Astral vision and other alternative vision options. Why eyesight falls or about the theft of organs on the subtle plane How to develop mental vision

How to develop astral vision and begin to see what is inaccessible to the eyes of most people? The techniques are available to everyone and are described below. The existence of alternative vision has long been proven by scientists, and anyone can develop it.

In the article:

Astral vision - what is it and is such a phenomenon possible

Astral vision is the ability to see or feel objects and navigate in space with closed eyes. In addition, the ability to see what is happening behind the back, walls or other obstacles is also called. At the same time, the reliability of what he saw does not differ from that which is present with ordinary vision.

Astral vision was first spoken about in the last century, then this term appeared. It is sometimes called extrasensory or alternative vision. Etheric vision differs from the astral. It allows you to see what cannot be seen with the help of ordinary visual perception - flows of energy, aura, spirits and other entities.

The development of etheric vision is considered a dangerous undertaking. For example, there are legends about fairies who gouge out the eyes of those who happen to see them. Therefore, before trying to get the abilities, think about - and will you cope with their consequences?

Scientific research confirms the existence of such a phenomenon. Among the scientists who studied it are Bekhterev, Bronnikov and Pytyev. Bronnikov worked with children, some of whom suffered from visual impairments, and some were completely healthy. He founded the school of alternative vision, whose students, over time, could see blindfolded - both blind children and children with excellent eyesight.

Bekhterev and Pytyev studied the brains of people who used alternative vision. They proved that during this process, the impulses of the brain increase. In this case, the impulses were compared with normal vision and with alternative. Scientists have proven that everyone can use this vision, but it needs to be learned.

So, what opportunities does vision with closed eyes provide and what does a person who wants to master this skill get? There are people who are able to see the internal organs of people. This is also astral vision, and one of its areas of application is in the appearance of organs. With the help of it, you can look through walls, keep in sight what is happening behind your back, and also understand what is happening underground and the veins of metals. Seeing auras will allow you to learn more about people without any questions. In general, it is much easier to find a use for such abilities than to develop them.

Astral Vision - Table Workout

The best time to train in astral vision is in the morning, but before breakfast. It is undesirable to train with a full stomach. It is better to have a snack long before class so that hunger does not distract from him. The very first vision exercise with eyes closed will require a chair and an empty table, as well as a blindfold. The latter is optional if you are not going to deceive yourself. After just a few trainings of astral vision, you will notice that you have begun to see and feel much more than before.

So, sit in a chair in front of the table while with your eyes open. Relax, concentrate on the task you are trying to complete, discard extraneous thoughts. Now rub your palms together and remember this feeling. A heated palm is required to lead over the surface of the table without touching it. The distance between the hand and the table is two to three centimeters.

Try to catch how the sensations change as your hand approaches the edge of the table. If this succeeds, repeat the exercise with your eyes closed. In the future, thanks to constant practice, you will be able to determine the boundaries of any large object without touching it with your hands and not being able to see with normal vision.

After a while, the task can become more difficult. To do this, you need any object made of another material - not the one from which the table is made. For example, it could be a plastic plate. Repeat the exercise with your eyes open, remembering how the plate feels. Then try to locate her on a table with your eyes closed.

The next option for training astral vision with a table is also aimed at determining the boundaries of objects. Hold your hand twenty centimeters from the table top and close your eyes. The goal is to stop your hand two centimeters from the table top. Over time, this will teach you to more accurately define the boundaries of objects.

Stand close to the table and try to approach it with your eyes closed, without touching the table with your hands or opening your eyes. Success can be considered understanding when to stop so as not to bump into furniture. Try to stop a couple of centimeters from her. After that, you can start trying to navigate in space without using ordinary vision. Enter a room with unfamiliar surroundings and try not to step on objects or bump into furniture.

Few wonder how to learn to see through walls. Only advanced yogis can do this, but their secrets have been revealed for several decades and are available to almost everyone.

Indian yogis and Tibetan monks use the method of completing the missing parts. This is a fairly simple exercise, and it is easier to explain its essence with examples. If you see a wardrobe, try to imagine what the back wall and the interior looks like. The good thing about this method is that it can be practiced anytime, anywhere. A car passed by? Try to "see" what a part of it inaccessible to normal vision looks like. At the same time, you need to keep in mind everything that surrounds you - cars, people, houses.

Thus, you can move from easier tasks to more difficult ones. Sooner or later, you yourself will be able to figure out how to learn to see through walls. Yogis claim that this ability is closer to sensation than vision. However, it makes it possible to understand what is happening behind the wall.

