Where to get energy and strength for life. Life energy - where to get it

18.03.2015 23

Is it possible to be always happy?

This is the letter I received from a student: “I really want to always be happy. Is it possible? As I have not tried different diets, energy is still not enough. Began to do yoga. The first two months took off, but then everything returned - a constant breakdown and no desire to continue classes. On the advice of his wife, he bypassed healers and psychics, but it was either worse or better for a short time. How to overcome apathy and where to get energy? "

And this is what I replied: “Thank you for your questions, which are relevant for every person. For lack of energy is the first sign of impending misfortune and disease. Ayurveda says that if a person advances in spiritual life, then this should be seen by two signs:

1. A person is becoming happier and happier every day.

2. His relationships with other people improve.

If these signs are not observed, then no matter what good spiritual or religious practice a person is engaged in, it means that he is degrading.

True happiness comes from giving, from sacrifice, because we can feel love only when we give. A selfish, greedy, envious person cannot love, and hardly anyone will love him and want to communicate with him. Therefore, he cannot be happy. And we can give a lot if we are not dependent on this world. The less attachments we have in this world, the more we are able to give and, therefore, the more we can love. If the willingness to take, receive more than the willingness to give, then you are dependent.

The recipient depends, the giver does not depend.

One Kabbalah teacher told me that the main goal of this teaching is to make a person an altruist and rid him of selfishness.

In Ayurveda, the most ancient medical system, which amazes with its depth and wisdom, it is argued that greed and envy lie at the root of all disease and suffering, since these qualities increase egoism, self-concentration, and greed.

And what becomes of an organ or a cell that does not want to work for the entire body, but only to receive and consume the resources of the body? Such organs become cancerous, and if the body does not get rid of them, then it dies. So the Universe as a whole seeks to get rid of cancer cells - selfish people, or even civilization as a whole, in the first place, ceasing to give them energy. The enlightened Arians pointed out in their canons that civilizations perish not as a result of wars, natural disasters, etc., but because everyone begins to think only about himself, only about taking, not giving.

And the basic principle of harmony is the exchange of energies.

Only he opens the hearts of people to love and makes the world happy. The ancient hermit healers Vadya said that a person is a cellular universe, and if he does not live in harmony with it, then he will not be happy. Modern authorities in psychology and medicine confirm this. Professor Stanislav Grof: "The cause of all crises on earth is the insatiable pursuit of linear (selfish) goals."

Peter Russell: "To overcome the global crisis of civilization, which is based on the crisis of consciousness, we need to free ourselves from the egocentric, materialistic mode of consciousness that generates all problems."

Spiritual homeostasis. Selfishness and self-interest are dangerous because they destroy homeostasis. Paracelsus defined homeostasis as a state of complete harmony between the inner and outer worlds.

In order for homeostasis to be present, a living being must release energy. If energy is not released, then a living creature begins to depend on the environment. The main principle of independence from the world is the release of energy by a living being. Homeostasis begins on the spiritual plane and extends to the physical and chemical. For spiritual homeostasis to exist, we must not depend on the world. After all, the more I depend on the world in any area, the faster I will be destroyed by the changes in this world. Primitive man could quickly die from drought, temperature extremes. It has long been noticed that the first in critical situations, for example, in concentration camps, left alone with nature, etc., are selfish and aggressive people. Nothing seems to work on yogis who are not attached to anything in this world. They can sleep on nails, and the snow melts around them.

In Stalin's times, there was a decree to shoot, first of all, believers and clergymen, since in some strange way they did not die in the hellish conditions of concentration camps, but also took care of other prisoners and radiated radiance and bliss until the last minutes of their lives. Thus, we must stop being a consumer, we must give a lot more. But if we give on the physical, emotional, etc. levels, we ourselves have to take somewhere. And we can take energy only at the divine level, where it is present in unlimited quantities. This purest Higher spiritual energy passes through us if we do not suppress the feeling of love, we feel that the feeling of love should govern us, that we are secondary, if we can keep this feeling, even if we lose human (money, prestige, loved one, etc.). etc.). Through the feeling of unconditional love, the main energy flows to us, which is spent on everything. Food gives us energy on the Outside plane, but takes it away on the inner plane. Note that people who fast periodically are much more energetic than those who eat a lot. Therefore, when we get sick, we stop eating. This whole world with its constant stress, as well as food, non-spiritual communication, promiscuous sex, anxiety - take energy, and fasting, solitude give energy.

But the greatest reception of energies goes through a continuous feeling of love.

