How to check if a cat has lichen. How to treat ringworm in cats at home. But most often the disease is transmitted to the cat when

No wonder they say that we are responsible for those we have tamed. And it doesn't matter if these are our beloved and dear people, or these are animals that live next to us. One of the situations in which we need to know all the nuances is a cat's lichen. To understand and properly deal with an unwanted ailment, the owner must know what types of them exist, what symptoms and signs of depriving cats can be observed and what treatments can be used. That is what we are trying to find out now.

General rules for treatment upon detection

Before talking about what exists different kinds depriving the cat and distinctive features symptoms and signs or methods of treating them, it is worth noting the general and main rules that the behavior of the owner of the animal in such a situation must comply with. All of them can be presented in the following certain sequence of actions:

  • do not panic, such a disease is mostly easily cured;
  • it is necessary for some time to limit the close contact of a sick cat with people or other animals that may be infected;
  • it is necessary to disinfect the room in which the animal lives and those objects that were available to him as soon as possible;
  • ensure an appointment with a veterinarian, since only he is able to make an absolutely accurate diagnosis and choose the right method of treatment.

Causes of symptoms

During the treatment of any disease, not only in animals, but also in humans, it is important to know what caused the exacerbation of the process and the onset of symptoms, as well as how the irritant could enter the body.

Irritants of the disease

Microorganisms are recognized as the main pathogens and root causes that cat's lichen develops in a particular body. Among them, there are three groups that are distinctive in their characteristics:

  • Trichophyton;
  • Microsporum canis;
  • Microsporum gypsum.

At the same time, the first group of microorganisms stimulate the appearance of symptoms of such lichens, which in medical terminology referred to as trichophytosis, and the subsequent cause the appearance of microsporia. However, it is still worth noting that the signs and symptoms of the progression of the disease are almost identical, and from this, all the lichens that have formed due to the activity of these microorganisms are commonly called ringworm and apply a similar treatment.

Distribution Options

The causative agents of the disease have several ways of getting on the skin of a cat. For example, transmitted from another animal or through the place where he lives or is for a long time pet. The main condition for infection and the manifestation of symptoms in this case is a warm and sufficiently humid external environment for the transmission of fungi, since it is under such conditions that they can be viable for about two years and continue to function actively and show signs of life.

It should be understood that for a long time, after the moment of infection, signs or symptoms of lichen in a cat may not appear at all. External signs can be noticeable only after 3-4 months.

For such a disease, kittens are more vulnerable because their immune system is not yet fully formed and not strong enough. Equally important, when it comes to the likelihood of becoming a victim, is the cat's belonging to certain breed, since some of them are more vulnerable and weak to the signs of fungi, while others are practically resistant to the disease.

A variety of lichen in cats

Although the symptoms and behavior of a cat during lichen practically does not depend on the type and its irritants, for further treatment it is necessary to take into account the features and varieties of this kind of disease in cats. The types of such a disease of the cat family include:

  • Ringworm;
  • Weeping lichen (eczema);
  • Pink deprive (Giber's disease);
  • Pityriasis (varicolored) lichen.


It has already been mentioned above which irritants cause this particular type of lichen, so now we will consider the features of the process of irritating the body with it and how it looks ringworm because all of this has an impact on the treatment process. The main feature of the stage of infection is that microorganisms enter the skin of the animal through the upper layer of the epithelium.. For short-haired cats, there is a definite advantage that under their coat diseases can be identified faster and the treatment process can begin, unlike cats with long hair.

This type is generally understood as common to combine many inflammations caused by various fungi and a number of different dermatophytosis.

Weeping lichen (eczema)

A feature of this type of disease is that it is mainly provoked not by microorganisms or fungi, but by certain factors that stimulate the inflammation of the allergic process in a cat. Therefore, it can be noted that weeping lichen in cats manifests itself in felines with a rather weakened immune system. Factors that may be The root causes of the process include external and internal, for example:

AT this case the name of the disease is taken from the features of how the initial stage of depriving a cat proceeds. First, a pink spot forms on the skin of the animal, it actively peels off and causes itching.. Over time, approximately after 3-5 days, such a spot is covered with a dry continuous film. The main difference between pink lichen is that it does not pose a danger to people and you can not limit the contact of the owner with the pet.

Pityriasis versicolor (versus versicolor)

This type of disease is considered the most dangerous, both for cats and for humans, since it is quite easily transmitted and treated for a long time. First versicolor versicolor in cats it looks like a small spot, in most cases oval in shape. Its color can be pink or different shades of yellow (to brown). However, what is interesting is what lichen looks like in cats in the next stages of inflammation, since such spots quickly begin to be copied throughout the body of the animal, and eventually merge into one.

Symptoms and signs of cat disease

It is important to realize that the symptoms or signs and treatment of lichen in cats are two interrelated elements. Before you start treating a cat, you need to analyze its behavior and determine exactly which inflammatory process she endures.

The main symptoms and signs of lichen

The main sign of this kind of irritation is the appearance of a round spot on the skin of the animal. There is no hair at this site of the symptom, and small abscesses or blisters can be seen in its center. In the absence of timely and proper treatment, given area may increase significantly. You can also notice manifestations of such a symptom as itching, but it is not a mandatory sign. Sometimes lichen can spread to the entire body of a pet, making the skin more greasy and provoking its peeling.

Distinguishing symptoms from dermatitis

Quite often, cat owners confuse diseases such as dermatitis and ringworm. However, it is worth remembering that in order to determine lichen in a cat, you should also pay attention to such signs of manifestation:

  • constant heavy molting and the appearance of new hairballs;
  • itching on the ears and other parts of the body;
  • when localized on the claw cover, the claws are deformed and grow incorrectly.

Diagnosing a disease

The period of treatment for lichen in a cat begins after the correct diagnosis of irritation and the detection of signs of the disease. It occurs through the use of a special Wood's lamp.