Development of alternative vision - visualization

It is hard to believe that there is a technique that can easily answer the question of how to learn to see with your eyes closed and not spend a lot of time on training. Visualization is possible anytime and anywhere, for example, on the way home or to work.

The point of the exercise is to determine the appearance of what you have heard. Hear the roar of a car engine? Imagine how he looks, which way he is going, how many passengers are in his cabin. Heard a voice or footsteps? Try to imagine what the person who makes this noise looks like.

This technique allows you to develop subtle perception, which does not work at the expense of ordinary vision, but completely different sensations. Over time, when you succeed in small, increase the load - try to determine the colors of the cars, the gender of their passengers, the topic of conversation of people traveling somewhere, their mood and, perhaps, even character.

How to develop astral vision and see with closed eyes

The essence of this technique is to teach vision with closed eyes. In this case, no other sensations play a role anymore. You will have to rely solely on what the third eye will send, so methods for opening it will not be superfluous here.

Relax completely and close your eyes. Look closely at what will appear before your eyes. You can see images and pictures. Your goal is to get a better look at them. It's good if you can spot something familiar. Remember what you see, you may have to see it with normal vision in the future.

A similar technique also exists for obtaining, and it is quite possible while performing such a vision with closed eyes. It helps not only to learn to see with closed eyes, but also to develop clairvoyant talent.

Astral and Etheric Vision - The Role of Peripheral Perception

Developed peripheral, or lateral vision is often the deciding factor on the path to success in alternative vision. It can be developed in parallel with any other techniques, this technique affects only peripheral vision, but it will be useful. Its dynamics are partly involved in astral vision.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the overwhelming majority of those who come to know the subtle world strive to acquire, first of all, the ability to hear the sounds of the subtle world. Although there is nothing to blame these people for. After all, even those who are considered to be the pillars of esotericism and theosophy - for example, Helena Blavatsky, Helena Roerich or Sri Aurobindo Ghosh, did not pay attention in their mission to educate mankind on the methods of developing in a person the abilities of visual perception of images of the subtle world. In the written works of these people, much attention is paid to the knowledge of auditory hallucinations, including the ways in which students are required to learn to distinguish the quality of sounds according to one or another characteristic:

By vibration
- by timbre,
- by the distance of the sound source,
- if possible, repeating it with your own throat during a conversation with another person,
- by the presence of an echo in the sound that distorts the sound beyond recognition,
- finally, by color (any sound in the physical world of the Earth has a color property that can be developed in oneself after fairly simple exercises).

Anyone who is familiar with Blavatsky's works "The Voice of Silence" and "Seven Gates" can understand the differences in the approaches to disciple initiation promoted in these sources with the one that will be discussed in this article. Speaking about the so-called Voice of Silence, it should be noted that in Blavatsky's understanding, the very possession of the ability to hear the voices of the inhabitants of the subtle is an achievement for the people of the Earth so extraordinary and outstanding that such a person can already be called an Arhat.

As for the problem of spiritual initiation with the help of the wandering of a person's consciousness in search of some "seven gates", which are the stages of a person's spiritual growth, in Blavatsky's understanding, this is the highest Truth. At the same time, the author was somehow unaware that the whole process of searching for the cherished gate should take place in pitch darkness. And only at the very end, a person who has overcome all obstacles and endured all the tests of the spirit turns into a candle that illuminates the space in the subtle world, which is placed in a phosphoric vessel for reliability.

A similar picture of the subtle world of the Earth is drawn in Roerich's book "The Supermundane" - sheer darkness, which is now and then torn apart by explosions created by the boundless dark forces of the planet. Although in some of Roerich's books there are separate tips on the development of visual perception - exercises with colored strips of paper, etc. systems of lights of the subtle world, understandable to ordinary people, far from the problems of parallel worlds (familiar with them only from science fiction films), mental flights, and the terminology inherent in esotericism and mysticism in general, none of the above authors have.

In search of appropriate recommendations, you can also look in the book "The Lotus of Brahma". There is a truthful description of the ancient method by which the so-called third eye was opened in man. This was achieved through a surgical operation (drilling a small hole in the forehead) and subsequent prolonged torture of the student's physical body (in a confined space of a very small stone bag, without water, without food, and even without movement). After such an initiation, the necessary mutation (or improvement) took place in a person's consciousness, and he became able to see colored arcs and flashes around the bodies (or parts of the body) of people.

The described ancient technique could well be promoted today. Maybe one day in the world there will even be a whole fashionable wave for such transformations of the human body - like a tattoo or piercing. Why should humanity not teach itself to live with holes in the forehead, and even compete with whom they will be more figured, more elegant, etc. At the same time, the natural way of gradual changes in the nervous system looks more practical, in order to adapt it to the perception of multi-colored arcs energies of the subtle world.

