Does thrush happen without discharge? There is no thrush but there is discharge. Can there be no characteristic discharge with thrush? Why does thrush appear?

The presence of candidiasis is most often indicated by specific symptoms this disease, however, sometimes it happens that some of them are missing, which is why the question of whether thrush occurs without discharge is quite important. This is due to the fact that in the absence of such a characteristic sign of candidiasis as discharge, treatment may be started late, which long time will cause the patient a feeling of discomfort. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to pay Special attention To determine your health status and if you have the first symptoms of thrush, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Most often, thrush occurs in patients with reduced immunity, which can be influenced by the following factors:

  • increased body weight;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic diseases;
  • lack of proper rest;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • violation intimate hygiene– use of scented pads and tampons, frequent douching;
  • venereal diseases;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • previous organ transplants or surgical operations;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • unhealthy diet – the presence in the diet of spicy and hot dishes, as well as foods with a large amount of carbohydrates;
  • long-term use of antibiotics, which suppress the growth of not only harmful, but also beneficial microorganisms, which causes uncontrolled growth of yeast-like fungi.

All these symptoms can lead to a decrease in immunity and the development of thrush, which has characteristic features.

Symptoms of the disease

On initial stage candidiasis sometimes occurs without clearly noticeable symptoms, but symptoms that appear after some time may resemble other diseases, including those that are sexually transmitted.

To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor.

The main symptoms of candidiasis are as follows:

  • swelling of the genital organs, and sometimes it can reach the base of the anus, bringing severe pain and discomfort;
  • itching of the vagina and external genitalia, and its intensification most often occurs in a position where a woman has one leg crossed over the other;
  • discomfort and even pain during sexual intercourse, which is associated with swelling, burning and other unpleasant symptoms;
  • curdled discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • increased discharge during sexual intercourse, during rest, and also after hygiene.

Sometimes candidiasis can occur as the main symptom of diseases such as gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, and so on.

Sometimes the symptoms of the disease do not appear clearly, and in this case, even an experienced doctor can make an incorrect diagnosis and then prescribe the wrong treatment. effective treatment.

Atypical course of the disease

Since most women consider curdled white discharge to be the main sign of thrush, they do not pay any attention to its absence, nor do they attach any importance to it. However, sometimes a patient may have thrush without discharge, or they may be light and yellowish.

Expecting the usual symptoms of the disease, many women believe that they are experiencing certain type inflammation. To cope with it, they begin to take antibiotics and other drugs on their own, which can be easily purchased at a pharmacy in the absence of a doctor’s note.

However, antibiotics and other medications greatly weaken the immune system of any person, which leads to more active growth and reproduction of the Candida fungus on the base of the genitals. As a result of this, in addition to itching, the patient also develops other characteristic signs of thrush, but at this stage the pathology has already entered an advanced stage of the course, which is much more difficult to get rid of.

Often, there is no curdled discharge in female representatives if the woman is and was a carrier of the Candida fungus. According to statistics, approximately 20% of women worldwide are carriers of this fungus, since Candida is initially found in their bodies. In this case, a sharp proliferation of the fungus does not yet occur, since the body successfully controls its population.

Candida begins to multiply and spread throughout the body only when the most optimal conditions for this arise, which primarily include a decrease in immunity.

As mentioned above, the main reasons for decreased immunity are:
  1. Hormonal disorders.
  2. Various infectious diseases.

Also, the first signs of thrush may appear before the onset of menstruation. Moreover, it is worth knowing that candidiasis without discharge characteristic of the pathology often occurs only when neglected form diseases.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnose this disease It will be possible after passing certain tests for the presence of a dangerous fungus.

The set of diagnostic measures includes:

  • venous blood analysis;
  • urine flora examination;
  • culture for drug sensitivity;
  • smear analysis to identify the causative agent of the disease.

These activities will help not only to identify the type of causative agent of the disease, but also to clarify the diagnosis, which will help determine the woman’s general well-being and her state of health. After all, thrush develops only when female body a malfunction has occurred or general malfunctions are observed.

