The use of fennel essential oil. The use of fennel oil in cosmetology for body skin and hair care Fennel essential oil properties

- the result of steam distillation of fennel seeds, a plant whose homeland is ancient Persia and India. In Russia, fennel is also known as fennel. Its fruits contain from 2 to 6% essential oils, and to obtain 1 kg of such a substance, at least 20 kg of seeds are required. The composition of the essential oil itself includes such components as anethole, fenchol, camphene, pinene, limonene and pellandrene. At the same time, it has a sweetish and slightly spicy aroma, vaguely reminiscent of anise.

Fennel oil: benefits and uses

It has properties that can have a healing effect on the most diverse components of the human body. With its help, you can carry out complex cleansing, remove toxins and toxins. It has a mild diuretic and laxative effect, stimulates the digestive system, relieves constipation, and reduces bloating. Such procedures are especially useful for those who are overly addicted to food and alcohol. Fennel is a proven folk remedy for hangovers, it tones and normalizes the liver, kidneys and spleen.

Fennel oil useful for women of different ages, as it mimics the hormone estrogen and thereby activates the work of the endocrine glands and the production of its own estrogen. It relieves premenstrual conditions, relieves painful sensations during menstruation, and also helps in solving problems associated with menopause.

While breastfeeding fennel oil promotes an increase in lactation, therefore it is part of most homeopathic remedies that stimulate milk production. In addition, it is believed that fennel essential oil increases sex drive in both women and men.

Fennel oil properties

Fennel has a pronounced antifungal effect. It has been proven that with regular renovation of the premises (at the rate of 2 drops per 5 sq.m.), the content of fungi in the surrounding space is reduced by 5 times.

Positive effects are also known fennel essential oil on the human nervous system. Its aroma gives strength and courage, helps to get rid of obsessive fears and complexes, gives a feeling of inner stability and independence, and also grants a serene sense of freedom. According to some long-livers, fennel can prolong life.

Application fennel essential oil quite varied. In addition to being consumed with food or drinks, it is used externally during massage, for enriching cosmetic preparations (masks, creams, tonics, gels, etc.), for applying compresses, for taking baths, in the form of applications on the gums, as well as in in the form of inhalation and air sanitation (aroma lamp).

Fennel oil treatment

It can be used as an additional remedy for various diseases. It has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent, and therefore it is recommended for the prevention and treatment of ARVI, influenza, pharyngitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

By acting on the cardiovascular system, fennel oil lowers blood pressure, relieves arrhythmia, improves cardiac conduction. Fennel also has the ability to dissolve kidney stones and stimulate the activity of the digestive system; its essential oil is advised to be used by patients suffering from stomach diseases.

As an improvised tool in a home medicine cabinet, fennel oil will help with nausea, vomiting, colic and common hiccups.

Contraindications for the use of fennel oil

Fennel oil in cosmetology for hair, face, body and hands

Fennel is a powerful antioxidant, and all of its derivatives are endowed with the same properties. It slows down the aging process of cells and has a powerful anti-aging effect on the skin, smoothing fine wrinkles and increasing the elasticity of the upper layers of the epidermis. Helps to cope with the problem of cellulite, tones the skin, makes the abdomen, hips and bust more elastic.

It can also solve teenage problems, eliminating acne and preventing the appearance of new acne.

Fennel oil can be added to any cosmetic product intended for hair (shampoo, rinse, hair mask), face, body or hands. And it can be used in combination with other oils to create recipes for home cosmetics.

Lifting mask for face and décolleté
Ingredients: egg yolk 1 pc, white clay 1 tbsp, jojoba oil 1 tbsp, fennel essential oil 1 k., Rose essential oil 1 k., Neroli essential oil 1 k. Thoroughly mix the clay, egg yolk and base oil, then add essential oils. Apply the face mask to previously cleansed and dried skin, rest in a horizontal position (to avoid sagging skin under the weight of clay) for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water of contrasting temperature, first warm, then cool. The recommended course is 1 month, every three days. If desired, jojoba base oil can be replaced with any other vegetable oil: almond, grape seed, olive, etc.

Anti-cellulite massage oil
Ingredients: base oil 50 ml, essential oils 5 drops each - fennel, patchouli, lime, grapefruit. Stir all ingredients just before use. Optimal for problem areas of the body. When combined with any kind of clay, it is suitable for wrapping procedures.

