What helps with heat rash in adults. Miliaria in adults - treatment. Powder and potassium permanganate are mandatory attributes of baby hygiene

Unlike adults, a newborn's skin is quite delicate, so it is overly susceptible to negative influence external environment. In addition, the skin of a baby who is not yet one year old cannot cope with profuse sweating on its own.

This is why prickly heat often appears on the skin of newborns.

What is commonly called prickly heat?

This skin disease is not dangerous if the baby’s parents take appropriate treatment measures. However, the risk of infection will increase significantly if the child has time to scratch the affected skin.

Why are infants most susceptible to it?

As we have already noted, children's skin is characterized by certain physiological characteristics. For example, the skin of a newborn is many times thinner than the skin of an adult, therefore, it is more vulnerable and delicate.

The baby's skin also has a huge number of superficial, blood vessels, which stimulate skin respiration. An abundant blood supply allows skin infections to rapidly spread throughout the body.

The sweat and sebaceous glands of a newborn are still poorly developed, so the thermoregulatory function of the skin is imperfect before the age of one. The baby quickly overheats and becomes hypothermic.

In addition, the skin of young children practically does not produce pigment, so thermal effect she reacts with the appearance of heat rashes.

Causes of baby heat rash

Today, there are many known causes of heat rash in infants. The most common are:

  • clothes that are too warm
  • loose hair,
  • uncomfortable collar
  • wearing a support collar during the first weeks of life,
  • tight swaddling of the baby.

The sweat rash, although not an infectious disease, can rapidly spread throughout the body, capturing more and more new areas. For example, prickly heat on the face in newborns often appears due to prickly heat in the neck area.

A characteristic red rash in the back area may appear if you dress the baby in tight clothes, or if the baby is too active. The disease can also appear if the baby has to lie on his back for a long time due to some illness.

Exogenous causes

Improper skin care for your baby

The most significant cause of the exogenous type is non-compliance with the rules of hygienic care for the newborn. Every fidget child is exposed to pollution every day, so hygiene must be strictly observed every day.

Improper care causes pathogenic microbes to appear on the surface of the skin, which multiply and leave behind their waste products. Such products become an obstacle to the optimal excretory function of children's skin.

Synthetic clothing

The main causes also include disruptions in the respiratory function of the skin. In such cases, heat rash may appear if the newborn wears tight, tight clothing, especially if it is made of synthetics.

Use of fatty creams in skin care

The reason may also be the use of fatty creams that have protective effect. This is explained by the fact that such a cosmetic product is poorly absorbed by the skin, creating a thin, imperceptible film on its surface, which disrupts both the skin’s respiration function and its excretion function.

Endogenous causes

Alkaline Ph level of skin

This group of reasons means physiological characteristics baby skin. The pH of a newborn's skin is 6.7, while in an adult the Ph level is as close as possible to the acidic value and is 4.5 - 5.5. Therefore, the excretory and protective functions of children's skin are weaker than those of adults.

Insufficiently developed thermoregulation

The work of the thermoregulatory system is concentrated in a certain area of ​​the brain, which controls the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands. It is the brain that sends signals to the human body that it is overheated or overcooled, in order to increase heat transfer or conserve it.

This system in a baby still does not work well enough, which is why prickly heat appears.

What does prickly heat look like in newborns: types and symptoms

Symptoms skin disease directly depend on its type. Modern doctors distinguish three types of prickly heat, the rash in which is visually different.

The photo shows how the rash may look externally:

Crystalline prickly heat

It appears as small but frequent blisters on the skin of the face and body. The diameter of such a bubble filled with liquid does not exceed two millimeters, but over time they can combine into fairly large bubbles.

In most cases, this type of heat rash does not cause discomfort to the newborn and disappears quickly enough.

Miliaria rubra

It is characterized by the uniform appearance of red bubbles and nodules that do not merge together. The base of such a rash in newborns becomes inflamed, so the affected skin will most likely itch and burn, which will negatively affect the baby’s well-being.

Miliaria profuse

In the vast majority of cases, it is the result of untreated prickly heat. It appears as flesh-colored bubbles with an inflamed, red base. Most often, the rash suddenly appears in spots and also disappears abruptly. Treatment does not require any serious measures.

In what places does it most often occur?

The area of ​​localization of prickly heat can be absolutely any, but most often the rash in newborns affects the back, natural folds, inner thighs and arms, groin area, appears on the neck, buttocks, and face.

A rash can appear in several places at the same time, which most often indicates a failure to maintain a comfortable temperature for the baby.

How to distinguish prickly heat from an allergic rash?

