Analysis on progesterone that shows. How to give an analysis to progesterone. What indicators are considered normal

During pregnancy, as well as during the diagnosis of various diseases, it is necessary to know the level of hormone progesterone. Progesterone, in particular, is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy at all stages and contributes to its preservation. The doctor may appoint a similar blood test analysis not only to women, but also to men. In what cases does this happen? And what you need to know before passing the analysis to progesterone?

A little about progesterone
Translated from Latin Pro means "in favor," and gestatio is "pregnancy" or "tooling". Therefore, progesterone is often called a "hormone of pregnancy", and the successful conception and tooling the child depends on it.

The reduced level of progesterone faces the delay in the intrauterine development of the child, and in the most dangerous cases the pregnancy is interrupted. After all, it is progesterone in oppressively affect the activity of the cutting of the uterus, which prevents the miscarriage. The abortion of pregnancy at the initial stage can occur and because progesterone is too little to maintain the favorable state of the endometrium (inner layer) of the uterus.

With a high level of progesterone, usually talk about diseases of the reproductive system.

The normal level of progesterone is:

  • successful preparation of the mammary glands for milk generating;
  • healthy blood sugar level;
  • normal blood viscosity;
  • transformation of fats in energy;
  • preventing the formation of cyst.
Thus, this hormone is also important for the functioning of different organism systems.

Basic testimony for surcharge
Consider cases in which the analysis of progesterone is recommended.

Indications for women:

  • uterine bleeding (when their reason is unclear);
  • impairment of the menstrual cycle (analysis will show their causes);
  • infertility (especially when maintaining ovulation);
  • diagnostics of the state of the placenta (2nd half of pregnancy);
  • suspicion of the pathology of the ovarian;
  • obesity.
Men is a blood test for progesterone can be appointed with suspicion of the pathology of the testicles. And men and women, this analysis is recommended to donate problems with thyroid gland or adrenal glands. The analysis of progesterone is also carried out when monitoring drug therapy.

Preparation for progesterone analysis
The doctor takes into account the patient's health and therefore appoints the timing and conditions of blood intake individually. But there are generally accepted conditions:

  • blood from Vienna surrenders from the morning on an empty stomach (after 8-12 hours since the last meal), you can drink water;
  • if there is no opportunity to visit the laboratory in the morning, before the blood fence you need to be checked at least 6 hours, and during breakfast to eliminate fatty foods;
  • for women with a regular 28-day cycle - on the 22nd or on the 23rd day;
  • for women with an irregular cycle - at the direction of the doctor, "in dynamics", that is, on different days.
Laboratory employee may need additional information:
  • cycle day;
  • pregnancy week;
  • the presence of menopause;
  • reception of drugs that affect the level of hormones.
If the blood gives a man, no special training is needed. But the doctor should know what medicine is made by a man, since in some cases there is a risk of an inaccurate result. And women and men before surrendering blood should not attend massage sessions and physiotherapy procedures.

The results of the analysis are usually ready on the same day, but the timing of their acquisitions depend on the peculiarities of the interaction of the medical institution with the laboratory. To interpret the results of the analysis to progesterone and determine the treatment procedure can only doctor - depending on the overall picture of the patient's health status and a number of other factors.

Hormone progesterone affects pregnancy. Health of the embryo depends on it, and before that the formation of strong zygotes. It is produced in the ovaries of women and, as well as in the core of adrenal glands, but in a less noticeable amount. When a woman cannot become pregnant, the doctor prescribes her blood test for progesterone. The gynecologist will also prompt, on what day of the monthly cycle to take the blood to progesterone, how to pass the analysis.

Let's talk more about what it is for the substance and how its number indicates pathology.

Functions of progesterone

Women who want to conceive and endure a baby, you need to make progesterone analysis. But the hormone not only affects the health of the kid in the mother's womb. His presence is important in the conception of the baby. Progesterone has an impact on the health of the yellow body generated from the burst follicle. Hormone functions:

  • Creating a favorable environment for conception in the female organism;
  • Promoting the fastening of an egg after its fertilization;
  • Stopping menstruation after fertilization of the egg;
  • Stimulating the growth of the uterus with the embryo;
  • Blocking cutting cuts;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Promotion of blood coagulation;
  • Participation in the adjustment of glucose content;
  • Prestressing the development of cystic fibrosis.