Therefore, one of the first rules of health is to love the world with all the shortcomings, yourself (no matter what I am), your destiny in all situations, in any life situations... One Kabbalah teacher, commenting on the commandment “Do not kill”, explained that the commandments are interpreted at seven levels. At the first level, this commandment implies do not kill a person, at the highest, the seventh, do not kill love in the soul. For this is the main sin - the refusal of love and the renunciation of oneness with God. Therefore, make every effort to get rid of selfishness and self-interest. Set the goal of life for yourself - the acquisition of Divine love, for from the goal we take energy, and only in itself a strong striving for Divine love fills us with higher energy. Please note that our civilization lives under the motto: "Consume, consume, consume!" Moreover, the number of happy and healthy people decreases every day.

Problems at the state and interstate level are growing every day. And neither new medicines, nor various methods from the How to Become Happy and Healthy series, nor many public organizations help. The number of people suffering from "chronic fatigue syndrome" is increasing every day. How could it be otherwise? After all, the enlightened sages of all spiritual schools, modern progressive scientists assert: everything that comes from a false ego, from selfish motives, even if outwardly looks like a good deed, leads to destruction and suffering. And everything that comes from the soul, that is, from the feeling of Unconditional Love, leads to bliss, health and complete harmony of the individual and his environment.

Realizing and accepting this, start living as if you are the Embodiment of Unconditional Love. Replace reproaches with gratitude. Questions of the mind: "What can I get from this person, society?" replace with “What can I give to others? How can I bring happiness to their lives? How can I fill them with love? " Stop focusing on yourself and your problems. Remember the statement of the Sufi sages: "Hell is the place where there is no one around whom we could help." And then you will feel how tremendous energy flows through you, filling you and those around you with Bliss and harmony. You will notice that your visits to doctors, psychologists, psychics and healers are drastically reduced. On the contrary, meeting with you, they themselves heal, discover new abilities and, most importantly, are filled with the energy of Divine love incomprehensible to many of them. Try it, you won't regret it! When we receive subtle energy.

We receive subtle energy when:

- we are starving;

- we carry out breathing exercises;

- we retire;

- we take a vow of silence for a while;

- we walk (or just are) along the seashore, in the mountains, contemplating the beautiful landscapes of nature;

- we are engaged in unselfish creativity;

- we praise a worthy person for his exalted qualities and actions;

- we laugh, we rejoice, we smile from the heart;

- we help someone disinterestedly;

- show modesty;

- we pray before meals;

- we eat foods full of prana (vital energy) - natural cereals, cereals, ghee, honey, fruits, vegetables;

- we sleep from 9-10 pm, until 2 am (At other times, the nervous system does not rest, no matter how much we sleep);

- we get a good massage session from a harmonious personality, or we do self-massage;

- we are doused cold water, especially in the morning and the most powerful effect if we are standing barefoot on the ground;

- we donate our time, money;

- we accept injustice. First of all, because we see the Divine will behind everything;

Each person has their own opinion, and most people consider themselves to be always right. The loss of energy is caused by:

- despondency, dissatisfaction with fate, regret about the past and fear, rejection of the future;

Anger and irritation

- setting and pursuing selfish goals;

- aimless existence;

- binge eating;

- uncontrolled wandering of the mind, inability to concentrate;

- when we eat fried or old food, food prepared by a person in anger or experiencing other negative emotions, when using a microwave oven; products containing preservatives, chemical additives grown in artificial conditions, using chemical fertilizers;

- eating food devoid of prana - coffee, black tea, white sugar, white flour, meat, alcohol;

- food in a hurry and on the go;

- smoking;

- empty talk, especially if we criticize or condemn someone at the same time;

- improper breathing, for example, too fast and deep;

- being in direct sunlight, from 12 to 4 pm, especially in the desert;

- promiscuous sex, sex without desire and especially without love for a partner;

- excessive sleep, sleep after 7 am, lack of sleep;

- tension of mind and body;

- greed and greed.

Eastern psychology 50% consists of pranayama - the theory and practice of certain breathing techniques that allow a person to be always filled with life force (Prana). According to modern enlightened yoga teachers, we can gain Prana through:

1. Earth element: eating natural food, living in nature, contemplating trees, walking barefoot on the ground. Recently I spoke with a very famous Ayurvedic doctor who defended his dissertation in medicine. He argued that if a person begins to live in nature, far from big cities, which are forced to ride the subway, walk on the asphalt, then such a person quickly recovers immunity, and he begins to live a healthy life.

2. Water element: drink water from wells or streams. Swim in the river or sea. Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages, alcohol, and soda.

3. Fire element: being in the sun and eating food containing sunlight.

4. Air element: it is the most important element of receiving Prana by breathing in clean air, especially in the mountains, in the forest and on the seashore. Smoking and being in crowded places deprives a person of prana.

5. Ether element: cultivating positive thinking, kindness, good mood... And this level is considered basic. For even if a person lives in nature and eats right, but at the same time walks irritated and angry, then on the contrary, an excess of Prana will destroy him even faster. On the other hand, a harmonious person, that is, a good-natured, fearless person, can last a long time in a city if he is forced to live there. But even such a person needs to monitor nutrition and periodically "break out" into nature.