Most modern parents confuse prickly heat with a manifestation allergic dermatitis, which is often complicated by infections.

Allergic rash It itches much more strongly, so the baby can scratch the areas of the disease, injuring the skin. Microtrauma becomes a habitat for pathogenic microbes, which cause inflammation. Unlike prickly heat, an allergic rash can be “weeping” and crust over as it heals.

An important difference allergic reaction heat rashes also cause scaly red spots that appear mainly on the child’s cheekbones, cheeks or chin.

The skin of a newborn that is affected by allergies may dry out and crack. An allergic rash, unlike prickly heat, will never disappear on its own.

How to cure heat rash in a newborn?

To cure heat rash in a newborn, as a rule, you do not need to undergo any serious course of treatment. However, when it first appears, it is very advisable to visit a pediatrician or dermatologist to rule out externally similar diseases.

In most cases, to eliminate the rash, it is enough to follow general recommendations child care - they are also the main ones preventive measures against the appearance of heat rash in newborns.

  1. It is not recommended to dress your child too warmly. His clothes should not be tight or synthetic.
  2. Diapers should be used only from breathable materials and from trusted manufacturers.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the room where the baby lives. Optimal temperature regime equal to 23 - 24 degrees. The living space must be constantly ventilated. Every day before going to bed, you need to open the window in the room where the newborn will sleep for 15 - 20 minutes.


A newborn baby should also be bathed daily. After bathing, the mother should thoroughly dry all the baby’s natural folds, paying special attention to the groin area and the neck fold area.

Baths with herbs and potassium permanganate

Baths with potassium permanganate and herbs will help to effectively get rid of the rash. The amount of potassium permanganate for water procedures should not be too large; barely pinkish water is suitable for swimming.

Potassium permanganate in excess can cause additional irritation of the skin and even cause burns, so use it very carefully and in small quantities.

If we talk about herbal infusions, string, chamomile, celandine, chamomile, St. John's wort, and yarrow are perfect.

Using powder

After the newborn takes a healing bath, parents can use talc or a special powder. These products are great for drying out prickly heat.

Most modern powders also include zinc, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Use of ointments and creams

If speak about medical treatment, you can use ointments. The most popular today are considered zinc ointment and Bepanten. At the same time, if prickly heat occurs, the child’s parents should refrain from applying baby creams to his skin, which make it difficult to breathe normally.

When should you see a doctor urgently?

If skin attachment occurs bacterial infection, the newborn should be seen by a doctor immediately. Only a specialist will be able to give the right recommendations and select the optimal course of treatment when it comes to treating a complex form of rash.

Most often, in such cases, the attending physician prescribes a comprehensive treatment, including lotions on the affected skin, the use of immunomodulators, drying ointments, antihistamines and various antibacterial drugs.

Prevention of heat rash in infants

Taking air baths

Preventive measures that are necessary in order not to treat miliaria in the baby in the future include taking not only water but also air baths. The child must be undressed for 20 - 30 minutes.

It is best if the mother puts on a diaper for the newborn only during walks and sleep. Hygienic care must be daily and thorough.

Refusal of thick protective and moisturizing creams

Also, one of the most effective ways Prevention is considered a refusal to use creams with moisturizing and protective effects. Most parents, mistakenly believing their child's skin to be dry, use them too often, which often causes prickly heat.

How to treat prickly heat in adults at home: drugs and folk remedies

Miliaria, which is quite common in young children, also occurs in adults. Most often this disease is observed in the hot season. When the disease occurs, inflammation of the skin occurs due to hyperactivity of the sweat glands. Unlike children, prickly heat in adults can indicate not only insufficient hygiene, but also serious internal diseases.

Considering this, miliaria rashes should not be ignored. When prickly heat appears, it is imperative to find out the cause of its occurrence and undergo treatment. If skin rashes not related to internal diseases, then a variety of folk remedies that are distinguished by their effectiveness and safety are ideal for eliminating them.


As a rule, prickly heat is accompanied by unfavorable external factors, provoking profuse sweating and it occurs mainly in closed areas of the body, where the skin for a long time remains wet.

Such factors may be:

  • emotional experiences leading to stress;
  • prolonged exposure to hot conditions environment;
  • intense physical activity (usually this applies primarily to adolescents);
  • excessive use of cosmetics that interfere with natural air exchange on the surface of the skin;
  • disturbances in activity nervous system;
  • various deviations in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • diseases that cause fever and, as a result, profuse sweating;
  • wearing hats that prevent the skin from drying out quickly in hot weather;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • excessive fullness.

