How to heal seam after Cesarean. Seam after Cesarean: what to process, how much does it heal? Small tricks of rapid recovery

The first days of motherhood can be overshadowed by unpleasant and even painful sensations. The state of the young mother after childbirth often depends on the flow and outcome of the generic activity. The imposition of internal and external seams by the feminine has already become a habit and is not surprising. But if the external seams we can see and watch the process of their healing, then the situation is completely different with the internal situation.

Classification of internal postpartum seams and their characteristics

Domestic sexual female bodies who are directly involved in the appearance of a baby to light are mechanically exposed to leading to the ruptures and cracks of soft tissues. Internal damage cannot be seen with a naked eye. The gynecologist discovers them as a result of a thorough inspection by a surgical mirror, after which she imposes seams.

Internal seams depending on the place of overlay can be:

  • on the cervix;
  • on the walls of the vagina;
  • on the wall of the uterus after the cesarean section.

Sews on the cervix and vaginal walls

The ruptures of the soft tissues of the cervix and the walls of the vagina are formed as a result of the incorrect actions of the women in labor, as well as the physiological features of the fetus and genital organs of a woman. In the process of generic activity, large gaps and small cracks occur, which require surgical intervention and the imposition of seams.

The imposition of seams on the cervix in the first hours after delivery - a painless process

The most frequent causes of damage to the internal genital organs:

  • the inelasticity of the walls;
  • large fetal sizes;
  • premature childbirth;
  • inflammatory processes in the sexual system during pregnancy;
  • narrow vagina;
  • premature sweats;
  • early abortions;
  • incorrect position of the fetus during generic activity.

12 hours It is required that the cervix makes the uterus completely revealed, this is especially true for primary women. With the second and subsequent childbirth, it takes less time. With rapid kinds, as well as false fights, when the fever begins to sleep, and the neck has not yet completely revealed, there is a breaking of soft tissues of the genital organs under the pressure of the baby's head. If the gynecologist is present in childbirth from the very beginning, it will prompt and at the right moment will stop the guinea from premature fence.

10-12 hours is necessary for the full opening of the cervix

Features of the imposition of internal seams on the neck of the uterus and the walls of the vagina after delivery

The first two or three hours of the cervix is \u200b\u200bdeprived of sensitivity, so the seams are superimposed without anesthesia. But when it comes to seams on the walls of the vagina, which are covered with nervous endings, then resort to local anesthesia by novocaine or lidocaine.

In order not to subject the organism with re-stress, when the seams are applied to the internal organs, self-sessive threads are used, which, under the influence of protein and water, are self-destructed for 10 days or several months, depending on the material, and contribute to the fastest tightening of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Species of self-sustaining suture material:

  • thread Ketgut. They are made of natural raw materials of mammalian small intestines. Spare within 7-10 days;
  • semi-synthetic thread of Vincle. Dissipated within 50-85 days;
  • semi-synthetic thread Croprag. Remainted within 180-210 days.

The seams on the cervix do not deliver discomfort and do not bother the woman in labor, while the seams on the walls of the vagina shall and hurt for a few more days.

Internal seams with cesarean section

Caesarean section implies a dissection of an anterior abdominal wall, a fatty fiber and anterior wall of the uterus.

Types of cuts in the uterus at the cesarean section:

  • the transverse in the lower segment of the uterus is often used and less traumatic. In this case, the cut is observed less blood loss than with the rest and fastest healing of the wound;
  • the classic transverse in the upper part of the uterus, which is characterized by a large blood loss, as it passes at the site of the cluster of blood vessels;
  • vertical, from the navel to the pubic, is done with the wrong location of the fetus.

The transverse section in the lower segment of the uterus is the most common

For medical testimony, seams happens:

  • longitudinal navel to pubis;
  • transverse in the lower segment of the abdominal cavity;
  • classic in the upper part of the uterus.

The scars in the cesarean segment of the cross section in the lower segment do not affect the subsequent childbirth, moreover, in medical reasons, the delivery can occur naturally.

The transverse seam is usually 12 cm. But depending on the position of the fetus, its size and physiological features of the structure of the uterus, the length of the seam is changing in a large or smaller side.

As a mom's mom, I also have a "smile" from Cesarean section on a body, which is far from 12 cm, although the child gave birth to a weight of 1900 grams and 30 cm tall. Despite the fact that the fruit is small, transverse seam is 17 cm.
The imposition of a seam to the uterus is made by self-sessive threads

The incision in the uterus, as a rule, is sewn with a single-row or double-row seamlessing without interrupts with special self-sessive threads:

  • dexon;
  • viklikl;
  • monocryl;
  • caproag and others.

While the longitudinal seam and the classic "decorate" the body of a woman to the end of life, and it is almost impossible to get rid of them, then the transverse seam becomes inconspicuous over time, since it is superimposed under a fat fold.
From the longitudinal seam it is impossible to get rid even with the help of a laser

Seams after cesarean section are hurt for the first weeks, and even months. Immediately after surgery, a woman is prescribed anesthetic: morphine and its varieties, tramadol and canopone.

If the pains worry a woman after discharge from the maternity hospital, as an anesthetic, given that the woman feeds the breast, you can take:

  • Paracetamol and Panadol;
  • Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Ibufen;
  • No-Shpu. One-time non-systematic reception of the drug will not harm the baby.

