Why do you dream of strangulation, how to interpret such dreams? Pathological conditions in which suffocation occurs during sleep. Home dream book Why dream of suffocating in a dream

The dream book offers several interpretations of what it means to dream of suffocating. The fight for air in a dream can be caused by the fear of losing what is most precious. What exactly depends on individual system values. Often interpretations relate to health, livelihood, loved ones, and the meaning of life. The dramatic plot encourages you to fight for your happiness.

Miller's explanation

In Miller's dream book, the prediction of why one dreams of suffocating depends on the fate of the dreamer. If the poor fellow dies in a dream, in reality you should pay attention to the safety of property, including real estate. A successful rescue means that determination, excellent well-being and sympathy from others will significantly improve your financial situation.

Water environment

Shereminskaya's dream book will tell you why you dream of suffocating under water. Seeing this happens to overly practical people who sometimes lack emotions and spontaneity.

If you dreamed that you were suffocating under water, in the Gypsy dream book the symbol means the risk of tarnishing your reputation. Italian psychoanalyst A. Roberti doubts the dreamer's ability to overcome everyday adversity.

The Emperor's Dream Interpreter believes that one has to see oneself underwater due to physiological reasons. Those who actually have a disturbed water balance in the body suffocate in water.

In a smoky room

A smoky room in which it is difficult to breathe often indicates an unfavorable and even harmful environment in reality. The explanations of why you dream of choking on smoke list the most likely factors.

Khamidova’s dream book identifies a curtain of smoke with a risky amorous adventure. An outbreak of romantic feelings for a sworn enemy is not excluded. Panic in a dream suggests that a sudden romance will cause suffering.

Sometimes the dreamer unconsciously feels why he dreamed of suffocation from smoke. It’s scary to think that your own weaknesses can lead to trouble, but you don’t have the strength to pull yourself together. The support of loved ones will be very useful.

If you dreamed that a smoke screen from a fire interferes with your vision, the medium Hasse promises that changes will dispel the dreamer’s illusions.

For no apparent reason

In a dream, it is not always possible to see why breathing is difficult. Dream Interpretations offer universal interpretations, why dream about the very fact of suffocation.

  • Feeling afraid of lack of air happens when someone is missing you;
  • When it is difficult to breathe in a dream, in reality something prevents you from openly expressing thoughts and feelings;
  • Someone else's hands or a noose around the neck symbolize psychological pressure;
  • If you had to suffer from lack of air while running, beware of a strong opponent;
  • Overworking causes a feeling of hopelessness, you are “suffocating” from work;
  • If you dreamed of suffocation, in reality you are in a depressed state.

Gas attack

If you dream that you can’t breathe in the room due to gas, the Wanderer’s dream book believes that the dreamer is tired of arranging his destiny with a constant eye on the opinions of his friends.

Experience discomfort, suffocation from gas and its unpleasant odor, is brought to those who in reality are unfair or overly demanding of a loved one.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of Choking in a dream according to 5 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Choke” symbol from 5 online dream books. If you haven't found necessary interpretation on this page, use the search form for all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Choking according to the dream book?

Choking - good luck; heart or respiratory diseases.

Dream Interpretation of Signs

Hello!! from behind my back, or rather from behind my shoulders, dark hairy male hands appear, drag me into a corner and begin to choke me, I try to call my brother for help and I understand that I can’t be heard, no matter how much I scream... in a dream, I have thoughts that I need to turn on the light, that I need to wake up, but I am suffocating and cannot wake up... I also saw in front of me the image of a guy I know, we communicate well... after I supposedly woke up in a dream or in reality, I didn’t understand... I had the same dream, but I see the image of this guy, he disappears and suffocation again... but then I was still able to wake up... interrupted the dream and fell asleep... what could it mean??

I fall asleep, I start to fly away and I see some force dragging me out of bed, I’m screaming in my sleep, no one can hear me, I wake up instantly from a scream in a dream, I understand that I’m lying and for a second there’s someone’s presence behind me or in front of me, this dream has already happened 2 times and in different places. at my mother-in-law's house or at my mother's apartment

The dream, as always, is about my husband’s betrayal; I very often dream that he cheated on me. So today I dreamed that he brought some girl to our house, for some reason I understood that he was crazy but didn’t tell him anything, when it was time to go to bed, he sent me to our room to sleep, and he went to another room to fuck this one slut, then in the morning he went somewhere, and she was washing herself in the bathroom, I went in there and drowned her... that’s the dream

I was sitting with a friend on the sofa, she opened her bag and books were looking out from there... I got up, went to the mirror and something began to squeeze in my throat, I couldn’t breathe, and in a panic I called my friend, but she didn’t react, and so she woke up.

