Methods of treating pancreatitis in a hospital. Acute pancreatitis treatment in a hospital In which department of the hospital is pancreatitis treated?

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How long do they stay in the hospital with pancreatitis?

How long is pancreatitis treated - duration (terms) of treatment, how long to treat?

Published: October 15, 2014 at 10:28 am

In medicine, it is not customary to talk about any specific time frame during which the patient will be promised to be completely cured of the disease. It's connected with individual characteristics each organism and its different response to the same treatment. Moreover, there are diseases for which it is impossible to predict any time frame for treatment, since it is almost impossible to completely get rid of the disease.

The most accurate answer to the question of how long to treat pancreatitis can only be the phrase - all your life. Or rather, the process of medical intervention itself does not last long - usually acute condition removed in a few days. However, everyone who has been diagnosed with pancreatitis at least once in their life must understand that how long they can avoid remembering such an unpleasant disease depends only on their lifestyle.

Another factor that will determine how long pancreatitis is treated is its form. Usually, upon initial detection of the disease (acute attack), inpatient treatment is prescribed for 7-10 days, and then maintenance therapy for up to six months, including choleretic, enzyme, hepatoprotective drugs and vitamins. Of course prerequisite is to follow a strict diet. If the disease was detected at the very beginning and all rules and recommendations were followed, it is quite possible that the patient will never remember pancreatitis again.

But how long will you have to undergo treatment if you don’t care about your health and allow the transition acute form inflammation into chronic – one can only assume. The later therapy is started for pancreatic disease, the more tissue in it will be affected, therefore, the functions of the organ will significantly deteriorate and it will be extremely difficult to talk about specific dates.

That is why the most important thing for the patient is not to find out from the doctor how long pancreatitis is treated, but to follow all his recommendations, give up alcohol and smoking, and switch to rational nutrition and other factors that allow you to forget about pancreatitis, if not forever, then at least for a fairly long period. Remember, the success of therapy depends not on how long you spend in the hospital, but mostly on how carefully you adhere to the regimen.

How long do you have to stay in the hospital for pancreatitis?

The length of hospital stay for pancreatitis depends directly on the form of the disease and on the presence and severity of complications. In case of exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the pancreas, the length of stay in the hospital may take only 2-3 days, and the patient will be prescribed a specific treatment regimen for subsequent therapy at home. If there is an acute form of pancreatitis, then the patient will have to remain under the constant supervision of doctors for at least a week, up to 5-6 weeks. This is due to the abundance of complications on various organs that acute inflammation of the pancreas causes. In this case, the lungs, kidneys, and blood system can be affected. Sometimes the patient needs parenteral nutrition for a whole month. Only a doctor can decide how long a particular patient needs to stay in the hospital with pancreatitis, since the patient’s subjective positive feelings do not always indicate an improvement in the condition.

Both acute and chronic forms of the disease require strict instructions to be followed over a long period of time. And if after acute inflammation of the pancreas, the duration of treatment for pancreatitis can take about six months with further anti-relapse therapy for several years, then, unfortunately, getting rid of the chronic form turns into a way of life.

Treatment of pancreatitis in a hospital: how long to stay, how to treat it, outpatient

Treatment of pancreatitis in a hospital is carried out to eliminate the symptoms of the disease if the disease has progressed to a severe phase. Treatment of acute pancreatitis in a hospital is necessary to stop the impact of the current attack of the disease on the patient’s body, as well as to eliminate factors that can cause further development of the disease.

Chronic types of illness can usually be treated at home, but in some cases they are treated on an outpatient basis in a clinic. Sometimes, if a patient has developed necrosis of pancreatic tissue, the patient undergoes surgery.

How is acute pancreatitis treated in a hospital?

Hospitalization is necessary for a severe attack of acute pancreatitis, which cannot be controlled with painkillers at home. After the patient is delivered, he is transferred from the clinic’s emergency department to the intensive care ward. Treatment is carried out with the mandatory participation of an anesthesiologist and resuscitator.

Acute pancreatitis treated as follows:

  1. First, doctors relieve the patient’s pain and various nervous and reflex disorders with the help of analgesics. For this, the drugs Baralgin, Promedol, Analgin, etc. are used. Novocaine blockade can be used.
  2. To combat hypertension in the bile ducts, doctors use No-shpu, Nitroglycerin and other drugs.
  3. The pancreas needs to be unloaded, so the patient is prescribed fasting. He should take alkaline drinks, such as Borjomi.
  4. In combination with the above measures, the prevention and treatment of blood clots in blood vessels is carried out various organs(pancreas, liver, etc.).