The main principle of such detection of symptoms is that when fungi and unfavorable microorganisms get under its light, they begin to light up. purple and the specialist can learn how and which areas need to be treated.

However, it should be taken into account that this increase cannot be proud of its accuracy, since it does not exceed 60%. The reason for this is the inability of some organisms to emit fluorescent light. Therefore, quite often they use the method of isolating the pathogen using a special biomaterial (for example, crusts, which were taken from the spot on the cat's body).

After identifying the signs and symptoms, as well as conducting a diagnosis, it is worth noting the main rules for treating lichen in cats at home. However, it is also worth noting that once an animal has been diagnosed with lichen, professional treatment includes the use of ointments on the irritated body parts. In most cases, ointments such as miconazole and thiabendazole are used. which fully provide a complete and uniform diet for the cat.

During treatment, an important condition is the parallel diagnosis of the animal's body for signs of other diseases.

Some nuances of treatment

In the most severe cases, experts advise using for treatment drugs oral administration , for example:

  • Griseofulvin;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Itraconazole.

Also, it is possible to use baths with diluted lime sulfide or special shampoos and lotions in the treatment process, which have miconazole or enilconazole in their composition. For the treatment of long-haired felines, in which the incubation period for lichen can be up to 3-4 months, it is recommended to cut off part of the hair around the lichen. However, in no case should the irritated part be touched during the shearing process, as the symptoms of the disease can spread to other parts of the cat's body.

Features of treatment for various types of disease

The type of disease affects the method or drug to be treated. For example, with a ringworm type, it is worth using Nizoral and Sebozol shampoos and lichen ointments for cats, for example, Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Sanoderm, for treatment. Also a common drug in such cases is Fungin spray. With a wet type, the following are used medication treatment options:

  • Salicylic ointment;
  • Sulfuric ointment;
  • Ichthyol ointment;
  • Tar ointment;
  • Ointment Yam BK.

Treatment of pink lichen proceeds from the fact that the cause of its appearance is an underestimated level of immunity of cats. Therefore, for its treatment, drugs to increase the level immune system, for example, vitamins and trace elements, and also normalize the pet's nutrition. It is also advisable not to wash the animal during treatment and not to allow direct contact with sun rays. With a multi-colored type of disease, Imaverol and Lime Sulfur are used for treatment.

Treatment of pregnant cats

Taking into account that animals during their pregnancy should not be treated with medication, as this will negatively affect the kittens, experts advise take advantage alternative options . These include:

  • tricolor violet;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • oregano ordinary;
  • common valerian.

All components can be used for treatment, either separately or mixed in certain proportions (it is advisable to ask your veterinarian for exact recipes).

Disease prevention

In order to warn infection of this type and resist the symptoms of the disease, you should know about the rules for the prevention of the disease of the feline family. The main thing is to maintain cleanliness and constant cleaning of the place where the cat lives, it is desirable to periodically clean the surfaces in the house with a solution of bleach. It is to this solution that fungi and microorganisms are very sensitive, which are the causes of the disease.

Also equally important is the first examination of the animal after its purchase, or the diagnosis of kittens a few months after birth. It is also desirable to limit the animal's walks on the street and its contact with other cats, especially those that constantly live on the street. It is worth remembering that it is always easier to prevent lichen than to cure it.

Lichen can have a different nature of occurrence, and the type of lichen in a cat depends on this. The most common type of lichen is ringworm, also called feline, caused by the fungi Trichophyton and Microsporum. Cats and kittens rarely get sick with trichophytosis, more often they have microsporia, in the common people - ringworm. Incubation period different types lichen lasts from several days to a month. Lichen in cats and kittens most often affects the muzzle, ears, paws and tail. In the table we will tell you what types of lichen are in cats, as well as their features of manifestation and treatment. From the photo of the varieties, it will be easier for you to determine what kind of lichen your cat or kitten has.

Name and photo of the type of lichen Peculiarities, characteristics type of lichen How and how to treat lichen (drugs)
Ringworm, trichophytosis, microsporia, cat's lichen (fungal infection)
  1. Long incubation period (from several days to several months).
  2. It affects the muzzle, ears, paws, tail and claws.
  3. It appears as rounded and oval bald, as if cut off (there is a break in the hairs), skin areas.
  4. The skin is flaky and covered with scales.
  5. The spread rate is very high, this is aggravated by frequent scratching of the cat or kitten itself.
  6. Rarely causes itching. The cat does not itch.
  7. Ringworm is the most common, as its spores live on fallen hair and household items for a long time.
  8. Ringworm is contagious to humans, especially children.
  9. On the human body, this lichen forms rings, which is why it is called ringworm, but this is not necessarily the case in cats.
  10. Ringworm is also called feline ringworm because it most commonly affects cats.
Treatment of ringworm is carried out using ointments, with extensive lesions, oral agents are used. Ointments: miconazole or thiabendazole. Also used are 10% or 5% solutions of iodine preparations and salicylic acid. Wool is cut off for more convenient application of drugs. All work must be done with gloves so as not to get infected yourself. Scissors must be boiled after use. Keep a sick cat or kitten away from other pets and children.
Pityriasis rosea (viral infection)
  1. This type of lichen appears as many pink spots (1.5 - 2 cm) all over the body.
  2. The very first speck is usually much large sizes- this is a maternal plaque, its center acquires a yellowish tint over time.
  3. Causes peeling and itching of the skin, small wrinkles appear.
  4. The course of the disease is 4-6 weeks or up to six months with severely weakened immunity.
  5. Infectious to other animals.
Pink lichen in cats and kittens goes away on its own. There is no specific treatment. For more Get well soon need to provide a cat good food and living conditions, conduct immunotherapy. In severe cases, you can use antihistamines, antipruritic drugs (Allervet 1%, Cyclosporine, Promethazine). When treating this type of lichen, it is strictly forbidden to use ointments and creams, wash a cat or kitten and take it outside in sunny weather.
Red lichen planus(failure of the immune system)
  1. The routes of infection with this type of lichen have not been determined.
  2. Affects the skin and mucous membranes.
  3. It is characterized by red flat vesicles with a smooth surface with a slight depression in the center.
  4. When combing, the bubbles burst and cause even more irritation.
  5. It affects not only the skin, but also the oral cavity.
  6. Not contagious.
Immunotherapy is necessary for treatment, a decoction of divyasil is also used (10 g of grass per 100 ml of water). A decoction of 1 teaspoon, three times a day, should be given to a cat or kitten until recovery. Anti-allergic drugs are used for intense itching.
Pityriasis versicolor (versus versicolor) (fungal infection)
  1. The first sign is a small yellow-brown spot with indistinct borders, not accompanied by inflammation.
  2. Mostly found in hot countries.
  3. It spreads imperceptibly, but quickly.
  4. Pigmentation can be pale pink, yellow and brown.
  5. Lichen merges into a large focus and becomes clearly visible.
  6. It can be contagious to other cats, kittens and humans, especially if there are microtraumas on the skin.
This type of lichen, like all others, also requires immunotherapy for treatment. Pityriasis versicolor is treated with shampoos and ointments containing miconazole and enilconazole. It is treated quickly if you notice the spread in time.
Weeping lichen (eczema)
  1. The first sign is the appearance of redness and blisters.
  2. This type of lichen causes severe itching and burning.
  3. When combing, the bubbles burst and cause wetting, purulent crusts form.
  4. Weeping lichen has an allergic or microbial nature.
  5. Not contagious to others.
Antibiotic ointments are used for treatment, however, if weeping lichen is accompanied by a fungal infection, then these ointments are contraindicated. You must first get rid of fungi. With extensive lesions, bathing is prohibited.

