What color clothes for every day. Lunar calendar and yellow color. Red in Feng Shui

If you noticed, from any color we change the mood - optimism comes from yellow, green soothes, etc. But few know that colors also have a direct connection with the days of the week in our life. And learning to apply these invaluable knowledge can be corrected by their health and mood in best side. =)

Energy colors of the week

Naturally, for more harmonious interaction with the energy of each day, it is better to consume products of the corresponding colors and focus on the appropriate color scheme in clothing.

Monday - white, purple;
planet - Moon

White - color purity and good for reconciliation, carries peace and peace. In magic white color Symbolizes light, vitality and clarity.
Purple - formed by the merger of active red and soothing blue. In psychology, he is considered "harmony of contradictions", so this day people are more sloping to sadness, irritability and suggestion.
But magic value Purple color allows you to understand the laws of the universe, create your philosophy. Therefore, Monday is good for planning and resolving conflicts.
If possible, try to wear less black in clothes. Preference is better to give the clothes of white, light gray and silver color.
Mountain metal - silver,
stones - Aquamarine, Beryl, Pearls and Selenite.

Tuesday - red;
planet - Mars

Red color is the color of activity, working ambitiousness, perhaps even aggressiveness.
Although Mars - the planet is militant and this day is preferably not soaring the quarrel, still Tuesday is considered easy during the day. This day is good for solving cases, roads, construction.

On this day of the week wearing the clothes of red, raspberry and black. If you do not want to cause the alienation of people try on Tuesday smaller wearing blue clothes.

Metal - Steel, iron and gold.
Stones - Ruby, diamond, jasper, bed and grenades.

Wednesday - yellow;
planet - Mercury (God of Letters and Trade).

Yellow - the color of the mentality. Activates mental abilities and carries the joy of communicating with others.

Wednesday by tradition Last day is also called empty. Therefore, on this day it is undesirable to start a new business and move to a new place. This day contributes to the teachings, writing and trade.
In this day there is a happy moment and if you "catch", then the most cherished desire will be fulfilled.

On Mercury Day, it is advisable to wear pastel tones in clothes: gray, cream, lemon, beige.
Metal- Gold and mercury.
Stones - Topaz, Chrysolit, Beryl and Emerald.

Thursday - purple;
planet - Jupiter

Purple color combines hot red and cold blue, which is inherent in power and prudence. This is a day business people, Therefore, it is good for commerce for trips. If possible, try on Thursday to avoid conflicts.

Quarter, it is better to prefer dark blue, dark green as well purple colors In clothes.
Thursday stonesthe same strict as he himself is sapphire, lazuli, opal and agate.
Metals. - Platinum and zinc.

Friday - blue, blue;
planet - Venus

Blue tones contributes to mutual understanding, destroy evil power, evil eye and witchcraft. Even this is an indigo color - it includes high intuition and promotes insight. Blue color is optimal to protect the aura astral Body, To conclude love unions and reconciliation.
Friday - per day and therefore as well as on Wednesday it is undesirable to start important business meetings and movements.
Since Venus is responsible for the beauty of this day well to pay attention to its appearance: buy clothes, do the hairstyles, visit the beautician.

If you want to achieve fate and find love - wear clothes of pink, blue and red. In order not to attract trouble - try to avoid yellow in clothing.
Metal This day is gold and copper.
Stones - Pomegranate, Ruby, Coral and Blue Topaz.

Saturday - green;
planet - Saturn

Green color Removes stress and strengthens health, especially in people with heart and emotional problems. It relaxes and fills harmony.
Green color is peculiar to intellectual reflection, the ability to sum up and draw conclusions from what happened during the week. In magic, green symbolizes the secret, privacy, self-knowledge.