It should be noted that baby sweat, as a rule, is not accompanied by any odor. But in adults its appearance often causes unpleasant odors, creating additional discomfort for a person. For these reasons, timely treatment This skin disorder helps not only to get in good physical shape, but also helps a person psychologically.


Miliaria itself in adults (see photo) is characterized by the development of a small rash of bright pink or red color. It can be located in those skin areas that have direct contact with clothing (armpits, elbow areas, groove area, legs, neck and head).

Moreover, the occurrence of prickly heat on the neck, head and face of an adult is facilitated by hair, which creates increased moisture in the skin in these areas.

What does prickly heat look like in adults: photos of rashes

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in adults:

A rash that appears from " greenhouse effect" on the skin, can be easily distinguished from contagious rashes or hives. Manifestations of prickly heat are characterized by a rash in the form of blisters different sizes and colors.

Crystalline prickly heat

Crystalline prickly heat is characterized by rashes in the form of small red multiple blisters, which are located quite tightly to each other. This type of prickly heat is considered the safest. Rashes from crystalline prickly heat may go away on their own after the provoking factor is eliminated.

There are cases when such prickly heat disappeared a few hours after its appearance. The cause of this type of heat rash is considered to be elevated temperature in the environment. This entails increased activity of the sweat glands and the appearance of prickly heat. Bubbles with crystalline prickly heat are painless and do not manifest themselves in any way other than their appearance.

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Papular miliaria

It is a more severe course of prickly heat in adults. That is, it is the next stage after prickly heat. Papular miliaria occurs with a sudden change in climate. It is characterized by an acute inflammatory process in the superficial layers of the skin and is accompanied by the development of papular vesicles, which are also called vesiculopapules.

The general condition of the patient with this type of prickly heat may be impaired. There may be a slight increase in temperature to subfebrile levels, pain in the affected skin areas, swelling and hyperemia.

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Miliaria rubra

This prickly heat in adults can cause more significant discomfort than crystalline prickly heat. It appears in the form of bubble-like rashes on skin red, which are often accompanied by inflammation in the superficial layers of the skin.

Often, prickly heat in adults can be observed in the area armpits, in the groin area and stomach, in the elbows and forearms. Such rashes can quickly turn into weeping crusts, which indicates the addition of a secondary bacterial infection. Miliaria erythematosus in adults does not go away on its own. As a rule, it is accompanied by a transition to a chronic skin disease with signs of infection. That is why it is also called the inflammatory type.

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Treatment of prickly heat in adults

Uncomplicated prickly heat in adults, or crystalline prickly heat, can be treated at home quite simply:

  • eliminating the factors that caused the rash;
  • careful hygiene;
  • the use of antiseptics for local skin treatment.

Other types - complicated miliaria require prescription:

  • antibacterial;
  • drying and anti-inflammatory;
  • antihistamines;
  • oral antibiotics can only be justified in cases of prolonged or complicated miliaria.
  1. Determine and eliminate the cause increased sweating. During treatment, reduce physical activity and try to avoid stress.
  2. Powders are used in skin folds, especially those containing zinc oxide.
  3. Treatment of the underlying disease - infection that provokes fever, endocrine pathology. Sometimes it is worth normalizing the functioning of the nervous system, and the symptoms of prickly heat (especially crystalline heat) go away on their own.
  4. Improve skin ventilation - clothing and shoes made from natural fabrics, a minimum of cosmetics in the hot season, ventilation of the room and maintaining optimal temperature conditions.
  5. To get rid of itching, an adult can benefit from numerous antihistamines: Zyrtec, Claritin, Zodak and others.
  6. Treatment of prickly heat, which is associated with the onset inflammatory process, it’s better to start right away with local application antiseptics are boric and salicylic acid (1% alcohol solutions), chlorophyllipt.
  7. Oily skin creams are contraindicated in the treatment of heat rash. They are absolutely useless from a therapeutic point of view and create an additional obstacle on the skin for the evaporation of sweat. Fatty creams can only intensify the manifestation of the disease.
  8. By analogy with the treatment of infantile heat rash good effect have baths with herbs: chamomile, string, celandine, St. John's wort and others. The elements of prickly heat and the manganese solution will dry well. During the day, lubricate the affected areas of the skin with infusions of the listed herbs.

Heat rash cream

Often, as the main medicine, the doctor prescribes a cream for prickly heat, which has a drying effect. This could be zinc ointment, Calamine cream or Desitin.

Before applying the medicine to the skin, you need to clean it properly, preferably with laundry soap. Before applying, you should wash your hands thoroughly to avoid introducing infection into the body. Before using the cream, it is better to put on a clean medical fingertip on the finger with which the medicine is applied.


