Allergies in cats: symptoms and treating a pet from a terrible illness. Allergies in cats on food: symptoms and treatment than to treat a cat from allergy to feed

Allergic reaction to food, cosmetics, flowers of various plants, medicines are found not only in humans. Also often manifests and allergic in catsshe causes deterioration physical condition. Cats suffer because of this, and in human strength to help the animal to cope with the problem.

Allergy is a common diseaseShe arises from each fifth cat. And the responsible hosts are always referring to the vet with the question that can be given a cat from allergies. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor establishes the cause of malaise, the factors that cause the reaction.

Experts allocate several types of allergies, the main one is food. Cats may have a reaction to a definite brand feed or on organic products (fermented, vegetables or even fish).

Allergic reactions also exist. on artificial materials (plastic, rubber), of which toys for animals are made.

Find out the cause of the ailment from kittens or an adult animal can attentive host, in more complex cases Special analyzes in the veterinary clinic are helping. Depending on the causative agent of allergy, the doctor decides what to treat a cat how to restore health.

Symptoms in feline

food allergy

Symptoms and treatment allergic reaction We are interrelated.

Each form of allergies can manifest itself certain signs, diseases of certain organism systems.

INTERESTING! Seals with light wool more often react negatively to certain products than their dark conifers. Therefore, the owners of such pets must very carefully choose food food

There are many symptoms, and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish them allergies from another disease. The main of them - rash, itching (the animal greatly combs skin, until the occurrence of wounds), redness of the skin (This is especially seen on the ears).

ATTENTION! The sphinxes are most susceptible to allergic reactions. But according to their skin, signs of illness are immediately visible, so the owner can start taking a pet back at an early stage.

W. fluffy cats Rash and dermatitis complemented by strong wool loss. Explicit sign, uncharacteristic for a healthy animal, is dandruff.

British cats or representatives of other breeds with long wool need to examine more carefullySince wounds from combing can be in hidden places (under the chin, on the tummy).

Symptoms of disease

bee bite

Accurate diagnosis would help quickly establish the cause of an allergic reaction. But complex allergies cat are not done, the procedure is too expensiveIn addition, many allergens enter the animal only under anesthesia.

In the absence of special tests, the definition of the source is carried out by excluding provoking factors.

In this diagnosis, an important role is given to a person who will observe the reaction of a pet for feed, filler.

After such a diagnosis, the veterinarian will solve how to cure allergies to a substance or another.

ATTENTION! The reaction to the product, Bloch bites or filler material sometimes manifests itself immediately.

A long time in the body accumulates harmful substances, endogenous, and only the appearance of a strong allergen causes a surge in the disease. Especially often for a long time do not show signs food allergies. But attentive hosts will be able to notice in time that the kitty looks unhealthy, constantly combing his skin, irritation.

Cat allergy treatment

The veterinarian is prescribed medications and antiallergic, and those that remove complex symptoms.

It is necessary to immediately remove the itching, inflammation on the skin of the pet, treat combing wounds.

It is important to calm the kosh, after all skin disease lead to severe irritation.

Each means is selected individuallySince the animal may have a negative reaction and medicines.

  • Antihistamines For cats, it is necessary for any kind of allergies, they calm down, reduce manifestations on the skin, swelling, irritation.
  • To restore a good skin condition used special healing and soothing ointment. If there are wounds, the means must also be with a disinfecting effect. So that the cat does not lick medication from the skin, you need to wear a special collar for the time of treatment.
  • In food allergies, it is important to comply with the diet in which neutral and Fresh Products. Diet is needed for a long time, and the provocation product is excluded in the future, so as not to cause food allergies again. I can identify a negative reaction to the product, if you change the chicken on the fish or shop dairy products On cottage cheese, weak household production. Most often allergens in the organism of the cat become proteins of animal or vegetable origin.
  • On sale a large amount of dry feed of different brandsAnd it is this kind of food that is leading in the field of food allergies. It is necessary to closely monitor the reaction of a pet for a new feed, with the appearance of the first signs of the disease, it is worth changing the brand of feed, try another composition.
  • Tablets Antihistamines and corticosteroids are prescribed with atopic dermatitis. The medicine that fully healing this ailment has not yet been created, so it is important to regularly control the manifestations of the disease. It is especially difficult to appear in the spring and autumn, you need to help the cat survive these seasons. Another bacterial or fungal infection can join dermatitis.
  • With atopy, the dry skin becomes first, a strong itch appears, exhausting pet. In places, the wounds are even moving into wet ulcers complicated by infections. You can provoke allergies any factor - a new product, some kind of grass, powder, which was postponed with a litter. Healing the disease cannot be eased, but it is necessary to facilitate the cattle of symptoms, to remove the itching drugs, to apply ointment.