If the pain constantly worry a woman, then it is better to seek advice to the gynecologist.

Transverse seam from the cesarean section over time becomes almost imperceptible

Perhaps the transverse seam in the lower segment of the uterus is reduced or not, depends on the complexity of childbirth and skill of the surgeon. Exactly three years have passed since the appearance of the seam, but the peculiar filamentous irregularity still gives the secret of my daughter's birth.

Caring for internal seams

Internal seams do not require special care. Optimal treatment is a complete absence of external intervention in the body of a woman, peace and the content of genital organs clean.

If the genital organs of a woman during childbirth are severely damaged and there are large gaps, it is often assigned to the course of therapy with antibiotics to prevent fitting and enhancing infection. The duration of the course of antobacterial therapy injections is three days, injections put every 6-8 hours.

Modern pharmacists stepped forward and developed a number of antibiotics, which are practically not absorbed into breast milk and do not harm the child, therefore it disappears the need to stop lactation.

The group of safe antibiotics permitted during lactation belongs:

  • cephalosporins (cefazolin, cephalotin, cephalexin, etc.);
  • penicillins (ampicillin, amoxicillin, etc.).

Photo Gallery: Antibiotics allowed during lactation

In the process of treatment with ampicillin, systematic control of the liver function Amoxicillin is needed - the antibacterial drug of a wide spectrum of action relates to synthetic antibiotics of the penicillin group of cefazoline poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and therefore applied in the form of injection

Women's behavior rules after childbirth

After childbirth, a woman must comply with certain rules for preventing the development of complications:

  • lifting and gradually walk costs 2-3 hours after the delivery, to prevent the formation of adhesions and improve blood circulation;
  • at first, the postpartum pads should be used, then hygienic, which change every 2-3 hours, as the woman will allocate postpartum allocations for two months - Lochi;
  • take a shower worth at least twice a day;
  • you should not sit on 2-3 days after delivery. The main position is the lying or standing, you can only sit on one buttock;
  • we should avoid lifting weights, including a child;
  • it is worth normalizing the power, including more liquid and soups in the diet. At the same time, bread and other fixing products should be deleted, which cause constipation;
  • it is not recommended to wear damaging linen, shining crotch and walls of the vagina to avoid breaking the seams;
  • it should be abstained from sexual life for two months until the seams will not be lit and the elasticity of the walls of the vagina will not be restored.

When it is worth consulting a doctor: the first disturbing symptoms

Each healthy woman needs to visit the gynecologist at least twice a year. Young mothers whose childbirth passed with the imposition of seams, it is necessary to undergo an inspection once a month to identify pathologies and observing the correctness of the seams.

Incorrect strokes and the resulting scars can significantly reflect on subsequent pregnancies:

  • scars on the cervix can prevent her disclosure during childbirth;
  • the scar of the cervix threatens the abortion of pregnancy, as the neck must be tightly closed during the period of tooling the child, and the scar can prevent her closure.

How to accelerate the healing of the internal seams and make this process less painful

For a speedy healing of breaks, good blood circulation is needed, so the woman needs to move as much as possible, as well as perform one simple exercise a couple of times a day:

  1. Strain the muscles of the vagina, crotch and anus.
  2. For 3-4 seconds to hold the breath.
  3. Relax.
  4. Repeat within ten minutes.

In addition to a number of painkillers who prescribe the attending physician, women for pain relief take a cool shower or apply ice on the abdominal cavity in the place of internal seams.
Ibuprofen can be used to remove pain during breastfeeding

Perhaps earlier on girls with seams after birth, they looked at the sick, and the bed regime was prescribed, now everything in the root changed. After 10 hours of stay in the resuscitation ward after Cesarean, the sections were raised and asked for themselves to go to the personal hygiene room. Yes, it was not easy, and most importantly, scary. But no pains at that moment felt, except for the sensation of discomfort from the blade of the blade. Six hours later, as transferred to the ward, I rose to the child in the children's resuscitation from 2 floors on 5. Naturally, on the elevator. But before him, I also needed to get. Whether it was so lucky, whether from a permanent movement and desire to rise to their feet and see the baby, but I did not feel pain either the first three days, while the pricks are painkillers or the next when they canceled.

The first signs of complications after the imposition of internal seams

If a woman felt changes in the body and discomfort, this is the first sign that the gynecologist is needed.

Complications after surgery:

  • seah dreamed. As a rule, this occurs during the three days after the operation as a result of lifting weights over four kilograms, attaching efforts during the intestinal emptying, either when the seam is improved;
  • seam inflamed, gotten. It happens more often if the female worrieders remained infectious diseases to pregnancy or due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Glycerin candles will help without tension to go to the toilet after delivery

Postoperative symptoms of complications include:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature up to 38-40 ° C. Temperatures up to 37.5 ° C is considered the norm up to the moment until the seam heals;
  • vaginal discharge with admixture of pus and unpleasant odor;
  • the severity and pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • blood selection from the vagina. The first 6-8 weeks after childbirth are loches - bleeding from the uterus. Three days they are abundant, but gradually their number decreases. Allocations acquire a cargo character and become a grayish-yellow color. Suddenly started bleeding, which is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, pallor of skin, rapid breathing and pulse, constant chills, should alert a woman.

