Salpingit pleasant feelings after treatment. Salpingitis is what disease? Chronic Salpingitis. Salpingitis - symptoms and treatment. Mechanical damage to the epithelium

Two-way chronic salpindhyte - diagnosis capable of frightening any woman. What lies for this concept? What is Salpingitis? How does it proceed and why arises? What forms are, how to recover from him?

What is Salpingitis?

Under the term Salpingit is a disease that causes inflammation of the uterine pipes. This disease begins to develop in cases where the pathogenic microflora penetrates from the uterine or other organs in the pipe. The path of hitting is usually hematogenous.

The beginning of the process usually occurs from the damage to the mucous membrane of pipes. Gradually, it spreads, covering the following layers. And this leads to a violation of their peristalsis.

The likely the consequences of such a situation can be spikes threatening with infertility or ectopic pregnancy.

Often, in this disease, the uterus and ovaries are inflated, which makes it even more dangerous for women's health.

In the form of sources, both fungi and gonducts and staphylococci, streptococci, as well as chlamydia, escherichia, intestinal bacteria and even tuberculosis pathogens.

Due to the screeds, partial or complete impassability of pipes can be observed. When the liquid accumulates in the uterine pipe with it, it is hydraulpinx. A similar situation, only with the accumulation of pus, was called Pyosalpix.

The disease is divided into three types by nature of the flow: hidden, acute and chronic. The last most frequent. It should be noted that this disease is diagnosed only in 30% of patients.

Causes of the disease

The disease can develop for a number of reasons. Although most often this is still hitting the uterine pipes of infection. Inflammation may appear from any interventions on the genital environment (for example, an unprofessional gynecological examination, damage to the cervix, complication after an abortion or cesarean section).

It is for this reason that it is so important that the gynecologist is a professional professional, since feminine health may depend on his actions. In some cases, the development of salpingitis can also contribute to the establishment of intrauterine spirals.

The body can perceive it as a foreign body.

In addition, in cases where the girl has a unhappy gynecological disease, it can also develop. You can observe the mirror effect when Salpingitis becomes the impetus for the development of another disease.

The greatest risk group is:

  • girls up to 35 years old having regular sex contacts and a large number of partners;
  • girls who started early sex life;
  • women practicing non-traditional forms of sexual contacts;
  • women applying hormonal contraceptives;
  • girls who have sexual intercourse during menstruation.

The disease may occur during pregnancy and even after menopause.

Factors that increase the chance of the development of the disease are stress, improper nutrition, imminent immunity, drug addiction and alcoholism.

It should be understood that this disease is very dangerous, the pus, accumulating in the process of inflammation, may eventually spread through the body, especially by the authorities abdominal cavity and small pelvis.

Lack of treatment may result in serious consequences for life and health.

Symptoms of the disease

It is not always possible to detect the disease without passing a special survey. There are a number of symptoms that can be connected with it. Knowing them, you can consult a doctor in time.

Quite often, the disease begins at the end menstrual cycle, as well as after changing the sexual partner. The risk increases if the partner suffers from such a disease as a gonorrhea.

Consider the signs that are characteristic of a specific type of Salpingitis.

With purulent salpingitis, the temperature is often sharply rising, pain at the bottom of the abdomen, begins to znobly. If such signs are observed, it does not matter which disease caused them, in any case urgently call the doctor.

Symptoms include discharge from vagina having purulent. Obstructed scarce or, on the contrary, abundant menstruation, painful or too frequent urination, Pain during sexual intercourse.

Purulent salpinting on his initial stage It is easy to treat, to appoint a gynecologist's doctor, the patient must take antibiotics wide spectrum. In the same cases, when they do not give a proper effect, it is necessary to remove the inflamed uterine tubum.

Acute salpingitis is characterized by accumulation in the motherhouse of liquid, it is it that stimulates the development of inflammation. To recover from it, you should make compresses and take antibiotics, undergo physiotherapeutic procedures.

Gynecologists indicate that most often such a form of the disease occurs against the background of ectopic pregnancy, subserosan moma, cyst, ovarian inflammation. The symptoms are as follows: a sharp rise in temperature, the pain at the bottom of the abdomen and the waist, pain with sexual intercourse, monthly and urination.

Double-sided salpinting is a disease in which the highest risk of infertility, since both pipes are amazed. Then there is either right-sided or left-sided salpingitis. Even if you need an operation to remove one tube, the second remains healthy and operates normally.

For the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, several procedures should be passed, starting from the usual gynecological examination and ending with echographs, ultrasound and laparoscopy. For treatment, except antibiotics, candles are assigned. In a number of severe cases, the maintenance of pipes or even removing them is restored.

You can select the following symptoms this type Diseases: Bleeding and (or) Pain during sexual intercourse, vomiting and nausea, decreased appetite, meteorism and frequent urination, chills and weakness, unusual discharge from vagina and pain, increase temperature.

Chronic bilateral salpingitis is a type of disease that requires proper and timely treatment. In case the treatment timely, a woman suffering from a disease, can be pregnant, to endure and give birth to a healthy child.

Treatment of chronic Salpingita

It should be understood that the body of each woman is individual. Moreover, in a particular age and under the influence of different factors, it can behave absolutely differently. That is why it is important to correctly diagnose the disease, take into account the nuances of the state of the patient and understand how the disease occurs and at what stage it is located. Only then can I choose therapy correctly. So, at an early stage, the course of treatment is appointed for only one week, and with later it can already last three weeks or more.