Thrush without a characteristic discharge is much more difficult to diagnose than a banal fungal infection with a typical set of symptoms. Thrush is a common name for a common disease that medical terminology known as vaginal candidiasis.

Main signs of the disease

The cause of thrush is the formation of Candida fungus in the intimate area. Its bacteria are transmitted through direct contact or airborne by drip. Having settled in the human body, the fungus begins to multiply. If these processes occur in groin area in women, this is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms.

These include:

  • itching of the affected area;
  • pain and stinging when urinating;
  • curdled discharge;
  • a slight increase in body temperature against the background of general intoxication of the body;
  • pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse.

The last symptom is associated with the appearance of possible swelling of the mucous membrane of the female genital organs.

Does thrush happen without discharge?

In modern medical practice rare, but there are still cases of development of vaginal candidiasis without manifestation curd masses. In such cases, even qualified specialists find it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. In view of this, the prescribed therapeutic course may not bring the desired result, and sometimes may aggravate the manifestation of existing symptoms.

Symptoms with an uncharacteristic course

Taking into account only the known symptoms of the disease, most patients try not to notice some physiological abnormalities that do not correspond to them. Discharge when this disease not always curdled with a white tint. In some cases, they may be transparent or light yellow, but their flow is not too abundant.

When symptoms are initially detected, most patients do not mistake it for candidiasis (thrush), since the symptoms do not coincide with those indicated in many medical reference books and popular internet- articles.

Mistakenly believing that in genitourinary system As the primitive inflammatory process progresses, without prior consultation with a specialist, patients begin to take a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics. The most common antibiotics are the amoxicillin group. These drugs do not affect the development of fungi. By their action, they only weaken the immune system, thereby creating an even more favorable environment for the formation of pathology. As a result, existing symptoms may worsen. In most cases, with such an incorrect approach to treatment, candidiasis becomes chronic.

The lack of secretion of curdled masses is primarily due to the fact that the patient may initially be a carrier of the Candida fungus (infection of the body with a fungal infection, the spread of which is not widespread and is controlled by immune system). According to statistics, such processes are observed in 20% of the total female population. The fungus that provokes the development of thrush is congenital in many women.

The spread of harmful bacteria throughout the body is facilitated by the weakening of its protective properties, which manifests itself as a result of the flow of inflammatory processes caused by viruses or respiratory infections. This creates a favorable environment for the development and spread of pathology. In addition, colonization of the body by harmful fungi can begin as a result of hormonal imbalances. In this case, the symptoms of thrush appear before the menstrual cycle.

During menstruation, the course of the disease is characterized by a decrease in the level of FSH in the blood cells. Also, as a result of the action of progesterone, LH levels decrease by final stages monthly cycle.

Thrush without cheesy discharge is characteristic of the chronic form of the disease.


At the initial manifestation of symptoms, it is necessary to contact a medical institution to undergo appropriate tests in order to establish an accurate diagnosis.

These include:

  • general tests urine and blood;
  • culture for sensitivity to pharmaceuticals;
  • analysis for bacterioscopy of secretions.

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Causes of odorless and colorless discharge

Given comprehensive examination will allow doctors to determine general state health of the body, as well as determine the causative agent of the disease with maximum accuracy. Manifestations of burning with itching, characteristic of thrush, can occur as a result of cardinal disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems.

When examining taken from intimate area smear, the presence of Candida fungi is established almost immediately. Subsequently, the attending physician prescribes an effective course conservative treatment. If the disease has acquired a chronic form with periods of exacerbations and remissions, then the above-mentioned course of examination may not be enough to prescribe treatment. This is due to the fact that chronic vaginal candidiasis is often accompanied by other, more serious diseases.

Most often these include:

  • chlamydia;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • HIV and other diseases transmitted through unprotected sex.

