How to delete a program through the registry and control panel. How to delete a program that is not deleted. We delete programs that are not deleted. Can solve this problem in two ways

After removing programs with the standard method, the "Tails" (traces of remote programs) remain in the computer. For example, you deleted the browserMozilla Firefox. , And after it is re-installation, all bookmarks remained in place. This means that the browser was not completely removed, leaving a bunch of so-called "tails".

So, there are cases when the program is not deleted by the standard way, issuing any kind of error. Causes can be different, malfunctions in the work of the uninstaller of this program, the features of your computer or operating system.

Solve these and other problems associated with the removal of programs from a computer, a wonderful program will help us. Revo Uninstaller Pr.. This program is designed to replace the standard "Install and Delete Programs" applets, in the Windows Operating System.

Using Revo Uninstaller Pro, you can delete any program without leaving absolutely no traces. Thereby secure your system by saving it from excess garbage. I have long been using Revo Uninstaller Pro, so I boldly recommend this software to you! Read more about the Revo Uninstaller Pro program, you can run on this link in Wikipedia.

Download Revo Uninstaller Pro program

Download Revo Uninstaller Pro program on the developer's website The program is paid, but the test period is valid, 30 days of free use. During this time you have time to appreciate her work.

How to use Revo Uninstaller Pro

After you downloaded and installed the programRevo Uninstaller Pro, you need to learn how to use it, for this I will show you how to completely remove the program from the computer usingRevo Uninstaller Pro.

And for example, I will delete the Google Chrome browser, any other programs installed on your computer are deleted. So, proceed.

1. First, you must open the Revo Uninstaller Pro program, in the window that opens, find the program you want to delete and select it by clicking on the icon of the program deleted, the left mouse button. After clicking on the "Delete" button, located at the top of the window.

2. After you have pressed the "Delete" button, the program begins to perform an initial analysis.

3. After performing the initial analysis, over the Revo Uninstaller Pro program window, the program delete window will open where you want to click the Delete button. After that, the program deletes.

4. After deleting the program, in the "Executive Analysis and Delete" window, select "Advanced", after clicking the "Scan" button.

5. Upon completion of the scan, we see that the program found 11 keys and six values, these are "tails" of the remote program remaining in the system. We highlight them with a check mark and click the "Delete" button.

6. In the window that opens, "Are you sure you want to delete selected items?", We click the "Yes" button.

After that, the program you selected will be fully removed from the computer without leaving any tracks.

How to delete a program that is not deleted

If you want to delete the program, and it is not deleted, most likely you have a process, this program on your computer. The solution is quite simple, you must stop the running program process, and after deleting it.

I will show you on the example of the ZONA program, the program is closed and the process works anyway. So what needs to be done to stop the process.

Press CTR + Alt + Delete keyboard, in the menu that opens, select "Run Task Manager".

In the Windows Task Manager window, select Processes, among running processes, find the necessary program, highlight it, after clicking on the "Complete Process" button.

In a warning window, so click on the button"Complete the process."

How to delete a program which is not in the removal list

If the programs you want to delete, not in the removal list, you can use the Hunter mode provided in Revo Uninstaller Pro.

1. Open the Revo Uninstaller Pro program, in the program menu, click the "View" button, in the drop-down list, select "Hunter Mode".

2. In the upper right corner of the desktop, this sight will appear.

3. Drag this sight by pressing the left mouse button, you are going to delete the program shortcut, select "Uninstall". (This sight can be brought out not only on the shortcut, but also on the window of any open program).

4. In the window that opens, check the exact name of the program deleted, select "Advanced" delete mode, and then click the Next button.

5. After that, perform the standard deletion described by me above, in the section " How to use Revo Uninstaller Pro.

6. To close the hunter mode, click on the sight of the right mouse button that dropped the list to select "Exit".

In today's article, we considered only one of the ten items, the possibilities of the Revo Uninstaller Pro program, which is called the "uninstallator". I recommend getting acquainted with other nine points, they will sure they will help you, in working with your computer.

I have everything, I wish good luck!

If in the process of uninstalling Windows applications, something not provided for by the programmed procedure occurs, then the result may become incomplete deletion from the registry entries relating to this application. As a result, the remote program remains in the list of installed disinstaling masters. Attempting to re-delete such an application-phantom application will make a message about the inability to find deleted files and, accordingly, perform the uninstall procedure.

