Causes of iron taste in the mouth. Iron taste in the mouth in women: causes and methods of treatment Metallic taste in the mouth after

A metallic taste in the mouth is a fairly common and seemingly harmless symptom. But you should not ignore it, because your body may thus signal the presence of a serious problem. A metallic taste can indicate illness, with serious consequences. Let's look at why this symptom appears and how you can get rid of it.

Why does the aftertaste appear?

A specific taste is usually associated with the presence of copper or iron ions in oral cavity(“It’s like there’s a nickel under your tongue” or “It’s like you’re kissing a doorknob” they said before). But these are deceptive impressions, because the nature of the taste is completely different. It happens that the taste of metal in the mouth is mixed with a bitter taste. Such symptoms may be accompanied by dry mouth.

Let's look at the causes of this symptom.

Diseases accompanied by iron deficiency anemia. This could be liver disease, thyroid dysfunction, or. This is the most common reason Why does a metallic taste appear in the mouth? In addition to this taste, the patient sometimes experiences a sour taste. Reveal iron deficiency anemia It is also possible by another sign - by cracks in the tongue. However, in order to make a final diagnosis, you still need to take a blood test. If the analysis confirms the diagnosis, the next step is to start looking for the causes of anemia.

Very often, this disease is caused not only by iron deficiency, which is often found during pregnancy and in vegetarians. Anemia can also be caused by a lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid.

Gastrointestinal diseases. With certain problems with the liver, biliary tract and low acidity, the patient may also feel bad taste blood. In this case, we also recommend that you consult a specialist, undergo an examination and take appropriate measures to eliminate the symptom.

Treatment with medications. A metallic taste in the mouth often appears when taking certain antibiotics. Check with the doctor who prescribed these medications for you. Perhaps he will replace them with others.

Poisoning substances such as vanadium, cadmium, hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen sulfide, zinc, arsenic, lead, mercury. Heavy metal poisoning is often suffered by people whose work involves dyes based on metal salts. In this case, you should immediately consult a toxicologist.

Sometimes patients experience a metallic taste when coughing. Many people complain of a cough with a taste of blood after colds. This may be a sign of the appearance. To eliminate this unpleasant symptom, we advise you to contact. Also, a dry cough and hoarseness can cause a fungal infection in the mouth. If there is redness in the mouth and cough, you should contact.

Using low quality dentures or crowns, made from various types metal They catalyze the galvanization process, which in turn releases ions from the material. You need to think about changing crowns to better ones.

A metallic taste may be caused if you use it for cooking. cast iron or aluminum cookware. The iron taste may be stronger if you cook acidic foods in these containers. Since acids react with metal, food is equipped with a specific taste, which you subsequently feel.

Frequent use mineral water with a high content of saccharin and iron.

Taste and pregnancy

Many of us know about the first signs of pregnancy - delayed menstruation, dizziness, morning sickness, weakness, etc. These are common symptoms of pregnancy. However, there are a number of strange and little-known signs. These include the taste of iron, which is considered one of early symptoms pregnancy.

This is explained by hormonal changes in a woman’s body. This taste may appear at the end of the first and second trimester of pregnancy. Doctors explain this by a lack of iron in the body. You should not self-medicate and eat a kilogram of apples a day. Unfortunately, this won't help. Contact a specialist who monitors you during pregnancy, he will prescribe the appropriate medications.

What to do if there is an iron taste?

It is worth noting that there is no special drugs to treat only this symptom. Direct your efforts to identifying and eliminating the very reason that caused the metallic taste in the mouth. So, how to get rid of the above-described taste?

As we have already said, you need to contact specialists, after which you will be referred to comprehensive examination. If the examination reveals diabetes mellitus, gastritis, problems with gallbladder or thyroid gland, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Get rid of it for a while Not pleasant sensations Good oral hygiene will help you. Rinse your mouth regularly with the solution baking soda or slightly acidified water. Lemon will also help get rid of this aftertaste. If a metallic taste in the mouth indicates anemia, then you should try to increase hemoglobin in the blood.

As can be seen from the above, the reasons for the appearance of an iron taste in the mouth can be very different. Listen to your body, respond to its signals in a timely manner, and then identifying and treating diseases will be much faster and easier. Stay healthy!

  1. The root perceives bitterness.
  1. Product temperature.

Causes for men and women

This symptom may be accompanied by other disorders. An attack of nausea often appears, especially in the morning or after certain smells or foods.