As noted above, antibiotics are prescribed to combat the disease, they can usually be combined with taking vitamins and strengthening immunity drugs. Candles, emulsions are also included in the list of medicament.

With a combination of salpingitis with a tuberculosis process, you need to expose patients with radiotherapy. Here they need compresses and heating, warming up and warm enemas. In the most complex casesAs already noted, operational intervention is performed. It is divided into two types: conservative and radical. When you first have the opportunity to save the tube and other internal organs. But the second provides for full removal Fallopyeye tubes or both pipes (with bilateral salpingitis).

The doctor may recommend strengthening the healing effect, prescribing a number of folk remedies, but only if it is completely confident in the diagnosis. With such a disease, self-treatment is not allowed, otherwise it can lead to its progression and deposits.

Salpingitis, salpingo-phorite or adnexite - disease of the uterine (phallopy) tubes of bacteriological nature.

Inflammation can be held as in one pipe, can also meet bilateral.

This disease occurs quite often and has more complications with untimely treatment.

Salpingitis, at an early stage, causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the uterine pipes, and then affects deeper tissues.

The disease has several stages of development, each of which requires immediate medical intervention to prevent serious consequences.

In severe cases, surgery may be required.

Causes of occurrence

Salpingitis may occur for various reasons. Specialists allocated 3 main reasons why this disease may occur in women: STIs, mechanical damage to mucoshides of the shells, inflammation of other small pelvis organs.

  • STIs - often become the causes of genital diseases, Salpingitis has not exceeded. Cytomegalovirus , , , The most common infections transmitting sexually, which lead to the occurrence of various kinds of sexual diseases and urinary systems. This is due to their hidden flow, in which medical care is not on time;
  • Mechanical damage mucous membranes of the uterus and uterine pipes, they can also be caused:
    • abortions;
    • severe flow of childbirth;
    • puncture and injections to the region of the uterus;
    • endometritis;
    • instrumental studies of the uterine cavity;
    • installing spirals.

Also, Salpingitis may arise due to inflammatory processes in neighboring organs:

  • colitis;
  • - inflammation of the ovary;
  • pelvioperitonitis.

Provoking factors that can lead to a disease

There are a number of factors that may contribute to the emergence of Salpingitis. These include:

  • every kind of dying, which help bacteria penetrate into the small pelvis organs;
  • gynecological procedures involving the use of any tools;
  • a large number of sexual partners;
  • a history of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • intrauterine device.


Salpingitis has similar symptoms with other diseases of the female sexual system (see photo), for this reason, diagnose such a disease is difficult.

A distinctive feature is the presence of a very high temperature up to 40 degrees, a strong chills, fever.

The following symptoms may be present:

  • strong pain in the lower abdomen;
  • with a tuberculous stick, pain proceed from groove and sacral regions;
  • pain in urination and defecation;
  • pain syndrome during sexual proximity;
  • symptoms of intoxication: disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

These symptoms are characteristic of acute stage Disease flows. When untreated treatment, the disease goes into chronic form. Chronic Salpingitis causes such symptoms as:

In the remission stage:

  • weakness;
  • low level of performance;
  • the feeling of discomfort in the affected pipe.

With exacerbation:

  • pain and spasms at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • unnatural nature and having an unpleasant odor;
  • violation;
  • discomfort during sexual proximity.

Forms of the disease

Salpingitis is customary to be divided into forms:

  • Localization - left-sided and right-hand.
    • Left-sided inflammation of pipes occurs when pathological processes In the sigmoid intestine, and inflammation of the lungs. In this case, the entire uterine tube is affected. Sweet occurs and ulcers are formed. The tissue atrophy occurs, a region with purulent filling and blood is formed.
    • Right-sided It may occur in the presence of an infection that enters the pipe by ascent or during appendicitis. The process of leakage is similar to left-sided salpingitis, but the diagnosis is hampered, since the symptoms are similar to the signs of appendicitis or the gap of the ovary.
  • At the stage of the course of the disease - acute and chronic.
    • Acute form manifests strongly pronounced signs and symptoms with a sharp deterioration in the overall condition and increase the temperature to high marks.
    • Chronic Stage It has low-rise symptoms, discharge, a slight increase in temperature and constant painful syndrome. It has 2 forms: exacerbation and remission.
  • According to the type of inflammatory process - serous and purulent.
    • Serous process It is the accumulation of serous fluid in the utensils of the fallopian tube and is called the hydraulic acid. Caused by streptococci, staphylococci and tuberculosis wand. It is characteristic of: general ailment, watery discharge from the vagina, pain in the lower abdomen.
    • Purulent salpingitis Can be caused by gonorrhea. Also, abortions, intrauterine spirals, miscarriages can also lead to it. Basically proceeds in one pipe. Characterized by strongly pronounced symptoms, high temperatures and strong painful sensations, purulent discharge.

During the disease in such a form, immediate surveillance of surgeons is necessary. Otherwise, inflammation can get into the abdominal cavity and lead to peritonitis. When untimely medical care will have a fatal outcome.


The following research methods are used to diagnose Salpingitis:

  • collecting anamnesis - Complaints of the Patient, the presence of a history of STIs, abortions, etc.;
  • examination of the gynecologist;
  • Ultrasound of a small pelvis, in which the thickening of the pipe walls is diagnosed, the presence of fluid, spikes;
  • laparoscopic examination - for this, a special apparatus is used, which is introduced into the abdominal cavity;
  • x-ray - a contrast substance in the uterus is introduced and a radiographic study is carried out;
  • bacteriological examination of the smear;
  • analysis on to determine the generation of the causative agent.