Hello, Tatyana Miller!
That night I dreamed that a girl was strangling me, very similar to one from a previous serious and unsuccessfully ended relationship. It’s just the two of us, I can’t free myself (shackled), shout, or prevent it in any way.. The setting of a seemingly unfamiliar apartment, the time of day is early morning or late evening.. it seems like there’s an open window in the room behind a lowered tulle curtain.
It’s like in a dream I’m waiting for help from loved one, but no help from him..
The duration of sleep is somewhere around an hour, it seems like sleepy time.
I woke up in slight excitement, but having covered my head, I quickly fell asleep.

I dreamed of a friend who died 2 years ago, I said hello to him and a minute later I began to choke. A cobweb began to appear in my mouth, which made me choke, but I was able to remove it so as not to suffocate

the man is sitting on his chest and I’m suffocating, I’m saying that I’m still asleep, I seem to be suffocating without a voice, and I’m shaking my head violently, then waking up (possibly waking me up) and shaking my head

Hello! Today I had a dream that was very painful for me, when I woke up, I even really felt suffocated, it was hard for me to breathe. I dreamed that there was a devil standing behind me (he looked the same as in the movie “The Night Before Christmas”), I see him as if from the side, but I can’t turn around. My chest and neck are all pressing on me, and it’s hard to breathe, I don’t know what to do, how to get rid of him. I’m doing something, I’m going somewhere, it seems like there are people around , but no one can help. And suddenly some voice from the side - “You have a prayer book, so pray.” And that’s it, I woke up. It was so hard for me. Please help, explain. Thank you!

Hello! Never before have I dreamed of such a thing, the dream is so confused with reality that it is not clear whether it is in the willow or in a dream. The dream, I think I even opened my eyes, was very dark and it was hard to breathe. When I woke up in the morning, it turned out that the dream was so similar to reality!

I'm lying on the bed, sleeping, and suddenly I feel like something is choking me. I wake up (in a dream) and see that the duvet cover is intertwined with the chain on which I wear the icon of Xenia of Petersburg (which is in reality) and this knot is strangling me. I break the chain and throw off the blanket. And then I understand that everything bed sheets it is flooded with water and there is water on the floor (the water is clean) and it quickly flows into the drains in the floor. (these used to be in city baths)

Hello Tatiana!
Last night I felt suffocated and my whole body was paralyzed. I tried to scream, to call my friend, who was sleeping in another part of the room, but my body did not listen to me. I don't know if it was a dream. But I was very scared. As soon as the suffocation stopped and I was able to move, I went to sleep with my friend, fortunately she slept on a double bed. In the morning I told why I was next to her. She was also concerned about my nightmare because she believes in otherworldly forces. And that night we changed beds. That is, my friend could have been in my place.

Hope for your help. Thank in advance!

I was lying with my current boyfriend in my apartment (we are now renting an apartment in another city), as if it was already in the future tense, I took out my phone, he heard a notification come, start taking the phone from me, he rolled over and stuck it in hand in my mouth, and the other held the second one so that I would not slip out, I began to feel that the end was coming for me and these were my last breaths, I somehow began to pinch his neck, from which he had to pull his hand out of his mouth a little, I started to inhale full breasts air and woke up from this

I stood near the coffin with my dad (my dad actually died 20 years ago), but in a dream I saw that he was moving and said hello. Then suffocation, as if someone was strangling, but physically no one was strangling... and in a dream, if I’m not mistaken, I said that it was dad who was strangling his strength. I could make a mistake.

I dreamed that I was communicating with ex-husband normal, without scandal and assault (which has not happened for a long time in reality). And even in my dreams it surprises me. We are somewhere on the street and our daughter is nearby. And then I feel as if he is holding me, like a collar, a belt that is thrown around my neck. And it’s not that he’s strangling me on purpose, but it’s painful and difficult for me to breathe. I shout to him that it hurts so that he let me go, but he laughs. I start to fight back and push him away. And it’s as if my daughter is interceding, and somehow I breathe freely and push him away from me.

I’m in my apartment, next to my parents and someone else, I don’t remember... I’m starting to choke... something is pressing on my throat, it’s hard to speak, it makes me panic ambulance, do not want to go because they do not correctly understand the reason for the call. Before that I called an ambulance for one of my relatives, I don’t remember, the SP thought that I was calling a relative again, when they realized that it was me who needed it, they seemed to agree, but I woke up

Initially, I dreamed that I was in some fantastic place, and I needed to put on a magic crown so that its power would come to me, but it was taken off me by a red-haired guy who began to choke me, and then when he did this in front of me like -as if there was a page of him on the social network, so that all the signs of what he looked like. I'm worried, maybe this is a death warning, or I'm just screwing myself up. Thank you for your attention!

