Strategy "How to set goals", which will allow you to always receive your own. Correct setting of goals, or how to defeat everything

The ideal model for setting the goal - Smart. This is an abbreviation OT. english words Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realisti and Timed. They mean that our goal should be:

Concrete. Clearly indicated what result should be achieved;
Measurable. There are criteria showing the completion of the target;
Achievable. With a real estimate of their capabilities, you conclude that you can achieve it;
Realistic. It is capable of achieving someone else except you;
Defined in time. Should stand the temporary borders of the achievement of the goal;

To achieve the goal, it is necessary, first of all, perform decomposition, that is, the partition into smaller sodes. Even if your task is not too big, it can still be crushed into smaller components that make it easier to obtain the result.

It is necessary to consider which of small goals can be given to delegation and write a number of people who will be responsible for this task.

Sore priority tasks. Try to start performing the most important goals, and then go to the more minor, it will not miss the main thing.

Constantly control the process, enter the records and measure efficiency, then get the result will not wait long.

Your goals will come true faster and rather, if you learn how to put them in front of them. Know what you want, little. It is necessary to detail your request to the universe.


Decide which sphere of your life most needs to be improved. Of course, you can put several goals at the same time and seek them parallel, but it will be easier to start with something one, the main one. Think that at the moment of time the least satisfies you, for example, the level of well-being, professional growth, relations with the opposite floors, health, appearance or something else. Now you should understand what task to put in front of you to improve the state of your affairs.

Remember that your goal should be quite bold, but real. Do not be afraid to turn on something more, do not modify, but do not wish the impossible. Life tasks are needed in order to achieve them, and not that you have a dream throughout the entire period of existence. If you find it difficult to determine the threshold where your real opportunities And fiction begins, refer to your past experience. No one knows you better than you yourself. You can also familiarize yourself with the appropriate statistics on the Internet or explore the special literature.

Keep in mind that your goal should be quite specifically formulated. Blurred definitions only postpone you from the day when the conceived will come true. If your success in the future start can be measured in something, put specific numbers as a bar. In addition, you need to decide on the date when it is possible to expect the execution of the task. The absence of a period given to itself will not allow to find out whether the desired result will achieve. If there are some nuances that need to be clarified, do it. Your goal should be clear, clear.

Slide a large goal for smaller tasks. Acting stages, it will be easier for you to track progress. Success during each period should be as easy to define in numbers, dates or some more parameters as total result. In extreme cases, you can adjust your goal, because no one has canceled the possibility of unexpected situations. Be sure to encourage yourself after the end of each stage. Even if he passed not quite smoothly and not one hundred percent successfully, you need self-support for further accomplishments.

Believe in what you will succeed. Confidence in own forces will help you direct all the internal resources to achieve your goal. If you are configured in advance to fail, it makes no sense to try something at all. Remember how your life will change after the end of this difficult way. You yourself will also become better, stronger, wiser. In a person who has attained the conceived, self-esteem increases, self-confidence. Do not forget that you will acquire additional skills, experience, skills.

Video on the topic

A person's life is a movement to the goals set, as a result of which it becomes rich and meaningful. It is necessary to raise a new habit in yourself - to act before the result.


Call a desire. True genuine, powerful desire. Motivation will arise, which will help overcome inertia and fear, and will encourage to act, helping to overcome any obstacles.

Work out belief. It is very important to believe that your goal is real and achievable. In order not to lose confidence and not disappoint, you need to put in front of you only real tasks. Decide where you are now and where you want to get as a result of the conceived. Do not doubt your capabilities.

Record your goal, thus you will give your wishes a clear form. Otherwise, they will remain only with your fantasies.

Make a list of all reasons for achieving your goal. They must inspire and inspire you. And the longer it turns out this list, the greater the motivation will be created to overcome all obstacles to.

Each of us dreams that his most cherished wishes are always performed. But first of all, for this, a dream should be the main task, and not flying fantasy. In order to achieve good result, the first thing you need to understand is how to transform the desire to the idea.

