Graph of preventive vaccinations from polio. Grafting from poliomyelitis to children: how to injected "dead" drugs, and what restrictions must be observed with the introduction of "live diagram of vaccine vaccination in an inactivated vaccine

Vaccination from polio is able to protect the child, and then an adult from a hard to infection, which often leads to disability. Effective methods of treating this "infection" science has not been invented so far, and the focus of infection lightly increases, absorbing whole countries, not so long ago even continents.

Why do you need a vaccination from polio?

Poliomyelitis is an infectious disease caused by a virus (there are 3 types). There is a damage to the central nervous system, which often ends with paralysis. If the operation of the respiratory system is disturbed, then death.

Today, the problem is removed on a global scale, but only due to mass vaccination. Dangerous areas remained in Africa and Asia (by the way, Ukraine has recently shot that it became shocked for Europe). In countries where health care system is practically not developed, international organizations work, but they cannot provide full coverage of the territory.

Since it is impossible to treat the disease, the only way out is that vaccination remains.

Modern vaccinations guarantee the development of immunity in humans to all three types of virus, while the risk of obtaining serious complications after vaccination is minimized.

Advantages of vaccination:

  1. Full immunity to the end of life, subject to the fulfillment of the full course;
  2. Passive vaccination. The introduced strain of the virus is released by orally for another 30 days, so those who have been weakened infection are infected, producing immunity already at home;
  3. Safety. The percentage of complications are negligible, however, despite this, the vaccine is constantly being finalized. The purpose of scientists to exclude a side result at all;
  4. Availability. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the free distribution of the drug in the necessary quantities for complete vaccination of the population. So it was since the USSR, remains and today.

Types of vaccines and principle of operation

Today in the world there are 2 types of vaccines that contain all 3 viruses.

OPV - Live Oral Poliomyelitis Vaccine

Developed in 1955 by American scientists. This is a red bitter liquid consisting of a living, but very weakened polyomelitis virus. It is introduced into the oral cavity (the root of the tongue of the younger, between the lip and the gums in the older children).

Depending on the concentration of a particular ampoule (manufacturers can vary this indicator) you need from 2 to 4 drops. Helped to defeat the disease as a whole continent in a fairly short time.

Operating principle:

  • The virus enters the intestines, starting to multiply;
  • The immune system reacts to this process, producing antibodies on the intestinal mucosa and blood;
  • About 30 days there is an active selection of the virus orally. Surfaces surrounding (passive vaccination). At the same time, it is reduced to zero chances of gravated to pick a wild virus. This is actively used in problem areas, using zero vaccination immediately after birth. Immunity it will not give, but she will save the child from the disease to the first vaccination;
  • A weakened virus cannot create the problems of the immune system, so it concerns. The next time, immune cells formed will work faster and more efficient.

IPV - Inactive polio vaccine

Designed in the same America, but a little earlier - in 1950. This is a injection fluid containing a certain amount of three species killed viruses. Packed into disposable syringes (one dose on the syringe). Entered into the femoral cloth or shoulder. More secure, but the passive effect does not give.

Operating principle:

  1. The killed pathogens of the disease are introduced into the blood;
  2. On them the body reacts is reacting - antibodies are produced;
  3. In the intestine, the synthesis of immune cells does not occur.

This type of vaccine is allowed for children with HIV, as it cannot cause a disease even in a light form.

Polio vaccination chart for children

In our country, there is a regulatory document - a national calendar of vaccinations, which describes in detail the procedure for mandatory vaccination of the population. It is compiled on the recommendations of the World Health Organization, but each government can range the timelines and type of vaccines, so the schedule of different countries can vary significantly. Consider several examples.


We have an order of order:

  • 3 months from the genus - IPV;
  • 4.5 months - IPV;
  • 6 months - OPV;
  • 18 months - OPV;
  • 20 months - OPV;
  • 14 years old - OPV.

The first twice is introduced an inactive vaccine that is absolutely safe for the child. Then, a weakened virus applies to the prepared organism to produce persistent immunity.

But not everyone is permitted by a living vaccination, therefore there is a chart of vaccination against poliomyelitis using only killed "infection":

  • 3 months;
  • 4.5 months;
  • 6 months;
  • 18 months;
  • 6 years.

The production of live vaccine exists in our country, IPV is completely imported. Therefore, the Ministry of Health officials are in no hurry to follow new trends - to use an exceptionally dead virus, as this will be quite expensive on the scale of the country.

At the same time, even scientifically proven that children grafted exclusively IPV resistant immunity is formed in the same way as when using OPV.


Our neighbors, the level of medicine is considered one of the best among the countries of the former union, but the calendar of the vaccinations from polio is focused on the United States. Used exclusively IPV:

  • 3 months;
  • 4 months;
  • 5 months;
  • 7 years.

Cases of the disease are not recorded for all the time of independence, so the conclusions about the efficiency of the system will be suggested by themselves.


This country is taken as an example of good European medicine. So, the graph (used exclusively IPV):

  • 2 months;
  • 3 months;
  • 4 months;
  • From 11 to 14 months;
  • From 15 to 23 months. This revaccination is not binding and appointed if necessary by the decision of the family physician;
  • From 9 to 14 years;
  • From 15 to 17 years old.


In this country, the vaccine was developed, so it makes sense to familiarize himself with their calendar (used exclusively IPV):

  • 2 months;
  • 4 months;
  • From 6 to 18 months by a doctor's decision;
  • From 4 to 6 years;

At the same time, there are no restrictions on age when late. Rule one thing - up to 18 years old children should be vaccinated 4 times.

Polio vaccination reaction

Complications here are extremely rare, much more often, the children's body demonstrates a normal reaction that many parents refer to complications.
What could be a child after vaccination?

After OPV:

  • No reaction;
  • Increased temperature (up to 38 degrees) 3 days and up to 14 days after instillation;
  • Chair disorder for a couple of days;
  • 1 case for two and a half million infection disease.

After IPV:

  • No reaction;
  • Local allergic reaction in the injection site;
  • Reducing activity and appetite for several days.

Hence the conclusion: IPV vaccine is safer and guarantees full immunity.

OPV is appropriate for outbreaks of the disease, as it allows you to vaccinate others (which are often even suspected of this) and not to infect wild virus for 30 days.

The myth that the OPV gives a stronger immunity longly debunking, and our officials support him due to economic feasibility (this applies to almost all CIS countries).

How to do if the vaccination time is missing?

You can skip the vaccination from poliomyelitis for many reasons. For example, the most common:

  • The child was sick or restored after the suffering disease;
  • Progressive allergic manifestations (acute period);
  • In the local polyclinic, the vaccine was simply not (such rarely, but also happens);
  • The negligence of medical workers or parents, and many others.

It should not be a panic in such cases, nothing terrible happened. There is a certain procedure:

  • Missed first vaccination:
    • Children under 6 years old are made twice with a break per month;
    • After 6 years - once;
  • If the second vaccination is missing, then simply make it later and that's all;
  • The third and fourth also does not require any additional funds, the doctor shifts the schedule.

The main rule is that the total number has 5 IPDs up to 14 years or 4 OPV with two IPVs. It is possible to unscheduled revaccination in the event of an outbreak of the disease, as they did in Ukraine, where in 2 months they instilled in a row to 12 years, despite the schedule.

Contraindications for vaccination

  • The child is sick of HIV or in its nearest environment there are such patients. Weak immunity can cause the disease itself, which is practically not treated;
  • Chemotherapy or similar drugs are being carried out. In this case, the period is shifted 6 months after the end of treatment;
  • Presence in the family of a pregnant woman;
  • There are infectious diseases (ORZ, flu, other) or the acute phase of chronic illness. Vaccination is allowed after recovery;
  • The intolerance of several types of antibiotics:
    • Streptomycin;
    • Neomycin;
    • Polymixin B;
  • Manifestation of side effects after previous vaccination (high temperature, allergies, strong digestive disorder).
  • The presence in the family of a newborn (or adult), not graft even IPV. This contraindication concerns the cases of the planned vaccination of the OPV. Behind this should strictly follow the parents.