Pregnant women often notice a change in taste. Other signs include:

  1. Abdominal pain.
  2. Runny nose.
  3. Cough.

In addition to pregnancy, a woman experiences a metallic taste in her mouth due to menopause, which also affects hormonal levels. Such a period can affect the work of all organs and systems, due to this there are often complaints about different symptoms, among which the taste of iron.

If we talk about the stronger half of humanity, then men will often experience symptoms after intense exercise, especially running. The main reasons why there is a metallic taste in the mouth after running:

Causes of diseases

  1. Abdominal pain.
  2. Intense thirst.
  3. Headache.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Attacks of vomiting and nausea.
  6. Blurred consciousness.

Causes in medications

During drug treatment, the taste of metal develops as side effect. Some drugs have a similar effect, but the symptom may appear if the treatment regimen is violated or the pills are taken independently.

Treatment methods

The taste of metal in the mouth is an unpleasant symptom that may appear all the time or be a periodic symptom.

Often the manifestation indicates a disease digestive system or other organs, so you cannot delay diagnosis.

The doctor will be able to determine what caused the metallic taste in the mouth based on characteristic additional symptoms and test results.

Non-pathological causes and functions of the tongue

A person needs a tongue not only for intelligible speech, it is responsible for the perception of tastes, because it has taste buds, namely papillae, which differ in shape and role.

When food and other substances enter the mouth, especially the tongue, parts penetrate the papillae and cause irritation of the nerve endings.

A certain signal is sent to the receptors, to the brain, and a person can recognize the taste of a particular substance.

Different parts of the tongue are responsible for different taste functions:

  1. The tip of the tongue perceives sweets best.
  2. The middle part determines sourness.
  3. The edge is needed to distinguish between sour and salty.
  4. The root perceives bitterness.

Taste in the mouth depends on many factors, including:

  1. Concentration of elements in food.
  2. The area of ​​the tongue where a drink or food lands.
  3. Product temperature.

Not everyone knows why there can be a metallic taste in the mouth after eating, in the morning or in other situations.

The doctor can indicate what this means, but the condition is not always pathological and indicates a disease.

In a similar way, the human body can react to irritating factors. Depending on the frequency of such an attack and additional symptoms, the cause is determined.

Among the main reasons why there is a metallic taste in the mouth are the following factors:

  1. Drinking mineral waters containing a large number of gland. This liquid is often used to treat iron deficiency in the body.
  2. Low quality tap water, which can be used for drinking and cooking. The reason is that the pipes are rusty, and when water flows through them, it becomes saturated with iron.
  3. The presence of dentures and metal implants in the mouth can cause an iron taste in the mouth. A similar condition often appears after eating sour food, since ions begin to actively participate with the acid, which causes discomfort. In some cases, the condition develops in the presence of prostheses and other devices that are made of different metals. As a result of the reaction between themselves, a person constantly feels the taste of metal.
  4. The use of aluminum or cast iron during food preparation. Acids from food react actively with the metals of the dishes. After a meal, an unpleasant feeling appears.
  5. Piercing in the tongue, lip or other parts of the mouth. Such decoration also causes a reaction when drinking or eating.
  6. Insufficient oral hygiene, presence of caries, stones on teeth or plaque.
  7. Large jewelry on the body itself, for example, a chain on the hand or neck made of silver and other metals, a watch.

These are the main reasons why there is a metallic taste in the mouth. They are not pathological, but can cause discomfort to anyone.

No special treatment is required; it is enough to simply exclude the cause or change it slightly for the symptom to disappear.

Causes for men and women

In general, the reasons for women and men do not differ, but there are several features resulting from different physiological structures.

For example, women during pregnancy may have an iron taste in their mouth for the following reasons:

  1. Exacerbation of pathologies that occur in the chronic phase.
  2. Lack of iron in the body.
  3. Lack of vitamins and other nutrients.
  4. Impaired perception of taste buds due to hormonal changes in the body.

As a rule, the causes in women are caused by changes in hormonal levels, which often occurs during pregnancy and in other situations.

This symptom may be accompanied by other disorders. An attack of nausea often appears, especially in the morning or after certain smells or foods. Pregnant women often notice a change in taste.

Other signs include:

  1. Abdominal pain.
  2. Runny nose.
  3. Cough.
  4. Sensation of bitterness in the mouth.
  5. Loss of sensation in the mouth and body.