To do this, consider the main differences between desire and real idea:

  1. The desire is characterized by some general awareness that he wants to get a person. The goal has a specific form of the subject, object or event.
  2. The desire is expressed by fuzzy outlines of how it can be realized. For purposes are being made clear, thoughtful steps when they are achieved.
  3. The desire does not always answer the question, for which I need it. The goal is always motivated by the result that expects you.

The correct setting of the task increases the chances of receiving the expected result. Therefore, the purpose of the goal should take into account the following rules:

  1. Accurate wording. Expressing his wishes accurately and clearly, immediately becomes obvious, what and how to do to achieve required results.
  2. Cross plans should be concrete "subjects" that can be seen and perceived on the touch. To do this, your wishes must be written on paper or depict in pictures.
  3. The ideas should be real, not fantastic.
  4. It is necessary to dream global. After the implementation of small ideas, it is necessary to put more global tasks.
  5. Temporary restrictions. When setting a goal, it is necessary to specify accurately, until what point in time it should be done. Abstract concepts reduce the chances of a positive outcome.
  6. Replacing dreams on actions. To achieve goals, you need to perform real actions. Speak less, and more do.

When setting global goals and tasks, it is important to have planning strategy. One of the types of such strategies is the matrix of goals, which is structured in four categories: obtaining, saving, avoiding and eliminating. With it, it is visualized by the necessary goals, as well as the analysis of which tasks still need to be performed which to avoid which to save, and which completely eliminate.

Of course, the achievements of the goals depend on the environment in which we are, and from people with whom we communicate. But the main key to success is the individual knowledge, skills and skills of each person who will achieve their tasks at the highest possible level.

Books about how to put goals

Often we do not know where to start setting the goal, how to do its implementation and how to do that the steps taken by us were productive and had a positive outcome. In solving such a problem, various trainings, marathons and, of course, book publications will be helped.

Marathon to achieve goals - an event that is conducted by people with special education. Its essence lies in the fact that a person for herself defines ideas and undertakes to embody them on the developed scheme for the agreed time of the marathon (for example, 100 days). At the same time there is a permanent report on the implementation of the planned tasks and the effectiveness of their solution.

Training is a system of working with a coach for setting and planning a goal, choosing a method for achieving it, analysis of specific actions.

Books are the most affordable source of information on the method of proper placement of goals. Consider the most popular publications in this area:

  1. "Whole life" of Kenfield J. It describes key skills that help to make goaling habit.
  2. Stephen's book, and Steve Jones "Focus", talks about how to learn how to learn the competent planning and the correct placement of priorities, as well as how to focus their attention to them in a timely manner.
  3. In the book "Achieving goals" M. Atkinson, and T. Chois, it is said about how to learn to disclose their internal potential, determining the values \u200b\u200bin life.
  4. Jay Elliot published a book called "Steve Jobs. Lessons Lessons ", which describes that Jobs helped in such early age Success and become one of the richest people in the world.
  5. Seth Godin "Try - It turns out." The book tells about how to start when implementing their ideas. The publication presents specific instructions and success recipes.

To become successful in business and be able to plan a family budget, you need to know the basics of proper financial goal. The financial goal is an achievable result that must be measured something. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate your ideas in a financial or material equivalent. An example of incorrect setting of plan - "I want to be rich and successful." This is an abstract concept that is not measured in principle.

The following rules will help achieve the ultimate goal:

  1. One main task instead of several secondary. It is better to put one task for yourself, perform it, and then go to another. Otherwise, a lot of effort will be spent without a result.
  2. Determine the timing. To implement a large, global goal you need more time than smaller plan.
  3. Long-term goals need to be broken at the stage. It helps to study progress and update motivation. Stages are an algorithm for performing certain actions at a certain time interval.
  4. Adjusting the tasks assigned instead of their complete cancellation when changing circumstances.
  5. Maintaining a permanent report on the actions performed and the results obtained.
  6. Development of financial habits. This includes a plan of action to follow.

Imagine your ideas and plans need gradually, starting with the smallest. Determine that for you is a priority at the moment and begin to embody it into life. Even the fulfillment of a small task is already considered to be successful. This means that you can move on and move to the implementation of more global designs.

