Chicken broth: benefit and harm. What is useful chicken broth

Traditional soup on the meat broth made of sugar bones for all Russians is the usual, almost everyday habitual food that has developed decades and centuries. How then come talk about the fact that meat broths are it almost poison? Let's figure it out together.

To begin with, deeper in history. Why did you eat our ancestors? In order to fill the energy costs during hunting. People tried eating fat and satisfying food, which was, for example, meat soup. And the broth initially represented the thermal processing of a piece of meat (but not bones). A modern man does not spend so many strength and energy on such an active labor mining, like hunting, and the energy costs of a modern person are much more modest. However, the memory of the ancestors is so stronger that still people still eat meat and the rigish broths.

Now consider under the magnifying glass that it is a broth made of meat bone - the one that is so popular in our families.

Harm from meat broth

In the process of cooking in the water in which meat is boiled on the bone, all the most harmful is that it is contained. We will not say now that the animal at the time of the murder is experiencing a terrible fear and the strongest stress that truly poisoning his muscles and bones that become toxic and which we then eat in food. This fact is not acceptable. We are talking about a friend. That in the broth in huge quantities, salts of heavy metals are transferred, arsenic and mercury compounds. While the animal is alive, it is feeding hormonal feeds, huge doses of vitamins. When an animal is sick, he is treated. For storage and transportation, meat is stuffed by preservative chemical additives. And all this in full formation very easily goes into a liquid, that is, digested into the broth. As a result, extractive substances that fell into the broth make it difficult to work the liver, overload the digestive system. And the concentrating broth, the more dangerous it is for our health. But the meat that was cooked in the broth is freed from the harmful components and becomes a dietary product for children and adults.

What now to do, not at all is the first? Of course not. In all, you need a measure and a reasonable approach. After all, there is no wonder the broth, especially chicken, is considered to be beautiful food when recovering after the disease, because he, unlike other food, is easily digested, thereby quickly eating and restoring the patient.

The main thing here is to comply with certain simple rules for the preparation of soup or a meat broth.

  • Only from a high-quality verified, so to speak, his meat, about which you know everything - and how to feed the animal, and how they scored, and how they were transported.
  • Cooking broth from dietary meat varieties. It is meat, not bones. From the bones, the broth is better not to cook. Give preference to veal, chickens, rabbits.
  • Broth prepare as follows. Clean, without lived and fat meat, omit in cold water, bring to a boil and boil 5-15 minutes. After that, drain the water and pour meat to the second portion of water or, which is much better, vegetable broth. With the first water, all harmful extractive substances and toxins will take away. If you want to get the least concentrated broth, the procedure can be repeated again. You can saturate broth by trace elements, vitamins, pleasant aroma with the help of greenery. Then your soup or soup will be really useful.
  • Instead of meat broth for cooking soups, vegetable broths can be used, in which there is no harmful animal fat, nor the rest, which was described above, there are minerals and natural vitamins.

The meat broth is a liquid made from meat, water and spices (see photo). If it is properly prepared, the liquid will be transparent with a small amount of fat, as well as have a stunning taste and flavor. Each option of meat broth has its own characteristics:

  • If you are preparing a dish using beef, it is best to choose the meat of a young bull. There is little fat for such a product, as well as it is very gentle and prepares very simple. The composition of such a product includes a large amount of substances beneficial for the body.
  • If you decide to cook out of pork, then choose the meat of bacon pigs. As a result, you will get a delicious and gentle broth.
  • If you chose a chicken, it is very important that the bird is grown in environmentally friendly conditions, without the use of antibiotics and other substances. As a result, you will get a transparent and very useful broth.

To prepare a delicious and useful broth, you need to choose meat without bone. You can add vegetables and herbs to liquid to help diversify the taste. For example, on the 3rd l. The saucepan is worth taking the bulb, carrots and a couple of celery stems. The water used to prepare the meat broth should be clean, and the amount of about 2-3 liters at the rate of 1 kg of meat.