Treatment this disease Based on accurate diagnosis of the disease. At first, the doctor must establish what it is for the shape of Salpingitis and at what stage it flows, and already presses the treatment.

Treatment of inflammation of phallopy pipes has three methods of therapy:

  • drug;
  • surgical;
  • treatment with folk remedies.

The choice of method is determined depending on the state of the woman. If necessary, the patient is sent to the hospital, and in extremely severe cases the operation is carried out.

Medicia treatment

Mainly applied to the treatment of chronic salpingitis during its exacerbation.

For this purpose:

  • antibiotics, for example, Doxycycline or ceftriaxone;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of suppository, for example, Torzhin;
  • anti-inflammatory means of a common spectrum of action;
  • drugs supporting immunity;
  • , in which there are vitamins C, E.


Surgical intervention is carried out only at the struggled stages of the disease, with purulent formations, with infertility or tumors.

During surgery, the surgeon removes areas with purulent formations, dishes spikes, which provides pipes. If the disease is in a running form, a tubectomy is carried out (the removal of the uterine tube).

After the operation performed, it is necessary to exclude sex life for 2 months, which will be a guarantee of recovery.

The operation takes place in 2 forms:

  • Laparotomy - lies in the dissection of the abdominal cavity. Then removal of inflamed areas, dissection of adhesions, the abdominal savage. After that, the seams are superimposed. This type of operation is carried out if it is impossible to carry out laparoscopy.
  • Laparoscopy is a type of operational intervention, in which the abdominal cavity is made no more than 10 cm. A special device is introduced through it. With such an operation, the doctor produces the same manipulations as at laparotomy, but this method is considered the most efficient and less traumatic for the patient.

Alternative treatments

Alternative methods of treatment can also be applied to get rid of salpinting.

You can use recipes for the treatment of folk remedies, but it is very important to remember that self-treatment does not always lead to the desired result, and sometimes be harmful.

Before applying a means, you must consult a doctor.

Folk ways of treatment

  • The roots of wormies will be required And the fruits of yellow cherry in an equal ratio. Pour 1 l boiling water and add a small amount of white dry wine. Put the decoction to slow fire and wait until the volume decreases by 2 times. After that, the decoction is composed. Take 75 ml 2 hours after meals.
  • It will take 100 g. Anisa fruitsthat need to be carefully crushed, 0.5 liters of honey. Consisten in quantity 3 times a day.
  • In equal parts, daisy flowers are taken, elderberry and linen seed that need to be chopped well. Bring to a boil, then give the brave break for 15 minutes, cool. Designed to receive inside.
  • Take in equal shares crushed daisy and linden flowers. Then pour water and bring to a boil. After that, the decoction should be cooled to a warm state. It is used for douching. This decoction reduces inflammation.

Also for the treatment of salpingitis used cow milk. It must be boiled and used as steam baths. It is necessary to abide care to avoid burns.

Also use champs from calendula, oak bark, boring uterus, sage and lindenes for douching.

Plantain with Aloe, Cabbage with Aloe, Aloe with honey is used for tampons.


During treatment, it will not be superfluous to compliance with a light diet. Experts recommend to use products containing protein and easily dismained food. For example:

  • chicken in boiled form;
  • beef;
  • a fish;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • cottage cheese and all milk products;
  • abundant drinking up to 2.5 liters per day.


To prevent the occurrence of Salpingitis, some preventive measures must be observed:

  • compliance with personal hygiene;
  • use condoms at sexual proximity;
  • visiting the gynecologist at least 1 time per year;
  • when manifesting any symptoms immediately contact the doctor;
  • treatment of sexual infections during;
  • avoid damage to the mucous membranes of the small pelvic organs;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • compliance with all recommendations of doctors in the treatment female diseases urogenital system.


If symptoms are present and the treatment is carried out untimely, Salpingitis can cause complications:

  • inflammation can spread to the neighboring organs of the abdominal cavity and organs of the genitourinary system;
  • the formation of adhesions, which causes the impassability of uterine pipes. To eliminate this complication spend surgical surgeryIn challenging cases, it may be necessary to remove one or both uterine pipes;
  • an increase in the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy;
  • infertility.


If the treatment of Salpingitis was started at an early stage and did not occur serious damage to the uterine pipes, the forecast is favorable. Under all the recommendations of the doctor, comes full recovery, and the reproductive functions of the body of the patient will not be affected.

If the treatment has begun indefinitely, the disease very often goes into a chronic form. In this case, the forecast is not as favorable, since with this form of salpingitis it is quite difficult to cure.

In addition, chronic inflammation The uterine pipes occur various kinds of dysfunction of the reproductive system, which can lead to infertility. And also possible complications that will require surgical intervention.

Woman is a continuer of the human race, and when inflammatory processes occur in gOOD SYSTEM Reproductive functions can be violated.

Salpinting is one of such diseases. In order not to lose happiness to become a mother, it is necessary at the first symptoms to contact medical help. And also not to forget to visit the gynecologist and in time to treat sex infections in order to prevent the occurrence of inflammation of uterine pipes.

The task of a woman is to preserve his health to be able to give birth to children. If for some reason they arise certain, then they must be treated. In 20% of cases, the dismissive attitude towards their own sexual health leads to infertility. One of the diseases that may provoke this complication is Salpingitis, all of which will be said in the article on the site.

What is it - Salpingitis?

