Getting lifting young professionals. How to arrange lifting payments for young specialists. Financial assistance to doctors

After graduating from a higher educational institution, former students are faced with the problem of finding employment in their specialty. Even graduates with honors are not needed by anyone. Most employers do not want to hire young professionals without work experience. This problem has become more widespread. In order to solve it and attract young personnel to enterprises, plants, factories and companies, the state has created special programs for young graduates.

The payment of lifting allowances to a young specialist, as well as who has the right to financial assistance, will be discussed in this article.

Who is considered a young professional

Young professionals are students who have completed a full course of secondary specialized or higher education. They must be trained in a day hospital and at the expense of the state budget. This status is assigned for a year from the date of receipt of the diploma.

The graduate is sent to work on assignment, that is, by law. He is immediately accepted for permanent work, without an internship. All the conditions for obtaining the status of "young specialist" must be met. This is the Labor Code, lifting payments of Art. 70 of the RF Law regulates the relationship between the employer and the young employee.

Obligations of the employer and the young worker

When employing a young specialist, the employer must pay an allowance in the amount of 3 tariff rates of the 1st category, and also issue wages in the amount of at least 80% of the average monthly salary. If the employee does not have a place to live, then the employer is obliged to issue living space from the corporate temporary housing fund. An employee with no experience has the right to ask the employer for material assistance with the birth of a child, marriage, and childcare benefits are also due.

After the conclusion of the employment contract, the graduate must work in the company for 2 years. If he decides to quit, he will have to return compensation to the state for his education and training at work. It is possible to fire a specialist without experience in TC only if the organization is liquidated, or for health reasons of the specialist, which does not allow him to perform his work duties.

But in most cases, companies cannot provide a specialist without experience with a complete social package. Upon graduation, the graduates themselves try to get a job on their own, therefore they do not receive the status of "Young Specialist"

What payments can a young specialist receive?

Such employees are financially supported by the state. State social payments are divided into two categories:

  1. The lump sum is legally required to be paid at the end of the term of the employment contract. If an employee writes a letter of resignation himself, then he will have to return social money to the state budget.
  2. The payment of lifting young specialists is accrued from 2012 to those employees who graduated from an educational institution in 2011 and in the following years.

Payment for lifting young specialists

On June 22, 2012, the state adopted Resolution No. 821 on incentive payments for material support of young and inexperienced employees. The payment for the lifting of a young specialist must be calculated within the first month from the date of signing the employment contract. The amount of financial assistance depends on the specialty and the position. If a graduate moves to another city or village, payments will be canceled.

The goal of such a project is to attract young, energetic and full of ideas graduates to work in their specialty. Also, an additional benefit and social assistance is a social program for the purchase of housing. To get a living space, you need to work in one organization for more than 5 years and need an apartment.

How should an order for the payment of lifting young specialists be drawn up (sample)

The accrual of lifting payments is carried out on the basis of the order. The employer must independently draw up it and warn the employee. The employee needs to sign the order only after reading it. An application, a copy of a diploma and a copy of a work book (it contains the date of registration for work), certified by a notary, is attached to the order. Documents for calculating material assistance:

  1. An order issued by the employer. It approves Appendix 1 "On the procedure and condition of additional payments to an employee without work experience", as well as Appendix 2. At the end of the order, the date and signature of the head of the department are put.
  2. The order is supported by Appendix 1 "On the procedure and condition of additional payments to an employee without work experience." Contains the general position, the order of appointment and the amount of payments.
  3. Appendix 2 to the order is a statement of financial assistance written by a young employee.

Cash payment for teachers

Payment of lifting allowances to young specialist - teachers is carried out on certain conditions. Eligibility criteria for financial assistance:

  • the teacher must be no older than 35;
  • immediately after graduation, the graduate is obliged to get a job;
  • an employment contract must be signed for 3 years or more;
  • you need experience in the specialty to obtain a preferential mortgage.

The size of the lift depends on the city and on the amount of the scholarship that the student received during his studies. Three types of social assistance can be paid to teachers with no experience:

  1. One-time payment. Its amount ranges from 20 thousand to 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Increase in wages. In the capital, the increase is equal to 40% of the basic rate, and for graduates with honors - 50%.
  3. Mortgage on preferential terms. A certain part of the mortgage is paid by the state.