It is not worth afraid of vaccine from poliomyelitis, problems with it is extremely rare, but the disease itself is one of the most heavier on the planet.

Interesting explanations of the doctor about the vaccine from polio - in the next video.


The danger of the disease is to be damaged by the causative agent of the nerve cells of the child's spinal cord, which is accompanied by paralysis and subsequent disabilities. The only reliable method of avoiding infection is a grafting from polio. There are no other methods for preventing the development of death at the moment.

How does a vaccine against poliomyelitis

It is known that vaccination against polio has a similar principle of operation with all standard vaccinations. A strongly weakened or killed virus-causative agent of the disease is introduced into the human body, it begins to multiply, forcing immunity to produce antibodies. After a certain time, the bacteria will be derived from the body, but will continue to provide "passive" immunization. Currently there are two types of polyomelitis vaccines:

  1. OPV - oral live vaccine from polio;
  2. IPV - inactivated injection vaccine.


Vaccine from polio in drops is also called "alive." The composition includes all three kinds of a weakened virus of the disease. The method of administration of the drug is oral, the liquid has pink color with bitter and salty taste. The doctor inflicts 3-4 drops on the chicken almonds of the child so that the drug penetrates the lymphoid fabric. The dosage should be calculated by a physician, due to the incorrect determination of the amount of the drug, its effectiveness is reduced. With this vaccination, part of the bacteria can get into the child's chair (becomes contagious), which will cause infection from unvocked babies.

Inactivated polio vaccine

This type of vaccination is considered more secure, because there is no living virus in the composition, almost zero probability of side effects. It is allowed to use IPV even with a reduced child immunity. The introduction of the drug is carried out intramuscularly under the blade, shoulder or the muscle of the thigh. On the territory of Russia, as a rule, one of the options of the following drugs are used:

  1. Imovix polyo. Belgian vaccine consists of three types of poliomyelitis virus. The effect of the drug is very soft, it is allowed to use at any age, low weight children. Use with other vaccines is allowed.
  2. Polioriks. French drug, the impact method is similar to the vaccine described above.

Who shows the vaccination against poliomyelitis

Vaccination against poliomyelitis is recommended to everyone, it should be carried out at the breast. Parents can abandon vaccinations, but it is associated with the risk of developing the disease. In Russia, the doctrine vaccination is advised to spend together with ADH (Poklush, Diphthery, Tetannik) except when the child's schedule was compiled individually. The joint implementation of these vaccinations will produce persistent immunity in the kid from these diseases. For vaccinations, two different drugs can be used, for example, the immotax and infanrix, or the combined option - Pentaxim.

Vaccination scheme

WHO has developed a special schedule to develop persistent immunity in children to the disease. Vaccination against poliomyelitis on the example of an IPV type on the territory of the Russian Federation has the following scheme:

  • 3 months - 1st vaccination;
  • 4.5 months - 2nd;
  • 6 months - 3rd.


After the first three vaccinations from the disease, it is necessary to make revaccination, which is done on the following schedule:

  • 18 months - 1st revaccination;
  • 20 months - 2nd;
  • 14 years - 3rd.

How to vaccine from polio

On the territory of Russia are allowed for the vaccination of the OPV, IPV drugs. As a rule, in the first year, the baby makes vaccination from poliomyelitis using an inactivated virus. This type of drug is more expensive than oral droplets, therefore, the injection is performed only for the first time. In the future, parents can buy OPV, the child will be buried a means of 3-4 drops in the mouth.

With oral introduction of the virus, it is important that the fluid gets to the root of the language, where the cluster of lymphoid fabric is located. More adult children droplets are trying to make almonds. In these places, the minimum number of taste receptors, so the probability that the child swallows the vaccine in full. To apply the drug, doctors tend to use syringe without a needle or dropper. It is possible to eat after vaccination not earlier than 1 hour.

Polio vaccination reaction

  • in place of the injection, there is a small swelling, soreness;
  • chair disorder for up to 2 days, passes independently;
  • temperature rise up to 38.5 ° C for 1-2 days;
  • redness at the injection site of the drug up to 8 cm in diameter;
  • one-time vomiting, nausea;
  • nervousness, increased excitability.

Contraindications for vaccination

  • hIV has HIV strongly weakened immunity;
  • pregnancy mother baby or any other woman in his surroundings;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • pregnancy planning period;
  • immunosuppressive therapy is carried out, neoplasms appeared;
  • there is a negative reaction of the body when vaccinating in the past;
  • recently transferred acute infectious diseases;
  • there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • there is an allergy to neomycin, polymixin in, streptomycin.

For the IVP prohibitions are much smaller. In real dangerous to vaccinate this species, such contraindications are considered:

  • immunodeficiency states;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute infectious disease;
  • intolerance to the drug components;
  • complications after the previous vaccination.

Possible complications

As a rule, vaccination is transferred to children well (especially IVP), but the development of side effects is possible depending on the correctness of the child's preparation for the procedure, the type of drug, the patient's health. Urgently contact the nearest hospital is necessary when the following symptoms appear:

  • strong adamina, lethargy;
  • heavy breath, shortness of breath;
  • convulsive reactions;
  • development of urticaria, strong itching;
  • a significant increase in temperature (over 39 ° C);
  • strong swelling of the face and / or limbs.


Poliomyelitis is a severe disease affecting the spinal cord. Children are subject to the greatest risk, as their immunity is not able to adequately fight the virus.

The vaccination is an effective way to protect against the causative agent of the disease.

When and where they make vaccinations from polio to children, what types of vaccines exist and which of them are safer (in drops or injections), how many procedures need to make a child, and what should be prepared before it? Let's deal with.

Description of the disease

A grafted person is not contagious and can be in society without fears.

As part of a lively polio vaccine, a small number of living viruses of multiple stamps is included (you can read after the vaccine).

Is a pink liquid, has a bitter taste.

It is considered a more efficient way, since the drops fall into the intestine where polyiovirus develops, and the body will actively allocate antibodies to combat the causative agent.

On the first day after the procedure, it is better not to be with a large crowd of people, as there is a risk of infecting unvised children.

At what age is vaccinated

The first vaccination is made in 3 months, use an inactivated vaccine.

The next time is hidden in 4.5 months, then half a year.

The following dates are needed again:

  • 1.5 years;
  • 20 months;
  • 14 years.

Revaccination is carried out by a lively polio vaccine.

After 14 years, you do not need to be vaccinated, a person is fully protected from polio virus.

How the procedure is held

The vaccination with dead virus cells make inside the muscles. You can do in the thigh, shoulder or blades.

For children to one and a half years, injection is made only in the thigh.

Live vaccine is used orally. Children drip 2-4 drops from polio on almonds or lymphoid fabric, to prevent abundant salivation, when dripping in the stomach, the procedure loses its meaning. For the convenience, the drops are gained in a pipette or in a syringe without a needle.

If a vomit reflex appeared, and the drops did not reach the target, after 1 hour the procedure is repeated. When repetition, the reflex next time you can try to drip drops only in a month.

How many times: schedule

Full protection requires 3 vaccines at 3, 4.5 and 6 months, after a revaccination of 18, 20 months, 14 years old.

If you put only inactivated vaccine, then the scheme is different:

  • vaccination - 3, 4,5, 6 months;
  • re-vaccination - 1.5 years and 6 years.

Such a number of vaccines from poliomyelitis for children is a strictly fixed vaccination calendar.

Exceptions are possible if the family came and is going to go to the country with an unfavorable epidemiological situation. In this case, you need to hurt 4 weeks before entering or departure from the country.

Time interval

After the introduction of the first vaccine must pass at least one and a half months.

Then another break is made until the age of six months is reached. A year later, revaccination is necessary. After 60 days, they make vaccinations again and finally make the biggest break to 14 years.


Parents in most cases are experiencing, asked the preparation issues, which must be done, and what can not after the procedure.

You can highlight the most frequent issues of interest to parents:

How to prepare a child

If the child fell ill, it is impossible to be taken. Initially, you need to recover so that there is no high body temperature, a cold or a patient, red throat.

In the event of an allergy after consulting a doctor before vaccination, drugs can be assigned to eliminate allergic symptoms.