They are effective when prickly heat has “loved” the natural folds of the skin. The function of powders in this case is to absorb excess sweat.

The following cope with the task more successfully than others:

  • starch (corn and potato);
  • talc;
  • baby powder;
  • Baneocin.


When a rash appears that becomes wet and begins to itch, solutions and ointments are prescribed that dry the skin, relieve itching and are antiseptic. An excellent cure for any such rash is boric and salicylic acid– they disinfect and dry the bubbles. Miliaria ointment for adults has a non-greasy base to allow the skin to breathe after applying an even layer.


Antiseptics are used to dry the skin and get rid of pathogenic microorganisms. Solutions containing these substances are applied to the skin in areas where prickly heat appears.

To the most popular means include:

  • salicylic acid (alcohol solution);
  • boric acid;
  • aqueous solution of potassium permanganate.

Oral antibiotics

Antibiotics have an effect on the etiological pathogen of infection secondary to the skin: Ciprofloxacin, Azithromycin, Amoxilicin, Doxycycline.


The basis of herbal medicine are herbs and other plants that have an antiseptic, disinfectant and drying effect. Doctors recommend taking baths with the addition of infusions of chamomile, string, celandine or St. John's wort. To prepare them, just take 2-4 tablespoons of the raw material and pour a liter of boiling water, then leave until it cools completely.

Oak bark has a special effect on skin restoration; there are many beneficial properties which we have already described in one of the previous articles. It is effective not only as a remedy for sweating, but also as a natural remedy for treating prickly heat and restoring the skin to its former appearance. The tannins contained in its composition disinfect, restore, dry and tighten the skin, making it more elastic and attractive.

Folk remedies for prickly heat

People who constantly suffer from heat rash know how to deal with some unpleasant symptoms using simple techniques:

  1. Usage laundry soap when washing the skin. Laundry soap does not contain perfumes, dries bubbles well and cleanses the skin of drying elements.
  2. Enriching the diet with plums, lentils, pomegranate juice and sorrel. These herbal products regulate sweating and reduce the irritating effect of sweat on the skin.
  3. Disposable wipes are a handy cure for prickly heat. Using gentle paper napkins, gently blot the weeping elements with the released serous contents - to do this, carefully apply the napkin to the rash, lightly press it and also carefully remove it. You can use wet wipes with menthol.
  4. Usage soda solution. Twice a day it is recommended to lubricate the bubbles with a soda solution (1 tsp per glass boiled water), which has an antiseptic and drying effect.

In each case of prickly heat, treatment should begin with observing the rules of personal hygiene - sometimes such measures are enough to forget about the presence of unsightly rashes on the skin after a few days.


The following preventive measures will protect you from encountering such a nuisance as prickly heat:

  • refusal of tight clothes (even natural ones);
  • timely change of sweaty clothes;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • maintaining normal body weight;
  • wearing only natural clothing in hot weather that ensures complete ventilation of the skin;
  • avoiding high humidity and temperature in the room;
  • use only quality products for skin care.

Such activities help maintain the health of not only the skin, but also the entire body, since overheating, synthetic materials and increased body weight have an extremely negative impact on a person’s overall well-being. Even those who easily tolerate synthetics should remember the risk of heat rash caused by it and should avoid such fabrics in hot weather. Miliaria is most often a signal of overheating, and therefore during treatment it is necessary not only to eliminate the rash, but also the cause of overheating.

Miliaria is a specific form of dermatitis that occurs as a result of skin irritation due to excessive sweating.

Miliaria occurs as a result of increased temperature (both the environment and the body itself), as well as due to violations of hygiene rules, which disrupts the functioning of the skin glands - sweat and sebaceous, which causes a skin response.

Most often, newborns and children suffer from prickly heat early age, since their skin is very thin, delicate and sensitive, but adults who have metabolic problems, are overweight and violate hygiene standards, preferring tight and non-breathable clothing, can also suffer.


Miliaria mainly affects areas of the skin with insufficient ventilation:

  • areas of natural body folds (armpits, groin area, knee and elbow bends),
  • the area under the mammary glands in women and very obese men,
  • the area behind the ears in children and adults with thick hair,
  • the area between the thighs, if the legs are very full,
  • the area that is constantly under clothing (the area under a bra, swimming trunks, diapers), bandages, bandages.

Contribute to the development of prickly heat:

  • synthetic clothing, dense non-breathable fabrics,
  • feverish conditions,
  • elevated air temperatures combined with high humidity,
  • skin injuries and chafing,
  • the use of creams, oils, fatty cosmetic bases that clog pores,
  • diabetes mellitus, metabolic diseases, excess weight.

