Make eucalyptus oil at home. Eucalyptus essential oil, properties, use, home recipes, contraindications. Impact on the emotional sphere

Plant aromas have long been used by mankind in economic and medicinal purposes. Since people learned to extract essential oils, they have had enormous power at their disposal to influence the physiological and psychological condition body. One of the most popular is the ethereal extract of eucalyptus, which has a whole list beneficial properties. What are the benefits of using eucalyptus oil, and what are its features and rules of use?

The essential composition of eucalyptus is unique. The concentration of volatile substances in the foliage of the plant is so high that a haze of vapor naturally forms over the groves of this tree. The aroma of eucalyptus purifies the air, eliminates infections, and promotes a speedy recovery of patients.

Effect on the body

The essential extract of eucalyptus is recognized as one of the most valuable oils available, having a complex effect. Due to the increased concentration of volatile substances, the effectiveness of the product is noticeable immediately. The oil exhibits the following medicinal properties.

The extensive medicinal properties of eucalyptus oil are actively used in folk medicine and traditional, and the breadth of indications for use is simply surprising.

Very often, oil is used to purify the air in a room where there is a patient. Eucalyptus ether vapors can eliminate bacteria floating in the air and prevent the spread of disease.

Impact on a person’s psychological state

Eucalyptus essential oil has a dual effect on a person’s emotional state. When inhaled, it is a tonic, and when taken internally, it is sedative.

Using oil in an aroma lamp allows you to concentrate your attention, activates logic and the flow of thoughts. People call the oil a “stimulant.” right decisions" At the emotional level, the volatile components of eucalyptus can lift your spirits, relieve depression or melancholy, fatigue, and loss of strength.
The sedative effect is mild. Thanks to it, you can eliminate insomnia, tension, and anxiety.

Role in cosmetology

Eucalyptus essential oil, along with therapeutic effects, has a number of cosmetic effects.

  • Removes rash. The antiseptic properties of the product can cope with acne and pustular rashes. At home, the oil can be used for acne by applying it pointwise to inflamed areas.
  • Regulates secretion. Enrichment cosmetics for the face, eucalyptus essential oil helps to cope with oily shine and blackheads. Introduction to hair compositions - with their rapid contamination and loss. The use of eucalyptus oil for dandruff is also recommended.
  • Tightens the skin. Almost all oil mixtures for weight loss contain eucalyptus oil among the first ingredients. It really tones the skin and is prophylactic against stretch marks.
  • For foot care. Eucalyptus oil relieves sweating, has deodorizing and antifungal properties, therefore in cosmetology it is often used to create effective anti-inflammatory creams. unpleasant odor stop. In addition, the healing properties of the product are very appropriate for cracked heels.

Before adding ether to any cosmetic product, it is necessary to test for allergies - apply a drop to the crook of your elbow. If the application site just turns red after 20 minutes, you can use the product. If you notice swelling or a burning sensation, it is better to refrain from using ether.

Why is it so useful

Most often, the essential extract is extracted from globular eucalyptus. We can say that this particular oil is the most valuable, because it contains the highest concentration of cineole and other volatile substances that determine the therapeutic abilities of the final product. In addition to the antiseptic cineole, the oil contains:

  • aromatic and anti-inflammatory substances;
  • antioxidants;
  • organic acids.

IN chemical composition pure oil contains about 40 volatile ingredients. Scientists claim that the benefits of eucalyptus oil are due not so much to the content of cineole, but to the combination of this substance with other components of the ether.

Ways to use eucalyptus oil

For therapeutic use, you must choose a 100% natural product. As a rule, oil is a fluid, colorless, absolutely transparent liquid. The product has a fresh, intense aroma, very similar to camphor. Reputable manufacturers always use dark glass bottles for packaging.

Essential oil can be used different ways depending on the location of the problem and the desired effect.

  • For aromatizing the room. Deodorizing, purifying indoor air (area 15 m²) - up to five drops, evaporation through an aroma lamp, or two drops per liter of water, spray from a spray bottle.
  • For treatment respiratory tract. Inhalations for coughs with eucalyptus essential oil can be carried out in several ways: through an aroma medallion - two drops of the product, inhalation of vapors - one or two drops per glass of water, rubbing the chest - about 2 ml essential oil mix with 25 ml of almond, peach or olive.
  • Rinsing, washing, compresses. For rashes, abscesses, open wounds, trophic ulcers, diseases of the oral cavity - dilute up to 15 drops of the product in a glass of water. Treat the affected surface twice a day.
  • Douching and washing. For cystitis, urethritis, thrush, vulvovaginitis, erosion - dilute five drops of ether in a glass of water, add half a teaspoon of soda. Stir until completely dissolved. Carry out the procedure twice a day.
  • For bathroom. For colds and urological diseases - mix seven drops of oil with a quarter glass of solution sea ​​salt or milk, add to bathing water.
  • Eucalyptus oil inside. For pyelonephritis, colds, bronchitis, to stimulate the immune system - mix one or two drops of oil with honey. Take two to three times a day, course duration is up to three weeks.
  • For enrichment of cosmetic products. Up to 10 drops of oil per 10 g of product. Can be added to shampoos, conditioners, gels and facial washes, that is, to rinse-off products. For leave-in products, it is better to reduce the amount of oil to five drops per 10 g.

