Is it necessary to remove eights. The tooth of wisdom did not cut through. An unpleasant smell of mouth because of the teeth of wisdom

Why the wisdom tooth is more often deleted than they treat? Third Molars are rudiments that have long lost their functions. The body is completely accounted for without them. On the other hand, they can become a "spare option", come in handy when the prosthesis is installed.

Do I need to treat "eights"? Yes, it is necessary. After all, it is a full-fledged tooth, which also sick with caries and pulpitis. And the infection in the mouth is the danger of infection of the body. But when it makes no sense or ability to treat, removal is assigned.

Why remove wisdom teeth

Third molars are dispersed much later than their neighbors - in 20-26 years. Problems with them arise at an early stage of growth. The jaw was formed, the teeth took their place, so the "eights" have to literally break through the gums, swelling the neighboring molars.

This creates a number of problems - from painful pain and neuralgia of a triple nerve to bite anomalies. Therefore, as a rule, wisdom teeth are removed. In the United States and Canada they are eliminated immediately after the teething, and all patients, and this is considered the norm.

"The eights" quickly deteriorate due to the location in a hard-to-reach place, where it is difficult to get a toothbrush, not to mention the floss. On the surface of the enamel quickly accumulates the bacterial collapse and the carious process begins.

It is difficult to treat extreme molars, therefore for a doctor, and for the patient it is easier to remove the culprit of all the troubles.

Removal readings

  1. Atypical height of the G8.
  2. When the eighth tooth grows horizontally or under the tilt, it presses on the cheek or injures the neighboring tooth. This is called dystopia. It is necessary to extract the growing "eight" as soon as possible, otherwise chronic pain will increase.

  3. Too narrow jaw.
  4. If the patient has a narrow jaw, then for the eighth tooth there is no place to be left in the row. Chewing molars are shifted to the central cutters, a crowding occurs in a smile zone. That this does not happen, the "eight" is removed at the stage of teething.

  5. Pericoroid.
  6. This is the inflammation of the gingival hood, hanging over the growing tooth of wisdom. Accompanied by painful pain, swelling mucous, depression, general malaise, and even increase in temperature. The doctor has to disseminate the hood, remove a problem tooth and sew the wound.

  7. Deep caries.
  8. If most enamel damaged by caries, no sense in time consuming and expensive treatment. When there is nothing to save, the destroyed crown is subject to removal. Moreover, the less healthy tissues remained, the more difficult the doctor to remove the remnants.

  9. Inability to conduct treatment.
  10. If the tooth has bent roots or impassable channels, a full treatment of pulpitis, periodontitis and other inflammatory diseases is required. The only way out of the situation is deletion. The decision takes the doctor based on the testimony of the X-ray.


When it is better to keep the tooth

If the third molar grows normally, without damaging the neighboring teeth and without breaking the bite, it is worth keeping it. First, it can come in handy in the future as a support for a prosthesis. Secondly, you do not have to experience a complex, unpleasant and dangerous operation.

Lack of neighboring 7th or 6th tooth

If there is no seventh, at the same time the seventh and sixth tooth, or they are in the deplorable state, the "eight" is used as a mount for a bridge or removable prosthesis.


The antagonist teeth are a pair of molars on the upper and lower jaws. If you remove one "eight", for example, on the lower jaw, the antagonist on the upper row is deprived of the chewing load. It ceases to participate in peak chewing, losing a functional load, and therefore over time is retractable or twisted.


Is it painful to remove wisdom tooth

No, the operation is carried out under local anesthesia, relieving pain. Dental surgeons use potent analgesics - a solution of lidocaine, ultrakina or so on. To extract several "eight" at once, a total anesthesia is used. You will not feel physical discomfort during the treatment "in a dream."

Do I need to remove wisdom tooth, if it does not hurt

The absence of pain does not mean that the tooth is healthy. For example, chronic caries or the formation of cysts proceed almost asymptomatic. Only after visual inspection and X-ray diagnostics, the doctor will conclude.

Why remove wisdom teeth before installing braces

It is the problem of the third molars often the cause of the crowding of cutters and other deformations. Orthodontic correction by braces implies the movement of the teeth in order to align the entire row. Third molars interfere with this process, therefore they are eliminated. This is common practice.

Is it possible to remove the "eight" during pregnancy

No you can not. Operation in 50% of cases ends with complications, which is dangerous to the life and health of the baby. Therapeutic treatment is recommended. It is better to do this in the 2nd trimester when the fruit is reliably protected by the placenta. But in the case of acute pain, consult a doctor.

