Prevention of drug addiction: directions and types of activities. Preventive measures to prevent drug addiction

It hurts to talk about it, but drug addiction among young people in our time has acquired colossal proportions. Moreover, it spreads much faster than society has time to take any measures to combat this. terrible phenomenon... Due to thisprevention of drug addictionis of paramount importance, because any problem is easier to prevent than to try to get rid of its consequences.

Rules for the implementation of drug addiction prevention

Any preventive measures aimed at preventing drug addiction among children and young people must be carried out following certain rules.

1. The information presented should not have an openly negative connotation.

2.Lectures, articles, documentaries, television programs should disclose as much as possible dire consequences drug use.

3. It is prohibited to show scenes of drug use (of any kind) in the media.

4. Any publication should end with a logical, understandable conclusion and have recommendations for drug prevention.

5. Any information should be motivational and aimed at a youth audience.

6. Any informational materials should be prepared only by specialized specialists - narcologists, psychologists, social workers, law enforcement officers.

7.All information on drug prevention must be approved by the staff of the special expert council.

In addition, in the complex of large-scale preventive measures, a round-the-clock telephone consultation should be held, the purpose of which is to ensure communication with the population to track the locations of drug points, as well as to provide assistance to drug addicts and their families.

At first, " hot line". This telephone service is designed to inform all interested people on drug addiction issues and provide information about treatment and rehabilitation facilities for drug addiction. Secondly, an anonymous telephone support for drug addicts. This service employs narcologists who are able to help people with chemical addiction. Third, the "helpline". The purpose of this service is professional psychological assistance to the population.

Types of prevention

Currently prevention of drug addiction carried out by three main methods. These are primary, secondary and tertiary preventive measures. The primary goal of prevention is the prevention of drug addiction. At this stage, work is carried out in four areas:

- Purposeful large-scale educational work among adolescents and youth;

- sanitary and hygienic education;

- involving the public in the fight against drug trafficking;

- adoption of administrative and legislative measures against drug addiction.

Secondary prevention tasks include early detection drug addicts, their treatment and maintenance curative therapy aimed at preventing relapse of the use of psychoactive chemicals.

Finally, tertiary drug prevention is a special program for drug addicts, consisting of medical and social and labor rehabilitation.

The quality of preventive measures affects not only the health and life of potential drug addicts, but also the quality of life of their family members, as well as society as a whole. It is criminal to carry out such work “for show”, especially when it comes to educating children and adolescents. should be comprehensive, detailed, large-scale. Moreover, it should become an integral part of the educational process in order to become a kind of deterrent and initially minimize the desire of a teenager to try drugs.

Prevention of the development of drug addiction among minors cannot be achieved through efforts only medical service... Needed cooperative activity doctors, educators, law enforcement agencies, the general public. It should be admitted that a unified strategy on this problem has not yet been developed. For example, we can compare the existing points of view on the promotion of a drug-free life.

Thus, according to some authors, 93% of secondary school teachers consider medical propaganda in schools to be the main means of preventing drug addiction. Other researchers argue that this propaganda generates an unhealthy interest in drugs in adolescents and, if it does not contribute to the growth of drug addiction, then, in any case, is ineffective.

Health education among children and adolescents is of great importance for the prevention of drug addiction. However, until today there is no single position on this matter. In some works, the opinion is expressed that medical propaganda in schools should be carried out throughout the entire period of study. Many teachers consider it appropriate to include in curriculum drug addiction prevention course. Narcological service representatives should conduct anti-drug seminars and lectures among secondary school teachers and higher institutions... They teach the teaching staff the simplest techniques for identifying various types of intoxication, form the appropriate alertness, talk about the grave social and medical consequences of drug addiction. This propaganda must be carried out skillfully, in a differentiated manner, without formalism; in no case should it stimulate adolescents' unhealthy interest in the subject under discussion.

In cases where doctors conduct conversations directly in a teenage audience, it must be remembered that adolescents are a very difficult audience, as a rule, they do not forgive falsehood, an amateurish approach, while adolescents seek to convict the lecturer of unprofessionalism and, once having done this, in the future lose confidence in all information coming from him. It is especially difficult to work with those groups of adolescents who are more or less familiar with the effects of drugs. Presumably, drug addiction prevention is most effective among primary school children, since they do not have their own experience of drug addiction and the opposition's reaction is poorly expressed.