All these signs are the value of the suppuration or divergence of the seam and infection of the body. At the first symptoms of complications, a woman should urgently turn to the gynecologist.

Natural childbirth is the desired end of almost every pregnancy. However, not always the woman is able to give birth independently.

There are cases when it is simply necessary to carry out a delivery to the operational way to save the life of the mother and the child. Contrary to the fact that the cesarean section is considered a matter of ordinary and rather familiar to gynecologists, it is still a long-term operation. And accordingly, its conduct is associated with certain risks and complications.

However, it is worth noting that fair sex representatives rarely worry serious health problems that may arise. Much more often the question arises whether the Scar will be visible after the cesarean section. And to give an unequivocal answer is very difficult in this case, because it all depends on many factors. Starting from the type of applied section and ending with the correctness of the postoperative seam.

The surgical method of the delivery is appointed by certain medical testimony. It happens that the fee is prepared in advance, and there may be emergency situations. Depending on which the reason caused the need for surgery, the tactics of the procedure and the type of cut, which determines the subsequent species of the seam is selected.


The main indication to the corporate cesarean section is the direct threat of life or health of the fetus or a woman. Possible complications of the stroke, which can lead to this: acute hypoxia of the fetus, detachment of placenta, massive bleeding, critical high pressure.

In this case, the outcome of the operational intervention becomes vertical seam. It passes from the pubic zone to the navel, the scar has a nodule structure and is often inclined to seals. Its appearance unequivocally spoils the view of the tiny mother's tummy. That is why without much need, this type of cut does not apply.

In this case, it can only help a tattoo on a scar from Cesarean section. The decorative element will definitely distract attention from the skin defect and give a woman more confidence in herself and his body.


The medical title of this type of seam is a laparotomy in Pfanensch. It is carried out only in the case when surgery was planned, and there are no sharp states. The incision is made in the leather fold over the pubic. In this case, an important feature is that the abdominal cavity remains not opened.

The horizontal cut allows you to make a cosmetic seam. It is practically not noticeable on the skin, because it is superimposed on a special method (intraderially and continuously).


The method of imposing internal seams on the wall of the uterus varies depending on the state of the organ. The main goal of the correct stitching is the minimum healing period and reduction of blood loss. This is also important because it depends on this course of future pregnancies and the type of delivery in the subsequent.

In the corporal form of operational intervention, a longitudinal type of stitching is used, with laparotomy - transverse.

How to cross different types of fabrics:

  • A self-sashing durable material of synthetic origin is used to connect the uterus walls, which is superimposed continuously in one row.
  • For muscles and peritoneum, the ketgut is used, superimposed continuously.
  • For connective tissue of muscles, it is also preferable to use a synthetic type of thread.

The speed, the incidence of complications, as well as the peculiarities of the area of \u200b\u200boperational intervention directly depend on which technology was applied.

Features of the reducing period

Depending on the type of cutting and health status, the recovery period will have certain features. The pain and risk of complications are much higher at the longitudinal form of the section compared to the transverse.


It is quite natural to the question of most women, how many suture hurts after the cesarean section. In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand the essence of the operation itself. After the intervention in the uterus, and the wound surface remains on the front abdominal wall. Therefore, the occurrence of pain syndrome for weeks, and then months after the delivery quite naturally. So the body reacts to tissue trauma. However, pain should not be tolerated, painkillers are allowed.

Of course, painkillers must be appointed by the attending doctor, taking into account the lactation period. Most often various analgesics are used in combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Painful sensations on average are saved throughout One and a half - two months. With a transverse section, the healing process occurs faster. However, the presence of pulling pain and unpleasant sensations is possible throughout the year after the operation.


The pain and hardening in the region of the covered section within two months after the operation - the phenomenon is quite normal. This is due to the process of tissue healing. At the same time, you should not expect that the scar will immediately become soft and imperceptible. Sometimes it is leaving for many months, and then years.

The longitudinal scar, which remained after corporate cesarean section, can remain hard to one and a half years and only after this period begins to be gradually brighten and softened.

With a horizontal cut, the process of scarring tissues occurs significantly faster and can be completed for a year.

In addition to the formation of scar tissue in a section of the cut, it can both form above the stitching place. This characterizes the scarring process of nearby tissues and manifests as a small fold over the seam. In the absence of pain, suppuration or redness of this place, we have nothing to worry about. However, you can undergo an ultrasound examination to calm your own nerves.

However, the formation of a cone above the scar should alert. Most often it has a bloody or purple shade, while the sizes can vary from the pea to the walnut. Its occurrence can occur almost immediately, and maybe postponed for several years. In this case, it is better to be restrained and not to postpone the visit of the specialist. Of course, it may be and, but there are no cases when the inflammatory process is shown like this, fistula or even oncological neoplasm.


The appearance of Sukrovitsy from the cut area in the first week-avenol after the operation should not be a reason for concern. This is a healing process, which is accompanied by a high flow of platelets to the stitched place.