This day is good for long journeys and for the extraction of material goods. It is on Saturday that the evils recommended to "burn out" in the house all the corners and go through the house with the burroward church candle. They also advise changing linens Only on Saturdays - for family well-being. On the Saturday party it is better to appear in brilliantly dark clothes. It will relieve you from envious and evil eye.
On Saturday, it is desirable to wear all the colors of dark shades, but not brown. By this, you only call contempt for yourself - after all, it has long been brown color It was considered the color of immigrants, hermits and refugees.
Metal - Lead.
Stonesthe same gloomy and dark as the lord of the day itself. This is onyx, black agate, opal and blue sapphire.

Sunday - orange;
planet - Sun.

Day of light and rest day. It contributes to the active manifestation of a person in the world, healing, magnetism
Orange color, like the sun, gives health, peace and peace around. It is a generator vitality. It helps to treat depression, resists injustice and disappointment.

It is desirable to work on Sunday, and it is advisable not to eat. This day does not knit and not south, and also do not cut hair and nails. Best Sunday to devote to communicating with nature to improve health.

On the sun day, it is advisable to wear his colors - yellow, orange, white, bright red and raspberry. Try to avoid in green clothes.
Metal This day is gold.
Stones - Diamond, Ruby, Amber and Yellow Topaz.

Be healthy and happy!

What color to wear clothes at a certain lunar day. It is clear that it is not necessary to pick out the outfit of one color from head to the legs, but enough shoes or accessories. Thus, you will strengthen the lunar vibrations and fit themselves as a favorable energy of a certain lunar day.

1, 2, 29, 30 moon days - Purple color will give your nature of mystery, mysteriousness and mysticism, sensitivity, will strengthen the intuition and will push the creativity. This is the color of new undertakings and growth. On days new Moon He will give you patient, a little climb and dreaming.

3, 4, 27, 28 Moon days - Blue color symbolizes loyalty, constancy, location, chastity and honesty. He will fill you with kindness and nobility, organizedness and spirit of the Spirit, give seriousness and perseverance. Blue - concentric color, he drags into himself, intoxicates, manit. This color is preferred by many men, which means they will appreciate your image.

5, 6, 25, 26 Moon days - Blue color helps to learn, look at the view of a bird's eye view, building plans, decisively take into account and achieve their goals. He will give you authority, ambitions, honesty, responsibility and senses of debt. Soothing vibrations of blue relax muscles, they pacify the mind and remove nervousness.

7, 8, 23, 24 lunar days - Green symbolized youth, hope and fun, health and spirituality. Green color contains hidden potential energy. It will act on you soothing, helps to eliminate negative emotions, concentrate and accept correct solution. You will achieve a lot due to perseverance, commitment and excerpt.

9, 10, 21, 22 Moon days - Yellow color symbolizes calm, ease in relations with people, intelligence. He will end you with community, curiosity, courage and attractiveness. Yellow served distinctive feature Noble and higher estates. You will be merry, confident in yourself, debris, original and joyful.

11, 12, 19, 20 moon days - Orange color symbolizes development, focus on success, carries an exciting and cheerful principle. It is noisy, hot, flame, vigorous and cheerful color. He will give you joy, pleasure, striving for the achievement of the goal and self-affirmation will fill with energy and strength. Orange has a beneficial effect on the psyche of man, removing the tension in conflicts.

13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Moon days - Red has the strongest emotional impact on the human psyche. He will give you passionship, love and inspiration. Its influence will help to actively overcome the vital obstacles. This bright color increases dynamism and endurance, stimulates the enterprise. On days full moon In red you will be especially attractive, sexy and male for men.

Color affects human energy, so you need to approach the choice of a shade of clothing. Using certain colors, you can attract good luck every day.

Thanks to astrology, it is easy to choose a wardrobe of certain colors for all week. The choice of shades of clothing depends on the planets that patronize each day.


The patron of this day is the moon, and the choice should be stopped on the light flowing tissues of silver, milky white or yellowish tint. It is possible to understand which clothes to wear, you can with the help of an inner feeling that arises at the sight of a beautiful moon at the evening and night sky. It can be juicy yellow, cream, reddish shades or noble ivory.