When you realized what you want, do not stop, play even deeper. Is this a goal? Would you like this? Maybe your mother wants, surroundings or other other people's votes impose their own?

You are sure you really want it. The choice and correct placement of the goal is half of the case and the basis of a successful outcome. We will analyze the criteria of correctness.


Little to put the goal of the "apartment". It is necessary to paint the nuances in the most detail, otherwise there are differences. The apartment seems to appear, there is, where to live, but it is not yours, you can not manage her how to do. This apartment is not the size, not in that city, it is not an apartment, but a room in a communal service. Goal achieved? Yes. This is what you wanted? Not.

Incorrect goal: flat.

Proper goal: Three-bedroom apartment without burdens in the center of Moscow in my property.


Suppose your goal is to become a popular blogger. Thanks to social networks there is a simple and specific sign of popularity - a large number of subscribers. If you find it difficult to determine for yourself this figure, see how many subscribers have a person who consider popular, take this number as a reference point.

Incorrect goal: I want to be popular.

Proper goal: 5,000 subscribers in Facebook.


As one boss said, ask the impossible, you will get a maximum. Put yourself ambitious goals, you wish to jump above the head, believe in yourself, and then land and consider objective reality. It makes no sense to put on behalf of the third hand.

Incorrect goal: I want people do not hurt cancer.

Proper goal: Employment to the organization to combat cancer.


Ask yourself the question "Why?". Repeat until you come to the answer like "it will make me happy", "I will feel satisfaction", "I'm implementing how ...". Ultimately, most human desires are reduced to simple things. Therefore, it is not recommended to set the goal of a certain amount of money. Money is not a goal, this means to achieve what will bring joy, benefit, happiness.

Incorrect goal: I want a lot of money to buy a yacht.

Proper goal: yacht.


Term - the required parameter to achieve the goal. Without boobs, it seems that the sea of \u200b\u200btime is infinite, but suddenly life passes. The approaching Dedine stimulates acceleration, helps relate current progress and the remainder of time.

Incorrect goal: I want to learn to draw.

Sign of achievement

What kind of sign do we understand that the goal of "getting married" is achieved? Will appear official documentconfirming this - marriage certificate. I will tell you a cramole idea, but in achieving the goal we are going rather not to the goal itself, but to the sign of its achievement. Without a sign of achievement, the goal ceases to be concrete. Little want your car. The car becomes mine at the moment when my surname fit into the passport of the vehicle.

Wrong feature: Car brand dodge.

Proper sign: PTS on the car brand Dodge.

Tools to achieve the goal


Propashite key steps In order of the last to the first. This will help "what is needed to ..?" Determine the estimated time frame for each stage, so that then taste with the plan.


Purpose: October 2019 - a housewarming in his own house, which will build.

  • What do you need to celebrate housewarming in the house that we build? Interior decoration (September 2019).
  • What do you need to appear internal finish? Communication (May 2018).
  • What do you need to carry out communications? Cove the roof (April 2018).
  • What do you need to cover the roof? Building walls (March 2018).
  • Lay the foundation (September 2017).
  • Select a contractor for construction (June 2017).
  • Order a project (April 2017).
  • Find an architect (tomorrow).

So come to the first step: tomorrow, write to the social network post and ask to recommend the architect.

Action every day

Every day, perform at least one action to achieve the goal. Even if only enough forces only for one microset, let it be done: curtains, call the architect and discuss the meeting date.

Creating a medium

Fill the ether. Subscribe to thematic resources, Meet and communicate with experts and experienced people, read, see. This contributes to the accumulation of knowledge, helps not forget about the goal.

Ideal if close people support, encourage, help. Specialists and experienced people can also have moral support, not limited to expertise.


The way for those who do not deny that the thought is material. Place yourself in the desired image. This may be a goal visualization: someone draws a goal, someone makes collages from their photos and photographs of the target. Someone practices the principle "Live, as if reached," simulates and cultivates the feeling that he has the desired.

What to do if the goal is achieved or not achieved

Regardless of the result, analyze it. What prevented in achieving the goal, what helped? What inspired, what provoked procrastination? What needs to be considered or improved next time?