Development mechanism

An increase in body temperature leads to the inclusion defense mechanisms its cooling - the pores open and sweat appears, which cools the body.

If sweat glands clogged with sebum, cosmetics, if the air is humid and hot, then the sweating processes suffer. Sweat evaporates slowly, causing skin irritation.

The composition of sweat includes salts and biologically active substances which may be irritating to the skin. If excess sweat is not removed in a timely manner, the microbes that are always there begin to actively multiply on the skin - the process of inflammation of the sweat glands occurs - prickly heat, a small rash, is formed, accompanied by various subjective unpleasant symptoms.


There are three different clinical subtypes of miliaria:

  • papular miliaria,
  • prickly heat,
  • crystal prickly heat.

Symptoms of prickly heat

Papular miliaria

This form occurs more often in adults in hot summers and high humidity.

With the papular form of miliaria, rashes appear on the skin in the form of small, flesh-colored blisters, which average 1-2 mm.

Typically, blisters appear on the sides of the chest and abdomen, on the arms or legs.

In addition to the manifestations of prickly heat, peeling and severe dryness of the skin are characteristic, causing itching and discomfort.

Miliaria rubra

With the red form of prickly heat, nodules and blisters up to 2 mm in diameter appear, filled with cloudy contents, surrounded by a halo of redness.

The blisters do not merge into a single field and are very itchy, especially when sweating increases and the temperature of the skin and air rises.

This type of prickly heat manifests itself especially strongly in places of friction - between the buttocks, under the diaper, under the breasts of women, between the thighs. This type of heat rash also occurs more often in adults.

Crystalline prickly heat

The crystalline form of miliaria usually occurs in children.

These are white or translucent blisters no more than 1 mm in size, the blisters tend to merge and form larger zones, they can burst and dry out, forming crusts and peeling, easily become infected, and give rise to the development of pyoderma (pustules on the skin). They occur in the forehead and face area, on the neck and torso, and can be on the shoulders and back.

Miliaria can give severe itching and swelling of the skin, especially in children, mimicking many other diseases.

Miliaria rash can easily be confused with skin manifestations infectious or allergic diseases(measles, chickenpox, urticaria)

Due to the tenderness of the skin and weak immunity, prickly heat in children is often complicated by the addition of a secondary infection, progresses quickly and leads to weeping and diaper rash.

Diagnostic methods

Typically, the diagnosis in typical cases is not difficult and is established based on the results of examination and complaints.

The skin is moist, sweaty, with areas of redness and pimples. The diagnosis is made by a pediatrician or therapist. In complicated cases, consultation with dermatologists is necessary.

Treatment of heat rash

The basis for the treatment of prickly heat in both children and adults is access of air to the skin and hygiene.

You should not wrap your child up, dress him too warmly, or wear things that increase sweating.

Avoid wearing synthetic or tight clothing in hot, humid climates and excessive use of soap.

  • If there are rashes, drying measures are necessary - bathing in herbs (chamomile, oak bark), treating the skin with cotton swabs with herbs.
  • When sweating in the area of ​​natural folds, powders help - baneocin, talc, potato starch.
  • When miliaria infection occurs, the skin is treated with a slightly pink solution of manganese. Dermaveit products, an emulsion with zinc oxide, help - they relieve itching and redness.
  • Treating affected skin areas with an antiseptic solution (for example, alcohol solution salicylic acid).
  • To reduce itching in adults, apply topical ointments with betamethasone 2 times a day for 3 days, as well as preparations containing menthol and camphor.
  • For bacterial infection, take antimicrobial drugs.

For heat rash, creams, oils and greasy lotions are prohibited; they will only worsen the situation.

At heavy sweating In adults, consultation with a doctor and treatment of manifestations of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) is necessary.

Should be avoided physical activity in hot rooms, in warm clothes.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis for prickly heat is favorable; if the cause is eliminated, it goes away in 1-2 days.

The basis of prevention is wearing loose clothing and breathable underwear, body hygiene with regular showering.

For children, the basis of prevention is daily hygienic and air baths, wearing light clothing, and in the heat, avoiding swaddling and diapers.

Miliaria in adults and children is a common occurrence, especially in the hot season. The resulting redness and blisters cause a lot of discomfort and often spoil appearance. Children, overweight people and delicate skin suffer from this phenomenon more often than others. When a disease such as prickly heat appears in children, treatment at home should occur immediately when the first signs appear.

In order to begin treatment, you need to determine which factors caused the irritation and eliminate them. And then begin treating unpleasant symptoms.