During conversations and lectures, it is advisable to use specific examples, testifying to the severe consequences of drug use. There are convincing reports of severe poisoning, deaths from drug overdose, etc. Usually do not leave indifferent messages about the direction of drug addicts in the LTP, about other administrative measures of influence. It is necessary to focus the listeners' attention on the harmful effects of drugs on physical development, intelligence, offspring. Practice shows that messages about pathological effects drugs on the moral and ethical sphere of a person and the development of desocialization do not cause a deep emotional resonance in the adolescent audience.

An important preventive measure is the creation of a clear system of interaction between the adolescent narcological service and the relevant departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and commissions for juvenile affairs. In cases where it is possible to carry out all medical measures in full, the involvement of law enforcement agencies can be minimized. If a teenager, under various pretexts, avoids visiting a narcological dispensary, violates the regime during treatment, is a leader in a group of drug addicts, does not lend itself to psychotherapeutic influence at all, then administrative measures should be strictly taken in relation to such adolescents.

Drugs are real trouble modern people, which became the payment for the rapid development information technologies... Every year, drugs take away millions of lives without choosing people by income and social status... Therefore, we need to work together to fight the drug addiction disease. Most effective method the fight will become drug prevention.

Addiction - general description

Addiction is serious illness psyche caused by a number of psychological and physiological factors. It is characterized by a pathological addiction to psychoactive substances vegetable or synthetic origin.

What reasons contribute to the development of drug addiction

Addiction to drugs does not form on its own. You can find addiction by starting to take them. But a person can voluntarily start taking them only under the influence of provoking factors. The main focus of drug abuse prevention is to highlight these factors. After all, knowledge is power.

The causes of drug addiction are divided into three main groups:

  • psychological;
  • physiological;
  • social.

Among psychological reasons the most common are:

  • family problems (problems of fathers and children caused by misunderstanding, lack of attention, tyranny);
  • curiosity (typical for adolescents who believe that you need to try everything in life);
  • search for inspiration (typical for artists, writers and other creative personalities);
  • the desire to stand out from the crowd;
  • complete irresponsibility, weak character;
  • mental imbalance;
  • increased feeling of anxiety;
  • wrong environment.

The physiological reasons include insufficient production of special protein compounds - neurotransmitters. They are responsible for shaping emotions, moods and feelings of satisfaction. Constant dissatisfaction pushes people to use drugs.

TO social reasons includes the disorganization of adolescent leisure, the excessive influence of Western and European countries on the fragile psyche of boys and girls. An important factor is the lack of adequate prevention of drug addiction, highlighting the consequences of this disease.

Participants in preventive measures

Any event involves the participation of two groups of people:

  • those who conduct them;
  • those for whom they are held.

In the case of drug addiction prevention, the second group includes people who use drugs or are undergoing rehabilitation. This also includes citizens who are part of the environment of drug addicts (relatives), and the most susceptible to the influence of drugs (adolescents).

Carrying out measures aimed at preventing drug addiction falls on the shoulders of not individuals, but entire structures, both state and non-state. These include:

  • State Anti-Drug Committee;
  • Federal services controlling drug trafficking;
  • Internal Affairs Bodies;
  • representatives of the Ministry of Education;
  • representatives of the Ministry of Health;
  • youth services;
  • social services;
  • crisis services providing psychological support to children and adolescents;
  • various public organizations.

It would seem that many different services are involved in carrying out preventive measures. But their number does not help to reduce the number of drug addicts. On the contrary, their number only increases annually.

It is fundamentally wrong to believe that the services listed above are idle. They are doing their job conscientiously, developing new preventive measures aimed at combating drug addiction. The problem is that huge financial resources are involved in drug trafficking. Therefore, drug traffickers are looking for new ways of selling psychotropic substances.

Types of drug addiction prevention

There are the following types of drug addiction prevention:

  • general;
  • selective;
  • symptomatic.

General prevention involves carrying out mass work using two methods.

Informational... This type of work is carried out with the involvement of the media and other information channels. With their help, the population is informed about the ways to combat drug addiction, the spread of psychotropic substances and about the achievements in this area. People are informed about the consequences of the use of these substances, about the work of special services, where adolescents who find themselves in a difficult life situation can turn.

In the process of carrying out this type of work, adolescents are taught skills that will teach them to overcome difficult situations without falling into the trap of drugs.