By the middle of the cycle (onset of ovulation and lutein half of the period), the hormone volume rises, creating conditions for fertilization. Before the next monthly level of progesterone high, it decreases to the first day of menstruation. If fertilization happened, the amount of progesterone remains high to 16 weeks of bearing, when the placenta is able to regulate the hormonal equilibrium in the fetal body.

When assigned analysis

Blood on progesterone passes during pregnancy planning to learn about the possibility of its offensive. The deviation of the volume of the substance from the standards will give a gynecologist information about the likely complications during the toaling of the baby. At the beginning of the term it is worth studying the level of the hormone to confirm the possibility of tolerance. If progesterone is not enough, spontaneous miscarriages are possible. Have to take action. During pregnancy, research is prescribed if a woman suffers from high blood pressure and edema.

Why donate blood in the absence of pregnancy? Non-empty ladies make a study in a situation of disorders of a monthly cycle. The study is prescribed in the absence of a ripened egg yield in the fallopian tube. The doctor also wants to check the content of the substance at suspected infertility. An analysis of the hormone progesterone is prescribed with the symptoms of the ovarian tumor or adrenal diseases. The reason for the study is the signs that spelling the violation of the norm of progesterone volume:

  1. Painfulness in the chest;
  2. Violation of the intensity of menstruation and charts of their arrival;
  3. Bleeding from the uterus;
  4. The appearance of the scrawl;
  5. Psychological symptoms associated with mood swings.

Such signs are a significant reason for visiting a specialist and surrender.

If the married couple does not turn out the conception of the baby, the woman is being studied by the volume of progesterone in Gema. The reason sometimes lies both in something else, but it is necessary to find out the volume of steroid hormones.

Progesterone in women with an irregular cycle is checked to find out when ovulation is happened. When to take the analysis to progesterone, a gynecologist will say. Ovulation Day can also be determined by ultrasound examination. At home, a woman has the opportunity to notice this important day itself, measuring the temperature in the rear pass. If the temperature rose, ovulation occurred. After ovulation, the lutein phase occurs.

When and how to make blood for progesterone?

The ladies are sometimes asked - the analysis of progesterone when you need to pass on what day of the cycle? Because of the above fluctuations in the hormone concentration, depending on the period from the beginning of the cycle, the study is produced when the value of the indicator must be maximum. With 28 day periods of menstruation in the clinic, it is necessary to come on 22 or 23 days. If the cycle lasts more than 4 weeks, the study of the hormone must be carried out a week before the expected beginning of the following menstruation. In the absence of menstruation and a positive test on the fertilization of the egg, blood can be passed on any day. The question is on what day progesterone is surrendered, no longer worth it.

How to pass the analysis to progesterone, it is easy to remember. Rules for preparing for analysis:

  • In order to hand over venous blood on time, you should keep a monthly diary.
  • A couple of days before the study, you need to exclude acute, oily, sweet food from the menu. Cannot drink coffee and strong tea.
  • On the day of analysis it is impossible to have breakfast. The last meal can be carried out 8 hours before the study.
  • Blood is surrendered in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • It is necessary to refuse to harmful habits - drinking alcohol and tobacco ends on the eve and on the day of research. You can smoke 8 hours before analysis.
  • It is necessary to avoid psychological stresses and cancel heavy physical work 2 days before visiting the laboratory.

If the lady has a monthly cycle unstable, you may have to pass blood 2 or 3 times in the following days.

How to hand over the analysis to progesterone was described. Rules do not change. When to donate blood to the volume of progesterone, a gynecologist will say. Correct the analysis is simple. How to prepare, a woman already knows.