ATTENTION! Peeling pads of feline paws may indicate an allergic reaction to the filler in the tray.

D. la all veterinarian breeds recommend choosing filler without smell, small particles. It is advisable to read on the package, from what tree this product is made, because the reaction is possible to a certain breed of wood. Padlocking pads can also talk about allergies to household chemicals, washing powder.

Skin irritation at kitten or adult animal caused by insects is also a health problem. You can protect the pet from fleas using a special collar, an anti-slight shampoo. Possibility of swelling and even difficulty breathing at the cat after the bite of the wasps, bees. In this case, you need to quickly give pets antihistamines and sedatives.

At home when proper treatment And compliance with the recommendations of the doctor is not difficult to cure allergies. Manufacturers produce pills, ointments, drops. You can pick up the form of a medication that is more convenient to perform treatment.


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We recognize allergies in cats

On professional terminology, allergies are the symptomatic manifestation of the increased sensitivity of the body's immune system caused by the impact of a certain group of substances (allergens).

These allergens for each animal can be completely different, but the mechanism of their action is similar: Finding into the body of a pet, immunity perceives these bodies as potentially dangerous and responds to them the occurrence of an inflammatory response.

The way allergies will appear in cats, predict difficult: the symptoms and signs of the disease can be individual for each animal.

  • Symptoms and signs of allergies in cats
  • How to treat nutritional allergies at home?
  • Effective medicines and drugs
  • Treatment with folk remedies

Allergies in cats Symptoms:

  1. Redness of the skin, the presence of rash. This is especially noticeable in the field of ears and on the pillows of the paw.
  2. Focal or diffuse wool loss.
  3. The presence of ulcers, acne, abrasion on the skin in the face of the muzzle, neck, abdomen, groin.
  4. The development of secondary otites: the pet often scratches the ears, they look hyperemen.
  5. Strong skin whole body, eye inflammation, nasal mucous expirations.
  6. Sneeze and cough.

Highlight different types Diseases:

  1. Food allergies in cats or allergies to feed. Caused mainly in improper feeding when one type of food prevails in the diet.

    Food allergens are considered chicken, milk, eggs, less often - vegetables like carrots and pumpkins.

    Vitamin supplements may also cause the disease.

    Sometimes pets are not suitable for dry food, due to large number Dyes and preservatives The cat's body simply refuses to take it normally, without symptomatic manifestations.

  2. Allergy to saliva flea. It is observed exclusively at the flea of \u200b\u200binvasion.

    To cure it simply, it is enough just to save a pet from fleas and their larvae, after which the body will independently restore.

  3. Allergies to objects and substances of the external environment. Accompanied by atopic dermatitis.

    It may be caused by anything: dust particles in the air, pollen, household means of chemical nature, filler, collar, shampoos, pills.

    The disease of this type is most unpleasant - it is difficult to say that it specifically causes an inflammatory response and annoys the immune system.

How to treat nutritional allergies at home?

Before telling, than to treat various forms of this disease, you need to mention:

Determine and correctly diagnose allergies - difficult task, to decide which the veterinarian, based on analyzing data and laboratory diagnostics.

Only he can figure out what type of disease from your pet and what products should be removed from its diet.

More often for the treatment of the food form of this ailment from the diet of a pet, a chicken is removed, dry food, replacing them with the special feed "Royal Kanin", which contain hydrolyzed protein, non-hazardous for sick animals.

Any hypoallergenic cats for cats are suitable: "Purina: veterinary diet", "Hills", "Pharmine".

For positive dynamics, veterinary doctors recommend sticking to the appointed diet even after the disappearance of a bright clinical state.

Food allergy is a disease that is extremely difficult to cure completely. Saying something "Forbidden", the cat risks to get the emergence of relapses.

Effective medicines and drugs

It should be highlighted from the reasons that contributed to the development of the disease.

Flea invasions are treated with specialized healing shampoos for cats, drops on the withers, sprays.

If the disease arose due to a tray filler, then it is changed or used ordinary sand.

Medical therapy is used to treat highly launched cases.

Antibiotics for the treatment of allergies are rarely using antihistamine preference, hormonal drugs.