All support benefits are tax deductible. To obtain housing on favorable terms, it is necessary to add a certificate to the general set of documents confirming the need for an apartment. The only disadvantage of subsidized housing is the payment of the first installment in the amount of 30% of the total price of the living space.

Cash payments to doctors

The payout for young medical professionals may vary. This category of specialists has federal support. Lifting payments for young medical specialists reach 1 million rubles. under certain conditions:

  • higher medical education;
  • age up to 50 years;
  • moving to a village with employment for 5 years or more.

A one-time payment is only due to doctors who have completed their internship. Lifting payments for young specialist-nurses, paramedics are not paid. They are not eligible to participate in the Zemsky Doctor program. The main goal of the Zemsky Doctor program is to provide incentive payments for medical professionals working in rural areas.

Financial assistance is paid by the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF). Within 3 days the MHIF forms the payment. In 2016, 60% was paid by the federal budget and 40% by the regional.

To receive financial assistance, the physician must send the necessary set of documents to the MHIF. List of required documents:

  • the passport;
  • higher education certificate;
  • certificate confirming the end of the residency;
  • certificate that confirms work in a medical institution;
  • a statement that was concluded with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary to have not only original documents, but also copies certified by a notary.

Cash assistance to agricultural workers

Due to the low standard of living, today there are few specialists who want to work in villages. Raising payments to young agricultural specialists are the encouragement and attraction of young workers to the agricultural sector. The amount of payments is determined by the specialty and the region.

2002 to 2020 there is a program to improve the living standards of villagers and villages. In accordance with it, citizens will receive subsidies.

For young professionals, a program was created that provides assistance in purchasing housing in the village. You can use this program only once. Young specialists are given a subsidy in the form of a concessional loan, where the interest rate is 5% per year. The employee needs to contribute about 30% of his funding, since the amount of the subsidy is no more than 70%.

Participants must meet certain criteria to participate in the Young Professionals Housing program. Program conditions:

  • not older than 35;
  • reside permanently in the village;
  • have a document that confirms the need for an apartment or house;
  • you need to have a certificate confirming the availability of funds in the amount of 30% of the cost of housing;
  • diploma of completion of secondary or higher education;
  • have a document that confirms employment at the end of the training within 3 months;
  • work in the organization for more than 3 years.

Lump sum payments in 2017

There are no changes in 2017 on lifting payments for budget workers. The amounts of all material benefits are established at the federal or regional level and are not subject to indexation. They can increase only because of the growth of the worker's salary.

Payments to young workers are calculated once a year for 3 years. In Novosibirsk, Ufa and Nizhny Novgorod, the first payment is 40 thousand rubles, the second is 35 thousand rubles, and the third is 30 thousand rubles. In large cities, St. Petersburg and Moscow, the amount of charges is much higher, since the standard of living and average earnings are higher.

As an incentive, the state guarantees payments to young specialists, teachers and teachers. These privileges are granted to persons with higher education who are ready to start working in a profession immediately after graduation. The authorities are forced to turn to such measures to increase the popularity and attractiveness of the low-paid and difficult profession of a teacher.

Especially many difficulties arise with the employment of specialists in rural areas. Many former students of pedagogical universities prefer to stay in the city for office work than to go to the hinterland to work in their specialty. But knowing how to get the payments that are due to a young specialist, it is easier for them to change their place of residence. Another plus of such employment is the opportunity to get housing in the future.

General Provisions

Young specialist, who is this? The thing is that the law does not give a clear interpretation of this term. An article of the Labor Code only defines the criteria that an applicant must meet.

In Art. 7 of the Labor Code it is determined that a young specialist is an applicant with a diploma of higher pedagogical education, who found a job in his specialty within a year after graduating from a university / special educational institution.

Requirements for a young specialist who is entitled to benefits:

  • age criterion - no more than 35 years;
  • employment in a specialty one year after graduation;
  • budgetary form of education;
  • inpatient training;
  • employment under an employment contract for a long term, not less than three years;
  • enrollment in state educational institutions.

On a note! The status of a young specialist gives the future teacher an additional bonus - the possibility of employment without a probationary period in the first place of work. This rule is regulated by the Labor Code.


The total duration of the status is three years. He can be appointed one-time and only within a year after graduation. But, a person can extend the term in a number of cases:

  • maternity leave;
  • military service;
  • internship;
  • training;
  • additional training, for example, a specialist must complete an internship.