The norm of the progesterone indicator

The following table gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe normal indicators of the substance, depending on the period from the beginning of the cycle and on the month of pregnancy:

Term of delivery of analyzesLower border (nmol / l)Upper border (nmmol / l)
From 1 day to 130, 32 2,23
From 14 days to 160,48 9,41
From 17 days to 286,99 56,63
1 - 3 months8,9 468,4
4-6 months71,5 303,1
7 - 9 months88,7 771,5

For men, the norm ranges from 0.32 nmol / l to 0.64 nmol / l.

In addition to the cases described, the blood for a hormone is handed over with suspected Addison disease, which is expressed in violation of the properties of adrenal glands produce hormones. Such a situation may indicate a tumor of the pituitary part of the brain, adrenal glands or other reasons.

The doctor may ask to check the level. The gynecologist will say when to hand over the 17th version of the substance.

Causes of deviation of the indicator from normal values

Deciphering of the analysis of progesterone is conducted by a doctor who has consulted on how to hand over the analysis of progesterone. The normal indicator of the substance and 17th progesterone is exceeded in the following cases, when:

  • fertilization and tooling the baby;
  • insufficient kidney function;
  • absence of menstruation for several cycles without a pregnancy (amenorrhea);
  • violation of the function of the placenta;
  • yellow Body Kist;
  • royal bleeding.

Some of these reasons require an urgent intervention of a doctor and hospitalization. But maybe the lady is incorrectly prepared for analysis.

The reduced progesterone volume and 17th progesterone is observed at:

  • transferred, more than 40 weeks, pregnancy;
  • threat of spontaneous miscarriage;
  • bleeding from the uterus;
  • chronic inflammatory process in the genitals;
  • lag behind the growth and development of the embryo from the norm;
  • treatment with some drugs.

If a woman takes constantly any medications, it is necessary to report this to a specialist before analyzing progesterone. Gynecologist may advise to interrupt treatment.

The increase in the volume of the described substance in men indicates the pathologies of the testicles or tumors of adrenal glands. For treatment it is necessary to visit the urologist.

Methods of normalization of the indicator

With increasing progesterone, over the standard there are 3 methods of reduction. This is a drug method, diet and folk treatments. From drugs, the doctor will prescribe a clomiphene, tamoxifen, a mifepristone or other means. But first the pregnancy test is done.

It should be remembered that with the deviation of the content of the substance from the norm, it is necessary to determine its causes. For this, the doctor can send for an additional examination. First find out if you are not pregnant. Preparations cannot be drunk before receiving additional data, test results and to the doctor's council by applying them. It is better to rebuild. You may need to remove adrenal tumors, or other treatment.

The second way is to comply with the diet. Progesterone increases when protein products appear in the diet. This is meat, dairy products, nuts, and so on. If you eliminate these types of food from the menu, progesterone will decrease. But it will be a temporary decrease, because it is impossible all my life is not dairy products and meat.

Finally - folk methods. To reduce the hormone, drink a decoction of Ryabina berries, flowers of cloves in a decoction, a boring uterus. These herbs are sold at the pharmacy. The packaging indicates the way they are prepared and how much to drink 1 time.

It must be remembered that before the start of treatment, it is necessary to hand over the venous blood to the substance progesterone and pass the examination that the doctor will write. Folk ways to bring the indicator to the norm should also recommend a specialist after a pregnancy test.

With a reduced hormone indicator, the doctor will prescribe hormonal drugs. The most famous progesterone analogues are Duphaston and Utzenodan. Drugs are produced in different forms. Tablets are most often prescribed for oral administration, candles vaginally or solutions for injection. Pricks put intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Duphaston is an artificially obtained progesterone, and the uremines - natural. Duphaston is more preferable because it gives fewer side effects.

Assign one or another drug can exclusively specialist if there are no contraindications. Usually women turn to the gynecologist - an endocrinologist.

Progesterone is also called a hormone of pregnancy. The yellow body of the ovarian is produced by progesterone - it is iron that is formed in the ovary after the exit of the egg from the follicle (ovulation). If the conception does not occur, after 12-14 days, the yellow body dies and menstrual bleeding begins. If the egg fertilization occurs, the yellow body continues to produce progesterone to 16 weeks of pregnancy, after which the placenta has already been generated by the production of hormones. In addition to the ovaries, progesterone is also synthesized by adrenal glands.