Treatment at home should begin immediately after the first signs appear

Causes of prickly heat

Skin irritation occurs due to a combination of several factors:

  1. Excessive sweating.
  2. Insufficient oxygen supply to the skin.
  3. Skin contamination.
  4. Friction of body parts against each other.

More often excessive sweating noted when high temperature environment or during physical activity. This is normal reaction of the human body, thanks to which heat exchange is regulated. But there are cases when excessive sweating occurs due to any malfunctions in the body or diseases. Among them are diseases of the following organs and systems:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Endocrine system;
  • Diseases leading to increased body temperature;
  • Obesity.

Eliminating the causes of prickly heat is the best treatment

People suffering from one of the listed diseases often encounter the phenomenon of heat rash, therefore, in order to get rid of it and prevent the appearance of new redness, it is necessary to take a closer look at their health and treatment of those problems that lead to excessive sweating. But sweating is not always the only thing that leads to skin irritation. Often it is necessary to add a couple more unfavorable factors to this property of the body. Practice shows that most often irritation occurs in those areas of the skin that are covered with fabric that does not allow air to pass through. Therefore, in summer you should not wear clothes made of thick synthetic fabric.

Also, during the hot season, it is imperative to monitor body hygiene and take water procedures more often. And if this is not possible, clean the skin pores with wet wipes or lotions. If the pores are clogged with dust or secretions for a long time sebaceous glands, then sooner or later this will lead to skin irritation. Particular attention is required to areas of the skin that not only sweat, but rub against each other, and are not protected by clothing.

During the hot season, it is imperative to take care of body hygiene

The most problematic from this point of view are the inner side of the forearm, in contact with the side parts of the body, armpits and internal sides hips When these parts of the body are protected by clothing that allows the skin to breathe and absorbs the moisture released, then no problems arise, but when using open options on extremely hot days, irritation will certainly appear on unprotected areas of the skin.

What to do if symptoms of heat rash appear?

Miliaria from improper use of diapers

Young children are more likely to suffer from heat rash. This is due to the fact that children’s skin is very delicate and susceptible to all adverse factors. To prevent heat rash in a child from leading to serious complications associated with it, treatment should be started immediately. When prickly heat occurs in adults, treatment at home is greatly simplified, since the ability to regenerate skin cells in this case is much higher, and the body copes with the inflammatory process faster.

So, when the first symptoms of prickly heat appear, it is necessary to immediately determine why it arose and eliminate this factor. For example, if the skin in this area has been dirty for a long time, it needs to be cleaned. If there has been friction in sweaty areas near the armpits, you need to wear a T-shirt made of natural and soft material that will protect the affected areas or treat the skin with talcum powder, which will reduce the effect of friction. If a child has skin irritation under a diaper, then further use is not recommended until the inflammatory process is eliminated.

Treating prickly heat at home

Once the factors leading to prickly heat have been eliminated, further treatment can begin. The treatment method will depend on the stage and type of heat rash. At mild form prickly heat, it is enough to treat the affected area with an antiseptic composition, for example, a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then the skin can be treated with an ointment with regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. The best ointments and Dexpanthenol, Bepanten, Rescuer are considered gels.

Miliaria, which is infectious in nature, is more common in young children due to their fragile immunity. Infectious types of miliaria can be distinguished by the presence of blisters filled with yellowish liquid on the affected areas of the skin. This type of heat rash can also be treated at home. But in order to determine which medications will be effective in a particular case, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary. Most often, to stop the development of infection, antibiotics are prescribed for external use. These include ointments such as Azelik and Levomekol.

In case of extremely severe forms, antibiotics may be taken orally. The decision on the need to use such strong drugs in any case should remain with the doctor, since they have a number of contraindications and side effects.

Dear readers, do not try to select antibiotics yourself. Especially when it comes to treating children. Perhaps the doctor will decide that you can do without them or select a more gentle treatment option. Remember that medications are dangerous if taken incorrectly.

Treatment of prickly heat in adults and children at home in severe forms of the disease should also occur under the supervision of a doctor. Antihistamines are often prescribed to relieve swelling of the skin. wide range actions, for example, Diazolin or Suprastin. They should be taken before bed, as they have a sedative effect. These drugs are used in complex treatment prickly heat.

Folk remedies for treating prickly heat at home

Besides medicines and ointments, you can very effectively eliminate prickly heat using traditional medicine. There are many recipes, accumulated over generations, that can effectively cope with this disease in both adults and children.

This product is widely used not only in everyday life, but also in medicine. It has antibacterial and drying properties and is widely used to combat various dermatological problems. Use a strong soap solution to treat areas of the skin that are affected by prickly heat. Particular attention should be paid to folds and hard-to-reach places. The soap solution does not need to be rinsed off. It should be allowed to dry completely to achieve maximum healing properties.

