How to find out a man HIV sick. Symptoms of HIV and AIDS - external manifestations and stages of the disease. Situations where the birth is not terrible: how can I get a breath only in a nightmare

Human immunodeficiency virus Very insidious disease. Finding into the human body, it manifests itself slowly.

Deals may occur in several stages, each has a clinical picture, intensity of manifestations. The solid shell of the pathogen is supercupsis, it is difficult to solvent in human biological fluid. The virus is striking the cells, slowly destroying them.

Immediately after infection, the symptoms are completely absent, this consists of cunning of the virus. Therefore, it is very important to know how to check for HIV at home.

A person may not guess for a long time about HIV infection in its body. It develops at the cellular level and slowly destroys immunity.

In many cases, HIV is diagnosed after the destruction of the human immune system, and the symptoms become apparent. The disease passes into the most dangerous stage - the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

HIV infection causes a small RNA-containing virus. You can get infected with a patient with a person in several ways:

  1. Polov - during sexual intercourse without using a condom, since the pathogen is contained in the vaginal environment and sperm.
  2. Through blood - These are injections and invasive procedures, when conducting a violation of tissue integrity. It can occur during the fight when the blood infected into the abrasions and cuts of a healthy person.
  3. From mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth. Infection can penetrate the placenta in the boolear of the fetus.

The virus lives and multiplies the cells in the cells, which are designed to protect against infections - T-lymphocytes. Genetic information of the virus is embedded in the cells of the immune system, which begin to produce new viral particles.

As a result, it turns out that protective cells become an incubator for a terrible infection. Experts have not yet found ways to extract the virus from T-lymphocytes without destroying them.

Therefore, many are concerned about how to recognize HIV at home. In addition, the virus is inclined to change its form.

Secrets of health. HIV infection. Paths of transmission and measures of prevention

For HIV infection is characterized by cyclicity of leakage. It has in its development certain stages:

  • incubation period;
  • primary manifestations - asymptomatic acute infection;
  • secondary manifestations are the defeat of the internal organs of persistent nature, the damage to the skin and mucous membranes, the diseases of the generalized type;
  • terminal stage.

According to statistics, the disease is diagnosed most often at the stage of secondary manifestations.. This is due to the fact that the symptoms of HIV are then to disturb the person, and become pronounced.

Sometimes in the first stage, certain symptoms may also be present, but they are easily confused with other pathologies, flowing in a light form.

At the same time, a person rarely appeals for medical help. But even experts can not always raise the correct diagnosis at an early stage of infection.

In such a period, the symptoms will be the same, both in men and women. This often comes with doctors.

Only the secondary stage will show the presence of a virus with high accuracy, and the symptoms will be individual for the male and female. Knowing them, it can be understood that you have HIV without analyzes.

The first signs of HIV may be such:

  • increase temperatures up to 38-40 degrees;
  • rash all over the body;
  • an increase in all lymph nodes;
  • liquid stool.

These are the main symptoms, as HIV is manifested. In some cases, the immune system is significantly weakened at this stage. Early signs of HIV can be combined with various infections, including:

  • protracted pneumonia;
  • fungal damage to the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract;
  • tuberculosis;
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

Approximately 50-70% of the diseased after 3-6 weeks after infection appears an acute fever. In the rest, after the incubation period, the infection immediately goes to the asymptomatic stage.

  • drowsiness and malaise;
  • headache;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • raising temperature and fever;
  • diarrhea;
  • sore throat;
  • loss of appetite and weight;
  • eye pain;
  • the appearance of painful swelling by armpits, in groin, on the neck;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the appearance of ulcers and rash on mucous and skin;
  • it is possible to defeat the brain - the manifestation of serous meningitis.

The duration of the fevering stage is approximately a week. Next comes asymptomatic stage. In 10% of sick people, there is a rapid flow of illness, it is accompanied by complications.

The duration of each form depends on how quickly the virus is multiplied.

Symptoms that are manifested by HIV-positive women are very diverse. Often this is associated with diseases arising against the background of immunodeficiency or directly with the effects of the virus on the cell cells.

This disease develops in the body of a woman imperceptibly. Such a period can last 10-12 years. In some cases, the infection in women is manifested:

  1. Limph nodes are increasing on the neck, in armpits, in the groin area.
  2. One of the main signs is nothing to rise in the body temperature, which keeps from 3 to 10 days.
  3. Headache, weakness of arthralgia, sweating at night.
  4. The signs of the immunodeficiency virus can be a decrease in appetite, depression, diarrhea.