Functions of progesterone

Progesterone is needed at all stages of pregnancy. It is necessary for the preparation of endometrial of the uterus to the implantation of the fertilized egg and the subsequent preservation of pregnancy. Also, this hormone acts on the nervous system, preparing the body to dry the child and childbirth. Progesterone reduces the activity of the muscles of the uterus, preventing its reduction; suppresses the immune system, preventing the organism rejection of the organism of the fetal egg; Promotes the growth of the uterus. Progesterone contributes to the development of the divisions of the mammary glands responsible for the production of milk. With this hormone, skin saline is carried out.

In a non-heated woman, the level of progesterone rises in the pre-shift period, reaching a maximum in the middle of the lutein phase and returning to the initial level at the end of the cycle. A pregnant woman has a progesterone content by 2 times to 7-8 weeks, then gradually increases to 37-38 weeks. The low content of progesterone during pregnancy can cause a delay in the development of the fetus and the interruption of pregnancy. In the early period of pregnancy, the lack of progesterone can lead to miscarriage. Too high level of this hormone in the blood indicates diseases of the women's productive system. An analysis of progesterone during pregnancy characterizes its development and helps prevent various fetal pathology.

Outside pregnancy, progesterone also performs many important functions, including it prevents the formation of fibrous cyst, promotes the transformation of adipose tissue into energy, helps to normalize blood viscosity and sugar levels. Therefore, the analysis of progesterone can be used to monitor women's health throughout life.

When to take the analysis to progesterone?

For process Analysis Progesterone There are a number of readings:

  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • Infertility;
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding of unexplained etiology;
  • The second half of pregnancy (to assess the state of the placenta);
  • Diagnostics of migration of pregnancy;
  • Suspicion of the pathology of the ovarian;
  • Suspicion of the pathology of the testicles (in men);
  • Suspicion of the pathology of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland in men and women.

The accuracy of the analysis of blood analysis on progesterone depends on the set of factors. For the reliability of the study, some conditions must be observed, including it is important to know when to take an analysis to progesterone. In women, the analysis is usually held on 22-23 days of the menstrual cycle, if the attending physician does not indicate other times. Sometimes the doctor may assign an "dynamics analysis" to do in different days of the menstrual cycle.

For the study of progesterone, blood serum is required, so blood fence is made from veins. General rules for analyzing progesterone suggest blood pressure in the morning on an empty stomach, that is, between the last meal and blood taking should pass 8-12 hours. Before passing the analysis, you can drink only water. If the analysis is not possible in the morning, the blood is allowed after the starvation period for 6 hours. At the same time, during the morning meals you need to exclude fats. Before surrendering blood test, progesterone should be informed about the doctor about the accepted drug preparations, as some drugs affect the level of hormones in the body. A woman will need to notify the nurse about the day of the cycle or menopause. If we are talking about the analysis of progesterone during pregnancy, it will be necessary to name its term.

Analysis on progesterone: norms

The normal content of progesterone in the blood of men and women in menopause is less than 0.64 nmol / l.

In women of the childbearing age, the rate of analysis on hormone progesterone depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle:

  • The first half of the menstrual cycle (the follicle ripening phase) is from 0.32 to 2.23 nmol / l;
  • Middle of the menstrual cycle (ovulatory phase) - from 0.48 to 9.41 nmol / l;
  • The second half of the menstrual cycle (lutein phase) is from 6.99 to 56.63 nmol / l;

During pregnancy, the level of progesterone increases significantly:

  • 1 - 13 week - from 8.9 to 468.4 nmol / l;
  • 14 - 27 week - from 71.5 to 303.1 nmol / l;
  • 28 - 41 weeks - from 88.7 to 771.5 nmol / l.

Blood test for progesterone - indications, preparation, norms and decoding. What affects the level of progesterone in the blood?

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The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Analysis on progesterone is a laboratory test produced in order to determine the concentration of sex hormone progesterone in blood. The analysis is used to diagnose and identify the causes of sexual and menstrual disorders in women, that is, mainly in disabilities of the menstrual cycle, uterine bleeding, infertility, ovarian functional cysts and to assess the functioning of the yellow body.