If one of the listed ailments is identified during the examination, the doctor must prescribe a special course of treatment.

You should know that symptoms of thrush without characteristic discharge may be signs of a number of other diseases of the genitourinary system.

Among them are:

  • genital herpes;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • papillomavirus;
  • formation of genital warts.

The cause of discomfort in the intimate area in women may also be normal age-related physiological processes, such as kraurosis. They are characterized by coarsening of the mucous membrane, which explains the manifestation of some symptoms. In addition, discomfort in the groin area can be observed with diseases such as:

  • leukemia;
  • various forms of hepatitis;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • diabetes;
  • proctitis;
  • formation of anal fissures.

Taking into account the fairly wide list of diseases with similar symptoms presented above, it should be understood that when they appear, you should not waste time on self-medication, since in some cases this can only aggravate the current situation. Only an experienced specialist can select an effective therapeutic course based on the necessary medical examination.


During the initial examination by a doctor, it is necessary to describe in as much detail as possible all the symptoms that have appeared. Based on this survey, the specialist draws up an anamnesis, on the basis of which, after undergoing an appropriate examination, a conclusion is made and a final diagnosis is made. The therapeutic course of treatment is prescribed solely depending on the identified form of the disease. In the vast majority of cases, complex methods of influencing the disease are considered to be the most effective. The task complex treatment is not only the elimination of the causative agent of the disease, but also the factors contributing to the formation of a favorable environment for the development of harmful microorganisms.

According to statistics, some time after completing the course of treatment and eliminating the symptoms, the disease can develop again in the body. The fact is that Candida fungus spores are not removed from the body. In this case, repeated weakening of the immune system as a result of inflammatory processes or under the influence of a number of external factors will entail a population of pathogenic microorganisms and, as a consequence, an acute form of vaginal candidiasis. Therefore, a comprehensive course of therapy must necessarily include necessary measures to prevent possible exacerbation.

In a course of therapy chronic thrush without the characteristic secretions of curdled masses, some pharmaceuticals should also be included, the active substance of which is not aimed at directly eliminating the causative agent of the disease.

Their task will be:

  • restoration of the protective functions of the immune system;
  • stabilization of metabolic processes occurring in the body;
  • restoration of microflora as a whole.

Does thrush occur without discharge or not, and how do you understand that it is candidiasis? Why in some women a fungal infection is not accompanied by the release of a cheesy mass with unpleasant smell? And how to insure yourself against fungal infection of the genus Candida? If you are looking for answers to these questions, then you have come to the right place.

What will the article tell you?

Forms of manifestation of fungal infection

Thrush can occur in three forms:

  1. Acute– when signs of the presence of Candida fungi are well expressed. The disease requires long-term treatment, sometimes up to two months, however, the disease responds well to therapy. With properly prescribed and carried out treatment, the infection ceases to bother the person.
  2. Chronic form- can be repeated often under favorable circumstances for mushrooms. This type of candidiasis cannot be completely cured, but relapses can be prevented.
  3. Asymptomatic form- this is exactly the answer to the question: “Does thrush happen without discharge?” Yes, this happens in rare cases when a person is a carrier of a fungal infection. Then he has no signs of illness.

Why is sometimes candidiasis not accompanied by discharge?

In some cases, a fungal infection does not behave as usual; thrush without discharge, but with itching, is observed when a woman is a carrier of a fungus of the genus Candida. However, it has not yet fully strengthened in the vaginal mucosa. In addition, many people know that the fungus can live in the human body in a dormant state. And only in appropriate situations can he show himself. Such situations are:

  • Long-term use of antibiotics and hormonal drugs.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • Having undergone operations, due to which a person’s immunity is greatly reduced.
  • Violation of the rules of intimate hygiene: untimely change of pads, including daily ones; regular use of regular or liquid soap, as a result of which the vaginal mucosa dries out; frequent douching; using someone else's towel.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Poor nutrition: lovers of spicy, salty foods, as well as sweets, often become prisoners of a fungal infection.
  • Stressful conditions, overexertion.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Unprotected sex, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.