To prevent the condition of a patient with pancreatitis from worsening due to intoxication, the performance of the heart and lungs is checked, and then drainage and gastric lavage are performed. This procedure is carried out with a solution of soda, Pyrroxan or Obzidan are used.

Intravenous injections are made with solutions of insulin with glucose and potassium.

In case of acute pancreatitis during hospital treatment, the patient is under constant research monitoring metabolic processes occurring in his body. The exchange of electrolytes (for example, sodium or potassium) is examined, the level of sugar in the blood is checked, the presence of proteins in it, etc.

Usually, during inpatient treatment of acute pancreatitis, a full examination of the patient is not carried out, since it is impossible due to the severity of the person’s condition and can lead to a rapid and sharp deterioration in the course of the disease. Therefore, the examination is carried out in 2 stages. Initially, the diagnosis is confirmed only on the basis of symptoms, and then the above measures are carried out, and after the patient’s condition improves, laboratory research.

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis

Usually, before starting the treatment process, a complete examination of the patient is carried out. There are many methods for detecting this disease, but they are practically useless early stages diseases due to the presence large quantity various symptoms and phases further development illnesses interspersed with periods of remission.

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination, which includes blood, urine, and stool tests. An ultrasound is performed to identify changes in the pancreas, radiography of the abdominal organs, and other studies.

Chronic pancreatitis is usually treated with home environment or on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization of the patient is not required. He is prescribed a special diet and conservative drug treatment.

If a patient experiences an acute attack that he cannot stop with medications prescribed by a doctor, then he should immediately call ambulance. After this, the patient will be treated for an attack using the above method to eliminate signs of acute pancreatitis.

Until a car with doctors arrives, it is necessary to transfer the patient to a horizontal position (put him on a sofa or bed). It is recommended to constantly ventilate the room where it is located, and the patient should put something cold, such as an ice pack, on the stomach area. If doctors are late, then there is no need to feed the patient.

It is best if he fasts for 3 days.

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis in the hospital is usually carried out with medications. With the next attack, the pain is eliminated with drugs such as Papaverine, No-shpa, Atropine, etc. It is forbidden to use Aspirin and other NSAIDs, as they only thin the blood and irritate the mucous membranes.

To suppress excessive secretion of a diseased organ, Omeprozole and similar drugs are used. The gland is unloaded with the help of medications such as Mezim, Digestal, etc. To eliminate an infectious lesion on the gland, it is prescribed antibacterial therapy medications such as Ampicillin. Water and salt balance is restored with the help of physiological solutions.

Surgical treatment of chronic pancreatitis and treatment periods for different forms of the disease

The operation is prescribed if the patient has developed complications, there are signs of jaundice, pain that cannot be relieved with medications, despite long treatment.

Indirect types of surgery on the bile ducts or stomach and intestines can be used. If necessary, surgery is performed to drain the cysts, remove stones, and sometimes pancreatic resection may be necessary.

Many patients want to know how many days it takes to treat acute pancreatitis. Typically, hospital treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days, and then he is discharged, but the person undergoes maintenance therapy for another 6 months.

The patient is treated by taking various drugs, vitamins, observing strict diet.

If the disease has taken severe forms, then after 2-3 days intensive treatment the patient should remain under the supervision of doctors for about 1.5-2 months.

At chronic types pancreatitis, the patient (if he does not need surgery or is in remission) stays in a medical institution for 1 day for examination.

How many days patients remain in bed after surgery depends on the type of surgical intervention and the recovery ability of the patient’s body. Usually this period does not exceed 7 days. After this, the person is transferred to home treatment which lasts 1.5-2 months. He takes medications, follows a diet, and exercises.