Analysis on progesterone - what is it (what shows)?

To understand what is an analysis of progesterone, you need to know the general characteristics and functions of the progesterone itself, performed by it in the human body.

So, progesterone himself is a female sex hormone, which participates in the normal flow of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. That is, this hormone is needed for normal regular monthly cycles and to ensure pregnancy, so that there are no spontaneous miscarriage or frozen pregnancy.

Progesterone is normal in the female organism produced in a different quantity in different phases of the menstrual cycle and various bodies. Thus, in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, which is called follicular and lasts from the first day of menstruation to ovulation, the level of progesterone in the blood of a woman is low, since during this period it is produced only in adrenal glands in very limited quantities. Yes, and in the follicular phase, progesterone is not needed, since during this period it is necessary to stimulate the growth and ripening of the egg in the follicle of the ovary, and not to prepare organs for possible pregnancy.

In the follicular phase in the ovaries, the ripening of the follicle ("bubble") occurs, in which there is a future egg cell. After the follicle grows, and the egg in it matures, there is a breaking of this "bubble", that is, ovulation occurs. As a result of ovulation, the egg leaving the abdominal cavity, from where it comes to the uterine tube and moves along it to the uterus. And on the site of the burst follicle, a yellow body is formed, which begins to actively produce progesterone for the entire second half of the menstrual cycle (lutein phase), preparing the entire body of a woman to pregnancy.

Thus, it turns out that in the first, follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, the level of progesterone in the blood is low, as it is produced only by adrenal glands. Further, approximately 10 hours before ovulation (the moment of the exit of the egg from the burst follicle), the level of progesterone in the blood increases sharply and remains so during the entire period of ovulation, which is ongoing about 12 to 36 hours. After the exit of the egg from the follicle, the formation in its place of the yellow body, the level of progesterone in the blood increases even more increases and remains it for the entire second phase of the menstrual cycle (luteinova), that is, up to the occurrence of menstruation. If a pregnancy occurs in the cycle, then menstruation does not occur, and the level of progesterone continues to grow gradually, as this hormone is necessary to preserve and normal development of the fetus. During pregnancy, the level of progesterone grows up to the 37-38th week, and until the 16th - 17th weeks it is produced by the yellow body of the ovary, formed on the site of the burst of the follicle, and from the 17-18th week - the synthesis of the hormone is carried out by the placenta.

The summary of the foregoing is obvious that the level of progesterone in the blood of a non-embled woman is low in the first half of the menstrual cycle, sharply rises from the moment of ovulation, grows in the second half of the cycle and reaches the maximum values \u200b\u200bof approximately 6 to 8 day after ovulation, after which it falls, but remains High down until the last day before the next month. In the body of a pregnant woman about 7 to 8 week, the level of progesterone increases twice on the values \u200b\u200bof the second half of the menstrual cycle and further constantly and gradually increases up to the 37-38th weeks, that is, to a predar period.

Thus, it is obvious that the biological effect of progesterone is to ensure the conditions for the occurrence of pregnancy and its further conservation.

Indeed, in the second half of the menstrual cycle (lutein phase), which continues from ovulation to the next menstruation, under the action of progesterone, the endometrium (mucous membrane) of the uterus is prepared for the introduction of a fetal egg in it in the event of a pregnancy. So, under the influence of progesterone, the blood vessels endometrial become convulsions, the influx of blood to the uterus increases, and nutrients accumulate in the cells of the mucous membrane. Such changes are necessary for the subsequent attachment and development of the fruit egg. If pregnancy comes, then it is progesterone "preserves it", as it reduces the contractile activity of the uterus and does not give it to "turn" the fruit egg.

In addition, progesterone stimulates the development of a special secretion of the mucous membrane of the uterine pipe, which provides power to the eggs moving towards the uterus.

Considering the foregoing, it is quite obvious that the level of progesterone, determined in the second half of the menstrual cycle, shows how well the yellow body body works and is there a theoretical threat to the interruption of possible pregnancy. In the second half of pregnancy (from the 17-18th week), the level of progesterone in the blood of the woman shows how well the placenta functions and is there any threat of premature birth or fetal death.