How much does removal costs

  • Normal removal costs 1000-1500 rubles.
  • The price of removal of a retinated tooth of wisdom or dystoped - 5000-7000 rubles.
  • Local anesthesia and X-ray is another 400-500 rubles.

The teeth of wisdom do not bear the functional load, and their removal does not have aesthetic consequences. This is connected with numerous disputes of dentists about whether it is necessary to remove the teeth of wisdom immediately after the teething or it is better to relate to them in the same way as to others - to pull out only in case of extreme necessity.

The safest and rational dental approach is to monitor the state of the third molar from the moment of a teething. The initial X-ray will allow the doctor to evaluate the features of the development of the eighth tooth, and the planned visits of the dentist 2 times a year will detect the problem in time and, if necessary, remove a problem rudiment.

Does a man need a teeth of wisdom, or better remove them

In Western dental practice, eight removal is taken immediately after the rubber. But not always the third molars hurt or become a source of problems, so it is necessary to decide whether to remove wisdom teeth, if they do not hurt and do not bother, you can only discuss all the nuances with your doctor. Domestic dentistry insists that to remove any tooth, including eights, there must be grounds. Otherwise, pain, costs and consequences of removal may be unjustified.

The argument in favor of removing the eights immediately after these teeth cut through, is the lack of functional load, as well as the potentially high risk of caries and infection of neighboring molars.

In the event that the molar is developing normally, it takes an anatomically correct position, does not bother a person and is not amazed by caries, to avoid hypothetical problems in the future inexpedient.

Why do not need to remove the reversed tooth of wisdom:

  • Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the wisdom teeth, their removal is a complex surgery and may entail unpleasant consequences and complications.
  • The teeth of wisdom are needed during prosthetics, they are a good basis for the installation of a number of dentures that are attached to natural teeth. Such prosthetics is cheaper than implants, so the preservation of eights can be useful in the future.
  • The eight restrains and slows down the loosening of neighboring teeth, and in the absence of their chewing function.

In what cases remove a healthy tooth of wisdom

When the abnormal position of the rudiment is detected, the doctor may recommend removing the eight even if the tooth itself is completely healthy. Extraction are made in the presence of direct readings that are:

  • Lack of place in the dentition. If, with eight teething, they lack the place in the jaw row, they shift the neighboring molars to the center. It leads to disadvantage, deformation and displacement of teeth. The consequence may be a bite disruption.
  • Incorrect anatomical position in a row. Sometimes the tooth breaks with the slope towards the cheek, the tongue, the throat. With this position, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are constantly being traumatized, irritation occurs, and the patient cannot clean the teeth qualitatively. Chronically unkind wings turn into ulcers.
  • Destruction of the neighboring molar. Incorrectly located third molar moler may be restarted or crown of a neighboring molar, he gradually collapsed under constant pressure and inflates.
  • Retention (delay in rubber). The formed tooth is completely hidden in the gum and takes inside an abnormal position. Pathology is fraught with the infringement of a trigeminal nerve.
  • Installing a brute system for bite correction. The release of the place, after the eights are removed, helps to return the correct position to the dental rows. Is it necessary to remove wisdom teeth before orthodontic treatment, or should not be done, the doctor will be able to determine only after inspection.

Indications for the removal of the problem tooth of wisdom

The bone cloth of extreme molars is no different from the tissues of other indigenous molars, so the teeth of wisdom are also treatable. The complexity lies in the fact that the eights have a more complex structure, often burdened by multiple roots, larger size and unfavorable location for dental manipulations. Diseases in the initial stages in most cases can be stopped, but the treatment of neglected diseases is difficult.

The treatment of eights takes longer than the treatment of other teeth, in difficult cases it can last up to three months.

The greatest complexity is the treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis, during which channel processing is required. In case of inflammatory disease, dentists more often make the decision to pull the tooth of wisdom than trying to cure it. The main indications for the extraction of the eight are:

  • extensive carious defeat with significant destruction of the dental crown;
  • periodontal inflammation - pericoroid, pulpitis, periodontitis against the background of the obstruction of the channels;
  • cyst;
  • development of neoplasms;
  • destruction of bone tissues;
  • softening the root system;
  • fracture;
  • root bifurcation disorder;
  • sinusitis;
  • sepsis;
  • osters jaws;
  • horizontal position of the inflamed eight.