Cats more often give the following drugs:

  1. DiMedrol. - medicine with a pronounced antiallergic, antihistamine action. A slight sedative effect is provided on cats, so apathy and lethargy often observes after use.
  2. Diphenhydramine - Antihistamine and antiemetic first generation. Characterized fast action: Easily penetrates blood, after which without complications are excreted from the body.
  3. Pipolzin - Prevents, but does not heal skin lesions (rash, ulcers).
  4. Chlorophenyramine - a potent antihistamine drug wide spectrum actions.

Also used: hydroxyzine, celestine, Tueva, Ciprogeptadine (peritole).

Hydrocortisone or dioxidine ointment is used to handle leather.

Remember! The use of all of the above funds is allowed only under the supervision of a veterinary worker or with its permission!

These drugs are sold in a conventional pharmacy and are intended for people, so they are given by cats with caution.

For the same reason, the dosage should not be determined by the instructions.

Cats need a much less active substance than children to ensure that the medicine has the necessary therapeutic effect. Dosage you have to suggest in the veterinary clinic.

If the mucous membranes are amazed, cats give steroid drugs for removing the ethnicity, relief of breathing. The affected areas of the skin are treated with special ointments and gels that accelerate regeneration, remove itching.

Treatment with folk remedies

Independent treatment of allergies in cats at home is better not to carry out, due to the lack of an unambiguous diagnosis.

Some types of allergies show themselves the same as skin diseases (dermatitis), so the use of folk agents can only aggravate the situation, and not help the cat.

Give an animal folk remedies From allergies that are designed for people should not.

The body of feline is largely different from the human. Some drugs that use people to treat their diseases are poison for pets, like most food eating.

Veterinarians note that allergies in cats is not a rare phenomenon. An animal can react to pollen, plants, various fabrics, plastic and rubber items, food, food additives, dairy products, homemade dust, dust ticks, flea bites, household chemicals. For the treatment of many types of allergies, antihistamines are used for cats, originally created for people. Specialists have developed a technique that includes their use in combination with fatty acids and the deviation method (elimination of probable allergens).

Each antihistamine drug has its own dose and can cause various side effects, so the veterinarian must assign them. It is also not recommended to use H2-blockers, for example, claritine, gismanal, very effective for humans, but useless for the treatment of cats. Doctors advise apply drugs containing H1-blockers. These include:

  1. Antihistamines 1 of generation (diphenhydramine, tavergil, donormal, donenhydrinal, diazoline, bicopena, pipolfen, teren), which have a pronounced sedative effect and a short period of action.
  2. Antihistamines 2 generations (astemisol, phenystyl, tenset, thermal, claritin, kestin, coating), among side effects have a cardiotoxic effect.
  3. 3 generation antihistamines (Cetirizin, Fexofenadine), which are characterized by a more selective influence on histamine receptors, more for a long time Actions do not oppress the nervous system.

The list of the most common preparations from allergies in cats includes:


It has antiform, sedative, sleeping pill and painful effect. The dosage of the drug is strictly individual, with the same dose in some animals causes a dream, there are no sedative effect, and a certain group can provoke a state close to delirium. The drug is produced in capsules, pills.

Effective antihistamine preparation with allergic reactions, insect bite.

It has a sedative effect. It is an analogue of diploma, produced in capsules 25 and 50 mg. Not used to treat allergies in pregnant and nursing animals. Also unwanted combining with the reception of antipyretic and anti-inflammory drugs.

For one kilogram of the weight of the animal, 1-4 mg of the drug is needed, which is taken after 8-12 hours and is not mixed with food.

It has antihistamine, sedative, psychotropic, antiemetic effect. It refers to a piperazine derivative, weakens the smooth muscles of the skeleton, has a bronchorantying and painful effect. Does not find it.

Preparation for injection, main active substance - 1% chloropheniramine Maleat. Used to treat allergic dermatitis, wretched cats. Only intramuscularly is introduced, when entering the skin may cause irritation.

Simultaneous administration during feeding or after it reduces irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It is forbidden to combine with alkaloids. The drug is suitable for removal acute symptoms and should not be applied for more than 3 days.

Removes allergy symptoms in animals: eye irritation, runny nose, sneezing. It has a long action by blocking histamine receptors. Side effects: thirst, hyperactivity, or, on the contrary, apathy, diarrhea. Enhances the effect of sedative, undesirable combination with other drugs.

It is applied regardless of the weight of the animal of 1/2 tablets every 12 hours.

Combines a strong antiserotonin substance with antihistamine activity, which is effective at itchy dermatitis. Relaxing the muscles of the bronchi. Causes side effect In the form of an increase in appetite.

