Calf diarrhea 1 month bleeding. Calf diarrhea: symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention. Folk remedies against diarrhea

Diarrhea in calves is a common problem. If animals are not helped in a timely manner, they die. Every farmer should know what to do if diarrhea appears in livestock, and what can trigger this disease in livestock.

  • Causes of the disease

    It is much easier to prevent any disease than to treat it. Diarrhea in a calf can be caused by several factors.

    • Infection. Newborn calves have virtually no immunity. Therefore, in the first days of their life, it is important that the barn is perfectly clean and there are healthy animals around it. Farmers should disinfect the premises before the birth of livestock or their purchase.
    • Nutrition. Incorrect transition from mother's milk to the stern. Calves should not be given high-fat dairy products at first, and roughage is also prohibited. It is also important that feeding is carried out at the same time. Lack of diet causes diarrhea and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Arrangement of the barn. There should be no drafts or poor air circulation.
    • Viruses. Diarrhea in a week-old calf or an older animal also appears as a result of viruses in the body. The most dangerous virus is the E.Coli strain. As a result of its exposure, diarrhea with blood appears.

    Diarrhea in a calf should be treated based on the cause of its occurrence. The last one is the most dangerous. If help is not provided in a timely manner, blood poisoning occurs and the livestock dies within a week.

    Symptoms of diarrhea

    Many people mistakenly believe that the only symptom of diarrhea is yellow, white, or green diarrhea. Active fecal discharge indicates that the disease has reached its climax. There are symptoms that indicate a problem even before diarrhea.

    During diarrhea, dehydration occurs. The animal's need for water increases, and it approaches the drinking bowl much more often than other individuals, or lingers at the water source longer than others. Excessive water absorption is not a direct symptom indicating diarrhea. To avoid problems, it is better to inspect the calf or heifer. Dehydration is accompanied by more than just an increase in water consumption. The cow's skin appears dry. Even if dehydration is not caused by diarrhea, it indicates the presence of health problems.

    Sunken eyes and general lethargy are two more signs of diarrhea. The patient's appetite decreases and most time it lies. Sometimes calves grind their teeth when they have diarrhea. If you have at least one of these symptoms, it makes sense to seek help from a veterinarian. Self-medication takes place if the exact cause of the disease is known.

    Treatment methods

    At home, treating a calf for diarrhea can be done using medications, decoctions and mixtures that are used in folk medicine. Regardless of the chosen treatment method, it would be a good idea to consult a veterinarian, or better yet, have the doctor prescribe treatment.

    Effective medications

    Diarrhea is treated with various drugs:

    It is better to use injections. If it is not possible to inject, you need to give tablets.

    • Hydration medications are effective. They are produced in powder form. This group of drugs is rich in mineral components that strengthen the body of animals.
    • Sorbents are used if the cause of diarrhea is poisoning. Along with the fact that sorbents absorb toxins, they slow down intestinal motility, which is what causes lethargy in animals after taking the drugs.
    • Probiotics help with intestinal microflora disturbances. Well, if diarrhea is nothing more than an upset stomach, then it is better to use enzymes that quickly normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    In some cases, complex treatment is prescribed, which includes solutions. The dosage depends on the causes of the disease, the current condition of the animal and the dynamics of the disease.

    White diarrhea in calves is less dangerous. But diarrhea with blood in a calf indicates the presence serious problems, which only a qualified veterinarian can handle.

    Folk remedies

    You can also stop your calf's diarrhea using homemade remedies. But it is necessary to resort to such treatment if it is not possible to call a veterinarian.

    Folk remedies for diarrhea in calves include herbal decoctions, tinctures and mixtures. They cleanse the body of toxins, germs and help fight infections and viruses.

    Flax seeds for diarrhea

    To treat calves with diarrhea, use a decoction prepared from flax seeds. The drug is absolutely harmless.

    Place 50-70 g of pre-dried flax seeds in a saucepan, add 400-450 ml of water and put on fire. After the water has boiled, turn the heat down to low and leave the seeds for 50-60 minutes. After time, the broth is filtered through clean gauze, folded several times. About 2 liters of water are added to the resulting solution. It is advisable to dilute the broth with boiled water. The resulting product must be given to pregnant calves twice a day. The single dose is 500 ml. Flax seeds are sold in pharmacies.

    Onion infusion

    An onion infusion helps a calf with diarrhea: 1 liter of saline solution, 0.2 kg of onion with red peel, 0.1 liter sunflower oil. Saline It’s easy to do it yourself by adding salt to boiling water at the rate of 4.5 g per 500 ml.

    The saline solution is placed in a 3 liter jar. Then add finely chopped onion to it and cover with a lid. Shake the jar for 5 minutes and add oil. The plug is equipped with a siphon with clamps and a rubber tube. Leave the jar with the solution for 48 hours. After this time, the drug is ready for use. Give a folk remedy for yellow and white diarrhea in small calves at the rate of 5 ml per 1 kg of weight. Sick animals are fed throughout the day with an interval of 1-2 hours. The maximum number of tincture doses is 5.

    Medicinal herbs for diarrhea

    To prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs take 50 g of St. John's wort leaves, 50 g of ripe rose hips and 1 liter of boiling water. Leaves and berries are placed in one container, lightly mixed and poured with boiling water. The resulting mixture is left for 7-8 hours. After time, the broth is filtered. To eliminate diarrhea, the drug is given to the animal 3 times a day, 220-250 ml. It is advisable to give the cows water before feeding.