Before internal use, an allergy test must be performed. His recipe is as follows: take a drop of oil three times a day before meals. If there is no nausea, vomiting, dizziness, burning sensation, or urticaria for two days, you can drink the product, following the recommended dosage. If discomfort occurs, it is better to cancel treatment with eucalyptus essential oil.

Important points

Despite their universal therapeutic properties, each essential oil is a concentrate of volatile substances and therefore should be used with caution. Contraindications to the use of eucalyptus oil:

  • children under four years of age;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual hypersensitivity;
  • undergoing a chemotherapy course.

You should not use ethereal extract when treating homeopathic remedies, for epilepsy, scent living quarters at night. Children over four years of age should not apply pure or diluted oil to their face due to the risk of developing bronchospasm.

When using ethereal extract, side effects may develop:

  • dry mucous membranes;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • abdominal discomfort;
  • belching.

According to reviews, you should take the oil orally only after meals, since taken on an empty stomach it causes a slight burning sensation. If belching bothers you, you should drink the oil with milk or a fermented milk product.

Eucalyptus oil has been proven to be harmful to cats. Its vapors enter their body through the skin and can lead to the death of the animal. Therefore, during aromatherapy, you should make sure that the animal is not nearby.

The beneficial properties of eucalyptus essential oil are simply amazing. To avoid negative effects along with positive effects, it is necessary to use the product only in accordance with the instructions and in the absence of contraindications.

The memorable invigorating aroma of eucalyptus is not the only advantage of essential oil. The popularity of this tool is explained by its ability to quickly and...

A transparent, greenish-yellow oily liquid with an intense, refreshing odor can be found in, perhaps, every home. This eucalyptus essential oil is an indispensable thing for colds and autumn blues.

It is made from shoots of and, an evergreen inhabitant of tropical Australian forests.

The composition of the drug is complex and contains more than 30 components with healing powers, for example:

  • tannins;
  • limonene and cineole;
  • camphene and aldehydes;
  • globulol and pinene;
  • organic acids;
  • phellandrene, terpinene and flavonoids.

The oil has wide range therapeutic effect:

Stimulates the brain and physical activity, and attention, has a calming and relaxing effect.

Healing properties

The use of eucalyptus ether will be useful in case of the following diseases:

Eucalyptus oil restores strength, gives vigor and calms the nervous system. It is used to improve mood, as a preventative antiviral agent during the cold season. The product refreshes and disinfects indoor air.


Not everyone will benefit from the healing power of eucalyptus ether.

The use of essential oil concentrate is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under 4 years of age;
  • chemotherapy treatment;
  • homeopathy treatment;
  • with a tendency to epileptic seizures;
  • high susceptibility to constituent components.

It is not recommended to spray oil into the room before going to bed or if there are cats in the house (eucalyptus has a detrimental effect on them). Do not use the concentrate on a child's face (bronchial spasms may occur).

In some cases, after using eucalyptus ether, unpleasant symptoms may be observed:

  • attacks of nausea and dizziness;
  • discomfort in the stomach;
  • belching;
  • drying of mucous membranes.

A burning sensation in the esophagus and abdomen may occur if you consume the oil on an empty stomach. You can prevent the occurrence of belching by drinking the drug with kefir or milk.

Inhalations with eucalyptus oil

With the help of inhalations with eucalyptus concentrate, viral, colds and infectious diseases of the respiratory system.

Inhalations can be either hot or cold.

For hot procedures, add a couple of drops of essential oil to 500 ml of boiled water.

You should cover yourself with a towel and inhale the hot aromatic steam through your nose or mouth, depending on the disease, for 10 minutes.

For cold ones, you will need a cotton swab, napkin or handkerchief. Apply two drops of concentrate to the material and inhale for 5 minutes.

Other uses

The methods of using the drug are quite varied. It can be taken orally, used externally, or used to freshen the air.

Inflammation of the gums, ulcers on the oral mucosa, rashes, wounds and abscesses can be healed well by rinsing or compressing 10 drops of oil mixed in 250 ml of water. You need to wash the damaged areas or apply a compress a couple of times a day.

Healing baths will help quickly cure colds and pathologies genitourinary system. Stir a spoonful of sea salt in 50 ml of water and add 5-6 drops of eucalyptus extract. Pour the mixture into a bathtub filled with hot water. Take water treatments for 20 minutes three times a week. Salt can be replaced with milk.

It is useful to mix the drug with facial cleansing foam or shampoo. Add 7-8 drops per serving of product. If added to face cream or leave-in conditioner, use 3-4 drops per serving. As a result, dandruff and greasy hair are reduced, hair follicles are strengthened, acne and comedones disappear, and skin oiliness is normalized.

It makes sense to drop a couple of drops into half a liter of water and spray it around the room using a spray bottle. This will refresh and disinfect the air. If you use an aroma lamp, you need to add 5 drops.

If candidiasis or cystitis appears, you can stir 0.5 tsp in 250 ml of warm water. soda powder and add 4 drops of oil. Douche or wash with this solution. This procedure will also help with cervical erosion.

Taking a drop of the drug mixed with 1 tsp will help increase the body's resistance to colds and viruses, as well as cure existing diseases of the respiratory tract and kidneys. honey morning and evening. Carry out treatment for 20 days.

Frees the ether from increased sweating legs Nightly foot baths with the addition of 3 drops of the product will eliminate fungal infections and regenerate cracks in the skin of the feet.

