The dog urins in a dream. Why the dog often urins and drinks a lot: the natural and pathological causes of the problem, the treatment of probable diseases The dog pisses often but little

Diuresis (urine release) is peculiar to any healthy mammal. With urine from the organism of animals and humans, the exchange products (urobilin, nitrogen bases) are derived, which otherwise could cause serious intoxication. But sometimes the problem is not the lack of urine, and its oversupply: polyuria in dogs most often indicates that there are some serious problems with health.

Immediately note: without, then there is a strengthened thirst, increasing the volume of urine cannot happen in natural reasons. So these two pathologies should be considered in the complex, at least they can be different. The greatest complexity for the veterinarian when contacting it with the problem of polyuria is the formulation of a differential diagnosis. It is important to reveal that was the first: the enhancement of thirst, or the transformation of the dog into the water church is caused by a constant waterway loss? Anyway, the causes of both pathologies are most often due to the presence of the following diseases:

  • Pyometers at the bitter, acute purulent orchitis in males.
  • Liver diseases.
  • High calcium content in serum.
  • Unusual pathology of pituitary gland (hereditary), tumors in the brain, skull injuries.
  • "Nephogenic" nonacharic diabetes when the glomerular kidney structures cannot synthesize secondary urine.

Since the dogs usually do not go to the tray, the number of urine allocated to be better determined by volume. They practically do not sweat, so that all drunk comes out in the form of urin. It is believed that the dog weighing eight kilograms per day drinks about three or four tea cups of water. Some dogs suffering from polyuria, eagerly drink from the puddle, toilet bowl, do not eat even sewer runoff. If you have any suspicions regarding the health of your pet, carefully follow its behavior, cut off the PSA from other sources of water, with the exception of the "official" bowl. In the case when water consumption (and, accordingly, urine volume) has increased greatly, immediately enhance the pet to the veterinarian. Thus, the symptoms of this pathology are simple: increased urinary, apathy, reduced appetite (all this is connected with the main disease).

See also: Seborrheic dermatitis in dogs: diagnosis, treatment, prevention measures

Diagnosis and treatment

Of course, the veterinarian will focus on your words, but since the dogs have the number of urine allocated (they are not cats, they don't walk on the tray) it is not easy to determine the base for the detection of polyuria is the proportion of urine. To find out, spend general analysis. From the school year of physics you probably remember, the specific mass clean water 1.000. Polyuria is suspected if the urine specific mass is 1.035 or less. If it is possible to measure the total amount of urine, allocated by the dog per day, is still simpler: if it is more than 40ml / kg per day, we are talking about polyuria.

But her identification is only half of the case. We once again emphasize that polyuria is not a disease, but a consequence of the disease. So the vet must definitely find out the root cause, due to which this pathology has appeared at all. Without these information, the treatment of polyuria in dogs will be ineffective. For this purpose, various diagnostic studies are used.

The problem of frequent urination in dogs is familiar to many breeders. If the dog is often urinated, its owner should deal with the reasons to save his pet from this problem. Detailed information regarding this issue is presented below.

Natural reasons

Incontinence in domestic loves may indicate different problems. Contrary to the opinion of many breeders, incontinence is characteristic not only for the elderly pets. It must be borne in mind that any dog \u200b\u200bis an emotional animal, which in the course of life is guided by instincts. For males, Urin's smell is a sign of dignity, so many males "swept" the territory on which they live.

As practice shows, the dog is often urinated for the following reasons:

  • stress;
  • fright something;
  • fear of other, more aggressive pets;
  • pain.

In fact, in these cases, the treatment of the animal is not required, from the breeder will only need to make a correction of actions.

Student urination may be caused urolithiasisIn this case, blood injections may also be present in the urine.

Behavioral features

Why does the dog pissing a lot? Implanting at domestic pets may be due to behavioral features. Screaming on the dog and beat it should not be, as it will not give any effect. Even treat a pet does not make sense, the dog breeding will only have to raise the animal and be as patient as possible (the author of the video is KremProc P).