Mask for aging skin of the face and hands
Ingredients: quince 1 pc., Egg yolk 1 pc., Cottage cheese 1 tsp, fennel essential oil 3 drops. Grind quince in a blender, add grated cottage cheese, egg yolk and butter. The mixture should be like gruel. Apply it on your face or back of your hands, rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

Anti-Aging Fennel Oil Eye Cream
Ingredients: any baby cream 1 tablespoon, fennel essential oil 4 k., Essential oil of myrrh 4 k. The cream should be slightly warmed up, add oils and apply liberally on the eyelids before going to bed.

Cream for rough skin of hands and elbows
Ingredients: any baby cream 1 tablespoon, mint oil 3 k., Geranium oil 2 k., Essential oils 1 drop each (fennel, grapefruit, incense). Mix everything, apply as needed. The cream can be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Fennel is a unique plant that is widely used in medicine and cosmetology due to its huge number of positive properties. The hearth of this plant contains essential oil, which is obtained by pressing. You can buy fennel essential oil at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Fennel essential oil is composed of a huge amount of nutrients:

  • Limonein. This substance is used for the production of various cosmetic products. With its help, disinfection and degreasing of the skin is carried out.
  • Fenhol. It is the main component of fennel essential oil, the properties and uses of which are quite diverse.
  • Camphena. This component is a natural antiseptic.
  • Atenola. It is an active substance that stimulates peristalsis.
  • Alpha pinene. It is a component of natural resins, which enhances the therapeutic properties of the drug.
  • Anisic aldehyde. It is a fragrant substance that is characterized by the presence of an expectorant effect.

Due to the presence of diuretic properties, the agent is widely used to combat puffiness of various origins. Fennel essential oil is quite effective in the fight against excess weight. Its action is aimed at stimulating kidney function.

The medicine has a positive effect on the digestive system. With its help, stimulation of food digestion is provided, as well as elimination of nausea and toning of smooth muscles. That is why it is widely used for:

  • Colic;
  • Meteorism;
  • Hiccups;
  • Diarrhea.

Since the drug neutralizes toxins, it is widely used to treat alcohol poisoning. With the help of the medication, the fight against inflammatory processes in the joints is carried out. Due to its calming effect, the medication is used to treat diseases of the respiratory system.

Due to the versatile properties of the plant, the use of fennel essential oil is recommended for stabilizing the menstrual cycle. It is also recommended to take the drug in premenstrual syndrome and during menopause. The action of the drug is aimed at relieving inflammation and stopping bleeding in the oral cavity.

With the help of the drug, toxins and toxins are removed, which allows it to be used in the fight against excess weight. The medicine is widely used for helminthic invasions. With its help, vasodilation and stimulation of the myocardium performance are performed. Due to the presence of a laxative effect, the use of the medication is allowed for constipation.

Fennel oil actively fights against various types of fungi and therefore is widely used in dermatological diseases. Since the oil activates the secretion of the bronchial glands, it is used when coughing to discharge sputum.

The medicine has hepatoprotective properties and therefore it is recommended to use it for nicotine poisoning. The medication has a prohormonal effect. That is why, during the period of its use, a woman's body produces its own estrogen. The drug is widely used for various colds. During the period of using the medication, a decrease in blood sugar is observed. That is why it is widely used in diabetes mellitus.

Due to the universal effect of fennel essential oil, it can be used for the treatment of various diseases.

Indications and contraindications

The use of the medication is recommended if indicated. It is highly effective for angina pectoris, vascular dystonia and atherosclerosis. The medicine is widely used to treat various diseases of the respiratory system:

  • Bronchitis;
  • Asthma.

Doctors recommend the use of medication for the treatment of urolithiasis. Due to the unique properties of the oil, it can be used to eliminate a variety of infectious processes in the genitourinary system. The medication is used for gastritis and enterocolitis. With its use, the treatment of cystitis is carried out. The drug is characterized by a high effect of influence in the treatment of hepatitis. With its help, the therapy of intestinal dysbiosis is carried out.

If a patient is diagnosed with arthritis, then he needs to use fennel oil. The medicine has a high effect on gout. The fairer sex is recommended to use the drug with reduced lactation. With the help of the medicine stomatitis, pharyngitis, gingvitis are cured.

Despite the effectiveness of the drug, it has contraindications. In the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the medication, its intake is not recommended. If a patient has epilepsy, then doctors strictly forbid the use of fennel oil. The drug is strictly prohibited for patients under 6 years of age. During pregnancy, the drug is not used.

