Why do many coins dream. Why dream of a trifle - an accurate definition of sleep

Dream interpretation coins money

In the modern world, nothing can be done without money. Although, with the development of technological progress and the constant growth of inflation, we no longer use cash, especially coins, but this does not exclude the possibility that we may dream of cash.

Today we will look at why money is dreaming of coins?

Why see money in a dream

If you work hard and leaf through several dozen different interpreters, then you can come to the conclusion that there is actually as much positive in a dream about money, no matter what, metal, iron, copper, paper, as there are negative predictions provided by the interpreters.

If you saw coins in a dream

This is a dream of a variety of troubles, anxiety, changes in life. But in any dream book you can find the “other side of the coin”.

What kind of money did you see

For those people who are not satisfied with the general information about what to see cash in a dream, the dream book advises to write down the denomination of the monetary units that they dreamed about, your actions with them in a dream, the number of banknotes, the material from which they are made.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian

  • If you dreamed of large bills - wishes will come true, luck will be on the side of the sleeping person.
  • A lot of money received as a gift - buy something expensive and important.
  • If you dream of counting bills, and missing a certain amount, you will have real troubles with monthly payments.
  • To dream of paper money in a bundle is the fulfillment of a dream and all desires.

Modern dream book

Miller's dream book

Seeing copper money in a dream - you will be doomed to live in poverty, you will begin to count every ruble.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

  • Finding money in a dream - to changes in life, which will be directed for the better.
  • Dreams of giving money away - in reality, failures will haunt.
  • If you dream that you are getting coins, you will not worry about material things for the rest of your life.
  • She dreams that you have lost a certain amount - troubles at work, quarrels in the family circle.
  • Counting money in a dream and missing a certain amount - you will be forced to spend a significant amount on some kind of acquisition.
  • The dream interpretation believes that saving in a dream is a sign of happiness and wealth in reality.
  • If you dream that you had to steal a certain amount - in real life, succumb to temptation and enter into a dubious business.
  • Carefully study what is written on the money - you should work hard and compare your expenses with income, then you can meet a comfortable old age.
  • Do you dream that you are borrowing a lot of money? In reality, you are a wealthy person, acquaintances consider you a curmudgeon, and bypass.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

Aesop's dream book

Seeing copper coins is a lot of tears.

Watching paper bills in your wallet, while seeing that they gradually disappear - you are a very thrifty person. It is worth admitting that your frugality is at times harmful to you, since you refuse almost any deal, considering it a losing one.

Why do you dream about paper money

  • According to the dream book, paper bills dream, as a rule, for news, or symbolize deception.
  • If you choose the interpretation about news and news, then every second dream book will consider that the news will be pleasant.
  • Holding paper bills in your hands - they will make you a tempting offer, do not rush to refuse it.
  • Find paper banknotes - an event will occur that will radically change your life.
  • Receive paper bills as payment for labor - you will have a stable income.
  • Losing paper bills, or being robbed - unfortunately in real life.

Your actions with coins in a dream

Seeing in a dream, collecting coins - take a closer look at their denomination:

  • collecting a lot of small coins - to useless trouble.
  • collect coins of the highest denomination - soon you will receive an insignificant amount of funds.

It is important where exactly you started collecting coins:

  • collecting from the bottom of the sea is good luck;
  • collecting from the floor - to quarrels with household members;
  • first scatter copper coins on the ground, and then collect them - make an unjustified waste.

Find money in a dream - you are a lucky person, fortune is on your side.

Seeing that you happened to find a lot of money, coins and paper bills - you will be lucky in literally any business that you would not undertake.

Tossing coins - you can't make a choice in real life in any way.

Finding a lot of little things in your pocket - unfortunately, not everything will turn out the way you wanted.

Find coins made of gold - you will enjoy life. You have many good days ahead of you, full of joy and happiness.

Why else do banknotes dream?

It so happens that in a dream you see one, specific bill, for example 10 rubles, with one coin. What can such a dream promise?

If there were quite a lot of coins of 10 rubles or 10 kopecks, then the interpreter sees this as an indication that you do not know how to manage your finances. Your costs are an order of magnitude higher than your income.

What was the denomination

Any denomination that you would not dream of, 5, 10, 25, 50, is best interpreted using the numerical dream book of Pythagoras. It is in it that you can find the most useful information, to which this particular number will lead you. The only amendment in this interpreter, the number 10 will be considered as 1 + 0 = 1. So the interpretation is worth looking at the unit.

If in a dream you see a lot of coins made of copper, it means that soon you will begin to dispose of a significant amount of cash. At the same time, you will be able to dispose of it very cleverly.

Ancient copper coins seen in a dream indicate that you will be presented with an incredible gift. At the same time, its cost may be minimal, but for you it will be priceless.

Silver coins promise a pretty busy period in your life. You will be busy with business trips, moving, new deals, finding out the relationship with your soul mate, a new hobby. This dream does not specify what exactly will happen in your life, one thing is clear, you will definitely not be bored.

If in a dream you see one single coin that was present in everyday life, but has long come out of it, then such a dream suggests that you should stop living in the past and it is time to become more modern.

Your mark:

The dream about the acquired money carries a positive charge. As in real life, unexpected cash replenishment is a pleasant experience. But in a dream, insignificant little things can radically change the meaning of everything you see. In order to find out for certain what coins are dreaming of, it is necessary to study at least several sources.

A dream about purchased money carries a positive charge.

Numerous situations involving money have different, often opposite meanings.

Coins in a dream can be:

  • find;
  • lose;
  • give;
  • divide;
  • scatter;
  • steal and stuff.

To count coins in a dream means that during this period it is possible to find a solution to the task set only if savings and frugality are observed.

If a large amount of valuable metal money was stolen from the dreamer, then you should take care of your safety. In the near future, it is better to avoid those places and situations where you can get injured.

When several small coins were found in a dream, such an omen bodes well for business failure. The source of such troubles, most likely, will be a close person or relative.

Coins in the dream book (video)

Why dream of a trifle, rubles, pennies

The money seen in a dream can have a lot of characteristics:

  • small or large coins in size;
  • at par;
  • made from different materials;
  • modern or old;
  • new or worn;
  • rare, collectible, anniversary;
  • damaged and so on.

Scattered little things dream of tears. These are not always tears of grief.