The girl with whom we have a conflict in life hugged me in a dream and said, “This is your punishment,” and I was choking, I begged to stop, said that it hurt me, but she didn’t stop, there was a crowd of people, some faces were familiar to me when I looked with a look asking for help, he said to them, “Be patient, you can do it”

Hello, I looked through all possible dream books, but I still couldn’t find the answer to what this dream is about?
So here it is:
This happened the day before yesterday, you know, I still twitch all the time in my sleep, as if lightning was striking.
Let's go back, this time I fell asleep without “problems”. I stood near the sink, inflated a bubble gum ball, and for some reason took a breath, a “bubble” began to inflate and I was suffocating.
Then I woke up and dreamed of a man.
I think the dream is funny.
But explain it to me, please.
Thank you in advance.

The article on the topic: “dream book is strangling me in my sleep” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

at the Women's Club!

In the dream book, strangling as an action was written down with a very negative interpretation. This is understandable, the subconscious is trying to convey through a dream important information: in some case they “cut off the oxygen.”

But, be that as it may, with a sufficient number of accompanying events recalled in a dream, it is possible to reveal a detailed answer to the interpretation. Usually when I dream nightmare, people wake up sweating and often scream. After waking up, your body is pumping with adrenaline.

If you or I are strangled until we turn blue in the face in a dream, then none of us, immediately after waking up, will go to the Internet with an imposing step to find out why this could be a dream. Roughly speaking, a person is “shaking.”

And only then, when the psyche calms down, curiosity awakens. If you dreamed of a nightmare event, then the impressions will haunt you throughout the day. A person, of course, is most concerned about the moment of suffocation itself. And thoughts will revolve around this episode.

Why do people observe or experience suffocation in a dream?

Let’s look into the details of the dream, which will help you understand the essence of the difficulties, because they have a chance to manifest themselves in reality.

1. In a dream, you see from the side how a person is being strangled. The context of the dream is important.

  • If you get scared and run away, then the subconscious mind speaks of the approaching danger that can be avoided. Then salvation lies in real life have time to spot the danger.
  • If you rush to help, but don’t have time to save the person. The criminal managed to escape. This means that well-being depends on the condition of the person who needs help. Most likely, you can even guess who has problems.

2. You dream that you are being strangled. Of course, when you are being strangled, even in a dream, these sensations will not seem pleasant. And a dream can only mean one thing: real life there will be some impact on you, your business, your social position.

The main thing is to step back from the emotions of “what, I was attacked?!” Cool down the impressions with your mind: if you dreamed about it, then why would it matter? If it’s negative, then how to avoid problems.

When the mind is occupied by the analyst, emotions go away, you can begin to analyze the warning of the subconscious. Assess the situation: who in life threatens you personally, your business or social status. Sometimes, just knowing about it is enough to deal with a problem.

The only thing is that when you dream that a dead person is strangling, the dream should be regarded differently. The deceased is the personification of the departed. You are burdened by the past, get rid of the burden through forgiveness.

3. Dreams of involuntary suffocation. Sometimes in a dream you will see or feel how objects worn around the neck can involuntarily strangle you: chains, beads, amulets or amulets. What is it for? There are several possible answers.

The meaning of some items

  • A chain with a cross squeezed my throat. Guilt. Remember if you were in Lately thoughts “someone doesn’t like me because...”? Remember who you recently offended. It may be worth asking for an apology.
  • Expensive jewelry presses on your throat . This is a dream of satiety with the blessings of life. The best remedy- charity. But not in order to “be known and idolized.” No. Donate secretly.
  • An amulet or amulet squeezed my throat. What you see in a dream can be interpreted as a deviation from principles. What did you prefer? Didn't they cheat?
  • A tie or scarf puts suffocating pressure on your throat. When you dream about this, it speaks of accumulated worries and problems. Need to unload. If it’s work-related, then think about how much of the work you can delegate to your subordinates. If these are household chores, then you also need to think about what burden and how you can get rid of it.

If you are strangling

An equally shocking dream is when you yourself strangle someone. To determine why this is a dream, it is important to remember who was strangled.

1. Choke a woman. If you are a man, then perhaps the dream is about being offended by some lady. If the woman themselves strangles the woman, then in reality a strong rival will appear in business or personal life.

2. Your victim is a dead man. The dead are the past, fight the ghosts of the sunken. Determine whether the deceased was a familiar person. If yes, then you know how to let go of the past. If the deceased is not familiar, then no matter who is being strangled, this is interpreted as follows: you are haunted by the past, and you are trying to forget about something.