Anatomically feminine sex system It consists of vagina, uterus, uterine (phallopy) pipes and ovaries. What kind of parts affects Salpingitis? What it is? Salpingitis is inflammation of uterine (phallopy) pipes. It rarely proceeds without affecting neighboring organs. So, Salpingitis often flows along with the inflammation of the ovaries, which is called SalpingOforitite. But within this article we will discuss only Salpingitis.


Salpingitis classification should be considered, which has such types:

  1. At the form of the flow:
    • Acute - infection penetration and bright symptoms of manifestation;
    • Subacute;
    • Chronic - sluggish and scant symptoms.
  2. Localization:
    • One-sided - right-sided or left-sided. The development of adnexite is inflammation of the ovary;
    • Bilateral.
  3. By inflammatory process:
    • Serous;
    • Purulent - it is often due to the defeat of a hymeal infection or chlamydia.
  4. Infectious form:
    • Gonococcal;
    • Streptococcal;
    • Herpesy;
    • Tuberculosis, etc.
  5. SalpingoForit - inflammation of phallopy pipes and ovaries.
  6. Type:
  • Exudative;
  • Caveoous.
  1. By etiology:
  • Specific;
  • Nonspecific.

Causes of Salpingitis of Outlectric Pipes

The main cause of the sallingit of the uterine pipe is the damage to microbial associations or viruses. There are three ways as they penetrate the phallopy tubes:

  1. Ascending - transition of infection from nearby organs: uterus (endometritis, cyst), vagina (vaginitis, vulvovaginitis) or urinary ducts.
  2. Contact - transition of infection from infected organs of other systems, for example, in appendicitis.
  3. Hematogenic - transfer of infection from any infected organ through blood.

What reasons are the factors of the development of Salpingitis?

  • Venericual diseases: gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, trichomoniasis, etc.
  • Abortions with scraping.
  • Intrauterine spirals.
  • Birth with injuries.
  • Intrauterine diagnostic measures - metrosalpingography, salpingoscopy.
  • Diseases of neighboring organs: colitis, ooforite, appendicitis, pelvioperitonitis.

Contributing to factors that allow bacteria and viruses to penetrate the uterine pipes are:

  1. Stress;
  2. Reduced immunity;
  3. Lack of treatment of infectious disease;
  4. Cold;
  5. Hormonal disorders;
  6. Bad habits;
  7. Incorrect meals

Symptoms and signs

Consider the symptoms and signs of inflammation of uterine pipes by the nature of their flow and types:

  1. Acute Salpingitis:
    • Heat;
    • Chills;
    • Malaise;
    • Frequent heartbeat;
    • Pain in groin;
    • Nausea and vomiting;
    • Pathological discharge from the vagina: purulent, abundant, even bloody;
    • Weakness;
    • Itching, amplifying during urination;
    • Diarrhea;
    • Disorder of urinary function, which is confused with cystitis.
  2. Chronic Salpingitis:
    • Weak, stupid, butter, constant pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
    • Insignificant up to 37.2ºС temperature;
    • Minor selection;
    • Wave-like symptoms, which is enhanced, it calms down. Exacerbations occur during stress and supercooling;
    • Menstruation violations that cause pain (algodismenorea) and poor (oligomenorrhea).
  3. Purulent Salpingitis:
    • Sharp i. strong pain In the groin, which are local (depending on the focus of inflammation), and then give to the rectum and lower back;
    • Fever;
    • Chills;
    • Purulent discharge from the vagina.

The overall symptoms of Salpingitis can be called the following signs:

  1. Pains at the bottom of the abdomen, which first localize in the place of inflammation, and then irradiate. The pain may be acute, stupid, novice, constant, strong, burning, etc.
  2. High temperature, which rises especially strongly during acute and purulent types of Salpingitis.
  3. The discharge from the vagina, which are usually mucous-purulent, scant or insignificant.
  4. Menstruation violation, which becomes painful and abundant, while irregular and sometimes short.
  5. Pain during intima. We carry a pulling and more character.
  6. Female infertility, which is the complication of Salpingitis.
  7. Liquid chair, meteorism.
  8. Overwork.

Salpingitis in adults

Salpingitis mainly develops in adults, or rather, women. In men, he does not develop because anatomical featuresBut the transfer of venereal infections can cause their pathology. If the partner has Salpingitis, then a partner should be checked.

Salpingitis in the child

The child Salpingitis is almost never observed. He does not develop the boys. Girls can become a pathological complication of another infectious disease in neighboring or remote organs. Mostly, the inflammation of the uterine pipes is developing only in adult women. Caveoosic Salpingitis can manifest in adolescence.


How is the diagnosis of Salpingitis? It all begins with the conversion of the patient to a gynecologist, which is based on its complaints to conduct a gynecological examination with the help of mirrors and a finger method to find pathology. To form an accurate diagnosis, procedures are carried out that give a complete picture of the disease:

  • Ultrasound (transvaginal, transabdomomominal) small pelvis;
  • X-ray-contrast methods - metrosalpingography;
  • Bacteriological analysis of smear;
  • Blood test and urine;
  • Study of separation from the uterine pipes;
  • Ultrasonic hysterosalpingoscopy;
  • Laparoscopy;
  • Puncture of the rear vessel of the vagina;
  • ELISA and PCR diagnostics.


How to treat? The treatment of salpingitis is carried out in three ways: medication, surgical and folk remedies. Consider them a little more detail.