Selective prevention focuses on working with children and adolescents who are classified as “difficult”. They can be recognized by the characteristics of their behavior and communication. Such people have repeatedly had to overcome difficult situations. And the purpose of preventive measures is to protect them from the harmful effects of drugs.

With symptomatic prevention, an impact is exerted on citizens who have already had experience of using psychotropic drugs, but have not yet turned out to be clients of a narcologist. Such people can be recognized by the narrowing of the circle of friends, difficult relationships with loved ones. They have already been seen in clashes involving drugs.

Prevention of drug addiction among adolescents

It is customary to refer to the category of adolescents young people aged 12–17 years. During this period, children are busy studying in secondary and higher educational institutions. Therefore, the prevention of drug addiction falls on the shoulders of the teaching staff. And its quality directly depends on the way information is presented.

Adolescence is considered the most dangerous age. Adolescents are more susceptible to harmful influences than anyone else. And the changes occurring in their organisms contribute to this. Young people strive to prove their worth by rebelling against their parents and society as a whole.

At the beginning of the last century, drug addiction as a disease did not exist in Russia. And people using psychotropic substances could be counted on one hand. One of the reasons for this phenomenon was isolation from the harmful influence of the West. And the other is the contemptuous attitude of others. Nowadays it is customary to call drug addicts sick, and in those days - outcasts.

The only drug that could be obtained was morphine. The use of morphine hydrochloride was only possible for medical purposes. And therefore, people who used drugs based on it, and their close circle, acquired dependence on it.

By the end of the last century, anti-anxiety drugs based on opiates and ephedrine began to appear in everyday life. But even then the word "drug addict" was considered shameful. It is precisely the unwillingness to illuminate this problem led to a rapid increase in the number of drug addicts.

With the advent of the XXI century, the number deaths from drugs has decreased significantly. And the merit in this entirely belongs to the prevention of drug addiction among adolescents.

Classification of preventive measures

All measures aimed at preventing the development of drug addiction are classified as follows:

  • primary prevention is aimed at preventing the use of psychoactive substances;
  • secondary prevention is aimed at identifying people who are already using drugs;
  • tertiary prevention is carried out with people who require rehabilitation assistance.

It is the secondary preventive work that is of particular importance. It is held with people who have managed to overcome drug cravings. And the meaning of the measures being taken is to prevent relapses and psychological pressure from society.

Professional treatment is a guaranteed step towards recovery

Addiction is chronic illness which is very difficult to cure. The success of therapy is directly related to the desire of the addict to cope with addiction. Various groups are used for drug addiction treatment drugs, who are appointed by a narcologist, psychiatrist, psychologist and a number of other specialists.

But the unwillingness of a drug addict to take his problem outside the doorway leads to tragic consequences. In an attempt to cope with breakage on their own, drug addicts begin to take drugs that have anesthetic and sedative effects, replacing one drug with another.

It should be remembered that quality treatment can only be carried out in a hospital setting. Removal of withdrawal symptoms should be carried out in the department intensive care... And the appeal to a private medical Center will allow you to maintain complete anonymity.

Elena Svishcheva

Study of methods of prevention of drug addiction among young people.



Bolshe-Lomovis school

Pichaevsky district of the Tambov region


"Prevention of drug addiction among youth"

Svishcheva Elena Viktorovna

10th grade student

Perova Elena Timofeevna

biology teacher

year 2012

1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… p. 3

2. Problems of drug addiction ……………………………………… .. …………………… p. 4

2.1. The history of drug addiction …………………………………. ………………………… ..p. 4

2.2. Reasons for Young People's Interest in Drug Use

In Russia …………………………………………………………………………… .p. 5

3. Prevention of drug addiction ……………………………………………………… ..p. 6

3.1. Community in the prevention of drug addiction ……………………………… ..p. 6

3.2. Awareness level of schoolchildren about the dangers of drug addiction ... ... ... ... p. 7

4. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………… ..… p. eleven

5. Resources used. ………………………………………………… ... …… ..p. 12

6. Appendices ………………………………………………………………… ...… ..p. 12

1. Introduction

With drugs you can survive everything

but you will not understand anything.