3. Choke animals: cat, dog, rat, snake, etc. It doesn’t matter which animal you strangle, it always means that you are fighting with yourself, with your inner “dragons”.

Choking a cat. We know about the cat - it is a symbol of independence. If you kill a cat, you kill independence. This is one meaning.

Seeing a cat in a dream is almost always a mystical connotation. It is possible that you have extraordinary abilities, but when you kill a cat in a dream, it means something is forcing you to give them up.

Choking a dog. Interpretations about the dog agree that it is a sign of devotion. To kill a dog is to betray a friend. Or, if you kill a dog in a dream, you will lose a friend in real life. You can choke your dog in self-defense. In this case, the dream notifies you that you are being monitored.

Choking a rat. Seeing a rat is an unpleasant experience in itself. Most likely, by strangling a rat in a dream, you will get rid of something vile and unpleasant. Seeing a rat means seeing theft, that is, you can prevent losses.

Catching a rat eating your pantry could mean you've discovered a traitor on your team. Accordingly, strangling a rat means getting rid of minor but unpleasant dirty tricks.

Choking a snake. Interpretations about the snake are contradictory: for some it is a symbol of wisdom, but for others it means an insidious attack. In any case, killing a snake is a negative sign that requires attention.

To strangle a snake for the purpose of self-defense means that among those whom you bestowed patronage and protection, you will find an ungrateful person. You will tell this “snake” everything you think about him.

In any case, despite the adrenaline after a nightmare, dreams are primarily a warning. If you use it correctly, the future event or situation will end happily.

And the most main advice

  • Why do you dream that you are being strangled in a dream?

    A dream about strangulation has many meanings. In order to correctly decipher the riddles sent by the subconscious, you need to analyze every detail carefully. Usually, suffocation during sleep occurs when life problems Oh.

    What if you dream that you are being strangled in your sleep?

    If you dream that you are being strangled in a dream, then in real life there may be troubles that may be related to your career or family relationships. If in a dream you managed to cope with the attacker, then changes will occur in the near future that will radically change your life for the better.

    If it was not possible to cope with the enemy, then such a dream foreshadows the beginning of a black streak that will leave a significant imprint on life. If someone helped scare off or deal with the enemy, then such a dream means that you need to listen to the advice of friends and relatives.

    You should not refuse outside help. A dream in which a person does not fight an opponent means a decline in the career ladder. For women, such a dream often occurs during pregnancy; there is nothing to fear.

    An important point is that people often dream of suffocation when they have an uncomfortable sleeping position or negative energy in their sleeping place. Especially when a person falls asleep in a new place. If you have such a dream often, then you need to change your place to sleep.

    A dream in which someone is strangling does not necessarily mean some hidden subtext. Often, people who experience serious problems with their health have such a dream. Typically, these are people with chronic or acute diseases.

    Most often with bronchial asthma, since in such patients night attacks are not uncommon. Getting ready for bed already leads them to fear. Therefore, such patients do not need to take such dreams seriously, but consult a doctor to select adequate treatment.

    But why dream that someone is strangling you in a dream, or that someone suddenly suffocates? healthy people who do not experience any problems in life. Such a dream foreshadows possible monetary losses for small unexpected expenses.

    What does it portend?

    It is not uncommon to have dreams in which a person himself inflicts violence on another. Such a dream means despair in matters happening in life. A dream in which a person himself strangles someone means getting rid of problems in an unfair way.

    If the face is clearly visible, then this person causes quite a lot of problems in life, but all of them can be solved. If the face could not be seen, then the person is struggling in vain with his problems, which will not be overcome in the near future.

    You should take such a dream seriously and try to change your life position to what is happening around you, otherwise it may end in a losing situation.

    If in a dream you suffer from bronchospasms that interfere with breathing, then there are minor problems that prevent you from living a happy life.

    It happens that in a dream the brownie begins to choke. In this case, do not be afraid; most likely, some changes will occur in the near future that will affect all family members. After such a warning from the protector of the home, you need to thank the brownie.

    Choking in a dream has a double meaning. You should not take dreams very seriously. Human brain a unique mechanism that can send certain dreams without any hidden subtext. It must be remembered that a person’s fate is in his own hands.

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    Why do you dream of strangulation, how to interpret such dreams?

    Dreams about suffocation can be a medical symptom, especially if we are not talking about a one-time dream, but about recurring nightmares. Sometimes a brownie who doesn’t like the state of things in the house makes himself known by strangulation in a dream. The dreams of strangulation themselves are most often a warning that something is wrong in the dreamer’s life, and this needs to be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise the situation will worsen. In addition, these dreams can indicate illness, stress, and chronic fatigue.