The described signs do not relate to pathology during pregnancy. They develop during the 1st-2nd trimester.

If they begin in the last trimester, then perhaps there are pathological processes in the body that need to be examined and the exact cause and treatment methods established.

In addition to pregnancy, a woman experiences a metallic taste in her mouth due to menopause, which also affects hormonal levels.

Such a period can affect the functioning of all organs and systems, due to this there are often complaints about various symptoms, including the taste of iron.

Menopause can be supplemented by an acute manifestation of pathologies that were in the chronic phase, which is why there is a metallic taste in the mouth.

This symptom is one of the first to develop. It is worth noting that even young women can suffer from such discomfort, and the cause is menstruation.

The metallic taste in the mouth appears a few days before the start of the cycle and maybe a couple of days after.

If we talk about the stronger half of humanity, then men will often experience symptoms after intense exercise, especially running.

The main reasons why there is a metallic taste in the mouth after running:

  1. The result of intense training, during which a capillary in the respiratory tract is injured.
  2. The consequences of heavy stress, which causes damage to the capillaries in the gums and their bleeding.

A metallic taste in the mouth is often a symptom of illness. In addition, when pathological process this may be the only manifestation of disturbances that appear on early stages.

Causes of diseases

In men and women, discomfort in the mouth occurs as a result of foreign substances entering the body, which causes poisoning.

The symptom may cause poisoning hard metals and their pairs. Most often, the problem is typical for workers in factories and factories who do not adhere to safety precautions.

After poisoning, others develop characteristic symptoms, among which:

  1. Abdominal pain.
  2. Intense thirst.
  3. Headache.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Attacks of vomiting and nausea.
  6. Blurred consciousness.

The symptoms described require immediate medical treatment, since complications, serious consequences and health problems are possible. In severe cases there is a risk of death.

A metallic taste in the mouth appears with the following pathologies:

  1. Inflammation of the gums. This condition is often accompanied by bleeding from the gums, saliva becomes viscous, and bad smell. Patients' teeth become loose.
  2. Anemia, which is accompanied by a lack of iron and vitamin B12. This disease often leads to rapid fatigue and weakness in the body. The taste of familiar foods and drinks begins to change in patients, the skin turns pale and dries out. As a result of a lack of certain substances, hair and nails become brittle. Blood may constantly be released from the gums, which causes a characteristic taste, heart function is disrupted, and other symptoms appear.
  3. Liver diseases. Among them are hepatitis, cystosis and other diseases. Disruption of the functioning of such an organ manifests itself as a taste of metal and other unpleasant symptoms.
  4. Diseases of the bile ducts. Most often, discomfort begins with inflammation of the gallbladder, the presence of stones in it, or dyskinesia. Patients will additionally have vomiting and pain under the ribs.
  5. Diabetes. This disease leads to the rapid breakdown of fats, which results in an excess of ketone bodies that enter the blood. The condition causes a metallic taste.
  6. Gastric pathologies. Among the most common reasons for changes in taste in the mouth are gastritis and ulcers. Patients additionally complain of pain of different nature and intensity, bloating and dyspeptic disorders appear.
  7. Inflammation of the tongue. Such a disease can be of different nature. Often the process forms after infection with a fungus or virus, but can be due to a burn from hot or chemical substances. Patients note pain in the affected area, taste is impaired, the tongue swells and turns red, and saliva is produced intensely.
  8. Inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth. Often the process begins with diseases of a dental nature, necrosis of certain parts of the mucosa. The cause may be fungus, viruses or other pathogenic microorganisms.
  9. Otolaryngological diseases. Affection of the throat, larynx and sinuses causes the presence of an iron taste.
  10. Violations nervous system. Doctors often note that a metallic taste in the mouth appears in patients with Alzheimer's or brain cancer. In addition, patients experience problems with the swallowing reflex, tremors of the limbs, memory impairment and coordination problems.
  11. Respiratory diseases. Pneumonia, cancer, tuberculosis are conditions in which taste changes, resulting in the release of phlegm during coughing and an irritating effect on the receptors. Patients also experience shortness of breath, general signs intoxication; during a cough, there may be pus and blood in the sputum.

Knowing why there is a metallic taste in the mouth, you can carry out correct treatment. It should be prescribed by a doctor; it is not recommended to select therapy on your own, since you need to act on the root cause, and the unpleasant symptom will gradually disappear as you recover.