Eric Berne

The relevance of research.Drug abuse, known since ancient times, has now spread at a rate that worries the entire world community. Even with the narrowing, from the point of view of narcologists, the boundaries of drug addiction to legally acceptable in many countries, drug addiction is recognized as a social disaster. Narcotic mafias run states (Latin America), have their own armies (Southeast Asia). The revenues of the clandestine drug dealing corporations exceed the known revenues from the oil trade and are close to the global revenues from the arms trade. The abuse in the youth environment is especially disastrous - both the present and the future of society are affected. From the point of view of narcologists, the complete picture of the spread of abuse, including the forms of substance abuse, is even more tragic. Substances and drugs not included in the drug list are usually even more malignant, resulting in even more harm to the individual.

In the international anti-drug center in New York, there is a document indicating the number of drug addicts in the world - 1,000,000,000 people.

Drug addiction, as the experts of the World Health Organization emphasize, is a major threat to public health on a global scale.

Each state takes measures to prevent abuse among the population, and Russia is no exception.

Research problem.For the prevention of drug addiction, it is necessary to acquaint young people with the consequences of drug use.

Research topic:

Object of study:Prevention of drug addiction among young people.

Purpose of the study:Study of methods of prevention of drug addiction.


  1. study the literature on this issue;
  2. explore the reasons why young people are interested in drug use;
  3. to identify the level of awareness of school students about the dangers of drug addiction;
  4. to get acquainted with the measures of prevention of drug addiction among young people;
  5. to form a negative attitude towards drugs among schoolchildren;
  6. develop recommendations "How to protect yourself from drug dealers";
  7. develop a memo "Where to go for help?"

Hypothesis. High-quality and reliable information about the dangers of drug addiction contributes to the prevention of this disease.

Research methods:collection and analysis of information on the topic using various sources, collection and analysis of statistical data, questionnaires, forecasting.

2. Problems of drug addiction

2.1 history of addiction

People have known drugs for thousands of years. They were consumed by people of different cultures, for different purposes: during religious ceremonies, to restore strength, to change consciousness, to relieve pain and discomfort.

Already in the preliterate period, we have evidence that people knew and used psychoactive chemical substances: alcohol and plants, the consumption of which affects consciousness. Archaeological research has shown that already in 6400 BC. people knew beer and some other alcoholic drinks.

Obviously, fermentation processes were discovered by accident (grape wine, by the way, appeared only in the 4th-3rd centuries BC). The first written evidence of the use of intoxicants is the story of Noah's drunkenness from the Book of Genesis. Various plants have also been used to induce physiological and mental changes, usually in religious rites or during medical procedures... An example is the use in the Middle East in the 5th millennium BC. "Cereal of joy" (most likely, the opium poppy).

Until the beginning of the 20th century, there were practically no restrictions on the production and consumption of drugs. Attempts have sometimes been made to reduce or ban the use of certain substances altogether, but these have been short-lived and generally unsuccessful. For example, tobacco, coffee and tea were initially met with hostility in Europe. The first European to smoke tobacco - Columbus's companion Rodrigo de Jerez - was imprisoned upon arrival in Spain, as the authorities decided that the devil had possessed him. There have been several attempts to outlaw coffee and tea.

There are also known cases when the state did not prohibit drugs, but, on the contrary, promoted the flourishing of the drug trade. Best example- armed conflicts between Great Britain and China in the middle of the 19th century. They are called the Opium Wars because English traders brought opium into China. By the middle of the 19th century, several million Chinese were addicted to opium. At this time, China certainly came out on top in the world in terms of opium consumption, most of which was grown in India and transported to the country by the British. The Chinese government has passed many laws to control the import of opium, but none of them (including a complete ban) have had the desired effect.

America suffered from a wave of drugs. Drug addiction captured the black market back in the 20s of this century. This wheel of death also swept across Europe in the 1950s and buried itself in the iron curtain of Comrade Stalin. He saved Russia from drugs, but not for long. And in the 90s - perestroika, new fun, along with everything Western, came into the ranks of young people, spreading through the basements and dark streets of the city! But at one point this accumulated so much that our government was not able to restrain the flow of drug imports, and death poured out on teenagers with great pressure. After all, the bulk of drug addicts are adolescents, who are much weaker psychologically than adults, and are not able to refuse to try.