Candidiasis without discharge can also be observed with chronic illness. True, there is still discharge (leucorrhoea), it’s just that the woman either does not notice it or takes it for standard discharge.

Itching in the vagina without “cottage cheese” - what can it mean?

Thrush without discharge is indeed possible, although this condition is extremely rare. Often the main symptom of candidiasis is the appearance of a cheesy mass. But if it is not there, but itching is present, then perhaps such a symptom indicates the presence of another disease. Itching can be caused by diseases such as:

  • genital herpes;
  • papillomas, condylomas;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • hepatitis;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • diabetes

Laboratory diagnosis of the disease

If a patient has almost all the signs of thrush, but without cheesy discharge, then to confirm the diagnosis, the doctor must refer the patient for testing. What tests will help determine the presence of a fungal infection in the body?

  1. Vaginal smear. The doctor takes this test during an examination of the patient. The specialist takes a scraping with a special medical instrument from the vagina, urethra, head of the penis, and so on, and applies it to the glass. In the laboratory, the smear is examined under a microscope. If a person is sick with thrush, then the specialist will see Candida fungal cells on the glass.
  2. Analysis of urine. The laboratory specialist places the taken material in a medium nutritious for fungal infection. If there is Candida fungus in the urine, it will begin to multiply there and form colonies. In this case, the laboratory assistant also determines what can be used to cure the disease. He applies antifungal drugs to the crops and observes how the fungi behave.

Therapy for thrush without characteristic pain

Treatment of a fungal infection accompanied by itching, but without the appearance of leucorrhoea, is carried out mainly with the help of vaginal suppositories:

  • Pimafucin– an antifungal agent whose active ingredient is natamycin. The drug has wide range action, it has proven itself especially well in the treatment of fungal infections of the genus Candida. The candle is placed at night, once a day. The duration of therapy depends on the stage of the disease; on average, the treatment course lasts six days.
  • Nystatin– this drug helps to cope with chronic course illness. The product does not cause side effects, inexpensive. The only drawback of the drug Nystatin is that it kills not only pathogenic fungi, but also beneficial microorganisms. Therefore, after therapy with this drug, a recovery course is required.
  • Livarol– these suppositories are well suited for those women who are experiencing thrush for the first time. In this case, the medicine will be very effective.
  • Betadine– these vaginal suppositories can be used even during menstruation. They have a strong effect on the causative agent of fungal infection. But Betadine suppositories cannot be used by women who are allergic to iodine.

This is only a part of the drugs that are prescribed to women for vaginal candidiasis. In order for the treatment of a fungal infection to be successful, a woman must remember the following important rules:

  • Not only she, but also her sexual partner should be treated.
  • During the entire treatment period, you must abstain from sex or be sure to use a condom.
  • Treatment should be completed not when the symptoms disappear, but when the doctor says.

Prevention of candidiasis

In order not to be at a loss as to whether there can be thrush without discharge or not, it is best to prevent the occurrence of this infection. To do this you need:

  • Wash daily under running water using a special gel for intimate hygiene, which contains lactic acid.
  • Change sanitary and panty liners every three hours.
  • Drink probiotics after taking antibacterial drugs.
  • Treat diseases in a timely manner genitourinary system.
  • Stick to principles healthy eating so that the immune system is always strong.
  • Use condoms, especially when there is a change of sexual partner.
  • Temper yourself, lead healthy image life, because sports and hardening increase protective forces.
  • Choose underwear made from natural materials so that the skin breathes and does not sweat.
  • Don't get too cold, dress according to the weather.
  • Get enough sleep, avoid stressful situations.

As you can see, it can be very difficult to accurately diagnose vaginal candidiasis, especially if the disease is not accompanied by a cheesy discharge. Indeed, if the course of candidiasis is atypical, it can be confused with other diseases. Therefore, if discomfort, pain, or itching occurs, it is very important to consult a doctor and take a necessary tests in order to confirm or deny the presence of candidiasis.