How to treat Salpingitis? Medicines that the gynecologist appoints:

  • Antibiotics: ampicillin, cephaltsine, cefotaxim, erythromycin, furazolidone, tetracycline, kanamycin, metronidazole;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs: acetaminophen, phenylbutazone, ibuprofen;
  • Antipyretic drugs;
  • Injections;
  • Antihistamine drugs;
  • Probiotics and antifungal drugs for the prevention of dysbiosis;
  • Vitamins: E, C, Cocarboxylase;
  • Antioxidants and other medicines normalizing metabolism;
  • Immunomodulators that showed their effective impact, preventing the development of complications: polyoxidonium, groprinosin, IMUNOFAN.

Physiotherapy procedures are conducted as a supplement to medicines: electrophoresis with lidase, pulse ultrasound, reflexotherapy, balneotherapy (irrigation of vagina and bath), disinfecting therapy, infusion therapy, autohemotherapy, diadardherapy, thermotherapy.

Surgical treatment is carried out with the following indicators:

  • The inefficiency of drug and physiotherapeutic treatment;
  • Tumor in uterine appendages;
  • Infertility;
  • The formation of ulots;
  • Spikes that make the obstruction of phallopy pipes.


The diet in the treatment of Salpingitis is ineffective and insignificant. However, some recommendations are given:

  • Consume more vitamins through products;
  • Periodically use low-fat dairy products, meat;
  • Drink liquid abundantly;
  • To eat crackers.

Usually there is no strict diet. It is advisable to exclude alcohol as one of harmful habits, depressing immunity and annoying gasts.

Is it possible to be treated with folk remedies at home? Folk ways No one cancels. However, they should not be replaced by drug and surgical treatment, but complement:

  • Baths with juniper, sage, valerian, rosemary or milk.
  • Drainage from fees.
  • Therapeutic tampons moistened in the decoction of aloe, plantain or cabbage.
  • Phytokea from various fees.

Forecast of Life

Salpingitis is an unmerety disease. How many patients do you live? Full life, if there are no complications come.

Chronic Salpingitis is unfavorable. It is he who leads to the infertility of a woman. One-sided salpingitis is treatable and gives positive results. Double-sided is heavier is heavier, but does not give complications if treated in a timely manner. Purulent view has a favorable outcome. In the absence of its treatment, peritonitis and endometritis is possible. With SalpingOForit, life forecast is favorable if treatment is being treated. Otherwise, infertility and oily hypofunction are developing. Chronic incessant pains in a small pelvis and disturbed menstrual cycle are added to everything.

Thus, hygiene of the genital organs should be observed, in time to treat venereal and infectious diseases, and also not to delay with the treatment of salpingitis.

Several diseases in women are diagnosed often enough. At the same time, each of them requires compulsory treatment, because it may be accompanied by serious consequences until the impossibility of becoming pregnant. Chronic Salpingitis often leads to a similar problem, so it should be sorted out how to suspect it and eliminate it.

What is chronic salpingitis

More than 30% of the female population of the planet under the age of 35 faced with such a problem as chronic salpintingitis. It is purely feminine gynecological disease arises due to the female infection in the body, resulting in inflammatory process In the uterine pipes, causing them obstruction. All begins with the fact that pathological changes covers completely all the mucous membranes of one or both of the phallopy pipes, then their thickening and deformation occurs, which in the future also causes obstruction.

Under chronic salpingitis, the sluggish inflammation of uterine pipes is meant

Chronic Salpingitis is two types:

  1. Unilateral. Infection occurs in one pipe, most often this is due to the bodies located nearby and their inflammation, for example, inflammatory processes in Appendix. Depending on which pipe is inflamed, one-sided salpingitis is divided into left-hand and right-hand.
  2. Bilateral. The inflammatory process in this case captures both uterine pipes.

What is dangerous for female health - video

Causes of occurrence

The following factors are capable of provoking the inflammatory process in the uterine tubes:

  • early start of sexual life;
  • the constant change of partners and an indispensable sex life;
  • regular reception of hormonal contraceptive drugs;
  • unprofessional doctors intervention, for example, during abortion, cesarean section, installation of intrauterine spirals.

Due to the occurrence, the disease is divided into specific and nonspecific salpingitis. The nonspecific form in its manifestation most often captures one pipe, that is, is one-sided. It is caused by the following bacteria that falls into the body during unprotected sex and during the damage to the uterus walls:

  • staphylococcus golden;
  • staphylococcus epidermal;
  • intestinal wiggy;
  • peptopopococco;
  • enterococcus;
  • drive.

Most often, specific Salpingitis captures both paulopiev pipes and is bilateral. It is called:

  • trichomonas;
  • gonococci;
  • chlamydia.

Also, the cause of infection can be the herpesviruses and fungi Candida.

Symptoms of the disease

When chronic salpindhit is in the remission stage, the symptoms resemble easy malaise or poisoning. Appears:

  • weakness;
  • reduced performance;
  • discomfort from the affected pipe.

Signs of exacerbation of chronic salpingitis

At the beginning of the exacerbation of chronic salpingitis in patients, the following pathological features are observed:

With several such symptoms, it is necessary to refer to the gynecologist and pass the appropriate analyzes.

The acute form of the disease occurs sharply, and the symptomatics is more pronounced and accompanied by intense pain. In addition, there are such pathological signs:

  • sharp leaps of body temperature above 37.5 ° C;
  • permanent chills and weakness;
  • pain in the bottom of the abdomen, area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis, feet or lowerback;
  • all symptoms of disorder or poisoning: liquid stool, vomit, nausea;
  • rapid heartbeat and nervousness;
  • inflammation of urinary tract, accompanied by frequent urges to go to the toilet, cutting painful spasms when urinating.