The most common in cats and kittens are 4 types of lichen: ringworm, pink, pityriasis, red flat lichen. These types of lichen can affect both humans and animals, but there are other types of lichen that humans are susceptible to, such as shingles. Shingles only affects adults and is caused by a virus. chicken pox and is not contagious to cats.

The most dangerous and contagious of all the listed varieties of lichen is ringworm. The fungus can persist for years and is difficult to cure. Even a centimeter speck with broken hair should alert you. Since all types of lichen are similar in symptoms to early stages and most of them are contagious to other cats, kittens and humans, it is recommended that you contact your veterinarian for exact definition the type of lichen in your cat or kitten, improper treatment can cause serious complications.

There are various unforeseen circumstances in life, it is possible that knowledge may be needed even to fight a fungal disease, so you need to know how to treat lichen in cats at home. Of course, it is best to contact the clinic, where the veterinarian will examine your pet (cat, cat), take a piece of wool and skin from him for a sample under a microscope in the laboratory.

Having carefully checked everything, he will be able to establish a real diagnosis, because this disease can be confused with at least four others that have similar external symptoms.

External signs and symptom of depriving

In order to cure lichen in a cat in time, it is necessary to know a number of external signs in which it is urgent to sound the alarm. To the most basic signs by which one can understand that the animal is possibly infected with a fungal infection include such signs:

  • thinning hair;
  • round bald patches;
  • severe itching;
  • places without wool covered with crusts.

If you do not start treatment on time, then this disease can develop into a chronic one, and if appropriate measures are not taken in time, then your pet may go blind. To date, there are a lot of ways and means by which you can cure a cat or cat from ringworm or another type of lichen.

Lichen prophylaxis

It is quite possible to remove lichen from a cat. What should be the actions if your pet has all of the symptoms described above:

  • calm down and not be nervous, since this is a common disease among pets, for the treatment of which many medicines have been invented;
  • close the cat in a separate room and keep children or other animals away from it;
  • defile all objects that an infected cat has touched, since lichen is also transmitted to humans;
  • using a hot iron to iron all things;
  • if there are rusty or wooden surfaces, then they must be painted over with a different paint;
  • use a vacuum cleaner to clean all carpets, upholstered furniture and radiators;
  • show the animal to a specialist so that he prescribes the correct treatment;
  • you can carry out treatment directly in the clinic, or you can cure lichen in a cat at home.

Remember that congenital lichen does not happen, because it fungal disease, which is transmitted from an infected animal or carrier of dermatophytes to a healthy cat. Infection occurs both through direct contact with a sick pet, and through objects that are found in a room with a sick pet. Some types of lichen can be transmitted to humans.

How to treat a cat

Even if the animal is in the house all the time, this is not a reason to be sure that it cannot contract this disease and you will not have to treat it. We ourselves can bring lichen spores into the house on shoes or clothes. The reasons why a cat or a cat can become infected include: poor immune system, colds, stress, the presence of another infection in the body. Need to be taken away pet to a veterinarian who can prescribe the correct treatment.

Using medications for effective treatment

Various ointments are used to treat lichen in cats, these include: thiabendazole or miconazole, fungin, sanoderm, fucoricin and others. For owners of animals with long hair, it is necessary to cut the cat, because it will be very difficult to spread the skin, a lot of ointment will be rubbed over the coat.

The drug "Fukoricin" refers to disinfectants, as well as antiseptics, which is produced by a Ukrainian manufacturer. The active ingredients that make up the drug include resorcinol and boric acid. Experts advise spreading fucoricin on the affected skin three times a day.. This procedure should be carried out until the complete recovery of the cat. Treatment will take at least two to three weeks.


You can get rid of lichen in a cat with the help of Sanoderm ointment. This medicine contains betamethasone. This component provides inhibition of the accumulation of leukocytes. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-allergic properties.

It is necessary to treat a pet for 2-4 weeks, depending on the speed of recovery of the animal's immune system.