2.2. Reasons for Young People's Interest in Drinking

drugs in Russia

Every year, the income from drug trafficking in the world in last years exceed 400 billion US dollars. Total number Russian citizens who use drugs exceed 2 million people. The Tambov region is home to 10-11 thousand drug addicts and drug users, that is, one drug addict for every 100 people, including the elderly and babies. In the interests of profit, drug traffickers "hunt" primarily children from wealthy families. The average life expectancy of a drug addict is 21 years. 50% of drug addicts die six months after the start of regular drug use. Drugs affect primarily internal organs, destroy the psyche, cause impotence, genetic disorders in offspring. 90% of drug addicts are infected with HIV and viral hepatitis. Only 13% of drug addicts live up to 30 years old and only 1% - up to 40. Today there is not a single region in Russia where no cases of drug use or distribution have been recorded.

Drug addiction continues to grow younger. According to the latest data, more than 60% of drug addicts are people between the ages of 18 and 30. And almost 20% are schoolchildren. Information from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation shows that the average age of drug initiation in Russia is 15-17 years, but cases of primary drug use by children 11-13 years old have become more frequent. Drug addiction is causing the rise in HIV infections. It has an extremely negative effect on the development of the crime situation in the country.

Over the past 10 years, the number of deaths from drug use has increased 12 times, and among children - 42 times.

1. Drug addiction leads to personality degradation.

2. There is a mental and physical dependence on drugs;

3. Drug addiction encourages the commission of various crimes, such as theft, extortion, hooliganism and even murder.

4. Finally, drug addiction is fatal.

Reasons for Young People's Interest in Drug Use

All this has led to the fact that young people, namely, they are the most easily swayed part of society, begins to use drugs. The problem of children and adolescent addiction in Russia has reached catastrophic proportions: today, every second schoolchild has tried drugs.

3. Prevention of drug addiction

3.1 Community in the prevention of drug addiction

The best way to combat drug addiction is prevention. After all, as world practice shows, no more than 2-3 percent of patients can be cured of drug addiction.

A great burden on the executive authorities of each region falls due to the urgent need for propaganda healthy way life. For this, all mass media should be involved, the social base of health care should be expanded as much as possible, involving associations of citizens, clubs, charitable foundations of patients and their relatives, and religious organizations on the basis of partnership relations with doctors.

Recently, the problem of combating drug addiction, which has already turned into a social calamity, has become especially aggravated. And here the cooperation of the authorities with public organizations and doctors can make a decisive contribution to the localization of foci of the drug epidemic. The mass media can also play a huge role, as they largely shape public opinion. It is obvious that the power and ingenuity that the press demonstrates in promoting the products of large foreign companies can be used in the fight against drug addiction. Unfortunately, we have social advertising - unlike Western countries- is still a wonder. Only recently in Russia did the authorities and the media begin to use new forms and methods of anti-drug propaganda.

The main drugs that are used in Russia vegetable origin, they are grown by peasants in Central Asia, on Far East, in Siberia and other regions. And in Russia today under drugs about 1 million. hectares. And this is not the fault of these people - this is their misfortune, because these are mainly elderly people, disabled people, pensioners, they have no other way to feed their families. The state should show patronage over this industry and introduce it into its agrarian programs. Then, it will be possible to hope that the routes for the supply of drugs from Russia itself will be blocked, and then only imported drugs will remain, with which it is easier to fight by blocking the delivery channels.

3.2 The level of awareness of school students about the dangers of drug addiction

As you know, disease is easier to prevent than to cure. The effectiveness of preventive work with students depends on the forms of organization of classes, the competence of persons who carry out preventive measures, the ability to convey high-quality and reliable information to children. We analyzed the subjective assessment of the quality of the preventive work carried out and the level of their knowledge by the students of our school, to study the forms and methods of preventive work, the degree of involvement of various specialists in it, to conduct an objective assessment of the level of knowledge of the students. For this, we conducted a survey(Appendix 4) ... 32 students of grades 8-11 of the Bolshe-Lomovis school of the Pichaevsky district of the Tambov region took part in the survey.