Remove the remnants of the records in the system registry relating to the problem application can be independently without attracting Windows Uninstall Wizard.


  • You need to start the procedure from starting the control panel. You can do this in the main menu ("Start" button). In the Windows XP operating system, the link to launch the panel is posted in the "Setup" subsection of the main menu.
  • Opening the control panel, run the "Install and Remove Programs" utility.
  • After the utility is a complete list of applications installed in the computer, you need to find a record related to the program remote with an error. Here you should remember writing the name of the program - it will be necessary to search in the registry. You can not close the utility, but simply collapse - if necessary it will be possible to deploy and verify the names.
  • Now you should open the Windows Registry Editor. Its executable file is located in the OS system folder, but it is not necessary to search there - you can use the program launch dialog. To open it, press the CTRL + R key combination. In the dialog, enter "regedit" (without quotes) and click OK.
  • The first operation in the registry editor you need to save a copy of the current settings before editing. To do this, select Export in the "File" section of the Editor menu and save the copy. From this file, using the Import item of the editor menu, you can restore the current registry status if the need for it.
  • Then, on the rollers of the registry in the left pane, go to Uninstall. The full path there must be like this: hkey_local_machine \u003d\u003e software \u003d\u003e microsoft \u003d\u003e Windows \u003d\u003e currentversion \u003d\u003e Uninstall
  • In the Uninstall section you need to find the key related to the program deleted. Search follows in the left pane of the editor, by the name of the program. The name does not have to accurately coincide with what is recorded in the list of installed applications - sufficiently similarity of these names. Finding a similar key, open it and find the option in the list named Dispiayname. By clicking it, you will see the full name of the program found in the form in which it is recorded in the list of installed programs. If this is what you are looking for - go to the next step, if not, inspect the other keys to the Uninstall section.
  • The next step will be deleting the found key in the registry - close the list of its parameters and click the right mouse button. In the context menu you need to select "Delete".
  • To make sure that the remote program is now not in the list of installed, close the installer wizard and delete programs and open it again. The wizard repeats the registry and makes a list of installed applications.
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    Very often, when removing programs, certain difficulties may occur, especially when you just start mastering the computer. Many novice users can simply delete a folder with a hard disk program. And after that, with improper removal, a lot of problems begins. There are various windows on the lack of any files on the screen, various warnings about the impossibility of downloading or incorrect application work are populated. Without thinking about your previous actions that led to this problem, the user starts referring to failures in the operating system and the PC hardware, configured to reinstall Windows and the like.

    What causes errors when loading the operating system. The fact is that if you do not correctly delete the program leaves my "tracks" in the registry, its remnants may be present in the autoload or Windows services. All this leads to such messages when starting the operating system.

    There are still cases when the user removes only a shortcut on the desktop and confident that deleted the application completely. The label is just a link to start and deleting it does not mean that you get rid of the installed program. It remains in full on the hard disk and you can start it by creating another shortcut after clicking the right mouse button on the application starter file.

    Consider what to do in such a situation and how to completely delete the program from the computer through the built-in Windows tools and with the help of special utilities.

    Delete using built-in Windows

    If you are using the XP version, you can quickly delete any application via the "Settings and Delete Programs" tab in the Control Panel. Here you choose the desired application and click the Delete button.
    In Windows 7, we make a removal similarly, only the list of applications is in the "Programs and Components" section.

    When the program cannot be deleted in this way, it means it is running and running in a hidden mode. To do this, you first need to disable it in Windows services to which you can get through the Administration tab on the control panel. If it does not have it and it is still not deleted, you need to check its presence in the task manager processes. If the unsuccessful program is running there, you need the right mouse button to complete its execution process. After disabling applications in the services or in the task manager, re-start the removal process.

    To fully clear the tracks of the remote program from the computer, you can use third-party utility utilities, such as CCleaner or the Privazer utility. The latter is the best utility to optimize and accelerate PC. She quickly cleans not only the remnants of programs and other "garbage", but also frees the RAM, as a result of which there is an increase in performance.

    Other ways to remove problem applications

    When the program fails to be removed and it is not in the list of installed, it is more correct to do as follows. Download the installation file of this program from the Internet and launch it. During the installation, some programs can determine that they were previously installed on the computer and offer a deletion option from further actions.

