Melena: all about a dangerous illness. The meaning of the name Milena (Militsa)

Bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract, unspecified

Version: MedElement Disease Directory

Melena (K92.1)


general information

Short description

Melena(Latin melaena, from Greek melas, melanos - “dark”, “black”) - tarry stools, unformed black tarry stools with a fetid odor.
Melena is a characteristic sign of bleeding mainly in the upper sections gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes observed with bleeding from the right colon with slow intestinal transit.

Note. Neonatal melena is covered under P54.1 (Melena of the newborn) and P78.2 (Haematemesis and melena due to ingestion of maternal blood).

Period of occurrence

Minimum period of occurrence (days): 1

Maximum period of occurrence (days): not specified

As a rule, it develops no earlier than 8 hours after the start of bleeding. With rapid passage through the gastrointestinal tract and a bleeding volume of more than 100 ml, the time from the onset of bleeding to the appearance of melena may be reduced. In this case, melena may contain an admixture of scarlet blood.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Melena can be a consequence of swallowing blood, for example, with nosebleeds or pulmonary bleeding. Such a cause can be excluded through a thorough history taking, as well as a physical examination of the oropharynx and nasal cavity.

Most common causes of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT):
- peptic ulcer;
- erosive gastritis;
- varicose veins veins;
- Mallory-Weiss syndrome.
These causes account for more than 90% of all cases of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract, when the location of the lesion can be accurately determined.

Peptic ulcer
It is perhaps the most common cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In the majority of cases, ulcers are detected in the duodenum (duodenum). The risk of significant bleeding is present in approximately 20-30% of patients with documented ulcers. If there is no history typical of a peptic ulcer, it should nevertheless be kept in mind, since hemorrhage can also be the initial manifestation of a peptic ulcer.

The development of gastritis may be caused by recent consumption of alcoholic beverages or taking anti-inflammatory drugs (acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin).
Erosions or symptomatic ulcers in patients with gastritis often occur due to major trauma, surgical interventions in severe systemic diseases, especially in burn victims and with increased intracranial pressure.
Gastritis is suspected based on appropriate clinical findings, since the typical physical signs of gastritis are unknown.
Gastroscopy is usually performed to confirm the diagnosis. Gastroscopy is a method of studying the condition of the gastric mucosa, which consists of examining it using a gastroscope (a medical endoscope for examining the cavity and inner surface of the stomach and performing various manipulations)
(X-ray examination usually does not reveal gastritis).

Bleeding from varicose veins
Features- sudden onset and massive blood loss. Bleeding from the veins of the esophagus or stomach may be the result of portal hypertension Portal hypertension is venous hypertension (increased hydrostatic pressure in the veins) in the portal vein system.
for liver cirrhosis Liver cirrhosis is a chronic progressive disease characterized by degeneration and necrosis of the liver parenchyma, accompanied by its nodular regeneration and diffuse proliferation connective tissue and profound restructuring of the liver architecture.
It should be kept in mind that any condition that causes portal hypertension, even in the absence of liver disease (for example, portal vein thrombosis or idiopathic portal hypertension), can lead to bleeding from varices.
In addition, varicose veins can sometimes be caused by acute hepatitis or severe fatty infiltration of the liver. This expansion spontaneously disappears when the corresponding defect in the liver is eliminated.
Although upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with cirrhosis suggests varicose veins, in approximately half of patients the bleeding is due to other causes (eg, gastritis, ulcers). Thus, it is necessary to rule out these causes in order to prescribe the correct treatment.

Mallory-Weiss syndrome
This syndrome is increasingly being identified as a cause of acute bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract using esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Mallory-Weiss syndrome involves a rupture of the mucous membrane at the junction of the esophagus and the stomach, which often manifests as retching or a history of non-bloody vomiting, followed by hematemesis.

Other pathologies

Esophagitis Esophagitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus.
And carcinoma Cancer (syn. carcinoma, malignant epithelioma) is a malignant tumor developing from epithelial tissue
are less common causes of esophageal bleeding. They mainly cause chronic blood loss and rarely lead to massive bleeding.

Chronic gastrointestinal bleeding may be caused by cancer stomach. In rare cases, lymphoma causes bleeding Lymphoma is the general name for tumors arising from lymphoid tissue
, polyps and other tumors of the stomach and small intestine. Leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma are rare but can cause massive bleeding.
Bleeding from diverticula is relatively rare. A diverticulum is a protrusion of the wall of a hollow organ (intestine, esophagus, ureter, etc.), communicating with its cavity.
duodenum and jejunum.
Bloody diarrhea may accompany mesenteric vascular insufficiency Mesentery - a fold of the peritoneum through which intraperitoneal organs are attached to the walls abdominal cavity.
, including occlusive and non-occlusive processes.

Possible rupture atherosclerotic aortic aneurysms into the lumen of the small intestine, which almost always ends in the death of the patient. A similar rupture can also occur after reconstructive surgery on the arteries with the formation of a fistula between the synthetic prosthesis and the intestinal lumen. Sudden massive bleeding from an aortointestinal fistula may be preceded by slight bleeding. Sudden bleeding may occur after an injury that ruptures the liver, allowing blood to leak into the bile ducts (ie, hemobilia).

Severe gastrointestinal bleeding may be due to primary dyscrasias Dyscrasia - improper mixing or change in the composition of body fluids (juices)
blood, including leukemia, thrombocytopenic state, hemophilia and disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Polycythemia vera can be combined with an increased incidence of peptic ulcers with the occurrence of gastrointestinal bleeding caused by thrombosis of the mesenteric and portal veins.
Gastrointestinal bleeding may be accompanied by periarteritis nodosa, hemorrhagic Hemorrhagic - bleeding, accompanied by bleeding, leading to bleeding
and other vasculitis. Sometimes such bleeding occurs in arteriovenous malformations, amyloidosis, Osler-Rendu-Weber syndrome, Turner syndrome, elastic pseudoxanthoma, intestinal hemangiomas, neurofibromatosis, Kaposi's sarcoma and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.
Gastrointestinal bleeding may occur as a result of uremia Uremia - pathological condition, caused by retention of nitrogenous waste in the blood, acidosis and disturbances in electrolyte, water and osmotic balance during renal failure; usually manifested by weakness, apathy, stupor, hypothermia, arterial hypertension
; its most common manifestation is chronic, hidden bleeding from diffusely altered mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine.
You should also keep in mind Meckel's diverticulum, hemobilia (bleeding into the bile ducts), gastropathy with portal hypertension.

The black color of stool is a secondary process in relation to intestinal bleeding. It is formed as a result of blood contact with hydrochloric acid, leading to the formation of hematin. Melena is characterized by tar-like (“sticky”) stool. This property distinguishes them from those of black or dark color after the patient has taken iron, bismuth or licorice.
Stools may turn red after eating beets or intravenous administration sulfobromophthalein.
For a single appearance of black stool, approximately 60 ml of blood is required; acute blood loss, in which a larger amount of blood is released, can cause melena within 3 days. Test for occult blood may remain positive for another week or more after the color of the stool has normalized.

Gastrointestinal bleeding is a sign of a potentially serious illness (even if it can only be identified based on positive test feces for occult blood), so additional studies are required.


Upper gastrointestinal bleeding accounts for approximately 70-80% of all cases of gastrointestinal bleeding.