    Tea mixture

    Diarrhea in calves is treated at home with a tea mixture. To prepare it you will need 1 liter of black tea, protein from 3 chicken eggs and a spoon of salt. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed together and left for 10-15 minutes. The drug is given once a day at the rate of 100 g / 10 kg of calf weight. The course of treatment lasts for a month. A tea mixture prepared at home is given not only if the cow has white or yellow liquid-like feces, but also if it is bloody.

    Beet juice

    Diarrhea can be cured with beetroot juice. Is it true, this method controversial among dairy farmers, but despite disagreements among farmers, it works effectively in many cases. It is advisable to use freshly squeezed beet juice, which is used to give an enema. It can be used both to treat bloody and white or yellow diarrhea. Newborns and small animals are given no more than 300 ml of juice, and if a cow or bull has diarrhea, then they are given 3-4 liters, dividing the liquid into 4 portions. An enema is given every 2 hours.


    Removes toxins from the body brine: dilute table salt in hot water. This remedy helps cope with dehydration. The saline solution prevents fluid from quickly leaving the body and replenishes it with reserves of certain microelements. You should not use a strong saline solution. The animal is unlikely to want to drink it, and a weak solution will not bring much less benefit than a strong one. Dissolve no more than 5 tsp in a liter of water. salt.

    Give saline solution in small portions. After the first portion, the animal is observed. If there are side effects in the form of vomiting, then it is not advisable to use this folk remedy.

    Prevention of diarrhea

    Treating diarrhea in calves is always more difficult than preventing the disease.

    • The main cause of diarrhea is non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in the barn. The premises are disinfected at least twice a year and care is taken to ensure that the animals' bedding is always clean and dry. The arrangement of cages for young animals is approached with special care. They must be as safe as possible for the livestock, protecting residents from drafts and cold. It is important to prevent overheating of the young animals. High temperatures are no less harmful to livestock than low temperatures.
    • The second point that cannot be ignored is vaccination. Animals that are vaccinated in a timely manner have higher immunity. Animals used for breeding especially need vaccination. But, it is necessary to use a high-quality vaccine. It is equally important to allow only healthy and strong bulls and cows into breeding work.
    • You can avoid diarrhea in a small calf if you carefully monitor feeding. There is a high chance of developing the disease if low quality colostrum is used when feeding. When switching to feed, their quality is no less carefully monitored. The diet is changed smoothly, new products are introduced gradually.
    • It is advisable that after calving the cow and calf are kept in a separate room from the rest of the herd. It is important that young animals do not come into contact with the manure of other animals. Even a one-month-old calf’s body is not strong enough to fight many viruses and infections, and manure contains them a large number of.
    • There must be a system in everything. During the first month of life, it is important to follow a diet and sleep schedule. The only thing that the livestock cannot be limited in is drinking. A container of water is left in the room with the young animals and it is ensured that it is constantly filled. Once a day, wash the water container thoroughly.

    Dangerous consequences

    Even the most severe diarrhea rarely leads to death. But it opens the way for other diseases. During diarrhea, the immunity of young animals and adults decreases, and animals become more vulnerable to viruses and infections. During diarrhea, cows are especially susceptible to respiratory diseases, erosive and ulcerative stomatitis and latent infections. If a pregnant cow has diarrhea, in most cases it is transmitted to the fetus.

    Perhaps he will prescribe antibiotics. Not all medications are suitable for calves for diarrhea. Powder, serum, burnt alum or solution can be given only after diagnosis. Even harmless medications, which include probiotics and enzymes, should not be abused. They will not cause harm, but if the diagnosis is made incorrectly, they will not be able to cure animals. Using complex treatment medications must be carefully selected. Some products are not compatible with each other. This is especially true for antibiotics.

    It is important to think about the nutrition of young animals. At a certain point, preference should be given to powdered milk rather than whole milk. The advantage of powdered milk is that it does not tolerate infections and bacteria harmful to the body of young animals, which may be present in whole milk. But, during the first days powdered milk introduced into the diet carefully. If for one or two days there are no side effects in the form of diarrhea, vomiting or general lethargy is not detected, then the product is left in the diet. But, for the normal development of the digestive system in the first weeks of complementary feeding, only whole milk is used.

    Diarrhea - dangerous disease, which can lead to severe emaciation and even death of the animal. If the calf has diarrhea, treatment should be started immediately. Neither young animals in households nor animals of large livestock farms are protected from this disease. According to Russian statistics, gastrointestinal disorders are the main cause monetary losses when raising young calves.

    What is diarrhea

    Diarrhea is not separate disease, this is a consequence of a number of other diseases. Diarrhea, regardless of origin, has the same consequences: severe dehydration and physical exhaustion of the body. This occurs due to changes in the absorption capacity of the intestine, which leads to electrolyte imbalance. As a result of this, the calf loses a lot of fluid and becomes physically very weak. As a rule, the cause of death of an animal is dehydration of the body and a violation of the acid-base balance.