The above features may be observed not only in women, but also in men. There are a number of symptoms that are only inherent in weak representatives:

  • anorexia;
  • infections of small pelvis organs;
  • a variety of vaginal infections.
  • a woman may disturb abundant mucous membranes in the intermenstrual period;
  • an increase in lymph nodes in the groin area;
  • painful sensations during menstruation.
  • constant headaches and irritability can also signal the presence of a virus;
  • various psychological changes, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance, dementia.

When headaches and weakness appear, you should not panic. But if the above-mentioned features are bothering for a long time, in order to check themselves better consult a doctor and hand over the necessary tests.

It is important to know how HIV is manifested, because many girls are not at all suspected of infecting their body. There is an opinion that in the female body the immunodeficiency virus is developing much slower than in male.

HIV-infected may be easily subjected to other diseases that are not dangerous for a healthy organism. But if there is a virus to cure them becomes very difficult.

Therefore, the opportunity to detect HIV in the early stages is of great importance.

The first symptoms of HIV immediately after infection are similar to other diseases in men. At the initial stage of development, they are the same as in women.

5-10 days after infection, rash or colorless areas of skin of various shapes throughout the body appear at the virus of the virus.

And the appetite disappears, it worries fatigue, weight is reduced. Sometimes at the initial stage of development in men there is an increase in liver, spleen.

The probability of infection with HIV infection in men is significantly higher than women. This is caused by the need for a change in sexual partners, neglecting elementary protection and contraception.

Therefore, after unprotected sexual contact with a new partner and in the presence of the above symptoms, it is necessary to undergo a survey.

Baby virus infection can occur both before birth and after it. Diagnosed only by 3 years of child's life. In the first year, the virus manifests itself very rarely.

Most HIV-infected children have inflammation of the lungs, cough, the tips of the fingers and legs increase. Many have a delay in mental and psychomotor development, it suffers, walking, coordination of movement.

Features of the virus of immunodeficiency virus in children differs from its manifestation in adults. Children who have become infected in the womb of the mother, tolerate the disease is much more complicated. But with successful treatment, such kids can normally live as quite healthy children.

To recognize HIV at home it is important to know the symptoms of manifestation. External signs in the case of intrauterine infection are manifested in the sixth month:

  • growth delay;
  • speech of the frontal part of the box-shaped form;
  • microcephaly;
  • weakly expressed squint;
  • nasal compaction;
  • blue sclera and elongated eye cut;
  • strong shortening of the nose.

Infected children have an enlarged liver and spleen, poorly grow and weakly gain weight. An early manifestation of the virus is an increase in lymph nodes.

With the development of the disease, other symptoms appear:

If children have become infected in the womb, the disease is moved much harder than in adults.

The time for which the virus is activated is the incubation period. The immunodeficiency virus is introduced into the lymphocytes of class T. when ingested the cell, it is introduced into its kernel and changes the genetic program.

Conditions for activating the immunodeficiency virus:

  • the presence of active chronic infections in the body, the pathogens of which constantly stimulate the production of antibodies;
  • sufficient activity of T-lymphocytes - cells that carry out immune responses;
  • the presence of T-helpers, which is not involved in the processes of immunity.

Time, through which HIV is manifested after infection - from 2 weeks to 10 years and more. But the person infected with the virus is his carrier, even if he has not yet been manifested.

Groups of people with a short incubation period

Some people fall into the risk group. Only without the possibility of infection, but by the speed of the clinical picture of HIV.

People who have enough immunity cells and they are produced again:

  1. Newborn - their T cells are in the growth stage.
  2. Drug addicts - they have all the processes reinforced to the maximum.

In most cases, HIV in such people can be found 1-2 weeks after infection. Congenital forms show themselves immediately after the appearance of the light. The child transfers the prudent period of HIV-nfection in the intrauterine development period.

Immunodeficiency virus is a greater danger to a person. Nobody is insured from it. At home, recognize that you have HIV without analyzing it is very hard. A reliable result can be defined only if you have a survey.

But in the modern world, experts have developed tests for self-definition of the virus, they make it possible to test themselves. Such tests are inexpensive, they can be purchased at the pharmacy.

There are two types of tests on sale:

  1. Analysis of blood from the finger, it is taken with a small puncture.
  2. Analysis of smear from the oral cavity. More convenient option, as the result can be obtained after 1-20 minutes.