To the question "Have you carried out activities aimed at preventing drug addiction during your studies at school?" 78% of students answered “yes”, and 81% noted that the events were carried out by teachers, 37.5% - by high school students, 12.5% ​​- by police officers and 9% - by narcologists and doctors of other specialties. 45% considered these events boring, but they learned something new, 31% considered the events interesting and informative, 12% are sure that the information can be trusted. 62.5% are sure that the information received will help them get out of the drug test, if they are offered it. 69% of the respondents consider drug addiction to be a disease, addiction to substances that change consciousness, 28% consider drug addiction to be a crap, the lot of narrow-minded and illiterate people, "25% consider drug addiction a bad habit. Among the typical consequences of drug use (multiple answers could be chosen), 87.5% named death, 59% named psychological dependence, 44% named changes in consciousness and crimes against the person, 41% - physical dependence, 28% - crimes against property. When asked about physical dependence- 56% defined it as "physical suffering when it is impossible to use a certain substance", 34% - "uncontrolled desire to use a certain substance", 28% - "pleasure from the use of substances that cause addiction." 56% of the respondents correctly ranked drugs according to the strength of their action and the rate of addiction formation. 67% believe that it is possible to get rid of drugs by an effort of will, 55% are sure that it will take a long time and more than once, very often - without results, 18% "for a lot of money in good drug treatment clinics", 3% - believe that you can get rid of it quickly and easily. 44% do not know if they can become an addicted person, 41% are sure that it can happen to anyone, just not to them, 12.5% ​​believe that they can become addicted. 59% of respondents consider drug use to be a criminal offense, 22% are sure that “this is my own business, until I commit a crime while“ high ”, 19% consider drug use to be an administrative offense. 87.5% know for sure that drug trafficking is a criminal offense, the rest are sure that it is an administrative offense, not punishable or depends on the size of the party. 44% of the respondents believe that drug addiction treatment in Russia depends on the availability of funds from a person and his family, 28% believe that all opportunities have been created for treatment, and the other 28% are sure that there are very few opportunities for drug addiction treatment. As acceptable methods of combating drug addiction (multiple answers could be selected), 75% suggest imprisoning distributors, 56% suggest compulsory treatment for drug addicts, 52% recommend medical testing of young people, 45.5% for effective informing of young people, 28% suggest legalizing drugs , 19% believe that it is impossible to fight drug addiction.


  1. 78% of the surveyed students reported that during their studies in schools, measures were taken to prevent drug addiction.
  2. In the conditions of a small number of specialists who are able and willing to carry out anti-drug work with children, the heads of educational institutions are forced to use the professional resource of subject teachers. 81% of students indicated that preventive measures in their schools were carried out by a teacher.
  3. The scale of preventive work is insufficient to provide students with the amount of information necessary to form or change attitudes towards the problem and behavior.
  4. 45% of schoolchildren are not sure about the usefulness of the acquired knowledge in a situation of choice related to drug use. Thirteen percent of the respondents believe that the information received can be trusted.
  5. Students show low awareness of the consequences of drug use. It is possible that the attitude of 25% of students towards drug addiction as bad habit(akin to smoking) or a harmless hobby is not due to the fact that such information is provided to them by specialists, but due to the fact that they are not provided with reliable information about the difference in the consequences of the consumption of "light" and "hard" drugs.
  6. When carrying out preventive work, specialists habitually exploit the feeling of fear among students, try to build prevention on intimidation (the inevitable death of a drug addict, criminal liability of a drug user, treating a drug addict as a person who is always ready to commit a crime against a person, etc.), not providing students with reliable information.
  7. Undoubted preventive value has providing young people with objective information about the possibilities of drug addiction treatment. The perception that drug addiction can be cured quickly and easily, or that there is enough willpower or money to do so, can lead to young people who hold this position to be easy prey for drug dealers.
  8. The preventive work carried out forms in young people superficial knowledge, unhealthy optimism and confidence that the problem of drug addiction will not “personally” affect a person, that anyone can become a drug addict, but not the respondent (“third person effect”). They believe that the knowledge gained will help them refuse to try drugs if it is offered to them, that anyone can become drug addicts, but not themselves.
  9. High student self-esteem would be welcomed if it were based on a sufficient level of awareness of the dangers of drug use. But this, as can be seen from the above data, was not noted during the study.
  10. Knowledge of anti-drug legislation can be an effective measure for the prevention of drug addiction, keep young people from rash and punishable actions. Research has shown that students are extremely low level knowledge in the field of current legislation. 22% of students demonstrated legal non-hilism and complete ignorance of the current legislation, claiming that drug use remains their personal business as long as they do not commit crimes "high".
  11. 28% of the students surveyed are in a state of unjustified optimism and believe that all opportunities have been created in Russia for successful treatment addiction. 44% believe that the provision and availability of treatment options depends on the availability of funds from the patient or his parents. The data of the latest studies conducted in Russia show that the presence of great financial opportunities (most often with the parents) does not guarantee that a sick person will acquire sobriety. Confidence in the opposite is supported by unscrupulous or incompetent specialists and scientists, can give rise to unjustified hopes that if the drug test leads to some problems, they can be solved with the help of money.
  12. The results of the study show that specialists involved in preventive work most often use their personal convictions, which are undoubtedly influenced by their professional status and type of activity. Therefore, the information offered to students by different specialists is often not evidence-based and substantiated by scientific data, and sometimes it is very contradictory. This cannot but affect the level of awareness of students. Probably, based on personal impressions, only 45.5% of students consider effective informing young people on drug addiction problems a priority area of ​​anti-drug work. And if among such areas of anti-drug policy, students quite rightly consider measures of a repressive nature in relation to drug dealers (75%), then the opinion of 56% of respondents that drug addicts should be treated forcibly is a consequence of misinformation and contradicts common sense if only because even voluntary treatment of drug addicts is ineffective. This, in turn, depends on the discrepancy between Russian drug treatment standards international standards the quality of treatment for drug addicts.
  13. Unscrupulous information about the possibilities of drug addiction treatment is accompanied by instilling in students the idea that the result of treatment depends on the patient's willpower or on the amount of money and forms a hidden superhuman complex in some schoolchildren.