Clinical picture

Symptoms, course

Clinical manifestations of gastrointestinal bleeding depend on concomitant diseases, the speed and extent of hemorrhage.
If less than 500 ml of blood is lost, systemic signs rarely appear, except in cases of bleeding in elderly patients or people suffering from anemia. Loss of even less blood may cause hemodynamic changes in these patients.
Rapid hemorrhage, accompanied by the loss of large amounts of blood, leads to a decrease in its venous return to the heart, cardiac output and an increase in peripheral resistance, which is caused by reflex vasoconstriction.
Orthostatic hypotension Orthostatic hypotension (orthostatic collapse, synonym - postural hypotension) is a human condition in which, with a sudden change in body position when standing up or standing for a long time, there is insufficient blood flow to the brain due to a decrease in blood pressure
more than 10 mm Hg. Art. usually indicates a decrease in total blood volume of 20% or more. Associated symptoms: dizziness, nausea, fainting, thirst, sweating.
In case of critical blood loss - 40% of the total blood volume, it often occurs state of shock with severe tachycardia and hypotension. Patients are very pale, with skin that is cold to the touch.


Diagnosis is carried out only after hemodynamic parameters improve Hemodynamics - 1. Section of circulatory physiology that studies the causes, conditions and mechanisms of blood movement in cardiovascular system based on the use of physical laws of hydrodynamics. 2. The set of processes of blood movement in the cardiovascular system
(see section "Treatment").

1. Anamnesis:
- taking medications (high risk of bleeding from the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract while taking aspirin and NSAIDs);
- ulcer and/or bleeding in the past;
- heredity;
- symptoms of cirrhosis, vasculitis;
- drinking alcohol.
History or symptoms that suggest a primary diagnosis may be helpful in diagnosis. peptic ulcer. Data on previous gastrointestinal bleeding and family history data also help in making a diagnosis. intestinal diseases or hemorrhagic diathesis.
If there is evidence of alcohol abuse or taking anti-inflammatory drugs in the recent past, the development of erosive gastritis seems most likely. In this case, it is necessary to exclude recent trauma and concomitant systemic diseases, since bleeding caused by erosive gastritis often accompanies these conditions.
With evidence of long-term alcohol abuse, the source of bleeding may be varicose veins of the esophagus.
Acetylsalicylic acid can also cause gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcers and bleeding.
If the patient has had pain and retching followed by hematemesis in the recent past, Mallory-Weiss syndrome may be suspected.
With the acute onset of bloody diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease or infectious colitis may be present.

2. Physical examination is carried out to identify symptoms of the underlying disease after determining orthostatic changes in heart rate and blood pressure, as well as after restoring circulating blood volume.
When examining the oral cavity and nasopharynx, it is necessary to exclude an extraintestinal source of bleeding.

An examination by a dermatologist can help identify the following signs:
- telangiectasia Telangiectasia is local excessive expansion of capillaries and small vessels.
- typical for Osler-Rendu-Weber syndrome (not visible in severe anemia);
- pigmentation around the mouth - characteristic of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome;
- dermatofibromas Dermatofibroma is a benign connective tissue tumor of the skin in the form of a slowly growing dense painless node, poorly demarcated from the dermis
- characteristic of neurofibromatosis;
- steatomas and osteomas - typical of Gardner's syndrome;
- palpable purpura Purpura - multiple small hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes
- often occurs with vasculitis;
- diffuse pigmentation - observed with hemochromatosis.

In the presence of characteristic features chronic disease liver (spider hemangiomas, gynecomastia Gynecomastia - enlargement of the mammary glands in men
, testicular atrophy, jaundice, ascites Ascites - accumulation of transudate in the abdominal cavity
and hepatosplenomegaly) the possibility of portal hypertension, which causes bleeding from esophageal or gastric varices, should be considered.
Palpable formations in it and a noticeable enlargement of the lymph nodes can indicate a hidden malignant process in the abdominal cavity.

Digital examination of the rectum is a necessary procedure, as it allows you to exclude local pathology of the rectum as a source of bleeding and determine the color of the stool.

3. Aspiration of gastric contents through a nasogastric tube And blood test are carried out if bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract is suspected (a false negative result is possible when the bleeding stops).
If there is a history of melena or hematemesis, or if upper gastrointestinal bleeding is suspected, a tube is inserted into the stomach through the nose and the stomach contents are aspirated. This allows you to determine whether the bleeding is actually coming from the upper gastrointestinal tract.
If the first portion of the sucked contents is transparent, the tube is left in the stomach for several hours, since, despite this, active bleeding from the stomach may be present. duodenum(DPK).
When, during a period of active bleeding, there is no blood in the contents aspirated from the stomach, it is assumed that the bleeding is not coming from the stomach or duodenum. However, if there are no signs of active bleeding while the tube is in the stomach, endoscopy may be required, since it cannot be definitively stated that the bleeding is not from the stomach or duodenum.
If the stomach contents aspirated by the tube are stained with red blood or have a color coffee grounds, immediate gastric lavage is required saline solution. It allows the clinician to assess the intensity of bleeding and clears the stomach of blood clots that have accumulated in it before possible endoscopy.
Further diagnostic measures depend on whether bleeding continues or not. The assessment is made based on changes in vital signs important functions, according to the need for blood transfusion and the number of bowel movements and consistency of stool.

4. Endoscopy allows you to assess the source of bleeding and the possibility of therapeutic intervention with an accuracy of more than 90%. Endoscopy is mandatory if varicose veins or aortointestinal shunt are suspected. Using this study, it is possible to identify the affected artery in the crater of the ulcer, which is a sign of a high risk of rebleeding (50%).
If bleeding from the veins of the esophagus is suspected, an emergency EGD should be performed. FGDS - fibrogastroduodenoscopy (instrumental examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum using a fiber-optic endoscope)
within less than 4 hours from the onset of bleeding; if bleeding from the stomach or duodenum is suspected, within no more than 12-24 hours.

5.X-ray examination upper gastrointestinal tract with barium sulfate identifies the lesion with 80% accuracy, although the source of bleeding cannot always be determined. This study serves as an alternative to endoscopy for chronic intense bleeding.

6. Selective mesenteric arteriography Arteriography - X-ray examination arteries after injection of a contrast agent into their lumen
performed in cases where bleeding interferes with adequate endoscopy.

7. Radionuclide scanning(99mTc-labeled red blood cells or albumin) is used as a screening test to assess the feasibility of arteriography in intermittent bleeding from an unknown source.

Laboratory diagnostics

Any laboratory indicators should be assessed over time.

1. General analysis blood:
hematocrit number;
- hemoglobin level;
- assessment of erythrocyte morphology (hypochromic, microcytic erythrocytes may indicate chronic bleeding);
- counting the number of leukocytes and platelets, determining the leukocyte formula.

It should be kept in mind that the hematocrit value, determined immediately after the onset of bleeding, may not accurately reflect its volume. This is due to the fact that to balance the volume of extravascular fluid and hemodilution Hemodilution (syn. hydremia) - increased water content in the blood.
it takes several hours.
Common results laboratory research include mild leukocytosis and thrombocytosis, which develop within 6 hours from the onset of bleeding.

2. Blood chemistry: Blood urea nitrogen levels may be slightly elevated (especially with upper gastrointestinal bleeding). This result is due to the destruction of blood proteins to urea by intestinal bacteria, as well as a slight decrease in the glomerular filtration rate.

3.Coagulogram: There are multidirectional shifts in different phases of bleeding, which depend on the etiology and volume of blood loss. Prothrombin time is determined (to exclude primary or secondary coagulation disorders), partial thromboplastin time, and other studies are performed to evaluate the blood coagulation system.