When the analysis of progesterone is surrendered in the first half of the menstrual cycle, the doctor will be able to determine the presence and identify the hormonal activity of the functional cyst of the ovary (follicular or yellow body).

In addition, the level of progesterone in the blood from non-remote women, determined in the first and second phases of the cycle, allows to identify the causes of uterine bleeding, infertility and disorders of the menstrual cycle.

Thus, the level of progesterone in the blood of a woman shows whether menstrual cycles are properly proceeding in its body and how well there may be possible pregnancy.

Analysis on the 17th progesterone

17th Progesterone (17-alpha-oxyprogesterone) is a steroid hormone, which is one of the intermediate products in the process of cortisol synthesis in adrenal glands. Despite the similarity in the name with progesterone, the 17th progesterone is another origin and functions, and therefore analyzes for the content of these substances in the blood reflect the disorders of the functioning of different organs.

Thus, the 17th progesterone is synthesized in the adrenal glands, and therefore the definition of its level reflects the pathology of this particular organ. Level 17 of the progesterone turns out to be out of the boundaries of the norm in people suffering from adrenal insufficiency, Addison's disease, thyroid disease, etc. In addition, the production of adrenal glands of the abnormal amount of 17th progesterone has a negative effect on the functioning of the ovaries, and therefore in women with the initial pathology of the adrenal glands there is an irregular menstrual cycle, the absence of ovulation, infertility, hirsutism (excessive inventions in women).

That is why the level determination of the 17th progesterone is used in a comprehensive examination of women with infertility or impaired menstrual function in order to clarify the primary cause of such disorders.

Analyzes on what progesterone exist and when to take them?

Currently, within the framework of the laboratory diagnostics of various endocrine disorders, the levels of progesterone and the 17th of progesterone in the blood are determined. Despite the similar and even almost the same names, these are different hormones produced by various organs that perform unequal functions, and therefore reflecting the pathology of different endocrine organs. So, progesterone is produced mainly, the yellow bodies of the ovaries from the non-embled and the flooded festom of pregnant women, and therefore reflects the work of these bodies. And the 17th progesterone is produced by adrenal glands and reflects their functioning.

But since progesterone, and the 17th progesterone affect the normal operation of the genital organs (ovaries, uterus, etc.), the deficit or excess of any of these hormones leads to the disorder of menstrual, sexual and childbearing functions in women. Accordingly, the analysis on both of these hormones is justified with disorders of the menstrual cycle, infertility, bleeding and difficulties in sexual intercourse. Despite similar spectrum of pathologies, under which the surrender of tests for progesterone and 17th progesterone, these hormones are still surrendered in different situations. Consider, in what cases you just need to take progesterone, and when - 17th progesterone.

If a woman of the usual normal physique, which has sexual maturation occurred in normal terms and there are no signs of excess androgen (acne, excessive extension, etc.), bothering of uterine bleeding, amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), periodic failures of the menstrual cycle, chronic non-therapy failures inflammatory processes in the organs of a small pelvis, as well as familiar miscarriages or frozen pregnancy (2 or more), then she should be given an analysis of progesterone, since the problems of the sexual sphere are most likely due to the deficit or excess of this hormone, that is, problems in the ovaries . With these features, most likely, women have either cysts / wets of ovaries, or there are no ovulation.

If a woman suffers from an irregular menstrual cycle, infertility, periodic bleeding, sexual intercourse, and at the same time, it was noted early sexual ripening, there are acne, excessive exhaust, reduced libido, specific fat deposition on any part of the body and other signs of violation of work The adrenal glands, then she should take blood test for the 17th progesterone, since health problems are most likely due to the initially adrenal pathology. But since the adrenal glands affect the operation of all organs and systems, including the ovaries, the symptomatics and from the genital organs appear in adrenal pathology. However, in such situations, the disorder of sexual, menstrual and childbearing functions is secondary, it is due to pathologies of non-propagation organs themselves (uterus, ovaries, phallopy pipes, etc.), and the disease of the adrenal glands, which upsets the normal operation of the genital organs. Therefore, it is obvious that when the interference of sexual, menstrual and childbearing functions, which are combined with signs of impaired adrenal operations (excess solvent, low libido, acne, obesity with uneven fat deposition only on some one or several parts of the body, vomiting, lethargy, Low motor activity, etc.), it is necessary to take an analysis to a concentration of 17th progesterone in the blood in order to identify the nature and degree of severity of adrenal functions.