The advantage of visual observation of the phenomena of the subtle world over the subtle hearing is that the sounds of the subtle world can be so distorted by the conditions of earthly life (starting from the state of the body of the receiver of the sound itself - that is, the body of the person himself) that it is impossible to distinguish them by this quality alone. ... Even terrestrial ideas about the propagation of sound waves in the physical conditions of the Earth are still very far from explaining many phenomena common for our planet. For example, the penetration of sound into the bodies of people (which, by the way, always happens when people have sex) or the appearance of unusual dreams among residents living near the sea or large rivers. Therefore, there is no need to speak at all about the ability of the earthly imagination to prepare for how and how the sounds that come into the consciousness of a person from the subtle world should be perceived.

Mental vision is vision emanating from a person's spirit. We can, with the help of concentration, "turn on" it on
some time. Mental vision is so called because it can see mental energy.
These are all kinds. The energy of darkness, light, water, fire, psi (Although Psi is not mental energy, you can see it with this vision.), Chaos, the energy of death, etc.
1) Mental vision is needed for the concept of working with energy. Such works are Energy ritual. That is, a ritual that is
directly related to energy control.
2) It is necessary in order to see energetic beings. These are phantoms, spirits, demons, angels, dragons, etc.
3) Mandatory for astral battles.
Development of mental vision.
Some training is needed to see with the mental vision.
1) Working with a sheet.
You need to draw on A4 sheet in the center a black circle with a diameter of 10-15 centimeters. And paint over with black.
After that, sit at a distance of 1-2 meters from the sheet and look at the center of the circle. You should see after a while
how a certain amount of energy merges into the center. These are fluids (A simple energy unit, a particle of the mental.)
So concentrate on the circle for 10-15 minutes. After a certain number of classes, you will see energy, and you will learn it
see at any time.
2) Reality gap.
This method is for those who have a very high willpower. Stand in front of the object. Better in front of a living being. Ideally a human. Now inhale deeply and strain your eyes. After 5-8 seconds of this state, exhale slowly, straining your chest. When the exhalation almost reaches the end of the will, straining all the muscles, try to break the invisible barrier.
It may not work right away, but you should practice this method is considered fast and reliable.
3) Concentration.
This method does not work for all people. But this method is very easy and very fast.
Extend your hand in front of you and begin concentration by slowly exhaling and inhaling. We start by exhaling.
So when you are collected, try to see your aura (Energy shell.) If you did not succeed in
During 15-16 exercises this method is not for you.

I want to immediately dispel dangerous misconceptions.
1) The mental energy will not be as bright as you see the blue color in the physical plane. You will see a faint blue glow translucent.
2) The color of the mental energy is different. What type of energy is that and the color. Darkness is black, light is white, etc.
3) The aura of a person has a color depending on the energy prevailing in him.
4) You will not start to see with your Mental Vision right away like "boom and this is it." It will appear gradually and from the beginning.
all pictures will not be bright and noticeable. The better you see with your mental vision, the better the image.

The mental body follows the astral body. The mental body is the area of ​​thought, reception and intuitive comprehension of information.

If there is information about the mental body, then there is almost no information about entering the mental body. But after all, every person goes into the mental, constantly. Transferring part of the consciousness to the mental body, we see fantastic worlds, reading the book, we imagine the plot.

Written actions pass before us, there actions and often we become their participants. Sounds familiar, right? On the other hand, in this case, we do not transfer consciousness completely into the mental body, but only a part of it responsible for vision. Mental vision imposes a picture and seeing the text of the book, we see the action. While dreaming, we can create any events, but they do not materialize, for this there is little energy and concentration.

The transition to the mental body is possible with full consciousness, body trance. I'll talk about the exit technique in the next article.

What is the difference between sensations in the mental body and sensations in the astral?

During the astral exit, sleep paralysis is often observed, not the ability to move. The astral body is closer to the physical, and when they are separated, our body actively reacts. Consciousness, having partially passed into the astral body, loses control over the physical body. All sensations of swing, rotation are precisely the sensations of the physical body.

With a mental exit, the body is not felt at all, as if it is not there; if the body is felt, the mind has not completely passed into the mental body. From secondary sensations, stretching through the sahasrara, like the body is an empty jug, and air comes out of it through the neck.

At any moment you can return to the body, but you don’t want to do that, but you want to go further up and prolong the sensation that is new for the mind. This is a plus and a minus. Constant concentration is required, a little distracted, immediately throws it out. It is advisable to do the mental exit in seated positions, in the lotus or sitting in a comfortable chair.