Extensive caries

The inaccessibility of third molars makes it difficult to complete hygiene. Carefully clean them with a conventional toothbrush is difficult, the consequence of it becomes the stings of food particles and the development of pathogenic microflora. The cunningness of caries on the eight is that it is rarely diagnosed at the initial stage of the disease. It often develops from the inside, and a visually tooth looks completely healthy for a long time.

When the "wise" tooth is inclined, additional carious foci occurs in the slits between it and the neighboring molar, and the infection spreads even faster. It is necessary to remove the teeth of wisdom affected by caries, or you can cure them, the doctor decides on the extent of the destruction of the tooth tissue, the channel status and the possibility of full-fledged access.


In case of teething, the tooth wisdom is often formed a kind of hood from the tissue of the gums. As a result, the cleaning of the molar makes it difficult, since it is impossible to clean the toothbrush space between the mucous and tooth. To clearly clean the space under the hood, you need to resort to rinse or apply special devices.

Due to low-quality hygiene on the molar, a raid is formed, which becomes a nutrient medium for pathogens of microorganisms. This can lead to pericoroid - purulent inflammation of mucous membranes. Symptoms of the disease are swelling, discomfort when swallowing, the appearance of unpleasant smell of mouth and expressed pain syndrome.

In order to prevent the development of the pericoroid in the eight teething, the hanging hood is excised. If the inflammatory process has already begun, the hood must be removed surgically. After the operation, the oral and treatment cavity is carried out. If you do not clean the resulting cavity and run inflammation, phlegmon can develop and abscess - inflammatory processes, dangerous for the entire body.


The roots of the retinated teeth of wisdom can be formed by one or several follicular cysts, which are of serious health danger. As it increases in size, they can apply increasing harm.

The growth of cystic formations is slowly, but it is very dangerous - that's why remove wisdom teeth, affected by cystic education, is needed in the shortest possible time.

Complication of follicular cyst can be:

  • purulent sinusitis (with a cyst germination in the sinus gamorors);
  • the development of pergeneritis;
  • chronic inflammation and suppuration;
  • fistula;
  • osteomyelitis.

Development of inflammatory processes in the pulp

In itself, inflammation in the pulp is not a reason to remove the tooth of wisdom. It can be cured, but this can be done only under the condition that the eight is worth it, and she has smooth channels. In case of obstruction of the channels, leave wisdom teeth will not work - they must be pulled out.

Strongly curved channels will not allow to get to problem areas and perform a full purification of the pulp from infection. If you do not fully clear the channels, the inflammatory process will resume and reinfect the adjacent fabrics - which is why the channel status is a paramount question when choosing between treatment and extraction.

Why remove unlit teeth wisdom

For extreme molars, the phenomenon of retention (delays of the rubber) is characterized, in which it may not only be typical for cutting the gums of discomfort, but also a constant pulsating pain that is enhanced with chewing and during a conversation. If a doctor sees a generated molar, the teething of which never came, he will decide on the need to remove the eight. To do this, he will need data on the state of the molar and the gums, the patient's health. A comprehensive examination will help identify the potential threat to the emergence of complications.

When the eight does not bother, the gums near her are not inflamed, the molar does not have a negative impact on the surrounding tissues and, presumably, will stand in a normal position, to remove wisdom tooth. Doctors recommend observing it in a dynamics, visiting dentistry every six months.

Actively "remove" a retinated molar is necessary when:

  • tooth and surrounding fabrics hurt;
  • there are acute and chronic inflammation;
  • the cyst is developing.

Can always remove the tooth of wisdom

Treatment of third molars is difficult and not always justified, but also the breaking is not a panacea. It is associated with operating risks and consequences. To make a weighted decision on whether it is necessary to remove eights or you can cure them qualitatively, the doctor must consider:

  • degree of lesion;
  • anatomical position of the tooth and channel status;
  • the presence of the inflammatory process;
  • eight of the eight of the adjacent teeth;
  • anamnesis and human health.

Why leave tooth wisdom

With dental diseases of teeth, wisdom is not always recommended to pull them out, in some cases it is better to choose treatment, even if it is very long and expensive. Treatment of the third molar is advisable if:

  • Neighboring molars are not either very damaged, then the eights become the only possible support for prosthetics. If they cannot be left, dentists consider the implantation option and removable prosthetics.
  • The eight is correctly located in the jaw row and due to the presence of an antagonist involved in the chewing process. The antagonist is called the tooth, located symmetrically on the next jaw. When removing one of the antagonists' teeth, the second will gradually move and twist, so it is desirable to leave the tooth or to extract both molars.