Applying eucalyptus concentrate in combination with other oils to the skin of the body helps reduce volume, increase skin elasticity and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Features of application

Before using eucalyptus oil internally or externally, you need to make sure there is no allergic reaction for the drug.

To do this, you need to drink a drop of extract before breakfast. Repeat before lunch and dinner.

If a rash, nausea, burning sensation appears, or your head begins to spin, then you should not take the product orally.

A skin reaction test is also carried out. Drop the drug onto the inside of the elbow and assess the condition of the skin after half an hour. Slight redness of the area - normal reaction for the drug. If the skin is swollen and a burning sensation appears, then it is prohibited to use the drug.

Eucalyptus oil has different effects on the body, depending on the method of application. Aromatizing the air or using it externally helps improve tone, invigorates and improves mood, restores strength and stimulates brain activity.

By using the drug internally, on the contrary, you can calm frayed nerves, relax, relieve irritability and anxiety, and improve sleep.

In the treatment of wounds and ulcers

Having a regenerating, analgesic and antiseptic effect, eucalyptus oil successfully heals ulcers.

Melt a piece of pork fat and cool slightly. Add 15-20 drops of the drug to it, mix and apply to damaged areas.

15 drops each of lavender, eucalyptus and sea ​​buckthorn oil mix with raw yolk and add two tablespoons of oak bark decoction (two tablespoons of raw material per 250 ml of water). Mix everything and leave for 24 hours. Apply as a lotion to wounds.

For a sore throat

Treatment for angina should be comprehensive. To the therapy prescribed by your doctor, you can add procedures using eucalyptus extract. This should be inhalation, compress and rinse.

Place a mixture of honey, olive oil (1 tablespoon each) and a couple of drops of eucalyptus ether on a cloth, sprinkle a couple of pinches of ground ginger and cinnamon on top. Apply to the throat area for a couple of hours.

Mix 3 drops of eucalyptus oil in 250 ml of water and gargle 4 times a day.

When coughing

The expectorant property of eucalyptus makes the extract effective means For . Ether is used in the form of inhalations.

Dissolve a couple of drops of tea tree and eucalyptus oils in 250 ml of boiled and slightly cooled water. This composition is suitable for treatment wet cough.

Add 3 drops of eucalyptus to 250 ml of hot chamomile infusion. This method can improve the discharge of sputum during a dry cough.

For a runny nose

A persistent runny nose can be cured within a week using eucalyptus ether in the form of inhalations and nasal drops.

Mix St. John's wort oil (1 tsp) and eucalyptus concentrate (3 drops) and drip 3 drops into the nasal passages every hour and a half.

For a cold

Eucalyptus oil - reliable assistant in the fight against colds. For these purposes, hot and cold inhalations and inhalation of vapors using an aroma lamp will be effective.

If it is not available, you can apply 5-8 drops of ether to a napkin and place it on a heater or radiator.

Add 3-4 drops of oil to a portion of Vaseline or neutral cream and rub the back area and chest. Apply a little mixture to your feet, put on warm socks and cover yourself with a blanket.

Dilute 10 drops of ether in milk or saline solution and pour into a bath of hot water. After 20 minutes water procedures lie down and cover yourself with a blanket.

For children

Until a child is 4 years old, it is prohibited to use eucalyptus concentrate for his treatment. For older children, it is good to use the drug in the form of inhalation or rubbing the chest with a mixture of a spoonful of olive oil, a drop of tea tree oil and a couple of drops of eucalyptus and lavender oil. This will help ease coughing and runny nose.

A drop of ether can be applied to bed sheets or spray around the children's room for prevention colds.

When a child has a high temperature, it is useful to apply a drop of ether to the neck, under the knees and on the elbows.

During pregnancy

The use of eucalyptus oil during pregnancy is quite justified, because during this period the use medications highly undesirable. With the help of eucalyptus essential concentrate, pregnant women can get rid of colds and viral diseases, cure a runny nose and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

You can use it for massage and inhalation, rinsing and compresses, and rubbing bruises. It is also useful for pregnant women to simply inhale eucalyptus vapors, spraying diluted oil around the room or using an aroma lamp. This will normalize sleep, calm nerves, prevent colds and viral diseases.

Just remember that the use of ether is possible only from the second half of pregnancy and after consultation with a doctor. Internal use of the drug is prohibited throughout pregnancy.

For hair

Eucalyptus oil has a beneficial effect on hair condition. Cools and disinfects the scalp, eliminating itching and dandruff, strengthens hair follicles, stopping hair loss.

A couple of drops of ether can be added to a portion of shampoo or conditioner before washing your hair.

It is useful to apply to the hair roots as a mask, diluting the product in water or adding a few drops to base oils. After half an hour, rinse your hair well with hot water.

Any disease is always unpleasant. Treatment with eucalyptus oil will not only please you with its results, but will also allow you to combine business with pleasure. While the beneficial substances contained in the drug fight the disease, you can enjoy the bright, refreshing aroma of eucalyptus.

In contact with


Eucalyptus essential oil has many medicinal properties, due to which it has found application in the treatment of certain diseases and improvement of skin or hair condition. The product itself is a transparent, easily mobile liquid with a resinous-tart aroma, reminiscent of the smell of pine needles, although the tree itself belongs to the myrtle family. The extract is obtained from young shoots or leaves of the plant. It is used in folk and official medicine, cosmetology and in the manufacture of household chemicals.