The mind is in the mental body, just as long as there is enough concentration of attention and energy. Then it will be possible to gain energy from the mental world, and at first your energy is spent exclusively on the exit.

This is what you can see when you enter the mental.

At the first exits, spontaneous 3D pictures, various buildings, churches, castles, crystals, energy balls, people's faces, letters, hieroglyphs, fragments of the past, visions of disasters, etc. Fantasy in the mental does not work well, weakening attention with the subsequent release from the mental.

All the objects seen have a meaning, but it slips away, you just look at the pictures, it carries you away. Can throw from one place and time to another. There are many different doors, old and new, which cannot be entered with all the desire. Some of them open themselves in front of you.

In the future, people appear in gray and white robes. Potential Spiritual Teachers. One can enter the akasha chronicles. Indeed, the information comes in the form of a library and books. You take the book you need, open it. A three-dimensional picture unfolds, as in accelerated cinema. I saw the creation of the earth, the birth of life, six-meter people, tall, but awkward. Still, the mind is looking for familiar objects, the book is information.

Smells unusual, walked in a blooming garden, there was a sweet, delicate smell, I had never seen anything like this in my life. I read the description of the smell, with the development of a clear sense of smell, the descriptions are similar. I plucked, ate fruits similar to apples with a honey taste and not sugary. I felt the surface of the table, the roughness of the tree bark.

Whoever had similar sensations, you know, you went into the mental.

If you think these are my fantasies, it’s not so, I’m very tight with fantasies. With my eyes closed, I can’t even imagine a rose. In the state of meditation, I cannot imagine the pictures, they appear on their own. More than ten years have passed since the first entry into the mental world, and for a long time I did not believe and doubted. But there are too many coincidences. There are many descriptions of what I saw. Five people cannot see the same artifact without knowing how it looks and at the same time describing it exactly.

One of the problems preventing people from developing mental vision is not most likely correct attitude(translator's note) to various kinds of flashes before the eyes. It can be lights, indistinct flashes of fire, and sometimes even some obscure objects or events. Of course, when observing such manifestations of activity of the optic nerve, it follows remember(see the source) that often all these flickering cannot be attributed to the phenomena of the subtle world. All this can occur in an unconditionally nervous the system as a reaction to previously accumulated stress - no more. However, along with this, many people see quite real signs that may have the character of a warning or simply carry some information that is unclear to many.

As for all kinds of warnings, then here speech should always be carried out in relation to an unconditionally specific man, although usually many of those who have dreamed of such signs themselves can figure out their meaning without probably any outsider help... But about the signs that carry other important information for people, it is worth talking in more detail.

But first, let's take a closer look at the certainly nervous the system... It is hardly worth convincing someone that all our body movements from the point of view of functioning are precisely the central nervous(translator's note) the systems are divided into thousands or even millions of nerve micropulses, which together allow the human body to move and exist. One of the most important tasks of meditation is precisely the formation in people of the ability to respond to the smallest nerve impulses - turning this ability, ultimately, into subtle vision and hearing.

The development of the ability for subtle vision does not occur at the request of a person - either it wants and is engaged in it, or it does not want to, and, accordingly, does not. This process is always controlled from outside, and a person only has to react in time to such help from the subtle world. And the flickering before the eyes considered here play a very important role in the formation of the skills of responding to their perturbations precisely by the central nervous(translator's note) systems by sending impulses of energy from the subtle world.

For example, walking along a city street, someone may notice how a line, or a dash, or something else trivial flashed before their eyes (I say conventionally). A person brought up in a modern spirit, as a rule, ignores such signs. However, it will be much more useful to stop where you saw such a sign, and, picking up any object that replaces a pencil (you can, after all, with your finger, who will blame you for this), try to reproduce the seen sign on something. Do not be surprised if the sign drawn by you will not at all resemble the one you have seen. This will only prove the inability of your very central nervous(translator's note) systems to the perception of signals of the subtle world and will push you to activities aimed at developing motor skills and other reflexes.

It will be a little more difficult for those who, after applying their own hand, get something that vaguely resembles what they have seen may be their own through the eyes... You should not deny yourself the pleasure of practicing, as accurately as possible to reproduce a fleeting vision. The most stubborn will find out that what they see with their eyes and what is drawn on a plane by their hand will not have identity - either your image lacks spatial dimension, or something else that animates space. From here it will be possible to make an important observation for oneself - the images and phenomena of the subtle world cannot be conveyed using ordinary terrestrial graphics, since there is no movement and space-time orientation in the Universe in it.