  1. Losing small money means making a small income.
  2. Collecting small money means success on small projects, getting rid of the hassle and resolving minor conflicts. At this time, all troubles are eliminated by themselves, so you should not waste your energy on them. Better to tackle larger projects.
  3. A one ruble metal coin seen in a dream symbolizes trouble. If the coin is made of cheap metal, then such troubles can bring the dreamer to tears.
  4. Also, small money can mean quick changes in fate. They will be bright and will radically change the dreamer's life.
  5. If you count a trifle in a dream and find a shortage, then you can expect trouble with bank transfers and other electronic transactions. Counting a lot of little things means getting happiness only after exerting effort.
  6. If the spouses are counting small coins, then they should expect petty quarrels and misunderstandings in the relationship. Most likely, the cause of the squabbles will be a financial issue.
  7. Taking a penny from a friend or relative in a dream means a good idea that can be successfully implemented. If a stranger holds out a penny, then this is a sign of impending failure. At this time, there is a high probability of being deceived or involved in an illegal activity.

Collecting small money means success in small projects, getting rid of the hassle and resolving minor conflicts

Outwardly, a trifle can be light, which means a good omen, or dark, which promises quarrels and enmity.

Why do you dream of gold money or iron coins

Gold coins in a dream are a symbol of prosperity and wealth. Most often, they cause pleasant associations in the dreamer. Seeing a chest full of gold promises the realization of our plans. A dreamed gold monisto of coins promises great achievements, provided that its shortcomings are eradicated. This is a wonderful period for self-improvement classes, both spiritual and physical.

  • If gold coins were received as a gift, then the girl is destined to marry a rich groom. However, he will be extremely stingy. If gold coins in a dream are old and rare, then only their own merits in the business arena can help achieve the goal.
  • Hearing the ringing in a dream and understanding that this is the ringing of gold coins means finding the right path to prosperity and prosperity. If the treasure with gold is surrendered to the state, then in real life you can lose the trust of loved ones and work colleagues. Selling gold money is a sign of prolonged loneliness. After such a dream, you need to take care of your personal life and communicate more with people.
  • Money made of gold means a good reputation for a dreamer. Such a dream is a sure sign of prosperity. Interesting sea voyages are possible, which will leave wonderful memories of yourself.
  • Parting with gold money in a dream promises the loss of a job or other source of income.

Old money made of iron seen in a dream symbolizes a useful experience accumulated over the years.

Old money made of iron seen in a dream symbolizes a useful experience accumulated over the years. Soon, someone will transfer important knowledge to the dreamer or he will learn a lesson from current events. At this time, you can safely count on compensation for your own patience. Giving away the iron money means successfully completing the business started earlier.

See in a dream commemorative coins, old and collectible

If in a dream you happened to find a rare commemorative or collectible coin, then this is a sign of an imminent receipt of a loan from an institution or from someone you know. As a result of this event, the dreamer will be able to realize his immediate plans.

If in a dream you happened to find a rare commemorative or collectible coin, then this is a sign of an imminent receipt of a loan from an institution or from someone you know

Antique coins promise a quick gift that will be unexpected and original. If they are large, then one can expect an early improvement in the financial situation. This period will be favorable for the conduct of financial affairs, as their result will be significant profits. If a large treasure consisted of such coins, then success in business will be accompanied by a rise in strength and enthusiasm for working capacity.

Rare ancient coins seen in a dream are a sign of a valuable acquisition. This is not only about material values. You can get rich:

  • secret knowledge;
  • invaluable experience;
  • wisdom from older comrades.

If such an opportunity appears, then it should not be missed, since this knowledge will be used in practice to achieve an important goal.

What does it mean to find silver coins in a dream

For a family person, silver coins can be an unfavorable sign. In the near future, quarrels and other troubles in everyday life may occur. Sleep will entail empty chores and unpleasant situations associated with friends.

For a family man, silver coins can be an unfavorable sign.

Other dream books say that if you dreamed about shiny new silver coins, then they can still bring pleasant predictions. The larger the silver disc, the more favorable fate is to the dreamer. A bad dream can be considered a ghostly trifle made of silver. If at this time the question is about the realization of any hope or dream, then, most likely, the plan will not come true. A dream about melted or dented metal money worsens the situation.

Collect coins in a dream: meaning

Finding and collecting coins in a dream means improving your material well-being in reality. If the coins that the dreamer collects were scattered by them, then the prediction has the opposite meaning. Financial losses and business failures are possible. The more coins there are on the ground, the more severe the financial damage will be.

If the dreamer sees that he is putting the collected coins into his hat, then one of his ideas will be successfully implemented. This will be accompanied by a monetary gain. If the hat in a dream turned out to be someone else's, then using someone else's plans, the dreamer will be able to improve his financial situation. You need to pay attention to your condition at this moment: if the dreamer's mood soured when collecting money, and there were not enough coins in the hat, then you need to be more careful. This period is fraught with financial losses. You should not start projects and accept proposals related to monetary issues.

To dream about how coins are collected in handfuls means in reality to become the owner of a large reward. If few of them were collected, then too little effort was made to achieve the goal. You should reconsider your views on financial issues that were relevant until recently. Perhaps they can still be profitably realized if you try to be more active.

Why dream of a trifle (video)

According to other sources, collecting coins can be a symbol of petty hassle and anxiety. With a reasonable approach, these problems will be solved in favor of the dreamer and will benefit him.

Attention, only TODAY!

If a person dreams of a trifle, we can say that he has a spoiled mood for the whole day, since traditionally such a vision is considered unfavorable. But in reality, everything is not so simple. Interpretation usually depends on matching the details that the sleeper has managed to remember. Therefore, with the help of various interpreters, we will try to figure out what it means to see money, coins in a dream.

Interpretation according to the Modern Dream Book

This interpreter explains to us a dream in which you saw coins, depending on what metal they were made of:

  • I dreamed about gold coins - this is a symbol of prosperity, as well as travel by sea, during which you will get a lot of impressions and pleasure.
  • I had a chance to see silver coins in a dream - such a vision can be a harbinger of disagreements and misunderstandings in a respectable and prosperous family.
  • If a girl dreamed that she was receiving money from silver as a gift from her lover, his actions would soon be dishonorable towards her.
  • If silver in a dream was bright and shiny in a dream, or you saw money very clearly, expect favor from your fate.
  • about money, copper coins - such a vision symbolizes despair and hard physical labor.
  • Coins in night dreams were nickel - in real life, the dreamer can get involved in dubious matters.
  • If the dreamed metal money was yellow, some of your relatives and friends consider you a greedy person. Most likely, there is some truth in this, and you need to change your attitude towards money.
  • Dreamed of money, small change (coins) - such a vision can be a harbinger of sadness, but your experiences will be temporary.
  • I happened to see a big coin in my night dreams - such a dream symbolizes your promising future, the gradual implementation of all plans. Only you will have to put a lot of effort into this.
  • If the money turned out to be old, in order to find the answer to the questions you are interested in, you will have to plunge into your past, perhaps you need to meet old friends, renew communication with them.