If observed purulent discharge From the vagina with the appropriate odor or blood, it is likely to serve as a symptom of infection of phallopium pipes with purulent salpingitis - urgent hospitalization is required.

Diagnostic methods

Most often, several diagnostic methods are used simultaneously in order to recreate a complete picture of the appearance of Salpingitis, find out what it is called and at what stage is at the moment. For diagnosis, it is carried out:


With Salpingitis, a woman should immediately begin to therapeutic measures, since the inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes never passes on its own, and even more so without a trace. Pathology often leads to infertility if there is no medical intervention.


Used to treat chronic Salpingitis at the aggravation stage and is often in the hospital. Patients are assigned bedding. It will be relevant to a light diet for a period of therapy, most often doctors recommended protein-type diet and easily digestible products:

  • boiled chicken meat;
  • beef;
  • a fish;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

Mandatory condition is the use of large volume Water or other liquid, the optimal amount is up to 2.5 liters per day.

Of drugs Assigned:

  • antibiotics: azithromycin, ceftriaxone, doxycylin, etc.;
  • anti-inflammatory medicinal products In the form of candles: Truzhin, Hexicon;
  • anti-inflammatory preparations of general action (in tablets): ibuprofen, paracetamol, butadion;
  • immunomodulators: Aloe Extract, Gumizol, Groprinosin, Imunofan;
  • vitamin complexes, including vitamins C, E, Cocarboxylase.

As a rule, apply antibacterial drugs A wide range of action that can adversely affect all types of pathogenic microflora.

Means for the treatment of Salpingitis in the photo


It is used to treat the launched shape of salpingitis, as well as in the formation of pus and adhesions in phallopyan pipes. First of all, the surgeon removes all purulent neoplasms and removes spikes, thereby restoring the permeability. In completely running forms and in tubarial tumors, it is possible to remove pipes completely. The guarantee of successful cure after surgery becomes the absence of sex contacts within two months. Operational treatment can be carried out by laparotomy or laparoscopy.

Laparoscopy is often used for surgical treatment Salpingita

Is one of the most effective methods surgical intervention is carried out under general anesthesia. The surgeon is made a small nozzle, not more than 10 cm, and a mini-video camera is introduced through it to assess the internal state of the genital organs and eliminate pathological changes. During the manipulation, the specialist excised the affected areas of phallopy pipes, disconnects the spikes, restoring the permeability. If pus is present, the abdominal cavity is carried out, drainage is installed.

Pros of such a diagnostic and surgical method are as follows:

  1. Increasing the image of the genital organs, displaced on the monitor.
  2. Safety of the patient, a small rehabilitation period.
  3. The maximum accurate assessment of the patency of the uterine pipes, setting the cause of the disease and identify any pathologies associated with it.
  4. Fast and efficient separation of adhesions between pipes;
  5. The opportunity to eliminate the cause of infertility patients.


If you completely eliminate pathological changes with laparoscopy, it is not possible to make a decision on the conduct of laparotomy. This manipulation involves the dissection of the abdominal cavity in the area of \u200b\u200bthe projected pipe. Next, the doctor deletes pathological sites, a rehabilitation, dissection. At the end of the intervention, the seams are superimposed.


Method for the treatment of chronic salpingitis is good because it leads to a complete absorption of adhesions and warns them repeated appearance. Physiostaries activate natural immunity and protective function of the body.

Folk Methods

Folk Medicine in Complex with traditional treatment It has enough good effect. This uses a variety of healing infusions, warming baths with herbal beams, etc.

  • Well help in the fight against chronic bath salpingitis with Valerian. It is necessary to gain such a quantity of water so that it comes only to the chest line, after that add 50 ml of the extract of the drug plant. Taking a bath is recommended for half an hour.
  • Excellent relieves the inflammation of the warm bathroom with the addition of the brave of branches and dried juniper fruits. 50 g of berries and plants stems should pour 1 l steep boiling water, insist for 2-3 hours. Then dial warm bathroom and add the resulting infusion. The duration of the procedure is not more than 30 minutes.
  • Drying to remove inflammation is most often the chamomile beams, sage, oak bark. It is necessary 2 tbsp. l. Any of the listed plants pour 500 ml of boiling water, put on a water bath and hold about half an hour. After that, it is necessary to cool the tool to 37-38 degrees and apply for douching.
  • Effective are tampons with a plantain. It is necessary to 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves of the plant to pour boiling water in the amount of 100 ml and peck on slow heat for no more than 2-3 minutes. After that, the liquid is left for cooling, then wet the swamp in it and enter it into the vagina for 2-3 hours.
  • Broth viburnum. This tool is shown for internal use. You need 3 tablespoons of dry inflorescences to pour 1 liter of boiling water, put on a water bath and hold about half an hour. After that, several spoons add to the decoction natural Money.. Take the tool recommended three times a day at half a glass.

Folk remedies in the photo

Consequences and complications

The launched or harsh shape of this disease leads to serious health problems. These include:

  • infection of organs located in the peritoneum and the field of small pelvis;
  • the formation of adhesions, which leads to surgery, and in the worst case - the removal of uterine pipes;
  • an increase in the risk of conceiving a child outside the uterus is almost up to 50%;
  • infertility.

Is it possible to get pregnant with chronic salpingitis?