In cities, the source of prana is churches, temples, monasteries.

Black absorbs light White color reflects it.

It seems to be a simple truth that has been known to everyone for a long time, but if you think about it, it has a deep philosophical meaning. Everyone associates light with something pure, giving energy, happiness and health. For example, the Sun - without it, life would either stop on Earth, or it would turn into hell. In many spiritual and religious schools, one of the main attributes of God is light: in Kabbalah, Islam, some Hindu movements and others. People who have experienced clinical death said that the highest reality is a light full of love. But even without various philosophical considerations, please think about who we call the Sun? A person from whom comes a lot of light and good, who is not selfish by nature. In the saints, even with the naked eye, many saw a halo, a radiance over the head of the Greedy, envious, selfish by nature, no one will ever call the Light or the Sun. Rather, he is so gloomy, blacker than a cloud. From the standpoint of health, when a healer from God sees your subtle body, then about the affected or diseased organs, he says: you have here black spot, the liver is black, which itself implies that it is sick. Everyone has probably heard about the existence of black holes in the Universe. Of course, a lot still needs to be investigated, but one of the indicators of a black hole is obvious - it is some kind of energetic substance that only absorbs everything and it is impossible to get out of it. A kind of cancer organ, a cell on the body of the universe. What are cancer cells? Medical research show that cancer cells do not come from the outside - they are the body's own cells, which for some time served the organs of the body and performed the task of ensuring the life of the body. But at a certain moment, they change their worldview and behavior, begin to implement the idea of ​​refusing to serve the organs, actively multiply, violate morphological boundaries, establish their "strong points" (metastases) everywhere and eat healthy cells. Cancer grows very quickly and needs oxygen. But breathing is a joint process, and cancer cells function according to the principle of gross egoism, so they do not have enough oxygen. Then the tumor goes over to an autonomous, more primitive form of respiration - fermentation. In this case, each cell can "wander" and breathe independently, separately from the body. It all ends with cancer tumor destroys the body, and eventually dies with it. But in the beginning, cancer cells were very successful - they grew and multiplied much faster and better than healthy cells. Selfishness and independence - by and large, this is the path "to nowhere". The philosophy “I don’t give a damn about other cells”, “I am what I am”, “the whole world should serve me and give me pleasure” - this is the worldview of a cancer cell. Therefore, every second we have a choice - to shine on the world, to bring good and happiness to those around us with our lives, to smile, to take care of others, to serve selflessly, to sacrifice, to restrain the lower motives, to see the Teacher in every person, in every situation to see the Divine providence that created this a situation in order to teach us something, to thank .. Or make claims, be offended, complain, envy, walk with a wedge-shaped expression on his face, immerse himself in his problems, in making money in order to spend it on feeling gratification, to show aggression. In this case, no matter how much money a person has, he will be unhappy and gloomy. And every day there will be less and less energy. And in order to take it somewhere, artificial stimulants will be needed: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, nightclubs, showdown with someone. All this gives rise at first, but ultimately leads to complete destruction. A simple regular question to myself: I shine to the world or absorb light, can quickly change the course of our thoughts and therefore actions. And quickly turn our life into a beautiful bright glow, full of love. And then the questions of where to get the energy no longer arise.

As a rule, it is not laziness that hinders people from embodying brilliant ideas or achieving their goals, but the lack of vitality or energy. Sometimes it happens that even the simplest household chores are done through force, you constantly want to rest or lie on the couch. Many assume that this is due to health, but ailments are not always the reason that a person's strength is lost. Loss of energy is serious problem which is not contrived or fictional at all. There are a number of studies according to which it has been proven that such a phenomenon really takes place.

Where does the energy go

There are two most common options where a person's vitality can go:

  • Into negative emotions. Thoughts and words are the main source of energy for a person. If a person begins to constantly express dissatisfaction with his life, criticize and condemn others, blaming everyone around for his failures, then sooner or later this leads to the fact that the individual weakens not only morally, but also physically. The same thing happens if a person is constantly worried about his work or constantly scrolls anxious thoughts in his head. Or when he thinks all the time about failures in his personal life. Because of this, the strength of a person's energy weakens very quickly.
  • Large overloads. Quite often, people begin to bring themselves to exhaustion with increased physical activity or work without days off. Sleep withdrawal also entails exclusively Negative consequences... In addition to deterioration in the functioning of the body, a person disrupts his energy balance.

Also, such consequences can be caused by the fact that the person does not have any favorite things, a kind of outlet. If a person is constantly engaged only in work or household chores, then he involuntarily begins to feel despondency.

Where to get energy

There are a lot of sources for energy force, the main thing is to choose what is more suitable for a specific person... Moreover, you can get a lack of energy first of all on physical level... This means that you need to take care of a healthy and comfortable sleep, proper nutrition and many other factors. It is important to pay attention to your body. The energy of health will help you decide most problems.