One of the pressing issues for women today has been and remains the question of thrush. What is thrush, how to recognize it, how to properly treat thrush?

Increasingly, specialists are faced with the fact that women call thrush any discomfort in the vagina, any discharge, and this is fraught with improper treatment. It is no secret that many women themselves prescribe treatment for thrush.

Is it possible to have thrush without itching? Happens. Can you have thrush without discharge? Maybe. Can other infections manifest themselves in the same way as thrush? And again the answer is yes. How not to make mistakes, how to choose the right treatment and help yourself? – At the first symptoms, contact a gynecologist.

Thrush or vulvovaginal candidiasis is an infectious disease that affects the mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina, caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

It is known that the infection itself is caused in most cases Candida albicans(hence the name), but there are other types of Candida, which occur in 8-20% of cases with recurrent candidiasis, in patients with diabetes mellitus, in HIV-infected women and in postmenopausal women.

It is known from statistics that 75% of women experience an acute candidiasis infection at least once in their lives, 40-45% of women noted two or more relapses of the disease, and recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis occurs in 10-15% of women.

In addition, about 20% of the fair half of humanity are asymptomatic candidiasis carriers, in which case Candida fungi are localized on the mucous membranes of the vulva and vagina, and clinical manifestations there are no infections.

Interestingly, asymptomatic candidiasis in pregnant women can reach 40%.

Uncomplicated vulvovaginal candidiasis or acute candidiasis is observed in 90% of cases, the remaining 10% is recurrent candidiasis.

About Candida mushrooms

Fungi of the genus Candida are single-celled microorganisms up to 10 microns in size. The pathogen is an opportunistic flora that lives in the intestines, oral cavity, on the skin, in addition, they are facultative aerobes, that is, they have an oxygen type of respiration and the ability to grow and reproduce in tissues rich in glycogen (vaginal mucosa).

In adults: According to modern data, vulvovaginal candidiasis is not sexually transmitted and is not a sexually transmitted infection. However, this does not exclude the occurrence of balanoposthitis in male partners of women with vulvovaginal candidiasis.

In children: Candidiasis rarely occurs in full-term newborns. Depending on the time of infection, congenital and acquired candidiasis is distinguished.

Congenital candidiasis occurs as a result of infection of the fetus during pregnancy or childbirth and is diagnosed from the first hours to 6 days. Infection can manifest itself as damage to the mucous membranes and skin, as well as widespread candidal infection.

Candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes is diagnosed from the 6th to the 14th day with a frequency of 6-8%.

Intrauterine infection is especially dangerous for low birth weight and preterm (less than 32 weeks) newborns.

In addition, there is an exogenous route of infection with candidiasis from the hands of the mother, staff in the maternity hospital, and from environmental objects.

There are predisposing risk factors for the development of thrush, which are divided into exogenous and endogenous.

Endogenous factors are presented:

  • violation of local immunity;
  • endocrine diseases (un- and subcompensated diabetes mellitus, obesity, thyroid dysfunction);
  • background gynecological diseases.

Exogenous factors:

  • medicinal: antibiotics, glucocorticoids, cytostatics, immunosuppressants, radiation therapy;
  • microclimate with elevated temperature and humidity, tight clothing, wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics, using sanitary pads, prolonged use of intrauterine devices, vaginal diaphragms, douching with antiseptic solutions, use of spermicides.

The causes of development and recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis are considered to be immune disorders.

Many women, even the majority, believe that they know the symptoms of thrush. When conducting a survey, the majority of women said that thrush is manifested by itching in the genital area, burning, and curd-like discharge.

In addition, with thrush, there may be discomfort when urinating, painful sensations during sexual intercourse.

There are situations when only itching or burning appears, the swollen mucous membrane begins to itch, it all depends on the body’s immune forces and the type of infection.