Important! Lifting is paid only at the first official place of work in the specialty. If during the year when the status is established, the applicant changed jobs (even before applying for assistance), then he can say goodbye to receiving a lump sum payment.

What are teachers paid?

Young professionals receive certain types of benefits. Let's see what are the advantages of future teachers over students of other specializations. So, teachers who have got a job as teachers, teachers on a permanent basis in a state institution are entitled to the following concessions:

  1. Lifting money. This is a one-time payment that is paid immediately after employment and is shown to stabilize the teacher at work. The amount is determined at the regional level and depends on the specialization of the employee.

A comment! In some cases, the amount of lifting funds may be paid in installments over several years. The frequency and form of payment must be negotiated directly with the head, since the peculiarities of providing assistance differ depending on the policy of the institution and the region.

  1. Rate surcharges. The amount of the allowance depends on the salary. Up to 40% of the bonus is due in the standard case. And 50% of the bonus can be received by an applicant with honors.

On a note! As a young specialist, the applicant receives a bonus for the entire duration of the status, it is paid monthly to teachers, teachers of state institutions.

  1. Preferential mortgage. The support program for young professionals provides that 30% of the cost of housing, which is paid by the applicant for a housing loan, is paid by the municipality. Applicants are entitled to the following concessions:
  • the reduced rate is about 8.5%;
  • increased term of payment;
  • compensation of the first installment.

Important! The applicant must be recognized as needing improvement in housing conditions. And part of the state aid in rural areas was the allocation of plots for building by village councils. Consequently, the applicant can receive land and a loan on favorable terms for building a house on it.

  1. Other types of benefits. If, for example, you get a job in your specialty and work in a rural school, you can get a building plot, then the city offers free travel. When moving to another area, the applicant is entitled to:
  • compensation for the transportation of things;
  • travel allowances for all days on the way;
  • funds for personal relocation.

On a note! Regional regulations of individual subjects of the Federation provide for the right to receive subsidies if the applicant has a higher education diploma and the status of a employed person.

  1. Other bonuses in the form:
  • holidays from 42 to 56 days;
  • working week, lasting no more than 36 hours;
  • monthly premium for the purchase of specialized literature;
  • early retirement.

On a note! A teacher can go on a well-deserved rest after 25 years in positions and in an institution that are included in the legal list. The age of the applicant does not matter.

Dimensions of lifting for teachers

The average one-time assistance that is paid to novice teachers, teachers in the Russian Federation ranges from 10-20 thousand rubles. The amount may increase depending on the region. For example, in the northern capital, applicants with honors are allocated about 67 thousand, and teachers without distinction are paid about 50 thousand. But in Irkutsk, in 2018, the rate for young specialists was raised from 10 to 50 thousand.

The program for supporting young specialists provides that in the first year of work, teachers, novices for work in their specialty, receive a bonus. This is 40% in the standard case and 50% in the presence of a red diploma. The list and features of the provision of other benefits should be found out locally, in the authorized bodies.

On a note! In the Irkutsk region, the salary bonus in the first year of work was increased to 60% . The second year of work brings young teachers a 36% bonus, and by the third year the coefficient drops to 24%.

What do you need to register payments to a teacher?

If all the criteria are met and the above conditions are met, the specialist must initiate a payment. This can be done by submitting an application written in the form.

List of required documents:

Attention! In order to receive lifting payments, a specialist needs to work in the institution that charges them for at least 3 years. Otherwise, you will have to return the money for the unworked period.

Reading questions

  • First question: A young specialist is assigned for 3 years. The son immediately after graduation, the daughter went to work at school, but after 10 months she went on maternity leave. Will she be able to receive a salary increase after going to work?
    Answer: The total period for which the status is assigned is three years. The decree is a good reason to suspend the grace period. That is, after going to work, your daughter will be able to renew all her privileges, including the allowance.
  • Second question: If I got a job in my specialty during the year, but in a private school, will the state guarantee me any benefits?
    Answer: You need to ask your employer about the availability of benefits and the procedure for granting benefits to young professionals. The state does not provide any benefits in this case. Increase and lifting - encouragement for employment in government agencies.
  • Question three: If I go to work in a rural area under the young specialist program, are there any privileges for getting housing?
    Answer: As a young professional, you can participate in the housing program, where housing is provided regardless of the general queue. It is necessary to clarify the conditions for obtaining service housing in the village council.