    Diarrhea may vary in the color and consistency of the stool. It can be green or yellowish, sometimes mucus and lumps are present, the most dangerous thing is the presence of blood in the stool. The infection can occur in several forms depending on the severity:

    1. Mild form - does not appear outwardly in any way, except for liquid stool. The animal behaves naturally.
    2. Moderate degree - the cattle is losing weight, dehydration is becoming more severe, but the calf is standing on its feet.
    3. Severe - the animal is in a lying position and stops eating.

    Causes of diarrhea

    Livestock breeders are perplexed how diarrhea can develop in a calf that has eaten nothing but milk. But food has nothing to do with it. Diarrhea is of viral origin, so the baby can easily catch such an infection. Eg, common reason diarrhea in young animals - intestinal flu, which is the source of the disease in approximately 40% of cases. This virus is present in one form or another in any herd, so virtually all calves are at risk.

    In addition to the intestinal flu, there are many other equally dangerous viruses. For example, coronavirus infection, E. coli, cryptosporidium. They can be harmful either individually or in combination with stomach flu, causing diarrhea acute form which makes treatment difficult. Sources of diarrhea are divided into 2 groups:

    1. Non-infectious causes. They are considered predisposing factors that should be eliminated first. All liquidation attempts infectious causes are ineffective if non-infectious factors are not controlled. The class of non-infectious causes includes: improper nutrition of the cow during pregnancy, poor living conditions, lack of proper care for the newborn calf, dirt and unsanitary conditions.
    2. Infectious causes. They can be divided into 4 groups. The first group includes bacteria a prominent representative are Salmonella, which are pathogens typhoid fever and salmonellosis. The second includes viruses, including all kinds of rota and coronaviruses, bovine diarrhea and infectious rhinotracheitis viruses. The third group includes protozoa (cryptosporidium and coccidia), and the fourth group includes yeast and mold.

    Let's take a closer look at the bacterial causes of diarrhea in calves. First of all, it is worth noting E. coli. These bacteria are capable of producing large amounts of toxins. First, they multiply and create colonies in the calf intestine, getting there from environment. This often happens in dirty barns that are rarely cleaned. The thinner and smaller the calf, the higher the likelihood of its death from developing dehydration of the body.

    Another serious bacteria is salmonella, which can only be cured with antibiotics.

    It produces potent toxins - endotoxins, which, if left untreated, cause endotoxic shock in the animal, leading in 100% of cases to fatal outcome. This disease is diagnosed in calves older than 6 days. Young animals can become infected with salmonella from other cows, cats, birds, rats and even from humans. Symptoms characteristic of someone infected with salmonella are the following: fever, diarrhea, and blood in the stool. The younger and weaker the calf, the more difficult it is to cure it.

    One of the widely known gastrointestinal infections is enterotoxemia. This disease occurs suddenly. Sick calves become lethargic and slow, and bloody diarrhea often occurs. The fact of infection is usually associated with changes in weather, as well as with a sharp change in the diet of cows and hunger. Often young animals die without any symptoms of the disease.

    Food diarrhea

    Digestive tract disorder caused by indigestion of milk leads to diarrhea white. This type of diarrhea is easy to treat and sometimes does not require treatment. If the calf behaves actively and moves energetically, then treatment is not necessary, everything will go away on its own. A therapy session will be required if the cattle are depressed and have lost their appetite.

    The presence of blood in diarrhea indicates that, most likely, large objects have entered the body that the stomach is not able to digest. Poisoning by various pesticides found on the grass is also possible. The presence of sharp objects in the stomach or intestines leads to excessive bleeding, as evidenced by bloody diarrhea.

    Viral causes of diarrhea

    The main source of viral infections in most cases is rotavirus and coronavirus. These viruses have the peculiarity of destroying the host organism. This comes down to the fact that viruses line the entire part of the small intestine from the inside, which leads to dehydration and diarrhea. Often a company viral infections complicated by bacterial infections. With such mixed infections, the possibility of fatal diarrhea increases. A large number of outbreaks of the disease are observed in one-week-old calves.

    Bovine diarrhea virus is less common but can be fatal.

    Diarrhea can occur in an animal aged 1 to 3 days and remains for many days, or even weeks. In addition to liquid feces, animals are diagnosed with ulcers in oral cavity(on the tongue, lips). Such symptoms of the disease are also typical for adults. The calf diarrhea frequently, which accelerates dehydration.

    Infectious rhinotracheitis mainly causes a variety of conjunctivitis and respiratory diseases. However, in small calves it may promote development gastrointestinal disorders. Various ulcers and lesions appear in the esophagus, sudden weight loss and severe diarrhea are noted, all of which lead to the death of the calf.

    Protozoal infections and mold

    Coccidiosis can cause serious harm to calves weaned from cows. Outbreaks of the disease are diagnosed in calves one month old and older. The main causes of the disease are stress of the animal, as well as dirt in the premises, densely populated barns, and changes in diet. Patients are diagnosed with bloody diarrhea and show signs of brain damage.

    A variety of yeasts and molds are often found in lesions gastrointestinal tract, but they are not the root cause of diarrhea. Their rapid proliferation in the intestines is usually associated with excessive use of antibiotics and low body resistance to dehydration.

    Prevention of diarrhea in calves

    Due to the fact that diarrhea is very often the result of the interaction of non-infectious factors and infectious microbes, complex treatment methods should be used. There are a number medical rules, the implementation of which contributes to the treatment and prevention repeated illness. Special attention should be given to nutrition, proper care of calves, and keeping the environment clean. Two principles that eliminate coronavirus and other pathogenic microorganisms are the highest possible level of hygiene and prolonged feeding of newborns with colostrum.