But it is important to understand that the positive result of the home test does not mean the presence of a virus in the body. Often such tests are erroneous, so you should pass testing in the stationary center as soon as possible. In addition, it can be made anonymously.

The final diagnosis of the presence of an immunodeficiency virus is not applied only according to the results of one laboratory test, but is determined by the set of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory data.

Express test for HIV infection

Every person should know that the main risk for infection with HIV infection is unprotected sex, joint use of syringes in drug use, sexual violence and disorderly sexual behavior. In some cases, an error or negligence of doctors leads to infection.

If at least one T cell will be amazed - the further mechanism of the development of infection becomes irreversible. The production of antibodies - cells aimed at direct contact begins, which ends with a complete oppression of the immune system.

After reducing the number of immune cells free from HIV, the symptoms of the virus occurs.

HIV infection is a special virus that can be transmitted through breast milk, blood, cum. He irreversibly affects the human immune system.

Knowledge of the main reasons for infection, symptoms, and how to test yourself at home, makes it possible to apply for professional diagnostics in time and reveal a parable at an early stage of development.

With the detection of virus immunodeficiency in the body, life does not end. A healthy lifestyle, regular surveys and reception of antiviral drugs will help save life for the next decade.

Drugs from such an infection yet. Certain preparations only support the life of an infected person.

What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
HIV - This is a virus affecting the immune system.

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) - This is a virus causing AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). HIV can weaken the immune system to a certain state when the so-called opportunistic diseases begin to develop in the body, with which a healthy immune system usually copes.

The AIDS Diagnosis is usually becoming several years after HIV infection when a person develops one or more very serious diseases.

If not to be treated, HIV infection can lead to AIDS.

HIV and AIDS - not the same thing. HIV is a virus, an overwhelming immune system, and AIDS is a complex of diseases causeing a HIV-positive person against the background of reduced immunity.

Symptoms of HIV infection

In most cases, the beginning of HIV infection proceeds absolutely asymptomatic. The duration of the development period of HIV infection in the body strongly depends on various factors, including on the overall health of HIV-positive human health. So, many people have no symptoms appear after HIV infection. Others a few days after contact with the virus, or even in a few weeks, there are symptoms resembling flu. This is an elevated temperature, fast fatigue, an increase in lymph nodes on the neck. Usually these symptoms pass by themselves in several weeks. The years may pass before a person will notice any changes in well-being, but during the whole period he can infect his partner.

When the immune system is weakened, the following symptoms may appear at HIV-infected:

  • Loss of energy.
  • Weight loss.
  • Frequent fever and sweating.
  • Chronic fungal infections.
  • Permanent skin rash and peeling of the skin.
  • Short-term memory loss.
  • Herpety mouths in the mouth, genital or anal hole.

The most common symptoms of AIDS enter:

  • Cough and shortness of breath.
  • Convulsions and lack of coordination.
  • Difficult or painful swallowing.
  • Mental symptoms, such as confusion and forgetfulness.
  • Thrust diarrhea.
  • Loss of view.
  • Nausea, gastric spasms, vomiting.
  • Weight loss and extreme fatigue.
  • Strong headaches with rigidity of the nape.
  • Coma.

Patients with AIDS often develop various oncological diseases, such as sarcoma capos, cervical cancer, and tumors emanating from lymphoid tissue, called lymphomas. Sarcoma Caposhi causes rounded brown, reddish or purple tumors on the skin or in the oral cavity. After the diagnosis of AIDS, on average, the patients live for another 2-3 years.

Test for HIV
The fact of infection after contact with the virus can be set in 25 days - 3 months (in some cases up to six months) with the help of a special test - blood test, which reveals antibodies to the virus. The period between the occurrence of the virus to the body and the formation of antibodies to it in the blood is called a window period.

Almost half of the people living with HIV do not know about it, so you need to know how to identify HIV at home. The disease generated by this pathogen, there are a number of symptoms, they will help to recognize an infection at an early stage and contribute to the early start of treatment, which will increase the chances of living a long and happy life.

It is necessary to understand that HIV, HIV infection and AIDS are different things, and on time the detected HIV infection does not necessarily develop in the acquired immune deficit syndrome. How to recognize the disease at an early stage in order to start treatment in a timely manner? To do this, you need to know the first symptoms of illness and methods for the acquisition of infection.

How can HIV be infected?

The most common ways to infect the disease are known to everyone:

  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • injecting drug use;
  • through blood or other highlighting of HIV-infected;
  • transfer from a nursing or pregnant mother to a child;
  • professional infection;
  • transfusion of infected blood.