Drug use is one of the most serious youth problems in our country. The number of drug addicts is constantly growing, and their average age is decreasing. The problem is aggravated by the criminal situation, the risk of contracting various infections, including AIDS.

Treatment and relief from drug addiction is a whole range of medical and social activities. Their implementation is associated with great material and moral costs, and a positive outcome is not always possible, since today there is no adequate system of assistance to drug addicts in Russia.

Based on this, it is impossible to consider treatment at the stage of formed addiction as the only means of combating the spread of drug addiction. This approach does not and cannot give positive result... Of course, it is impossible to save and protect everyone from drugs, but it is possible to arm our teenagers with important information; teach them how to refuse the first try; develop in each of them adequate self-esteem; develop a sense of self-confidence. The main focus should be on preventive, preventive measures(Appendices 1, 2, 3, 5, 6).

Resources used:

  1. questioning
  2. information
  3. how to protect yourself from drug dealers
  4. statistical information
  5. http: // site / ap / drugoe / library / sotsialnyi-proekt-narkomaniya project "Drug addiction"
  6. helplines


  1. If you were contacted within the walls of an educational institution:Abruptly interrupt the speaker and leave.
  2. If they try to keep youtell them that you will tell the principal of the educational institution, the teacher, your parents and the parents of the speaker about this conversation. Do not listen, but immediately interrupt and threaten to expose!
  3. If a neighbor turns to you,interrupt the conversation and promise to inform the police and his relatives.
  4. If a stranger approached you,you have the right to be impolite and ill-mannered - abruptly in mid-sentence to cut off the speaker and leave. Do not listen! Don't let yourself be drawn into the conversation!

Appendix 2:

Liability for illegal traffic and non-medical

Drug use.

  1. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

Section 228. "Illegal purchase, storage, transportation, manufacture, processing, production, sale, transfer, violation of the turnover of narcotic drugs or their analogues." The punishment is up to 20 years in prison.

Section 229. "Theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances." The punishment is up to 15 years in prison.

Section 230 ... "Inducement to consume narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances." The punishment is up to 12 years in prison.

Section 231. "Illegal cultivation of plants containing narcotic substances, prohibited for cultivation." The punishment is up to 8 years in prison.

Section 232. "Organization or maintenance of dens for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances." The punishment is up to 7 years in prison.

  1. RF Code of Administrative Offenses:

Article 6.8. "Illegal traffic in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues." The punishment is a fine from 5 to 10 minimum wages or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Article 6.9. "Consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription." The punishment is a fine from 5 to 10 minimum wages or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Article 6.13. "Promotion of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their precursors." The punishment is a fine from 20 to 25 minimum wages, for officials - from 40 to 50 minimum wages, for legal entities - from 400 to 500 minimum wages.

Article 10.5. "Failure to take measures to destroy wild-growing narcotic plants." The punishment is a fine from 5 to 20 minimum wages, for officials - from 30 to 40 minimum wages, for legal entities - from 300 to 400 minimum wages.