    Careful hygiene reduces the spread of infection among young animals.

    Bedding for calves should be clean and dry. Cattle should not be placed in the same pen of different ages- they have completely different levels of immunity. For the same reason, it is not necessary to feed young animals from common dishes. Immediately transfer infected calves from a common stall to a separate barn. The place where the calf stayed and abducted must be thoroughly disinfected. The strongest flares intestinal diseases, as a rule, are associated with poor living conditions. Newborns need a dry and tidy place and a clean drinking bowl. It is generally advisable to allocate a room occupied only for calving.

    Colostrum secreted by the cow is considered a powerful and immune-stimulating agent. It contains special antibodies that protect against many diseases, including rotavirus and coronavirus infections. Provided the calf receives a sufficient volume of colostrum (2 liters or more in the first 6 hours), it is much easier for the animal to resist diarrhea.

    It is better for the calf to receive colostrum itself when it sucks it from the mother. This ensures that he receives a sufficient amount of beneficial antibodies. Feeding young animals by hand (using a bottle or bucket) gives the worst effect, so it should be used in rare cases for weak and infirm calves that cannot even stand. The second period of feeding with colostrum takes place on the first day after birth. It is just as important as the first feeding, so it is advisable to leave the young animals with the cow for at least 24 hours.

    The first portion of colostrum stimulates the immune system for about 3-4 days, and viral and bacterial infections can affect the body during the first few months. To prevent diarrhea, it is strongly recommended to feed young calves 2.5–3.5 liters daily for a month. Naturally, the amount of antibodies in milk will decrease every day, but some of it received earlier remains in the intestines. Colostrum can be stored in the refrigerator, this will not affect its beneficial properties.

    The nutrition of pregnant cows must be balanced; it must contain proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities. Monitor your diet carefully during cold or rainy weather. Remember that pregnant heifers have not yet reached their optimal parameters, so their nutrition must be complete. If a cow is not eating well, the energy she receives is not enough to give birth to a strong and healthy calf. Let's look at how to cure a calf if it does get sick.

    Treatment of diarrhea in calves

    If, despite good care and sufficient consumption of colostrum, the calf has contracted intestinal infection and diarrhea, it is necessary to treat it immediately. What to do and how to treat diarrhea? It is necessary to take tests (if possible) at veterinary clinic. This will allow us to determine the cause and source of the infection. Appropriate treatment must be started to prevent dehydration.

    First of all, establish the severity of the disease; the methods and methods of treatment will depend on this. Diarrhea can be divided into 2 types:

    1. Mild degree - the cattle can stand, move without assistance and suck milk.
    2. Severe degree - the animal cannot stand on its feet and constantly lies down.

    Calves that belong to the first type can be cured with a high degree of probability. It is enough to pour the medicine into their drinking bowl or administer it orally. In severe cases, you will have to give IVs or injections.

    It is important to establish to what extent the bull is dehydrated.

    This is not difficult to do: just carefully examine the animal’s eyes. In a healthy calf eyeballs tightly adjacent to lower eyelid. If there is a gap, this indicates dehydration. The longer the gap, the worse the animal’s condition. Another way is to pinch the skin on the neck and, turning it 90°, release it. In a healthy animal, the skin will immediately return to its place; in a sick animal, this will take longer.

    Use of antibiotics for calf diarrhea

    There are several points of view regarding the use of antibiotics. Many veterinarians believe that antibiotics will help calves overcome diarrhea and its associated symptoms: high temperature, swollen joints, blood in the stool. However, many experts are of the opinion that the use of penicillins is not justified in mild cases. According to this view, monitoring hydration is sufficient.

    According to other experts, the use of antibiotics is justified even in simple cases. They explain this by saying that the intestines of infected calves contain a large number of gram-negative bacteria, which after some time (when the diarrhea ends) can manifest themselves again. This point of view is supported by the fact that some bacteria can circulate through the circulatory system, and the use of antibiotics kills them not only in the small intestine, but also in the blood.

    Antibiotics are given orally or in the form of shots (injections). Priority should be given to the so-called. Systemic antibiotics are those that are absorbed through the intestines. They are also needed to prevent pneumonia. Drugs that reduce intestinal motility should not be used. If the effect of taking an antibiotic is not observed within 2-3 days, stop using it. In case of salmonellosis, the use of the drug may lead to the release of excess endotoxins, so you need to put the animal on a drip.

    Modern veterinarians in their practice often prescribe meglumine flunixin for diarrhea in calves. This is an anti-inflammatory agent that accelerates the recovery process of animals. According to recent studies, 1-2 doses of meglumine within 24 hours reduce mortality in large cattle. A good sorbent is ordinary Activated carbon, it is used at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight.

    Other treatments

    Regardless of the nature of the occurrence of diarrhea, its treatment will cover the entire range of similar measures. The main emphasis in treatment should be on correcting dehydration. The simultaneous use of antibiotics and anti-dehydration agents is acceptable. When a calf is diarrhea, do not allow it to drink milk and do not give any substitutes - milk in the gastrointestinal tract is an excellent breeding ground for all intestinal bacteria and viruses.