You can cure lichen with a drug called "Fungin". The active ingredient in the solution (spray) is clotrimazole. Auxiliary components of this medication are glycerin and propolis. This solution must be rubbed into the skin a little. Treatment is carried out for two weeks, until the complete disappearance of all symptoms.

After that, you need to take the animal to the veterinarian for a check-up. Manufacturers promise that after using this drug, the cat or cat will not side effects , but still there are cases when allergic spots appeared on the skin, excessive salivation. It all depends on the individual tolerance of the drug.

The use of folk methods

Some pet owners use home remedies for lichen, such as:

  • treatment with iodine of the affected areas of the skin twice a day;
  • mix juice and olive oil in equal proportions, warm up a little and spread on bald areas;
  • apply drops of celandine 4-5 times a day;
  • apply newspaper ash to bald skin areas 3-4 times a day.

What to do if the cat is in position

It is impossible to treat lichen in a pregnant cat with antifungal tablets, since they contain toxic drugs that can negatively affect both the adult and its offspring. It is also not recommended to vaccinate the animal.

It is allowed to use external agents to treat an infected pet. by the most the best option is the use of an ointment called Imaverol or Clotrimazole. Kittens can also be treated with these remedies, if suddenly they are charged from their mother.

Usage folk methods in this case is extremely dangerous. You can not use brilliant green or iodine, because you can harm the cat's skin. If the kitten is older than one month, then you can treat it with a vaccination called Polivak TM. It is impossible to be limited only to the treatment of sick animals, since fungal spores quickly spread throughout the house. In order to reduce the risk of infection, it is necessary to conduct a general disinfection of the entire premises., in this case, the use of Clinafarm smoke checkers will help.

How is feline lichen treated in humans

If, due to negligence or ignorance, one of the owners became infected with lichen from a cat or cat, then you should not panic, but consult a doctor. To avoid infecting others all recommendations must be followed.:

  • treatment of affected areas of the skin with a solution of iodine;
  • adhere to the assigned diet;
  • taking antifungal and antihistamine medications;
  • need to refrain from taking a bath;
  • in no case should you rub the skin with a washcloth;
  • conducting immunotherapy.

It is quite possible to cure feline lichen in humans. For this, such iodine-containing solutions are used, namely: iodopyrone, iodoform, dermicide, antistrumine and others. Treatment of the disease also includes taking one of the antifungal agents: terbinafine, griseofulvin, itraconazole. Of course, the affected areas of the hairline or skin must be lubricated with an ointment: exoderil, lamisil, clotrimazole or ketonazole.

Is it contagious

As you know, not all types of feline lichen are transmitted to humans, but if your pet is sick with one of these diseases, then you are at risk: lichen planus, microsporia (ringworm), pityriasis, weeping and pink lichen. If there is an infected animal in your home, then If you have these symptoms, you should immediately go to the doctor:

  • the appearance of weakness and sleepiness;
  • growths appeared on the head, severe peeling of the skin began, but this symptom appears if infection has occurred precisely with ringworm;
  • the presence of severe itching;
  • the formation of beige, pink or white spots on the body;
  • the presence of scales;
  • the formation of suppuration skin on some parts of the body.

Properly carried out treatment, and most importantly at an early stage of the disease, will help get rid of the disease within 10-15 days. The main assistant in this matter is a dermatologist and you yourself. It is better, of course, to preventive measures than to be treated, but no one is immune from this disease.

Cats and cats, although quite clean animals, often “catch” lichen - mycosis and wool caused by microscopic fungi. Among all animals, it is in the feline fauna that ringworm (Herpes tonsurans) is more common, the disease is much more severe with associated complications (deramtitis, furunculosis, pustulosis, etc.) than in other domestic mammals.

Causes of ringworm

In cats, lichen can be caused by two types of imperfect fungi that are part of the same Fungi imperfecti group:

  • microsporum;
  • trichophyton.

According to their biological characteristics, these fungi are closer to molds.

In very rare cases, the cause of damage to the skin, hair follicles is the soil fungus Sporothrix schenckii. The disease is called sporotrichosis.

How infection occurs or how it spreads

The main source of the disease are sick animals, which transmit the fungus. healthy cats as a result of close contact. It is the infected individuals that are isolated in environment fungal spores along with falling hair and skin scales, thereby contaminating everything around them.

The causative agent of microsporia and trichophytosis is characterized by a long-term preservation of virulent (infectious) properties outside the body:

  • fungal cells can live in soil, objects up to 7 years;
  • and even more disputes - up to 12 years.

Rodents, lice, ticks play an equally important role in the spread of lichen.

Both adult cats and babies are affected, in which the disease occurs much more often and is more severe.

How to understand that a cat has lichen?

Lichen in a cat is manifested by the formation of patches of baldness on the head or neck.

For any person who has become the owner of a fluffy lump, it is important to learn how to distinguish ordinary dermatitis or an allergy on the skin from ringworm. You need to be able to do this not only because the disease is dangerous for the life of a cat, but also for your own safety, since. Particularly susceptible to microsporia (trichophytosis) are small children whose immunity is imperfect and cannot independently cope with the relief of a pathogenic fungus.

  • So, the first signs of lichen in a cat can be attributed to areas of the skin located in the head area (areas around the eyes, ears), neck and limbs.
  • Foci of alopecia (baldness) do not look very attractive. The skin on them is wrinkled, reddened, covered with rough brownish scales, consisting of exfoliated epidermal cells. On close examination of the affected area, one can see white coating- mycelium of a microscopic fungus.
  • Red-brown itchy spots at first small, limited, later in the absence of treatment in pathological process more and more surface of the skin is involved, the number of affected areas increases, they can connect with each other, turning the animal into a continuous "scab".
  • Along with this, pyogenic microflora penetrates into nearby follicles due to a decrease in the protective function of the epidermis, which leads to purulent dermatitis.
  • In addition, as a result of the vital activity of the fungus, substances are released that contribute to the formation of fluid-filled vesicles (pustules and papules) on the skin.
  • The affected coat loses its usual color due to damaged pigmentation cells, becomes dull, the hairs break off and fall out.
  • From common features diseases are characterized by refusal to feed, rapid weight loss and a decrease in the overall resistance of the body, which is accompanied by the emergence of new diseases.