Article 20.30. "The consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in in public places". The punishment is a fine from 10 to 15 minimum wages.

Appendix 3:

Memo "Where to go for help?"

Law enforcement and medical helplines:

8-475-2-57-56-15 – Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Tambov Region

8-475-2-57-51-87 - Department of Internal Affairs for the Tambov region

8-475-2-71-06-41 - regional narcology department psychiatric hospital Tambov

8-475-2-53-82-27 - Cabinet of medical and social assistance to adolescents in Tambov

Appendix 4:

Application form

  1. During your studies in grades 9-11, were there any activities aimed at preventing drug addiction?

a) Yes b) No c) I don't remember

  1. Who hosted these events?

a) narcologist

b) a doctor of another specialty

c) teacher

d) police officer

e) students

g) high school students

  1. How do you assess these events?

a) interesting and informative

b) boring, but learned something new

c) boring, nothing new

d) information can be trusted

e) did not trust what was told

g) treated it as an inevitable formality

  1. Are you sure that the information received will help you to refuse the drug sample, if it will be offered to you?

a) Yes b) No c) I don’t know d) And what is the connection between this?

  1. Addiction is:

a) illness, dependence on substances that alter consciousness

b) bad habit

c) temporary hobby, common for young people

d) sucks, the lot of narrow-minded and illiterate people

  1. Please name the most typical consequences of drug use:

a) changes in consciousness

b) psychological dependence

c) physical dependence

d) crimes against the person

e) crimes against property

g) death

  1. Physical addiction is:

a) physical suffering when it is impossible to use a certain substance

b) uncontrollable desire to use a certain substance

c) pleasure in the use of substances that cause addiction

  1. Rank by strength of action(write in a column in descending order) addictive substances: coffee; alcohol; heroin; club drugs; hemp preparations.
  2. Rank by the rate of addiction formation(write down in a column in descending order) the following drugs: coffee; alcohol; heroin; club drugs; hemp preparations.
  3. You can get rid of addiction:

a) easy and fast

b) you have to be treated for a long time and more than once, very often - without results

c) an effort of will

d) for a lot of money in good drug treatment clinics

  1. Can you become an addicted person?

a) yes

b) no, it can happen to anyone, just not to me

c) I don't know

  1. Drug use is:

a) my personal business, until I commit a crime under the "high"

  1. Drugs spreading:

a) not punishable

b) administrative violation

c) a criminal offense

d) depends on the batch size

  1. For drug addiction treatment in Russia:

a) all opportunities are created

b) very few opportunities

c) it all depends on the availability of funds from a person and his family

  1. Underline the methods of dealing with drug addiction that are most acceptable in your opinion:

a) effective informing of youth

b) medical testing of youth

c) to treat drug addicts forcibly

d) jail drug dealers

e) legalize drugs

g) it is impossible to fight drug addiction

Appendix 5:

Simple rules for parents of teenagers

1. Talk to each other: if there is no communication, you move away from each other.

2. Learn to listen - attentively, with understanding, without interrupting or insisting on your own.

4. Be there: it is important that the children understand that the door is open to you, and there is always an opportunity to be and talk to you.

5. Be firm and consistent: do not set conditions that you cannot fulfill. The child should know what to expect from you.

6. Try to do everything together, plan common interesting things: you need to develop the interests of the child as actively as possible in order to give him an alternative if he suddenly has to make a choice where one of the proposed options will be a drug.

7. Communicate with his friends, the teenager often behaves in one way or another, being under the influence of the environment.

8. Remember that the child needs your support: help him to believe in yourself.

9. Set an example: alcohol, tobacco, medicines - their use is habitual, although it can cause problems (for example, alcoholism). All these substances are legal, but the way you use them, how they fit into your life is an example for your children. Don't be intimidated, they may stop believing you.

Appendix 6:

Action program for the prevention of drug addiction in our school:

1. Identification of pedagogically neglected children. Compilation of lists of children who are on the intra-school account.

2. Information and legal assistance to students and their parents.

3. Organization of leisure time for adolescents of the "risk group" during school year and during vacation time.

4. Organization summer vacation and student employment.

5. Organization of conversations with medical workers, with the police.

6. Sanitary and hygienic education of students.

7. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

8. Involvement of children in generally useful work.

9. Prohibition of smoking and drinking alcohol for students, teachers, visitors in the institution and in the surrounding area.