Analysis and adjustment:

  • The goal is not achieved in the desired period. Recipient time, adjust them in accordance with the introductory data.
  • The goal is irrelevant. Perhaps the interests, values \u200b\u200bchanged, life situation. Adjust the goal or refuse it.
  • The goal is relevant, but priorities changed. Life made adjustments to plans, other issues require attention. Revise the goal and timing.

Do not regret, do not criticize yourself, analyze, look for causal relationships, draw conclusions. Take a situation that cannot be changed. It will be easier if throughout the path is completely laid out and enjoy the process. Even if something did not work, you at least spent the time perfectly. What is there next to the list?

Today we will tell you how to put the goal correctly.

Purpose. What is it?

The goal is final result, ksober you are striving. Most often, target stems from a dream or inspired desire. But one inspiration is not enough, work is also needed.

You can say so:target \u003d desire + conscious decision to act.

After putting the goal, determine the tasks with which you will come to the conceived.

The goal is answering the question "What needs to be done?" Tasks suggest how to achieve the desired result.

For example, you wanted to learn english. Word the goal (master basic level Language after 1 year), accept the solution and sign up for language courses.

The goal must be recorded. How to do it right - look in ourvideo:

How to put goals

Check the SMART criteria target

To achieve the desired result, you can use different methods. The most universal - Smart technology. This is an acronym and it is translated as "smart." For over 60 years, people seek success using Smart technology. It includes 5 criteria that must be complied with the right goal.

Concreteness (s)

No "Lose Weight" or "Learn." Specify: "My weight is 65 kg," "victory at least 10 chess games." Thanks to the specification, you will see your intermediate successes. For example, weight loss from 80 kg to 71 will motivate you to work further, because it remains less than half of the path.

How high the plank do you put yourself? At what level do you want to master the skill or assimilate information? For example, Mikhail is enough to learn how to play a guitar, simple yard songs in three chords, and Oksana seeks to participate in international competitions.

Three levels of ownership of information, skills

Level 1. Basic. Josh Kaufman, the author of the book "The first 20 hours. How to learn anything "speaks of the principle of sufficiency. The principle involves mastering the skill at the level sufficient to ensure that the occupation only brought you satisfaction.

Level 2. Middle. You operate in basic concepts, do not need ready-made templates, you can even advise others.

Level 3. High. You know about all the intricacies, the hectares of the subject of the subject. Other people refer to you as an authoritative source and take an example with you.

It does not matter whether you are improved in the game area on the guitar or master the creation of sites - everywhere there is a distinction of the level of ownership of skills. Before setting the goal, determine which result will arrange you.

« When a person does not know what pier he holds the way, for him no wind will be passing »


Measurerability (M)

Formulate the target with numbers:

deadlines, volume, percent, ratio, time

Any work implies the presence of a result. The SmartProgress has a "Criterion Completion" parameter. Filling this line, you formulate for yourself what you need to come. How to determine what purpose is achieved? Announced 100 English words, read 60 books, earned 800 thousand rubles.

Reachability (a)

Think about whether your goal is real

Sometimes it is enough just to turn on logic - you can hardly rest in Thailand if you have a pathological fear of aircraft.

Checking the goal of this criterion, account for resources. This time, knowledge, skills, money, helpful information, dating, experience. Part of this you already have, and something else needs to get. On SmartProgress there is a "personal resources" field, where you once again think that it will help you achieve the goal.

Relevance (R)

The goal should relate to other objectives and do not contradict them

This criterion is still called the environmental goal in the meaning of "carefully for the already existing".

How much is the new goal helps or at least do not interfere with the existing one?

Ecology is internal and external. Inner refers to your aspirations, values, beliefs. External environmental friendliness is the relationship of new and old goals.

For example, you want to become the head of the department, but for this you need to travel often on business trips. And one of your goals - spend more time with your family. Here, two goals come into contradiction and cannot be considered environmentally friendly.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • How does your new goal relate to your old goals, desires, lifestyle, expectations?
  • Do you want to achieve this result by setting this goal?
  • Is it worth the effort spent?
  • Why and why do you want to achieve this goal?