Causes in medications

During drug treatment, a metallic taste develops as a side effect.

Some drugs have a similar effect, but the symptom may appear if the treatment regimen is violated or the pills are taken independently.

Knowing the possible causes, additional symptoms when various diseases, we can make a tentative conclusion about what exactly is happening in the body.

If the taste of iron appears frequently and does not go away for a long time, then you should immediately consult a doctor for effective treatment.

The first step for diagnosis is to go to a therapist, who will do an initial examination, collect tests and send you to a doctor with a narrow focus, which will be done further management sick.

After a thorough examination, the doctor will make a diagnosis and select treatment.

Treatment methods

The exact treatment may be prescribed by the doctor when he determines why there is a metallic taste in the mouth.

If the causes are not pathological, then you will need to use simple rules and means to remove iron odor and taste:

  1. Avoid cooking acidic foods in cast iron or aluminum cookware. Most often we are talking about plant products.
  2. Do not serve prepared food in aluminum containers.
  3. Use proper nutrition, which excludes spicy, smoked or fried foods.
  4. Replace mineral water with regular purified water.
  5. To refuse from bad habits.
  6. Add foods to your daily menu that contain iron, folic acid and vitamin B12.

If the metallic taste in the mouth is accompanied by other symptoms, medication may be required.

For shortness of breath, nausea, lack of oxygen and others acute symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for help.

This condition can be extremely dangerous. The presence of diseases of the gums and teeth should be treated by a dentist.

Products help temporarily remove the unpleasant taste of metal traditional medicine, among which:

  1. You can eat a slice of lemon or rinse your mouth with water and lemon juice.
  2. Add 1 tsp to 100 ml of water. salt and stir the product, use for rinsing.
  3. Chew a little ginger, cloves or cinnamon to relieve symptoms and provide fresh breath. Similar spices can be used for tea or other dishes.
  4. Consume more plant products, citrus fruits and tomatoes are especially useful, which can improve the flow of saliva, which will cleanse the oral cavity.
  5. After each meal, use mouthwash and dental floss. Liquids can be bought at a pharmacy or made independently in the form of a decoction or infusion based on medicinal herbs. It is recommended to use chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, and mint. In addition, liquids can relieve inflammation and strengthen the local immune system.

The measures described are simple to follow and do not require much expense or time. It is appropriate to use them if there are no diseases of the internal organs, teeth and other parts that lead to an iron taste.

In other situations it is necessary to apply methods traditional treatment, and the types of drugs and treatment regimen depend on the cause of the symptom.

Useful video

Any taste in the mouth does not cause a pleasant sensation. Even when consumed delicious dish its taste should not last longer than 15 minutes, otherwise it begins to cause discomfort. A metallic taste in the mouth is unpleasant in itself, but it can also signal health problems.


Conventionally, all the reasons why a metallic taste may occur in the mouth can be divided into three groups: signaling a disease, caused by taking some medications, or not related to diseases. Interestingly, women have slightly more such reasons than men due to physiological characteristics female body.

Not related to illness

A metallic taste sometimes appears after drinking foods such as mineral water with a high iron content or unboiled tap water that runs through rusty pipes.

An aftertaste may occur if you have dentures or implants. If you consume acidic drinks or foods that react with metal, your mouth will taste sour and have an iron taste. Another option is to install dentures made of different types metals that react with each other.

Affects taste sensations and piercings, in in this case– tongue or lips. Constant wearing of massive iron jewelry and their direct contact with the skin also have an effect.

With poor hygiene, you may feel dry mouth, as well as various unpleasant taste sensations. This is due to plaque on the tongue, gums, the inside of the cheeks, and the appearance of tartar.

  • A taste in the mouth during pregnancy may indicate a lack of iron in the body. But when normal tests This is a variant of the norm, since the hormonal background of a woman carrying a child changes greatly.
  • During menstruation, taste buds may work differently, which is also due to hormonal reasons.
  • When the female body experiences serious hormonal changes, which can also affect the sense of taste.

Caused by medications

Many medications capable of leaving behind an unpleasant aftertaste. If you have a metallic taste in your mouth, then you may have taken tetracycline antibiotics, doxycycline and some others antibacterial drugs. Strongly influence the hormonal state, and, consequently, taste sensations oral contraceptives and some other drugs containing hormones.