What is eucalyptus essential oil

This is the name of an almost transparent oily liquid with a slight yellow tint, which is obtained from an evergreen plant - eucalyptus. It is a little sticky and very aromatic. It can be found in dishwashing gel or, for example, shampoo. Any products containing this ingredient have healing properties. The product is also valued because only 3-5 g of it is obtained from 1 ton of raw materials.

How do you get it?

For production, leaves and young shoots of eucalyptus are used, most often spherical, ashen or twig-shaped. It is the tallest foliage plant on earth and is native to Tasmania and Australia. Local aborigines also used the ability of this plant to heal purulent wounds. In Africa, its thickets saved from the spread of malaria. Today the tree is purposefully grown such warm countries like California, Portugal, Spain.

The product is produced by hydrodistillation. The method is not so complicated and requires a minimum of equipment. The whole process is as follows:

  • the collected plant material is crushed to a fraction measuring 2-5 mm;
  • then it is placed loosely on the bottom of the flask, filled with water and heated to the boiling point;
  • water vapor condenses in a refrigerator cooled cold water;
  • then the product is collected in a glass of a special design;
  • The water is continuously drained and the eucalyptus oil accumulates on the surface because it is lighter.

Chemical composition

From 1 ton of plant raw materials, 3-5 g of finished product is obtained, which contains 60-80% cineole. This substance is a monocyclic terpene, which gives the product a specific odor. This component is also responsible for the main beneficial properties of eucalyptus oil. In addition to cineole, the composition of the oily liquid includes:

  • tannins;
  • phellandrene;
  • flavonoids;
  • limonene;
  • aldehydes;
  • organic acids;
  • globupol;
  • pinene;
  • camphene.

Medicinal properties

Basic healing properties product is due to the content of cineole. The extract enriches the blood with oxygen. The aroma of the product calms, concentrates attention, increases intellectual capabilities, eliminates apathy, melancholy, drowsiness and fatigue. Needles are just one of the shades of the smell. In addition to its deodorizing effect, eucalyptus oil has the following properties:

  1. Antiviral. Air disinfection and inhalation of vapors clears the mucous membranes of viruses.
  2. Antibacterial. Eucalyptus tree is a natural antibiotic that is effective against bacteria that cause the development of thrush and herpes, and is harmful to streptococci and staphylococci. For gum disease, a couple of drops should be added directly to the brush with the paste.
  3. Antiseptic. Ozone released from oxygen helps in the healing of wounds, burns, ulcers and frostbite.
  4. Expectorant. The product clears the respiratory system of mucus, which helps to cough up.
  5. Insecticidal. The product eliminates swelling and itching at the bite site and repels insects. Effective against pediculosis.
  6. Painkiller. Massage, baths or rubbing with oil extract help relax muscles and relieve pain in joints and spine.
  7. Antipyretic.

Methods of use

One of the uses of eucalyptus oil is the treatment of colds and flu. This component can be found in cough drops and other antiviral drugs. In general, oil extract is used in different ways, the main ones being:

  1. Aromatic bath. IN warm water Only a few drops drip. Eucalyptus oil is used in this way for a runny nose, bronchitis, joint pain, the first symptoms of a cold, fungal infections, and genitourinary diseases.
  2. Oil burner. Only 5 drops are enough. The procedure is indicated for purifying the air during epidemics of acute respiratory diseases.
  3. Rinsing. Helps cope with sore gums, effective against diseases oral cavity and throat. For the procedure, dissolve 1-2 drops in a glass of water. The product can also be used for rubbing at a temperature.
  4. Microclyster. You need to mix the oil extract and milk in a ratio of 1:10. The product is effective for prostatitis. It is taken for 3 weeks in the evening.
  5. Massage. Take any massage cream as a base and add 4-5 drops of extract to it. The procedure is recommended for radiculitis, rheumatism, joint pain and muscle tension.
  6. Douching, tampons. Effective for white discharge, ulcers and erosions of the cervix, colpitis. To douche, you need to mix a glass of warm water and 1-2 drops of oil extract. You can also moisten a tampon in this solution.
  7. Rubbing. As a base, you need to take 10 ml of vegetable oil, to which add 5-6 drops of essential oil. Rubbing is useful for muscle and joint pain, neuralgia. To prevent varicose veins, you can add a couple of drops of lemon balm.
  8. Ingestion. This use case is rare. Lower glucose levels when diabetes mellitus You can take 1 drop of extract per 1 tbsp. milk or a piece of bread. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day.
  9. Repellent. To protect against insects, you need to mix 50 ml of any vegetable oil and 15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. The base can be tonic, cream or cosmetic milk. Lubricate all open areas of the body with the finished composition.


Even useful natural product cannot be used uncontrollably. For each method of use there is a specific dosage:

  • 10 drops per 10 ml of herbal - for massage;
  • 2-3 drops per 1 tsp. honey or 1 tbsp. milk – for oral administration;
  • 10-12 drops – for oil compresses;
  • 2-4 drops per 500 g of water - for the douching procedure;
  • 1-2 drops per 1 tbsp. water with 1 tsp. honey – to treat stomach ulcers;
  • 1-2 drops – for an inhaler-atomizer;
  • 5-7 drops – for baths;
  • 7-8 drops per 5 g of base - for cosmetic compositions.