However, if they changed their characteristics, they became like pus or blood, and especially - acquired an unpleasant sharp smell, you need to immediately consult a doctor. So a sepsis can begin, which can even lead to death.


The occurrence of itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cut after a week-one and a half after the operation - quite a normal phenomenon. This is an indication that the healing process occurs its own way and do not worry. However, it is forbidden to combing this place to strictly forbidden, because it is possible to easily be infected into the wound and earn complications.

The appearance of burning and strong discomfort in the sewn area is not the norm. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately appeal to your doctor.

Anesthesia after operation Caesarean section

Already a few hours after the operation, as soon as anesthesia begins to retreat, the woman begins to give painkillers. It can be injections, tablets or even candles. The main feature is that the appearance of analgesic means should not be contraindicated in breastfeeding. In addition, antibiotics and medicines contributing to the reduction of the uterus are in parallel to the woman in labor. This is significantly reduced by the period of rehabilitation.

What are the advantages of anesthesia after surgery:

  • Adequate anesthesia allows you to start moving as early as possible. Experienced doctors know that the sooner the woman after the operation starts to move, the less likely the appearance of complications.
  • During severe pain in the body of a woman, substances are produced that fall into breast milk and negatively affect the kid.
  • Currently, gynecologists are used for pain relief drugs that absolutely do not interfere with breastfeeding and cannot harm the crumb.

How to care for seams from cesarean section

The care for the postoperative seam in a medical institution is carried out by a nurse, and therefore we will not consider this moment in detail, and it is better to stay on home care. What is worried about most women, this is what day the seams are removed after the cesarean section. This process takes about seven days after the overlay. However, in most cases, self-sessive threads are used.

How many seams after the cesarean section, directly depends not only on the type of cut, but also from the right care.

Care rules:

  • Avoid wearing weights (care for the child is allowed).
  • As far as possible, moving as much as possible.
  • Heavy physical exertion is unacceptable, therefore should not immediately.
  • If the scar is soooed, it needs to be treated with an antiseptic. However, it is unacceptable to handle Iodine the wound surface itself, only the area around it.
  • In the absence of complications, it is enough to process the wound a week after discharge.
  • In order not to have seam after Cesarean, it is necessary to wear a special bandage that fixes the stomach.
  • As far as possible avoid mechanical damage to the scar.
  • Take a shower in the usual order, but do not rub the place of cut by the washcloth.
  • Observe a diet.
  • Giving a healing Oregon to be without clothes to provide oxygen access.

Important!Recently, an increasing number of doctors converges that the risk of adhesions is reduced to a minimum, if not sewn peritone.

What complications may be complications in the postoperative period

Complications arising after cesarean sections can be divided into two main groups: early and late. However, in most cases they can be avoided during competent care.


Massive bleeding due to a cut. The blood loss with this form of the delivery can reach 1000 ml. The body cannot quickly cope with a similar load, therefore it is necessary to put droppers.

The formation of hematoma in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cut or even the appearance of blood may indicate a perfect medical error, during which the vessels were incorrectly ears. It may also be the result of mechanical damage when lining.

The discrepancy between the stitched place in a week and a half after the imposition of the threads. Typically, the cause is an infectious damage, or lifting weights.

The inflammatory process in the venue of the operation, accompanied by the formation of pus, increase in temperature, as well as painful sensations.

Violation of intestinal peristals. Often, it is enough to eat enough, to provide a satisfying physical activity, and the process will soon improve. However, with a parallel adhesion process, problems with gases are possible, as well as the defecation process.

Endometrite is considered a fairly serious complication, which is characterized by inflammation of the endometrium, lining the uterine cavity. His emergence is associated with insufficient compliance with sanitary standards during operational intervention.


Ligatured fistula - Painful seal, hot to the touch, sampled a few months after surgery, from a small hole in which the pus follows. Its formation is associated with rejection by the organism of the seam material, or the infection of the ligature itself. In this case, independent treatment is impossible, the external processing will not give the result. Removal of ligature occurs in a medical institution.

Possible, but rare complication is hernia. It occurs only in patients with a longitudinal section, subject to multiple generics and repeated operations. Depending on the severity of the state, the corresponding method of therapy is selected.

The keloid rubar is an uneven increase in tissue at the healing site. The cause of the occurrence is most often considered the individual tendency of the skin to the formation of such formations. It does not carry a direct threat to health, but creates a cosmetic defect. Rough, wide, with uneven edges of the Scar becomes the cause for the concern of many women.

Methods for treating a keloid scar:

  • Exhaust scar with a surgical way.
  • Conservative: cryotherapy, ointment, laser impact, chemical peeling, ultrasound and others.

Scar correction methods after cesarean sections

Cosmetic seam after cesarean does not require additional correction. Its location and special sewing technique allow a woman to wear separate swimsuits without constraint.

However, longitudinal cuts often cause uncertainty. Such problems can be solved using several ways:

  • plastic Operation on the excision of the scar;
  • laser grinding;
  • cryotherapy;
  • chemical peels;
  • cosmetic drugs.

If conservative treatment methods are ineffective, and agree to repeat, albeit cosmetic, I do not want the operation, then you can disguise the place of the cut with a tattoo. After the cesarean section, presented in the photo, in this case will be almost impaired.