Federal and regional authorities implement various assistance programs and provide benefits to young teachers. Let's consider what kind of social support measures young specialists can count on today.

Who is a young professional

It is customary to refer to young professionals as recent graduates who have received secondary or higher professional education.

However, in order to obtain such a status and a package of social benefits, it is necessary to meet a number of criteria.

This also applies to young teachers.

  1. The educational institution must have state accreditation. And upon its completion, the graduate should be issued a state diploma.
  2. The training of a young specialist should be full-time and on a budgetary basis. Graduates who received their education in a commercial educational institution or on a contractual basis will also be considered young professionals, but will not be able to apply for a number of social support measures.
  3. To receive benefits, a young teacher must work in his specialty, that is, in a school. And start teaching no later than a year after graduation.
  4. A young specialist is considered only during the first three years of his professional activity.

This period does not include such periods of time as:

  • military service in the army;
  • maternity leave;
  • full-time postgraduate study;
  • internship or additional education.
A number of government programs to assist young teachers also limit the age of participants. The upper limit is 35 years. After that, even if a young specialist meets all other criteria, he will not be able to take part in a number of state programs.

Work-related benefits for teachers

The young teacher, in comparison with many other specialists, is in a better position.

According to labor legislation, teaching staff have a shorter working week - 36 hours. Of these, only half of them are spent in classrooms (lessons) - 18 hours. The rest of the time is spent on performing extracurricular activities and preparing for classes.

As for the length of the working day, it is not fixed and may be different, depending on the characteristics of the educational process in a particular school.

The teachers are also entitled to an extended vacation. Its duration ranges from 42 to 56 days. Due to the specifics of the work, it is provided not throughout the year, but in the summer. However, by agreement with the head of the school, part of the vacation can be taken at other, vacation, time. Or receive compensation in the form of cash payment for a part of the vacation that exceeds the standard 28 days.

Within one year from the date of graduation, a young specialist can be hired without a probationary period. But only if he goes to work in school in his specialty.

Consider the salary structure of a young specialist teacher in 2019.

Its basic part depends on the size of the load (rate), teaching experience and level of education. It is clear that a young specialist who has just received a diploma will not have much. However, there are a number of ways to increase the total amount due to the incentive part.

It includes additional payments:

  • for classroom leadership;
  • for combining several items;
  • for the mode of operation (for example, in two shifts);
  • for carrying out social work;
  • for work in special classes, etc.

In addition, part-time jobs are also possible for a teacher. But the total number of classroom hours should not exceed 30.

Teachers, including young teachers, can participate in the implementation of various paid services on the basis of their school. It will also increase wages.

Social benefits for young professionals

Each region has its own benefits for young professionals. You can clarify the information on the official portals of the authorities.

As a rule, support for young teachers is provided in the following forms:

  • lifting payments;
  • benefits when applying for a mortgage;
  • assistance in providing housing.


Incentive payments are financial assistance to young teachers who go to work in school during the first year after it. An important criterion is employment in a public educational institution. Employees of private schools are not entitled to lifting payments.

The exact amount depends on the region. As a rule, it is higher in rural areas than in cities. This should stimulate graduates to find jobs in rural schools. You can check the size of the lift at the local administration.

There is no need to be accountable for where these funds were spent.

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For young teachers, a number of banks provide preferential conditions for obtaining loans for the purchase of housing. Instead of 12-14% per annum, they are offered a mortgage with a rate of 8.5%.

But in order to get such a loan, you must meet a number of conditions:

  • age up to 35 years;
  • work in a government institution;
  • an employment contract for at least 3 years;
  • work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years and at least a year in the last place;
  • income sufficient to repay the loan;
  • making an initial payment of at least 10% of the cost of housing.


A number of regions are ready to help young specialist teachers in providing them with housing. Most often, a house or service apartment is provided in a rural area. As long as the teacher works in his position, he has the right to use it.

Sometimes such housing is provided with the right of subsequent purchase at a reduced price.

In the city, a nonresident specialist will receive a place in a hostel, which he can take while working in his specialty. A number of regions offer loans and subsidies to novice teachers for the purchase of an apartment or land plot for individual housing construction, as well as the purchase of housing from the municipal fund. The price for such housing is significantly lower than the market price.

The law allows the regions to establish and implement social assistance programs for young professionals themselves.

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Due to the fact that it is very difficult for young medical professionals to find a job after graduating from a university due to the lack of jobs, the government returned to the legislation of the Russian Federation the decree on additional social assistance to medical workers.