Seeing money, coins in a dream. Interpretation according to the dream book from A to Z

In this dream book, the interpretation depends both on the material from which the money is made and on their size:

  • If you are trying to make metal money yourself in a dream, or if you want to counterfeit it, in the near future your efforts to complete the assigned tasks will be in vain.
  • I dreamed that you were melting coins into metal - this dream characterizes you as a money-grubber and self-interested person.
  • If you saw small money, coins in a dream - in reality you will face pleasant family troubles.
  • The coins turned out to be large, old, with minting - this dream is symbolic, you will suddenly receive wealth.
  • I dreamed of a metal ruble - such a vision portends trouble that will bring you to tears.
  • I saw a full piggy bank - thanks to good prospects, the sleeper will be able to improve his financial situation.
  • If the piggy bank crashed in a dream and the coins scattered - in real life, your expended efforts will lead to an insignificant result.
  • If in a dream you have a wallet with valuable coins stolen, such a vision signals danger. Be very careful and circumspect in crowded places and try to avoid wastelands.
  • I dreamed that you found a trifle - this is a warning that some person who is aware of your business can do harm by interfering in your business.
  • If the coins in your dream were silver and large, this is a harbinger of good times.
  • Silver in a dream was small - your dreams will not come true.
  • If metal money was copper, this dream is a harbinger of labor, the income from which will be insignificant.
  • Seeing in a dream a lot of coins, copper money, a whole bag - you will be a successful entrepreneur, since you will be able to respond in time to all the needs of the market.
  • I happened to see that you have found an ancient valuable treasure - thanks to the rise of mental strength, your working capacity will improve.

Gold coins in a dream. Interpretation according to the dream book from A to Z

A lot of attention in the dream book from A to Z was paid to visions in which gold coins appeared:

  • I dreamed of a chest full of gold - the dreamer's wishes will come true.
  • In their nightly dreams, they saw a necklace of gold coins - if you get rid of your shortcomings, then, thanks to your merits, you will be able to achieve a lot.
  • In a dream, money, gold coins were received by a lady as a gift - she will marry a wealthy but stingy man.
  • I dreamed of the royal chased gold pieces - in reality, the success that you achieve in your business will bring you honor and respect of others.
  • We decided in a dream to hand over the treasure with jewelry to the state - in reality, the trust of people who know you from the good side of work will be lost by you.
  • If you sold coins made of precious metal - in old age you will be completely alone.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

The famous American psychologist Gustav Miller also gave a place to this topic in his dream book:

  • If you dreamed about small coins - at the service you may encounter problems and troubles, tension will arise in your relations with the people around you, you will no longer understand each other.
  • If there was a lot of metallic money, in order to earn more money, you will need to make a lot of effort.
  • There was a vision of ancient coins - soon you will learn about secrets and secrets that you still had no idea about.
  • If in your nightly dreams you saw a chest full of coins - this dream promises you an early realization of your desires. But for this you have to work hard.

Interpretation according to the Esoteric Dream Book

In this interpreter there are also many interesting interpretations of the dream of money:

  • If the coins in a dream were iron - such a vision may be disappointing in something or someone.
  • If a person (coins) - he will spend too much money to have a good rest and have fun, but he will only benefit from this.
  • I dreamed of coins worth ten rubles each - this is a symbol of the appearance in your life of an occupation that will not only benefit, but also give pleasure.
  • In their nightly dreams, they held metal money in their hands - in real life you will be lucky to participate in an event, as a result of which you will receive some benefit.
  • I had a chance to see expensive, collectible coins in a dream - you value the values ​​around you too little, and this vision explains that you need to value them now, while they are, and be more attentive to everything that you have to relate to.

Interpretation according to the Slavic dream book

This dream book has its own interpretations of already known dreams:

  • Dreamed of coins - this may be an omen of resentment or a possible conflict. You need to be careful and watch your words and deeds.
  • Found money made of gold in a dream - you can in reality expect great success and good luck in all your endeavors, so show through to their implementation.
  • The coin you found turned out to be old - you will learn a lot of truth about old family secrets, which will lead to a radical change in your impressions of your relatives.
  • I had a chance to collect money (coins) from the ground in a dream - this is a symbol of improving the dreamer's well-being, and he will not need to make a lot of efforts in order to improve his financial situation.
  • I dreamed about iron coins - this is a warning to you that in the near future your dreams and goals will not be achieved. Just be patient and wait for the opportune moment.

Interpretation according to the Eastern dream book

This interpreter is happy with favorable interpretations of dreams with coins:

  • If you saw metallic money in a dream, prosperity and prosperity in the family awaits you, as well as development and growth as a person.
  • I had a chance to see money (coins) in a dream, to receive them from someone - this vision can mean the appearance in your life of a person from whom you can receive financial assistance in difficult times.
  • If you yourself give coins to someone - such a dream to waste.
  • The money you saw made of metal turned out to be unusual - this means that the near future will bring you good news that will bring you happiness and inspiration.
  • If you dreamed that you found old coins, in reality you will have the opportunity to improve your well-being.
  • As this dream book interprets, I dreamed a lot of money (coins) - you need to organize all your finances as soon as possible, and also more closely monitor the distribution of expenses.