In addition, it is important to receive the necessary "nourishment" on a spiritual and emotional level. To do this, you need to leave time for positive thinking and getting pleasant impressions.

Consider the basic mechanisms that will help you figure out where to get strength and energy for life.


In many cultures, walking together is believed to strengthen interpersonal relationships. That is why, during the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds usually go through seven steps, symbolizing the unity of the man and woman who are getting married.

During such walks, a person's energy is saturated with the necessary forces. It also helps to improve family relationships. Therefore, you need to walk not only together, but also with children. Such family unity will help everyone to be liberated and to feel love for each other.

However, it is sometimes helpful to walk alone. Sometimes it is during a walking trip that solutions to many problems come. In addition, walking, a person experiences peace when all thoughts are turned off.

Physical exercise

Many people mistakenly believe that going to the gym, pool or fitness is a waste of time and money. However, exercise is also important for energy. This is especially true for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. And this is not about being liked by men. If a person keeps his body in good shape, then he feels pride in himself, which, in turn, causes the appearance of more positive thoughts that have a positive effect on moral and physical condition personality.

However, you should not bring physical activity to the point of absurdity. In the fight against excess weight, you can, on the contrary, aggravate the situation and fall into depression, therefore it is necessary to maintain harmony in everything.

It is necessary to choose for yourself the best and more interesting option physical activity... Some people enjoy yoga, others enjoy swimming.

Healthy lifestyle

These habits determine the whole life of a person. The energy of health is very important. Therefore, those who smoke, overeat at night and consume a lot of alcohol are often lacking in energy. In addition, from bad habits the mood is badly spoiled.

It is necessary to try to give up everything negative and include in the diet as many healthy and nutritious foods as possible.


Many people believe that for this it is imperative to go to an expensive resort. In fact, this is not the case. If a person is looking for where to get strength and energy for life, then it is not necessary to go into debt and buy expensive vouchers to achieve this goal. It is enough to go even to the nearest city. The main thing is to change the environment and feel like in a different environment. New impressions, places, acquaintances and knowledge of cultural values ​​will help to get the necessary supply of energy for a long time.

In summer you can go to the village and in winter to any nearby ski resort.


When it seems that a period of stagnation has begun in life, and there is no opportunity to go on a trip, then you can try to change the situation around you. Very often, during a period of despondency and weakness, people rarely clean their apartments, wear dirty clothes and completely stop taking care of their everyday life.

To understand where to get strength and energy for life, it is enough to look around. It is necessary to disassemble the rubble, throw away everything old and unnecessary. Torn clothes, spoiled equipment - all these things carry negative energy, which must be removed from time to time.

In addition, picking up old things, many begin to suffer from negative memories... You should not once again mentally plunge into the past, it is better to get rid of such sources of bad thoughts.

You can also start repairs. The transformation of an apartment is a change in the world around you. Moreover, a person spends most of his life in his "nest".

Visit to a psychologist

Sometimes there is absolutely no one to tell about their problems. Relatives do not want to burden them with negative information, and friends may simply not understand or share disturbing thoughts. But where to get strength and energy for life? In communication with a psychologist.

Do not hesitate to seek help from a specialist, he will carefully listen to all problems. Although his recommendations may seem absurd, this is not the main thing. The most important thing is to speak out for someone who, although due to his specialty, will delve into all aspects of the patient's life. It is an excellent fuel for human energy. It is not for nothing that after a visit to a psychologist, everyone is relieved. The point is not that he is a professional in his field, but that there was an emotional release of everything that was boiling in the soul.

Gratitude diary

If you do not want to go to a psychologist, you can use his recommendations remotely. This universal remedy will help to quickly fill the missing energy reserves.

To do this, it is recommended to simply keep a diary in which you need to write down everything that comes to mind. Let it be even minor thoughts that accidentally come to mind. It is also imperative to state on paper all the bad things that happened during the day. If you get nasty in the queue or your boss has deprived you of your bonus, you should definitely write down your opinion on this in your diary.

In addition to negative thoughts, something positive should also be recorded. For example, if a person is dissatisfied with his appearance, then he must definitely list what is good about him. Also, do not hesitate to ascribe to yourself positive traits, which in fact may not be. This will help boost your self-esteem significantly.

At the same time, you need to write down your thoughts in a diary regularly. For example, at 10 pm every day. It is better to do this at a time when no one can distract or interfere.

It is also recommended to write in a notebook what a person is grateful for. For example, you can list 5 things for which you would like to thank your husband, child, or parents. While writing, the person will experience extremely positive thoughts. Thanks to this, the lack of energy will quickly be replenished.

Psychologists say that the use of such a practice develops positive thinking and a vision of the world in the individual. At the same time, it is enough to devote only 10 minutes a day to the diary.