The active ingredient is the industrial hydrochloride. Antagonist histamine receptors H1. Produced in the form of an injection solution, used to remove allergy symptoms. It acts more than a dimedrol, produces a light sedative effect. The dose is calculated depending on the weight of the animal.

Daily cat's body attack many viruses and hostile microorganisms. Like us, our fluffy pets can get sick if their immunity will be powerless before a particularly aggressive agent.

Our fluffy is susceptible to allergies a little less people, but their the immune system It is arranged almost identical to human. When some allergen fall into the animal organism, the immunity begins to produce antibodies. But he does not always manage to strengthen the cells of the blood and then the cat, like us, appear symptoms of allergies. And the fact that your favorite fluffy and walks on the paws, and also has a tail, it does not change significantly. The cat is discomfort, sometimes even pain and more often our pets tolerate this ailment is much harder than we. And only because the owners do not pay attention to the state of pets.

What can be allergic cats

Most often, allergies manifests itself in young animals up to 3 years. It is believed that before that age, the immunity of the animal is not sufficiently resistant. Especially suffering kittens that have grown on artificial feeding. In such kids, even if the owners felt loved by their milk milk substitute, the immune system is weaker.

The cat may be allergic to food agents. So, milk or dairy mixtures can cause severe consequences of a kitten. Especially often, allergy cats are found among thoroughbred animals. For your beauty and special, say, fluffiness, the cat pays a reduced immunity from birth.

Cats acutely react to odors, in particular, on cosmetic. Perfumes, deodorants,
Sprayers of any kind, fresheners - it all creates a direct threat both for a person and for his pet. Allergies can even cause a detergent, for example, a feline shampoo or a means for treating fleas. Fillers for pots can also hide the threat and even cause dermatitis.

Sometimes cats are hard to carry some plants, and this can only manifest themselves during the period of their flowering. Pollen, twisted in the air, falls into the nose of fluffy beauty, causing irritation of the mucous membrane. How far does this process goes out, completely depends on the durability of the immune system of the favorite.

Symptoms of allergies in cats and cats

There are many signs that can be easily understood that the pet has an allergy. It is much harder to determine the aggressive agent that has become a source. And yet it is possible if the owner refers to a cat carefully.

In food allergies, the cat begins to suffer an unstable chair, often itching. Its wool becomes another look at: stops glistening and gloss, koltuns may appear, dandruff. The pet can be sick, she can tear after meals. It is extreme dangerous statebecause affects the internal organs. On the skin Pokrov It can catch a rash in the form of red dots, which the cat is constantly combing. Kittens are most noticeable in the field of chin and mouth. In some cases, the rashes are obvious in the zone of neck or ears, both inside the shells and around them.

Respiratory allergy has pronounced symptoms, they are difficult not to notice. The cat breathes hardly, her eyes will get out, she often sneezes, can cough. A rash is manifested on the skin, the animal is constantly itching. Often the mucosa suffers so much that the cat is forced to open the mouth to breathe. It is important to immediately take the favorite in the clinic, as it may be symptoms of asthma development or. In this case, the life of the cat is under a deadly threat.

Dermatite allergies caused by direct contact of the skin with an irritant has additional symptoms. Cats can inflame the anus zone if the hostile agent is hidden in the filler, scratching or shampoo. With such an allergy, the symptoms are similar to the manifestation of dermatitis, when those parts of the cat's body suffer, on which the least wool. Often it turns out the paws that begin to peel. Usually this initial stageIn the future, the skin on the paws can crack, climb.

Cat allergies treatment

Treatment begins with the fact that the veterinarian accurately establishes the diagnosis on the basis of which symptoms showed themselves. If cats or cats are expressed by the edema of mucous, drugs are needed that reduce swelling. These are more often steroid drugs that act almost instantly, stopping the development of the disease.

Then the vet carefully examines the fluffy patient for the subject skin rashes. Sometimes special ointments are appointed, designed to reduce itching and improve wound healing, which are inevitable when combing. Therapy is integrated, it includes lining and immunostimulating drugs.

If this is a food allergy, a special diet is appointed. Antibiotics can enter the treatment regimen, especially if the cat already has serious comb or open wounds. This is explained by the high risk of cat infection through skin damage. It is necessary to remove the cat from life all that can cause allergies: flowers, plants, change the filler, detergent and cleaning products. If this is not enough, then the owner will have to reconsider its items, perhaps perfume or something else provoke attacks at the pet.

Sometimes with age, allergies cease to manifest itself so, symptoms can decrease. An animal can "develop" and the problem will disappear, as it seems. But in reality, the cat will be in danger until the end of life, so it is desirable to take care of such an animal from all likely types of infection and infection.