Women suffering from infertility, you need to take both analyzes - and progesterone, and on the 17th progesterone to identify, from which authorities there are impaired functioning that can lead to impossibility of conception.

During pregnancy, women are encouraged to take an analysis to progesterone if there are suspicions for the insufficiency of the function of the placenta, the threat of miscarriage, the delay in the intrauterine development of the fetus or torsion of pregnancy. In other cases, when the pregnancy proceeds normally, in the past there were no two or more memorable pregnancies, the usual non-peculiarization of pregnancy, etc., the analysis of the progesterone is simply not necessary for control.

Analysis on progesterone during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the analysis of progesterone is surrendered by testimony, and not within the framework of a scheduled usual examination provided for and approved by the Ministries of Health of Russia.

Until 16-17 weeks of pregnancy, inclusive analysis for progesterone is handed over to assess the functioning of the yellow body, which in these timing synthesizes the hormone and thereby ensures normal development of pregnancy. If the yellow body synthesizes an insufficient amount of progesterone, then with a high probability there will be a loss of pregnancy due to spontaneous miscarriage or fading (frozen pregnancy). Accordingly, in the early deadlines until the 16-17th weeks inclusive, the analysis for progesterone is surrendered in the threat of miscarriage or, if the woman had several losses of pregnancy (miscarriage, fading, habitual unbearable). In such cases, if the deficit of progesterone is detected, the doctor prescribes the reception of drugs containing this hormone (Duphaston, Utrezhastan), until the 16-17th week.

Since the 17th and 17th weeks of pregnancy and before delivery, most often analysis for progesterone is appointed in cases where there are suspicion of placental insufficiency, threatening premature genera or the delay in the intrauterine development of the fetus according to other surveys. After all, from the 17-18th weeks, the synthesis of progesterone is carried out precisely the placenta, and not a yellow bodies of the ovaries, which by this deadline already devies and ceases its activities. So, if from the 17-18th week and before the birth of the placenta produces an insufficient amount of progesterone, it indicates placental insufficiency and can lead to a delay in the development of the fetus and premature birth.

It should be remembered that when the analysis on progesterone surrendered to pregnant women at the above reasons, it is necessary to evaluate not only its level in accordance with the week of gestation, but also its increase for a certain period. This means that two different women's level of progesterone in the blood on the same period of pregnancy can be quite different, but at the same time both will be fine. Such variations of the level of the hormone are due to the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, experienced obstetricists of gynecologists recommend to take an analysis to progesterone during pregnancy twice with an interval of 10-14 days. If, at the same time, the results of two analyzes will clearly seen an increase in the level of progesterone together with a period of pregnancy, then everything is in order (even in the case when the hormone levels themsel are located on the lower boundary of the norm or slightly below the norm). But if the level of progesterone does not grow together with a period of pregnancy, or its concentration is significantly lower than the norm, then this is an alarm, since such a situation reflects the threat of interrupt, placental insufficiency or delay of intrauterine development.

In addition, on the 40-42nd weeks of pregnancy, the analysis of progesterone can give up in order to determine whether the place of pregnancy is to have a change in or simply in a woman due to individual characteristics of pregnancy, a slightly longer average. Consider this aspect more to avoid ambiguities and ambiguity.

So, a normal pregnancy in a woman can continue 280 - 320 days. But most women have a pregnancy last 280 days, that is, exactly 40 weeks, and that is why doctors and scientists as averaged indicator take over the normal period of pregnancy 40-42 weeks. However, do not forget about such a fact as a normal pregnancy, which is ongoing 320 days, that is, 45 - 46 weeks. Such a long pregnancy is called prolonged.