Many dietary supplements leave behind an unpleasant taste, as do medications to normalize blood pressure, cholesterol-lowering pills, and blood sugar-lowering medications.


You can find out about the onset of a disease by indirect signs, which include changes in the activity of taste buds on the tongue.

  • Oral diseases: periodontitis, glossitis. For these diseases sore gums and tongue are weakened and bleeding. The taste of blood is felt after brushing teeth or eating food. There may be a feeling foreign body in the mouth.
  • . If the body does not have enough iron, vitamin B9, B12 and folic acid, anemia may develop. The absorption of these substances from food is reduced; they are not absorbed from the intestines.
  • Liver diseases. A metallic taste is one of the first (and often the only) symptoms of a malignant tumor in the liver. It could also be a cyst. Here it is worth paying close attention to other signs. The tumor causes drowsiness, heaviness in the right side of the abdomen, arms and legs lose weight and seem to dry out, and the abdomen, on the contrary, swells.
  • Diseases of the biliary tract. In addition to a metallic taste in the mouth, they are characterized by morning vomiting, dull pain on the right side, high temperature. On initial stage, biliary dyskinesia and cholangitis, a sour metallic taste in the mouth may be a reason to consult a doctor. In the acute stage, the symptom is also present, but due to strong painful sensations and with high body temperature it is not so noticeable.
  • . The very first sign of illness is dry mouth and thirst. A metallic taste indicates deterioration in health. It appears when fats break down and acetone bodies enter the blood. If you know about your diagnosis - - and suddenly feel the taste of metal on your tongue, then you should immediately measure your sugar level, and if your health suddenly worsens, go to the hospital.
  • with low acidity and. With these diseases, a person is bothered by belching, nausea, bowel movements, white coating on the tongue. Various tastes may appear in the mouth, including the taste of iron.
  • Diseases of the ENT organs. Typically, a metallic taste in the mouth is a symptom of inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa, paranasal sinuses, or external inflammation caused by a fungus. The last case is the most dangerous, since the fungus subsequently spreads to all ENT organs, including the throat.
  • Neurological diseases. The papillae, which are located on the tongue and are responsible for taste, are directly related to the functioning of the brain. When the connection is disrupted due to neurological disorders, the taste buds in the mouth do not work properly - the taste of iron appears. Among the main neurological diseases of which a metallic taste is a symptom are Alzheimer's disease and multiple symptoms.

Other diseases that cause a metallic taste in the mouth include: lung abscess, bronchiectasis, pulmonary hypertension, the appearance of cancer cells in the lungs.


If your mouth is sour, you feel nausea and have a metallic taste, these symptoms may indicate poisoning. The taste of iron occurs when a large concentration of copper, arsenic, mercury and other metal salts enters the body. You can get poisoned in a dangerous production or warehouse chemical substances or other locations where toxic fumes may be inhaled. If you break a thermometer that contains mercury inside, poisoning is unlikely, but it is still possible, especially in children.

If you have been indoors for a long time with open paint and varnish materials, for example, in a warehouse of such goods or in a freshly painted room, then dizziness and nausea will accompany a metallic taste in the mouth. The same symptoms are observed in radiation sickness, when the body is exposed to ionizing rays.

Treatment methods

If you have this problem, then you'll want to know how to get rid of the metallic taste in your mouth.

If the reasons are not caused by any diseases, then you need to follow a number of rules:

  • Do not cook foods containing acid in aluminum or cast iron cookware. This primarily applies to fruits and berries of sour varieties.
  • Do not serve cooked food in aluminum containers.
  • Follow a diet excluding unhealthy fried, smoked and spicy foods.
  • Instead of mineral water, drink regular purified water.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Include iron-rich foods in your diet folic acid, containing vitamin B12.

If a metallic taste in the mouth in men and women is accompanied by other symptoms, then in some cases you should immediately consult a doctor. If you feel a lack of oxygen, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and dizziness, confusion, sleepiness, coughing up pus or bloody issues- this is a reason to urgently apply for medical care. Only a doctor can tell you why you have a bad taste in your mouth and what each symptom means.

If you have problems in the oral cavity: gum disease, loose teeth, tartar or plaque, you should consult a dentist, and possibly a periodontist.