This was my first time in the hospital with pancreatitis. Took... :

This was my first time in the hospital with pancreatitis. I took Mezim, Alahol, Almagel, Omez. Diagnoses: Cicatricial deformation of the duodenal bulb, chronic. pancreatitis moderate severity- diffuse changes in the pancreas, dyskinesia of the gallbladder (bending of the middle part of the gallbladder). After discharge 1 month Creon 10000. Tried 1 fresh cucumber. After some time, not immediately, there is pain in the epigastrium, stool becomes more frequent, which turns into diarrhea, and the temperature rises to 37.0–37.2. I drink Smecta, drink Omez, everything calms down. The gastroenterologist prescribed a regimen of medications, again the same as Omez, Gastal, 2 ml injections of solcoseryl, and cholenzyme. But I have already been treated with them. But fresh vegetables and fruits still cause the same relapse. I'm on a diet. In half a year by 16 kilos. lost weight. What is my diagnosis? In general, the pain is almost always minor in the left hypochondrium and it’s as if it’s been hit in the gut, but it doesn’t hurt much. And so I live from an attack of epigastric pain to an attack. What other drugs can be treated besides OMEZ? Otherwise, I’ve been drinking it intermittently since February and I’m afraid to put anything in my mouth. The chair is light. It gets dark only when taking Creon 10,000. There is no bitterness in the mouth, nausea is very rare, I vomited once in February. The ultrasound still showed hypotosis. What other medications can I take? What is this diagnosis?

Why should you start taking new medications? Diet N5p + omez 2 r. + Creon 10,000 during meals 6-8 per day with _constant_ use does not prevent attacks? The diet is quite high in calories - 2500 kcal. Creon 10000 is recommended to be taken at the beginning of treatment, 1-2 capsules during each main meal and 1 capsule during each light snack. Efficient daily dose can range from 4 to 15 capsules.

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❶ How to treat acute pancreatitis


Acute pancreatitis develops suddenly, after overeating and drinking alcohol, most often after the holidays. Pain appears in the upper abdomen, aggravated by coughing or taking a deep breath. The nature of the pain is girdling. The patient develops nausea and vomiting, and the temperature rises to 38 degrees. If severe pancreatitis is observed, the patient's arterial pressure, the heartbeat quickens, the head begins to spin. If you have such signs, you should immediately call a doctor. Acute pancreatitis can lead to serious consequences and even death. This disease can also occur during pregnancy. The cause of exacerbation may be cholelithiasis or taking certain medications, such as furosemide. The symptoms are the same as in other patients. To confirm the diagnosis, the patient undergoes a blood test for biochemistry, ultrasound and other examinations. Most often, treatment is conservative, that is, taking medications. The patient must follow a diet. In the first week of illness, the pancreas needs to “arrange” complete rest. The patient drinks only water. The patient is fed intravenously with nutrient solutions.

A small amount of liquid food is prescribed on the sixth day of illness. Pain relief is provided with the help of narcotic and non-narcotic drugs.

At acute inflammation pancreas, the patient must be hospitalized. Treatment of pancreatitis in a hospital is necessary, because due to severe pathological changes in the affected organ there is a high risk of disability or death.


An acute attack of pancreatitis with severe pain can be treated in 2 ways medical care:

  1. Emergency surgery.
  2. Intensive drug therapy.

The decision on the appropriateness of a particular treatment tactic is made by a gastroenterologist. Most often prescribed conservative therapy. Surgical intervention is considered necessary if the severity of the disease threatens the patient’s life.

Surgical therapy

Many patients are hospitalized in critical condition, which is caused by either extensive edema or a necrotic process in the pancreas. According to medical statistics, surgical intervention is prescribed for every third patient with death of organ tissue. Selecting a method surgical treatment determined by the cause of acute pancreatitis, the severity of the disease, the presence of spread inflammatory process to adjacent abdominal organs.

Most often practiced:

  1. Puncture and drainage is a minimally invasive intervention to remove effusion in the development of enzymatic peritonitis.
  2. Laparoscopy is also a minimally traumatic method used for non-infectious necrosis. It is used to excise dead areas of the gland, drainage pseudocysts, and eliminate neoplasms.
  3. Laparotomy - opening of the abdominal cavity with multiple infected cysts, phlegmon, peritonitis.

Minimally invasive methods are often used in preparation for laparotomy. If such interventions, together with taking medicines do not lead to the desired result, surgeons resort to radical operations. They are carried out under X-ray and ultrasonic devices. This:

  1. Necrosequestrectomy - puncture of cystic neoplasms, pumping out fluid from them and installing drainage.
  2. Distal or subtotal resection. In the first case, the tail and body of the gland are removed, in the second - almost the entire affected organ, with the exception of areas adjacent to the duodenum.