At good immunity in cats, microscopy can proceed in a latent form, when only individual hairs in the muzzle and ears are affected. They look like small limited foci with hair broken off at the base, covered with a white sheath, which consists of mycelium and spores of microscopic fungi.

Establishing diagnosis

If lichen is suspected, the owner should immediately seek help from veterinary clinic to make sure the diagnosis is correct. Veterinarian will make a scraping from the affected areas and send it for analysis to a veterinary laboratory, where, on the basis of crops and microscopy, the presence of a fungal infection will already be confirmed or denied.

It is important that the scraping be done on the border between the healthy and the affected area of ​​the epidermis, since it is in this place that the bulk of the fungus accumulates.

Often, a veterinarian does not need to rely on the help of laboratory workers to make a diagnosis. So, a cat's hair with microsporia has an amazingly beautiful emerald glow in the rays of a special lamp, which is perfectly visible in a dark room.

How to prevent and treat ringworm in cats?

The owner must also remember about his health, taking precautions when dealing with a sick animal, so as not to get sick.

  1. For the prevention of lichen are used (Vakderm, Microderm and others). They are also used for its treatment. Usually, after the first injection, the animal recovers quickly and no additional treatment is required.
  2. The generalized form of lichen requires a more serious approach to therapy and, in addition to vaccination, one has to resort to the use of topical antifungal drugs, coupled with oral administration of medications.
  3. Before treatment with ointments (Griseofulvin, Miconazole, Nystatin), with a severe degree of damage, it is advisable to cut the cat bald in order to get rid of potentially infected wool, which is burned. In this case, the healing process will go faster.
  4. Inside give Griseofulvin, Ketoconosal in doses prescribed by a veterinarian.

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Lichen in animals is a fungal disease that affects the skin. Most often, they are infected with cats that go for a walk in the yard or porch. You can also infect an animal at home. Fungi are brought into the house by a person on shoes and clothes. Lichen in cats is treated with medication, folk remedies.

Ringworm in cats is a skin disease caused by special kind fungi - dermatophytes. The disease is extremely unpleasant and can affect not only the skin, but the claws and hair. Previously, the disease was considered incurable, but at present, medicine successfully copes with the disease. Of course, lichen can pass on its own, but it is dangerous to hope for it. Primarily for the life of the animal, although there are cases when the fungus was transmitted to humans.

We will talk about prevention, diagnosis, types of lichen and many other issues in this article.


Lichen is a skin disease that manifests itself in the form of a rash on the coat, nails and body.. Moreover, the disease is also characteristic of other domestic animals: dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs etc. The main causative agents of lichen are fungi that easily develop in animals with weakened immunity. These include:

  • Trichophyton;
  • Microsporum canis;
  • Microsporum gypsum.

Infection occurs by direct contact with the carrier. Sometimes the disease penetrates through household items. But home pet maybe just a carrier. He himself does not get sick.

The incubation period of the fungus lasts from several days to months. Previously, lichen was practically not treated, but at the present time, if the disease is recognized at the initial stage, then it is quite easy to get rid of it. The average term for solving the problem is up to 3 weeks. In especially neglected cases, prevention and treatment last up to a year.

Much depends on animal immunity. strong and strong cat With proper nutrition and with proper care will easily cope with disputes. The situation is different with a weakened, old or sick animal. Wool is a favorable environment for the development of the disease, because. spores with rooted force develop in a humid and warm environment.

Kittens and young cats are at particular risk.. Especially during pregnancy. Some decorative rocks cats bred experimentally by breeders do not have a natural defense against fungal spores. They often include Persian and Scottish cats.

Fungus spores can remain inactive for a long time (up to several years!) in woolen products, carpets, furniture, but at the same time remain fully viable. Once in a favorable environment, they develop rapidly

Type of lichen in cats

Although the disease causes only three strains of fungi, but varieties, and most importantly external manifestations, A bit more. Let's take a look at them and give each a small description.

Infectious fungal disease has several varieties:

  • Ringworm.
  • Weeping lichen.
  • Pink deprive.
  • Shingles.
  • Multicolored lichen.

Their symptoms and treatment are different. Therefore, we will consider each type separately.


Dermatophyte is provoked by fungi.

They multiply on the skin. Particularly dangerous for long-haired cats, for example, Persians, since the first symptoms are invisible visually.

In short-haired pets, it is easier to diagnose dermatophyte at an early stage of the disease.

ringworm symptoms:

  • Round bald spots appear on the head and ears of the animal.
  • Hair falls out profusely.
  • Bald areas of the skin are covered with scales.
  • There is severe itching in places of inflammation.

Its nature is already definitely fungal. Spores are very dangerous for people, especially for children. In the people it is called "cat's" lichen. Its spores are extremely tenacious and can be in an inactive state for up to 10 (!) Years. True, they die in the ground after a few months. Spores are clearly palpable on clothing and furniture.

Its main danger is that it is transmitted from a person to an animal and vice versa. The fungus literally feeds on the top layers of the skin. In long-haired cats, its recognition of the initial stage is extremely difficult.

At the first stages, hair loss occurs with the formation of white scaly plaque in these areas.. The area of ​​the ears and paws suffers the most. Hair becomes brittle, spots gradually expand. Mucus crusts are formed with copious pus. After treatment, the affected areas of the skin will never grow back. In advanced cases, the cat goes bald almost completely.