Differential diagnosis

1. Melena when swallowing blood (bleeding from the mouth, lungs).
2. Melena of newborns. For more details, see subheadings P54.1 - “Melena of the newborn” and P78.2 - “Hematemesis and melena due to ingestion of maternal blood.”
3. Coloring the stool with food or dyes (the issue is resolved by performing a stool test for occult blood).


- hypovolemic shock Hypovolemic shock is a condition caused by a decrease in circulating blood volume. Characterized by a mismatch in tissue oxygen demand, metabolic acidosis (increased acidity)
- anemia;
- DIC syndrome Consumptive coagulopathy (DIC syndrome) - impaired blood clotting due to massive release of thromboplastic substances from tissues


The treatment algorithm depends on the presence or absence of signs of shock.

Clinical signs of shock:
- signs of violation peripheral circulation;
- tachycardia (pulse more than 100 beats/min.);
- hypotension - systolic blood pressure less than 100 mmHg. (BP during gastroduodenal bleeding against the background arterial hypertension may remain normal or high);
- orthostatic collapse (drop in blood pressure when changing body position);
- oliguria (diuresis rate less than 30 ml/hour).

Treatment algorithm for patients with shock:
- ensuring cross-country ability respiratory tract, oxygen therapy;
- providing venous access (installation of two peripheral venous catheters 14-16G);
- intravenous administration of blood substitutes (starting dose 500-1000 ml), determination of blood group and Rh factor, calculation of the required dose of donor blood;
- catheterization of the central vein, measurement of central venous pressure;

Continue infusion/transfusion until hemodynamic stabilization;
- correction of blood coagulation disorders (fresh frozen plasma, vitamin K, platelet mass - according to indications);
- regular (at least hourly) monitoring of hemodynamic parameters until it stabilizes;
- catheterization Bladder and hourly monitoring of diuresis;
- ECG, X-ray examination of abdominal organs, blood gas examination;
- urgent endoscopy and/or consultation with a surgeon;
- determination of the risk of rebleeding using the Rockall scale;
- biochemical analysis blood, coagulogram;
- monitoring of hemodynamics during its stabilization - every 4 hours;
- correction of anemia - blood transfusion (target hemoglobin level of at least 10 g/l);
- ban on food and drink for 24 hours; the next 24 hours - only drink clear liquids, a light diet after 48 hours (in the absence of re-bleeding);

Consider treatment with PPIs (damage to the stomach and duodenum), octreotide and glypressin (for bleeding from esophageal varices) or other pathogenetic therapy (for bleeding of other etiologies).


Mortality reaches, according to various sources, 15-20%. With repeated bleeding - up to 40%.


As an emergency, go to the surgery or intensive care unit.


Timely detection and adequate treatment of etiologically significant diseases.


Sources and literature

  1. Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2009, Forty-Eighth Edition /Editors Stephen J. McPhee, Maxine A. Papadakis
  2. The Merk manual. Guide to Medicine. Diagnostics and treatment /ed. Beers Mark H./trans. from English edited by Chuchalina A.G., M.: Litterra, 2011
  3. Internal medicine according to Tinsley R. Harrison /ed. Fauci E., Braunwald Y., Isselbacher K., Wilson J., Martin J., Kasper D., Hauser S. and Longo D.: in 7 vols., M.: Praktika - McGraw Hill, 2005
  4. Longmore M., Wilkinson Y., Rajagopalan S. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine / ed. prof. Doctor of Medicine Sciences Shustova S.B. and Ph.D. honey. Sciences Popova I.I., M.: Binom, 2009


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Short form of the name Milena. Milenka, Mila, Mile, Milka, Lena.
Origin of the name Milena. The name Milena is Russian, Slavic.

The name Milena is a Slavic name meaning “sweetheart.” The Slavic names Milana, Milada and Militsa have identical meanings. Very often they are used as diminutive forms for each other, but, nevertheless, these names are independent. These names are used in Bulgarian, Serbian, Czech and Polish.

This related group of names that have a common root “mil” and a similar meaning of the name (most often “sweetheart”) also includes the names: Mila, Milava, Mileva, Milolika, Milomira, Milonega, Milovzora, Miloslava, Milusha. All these female names Slavic. Each of them is an independent name, but they are often used to affectionately address the owner of a similar/related name.

In the USSR, the name Milena could be interpreted as an abbreviation for the names of the leaders Marx and Lenin. In Russia at the beginning of the 21st century, the name Milena became very popular; you can hear this name more and more often lately.

And in Italy the name Milena is used as short form compound names where both of these names are mentioned: Maria Elena (Maria Elena, Mariaelena, Marielena), Marilena (Marilena) and Maria Magdalena (Maria Maddalena).

In France, there is a similar-sounding name Mylene, which is formed from a combination of the names Marie (Mary) and Helene (Helen, Helen).

In childhood, these girls are usually spoiled by the attention of their parents, so they grow up lethargic and dependent. Her actions are usually controlled, so she does not show initiative. This is a very kind girl, everyone takes care of her.

Growing up, Milena becomes more independent. But her spoiling of attention to her person makes itself felt. Winter representatives are very jealous and constantly demand a lot of attention. It is difficult to communicate with them due to their inconsistency, grumpiness and unpredictability of their nature. They can impose their opinions and be stubborn.

In their professional activities, professions that require attentiveness and impartiality are suitable for them. They will make good doctors, teachers, engineers, accountants and economists. They can also work as nurses and salespeople. Milena is not inclined to build her career and put work first.

In family life, she is a rather cold and unemotional woman. The exception is summer Milena, she is more cordial and distinguished by her kindness. Some representatives family life may change in better side and make them more caring. Such women tend to play a secondary role in the family. But they maintain a calm, peaceful atmosphere in the family, since they can forgive their spouse a lot.

These are patient, calm and flexible housewives, but they do not strive to be the best. Milena is always happy to have guests and prepares delicious treats for their arrival. He treats children very carefully and attentively, and does not worry about trifles. She often stays with her parents, as they always give her enough attention and care. Besides, sometimes she simply cannot do without their help.

In communication, Milena is rather cold and indifferent, so she cannot share his feelings and experiences with anyone. But she also has undeniable advantages - she is not prone to gossip, so you don’t have to be afraid that someone will find out about your conversation. You can always count on her sincere help and support, but you shouldn’t be offended by her lack of concern about other people’s problems.

Milena's birthday

Milena does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Milena

  • Milena Hübschmannova ((1933 - 2005) Czech linguist, specialist in Indian philology, pioneer of Roma studies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, defender of Roma rights)
  • Milena Vukotic ((born 1938) Italian film and theater actress)
  • Milena Letizia Ruchka (a former Canadian fashion model, now an American professional wrestler (diva), she competes in the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) federation under the pseudonym Rosa Mendes and trains in fights in the Florida Wrestling Championship)
  • Milena Canonero (Italian costume designer, Oscar and BAFTA award winner)
  • Mila Kunis ((born 1983) née Milena Kunis; American film actress of Ukrainian origin. Her breakthrough in her career was her role in the film “In Flight.” She is also known for voicing Meg Griffin in the animated series “Family Guy.” One of the most significant roles of the actress in cinema is the role of the ballerina Lily in the film "Black Swan", for which she was awarded the Saturn Award and was nominated for the Golden Globe and the Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Supporting Actress. In addition to cinema, Kunis is also actively involved in modeling - her photographs have repeatedly appeared on the covers of many magazines. Since 2012, she has been collaborating with the Christian Dior fashion house.)