No need to breakfast tightly. 24-48 hours before the procedure, it is better not to go to places with a large number of people.

You can hand over blood for general analysisthen it will be exactly clear that there are no inflammatory processes in the body.

Do not wear too warmBut it is impossible to allow excessive sweating.

Is it possible to be vaccinated in a cold

If parents suspect that the child fell ill, it is necessary to move the campaign to the procedural office for another time.

It is necessary to achieve complete recovery. And then check with a pediatrician when you get hurt.

Should I bathe baby

On the first day it is better to give up bathing. The next day you can swim, but do not use the washcloth. In the future, there are no restrictions in bathing.

How to behave after what to pay attention

1-2 days is better not to enter public spaces.

After visiting the procedural office, it is necessary to inspect the injection site, a small redness is allowed.

Feed a child 1-2 hours after the procedure, for an hour, it is also impossible to use liquid. In case of unwanted symptoms, you need to contact the pediatrician.

For more information about the vaccinations from polio, children will tell a specialist in this video clip:

Polio can lead to paralysis of the limbs. Only vaccination can protect children from poliovirus.

It is important for parents to prepare a child to vaccinate, after the procedure, it is necessary to ask about well-being. If there are complaints, contact the medical institution.

In contact with

Only% of the passing, 10% of patients die, the rest for life become disabled, are completely recovered. Poliomyelitis often leaves after:

  • atrophy of the muscles of the limbs (a hand or foot "dries");
  • paralysis of the lower extremities;
  • spinal curvature and bones;
  • defeat of facial nerve and other neurological disorders.

The Russian Federation is considered a "polio-free country." However, the disease penetrates Russia with migrants from Africa or from Central Asia, where polio epidemic outbreaks occur. And this means that the Russians will be able to refuse to immunize immunization against poliomyelitis.

Cheer babies begin with the third month of life. In the clinics of children are immunized according to the scheme 3 months. - 4.5 months. - 6 months. - 18 months. - 20 months, in paid vaccine centers, the scheme is slightly different. If only a living vaccine has always been introduced to the child, he will be reversated for 14 years, and if he lives in the "disadvantaged" region - will advise you to repeat it every five years.

Vaccines for vaccinations and revaccination

Immunization against poliomyelitis is carried out by two types of vaccines: inactivated (with a killed virus) and alive, in which there is a weakened acting polyvirus. Vaccinations and revaccination make either one of them, or using them in turn.

Living oral vaccine (French Polio Sabin Vero or OCD domestic production) is dark pink drops that drip the baby in the mouth. They taste bitter-salty, so they are injected into the root of the tongue, and older children are on the mucous almonds. In these places there are clusters of immune (lymphoid) tissue, but there are no taste receptors. Sometimes the babies vaccine are given on sugar or in sugar syrup.

The usual dose is from 2 to 4 droplets, depending on the dosage of the vaccine preparation. If the baby spits drops or jumps, the vaccine is given again. But if the child jumped and the second time, the introduction of the vaccine stop. The next dose of the baby will give only one and a half months.

Inactivated vaccine, or IPV, is part of the French Tetracoq, Imovax Polio, Pentaxym. It is injected into injections: kids in the thigh or under the blade, eldest children - in the shoulder. Both vaccines protect from all three well-known types of infection.

Schemes of vaccination and revaccination

In state polyclinics, vaccination according to the 2 IPV scheme (first, second vaccinations) - 3 OPV (third vaccination and both revaccinations) are carried out. The first three doses are made with an interval of one and a half months. Revaccination make a year after the third dose and once again - in 2 months. In general, up to three years, the child receives 5 doses of polyovaccine.

In kids with low immunity and some intestinal diseases, weakened alive polioviruses can cause poliomyelitis. Inactivated vaccine is safe, but in the same way forms immunity. If you begin vaccinations from the IPV course, then when the OPL time comes, the immune system will be ready to meet with alive polioviruses. Therefore, the state program provides for combined immunization against polio.

Depending on the desire of parents, the contraindications of the baby and life circumstances can be carried out in other schemes. Such vaccinations make a fee in vaccine centers:

  1. Only IPV (injections). The first, second and third doses are introduced with an interval of 1.5 months, a year after the third vaccination make revaccination. In contrast to the standard scheme, the baby up to three years receives not 5, and 4 doses of polyovaccine. The fifth vaccination, that is, the second revaccination, in this case spend in 5 years, but it is possible before: when entering the manger, kindergarten or before school. After such a scheme, the child has no need to revact.
  2. Only OPV (drops). The first three vaccines - with an interval of 1.5 months, revaccination - a year after the third dose and once again in 2 months. In the future, revaccination is repeated at age 14.

The scheme "ONLY IPV" is much more expensive than "only OPV". However, the IPV course forms persistent immunity in almost all children if the vaccination dates were not disturbed. Inactivated vaccine can be introduced weakened kids and it is easier to dose. In addition, after the injection of the vaccine, it will absolutely fall into the blood - but the kid droplets can spit or he will start a stomach disorder and they will not have time to work.

Sometimes in front of the kindergarten or school from parents, the 5th vaccine (OPV) requires, even if the baby was vaccinated in a paid center according to the IPV only scheme. After such a course, the fifth graft is not needed, but according to the requirements of the Russian calendar vaccinations - needed! What to do? Will the preschooler do not harm the dose of a live vaccine if he was given only inactivated?

Children, whom "Only IPV" was conducted only at the request of the parents, would not be superfluous to test the immunity. If the child is healthy, then IPV has already prepared his body to meet with the virus, and the OPD will only strengthen the intestinal immunity. The kids with previous contraindications to the OPS need to be examined, and not hurry to "make vaccinations, because in the kindergarten so they said."

Violation of graphics

Scheme 3 - 4.5 - 6 - 18 - 20 does not mean that vaccinations make the day per day, although the more accurate terms are followed, the better. The vaccination may be delayed due to colds, or even more serious illness, the mother does not always come to the clinic on time. There is nothing terrible in this, but the doctor must paint the child an individual immunization schedule.

The main rule of vaccination and the revaccination of "late" is to start a course as soon as possible so that between the doses it was about a month and a half. This interval is more, but in no case should not be less!

The interval between the third vaccination and the first revaccination (between the third and fourth doses) is one year, and when the schedule has grown a lot - 6-9 months. Such children "count" three primary vaccinations and begin to carry out revaccination three months after the third dose. This is done in order for the baby to 7 years to receive all 5 (according to the polyclinic scheme) of polyovakqsin doses.

Graft from polio

Poliomyelitis virus and in our time in some countries can lead to an epidemic. A few decades ago a vaccine was created, but the vaccinations did not destroy completely infection. For this, immunization of the population in each country should be at least 95%, which is unreal, especially in developing countries with low levels of population.

When do the vaccination from polio? Who is subject to vaccination? How safe is it and what complications do the child are waiting after vaccination? In which case can you make an unscheduled vaccination?

Why make vaccinations from poliomyelitis

Poliomyelitis one of the most ancient human diseases, which can hit up to disability, in 1% of cases the virus penetrates into the central nervous system and leads to destructive irreversible cell lesions.

Who is subject to immunization from polio? The vaccination makes everything, it does not matter at what age vaccination. If a person does not pick up - he is in the group of high risk of infection and the further spread of infection.

At what age do the first vaccination from polio? Try it to make as early as possible. The first injection is carried out by a child aged 3 months. Why so early?

  1. Poliomyelitis virus is spread over the entire globe.
  2. Immediately after birth, a mother's immunity is preserved at a very short time, but he is unstable, only five days.
  3. The sick person allocates the virus into the environment of the whole period of the disease, during full recovery and for a long time after it. The vaccination eliminates others to get infected.
  4. The virus is easily propagated by sewage water and through food products.
  5. Possible transfer of virus insects.
  6. The disease occurs more often in children than in adults, due to the lack of immunity.

The long-term incubation period and many complications after the transfer of the infection led to the fact that in all countries the vaccination from poliomyelitis is the only effective measure of the prevention of the disease.

Poliomyelitis vaccinations schedule

Polio immunization scheme has been developed many years ago and over the past decades it had few changes.