If the woman Salpingitis swept only one urching appendage, then the probability of becoming pregnant independently, without additional procedures and interventions, is very large. If a woman suffers from inflammation in two appendages, the chance to get pregnant independently is 1:10. 25% of women with chronic form of illness receive a disappointing verdict - infertility. In this case, all intrauterine spikes are eliminated by surgical methods (laparoscopy), and the correct therapy eliminates inflammation. After several years of persistent treatment, you can even get pregnant independently.

If the passability of pipes is not amenable to recovery, or they have been removed, the ECO (extracorporeal fertilization) becomes real rescue on the path to motherhood. Thanks to this method, even in the chronic form of Salpingitis does not prevent the onset of pregnancy. Birth in this case is accepted only with the help of cesarean sections.

Eco can be used in the presence of chronic salpingitis

Prevention of the disease

The measures for the prevention of this disease are elementary, it belongs to them:

  • compliance with hygienic standards;
  • use of barrier methods of contraception with random sexual intercourse;
  • a visit to the gynecological office at least once a year;
  • timely appeal for medical care if any violations occur.

Do not forget that every woman is a continuer of the human race, and the random sexual contacts, a frequent change of sexual partners and the lack of proper protection during interchanges can lead to a woman's deprivation of such happiness, as being a mother. If it happened that, after all, the infection of the infection causing salpingitis occurred, it is necessary to contact the hospital at the very same suspicious symptoms and signs of this disease, because it is better to detect a disease and get rid of it than to run before the appearance of terrible consequences.

Salpingitis (tube) and an ooforite (ovary) are called the most secret female diseases, because they are hidden even from close people. Women are divided into each other about the impairment of menstruation, even about such a severe diagnosis, like breast cancer, but rarely, when they recognize that they have inflammation of uterine pipes and ovaries.

This disease caused by the Cockkops, Tuberculosis Mycobacteriums or other pathogenic microorganisms can prevent conception and a girl cannot become pregnant. There are no groups of psychological mutual assistance. A woman thinks that he was physically worse than others, and it feels unhappy and unprotected. These are not male, but exclusively female problems.

It must be recognized that salpintingitis and an ooforite is an inflammatory process of ovaries and uterine pipes. It is impossible to share the types of illness on "bad" and "good", they are only divided into forms:

  1. sharp;
  2. subacute;
  3. chronic, with a tendency to repetition and exacerbations.

Treatment of disease can pass differently. For example, in order to cure an acute form - we recommend lie down in the hospital (at least 10 days). The hospital provides round-the-clock bed care: cryo procedures, antibiotics, intramuscular injections Pyrohenaloma, Longidase, Sulfanimamides. Removing pain spasms during hospitalization, having achieved normal temperatureThe disease allows you to move to the physiosis.

In this stage, dirt, candles, ultrasound procedures are recommended, you can drink homeopathic preparations appointed by your doctor. Treatment by early stages will give the opportunity to avoid the formation of adhesions. Spikes in turn can lead to the obstruction of phallopy pipes, which threatens infertility.

Salpingitis and ooforit: what it is

The history of Salpintingitis diseases, which translated is (Salpingos "Pipe") and Oophorita (OOPHORON "ovarian") goes to the Middle Ages, when the Fallopiev Pipes were first discovered and described. This is one of the few gynecological ailments inherent in man and animals with similar anatomy.

In women, Salpintingitis and an ooforite appears after first in the pipes, and a little later, in the ovaries, various bacteria and cocci begin to fall. It should be understood that the coils, as well as the intestinal wand, leak out of the uterus ascending way, and mycobacterium tuberculosis is to be dealt with precisely blood, which passes through the lungs and other organs.

In the event that develops acute inflammation, there is a violation of the whole epithelial cover of pipes, therefore, microorganisms uncharacteristic for them are selected inside, which leads to a soldering with ovaries into one holistic education. The disease is accompanied by repeating painful sensations at the bottom of the abdomen, in the loan area, is accompanied by spasms before defecation, leads to a failure of menstruation or termination.

Often, women seek help to the Internet, read forums, watch Wikipedia, trying to determine the diagnosis. The consequences of self-medication by folk remedies, pills that helped the neighbor - catastrophic. The lack of competent purposes can lead to hydroslipins, purulent complications, and as a result - to pregnant in the impossibility.

Salpingitis and an ooforite can go into the chronic form of inflammation of the appendages - adhesit or salpingo-phorite, in which their symptoms are manifested and the necessary treatment is carried out :.

Ofhoritis and Salpingitis can be acute. Woman able to easily suspect the disease if it collides with the following symptoms:

  • spontaneous emerging one-sided (2 third-party) pain at the bottom of the abdomen, especially after menstruation;
  • malaise, accompanied by lethargy, headache;
  • subfebrile temperature above 38.1 C ° and comes to 38.5 s °;
  • stressful, cushing with muscle stomach spasms.

In the clinic in the study in the vagina, the appendages increased in the amount are clearly tested, the painful phallopyic tube (or pipes) is diagnosed.

The diagnosis is determined on the basis of the anamnesis obtained (complications after abortion or severe childbirth, unprotected sex, tuberculosis): results obtained as a result laboratory studies.

In the event that the suspicion falls on such a disease as a gonorrhea, then spend specific to surveys (smear per flora). To reveal tuberculosis salpingitis you need to explore blood crops when menstruation or administration special preparation Tuberculina, there are also other methods.


Treatment with medicines and candles with anti-inflammatory action (), gives positive results and translates the disease to the subacute stage. The condition of the woman stabilizes, the pains leave, the temperature comes back to normal. The blood formula will show a decrease in leukocytes, although EE will remain at a high level - 50 mm and more per hour at a rate of 2-15 mm / h.