And what will happen to an absolutely nervous system(see source) those who ignore such flickering? From the point of view of the earthly mind, nothing. Flickering may one day stop, and the life of this person from that moment will go calmly and completely according to earthly laws. If you look closely at the certainly nervous the system of such people, then the processes that lead a person to the subtle world will cease to develop in it. Following this, in the nerve tissues, the already existing neural connections, which could probably contribute to development(that's exactly what happened!) in a person such features as a penchant for painting and creativity in general, skills of especially precise needlework, special respiratory activity, maybe the ability perceive the world through one's own (not a tendency to conformism), intuition, speed of thinking, etc., etc. However, the most important thing is that the foundations of mental vision are destroyed in a person.

Moreover, the destruction is likely to the personality human happens almost before our eyes - a year or two ago, someone looked somehow special, stood out among those around him with his extraordinary abilities or talents, and then suddenly, for no reason, he stopped showing any activity and got stuck in the routine of everyday life.

This is how talented artists, naval commanders, geologists, discoverers and visionaries are not born in society. Due to the fact that the current advanced machine civilization practically does not pay attention to the development in man, there may be the ability perceive signs of the subtle world in everyday life, very, very many children and adolescents part with their innate abilities to perceive the subtle world, never knowing about it.

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    Taoism - Selected publications on the topic of Taoism. The ancient Chinese doctrine of Tao - a single world law and the Way of life in harmony with nature and the natural order of things. The first written source that became the core of Taoism is the Tao Te Ching treatise, the authorship of which is attributed to the sage Lao Tzu.

    Quite often, in sessions on the subtle plane, organs and their energy matrices may be absent, which we restore with the help of the keepers. In physics, such an organ usually hurts, pulls or collapses. The reasons for this situation may be mass, usually this happens after surgery (the organ is not necessarily removed, but it is severely damaged) or when taking specific "medications", for example, destroying the liver. Sometimes the energy matrix of an organ can be destroyed by the thought forms of the person himself and / or his "well-wishers" (we read), sometimes the energy is pumped out by external influence. There are such cases. An excerpt from a session of a new hypnologist in the words of the ward

    In the last 4 years, vision has been decreasing, and I had to wear glasses. I scan myself in the session and find holes instead of eyes. When asked where the eyes have gone, the answer comes that there used to be artificial

    Q: where are your own eyes?

    Oh: mine were taken

    We ask those who took their eyes to show up. I have a feeling, the words “so what did you remember about them, well, they are on the shelf. We gave you such cool eyes, but you didn't look after them. The exchange was made, we gave you eyes, and how you treated them is no longer our concern ...

    Q: Who says this? We ask a representative for the exchange of eyes to appear.

    О: I feel behind the scenes, does not want to appear, he says, since you have no eyes, you will not see us

    Q: Why was this exchange made, in whose interests?

    A: For them, organic matter was important, they needed live eyes to create cyborgs

    Q: Are you cyborgs too?

    A: no, intermediaries

    Q: Are you living beings?

    Q: Do you create cyborgs?

    A: Suppliers of parts, this is how we work

    Q: Why exactly these eyes caught your attention?

    A: Blue color

    Q: Was it the color that attracted the attention?

    A: They have the power to see the true essence of things, and its concentration gives a blue color

    Q: are you ready to give now as a whole if we claim them?

    A: Impossible, the exchange was made

    Q: Why, under what pretext were the eyes taken, was consent given

    A: there was some kind of agreement, but not all conditions were negotiated, it was not precisely indicated what was given for exchange

    Q: was it cheating?

    A: Not an agreement - for them it sounds like that. They did not answer unasked questions, did not consider it necessary

    Q: But what did you promise, what did you agree to?

    О: Take away the eyes with a force that I could not control and she interfered with me, but for the exchange I wanted simpler eyes

    We ask the Guardian how best to deal with the eyes now. Can we claim them back. I get the answer from the Guardian that this is mine by right.

    We return the eyes, cleanse, fill with light, restore all lost connections with the body and abilities in the eyes.
    In the session, there was a recommendation to pass a descending stream through my eyes, so I sometimes connect with it.

    DA: the basic rule for the restoration of organs (and maintaining health in general) is to be in an uplifted mood, at least for the duration of the work itself, to smile at them, to thank, otherwise the creative / healing energy has nowhere to come from.

    Compare your acquaintances who are constantly smiling and those who are always annoyed, offended, or simply in apathy and depressed mood. With a high probability, the merry people will be much healthier than the gloomy ones.
    Again, this is not an ironclad rule, there are nuances and exceptions everywhere.

    Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or a few faces are shown here. You should not take them for the ultimate truth, because, and at each level of consciousness and. We learn to separate ours from not ours, or to extract information autonomously)

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