Fennel oil must be taken with contraindications, which will eliminate the possibility of unwanted effects.

Application in cosmetology

Fennel oil is widely used to solve a variety of cosmetic problems. The drug is characterized by the presence of properties that restore and tighten skin tone. It also normalizes lymphatic metabolism. Due to these properties, the oil is widely used for tightening and correcting face shapes.

The action of the drug is aimed at increasing the elasticity and tone of the skin in the abdomen, thighs and bust. With regular use of this product, the skin becomes more elastic and taut. Quite often, the product is used to eliminate cellulite. With its help, you can restore the attractive appearance of the skin after losing weight.

Essential oil is often used to combat wrinkles as it has firming and smoothing properties. The use of the medicine is carried out to even out the complexion. The use of the drug is often carried out with hair loss. It is also recommended to use it to combat dandruff. If a person has an itchy scalp, then he is recommended to use this remedy.

Due to the safety of the drug, its use for cosmetic purposes is allowed at different ages.

Features of use

There are many ways to use essential oil to help you improve your health. The drug is often used in aroma lamps. In this case, it is necessary to use no more than 4 drops of the drug per room. With the help of the drug, the effectiveness of cosmetics can be significantly improved. To do this, you just need to add aromatic oil to any cosmetic product in a 1: 2 ratio.

Fennel oil is often used for aroma baths. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that their temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. No more than 6 drops of the medicine must be added to one bath. If the patient has a sore throat, then a throat rinse can be used. To do this, take 100 milliliters of water, a few drops of the drug and three times more olive oil. Before carrying out the procedure, all components must be thoroughly mixed. With the help of the medicine, cold compresses are prepared. It is pre-mixed with vegetable oil.

Fennel oil is a highly effective cosmetic and medicinal product that is widely used to restore the health of the human body. The use of the drug should be carried out in accordance with the instructions, which will exclude the possibility of undesirable effects. Due to the safety of the medicine, anyone can use it.

Fennel oil, the properties and use of which we have been evaluating for a long time, is a familiar herb from the celery genus. Its appearance resembles dill, and its soft, sweet, somewhat pungent taste and smell is similar to anise. Apart from the indisputable large culinary properties, fennel has embodied medicinal qualities.

For a large number of centuries and up to the present time, followers of ethnic healing methods have been using medicinal oil from plant seeds to heal ailments and jointly improve the human body. Doctors say, in fact, that it prolongs life, adds strength, energy, and also expels evil spirits. Modern doctors also advise using it to maintain well-being, for example, how oil has valuable components that the human body needs.

What is the value of quality fennel essential oil and its use, which ones? For what diseases is it possible to use it? How is it used in cosmetology?

Useful qualities

The oil is a dull or slightly yellow oily liquid with a peculiar spicy smell. The main valuable substance in its composition is anethole, and also the oxidation products of this substance: anisic acid, dipentene, pinene and other drugs.
The oil is used internally and externally to heal diseases, add to the composition of many cosmetics, for example, to improve skin color, effectively smooths out small wrinkles.
Due to its own composition, fennel essential oil has antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, vasodilator qualities. It has a healing, mild anesthetic, diuretic and carminative effect on the body. May help relieve nausea, promote elimination of constipation.
Doctors use it like antispasmodic remedy, it is advised to apply to nursing mothers to increase lactation.
The product helps to cleanse the body of poisonous drugs, accumulated toxins and slags. As a consequence of this, it is advised to apply it to people, abusing alcoholic and specific smokers. It is taken internally for all kinds of foodborne intestinal infections. The qualities of the fennel essential oil product, the properties and application of the product are suitable for fast food adherents, as well as for those who prefer heavy fatty and fried foods.
Fennel oil is advised to take for yourself during the menopause, for example, it can help the body autonomously eliminate the defect in the female hormone estrogen. As a result, the lack of estrogen in women is leveled.
It is impossible not to designate it antifungal quality. In particular, when treating a building with an aqua substance containing fennel oil, the number of beggars fungus in the air is reduced by 5 times.
Fennel has a beneficial effect on the heart. In particular, the oil from its seeds is included in the main treatment for hypertension, it helps to lower blood pressure. It is advised to take it for yourself with angina pectoris, arrhythmias and for improving cardiac conduction.
The product also functions as a beneficial drug for the liver, owns hepatoprotective qualities. It is advised for toxic lesions of this organ. Also, fennel essential oil increases hunger, improves performance. digestive glands, restores digestion.
Fennel essential oil is used in aromatherapy to calm the nervous system, stabilize the sensory state. Inhaling its scent eliminates the harmful effects of stress, reduces stress, confers a conviction in personal strength.
In addition to the above, the described agent is added as additional component in addition to the treatment of non-severe tuberculosis and when the treatment of bronchial asthma is required, the treatment of acquired bronchitis. Include in the treatment of gout, urolithiasis, urinary tract infections, and also gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis, gastritis, dysbiosis, etc.