Defined in time (T)

Put the deadline for achieving the goal

Clearly delivered motivated work more active. It's easy to look back to check how much the path is passed, and how much you still need to overcome. Parkinson's law says: "Any work increases in volume to fill out all the time released on it." Therefore, if the goal has no time, you can hardly reach her hands.

Are you afraid to disappoin and not reach the goal in the allotted time? Then put the grandine a little further than required.

SMART target example

S (concrete) - Play on an acoustic guitar: correctly set the main chords, in the game to use the intention and different types battle.

M. (measurable) - Play 10 songs of the Splin groups, Basta, degrees.

A. (achieving) - There is a guitar, self-tutorials on the Internet, time, money for classes in the studio or with a tutor.

R. (Relevant)- I want to speak at the contest of the Bardian song, and also enjoy the success of the girls.

T. (time limited) - July 2017.

Why does this technology work?

  • You conduct a revision of all resources and evaluate whether the goal is achievable.

It happens that the hands are lowered and emotions say: "Oh, everything. I can not do it". Do not give yourself to feelings, turn logic: you have everything you need to reach the end. And if there are no resources, you know where to take them.

  • Clearly see the end result.

If biathletes did not see their goal, how would it be shot then? Specifically formulated the goal helps to understand, in the wrong side you go, and how much approached the target.

  • More efficiently set tasks on the path to the goal.

Knowing that, where and when you want to get, it is easier to achieve the desired one. You rated your resources, checked the goal relevance - now you can continue the way.

To move quickly and efficiently, you need to carefully plan your actions.

Plan and work

Knowing what you want to get is easier to determine how to achieve it. If the goal is complex or long-term (create your business in the IT industry, buy an apartment without capturing a mortgage), then your action plan will be more voluminous. Do not be afraid. We will tell about 2 ways to go to our huge goal in ourvideo.

  1. In time. Ask yourself intermediate milestones. What should I achieve in a year? What should I become in 2 years? What should I know, be able to do?
  2. Create a list of everything you need to do to achieve the goal. Get education, learn the market of the market, analyze the achievements of competitors, first to go to the local one, then the regional level - the more action will be played, the more effective work.

Complete the main goal of useful habits

Habit is an automated action, in the execution of which we are experiencing a constant need. We make charging on the machine, drink coffee in the mornings, check mail, coming to work. And if something breaks down the course of events, we start nervous.

Habits help save internal energy to solve more important and complex tasks. No longer need to spend time and effort on thinking, whether to charge now. You just go and do the necessary without thinking. Therefore, it is important to form useful habits. They facilitate our lives and have a positive effect at work.

Watch your thoughts - they become words.

Watch your own words - they become actions.

Watch your actions - they become habits.

Watch your habits - they become character.

Watch your character - he defines your fate.

O. Khayam

On the SmartProgress service, you can put not only the usual goal, but also a target habit. This will help to form and fix daily repetitive actions: jogging in the morning, reading books, walks, early raises. If you decide to refuse something, then in this case the target-habit will work.When forming the habit, regularity is important. Therefore, the goal habit is not holidays. Running in the mornings in a day or resting from sports on holidays, you will not achieve the desired result.

For example, in your profile on SmartProgress, you put the target "early to get up early". Your task is to be marked in your purpose after performing daily action.

Five days you conscientiously celebrated achievements, but I missed the sixth day. A red cross (failure) appears in the habit of the habit and start their journey.

After you put the last mark in your goal, it will automatically end. Write output, note the difficulties and successes of the formation of this goal. And proceed to the new! As Lao Tzu said "The path of 1000 Lee begins from the first step."

Right now

  1. Think what purpose is most relevant for you today. Is this a target habit or requires relatively greater preparation?
  2. Word the goal in accordance with Smart criteria. It must be concrete, measurable, achievable, relevant, time limited.
  3. Choose a method of planning actions: in chronology or on the list of cases.
  4. Create a goal toSmartProgress. And write down your plan to achieve the goal.
  5. Start the implementation of the Plan.