Exactly indicated signs should alert the owner. In any case, a trip to the veterinarian will not be superfluous. At home, with a high probability it is impossible to identify lichen. In some cases, one or two areas are affected that are difficult to see. Owners sound the alarm only when the lichen enters a severe stage.

In some cases, the whole body is exposed to infection, and not its individual parts.

Owners often confuse ringworm with other conditions. For example, it may be an allergic reaction to household chemicals, cigarette smoke. Sometimes similar symptoms occur when affected by ticks, diabetes or severe stress experienced by the animal.

Dermatophyte is dangerous to humans. Isolation of a sick animal is necessary in the first days of infection. At this time, do a general cleaning of the house, using disinfectants.
Before prescribing therapy, the veterinarian conducts a diagnosis of the disease. It is very easy to confuse ringworm with other types of fungal infections.

Dermatophysis is treated at home with the following remedies:

  • Shampoo. Used to relieve itching detergents containing ketocanazole. These are Nizoral shampoos. Before bathing, you need to shave the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. Tools (scissors or a razor) must be treated with alcohol after use.
    Shampoos are not medicinal products. They only make things easier for the animal.
  • Ointments. The antifungal agent contains an antibiotic. You need to smear the body of a cat several times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Clotrimazole, Miconazole ointments have proven themselves well.
  • Spray. Medicines that save the animal from depriving are available in the form of an aerosol. They are convenient and economical to use. Active substance- clotrimazole - applied to bald spots, or make a gauze compress soaked in medicine.
  • Vaccines. It is necessary to vaccinate a cat and kittens after infection. Do not vaccinate pregnant cats, babies under 2 months.
  • If the disease continues to progress after treatment with ointments and sprays, then oral agents. These are antifungal tablets. These include Fluconazole, Itraconazole and Griseofulvin. It is impossible to independently prescribe the dosage and duration of the course of treatment. The veterinarian takes into account the weight, age of the cat, determines the dose and controls the healing process.

Important! The incubation period for infection with ringworm is a few days or a couple of months. In pets with strong immunity, the onset of the first symptoms may be delayed for 3 months. During this period, the cat is able to infect people and other animals.

weeping lichen

This is not an infectious disease, but an allergic reaction to household chemicals, dirt, fleas. This disease occurs in cats with reduced immunity, with hormonal disruptions, stress.

This species is not infectious. It manifests itself due to weakened immunity, as a reaction to external stimuli. For example, for detergents. Similarly, severe stress leads to malfunctions in the body and provokes weeping lichen. One way or another, it is not dangerous for a person.

Red spots are spreading over the cat's body. The rash is blisters that are filled with fluid. The abscesses burst, pus is released. It gradually dries up, forming an unpleasant crust. In rare cases, the temperature rises, the cat loses orientation in space, meows invitingly and moves little.

Weeping lichen symptoms:

  • Wet spots on the cat's body.
  • Temperature rise.
  • Inflammation and pus in infected areas if left untreated.

It is difficult to cure weeping lichen. Be sure to find out the cause of malfunctions in the animal's body. Eliminating it, you can achieve results in the treatment of lichen.
The veterinarian conducts an examination, prescribes therapeutic agents. First of all, you should take care of the condition of the cat's skin. Ointments help reduce inflammation. They have an astringent and antiseptic effect. Usually prescribed salicylic, sulfuric and tar ointment.

Ointment from lichen - affordable and effective way disease control.

Important! It is impossible to know exactly how much weeping lichen is treated. Continue to use ointments, compresses and bandages until the redness and inflammation on the cat's body completely disappears.

pink lichen

Appearance pink spot anywhere on the cat's body, itching, flaking, and the spread of similar symptoms throughout the body are considered signs of pink lichen. This disease is not infectious.. Occurs in immunocompromised animals.

What to do if you find pink lichen in a cat or kitten? You can remove lichen by adjusting the nutrition of the animal. Include vitamins and minerals in your diet. Give us specialized food. You can’t bathe a cat, protect the animal from the sun.

Pink lichen goes away on its own after a few months., subject to an attentive attitude to the state of health, nutrition of the pet. No additional medical treatment required.

This type is the most common sign of impending baldness in cats. It is not transmitted and is not dangerous to humans. The reasons for its occurrence are not fully understood, but presumably it is a kind of virus. Pink lichen is inherited. After treatment, it may resume in a new, severe form.

At the time of illness, many veterinarians still recommend limiting the contact of the animal with people. This is especially true for children and the elderly.

Based on the name, it manifests itself in the form of a numerous pink rash or rare large spots. Most often, lichen appears on the abdomen or in the genital area. The skin is flaky, but the edges remain smooth. In this case, it is especially dangerous to get other microorganisms on the damaged areas. It makes me sick elevated temperature, complicates treatment and weakens the immune system as much as possible.

Important! Pink lichen is not transmitted to humans.


This disease is not diagnosed in animals. It is found only in humans. Such a diagnosis is made erroneously, that is, this type of disease is confused with other types of lichen.

Photo: lichen in cats


Dangerous disease for animals and humans. It gets the most activity in the summer. The disease is caused by the fungus Pityrosporum. Interestingly, the vast majority of people are its carriers. It is very often found on the fur of animals. Under favorable conditions, for example high fat content hair, the fungus enters the active phase. High humidity and heat provoke the transition of spores into a pathogenic state. What multi-colored lichen looks like can be seen below.

At the initial stage, a barely noticeable bright spot develops on the body of a cat. But after a couple of days they appear everywhere, merge and form huge patches.

It is multi-colored lichen that often causes deformation of the claws. When hit under hard tissues it is developing extremely fast and it is worth acting rapidly

The affected surface may be smooth or scaly. Interestingly, during a strong cold snap, the spots rapidly shrink in size, and often disappear altogether. But this is a temporary lull. Soon multi-colored lichen will deal a new crushing blow.