Version 1. What does the name Milena (Milica) mean?

- from the glory, dear.

Derivatives: Milenka, Mila, Milusya,

Folk signs.

If it's Militsyn day
rain, one can hardly hope for a nut harvest.


Milena is the type of person who is reliable, stable, and thorough. Change is scary
her, and she tries to avoid them both in her personal life and at work; constant in its
attachments, patient, knows how to wait for her happy hour, because she is confident
in yourself and your future. Relatives, friends and colleagues greatly value her responsibility,
accuracy and precision, they know that they can rely on her word and Milena
will not let you down even in the most extreme situations. That's why in her family she always
harmony and love.

Version 2. What does the name Milena (Milica) mean?

MILENA - sweetheart

Name day: August 7 - Blessed Militsa, wife of the Prince of Serbia,
led a pious life, founded a monastery; died in 1405.

Zodiac sign
- A lion.

Planet - Sun.

Color - lilac.

Auspicious tree
- ash.

The treasured plant is the bellflower.

The patron of the name is the grasshopper.

The talisman stone is amethyst.


Milena is sociable
neat, precise. This is a man of action, she does not like talkers, because she herself is a woman of few words.
and specific. She becomes attached to a place and to people, is afraid of changes in life: her ideal is
stability in everything. Milena is confident in her happy destiny and knows how to wait:
this patience is usually rewarded.

3 version of the meaning of the name Milena (Militsa)

Milena - “sweetheart” (slav.)

As a child, she was a weak, sickly girl. Predisposed to upper respiratory tract disease. It is advisable for her to engage in sports, preferably swimming.

Born into an intelligent family, he is the only and long-awaited child.

She is overprotected and pampered. The girl is lethargic, eats poorly, does not like outdoor games, is a little lazy, but very kind. “February” Milena is stubborn and grumpy like an old woman. Very jealous, disgusting, requires increased attention from all family members. Her grandmother usually raises her. Milena lacks independence and finds it difficult to cope without adult guidance. She likes to take care of someone, it is advisable to have some kind of living creature in the house, not necessarily a dog or a cat, but maybe fish or a parrot. She will be happy to look after them. It affects her psyche, makes her less lonely, and takes up her time. She is very impressionable and susceptible, she is acutely sensitive to insults, especially those inflicted by her parents and grandmother, and cannot forget unfair punishment for a long time.

Adult Milena is not very sociable, she cannot get along with everyone, and she does not like to listen to someone’s advice. She is sure that her judgment is the only correct one and does not allow for objections, she can interrupt her interlocutor, and does not take into account the opinions of others. After thirty she becomes more balanced, calm, forgiving and sympathetic. Finds stability in the family, acquires patience and tolerance for other people's mistakes. She is hospitable, but does not like and does not know how to cook. In society, she is an actress, she always needs to be the center of attention, she gladly accepts the advances of men, but she does not forgive her husband even light flirting. However, even in adulthood, it requires the care of parents, without them financial assistance is rarely done.

Milena is somewhat selfish, but almost devoid of feelings of hatred; she does not harbor any grudge even against her recent offender, although due to her injured pride she may break off relations with him.

“Iyulskaya” has a sensitive, sincere nature. Knows how to manage emotions and not show them in public.

“December” is secretive, many consider it callous and soulless. She most often lives with her parents. Unsure of herself, indecisive. She gets married late, finds it difficult to become independent, and relies on her mother and grandmother for a long time.

“Winter” is stubborn, quick-tempered, obsessive, selfish.

“Autumn” is demanding, but can do little on its own. This is a secretary-referent, a primary school teacher, and a researcher. The name matches patronymics: Sergeevna, Mikhailovna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Alexandrovna, Petrovna, Vasilievna, Antonovna, Mironovna, Markovna, Ivanovna.

“Summer” Milena is good-natured and indecisive. “Spring” is capricious, jealous, squeamish, persistent. Can become a musician, actress, designer. Patronymic names: Eduardovna, Veniaminovna, Vladislavovna, Igorevna, Olegovna, Anatolyevna, Borisovna - they would be more suitable for her.

4th version of the interpretation of the name Milena (Militsa)

It grows very often
the only child in an intelligent family, spoiled and caressed by everyone.
The girl is usually weak, lethargic, with poor appetite, somewhat lazy, but kind.
She is accustomed to adults directing all her actions and is deprived of any independence.

Just as infantile
Milena remains during her school years; her friends look after her carefully. As an adult,
fortunately, she is losing this quality.

Milenas have a complex and contradictory character, they are stubborn, grumpy,
They like to impose their opinion, are jealous and demand increased attention. Communicate
It's not easy with them. Nevertheless, they show enviable tolerance in family life,
Husbands are forgiven a lot. They are very hospitable, although they are far from exemplary hostesses.

As a rule, she is not the leader in the family; this role is assigned to her husband. She is distinguished by her spiritual
coldness, unemotionality (most of all this applies to “December” and less
of all - “summer”), she is unable to divide
someone's joy, and to sympathize with someone else's grief. And only very few of Milena
gifted with warmth and kindness.

They often live with their parents,
because I can’t do without their help. Milena's profession: economists,
doctors, nurses, salespeople, teachers, accountants, engineers.

Numerology of the name Milena (Militsa)

Name number: 5

The number 5 in numerology is a kind of field of action and the personification of human experience. It is always ready to take on a leadership role and assume responsibility. Number 5 is introverted. Her motto: “Progress in everything.”

The meaning of the letters in the name Milena (Militsa)

M- if you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities.

They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided in their actions logical thinking. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, present critical thinking. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

C- ambition, the desire to always be the first in everything. These people themselves are quite romantic and dreamy people. They are not capable for a long time to be alone. In the most hopeless situations they can instill hope for a bright future.

Name as a phrase

  • M- Think
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • L- People
  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • C- Qi (From Hebrew square letter; Tzadi - righteousness and justice)

Name Milena (Milica) in English (Latin)

Milena Militsa

When filling out a document in English, you should write your name first, then your patronymic with Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Milena (Milica) in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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Forms of the name Milena

Short form of the name Milena. Milenka, Mila, Mile, Milka, . Other forms of the name Milena: Mila, Milka, Milta, Mile, Milia, Milen.

The name Milena in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 米萊娜 (Mǐ lái nà). Japanese: ミレーナ (Mirēna). Yiddish: מילענא (Mylʻnʼa). Hindi: मिलेना (Milēnā). Ukrainian: Milena. Greek: Μιλένα (Miléna). English: Milena (Milena).

Origin of the name Milena

The name Milena means “sweetheart.” The names Milana, Milada and Militsa are also Slavic names that have the common root “mil” and the same meaning “darling”. Very often they are used as diminutive forms for each other, but, nevertheless, these names are independent. Also, these names are cognates of the name Milena, used in Bulgarian, Serbian, Czech and Polish.

This related group of names that have a common root and similar name meaning includes the names: Mila, Milava, Mileva, Milolika, Milomira, Milonega, Milovzora, Miloslava, Milusha. All these female names are Slavic. Each of them is an independent name, but they are often used for affectionate address (they are interchangeable and complement each other).

In the USSR, the name Milena could be interpreted as an abbreviation for the names of the leaders Marx and Lenin. In Russia at the beginning of the 21st century, the name Milena became very popular; you can hear this name more and more often lately.

In France, there is a similar-sounding name Mylene, which is formed from the combination of the names Marie (Mary) + Hélène (Helen, Elena).