Intensive conservative therapy

If the patient is admitted in a state of moderate severity, the attack is treated in the intensive care unit of the hospital. In order to eliminate the inflammatory process and prevent necrosis of the gland, temporary fasting, gastric lavage and complex drug treatment are prescribed.

The following groups of drugs are used:

  • painkillers for exacerbation of pathology simultaneously with antispasmodics: Ketorol, No-shpa;
  • medicines that reduce acidity gastric juice: Almagel, Gaviscon, Omeprazole, Ranitidine;
  • means for regulating the secretory function of the gland: Gordox, Aminocaproic acid, Contrical (intravenous administration);
  • antibiotics: Thienam (imipenem plus cilastatin sodium), Doxycycline (in severe cases, infusions are prescribed);
  • drugs for cardiovascular failure: solutions of the hormones Dopamine, Adrenaline (drip administration);
  • means that normalize the water-salt balance: solutions of glucose, Sodium chloride, Glucosolan, Regidron.

Standard and scheme

Delivery methods medical care Patients with attacks of acute pancreatitis are selected depending on the cause, severity of the disease and the presence of complications.

When choosing an inpatient treatment regimen, the doctor is guided by the protocol of the initial examination, which is carried out immediately after the patient’s hospitalization, and a preliminary diagnosis.

If pancreatitis is detected in mild form, conservative therapy is prescribed. Her tasks:

  • pain relief with narcotic analgesics;
  • elimination of dehydration due to serial vomiting;
  • antibacterial treatment if foci of infection are detected.

For severe pancreatitis, which is accompanied by symptoms acute intoxication, severe pain, loss of consciousness, patients are placed in the intensive care unit of the hospital. Conservative therapy is actively carried out. If after 2 days the doctor’s efforts are in vain and the development is stopped pathological process in the gland fails, a decision is made on the advisability of surgery.


The duration of inpatient treatment depends on the condition of the person in which he was hospitalized and the accurate implementation of medical prescriptions. Symptoms of mild pancreatitis most often resolve within a few days with intensive drug infusions. Treatment of exacerbations in patients with chronic inflammation of the gland requires much longer hospitalization, especially during surgery.

Acute form of the disease

For a primary attack of moderate pancreatitis, a course of therapy of about 2-3 weeks is required. During this time, in most clinical cases It is possible to completely improve the pancreas. However, 6 months after discharge from the hospital, treatment must be repeated so that the disease does not become chronic.

Chronic stage

People suffering from a long-term form of pancreatitis need scheduled hospitalization every six months to prevent exacerbations. This is facilitated by medicinal healing of the pancreas and the entire body. The duration of the course of treatment can range from 10 to 21 days.

Further management of the patient

Complication of acute pancreatitis concomitant diseases, especially diabetes, pathologies of the digestive system, increases the risk of recurrent inflammation of the gland. Such patients after discharge from the hospital require dispensary registration and preventive treatment. Patients who have suffered pancreatic necrosis should examine the condition of the gland every six months. At the same time, it is important not to break the diet, maintain healthy image life and at the first signs of exacerbation of the disease, immediately contact a gastroenterologist.

Often, at the first attacks of pancreatitis, a person requires immediate hospitalization, especially if the abdominal pain becomes unbearable.

Due to this, planned activities have to be postponed, so many patients are interested in how long they stay in the hospital with pancreatitis. The answer to this question may depend on the type of inflammation of the pancreas, the speed of diagnosis and many other factors.

If a person exhibits symptoms of an attack of pancreatitis, the first step is to call an ambulance. While doctors are getting to the patient, it is important to quickly provide first aid. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Place the patient on a sofa or bed.
  2. Apply a heating pad filled with cold water or a wet napkin. It is strictly forbidden to heat the abdominal area.
  3. Open a window indoors. Ventilate it.

When the doctor arrives at the site, he will carry out the necessary procedures based on the presented clinical picture. Most often, Papaverine is administered during attacks of pain. Next, the patient is admitted to the hospital, but hospitalization cannot be refused.

At the first attacks of pain in the abdominal area, you must call a doctor or go to the hospital. A delay of even a few hours can seriously affect the patient’s condition and cause complications. In addition, acute pancreatitis without proper treatment can quickly develop into chronic.