Video about seam

In the video, you can get comprehensive information regarding the proper care of the seam after the cesarean section, as well as possible postoperative complications.

How was your childbirth? What testimony for cesarean sections were? Have any complications arise? Did you faced problems with postoperative seam? Share your reviews about this credit operation with our readers in the comments.

Cesarean section. These two words of each pregnant woman are perceived in different ways. Someone believes that this is the worst thing that can happen, because I want to give birth to yourself. And someone is that this is a miracle, thanks to which you can save live and mother, and a child. But even more important questions arise about the rehabilitation period - what does the belly after Cesarean look like? Will the seam be seen? How fast he heals? What exercises can be performed and when to start exercise?

The site for mothers site will tell you what and how to do if you give life a small miracle with the help of COP (cesarean section).

Every future mother is trying to learn more about this process before childbirth. And, of course, one of the important points is to understand the need for the COP and its consequences for the body of a woman. It is better to be ready for everything to be in a situation where you do not know what to do.

For those who put the planned COP, the rehabilitation period passes a little easier, because they are ready for him psychologically.But there are situations where the COP is emergency. In any case, preparing for childbirth, it is worth learn better about the operation itself and what awaits you after it.

We know that the COP is an extensive extensive operation, during which several soft tissues are dissected, which are then sequentially connected by the seams. Most of all we are worried about the belly after Cesarean and seam. First, the last last gives a lot of painful sensations, so doctors recommend taking painkillers that will help start moving and not experiencing severe pain.

The state of the seam on the stomach after Cesarean

In the first months of the seam will be vividly highlighted against the background of the skin of the belly, having a red or purple shade and will be distinguished by relief. But you should not worry, over time it will become lighter, smooth and almost imperceptible. During the healing period in the area of \u200b\u200bthe seam, you can often feel numbness, itching, easy burning and tingling.

Seam on the stomach after cesarean section can be overlapped with silk threads or self-sessing. Silk is removed 7 days after surgery, and such threads as Ketgut, Vincle or Makson are absorbed by themselves. Usually it takes from one to 3 months, depending on the type of thread.

Special seam care does not require. It is enough to gently process it with antiseptic solution and impose comfortable self-adhesive bandages. To remove them, you can soften the dressings with the help of warm water under the shower or using a wet sponge. This will help remove them without unpleasant sensations.

To facilitate abdominal pain After Cesarean, doctors recommend wear a bandage. It helps to keep the soft belly fabrics in a fixed state, which allows you to move without painful sensations. The wound, both inner and external, is alone, so heals faster. And when feeding the baby, it is recommended to put a small pillow on the belly after Cesarean, which will soften the touch of the child and will make feeding less discomfort.

One of the delicate problems with belly after Cesarean are gases produced in the intestines. Their accumulation is due to the fact that during the operation, the doctor to get a child, slightly shifts the intestine. Plus, the air, and the consequences of anesthesia anesthesia consequences. To avoid unpleasant sensations, it is worth limiting yourself in products that can cause additional gases.

Possible problems after cesarean

As after any operation, the COP may be accompanied by complications, in which one must immediately consult a doctor.

  • The feeling of pain in the seam or inside the abdomen, which increases, and does not fall.
  • Abundant bloody or yellowish seams from the seam.
  • Temperature increase.
  • The discrepancy of the seam.

Belly after cesarean and fitness

Restoration After the operation of the cesarean section, each woman takes different times. Here much depends on psychological perception, age, physique, etc. But on average healing takes about 6 weeks.

The strength and elasticity of the abdominal muscles after Cesarean will return gradually, so in no case can you immediately load yourself at home on arrival. For the first 6-8 weeks it is worth going to walk only accompanied by a loved one, since heavy stroller walks can take away a lot of strength and give extra load on the seam.

In the first months, it is important not to rush with physical exercises for the abdomen after Cesarean and remember that in addition to the external seam, internal, and they also need to heal time. According to different estimates, it may take about a year.

But it is possible to carry out small workouts with minimal load and 2-3 months after childbirth. By this time is already allowed to visit the pool - he can also help to lose weight after childbirth. In any case, the workouts are effective, one cannot forget that they should always go in a pair with proper nutrition and sufficient forces. After all, the sense of the tired mother, which is not poured, there will be little for both the baby and for her own body.

Therefore, fitness coaches are recommended to undergo the so-called fitness testing, which helps determine the condition of the body and develop their own set of exercises, just for you. After all, only then it will be really effective. And you can do at home. The main thing is to know your level of loads so as not to harm the body.

If you are scheduled for a planned caesarean section or you want to just know more about possible nuances during childbirth, try to get a maximum of information without unnecessary emotions. This will help you to be ready for any situation and cope with it as quickly as possible, paying more attention (physical and emotional) to your baby.

  • Types of anesthesia
  • Stages
  • Restoration
  • Seams after cesarean section - an unpleasant and inevitable consequence of surgical labor. They do not always look aesthetic, besides, they do not always heal without problems and complications. In this article we will tell how long the postoperative seams are long.


    The healing mechanisms of postoperative seams that remained after the cesarean section conducted depend on the type of seams, the techniques of their implementation and the surgical suture used.