These manifestations can occur with: herpetic lesions, papillomavirus infection, as well as with age-related changes vaginal mucosa.

And when does thrush occur without cheesy discharge?

It should be noted that discharge in the form of “cottage cheese” is more often observed when acute form candidiasis, but with the development of chronic recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis, the discharge may be scanty, whitish, or may be completely absent.

With asymptomatic candidiasis, there is no curdled discharge, and there may also be no itching or other manifestations of infection.

All of the above symptoms are not specific only to thrush; these manifestations can also be observed with various other infections of the reproductive system, namely viral and bacterial infections, allergic reactions.

Therefore, if any sign of infection appears, you need to see your obstetrician-gynecologist to make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Many women do not perceive thrush at all as infection, and if itching or burning occurs, self-treatment is immediately started.

However, there are complications of thrush when pathological process neighboring systems are involved: the urinary system with the development of the inflammatory process.

Against the background of vulvovaginal candidiasis, the risk of development and frequency of complications during pregnancy increases, and the risk of infection of the fetus increases both during pregnancy and during childbirth.

The development of thrush in the fetus can lead to its death and premature birth. In newborns, thrush can occur in the form of a limited infection (conjunctivitis, omphalitis, damage to the oral cavity, larynx, lungs, skin), as well as in the form of a generalized process.

How to make a diagnosis?

First of all, it should be noted that women without clinical symptoms Testing for Candida should not be performed.

In all situations, diagnosis should be based on laboratory isolation of the causative agent of the infectious process.

For the study, vaginal discharge is collected in order to detect the pathogen.

After confirming the presence of yeast-like fungi, a diagnosis of thrush is made.

Treatment begins.

Treatment is carried out for women with symptoms of vulvovaginal candidiasis, in whom the diagnosis is confirmed by laboratory detection of the pathogen. Treatment is not indicated for women without symptoms (if carriers), as well as sexual partners of women in the absence of symptoms of candidal balanitis or balanoposthitis.

To date, treatment regimens for candidiasis have been developed using antimycotic drugs, both systemic and local.

Despite the proven effectiveness of recommended antifungal drugs and the slow development of resistance in fungi, the epidemiological situation with candidiasis in the world is not improving.

It has already been said many times, but I will still repeat that for the quality of the therapy great importance the patient is disciplined in the use of medications.

In the 2010 recommendations developed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among antifungal drugs for the treatment of acute uncomplicated vulvovaginal candidiasis, butoconazole in the form of 2% vaginal cream (registered in Russia as “Ginofort”) is in first place.

A short course of the drug for topical use (single use) effectively cures uncomplicated vulvovaginal candidiasis. Local administration of butoconazole allows for high concentrations active substance at the site of the lesion.

Treatment for acute genital candidiasis includes over-the-counter medications:

  • Butoconazole 2% cream, 5g intravaginally for 3 days or
  • Clotrimazole 1% cream, 5g intravaginally for 3 days or
  • Clotrimazole 2% cream, 5g intravaginally for 3 days or
  • Miconazole 2% cream, 5g intravaginally for 7 days or
  • Miconazole 4% cream, 5g intravaginally for 3 days or
  • Miconazole 100 mg vaginal suppositories, 1 suppository for 7 days or
  • Miconazole 200 mg vaginal suppositories, 1 suppository for 3 days or
  • Miconazole 1200 mg vaginal suppositories, 1 suppository once or
  • Tiocanazole 6.5% ointment, 5g intravaginally, single dose

First of all, the objectives of treatment are to treat the underlying pathology, stop the relapse of the disease, long-term treatment in the mode of maintenance antimycotic therapy.

Stopping a relapse:

Maintenance therapy

Fluconazole 100 mg, 150 mg or 200 mg weekly for 6 months

Intravaginal antimycotics, depending on the dosage of the drug, are used every day, twice a week, or every week - 100 mg, 200 mg or 500 mg.