How long does it take to treat pancreatitis after hospitalization? In case of exacerbation, infusion treatment is usually required, after which the patient is discharged to continue therapy at home. As soon as the patient is admitted to the hospital, his blood pressure is measured and he is sent for an initial examination to the doctor. Next, it is necessary to carry out the following diagnostic measures:

  • blood test to determine leukocytes and enzymes;
  • laparoscopy;
  • ultrasound examination.

After all necessary procedures the doctor evaluates the pancreas and the patient’s condition and identifies the form of pancreatitis. Based on the data obtained, a method and treatment plan are selected and medications are selected. Treatment for moderate severity is carried out in the intensive care unit; for severe pain and intoxication, resuscitation may be required.

Treatment in hospital

Acute pancreatitis in adults is treated in a hospital using the following measures:

  1. First of all, you need to remove pain syndrome. For this purpose, medications such as Baralgin, Novocain, Analgin, Promedol in the form of tablets and injections are used.
  2. The second step is to carry out hypertension of the bile outlet channels. A drug such as No-Shpa is suitable for this.
  3. It is imperative to remove the load from the pancreas and ensure rest. Water fasting will help with this. In the first few days after starting treatment, you can drink regular drinking and mineral water.
  4. Prevention of thrombosis is often important.

How long are they held? emergency measures? This usually takes a few minutes, but sometimes it takes the whole day. After they are completed, a period of intensive therapy begins.

It includes taking sorbents (Smecta, Almagel) and anti-inflammatory medications (Gordox and Mannitol by drip, Contrikal). To reduce hydrolysis, diuretics (Furosemide) are prescribed.

To prevent deterioration of the patient's condition, it is necessary to clean and drain the stomach, as well as check the condition of other internal organs, but complete medical examination is not carried out due to dangerous condition. To facilitate the work of the pancreas, insulin injections are given.

Thus, it usually takes about 7–10 days to eliminate an attack of acute pancreatitis or an exacerbation of its chronic form, with the first 2–3 days being the period of the most intensive therapy. After discharge from the hospital, the patient must be under the supervision of doctors for one and a half to six months.

Chronic pancreatitis should be treated with periodic examinations, adherence to the regimen and self-administration of recommended medications.

Surgical intervention

How many people stay in hospitals with pancreatitis if surgery is necessary? This form of treatment may take different quantities time, the timing depends on the scale of the problem.

Treatment of pancreatitis surgery may be prescribed when diagnosing complications. It is indicated for jaundice, lack of benefit from medications, and detection of formations in the pancreas on ultrasound.

In this case, time will be needed not only for preparation and actual surgical intervention, but also for the rehabilitation period. Thus, the patient spends about a week in the hospital after it and spends another 1.5-2 months in home treatment.

He is prescribed a special diet, drug therapy, physical exercise, and also make a daily routine plan. It is necessary to be admitted to the hospital again at the first signs of complications.


When a person has strong pain and signs of acute pancreatitis, there is a high probability that he will be admitted to the hospital. In such cases, you cannot hesitate and it is important to immediately seek qualified help.

In the most successful cases, it is thus possible to get rid of the disease within a week, however, with delay and violation of the regime, therapy can drag on for up to several months.

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, accompanied by disruption of carbohydrate metabolism and the digestive process. The outflow of enzymes is disrupted, as a result of which the organ tissues are broken down by their own product. It occurs against the background of alcohol abuse, pathology of the biliary system, insufficient intake of proteins and fats from food, disorders of amino acid metabolism, exposure to toxic factors, infections and injuries. It can occur in chronic or acute form.

Pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas

The chronic variety has three clinical forms:

  • obstructive;
  • parenchymal (inflammatory).

It is characterized by the development of edema and coagulative necrosis, which leads to fibrosis of some areas. Destruction glandular tissue accompanied by a weakening of the exocrine and endocrine functions of the pancreas. It occurs with episodes of exacerbation and remission.

How long does pancreatitis last in remission?

The main reason for the termination of remission is an error in diet

Fabrics do not restore their original structure. Therefore, functional impairments persist for life. The disease may not manifest itself for a long time, for many years, if the patient follows the recommended diet and takes medications prescribed by the doctor. Inpatient therapy is not required.

Maintenance treatment - non-absorbable antacids, medications replacement therapy, drugs that eliminate gastroduodenal motility disorders. Taking these medications allows you to slow down the progression of the disease and delay the onset of diabetes mellitus, significant digestive disorders.