    If it does not work correctly remove this method, it is better to use third-party utilities, such as Add Remove Plus or Revo Uninstaller.

    How to remove via Revo Uninstaller

    Revo Uninstaller is a more efficient tool in removing applications from a computer, including those engaged in the process and "unsuccessful".

    You can download this utility from the official site. After installing Revo Uninstaller, the Deyl Stator tab opens with a list of all installed applications on the computer. We marked and click on the removal button.

    After Revo Uninstaller, you will ask you to select the operation mode of the uninstaller. Leave the default moderate mode.

    After analyzing and deleting, the utility will request the search for the remaining files. As a result of the scan, the "deselligence" will allocate fat records in the Windows Remove Registry, and then the remaining files on the hard disk from which you should get rid of it.

    Thus, the program and all its tails are completely removed from the computer.

    We looked at the most common cases as delete the program from the computer. We are confident that the listed options will help you solve the problem.

    Hello Dear Business Blog Readers via the Internet! Installing and deleting programs is a necessary operation to work on your computer. While working with a computer and studying its capabilities, you will often install computer programs or installation that requires preliminary preparation.

    Installing computer software

    1. Make sure your computer meets the requirements of this program: Compliance with the operating system, screen resolution to display graphics, availability of a program for extracting the archive, the presence of a device for reading a CD.

    2. Explore the instructions: Manual for installing a computer program.

    3. Follow the instructions that are displayed on the screen. You may have to install additional programs, utilities or files for the program being downloaded. After installing for many programs, a computer is required to restart

    4. Before installing, close all active programs on your computer, including.

    There are general rules for installing and removing programs. Installing computer programs includes the following order:

    1. Downloading the program to the computer.

    Installation and work with the Revo Uninstaller program (video 5 min.31 sec.)

    Installing and deleting programs requires compliance with certain rules, follow these rules and you get rid of many problems when working on a computer. Good luck to you and fast meetings on the blog pages Business via the Internet

    I will be very grateful if you use these buttons! Thank you!

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    If something that is not provided for by the programmed procedure occurs during the disinstallation of Windows applications, then the result may become incomplete removal from the registry entries related to ...

    In this article, I want to consider in detail the features of the section - Installing and removing programs in Windows 10.

    The new, tenth edition of Windows, in addition to the standard program installer, has several additional services. Now Available Microsoft Application Store, where you can find a huge number of interesting utilities needed by each person.

    For more experienced users, the software download function is displayed by command line. About everything more details, further in this article.

    First of all, I want to tell how to open section - the installing and deleting of programms.

    You can open the necessary menu in several ways:

    Installing programs in Windows 10.

    • Normal installation of any programs.

    Built-in Install Wizard (Install Wizard) is present in Windows 10. The only thing you want is to open the installation file (installation file) or run the disk, followed by simple instructions. Installation passes as in any other Windows.

    • Microsoft shop.

    Before starting work, you must enter your Microsoft account. If you do not have an account, then it must be created, registration is intuitive and takes no more than 7 minutes. After proceeding to the taskbar, where and choose the "Store" icon. The use of the service is available only with an active Internet connection.

    This specialized service contains a large amount of software stored on a remote server. Many useful utilities are free.

    There is a built-in search. Find the necessary, not take a lot of time, just enter keyword In the store search box (at the top on the right). New and demanded utilities are entered into a separate top chart. The list can be found on the start page of the store.

    The developers have entered the ability to install utilities directly from the "repositories" (storages) using the command line. Many misunderstands the fact that this method does not imply the presence of any graphic design.

    But the fact remains a fact - to establish content directly from the repository is the fastest, reliable way.

    ONEGET service allows you to install software using only one command - "Install-Package". This requires:

    For example, if you need an Opera browser, then enter instead of the name of the name * Name of this browser itself. After performing all the manipulations, the required software will be loaded, and then installed on a personal computer, it looks like this:

    • Normal removal.

    Standard uninstall. To implement the right mouse button on the Start icon. In the list that opens, select the parameters further in the upper right corner, in the search string, type "Programs and Components".

    Windows 10 has a tablet mode, an algorithm for uninstalling in which, the following:

    1. We go to the "Start".
    2. We find the "Parameters" icon.
    3. Next, go to the "System" section.
    4. The menu will open where we find the "Application and Opportunities" string.
    5. Select the desired software, after which the Delete button appears.