One of the problems with local application antifungal drugs is the inconvenience of this route of administration for women. Since the effectiveness of treatment depends on the ability of the suppository to melt and distribute throughout the vaginal mucosa, it is recommended to use antifungal drugs at night and insert suppositories “as far as possible.” However, it is impossible to avoid the oil component of the candle from leaking out, and this happens immediately after the woman gets out of bed, and the underwear gets dirty, which causes inconvenience to the woman.

In connection with these nuances, the drug butoconazole (Gynofort) was developed - a single application of 100 mg of butoconazole nitrate (Gynofort 5g cream in one package) is very convenient for use.


TO special groups Patients include pregnant women and breastfeeding women. During pregnancy and lactation, oral antimycotics should not be used.

Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy and during lactation, when a woman is breastfeeding, you can use natamycin 1 suppository for 6 days.

One of the approved drugs in Russia for the treatment of thrush in the first trimester of pregnancy is sertaconazole (“Zalain”), the convenience of which lies in a single use, when the concentration of the drug and its effect lasts for 7 days.

In addition, there is a well-known combination drug, which has high activity against Candida fungi - Terzhinan. The drug is approved from the second trimester of pregnancy and has proven good effectiveness.

I have been working in my specialty since 2010. She graduated from Saratov State Medical University in 2008 with a degree in general medicine. Completed an ambulance internship medical care in 2009, in 2010, internship in obstetrics and gynecology, 2014, advanced training in the specialty of reproductologist, primary specialization in ultrasound diagnostics. 2009-2014 - Maternity hospital No. 3 of the city of Ufa, Republican perinatal center city ​​of Ufa, department of assisted reproductive technologies from 2014 to the present. Specialization: reproductive health, ultrasound diagnostics.

Most often, with thrush, not only severe itching occurs, but also copious discharge. But another option is also possible: there is thrush, but there is no discharge. To figure out whether thrush occurs without discharge but with itching, you should know the signs of this unpleasant disease.

If the test result is positive, the card will indicate another disease - vaginal candidiasis, while thrush is a common name. The causative agent of the disease is several types of fungi. In organism healthy women bacteria are considered opportunistic. This means that the disease can develop only under certain conditions: a slight increase in temperature, an increase in acidity.

Once established, the fungus forms large colonies. After this, microorganisms penetrate the mucous membrane. At this moment, the state of the body is not as important as the ability of the fungus to cause disease. How more dangerous species fungus, the faster it penetrates deep into the tissue. The stage of manifestation of the disease begins. If on at this stage If effective treatment is not started, the disease can become chronic.


Disease on initial stage may pass without obvious symptoms, but subsequently the signs that appear may be similar to other diseases, including those that are sexually transmitted.

For correct setting you need to be examined by a specialist. Candidiasis is easily diagnosed during the process of active proliferation of fungi. Symptoms may be as follows:

  • Itching of the vagina, external parts of the genitals. Positive test increased itching in the cross-legged position may be considered to be present;
  • Swelling of the labia. Moreover, tissue swelling can reach the anus;
  • With thrush, the amount of cheesy discharge increases significantly. The smell can be neutral or unpleasant. Characterized by increased discharge after hygiene procedures, sexual intercourse or during sleep;
  • May appear during sex discomfort or even pain. This is associated with swelling, itching and burning;
  • Thrush also occurs as a companion to other diseases: chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and others.

Often the symptoms are not clearly expressed, and one or another sign may be absent. In such situations, even a specialist may make a mistake in diagnosis and prescribe medications that do not help get rid of thrush.

Atypical course

Knowing the main symptoms, most women do not even think about whether thrush can occur without a characteristic discharge, but with severe itching. The discharge may be yellowish, transparent and may not have a typical consistency.

Women mistake the onset of the disease for inflammation or allergies (itching often occurs during allergic reactions). They begin to use antibiotics and antihistamines without waiting for a diagnosis or doctor’s recommendations. It doesn’t even occur to them that it could be thrush, because there is no characteristic discharge, but the itching does not allow them to forget about themselves.