Instructions for use of eucalyptus oil

Before using eucalyptus oil in any way, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. For this purpose, the solution is applied to a small, distant area of ​​skin. If redness and irritation do not appear after 10-15 minutes, the product can be used. When using it, it is important to consider several features:

  • the extract should be used with extreme caution for epilepsy and hypertension. blood pressure;
  • the product neutralizes the effect of some drugs, so you should consult your doctor before use;
  • baths are especially effective at the first signs of a cold;
  • in large quantities, the extract of this plant is very toxic, so you need to avoid getting such volumes inside;
  • If you were allergic to the extract in childhood, then it should be used with caution in adulthood.

For runny nose and colds

Cough and runny nose are the main symptoms of a cold that you have to deal with. Eucalyptus-based products cope well with them, helping to significantly alleviate the condition. The following recipes are effective:

  1. Sinus lubricant. Melt 2 tsp in a water bath. Vaseline, add to them a mixture of essential oils in the following number of drops: 3 – mint, 5 – eucalyptus, 5 – tea tree. Lubricate the nasal mucosa with the prepared product up to 2-3 times a day.
  2. Therapeutic bath. Helps at the first signs of a cold. Add 9-7 drops of extract to a hot bath of water. You need to take it for 10-15 minutes, then do a light self-massage, rubbing the product into the skin. After the procedure, you need to lie under a blanket for at least half an hour.
  3. Massage for wet cough. For the procedure you need to mix 2 tbsp. any vegetable and the following number of drops of different essential oils: lavender - 2, tea tree - 2, eucalyptus - 4. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day until the symptoms decrease.

In cosmetology for face and hair

Eucalyptus is often used in facial and hair care. The plant promotes wound healing, prevents premature aging, and eliminates age spots. Eucalyptus oil saturates the skin and hair with beneficial substances. You can use the extract as follows:

  1. For acne. Pure undiluted product is applied pointwise to each inflammation. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day until the acne completely disappears. For oily and problem skin the extract is added 2-3 drops to ready-made care products, for example, tonics, ointments or creams.
  2. For hair growth. For care purposes, take the existing balm and add extract at the rate of 1 drop per 50 g of product. The mixture is applied to the hair after washing, rinsed off after 5-10 minutes with warm water. This treatment is carried out 1-2 times a week. To strengthen your hair, you can add a couple of drops of jojoba oil.

Eucalyptus for cough

The first to suffer from colds is respiratory system person. If left untreated, the cough will remain dry for a long time. This increases the risk of developing asthma and chronic bronchitis. You can treat a cough with eucalyptus oil through the following procedures:

  1. Inhalations against dry cough. Add 3-4 drops of oil extract to a glass of hot water or chamomile infusion. Next, you need to breathe through your mouth over the steam, covering yourself with a towel. The procedure lasts 10 minutes. Frequency – 1 time per day.
  2. Inhalations against wet cough. The procedure is carried out in the same way as in the previous recipe, only in hot water add 2 drops each of tea tree and eucalyptus oils.

Help with stress

Remedies from the leaves of this tree help restore strength, which is very useful for fatigue, emotional overload and stress. Eucalyptus oil should be used by spraying it indoors or in an aroma lamp. If the latter is not available, then you can simply drop a couple of drops into a glass of water, which is placed in a warm place. A location near the battery is suitable. To improve the condition nervous system Baths with eucalyptus are effective. The water in it should not be higher than 37 degrees. You only need to add 10 drops of extract, mixing them with sea salt or bath foam.

Eucalyptus essential oil in gynecology

Treatment and prevention gynecological diseases inflammatory diseases are carried out using douching. Such procedures with eucalyptus are effective for thrush, herpes, endometritis, cystitis and disorders acid balance. Recipe for the douching procedure:

  • For 200 ml of warm boiled water, take 1 drop of oil extract;
  • mix thoroughly, sterilize all instruments;
  • use the douching solution no more than once a day (in addition, you can use the mixture for washing up to 2 times a day in case of colpitis or thrush).

For diabetes

The eucalyptus tree is a real helper for diabetics. The plant can lower blood sugar levels. For this purpose, use the following instructions:

  • For 20 ml of warm milk or bread crumb, take 1 drop of the product;
  • use the indicated remedy in the morning;
  • repeat the procedure again in the evening;
  • if desired, use with milk or crumb 1 drop of oil extract of geranium and 1 eucalyptus;
  • Carry out the procedure until your general condition improves.

Features of application

For any product to truly have a positive effect, it must be used in a certain way. Eucalyptus oil is used in every field of medicine as follows:

  1. Urology, gynecology. Warm baths, douching and washing are effective.
  2. Colds and viral diseases. In this case, the air in the room is disinfected, rinsing, rubbing, nose drops, hot or cold inhalations are carried out.
  3. Pain of various nature . They are eliminated by rubbing, massages, compresses and aroma baths.
  4. Infections. are treated by rinsing the mouth, fumigating the room and, in some cases, ingesting it.

For children

The use of the product in pediatric therapy has several nuances that are important to consider. Not recommended for use by children under 2 years of age. The same applies to young children with bronchial asthma. After 2 years, almost the same procedures with this extract are allowed as for adults:

  • steam inhalation– you need to breathe over hot water with 1-2 drops of the product (the procedure is allowed from the age of 7);
  • local application– for insect bites, lubricate the area with a mixture of cream and oil product (2 drops per 20 g);
  • bath to strengthen the immune system– add 5 drops of the product to warm water;
  • massage for colds– for rubbing the chest, prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp. vegetable oils and a few drops of essential: lavender – 2, eucalyptus – 2, tea tree – 1.