Duration of treatment

Substitution treatment continues throughout the patient's life. If the tail of the pancreas is affected with destruction of the main mass, daily administration of insulin is required in a volume corresponding to the level of glycemia and bread units of food consumed. If exocrine insufficiency prevails, pancreatic enzymes after meals (Pancreatin, Creon) are indicated.

Patients who have developed an exacerbation of the disease are admitted to the hospital. As a rule, this occurs when the recommended diet is violated by consuming:

  • acute;
  • salty;
  • overly sour;
  • pickled products;
  • fried.

Most often, remission is interrupted after taking even small doses of alcohol or non-alcoholic energy drinks (Red Bull, Adrenaline Rush).

Information! It takes from one week to a month or more to restore the condition of the pancreas. The duration depends on the severity of the lesion and the patient’s response to the drugs used.

Correction of the condition is carried out using a large number of saline and colloidal solutions (Trisol, Reopoliglucin), agents that inactivate the patient’s own enzymes (Gordox), histamine H2 receptor blockers (Famotidine), antispasmodics (Drotaverine). During development hemorrhagic syndrome transfusion of coagulation factors and fresh frozen plasma is performed.

Requires administration of analgesics. For moderate pain, NSAIDs (paracetamol, analgin) can be prescribed. IN in some cases there is a need to use drugs.

In the first 2-3 days from the onset of an exacerbation, the patient needs to be hungry. Then they begin to feed him liquid food, gradually expanding the diet.

The list of permitted products includes:

  • cottage cheese;
  • steam omelette;
  • lean fish;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • steam puddings;
  • enveloping mucous porridges;
  • baked apples.

You should avoid canned food, whole milk, fatty or smoked fish, difficult-to-digest meat, meat and mushroom broths, and fresh rye bread. In addition, you should avoid other foods that are irritating to the stomach and intestines.

Signs of exacerbation

Exacerbation is accompanied by pain

The main symptom of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis is pain. It can be localized in the left hypochondrium, epigastric zone, or have a encircling nature. As a rule, it occurs 40-60 minutes after breaking the diet. Lying on your back - it intensifies, sitting with a bend forward - it weakens. The sensation is sharp or dull, pressing.

Patient complaints during exacerbation:

  1. Belching, heartburn, nausea.
  2. Steatorrhea, diarrhea.
  3. Stools up to 6 times/day, mushy, with an unpleasant odor.
  4. Bright red round spots may appear on the skin ().

Information! Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis lasts from 1 to 4 weeks, but acute manifestations persist for 2-7 days. Further during therapy clinical picture becomes less pronounced.

Acute pancreatitis

Initially, aseptic inflammation of the pancreas tissue, in which acute disorder its functions. May occur in mild, moderate or severe degrees.

A mild course is characterized by swelling of the organ and does not lead to the formation of necrosis. The duration of the attack under the condition of volumetric infusion therapy is about 3-7 days.

Lack of treatment leads to the development of necrosis, which requires surgical intervention. Without surgery, death usually occurs. Cardiac arrest occurs due to intoxication and damage to nearby organs by digestive enzymes. This usually occurs on the 7-10th day of illness.

If the patient was operated on in a timely manner, recovery takes about 1 month. In the future, he needs a life sentence, which is selected in accordance with the existing violations.

Reactive pancreatitis

Reactive pancreatitis may result from drug toxicity

Occurs with pronounced clinical manifestations, however, responds well to treatment. Usually does not lead to the formation of pancreatic necrosis. Occurs as a reaction to the influence of a provoking factor: shock, intoxication, exacerbation peptic ulcer, poisoning, taking certain medications. Treatment is no different from mild acute pancreatitis. Recovery time is 3-5 days if therapy is started early.

How long pancreatitis lasts depends on:

  • forms of pathology;
  • doctor's qualification level;
  • the initial state of the pancreas in particular and the patient’s entire body as a whole.

The above are average terms, which may differ significantly both up and down. Great value has a quick onset therapeutic measures. Therefore, at the first signs of pathology, you should immediately contact the clinic for examination and prescribing the necessary therapy.

It is not always possible to cope with attacks of acute pancreatitis on your own at home. They may be accompanied by a significant deterioration in health, sharp pains, nausea, vomiting and even loss of consciousness. In such cases, hospitalization and treatment under medical supervision are necessary. Untimely provision of medical care at such a clinic can result in the development of complications, as well as fatal.