    Installing and removing programs in Windows 10 Includes both old proven ways and innovations, which only come to the nover and experienced users. Microsoft continues to take care of its customers by providing excellent quality.

    If you have questions about this topic, feel free to write in the comment, I will try to answer as quickly as possible. With respect, .

    By chance, setting one or another program, you can encounter problems, errors, as well as the slowdown in the system. In addition, if malicious or failure software was installed, it may lead to the inoperability of the operating system.

    To date, establishing one application, you can get a "as a gift" a whole list of unnecessary plugins, additions and decorations. And one of the widgets can be a keyboard spy. However, manually delete them is extremely recommended, since finding all the necessary files will most likely fail, which will ultimately cause problems with the download of Windows.

    Why the window "Install and delete programs"

    To remove the installed software, as well as editing a list of installed Windows components in the seventh version, there is a special application. Because it is not recommended to delete files manually, as an application may contain a number of additional records and custom settings that cannot be found through the search, you need to use the staff of the operating system.

    However, this feature is used not only to remove unnecessary software, it is also necessary to manage Windows components that can be disabled / enabled if necessary.

    Two ways

    There are two ways to open the window installation and removal of Windows programs:

    • standard is a way to use each. In order to accomplish this operation, there is no need for special knowledge or skills, it suffices to follow a simple instruction below;
    • with the help of the team - The operating system contains many options and applications, each of which is responsible for performing a certain action. Taking advantage of it, you can call a window, function or run the necessary software.

    Video: Programs and Components

    Opening through the control panel

    The easiest way to open the installation window and delete Windows programs is to perform the following sequence of actions:

    The menu that appears is the installation and removal window. But, unlike Windows XP, in the seventh version it is slightly different, including the title.

    By default, the "Run" console disappeared from the main options in the Start menu. However, it can be turned on with the left mouse button by activating the settings and putting a tick near the corresponding parameter. Disconnected it as unnecessary because any command in the seventh version of the operating system can be performed in the search field "Find" information.

    In addition, you can use the "Win + R" key combination, which will open the quick-start menu of software and consoles for the system administrator. Function or console called "Run" allows you to start any executable file, as well as open any application.

    And you can do this in several ways:

    • set the exact name of the software in the "Find" field;
    • to dial the assignment of the option, in this case "Install" or "Delete Programs", in the search field and select from the Intuitive List from the system proposed;
    • in the "Find" or "Run" line, enter the exact name of the command or the file you want to run.

    Service name or command that is responsible for the function of managing applications and components - appwiz.cpl. You can copy it and insert it into the search string. This can help if the virus renamed the name of the option in the control panel, or you could not find it.

    Photo: Calling the component control window and

    Window openly

    After one of the above actions is made, the user is given the choice of one of the following functions:

    • installation;
    • removal of programs;
    • enable or disable components.

    Installation is practically not used. This function was introduced during Windows 98, when problems happened to the installer, which could not decide, in which case it should be used, and in what no. Maybe sometimes needed for executable files with the * .exe extension, which are created using the archiver and are simply unpackable, but the installation does not begin.

    In addition, you can run the application recovery function from here, in case its installer supports this (often used with system and antiviral software). An important option is to install and delete updates. It allows you to select unnecessary and check packages from Microsoft and remove them.

    Each user should know how and where you can delete the program. Because one of them can be a malicious or failed application and harvest the computer.

    Managing "installation and removal" in Windows 7, you can easily figure out which applications and when they were installed, as well as easily destroy them.

    Is it somewhat difficult to imagine an operating system that is deprived of the ability to install additional software? However, sometimes there are precedent in the precedent, programs are not deleted through in such situations the user can come into a slight perplexity: they say, how so? The fact is that the reasons that caused such an incomprehensible "behavior" of the OS may be a set, starting from the banal inattention of the user itself and ending with the destructive effects of malicious code (virus). We dare to assure you, dear reader that everything is quite simply allowed. In this you will see for yourself, after dedicate for several minutes of your invaluable time the heads of our story. So…

    Or maybe it .., or how to do it?