Eucalyptus oil during pregnancy

Under no circumstances should you take eucalyptus oil orally during pregnancy. Application is possible only externally after the fourth month. Essential oil extract is more gentle than many medications. Features of using this remedy during pregnancy:

  • procedures such as inhalations, massage, rubbing, instillation into the sinuses, and aromatherapy are allowed with it;
  • spraying or aroma lamp will help a pregnant woman reduce the risk of colds;
  • inhalation of vapors provides a woman restful sleep, improvement of emotional state;
  • If you are breastfeeding, consult your doctor before use.

Treatment with eucalyptus oil - folk recipes

The main use of eucalyptus in folk medicine is to treat colds. The extract can also be used for prevention purposes when there is an increase in incidence. Eucalyptus oil for colds helps to cope with a runny nose and cough. At a temperature, the extract is used in the form of rubdowns. Another pronounced property of this ingredient is the ability to heal wounds faster. For this purpose, the product is used in the form of lotions and compresses.

Cough mixture

The rubbing procedure helps improve the removal of mucus from the bronchi, thereby facilitating coughing. This is especially effective for dry coughs. The procedure itself is carried out like this:

  • mix 2 tbsp. sunflower oil with 4 drops of oil extracts of clove, eucalyptus and tea tree;
  • Rub the resulting mixture onto the chest;
  • then wrap yourself in a blanket and lie down for 20 minutes.

Nettle decoction with eucalyptus extract

This recipe is effective for long-term non-healing wounds, including chemical burns, furunculosis. Prepare and use the product according to the following instructions:

  • prepare 30 g of fresh or pharmaceutical nettle;
  • pour 200 ml of boiling water over it;
  • leave for 20 minutes, then strain;
  • add 10 ml of oil extract to the decoction;
  • moisten gauze in the resulting product and apply it to the damaged area;
  • carry out the procedure 1-2 times a day until complete healing.

Essential oils with yolk

Another recipe against wounds that do not heal for a long time additionally uses egg yolk. To it add 15 ml of oil extract of lavender, sea buckthorn and eucalyptus. The last ingredient is a decoction of oak bark, which is prepared as follows:

  • 30 g of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water;
  • then the solution is left for half an hour, after which it is filtered;
  • the mass is mixed with the rest of the ingredients, left for a day;
  • Then the product is used as a lotion on bleeding wounds until they are completely healed.

Wound healing mixture with lard

If the previous wound healing products are not suitable for you, then you can try another one folk recipe with eucalyptus oil. It is prepared and used as follows:

  • melt 10 g of fresh lard over low heat;
  • cool until the product becomes warm;
  • add 15 ml of extract;
  • stir and cool completely;
  • use as a lotion on festering wounds up to 1-2 times throughout the day.

Side effects and contraindications

This product is somewhat aggressive and is therefore considered a strong allergen. Side effect its use may cause a rash, a burning sensation, and sometimes a disturbance in respiratory function. If such symptoms occur, you should stop using the extract. Absolute contraindications to its use are:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • atrophy of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • tendency to have an allergic reaction;
  • whooping cough;
  • age less than 2 years;
  • increased sensitivity skin.

Eucalyptus oil price

The product is sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. The price depends on the manufacturer and volume of the bottle. Approximate prices are presented in the table:

Place of purchase

Volume, ml

Price, rubles


Zdrav City,

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Essential oils have been known since ancient times. This is the quintessence of the beneficial properties that the plant carries. Eucalyptus is no exception. In its homeland, it has always been considered a medicinal tree. Since primitive times, the tribes that inhabited Tasmania and Australia used it to treat wounds and burns, and get rid of infectious diseases, prepared infusions from it and made extracts. The bactericidal effect of eucalyptus is so strong that in ancient Egypt it was planted to protect against malaria. Why is the plant so valuable and what does its essential oil contain?

Composition of eucalyptus essential oil

  • glycosides;
  • minerals;
  • alcohols and waxes;
  • phytoncides;
  • aldehydes;
  • acids - fatty and organic;
  • vitamins;
  • resinous and tannin substances.

Eucalyptus oil gives energy, improves mood, puts you in the mood for work, and strengthens the body.

Essential oil is obtained by steam distillation. Moreover, the most productive in this sense is globular eucalyptus. Although in the south of Europe other varieties are grown solely for the purpose of obtaining essential oil. Eucalyptus globulus is a pharmacopoeial plant; it is its oil that has the maximum concentration useful substances and is used in the industrial production of drugs.

Medicinal and cosmetic properties

Everyone knows that eucalyptus is an indispensable component in the treatment of colds. Its oil is found in lozenges, drops, cough mixtures, etc. However, its ether helps not only with colds. In the composition of drugs and folk remedies it has the following actions:

  • relieves inflammation and kills pathogenic microbes;
  • relieves spasms and pain;
  • reduces high temperature and disinfects;
  • thins and removes mucus;
  • can stop diarrhea;
  • acts as a diuretic, relieving swelling;
  • relieves itching;
  • calms;
  • is a fungicide;
  • removes unpleasant odors;
  • increases vitality and performance.