Use of meat broth

The use of meat broth is due to the use for its preparation of high-quality and diet meat. Doctors recommend using it in the recovery process after serious illness and operations. The most useful is the broth prepared from chicken breast. If you cook it from beef, it will be useful to people with anemia and chronic gastritis with reduced acidity. Broth helps to fill the lack of fluid and energy in the body. Properly cooked broth is low-calorie, so you can use it with unnecessary kilograms, as well as those who follow their appearance.

Use in cooking

The meat broth is used in cooking for the preparation of various dishes. First of all, these are soups, borshs and other first dishes. In addition, various second dishes and sauces are prepared on the basis of broth. Add it when preparing risotto, porridge, chill, fuel, etc. The broths help diversify the taste and give a juit of some meat dishes, especially those that need to be extinguished.

Secrets of the preparation of delicious meat broth

In order not to harm the body and get a delicious meat broth, it must be properly prepared. There are several rules that will help cope with this task:

Meat broth and contraindications

The damage to the meat broth is that with cooking in the liquid, extractive substances fall into the liquid, which worsen the operation of the digestive system and the liver. There are in this product and purine substances that are especially harmful to people who suffer from arthritis, gout and various blood diseases. In addition, many producers are added to meat, from which broth, various hormones and other substances, transmitting during heat treatment in the liquid, are cooked.

Many love bones to prepare broth. Such an option is considered the most harmful, as they include salts of heavy metals, as well as the connection of mercury and arsenic. Therefore, by using such a broth, a person brings irreparable harm to the body.

The benefits and harm of chicken broth must be taken into account by the first thing, since due to the personal intolerance of some components there is a chance to cause harm to the body. Chicken decoction today is a unique, useful find in cooking. This dish is enough just to prepare, besides this, it has an excellent taste and has healing properties.

Chemical composition of chicken broth

Chicken meat contains a large amount of various substances and vitamins. Special place occupy:

  • thiamine;
  • vitamin B12;
  • folic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • vitamin N.

It is also worth considering that in chicken meat there are mineral elements that are also contained in the bones, skin, cartilage. That is why various parts of the chicken use for cooking. The most useful mineral elements are:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • sulfur;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • chlorine.

When cooking, the beams should avoid adding a large amount of salt.

Tip! The broth will be much more tastier if there is a bow, carrot, celery in the cooking process.

Useful properties of chicken broth

For a long time, it was believed that the chicken broth had therapeutic properties, it was used as a medicament for many diseases. It brings great benefits during various diseases and with a weak immune system.

Due to its properties, the broth can remove the mucus from the respiration organs, which is very important for pneumonia and asthma. Since the decoction has bactericidal properties, then with its help you can destroy the harmful bacteria in the human body.

Important! Often, chicken broth prescribe people who have problems with digestion.

Chicken broth with cold

The essential benefit of chicken broth during the illness is indisputable. Its use allows you to cope with the cold, prevent the development of influenza. Hot decoction of chicken allows you to improve your breath with a cold, clean the respiratory tract.

Since the finished product contains a large amount of fat, it allows you to soften the mucous throat, reduce pain during cough, and also helps to remove inflammation during the sore.

After the feeling was made that the virus was picked up, it is not worth the first business to run into the pharmacy for drugs. All that is required is to boil the chicken, a cooked decoction to drink before bedtime. In the morning the condition improves significantly.

The use of broth for the stomach

Also do not forget about the benefits of chicken broth for the stomach. Hot broth stimulates digestion, contributes to the release of gastric juice. Consequently, this product is recommended to use people who have gastritis or those categories of persons who have no time to eat fully due to health problems.

It is worth considering, despite the fact that the decoction of chicken has a favorably affect the digestion, it is not recommended to be used in diseases of the pancreas and liver. It is due to the fact that this product is able to provoke inflammatory processes in the duodenum and thereby harm the health.

Chicken broth from hangover

Chicken soup is useful with a large number of diseases. At the same time, many know, with the help of a hot chicken soup, you can effectively deal with a hangover, which is relevant after the holidays. Prepare soup in this case can be standard: boil meat and add vegetables.