Personality of the name Milena

In childhood, these girls are usually spoiled by the attention of their parents, so they grow up lethargic and dependent. Her actions are usually controlled, so she does not show initiative. This is a very kind girl, everyone takes care of her.

Growing up, Milena becomes more independent. But her spoiling of attention to her person makes itself felt. Winter representatives are very jealous and constantly demand a lot of attention. It is difficult to communicate with them due to their inconsistency, grumpiness and unpredictability of their nature. They can impose their opinions and be stubborn.

In their professional activities, professions that require attentiveness and impartiality are suitable for them. They will make good doctors, teachers, engineers, accountants and economists. They can also work as nurses and salespeople. Milena is not inclined to build her career and put work first.

The mystery of the name Milena

Winter Milena has a contradictory character and complex disposition. She is grumpy, stubborn, imposing her opinion. Such a woman loves when she is shown attention. Communication with her is not easy. At the same time, she is patient and can forgive her husband a lot.

In her family, Milena often gives way to her husband as a leader. She is mentally cold and unemotional. It is difficult for Milena to share the joy of another person; she is also incapable of showing sympathy. True, there are also women who are very kind and sympathetic by nature. With their warmth they can warm many.

Milena often counts on her parents for help. She can live with them for a long time, afraid to start independent activities.
Milena can become a good economist, doctor, nurse, salesman, teacher, accountant, engineer.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color name: pink
Radiation: 95%
Planets: Jupiter
Stone-mascot: agate
Plant: basil
Totemic animal: wasp
Basic features character: sensitivity, intuition

Additional characteristics of the name

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 90%
Psyche: have a stable psyche
Health: you need to stick to a diet

Characteristics of the name Milena according to B. Higir

Translated from Old Church Slavonic - “sweet, tender.” Milena's character is complex and contradictory. This is a stubborn, jealous woman who requires increased attention. She loves to impose her opinions on others. Mentally cold and unemotional, Milena is not able to share someone’s joy and sympathize with someone else’s grief. Very rarely the bearer of this name is kind and warm-hearted.

Having gotten married, Milena becomes softer and more tolerant, and forgives her husband a lot in order to save the family. You can’t call her an exemplary hostess, but she is hospitable and hospitable. A good, caring mother. The husband is the leader in the family. Milena prefers to live with her parents, whose help she cannot do without. Professional field of activity - medicine, pedagogy, economics, finance, trade, engineering. She is not a careerist.

Pros and cons of the name Milena

What are the pros and cons of the name Milena? It's beautiful, bright and pretty rare name will certainly appeal to many parents. Positive aspects it really has more than negative ones, because it sounds great, goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, has several cute abbreviations and diminutive forms, for example, Mila, Milya, Milenochka, Milusya, Milochka. The bad sides of this name include Milena’s character, which makes her a bright, but rather complex person.


Milena’s health is good, although she herself often complains about it, she seems weak, thin, and tired.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Milena needs another dad rather than a husband. She marries an older, wealthy, caring man, whom she recognizes as a leader and will obey in everything. Milena can hardly be called a good housewife, so she usually needs the help of her mother or nanny in running the house and raising children. But she loves her children, pays them a lot of attention and gives them a lot of affection. Often it is children who help Milena change, making her more independent and responsible.

Professional area

IN professional field Milena does not strive for career heights, and in general does not really like to work. She can become a dancer, flight attendant, animator, restaurateur, music teacher, TV presenter, fashion store administrator.

Famous people with the name Milena

Milena Hübschmannova ((1933 - 2005) Czech linguist, specialist in Indian philology, pioneer of Roma studies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, defender of Roma rights)
Milena Vukotic ((born 1938) Italian film and theater actress)
Milena Letizia Ruchka (a former Canadian fashion model, now an American professional wrestler (diva), she competes in the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) federation under the pseudonym Rosa Mendes and trains in fights in the Florida Wrestling Championship)
Milena Canonero (Italian costume designer, Oscar and BAFTA award winner)
Mila Kunis ((born 1983) née Milena Kunis; American film actress of Ukrainian origin. Her breakthrough in her career was her role in the film “In Flight.” She is also known for voicing Meg Griffin in the animated series “Family Guy.” One of the most significant roles of the actress in cinema is the role of the ballerina Lily in the film "Black Swan", for which she was awarded the Saturn Award and was nominated for the Golden Globe and the Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Supporting Actress. In addition to cinema, Kunis is also actively involved in modeling - her photographs have repeatedly appeared on the covers of many magazines. Since 2012, she has been collaborating with the Christian Dior fashion house.)

Meaning of the name

The euphony of the name Milena misleads many, creating the image of a sweet and gentle woman. But in most cases, the owners of this name have a rather contradictory character, far from ideal. So, Milena is an exalted, impulsive and overly emotional nature, which is characterized by vanity, immaturity, selfishness and narcissism. But still, this girl cannot be denied good nature, charm and responsiveness, which compensate for her negative traits.

Characteristics of the name Milena

Winter Milena - a secretive and rather unsociable personality. Those around her consider her cold and callous, not even suspecting that behind the mask of soullessness lies an insecure and indecisive woman who finds it difficult to become independent, which is why for a long time she does not dare to leave her parental care and start her own family. With age, winter Milena's character develops such qualities as stubbornness, hot temper and obsession.

Spring Milena responsible, careful, prudent and reliable. You can easily rely on her word, whereas she is used to answering for her every action independently. At the same time, she has a light disposition and knows how to find mutual language with people, which only makes her attractive and increases the feeling of respect that others feel for her. Spring Milena manages to realize herself in her profession and create a wonderful family.

Summer Milena - a sensitive, sincere and vulnerable person. But few people know that she is going through all the difficulties that life has in store for her, because this woman knows how to perfectly manage her emotions. Her stability and responsibility help her build a brilliant career, while in her personal life, summer-old Milena often has difficulties due to gullibility: she quickly falls in love, but she chooses the wrong men with whom she can build serious and strong relationships.

Autumn Milena , despite his demanding nature, does not have independence, so he seeks support from close people, whose influence he easily succumbs to. Any changes frighten this woman, so she is unlikely to dare to take risky actions - if she has a job, then it is stable and does not require acceptance important decisions; if love, then measured and devoid of Italian passions. Autumn Milena has been waiting for her prince for a long time, so serious relationship starts quite late.

Stone - talisman

Amethyst and aventurine are Milena's mascot stones.


This is a stone that symbolizes peace, sincerity and sincerity, so it is recommended to be worn by those who are tormented by anxiety and consumed by emotional excitement. Thus, amethyst develops the internal abilities of its owner, neutralizes anger and discontent, helps restore peace of mind and promotes health.

Amethyst products will give true love to lovers. It was amethyst that was worn by widows and widowers, thus showing their deep feeling for their departed soulmate.

Amethyst set in silver promotes the establishment of friendships and business contacts, and also helps women find the happiness of motherhood.

A stone cut into gold gives energy balance and strengthens memory.

Amethyst placed under the pillow eliminates insomnia. If you apply the stone to your forehead, it will relieve headaches.

According to Christian tradition, amethyst symbolizes modesty and humility.

Interesting fact! Amethyst, according to legend, can protect against drunkenness and intoxication. Thus, the ancient Greeks believed that this stone was able to absorb wine vapors.


Properties of aventurine:

  • improves emotional state;
  • gives vigor;
  • clears consciousness;
  • gives confidence in yourself and your abilities;
  • cleanses the aura;
  • attracts pure love;
  • neutralizes fears;
  • brings good luck;
  • eliminates anxiety states.