If the males are thus the territory, they tend to urinate in any places. As for the bitches, they usually go to the toilet in the corners. Treatment in this case will be only in sterilization or castration. As a result of a decrease in sex instincts, the need to urinate will disappear.

Age peculiarities

If you do not know why the dog has incontinence and what to do with it, then note that this may be due to the peculiarities of the age of the body. In particular, we are talking about weakening the smooth muscles. The only thing that can be done in this case is to give pets certain drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Another reason for which the pet may happen in incontinence, is a flow. As a rule, such a problem is often manifested during the first heat in young individuals. Since the dogs begin to show pulling pain, she can try to go to the toilet to get rid of them. It really manages to do by reducing pressure.

As for treatment, in this case it is not necessary. From the breeder it is only required to walk with the dog more often, while it is impossible to scold your pet. Dog and so understands that incontinence of urine and, as a result, the need to clean the puddle behind the dog is an unpleasant matter for the owner. However, it is difficult to correct the dog, so go to her position.

It often happens that a pet is drinking a lot of water and, accordingly, is not able to wait until you go outside. In principle, this is normal, but if the dog drinks a lot of water, it can talk about diseases.

The presence of deviations

Why does the PSA diagnose incontinence? If it is associated with deviations, the treatment of this cause may not give results at all. As a rule, in this case, the reason is congenital or acquired deviations. They are caused by a reduction in the muscles of the urethra, respectively, incontinence will occur regularly. The treatment of deviations will never save a pet from incontinence completely (by the author of the video - Maxim Golovanov).

How to be and what to do in such cases? It is necessary to attribute a pet to the doctor. In the event that you can get rid of pathology on early stagemaybe you will be able to heal her.

Health problems

Why still the dog may be incontinence - so this is due to the disease. As a rule, such diseases are due inflammatory processes in the body of the animal. In this case, even a specialist will not always be able to make a diagnosis after the Pet study. How to be a dog in this case?

You need to follow your pet and write everything in a separate notebook as it concerns its content. How often are you walking with a dog than feed (the diet should be fully described), whether water drinks much. Perhaps the pet has some events that gave impetus to such behavior. The more the doctor will receive information about the dog, the more accurately he will be diagnosed and, accordingly, prescribes treatment.


In this case proper treatment incontinence can be started after passing all required analyzes. Often to determine the problem allows a simple laboratory urine analysis. In some cases, incontinence in the PSA is not connected with the fact that it drinks a lot of water, but with cystitis. If the inflammation of the organs is quite extensive, then the Urina will constantly reduce. Also, even if the dog does not drink a lot of water overnight, it may be a reason to be practiced in a dream.

As a rule, urinary incontinence under cystitis is due to the supercooling of the body. In order to cure a domestic pet, you will need to go through the course of antibiotics. When you start the treatment, the first, albeit minor results, can be diagnosed by two or three days later. In the event that the treatment is not started on time, it may cause the dog to begin to be determined. And sometimes it happens that he will not be able to go to the toilet at all.

In any case, in order to save the pet from the problem, you should pass a full course of treatment. Even when the symptoms disappear completely, it is impossible to interrupt the course. The video below shows the treatment of incontinence, is not recommended for viewing to nervous users.


If the dog drinks a lot of water and he has incontinence, it can be associated with the polydipsey. An animal with polydipsy drinks a lot of water, the daily rate can be exceeded several times. If it happens that a lot of water drinks bitch, it is possible that it is associated with a pyometro. Alternatively, only the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis, for this, the PSU needs to do an ultrasound. In case of polydipsy, treatment at home is impossible, or rather, it will not give results.

In fact, polydipsy is enough dangerous sign. His danger is not the fact that the dog drinks water and often goes to the toilet. This symptom may indicate the likelihood of diabetes, disease gOOD SYSTEM. In addition, polydipsy sometimes speaks of renal failure and other serious diseases.


In practice, the incontinence problem is also manifested when the spine is injured. As a rule, the nerve endings are injured for this reason, the spinal channel may be damaged. Healing the animal from this ailment will be problematic. Usually such a problem occurs in animals with an elongated spine, for example, the basset Hounds or Tax.