Its value as a cosmetic product is as follows:

  • eliminates pigmentation on the face;
  • whitens and evens out skin color;
  • regulates work sebaceous glands and reduces skin oiliness;
  • eliminates acne;
  • strengthens nails and hair;
  • treats dandruff.

The benefits of eucalyptus - video

Application area

IN pure form Eucalyptus ether is not used. It is diluted with base oil or made into aqueous solutions.

For respiratory diseases, the oil is used for:

  • eliminating pathogenic microbes;
  • increasing local immunity;
  • accelerating the discharge of mucus and sputum.

For adenoids, the use of dry inhalations with eucalyptus oil will help avoid surgery if you start treatment at early stage diseases.

Eucalyptus essential oil is used for:

  • relief from migraines, pain due to rheumatism and sprains;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • cooling and deodorizing the skin;
  • fever relief for malaria;
  • treatment of serious diseases:
    • whooping cough;
    • asthma;
    • chicken pox;
    • eczema;
  • therapy of cutaneous psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. To be used exclusively as part complex therapy. Once the psoriasis plaques slough off, a bleeding layer of new skin is exposed. The ester mixed with the base oil promotes:
    • healing of such wounds;
    • moisturizing the dermis - psoriasis does not like dry skin;
    • formation of new skin cells;
  • aromatherapy as a “morning” smell. It helps to wake up and prepare the brain for work. It is considered the scent of “logicians” - mathematicians, programmers, linguists, auditors.

In ancient Indian religion, eucalyptus is a magical plant. According to the concepts Indian philosophy The aroma of eucalyptus can free you from illusions and help you realize reality. It gives energy to overcome illnesses and difficulties.

Table: uses of eucalyptus essential oil

Application area In what form is ether used?
For medicinal purposes
Diseases of ENT organs:
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • frontal sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • adenoids.
Diluted with water or milk as:
  • rinsing;
  • bath;
  • drops;
  • dry, wet and cold inhalations.
Bronchitis, cough
  • in the form of ointments and rubbing, diluted with base oil;
  • to prevent relapses of the disease - eucalyptus baths.
ARVI, flu
  • Cold and hot inhalations;
  • oil burner;
  • aroma medallion
PsoriasisIn the form of rubbing, diluted with base oil
ThrushIn the form of tampons
As an aroma oil
To improve mood and as an anti-stress, as an adaptogenIn an aroma lamp or in an aroma medallion
At home
  • for disinfection;
  • as a repellent;
  • from insect bites.
  • in aromatherapy or in the form aqueous solution in combination with other ingredients;
  • in the form of an ointment for bites.
In cosmetology
For skin and hair careDiluted with base oil

How to prepare medicine from eucalyptus - video

Methods of application

There are several ways to use eucalyptus ether. Moreover, the same one can be used for different purposes.

Sinusitis drops and rinse

To prepare you need:

  • eucalyptus oil (10 drops);
  • strong tea leaves (1 tsp);
  • liquid honey (1 tsp).

All ingredients should be mixed. Drip 3-4 times a day until symptoms disappear. For gargling and mouthwash in a glass of warm boiled water dilute 3-4 drops of ether.

Essential oils for a runny nose - video

Ointment and rubbing for joint pain and cough

To prepare ointments and rubs based on eucalyptus, use a base oil - any vegetable oil. For 10 g of base you will need 6 drops of ether. For children's cough rubs, you can use Vaseline or baby cream.

For bathing

To boost immunity and relieve the first symptoms of a cold, take eucalyptus baths. On full bath you will need 200 g of sea salt and 4-6 drops of eucalyptus ether. Take no more than 20 minutes.

A bath with eucalyptus ether (6-8 drops) and rosemary (3-4 drops) will help relieve muscle pain, migraines, and neuralgia. Duration - 15 minutes.

Treatment of thrush

To treat thrush, they do not use essential oil, but one prepared at home. A cotton swab and gauze should be soaked in oil and left overnight. In the morning, remove, take a shower and put the tampon back in for the rest of the day. In the evening the procedure is repeated. The minimum treatment period is 14 days. Pharmacy hygienic tampons are not suitable for this purpose.

How to make a gynecological tampon correctly - video


Inhaling eucalyptus oil vapor is useful for treating many diseases. For adenoids, dry inhalations in the form of an aromatic pencil are used. Also in this case, wet inhalations are possible - aromatic baths, which children take with pleasure. To prevent the oil from getting into your baby's eyes, you can sprinkle it on the walls rather than adding it directly to the water. The solution for hot inhalation is prepared as follows: 5–7 drops of oil are added to a spoonful of milk and diluted in 100 ml of water.

Oil for inhalation through a nebulizer is not used!

Like aroma oil

For aromatherapy, use 20 drops of oil per 15 square meters. m area. The aroma medallion is filled with no more than 2-3 drops.

For disinfection

To disinfect a room, especially if there is a patient in it, use napkins on which 1-2 drops of essential oil are applied.

Kitchen towels and rags are disinfected by immersing them in water for a few minutes with the addition of a few drops of oil.

From insects

You can make an air freshener from eucalyptus, lavender and tea tree oil by adding a few drops of each to 50 ml of alcohol. The resulting mixture is moistened with mixed sawdust, scraps of wool yarn, cotton wool and pieces charcoal, placed in a box. The evaporating aroma will repel insects - flies and mosquitoes.

For ointment against bites, hand cream is used as a base, to which 5-6 drops of oil are added.