    Choking in a dream often happens for technical reasons that have nothing to do with prophetic signs or the work of the subconscious.

    It is important to distinguish between dreams caused by similar reasons, and dreams with meaning.

    Sometimes a person dreams that he is being strangled if he does not have enough air in reality. This happens if something is squeezing the sleeper’s throat or the bedroom is stuffy - dreams in such situations are solely the body’s reaction to inconvenience.

    Pregnant women often have dreams about suffocation. In this state, a woman needs more oxygen, because she actually breathes for two, so sensitivity to air quality increases.

    Some people experience episodes of nighttime suffocation, called sleep apnea. This may be due to problems with blood vessels or heart, allergies or asthma, anatomical features etc. Since this condition is dangerous and significantly reduces the quality of life, a person who has had sleep apnea several times should consult a doctor.

    If a person wakes up because someone is strangling him and pressing on his chest, it is considered that he is being strangled by a brownie. In this way, the keeper of the house survives an unwanted guest or tries to warn the owners that something is wrong in the house.

    In this case, you should ask (at least mentally) the brownie, for better or for worse. Usually he answers in one way or another that is understandable to the owners.

    Since a dream about strangulation is a dream about violence and attempted murder, in most cases it is difficult to interpret it in a positive way.

    The meaning of dreams about strangulation depends on who is being strangled. Sometimes you dream that the dreamer is being strangled, and sometimes he does it himself.

    Dreams about the dreamer being strangled foreshadow a lack of freedom of action in the future.

    If a specific person, familiar in reality, even if he looks unusual, is being strangled, such a lack of freedom will be the work of his hands. If a child is strangling, this can be understood as problems due to a business, a project that takes too much effort and attention. And if a stranger is strangling you, the dream can be interpreted as a message that the dreamer is afraid in vain, his problems are far-fetched and have no basis in reality.

    If you dreamed that a dead person was strangling, then this is a sign that not all things have been completed with this person. Either the dreamer owes him something, or did not express something, or did not let him go emotionally, or promised something during his lifetime, but did not fulfill it. In such cases, you should remember the deceased, try to remember what was promised, and fulfill it. Believers can perform the required rituals - light a candle, pray for him on their own or with the help of a clergyman, and do a good deed in his memory.

    Dream books offer other meanings of strangulation in a dream:

    • accumulated fatigue and stress;
    • powerlessness to change anything in your life, real or imaginary;
    • the dreamer is already in hopeless situation, there is no point in trying to do anything with it;
    • feeling of guilt, especially if the chain from pectoral cross or similar item;
    • someone or something (that which is suffocating) requires too much effort and time;
    • if a fabulous, non-existent monster is strangling, you should be wary of fraud;
    • disease;
    • in Islam: the dreamer will be entrusted with a secret, and if he dies in a dream from suffocation, then in real life he will become poor.

    The result of the struggle should also be taken into account when interpreting the dream. If in a dream you managed to defeat the attacker, everything will be resolved for the better, although you will have to make some efforts. If a person wakes up with the realization that he has been killed, then the prognosis is unfavorable.

    Another interesting factor- why or why they started strangling the dreamer. If you manage to remember such a detail, it can become the key to understanding the dream: it is in this area of ​​life that something is wrong.

    If the dreamer is strangling specific person- perhaps in the form of an animal or object, but he clearly understands who he is talking about - this means that he will have to fight, compete with this person.

    Another option is that there is already a conflict with this person in real life, but outwardly it is not yet noticeable. The situation has already reached the stage of development when it would be wiser to move on to open confrontation. Or at least openly discuss all the accumulated problems.

    The result of the struggle is also important. If you managed to strangle your opponent in a dream, then obstacles in life will be successfully overcome.

    If a man dreams that he is strangling his wife, this is a bad symbol, predicting that she will soon leave her husband. To prevent this from happening, you need to treat her more respectfully.

    If the dreamer strangles an unfamiliar child, this means that one of his current projects is interfering with him, he would like to get rid of this matter. Another option is that the dreamer is trying to kill the child in himself, abandon childish character traits, and become more mature.

    Such dreams warn that the dreamer is interfering with his own life. Perhaps he has internal conflicts and contradictions, or he is confused, not knowing how to act correctly in a particular situation. Perhaps he is doing harm to himself without realizing it.

    Dreaming similar dreams those people who do too much against their will, as well as those whose words are at odds with their thoughts, and their actions with their intentions.