    With diarrhea, calves often suffer from hypothermia. Infrared heating lamps can help them. The dehydration process can be compensated by standard techniques - a solution of glucose in water, calcium chloride, etc. If the body is very dehydrated, fluid must be administered intravenously. The degree of dehydration can be determined by appearance. A loss of 5–6% of fluid from the total weight is characterized by the first signs of dehydration. If the calf is depressed, lethargic, unable to stand, has dry skin and sunken eyes, this indicates an 8% fluid loss. If this value reaches 12% or more, the calf will most likely die.

    If your animal's mouth is so dry that it can no longer swallow, purchase a special device to make watering easier.

    It consists of a small plastic bag with a flexible tube inserted into the esophagus. Before use, thoroughly lubricate the tube with Vaseline, and then disinfect it well.

    How to treat diarrhea in calves? Folk recipes It is recommended to give the animals a decoction of chamomile, horse sorrel or a solution of potassium permanganate on the first day. On the second day, these solutions are replaced with milk (no more than 1 cup), to which a decoction of rice and rolled oats is added. If diarrhea lasts more than 2 days, give the animal 2 beaten egg whites, again after 15 minutes. Give your calf a drink of salted water between feedings. On the third day, add a little milk to your food.

    remember, that traditional methods Treatment for diarrhea does not replace therapy with medications and antibiotics.

    They are for oral use only. Diarrhea in calves is a treatable condition. However, if you neglect non-infectious causes, then any treatment will be ineffective.

    Igor Nikolaev

    Reading time: 4 minutes

    A A

    Errors in feeding and keeping animals are determined by the consistency of cattle stool. Normally, stool has the consistency of viscous porridge. The height of the pile is 4 cm. The feces lie down, forming 4-6 circles.

    Deviation from the norm indicates a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract, which is associated with poor diet and diseases developing in the body. Sometimes farm keepers encounter the problem of loose stools in cows. What to do in this case? How to stop diarrhea to prevent dehydration in animals?

    Causes of loose stools

    Reasons why cows develop loose stool, a bunch of. Each case requires separate study. There is no one cure for all manifestations of pathology. An examination of the animal and an in-depth analysis of its health condition are required.

    If first aid is not provided and treatment is not started, dehydration may occur. Loss of 10% fluid is fatal. The calf dies at 5% fluid loss.

    Calves may develop diarrhea due to high fat content cow colostrum. The newborn's stomach is not yet accustomed to heavy food. In order not to provoke diarrhea in the calf, the colostrum is diluted, making it less thick, or the young animals are switched to a milk replacer.

    Insufficient care of the livestock and non-compliance with feeding rules can cause loose stools in the cow. What should you do first to alleviate the animal's suffering? If diarrhea occurs due to the transition to summer or, conversely, to winter feeding, then the animals are kept on a diet. They only give hay and water. You can ask your veterinarian how diarrhea in cows is treated using folk remedies.

    • Gradually, over 15 days, the gastrointestinal tract is prepared for the consumption of green grass in the pasture. They begin spring walking on feeding areas with very sparse vegetation. It will be better if grazing is carried out on a field with rye seedlings.
    • Salted water is given for drinking. It will replenish the body with minerals and fluid. This is a prevention against dehydration.
    • Therapy includes the use of products with a tanning, binding effect. Among them is a decoction of oak bark, “Thiamin”. It must be remembered that it is impossible to cure diarrhea with binding agents alone. They always look for the cause of the disease in order to eliminate it.

    In case of poisoning, profuse diarrhea may develop. It happens instantly after intoxication of the body. Diarrhea is characterized by the release of large amounts of fluid.

    Helpful information
    1 First aid for an animal comes down to gastric lavage. A probe is used for this. Washing is carried out warm water or potassium permanganate solution
    2 To reduce intoxication, animals are given “Polyfipan” or activated carbon. These are adsorbents. Their action is aimed at binding toxins. Poisoning in a calf is treated with adsorbents, which are diluted in milk.
    3 After cleansing the rumen, the animals are given anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs: Phthalazol, sulfonamides
    4 To relieve irritation of the scar mucosa, enveloping agents are used. Animals are given jelly made with potato starch to drink.
    5 Be sure to provide salted water

    What to do if a cow has diarrhea due to an allergy? In this case, the animals are prescribed antihistamines. They are given "Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Cetrin". In order not to burden the gastrointestinal tract with tablets and powders, antihistamines administered by injection.

    Plain cow's milk can act as an enveloping agent. The animal is prescribed a diet: given hay and water. Treatment is aimed at removing the antigen, reducing intoxication of the body, reducing inflammatory process in organism.

    When animals eat the placenta, they are given the same treatment as for poisoning. The afterbirth can lie in the rumen for a long time. It begins to rot. The rumen becomes clogged and the gum disappears. Gastric lavage, adsorbents, and enveloping agents are performed.

    After restoration of scar function, the microflora in the forestomach and gastrointestinal motility are normalized. The animal is transferred from a starvation diet to a normal diet. The consistency of the stool is restored to normal without the use of any drugs.

    • To support cardiac activity, cows are injected with caffeine sodium benzoate, solution 20%, 10 ml.
    • Antibiotics must be given. Sulfonamides are administered as antimicrobial agents: streptocide 10 g, given every 8 hours for 7 days. Injections are made with streptocide, solution 5%, 5 g: the drug is administered subcutaneously.
    • To prevent dehydration, cows are given intravenous glucose, a 5% solution. Quantity of solution up to 100 ml.
    • Electrolytes are administered: Ringer-Locke solution - 3000 ml, calcium borogluconate 0.5 ml/1 kg of weight, 10% saline solution, 5000 ml.