Unity with oneself

Sometimes many people ignore this point, but this does not negate its importance. Sometimes a person desperately needs to be alone for a while. In this case, you can stay at home, turn off the lights and just think about the beautiful. Or it is useful to turn on your favorite movie, drink warm milk or wine all alone.

You need to be able to devote time to yourself. Some consider this to be a sign of weakness or laziness. In fact, oneness with oneself is a necessary stage in life. In addition, it is impossible to collect your thoughts when your head is full of everyday problems or troubles at work. Left alone, you need to stop thinking about the negative. Better to try to imagine your wonderful future or remember the pleasant moments of life.

Separately, it should be said about the methods that will help a woman get energy.


For the fair sex, there is nothing better than letting your body replenish its energy reserves through a rhythmic tango or rumba. Dancing also contributes to the improvement of the figure. In the process of training, flexibility, a sense of rhythm, smoothness and gracefulness develop. During the dance, the woman's energy is literally released, and the body is recharged with new forces.

The main thing is to get moral pleasure from classes. By the way, it should be said that it is useful to practice dancing at any age. Today you can even find dance groups for retirees. In old age, people most often suffer from energy weakness, therefore they are also encouraged to receive as many positive emotions as possible.

By the way, you can also dance at home. It is especially fun to do this while cleaning.


According to research by psychologists, a woman needs to speak at least 22 thousand words a day in order to receive the necessary energy discharge. If there is no one to communicate with, then information will accumulate in her, from which she must get rid of. As a result, problems begin to snowball.

Therefore, you need to meet with friends as often as possible and share with them. latest news... The conversations do not need to be informative. When a person just speaks words, they disconnect from negative thinking. Of course, the interlocutor will not be interested in working unilaterally, so do not forget to periodically listen to him.

If there is no one to talk to, and you do not want to go to a psychologist at all, then today you can find a huge number of thematic forums and chats on the Web where you can express your point of view on a particular issue.


This is another way to quickly release negative energy and recharge with positive emotions. Every woman loves to sing. At the same time, the repertoire can be absolutely anything. You can sing in karaoke, in the shower, or during spring cleaning, interspersed with rhythmic dances. Thanks to this, a woman gets an opportunity for self-expression.

When a mother sings a lullaby to a child, he automatically begins to feel peaceful. Therefore, the voice and melodic singing is a very powerful way to get the necessary charge of energy.

Do energy bracelets help

They are very often advertised on TV and on the Internet. Usually these products are made from tourmaline and volcanic ash. According to advertising slogans, it is these materials that stimulate energy. However, in fact, these accessories do not have any effect on humans. Therefore, energy bracelets have an exclusively decorative function. Everything that is said in the advertisement is not true. This is just a smart move by marketers aimed at gullible buyers.

If male energy is the energy of chaos, which serves as the basis for wars and revolutions, the purpose of which is to destroy the old for the sake of the new, the tasks female energy are fundamentally different. A woman was born to bring peace and quiet, to preserve traditions, and her ideal state is serenity, love and inspiration. As soon as a woman changes her nature, choosing the male path of self-realization, she becomes aggressive and irritable, capricious and picky, dissatisfied and depressed, in other words, unhappy. Can you get yourself back?

Introducing 10 sources of feminine power that will fill you with natural energy and revive your zest for life! What should a woman do to instill harmony in herself?

1. Ask for help

The principle of “I myself” makes her a fighter, her guy on the board, a strong and independent being, but not a woman. Give up the habit of putting all the work on your fragile shoulders, learn to ask for support, take care, and you will be surprised how much easier and more pleasant life will become!

2. Show concern

Second main principle- not only take, but also give. A woman increases her energy at times if she cares about someone: about her favorite flowers, animals, children, her parents, a man and, of course, about herself!

3. Receive strokes

A woman looks pitiful and devastated, to whom no one touches, whom no one strokes, does not hug, in other words, does not love. Ask your loved ones to hug and pat you on the head. If you are alone, sign up for a massage, just do not stagnate energy in your body!

4. Exchange energy

If a woman stops giving way to her emotions, she will enter a state of stagnation, which will instantly affect her health and relationships with men. It is extremely important to have at least a couple of girlfriends with whom you could laugh or chat "about women", exchanging feelings and experiences. It will boost your energy!

5. Contact with realized women

How to acquire qualities that are lacking? Chat with the fair sex who have what you dream of. Do you want to get pregnant? Make friends with young moms. Do you want happiness in your personal life? Start chatting with happy married girlfriends. It really works!

6. Take care of yourself

Tasty-smelling bath foam, body milk, various masks and scrubs are so attractive for a woman. By taking care of ourselves, maintaining the beauty and purity of our body, we nourish ourselves with energy. Hair care, manicure, make-up have an effect akin to magic, making us much more confident and happier.