The main task of introducing additional social assistance is to motivate young medical professionals to look for work in their specialty. This is especially true for the employment of health workers in the area where there is a shortage of employees in this area (villages, townships, etc.).

Who can get social assistance?

According to the government's decision, in the period from 2015 to 2019, the salaries of doctors will be doubled. Thus, the average salary of physicians working in the public sector will be 93 thousand rubles. Already in 2018, 100 billion rubles were allocated for monthly payments to doctors.

First of all, social assistance, which is a one-time bonus, is provided for medical workers who wish to relocate to the countryside. IN in this case material aid acts as a lift for young professionals.

Read also: How much will the salary of doctors increase in 2019

What benefits are provided for young medical professionals in 2019?

The law provides for several types of social protection for young professionals working in the medical field. In 2018, the following categories of preferential benefits are in force:

1. General benefit and material assistance. These benefits are accrued in the following cases:

  • the employee's activity is associated with radiation sources harmful to health;
  • the employee is directly exposed to chemical and biological agents;
  • work is associated with increased physiological stress;
  • work is carried out in certain general geographical areas;
  • the employee is an employee of the rescue service.

2. Provision of free medical services at the place of work of employees.

3. Provision of free meals including vitamins, meat, dairy products, etc. (Relying on surgeons, intensive care workers and radiologists).

4. Shorter working days.

5. Extraordinary. Rely on healthcare professionals who:

  • treating AIDS patients (2 weeks);
  • treat patients with tuberculosis (2 weeks);
  • carry out treatment of patients with mental disorders (5 weeks);
  • work in radiology (3 weeks).

6. Additional payments.

The law defines a separate allowance for top and middle managers. The amount and size of the payment is established by the administration of the medical institution.

7. Pension security.

For workers working in urban areas, an early retirement pension can be awarded if they are over 30 years old. For workers working in rural areas, an early retirement pension can be awarded with a work experience of 25 years. According to the government's decision, from 2018 this benefit also applies to employees of private medical institutions.

8. Benefits in housing and communal services.

In the presence of required documents health workers may be assigned a subsidy to pay off utility bills for service apartments or household plots.

Rural professionals are provided with free living space with heating and lighting. If an employee has worked in one rural area for at least 10 years, this housing is retained upon leaving for him.

In addition, medical workers can apply for a mortgage on special conditions if they are on the waiting list for housing, or are employees of the public sector. To obtain a mortgage loan in a bank, you must write a corresponding application and provide a package of the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • diploma or a copy of the diploma;
  • copy;
  • certificate indicating wages;
  • marriage certificate (if any);
  • birth certificate of children (if any).

According to the law, all of the above benefits are provided to medical professionals regardless of their age and work experience.

It is always more difficult to get a job in a specialty, since young specialists do not have the necessary experience.

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In order to attract and motivate newly minted specialists, the state has developed programs to support them, and these are various compensations, allowances and benefits.

basic information

If we consider the provision of state support for this category of the population on a larger scale, it is worth noting that young teachers can receive many privileges.

This may be the issuance of a mortgage on more favorable terms or even partial compensation for payment from the state budget.

Due to the fact that such citizens are employees of the public sector, they are provided with a package of certain benefits.

Since the level of their income may not be high enough, this is compensated by various allowances and simplified working conditions.

Initial concepts

The status of young specialists goes to graduates who have received higher or secondary vocational education.

To obtain privileges, it is not enough just to get a specialty. This also requires compliance with certain characteristics:

  • the educational institution in which the young specialist received his diploma must have state accreditation;
  • a prerequisite is the training of a citizen in full-time and budgetary forms. Graduates who studied by correspondence or on a contract basis will also be considered young specialists, but will not be able to qualify for support from the state;
  • after receiving a diploma, the teacher has one year to find a job in his specialty;
  • during the first three years of professional activity, the teacher is a young specialist.

An age limit applies to all program participants. If the teacher is already 35 years old, then even meeting the above criteria is not a reason to receive benefits.

How long is the accrual carried out?

The support provided to young professionals can be material and non-material in nature.

After a citizen submits the necessary package of documents to the authorized body, then within one month he should be credited with payments.

In addition to the main list of papers, you will need to fill out an application that an employee of the organization will issue. You can contact the regional office of the Ministry of Education.