Ancient magicians and sorcerers considered aventurine magic stone, the power of which reached its apogee during the period of the waning moon.

Important! This stone helps creative individuals who are lonely and misunderstood. But it is better for powerful people not to wear aventurine, as this may negatively affect their financial situation. And one more thing: for this mineral to help, it cannot be worn constantly.


Purple, blue, crimson - these are the colors that bring good luck to Milena (you can read more about each color in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).




Animal - symbol

The grasshopper and the swallow are Milena's totem animals.


In the East, this insect symbolizes abundance, fertility, valor and good luck.

In Europe, the grasshopper is the personification of irresponsibility and frivolity.

In the Christian tradition, the grasshopper is identified with hermitage, contemplation, patience and humility. At the same time, in the Bible it is a symbol of God’s punishment, because after the attack of these insects there is nothing left.

In Antiquity, the grasshopper was revered as a symbol of nobility and aristocracy.

In many countries, the grasshopper symbolizes destructive passion, illness and hatred, since it is these feelings that destroy everything bright, pure and good in the soul.


The swallow is a link between the earthly and heavenly worlds. This explains a certain symbolic duality: so, on the one hand, this bird symbolizes goodness, happiness, hope, luck, friendship, loyalty and rebirth, and on the other hand, danger, fragility and unreliability of happiness.

In Egypt, this bird was revered as a symbol of home, comfort and paternal inheritance.

In the East, the swallow is a symbol of commitment to home and maternal care.

Among the Slavs, the swallow is the messenger of spring, heralding the renewal of nature. This is a holy bird that cannot be offended, because it glorifies God. It is believed that killing this bird or destroying its nest leads to bad luck.

It was the swallows, according to legend, who tried to ease the suffering of the crucified Christ by stealing nails, removing thorns from the crown of Jesus and bringing Him water.



Milena's symbolic plants are ash and bellflower.


This tree is identified with the world axis and personifies the divine nature of humanity, rebirth and renewal.

In addition, ash is a symbol of the unity of opposites, such as life and immortality, beginning and end, earthly and heavenly, spiritual and material.

In Scandinavia, this tree was revered as a symbol of fertility, invincibility and continuity of life, while in Greece - strength and courage.

Ash helps its owner find his place in life and understand his purpose, and also contributes to the development of the gift of clairvoyance, but this tree has such an effect only on those who really sincerely strive to know themselves and the world.

The wood of the tree is widely used for making protective amulets designed to protect against any negative influences.


Bells symbolize love, honesty, humility, submission, openness and devotion.

This auspicious talisman plant is endowed with positive symbolism in all cultures, because it not only brings happiness, but also protects against evil spirits.

At the same time, the bell is a symbol of talkativeness and inability to keep trusted secrets.


Bronze, the patron of Milena, symbolizes strength of character, power, fortitude, courage and courage. It is this metal, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, that can protect its owner from evil and misfortune.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Milena

Name translation

Co Old Slavonic language The name Milena translates as “affectionate”, “gentle”, “graceful”, “sweetheart”.

History of the name

There are several hypotheses about the origin of the name Milena. So, according to one of them, this name has the root “mil”, which is the basis of such words as “darling”, “sweetheart”. It is generally accepted that such names as Mila, Milana, Militsa, and also Milada also come from the root “mil”, and, therefore, are forms of each other. However, this is not entirely true, since today the listed names are not only used as independent units, but also have their own alternative hypotheses of origin.

According to the second version, the name Milena came to us from France. And it was formed by merging two names - Marie (Marie) and Helen (Hélène).

Forms (analogues) of the name

Analogues of the name Milena: Milenka, Mila, Mile, Milushka, Milka, Milenushka, Milta, Milia, Milen, Milenochka, as well as Milochek and Milochka.

The mystery of the name Milena

Patrons of the name

The name Milena is not a church name, so its owners revere the righteous Militsa. At baptism, a girl named Milena can be given either the name Militsa or Melania - in honor of Melania Rymlyanina.

Angel's Day (name day)

The legend of the name Milena

Saint Milica was the wife of Saint Prince Lazar, who died a glorious death in the great Battle of Kosovo in 1389. In this battle, he zealously defended the Holy Church from the encroachments of Muslims.

It was his wife who took over control of the people until her son, Stefan, grew up. When Stefan ascended the throne, Milica went to the Županevac Monastery (this happened in 1393) under the name of Eugene.

But in 1402, despite her monastic rank, she had to return to governing the state again, since her son Stephen was forced to leave the country for some time.

Saint Militsa is remembered as an honest and merciful ruler, because she took care of widows whose warrior spouses died on the battlefield, and helped build monasteries and churches.

It must be said that even after her death, Saint Militsa performed many miracles, healing many sick people through her myrrh-streaming relics.

Famous people

Milena Vukotic - famous Italian actress.

Milena Letizia Handle is an American professional wrestler and former Canadian fashion model.

Milena Kunis - American actress of Ukrainian origin.

Mylene Farmer - French singer and actress.

Meaning of the name Milena

For a child

Milena is a child who, from childhood, has been basking in the attention and care of loved ones, so it is not at all surprising that the girl grows up capricious, spoiled and overly demanding. If parents do not stop overprotecting their child in time, then Mila will grow up to be dependent, lacking initiative and infantile. In addition, it is also possible that she will fall under the bad influence of others, which is fraught with big troubles.

At the same time, little Mila is kind, trusting, simple-minded and sympathetic, she’s just used to the fact that her family always does everything for her, so she doesn’t have to rack her brains for a long time about what to do in a given situation, because they do it for her other.

In the circle of loved ones, she feels relaxed and confident, but as soon as she finds herself in an unfamiliar environment, Milena turns into an insecure and timid girl who is afraid to say an extra word.

Milena studies well, but she is rarely an excellent student, because she does not strive for leadership and recognition. She prefers the humanities, in which she can show her creative abilities. For her meek disposition and diligence, educators and teachers love her.

For a girl

Growing up, Milena acquires greater independence, although her spoiledness and self-centeredness do not go away, and therefore it is difficult for her to make any decision, which she thinks and reflects on for a long time. She still craves increased attention, but does not know how to attract it.

It is quite difficult to communicate with young Milena, as she is demanding, contradictory and unpredictable, she likes not only to impose her opinion, but also to show excessive stubbornness.

If in childhood she was more friends with girls, then in her youth she was surrounded mainly by guys who did not deprive her of attention. This charming coquette knows how to create an atmosphere of lightness and mystery around herself, although in fact Milena has a very complex character, which not everyone can understand.

In her youth, Milena is afraid of any changes, she does not need great wealth, she does not strive to be the center of the universe at the university. The main thing is stability.

This girl, just like in childhood, is attached to her parents, with whom she shares all her innermost secrets, and therefore she does not need friends. In addition, few people will be able to withstand the wayward, reserved, although kind Milena the homebody, who prefers fun parties home gatherings.

For woman

The adult Milena is smart and educated, so she is a truly wonderful conversationalist, which cannot be said about her ability to make friends and be imbued with other people's problems, to which she is, for the most part, absolutely indifferent. But if necessary, this woman will always lend a helping hand without showing any emotions.

With age, Milena becomes more self-confident and begins to show leadership qualities. She is stubborn, ambitious and even vain. Her gullibility disappears without a trace, and it’s all because of the betrayals she experienced in her youth. Therefore, this woman builds personal relationships quite late and only after to the fullest recognizes his chosen one.