  1. For the first time, the child is faced with grafting from poliomyelitis aged three months.
  2. After 45 days, the following vaccine is introduced.
  3. At six months, the child makes the third vaccination. And if until that time, a non-living inactivated vaccine is used, then during this period it is allowed to vaccinate the preparation of the OPV (this is a living vaccine in the form of droplets, which is entered through the mouth).
  4. Revaccination from poliomyelitis is appointed within a year and a half, following 20 months, then at 14.

When a child finishes school, he must be completely vaccinated from this dangerous viral disease. With such a graph of grafting from polio, each kid is protected since the first months of life.

Unscheduled vaccination against poliomyelitis

But there are other situations when a person additionally vaccinated or conduct unscheduled vaccinations from poliomyelitis.

  1. If there is no data about whether the child was vaccinated - it is considered unavailable. In this case, the kid to three years is administered a three-month vaccine with an interval of one month and twice reversal. If age from three to six years, then the child makes vaccinations three times and once revaccinate. And under the age of 17 conduct a full course of vaccination.
  2. An unscheduled vaccination against polio is made in the event that a person arrived from the country unfavorable in epidemic indicators or goes there. Make vaccine vaccine OPV once. Recommending recommended to be hidden 4 weeks before departure so that the body can give a full-fledged immune response.
  3. Another reason for an unscheduled vaccination is an outbreak of a certain type of virus if the person was vaccinated with a monovaccision, against another poliomyelitis strain.

In total, a person in its life receives about six times the vaccination from polio. How does the body react and what consequences of vaccinations from this viral disease can a person feel?

Side effects for grafting from polio

What could be the reaction from a child to vaccine from polio? In addition to allergic, the components of the drug, more reactions to vaccination, as a rule, does not happen. Children and adults are well tolerated vaccination.

But in contrast to the body's reaction complications for vaccination happen. They are even rare, but still such situations are possible.

  1. Intestinal dysfunction or stool disorder. It happens to vaccine from polio in young children. Within a few days, the child may be celebrated the chairs. If the condition is delayed more than three or four days and at the same time the kid eats badly, does not sleep and troubled - it is necessary to inform the doctor about it. It is important to distinguish whether it was a complication on vaccination or a child infected with intestinal infection before the administration of the drug.
  2. The most unpleasant side effects on the vaccination of polio belongs the VAPP or vaccino-mass polio. In rare cases, the Live Vaccine of the OPV can lead. Manifest such a complication, maybe from 4 to 13 day after vaccination. Different diseases are observed in one case by a million, and the paralytic form develops in one case. At the same time, the person appears all the symptoms of polio: the temperature increases, paralysis appears, pain in the back and muscles appear, reduced tendon reflexes, weakness, headaches.

How to deal with complications and reactions for grafting from polio?

  1. The usual allergic reaction in the form of urticaria on the administration of the vaccine is eliminated by the appointment of antiallergic preparations.
  2. More serious complications for the vaccination in the form of a disorder of the intestinal or urticaria throughout the body require observation and more effective treatment in the hospital.
  3. If the VAPP arose, then the treatment is the same as in the development of ordinary natural polio, the treatment should be carried out under the supervision of doctors in an infectious hospital.

When better to transfer vaccination

Unfortunately, doctors in the clinic do not always have a free minute to fully explore the baby, make all the necessary records and correctly instruct mom about behavior before and after vaccination. It is very sorry, because some problems could be avoided. Often, the child's parents have to be dealt with independently, how to properly do before and after vaccination. So, we describe frequent errors that can be destroyed.

  1. The temperature after grafting from poliomyelitis is in most cases not the reaction to the vaccine, and the coincidence when the child has become infected before or immediately after vaccination. So that this does not happen - do not visit the crowded places before and after vaccination for several days.
  2. Best of all the day before the vaccination is to pass the blood test and urine, to avoid the introduction of the drug during the period of the beginning of the disease - it is possible to determine the presence of an infection by analyzes. But for a blank to the doctor you need to go without a child, so as not to meet with the patients with children.
  3. To immunization and after not recommended to introduce new products into the diet. Under the special prohibition - exotic and allergenic products, non-dismeasurated food (sweet dishes, chips, carbonated painted drinks), which often leads to allergic spindles on the body, and an additional stimulus - vaccination, will contribute to this.
  4. Inspection from a doctor before vaccination is obligatory, an experienced pediatrician already at this stage can determine whether the child can now vaccinate or not.
  5. The most frequent question is whether it is possible to walk after grafting from polio? In this, doctors do not limit the children, walks in the fresh air are needed and useful even after the introduction of the vaccine, the main thing is that the closests do not run with the baby shopping, went with him, for example, to the pool or other similar places of a large cluster of people.
  6. After vaccination, the bathing is not prohibited and even, on the contrary, the evening mound for the child is necessary, because it often soothes children. Here you need to remember one rule - not overdo it, 10-15 minutes is quite enough.

There is nothing special in behavior before and after vaccination, so the parents are important to stock patience and do not forget simple, but effective recommendations.

Contraindications for grafting from polio

Even after the transfer of polio, you need to be vaccinated from him, as a person could only take one of the three types of viral infection. In addition to the simple reluctance of the most adult person or parents of a child, to carry out immunization, there is another definite list of contraindications. In what cases to enter the vaccine is really impossible, and when it can only be postponed for a while?

The following states belong to real contraindications for grafting from polio.

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Complications for the previous vaccination, if, after the administration of the drug, various neurological manifestations developed.
  3. Any acute infectious disease or chronic in the aggravation stage.
  4. Immunodeficiency states.
  5. The intolerance to the antibacterial drugs included in the vaccine (neomycin, streptomycin).

Is it possible to make a vaccination from polio during a cold? It is necessary to deal with the cause of rhinitis. If this is a symptom of ORVI - no, the vaccination is temporarily postponed until complete recovery. If a runny nose is an allergic or reaction to changing weather conditions - you can do vaccination.

Types of Vaccines from Poliomyelitis

There are basic two types of polyomelitis vaccines: IPV (injecting form) and OPV (oral in the form of droplets). Previously, preference was preferred with an oral polio vaccine (OPV). Is such a grafting from polio dangerous? - It possesses the following features:

  • this weakened living virus, which in normal conditions does not cause a disease;
  • the OPV vaccine includes antibiotics, they do not give to develop bacteria;
  • it is in the form of droplets, it is swallowed (introduced through the mouth);
  • the vaccination is tiling, that is, protects against all poliomyelitis strains;
  • in one case, 75 thousand immunized vaccination of the OPV can cause a paralytic form of polio;
  • in response to an oral vaccine, not only humoral immunity is produced (using the immune system), but also tissue.

IPV is a vaccine with inactivated, that is, a killed formalin virus. It does not lead to the development of vaccine-associated poliomyelitis.

In addition, vaccinations can be one-component, that is, against one type of virus or three-component, thanks to which they are vaccinated immediately from all three strains of the disease. In order to facilitate the task of the doctors in recent years, manufacturers regularly complement vaccines by many components. You can simultaneously make a vaccination of the child from diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, cough and other no less dangerous infections.

What are there any vaccines from polio? - titles of drugs, as follows:

  • "Vaccine polio oral";
  • "Imovaks Polio";
  • "Policors";
  • "Infanrix IPV" is an imported analogue of ADA;
  • "Tetracock", which also contains protection from diphtheria, tetanus and cough;
  • "Pentaxim", in contrast to the previous one, is also supplemented with a substance that protects against diseases caused by the Haemophilus Influenzae bacterium type B - HIB (meningitis, pneumonia, medium otitis, septicemia, etc.).

What vaccine from polio is better? There is no perfect vaccine for everyone, each selected on the basis of the situation and the reaction of the body. Free in the clinic makes vaccinations with domestic vaccines. Other drugs are introduced at the request and opportunities of parents. If parents are really interested in the health of the child, you need to consult in advance with your attending physician or infectious player about possible options and which vaccines are less complications.