According to statistics, from 70% to 80% of all infected HIV received a virus through sexual contact.

At the same time, the risk of becoming infected during sex with a partner, whose HIV status is unknown, is not more than 0.15%. According to research, the probability of becoming about 3 times higher than that of a man.

The easiest way to protect yourself from infection is to abstain from unprotected contacts and refusal to use drugs.

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HIV infection: How is transmitted?

How to recognize HIV on the first symptoms?

The human immunodeficiency virus develops in the body gradually, but at the same time the lymphocytes are immediately beginning to destroy - blood particles, which are one of the key links of the immune system. In average, the development of infection occurs within 10 years and has several stages:

  • window period;
  • acute phase;
  • latent period;
  • pre-AIDS;
  • AIDS.

The first stage is characterized only by developing antibodies in the body and lasts from two weeks to one year. It is possible to determine the disease at this stage only with a special analysis. In the second stage, a person begins to feel the infection, but it is speedless. It is at this time that symptoms that will help to recognize the infection, but the diagnosis during this period is difficult due to the specificity of the symptoms, in 96% of cases, people experience fever, they detect a rash or diarrhea, headache, vomiting and a sharp weight loss.

Sometimes fungal diseases are manifested, for example, thrush or neurological symptoms.It is this stage that many cases later describe as "the heaviest flu in his life", with which it is really easy to confuse.

In the latent period, all the symptoms disappear, and the person seems to be completely healthy.

The only thing that accompanies this stage, which can last from 5 to 10 years, is an increase in lymph nodes, but to recognize HIV over only this symptom is difficult.

At the pre-AIDS stage, the thrush appears in the mouth and on the genital organs, almost not passing herpes on the mucous membranes and stomatitis - ulcers on the lips and in the oral cavity.

There are other ways to identify HIV at home - these are special tests for express format immunodeficiency, which can be made independently and confidential.

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HIV tests at home

Tests for HIV recognition are commonly used two types - this is the definition of antibodies to the virus or detection of proteins characteristic of its presence, so-called markers. The test results are three species: positive when markers are detected; Negative when they are not and dubious. In the latter case, there are some markers in the analyzed material, but not all, therefore the result is not considered positive and subject to rechecked.

In recent years, there are also tests that can be distributed in developed countries that can be used at home. They refer to the category of express tests, the result is manifested for 1-20 minutes. To carry out such a test, it is necessary to take scraping from the oral cavity with the help of a special shoulder blade and place it in a tank with a reagent. After 20 minutes the result will be known.

It is sad that Russia's home tests for HIV have not yet reached, so you can only check for the presence of a virus in the hospital. Often, it does not allow to maintain privacy, so less and fewer people prefer to contact medical institutions to find out their HIV status. But there are also its advantages in medical diagnosis. Having received a positive result, the patient immediately receives all the necessary information and psychological assistance, he will not be able to deliberately infect or harm himself.

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What you need to know about HIV testing?

The easiest way to protect yourself from this terrible disease is to come to the clinical and diagnostic center with a certain periodicity. Most often antibodies that are determined in the blood or saliva of a person, indicating the presence of infection, do not appear immediately after infection, and for 3 months, therefore, it is necessary to take the analysis regularly, even after a long period from the estimated point of infection.

Take the blood for HIV just - for this you need to contact the therapist at the place of residence and tell about your intention. The corresponding laboratory tools are equipped with any Central District Hospital, which allows you to make a test and in rural areas.

You can pass the analysis in any urban clinic, and completely free. Throughout Russia, anonymous offices are opening with testing, you can even come there even without a passport, and such a survey is also charged for free.

In some cases, HIV testing is required. For example, in modern maternity hospitals, as the baby can inherit the virus from the mother, and because of the weak immunity, it will quickly develop to the stage of AIDS. The possibility of such an infection must be provided in advance. Forcibly test and medical workers who, when working in emergency situations and patients with uncertain HIV status, risk infected with a virus.

It is important to remember that the results of HIV test may be false positive. In the presence of a positive patient's result, the patient is most often sent to repeated analysis and oriented already on its indicators. The accuracy may affect the pregnancy, the presence of chronic diseases, impairment in the work of immunity and even technical errors of medical personnel. HIV antibodies can be observed in pregnant women and children under the age of one and a half years born from HIV-infected women, with diabetes or oncological processes. The false positive result is detected during the subsequent diagnosis, and HIV analysis is repeated after eliminating the cause of violations.