Among positive qualities The following can be noted about Milena: good nature, brightness, steadfastness of life position, erudition, calmness, measuredness.

Milena's stubbornness and selfishness make it difficult for her to establish contact with others. In addition, this woman likes to impose her position and give her wise advice, which she considers to be the only true one.

Having crossed the thirty-year mark, Milena reconsiders her priorities and becomes softer, gentle, compassionate and tolerant. And then in her life appear and faithful friends, and a loved one, ready to accept his chosen one with all her shortcomings.

Description of the name Milena


Milena is a moral person, but at the same time she is cold and calculating; she does not know how, and sometimes does not want, to empathize with the misfortune of others or rejoice at the achievements of others.


Milena, who loves to feel sorry for herself, can boast of good health, and therefore often complains of malaise and weakness. In this simple way she tries to attract attention to herself.


Milena is an amorous woman, but she doesn’t like to show her feelings, so if her chosen one is indifferent to her, then he will never know that the owner of this name had feelings for him.

In love, Milena prefers to take on the role of a leader, while her partner must constantly show signs of attention to her, thereby proving his sincere feelings. But if she truly loves, she will go to great lengths for her beloved, just not to lose him. She will not risk relationships for the sake of satisfying her ego or fleeting whims.

When choosing a partner, this woman will, first of all, pay attention to his inner content, strength of character, ambition and determination, and not to his attractive appearance and temperament.

To build a successful relationship, Milena should learn to express her feelings, because men also like to be surrounded by attention and given compliments.


Milena has been hesitating for a long time to take such a serious step as marriage, although there are plenty of suitors for her hand and heart. It’s just convenient and comfortable for her to live with parents who indulge their daughter’s every whim. Only true love can change this state of affairs.

In marriage, such components as peace, stability, material wealth and confidence in the future are important for Milena. Therefore, she chooses strong and experienced men who have achieved success in life, and therefore are able to give her a feeling of security and reliability. For her, her husband is a second father who will always be there and support her, regardless of whether she is right or wrong.

Family relationships

In family life, Milena shows herself to be a rather cold and unemotional woman, although marriage changes some owners of this name for the better, making them more sensitive, patient and caring.

It is very important for Milena that an atmosphere of peace and tranquility reigns in the family, for which she can forgive her husband a lot.

Milena does not claim the title the best housewife years, although he performs his duties properly. Just keeping the house in order, preparing delicious dinners and raising children in a comprehensive manner does not cause her much enthusiasm; the main thing is to please her husband.

Milena often does everything possible to ensure that her family lives with her parents, without whose help it is difficult for this woman to cope with family life.

It must be said that Milena tries to pay equal attention to both her family and herself, thereby periodically reminding her family that each of them may have their own interests.


Milena has an attractive appearance and incredible charm; moreover, she spares no effort, time and money to maintain her beauty. It is not surprising that many men cannot resist her charms. At the same time, few people realize that this woman, with the right approach, can be passionate and temperamental, although she gives the impression of a cold and even callous woman. Milena gives the initiative in her intimate life to her partner.

Mind (intelligence)

Milena's analytical mind goes well with her creative potential, so this woman is capable of making rather extraordinary decisions that lead her to the pinnacle of fame.


Pedantry, attentiveness, patience and impartiality will help Milena achieve a lot in the field of a doctor, teacher, engineer or economist. She will feel no less comfortable in professions that require a creative approach to solving a particular issue.

But to achieve maximum heights in her chosen profession, this woman lacks ambition: so, if Milena does not manage to get rid of her childhood and youthful insecurities, then she will never achieve what she really deserves.

Milena wants to be a leader, but she understands that she is not ready to take on such responsibility, and organizing the work process is not her element. It would be better for her to conscientiously do the work that she can do one hundred percent, than to chase recognition.


Running her own business is not a field in which Milena can succeed, as she lacks determination and self-confidence. The doubts that constantly gnaw at this woman will not allow her to act assertively and effectively.


The best vacation for Milena is quiet gatherings in home environment with your loved ones.

Loud parties and any other active pastime are not for her.

Character type


When communicating with Milena, the interlocutor often feels coldness and indifference, which is why the owner of this beautiful and unusual name Hardly ever. Stubbornness and undisguised self-confidence also do not give her the opportunity to build warm and trusting relationships with people, despite the fact that she knows how to keep other people's secrets and will always come to the aid of her neighbor at the first call.

Milena is kind and trusting, but if you cross her path, then you are guaranteed a “fun” life. She will not take revenge or make plans to destroy the enemy. No. She will tell her offender in a harsh and sarcastic manner everything that he would not expect to hear, and will do it publicly in order to hurt more painfully.


Possessing excellent intuition, Milena still tries to be guided by her conscience and upbringing when making decisions.

Horoscope named Milena

Milena - Aries

This is a cheerful, open, active and cheerful person who cannot stand monotony, boredom and routine, and therefore tries to constantly be in the circle of his friends, whose affection he values ​​very much. Milena-Aries is constantly in search of new experiences, so it is quite natural that her passion is travel. This woman behaves easily and naturally with men, which makes her attractive in their eyes.

Milena - Taurus

This insecure and overly trusting woman absolutely does not know how to understand people, which most often leads to bitter disappointments. She is sincere and open, so she mistakenly believes that everyone else should be the same. It is interesting that Milena-Taurus does not learn from either other people’s or her own mistakes, and therefore remains deceived again and again. The men in her life are a fickle phenomenon, which is again to blame for Milena’s promiscuity.

Milena - Gemini

Sweet, feminine, charming and elegant - this is how you can describe Milena-Gemini, who often uses her charm to achieve her goals. She considers female wisdom one of the main qualities successful woman. Men fall in love with Milena-Gemini at first sight, and for her sake they are ready to do any feat, but this woman is not always able to appreciate such emotional impulses.

Milena - Cancer

The naivety and infantilism of Milena-Cancer is sometimes amazing: thus, it seems that this woman lives on another planet, where only peace, understanding and kindness reign. It is not surprising that in real life insecure Milena-Cancer feels uncomfortable, which is why she prefers to avoid any responsibility assigned to her. She is subject to the influence of others, so she is ready to submit to the man who takes the initiative and takes charge of solving her problems.

Milena - Leo

Honest, fair and open, Milena-Leo always says what she thinks to her face. She considers straightforwardness and sincerity to be her main virtues, and therefore does not tolerate hypocrisy and duplicity in those around her. But she still takes criticism (even constructive) quite painfully, trying to defend her point of view to the last. For Milena-Leo, a man is, first of all, protection and a reliable shoulder, and only then a passionate lover and an ideal family man.

Milena - Virgo

She is the owner of a complex character and impulsive disposition, who is often guided by emotions in her decisions and actions, forgetting about a reasonable approach. Milena-Virgo is an independent woman, but she does not know how to manage her independence, which is fraught with various troubles both at home and at work.

Only a patient and truly loving man who is ready to forgive her her little shortcomings and mistakes can get along with her.

Milena - Libra

This is a romantic nature, prone to indulge in dreams that often have nothing to do with reality. As a result, Milena-Libra cannot avoid disappointment, especially related to her gullibility and naivety, which is taken advantage of by others. At the same time, only the ability to forgive helps her survive such unpleasant moments. The Milena-Libra man must be kind and sincere, since any falsehood repels this open woman.