Summing up, we note that poliomyelitis is a terrible disease, eliminate the appearance of which one can only be carried out by vaccination. The vaccination against this viral infection is generally easily transferred even to small children. In addition, modern IPV vaccines are used for vaccination, which eliminate the possibility of such a formidable complication, as VAPP - vaccinoassoic polio.

Polyomelitis vaccination is the only way to prevent the development of a dangerous viral infection. The vaccine was developed over 60 years ago by American and Soviet physicians, which made it possible to prevent the development of a pandemic. Immunization is carried out at child age, helps reliably protect the organism from poliomyelitis. But how relevant vaccination in our time? Is vaccine safe for a children's body? When should I conduct vaccination? It should be more detailed to consider issues that are worried about parents before immunization.

What is polio?

Poliomyelitis is a dangerous viral infection, the causative agent of which is Poliovirus Hominis. The disease is transmitted by contact method by means of household items, secretions. The particles of the virus penetrate into the human body by means of the nasopharynx or intestine mucosa, then spread with blood flow in the spinal and brain. Polyomyelitis are mostly primarily children (not older than 5 years).

The incubation period is 1-2 weeks, rarely - 1 month. Then develop symptoms that resemble a banal cold or lightweight form of intestinal infection:

  • A slight increase in temperature;
  • Weakness, increased fatigue;
  • Runny nose;
  • Impaired urination;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Soreness and redness of the pharynx;
  • Diarrhea against the background of a decrease in appetite.

When penetrating viral particles in the shell of the brain, serous meningitis develops. The disease leads to the occurrence of fever, pain in the muscles and head, rashes on the skin, vomiting. A characteristic symptom of meningitis is the tension of the muscles of the neck. If the patient is not able to bring the chin to the sternum, then urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Important! About 25% of children who have suffered a viral infection becomes disabled. In 5% of cases, the disease leads to the patient's death due to the paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

In the absence of timely therapy, the disease progresses, pains in the back, legs appear, the act of swallowing is disturbed. The duration of the infectious process usually does not exceed 7 days, then recovery comes. However, polio is capable of whether the patient's disability due to the occurrence of paralysis (full or partial).

Why make vaccinations from polio?

Vaccination from poliomyelitis spend people regardless of age. After all, in the absence of immunity, a person can easily become infected with infection, to contribute to its further distribution: the patient allocates the virus to the environment for 1-2 months from the date of the first symptoms. After that, the causative agent quickly applies through water and food products. Doctors do not exclude the possibility of transferring the pathogen of polio insects.

Therefore, the vaccination from poliomyelitis is trying to make as early as possible, starting from 3-huminous age. Immunization is carried out in all countries of the world, which allows the emergence of the epidemic.

Classification of vaccines

During immunization, polyomyelitis vaccines are used:

  • Oral live polydomic vaccine (OPV). It is made exclusively in Russia based on weakened live viral particles. The drug is produced in the form of droplets for oral use. This polyomyelitis vaccine reliably protects the body from all existing virus strains;
  • Inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine (IPV: ISovaks polyo, polioors). The drug was created on the basis of killed viral particles, which are injected injectable. Vaccine from poliomyelitis is safe for humans, practically does not cause adverse reactions. However, the vaccination is less effective in comparison with the OPV, therefore, polyomelitis can develop in certain groups of patients.

For immunization, combined preparations are widely used that help protect the body from polio and other infections. In Russia, such vaccines are used: Infanriks Hex, Pentaxim, Tetracock.

How does vaccine act?

Plushing from polio involves the introduction of weakened or dead viral particles. Our body is able to produce special immune calves, which with blood current are distributed over all organs and tissues. When meeting with infectious agents, leukocytes cause an immune response - the production of specific antibodies. To obtain persistent immunity, a single meeting with the virus is sufficient.

Important! When using the OPV, the child will highlight viral particles into the environment, so it can be dangerous for non-nursed children.

The introduction of weakened viral particles leads to a pronounced immune response of the body, however, minimizes the risk of infection. At the end of the 20th century, it was enough to introduce a life immunity to create a lifetime immunity. However, over time, the strains of viruses have become more virulent, therefore, only vaccinations from polyomyelitis with the preparation of OPV can be reliably protected from infection. Important! To create a lifelong immunity, 6 vaccinations are required.

Is the vaccination from polio for children safe?

Vaccination against polio with the help of inactivated drugs is absolutely safe for the child. After all, the killed particles of the virus are not able to provoke the development of infection. However, a polyomyelitis vaccination using an OPD can lead to the development of vaccine-general poliomyelitis in rare cases when the immunization schedule is broken. In the risk of the development of complications are children with pathologies of digestive bodies expressed by immunodeficiency. If the child suffered vaccine-general polio, then further vaccination should be carried out exclusively with the introduction of an inactivated vaccine.

Important! By law, parents have the right to refuse vaccinations using weakened viruses.

Almost to completely exclude the development of severe complications will help the following vaccination scheme: the first vaccination of the polyomelitis should be made by the IPV vaccine, follow-up - OPV. This will lead to the formation of immunity in a child before entering its organism of living particles of the virus.

What time frame is vaccination?

For the formation of reliable immunity, the child needs to carry out two-stage preventive measures: vaccination and revaccination. In infancy, children receive 3 vaccinations from polio, however, over time, the number of antibodies in the bloodstream decreases. Therefore, the re-administration of vaccine or revaccination is shown.

Grafting from polio - a graph of combination immunization:

  • Introduction of IPV to children in 3 and 4.5 months;
  • Reception of OPV at 1.5 years, 20 months, 14 years.

The use of this scheme allows you to minimize the risk of developing allergies and complications.

Important! Here is a classic diagram of the child's immunization. However, it may vary depending on the health of children.

When using an exclusively oral drug, vaccination is carried out to a child in 3; 4.5; 6 months, revaccination - in 1.5 years, 20 months and 14 years. Plugging from polio with IPIs is carried out in 3; 4.5; 6 months, revaccination - in 1.5 years and 6 years.

How do vaccinating children?

OPV is released in the form of drops of pink color, which have a bitter and salty taste. The drug is introduced by a one-time syringe without a needle or a dropper orally. In young children, it is necessary to apply a vaccine to the root of the language, where the lymphoid fabric is located. At older, the drug dripped on the almonds. It helps to avoid abundant salivation, accidental swallowing of the vaccine, which significantly reduces immunization efficiency.

The dose of the drug is determined by the concentration of OPV, is 2 or 4 drops. After vaccination, children can not be fed and feed for 60 minutes.

Important! Vaccination from poliomyelitis can cause a swift in a child, then manipulation should be repeated. If, when re-introducing a vaccine, the baby jumped again, then vaccination is carried out after 1.5 months.

When vaccinating IPV, the drug is introduced intraderially. For children under 18 months, injection is put under the blade, in the older age - in the thigh area.

Possible adverse reactions

The vaccination is usually well tolerated. After the introduction of OPDs, a slight increase in body temperature is possible, the increase in defecation in young children. Symptoms are usually developing after 5-14 days after immunization, pass on their own after 1-2 days.

When using an inactivated vaccine, such adverse reactions are possible:

  • Eveniness and redness of the injection site;
  • Increasing body temperature;
  • Development of anxiety, irritability;
  • Reduced appetite.

The per capita of parents should be the following symptoms:

  • The apathy of the child, the development of adamis;
  • The occurrence of seizures;
  • Breathing disorder, the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • The development of urticaria, which is accompanied by pronounced itch;
  • Edema extremities and faces;
  • A sharp increase in body temperature up to 39 0 S.

When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Contraindications for immunization

The use of oral vaccine is prohibited in the following cases:

  • A history of congenital immunodeficiency;
  • Planning pregnancy and the period of tooling the child to a woman who contacts the child;
  • Various neurological reactions to the vaccination in history;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Lactation period;
  • Immunodeficiency condition in a family member of the child;
  • Development of neoplasms;
  • Allergy to polymixin B, streptomycin, neomycin;
  • Immunosuppressive therapy;
  • Exacerbation of chronic pathologies for the period of immunization;
  • Diseases of non-infectious genesis.