Contraindications to the removal of eights

There are a number of indications at which it is not necessary to remove wisdom tooth without an extreme need - a rapidly propagating inflammatory process in an acute form that causes severe pain. It:

  • Tooth growth in the zone of malignant education.
  • Hypertension of the second and third degree. If the operation is inevitable, it can be carried out only after consulting with a cardiologist.
  • Anamnesis infarction transferred less than three months ago.
  • Pregnancy. If there is indications for emergency extraction before removing the tooth of wisdom, the doctor must take care of a suitable anesthesia that does not harm the child.

If the first unpleasant symptoms occur in the oxide field, contact the dentist, which can determine the source and cause of pain, choose the optimal treatment tactics, determine whether it is necessary to leave a problem tooth or better pull it out. A qualified doctor will explain why this or that decision is made, and will help choose the optimal option for its implementation.


First of all, the one, which in the course of use does not waste the gums. At the same time, the quality of the oral cavity hygiene depends more on whether the teeth are cleaned correctly than from the shape or variety of toothbrush. As for electrical brushes, for unrecorded people, they are a more preferred option; Although it is possible to clean the teeth with a simple (manual) brush. In addition, only a toothbrush is often not enough - floss (special dental filaments) should be used to clean between the teeth).

The rinse is additional hygienic tools that effectively purify the entire oral cavity from harmful bacteria. All of these means can be divided into two large groups - therapeutic and prophylactic and hygienic.

The latter include rinsers that eliminate the unpleasant odor and contribute to fresh breathing.

As for therapeutic and prophylactic, then such relatives are rinses that have antonal / anti-inflammatory / anti-infamous effect and contributing to a decrease in the sensitivity of solid tissues. This is achieved due to the presence of a different kind of biologically active components. Consequently, the rinser must be selected for each particular person individually, as well as toothpaste. And in view of the fact that water is not flushed with water, it only fixes the effect of the current components of the paste.

Such cleaning is completely safe for dentals and less injures soft tissue of the oral cavity. The fact is that in dental clinics it is selected by the special level of oscillations, which acts on the density of the stone that disrupts its structure and separating from enamel. In addition, in places where the tissues are processed by the skaler (this is the name of the device for cleaning the teeth), there is a special cavitation effect (after all, oxygen molecules are isolated from aqueous drops, which come to the processing zone and cooled the tool tip). Cell membranes of pathogenic microorganisms are broken by these molecules, which is why the microbes are dying.

It turns out that the ultrasound cleaning works comprehensively (provided that really high-quality equipment is used) both on the stone and the microflora as a whole, cleaning it. And you can't tell this mechanical cleaning. Moreover, ultrasound cleaning is more pleasant for the patient and takes less time.

According to dentists, the treatment of teeth must be carried out regardless of your position. Especially since a pregnant woman is encouraged to visit the dentist every one or two months, because, as you know, when you wear a baby, the teeth are substantially weakened, suffer from the deficiency of phosphorus and calcium, and therefore at times the risk of caries and even teeth is increasing. For the treatment of pregnant women, it is necessary to use harmless means of anesthesia. The most suitable course of treatment should be selected by an exclusively qualified dentist, it will also write the required drugs that strengthen dental enamel.

Treat the teeth of wisdom is quite difficult due to their anatomical structure. Nevertheless, qualified specialists are successfully treated. The prosthetics of wisdom teeth is recommended when one (or several) a neighboring tooth is missing or necessary to remove it (if you also delete the tooth of wisdom, then you will become simply chewed). In addition, the removal of the tooth wisdom is undesirable if it is located in the jaw in the right place, has its own antagonist tooth and takes part in the process of chewing. It should also be taken into account the fact that poor-quality treatment can lead to the most serious complications.

Here, definitely, much depends on the taste of a person. So, there are absolutely inconspicuous systems that are fastened to the inside of the teeth (known as linguals), and there are transparent. But the most popular are metallic bracket systems that have colored metal / elastic ligatures. It's really fashionable!