    Since the abdominal wall, but also the front uterine wall, the seams after the generic operation, are subject to dissection with the operation:

    • internal;
    • external.

    The internal seams are applied to the dissected wall of the uterus immediately after the uterus cavity is free from the baby, an amniotic bag and placenta. Usually, for their imposition, surgeons use single-row solid ears and a special type of suture - threads that do not need to be removed and processing, as they dissolve themselves as the edges of the wound.

    External seams are mostly carried out by a nodule or stitch method. They use either special medical silk threads, or self-sessive threads, but thicker than internal, or a special medical alloy brackets, which is not oxidized.

    Depending on how the cesarean surgeon was carried out, the type of seam depends. If we did a planned operation, during which no abnormal situations did not arise, then the incision usually does not exceed 10 centimeters in length, it is horizontally over the pubic line. This incision is called dissection on Pfannenschtil. It will heal faster and with smaller complications, as the place selected for penetration into the abdominal cavity, the least is subject to skin stretching and other external influences.

    If the operation had to do on emergency life testimony in an emergency order, it is possible that the incision will be made vertically - through the navel line to the middle of the pubic zone. It is necessary to quickly extract the kid who threatens death. Call this seam corporate, he crosses the live muscle of the abdomen, and therefore heals the longest and worse.

    The horizontal low seam located in most maternity hospitals today make cosmetic. It is almost impaired after full healing and easily masked with rubber bands. Vertical seam cannot be careful and hide it will be difficult.

    How is the healing process?

    The process of healing of different types of postoperative seams is varied.

    The inner scar is formed longer than external, and this is quite understandable if you know which jewelry and painstaking work proceeds in the body after the overlay of the seams on the uterus. In the first 24 hours of the edge of the inner wound made by the scalpel, they stick together at the expense of fibrin yarn, with each hour their gluing is becoming more durable.

    After 6-7 days after surgery, new cells are formed in the cutter on the uterus wall, which are structural cells of the uterine tissue. Collagen begins to be produced, which gives the area of \u200b\u200bsurgical eats elasticity. In disruption of these thin processes, more coarse connective tissue is formed, due to which the scar becomes insolvent. Then this may be a severe complication of subsequent pregnancy and childbirth.

    In total, about 2 months leaves for the primary formation of the inner scar. Then the process of its development continues, and after 2 years, the scar, if it is quite consistent, is considered sufficiently strong and reliable to nourish the next pregnancy.

    External seams are healing faster. The seams imposed on the vertical corporate can be wrapped up to 50-60 days, the probability of complications are higher than with a slight horizontal dissection at the very bottom of the abdomen. After the cross section on Pfanenstil, you can shoot for 7 days, and about three weeks leave for complete healing zone of surgical exposure. The outer seam heals completely and becomes lighter and unlosable about a year after surgical labor.

    Why does not heal badly?

    Often, women face that the seams are healing slowly, poorly, certain complications arise. By the time of appearance, symptoms distinguish early and late complications.

    Early refer to the most different options for infectious inflammatory processes. Cesarean section is always associated with the risk of attachment of infection, and it does not go anywhere. Our world is inhabited by bacteria, viruses, fungi, some of them are able to survive even in a clean operating room.

    Any inflammatory process will manifest themselves pain, the selection of Sucrovitsy from the scroll, maybe even pus. Also, most often the woman's temperature rises and pain in the scar area is observed.

    The excessive bleeding of the scar after the operation can talk about injury to the vascular node at the moment of stake. This can happen even from an experienced surgeon. Such a complication is characterized not only by the discharge of a suture of a bloody plan, but also to the formation of the hematoma around the scar and on it.

    It is less likely to find out the superimposed seam. This can happen due to the increased motor activity of the woman at the first time due to negligence, due to the immune rejection of the suture with a female organism.

    The discrepancy between the inner seam is usually without any special symptoms, and only when the uterus is still disperse, weakness appears, there may be bleeding, loss of consciousness, drop in blood pressure, tachycardia. The causes of internal complications are the same as the external.

    The notification of the scar can fully lead to late complications - for example, to the formation of hernia or to the appearance of a ligature fistula.

    Suts on the uterus do not handle. But the woman can safely protect themselves if he won't be lifted, it will not start sex to have too early, will exclude penetration into the sexual paths of any infection, even with tap water when performing hygienic procedures. In order not to infect, in the early period of rehabilitation in the maternity hospital, it is recommended to use not purchased hygienic pads, but exclusively sterile sulfur sulfur. They change every 3 hours.

    Houses after discharge, a woman can use hygienic pads, but it is desirable to change them every 2 hours in the first week and a little less often.

    External seams need care and processing. In the maternity hospital, medical personnel are engaged in this, but after discharge, it will have to do at home. Every day it is recommended to dry the scar of hydrogen peroxide, handle edges with green, and also before removing the seams continue to carry a surgical bandage. After removing the seams, the recommendations may be individual. If he heals quickly and well, the dressing is recommended to remove. If there are problems, processing and wearing a marlevary dressing is recommended to continue.