Interpretations according to different dream books

Different dream books also paid attention to such an interesting vision, like coins in a dream:

  • According to Tsvetkov's dream book, ordinary metal money found in a dream means that negative thoughts do not allow you to live normally. You should overcome yourself and live the present events, and not yearn for what is left in the past. If the coins found turned out to be gold, thanks to the large profit received, your financial situation will improve significantly.
  • Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn explains what it means to see a lot of coins, money in a dream - such a night vision can be an omen of travel, and maybe even long journeys.
  • In the dream book of Health, the dreamed commemorative coins are a sign that the dreamer will have great luck in some business. And if you had to see paper money and coins in a dream, this means that the sleeping person has pure and good thoughts.
  • The newest dream book says that the coins seen in a dream symbolize your concern about unresolved matters. The anxiety will go away once you complete them.
  • The combined dream book explains the situation, if you happened to count money (coins) in a dream - you will have enough strength and inspiration to carry out your plans and intentions.
  • But according to the Autumn Dream Book, counting coins in a dream is a bad sign, foreshadowing minor troubles and troubles.
  • In the Wanderer's dream book, it is considered that if you give money from metal to someone - in real life you will lend a large sum of money to someone.
  • In the Star Dream Book, we can find the interpretation of the vision, if you happened to collect coins from the ground - this means that the money will float into your hands, without any effort on your part.
  • In the Jewish dream book, we can find an explanation of why unusual coins dream - this is a warning that you can be deceived. You need to be as careful as possible. We saw money from other countries in a dream - this is for travel and short trips.
  • In the Common Dream Book there is an interpretation of night dreams in which you saw only two coins - this dream can mean that you and your significant other are already together, as well as that you are still looking for her.
  • In the French dream book, we can read that the silver money you found in a dream is highly likely to mean your quarrel with your friend.
  • An interesting interpretation in the Old Persian dream book. It says that the coins seen in a dream are a symbol of imminent wealth, maybe it will be a large amount of money inherited. It is believed that such a dream can be dreamed of by the chosen one of fate, who will have more than one pleasant surprise.

What does it mean in a dream to collect money, coins

The interpretation of such night visions may depend on what actions you take with the coins:

  • If you happened to collect handfuls of money in a dream, in reality you will be deservedly rewarded.
  • It was unlucky to collect a lot of coins - the efforts that you put in were not enough to achieve your goals.
  • Also, if you had to see coins, money in a dream, collecting them, it may mean the following - you are not completely sure of the successful completion of your plans, but you will definitely be lucky.
  • If you dreamed of yourself collecting the found coins, your financial situation in reality will improve significantly.
  • I had a chance to collect coins scattered by you in a dream - this can be a harbinger of financial losses.
  • If you put the collected money into your hat, one of your projects will be successfully completed, and you will receive a considerable reward.
  • If you dreamed that you were putting money in someone else's hat, your profit will be obtained by using other people's ideas.
  • If there are several coins in your hat, and you stopped collecting them, be more careful and careful in your business, as some of your ideas may entail financial losses.

Why are coins in a dream

Usually night vision, in which a person finds money, can mean profit, good luck for him. But, depending on the nuances, finding money (coins) in the dream book is interpreted differently:

  • If in a dream you unexpectedly found a handful of copper trifles, in reality, luck in your endeavors will turn out to be just as unexpected, which will bring you wealth.
  • If a person (coins) are golden - such a dream, on the contrary, promises a lot of trouble, and you can also expect slander in your address. This interpretation is especially suitable for the case if the coins were old and dirty.
  • Found silver is a good omen, meaning that you will meet good people in life. And, the purer and lighter the metal, the more such people will be.
  • If you happen to have money in the ground, you will be lucky to find a prestigious job with a good salary, but you will have to look for it for a long time.
  • If the found coin turned out to be collectible, you are lucky to take a rare chance to make your well-being much better. If there is a lot of such money, you can get rich, but gradually.

Interpretation of dreams depending on the appearance of the coins

Of course, the amount and denomination of the money seen play a big role in the interpretation of dreams, but considerable importance is also given to how the coins looked:

  • If the coin you saw in a dream was large, in real life you will have the opportunity to replenish your family budget.
  • The dreamed coin was foreign gold - you will have new connections and useful acquaintances, thanks to which your financial situation will be stable.
  • Money in a dream saw the anniversary - in reality, take up the summing up of the results already achieved and find yourself a new, more profitable business.
  • The coin in night vision was shiny - an unfavorable sign. In reality, you can expect a catch from employers or business partners.
  • I dreamed about a very ancient coin - remember your once forgotten and abandoned business. If you tackle it again, then this time it will be profitable.
  • They saw an expensive coin in their nightly dreams - such a dream can portend a loan.
  • If in a dream you saw a slide of coins or a handful, your affairs will also go up the hill. Only this will depend on your hard work.
  • The coin in the dream turned out to be unusual - this is a warning. Be on the lookout for being fooled.
  • The dreamed coin was fake - this is a signal. You have to be extremely careful. It is possible that you can be deceived in your feelings.
  • The coin in a dream was completely new - this is to the hassle and worries.

Interpretation of dreams depending on where the coins were lying

In order for the interpretation of your dream to be as complete as possible, you need to try to remember exactly where you saw the money:

  • Saw coins lying in the snow - a dream suggests that you are most likely a greedy person. In reality, you need to look at money easier.
  • They kept coins in the palm of your hand in a dream - someone, if necessary, will be able to help you and support you financially.
  • I dreamed that the money was in the river, right at the bottom - you can conclude profitable deals. If a girl saw such a dream, she needs to think about making an important decision on which her future will depend.
  • I had a chance to see paper money and coins in a wallet in a dream - this can mean. That in reality you can easily implement everything that you have in mind.
  • Coins were dreamed of lying on the road - such a vision promises that all sorts of benefits await you on your life's journey. It will depend on you whether you can see in time and use the chance given by fate.
  • A dream in which metal money was on the floor can be interpreted in different ways: if it was a trifle, some conflicts are possible, and if bills are made, make a profit.
  • The coin was in water - such a dream also has two meanings. If the water is cloudy and boiling in a dream, you will have a bad deal. If the water was calm and clear, you will achieve profit, but this will take a lot of effort.

I dreamed of a gold coin, what does it mean

Although gold in a dream is considered an auspicious sign, all the same, the interpretation of a dream in which a gold coin appeared depends on different nuances:

  • If, in her nightly dreams, a woman received a coin of gold as a gift, she will successfully marry a wealthy man and be happy in marriage.
  • If the dreamer picked up or found a coin of gold - thanks to his own merits and the efforts that he will make to achieve his plan, he will be able to come to success.
  • If a person has lost a money made of precious metal in a dream, he may turn out to be so imprudent and short-sighted that he may not notice an important chance that does not come up so often.
  • A man dreamed that he was melting gold money - in reality, there are people around him who spread gossip about him and discuss among themselves. The dreamer should behave more carefully and tell someone less about his affairs, both in business and in his personal life.
  • If in a dream you spent gold coins - in reality, your expenses may turn out to be thoughtlessly large. You need to stop in time and take care of your financial savings so as not to be left penniless.
  • The coin was light gold - wait for good events, the darker it is, the more difficulties you can meet on your way to success.
  • Gold coins turned out to be small - in reality, the level of your well-being seems to you insufficient.