You should begin with the fact that it is just unattractive. If it is not enough for you, we present the next argument - the stone and the collapse on the teeth often provoke an unpleasant smell of mouth. And this is not enough for you? In this case, we move on: if the dental stone is "growing", it will inevitably lead to irritation and inflammation of the gums, that is, creating favorable conditions for periodontitis (the disease in which the sewage pockets are formed, the pus constantly flows out, and the teeth themselves are movable ). And this is the direct path to the loss of healthy teeth. Moreover, the number of harmful bacteria is increasing, which is why the increased cariosis of the teeth is observed.

The service life of the faithful implant will be decades. In accordance with statistical data, at least 90 percent of implants operate perfectly 10 years after installation, while the service life is an average of 40 years. Which is characteristic, this period will depend on both the design of the product, and on how carefully the patient is caressing. That is why during cleaning it is mandatory to use an irrigator. In addition, you need to at least once a year to visit the dentist. All these measures will significantly reduce the risk of implant loss.

The removal of the cyst of the tooth can be made by therapeutic or surgical method. In the second case, we are talking about the removal of the tooth with further clearance of the gums. In addition, there are those modern methods that allow to keep the tooth. This, first of all, cystectomy is a rather complicated operation, which is to remove the cyst and the affected top of the root. Another method is the hemistion at which the root and fragment of the tooth over it is removed, after which it (part) is restored by the crown.

As for therapeutic treatment, it consists in clearing the cyst through the root canal. Also a difficult option, the more not always effective. Which of the methods to choose? It will solve the doctor together with the patient.

In the first case, professional systems are used to change the color of the teeth, which are at a carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. Obviously, preference is better to give precisely professional whitening.

The process of changing the bite with dairy per constant is usually completed by 12 to 13 years. The teeth of wisdom rub later, already in adulthood - hence the speaking name. You can expect the appearance of third molars from 17 to 18 years, although there have been cases when one or more wisdom teeth rubbed both at 13 - 15 and 35 - 40 years. The average period of appearance is limited to the gap between 20 and 27 years. If after 30 years and did not cut through a single tooth of wisdom, most likely, this will never happen.

Can wisdom teeth are completely absent?

The lack of wisdom teeth is quite a normal phenomenon. About 20 - 25% of the living people do not have the cutting eighth molars at all. The "eights" are considered a rudiment, although our ancestors who lived a couple of tens of thousands of years ago were 36 or more teeth. This is explained by the structure of the jaw and diet. Ancient people had a more massive jaw and were forced to eat rude unprocessed food. A modern man is enough of twenty-eight teeth: the absence of additional molars does not affect the functionality of the dental system and eliminates the complications arising from incorrect teething.

Why do adults do not grow wisdom teeth?

The infraces of "eights" are usually formed about three years. Final teeth of wisdom ripen closer to 16 - 17 years. First, the coronary part is formed, after which the roots can develop for several more years, even when the tooth itself has already cut through. In terms of its structure, the tooth of wisdom is slightly different from the rest of the molars. Typically eights have a greater number of root canals, often significantly curved. Wise teeth can cut through, and may remain in the jaw bone. Below the causes of the absence of eighth molars.

  1. Jaw size. A short jaw often does not give the teeth of wisdom enough space for normal growth, and they forever remain "buried" in bone tissue.

  2. Lubricated teething. "Eights" do not have milk predecessors, so it is quite difficult to break through bone tissue. Over the years, the jewish bone becomes more dense, which further complicates the appearance of wisdom teeth, which often passes with pain, inflammation and discomfort. The dedication period can take from a few weeks to two years, so sometimes you just have to be patient.

  3. Incorrect position of the teeth. In conditions of limited space, the tooth of wisdom is often located in the bone under the tilt, resting in the crown in the neighbors, thereby shifting the dental row. In this case, the "eights" often do not break down. At the same time, they can cause boring and bite disruption, therefore, as a rule, are removed. If it does not solve the problem in time, the adjacent teeth may suffer from such a dangerous neighborhood.

  4. Lack of adventures. It often happens that the tooth of wisdom is absent at all, that is, not even its adventures. This may be caused by a number of factors: heredity, features of the structure of jaws, race, area of \u200b\u200bresidence, and so on. The complete absence of adventures is observed about 5% of cases and it is considered normal.

What to do if there are no wisdom teeth?

Do not worry about the lack of advent of wisdom teeth. The same applies to other cases when the "eights" do not show themselves.