    Dreams in which a person strangles himself are serious warnings that are worth listening to. It makes sense to consult a psychologist, talk to a person who can give advice. It is the view from the outside that will help, from someone who is not involved in the situation and has no interest in it, and therefore is able to see contradictions and inconsistencies.

    According to Miller's dream book, if a person is strangled in a dream, this is a warning that you need to express your opinion with caution - you can bring misfortune upon yourself.

    Juno's dream book says that such a dream means a person's dissatisfaction with his environment. Perhaps he wants a change of environment, but the current environment is “suffocating” him.

    According to Freud, if the dreamer strangles his partner, then personal life he wants to add variety.

    Vanga's dream book says that if the dreamer is strangled, this is a sign that he does not value life. He needs to rethink his actions and turn to God.

    And a little about secrets.

    The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

    I was especially saddened by my eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

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    I dreamed that I was being strangled: what does this mean?

    Some are concerned about the question of why they dreamed that they were strangling me. In this case, it is impossible to give a one-sided answer, since the interpretation of the dream is also influenced by the characters who are present in it.

    If the dreamer is strangled by her beloved husband in a dream, then in reality not everything is going smoothly in the relationship. But she just turns a blind eye to everything, but she won’t be able to do this for long and the truth will soon come out. This could all end nervous breakdown or deep depression. The dreamer just needs to leave her husband, then she can live a full life.

    If a man dreamed that his own mother was strangling him, then this suggests that she simply does not allow him to live. She gets into his life and makes decisions for him. In this case, you should go to live in another city or country; of course, the mother will not be happy, but this is the only way to gain freedom and breathe deeply.

    When old man wonders why he dreamed that they strangled me in a dream, he should undergo an examination of the whole body, perhaps he has serious illness. Also, such a dream can indicate dissatisfaction with life, he is tired of all this, but he simply does not have the strength and means to change something.

    If you dreamed that a robber was strangling a sleeping person in a dream, then in reality he would be in trouble. Most likely, one of his colleagues will try to “catch” him. In this situation, you should do your job 100% so that later your superiors have no complaints about it, then the attacker’s plans will not succeed. When a woman dreams that she is being strangled best friend, then she needs to take a closer look at her, because she harms the dreamer as much as she can.

    Some people may not dream for a long time, but this does not mean that there is something wrong with them. If you believe somnologists, they simply don’t remember them, but in fact it seems to them that they didn’t dream anything.

    If the dreamer is strangled by not one, but several people in a dream, then he should beware of vile people. And there are plenty of them in his environment; you just need to take off your rose-colored glasses and analyze the actions and behavior of everyone. In this way, you will be able to identify your enemies and try to move away from them, although this will not be easy.

    It happens that a person dreams that some fairy-tale creature is strangling him, then he should beware of tempting offers from strangers, since nothing good will come of it. It’s better not to even give them your contacts, this way you will be able to avoid the temptation to invest your money in dubious projects. If you dreamed that relatives were strangling, then in reality they will press on pity in order to extract money from the dreamer for a loan that they are not going to repay.

    When a woman dreams of such a dream, she should beware of the machinations of her mother-in-law, who dislikes her and will do anything to get her to divorce her son. In such a situation, it is better not to enter into a conflict, as everything will become even worse, but you should not do nothing either, since a relative can cause significant mischief. In this case, you need to occupy her with something, so you can divert her attention from yourself and live without her supervision. Seeing your lifeless body in a dream and knowing that death came from strangulation means serious problems, which will choke the dreamer, and he will not see the end of them.

    Many people worry when they have nightmares. However, they do not always come true, since a dream is a warning from the subconscious, and it is in the hands of the sleeper to bend luck to his side.

    If a mother dreamed that her own child was strangling her, then she would have a rather difficult time with him. She will cry a lot because of his antics, and if she is nervous, she can become seriously ill. She can’t do anything about this, she can only come to terms with it or give up on everything. When a person dreams that a stranger is trying to strangle him, in reality he will find himself in a rather unpleasant situation.

    The only way out in this case is to wait time, so you will have to come to terms with many negative aspects. For a girl, such a dream can promise a tense relationship with her lover. In such a situation, it is better for her to break off relations with him forever, but she will not do this, so she will have to put up with his rudeness and rudeness.

    If a person dreams in a dream that someone is strangling him, but he cannot make out who it is, but in reality he has many fears. Because of them, he cannot live life to the fullest; perhaps he should consult a psychologist, he will help him part with phobias. Sometimes people have dreams in which their loved one strangles them, which means that he wants to have an intimate relationship.

    In this case, you should not pay attention to the dream, since it does not have a special meaning, so you just need to forget it. Sometimes suffocation indicates a negative attitude, depression, a person just needs to get out of this state, otherwise it can lead to nervous breakdown or to suicide.