    The healing outdoor seam could not disperse, which cannot be said about the internal. The scar in the uterus, if he is not wealthy, can dispense both during subsequent pregnancy, and during re-childbirth. To prevent this, a woman should remember the prevention of complications from the scars:

    • conduct processing regularly, when any deviations are detected, immediately contact the doctor;
    • sex after the operation, let's say after cleaning the uterus of the uterus from Lohi - there must be discharge, but not earlier than 2 months after the operation;
    • tampons in everyday hygiene cannot be used;
    • avoid scriptures;
    • subsequent pregnancy should not come too early, the recommended break is at least 2 years;
    • do not quit, do not jump, do not swing the press if the operation has not passed another six months.

    In most cases, the cesarean section ends with the imposition of an external cosmetic seam, which heals with the formation of a subtle imperceptible scar. The duration of the reducing period and the quality of the scar formable largely depends on the departure of the wound surface. Complications after the overlay of suture material are incredible and successfully eliminated with timely appeal to the doctor. Over time, the appearance of the scar can be adjusted with cosmetic, hardware and surgical procedures.

    Caesarean section (COP) is a long-term operation, accompanied by consistent dissemination of several layers of soft tissues, which, after removing the child, are connected by suture.

    In most cases, the edge of the external cut of the anterior abdominal wall is recorded by the imposition of a cosmetic seam, after the healing of which a thin imperceptible scar is formed that does not give to the patient of physical and psychological discomfort.

    Types of external cuts and seams

    Regardless of the position, size and other partition features on the uterus, dissection of external tissues can be longitudinal and transverse. The longitudinal (vertical) cut is called the corporate cesarean section and is performed over the entire surface of the abdominal wall from the navel to the pub.

    As a rule, this type of operation is carried out only in emergency situations when emergency care for mother or infant is required. In this case, due to the high risk of tissue divergence in the load, their integrity is restored by the usual, and not cosmetic seam.

    Other testimony to corporate cesarean section:

    • pronounced adhesion process and the inability to access the lower segment of the uterus;
    • varicose veins in the lower segment of the uterus;
    • significant prematurity of the fetus and the unpretentiousness of the body of a woman to childbirth (not formed by the lower uterine segment);
    • planned uterus removal after surgery;
    • the presence of a longitudinal scar after the previous operation;
    • fruit pathology: cross-position, integrined twins and others;
    • the need to extract the live fetus from a dead or dying woman.

    Currently, with an uncomplicated planned COP, lapanotomy in Pfanenschtil is most often used, which ensures the best aesthetic effect at high scar strength. A small cross-section is performed on an arc above the pubic. At the same time, the applied scar actually merges with the skin fold in the lower part of the abdomen and often becomes difficult.

    Performing cosmetic seam

    The technique of embedding the edges of the wound and the type of yarns is selected in accordance with the features of the operation and the presence of certain diseases or complications. For the imposition of a cosmetic seam, special atraumatic needles and other tools used in plastic surgery are used, not injuring skin and subcutaneous fluid fiber. The suture material is a very thin mono - or polyvolocon thread from lavsan, silk or synthetic material.

    Currently, subcutaneous seams are most often used, which are independently absorbed within a few weeks after surgery. If their imposition for some reason does not seem possible, the integrity of tissues is restored by non-disseminating threads. In this case, the ligature is removed in approximately 7-8 days after the operation. Removing the suture material, as a rule, coincides with the patient's patient's day.

    Features of cosmetic seam

    Cosmetic seam has its own distinctive features:

    • Performed by atraumatic needles (thread is a natural needle continuation) and very thin threads.
    • Passes inside the skin.
    • Practical is not visible on the surface of the skin.
    • Forms a thin and inconspicuous scar that does not cause discomfort.

    When the cosmetic seam is applied, the surrounding tissues are injured much less than using ordinary sewing techniques through all skin layers. This technique not only allows you to achieve an optimal aesthetic result, but also significantly reduces the risk of developing complications and speeds up recovery.

    The subtle postoperative scar is formed through the use of special self-sessing threads: silk, lavsan, Vincle or Polyn. This material is able to withstand a significant load and ensure reliable healing of the postoperative wound.

    Often, women already after discharge from the maternity hospital are wondering: how to remove cosmetic seams? Gynecological obstetricists answer: remove cosmetic intradermal seams do not need. After 70-120 days, seams will be sent independently without applying any additional procedures. When developing complications (suture inflammation or divergence of threads), it is necessary to urgently ask for help from a doctor.

    Care for seam

    Women who suffered a cesarean section are wondering how many days heirs seams. In the absence of complications, the surface reduction of tissues occurs within two weeks, and the scar is finally formed after 12-18 months. The duration of the recovery period directly depends on the quality of the wound surface.

    Postoperative care

    While in the hospital, the wound surface is treated daily to solutions of antiseptics and impose sterile dressings from breathable materials.

    For two to three days after surgery, the feminine shows the reception of painkillers. For the prevention of infectious and inflammatory complications, antibiotics of a wide range of action are prescribed.

    The physical activity increases gradually to prevent possible damage to the ligature.