The pinching of the nerves is possible at the bitch, which recently gave birth to puppies. If the nerves are really pinched, it can also be accompanied by weakness in the paws. In general, the appearance of such bitch is usually painful, often they refuse their offspring. Only a specialist after the survey can be prescribed. Sometimes veterinarians advise immediately to make an operation, the corresponding tests should be carried out and try to cure without surgery.


Extopia is a congenital disease characteristic of both adults and puppies. Often it manifests itself in females. Diagnosed usually B. early age With the help of anamnesis. If during diagnostics a specialist will not be able to put an accurate diagnosis, most likely, the veterinarian will appoint a urgent. Correction of the disease is carried out by operating (by video by Ludmila Podgaevskaya).

To begin with, it should be understood what the problem of the animal is. In that situation, when the disease is due to violations in the contractile abilities of the anus, hormonal means will solve the problem. In practice, this problem is familiar with many neutered animals, it is directly related to the lack of hormones in the body.

If there are other reasons, the most effective option will be the use of drugs belonging to the antidepressant group. This presents specifically tricyclic type. Such means allow you to relax muscles bladder And at the same time cut the sphincter.

These drugs act quite strongly, sometimes they can cause side effects. The use of such funds is allowed only with the resolution of the veterinarian. The doctor should also assign the desired dosage.

Sometimes the dog can be absolutely healthy, but to have a feature, quite unpleasant for the owners - "walk in small" literally every three hours. Naturally, it causes the inconvenience to the owners, but can be dangerous for the dog, pointing out that there is something in the body of an animal.

Whenever you deal with the problem of urination or defecation in the wrong place, the first thing you should do is make sure that it does not underlie any disease, for example, infection urinary tract or congenital defectswhich often lead to "submissive" urination.

To put such a diagnosis, it is necessary to complete medical researchwhich includes surrenders and, possibly, even conducting radiography using a contrast agent.

Some puppies are unable to manage their bladderwhy urine is seeping when they are too excited or frightened. IN this casetime - best medicine: Dogs do not have full control over their bladder to three to four months of age, and as soon as they have achieved this age, puddles are likely to appear less often.

Urination associated with fear. When the pet is afraid, there is a reflexive reducing of the intestines and the bladder. The frightened pet can lie on the back, turning his head and pressing the tail, and at the same time urinate. A strong frightened animal can even bite his master. To dogs that show such behavior per minute of fear should be treated with extreme caution and care.

If you are the owner of the bitch, then remember another moment. In some dogs, even the hormonal system is not fully formed to the end, and girls can be written at home to one and a half or two years. The reason may be poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, poor dilution or heredity - a lot of factors. Therefore, you can call breeders, and ask - didn't such a problem arise with their dogs? In any case, after the first pregnancy, the hormones stand in place.

Often writing for a puppy normally, although in some cases it is better to pass the tests to make sure that it does not cystitis. If everything is in order with health, it's not worth worrying. Teach the puppy to write on the diaper. With the age of dogs begin to write much less often and do all things while walking.

For puppies puddles left on the floor or rug - norm. However, when such a situation arises due to an adult dog, it is quite natural causes alarm from the owners. There is a conflict that the owners can resolve, having understood the problems and weaknesses of their pet.

Natural reasons for which the dog is often written

This situation may have quite natural causes. Of course, there are also illness, but we will talk about them later. In any case, there is a problem, and it should be analyzed.

First of all, understand that dogs are guided by instincts. Males perceive the smell of urine as an indicator of their own dignity. And to write in an unexpected moment, the dog may be due to fear, threats, stress or pain. If so, then the treatment is not necessary, you can only adjust the behavioral instinct of your pet.

Behavioral features

When the basis of frequent urination is the behavior, then kicks and screams will not help the work, but will only aggravate the situation. Treatment will also be in vain spending time and money. In this case, it is necessary to carefully educate the dog, to show patience, but at the same time be persistent.

Males love to mark the territory. As a rule, they write to the corners for this. If you have sterilization, it will reduce the sexual instinct and will help cope with the problem.