Use a strong soap solution to treat areas of the skin that are affected by prickly heat.

Taking baths helps to expand pores, which medicinal properties The herbs used can have a deeper effect on the skin affected by prickly heat. Such baths perfectly and deeply cleanse the pores and help not only get rid of prickly heat, but also prevent its recurrence.

When choosing herbs that will be part of the decoction, it should be taken into account that they must have anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Chamomile, string, celandine, yarrow, wild rosemary, calendula, and bay leaf are suitable for these purposes. You can add oak bark to the combination of herbs you like.

To prepare the decoction, pour 5 tablespoons of dry herbs into a liter of boiling water and put on the lowest heat to simmer for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave to steep for 2 hours. The resulting broth should be filtered and added to the bath. The bath temperature should not be too cold or too hot. To choose the right temperature, it is not necessary to measure it with a thermometer. Rather, you should consider your own feelings. The bath temperature should be comfortable for your body, then it will not cause harm, but only maximum benefit.

The temperature in the bath should be comfortable for the body

Bath time from medicinal herbs should also be limited. In order for them to take effect, it is recommended to spend 20 to 40 minutes in the bathroom. Then you need to wipe the skin dry and apply ointment, which will work much better on skin that has been steamed after a bath.

Vitaminized diet

When treating prickly heat, it is very important to watch your diet. To avoid excessive sweating, which can worsen skin condition, and to increase the level of skin cell regeneration, you need to add foods such as plum, pomegranate, sorrel and lentils to your diet.

You can also stimulate urination so that excess fluid does not come out through sweat. This is facilitated by herbs such as linden, mint, nettle, chicory, green tea, milk thistle. They can be taken in the form of a decoction no more than 2 times a day. To prepare the decoction, pour a teaspoon of dry herb into a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for 15 minutes.

This decoction will not only help rid the body of excess liquid, without stimulating sweating, but also relieve swelling and inflammation from the skin.

Air baths

Access to oxygen to affected areas of the skin is essential when treating prickly heat. Since it most often affects the skin in the summer, you can take air baths in the evening after the heat has subsided, freeing the inflamed areas of the skin from clothing. Of course, it is necessary to choose appropriate places for this. For example, in a swimsuit you can visit the beach or go on a picnic in nature, choosing a park or forest belt for this. There will be fresh, unpolluted air the best medicine from skin irritation.

Thus, a disease such as prickly heat can be very easily treated at home. Mild forms of irritation go away on their own if proper hygiene and eliminating the causes of irritation. More complex forms in children are best treated after consultation with a doctor who will help you choose the right ones. medicines. In addition, there are many traditional medicine recipes that will help quickly and effectively eliminate the disease.

If small itchy blisters appear over a large area of ​​skin, this means that the person is suffering from heat rash. Most often, this pathology is observed in obese people, in people with sensitive skin, as well as those who suffer from excessive sweating. We will look at how to treat prickly heat in adults at home in our article.

Important! Most often, rashes appear in places where the skin long time was under the influence of the greenhouse effect, was not clean enough, or was constantly sweating. Miliaria is often accompanied by heat and fever.

What is the treatment aimed at?

Much when treating prickly heat in adults at home will depend on the degree of the disease. Its mildest form is called red and does not require special treatment. You can simply sprinkle the rash areas with talcum powder, gel or baby powder.

At other stages of the disease, when a person no longer just experiences redness of the skin, but bubbles with white or yellow color, you need to go to the doctor. The course of treatment can be carried out at home, but medications (most often antibiotics) are prescribed by a doctor.


Antibiotics are not used in all cases - only when severe forms. The most common drugs:

  • Doxycycline - prescribed by a doctor;
  • Azithromycin - available without a prescription;
  • Amoxicillin for prickly heat;
  • Ciprofloxacin.

The course of treatment is at least five days. It must be continued even after the rash and redness disappear. At the same time, you need to take antihistamines.

Possible antihistamines (eliminate swelling):

  • "diphenhydramine";
  • "suprastin";
  • "tavegil".

Skin care products:

  • boric or salicylic acid;
  • potassium permanganate diluted in water;
  • use of chlorophyllipt solution;
  • fucorcin.


  1. 10% zinc ointment is popular. It is applied 3 times a day until the rash disappears completely, but not more than 21 days. Apply the ointment in a thin layer to the affected areas.
  2. Bepanten ointment is often used for prickly heat of an allergic nature. It nourishes and restores the skin well.
  3. Nystatin needs to be applied, like zinc, in a thin layer, and you can also make compresses at night.
    Any of the above ointments is applied to clean skin.