    Home care

    For normal scarring of tissues after discharge, the following rules and recommendations must be followed:

    • Until full healing, disinfect the wound surface (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine and other antiseptics in accordance with the appointments of the doctor).
    • Wear a postpartum bandage that limits the mobility of soft tissues and excluding the possibility of their discrepancy.
    • Several times a day take air baths, barring the bottom of the abdomen.
    • Limit the physical stress and lifting weights weighing more than 2 kg (the child should be taken in the hands, pressed against the chest).
    • Avoid mechanical impact on the wound surface (rubbing or scratching the belly, wearing uncomfortable clothes with grazing belts and belts, use hard towels or cosmetics).
    • The shower is allowed only after removing the suture material.
    • Control the recovery of the uterus and the muscular layer with the help of an ultrasound in the appointed period.

    The healing scar is allowed to lubricate sea buckthorn, olive and other oils. After consulting the doctor to accelerate the scarring process, such drugs as "solkosaryl" and "Contractubek" can be used.

    Oversion after surgery

    The rehabilitation period largely depends on the individual characteristics of the body of the manufacturer, the professionalism of the doctors and the quality of the operation. Nevertheless, for some time the overwhelming majority of women after surgical delivery may experience unpleasant sensations different in nature and intensity.

    The norm is the following symptoms:

    • Moderate pain in the field of anterior abdominal wall for 3-5 weeks.
    • The selection of sucrovitsa (transparent or yellowish liquid) with a slight admixture of blood from the wound during the first 5-8 days.
    • Convex and tight to the touch Scar (up to 2 months after surgery).
    • Moderate skin itching for 1-2 weeks after childbirth.

    Even if the listed symptoms are not delivered to a patient of considerable concern, it should be informed about them at the attending physician. If pain, itching, burning and selection does not stop during the specified period or increase over time, mandatory medical care is required.

    Possible complications

    The early complications after surgery include:

    1. Inflammation of the wound after the introduction of infection. Accompanied by the suppuration and swelling of the seam and the surrounding skin of the skin, increasing the temperature, chills, the deterioration of general well-being.
    2. The discrepancy between the contours of the wound and break threads. Most often occurs due to early removal of threads, high physical exertion or injury.
    3. Bleeding and hematomas as a result of extensive damage to the vessels or some vascular diseases in the manufacturer.

    The listed early complications are diagnosed in the hospital or in the first days after discharge. Treatment depends on the nature and severity of pathology and includes the reception of antibiotics, hemostatic drugs, additional dressings or additional wound stamps.

    Many consequences of Cesarean section show themselves months after childbirth. The most frequent late complication is the ligatric fistures that are formed as a result of rejection by the organism of the suture material or infection of the threads. Their symptoms are:

    • redness and insignificant pain in the scar area;
    • periodically emerging suppuration;
    • the gradual formation of one or more holes in the skin (fistulas), in which the stitches of the ligature are visible.

    In case of detection of signs of ligature fistulas, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor for the surgical removal of the remains of the threads and the processing of the wound.

    Other more rare distant consequences of surgical delivery include hernia (drinking soft tissues on the surface of the scar) and keloid scars. Seal does not represent health threats and is an exclusively cosmetic defect. Such scars usually arise only in patients who have a predisposition to excessive tissue growth.

    Repeated seam

    In the launched cases, the surgeons are forced to completely excise the existing scar and bring the ligature again. It depends on how much muscle layers, subcutaneous fiber and skin cover were injured. Often, at the same time, the cosmetic seam is replaced by the usual.

    The rehabilitation period after re-surgical intervention increases several times, and a newly formed scar will be more convex, rude and noticeable. Therefore, if any suspicious symptoms arise, signing about violations of normal wound healing, it is necessary to immediately seek medical care, not allowing the occurrence of severe consequences.

    Scar's behavior with subsequent pregnancies

    During the second pregnancy, many women who suffered a cesarean section are marked with pain syndrome and a sense of depth in the scar area. An unpleasant feeling increases as the abdomen grows and are most well manifested at the ends of the arc-shaped scar. This is due to the denser structure of the skin and subcutaneous fat at the site of the threads and the formation of durable adhesions in its surrounding tissues.

    If more than 2 years have passed since the previous operation, the scar is recognized as wealthy and there are no contraindications for a new pregnancy, nothing to worry about. To mitigate and increasing the elasticity of the skin, the scar can be lubricated with oil or recommended ointments and gels. Do not forget that the uncontrolled use of drugs can seriously harm not only the future mother, but also the fetus.

    Cosmetic and Surgical Scar Correction

    Unfortunately, competently performed cosmetic seam is not a guarantee of the formation of a neat thin scar in the future. Some women after the years after the COP complain about uneven widths, brightly painted, discover or depressed scars.

    There are several ways to correction:

    • Peeling and scribing Using special cosmetics that can be applied at home. It is recommended only for a minor improvement in the appearance of the scar after consultation with a beautician or therapist.
    • Scar hardware polishing With the help of abrasive nozzles in specialized clinics of aesthetic medicine. To achieve a persistent visible result, you must conduct several procedures sessions.
    • Laser grinding (Fractional thermolysis), providing a deep impact on the scar and allowing to get rid of pronounced irregularities.
    • Injection drugspreventing the growth of keloid scars.
    • Abdominoplasty - Surgical suspension of abdominal muscles with the formation of a new scar of a smaller size.

    It should be remembered that each of the listed methods of impact on the deep defects of the skin and muscles have a number of contraindications and do not allow to completely get rid of the scars.