Many people prefer to visit a medical forum instead of turning to specialists. But it is better not to look for treatment on the Internet, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, when the symptom can bother you quite often. If the doctor does not find other symptoms, then to get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste, you can add garlic, lemon juice, tomatoes, and avocado to the prepared dishes. In drinks, cinnamon, cardamom and ginger have a good effect on the pregnant body.

When the taste of metal is felt on the tongue, many shrug off the symptom, mistaking it for a common occurrence: they ate something wrong, or drank, or were slightly unwell. If the taste of iron persists long time, this is a reason to pay attention to your health. This symptom may indicate both changes in the body and serious diseases.

How do we taste?

To help you understand, there are about 2000 taste buds on the tongue. They are concentrated zonally: on the palate, in the area of ​​the pharynx, in different parts of the tongue, in the epiglottis. Each receptor (also called a kidney) is equipped with nerve endings. Food comes into contact with the cell protein, it analyzes and “translates” it into a form understandable to the nervous system. Exactly nerve cells transmit information about taste to the brain. There they are analyzed, and we understand what taste we feel.

Different parts of the mouth perceive tastes differently. For example, sweet taste is well felt by the tip of the tongue, and bitter taste is felt by its root. If your mouth is sour, they will react to it side sections language. When we eat, a complex taste develops in the mouth, which, in addition, depends on the area of ​​the tongue, the concentration of taste, the temperature of the dish, and so on.

For example, the signal from the front of the tongue (approximately the outer 2/3) is transmitted through facial nerve. Responsible for the tastes collected by the epiglottis and larynx nervus vagus. For reference: this is the largest nerve in the human body; its endings lead to all internal organs. It turns out that if the organ is not in order, the taste transmission changes, and the taste of iron in the mouth begins to bother you.

Why do I have a metallic taste in my mouth?

If you start to worry about the taste of metal, you shouldn’t worry right away. Of course, it may signal the need to undergo diagnostics, treatment, or simply change your lifestyle. The main reasons are the same for both men and women.

Not pathological causes

In number external factors, generally speaking, include features of everyday life, menus and human hygiene. The most common are the following:

  • habit of drinking water enriched with iron ions. This may include the abuse of brands of mineral water, the habit of not filtering tap water in houses with old plumbing or in regions where ground or surface water is oversaturated with iron (as a rule, these are regions where this or related minerals are mined);
  • cooking food in low quality metal utensils. Due to insufficient quality or damaged enamel, there is a problem between the dish and the pans. chemical reaction, and foods absorb a lot of iron;
  • the presence of metal structures in the mouth - old-style crowns, braces, piercings. When eating acidic food (pickled, sour dishes and foods, canned food), the metal oxidizes and an unpleasant aftertaste appears;
  • heavy plaque on the tongue and teeth, tartar. In turn, the causes of such phenomena are improper or careless oral hygiene or gastrointestinal diseases, as well as smoking;
  • inflammation of teeth under crowns. Often this is the only sign inflammatory process, since the teeth under the crowns are depulped (their nerve is removed), and the person does not feel pain.

In addition, the taste of metal in the mouth is provoked by antibiotics, drugs that reduce acidity and cholesterol levels, sugar-lowering drugs, antiallergic drugs, and antihypertensive drugs.

Before starting treatment, non-pathological causes of aftertaste should be excluded.

Why does a man have a metallic taste in his mouth?

U strong half of humanity, the taste of iron in the mouth may indicate poisoning with heavy metals (mercury, lead, zinc, copper, arsenic). This problem is often faced by workers in hazardous, toxic industries and those who work with newspapers. In addition, you can be poisoned if you break a thermometer or accidentally eat arsenic salts, for example. By the way, poisoning with volatile substances in varnishes and paints has the same symptoms.

The liquidators of the Chernobyl accident complained about the feeling as if they had licked a battery. It is not surprising, because it is one of the symptoms of radiation sickness, which occurs due to excess ionizing radiation.

Metallic taste in the mouth in women

The fair half of humanity, in addition to the above reasons, also has its own, determined by the characteristics of the female body.

In particular, a metallic taste in the mouth is a sign of pregnancy. Until the 12th week, the level of the hCG hormone in expectant mothers increases abruptly, which affects how the papillae on the tongue “understand” tastes. Later, pregnant women may experience glandular anemia, which is compensated by taking mineral complexes. Normally, a metallic taste during pregnancy is felt on the tongue until the 16th week, later it is already a symptom of the disease.