Fennel essential oil is a real gift from nature to man with healing properties.

Almost all plants that exist on Earth, to one degree or another, have healing properties due to the biologically active substances included in the composition (vitamins, stearins, coumarins, alkaloids, etc.). The waste products of plants formed in them are volatile mixtures of complex composition.

Essential oils can accumulate in a plant for years, settling in its various parts: leaves, herbs, flowers, buds, fruits. Most often - in a free state, which makes it easy to remove ethers from the plant.

The percentage of essential components in the plant is different. And their number depends on the characteristics of the plant itself and various factors, such as: soil composition, climate, agricultural technology.

The effect of essential oils on the human body is also different and is determined by the properties of the plant itself. But they all affect the functioning of the digestive system. And, being absorbed through it into the bloodstream, they "travel" through the body, have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, the nervous system, normalize the work of the heart and stimulate the genitourinary function.

Fennel is a fairly common umbrella plant. It is most commonly grown as a spicy crop that looks like dill and smells like anise, tarragon, and mint. And few people pay attention to the medicinal properties of this herb.

The value of a spicy culture is represented by its fruits. Fennel oil in them reaches 6% of the total chemical composition. The main components of the etheric component are anethole, camphene and pinene. In addition, the fruits also contain fatty oil (about 20%).

Fennel essential oil has a fairly large list of medicinal properties. The main ones are:

  • With the use of medicinal preparations, the secretory activity of the digestive glands increases;
  • Helps fennel in case of poisoning, as an antiemetic;
  • In the composition of herbal products, the benefits of fennel in the treatment of kidney stones are obvious;
  • The fruits of the plant are useful for antispasmodic pains of a different nature;
  • For lactating women, fennel will help increase lactation.

And fennel oil is also used as a perfume in medicinal preparations with a sedative, carminative and choleretic effect. Not without this oil in perfumery and cosmetics.

For medicinal purposes, fennel essential oil is consumed internally. But this should be done correctly so as not to harm the body. There are several uses for this fragrance oil as a food additive.

  • It must be mixed with any vegetable oil or mayonnaise and used as a dressing for soups and salads. If fennel oil is mixed with honey, it will be a dressing for sweet dishes;
  • Black bread can be used as a basis for a medicinal preparation. A drop of the composition is added inside the crumb, rolled well and taken as a pill, washed down with juice;
  • Prepare a flavorful tonic drink. Add fennel oil (10 drops) to dry tea leaves (1 pack), mix well and cover for a week. In the future, brew like regular tea;
  • An excellent remedy for insomnia is red wine with an oily component of fennel. Add a little of this product to a half-liter bottle of port and boil for 20 minutes in a water bath. After packing in a blanket, steam for 1 hour, then strain. For better sleep, it should be used at night in small quantities (no more than 3 tablespoons.).

Fennel ether is used as an antidote for poisoning. In case of food poisoning, the loading dose is up to 5-6 drops of aromatic oil.

  • By adding a drop or two to a tonic or cream, you will enhance the tonic properties of cosmetics on the body;
  • Facial masks with the addition of fennel oil are good - the skin becomes more toned. Take some dry clay (green), add a couple of drops of the extract and a little water to make a creamy mass. It is enough to hold the mask on the face for 10 minutes;
  • Massage with oil liquid improves blood circulation and also calms the nerve receptors, helping the body to truly relax .;
  • For peeling, prepare a scrub composition: brew coffee, squeeze out the grounds and add sour cream and fennel to it. Apply to skin and massage in circular motion;
  • A warm aroma bath with 3-4 drops of oil is a good way to relax after a hard day.