Hospitalization of a patient with pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, in which the digestive enzymes produced by the gland cannot enter the intestine to digest food and, as a result, begin to digest the tissue of the parenchymal organ. It turns out that the gland “eats” itself.

This is very serious and dangerous disease which requires the provision of qualified medical care. The disease can occur in two forms: chronic and acute.

Usually, treatment of the disease takes place at home, according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor. However, the development of acute pancreatitis or exacerbation chronic illness may be accompanied by attacks with severe painful symptoms. In such cases, you do not need to endure the pain and resort to traditional healing measures, but call an ambulance. Untimely medical intervention during acute attacks of the disease can lead to the development of complications, disability and even death of the victim.

Thus, the indication for hospitalization of a patient with pancreatic inflammation is the development of an acute attack, which is accompanied by severe painful sensations, significant deterioration in health.

Nausea and profuse vomiting (especially with bile) may also cause alarming symptoms. If they occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Symptoms of an acute attack of pancreatic inflammation include:

  • Severe pain in the right hypochondrium, as well as slightly above the navel;
  • Vomit;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Temperature rise to 38 degrees or higher;
  • Tachycardia.

If an acute attack of pancreatitis occurs, before the ambulance arrives, under no circumstances should you:

  1. Take painkillers and antiemetics.
  2. Bandage the subcostal area.
  3. Apply hot, warm or any warming compresses to the painful area.
  4. Drink any drinks except a small amount of water.

The patient should be placed on a sofa or bed in a reclining state, a cool cloth or heating pad should be applied to the sore spot, and allowed into the room Fresh air. Upon arrival, the ambulance team, having analyzed the symptoms and general state patient, will provide first aid to the victim. In order to relieve pain, the patient is usually given an injection with Papaverine diluted with saline solution.

Prescribed diagnostics

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is very important to give the patient a correct diagnosis, to find out the sensitivity of his body to certain medicines. For this purpose, the patient may be prescribed the following types of diagnostics:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • hemogram (to determine the development of the inflammatory process based on leukocyte indicators);
  • CT or MRI;
  • blood biochemistry (to determine whether there are pancreatic enzymes in the blood);
  • Ultrasound (to identify the source of inflammation);
  • emergency laparoscopy (for purulent pancreatitis, development of serious complications).

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor confirms or denies the presence of pancreatic disease, establishes its form, the extent of damage to the organ, whether other digestive organs are affected, whether there is a risk of complications, and also decides on the appropriate treatment methods in this case.

Treatment of pancreatitis in the hospital depends on the stage of the disease at which the patient was admitted to the hospital and the presence of complications. From the emergency department the patient is sent to the intensive care unit. Ambulance specialists can also deliver the patient to the gastroenterology department.

At the same time, doctors at the stage of a person’s admission to the department have two main tasks:

  • stabilize the patient’s condition, stop the attack;
  • prevent the development of complications.

And only after completing these tasks, doctors begin to treat the disease.

If a person collapses with an attack of severe purulent, necrotizing pancreatitis, he is immediately sent to the intensive care unit for urgent surgical intervention under the supervision of a resuscitator or surgeon. After rendering emergency care and complete stabilization of health, the patient is immediately transferred to the gastroenterology or surgery department, where he will be under the supervision of a gastroenterologist or surgeon, respectively.

If complications of pancreatitis or concomitant diseases are suspected, an endocrinologist and oncologist are involved, and the performance of the patient is checked. respiratory system, heart and kidneys.

Time frame for completing a treatment course at a medical institution

How long people stay in the hospital with pancreatitis depends on the form, stage of the disease, the nature of its course and the presence of complications.

In acute form

The acute course of the disease generally lasts from two to seven days. In this case, the first two or three days are considered the most difficult and responsible, since the patient’s condition needs to be stabilized. During this period it remains big risk the occurrence of complications with a fatal outcome, therefore it is characterized by the most intensive care. The patient may be on a drip for the first few days.

With the development of an acute form of pancreatic inflammation or exacerbation chronic disease, the patient can stay in the hospital from 7(10) to 14 days. The duration of treatment is also influenced by the effectiveness of the selected therapy.

If needed surgical intervention, after the operation, the patient usually spends another week in the day ward, and after discharge, he must periodically visit the doctor for one and a half to two months.

In chronic form

Treatment of pancreatitis in a hospital with its chronic form carried out mainly in case of exacerbation of the disease. The duration of hospitalization may take from one to two weeks.