Antibiotics taken unnecessarily can weaken the body, creating an increasingly favorable atmosphere for fungal growth. By the time typical symptoms appear, the disease becomes chronic and much more difficult to cure.

The absence of characteristic discharge is typical for women who are carriers of the fungus. In this form, the fungus is not widespread; the body is able to control its quantity. According to medical statistics, a fifth of women are carriers. Candida is present in almost every female body, manifesting itself only constant desire itch.

Active spread of the fungus occurs only in suitable conditions. Research suggests that the impetus may be a decrease in immunity. It occurs both from illness and as a result of hormonal changes in the body. Candidiasis often appears during the premenstrual period or during pregnancy.

Important! According to the observations of gynecologists, the absence of cheesy discharge is most typical for chronic form diseases.

Diagnosis of candidiasis

Even minor symptoms of thrush may be a reason to consult a doctor. It is especially important to pay attention to the appearance of itching - very often it is this that signals the onset of the disease. First, an anamnesis will be collected, after which you will have to undergo general blood and urine tests, a smear, and culture for sensitivity to drugs.

This set of measures will make it possible to find out whether thrush may be atypical (without discharge, but with itching) and find out the diagnosis. To identify the fungus, a specialist only needs to examine the smear material under a microscope.

The visual method of examination gives an idea of ​​the presence of fungus, but does not determine the specific type and degree of distribution in the body. It is very important to take into account the quantitative indicator, since even in healthy body Some fungus may be present.

To clarify the type of fungus, it is necessary to inoculate the material on a nutrient medium and allow a colony to form. After this, studies will be carried out on the sensitivity of the resulting colony to drugs against the disease.

Treatment depends on the results of the research. When diagnosed with thrush without discharge, but with itching, an integrated approach is required. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of the disease and relieve the itching. At the initial stage of the disease it is required local treatment: tablets and suppositories.


Today, you can buy various suppositories in pharmacies without a doctor’s recommendation, but the most effective are those prescribed by a gynecologist after an examination.

  • Normalization of metabolism;
  • Stabilization of immunity;
  • Restoration of microflora.

To relieve the itching that accompanies thrush without discharge, the doctor may recommend taking baths or rubbing with a decoction of string or chamomile. To use it, you need to purchase a package of the dried plant at the pharmacy, prepare a decoction in a water bath and add it to the water when washing.

In addition, you need to start taking vitamins and products to normalize vaginal acidity.

Prevention of thrush

Candidiasis does not only affect women. In men, thrush is practically asymptomatic, sometimes only manifesting itself as a coating on the head of the penis, pain when urinating and severe itching. If left untreated, inflammation may develop foreskin or the infection will make its way into the urinary canal.

To prevent candidiasis, you should follow simple rules:

  • Change your diet. Too salty, sweet, or spicy foods can provoke fungal growth. Worth consuming more fermented milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables, vitamins. It is recommended to take a course of medications with probiotics. The attending physician may prescribe vaginal suppositories;
  • Maintain intimate hygiene. Clean up clean water should be done twice a day. It is permissible to use oak bark and chamomile in decoctions. Soaps with fragrances should not be used. Underwear should be made from natural fabrics, as they guarantee normal air circulation. This minimizes the risk of skin irritation and diaper rash;
  • During sexual intercourse, it is necessary to use condoms, reduce physical exercise, hypothermia should be avoided. If thrush is caused accompanying illnesses, they must be treated carefully.

For traditional medicine, douching with herbal decoctions and soda solution is typical.

To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to rinse the genitals with cool water or herbal decoctions. Women sometimes use honey-based vaginal tampons. The tampon is soaked in kefir and honey and left in the vagina for 2-3 hours. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Even thrush that occurs without symptoms can cause trouble. If you want to drug treatment, only a doctor can prescribe it. Prevention is available to everyone, and it will bring more health benefits than treating existing diseases.