Which is one of the most dangerous in the world. Her Deceit is expressed in the fact that for a long time it may not manifest itself, and it is possible to determine its presence in the body only with the help of a special test. Over time, the infection leads to the development of AIDS, which is already manifested by certain signs. According to statistics, the percentage of mortality from this terrible disease is extremely high: in the first year it dies about 40-65%, in two - 80%, and through three - almost 100%. In the flow of HIV infection with scientists and specialists allocate four stages:

  • incubation period;
  • first signs;
  • secondary diseases;
  • AIDS.

In our article we will tell you about how the first symptoms appear, and what the first signs of AIDS arise in women and men.

How long is the first symptoms of HIV and AIDS begin to appear?

The first symptoms of HIV infection are nonspecific and remind of ORVI: an increase in body temperature, general weakness, muscle pain, an increase in cervical lymph nodes.

From the moment of infection of HIV to the development of directly AIDS, there can be enough long time, and this period is quite different. Scientists still cannot explain why one person develops the disease already a year after infection, and other symptoms do not appear for 20 years or more. On average, AIDS appears in 10-12 years. We recommend to read our.

When infection, HIV does not know about him in the first days after infection. Early signs can give themselves to know 2-6 weeks later. In most cases, they are expressed, ORVI or. In the stage of primary manifestations of AIDS, part of patients are noted:

  • temperature increase;
  • chills;
  • pain in muscles;
  • an increase in cervical lymph nodes.

In some infected these symptoms are absent, and the current of HIV infection is called the asymptomatic stage of the disease. Scientists can not yet explain the cause of such a development of the disease.

Sometimes patients with HIV have a long period of time occasionally, they continue the lifmuses. After that, they decrease, and the disease proceeds asymptomatic. Such form of HIV is called persistent generalized lymphadenopathy.

In the first few weeks after the start of the disease, the blood test for HIV can give negative results - this gap is called the "window period". To identify the virus at this stage can only more modern diagnostic techniques - PCR and a test for HIV infection can be identified.

After the stage of primary manifestations, the period occurs, during which the symptoms of HIV are completely absent. It can last for many years and is accompanied by the development of immunodeficiency.

The absence of antiviral treatment at the initial stage of this terrible disease leads to its more rapid development. That is why it is extremely important to identify AIDS in the earliest rates when the first signs of HIV infection occur.

The first signs of HIV in women

The first sign of HIV in women, which appears a few weeks after infection, becomes an absolutely rapid increase in temperature to 38-40 ° C. The period of hyperthermia can last 2 to 10 days. It is accompanied by catarrhal phenomena characteristic of ARVI or influenza: cough and throat pain.

The patient is experiencing symptoms of general intoxication:

  • general weakness;
  • headaches;
  • muscle pain;
  • sweating (especially at night).

Many women have surfactant lymph nodes in the occipital region, then on the neck of the back, in the groin and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpits. This sign can be generalized.

In some cases, women may have a strong nausea and vomiting, anorexia and pronounced spastic pain. With a significant lesion of the respiratory organs, the cough can be intense and end with the attacks of choking.

With the defeat of the HIV infection of the nervous system, such symptoms sometimes appear:

  • pronounced headaches;
  • considerable weakness;
  • vomiting;
  • rigidity of the occipital muscles.

Many women are inclined in this period to diseases of the urogenital system. They have:

  • sharp increase in inguinal lymph nodes;
  • abundant and frequent mucous membranes from sex tract;

All of the above symptoms are nonspecific and not always may indicate the infection of HIV, but their long-term manifestation should alert the woman and become a reason for the survey in the AIDS center.

The first signs of HIV in men

About a week after infection of HIV on the body of a man appears phetechial (point), spotty or papular (towers over healthy skin) rash.

The first signs of HIV in men are largely similar to the first symptoms of this disease in women, but have some differences.

5-10 days after infection, a man appears, or colorless skin sections around the body appear. The rashes can be a phetechial, ultraloral or papular nature. Hide such a sign is simply impossible.

After a few weeks after infection, they have rise to high numbers, the symptoms of influenza or ARVI are revealed, expressed headaches appear and the lymph nodes are increasing on the neck, in groin and armpits. The patient feels complete branches, constant drowsiness and apathy.

Often, after infection in the initial stages, the patient may have diarrhea. Also can be detected. Frequent and no explanatory appearance of such symptoms should be a reason for conducting HIV test in a specialized center.