This plant will help in everyday life. When performing general cleaning in the apartment, add an essential agent to the water - this will not only kill fungal spores in the room, but also fill the home with a pleasant, soothing aroma.

Complementary, enhancing action are lemon balm and sandalwood.

Contraindications for use

Any essential product requires careful handling. And this is due not only to individual drug intolerance.

  • You can not get carried away with the essential aromas of pregnant and lactating women;
  • The smell of ether can trigger an epileptic seizure;
  • It is not recommended to use fennel in kindergartens;
  • The agent should be used with caution after strokes and heart attacks.

Fennel is a perennial plant that outwardly resembles the most common spicy dill, has long been used as a talisman and for the treatment of many diseases. India and Ancient Persia are considered its homeland, in Russia it is better known as "sweet dill".

The fruits and seeds of this plant contain about 6% of the healing oil, which is obtained by steam separation. In the composition of essential mixtures, fennel oil is a real "contour plastic".

In its pure form, it is a slightly yellowish liquid with a pleasant sweetish aroma, reminiscent of anise in smell.

Application and beneficial properties of oil

Due to its wide range of healing properties, fennel essential oil has found wide application in a wide range of cosmetology and medical practice. It contains fenchol, pinene, anethole, limonene, camphene, as well as phytoestrogens and a whole range of vitamins that are indispensable for maintaining youth and beauty.

It is successfully used as an adjuvant remedy for various diseases.

Fennel has pronounced healing properties: anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, wound healing, antioxidant, has a regenerating effect, tightens the face contour, restoring the elasticity of the epidermis.

It has long been noted that fennel oil has a positive effect on the reproductive function of the female body. Such properties of fennel as activation of the activity of the endocrine glands will ease the premenstrual state, normalize the menstrual cycle, and smooth out the unpleasant sensations during menopause.

The use of fennel oil in cosmetology

In the cosmetic field, the oil mixture is used for the preparation of masks, aroma baths, enrichment of creams (including massage), shampoos.

Cosmetic properties of the oil:

  • smoothes not deep wrinkles;
  • powerful means of "contouring" of the body and face;
  • relieves puffiness around the eyes;
  • increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • copes with acne and other skin inflammations;
  • improves collagen synthesis;
  • tones and moisturizes;
  • prevents cellular aging.

Fennel oil is successfully used for all types of facial skin.
So, it will cope well with the problems of oily skin, will help cleanse it, and dry skin, on the contrary, will moisturize and restore the disturbed water balance. The mixture is no less effective for mature skin: it will help to even out the complexion, smooth out not deep wrinkles,
will restore the oval, eliminate puffiness around the eyes, and also stimulate its rejuvenation at the cellular level.

Fennel essential oil is used in cosmetology to treat youthful problems such as acne. In its pure form, it can only be used on small areas, for example, when lubricating pimples.

Attention! When applied undiluted to the skin, it may cause a slight tingling sensation within a few minutes.

The oil solution can be used both independently and as part of other cosmetics: creams, lotions, tonics, shampoos, masks and scrubs.

The use of an essential fennel solution is no different from any other - just add a few drops to the cream or lotion used.


  • For taking aroma bath - 6-7 drops of oil;
  • For rinsing - 5 drops per glass of warm water;
  • For massage - 7 drops per 20 ml of base;
  • For adding to cosmetic preparations (creams, shampoos, tonics, etc.) - 6-9 drops per 15 gr. the basics.

It has already been proven that the emotional state leaves a deep imprint not only on the soul, but also on the person's appearance. Loss of facial attractiveness is possible in the event of a prolonged stressful situation, during despondency, tension. Fennel oil can come to the rescue here too. The soothing properties of the ethereal solution will help to normalize the mental state, relieve annoying fears, and give a feeling of inner constancy and calmness. As a result, the skin is smoothed, the elasticity of the epidermis increases, the face looks healthy and rejuvenated.

Facial Beauty Recipes with Fennel Oil

Mask for aging skin:

Ingredients: 1 yolk, 1 quince, 1 tsp. cottage cheese and 3 drops of oil mixture

Grind the quince to a state of gruel, add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Apply the mixture on the face for more than 15 minutes, then wash with lukewarm water.

Mask - lifting for aging skin:

Ingredients: 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. clays of white and olive oil, and 1 drop each of keneroli, rose and fennel oil.

Apply the resulting composition to clean skin for 30 minutes. The procedure is best done in a horizontal position and no more than 3 times a week.