The dream in which you dreamed of coins is a good sign that speaks for itself, it is a sign of prosperity and wealth. But it is worth considering the fact that not every dream can be interpreted from a positive side, and coins do not always mean financial well-being, since in a dream you can perform a lot of manipulations with them. Depending on their type, actions with them, sleep takes on a special color and meaning, which can be found in the dream book.

  • Why do coins dream? Such dreams can be a sign of changes in family life. These changes are directly related to finances, your family's income will increase, and relations between households will improve. , coins can mean your spiritual connection with old friends with whom you have not communicated for a long time.
  • To receive an old coin in a dream - the problems of the past will fall on you; in order to solve them, you will have to contact people with whom you have not kept in touch for a long time.
  • Why do you dream of money in coins? Such a dream is a harbinger of a number of unforeseen events that will greatly surprise you and bring new colors into your life.
  • Why do gold coins dream? Bright and unexpected events await you that will dilute your routine. After them, you will feel refreshed and inspired. (cm. )
  • Why dream of collecting coins? A series of small problems and troubles in family matters await you. You think that your household demands too much of you, but this is not so.
  • , coins? Basically, such a dream warns that you are too obsessed with the financial side of your life. You should think less about it and prioritize it correctly. Change your attitude towards money.
  • Dream Interpretation: counting a trifle, coins are a good sign, big cash receipts await you. This is a reward for the fact that you live according to the principle “a penny saves the ruble”.
  • Dream interpretation: collecting coins from the floor is a bad sign. This dream symbolizes that your efforts that you put into achieving your goals are not working.
  • Why do anniversary coins dream? Such a dream indicates that you should change the climate and environment, get out of your comfort zone. Try to figure out where you can rest better, as you need to change places to improve your general condition.
  • Why do old coins dream? Probably, you will get an inheritance or an old debt will be returned to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: find coins in the ground - you have to find a serious job that will give you a good salary, but the search will be long.
  • Dream interpretation: large coins - poor health and failure in business.
  • Why do small coins dream? Such a dream is an unpleasant sign that warns that your dreams will remain dreams and cannot yet be realized.
  • The deceased husband gives coins in a dream - a very serious sign, because the offer that came to you is aimed at deceiving you and does not have good intentions.
  • Online dream book "coins" is a good sign of wealth and prosperity.
  • Why do many coins dream? Such a dream marks the appearance in life of a large number of successes and pleasant changes in life.
  • Why do silver coins dream? The dream warns that you will have to face minor troubles and vice versa, small changes that will ultimately lead you to your goal. Your life will be transformed by these small events. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of iron coins? This is a bad sign that portends that decline and failure await you at work. You may even need to change jobs.
  • If you dreamed of a lot of gold coins, this is a harbinger that unforeseen trips await you.
  • Why do you dream of small money, coins? Such a dream means that small changes await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a 5-ruble coin is a sign that your plans will change due to the weather, so everything needs to be thought out in advance.
  • Stealing coins in a dream is a symbol of loss. It can be both material and spiritual losses.
  • Why do you dream of money in coins of 10 rubles? The dream suggests that your finances are under inept management, and therefore you think that there are always few of them.
  • Raising coins in a dream - you will need to solve the problems of others, but in the end you will be rewarded for your help.
  • Why do large coins dream? Good times await you, which will be good for beginnings.
  • What is the dream of a chest with gold coins? This dream has two symbols that are intertwined. The chest is a symbol of untouchability and stealth, and gold coins are money and wealth. Your savings will accumulate, and until you have an urgent need to spend them. Also, this dream can be interpreted not from the point of view of material wealth: your accumulated knowledge and experience will be useful in a responsible business.
  • Why are coins in water dreaming? At the moment, your financial situation is in a difficult situation, and you will have to work hard to improve it. (cm. )
  • Why do old silver coins dream? You should reconsider your attitude towards men.
  • Why do big gold coins dream? Such a dream indicates that you are lucky to receive a large amount of money.
  • Why do rare coins dream? This may be a sign that you will soon receive an inheritance or a large monetary reward.
  • Why do you dream of coins, money in your wallet? Such a dream suggests that you have hidden talents or abilities that need to be developed. (cm. )
  • Dream interpretation: a trifle, coins - to give. Such a dream speaks for itself - you will have to pay a large debt.
  • Dream Interpretation: "There are a lot of gold coins" - a big addition to finances.
  • Dream interpretation: throwing coins - expect big waste.
  • Why do you dream of ten-ruble coins? A conflict or petty quarrel at the household level awaits you.
  • Dream interpretation: collecting change, coins - to tears.
  • Dream Interpretation: rusty coins are a sign that dirty, unpleasant, hard work awaits you that will make you live in anticipation of more, but in the near future you will not have the opportunity to change it.
  • Why do metal coins dream? Be careful in your words and thoughts, as there is a risk of minor problems and gossip.
  • Why dream of finding a treasure with coins? This is a symbol of the discovery of something new and very valuable for you: you will discover a new talent in yourself, find your favorite hobby, maybe even discover a new character trait in yourself.
  • Why is a foreign coin dreaming - this dream indicates that your life will soon be full of travel.
  • Find a treasure with gold coins in a dream - all your desired dreams come true.
  • The dream "to look for coins" - in reality to find answers to questions that have been haunted for a long time.
  • If you find a lot of coins in a dream, this is a sign that good luck will come to you.
  • To dream of commemorative coins is to hit the jackpot (not only money, but also in the sense of good luck).
  • Seeing iron coins in a dream - expect problems at work or school.
  • Coins in water - a dream promises you that it will be difficult to make money, but this will be temporary.
  • coin - you will marry (or marry) a stingy, but very rich man.
  • Why is a big coin dreaming? A pleasant event awaits you in the form of wealth.
  • Why do you dream of 10 rubles coins? This dream is interpreted in different ways, depending on the day you dreamed about it. If it's Monday night, then you have to make a bold decision, the result of which is unknown; on Tuesday night - your financial situation will worsen due to large expenses; on Wednesday night - unpleasant news can be expected; on Thursday night - an argument awaits you with someone; on Friday night - the weather will change dramatically and this may affect your plans; on Saturday night - your finances will increase; on Sunday night - the loss of something valuable awaits you, be prudent and careful.
  • Why do old coins dream? In the near future, you will have to hear the truth about which you did not even know. Perhaps it will even be the disclosure of old family secrets.