The presence of deviations

Implanting is hard to treat, since all deviations acquired or congenital are related to the reduction of weakened urethral muscles. In this situation, urine will leak, even despite the use of medicines or some auxiliary means.

What then to do? First of all, it is advised to contact the veterinarian. If pathology is discovered at an early stage, it is still amenable to treatment. However, problems may be incurable. However, this does not mean that they cannot be controlled.

Age peculiarities

The answer to the question "Why is the dog written?" May be also associated with its age. The fact is that smooth muscles can weaken in old age. And in such a situation you can maintain an animal with medicines.

Young girls have a problem too. Here playing the role of flow. When the time comes for the first "hunting", drawing pain appear. And this leads to the desire to empty the bladder. So you can get rid of excess pressure. It is important not to scold a dog here, because she understands the problem, but can not cope with it. Instead, walk with her more often.

It is also possible that the dog drinks a lot of water, because of which it is not able to endure until the time of walking. Here, this exorbitant thirst is a big reason for concern. It may indicate some health problems.

The emergence of diseases

The dog is also often written because of various diseases. They may be associated with inflammation, which is difficult to detect even with the help of a survey. However, something needs to be taken. How to be?

Record the features of the diet and dog mode. How do you walk it? What faces domestic loves? How much water drinks? All this matters for a veterinarian, which most likely, you want to call the house. The more information he has, the faster and better help.


To properly assist when cystitis, you need to pass tests. One of the main is standard urine laboratory analysis. Implanting may indicate cystitis, and if there is extensive inflammation, urine can flow from time to time. Puppy or adult dog Even during sleep, sometimes reacted.

Why does cystitis occur? It usually develops due to supercooling. To cure the dog, apply antibiotics. Already a few days after the start of therapy, progress is noticeable. With the inaction of the owners, the problem is aggravated: first the dog urinates blood, and then it becomes unable to cope. Most likely, a complete course of treatment is required - "to a victorious end". If hastily stop treatment after the disappearance of symptoms, relapses are possible.


When the dog is written due to polydipsy, it drinks a lot of water. Daily rate exceeded several times, so frequent urination Surprise does not have to. If this happens with the female, the presence of a pyometer. It is necessary to do ultrasound, and it is very dangerous to treat yourself.

The polydipsy is also a symptom. Permanent wish Drink water is not the main trouble. The main problem is the reason: diabetes, renal failure urinary infection and the like. Therefore, you need a veter intervention as soon as possible.


Spine injury There may also be the reason that the dog began to urinate more often. The nerve ending or the spinal channel is damaged, and the complete disposal of the problem is unlikely. If this breed is also a long spine, the probability of the problem increases even more. In particular, the taxes refer to the main risk group.

Roda- also a painful process that may affect the development of the problem. Nerves can catch out and then weaknesses begin in the limbs, and the view becomes painful. It is likely that the dog will refuse his own puppy. Veterinarian must be spent comprehensive examination and determine the method of treatment based on the data obtained. Probably the doctor will offer an operation. However, it is better if you first make tests and treat treatment.


There is also a congenital disease that becomes the cause of rapid urination. It is called etopopia, but diagnosed at a young age with the help of anamnesis. More often there is a problem at the bitches. The sphincter is helped hormonal drugs. In neutered and sterilized dogs it happens more often because they lack of hormones.

In some cases, tricyclic antidepressants may be effective. They help to relax the muscles of the bladder, as a result of which the sphincter is reduced. These tools are distinguished by a strong effect, but they are able to call by-effect. That is why I need competent consultation and proper dosage.

If puppy pisses

When uringes little puppyTake care that he will be able to control this process only by 3-4 months of age. The owner needs to explain everything correctly and prompt.

On the other hand, if the puppy urins, it does not happen by chance. Congenital pathology could have been formed, which is treated through surgical intervention.

But, there are situations in which the dog believes that he is a leader. Or the dog was frightened, it was overly delighted, or she had urinary incontinence. To get rid of inconvenience, the owner of the dog is obliged to find out the cause of the ailment. There are natural and pathological factors for the appearance of dog urine in the apartment.