With a vaginal examination, a decrease in the edema of the uterus is viewed. In the remission stage, an ultrasound is carried out to diagnose pathological changes in the reproductive system: endometritis metro station, cysts.

2-sided Salpingitis arises from the fact that the mucous membrane is affected, which is progress, layer behind the layer, captures the uterine pipes, violates their peristalsis.

All this threatens complications and can lead to the fact that a woman cannot become pregnant or, lead to ectopic pregnancy. It is often observed by the accumulation of serous fluid in the lumen of the uterine tube or the accumulation of a pus leading to serious complications. The disease is more often chronic, covered not only the pipes, and the ovaries. Spikes are formed, which leads to a painful state and inability to become pregnant. There are certain signs when inflammation of the appendages of a woman :.

The ovaries are a pair body, they belong to the sexual system of women, are responsible for a number of functions:

  1. menstrual;
  2. core;
  3. sex;
  4. secretor.

With inflammation of the ovaries, all these physiological presses are disturbed. Ofhoritis in gynecology is often found, today this disease is celebrated even among teenage girls 14-18 years. Ofhoritis is not an independent disease, it is accompanied by Salpingitis, the pathogens of which are infections against the background of Kok. If you begin to treat an ooforite in a timely manner, you can avoid such diseases such as adenomyosis, colpit. The consequences may be so crying that pregnancy will not be possible even with Eco.

Causes of diseases Banalna:

  • weak immunity and non-borrowed infections;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • smoking;
  • stress;
  • unprotected sex.

Most recalls that pains appear constantly, for this at home to facilitate women's syndromes, herbs are used, for example: Kalanchoe, Borovoy Makeup, good, in pharmacies, the price of them is low. Sometimes choose themselves medicia treatment (Soluteab Unidox), and sometimes the symptoms disappear.

In fact, self-effectiveness is ineffective and dangerous, the disease does not disappear, its signs indirectly remind themselves constantly: then unnatural discharge, then itching and thrush. The diseases transferred to the legs lead to a general worsening of the health of the woman, including left-sided or right-hand (and more often - 2 Art.) Salpintingitis and an ooforitis.

Symptoms of salpintingitis and ooforite

The symptoms of these two diseases are similar, the diagnosis must be put after the conducted comprehensive examination. The disease is always associated with ovaries. In order to understand that there has been a disease, you need to know the symptoms of ordinary and chronic bilateral disease:

  1. menstruation violation;
  2. appears at the bottom of the belly pulling pain;
  3. infertility.

Chronic bilateral ooforitis is a long period of the disease of both ovaries, in which their functions strongly suffer.

Women showed an annual visit to the gynecologist, where the doctor conducts an inspection, analyzes complaints, appoints analyzes (smears, blood for hidden viruses), MRI, GSG, ultrasound. In the latter case, echo signs allow to obtain accurate endometrial data, confirming or excluding endometrite. Now there is a possibility when varying degrees Launches of salpingitis and ooforite make laparoscopy.

Laparaskopy is a method in surgery, with which they make an operation through small holes, the video is well shown as it happens.

Treatment of Salpingitis and Ouoforita

Having learned about the diagnosis, women most often interest such moments:

  • how much disease is treated;
  • whether it is infectious;
  • be sure to go to the clinic or enough to hold physiotherapy.

It is impossible to definitely answer these questions. It all depends on the etiology (autoimmune or infectious) and the stage, the age of the woman (menstruates or is in the post - menopause). Need to know whether the treatment was carried out earlier and if the procedures did not give a positive result, what reasons.


Tablets are usually discharged in a complex with candles, it can be both antibiotics and anti-inflammatory or antimicrobials. Both chemical and vegetable. The usual course is 5 to 7 days. The list of tablets and candles can be viewed in the table.


After the appearance of these ailments, there will always provoke vaginal inflammation, which is removed by vaginal means - candles. It is not recommended to choose medicines yourself, because the treatment of candles should be directed exactly to your disease.

Candles are divided into:

  1. antimicrobial;
  2. antifungal;
  3. immunomodulating;
  4. combined type.

Feature the wrong drug, you will not achieve improvement, but only aggravate the state. The doctor as a rule chooses medications from the list based on the results of the tests.

Folk Methods

Women are interested, can I use folk remedies from Salpingitis and Ooforita? Cure completely only herbs can not, but this is excellent auxiliary therapy.

Chamomile beams, calangean, boring uterus have a local anti-inflammatory effect. Depending on the cooking method, the grass can be drunk, used for douching, or take with them baths (juniper infusion).

If you follow your health, it is mostly possible to avoid many diseases, you need to adhere to the basic rules:

  • have one sexual partner or use the condom;
  • correctly and in time to treat after childbirth, if the rupture of the perineum and cervix happened;
  • do not engage in self-treatment, without recommendations, do not process the vagina;
  • do not allow abortion;
  • monitor hygiene.

Expert opinion. The doctor is a gynecologist, more than 17 years old practices in Volgograd: Greeneva V.P.
According to statistics in Russia, each third pair faces the difficulties of conception. And the problem is not only in the illiteracy of children who begin early sex life, but also in ordinary disregard for their health. Despite the availability of gynecological services, many women turn to the doctor when the disease threatens complications. In order not to regret the missed opportunities, you need to take care of health from youth, remember contraception, abandon the bad habits, do not engage in self-medication. Early diagnosis allows you to get rid of Salpintingitis and an ooforite, while maintaining the main female function is a critical.