Wash with contrasting water (warm / cold). The course is 1 month.

Cologne for problem skin:

Ingredients: 50 ml of ethyl alcohol, 10 drops each of lavender and tea tree, fennel oil - 5 drops.

Wipe problem areas with a cotton swab 2 times a day: morning and evening.

Anti-aging eye cream:

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. any fatty cream, 4 drops of a mixture of fennel and myrrh.

Lubricate the eyelids liberally with warm cream at night (before bedtime).

Carefully! Contraindications

Fennel oil is classified as active, so a sensitivity test should be done before use.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use fennel essential oil in large doses. This can lead to pulmonary edema, epileptic seizures, seizures of any etiology, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.

The use of the ether mixture is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for children under 6 years of age, during chemotherapy sessions, taking medications, in particular, paracetamol, for liver diseases, alcohol dependence.

Fennel essential oil is extracted from a perennial herb of the Umbelliferae family by seed distillation or steam distillation.

Initially, the fennel plant appeared in India and Ancient Persia, and only later spread to the Crimea, Central Asia and even the Caucasus. The composition of the finished oil is very rich in various useful microelements. It is thanks to this that the use of fennel essential oil has become so widespread in various industries, including cosmetology and medicine.

The oil has a light yellow hue and a herbaceous sweetish smell with bitter notes that resemble camphor and pepper. Despite the external similarity of fennel with dill, their essential oils differ markedly not only in composition, but also in properties. And the aromatic fennel oil itself resembles more anise oil.

Fennel ether contains camphene, fenchon, pinene, cineole, limonel, anethole, many vitamins and nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, chromium, copper, aluminum. It also contains biotin, carotene, flavonoids, abundant fatty oils, acids such as nicotinic, ascorbic, oleic, palmitic, linoleic, folic, provitamin A and other substances.

It can be used:

  • for addition to anti-cold and anti-influenza inhalation;
  • for aromatization of premises;
  • for rubbing body parts;
  • for applying compresses;
  • for enrichment with useful properties of cosmetics, etc.

What effect does fennel oil have on the body

Fennel oil, widely used and widely used, is capable of:

  1. Elimination of harmful and toxic substances from the body.
  2. Normalization of the digestive system.
  3. Hangover relief.
  4. Treatment of kidney diseases, stabilization of their work.
  5. Removal of menstrual pain in women. It is also suitable for eliminating problems during menopause.
  6. Providing a positive effect on the nervous system.
  7. Cure for flu, pharyngitis and bronchitis due to the presence of expectorant properties.
  8. Positive effect on the cardiovascular system, lowering blood pressure.
  9. Slowing down the aging process in skin cells.
  10. Strengthening the immune system.
  11. Antispasmodic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action.

In addition to the fact that fennel oil is suitable for use internally, it is also actively used externally, adding to baths, compresses or applying during massage. In external use, the oil has found itself in cosmetic procedures.

Fennel ester in cosmetology

The widespread use of fennel oil in cosmetology is due to its unique properties that can work wonders.

  1. Essential oil acts on the skin in the most magical way, effectively eliminating dermatitis, acne, acne and keeping it in good shape.
  2. The strong antioxidant effect helps to smooth expression lines, improve skin elasticity and rejuvenate it.
  3. The regenerating effect restores firmness and freshness to the skin. It becomes softer and firmer, and the puffiness is removed as if by hand. Thanks to this property, capable of editing the contours of the face, fennel oil is often used in "contouring".
  4. By adding a drop of fennel ether to the toner and using it daily, you can permanently get rid of irritations on the skin of the face and not only, as well as eliminate inflammation.
  5. Fennel oil has also found application in anti-cellulite massage, its properties allow you to achieve results after the first application.
  6. Fennel ether can be used not only for problem skin, but also for hair and nails. A few drops can be added to shampoo, hair balm, creams and toners for the face, hands and body.
  7. In its pure form, fennel oil can only be used to treat acne or acne by applying it to the problem area and avoiding contact with healthy skin.
  8. You can also combine fennel with other aromatic oils. Among them stand out oil of orange, basil, ylang-ylang, grapefruit, lemon balm, mint, lemon, rose, lavender, rosemary, juniper.

Fennel essential oil for bust enlargement

Some girls use fennel oil to enlarge their breasts. And not in vain, because having a sweetish pleasant smell, fennel stimulates the body's production of a special hormone estrogen and remarkably tones the skin, which ultimately gives noticeable results in breast augmentation.