The introduction of the IPV vaccine is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Hypersensitivity to streptomycin and neomycin;
  • Allergy to this vaccine in history;
  • The presence of oncopathologies;
  • Acute forms of diseases for the period of immunization.

Poliomyelitis is a severe viral disease that can lead to the disability of the patient. The only reliable method of protection against infection is a grafting from polio. Vaccine is usually well tolerated, does not threaten the child's health. However, in rare cases, the introduction of weakened viruses can lead to the development of vaccine-associated infection.

Chart of children's vaccinations from polio in Russia - vaccination and revaccination schemes

Immunization of the population, especially children, reduces the incidence and prevents many serious pathologies. Poliomyelitis is a dangerous disease that can lead to a fatal outcome, so it is so important to put the vaccinations to children. In what cases should vaccinate to postpone? What are drugs? Is there a risk of complications, and what to do if the time of the next vaccination was missed? Tell together.

Does the child need a vaccination from polio?

Poliomyelitis is a dangerous acute disease of viral nature. There are three varieties of causative agents of the disease. Poliomyelitis transmission occurs drip or fecal oral. The pathogens fall into the patient's body with personal contact with a carrier or patient, through food, drink, or general dishes.

The danger of the disease is that it affects the patient's head and spinal cord. The patient atrophies muscles, paresis or paralysis develop, sometimes meningitis occurs. In rare cases, the pathological process has a fuzzy clinical picture without pronounced symptoms and severe consequences.

The causative agents of the disease are well survived in the external environment, while maintaining vitality for several months. It is possible to develop immunity to poliomyelitis in a natural way, only overwhelmed with this dangerous disease. However, the person who suffered a disease still can be infected again - if another variety of causative agent will fall into its body.

The only effective way to prevent polyomelitis remains formation of artificial immunity by conducting a planned vaccination. There is no fear of complications in immunization - they arise infrequently, and the pediatrician will select the optimal vaccination scheme.

In what cases the vaccination is contraindicated?

Despite the fact that the vaccination from polio is considered sufficiently safe and prevents infection with a dangerous disease, there is a list of contraindications to vaccination. To the number of states in which the immunization of the child is not conducted or must be postponed include:

  • marked with previous vaccinations of neurological disorder;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • immunosuppressive states;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • strong allergies to the components of the vaccine;
  • the aggravation of chronic pathology or acute disease (with weak ARVI, immunization can be carried out after the normalization of body temperature, in all other cases, the vaccination put 4 weeks after complete recovery).

Vacations of vaccines and the principle of their action

There are several varieties of drugs for immunization from poliomyelitis. In its composition, they differ on complex means containing several viral strains for one-time introduction, and monovaccines that produce immunity only to polio.

The pediatrician picks up a suitable preparation for vaccination of a particular child, based on the individual characteristics of the body and anamnesis.

How to decrypt the abbreviation of the OPV? This is an oral polio vaccine. It was developed in the middle of the last century in the United States. Externally, the drug looks like a reddish transparent liquid, has a bitter taste. Contains in its composition a live virus-causative agent in a weakened state.

The vaccine is simply drunk in the mouth. Depending on the concentration, 2-4 drops are used: adults - on the sky almond, the babies up to 1 year - under the root of the tongue. After the drug is introduced, it is necessary to refrain from meals for 1 hour. At this time, it is also impossible to drink any liquid, including water.

Oral polio vaccine contains chicken protein in its composition, so people of any age, suffering from increased sensitivity to this component, vaccination is carried out only inactivated vaccine. Among its components, the chicken protein is absent, and the introduction is considered more secure.

Inactivated polyomelitis or IPV vaccine was developed 5 years earlier than its counterpart. The drug IPM is produced immediately in a one-time syringe, which contains one dose of vaccine. If you compare IPV and oral polio vaccines, you can mark several main differences.

Pentaxim - foreign vaccine from 5 diseases, which includes polio

Complex drugs

Comprehensive vaccine, unlike monopreparation, contains strains of several pathogens of different diseases. This option is more convenient because one injection forms immunity in children immediately against several diseases. The best in Europe is the French drug Pentaxim. In addition to the polio virus, the vaccine also contains a gemophilic infection and DC.

Chart of children's vaccinations from polio in Russia

The deadlines for immunization in Russia determines the national vaccination calendar. In accordance with it, to ensure sustainable immunity to poliomyelitis, children are vaccinated in several stages. For the first vaccination optimal, the IPM vaccine is considered, while the OPL is used in revaccination.

In our country, two immunization schemes apply. The first assumes the use of OPV and IPV. The second is chosen for kids to whom the introduction of a living vaccine is contraindicated. Depending on the selected scheme, the periods of vaccination are somewhat different, as well as the volume of the injected vaccine.

The scheme of the use of drugs containing exclusively killed viruses is currently popular in European countries. It is considered more secure and less often causes side effects. Parents can discuss the choice of a diagram with a pediatrician even in the absence of contraindications to the introduction of the OPV.

What is the reaction to vaccines from polio?

In the overwhelming majority, immunization against poliomyelitis is well tolerated by children. If the individual reaction of the body originated, this is considered an option for the norm and usually does not require special treatment. When introducing an inactivated vaccine, the child may be concerned, the appetite is disturbed, the temperature rises slightly, swelling appears at the injection site. Reaction to OPV:

  1. a small diarrhea within 48 hours after vaccination (rarely);
  2. increase temperatures up to 37.5 in the second week after immunization.

Increased temperature after vaccination - normal body response

Extremely rare vaccination leads to the development of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP). Complication occurs after the first use of oral vaccine, in exceptionally rare cases - after revaccination. The risk group includes children suffering from AIDS or HIV, with diagnosed defects of development, having critical immunity.

It should be borne in mind that the grafted oral vaccine kid allocates the polio virus virus into the environment for 8-9 weeks after vaccination. A person who takes overwhelming immunity drugs or suffers HIV, AIDS, when contacting a graft child in this period, risks infected vaps.

The recommended time is passed for various reasons. In most cases, this is due to acute diseases, including ARVI, carrying by a child. Also, the baby is often vaccinated according to an individual schedule, which does not coincide with the generally accepted vaccination calendar.

The minimum gap between the procedures provided for by the standard schedule is 45 days, however, its change to the side increase is permissible. The body's immunity in this case continues its formation.

If one of the vaccinations was not delivered within the period provided for by the national calendar, it is not necessary to begin immunization. When the child's health status is allowed to continue immunization, he will put the following in order by vaccination. IPV and OPV - interchangeable drugs. If one vaccine cannot be applied, the doctor will recommend another.

The risks of the occurrence of side effects due to the supplied vaccination, which many parents are afraid, in this case, much lower than the likelihood of infection with polio with concomitant complications. The rejection of immunization automatically translates the child to the risk group by a dangerous disease.

Graph of prophylactic vaccinations from poliomyelitis

The danger of a viral infectious disease Poliomyelitis is that, first, so far, drugs are not created, allowing to cure the patient, secondly, the infection causes irreversible destructive changes to the CNS with the development of spinal lifetimes.

There is no age barrier for illness, but the greatest danger threatens to children the first 6 years of life. An infected child can, not only without washing his hands before meals, but through water, food, infected with viruses. Poliovirus is characterized by sufficient stability in the external environment and the preservation of its pathogenic properties to 4 months.

The virus is distributed throughout the virus. In underdeveloped countries, outbreaks with fatal diseases are recorded. The only opportunity to avoid the development of the disease is a vaccination against poliomyelitis. If 95% of the population were immunized in each of the countries, then this insidious disease could be completely getting rid of, but it is unrealistic.

Each of the countries have developed a graph of poliomyelitis vaccinations. When it is drawn up, the likelihood of infection with the child virus from the moment of birth is taken into account. In some countries where the incidence of polio is constantly registered, make a vaccination from poliomyelitis newborn from the first day of life.

Who is subject to vaccinations?

Vaccination can be made to a person of any age. Persons who did not receive vaccinations from poliomyelitis belong to the group of high risk on infection, the development of the disease and the further dissemination of infection.

The optimal option is to vaccinate children already in the first half of life according to vaccination schedule. But if for any reason the vaccination periods were broken, then immunization from poliomyelitis is carried out according to an individual scheme.