Esoteric dream book

  • If you dreamed of coins in a dream, then this may mean that entertainment and funny moments await you.
  • The dream of "iron coins" promises disappointment and sadness.
  • Why dream of finding coins? This is a sign that you will have to spend a lot of money on recreation and entertainment, but this one will do you good.
  • Why do you dream of coins in your hands? This dream indicates that you are lucky enough to find benefit in some event in which you will take part.
  • What is the dream of 10 ruble coins? This dream suggests that an occupation will appear in your life that will bring you pleasure and benefit.
  • Why do expensive coins dream? Such coins are a sign that you do not notice all the values ​​in your life, and therefore you need to think about them and appreciate them while you have them, reconsider your attitude to everything that surrounds you.

Modern combined dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: to find silver coins - luck and pleasant acquaintances will pursue your fate.
  • Dream interpretation: finding old coins means that you will reveal old secrets and secrets of people close to you.
  • Why do gold coins dream - the dream book interprets this as a very good sign. This is a harbinger of wealth and prosperity, not only in material terms, but also in terms of gaining spiritual peace and balance.
  • Why do you dream of coins in the ground - you will be able to make money without much difficulty.
  • Why dream of giving away small change, coins? Such a dream tells you that you will have to share joy or sorrow with someone.

Dream interpretation of birthdays of may, june, july, august

  • Dream interpretation: a handful of coins - troubles and problems await you.
  • Coins in your pocket - the dream book interprets such a dream as an attempt by your loved one to hide their finances.
  • Collecting old coins in a dream means that somewhere nearby is exactly what you need.
  • Dream interpretation: to find a coin in a dream is to find your happiness.
  • Dream "to give coins" - you will be presented with a gift. Which will be very valuable to you and will give you a lot of valuable knowledge.
  • Seeing little things in a dream, coins - such a dream promises melancholy and disappointment.

Dream interpretation of Sigmund Freud

  • Dream Interpretation: Dreaming "coins" is a symbol of sexual relations.
  • Seeing coins in a dream, collecting means your desire to experiment in intimate life, to improve its quality.
  • Seeing "money, there are a lot of coins" in a dream - your desire to improve your skills in bed is very strong. Also, this dream can be interpreted as your ability to maintain good relationships with several sexual partners at the same time.

Dream interpretation of Wangi
The dream of "many gold coins" warns you that you have ill-wishers among your acquaintances.
Numerological dream book
Why do franz coins dream? Such a dream promises you well-being and mutual understanding in the family, possibly joint trips abroad.
Slavic dream book

  • If you dream of coins in a dream, you will have an insult or a conflict, be careful in your words and actions.
  • Why dream of finding gold coins? In reality, great success and good luck in business awaits you, you can safely start any plans to implement.
  • Why dream of finding an old coin? Old family secrets that will turn your impression of your relatives await you.
  • To dream of gold coins - you want to enrich yourself at someone else's expense.
  • The dream of "collecting coins from the ground" promises you good prosperity, you will not need to make efforts in order to make money.
  • Why do you dream of iron money, coins? This is a sign that you need to be patient and wait because your dreams and goals are not destined to come true right now.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov
Why dream of finding money, coins? This dream means that you have bad thoughts that spoil your life. You should work on yourself and try to find yourself, live in the present, not the past.
Why dream of finding gold coins? You have serious profits ahead of you, which will significantly improve your financial situation.
Dream interpretation of Martin Zadeki

  • Coins in a dream promise you happiness and prosperity in the family.
  • The dream of "finding coins" promises you a waste of money on various entertainments.
  • The dream of "getting coins" means that soon you will need financial help.
  • Collecting gold coins in a dream means that you will have to endure financial difficulties in reality.

Lunar dream book

  • Seeing coins in a dream is a bad sign, according to the dream book. Poverty and a deterioration in the financial situation, large waste are expected.
  • Find coins in a dream - in reality you will find happiness and good luck in your endeavors and deeds.
  • The "rare coin" dream symbolizes that you have a strong emotional and spiritual connection with your chosen one.

General dream book

  • The dream of "gold coins" is a bad sign that portends that you will be deceived.
  • Two coins - a dream of such a plan means that you have either already found your soul mate, or are still in search.
  • Finding a treasure in a dream “coins” is a symbol of memories that are very dear to you, but you should not think too much about them, you need to live in the present and not return to the past.
  • The “coin in hand” dream means that there is a person in your life who can help you out at any moment.

French dream book

  • Collect coins in a dream - you will face big losses, not only financially.
  • Finding silver coins in a dream means that there is a high probability that you will quarrel with a friend.
  • Dream Interpretation: "I found a treasure, coins" is a good sign, promises good luck and prosperity.

Home dream book

  • Dream interpretation: interpretation of dreams "coins" such dreams promise wealth and prosperity.
  • Why do gold coins dream - the dream book interprets such a dream as something that you think very stereotypically, and you should reconsider your attitude towards life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of little things, coins - such a dream symbolizes that you will be overtaken by minor troubles that will prevent you from achieving your goals and implementing plans.
  • Dream interpretation: finding a coin in a dream means gaining great knowledge and experience.
  • Dream Interpretation: coins in hands - people will appear in your life who can help you financially, or you will have to lend money to someone or repay a debt.

Islamic dream book
Islamic dream book: coins are interpreted as misfortune and failure that will haunt you.
Dream Interpretation: find money, coins - sudden profit awaits you.
Jewish dream book

  • Dream interpretation: unusual coins dream that they can deceive you. Be extremely careful!
  • Dream Interpretation: foreign coins are a sign that travels and short trips await you.
  • Dream interpretation: coins in water are a sign that you will have to make efforts in order to make big money.