In addition, fennel ether is a powerful aphrodisiac, so the breast with the applied product will definitely not be left without attention. Fennel oil is combined with other ingredients to enhance bust:

  • 2 drops of fennel + 5 drops of orange juice + 30 ml of shea butter;
  • 2 drops of fennel + 1 drop of grapefruit juice + 30 ml rose oil + 2 drops of ylang-ylang oil;
  • 2 drops of fennel + 30 ml of avocado juice + 1 drop of lavender oil + 1 drop of carrot juice.

Emotional Effects of Fennel

Another industry that fennel oil fits in perfectly is psychology. Yes, yes, it is the experts in this field that advise people to pay attention to fennel ether. Thanks to him, you can find psychological peace, which is sometimes so lacking for a normal rest.

The aromas of the oil help to achieve lightness, give carelessness and relaxation, which push problems to second place. But at the same time, oil increases focus on the important things and brightens common sense. Eliminates depression, removes fear and panic attacks.

Inhaling fennel vapors, a person gets to know his own "I" better, understands his thoughts and feelings.

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Fennel essential oil is obtained by steam distillation from crushed fennel seeds. Another name for this plant is fennel (pharmaceutical dill).

At the outlet, the product can be characterized as a light yellow or almost colorless fluid light liquid with a rather sweet, warm, spicy, herbal and at the same time slightly bitter aroma with a hint of pepper and camphor.

Many connoisseurs of essential oils have probably noticed that the smell of fennel oil is very similar to anise oil.

The direction of the beneficial effect of the described tool is very versatile. But we will, of course, consider its cosmetic properties and positive effects on the skin of the face.

Fennel oil will improve the condition of any skin

It turns out that this oily substance can be successfully used in almost any type of epidermis.

So, it is recommended to restore the moisture balance of a dried and dehydrated skin, and at the same time, in the presence of oily skin, it will help to cleanse it, good toning and improve complexion.

In particular, the use of fennel oil helps to eliminate adolescent acne.

Adding a small amount of the product to cosmetic products for the care of mature, flabby and flabby skin, as well as the skin around the eyes, will be no less effective.

Possessing a powerful regenerating property, fennel oil will help, as far as possible, restore the epidermis to its former firmness and elasticity, improve the facial contour, smooth shallow age and expression wrinkles, remove eyelid puffiness and eliminate fine wrinkles in the eye area.

How to apply fennel oil to your face

In almost all essential oils, this principle is the same - a few drops of a substance are added to home masks (creams, lotions, tonics) used in facial care or mixed with fatty base oils.

More than once has been written about such methods in detail. For example, in the article on the use of rose oil. Fennel can be consumed externally in similar ways.

In pure, undiluted form, fennel oil can only be applied to small areas of the skin. For example, they can lubricate acne on the face and body, only here the main thing is not to overdo it and make sure that the product does not get on healthy skin. Apply it pointwise, with a cotton swab, on the purulent heads themselves.

Cautions: Fennel oil should never be used in large dosages, either for cosmetic or other purposes. This can cause epilepsy, seizures, pulmonary edema, and difficulty breathing.

Also, the product is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, at the same time as chemotherapy for oncological diseases, with prolonged alcohol use, liver disease, taking paracetamol and individual intolerance to the oil itself.

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The composition of this product has no analogues. Effectively whitens spots after acne, age and other age spots, freckles.
It can also be used for the body - for whitening intimate areas, armpits.
I want to whiten my skin

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Health & BeautyBody CareSPAEssential Oils

Fennel essential oil- the result of steam distillation of fennel seeds, a plant whose homeland is ancient Persia and India. In Russia, fennel is also known as fennel. Its fruits contain from 2 to 6% essential oils, and to obtain 1 kg of such a substance, at least 20 kg of seeds are required. The composition of the essential oil itself includes such components as anethole, fenchol, camphene, pinene, limonene and pellandrene. At the same time, it has a sweetish and slightly spicy aroma, vaguely reminiscent of anise.

Fennel oil: benefits and uses

Fennel essential oil has properties that can have a healing effect on the most diverse components of the human body. With its help, you can carry out complex cleansing, remove toxins and toxins. It has a mild diuretic and laxative effect, stimulates the digestive system, relieves constipation, and reduces bloating. Such procedures are especially useful for those who are overly addicted to food and alcohol. Fennel is a proven folk remedy for hangovers, it tones and normalizes the liver, kidneys and spleen.