It is noteworthy that there are special establishments in the Caucasus who begin to work from 04-00 hours. Everyone can visit this institution and try a fat meat broth, which is called hash. At home, the hash can be prepared from fatty bodies or replace the chicken decoction.

What broth is more useful

It is impossible to give an unequivocal response, which broth is more useful, because each option has its own useful properties. As a rule, chicken decoction is used in coldic diseases and asthma.

Other options are also useful. For example, broth welded from a milk piglery is recommended to use migraine. If you cook the partridge, pre-removing the skin, then it can lead to the constation, while the skin is able to get rid of this ailment.

There are adherents who try to adhere to the diet of the ancient people, as a result of which the boys cooked on the bones appreciate. In their opinion, such broths used hunters and collectors.

Is it possible to drink chicken broth while weight loss

It is always necessary to take into account possible benefits and harm chicken loss broth. Undoubtedly, use chicken decoction during a diet can be even needed. Many nutritionists recommend annoying unloading days weekly, the main product during which is just a chicken broth.

It is necessary to boil the chicken, if there is an opportunity, then it is best to use homemade, small poultry. Cooking the future broth is needed in 5 liters of water, after adding celery root. During a discharge day, it is worth completely abandoning the use of other foods. Throughout the day, chicken decoction is recommended to take 5 times, each meal is 250 ml of chicken broth. As a rule, the usual diet is moving the next day.

Diet on chicken broth

The use of chicken broth for slimming colossal. This method of nutrition assumes that for 5 days only decoction and meat, from which it was welded, will be included in the diet. The cooking method is as follows:

  1. Take a small chicken carcass.
  2. Cut out the breast.
  3. Cook to full preparation of 3 liters of water.
  4. Add salt to taste.
  5. You can add herbs to improve taste.

There should be about 2.5 liters of branch, which is divided into 5 servings and is used during the day every 4 hours, you can also use boiled chicken breasts.

As practice shows, in 5 days such a diet can be reset to 5 extra kilograms. Due to the fact that there is a wide variety of menus suitable for a diet, everyone can choose exactly what he needs.

Attention! The broth must be cooked on a slow heat, removing the foam as needed, otherwise the fluid will be muddy with an unpleasant aftertaste.

How to make chicken broth

  1. Chicken carcass is washed under running water.
  2. Poured with water.
  3. After boiling, it is boosted for 20 minutes.
  4. After water drain.

To save the useful properties, you can use another method:

  1. Homemade bird is carefully soaked. According to the recipes of old healers, it is best to use the meat of the old rooster.
  2. Onions, carrots, herbs are added to the water with a bird.
  3. Put a saucepan on a slow fire.
  4. After the water boiled, remove the foam and put the fire to the maximum.
  5. After 10 minutes of active boiling, vegetables are cleaned.
  6. Cooking the meat is necessary about 3 hours on slow fire.
  7. 30 minutes before preparedness add salt and spices to taste.
  8. The decoction should be strain and cool, only after that it can be used.

If the broth is used with a cold, then it is recommended to break the chicken egg and pour it with a hot chicken decoction.

Harm chicken broth

Chicken broth is able to benefit and harm for the human body, depending on the individual characteristics and intolerance to some components. If we consider this situation as a whole, the decoction of meat is not able to cause special damage, if you use a product in moderation. It is damaged in the event that a poor-quality product is taken.

It should be borne in mind that some manufacturers add special additives that stimulate rapid growth in the feeder. As a result, it is not known how the bird was grown.

In the process of growth of animals, vaccinated, preventing the emergence of many diseases. It is important to understand that these drugs have a significant impact on the quality of finished products.

Boujondo fatness

Virtually 40% fat, located in a chicken, in the final result find themselves in the finished dish. Love for the headache is capable of bringing some consequences:

  • in the blood, the amount of cholesterol increases, as a result of which the blood vessels begin to clog;
  • excessive use can increase weight, while in limited quantities it has an effective impact on the body when weight loss;
  • the likelihood of the formation of tumors of the stomach and intestines increases.