Most often, the treatment is going through quickly and without serious consequences, because the owners protect their fluffy children. But in some cases, when symptoms are not so obvious or manifested in full, the owner needs to be very attentive. This is especially true of those who live the pedigree representative of the feline world.

The reasons

Food allergies are lesions of the skin, which is associated with eating certain components of food. Such allergies have no pronounced seasonality, characteristic sometimes. The disease causes itching in 100% of cases.

Food, which often causes allergic reactions:

  • milk and dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • meat: chicken, beef, pork, lamb.

Most often, allergies occurs in young cats 4-5 years. The predisposition of y, but more often the floor and breed value do not have.

The reaction to some product is not developing immediately, but after feeding it for a long time ("accumulative effect"). There is a common belief that allergies cause exotic or synthetic products: dyes and flavors, shrimp or crab meat. But in fact, the pathological immune response is always observed on those components of food that the cat received most often.


Skin lesions with allergies can be expressed in varying degrees. Typical symptoms are:

  • itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe muzzle, ears, neck;
  • propellets due to excessive licking in the abdomen, on the sides;
  • miliary dermatitis;
  • appearance.

Occasionally meets the wretchedness, rashes in the form of empty and papules. There may be systemic violations:, lethargy,.

If the cat injures the skin with claws, trying to learn itching, to primary symptoms Joins, aggravating the picture.


If on the basis of clinical signs And the history of the doctor will suspect food allergies, an exclusive diet is prescribed. The minimum term is 4 weeks, but most often the observation lasts 8-12 weeks. Improvements appear no earlier than in a month.

During this period, the favorite should receive only the selected feed and water. Cat can not be released outside, feed from the table or give it from the pet store.

Laboratory tests are non-informative for diagnosis of allergies:

  • can be absolutely normal;
  • conducting intradermal samples and skin biopsy is meaningless.


Selection of the diet should be carried out individually for each animal on the basis of information about the previous diet. A new source of protein can be:

  • duck,
  • turkey,
  • venison.

Food should not contain dyes, preservatives.

The ideal option is the diet prepared by the owners at home. However, such food is difficult to balance, it is almost always necessary to add taurine, calcium.

Industrial hypoallergenic feed is not a "clean" diet, but well suited for busy owners and ensures all the needs of the cats in nutrients.

The only method of treatment skin problemsAllergic caused is to avoid contact with an allergen.

To identify intolerable animal products can be very difficult. It takes a lot of time during which the owner must strictly follow the recommendations. veterinary doctor and keep a diary. Not all the owners of cats are motivated for this painstaking job.

Each new control product is added every 10 days. Based on the data obtained, the long-lasting diet is selected. It can be both domestic food and a patented diet that does not contain any of the identified allergens.

The purpose of antihistamine or glucocorticoids (prednisone) is rarely applied and does not have success. As an auxiliary therapy, more benefits brings the appointment of additives with omega-3 fatty acids.

Industrial diets from allergies

Food prepared at home is difficult to balance for the cat, and even more difficult it is to make it eat it. For their nature, cats are slaves of habits, and often reject unusual products. Then the feed containing the unusual source of protein is recommended.

Often, the owners begin to give instead of the usual diet of the HOLISTIC Class feed, which are positioned as insane. Usually they do not contain chicken, using a turkey, duck, fish, lamb as a source of protein. The source of carbohydrates is potatoes, peas, lentils. But these rations contain too many components, and often add solid eggs, exotic fruits.

The exclusive diet should contain one source of protein and one - carbohydrates. For example, Sensitivity Control - Rice and Duck.

Other medicinal feeds are created according to another principle: protein molecules in them are artificially split into such small fragments that they no longer cause an immune response from the body. Hydrolyzed-based feed:

  • Royal Canin Hypoallergenic.

If the nutritional allergy manifests itself violently, accompanied not only by damage to the skin, but also the digestive tract, they need special feed. As a source of protein, the bird feathers are used. For example, Royal Canin Annalergenic.

All such diets are full, in other words, they can feed the cat all life.


For owners, it can be very difficult to comply with an exclusive diet, and long-term deadlines reduce the motivation for treatment. Successful struggle against food allergies is possible only in the collaboration of the owner of the cat and.

Although it is not easy to confirm this diagnosis, the disease itself is not as dangerous as it is considered. The complete exception from the diet of components provoking the reaction causes recovery.


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Allergic reaction as a response of the immune system to a certain stimulus is possible not only in humans, but also in animals. About 10% of all cases of allergies in cats fall on the intolerance to feed, and the reaction is manifested without violation of the gastrointestinal functions, as can be assumed in the case of food allergies, and dermatological problems. Why does cats appear food allergies and how to treat it?