The smell of eucalyptus will repel insects

For internal use

Internal use of the oil is not contraindicated, but it is advisable to discuss it with your doctor. 2-3 drops of ether are added to honey, jam, sweets and simply to bread crumbs and eaten 2-3 times a day. It is better to drink it with acidified water, juice or tea.

In the bathhouse and sauna

The main rule here is not to overdo it. In a hot room, 10 drops per 15 square meters is sufficient. m. Eucalyptus oil in a bath is good for hardening in combination with spruce and mint esters.

With the help of eucalyptus in the sauna and bathhouse, colds accompanied by cough are treated, and the air in the steam room is disinfected. To do this, just add 1-2 drops of ether to a ladle of water. You need to place it next to the stove, the evaporation will be more intense. If you want to saturate the air with eucalyptus ether vapor, you can drop a couple of drops on the shelves and walls or wipe the shelves with diluted oil. It is good to add eucalyptus oil to the water where the broom is soaked.

Do not splash pure oil onto hot stones; it may catch fire. To instantly saturate the air with eucalyptus steam, it is better to moisten the stones with water and then pour a little oil diluted with water over them from a ladle.

How to use essential oils in a bath - video

For cosmetic care

In its pure form, ether is not used for skin care. The base oil for it can be:

  • grape seeds;
  • cocoa;
  • olive;
  • coconut;
  • almond.

They can be used to enrich your usual care products - creams, lotions, tonics, shampoos and balms. To do this, 3-4 drops per 15 g of base are enough. The oil is rubbed into the scalp to eliminate dandruff, and the nails are lubricated to strengthen and nourish the plate. Hand cream with the addition of eucalyptus oil heals microtraumas and scratches well. The oil is included in anti-aging, refreshing and whitening masks.

Anti-pigmentation mask

Add 10 ml of cream, 20 drops of ether and a pinch of ground cinnamon to rice flour (15 g). The mask is applied for 20 minutes to clean, steamed skin.

Refreshing mask

You can quickly refresh your face with a mixture of 10 drops of oil, banana, egg and a teaspoon of sour cream. The mixture is applied for half an hour and then removed with a cotton pad.

For the treatment of acne

To treat acne, eucalyptus essential oil is used undiluted. The oil is applied pointwise to areas of the skin with acne. To treat acne, you can use a toner enriched with eucalyptus ether.

A mask made from eucalyptus ether (15 drops), yeast (5 g) and gray clay (5 g) helps well against pustules on the face. Mix clay and yeast, dilute to the desired consistency with warm green tea and add oil. Apply along massage lines to areas affected by the rash. Exposure time is 15–20 minutes. Wash off with calendula infusion, and then apply spot-on pimples with pure eucalyptus oil. The course of treatment is 12 days.

Checking for allergies and individual intolerances is mandatory.

Effective hair mask with eucalyptus oil - video

Features of use for children

It is preferable to treat a child with natural remedies; they are safer than synthetic drugs, and often more effective.

At the first sign of a runny nose, light an aroma lamp with eucalyptus ether for 20–30 minutes.

Table: dosage of oil for inhalation depending on the age of the child

Another way to treat a child with a runny nose is massage. You need to lubricate your hands with eucalyptus oil diluted in base oil and massage your feet. For chest massage, combine eucalyptus with basic almond or olive oil. During the massage, the aroma of the ether will act as a dry inhalation.

Table: dosage of massage oil depending on the age of the child

A runny nose can also be treated with aromatic baths. If the child does not have a fever, give him a therapeutic warm bath. The oil must be combined with 50 g of salt dissolved in water or with 4 tablespoons of milk and poured into the bath. The duration of the procedure is 10–15 minutes.

Table: dosage of bath oil depending on the age of the child

Such methods of treatment have a double result. The oil acts locally and penetrates into the blood during massage and bathing.

Eucalyptus essential oil has a strong stimulating effect, so it should be used with caution in children under 3 years of age.

How to make eucalyptus oil at home

At home, you can only prepare macerate. This is an oil obtained by extracting beneficial substances from various parts plants. Preparing this oil will take from 2 weeks to a month. You will need basic vegetable oil and eucalyptus leaves, even dry ones.

From fresh leaves

Compact the leaves in a 0.5 liter jar and fill with vegetable oil. You can use corn, olive or sunflower. The extraction process should take place in a bright, sunny place. After 2 weeks, the oil should be drained and the leaves should be squeezed out. Place fresh leaves in a jar and fill them again with the same oil. The macerate will be finally ready in 2 weeks.

From dry raw materials

To prepare 250 ml homemade butter you will need 30 g of dry crushed raw materials. Infuse for 14 days in a bright, warm place. Then strain and pour into storage containers.

Homemade oil can be used without diluting. It is used for rubbing against colds and for therapeutic massage for rheumatoid pain. It can be used for vaginal tampons.


Eucalyptus essential oil may cause allergies or individual intolerances. Symptoms include nausea and vomiting, and possible diarrhea. After stopping use, symptoms go away. Other contraindications:

  • children under 2 years of age, with caution - from 2 to 3 years;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract during the period of exacerbation;
  • liver pathologies;
  • taking homeopathic medicines;
  • pregnancy;
  • high blood pressure;
  • epilepsy.

The world of essential plant oils is diverse and rich. If you use them for treatment and self-care, you can give up many synthetic drugs and cosmetics. Channel the power of nature to benefit your own health and beauty.