On Tuesday, the energy of the militant Mars awakens passion and activity. The colors of this day can be saturated red, bloody and purple. You can combine the shades of pink, scarrow, crimson and even brown. An irresistible appearance will be configured to win not only in the business environment, but also in personal life. Those who are in the search for the second half, on Tuesday it is worth using a bright color gamut to attract love.


Mercury on Wednesday helps to engage in learning, search for information and gives courage to public speeches. Save confidence in this day will help green clothes, yellow and gray shades. The choice of color depends on your mood and desire: for someone, the emerald will become ideal, and someone will prefer the color of the sea wave.


You can attract good luck on Thursday thanks to the positive energy of Jupiter. The choice of shades in clothing should be stopped on a saturated blue, indigo, purple or raspberry. Strict costumes will help to achieve the location of the authorities, and the elegant dresses of the Indigo color will emphasize the individuality, they will give a charm and mysteriousness. In combination with raspberry, this color will help to find love or tie an interesting acquaintance.


Venus on this day will help to achieve the location of people, make up with close after a quarrel, and also attract financial success: it all depends on the choice of color in clothing. Cream pink and gentle blue will help when meeting the opposite sex. Silver will give an opportunity to focus on cash, and Milk White will help in solving controversial issues For truce.


On Saturday, the Brazda of the Board takes Saturn, a planet with severe energy. Loading the support of the fortune in these days will help inhabitant colors: black, gray, dark blue. The muffled colors will not only hide from failures, but will allow them to become invisible for energetic vampires and envious. Website experts website recommend learn to resist such people to eliminate the outflow of vital energy.


This day will pass under the auspices of the Sun. Save positive attitude and attract good luck to the bright combinations in clothes. The colors of this day can be considered saturated yellow, orange and their derivatives. It will be appropriate and red, but it is not necessary to make it the main one: enough red accessories. You can pay attention to golden and white colors.

You can become more successful and happier, changing the wardrobe. New bright things will help to fight a bad mood, and changes in the image will become good motivation for the full transformation for the better. Good luck to you and prosperity, and do not forget to press buttons and

07.11.2018 04:33

For the week to be successful, and the planned affairs led to success, it is worth using proven rituals on ...

Each day of the week has its own ruling planet, which corresponds to one of the seven colors. And to coordinate our everyday life, know well with the energy of which color to interact for the week.

Such knowledge helps to achieve the sensation of the world at the level of energy interaction and allow you to enter them into the overall rhythm. And the harmonious merger with a single whole body of being will allow to be happier, because everything in this world has the energy of the most different kind, smoothly flowing from one state to another.

Energy colors of the week

Naturally, for more harmonious interaction with the energy of each day, it is better to consume products of the corresponding colors and focus on the appropriate color scheme in clothing.

Monday - white, purple;
Planet - Moon

White - color purity and good for reconciliation, carries peace and peace. In magic, white color symbolizes light, vitality and clarity.
Purple - formed by the merger of active red and soothing blue. In psychology, he is considered "harmony of contradictions", so this day people are more sloping to sadness, irritability and suggestion.
But the magic value of violet color allows you to understand the laws of the universe, create your philosophy. Therefore, Monday is good for planning and resolving conflicts.
If possible, try to wear less black in clothes. Preference is better to give the clothes of white, light gray and silver color.
Monday metal - silver,
Stones - Aquamarine, Beryl, Pearl and Selenite.

Tuesday - red;
the planet Mars

Red color is the color of activity, working ambitiousness, perhaps even aggressiveness.
Although Mars - the planet is militant and this day is preferably not soaring the quarrel, still Tuesday is considered easy during the day. This day is good for solving cases, roads, construction.

On this day of the week wearing the clothes of red, raspberry and black. If you do not want to cause the alienation of people try on Tuesday smaller wearing blue clothes.