Thus, the excessive use of this product is capable of harm to the body. That is why chicken decoction is useful only in small quantities.

Attention! The calorie content of chicken broth per 100 grams can vary from 50 to 250 calories.

The emergence of allergies

It is important to understand that cooking time affects the quality of the final product. Thus, the longer the chicken is boiled, the more it highlights harmful substances into the water.

If you purchase a bird in farmers who are not added to the animal diet Special additives to accelerate growth, and use exclusively natural feed, then you should not be afraid of the appearance of an allergic reaction. It is possible to harm the body only if you cook the chicken broth for a long time purchased in the store.

Important! When gougraning and urolithiasis, it is necessary to completely abandon the use of decisions.

How to make chicken broth useful

Undoubtedly, to make the broth more useful, it is necessary to accommodively approach the choice of products. When choosing vegetables and chicken, it is best to give preference to natural nutrition foods grown on the farm.

For decoction, low-fat chickens are used. It is determined by the fact that they are much less than the extractive substances affecting salts deposition. If there is no confidence that the purchased chicken is high-quality, it is recommended to remove the skin and separate the meat from the bone, since it is precisely a large amount of heavy metals that harm the body.

For cooking use meat, after boiling water is completely drained and poured again. As needed to remove foam. Adhering to these recommendations, you can prepare a useful low-calorie broth.

What can replace chicken broth during illness

Many know about the beneficial properties of chicken beam, as a result of which they use it under a number of diseases. Do not forget about the individual intolerance to the organism of some components, as a result of which there are categories of individuals who cannot use this product. In this case, it remains either to take medical preparations, or to look for an alternative solution. Replace chicken broth with vegetable soups that do not cause the body harm if you use them daily.

Is there any benefit in broth cubes

Despite the fact that vitamin B is present in chicken cubes, the benefit from such a branch will be much less than from natural. During cooking, meat gives all the useful substances, which allows to normalize digestion. These properties are completely absent at broth cubes.

A decoction prepared using cubes is able to cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Also, do not forget about the large amount of salt in the cube, the excessive use of which adversely affects human health.

Attention! Many doctors claim to use chicken cubes daily, it is almost impossible to avoid the appearance of gastritis.

Rustic meat soups are familiar to us dishes since childhood. And the chicken broth at all was considered almost the best medicine during the disease. So why are you writing so much about the fact that meat broth is harmful?

What is harmful in meat broth?

A number of studies in the art revealed that harmful substances available in meat (antibiotics, growth hormones used for the cultivation of animals), when cooking is moving into broth. And it can bring to serious health problems, especially with diseases such as urolithiasis, gout, ulcerative ulcer of the stomach. And in the bones of the bones, the content of harmful substances is even higher, since salts of heavy metals, arsenic and mercury compounds are postponed in the bones.

The more concentrating the meat broth, the more it overloads the digestive system and interferes with the work of the liver. But the meat from which the broth was welded, just can be used for the dietary nutrition of children and adults, because it was now cleared of chemical "additives" and excess fat.

Refuse or not from meat broth?

Is it worth completely abandoning meat broths? Not at all. Boules of meat, especially from dietary, can help recover after transferred cold and heavy infections. In particular, this refers to chicken broth, which has long been exhausted patients and weak. Strong broths are useful for gastritis with reduced acidity, patients with reduced appetite and with anemia.

Vegetable soups are a wonderful replacement of meat broths. They contain a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins, the necessary organism, and there is no fat at all. Vegetable decoction - dietary dishes, useful for everyone. But not everyone, accustomed to fragrant meat soups, can refuse the rebound broths. How to be?

How to cook meat soup?