The term of one month is set at the legislative level, the money can come in a few days. The amount of funds will necessarily be transferred to a bank account, so you should not count on cash payments.

Legal aspects

At the legislative level, the issue of granting benefits to young teachers is regulated at the federal level, but, to a large extent, it depends on regional characteristics.

This is the law of the Russian Federation "On Education". It can refer to article 47, which deals with the rights and freedoms of teachers, as well as the guarantee of their implementation.

For example, rights to shorter working hours, extended leave, housing, etc. The entire 5th chapter of this law defines the activities of teachers.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Chapter 52, regulates the specifics of labor regulation of teaching staff.

Namely, who is allowed to work in the educational field, and which persons are not, the specifics of concluding an agreement and suspension from activities, the duration of working hours and holidays.

What payments are due to young specialist teachers

A young professional can count on a lump sum payment. Its amount depends on the region of his residence. Social support is provided to teachers and health workers.

Payments are not only made simultaneously. Young professionals can also receive a monthly salary supplement.

Russian legislation also provides for payment upon completion of the employment agreement. If a young worker wants to resign under Art. 80 of the Labor Code of Russia, then he will have to return the funds to the state budget.

Graduates who graduate from college or high school, and receive secondary special education, can count on lifting payments. You can apply for benefits.

Kind of compensation

Educational workers can apply for several types of benefits. These allowances can have a significant impact on their lives.

A young professional can apply for two types of financial assistance:

  • one-time payments;
  • lifting.


This payment is a wage supplement, but only for a specified period of time.

If, for some reason, a specialist unexpectedly quits before the time specified in the contract, he must return all received social benefits to the company in one amount.

The law provides for the possibility of paying all additions to the salary in one amount, but after working out the period set by the agreement.


Within one month, after the contract with the educational organization is signed, the teacher can receive payment of lifting funds.

This amount will depend on where the newly minted teacher works, his specialization. If a young specialist has moved to a new place of residence, then he loses the opportunity to receive payments.

There is a worker assignment program that can help remedy the situation. She helps to buy housing if a citizen really needs it.

This project is being implemented due to the fact that a specialist must work for at least 5 years in the same organization. This issue is being implemented in both urban and rural areas.

Conditions for registration of assistance (Moscow, St. Petersburg, countryside)

In Moscow, in addition to a one-time payment, a young specialist has the right to receive a bonus for three years. This amount depends on the employee's diploma:

In St. Petersburg, there are no allowances for young teachers, but there are still lump-sum payments.

Over the course of three years of professional activity, specialists who have not reached the age of 30 are also reimbursed for half of the expenses for travel on passenger transport.

But taxi is an exception. Rural areas are perhaps the most favorable conditions for young teachers, since newly minted cadres are more likely to want to work in the city.

The most ambitious program is “Young Rural Specialist”. It makes it possible to purchase a home or improve living conditions with the help of a concessional loan:

That is, in this case, the teacher should be able, in this situation, to pay the remaining 30%.

The amount of cash benefits

To clarify the amount of payments specifically in your region, you need to contact the authorized bodies. One-time payments can vary from 20 thousand to 100 thousand rubles.

The wage supplements depend on the amount assigned for work. Lifting is appointed according to the scholarship that the employee earned during the training period.

The amount of payments depends on the region in which the teacher-specialist lives and works. Young teachers can receive three types of financial support:

Receiving procedure

To apply for benefits, you should contact the regional Ministry of Education or the department of social protection with the following documents:

  • statement;
  • the original of the diploma and its copy;
  • copies of orders on the direction to the region of employment and enrollment in the teaching staff of the school;
  • copy of the work book.

Within one month after the submission of all papers, you should begin to accrue funds.

To obtain housing under the preferential program, you must attach to the rest of the documents a confirmation of the absence of housing in the property or a document that proves the need to improve living conditions.

You will need to make a first installment of 30% of the cost of housing. To participate in the program, the applicant must work in this institution for the next five years after receiving the lift.

In this case, the field of activity should be associated only with the acquired specialty.

What additional benefits are given to teachers

In addition to these types of support, we can also highlight the following:

  • in a situation where a young teacher is sent to a locality that is not his stable place of residence during assignment, the relocation is reimbursed from the regional budget. In addition to the citizen himself, his family can go with him (only a spouse or spouse and children);
  • employees of the educational sector are entitled to leave, the amount of which is determined in an increased amount - 45 days per year.