Metal - Steel, Iron and Gold.
Stones - Ruby, Diamond, Jasper, Blood and Pomegranate.

Wednesday - yellow;
Planet - Mercury (God of Letters and Trade).

Yellow - the color of the mentality. Activates mental abilities and carries the joy of communicating with others.

Wednesday by tradition Last day is also called empty. Therefore, on this day it is undesirable to start a new business and move to a new place. This day contributes to the teachings, writing and trade.
In this day there is a happy moment and if you "catch", then the most cherished desire will be fulfilled.

On Mercury Day, it is advisable to wear pastel tones in clothes: gray, cream, lemon, beige.
Metal - gold and mercury.
Stones - Topaz, Chrysolit, Beryl and Emerald.

Thursday - purple;
Planet - Jupiter

Purple color combines hot red and cold blue, which is inherent in power and prudence. This is the day of business people, so good for commerce, for trips. If possible, try on Thursday to avoid conflicts.

The fourth is better preferred dark blue, dark green, as well as purple colors in clothing.
Thursday stones are the same strict as he himself - sapphire, lazuli, opal and agate.
Metals - platinum and zinc.

Friday - blue, blue;
Planet - Venus

Blue tones contributes to mutual understanding, destroy evil forces, evil eye and witchcraft. Even this is an indigo color - it includes high intuition and promotes insight. Blue color is optimal to protect the aura of the astral body, for the conclusion of love unions and reconciliation.
Friday - Last day and therefore, as well as on Wednesday, it is undesirable to start important business meetings and movements.
Since Venus is responsible for the beauty of this day well to pay attention to its appearance: buy clothes, do the hairstyles, visit the beautician.

If you want to achieve fate and find love - wear clothes of pink, blue and red. In order not to attract trouble - try to avoid yellow in clothing.
Metal of this day is gold and copper.
Stones - Pomegranate, Ruby, Coral and Blue Topaz.

Saturday - green;
Planet - Saturn

Green color relieves stress and strengthens health, especially in people with cardiac and emotional problems. It relaxes and fills harmony.
Green color is peculiar to intellectual reflection, the ability to sum up and draw conclusions from what happened during the week. In magic, green symbolizes the secret, privacy, self-knowledge.

This day is good for long journeys and for the extraction of material goods. It is on Saturday that the characteristics are recommended to "burn out" in the house all the corners and go through the house with a lit church candle. They also advise changing bed linen only on Saturdays - for family well-being. On the Saturday party it is better to appear in brilliantly dark clothes. It will relieve you from envious and evil eye.
On Saturday, it is desirable to wear all the colors of dark shades, but not brown. By this, you only call contempt for yourself - because the brown has long been considered the color of immigrants, hermits and refugees.
Metal - lead.
The stones are gloomy and dark as the lord of the day. This is onyx, black agate, opal and blue sapphire.

Sunday - orange;
Planet - Sun.

Day of light and rest day. It contributes to the active manifestation of a person in the world, healing, magnetism
Orange color, like the sun, gives health, peace and peace around. It is a life generator. It helps to treat depression, resists injustice and disappointment.

It is desirable to work on Sunday, and it is advisable not to eat. This day does not knit and not south, and also do not cut hair and nails. Best Sunday to devote to communicating with nature to improve health.

On the sun day, it is advisable to wear his colors - yellow, orange, white, bright red and raspberry. Try to avoid in green clothes.
Metal of this day is gold.
Stones - Diamond, Ruby, Amber and Yellow Topaz.

Be healthy and happy!

According to Feng Shui, the best proper clothing is the one that has smooth lines and looks clean and neat.