Natural reasons

These include deviations that are not related to diseases:

  • Behavioral features.
  • Age.

Behavioral features

The dog is a predator for which the labeling of the territory is characteristic. Hormonal bursts in males are manifested by increased urination during Gon. In dog communities, it is customary to welcome the leader of the part of the village. In the absence of other pieces for alpha-male, an animal owner is accepted. Sometimes such habits are not amenable to correction, in such a situation it is necessary to make a choice: tolerate or castrate.

Bitch during flow, especially the first, differ in pollakiuria. It's connected with increased pressure Reproductive organs on the bladder. The duration of the estrus is small, and with its ending normalizes the process of the sail.


The eldest relaxation of the muscles of the Urinar bubble and sphincter leads to the incontinence of urine in dogs. Urina stands out drops away, and the elderly pet irrigates its excretes everything around.

Puppies teach to managed urination from 3 months. The duration of the training is the ability of the owner to join the dog, where he is allowed to cope. Sometimes a cynologist is required. If training does not bring the result, you need to follow the discovery congenital anomaly - Ectopia, which is corrected by the operational way.

Pathological reasons

The responsible cynologist writes everything that his pet is happening: that the dog eats how much drinks, as behaving on walks. Such information helps a veterinary doctor to collect anamnesis (memories) on the development of the disease and designate effective treatment.

Polylakiuria's pathological reasons include the following diseases and conditions:

  • Polydipsia.
  • Medical Pollakiuria.
  • Injuries.
  • Stress.


Inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the bladder is accompanied by painful sensations When urinary. Girls suffer more often than boys due to the features of the structure of the urethra, its anatomical neighborhood with anus.

The disease appears suddenly, the dog empties where it fell, at such moments they sculit. At this stage, parables can be treated. If the process proceeds into a permanent form, the owner and the dog will have to experience long and costly conservative therapy. Premature cancellation of drug drugs is fraught with the return of the disease.


Excessive water consumption and rapid urinary arises as a result of the development of the following pathological conditions:

  • Piometers - purulent endometrite. The uterus is inflamed due to hormonal disorders At the bitches who received contraceptives. Faced females who have reached the fifth anniversary, as well as inclined to imagine.
  • Diabetes. Arises due to the inability of tissues to absorb glucose. The predisposing factors consider the following:
  1. Hereditary abnormalities.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Pathology.
  4. Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Hypercorticism (Cushing syndrome) Increased activity of adrenal hormones or pituitary glands is characteristic of elderly animals and arises as a result of tumor formation or for other reasons. The dog is losing weight, she will unsubscribe the stomach and shapes are formed. There is a thirst, Pollakiuria.
  • Renal failure. It is formed in many diseases. Biological slag filtering is disturbed, which poison the body. To reduce the concentration of toxic metabolites, the animal is forced to consume a lot of water. Watch thirst. The excess of excess fluid is accompanied by an increase in the number of urinary.

Medical Pollakiuria

Some medicationsappointed veterinary doctor For the treatment of the underlying disease, increase water consumption, and its elimination. Pathologies accompanied by inflammation of light either ascites require the removal of excess fluid. Anticonvulsant drugs, diuretics, funds that stop inflamming, vitamin D possess diuretic properties. After completing the course of treatment, medicines are canceled, Pollakiuria ceases.


Pollakiuria arises as a result of the following damage:

  • Injury to the spine. The spinal passage is affected or nervous receptors. The disease is incurable. Dogs with an elongated vertebral pillar - fees, scotch terriers, Pekingese are predisposed.
  • Generic damage. They are pinched nerve roots. Fixing problems - operation.


Change of the situation, the appearance of unfamiliar people or dogs, sharp loud noise, haircut, visiting the veterinary clinic, trips to the car, lead to an inadequate reaction of the dog, which can be accompanied by the frequent release of Urin.

The problem solves the skill of the owner to calm the pet. Of drugs Use stop-stress, or phytogormonal drug Cat Baun.