    When someone strangles a person in a dream, in most cases, the subconscious mind tells him about a negative situation to which he is currently turning a blind eye. However, to solve it you need to wake up and take decisive action.

  • Dream Interpretation: suffocate in your sleep

    In dream interpreters you can find several explanations of why you dream of suffocating in your sleep. The problem of lack of air in a night dream indicates a subconscious fear of losing something important.

    The dreamer himself will be able to understand what to fear, based on his own values ​​and life priorities. In most cases, interpretations affect health, relationships with loved ones and the constant search for the meaning of life. However, it will be useful to expand the understanding of such a symbol.

    general information

    According to the dream book, suffocating under water is not only a terrible, but also a dangerous symbol that hides a lot interesting information. If the dreamer chokes in a dream, then his attention is drawn exclusively to solving a specific problem.

    Thus, the focus on the current moment increases, and this is often lacking in the increasing rhythm of life.

    I dreamed of suffocation

    Who should I look to for help?

    If you dream of an unusual vision, then you should not be content with the advice of your friends, but it is better to immediately turn to a dream book for help. The more difficult the dream turns out to be, the more effort you will have to expend, but it will be worth it.

    In Gustav Miller’s dream book you can find an explanation of why I’m suffocating, which will affect my future fate:

    • dying in a dream means possible theft, and therefore try to pay more attention to the safety of your property;
    • successful rescue - to improvement financial situation through your own dedication and empathy.

    Feeling short of air in a dream

    If you dreamed about suffocating in a dream, you will not be able to accept the current circumstances, no matter how much you want to. The lack of air may be associated with physiological conditions that led to the occurrence of such an unpleasant plot. If someone begins to grab by the neck, trying to take life, this is a symbol reflecting dependence on some person or circumstances.

    Choking for a short period of time means receiving a well-deserved reward for your labors. However, the interpreter of the dream is somewhat disappointed, since the reward will not be as great as planned.

    You may dream about how you lose the remaining air in your lungs - in your social circle there are people who constantly remember you, not without emotion. Perhaps your action or inaction led to the loss of your reputation, and now you will have to make a lot of effort to restore it.

    In what environment?

    Choking is a problem that interferes with many people's sleep, but the environment in which this unpleasant sensation began to appear is equally important.


    I dreamed of being unable to breathe underwater

    Choking when you fall under water is a sign that bright moments and spontaneity have stopped appearing in your life. Dream books often describe a similar picture, and it indicates unnecessary practicality. In some cases, it is better to relax and surrender to momentary experiences.

    Struggling with a lack of air in the water - you have every chance of ruining your business reputation, this is written about in the Gypsy Dream Interpreter. Italian psychologist Roberti, speaking about a lack of oxygen, implies certain difficulties in overcoming everyday adversity. The dreamer must learn to plan his actions and relate them to current needs.

    Being in the water column is not a good sign, revealing insufficient fluid intake throughout the day. Dream books advise you to pay attention to this, otherwise the healthy balance will be shaken.


    Suffocation caused by smoke in the room - environment negatively affects the dreamer's real life. Obviously, such dreams should encourage moving and new achievements.

    Dreaming of a suffocating smoke screen

    Dreaming of people suffocating in a smoke screen - the beginning of risky love affairs. They can bring not only incredible happiness, but also disappointment. If you believe the dream books, then a sudden romantic wave towards your ill-wishers is not excluded. The panic that sets in in a night dream should make it clear to a person that a sudden connection will only bring suffering. After analyzing the entire situation, you can count on a favorable outcome.

    Sometimes a person chokes on smoke in his night dreams, because he is visited by thoughts of his own weakness, which will lead to trouble and disappointment. According to popular dream books, it is difficult for the dreamer to pull himself together and start working on himself. Of course, the path will not be easy, but the support of loved ones will help you avoid many problems.

    If water is not able to put out a serious fire, and there is less and less air around, then such a dream symbolizes the onset of changes that sober the sleeper. The veil of his illusions will finally fall, and real opportunities will appear before him.

    Experiencing suffocation from gas in a dream


    I dreamed that the room began to fill with gas and attacks of suffocation appeared - the dreamer was tired of constantly looking back at the achievements of his family and friends. People must build their own destiny themselves, without looking around.

    I had a dream in which the sleeper was suffocating from the unpleasant smell of gas - to excessive demands on his soulmate. You must be aware that any expectations may be in vain, and therefore it is better not to be needlessly disappointed.

    Choking from gas means problems in the financial sector. Perhaps the sleeping person will not be able to buy an expensive thing that he has dreamed of for so long. The main thing is not to get upset ahead of time and continue on your way to the intended purchase.