    It is necessary to identify the symptoms of dehydration in time to prevent coma. With profuse diarrhea, the animal quickly loses fluid. There are 3 degrees of dehydration:

    • mild: the animal is thirsty, the oral mucosa is sticky, the heartbeat is slightly rapid;
    • medium: irritability is observed, the oral mucosa is dry, body temperature drops sharply, the skin is cold, its elasticity is lost, the eyeballs are sunken; the pulse is weakened, arterial pressure decreases;
    • severe: the mucous membranes are dry, urine is not produced, the eyeballs are very sunken, the skin is flabby, bluish in color, there are cramps in the limbs, low blood pressure; the animal loses 10-14% of its weight; drowsiness is observed, coma occurs.

    In case of diarrhea, it is necessary to constantly monitor the behavior of the animal. Be sure to carry out therapy against dehydration. If a severe stage occurs, then it is almost impossible to save the cow. She is being discarded.

    If diarrhea is accompanied by cramping abdominal cavity, then the animal is injected with novocaine with an antibiotic, 0.5% solution. Relieves spasms and reduces pain syndrome “No-shpa” 0.8 mg/kg, “Analgin”, “Baralgin”, solution 25% subcutaneously 6 g. Calves are prescribed the same treatment as for adult animals. The dosage of drugs is prescribed by the veterinarian.

    Folk remedies for diarrhea

    Diarrhea in cows is a common problem. On the forums, the palace dwellers constantly discuss it. How to treat diarrhea in a cow using folk remedies? If diarrhea is caused by a gastrointestinal disorder due to the transition period, then folk remedies are used as treatment.

    This is allowed if there are no signs of dehydration, poisoning, and no helminths are found in the feces. Folk remedies for diarrhea for cows are similar to the drugs that are used for gastrointestinal disorders in humans. Animals are fed with decoctions:

    • rice; 1 kg of grain is boiled for 30 minutes; the decoction is filtered; give 10 ml per 1 kg of live weight; the decoction is given every 3-4 hours;
    • give the sick animal oatmeal; oats are cooked longer, up to 50 minutes; the dosage is the same as for rice water; oats bind toxins well, envelop the walls of the rumen, and prevent toxic substances from being absorbed into the blood;
    • bread; The bread is dried in the oven until dark color; crackers are diluted in water to a liquid paste; give every 2 hours, 5 liters;
    • you can give a rosehip decoction; use berries or leaves; the rose hips are not steamed, as is usually done, but boiled for 30 minutes; 5 liters of decoction are prepared for the cow; after 3 hours the therapy is repeated; Rosehip is a good antioxidant, contains a large amount of vitamin C and trace elements; This good remedy not only for diarrhea, but also for heart failure.

    Calf diarrhea is the most common problem faced by farmers. This condition is dangerous for fragile animals and can lead to their death. It is important to understand the reasons for diarrhea in calves, what types there are, and how to treat it at home. Every farmer must have knowledge in this area in order to provide timely assistance to sick calves, otherwise he will suffer losses.


    Calves under the age of one month are most susceptible to developing diarrhea. Their body is just beginning to adapt to external conditions, and the immune system too vulnerable. Let's look at the main reasons why a calf diarrhea:

    1. Adaptation to life outside the womb. Diarrhea develops against the background of changes in the body in the first 5-7 days after birth.
    2. Error in nutrition. Digestive system Calves are too sensitive, so diarrhea may develop due to poor quality food. If you feed young animals with food containing toxins, nitrates, and pesticides, diarrhea in calves is inevitable.
    3. Infectious diseases.

    Reference. Intestinal upset can occur even when feeding quality food if the diet has changed dramatically, for example, a calf has been switched to milk replacer.


    Infections are often the cause of severe distress. The most common of them are:

    • Escherichiosis.
    • Rotavirus infection.
    • Coronavirus infection.
    • Cryptosporidiosis.

    The disease Escherichiosis is caused by one of the strains of Escherichia coli. When hitting small intestine, bacteria provoke severe food poisoning. As a result of the rapid proliferation of pathogenic flora, toxins accumulate in the body. The animal almost always dies due to intoxication and severe dehydration if treatment is not started in a timely manner.

    Rotavirus most often affects newborns. This disease is treatable if it is started on time. If left untreated, calves usually die due to dehydration.

    Coronavirus and cryptosporidiosis - no less dangerous diseases, affecting calves aged two weeks. The prognosis is unfavorable if you do not immediately respond to the symptoms of the disease. The body of young individuals loses fluid very quickly, death in in this case also occurs from dehydration.


    If calves have diarrhea, you should pay attention to associated symptoms illness. When affected by various viruses or bacteria clinical picture may be different. Let's consider general symptoms diarrhea:

    • The animal is depressed.
    • Refuses to eat.
    • The feces are liquid and have bad smell, may contain mucus, blood, foam.
    • Bowel movements become more frequent (from 5 to 12 times a day).
    • The temperature may be low or high.
    • Eyes become sunken from dehydration.
    • The mucous membranes are dry.

    Attention! As soon as the calf becomes diarrhea, it is necessary to separate it from other animals in order to avoid the spread of a viral infection and urgently contact the veterinary service.