Fennel oil useful for women of different ages, as it mimics the hormone estrogen and thereby activates the work of the endocrine glands and the production of its own estrogen. It relieves premenstrual conditions, relieves painful sensations during menstruation, and also helps in solving problems associated with menopause.

While breastfeeding fennel oil promotes an increase in lactation, therefore it is part of most homeopathic remedies that stimulate milk production. In addition, it is believed that fennel essential oil increases sex drive in both women and men.

Fennel oil properties

Fennel has a pronounced antifungal effect. It has been proven that with regular renovation of the premises (at the rate of 2 drops per 5 sq.m.), the content of fungi in the surrounding space is reduced by 5 times.

Positive effects are also known fennel essential oil on the human nervous system. Its aroma gives strength and courage, helps to get rid of obsessive fears and complexes, gives a feeling of inner stability and independence, and also grants a serene sense of freedom. According to some long-livers, fennel can prolong life.

Application fennel essential oil quite varied. In addition to being consumed with food or drinks, it is used externally during massage, for enriching cosmetic preparations (masks, creams, tonics, gels, etc.), for applying compresses, for taking baths, in the form of applications on the gums, as well as in in the form of inhalation and air sanitation (aroma lamp).

Fennel oil treatment

Fennel essential oil can be used as an additional remedy for various diseases. It has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent, and therefore it is recommended for the prevention and treatment of ARVI, influenza, pharyngitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

By acting on the cardiovascular system, fennel oil lowers blood pressure, relieves arrhythmia, improves cardiac conduction. Fennel also has the ability to dissolve kidney stones and stimulate the activity of the digestive system; its essential oil is advised to be used by patients suffering from stomach diseases.

As an improvised tool in a home medicine cabinet, fennel oil will help with nausea, vomiting, colic and common hiccups.

Contraindications for the use of fennel oil

Fennel oil in cosmetology for hair, face, body and hands

Fennel is a powerful antioxidant, and all of its derivatives are endowed with the same properties. It slows down the aging process of cells and has a powerful anti-aging effect on the skin, smoothing fine wrinkles and increasing the elasticity of the upper layers of the epidermis. Helps to cope with the problem of cellulite, tones the skin, makes the abdomen, hips and bust more elastic.

Fennel essential oil can also solve teenage problems, eliminating acne and preventing the appearance of new acne.

Fennel oil can be added to any cosmetic product intended for hair (shampoo, rinse, hair mask), face, body or hands. And it can be used in combination with other oils to create recipes for home cosmetics.

Lifting mask for face and décolleté
Ingredients: egg yolk 1 pc, white clay 1 tbsp, jojoba oil 1 tbsp, fennel essential oil 1 k., Rose essential oil 1 k., Neroli essential oil 1 k. Thoroughly mix the clay, egg yolk and base oil, then add essential oils. Apply the face mask to previously cleansed and dried skin, rest in a horizontal position (to avoid sagging skin under the weight of clay) for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water of contrasting temperature, first warm, then cool. The recommended course is 1 month, every three days. If desired, jojoba base oil can be replaced with any other vegetable oil: almond, grape seed, olive, etc.

Anti-cellulite massage oil
Ingredients: base oil 50 ml, essential oils 5 drops each - fennel, patchouli, lime, grapefruit. Stir all ingredients just before use. Optimal for problem areas of the body. When combined with any kind of clay, it is suitable for wrapping procedures.

Mask for aging skin of the face and hands
Ingredients: quince 1 pc., Egg yolk 1 pc., Cottage cheese 1 tsp, fennel essential oil 3 drops. Grind quince in a blender, add grated cottage cheese, egg yolk and butter. The mixture should be like gruel. Apply it on your face or back of your hands, rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

Anti-Aging Fennel Oil Eye Cream
Ingredients: any baby cream 1 tablespoon, fennel essential oil 4 k., Essential oil of myrrh 4 k. The cream should be slightly warmed up, add oils and apply liberally on the eyelids before going to bed.

Cream for rough skin of hands and elbows
Ingredients: any baby cream 1 tablespoon, mint oil 3 k., Geranium oil 2 k., Essential oils 1 drop each (fennel, grapefruit, incense). Mix everything, apply as needed. The cream can be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.