To be treated for chronic inflammation pancreas in general can be done for years. Therapy takes place at home, and during periods of acute attacks, a hospital stay under the supervision of doctors is definitely required.

The standard of treatment for pancreatitis in a hospital involves the following actions:

  1. Relieving pain syndrome.
  2. Relieving spasms of the smooth muscles of the pancreas.
  3. Elimination of puffiness.
  4. Stopping the activity of digestive enzymes of the gland.
  5. Therapy of the disease.
  6. Normalization of digestion.
  7. Elimination side effect medicines.

How is pancreatitis treated in the hospital? This question interests many patients with long-standing inflammation of the pancreas. Doctors prescribe medication therapy (including IVs, injections), diet and surgery. Application traditional methods not practiced in hospitals.

Conservative therapy

In most cases, pancreatitis is treated medications. However, the first step in treating the disease will be to ensure pancreatic rest. For this, the patient is prescribed water fasting. For 3-4 days he is prohibited from eating anything except mineral still water (it is advisable to drink it slightly chilled).

In addition, a catheter can be installed in the patient’s stomach for several days, through which its contents will be released.

Treatment of the disease involves the use of the following drugs:

  • Diuretics, to remove fluid and eliminate swelling.
  • Painkillers (Novocaine, Promedol, Lexir, etc.).
  • Antispasmodics to relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the gland (No-shpa).
  • Antienzymes that suppress the production of gland secretions to renew its tissues
  • Drugs may be prescribed to prevent thrombosis in blood vessels.
  • For purulent processes, antibiotics are prescribed.
  • Drugs aimed at recovery normal indicator acidity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Vitamin therapy for general strengthening of the body, raising tone and immunity.

Medicines must be taken strictly according to the dosage prescribed by the doctor so as not to harm the body. At the same time, it is necessary to take medications that will support the functioning of the liver and kidneys, since during the treatment period they are subject to enormous stress.

To detoxify the body from medications, gastric lavage is performed with a soda solution.

Throughout the entire period of treatment, protein, electrolyte, and carbohydrate metabolism are monitored.

Surgical intervention

If necrotic processes have already begun in the gland, surgical intervention is performed. There are three ways to operate the pancreas:

  • Removal of the tail and body of the gland.
  • Removal of the tail, body and part of the head of the gland.
  • Removal liquid formations pancreas and its washing.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia in the surgery department. Subject to stable health, after 1-2 weeks the patient is transferred to home treatment, lasting on average 1.5-2 months.


If a person is admitted to the hospital with acute necrotizing pancreatitis, and his condition is very serious, action must be taken immediately. Therefore, in such cases, emergency laparoscopy is used.

Before it is carried out, the patient is taken general analysis blood and urine, blood biochemistry, urine toxicology test and blood test for tumor markers. In addition, the patient is given an enema and anesthesia is administered.

During the operation, dead organ tissue is removed; in some cases, removal of the gland is required. abdominal cavity. In order to prevent infection, the patient is given strong antibiotics after the procedure.

With this type of treatment, the patient’s stay in the clinic can vary from 5 to 7 days, provided there are no complications.

What can you bring to the hospital for a patient with pancreatitis?

Diet is one of the most important points in the treatment of pancreatitis. In the first three to four days of treatment, patients are often prohibited from consuming everything except mineral and boiled water. Therefore, these days you can only come to a patient with a bottle of Borjomi. In the future, it is necessary to consult a doctor about what food the patient can eat.

If we talk about generally accepted rules, patients with pancreatitis can bring:

  1. Light soups made exclusively with vegetable broth.
  2. Dried fruit compote (apple, a little dried apricots or raisins) without sugar.
  3. Rolled oats porridge, ground to a smooth puree.
  4. Boiled chicken, pureed in a blender.
  5. Boiled or stewed carrots, potatoes.
  6. Baked apples of non-sour varieties.
  7. Rose hip decoction.

Everything should be fresh and preferably without salt, spices and sugar. All dishes should be ground to a puree. Fried, fatty foods and rich broths are strictly prohibited. The patient can eat only warm food, no hot or too cold food.

It is not advisable to bring kefir, milk, cottage cheese, fresh vegetables and fruits. Although such products help to improve the microflora of organs digestive tract, they can also cause bloating, flatulence, increased gas formation, which will lead to a deterioration in the patient’s condition.