Causes of food allergies in cats

Food allergy is a common reaction to any product that may occur from any cat. There is a common belief that an allergic reaction appears mainly to unusual and exotic products that the animal has never tried before, for example, on crab meat. Also, many owners fear to give pet food containing many dyes and additives.

However, the immune system of the cat is different from human immunity. The impact of allergens has a storage effect, so intolerance does not appear immediately. An animal may have one and the same food for several years, and only then he has symptoms of allergies. Because of this feature, it is difficult to find the cause of the sickness of a pet.

Under the influence of allergen, the body sensitization occurs. With a constant arrival of the provoking agent, excessive release of free histamine - neurotransmitter of allergic reactions begins. Free histamine affects smooth muscles, capillary walls, causing characteristic allergic symptoms.

What products are the strongest allergens? Inadequate reaction of immune and digestive systems cause various proteins. The composition of dry and wet feed There are many protein products, and even if the pet is feeding home food, it gets a lot of protein. Frequent effects of allergen leads to the occurrence of allergies.

The most common allergens:

  • beef;
  • veal;
  • mutton;
  • chicken and eggs;
  • soy meat and other products;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • cereal;
  • seafood;
  • vegetables and fruits.

If you read, from which the cat feed is made, then these additives most often included in their composition. Many owners feed their pets with boiled chicken, milk or sour cream, not suspecting that thereby can provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

Symptoms and Cat Behavior with Allergies

The main symptom of allergic reaction to feed is dermatological lesions. Despite the fact that the allergen is presented food ProductViolations of functions gastrointestinal tract Secondly and do not always occur.

Description of dermatological symptoms:

  • billionic dermatitis, or cat cats - skin areas are amazed with rashes, reminiscent of millet seals;
  • wool loss;
  • gnove and Papula;
  • unknown ulcers.

Ranks on the skin, formed due to permanent comb, contribute to the reproduction of bacteria and occurrence inflammatory processes. The body temperature of the animal rises by 1-2 degrees. Wool begins to smell badly. Inflammation goes to other organ systems, first of all - to respiratory organs. Due to the edema, the mucous cat snores while sleeping. Breathing is accompanied by a whistle, cough and sneezing arise. If infection gets into the eyes, they begin to get tolesh, the mucous membrane swells. In some cases, the pads are swelling. What looks like allergic dermatitiscan be seen in the photo.

Can an allergy disrupt the digestive system? There is a disorder of the stomach and intestines. Animal is nauseous and tear, diarrhea appears.

Dermatological symptoms affect the cat behavior. An animal becomes restless because of the constant itch, it turns along the corners, itches, nibbles and snoots wool. Behavior is changing towards aggressiveness and irritability, the cat is not given in hand, avoids people, because any touch causes her discomfort.

Kittens, on the contrary, become sluggish, apathetic. They are clogged into hard-to-reach corners, lie there without strength, refuse food and water, do not react to a human voice.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of food allergies is complicated by the fact that its signs are very similar to the symptoms dermatological diseases. Many owners do not suspect that the cause of carriers, wool falling, the wound on the skin is not a fungus, but an allergic reaction to a conventional cat food.

Determine what dermatitis provoked, can only a veterinarian. Diagnostic methods that could answer the question of 100%, which is precisely allergen, does not exist. In animals, unlike people, do not conduct a cushion and other allergies. It is impossible to detect food allergies when analyzing blood, so you should not torment pets to injections. Also ineffective intracutaneous tests for detecting a provocation agent. According to the results of studies, they give accuracy of only about 40%.

One of the diagnostic methods is the elimination of possible allergens from the diet of the cat. The animal is transferred to special diet food and monitored whether the reaction has changed or remained the same.

How to treat pets?

What to do if domestic cat There was an allergic reaction to feed or hOME FOOD? It is impossible to leave a pet without treatment - this is fraught with serious consequences. If you do not eliminate itching, the cat will continue to scratch the skin and pull out the wool, are formed large propellets. Scratched skin becomes a vulnerable place where fungi and bacteria begin to multiply. Often the animal has unkind purulent wounds All over the body, which is already much more difficult to cure than prevent their appearance in the early stages of dermatitis.