Star dream book
Dream Interpretation: to see coins in a dream - in your life there will be an opportunity to benefit from some business in which you participated.
Dream Interpretation: Collect coins from the ground - money will flow to you in a river, and you do not need to make any effort to this.
Magic dream book
If you dream about coins, you will become rich dramatically. You can get a long-term loan back, or you can find money, borrow it.
The dream "old coins" is interpreted as unexpected wealth, a sharp improvement in the financial situation for a long time.
Dream interpretation Denise Lynn
The dream "money, coins" means that the time has come for changes and changes that you have been waiting for.
The dream "a lot of coins" portends trips or even long journeys.
Chinese dream book

  • Silver coins in a dream are harbingers of an improvement in the financial situation, or you will be promoted up the career ladder. Try to work well to achieve the desired result.
  • The dream of "giving away coins" means that soon your friend or acquaintance will need your help.
  • Large coins in a dream - the larger the coins, the greater the problem.

Autumn dream book

  • Counting coins in a dream is a bad sign, it portends misfortunes and minor troubles.
  • Dream interpretation: interpretation of "coin" in your life a rich, but very greedy person will appear. You will have to come to terms with his character, as the feelings will be strong.
  • The dream "to find money, coins" means that you will have a good enrichment.
  • Seeing old coins in a dream means that you have to receive a special and unusual gift that will be very valuable to you.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • The dream about coins is a symbol of troubles and problems that will darken your daily life.
  • In a dream, to find money, coins means in reality to find profit and additional ways of earning.
  • The dream "to find old coins" means that soon you will gain wisdom and experience.
  • Dream interpretation: treasure, coins - auspicious sign. It promises an improvement in the financial situation.
  • Dream interpretation: giving coins means that you will have to lend someone a large amount of money.
  • Dream interpretation: small coins - failures and troubles.

Dream book by David Loff

  • The dream "found gold coins" promises you a good mood and joy.
  • Finding old coins in a dream means that you will have to use your savings.
  • Why do you dream of gold coins in your hands? Such a dream promises you good luck and success in all your endeavors, which you have long conceived but did not dare to implement. Now is the time for that.
  • The meaning of the dream is "coins": you did not miss the opportunities that fate presented to you.
  • Seeing a silver coin in a dream means expecting a quarrel and misunderstanding.

Miller's dream book

  • Sleep "small coins" problems and troubles await you at the service; your relationships with people (both in the family and in society) will begin to deteriorate and lose understanding.
  • Seeing a lot of coins in a dream means that in order to make money you will have to put in a lot of effort.
  • Dream interpretation: why do coins dream? This is a sign that you have great potential to earn more, and life gives you such opportunities. Miller's dream book also interprets coins as the appearance of small problems in your life.
  • Why do old coins dream - Miller's dream book says that you will discover secrets and secrets.
  • What is the dream of a chest with coins? This is a good sign, which means that your desires will soon come true. But for that to happen, you need to put in the effort and work hard.

Eastern dream book

  • To see coins in a dream is to expect well-being, development and prosperity both in the family and in your personality.
  • If you were given a coin in a dream, it means that a person will appear in your life who will help financially in difficult times.
  • In a dream, giving coins is waste.
  • Dream interpretation: find old coins - it promises you that in real life you will have the opportunity to get rich.
  • Why do unusual coins dream? This dream means that very good news awaits you in the near future, after which you will be inspired and happy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of coins means that your finances must be urgently put in order, you need to correctly distribute expenses.

Gypsy dream book

  • Why do copper coins dream? This dream is a harbinger of great happiness, good luck.
  • Why do you dream of money with a lot of coins? This means that you will have financial difficulties.
  • Dream interpretation: getting a coin means that you will need the help that you will receive from loved ones.
  • Why dream of collecting coins from the ground? This dream means that minor troubles and problems await you in life.

Eastern female dream book

  • Dream interpretation: copper coin - you will have to physically work a lot and hard, but such work will be well paid.
  • Dream Interpretation: rare coins are a symbol that you will be given the opportunity to make money with almost no effort.
  • Dream interpretation: collecting gold coins promises you hard work.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

  • Dream interpretation: why do coins dream? In reality, you will be added to the total family budget on an ongoing basis, a significant improvement in your material condition.
  • Seeing old coins in a dream means that you will have to go through an unusual event in your life that will change your attitude towards your family.
  • The dream "commemorative coins" means that you need to change the situation and atmosphere. Maybe take a vacation.

American dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a trifle, coins mean that you have unlimited opportunities in life, and you can achieve your desires yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: gold coins - your inner world is very rich, you constantly strive for self-improvement.
  • Dream interpretation: finding coins means that you need to pay attention to your financial situation.

The newest dream book

  • Dream interpretation: coins symbolize that there are unresolved matters in your life that you are worried about. For the alarm to pass, they must be completed.
  • The dream "a big coin" - promises a deterioration in health. The larger the coin is in size and the more significant, the more serious the disease.
  • Finding gold coins in a dream means that soon you will go on a journey to a place you have long dreamed of.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

  • The dream of "old coins" promises you minor problems and unpleasant chores that will interfere with your daily life.
  • Interpretation of dreams "coins" - this dream is a sign that an unexpected addition in money will come into your life.
  • Why dream of gold and silver coins? Such dreams promise poverty and lack of happiness.
  • Why dream of collecting a lot of coins? Good luck in small matters will turn to you.
  • Dream interpretation: finding coins is interpreted as a sign that your wallet will soon undergo a big increase.
  • Seeing gold coins in a dream promises adversity and lack of joy.

Dream interpretation of health

  • Dream Interpretation: money, coins - this dream means that soon you will be rewarded for your work.
  • Why do you dream of paper money and coins? Such a dream means that you have pure and good thoughts.
  • Dream Interpretation: commemorative coins are a sign that you will be very lucky in some business.

Combined dream book

  • Why dream of finding coins? Such a dream may become a sign that your relative will interfere in your work, and because of this, your business may go down.
  • Why do collectible coins dream? At work, you are not appreciated by your colleagues, there is envy.
  • Why dream of finding old coins? Such a dream portends that you will meet with your old friend or acquaintance.
  • The dream of "copper coins" means that you will have to work for a small salary, this activity will probably bring you pleasure, and the financial side will not embarrass you.
  • Silver coins - a dream book interprets such a dream as that at the moment it is a very good time for your plans and undertakings, you will be lucky.
  • Dream Interpretation: "Count Coins" portends you strength and inspiration for the implementation of your plans and intentions.
  • Dream interpretation: find gold coins - you will have the opportunity to easily make big money.