Use only "verified" meat for soup, the best dietary. Let it be chicken, a young bull or rabbit grown on natural feed. For cooking broth, take only fillets, bones will be superfluous. Meat need to be processed and washed. Then omit meat into cold water, after boiling to break another 10-15 minutes and merge. So you get rid of harmful substances that have passed into the water in the process of cooking meat. After that, fill the meat with a new portion and continue to cook. With a secondary cooking of meat, it is not water, but vegetable broth.

We are accustomed to living according to certain rules, some of them are transmitted from generation to generation and do not cause any desire to doubt their correctness, reasonableness, validity. But in the meantime, these century plants can be banal stereotypes and to turn out to be at all useful, but by contrast - harmful. How many times have you heard that if a person fell ill, he needs to eat chicken broth? What is very useful for the stomach, what is needed after surgery and young children, what does it help to warm up and get rid of a cold? Is it really? What is such an incredible benefit of chicken broth, let's figure it out.

First of all, it should be noted that the broth bully is dispersed. It is impossible to compare the chicken broth welded from ham and from homemade chicken, there is also a significant difference between broths prepared from breast and soup.

So that the chicken broth had at all some kind of benefit it is necessary to cook, about it, by the way, not all the mistress is guessed. Firstly, it is desirable to cook chicken broth from cartilage and bones, soup set, then it will be much more valuable substances than in a decoction of meakty. If you wish, you can add chicken breast there. But the broth only from chicken breast will be the most dietary, not so useful as the bone-cooked, but the easiest - which is also sometimes required. When cooking chicken broth, the first water is necessarily drained, all harmful substances go with it. It is also recommended to add bulb, carrots, root of parsley, salt, dill when cooking. When the decoction is ready, vegetables can be removed or crushed and returned to the broth.

Useful properties of chicken broth

In the correctly welded chicken broth, there will be enough useful substances capable of providing a positive effect on the body. First of all, we are talking about protein, its content in the broth high enough and it speaks about the nutritional food. Finding into the body, the broth delivers the protein in it, necessary for the implementation of all vitality processes. At the same time, it does not load the digestion organs and does not require large energy costs for digestion, as is happening with meat. Protein in chicken broth an order more than in beef or pork. That is why chicken broth is shown with a weakened, painful state when it is necessary to eat and maintain strength.

The chicken broth is rich in polyunsaturated acids, which are known to be necessary for the health of blood vessels, maintaining the work of cardiac activity, infarction and stroke prevention. Chicken broth is useful after operating intervention to restore the vascular message and normal blood circulation in damaged areas. If the broth was cooked from the cartilage and bones, it will benefit when fractures and will contribute to the speedy fire of bone tissue.

The chicken broth contains a lot of vitamins of the group B, which are also needed by a person with illness. They take an active part in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, blood formation process, normalize the work of the central nervous system. It helps faster to restore forces, return to the previous source health positions.

In the broth from the chicken there is a microelerant of iron, which is responsible for the formation of red blood cells. It helps raise hemoglobin, contributes to the elimination of anemia. Also in the broth contains other minerals: calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, manganese, they are good support for disease, weakness, exhaustion.

With bronchitis and other respiratory disease diseases, the reception of chicken broth due to the cysteine \u200b\u200bamino acids present in it is shown. This substance affects the wet and effectively dilutes it, contributes to the discharge. To increase the efficiency of broth, as well as when it is used to prevent the cold, it is added to it a little pressed garlic.

The chicken broth is useful in gastrointestinal diseases, it improves digestion, but it binds excessive gastric acid. Chicken broth recommend to eat those who are contraindicated solid, hard, cold food.

How many calories in chicken broth

The caloric content of chicken broth depends on how fat was chicken, as well as it was cooked. On average, 100 grams of broth from homemade chicken account for 50-250 calories.

Harm chicken broth

Chicken broth does not have any special harmful properties, but should not be abused and eat only it instead of other products and dishes. An allergic reaction may occur at people who have chicken intolerance or violation in the assimilation or exchange of animal proteins. Chicken Broths are introduced after the first year of life, nursing mothers should refuse his use in the first months after childbirth, as it can cause allergies from the baby.