibiotics, on your own. You can easily confuse the dose, you may be allergic to medications, and the effectiveness of viral disease practically zero.

Only a pediatrician can prescribe these drugs, and only if he believes that a bacterial infection has also been added to the viral infection. Otherwise, such treatment can only harm the child.Prescribed as a cough suppressant various drugs, capable of effectively diluting sputum and causing its separation.

Antispasmodics and expectorants will help quickly remove phlegm from the body, which interferes with normal breathing.

Medicines are given strictly as prescribed by the doctor and in the dosage prescribed by him.It is imperative to explain to the child that anything that begins to cough up must be spat out. To do this, the child is explained how this is done and taught to use disposable paper handkerchiefs or napkins so as not to spread the infection.

More information about laryngotracheitis can be found in the video.

With a timely start and making the right choice medicines Treatment can last 5 days, but most often it lasts for two weeks. The speed of recovery depends on the stage at which treatment for acute laryngotracheitis in children began, and on the state of the baby’s immunity.

Diet and daily routine for laryngotracheitis

To alleviate the child’s condition, you need to maintain moderate temperature and humidity in his room, regularly ventilate it in the absence of the child, and avoid drafts in every possible way. During acute stage illness, it is necessary to observe bed rest, regularly changing the baby into clean underwear at high temperatures and perspiration. If the child is in pajamas that are damp from sweat, drying on them will help cool the body and this may worsen the baby's condition.

It is very important to distract the child by keeping him busy with some games, reading interesting books and watching exciting TV shows. You can give him his favorite toy in bed.

As with all colds, the child is offered plenty of fluids. The baby is given a variety of juices, cranberry juice and a variety of compotes. You need to drink often, little by little, plenty of fluid helps remove toxins and breakdown products, speeding up recovery.

The effectiveness of treatment of acute laryngotracheitis in children is supported by proper and balanced nutrition.

Since it is difficult for a child to swallow and chew solid food, it is replaced with soft or pureed foods, steamed cutlets and meatballs, healthy chicken bouillon. Spicy and salty foods, as well as sweets and chocolate products, are removed from the diet. They can be annoying sore throat and worsen coughing attacks.Since a child may suffer from appetite disorders and be capricious, not wanting to eat “boring” food, parents need to try to make the sick child’s food tasty, healthy and visually attractive.

Prevention of acute laryngotracheitis

Since most diseases occur against the background of hypothermia, and laryngotracheitis is no exception, parents need to dress the child correctly.

There is no need to wrap him up excessively, because an active baby, being dressed too warmly, will quickly sweat, and then can quickly freeze due to wet clothes.

Air conditioners are also dangerous. It is necessary to ensure that the stream of cold air is always directed upward, towards the ceiling, the temperature is not too low, and the air flow is not very strong. The temperature difference between outside and room temperatures should not exceed seven degrees. It is necessary to protect the child from drafts, not only at home, but also on the street.

Majority colds provoked by drafts, especially if the child is sweaty and sits on the floor in the path of the air flow to play.

The best method for preventing laryngotracheitis and other diseases is hardening. Walk your baby barefoot through the dew, let him run barefoot on the beach more often, wipe him down or pour water on him, and play sports with him. This will bring him great benefits, strengthen his immune system and help him resist various diseases.