During menopause, women's hormone balance always changes. This, as in pregnant women, provokes a change in taste perception. The same process unfolds in female body during menstruation. In addition, the risk of heavy blood loss increases, which leads to an unpleasant taste.

Among non-pathological reasons, in women one can also note systematic use hormonal contraceptives, especially “Zhanina”, “Yarina” and “Marvelona”.

Pathological causes of metallic taste

If all of the above options are excluded, you should consult a doctor. The taste of iron on the tongue can be a symptom of either a minor or a very serious disease, for example:

  • periodontitis. Inflammation of the soft tissues of the gums is accompanied by loose teeth and bleeding, which contribute to the appearance of a taste;
  • anemia. It occurs due to a lack of iron in the body due to a violation of the mechanism of its absorption, insufficient balanced diet, profuse blood loss. In addition to a perverted taste, the disease is accompanied by severe fatigue, the skin, hair, and nails become dry and covered with painful cracks;
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder, biliary tract, including cancer (malignant tumors, cysts, hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis). In this case, the man is worried about weakness, pain in the right half of the abdomen or hypochondrium, the appearance of a characteristic abdomen with general weight loss, vomiting, stool disorders (the condition is accompanied by both constipation and diarrhea), poor blood clotting, an increase in temperature to 37-37.5 degrees ;
  • diabetes mellitus. This sign “screams” that the blood sugar level is extremely high and a glycemic coma may occur. Diabetes should be suspected if an iron taste is accompanied by frequent and copious urination, accompanied by persistent dry mouth or thirst. If a man already has diabetes, he should immediately measure his blood sugar level and administer insulin;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis). Then the unpleasant taste in the mouth is accompanied by the appearance of a white coating on the tongue, belching, vomiting, bloating, constipation or diarrhea;
  • respiratory diseases (ENT infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, abscess, lung tumors, cystic fibrosis). About defeat respiratory system also indicated by plaque in the mouth and tonsils, general malaise, decreased hearing, discharge from the ear or nose, increased temperature (up to 39 degrees), pain in the chest, headache, cough, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, bloody or purulent discharge from the lungs.

What should you do if you have a metallic sensation in your mouth?

The first is to exclude the development of pathologies. If this is a disease, then consult a doctor immediately. To suspect a diagnosis, it is enough to analyze the combination of symptoms:

  • a metallic taste in the mouth after eating or drinking alcohol is a signal of possible inflammation under the crowns or problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The latter diseases are also often accompanied by abdominal pain or bitterness in the mouth, nausea;
  • an unpleasant aftertaste plus weakness or dizziness, which means either poisoning by the smell of paint, or illnesses caused by dysfunction of the respiratory system, or neurology. In the first case, nausea or headache will also appear, in the second - cough.

You definitely need to see a doctor if, in addition to the taste of iron, a man or woman feels as if they are suffocating, they have unclear consciousness, vomiting, coughing up pus or blood, elevated temperature, bad feeling, constant desire sleep.

How to get rid of the unfortunate taste if it is not a disease? Prepare less sour dishes, eat less sweets, fatty smoked foods, and more vegetable products, switch to a healthy diet, forget about cigarettes and booze, low-alcohol drinks and cola. Do not use low-quality and, in particular, aluminum utensils, take care of hygiene and oral health.

Everyone has felt a metallic taste in their mouth at least once. It appears suddenly and can disappear just as unexpectedly.

Sometimes this symptom appears in combination with others: bitterness in the tongue, increased viscosity of saliva, minor pain in the throat or severe pain in the stomach.

Read about why women sometimes have a taste of iron in their mouths and how to get rid of it in our productive article.

Norm or pathology

The taste of metal in the mouth does not always indicate some serious abnormalities in a woman’s body, but its appearance cannot be called an absolute norm.

You need to pay special attention if such sensations appear more than once, but with some frequency.

The body can react this way to external stimuli or signal the occurrence of diseases or non-pathological conditions (for example, pregnancy).

It should be taken into account what additional symptoms accompanied by the taste of iron that occurs in the mouth, and under what circumstances it appears.

This will help you understand the reasons for the strange taste sensation.