Symptoms of multi-colored lichen:

  • The appearance of a small spot on the body of a cat.
  • Staining of the infected area in pink, yellow, brown.
  • The spread of inflammation over the entire surface of the animal's skin.

It is not recommended to treat multi-colored lichen on your own.. The therapy is carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. For treatment, medicines containing enilconazole are used:

  • Imaverol. An emulsion is being prepared, which is treated with the body of the animal 1 time in 3 days. The procedure is carried out no more than 4 times.
  • Lime Sulfur. Toxic substance based on hydrogen sulfide lime. It is diluted with water, in the proportion of 1 ml of medicine per 33 ml of water. Processing is carried out 1 time in 7 days.

When using the medication safety rules for humans and animals must be observed:

  • Be sure to wear a mask and gloves.
  • Treat outdoors or in a well ventilated room.
  • Protect the mucous membrane of the animal from contact with the drug.
  • Wear a collar on the cat after treatment to prevent licking of the substance from the body.

Preventive measures should be taken to avoid infection.

Prevention of lichen in cats and cats

High-quality treatment emotionally exhausts not only the cat, but also the owner. In addition, some types of lichen are dangerous for humans. It is extremely important to observe the prevention of the disease. A disease is always easier to prevent than to cure.

Vaccination is the best way to prevent shingles. The fact is that many antifungal drugs are resistant to drugs, and choosing the right one effective course under such conditions is not always possible. Most often, such medicines as Polivak TM, Vakderm-F or Trimivak are used. The injections are given twice with an interval of 2 weeks. Immunity is strengthened after a month and resistance to lichen lasts about a year.

We also note other methods that will prevent the disease:

  1. Vaccinate kittens, new pets. It is imperative to remove worms from a pet before vaccination.
  2. Disinfect the litter box and bed a couple of times a month.
  3. Do not let your domestic cat into the yard and entrance.
  4. Do not let other people's pets near your cat.
  5. In case of infection with fungi, treat the habitats of the cat and kittens with a weak solution of bleach. This will kill pathogens. So you protect yourself and other pets from infection.


So, during the next game with the pet, the latter showed suspicious spots that peel off, and even the hair falls out. What to do in this case? Temporarily leave the question of how and how to treat it. Let's take a look at first aid.

To begin with, we isolate the animal from other family members. Do not lock your cat in the toilet! If possible, allocate a room for your pet, equipping it with a tray and a supply of food. In the summer, you can arrange a temporary insulator on the balcony. If it is insulated, then in winter.

Next, contact the veterinary clinic by phone. You can take a photo of a pet or only the affected areas. Bringing a cat to the clinic right away can be dangerous for the animal and others. The veterinarian will come to the house and examine the cat. Sometimes specialists ask you to come to the hospital right away. But it is better to do this only after any initial diagnosis.

  1. Clean up with disinfectants. Treat the furniture with a solution of water and vinegar, not forgetting the rugs and places where the cat most often liked to be.
  2. Prepare a separate bowl for your pet.
  3. If there are other pets in the house, they should be isolated, but it is better to take them to the dacha or temporarily transfer them to neighbors.
  • The surface of the furniture is treated with hot steam.
  • You can use some bleach to wash towels. But many breeders still prefer whiteness and its analogues.
  • A good option would be quartzing the room. Even a small lamp will kill many germs in up to 30 minutes.
  • For washing hard surfaces, a solution is used, which includes: water, bleach, vinegar and chlorhexidine.

What is the veterinarian doing? It all starts with a visual inspection, the study of the affected areas. The specialist asks related questions to the owner about his health, the alleged source of infection. Then he moves on to specific research methods.

The doctor scrapes the skin from the infected area and examines it under a microscope. The method is very convenient and gives a specific quick result. In rare cases, pathogenic spores cannot be found. Then the veterinarian makes a scraping from another area or resorts to other methods.

For example, irradiation with a Wood's fluorescent lamp. Its essence is as follows - the defeated areas are highlighted in green, signaling an infection. Unfortunately, sometimes the device reacts to harmless fungal spores, which are also on the pet's body, and does not detect some of the pathogenic particles at all.

The most accurate, but lengthy method is the growth of pathogenic spores on a nutrient medium. The veterinarian makes a scraping and transfers it to the bowl, where they stay for a while. Sooner or later, spores will develop in the cup, which will definitely signal the presence of lichen. Unfortunately, growth takes a long time (up to a month).

Alternative methods of treatment for lichen

In the early stages of infection or the course of the disease, you can use folk remedies fight against lichen at home.

  • Treatment of wounds and inflammations iodine and green. The affected areas on the cat's body are lubricated at least 2 times a day brilliant green solution or iodine.
  • Rubbing with celandine. Celandine juice is applied to inflammation. Gently rub in until completely absorbed. The procedure should be carried out every 5-6 hours.
  • Ash masks and vegetable oil . Wounds disinfected with iodine are covered with a mixture of ash and oil. The mask dries up the wounds, they fall off faster. The skin remains healthy and clean.
  • valerian mix, sunflower oil and iodine. Pour 1 teaspoon of each ingredient into a bowl. Mix. Treat inflammation several times a day.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid and alcohol. Mix 1 tablet and 30 ml of alcohol. The solution wipes the wounds on the body of the animal. Alcohol dries up sores. A hard crust forms. You don't need to tear it off.

Important! Treatment domestic cat with a neglected and complex form of any kind of depriving folk remedies is impossible. Don't waste your time. If you could not help the pet on your own - contact a specialized veterinary clinic.

Prevention is easier than cure. Take care of the health of your pets in advance. Approach nutrition carefully, pay attention to the presence of vitamins in the menu, make preventive vaccinations all animals in the house. These measures will help to avoid various diseases.

Treatment, in many respects, depends on the degree of neglect of the disease, the affected area. Sometimes ointments are used, in other cases a whole course of tablets and injections is prescribed.