Medical therapy

the main goal medical treatment - Remove itching, irritation and inflammation on the skin of the animal. For this, the veterinary doctor will appoint several different ointments, tablets or injection drugs:

  • Antihistamines. These medicines block histamine receptors in the body, which leads to the braking of the reactions caused by them. The swelling, itching is reduced, tear, breathing normalizes.
  • Corticosteroid ointment. These are hormonal agents that are prescribed during the launched cases of food allergies. They contribute to a decrease in the hyperemia of the mucous membrane, suppress the response of the immune system to allergens.
  • Anti-inflammatory and regenerating ointments and creams. These drugs have an antibacterial effect, they are necessary for rapid wound healing, which are formed as a result of permanent comb.

The table presents a list of veterinary drugs:

During the treatment of a cat, a special collar is worn, who will not allow her to lick ointment from the skin and re-combing itching places. Not all pets quietly relate to an uncomfortable accessory and at first try to disrupt it. The task of the owner is to calm the animal and carefully follow that he could not remove the collar.

It is not necessary to engage in self-medication and prescribe a pet medication yourself. Only veterinarian may pick up effective tool and calculate the correct dose.

Medical treatment will not give results if a pet It will still eat. To get rid of allergies, it is necessary to find out what is a provoking factor, and exclude it.

Conventional protein food (milk, sour cream, chicken, eggs) should be excluded from the diet. You also need to move from conventional feed on special dietary. In dietary hypoallergenic feeds for kittens and adult cats, there is only one species protein, so it is easy to choose exactly the product that the reaction will not arise. The proteins in such a feed are in a split form, so the sensitive gastrointestinal tract of animal allergy will not experience difficulties with the digestibility of food. The lack of hypoallergenic feed is a high cost.

List of manufacturers of hypoallergenic cats for cats: Hypoallergenic Dr25, Anallergenic, Princline on Hypoallergenic, Hills PressRaptilation Diet Z / D, Pharmine Ultrahypo, Akana, Origgen. The feed is divided into 3 groups depending on which protein is not absorbed in the cat's body:

  • Gluten, or vegetable protein. Products contain rice and oats instead of wheat, soybean and corn.
  • Animal squirrel. As an alternative to beef, chicken and pork, salmon, rabbit, venison. If there are intolerance to dairy products or eggs, it is necessary to choose feed with a marking "with a limited amount of ingredients".

Instead of buying expensive hypoallergenic feed, the owners can prepare dietary food to their pets on their own. To do this, it is important to exclude those products that cause the reaction from the diet and replace them with others. For example, refuse beef in favor of rabbit or replace pork fish.

Prevention measures

Is it possible to avoid an allergic reaction in an animal? As prevention from the first months of the kitten's life should be fed only with high quality premium feeds. They are easily absorbed by the body, hypoallergenic, do not contain harmful additives are enriched with vitamins and minerals.

This term, of course, is known to everyone. All of us somehow came across it with its manifestation, and for sure in any home aid kit there is some antihistamine.

Not bypassed this ailment and our pets.

Let's figure out what it is and how to deal with it.

(Dr. Greek. - other impact) - the supersensitivity of the body's immune system during the repeated effects of allergen. An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system remembers a completely safe substance (allergen) and when re-encountered it responds to it, as a dangerous, including the mechanisms of rejection.

Simply put, allergy - "wrong" reaction of an animal immune system for certain substances - allergens , Instead of just getting out of the body, cause an inflammatory process.

The peculiarity of this phenomenon is that each case is individual and by allergen, and on the manifestation of the body's reaction on it.

Symptoms of allergies:

redness of the skin, itching (often in the field of head and neck), comb, wool fallout, eczema, Papulas, blisters, discharge from the nose, otitis, diarrhea, vomiting. They can manifest themselves both individually and in the complex. The rash is usually not talking about allergies, but about secondary phenomenon - bacterial inflammation. Allergies does not depend on the amount of allergen that has fallen into the body. Sometimes even small particles for the occurrence of the process.

Do you think if your kisa has symptoms of allergies, it means that she ate something wrong? This is possible, but hardly. In fact, everything is much more complicated.

Types of allergies

The most common in animals is allergic to saliva flea, allergic to substances of the external environment and food allergies.

1. Allergy to saliva flea

- the most common. Unfortunately, it is often ignored, since the owner believes that if he does not see the flea animal, it can not be. But the fact is that for the emergence of an allergic reaction is just one bite of fleas, and this can happen simply during a walk or contact with another animal, it should also be remembered that fleas can dwell in household items (carpets, sofas, etc. ).