    To facilitate the diagnosis of the disease, you need to pay attention to exactly how the disease progresses. Each infectious disease has its own manifestations. The effectiveness of treatment will depend on the correctness of the diagnosis. The farmer must provide the veterinarian with the most complete information regarding the color. feces sick calf, their consistency, inform him of the animal’s temperature readings and other observations.

    What you should pay attention to :

    1. The color of stool is white, yellow, greenish.
    2. The consistency is foamy, watery, mucous, mixed with blood.
    3. The smell of feces is sour, putrid.
    4. Frequency of bowel movements.
    5. Thermometer readings (with rotavirus infection the temperature is elevated, with coronavirus infection it is normal).
    6. The condition of the mucous membranes – are there any ulcers on them?

    The more accurate and complete the information, the higher the chances of survival, because an error in diagnosis means that treatment will be prescribed incorrectly.

    Reference. Those who have had severe viral infections in early age calves are likely to be less productive later in life.

    How to treat diarrhea in calves?

    Treatment should begin immediately after diagnosis. It includes the fight against microorganisms that cause the disease, removing toxins from the body, as well as replenishing the volume of lost fluid. When a calf diarrhea, both medications and folk remedies are used.

    Drug treatment

    It is important to know that when diarrhea in calves is treated at home, milk is excluded from the animal’s diet, since it is not only not digested in case of intestinal disorder, but also aggravates its condition. The patient should be kept separately from other animals in a warm and dry room. Medicines used for diarrhea:

    • Rehydrates.
    • Sorbents.
    • Enzymes.
    • Probiotics.
    • Antibacterial drugs.

    In most cases, it is rapid dehydration of the body that leads to the death of young animals. It is important not to allow the total fluid loss to be more than 10%. To replenish it in the body, various solutions containing salts are used - potassium, chlorine and other substances. Glucose is administered intravenously. In the same way, the salt balance is restored if the animal refuses to drink on its own.

    In order for the animal’s well-being to improve, it is necessary to remove toxins from the intestines. Sorbents are used for this. A veterinarian may recommend taking probiotics and enzymes to restore damaged intestinal microflora and restore its function.

    Main role in treatment infectious diseases given to antibiotics. Antibacterial drugs are selected to destroy the pathogen wide range actions. The dosage and duration of treatment is selected individually, depending on the weight of the sick calf.

    Folk remedies

    You cannot rely entirely on folk remedies if the calf has diarrhea. However, in parallel with drug treatment their use is permitted.

    Cereal decoction

    A decoction of cereals will help restore strength; it can be given to the animal in the first days of illness instead of milk. To prepare the decoction you need to take:

    1. 150 g oats or barley.
    2. Liter of water.

    The water is brought to a boil, the cereal, after having been washed, is poured into a saucepan and cooked for an hour over low heat. The product is infused under the lid for 1 hour, filtered through a sieve. The resulting decoction is adjusted boiled water to the original volume and give the sick animal to drink at warm several times a day, 500 ml.

    Flax seed decoction

    To prepare the product you will need:

    1. Liter of water.
    2. 50 grams of flax seeds.

    In an enamel saucepan, bring water to a boil, pour in the seeds, and reduce the heat to low. Continue cooking for 60 minutes. Set the dishes aside, cover tightly with a lid and wrap them in a towel. The product must infuse. After straining, bring the broth to its original volume. This liquid is fed to calves 2-3 times a day.

    Plantain decoction

    Plantain has astringent and disinfectant properties. A decoction for young animals is prepared from it in this way - 100 grams of crushed plantain raw materials are poured into a liter of boiling water. The product should simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, after which it is infused for 1 hour. A glass of strained broth is given to animals to drink 20-30 minutes before feeding.

    Attention! Folk remedies cannot replace antibiotic therapy if the cause of diarrhea is an infection.


    It is easier to prevent the problem than to treat diarrhea in calves. Compliance preventive measures helps protect young animals from infection dangerous infections. What do we have to do:

    1. Keep calves separately from adults, only with their mother.
    2. Carefully monitor animal hygiene and cleanliness of the premises.
    3. Vaccinate cows in a timely manner.
    4. Avoid contact of young animals with animal manure.
    5. Feed the young animals high-quality food.

    Reference. To prevent intestinal disorders, calves are given yogurt or lime water to drink. These measures help to increase the immunity of animals and prevent the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestines.

    If the calf is diarrhea, you cannot wait. In young animals, dehydration occurs very quickly, which is main reason death of animals. You need to urgently seek the help of a veterinarian who will prescribe the correct treatment. Separating babies and strictly following the doctor's instructions is the farmer's first priority.

    The calf has diarrhea - what to do? This question is now relevant for many farmers. Diarrhea in young cows is one of the most common diseases and most often causes the death of calves. Despite the fact that private farms and livestock farms encounter this disease frequently and everywhere, they have not yet learned how to prevent and treat it effectively. A medicine for calves that helps with diarrhea in 100% of cases has not yet been developed.

    Causes of diarrhea in calves

    The causes of the disease lie in unformed immunity. Diseases of calves (especially newborns) are mostly caused by insecurity small organism before environmental factors. The immune system of babies is not yet formed and is practically unable to resist bacteria, microbes and other irritants.