Sometimes people set goals wrong. Because of this, they are disappointed and consider themselves unable to achieve large heights. But each can bet and seek the desired. We, members of the SmartProgress team, support VAC and wish you success in achieving the goal!

Everything successful people Know how to set goals and achieve results. Read about the basic rules for setting goals and achieve the result that will help you embody your dream.

The embodiment of a dream to life consists of 2 stages: Correct setting of the goal and effective process Achievement. First of all, we will analyze: how to put the goal.

Why you need to be able to put goals

  • embody your dreams into reality;
  • competently distribute strength and time;
  • motivate yourself on the path to the result;

When you set you a clear goal - your actions become as efficient as possible, because Subordinates committed specific idea. The correct goal not only will indicate you the easiest and most effective way to achieve the result, but also to give you the necessary motivation when the desire works will leave you.

The ability to put goals correctly - this is a habit

Some successful people dedicated their lives to study the effective achievement of goals. The study of this art a lot of attention was paid by Brian Tracy - author of more than 70 books on self-development. From Russian writers, Gleb Arkhangelsky is especially allocated - the author of the book "Time Drive". Each of them came to the conclusion that the ability to correctly set goals and achieve them - this is the habit that you can and need to develop. We will touch some thoughts of these authors in this article, but to a greater extent the article will be based on my personal experience to achieve goals. Writing this article is also a small goal, step to achieving a more global goal - to create a useful Internet site for self-development. And the fact that you are currently reading this article says that the result is quite well achieved. Here we go?

How to set goal: 5 rules

In total, I allocated 5 basic rules affecting the quality of the target. Under each of them, you will be able to formulate the correct and motivating goal, with which you will undoubtedly be able to achieve results. Let's start.

The goal should be written

Oral goal is just thought. Only recorded on paper, the specific wording is a present obligation to itself. Written formulation of the goal implies the presence of a convenient tool to fix it. For the wording of goals there are 2 convenient tools:

  1. Diary

The most efficient and convenient tool. People who use the diary much more effectively lead to those who neglect them. The diary is convenient because the goals can be formulated for a year, month, week and day and it can always be at hand. At the same time, short-term goals (for example, a plan for a day) should always proceed from long-term (goals per year).

  1. Visualization board

This is a small size board with drawing and erasing, which hangs at home or at work in a prominent place. It is not suitable for daily planning tasks, but for the formulation of global tasks, for example, for the coming year is the perfect option.

For myself, I chose a diary.

The correct goal should be the most specific

One of the reasons why many people do not achieve goals are not enough specified. Because of this, it is not clear whether you are approaching the goal, and how far you have advanced. Consider on the example of weight loss.

Bad wording: Lose weight

Good wording: Lose weight at 10kg for 10 months, dropping monthly 1 kg, by November 1, 2018;

The more specific goal, the brighter in your head you can submit the end result, which means you can effectively motivate yourself.

The goal should be measurable

The measurable goal should contain the most detailed detail. It must be specified in it, during which you are planning to achieve this goal. If the term of achieving the goal is not installed, then you give the brain the installation: there is no place to be in a hurry, and therefore makes a maximum of effort to achieve the goal either not necessarily.

The term does not have to be accurately installed from the first time. Perhaps it will be subject to adjustment, becoming shorter or longer. Just assess your strength immediately - a difficult task, but in the process of work you will be clearer.

The goal should be broken down to the maximum number of subtasks

This is especially true of global goals, which can be achieved for more than one year. A very good association on this issue was voiced by Gleb Arkhangelsky. It compared a large target with an elephant, and the process of achieving the result is with eating an elephant. Eat the elephant is completely - it seems an unbearable task, but if you split the elephant into small pieces - "bifhtecses", and there are gradually thereof, then in a short time you will see that your unbearable task is made by many small chambers.

The goal should be achievable

You should not put impossible tasks in front of you - they strongly weaken motivation on the path to the result. You must constantly see progress and realize that approaching the target target. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to assess your strength and decide which result is really reached for you.

The goal should inspire

Even just the formulation itself, which you make, should cause you a desire to make efforts to achieve the result. Closing his eyes, and seeing herself to reach the goal, you must literally filled with forces and inspiration. And remembering her early in the morning, when I do not want to get up - to flock from bed.