Modern medicine allows you to remove even the descent of wisdom teeth. However, any surgical intervention will be invasive, so you do not need to resort to it without need. Remove wisdom teeth is recommended if there are problems with teething, which can affect the state of other teeth and provoke inflammatory processes. If the wisdom tooth cut through without complication, it took the right position in the dentition and does not put pressure on neighboring teeth, it is not necessary to delete it at all. When losing one of the molars, he can take part of the chewing load, as well as to serve as a support for the prosthesis if necessary.

The so-called wisdom teeth are crushed with the most difficult. Their feature is that they appear already in adulthood - from 17 to 40 years, for which they received such a name.

Very rare this process proceeds painlessly. After all, the jaw has already been fully formed, and the skin on the gums is much stronger than in infancy. Therefore, even if a person does not bother with severe pain, he still feels easy discomfort.

Almost all people during the teething of wisdom teeth are experiencing some unpleasant sensations, often even very strong. If you do not pay attention to them or try to treat pain yourself, it can lead to serious complications.

Therefore, it is desirable to know what kind of symptoms is accompanied by a teething of wisdom teeth, so that it is necessary to see the doctor if necessary.


In principle, the "eights", as they are called dentists, they do not differ from the rest of the molars. They also consist of root, cervixes and crowns covered with enamel.

But because of the unusual location and late rubber, they still have some features:

  • the most important reason why these molars appear so painful - this is what they climb immediately, without dairy teeth;
  • since they are located with the edge and are long in the "Sleeping" position inside the jaw, they are often have a curved root;
  • "G8" are not covered by other teeth on both sides, so can not grow vertically, and to the side;
  • but because of the late appearance of the place for them no longer left, so in the process of teething they can "sweep" adjacent teeth, and it is quite painful;
  • sometimes they "catch out" not immediately, but by a little bit For a very long time. It also happens that they do not have time to cut down completely and destroyed in the gum.

Small video about the features of the wisdom teeth:

The most common features

  1. Most often a person is experiencing pain in jaws. This is due to the fact that the "eight" paves the path to the top through the bone tissue. And the jaw to this age has already been fully formed.

    Therefore, this process is so painful. The pain can be barely noticeable, but it happens so strong that the patient loses consciousness.

  2. Very often occur inflammation of the gums. This can also be explained by the fact that the tooth of wisdom makes his way through them, breaking the skin.
  3. Some less often is observed soreness and swelling not only the area of \u200b\u200bgrowth, but also to the surrounding plot of mucous membranes, cheeks and language. It can even cause soreness and difficulty swallowing, ear and head pain.
  4. Sometimes the teething tooth covers a kind of "hood" of the resulting mucous membrane. Under it accumulates the remains of food and breeding bacteria.

    This process leads not only to soreness and edema. Appears unpleasant smell from mouth and difficulty in swallowing.

  5. In more severe cases, a person may experience general malaise and symptoms inxication. Him the submandibular lymph nodes increase, the temperature rises to 40 degrees and the headache.
  6. Rarely, but still meet pain in the ear, neck and throataccompanying the "eight" teething.

These symptoms are purely individual. A person may experience them all at once, or some one. They may also differ in intensity and durability.

Signs associated with the inflammation of the gums

To one degree or another, it develops in all people when the "eight" appears. The most extreme position in the dentition leads to the formation of a "hood" from the tissues of the mucous membrane.

After meals, the remains of food are accumulated there, and with ordinary hygiene procedures, it is very difficult to remove them from there. So in this pocket bacteria developing inflammatory process.

Some people have almost painless and passes himself. But quite often different complications appear. During chewing the gum may be damaged, bacteria penetrate the wound, and inflammation goes into perikovorrit.

On the cheek and mucosa of the mouth appear ulcers that deliver strong discomfort and cause stomatiti development. On the gum can be formed abscess Due to the development of infection.

In case of problems with the upper molars, inflammation can spread to a triple nerve, which causes severe unbearable pain. The lower teeth give complications on almonds and throat. Often, there is an increase in temperature and an increase in lymph nodes.

Signs that the "eight" grows to the side

The incorrect position of the molar relative to the jaw is called dystopia. This is due to the disadvantage of the place for him. How to find out what the tooth grows to the side?

  • if the "eight" in the teething is directed to the cheek, it can cause it to injury when chewing food and conversation, as well as peptic lesions of the mucous membrane, up to the formation of ulcers and even malignant tumors;
  • there is a bite change, a person is difficult when chewing food and constantly injures language;
  • sometimes the third molar is directed as the top toward the neighboring teeth. In this case, during growth, it rests on them and causes curvature. There is also the destruction of the crown. All this causes severe pain and sensation of pressure in the jaw;
  • if the "eight" is only slightly tilted in the direction of neighboring teeth, it can cause the shift of the entire dentition, curvature them and change the bite;
  • a frequent symptom of dystopia is also an increase in temperature and inflammation of lymph nodes.