Preparations for Vaccinoprophylaxis of Poliomyelitis

Applied in the Russian Federation 2 varieties of polyovakcin - inactivated (IPV) for injections consisting of killed viruses, and a living vaccine from weakened viruses for administration through the mouth in drops.

Experts believe that immunity developed after receiving a living vaccine is more reliable, as combines and humoral, and local (fabric) immunity.

However, when the OPV vaccinations are made, then there is a risk of complications in a child - the development of vaccine-general poliomyelitis (VAP), which can also lead to disability due to spinal paralysis, spinal column deformations, muscle atrophy.

In addition, if a child vaccinates a lively vaccine, he can highlight the virus and infect surrounding children and adults. Given these negative qualities of a living vaccine, European countries do not produce and are not used for immunization.

Russian Vaccination Schedule from Poliomyelitis

A graph of immunization immunization vaccinations for children in the Russian Federation has undergone changes in 2011 due to the danger of infection from Tajikistan, where the flash is registered. According to these changes, the vaccination against poliomyelitis is carried out by combined use of inactivated and lively vaccine.

Since 2002, in the Russian Federation, children were administered only inactivated vaccine due to the fact that poliomyelitis was not registered on the territory of European countries.

The Russian calendar of prophylactic planned vaccinations from polio regulation regulators such dates for vaccination and revaccination:

  • we vaccinate kids from 3 months. Life with an interval of 1.5 months. Three times: 3 and 4 months. inactivated vaccine, and at 6 months. - alive;
  • revaccination is carried out by children in 18 and 20 months. and adolescents are 14 years old.

The use of a living vaccine after 2 injections inactivated represents a smaller risk of WAP development, since antibodies have already been developed in the body, which will be able to protect against the polyovirus vaccine strain.

But, since there are contraindications for the introduction of a living vaccine, then in such cases, vaccinations should be made to children only inactivated vaccine.

Such contraindications are:

  • immunodeficiency child condition. caused by any reason;
  • treatment with drugs overwhelming the immune system, the child or members of his family;
  • availability of HIV infection in family members or oncological diseases with treatment with immunosuppressants;
  • the presence of pregnant women in the family.

Children's vaccination diagram when applying only inactivated drug: Vaccination is carried out on the same deadlines - at 3 - 4.5 - 6 months, and only two revaccinations - in 18 months. And 6 years.

Types of Vaccines for Breeding Immunization

The immunization of the child from polio can only be carried out inactivated vaccine and at the request of parents. The difference will only in the fact that the combined immunization scheme using two vaccines is carried out for free. And if only IPIs will be used on the statement of parents, they will have to pay the vaccination.

Compliance with the chart of polyomelitis vaccinations for children contributes to the development of persistent immunity against this neuroinfection. But in some cases, vaccinations are underway, when they make them regardless of vaccination calendar.

Outside the graph provides for immunization from poliomyelitis in such cases:

  1. In the absence of information about the vaccinations. For up to 3 years old, vaccinations are made three times with a monthly interval and then revaccinate twice. In 3-6 years, the child vaccinates 3 times, and it is revaccined 1 time.
  2. Additionally, once vaccinated persons who arrived from the country with a disadvantaged situation by polio. Practice outside the schedule also persons planning departure to an unfavorable region. Vaccine them is introduced a month before the trip to get a full-fledged immune response.
  3. An unscheduled immunization is also carried out when the occurrence of the occurrence of the outbreak of the disease in the territory of residence is to occur: children of preschool, younger school age and adults, graft monovaccin.

Immunity tension can be checked with a laboratory by determining in the serum of a graft child or an adult titer of specific antibodies.

Posted by a child in accordance with the calendar vaccinations from polio, parents ensure its protection against dangerous diseases. You should not focus on materials in the media (sometimes not supported by reliable facts), and abandon profression.

Official chart of poliomyelitis vaccinations for children

09/29/2016 at 22:12.

Hello, dear readers! With you again Lena Zhabinskaya. It is difficult to doubt that parents are the happiest people on earth, and sooner or later each person comes to this conclusion. Of course, your own children can delight or disappear, give only positive emotions or release the most hidden fears, but under all circumstances they inspire us and paint.

Instead of these joys, they need to give a lot of any little - attention, love, sense of security. The latter in our time is almost a paramount importance, because bearing responsibility for your children, many parents deliberately refuse her, hiding behind good intentions. In this case, we are talking about vaccination, in general, and about vaccinations from polio, in particular.

It seems that banal and often completely painless, they continue to keep our babies life, the main thing is to know when they need to be given. Hence the topic of our article - "Graph vaccines from polio for children."

To any parent today is available two types of anti-polious vaccines familiar as "IPV" - inactivated viral cells and "OPV" - alive, but substantially weakened cells. Both of these species are used for vaccination against polio, and its deadlines and frequency are clearly spelled out in the national vaccination calendar.

Moreover, the existing scheme also provides for revationalation, especially concerning people traveling to the regions with a high risk of infection with polio. This is due to the fact that he himself is a dangerous ailment, in each fifth case, an ending fatal outcome. It is worse than what he is striking children under 5 years old, while transmitting air-droplet.

At the same time, to get into the human body along with the vaccine, the polio virus begins to multiply, thus, thereby, the immune system to produce antibodies to it. Ultimately, they cope with him, and it is successfully excreted from the body. Vaccinated receives "passive" immunization.

Interestingly, today both in state medical institutions, and privately used as a French-made polio vaccine (ISOVAKS) and the one that was produced by domestic companies.

In addition, combined drugs are actively used, preventing the development of several diseases at once. Which of these vaccines is more reliable from polio? All, however, due to individual characteristics, they must be consulted with a doctor.

Immunization scheme

Vaccination against polio is necessarily needed by early children. That is why by 20 months they, as a rule, are obtained by 4 vaccinations. Why so much? Everything explains the unique volatility of a wild virus, due to which the risk of infection is significantly increasing.

In Russia, children under the age of 1.5 may offer 2 vaccination options:

They look like this.

IPV vaccination is performed by an injection into the muscle or under the skin. That put aged:

  • 3 months;
  • 4.5 months;
  • 6 months.

Then the child is twice reversated - at the age of 18 months and 6 years.

In turn, the mixed vaccination scheme provides for the formulation of the injection and receiving a crumbling of a special preparation (the vaccination of the OPC from polio is drops in the mouth).

The scheme looks like this:

  • in 3 months make an IPV injection;
  • 4.5 months repeat it again;
  • in 6 months give drops of OPV;
  • at 18 months - drops of OPV;
  • at 20 months - drops of OPV;
  • at the age of 14 - Drops of the OPV.

Interestingly, the first scheme is most often used in the United States and other countries. Not because it is better. Just the requirements for the storage of IPV vaccines are not as tough as those that are presented to the storage of the OPV vaccines. And the injection is the most reliable protection, because the kids will involuntarily disappear the preparation.

At the same time, the mixed scheme that preference is often given to us, allows you to work out lifelong immunity. And this means that, despite how many years will be held after the vaccination from polio, your child will always be safe.

Whether changes are possible in the scheme

If the chamber of vaccination from polio is broken, it is not worth upset, because spare options are always possible. Often they are thought out by a qualified doctor who observed the child, and are not inferior on the efficiency of the long-adopted schemes.

  • the lack of vaccinations in 4.5 months does not affect the one that is provided for 6 months. After her, the baby successfully revocated at 18 months, according to the generally accepted calendar;
  • due to the fact that the break between the introduction of polyomelitis vaccines should be at least 45 days, the vaccination made for various reasons in 5 months automatically transfers the following from 6 months by 6.5 months;
  • if there were delays with the fulfillment of the first three vaccinations, as a result of which between them were too long intervals, it makes sense to produce first revaccination after 3 months;
  • despite all the inconsistencies and inconsistencies with the calendar, it is important to trace the child to receive a total of at least 5 vaccines to their 7 years. Only then can we talk about efficient and full protection.