7. Go shopping

Why do men feel exhausted after shopping when women shine their best? Endless fittings and pleasant purchases really give new life, they breathe renewal and strength into your energy.

8. Dance

Oriental, Latin American, classical - any dances (even at the stove with a ladle) are able to release in you what you were hiding behind seven seals. When you dance, you not only liberate yourself and know your sexuality, but you open the 3rd and 5th chakras, prolonging youth and strengthening femininity.

9. Communicate with nature

Despite the fact that a woman is by definition the keeper of the hearth, she should not spend all the time locked up or isolated from nature. Try to make frequent forays into the forest, walk barefoot on the ground, hug your tree of power. Communicate with nature, because it is the earth that feeds you with energy!

10. Practice meditation

A woman should strive to be relaxed and peaceful. Stress, fears, doubts, uncertainties - all this destroys, depriving of strength and energy. Practicing meditation will reduce stress, smooth corners, and make the world a little safer and more enjoyable. Meditations before bed and after waking up are especially good.

And finally, remember: a man is an actively realizing party, while a woman is a passively receiving party. She must be able to see the depth, learn to accept all aspects of life. If a man sets a global direction, then a woman fills this direction with her energy and content. She should not take over the male function, walking with the flag in front of the whole planet. She highlights the best that her partner creates and preserves it for future generations. Her strength is hidden in her calmness, beauty in her content, and energy ... she is everywhere.

In the life of every person, black streaks may arise from failures and defeats, but individuals, filled with strength, get out of any situations with dignity.

Society dreams of being harmonious and happy, so the question of where a person's energy comes from becomes very relevant in our chaotic and hectic world. Of course, physiological processes to maintain tone are important, but at the same time you should never forget about the quality of life itself and its fulfillment.

Where does a person get energy: the opinion of biologists

Human cells receive energy reserves through metabolism, or rather, after the breakdown of adenosine triphosphoric acid. It is ATP in the body that acts as a battery, which is also replenished nutrients coming from food. ATP accumulates in a person after the breakdown of useful components, and this process can be in the form of a complete decay, i.e. with oxygen or incomplete. In the second case, the decay product accumulates in muscle tissue, but the body instantly absorbs energy. In this way, for example, glucose is broken down in the body.

The main sources of vitality, therefore, are food and oxygen. That is why the processes of respiration and digestion are so important. An active lifestyle requires a lot of energy, which means more food. Any food product consists of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It is they who give the body energy. Vitamins, contrary to popular belief, do not give strength, but help to speed up energy exchange.

The glands act as regulators of energy flows in the body endocrine system... The process of realizing the life force is governed by thyroid and if it is not in the best shape, the food will not be fully utilized for the benefit. Also, the adrenal glands play an important role, which release energy during stressful situations in the body.

But if, for example, negative emotions are restrained, excess energy begins to negatively affect internal organs giving them an extra load. The release of energy is also controlled by the sex glands, but such a force is usually considered creative.

What constitutes a person's need for energy? It depends on different individual characteristics... What matters is the age of the individual, height and weight, gender, metabolic rate, the ratio of physical and intellectual activity, the general nature of the main activity. It is also important what conditions a person lives in: climate, geographical nuances, humidity and air temperature.

A significant need for energy in an individual is determined by his physiology. Maintaining all basic processes, such as maintaining temperature and heart rate, requires a constant flow of energy. Biologists call the main exchange the level of energy expenditure in resting conditions after 12-14 hours after eating, at an ambient temperature of 20 degrees. This quantity is usually constant, and y healthy body in average age is equal to 1 kcal per hour per kilogram of weight.

The additional costs, of course, go away when playing sports or bodily labor. Any employee without unnecessary physical activity in everyday life and household chores spends a little more than 1000 kcal per day.

Mechanized labor increases this figure by 500-800 kcal, and heavy physical labor requires 2300-2800 kcal per day. Athletes also spend a lot of energy, because each simple workout adds 500 kcal to the norm. For marathon runners, the figure jumps to 6000-8000 kcal per day. Energy consumption also increases with a decrease in air temperature.

To calculate the bioenergetic potential of a person, it is not necessary to take into account many factors. It is enough to multiply the year of birth by the number obtained by merging the month and the number (not vice versa!) In the date. Then you need to add all the numbers in the formed six- or seven-digit number.

For example, 1970 * (9 + 9) = 18

  • On average, this indicator shows 26-27, and if the result is less than 20, a person can be considered energy vampire or does he just have weak character without leadership qualities.
  • And vice versa, a number greater than 30-33 indicates that a person has an additional energy channel filled with the forces of the Universe, about the presence of a guiding star and a bright individuality.

Also, if we consider the resulting after multiplication big number, you can see the development of energy potential in the first 6-7 years of birth. Then the cycle ended and began anew, so there is a chance to calculate where you are at this moment in your life.