Signs of incumbent eights

It also happens that the last molars did not appear. They are remain in the jaw or under the tissues of the gums. This is the so-called tooth retention. She can be observed for several years, not a disturbed man.

But most often the last molars are put on the neighboring and cause their destruction. This is accompanied by severe pain not only in this place, but in the whole jaw, the gum and even throat.

The unrealted "eight" can cause strong complications. Often the deterioration of the state, headaches and inflammation of the patient's almonds cannot associate with the problems of the tooth of wisdom.

Complications with improper rubber


This is the most frequent complication associated with the wrong or incomplete teething of the tooth of wisdom. It is characterized by inflammation of the jaw tissues, and sometimes cheeks and mucosa of the mouth.

How to determine what is developing pericoroid?

  • it does not appear a strong swelling and redness;
  • inflammation can spread to the cheek, temple and even the throat, which causes painful and difficult swallowing;
  • if the swelling passes to the muscles of the jaw, it can lead to problems in opening the mouth;
  • the well-being is worsening, weakness develops and the temperature rises;
  • when pressed on the gum, the pus is highlighted.

Sometimes this process goes into a chronic form. This is characterized by a seal and soreness of the tissues of the mucous membrane. Sometimes a fibrous fabric or abscess is formed in this place.


This is also a fairly frequent phenomenon on the last molars. Because of an uncomfortable position, they can grow too close to neighboring teeth, and the residues of food accumulate.

CARES is developing with all accompanying symptoms: pain, enamel sensitivity and blackening. Moreover, the disease often applies to neighboring teeth. It also happens that the "eight" is already climbing the patient, infected by caries in the gum.


This disease develops after the "eight" rubber. The inflammation is associated with the fact that the tooth of wisdom is located in a very uncomfortable place. With ordinary cleaning, it is almost impossible to completely remove the flare and residues of food from it.

Between the gums and crown, and the bacteria begin to develop in the interdental gap. They cause pain, swelling and inflammation. Over time, it can turn into a periostitis, better known to all like a flux.

In the patient the temperature rises, the cheek swell and becomes painful. Inflammation and edema can spread to the floor face or go deep into the jaw bones.

All this is accompanied by a worsening of general well-being, strong pain and intoxication of the body.


This is a benign neoplasm on the tooth tissues. A cyst is developing due to the long process of teething and the presence of chronic inflammation. A bag filled with a liquid, dead tissues and food residues.

It is possible to notice this process by to protrude the section of the gums towards and severe pain. The pain sometimes gives into the throat or ear.

Inflammation of a trigeminal nerve

If problems with the "eight" on the upper jaw are observed, may be affected by the face nerve. It is immediately noticeable muscle contractions face, skin pain in this place and strong sharp twigging pain.

Face can twist. In difficult cases develop paralysis facial muscles.


This is a serious purulent disease that appears in very patient patients. The development of an ulcer near the root causes such symptoms:

  • strong pulsating pain;
  • unpleasant smell of mouth;
  • permanent feeling of bitterness;
  • sumns edema, cheeks and even neck;
  • temperature increase.


If purulent infiltrate does not have clear boundaries, or there was a breakthrough of an abscess into soft tissues - develops extensive inflammatory process. It can capture the bone, spread to the floor face and even lead to death from blood infection.

How to find out what a complication is developing?

  • strong swelling captures chin, cheek and eyes;
  • the pain is such that it is impossible to chew or swallow, nor say;
  • there is an increased salivation and a rotten smell of mouth;
  • the temperature is strongly rising, and signs of intoxication appear.

Submandibular lymphadenitis

Lymph nodes in humans are inflated in the presence of infection in the body. Therefore, with improper teething of the tooth, the wisdom causing swelling and the development of the bacterial flora may appear lymphadenitis.

Wherein one or both lymphatic nodes increase in sizeFabrics are blissful and painful in this place.

It should be carefully referred to any painful manifestations in the mouth. You can not try to get rid of pain and inflammation yourself.

The teething of the tooth of wisdom is a complex process. And untimely appeal to the doctor can lead to sad consequences.

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