    Sometimes the cause of diarrhea, which affects 50 to 100 percent of young cows and leads to death in 60% of cases, is poor nutrition. Even the slightest deviation from the rules can provoke illness. True, in this case it is quite possible to cure a calf even without using medical supplies. But if diarrhea is the result of a contracted virus, it is much more difficult to fight it. And you can’t get by with folk remedies.

    What are the consequences of diarrhea?

    Even if it was possible to save the calf and cure the diarrhea, this insidious disease will affect the animal’s well-being and its development for a long time. Calves with diarrhea may be lethargic and have poor appetite. They are far behind their peers in weight. After all, in just one day of diarrhea, the baby loses about 5-10% of his weight (it goes away along with the liquid), and it will take time to restore what was lost. As a rule, weight returns to normal by 20 days of age. But for a long time the dynamics of its growth will be slow, and in the future females who suffered from diarrhea in childhood will give less milk.

    Types of diarrhea in young cows

    Diarrhea in calves, depending on the cause, occurs different types. Let's look at the main ones.

    1. It happens in very small animals (from one to seven days old). Caused by the peculiarities of acclimatization of the newborn organism. With proper care, proper nutrition and the use of some folk remedies, it goes away in about three days and does not pose a serious threat to life.
    2. Diarrhea caused by improper feeding. Food containing too much table salt, as well as nitrates, toxins, toxic metals, and molds that enter the calf’s body along with food can cause serious food poisoning. Often in such cases the calf is not easy to cure.

    Viral diarrhea

    Diarrhea caused by viruses - the course of the disease and the chances of recovery depend on the degree of damage to the body. The type of virus also matters. For example, diarrhea resulting from a strain of E. coli is characterized by profuseness. The disease is acute; in almost 100% of cases, its occurrence is provoked by toxin poisoning and sepsis, leading to death. Rotavirus infections cause profuse diarrhea, accompanied by depression of the animal, loss of appetite, increased body temperature, etc. The excreted feces have a straw-yellow color, a sour odor and a watery consistency (sometimes there is mucus in the feces). Diseases caused by coronavirus infection have similar symptoms. Only the feces are yellow-green in color, and the body temperature is either normal or reduced.

    How to treat diarrhea with medication

    Diarrhea in a calf - how to treat it? If you notice the slightest problem with your baby’s health, it is best to consult a doctor. A veterinarian called to your home will determine the cause, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If diarrhea is caused by viruses or food poisoning, it will most likely be medicinal. There are main types medicines.

    • Fights dehydration and restores salt losses. They contain potassium, sodium, chlorine, glucose, sucrose, etc. They are sold in the form of powders from which solutions are made. They act quickly and without side effects. They have no contraindications.
    • Sorbents. Prevents intoxication of the body.

    • Agents that slow down intestinal motility. The absorption of digested food is almost not affected, but tone and motor skills are reduced.
    • Enzymes. Prescribed in cases where diarrhea is caused by enzyme disorders of the digestive system.
    • Probiotics. Corrects the physiological balance of intestinal microflora. There are microbial and non-microbial origin.

    Treating diarrhea in a calf: folk remedies

    There are many traditional methods combating diarrhea in young cows. They have been tested for centuries and today are used in cases where diarrhea is caused by feeding errors, and the disease occurs in mild form. They can also be used in the treatment of more complex disorders in combination with medications. Diarrhea in a calf - how to treat it using folk remedies? Let's look at the most popular and effective methods.

    Other folk remedies

    A decoction of oats helps with diarrhea. High quality oat grains are poured with water in a ratio of 1:10 and cooked over low heat for 6-8 hours. Strain and give to the baby. You can water the calf either from a saucepan or from a small bucket.

    The calf has diarrhea - what else should you do in such cases? You can use decoctions from some other plants. St. John's wort, serpentine, pine needles, flax, chamomile and other herbs are very popular. Their decoctions are given to sick children.

    Diarrhea in a calf - how to treat it? It is better not to rely only on folk remedies, but also to contact a paramedic. Invited veterinarian to your home, in addition to specific treatment, most likely, will provide universal recommendations for combating diarrhea. For example:

    • drinking plenty of fluids.
    • diet ( saline solutions instead of colostrum, electrolytics in parallel with milk intake, etc.).
    • strict diet.
    • coziness and comfort. Sick calves often freeze, so the room they are in needs to be insulated.

    Prevention of diarrhea in young cows

    Diarrhea in a calf - how to treat it? Using the means and methods described above. However, any problem is easier to prevent than to solve. Including diarrhea in calves. If you follow the basic rules for caring for young animals, in most cases the disease can be avoided.

    • It is important to vaccinate cows to prevent viruses from entering their body and the body of calves - along with milk or colostrum.
    • Colostrum must be of high quality and supplied in sufficient quantities.
    • Boxes where calves are kept must be dry and clean. They should be put in order before the baby is born.
    • It is advisable to minimize the contact of the calf with the manure of other animals - it may contain pathogens. It is better to generally isolate the newborn from everyone except the mother.
    • The calves' dishes should always be clean and the feed should be of high quality.
    • It is important to maintain a strict daily routine.
    • In order to prevent diarrhea, calves, starting from six days of age, can be given curdled milk and

    Never hope that the disease will pass on one's own. To prevent complications, it is better to use folk remedies, and also call a veterinarian at home, who, after an examination, will prescribe medication.