    It often happens that after the user faces the situation when programs are not deleted through the control panel, it refers to the Saving System Restore Saving Service. However, it is worth noting that it is not always such an easy way to get away from the problem one hundred percent effective. Sometimes the virus remains on the hard disk, and even reinstalling the OS can become a useless vent. Nevertheless, in most cases, the system rollback to the point of "performance" is triggered, and the problem that can be described as "programs cannot be deleted through the control panel", it goes by itself.

    • In order to launch the system recovery service, you must go to the OS start menu and in the search bar, register: "Restore".
    • After you find yourself in a special window, click on the same link with the asscription "... system".
    • In one of the following items, select the recovery point and activate the process of the corresponding key.

    Depending on the configuration of your PC, the process of "reincarnation" may take some time. Do not interrupt the recovery operations - wait.

    If programs are not deleted through the control panel: Windows XP

    Probably there will be no extra detailed instruction, how to get to the service window "Install and remove ...". However, we will remind that the list of programs installed on the computer installed and is reality. Some soft fancy hides in the depths of the OS. However, we will definitely return to this important moment somewhat later. In the meantime, let's go back to the algorithm of correct uninstalling. So, through the control panel?

    • You can not go to the Pasmen OS. Press the "Win + R" key combination and enter the "appwiz.cpl" command.
    • After you click "ENTER", the Outcome window "Install and ... programs" will open.
    • From the list presented, select the "applicant" on the disposal and click the "Delete" button.

    Of course, at the end and confirmation of your actions, you must click on the "OK" button. If everything is performed immaculately, and the software still continues to occupy an excess place on the disk, try again to start the installation process of this application. It may well be so damaged. Therefore, you can try to restore it by banal overlay files from the distribution.

    Seventh version of Windows: uninstallation chips

    Now it certainly does not make sense to talk about how to delete programs through the control panel in Windows 7. Since the input to the corresponding menu is carried out in the same way as in the case of the XP version. The disinstaling process is no different from the option discussed above. However, there is another one, so to speak the standard way to remove the "resisting" uninstallation process of software - enter the system by means of a secure mode.

    • After you restart the PC, press the F8 key continuously.
    • After pops up the menu with the proposed download methods - select "Safe Mode".
    • Being in the Windows operating environment, go back to the "Control Panel" menu.
    • Repeat the input to "Programs and Components" and try to remove software.

    If all of the above does not help, and the system is still unable to carry out a full-fledged uninstall process, use the recommendations from the following sections of the article.

    Despite the unsurpasses in speed and increased functionality, in the eighth version there may also be a kind of artifact at the time of uninstallation. At the same time, the operating environment, so to speak, "overtook" all sorts of service applications, which, for obvious reasons, are not displayed in the main window of "Programs and Components", and therefore, they cannot be removed by the traditional method. However, there is still a standard method of their uninstallation.

    • Download the "removewindowsstoreApp" script.
    • Hover the marker to the file and right-click, call the context menu, select "Run using PowerShell."
    • A list of installed applications will be displayed in the service window - enter the sequence number of the object being removed and click "Enter".

    However, there are also non-standard solutions to the problematic situation: "Programs are not deleted through the control panel", which, in turn, are applied literally to all (subsequent after XP) operating systems of the Windows family systems.

    Universal "Washing" Soft

    A few specialized programs that have amazing functionality will be presented to your attention. Well, let's start our review with the simplest of them.

    • Your Uninstaller is a small application that can quickly and most correctly carry out the process of uninstalling almost any software. It is worth noting that this program does not just delete, but also rubs all the records about the erasable object from the system log (registry). You do not seem to be difficult to understand your Uninstaller settings, as the interface is Russified and will be understood in terms of controlling even an inexperienced user.

    As a supplement to the foregoing

    Well, we hope you have become clear how you are not deleted through the control panel. And yet, in the event of any difficulty in the process of uninstalling the standard method, do not be lazy to go to the resource monitor service window. Most likely, the program is involved in a "digital non-existence" involved in some important process. Under such circumstances, it is necessary to deactivate the software, and even after it is possible to remove such software.

    Summing up

    You can congratulate you! Now you know the answer to the question: "programs are not deleted through the control panel, what to do?" However, it is not a fact that the methods described above will work if the user machine is infected with a malicious application. Again, there is a solution for such a case: scan the system with several antivirus means - and "the enemy will inevitably be defeated." Smaller problems you and more effective programs!