There is no beast stronger than a cat from any fable. There is no beast stronger than a cat. Fable the Cat and the Nightingale - analysis

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Winged Words and Expressions Serov Vadim Vasilievich

There is no beast stronger than a cat

There is no beast stronger than a cat

From the fable "The Mouse and the Rat" (1816) I. A. Krylova(1769-1844). The Mouse informs the Rat that the Cat has finally "fallen into the claws of a lion."

“Do not rejoice, my light, -

The Rat speaks to her, -

And do not hope in an empty way!

If it reaches their claws,

Then, it is true, the lion cannot be alive:

There is no beast stronger than a cat! "

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One of the most famous and satirical fables of Krylov - "The Cat and the Nightingale" - was written under the influence of censorship and the prohibition of several works by the author himself. In the image of the Cat, power, censorship appears before us, and in the image of the Nightingale, the writer.

Fable the Cat and the Nightingale read

Caught by a Nightingale cat,
She launched her claws into the poor thing
And, tenderly squeezing it, she said:
"Nightingale, my soul!
I hear that you are praised everywhere for your songs
And they put them next to the best singers.
The fox-kuma says to me,
That your voice is so ringing and wonderful
What of your lovely songs
All shepherds, shepherdesses are crazy.
I would really like to myself
Listen to you.
Do not tremble like that; don't be stubborn, my friend;
Don't be afraid: I don't want to eat you at all.
Just sing something to me: I will give you the will
And let me go for a walk in the groves and forests.
I do not concede to you in love for music.
And often, purring to myself, I fall asleep. "

Meanwhile, my poor Nightingale
Barely breathing in her claws.
"Well, what then? - continues the Cat, -
Sing it, buddy, just a little. "
But our singer did not sing, but just squeaked.

"So this is what you admired the forest! -
With a sneer she asked.
Where is this purity and strength,
Whom does everyone keep talking about?
I am bored with such a squeak from my kittens.
No, I see that you are not at all skilled at singing:
Everything without beginning, without end.
Let's see how tasty you will be on your teeth! "
And ate the poor singer -
Until the crumb.

Should I speak in my ear, more clearly, my thought?
Thin Songs Nightingale
In the claws of the Cat.

Moral of the fable Cat and Nightingale

The main moral of Krylov's fable "The Cat and the Nightingale" is directly revealed in the last lines. The second, not so obvious conclusion, is addressed by the Krylovs to fellow writers: "Do not believe the promises of those in power, otherwise the fate of the bored and eaten Nightingale awaits you."

Fable the Cat and the Nightingale - analysis

"The Cat and the Nightingale" is a rather transparent work, but of great importance for Krylov himself. Under the Nightingale should be understood a lot of writers of that time who went to cooperate with the monarchy, taking the place assigned to them as "court poets", and rejecting the then popular ideas of freedom. A cunning, strong cat is the personification of tsarism and Alexander I himself - an enlightened monarch who "took under his wing" many talented, but too progressive poets and writers.
Analysis of Krylov's fable "The Cat and the Nightingale" is reduced to the interaction of these two characters. The reader realizes that the Cat, despite the promise, will eventually eat the Nightingale, even if he sings for her. At the same time, the frightened, driven into the framework of the Nightingale cannot reveal his talent, cannot sing the way he does it in freedom.

There is no beast stronger than a cat

There is no beast stronger than a cat
From the fable "The Mouse and the Rat" (1816) by I. A. Krylov (1769-1844). The Mouse informs the Rat that the Cat has finally "fallen into the claws of a lion."
“Do not rejoice, my light, -
The Rat speaks to her, -
And do not hope in an empty way!
If it reaches their claws,
Then, it is true, the lion cannot be alive:
There is no beast stronger than a cat! "

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M .: "Lokid-Press"... Vadim Serov. 2003.

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