What will help for treatment from folk methods

How is heat rash treated in adults? It is quite clear that home treatment often involves the use of folk ways. In particular, various decoctions and compresses help to wipe the skin, relieve inflammation and itching. Here are the most effective home recipes for prickly heat in adults.

Miliaria rubra

Before starting treatment for prickly heat in adults, there is a need to get rid of the causes that influence its origin:

  • normalize the temperature in the room;
  • wear things made from natural fabrics (linen, cotton);
  • compliance with hygiene rules.

To reduce sweat, powders and formaldehyde solution are used.

In certain cases, hormones and antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine) are administered. Ointments are prescribed based on camphor and menthol.

Sometimes you can't do without surgical intervention. Miliaria rubra requires special attention, reconsider your diet - stick to a diet for a while. Folk remedies to combat heat rash: 1 tbsp. l. chamomile or string, pour 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour, strain and add the resulting infusion to a bath of water.

Decoctions against itching

To prepare the decoction ethnoscience recommends using calendula, fresh or dried bay leaves. The bark or young leaves of oak have also worked well.

Taking soothing baths

When the affected area is too large not to wipe, you can take medicinal baths. The water should be warm, about 37 degrees, and the healing bath time should be 15-20 minutes. You can pour infusions of string and chamomile into the water. A decoction of yarrow is great for treating rashes and itching.

Important! After taking a bath, you need to let the skin dry, and then additionally treat it with talcum powder, powder (choose cosmetical tools containing zinc oxide).

How starch can help

To treat problem areas, you can use any starch you have in your kitchen: potato, rice or corn.

Interesting! Various ointments based on menthol or camphor alcohol, also perfectly help cope with any stage of prickly heat.

What other folk remedies will help:

  1. It was economic. There is still a wide range of laundry soap on store shelves, but not everyone understands why it is needed. This is exactly the situation when soap will help. It perfectly cleanses and dries the skin, plus it has an antibacterial effect.
  2. A solution of soda and water. Also suitable for wiping the skin, especially if prickly heat is hidden in deep skin folds.
  3. Antibiotic baby powder also works well for prickly heat in adults.

Diet for prickly heat in adults

You can normalize your diet to quickly get rid of annoying rashes. In particular, doctors recommend eating more plums, pomegranates, sorrel and lentils. These products help manage excess sweating.

Raisins, dried apricots, hawthorn or valerian tincture should be used for treatment if the cause of prickly heat is a heart problem.

When prickly heat occurs in the background nervous disorders, then mint, motherwort, hops or other plants that have a calming effect on the body will help.

If prickly heat appears..

On foot

Take care of your shoes: your feet should breathe in them; if these are autumn or winter shoes, it is advisable that they be made of genuine leather; suede and fur should not be artificial. Also choose socks and tights correctly, give preference to cotton.

  1. Regularly make foot baths at night: with chamomile, celandine, sage, St. John's wort, and string.
  2. Take antihistamines: Suprastin, Tavegil.
  3. It may be necessary to use ointments and creams with antibacterial properties: Levomycetin and Tetracycline.
  4. Will help boric acid from prickly heat on the legs.

In the groin

The first step is to eliminate the factors that influenced the appearance of prickly heat in this area. Treatment regimen:

  • antiseptics (solution of potassium permanganate and salicylic acid);
  • decoction of herbs (chamomile, sage, oak bark, string);
  • ointments with an antibacterial and drying effect (zinc, Bepanten, Nystatin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol).

Fighting prickly heat under the arms

First you need to find out the cause of prickly heat. Perhaps the anti-sweat product (deodorant) is not suitable, or a common factor is synthetic clothing. Other causes may include: stale air, illness, excess weight, temperature, stress. Once you have identified the influencing factor, try to get rid of it. How to treat prickly heat under the arm?

It is important to carefully monitor hygiene and use antiseptics - this is for mild forms. In case of complications: you will need antihistamines, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs.

To consolidate the treatment of prickly heat in adults at home, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that led to the appearance of the rash. In the heat, try to avoid constant sweating and observe personal hygiene rules. It is also recommended to ventilate the room regularly, and wear clothes exclusively from natural fabrics that fit perfectly.

Important! You should avoid fatty and spicy foods. It is better to replace it with daily consumption of fresh carrot or pomegranate juice.

You also need to remember that when treating prickly heat at home, calm, relaxation and comfort are important. To restore the nervous system, you need to walk in parks more often, do lungs physical exercise and spend more time alone with yourself.