Dream interpretation horoscope

  • What does coins mean in a dream? Unexpected profits await you.
  • The dream of "collecting money, coins" means that circumstances will force you to work very hard to make money.
  • The dream "collectible coins" means that your relationship with the chosen one is very good and open, you both sincerely love each other and have no secrets.
  • Dream interpretation: collect coins - expect a lack of funds.
  • Dream Interpretation: old coins are a sign that inspiration will soon come to you, your moral strength will rise.

Dream interpretation for bitches
Finding old coins in a dream means that an inheritance or a sharp profit will fall on us.
Seeing money in a dream, coins - to money that will solve your problem.
Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing coins in a dream is interpreted as your desire to reconsider your life and values, to set priorities.
  • Why dream of finding money, coins? A joyful event will soon occur in your life, which you have long guessed about.
  • Dream Interpretation: old coins - such a dream suggests that you need to delve into yourself, in your past, most likely, there you will find answers to the questions that interested you; meetings with old friends or acquaintances are possible, after which resume communication.
  • Dream Interpretation: a large coin is a symbol of a promising future, your plans come true, but not immediately. If you put in enough effort, all your plans will come true.
  • Why do many small coins dream? Such a dream promises you tears and sadness, but these disorders will be temporary.
  • Why do yellow coins dream? Some of your loved ones or friends think you are a greedy person. You probably need to think about your attitude towards money.

The dream in which you see coins does not require much effort in interpretation, as it is a good sign of wealth and prosperity. Such dreams can occur if you think too much about money or complain about lack of it. You should reconsider your attitude towards them and focus less on material things, pay more attention to the spiritual, or get ready for a good increase in salary.

The ringing of coins evokes pleasant associations in many, both in reality and in midnight visions. Probably, everyone at least once counted or found a trifle in a dream, and connected this fact with subsequent events.

Many have noticed that coins, by contrast, are a good sign. What is the dream for? Most dream books agree that everything that follows such a dream will be insignificant and as small as the money itself. Well, or rather, you can decipher the meaning by comparing the details of what you saw with the interpretations of dream books.

Why dream of collecting change

Collecting small change in a dream, adding penny to penny, is most often a sign of an imminent improvement in financial situation. It's too early to expect big profits, but you can count on a small income. Pick up coins dreams of success in small matters from the floor. If in a dream you collect small money around the house, you can hope for a positive solution to a legal problem related to your family. To pick up coins scattered by someone on purpose symbolizes that in the near future you will incur a little trouble, and the reason for this will be your carelessness in actions or statements.

Counting a trifle in a dream usually means that in reality you behave like a calculating and pragmatic person. Remember how the counting of coins ended in a dream:

  • if small there was a lot of money, and you could not count them - soon material well-being awaits you;
  • if there was money less than you expected- get ready to go into debt.

A good sign if you dreamed that you were giving out change to the poor. Such a dream portends getting rid of problems and support from a loved one. To give coins for a purchase - a dream promises the realization of your old plans.

Give out all the little things to a penny - a dream means that soon the burden of unbearable worries will fall from your shoulders. Generosity in a dream will turn into the disinterested help of those around you in reality.

I dreamed of a lot of coins

Dream interpretation interpret a large number of little things in a dream as a sign enrichment soon... It is quite possible that global changes will occur in your life, which will lead to an increase in prosperity. A lot of little things in a dream are sometimes considered a harbinger of happiness and joy. The interpretation of the Modern Dream Book is not so rosy - a lot of small money dreams of unforeseen large expenses.

Paper money in a dream is often a harbinger of trouble. But if you distribute them along with small coins, the dream predicts an increase in income and a well-fed life. And here count money in a dream means financial losses and the need for austerity.

Open and find coins instead of paper bills in it - get ready for the same strong disappointment in reality. Scatter small and large money - a dream warns that you will have to put up with failures for a while.

Coins in the wallet

I dreamed full of little things- sleep predicts a lot of household chores and small joys. But if there is a large bill among the coins, disappointment and tears cannot be avoided. Best of all, if the wallet is filled to the brim with gold coins - in this case, you will find rare luck and an unexpected inheritance. Losing a wallet with a change in a dream means getting rid of problems that have bothered you for a long time. Finding a wallet with pennies is a sign that you will get yourself in trouble due to your hot temper.

In the pocket

If in a dream you groped a lot of little things in your pocket, this is a sign that you waste your life, you should focus on achieving more important goals.

Pennies spilled out through a hole in his pocket - a sign that there is a high probability of unexpected spending.

You may have to pay for your own indiscretion and neglect.

Old trifle - what is it for

Old coins in a dream almost always portend good profit or good find... Gold or silver money symbolizes future wealth, smaller coins - a happy family life. To dream about a piggy bank full of old coins means strengthening the financial situation. If in a dream you find a treasure or a chest filled to the brim with old coins - go for it, even the most unrealistic ideas have every chance to come true!

Find coins in a dream

Dream Interpretations warn that it is better not to find a trifle in a dream. And if you are "lucky" to find the money lost by someone, resolutely pass by. It is likely that your life will be unlucky, full of tears and bad luck. Some dream books claim that only dirty found coins are a bad sign, while the clean ones, on the contrary, will help you forget about poverty forever.

Commemorative coins

A modern dream book interprets a dream in which commemorative coins appear as an omen of an imminent trip. promises to be long and interesting. The second interpretation of the dream is for you. In any case, a change of scenery will only benefit you. Give to someone jubilee money in a dream means spiritual support for the family in a difficult moment.

Find a treasure in a dream - inheritance prediction... If you dreamed that you were paying with old money instead of modern money, this is a sign that you should not open your soul to unfamiliar people. Your candor can be used against you. Find an ancient coin in the house - a symbol that you have to find out a family secret.


I dreamed that you were holding gold coins in your hands - you can hope for success in business and comfortable life... But giving gold to someone is not a good sign - in reality, hard times await you.

Finding a gold coin usually means making important decisions that will help you succeed.

10 rubles coin

Medium denomination coins usually portend petty expenses and unexpected expenses... You should be more economical in your budget, otherwise large financial losses are possible in the future. Sometimes white metal coins prophesy tears and despondency. The more coins you dreamed of, the longer the unhappy period will last.