Good video about flea dermatitis:

2. Allergy to substance of the external environment (atopic dermatitis)

- The second in the prevalence of allergies. Usually begins to manifest aged 10 months to 3 years. Call it can anything - pollen, home dust, mold, household chemicals, hygienic means etc. Allergen of this species is almost impossible to reveal, and for the occurrence of an allergic reaction, literally microindoses are sufficient. Since it is impossible to isolate an animal from the external environment, this type of allergies need life treatment (!). In most cases, you can choose treatment and make the life of the animal quite comfortable.

3. Food allergy .

Determine the allergen is quite difficult and often difficult to exclude from the diet. Allergy develops as an immune response to an allergen accumulates, it takes time and constant presence of allergen in the diet. For example, allergic to beef can develop whole yearDuring which the cat is calmly eats it. Therefore, cats are allergic, as a rule, manifests itself closer to the one-year-old age. But repeated symptoms are developing quickly - from a few minutes to several days. Therefore, it is incorrect to think that food allergies arises to new products (!). Most often, allergy is developing on the protein - meat, while it is strictly individually - someone on beef, someone on fish, etc.

Signs of all types of allergies are similar. For allergies to saliva flea, the leaning of the back, cereals and tail is more characteristic. For food allergies and allergies on Wednesday - the area of \u200b\u200bthe head and neck. Seasonal exacerbation of allergies is characteristic of atopic dermatitis and allergies on fleas.

Why is some cats allergic arises, and others have no? Depends on the immune system of the animal. Most allergies have a hereditary nature. Therefore, one of the important factors is breed. For example, miserable rocks are prone to allergies. The cause of intolerance to feed may also be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the enzymatic system, the pollution of the habitat.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of allergies and forever. Arriving once, it will appear and subsequently. Medications Only remove the symptoms without eliminating the cause.

Diagnosis of allergies

Diagnosis "Allergy" can only put the doctor, since the same symptoms can be caused by different reasons. For example, itching and wool loss can be due to disadvantage of fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6), disease internal organs etc.

There is no analysis confirming allergies. Since the signs of all allergies are very similar, the diagnosis adopted by dermatologists-veterinarians is reduced to the sequential exclusion of one after other types of allergies (!).

First there is an exclusion of allergies on fleas and food allergies.

What seems food allergies. There is no such analysis, which would immediately show and reliably show what exactly the product is allergic. This can be found only to the diagnostic diet using an exception method. The goal is to replace possible allergens into hypoallergenic products (lamb, salmon, rabbit, rice, barley, specially designed veterinary dietary finished feeds). At the same time, it is necessary to strictly ensure that the cat does not receive anything else in addition to special nutrition. Even a small piece of delicacy during this period can lubricate the picture and prevent an accurate diagnosis. The process is long, takes at least two months. After the symptoms of allergies go to no, the cat is prescribed a provoking diet - one component is introduced and observed the reaction. If allergy symptoms do not appear, this ingredient is replaced by another possible allergen, etc. As soon as the allergy resumes, it should be considered an allergen and to be removed from the diet forever.

After the exclusion of allergies on fleas and the components of the power supply remains allergic to the external environment.

Allergy treatment

Allergy to saliva flea It is treated by the constant use of anti-sea drugs. Hill's diet with food allergies

Food allergy - Except from the ration of provoking its product.

At the discretion of a veterinary doctor, the diagnosis process may be accompanied by the appointment of drugs that remove the symptoms of allergies, and additives that contribute to the purification of the body as a whole. It should be remembered that until the complete disappearance of signs of allergies can pass from a few weeks to several months.

Atopic dermatitis. Animals with this type of allergies are not recommended to use in dilution, since the disease can be transmitted to the offspring.

It is almost impossible to cure this type of allergies (except to move the cat in a completely different situation, and that is not a fact (!)), But can be controlled. There are several methods of treatment, but anyone will have to spend the animal throughout the life. It may be simple and inexpensive, and may require a significant cost of time and money from the owner. In any case, treatment is chosen from the recommendation of the doctor.

And further. In cats with any type of allergy, secondary bacterial or fungal inflammation can develop, which will require additional treatment.

Of personal experience One of my cats (Zhanna Arkadyevna) is atopic dermatitis, with which we are fighting for almost six years. It all started with the formation of a small properly after the ear in 11 months of age. We have passed the entire diagnostic scheme for the exception of other allergies. And for several years with the appearance of itching and bumps, we immediately begin treatment hormonal drug. A couple of times, Zhannoshka had complications (on the neck and chest, a large mocking focus of skin lesions were formed - it looks frightened), which demanded special processing and application of antibiotics. Now the cat feels good, although, of course, the immune system is undermined by both constant allergies and its treatment. But here, alas, nothing can be done.