Factors associated with symptoms

Basically, the iron taste that occurs in a woman’s mouth is may appear for the following reasons:

  • poor quality water containing excess iron;
  • using aluminum and cast iron cookware in cooking, eating food from such cookware;
  • the presence in the mouth of dentures made of low-quality metal that reacts with saliva and drinks;
  • long-term use of medications (iron supplements, antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors);
  • wearing metal objects on the body for a long time that come into contact with the skin, as a result, iron ions accumulate in the body;
  • the use of means for rapid weight loss, dietary supplements that rapidly remove water and beneficial microelements;
  • pregnancy;

These causes do not require serious medical intervention, but some of them need correction.

If the cause is medication, this situation should be discussed with your doctor.

The specialist may prescribe other medications or revise the dosage to eliminate the symptom.

Women obsessed with the idea of ​​losing weight quickly should be careful.

Various teas, capsules, and powders that promise instant results in weight loss provide this same result by removing fluid and beneficial micro- and macroelements from the body, including iron.

For such a rapid loss of life important element the body responds with reactions, the consequence of which will be those very metallic sensations on the tongue.

There are also pathological reasons metallic taste in the mouth associated with certain diseases or serious deviations from the norm:

  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • liver and/or gallbladder diseases;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • ENT infections;
  • anemia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • poisoning with heavy metals or their salts;
  • inflammation in the oral cavity, bleeding gums;
  • allergic reactions;
  • malignant tumors affecting the nervous system.

To reliably find out the cause of the metallic taste, you need to pay attention to the time and conditions in which this symptom appears.

If the aftertaste is felt after drinking water, then you need to take a closer look at its quality and the condition of the water supply pipes, which may have rusted and endowed the water with particles of this rust.

An iron taste that occurs in the morning or immediately after eating may indicate organ disease gastrointestinal tract or high blood glucose levels (diabetes mellitus).

If a metallic taste appears when you cough, possible reason may cause respiratory diseases.

The taste of metal on the tongue may also indicate pregnancy. Sometimes it becomes the first sign when future mom doesn’t even know about his interesting position yet.

Usually in this case the iron taste is associated with global hormonal changes in the female body or with, which often occurs during pregnancy.

About the causes of iron taste in the mouth in women in this video:

If the appearance of a taste is due to the presence of a disease, this will be indicated associated symptoms:

  • skin itching, decreased vision, constant feeling thirst in diabetes mellitus;
  • dryness and sore throat, dry cough, white plaque on the tonsils with tonsillitis, pharyngitis;
  • pain in the stomach, belching, heartburn due to a stomach ulcer;
  • nausea, lack of appetite, weight loss due to liver diseases;
  • a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, pain in the right hypochondrium, alternating constipation and diarrhea in diseases of the gallbladder;
  • drowsiness, weakness, absent-mindedness, rapid heartbeat, pale skin, with anemia;
  • disturbances in the sense of taste and smell, frequent migraines, pain in the neck, back and limbs, sleep disturbances, speech and coordination problems malignant tumors nervous system.

Additional symptoms are sufficient reason to consult a doctor.

Delay and self-medication can cost a woman her health and sometimes her life.

How to help yourself

You can practice self-help only when the appearance of a metallic taste in your mouth is not a consequence of illness.

Many home remedies relieve the symptom temporarily, but do not address the cause itself. Recommended:

  • maintaining careful oral hygiene (regular brushing of the tongue and teeth, rinsing);
  • drinking enough fluids throughout the day;
  • eliminating factors that cause an unpleasant aftertaste (refusing aluminum and cast iron cookware, drinking purified water, changing water pipes, replacement of dentures with better ones).

Rinsing with water and lemon or soda solution, drinking spiced tea, eating spiced food, simply chewing cardamom seeds.

If the symptom does not go away for a long time, you must definitely consult a doctor.

In what cases and what kind of medical assistance may be required?

If a woman constantly has an unpleasant symptom and cannot identify its causes on her own, she will have to go to the doctor.

Timely diagnosis will prevent the development of many diseases and maintain health.

You need to see a therapist, who will conduct the initial examination, prescribe necessary tests, based on the results of which the cause of the metallic taste will become clear.

Treatment, if required, will depend on the disease causing the unpleasant symptom.

The doctor will prescribe the appropriate medications, will give recommendations for correcting nutrition and, in general, lifestyle.

The appearance of unusual sensations, including a metallic taste in the mouth, occurs various reasons and indicates serious diseases.

Therefore, you should never neglect visiting a doctor, timely diagnosis and treatment.