It is also interesting that if for some reason there is no information about the presence or absence of vaccinations, vaccination is made as follows:

  • children under the year are vaccinated according to the generally accepted scheme;
  • at the age of 1 - 6, vaccinations put twice with a break in 1 month;
  • at the age of 7 - 17 years, vaccination is repeated 1 time.

The introduction of the above preparations is absolutely safe for health. Of course, the vaccinations themselves can provoke the development of negative reactions that are most often elevated body temperature. However, you should not panic.

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The vaccination schedule is broken, so the first vaccination from polio (domestic) was made in 4 months, the second one at 7 months, in 1 year 2 months. In the injury item was made an emergency vaccination from the tetanus, after which in 1 and 3 months. Pentaxine vaccination was made (DC + polio + hemophilic inf.). Tell me, please, the scheme of further vaccinations of the DCA - the better to be vaccinated? And polio - which is better to do, injections or drops?

It is not very clear what kind of child's age is currently. We assume that about 1.5 years. Then you can get again Pentaxim, after 2 months, again Pentaxim, after 1.5 months of Infanrix or DCD. In general, the child must have five vaccinations against poliomyelitis (in any accommodation) and 4 introduction of cough vaccines (by 4 years).

Good day. In connection with complex childbirth (prematurity, detachment of the placenta, resuscitation, etc.) had a medical woman from vaccinations on neurology. In 1 year, the first grafting from Poliomyelitis Ishovakpolio was made on December 1, 2015. From February 2015 he was sick every month, and then they got a medical woman from vaccinations until October 2016.

When can we do the second vaccination from polio? Is it possible to do after December 1, 2016? Can the first vaccination vaccination? How does such a long interval between vaccinations affect?

Replies Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

Yes, you can make vaccinations after December 1st. Continue to be taken against poliomyelitis, take 2 vaccinations with an interval of 1.5 months, with revaccination after 6-9 months, your first vaccination is counted. If the intervals are violated between vaccinations, immunity is slower, but at the completed course vaccinations, the child will be completely protected.

The son of 3/05 months has dysbacteriosis. Can he be vaccinated with polio?

Replies Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

It is possible if there is no exacerbation of the disease, a normal chair. You will make an inactivated vaccine.

Is it possible to make vaccinations from polio and counter-pneumococcal together?

Replies Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

Yes, the combined vaccination is permitted. Both vaccinations are transferred well.

A child of 2.6 years has 4 Pentaxim vaccinations. After 2.5 months, they said to drink a living OPV, very worried, and you can at 7 years old IPV, and at 14 OPDs it is now confident that the OPD child will break out., And tell me if IPV will always be vaccinated, will the immune system be worse than with OPV?

Replies Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

You can do and now killed vaccine and then at age 14. Immunity will not be worse, all European countries, Canada, Australia, the United States Dr. Apply only the killed polyovakq.

If a child with vaccination (against poliomyelitis) got a live virus in the form of a game or IPV should avoid contact with any child who did not get a live virus in the form of a game or IPV, within two weeks or 2 months after vaccination.

Replies Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

Ipv is not a living vaccine and is not perfect dangerous, it does not stand out from the body of graft and does not infect anyone. OPV - Live vaccine and the virus of this vaccine is distinguished from the intestine to the environment and, if there is an unqualified environment, it can become infected with the graft and, in cases where it has an immunodeficiency state, the vaccine-generalized paralytic poliomyelitis - VAPP.

VAPP meets 1 to 1 million doses of used OPV. But that is why unvanded isolate from the grafted living vaccine.

My daughter (3 years) has two vaccinations killed by polio vaccine. What are her chances to infect polio from the grafted living vaccine children in kindergarten?

Replies Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

The minimum is rather theoretical, the risk is not to form the immune system after 2 vaccinations of the IPV and get sick with vaccine-general polio less than 0, 0001%.

now (tomorrow) offer my child in St. Petersburg to make OPV, child 7 years old and 10 months

09.04.10, 27.05.10, 12.08.10 (1G4M, 1G5M, 1G8M) IMOVACPOLIO

09/18/11 2g9m Pentaxim

now the OPV is offered.

what is better to make OPV or IPV? and what drug.

Replies Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

It is possible to use both the other vaccine - and inactivated and alive. Live vaccine is one, and an inacitated can be applied or an imovakpolio or polyochiks, they are almost identical.

Today, at the reception in the vaccination office, my son 2.5 years old was put in Pentaxim a vaccine and another injection against Polymielitis (in different legs), but in the Vaccine, Pentaxim includes Polyimelitis. What is it fraught with? What is the danger and worth worrying?

Replies Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

I hope you are mistaken and made MB something else - prevented? But, if you are right and introduced a double dose of polio, then it is not scary, since vaccines are tested for safety while increasing the dose. Theoretically, a local allergic reaction is possible in the form of edema and redness in the first 3 days.

  1. Is it possible to instill a child (1 year 10 months) a live vaccine from polio (OPV)? The fact is that a child of 1.5 months has identified hemorrhagic gastritis of the stomach (erosion on the mucous). Symptoms of the disease were manifested from birth, the reasons are unknown, not exactly bacterial (by analyzes). By 2 months, the diagnosis was removed. During the first year there were intestinal problems, mainly after taking antibiotics during the treatment of gastritis (staphylococcus, citrobacter, candida fungi). At the moment, everything is normal, only from time to time on the skin, a rash appears, which passes after receiving probiotics.
  2. We go to the kindergarten, if all the children will vacuize the OPV, is there a danger to us? We are grafted only inactivated vaccine (IPV) as part of Pentaxim 3 times.

Replies Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

A child from poliomyelitis will be quite good and danger when meeting with a live vaccine - no. Revaccination should be done, it is possible by the same pentaxime, TK and COPTUSH, DIIFTECTION, TINBNIKS need reversal.

Child 2.5 months. From the vaccinations only BCG in the hospital, we want to continue. How best to do, put the first hepatitis B and pneumococcal, and in two weeks - the first vaccination against diphtheria, cough, tetanus and the first vaccination against polio, or to make honey for a month or to make one day?

And the second question is a senior child 1.6 and he needs to make the first revaccination against poliomyelitis, is there a danger for a younger child who has no vaccination?

Replies Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

The interval between vaccines - 1 month. After 2 weeks it is impossible. Senior - Making a live polyovakcision can not if the little has not received 2 times the killed polyovakcin. The older revaccination of polio can be made now only killed by a vaccine shift (IPV), and not drops (live).

Child 14 years old. More than a year "does not get out" from colds. Plunomyelitis vaccinations are always made in drops (i.e. OPV). Is it possible to make the last one in the plan (IPV) or after such a number of OPV is still all the same?

Replies Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

You can make an IPV, but "I've ever equal." If the child has become a lot of sick, last year should be told with a pediatrician about the feasibility of examination to eliminate viral infections, such as cytomegalovirus, VEB, etc. And choose therapy.

Is it possible to revact a child of the OPV, if there is a second newborn in the family (non-nasty) child. Whether the replacement of the OPC is possible on the IPV during revaccination, if the third vaccination during vaccination was carried out by the OPV. In connection with the replacement of a tristed on a bivalent vaccine, we did not have a revaccination (for non-vaccine), now we are 1 year and 11 months to continue vaccination. Can we wait for the age of vaccination of the second child and revaccinate the first (from the fears of post-specific disease, even though it is rarely.)?

Replies Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

While at home there is a small unvanded child should not be done by a senior alive vaccine from polio, and you can do inactivated, if not done on time. Live vaccine can only be administered when the younger will be vaccinated twice the murdered vaccine against poliomyelitis.

Baby 3 years old. It is necessary to do the second revaccination of polio. All previous ones were made by the WPP vaccine. Is it possible to make this IVP?

Replies Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

It is necessary to make revaccination and can be used inactivated vaccine.

According to the vaccination schedule, we put 3 pentaxima, then the first revaccination in the year of the Russian vaccine 9.11.2015 and then did not put if we will do the second revaccination, will it be right? Or what scheme to adhere to us?

Replies Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

If we are talking about the revaccinations of polio, then with a combined introduction of an inactivated polyovakcision, which is included in Pentaxim with a living domestic, should be 5 vaccinations, so on. Now you need to make a second revaccination and then for 14 years.