The first signs of AIDS in men and women

After the primary manifestation of HIV, which can last about three weeks, a long-term subfebrile temperature is often observed in a patient. Some infected people can not guess the disease over the years. Next, they develop an immunodeficiency, which leads to a long flow of any disease.

The first signs of AIDS are the same for men, and for women. Only symptoms of sexual diseases can be different. The first sign of it began to be long-time cuts and wounds. In such patients, even a light scratch can be bleed and fled.

  • pulmonary - the patient develops pneumatic pneumonia, which is characterized by a long and heavy flow;
  • incorter - Initially, diarrhea appears in the patient, signs of dehydration, fast and significant weight loss;
  • with damage to the skin, mucous membranes and tissues of the body - the patient appears ulcers and erosion on mucous membranes or on the skin, which progress, infected and germinate into muscle tissue;
  • with the damage to the nervous system - the patient worsens the memory, constant apathy appears, the atrophy of the brain and epileptic seizures develop, the condition may be complicated by malignant brain tumors, or encephalitis.

AIDS lasts about six months or two years and ends with a fatal outcome (few years live for a few years).

The rapid detection of AIDS is hampered by the fact that the first signs of HIV infection are nonspecific and can be attributed to many different agers. Frequent and unforctivable appearance of temperature and an increase in lymph nodes must be worked out by the patient and his doctor. In such cases, the only proper decision can be only the conduct of HIV test in a specialized center. The need for timely diagnosis of this deadly disease is no doubt, since previously the beginning of antiviral therapy is capable of moving away the transition of HIV to AIDS, and hence, extend the life of an infected person.

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that causes AIDS. HIV attacks the immune system, destroying white blood cells that help the body to deal with infections and diseases. Analysis is the only reliable way to determine if you have HIV. Below are symptoms that may indicate that you have an infection.


Determination of early symptoms

    Determine whether you are strong fatigue Without an explanatory reason. Fatigue can be a sign of a large number of different diseases. This symptom is also observed in HIV-infected. Fatigue should not cause you a big concern if it is the only symptom, but it is worth thinking about it in the future.

    • Strong fatigue is not the feeling when you just want to sleep. Do you feel tired all the time, even after well sleep at night? Do you go to bed afternoon, more often than usual and avoid tense activity, because you feel the decline forces? This type of fatigue is the cause for concern.
    • If such a symptom is saved for more than a few weeks or months, a survey should be examined to exclude HIV.
  1. Pay attention to the yasers in the mouth and on the genitals. If ulcers in the mouth arise along with other previously described symptoms, and if you have not previously observed such yasers, they can be a sign of an early HIV stage. Genital ulcers are also a sign of HIV infection.

Definition of progressive symptoms

    Do not exclude dry cough . Dry cough occurs in the later stages of HIV, sometimes many years after infection. This seemingly innocuous symptom at first easy to miss, especially if it occurs in an allergenic or influenza season or during the cold season. If you have a dry cough, and you can't get rid of it with antihistamine drugs or inhalers, it may be a sign of HIV.

    Take a look at unusual specks (red, brown, pink or crimped) on the skin. People in the later stages of HIV often appear rash on the skin, especially on the face and body. Rash may appear in the mouth or in the nose. This is a sign that HIV goes into AIDS.

    • Flawing, red leather - a sign of the late stage of HIV. Spots can be in the form of boils and cones.
    • Body rash is usually not accompanied by cold and temperature. Accordingly, if you alternately arise such symptoms - immediately consult a doctor.
  1. Pay attention to the pneumonia. Pneumonia is often ill people with a weakened immune system. People with a late stage of HIV slopes are sick with pneumonia when contacting microbes, which usually do not cause such a serious reaction.

    Check out the thrush, especially in the mouth. The last stage of HIV usually causes milk in the mouth - Stomatitis. With stomatitis in the language or in the mouth, white or other unusual spots appear. Such stains are a sign that the immune system cannot effectively deal with infection.

    Inspect your nails, whether there are fungus on them. Yellow or brown nails in cracks and chips are a frequent sign of the late stage of HIV. Nails are becoming more susceptible to the fungus, with which the body in normal circumstances is capable of fighting.

    Determine if you have a quick weight loss for an unknown reason. In the early stages of HIV, it can be caused by strong diarrhea, in the later stages - "atrophy", a strong reaction of the body for the presence of HIV in the body.

    Pay attention to the cases of memory loss, depression or other neurological problems. In the last stages of HIV, cognitive functions of the brain are disturbed. Do not leave any neurological problems without attention, be sure to visit the Doctor.