Healing lasts on average up to 2 weeks. Full recovery, given the overgrowing of the affected areas with hair, takes up to a month. Unfortunately, external signs do not speak of a complete recovery. The exact answer is given only by laboratory tests.


One of the most dangerous varieties of the disease. Pre-infected areas are additionally shaved. This will allow shampoos or ointments to absorb and act more effectively. Let's talk about the first.

Veterinarians often prescribe the following shampoos: Veterinary Formula ANTISEPTIC & ANTIFUNGAL, Doctor, Nizoral, Sebozol, and others. The last two preparations have proven themselves especially well. Shampoo is applied to the affected area and washed off with plenty of water after a few minutes. Sebozol is the most cheap drug from those presented.

It should be understood that shampoos contain antifungal drugs, but by themselves they cannot cure lichen. All medicines should be used in combination.

As for ointments. Most often used: "Epacid-F", spray "Fungin", ointment "Yam", "Sanoderm", "Clotrimazole", "Miconazole". Here are some tips for using them:

  1. Clotrimazole is applied 3 times a day for a month.
  2. Miconazole is applied 2 times a day for 1-2 months.
  3. Sanoderm complex drug, which contains antibiotic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory components. It is applied 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
  4. Fungin is sprayed on the affected areas 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Most often, other medicines are used for effectiveness. For example, Griseofulvin, Itraconazole, Terbinafine. They are ground and added to food, or simply pour the powder from the capsules directly into a bowl. Similarly, injections are used.

By the way, Vaccines are used not only for prevention, but also for treatment, but in smaller doses. For example, Vakderm-F, Polivak TM, Microderm. Vaccines have a number of limitations. The main one is not to give injections to animals with a weakened immune system. Otherwise, the treatment may end in failure.


Often veterinarians prescribe Imaverol. The drug is diluted in water and the resulting solution is treated with the affected areas every 3 days. In advanced cases, the cat is literally bathed in the resulting emulsion. AT difficult situation use Lime Sulphur. This is a solution of hydrogen sulfide lime. Processing occurs strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

The drug is used, observing the following safety methods: prevent the solution from getting into open areas of the body and eyes, use gloves, ventilate the room well after application. For a cat, it is better to buy a special collar so that it does not lick the drug from the skin. The medicine is extremely pungent and bad smell, so the mask is required when applying!


In general, the methods of treatment do not differ from the previous paragraph. Pink lichen occurs due to weak immunity, so it is extremely important to strengthen it. provide a pet proper diet, rest, attention and care. Protect the cat from direct sunlight, do not wash it.

The main task is to save the cat from itching. Usually use antihistamines. If the disease has passed into a severe stage, then anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. They are used only on the advice of a veterinarian.

In general, pink lichen is the easiest to treat. In some cases, it can go away on its own in a few months. The main thing is to follow the diet, rest and sleep, as well as not to deprive the pet of attention and care. We will talk about food during and after getting rid of lichen a little later.


This type is difficult to treat. It is extremely important not to deviate from the general course of therapy and strictly follow the doctor's instructions. In most cases, experts prescribe ointments in combination with antiseptic drugs. Here are some popular recommendations:

As for the usual application, the ointment is used 1-2 per day for 2-3 weeks.

Let's talk a little about such a delicate moment as lichen in a pregnant cat. The main difficulty is that a weakened body cannot use antifungal drugs. They negatively affect the fetus. In this case, they turn to natural and, if you like, "folk" remedies. These include medicinal plants and oils, coupled with iodine and alcohol.

Use "folk" means effectively only on initial stages disease

Of the medicinal plants used: oregano, common valerian, tricolor violet, chamomile, burdock, plantain, yarrow and many others. Numerous decoctions for internal use are made from them. Here are some popular recipes:

  1. Two tablespoons of nettle, succession, oregano, violets (all in equal proportions) pour 0.5 liters of boiled water. Insist for half an hour, strain. Slightly warm solution to drink 3-4 times a day before meals.
  2. One tablespoon of chamomile, horsetail, valerian, thyme and licorice (all in equal proportions) pour 0.2 liters of boiled water and insist in a water bath for 30 minutes. Strain. Slightly warm solution to drink 3-4 times a day before meals. Cats are very positive about the decoction, thanks to the leaves of valerian.
  3. In 30 ml of alcohol, grind one tablet of aspirin. We process the affected areas for a week. An alternative would be ordinary iodine. It can be applied alone or in combination with valerian and vegetable oil.

Tea tree essential oil has proven itself well - a natural antifungal agent. It significantly improves the condition of the skin and partially copes with lichen. Essential oil must be diluted. It is enough to mix 3-4 drops in a tablespoon olive oil. The mixture is applied 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.


Getting rid of such an unpleasant disease as lichen is extremely important to adhere to a special diet. In most cases, this is diet food. It will allow you to most effectively support the body of a weakened animal. When choosing products or prepared feeds, consider the following points:

  • composition - the quantity and quality of nutrients;
  • taste qualities;
  • energy value;
  • hypoallergenic diet.

It should be borne in mind that dietary feeds are suitable only during treatment and for a short period of time, because. a healthy, strong animal is not able to fully satiate itself with such food. A particularly strict diet is observed with weeping lichen. It is associated with many allergic reactions. By the way, most products are safe for cats, but it is not uncommon for animals to have intolerance to milk, soy, wheat, eggs, different types of meat (beef, chicken, pork, etc.).

The most dangerous thing is that allergies can appear suddenly. A cat can eat a certain food for several years without consequences. . At some point, the body, weakened by the disease, reacts negatively to a certain product.

Ultimately, the best option will be to use ready-made dietary feeds. They are as balanced as possible and will help support a weakened body. Feeding time depends on the breed and individual features pet. It should be checked with a veterinarian.