Milena - Scorpio

Impulsiveness, independence and willfulness are inherent in Milena-Scorpio, who loves to teach others, but does not accept such behavior towards her beloved. It is quite natural that she has practically no friends, and even those have to get used to her for a long time. complex nature. Milena-Scorpio is not used to trusting others, especially men, so she carefully chooses a partner who must be smart, reliable and courageous.

Milena - Sagittarius

Milena-Sagittarius's curiosity manifests itself in all aspects of life, so it is always a pleasure to talk with this versatile woman on all sorts of topics. Her problem is that she wants to embrace the immensity, and therefore takes on several things at once, but she rarely succeeds in bringing them all to the end. Milena, born under the sign of Sagittarius, needs an equally enthusiastic man who can share her interests and hobbies.

Milena - Capricorn

Vulnerable, kind and vulnerable, Milena-Capricorn tries to hide her sensitivity from others, for which she puts on a mask of coldness, hardness and rigidity. She reacts quite hard to any criticism, but she will never show it. She needs a soft and attentive man who can touch all the strings of Milena-Capricorn’s soul, reveal her incredibly responsive nature and susceptible to the grief of others.

Milena - Aquarius

Cheerful, sociable and easy-going, Milena-Aquarius has a charm that is simply impossible not to succumb to. It is thanks to her charm that this woman manages to avoid trouble and turn conflict situations into a joke. She easily compromises in order to maintain peace. In a man, Milena-Aquarius values ​​calmness, balance and determination. She prefers domestic men for whom family is a priority.

Milena - Pisces

This woman makes unrealistic plans, and is well aware of this, which does not stop her from dreaming and fantasizing. Milena-Pisces tends to idealize others, which inevitably leads to disappointment and even depression. She treats her chosen one the same way, endowing him with qualities that he absolutely does not possess. As a result, her personal life things don’t work out for a long time, as a result of which Milena-Pisces may completely abandon the idea of ​​starting a family.

Compatibility of the name Milena with male names

Milena and Dmitry

This is a creative tandem that can succeed not only in family life, but also in the professional field, especially if both work in the same organization. Milena and Dmitry do not lose interest in each other throughout their entire life together.

Milena and Alexander

Adventurers Alexander and Milena are a great couple who never tire of developing, learning about themselves and the world around them. But constant change and lack of stability can cause both partners to eventually live one day at a time.

Milena and Evgeniy

Cheerful and sociable Evgeniy accepts the realities of life with positivity and humor, which cannot be said about Milena, whose every mistake negatively affects her perception of reality. And in this case, she cannot find a better partner than Evgeniy.

Milena and Sergey

Milena spares neither effort nor time to please herself and be the center of attention.

But this state of affairs does not suit Sergei, since next to him he wants to see a loving and caring wife, for whom family is the basis of life.

Milena and Andrey

In family life, Milena is looking, first of all, for guardianship, which Andrei is ready to give her. But it will take quite a long time to win this woman’s favor, since she is not going to leave her “comfort zone” (namely her father’s house) until she is convinced of the reliability of her chosen one.

Milena and Alexey

Romance, passionate declarations of love, sexual attraction - the couple Milena and Alexey can boast of all this, so it is not surprising that this tandem is happy, strong, stable and harmonious, despite the fact that conflicts and quarrels arise between them from time to time.

Milena and Ivan

No obstacles can interfere with this successful union, because Milena and Ivan are cut from the same cloth, they think alike, have common family values ​​and interests, not to mention complete mutual understanding. Result: a happy family life in which there is no place for betrayal and deception.

Milena and Maxim

In this passionate union, emotions do not subside, but, on the contrary, only flare up over the years, which makes the relationship between Milena and Maxim interesting and temperamental. The main thing is to be able to give in to each other, and not enter into a real interpersonal war that could lead to a break.

Milena and Egor

This couple does not know problems in the intimate sphere, but, unfortunately, only sexual compatibility You can’t build strong and fruitful relationships. In addition, Yegor is not satisfied with the fact that Milena does not strive to create the coziness and comfort to which her man is accustomed.

Milena and Roman

Hot and temperamental Roman is able to awaken in his vulnerable and secretive Milena the real sensuality that hides behind her coldness. Such mutual exchange has a beneficial effect on building strong family relations who are destined for a happy future.

Milena and Vladimir

Philosophical attitude to the life of these two creative people helps them diversify their small family world, in which there is no place for ambition, as well as the pursuit of power and material well-being. And it doesn’t matter that someone thinks Milena and Vladimir are a strange couple.

Milena and Denis

If slight disagreements between Milena and Denis do not develop into a serious confrontation of views, then this couple will be able to create a strong family in which mutual understanding, trust and support will be the basis.

Milena and Artem

Other couples may not be able to withstand the loud and emotional showdown between Milena and Artem, but these two people simply need this kind of release, otherwise outbursts of anger will develop into a stormy separation of two loving people.

Milena and Anton

Milena is not used to talking about her feelings, much less showing them, while Anton, on the contrary, is temperamental and sensual, for him it is important not only to give, but also to receive.

A stable and harmonious marriage between the owners of these names is hardly possible.

Milena and Mikhail

There is harmony between Milena and Mikhail, because both strive for family well-being, for which they work a lot, fortunately they have enough hard work, determination and energy. They do not need Shakespearean passions, because family for them is a stronghold of calm and peace.

Milena and Nikolay

This is an almost perfect union in which Milena and Nikolai are united by love, respect and trust. They are not afraid and are not lazy to work on relationships, because they understand that marriage is work, and not always easy and immediately bearing fruit. Compatibility in the intimate sphere also brings them together.

Milena and Igor

Loyalty, reliability, stability and calmness characterize the relationship between Milena and Igor, who are ready to never part, especially since they are never bored together. This is a couple that nothing can separate “in different corners.”

Milena and Ilya

Milena and Ilya approach the issues of creating a family responsibly and scrupulously, so their marriage is always a verified decision, which both do not come to immediately, but after years of relationship. As a result, their family life is prosperous, the marriage is strong and stable.

Milena and Vladislav

These two are each other's match driving force, thanks to which both Milena and Vladislav can achieve a lot in the professional field. Their family also has an atmosphere of kindness and warmth, which they try to carry throughout their lives.

Milena and Vitaly

In this couple, all conflict situations are resolved immediately, which avoids high-profile scandals fraught with rupture of relations. Milena and Vitaly are equal members of one friendly family, so family issues are always resolved at a round table.

Milena and Nikita

Strong in character and energetic, Milena and Nikita strive for power, so it is often quite difficult for them to come to a compromise that will help maintain peace in the relationship. Only by acting together will this couple be able to lead their family to prosperity.

Milena and Vadim

This is a couple in which the temperaments of the partners do not agree: calm Milena cannot understand Vadim’s impulsiveness and vice versa. At the same time, she is captivated by such qualities in Vadim as reliability and responsibility, which are extremely important for the vulnerable Milena.

Milena and Pavel

Love at first sight is impossible between Milena and Pavel, since both prefer a practical approach to starting a family. Therefore, before creating a new unit of society, both undergo a verification stage, which helps them avoid many difficulties in their future family life.

Milena and Ruslan

In this couple, the basis of the relationship is complete mutual understanding. Milena and Ruslan completely trust each other, which is why their family life is like an idyll, in which quarrels and scandals are excluded. They are used to cooperating rather than competing, which has a beneficial effect on their family.

Milena and Vyacheslav

This multifaceted union is not in danger of boredom, because the thoughts and feelings of Milena and Vyacheslav are surprisingly similar. This couple is always lucky in everything, and this is not a gift of fate, but the result of working on the relationship.