It is worth noting that in addition to the indicated processes of respiration and absorption of food, sleep plays an important role in the accumulation of energy. Adequate rest restores strength and reduces the risk of illness. Water is also an essential source of life. Exercise is no less important as it increases the level of vitality. Movement consists of human progress, willpower, victory over all ailments. It is only important to distinguish activity from everyday fussiness.

Where does a person get energy: signs of fullness

Before deciding on the specific sources of the vital forces of the individual, one must try to diagnose the energy state of the individual. In other words, it is worth making sure that the vibration level is really high and the aura is in excellent condition. Distinctive features balanced energy carrier are:

  • Wellness... Illness rarely bothers someone who has a constant flow of energy. Such a person has high immunity, good physical tone, quick recovery after failures in the body and an always glowing face.
  • Fulfillment of desires... A person with a stable vitality attracts good luck and success, so her dreams come true much faster and more accurately than other subjects with an outflow of energy. At the same time, the number of new “wishes” for such a person is also growing, but they are not momentary whims.
  • Attractiveness. Active man exudes attractive and even sexual vibes. He is filled with inner strength and likes himself, which means that he is also sympathetic to the environment. Such a person has many friends and acquaintances, they are drawn to him as a source of joy and positive.
  • Learning Opportunities... Sometimes, when answering the question, where does a person get energy from, one can meet with a vicious circle situation. For example, vitality increases with the development of comprehension and concentration skills. But it is these indicators that can be the result of energy content.
    Thus, a high level of energy allows a person to invest a minimum of their investments in the study of new information. Almost all areas of activity become accessible and understandable for this person. And all because a balanced energy guarantees confidence in one's success, teaches you to quickly solve problems and stay calm in case of failures.
  • Activity. Internal fullness pushes a person not to kill time just like that, but to use it with benefit. Such a person wants to do as much as possible without getting hung up on negative aspects. Therefore, this subject is very easy to communicate and has a sufficient number of leadership qualities. People with high energy levels and a constant supply of energy can have a wide range of impacts on society.

Lack of energy in a person: reasons

As a rule, an insufficient energy flow in the body of an individual is associated either with a blockage of the dynamic path of life force, or with an incorrect distribution of energy in his everyday life. If the currents are spent efficiently, the biofield will always thrive and function as a useful shield. But, unfortunately, in everyday life there are many things on which great forces are spent, potentially necessary for much important processes:

  • Negative emotions... Experiences and internal conflicts draw out a lot of personality energy. People are nervous about literally every reason and drain the nervous system. Anger, anger, resentment are constant companions in life, which should be shown immediately so that negative emotion does not accumulate in the soul and is not constantly fed by human energy.
  • Overload... Full-fledged leisure is necessary for a person, and if physical and intellectual stress is accompanied by a refusal to sleep, the body finds itself in a stressful state and begins to absorb all energy reserves. Some people try at night to solve the accumulated problems, but, as a rule, they still lack concentration, and during the day the work is not completed due to compensation for the proper rest from waking time. If you don't have enough time for quality sleep, it can sometimes be replaced with a relaxing technique or light massage.
  • Anxiety is not about end goals. Why does a person have no energy in most cases? The answer lies in the low purposefulness of the individual. Very often the flows of the biofield flow away from the individual as a result of affairs that do not affect the final result. A purposeful subject always knows what his activity is aimed at, so he is not sprayed with household everyday trifles that are not worth his energy consumption. Therefore, by the way, the lack of a daily routine often leads to an uncontrolled outflow of energy.
  • Bad habits. The vital energy of a person is significantly reduced when addictions occur. It has been proven that the performance of smokers is at a low level before each dose of tobacco, and as for alcohol and drugs, they worsen the nervous system and increase the level of irritability. Even the popular caffeine and with all sorts of energetics gives only an imaginary illusion of being filled with strength.
  • Lack of contact with nature. The bustle of big cities requires a person to restore his reserves through the usual contemplation of peace and quiet. Nature helps an individual to sort out thoughts, get out of the routine of everyday life and throw out negative emotions. It is very foolish to refuse such a powerful source of energy. Spending time on fresh air, a person saturates the body with oxygen, he interacts with active elements, learns to communicate with flora and fauna, to adopt pacifying vibrations from them too. It is through nature that a person directly receives the large-scale energy of the Cosmos.
  • Unloved deeds... Responsibilities, a sense of duty, responsibility are an integral part of adulthood which absorbs a lot of energy. If a person does not have an outlet, a favorite pastime that brings true pleasure. he loses the ability to draw vitality from himself even in difficult moments.

What gives energy to a person in life?

Having your own mission

It is very important to have a global goal for the sake of which the individual is on the planet. If a person knows his role in life, he understands why he needs energy and activates all internal reserves in himself. Such a person has a high vitality, constant activity in the body and fresh ideas in his head.