  • Ripped and even simply loosened clothes can thoroughly harm, because such an outfit attracts negative vibrations, failures, poverty and promotes difficulties with finance. Yes, even, even intentionally torn branded jeans - it is even fashionable, but the effect is the same, that is, the attraction of negative energy.
  • Dirty clothing causes apathy, lethargy and generates disrespect for a person who wears it. At a certain stage, "dirty" may indeed morally fall.
  • Strong negative charge Carries the clothes in which you experienced negative emotions. As a rule, I hope again, it begins to "harm", causing bad mood, depression and even deterioration of well-being. The most correct thing is to get rid of such a malicious outfit, even if it is good and you, actually like it.
  • It should also be avoided by baggy and shapeless clothes, which is deprive of positive energy.

How to determine your element of birth

To "interest" your own destiny, it is necessary to choose the right wardrobe. To do this, determine your element. This is the last figure in the year of birth. For example, in 1976 - Figure "6".

So, in the elements of the metal numbers - 0 and 1, at the water - 2 and 3, the tree - 4 and 5, in the elements of fire - it is 6 and 7, in the earth - 8 and 9.

  • People belonging to the element of the tree, the most free in the choice of clothing. They can choose and combine any directions and styles. Excellent if their clothes are made of natural wool (knitting, cashmere, drape, gabardine, etc.). Also, artificial fur is also recommended.
  • For people of water elements, the classic and romance will be the ideal choice. Water energy as it is impossible to harmonize with elegant simplicity, ruffles and frills, pastel colors and transparent fabrics. Soft, warm and fluffy fabrics will help harmonize nervous system. Water element is also excellent lace and light, flowing natural chiffon, battered and silk.
  • For "metal" people, the ideal choice is organza, a brocade, synthetic fibers, metallized fabrics, as well as rustling matter resembling their type of lake and river molten metal. But soft and fluffy fabrics can provoke decline for their strength. To calm down "Metalists", outfits embroidered by sequins, beads and glass, whose "rollery" surface reflects the inner essence of those who patronize the element of the metal.
  • For people of the Earth Earth, the optimal choice is a non-stall classic, sports elements and a relaxed style. Fabrics should be preferred with natural, especially flax and wool. But from natural skin and fur it is better to refuse.
  • Fire people are energetic and purposeful. For them, sportswear and the one, which does not roll the movements, also outfits of viscose, cotton, natural fabrics, denim and velvet - from the "fiery" they are even able to improve the metabolism.

Clothes color on Feng Shui

The color for clothes is extremely important, since each color has a strong impact on a person.

  • Black color - the color of power. However, black should not prevail, especially if you strive to attract love, because it attracts longing and loneliness.
  • Gray denotes money as well as silver.
  • Red symbolizes active vital energy and optimism. He is ideal in order to attract new love.
  • Yellow color contributes to the concentration of thoughts, allows you to quickly resolve disputes.
  • Clothes in sand and yellow shades - the best choice For everyday wearing.
  • Green is a wonderful and peaceful color. If you want to quickly heal from diseases, then prefer clothing in green tones. Another shades of green, as well as purple tones, are considered "money".
  • Blue color is ideal for business meetings. At the same time, blue contributes to the pacification and removal of emotional fatigue.
  • White or pink colors are suitable for romantic meetings. And for optimistic mood, it is necessary orange. He is not only able to give good luck, but also helps to arrange positive and joyful people.

How to choose clothes by day of week

  • Monday - Day of the Moon. Ideal silver, cream, as well as dairy tones.
  • Tuesday - time of Mars. For him, choose clothes of pink, bright red, crimson or brown shades.
  • The medium controls Mercury, which suits yellow, gray and all shades of green clothing.
  • Planet Thursday - Jupiter. For a good day, it is advisable to make your choice in favor of the outfits of blue, crimson, as well as purple shades.
  • Friday - Venus Day. Pink, turquoise, blue, white is considered the most acceptable colors in clothes on this day.
  • Saturday is controlled by Saturn. Favorable shades in clothing - dark blue, black, as well as gray.
  • Sunday - in the literal sunny dayBecause he patronizes the sun. Therefore, make a choice in favor of bright outfits and things in orange, golden or white tones.