In order for the target to inspire you most, make a simple exercise. Take a sheet of paper, and write the 10 most desirable changes that can bring your life to achieve the goal.

Example of a well-set goal

Take for example purpose: buying a car.

If this is your cherished dream, then you should choose which car model can inspire you on the feats. For example, Chevrolet Lanos.

I buy a car Chevrolet Lanos black on June 30, 2020 at a price of 180,000 rubles.

To do this, I have to postpone 5 thousand rubles for 5 thousand rubles per month, which I will postpone the special account in the Bank, with interest accrual.

When I buy a car I, and I can bring my dream about car travel, I can go to work in comfort, get rid of the need to ride public transport, I will listen to your favorite music loudly, I can ride a blank night city late at night, go to the endless track and chant , chant, chant ...

Go to the next stage.

How to achieve results: 5 rules

Even the most correct and inspiring goal will not be achieved if it is not supported by action. After the goal is correctly formulated, it is necessary to move to the most responsible stage - the process of achieving the result.

The first thing you encounter - with a lot of fears in the head, most often fictional. Let's look at the 3 most popular fear, and how to deal with them:

Work with fears

  1. I will not succeed

Very common idea, and extremely harmful. Look around. See what incredible results seek others: create a million business, become the stars of the screen, popular performers. Imagine that one day someone would say to themselves - I will not succeed. It would stop it, and he would not even try. Who would he be now? You do not want to deprive yourself of future victories, success and achievements, just because afraid of defeat?

Actually, it is not necessary to be afraid. In any case, it will experience, practice, efforts. But what really needs to be afraid - it does not even try. Drink this fear of the head, and constantly told yourself - "I will succeed!" Soon you yourself believe this and achieve the results that only dreamed about.

2. The goal is unattainable

You need to figure out why you think so. If no one reached such a goal before you, then become the first. Many people once were the first to do with something, and this did not stop them.

And if someone has already reached such a result (especially if many), then you have every chance. You are no worse. Most likely, even better. Here you are working on yourself, read useful material. And this speaks of your dedication. You just can not fail. I believe in you!

3. Already too late

Dangerous and very destructive thought. I loved myself so much. When he was a student, a personal name stopped me from achieving an important goal. And many years later, I still returned to my goal, and began working on its achievement. And I have already achieved good results. It turned out that even after a lot of-many years it was not too late, and after many more years it would not be too late. And then, when I studied at the university - it was the perfect time. It is a pity that I did not understand this.

If you now refuse to achieve the goal, because It seems to you that "Late", then after many years you will be very sorry and aware that it was "It's time." Believe me.

To achieve a result - act

The key to the successful achievement of the result is the constant movement forward. You broke your goal for many subtasks? It is necessary to take a goal one daily, even a small one. But it is necessary to do. If you do not have strength, or you want to postpone the case for tomorrow, remember that tomorrow will repeat the same thing.

Think about yourself on what.

If you write just 1 page per day - then in a year you email a book.

If one day to postpone 100 rubles, by the end of the year you will have 36,500 rubles.

If you do 100 push ups every day, then for the year you will make 36,500 pushups.

Thinking about it, you realize what constant power has permanent, even if small steps to achieve the goalAnd what big results can be achieved thanks to minor, but regular actions.

Control the result achieved

Your constant satellite to achieve results is tracking progress. If you decide to use a diary, it will be right every day report to yourself about what results you have achieved.

Such reports help you not only see progress, but also feel responsible for yourself if you "Halturili". Are you ready to accept the fact that you have today and give up your dreams? I am sure that there is no. Pay off in front of yourself every evening, analyze errors and think about what can be done better.

Inspire the stories of success

Here is so important moment - Surely there will be people who have already reached the result to which you are striving. Find their success stories - it can be books, personal blogs, records on the forums. The stories of people who have conquered the peak, to which you strive, not only inspire you, will give you the opportunity to gain experience and valuable knowledge; Learn about the errors that they have done, and not commit them yourself.

That's all, friends! Believe in yourself and you will succeed!