    For no apparent reason

    I dreamed of suffocation for no apparent reason

    Lack of air during sleep may be due to for various reasons, and therefore it makes sense to consider universal versions:

    • the young girl was short of breath - some person misses her;
    • someone else's hands or a noose - you will become a victim of psychological pressure;
    • shortness of breath while running - to the appearance of a strong opponent.

    Sad interpretations

    If a person breathes poorly in his sleep, then possible reason hidden in his backbreaking work. The lack of emotional release leads to a state of stress that is so difficult to get rid of.

    A representative of the fair sex who suffocated in her sleep cannot open up to other people after a bad experience. Dream interpreters advise discarding past experiences, since they interfere with enjoying the current moment.

    The dream book considers suffocating in a dream an important warning. If the dream is over fatal, then a serious disease has begun to develop in your body, which begins to progress. Dream interpreters advise seeking qualified help immediately after waking up.

    It is impossible to breathe and the person dies - to receive unpleasant and shocking news. If the events occurring in a night dream are very frightening, then there is a high probability of a magical effect.

    The moment when you are sleeping and a strong feeling of suffocation and helplessness covers you is called sleep paralysis. To get rid of this syndrome, you need to take several actions:

    1. Relax. Having succumbed to the influence of suffocation, you will be able to get out of this situation as quickly as possible; when you fight, the symptoms intensify, and it will become even more difficult to fight;

    2. Focus. Paralysis affects the limbs, torso and throat, so try to turn your attention to your palms or feet and work with them;

    3. Persuasion. If the previous methods did not work, turn to your ideal. Suggestion and calling on your love for help will shift your attention to this process, slowly leading you out of sleep paralysis.

    I’m suffocating in my sleep, there’s not enough air, what’s the reason?

    The main cause of lack of air during sleep may be cardiac asthma. Due to low blood pumping in the body, it can stagnate in small or big circle in the heart, creating suffocation. Bronchial asthma is allergic disease and is accompanied by a sharp cough with the inability to inhale air.

    At overweight body fat affect the diaphragm, and the space for the lungs is reduced, and therefore suffocation may occur during sleep. Sleep apnea - the syndrome appears when the pharyngeal muscles relax. They block the respiratory channel and when there is not enough air in the body, it gives a signal, which leads to a sharp awakening and a feeling of suffocation.

    I choke in my sleep from heartburn

    Choking syndrome during sleep from heartburn occurs due to acid reflux. When lying down during heartburn, the stomach produces fluid that goes up to the throat, blocking Airways. In this regard, you feel as if you are suffocating, and the body gives a cough signal to free the respiratory channel.

    I choke in my sleep from coughing: causes and treatment

    When suffocation occurs in a dream due to intense coughing, you need to understand the reason for its origin. It could be low temperature indoors, uncomfortable body position with pressure on the diaphragm, dry indoor air or pathological diseases (bronchitis, allergies, adenoids, rhinitis, viral diseases).
    To get rid of this disease, you need to periodically ventilate and humidify the bedroom, and also maintain room temperature. If the problem is a disease, you should immediately consult a doctor to prescribe the correct treatment.

    I choke in my sleep from smoking, phlegm in my throat, saliva

    Smoking directly affects the quality of sleep. Due to the fact that cigarettes increase arterial pressure and palpitations, apnea syndrome may appear during sleep. At this moment, the person stops breathing for several seconds. This is harmless to health, but causes serious discomfort during sleep. To get rid of such consequences, you need to quit smoking. Blood pressure will begin to recover and the quality and duration of sleep will improve.

    Phlegm in the throat or saliva can interfere with normal breathing during sleep. The reasons for this may be the following diseases: allergies, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis or problems of cardio-vascular system. Smoking may also affect this. Nicotine irritates the larynx and thickens the mucus produced by the lungs. At frequent occurrence Symptoms of choking should consult a doctor.

    I suffocate in my sleep when I sleep on my back or lying on my side, what could it be?

    Brief suffocation while sleeping on your side or back is not associated with any heart disease or lung problems. Often the cause is a deviation in the rhythm of sleep. By contacting a neurologist, he will prescribe medications that normalize the process of falling asleep and normalizing the rhythm.

    I suffocate in my sleep during pregnancy, how to treat the problem

    During pregnancy, women tend to gain weight; fat deposits accumulate in the neck, narrowing the airways, and in the abdomen, pressing the diaphragm against the lungs. All this can provoke suffocation during sleep. Also, during pregnancy there is increased blood pressure, which is also accompanied apnea syndrome sleep.

    The egg symbolizes nascent life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life...