Own dreams always nourish the individual and develop him, but other people's tasks can only deplete stocks. The main thing, of course, is not to get hung up on your goal and not go head over heels for it, but just always remember about it and try to implement it, contribute to society.

Thoughts about innermost desires fill a person with joy, and when there is no mission, motivation is also absent, and a person cannot discover anything but apathy and sadness in everyday life.

The global purpose of life is a great tool for adjusting energy and directing it in the right way.

Absolute love

Where does the energy come from in a person who is in love with life and the world? The highest and lightest feeling on the planet nourishes all the reserves of the personality and fills every day with joy and happiness. A harmonious individual must love not only other people, but also himself in order to maintain energy potential in difficult periods. At the same time, you do not need to be selfish, it is enough just to free the heart from negativity, and love will appear on its own.

True love is unconditional, it is an unlimited source of energy, because it transforms the environment and the soul itself. Therefore, people who, for example, do charity work, are always full of energy and enthusiasm.

Positive views

To get extra energy, you need to notice in life good moments... It is always worth focusing on the pros in any matter, because they exude positive vibrations. If you get stuck on the minuses, the negative will only take away strength, it does not have a high energy output.

Joyful thoughts always evoke a desire to act, so you need to take care of the state of your soul and mind, keep there more light, and not pessimistic or dirty. Try to laugh more often, because it clears all human bioenergetic channels from traffic jams and fills the body with pleasant vibrations. This source of energy is well supported by the individual's favorite hobbies.

You can dance, travel, read smart books, listen to good music, watch a good movie, or paint. But the discussion of politics, the yellow press, films about violence and loud aggressive music only destroy the natural human biofield, make it smaller and thinner. Remember to maintain a sense of faith throughout your life.

Be confident in yourself, in your strengths and in the good care of the world for you. Also, try to thank the Creator as often as possible for each day spent on Earth.

Quality communication

Any conversation should be useful and energetic. Contact with a positive person always pushes for creativity, the dynamics of life and improves mood. The energy after such communication becomes twice as much. Conversely, a vampire can suck out life force with the help of negativity, leaving a person with a feeling of emptiness and anxiety.

You should avoid communicating with those who annoy you, who drain energy and simply take time. Try to minimize friendship with those who constantly whine and complain, but at the same time focus not on the shortcomings, but on the pros. Remember that for a person, the ways of receiving energy are the people around him.

You should also avoid conflicts and quarrels, sorting out the relationship, or begin to adjust to society, abandoning the previously chosen path. Sometimes you need to say “Yes” to people less often and say “Thank you” much more often.

Self improvement

In the course of his life, a person is obliged to develop. Only by building up new opportunities and fresh discoveries can you increase your energy and maintain a joyful view of the world.

Personality degradation is a very dangerous phenomenon that leads to complete energy stagnation or exhaustion.

In this case, we are talking not only about the intellectual or spiritual content of life, but also about the physical. You can engage in, for example, meditation or breathing practices that teach the individual to remain calm and accumulate energy in himself, and not waste it into the external environment.

You can use crossword puzzles or making plans for the next day as a routine mental exercise.


The importance of nature for the energy of the individual has already been indicated above. But where can a person get energy in the city? Here, of course, the environmental friendliness of the world plays an important role, but part of the necessary reserve can be obtained even without leaving home.

At first, great value for individuals, solar energy plays. We consume it through food, but this is not enough, so we need to try as much as possible to run light into the room where the person is for a long time. The sun adds beauty and well-being, it acts as an unlimited generator of joy and warmth.

Secondly, air plays an equally important role, so it is necessary to ventilate regularly both homes and work offices. And you can also get an additional inflow of energy from the earth. It is very useful, for example, to periodically walk barefoot and re-establish contact with the origins of humanity.

Feeling clean

First, you need to maximize the comfort of the space. In order not to interfere with the movement of energy in life, a person must get rid of unnecessary things and junk, which takes away his energy and time. Then attention must be paid to cleansing the body. Various methods cope with this, for example, yoga or taking special herbal decoctions.

The body needs to get rid of toxins and toxins, otherwise all bioenergetic flows will begin to collide with huge blocks in the body. You should also cleanse the soul of negative energy. This can be done with the help of useful crystals that increase vitality. The talisman can be jade, carnelian or jasper.

Finally, a mental cleansing effect can be obtained through relaxation techniques. In particular, aromatherapy with essential oils not only improves the aura, but also adds energy to the body. To do this, you need to use pomace of citrus, cinnamon, pine, bergamot, eucalyptus, etc.

Where does a person's energy come from? The answer to this question is always individual, if you turn not to the characteristics of the organism, but to the secrets of the soul. It is best to listen to your inner voice and do something that brings positive emotions, as they are a sure sign of the necessary vitality. Just do not forget that even a constant influx of energy does not exclude the possibility of its leakage.