Given the fact that a completely normal pregnancy can last 40 - 46 weeks, the question arises of how after the 42nd week of gestation to distinguish whether there is a place in a particular situation or a normal prolonged pregnancy. In such cases, the analysis of blood for progesterone comes to the aid, which is done in terms of 40 or more weeks to distinguish a prolonged pregnancy from the munition. If in terms of 41.5 or more pregnancy, the level of progesterone in the blood turns out to be below the norm for the third trimester, it testifies to the overrun, and in this case it is urgent to carry out a delivery to minimize the negative consequences of rejunction for the fetus. If at the time of pregnancy 41.5 weeks and the greater the level of progesterone in the blood turns out to be within the norm for the third trimester, it testifies to prolonged pregnancy, and not about the migration, and in this case, it is possible not to carry out an urgent artificial delivery (through a genersion or cesarean section ), And to wait another 2 - 3 weeks of natural origin.

Normally, the concentration of progesterone in the blood of pregnant women is the following values \u200b\u200bdepending on the period of gestation:

  • The first trimester of pregnancy (1 - 13 weeks inclusive) - 9 - 468 nmol / l;
  • The second trimester of pregnancy (14-6 weeks inclusive) - 71.5 - 303 nmol / l;
  • The third trimester of pregnancy (27 weeks - to childbirth) - 88 - 772 nmol / l.
The above norms are extremely indicative, they are not the same for all laboratories, as they are determined depending on the method and set of reagents used in a specific diagnostic service. That is why it is normal that the level of progesterone in a particular woman is normal, it is necessary to take in the laboratory, in which the analysis was given, norms for the method used by them and a set of reagents. Otherwise, the comparison of the norms for one method with testimony defined by the other method will not give anything except in vain disappointments and unrest.

Indications for Progesterone Analysis

The blood test to determine the level of progesterone is shown in the following cases:
  • Evaluation of the work of the yellow bodies of the ovaries and identifying the lack of lutein phase (as part of a comprehensive examination of women suffering from infertility);
  • Identification and confirmation of the functional cyst of the ovary (yellow body, follicular);
  • Identification of the causes of the impairment of the menstrual cycle (including amenorrhea - the absence of menstruation);
  • Identifying the causes of uterine bleeding during periods of ovulation;
  • Assessment of the risk of pregnancy interrupts on endocrine reasons (threats of miscarriage, fading, premature birth);
  • Evaluation of the features of the placenta during pregnancy (within the framework of the survey for the availability of placental insufficiency or delay in the development of the fetus);
  • Diagnosis of migration and prolonged pregnancy.

Preparation for progesterone analysis

It is necessary to give an analysis to progesterone only on an empty stomach after the fasting period at night during sleep. This means that it is optimal that the hungry period continues 8 - 14 hours, during which you can drink only water. In the morning, the day of the analysis is not allowed to drink juices, tea with sugar, compotes and other drinks containing fruit or sugar components. It is allowed to drink only ordinary water without gas.

If the analysis of progesterone cannot be passed on an empty stomach in the morning after the night starvation period, it can be done in exceptional cases during the day or evening. But in this case, it is necessary that after the last meal has passed at least 6 hours, and diet foods and dishes containing a small amount of fats should be eaten.

However, it should be remembered that the best time to give blood for analysis to progesterone is a period from 8-00 to 10-00 in the morning, since it is precisely in this watch that the concentration of this hormone is determined during the day. In other hours, the level of progesterone is lower than from 8-00 to 10-00 in the morning, albeit within the boundaries of the norm. Therefore, it is theoretically to donate blood at any time, but in this case the progesterone concentration may be slightly lower than the norm, although it is in reality at the lower boundary of the norm. And this situation will lead to an unjustified false result of the study.

Immediately before passing an analysis to progesterone, it is advisable to rest in the room of the clinic or laboratory within 15 to 30 minutes and during this time calm down and come to a good arrangement of the Spirit.

12 - 24 hours before the blood fence on the analysis of progesterone should be abandoned by smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, eliminate physical and psycho-emotional loads (including sports workouts). If a person cannot do not smoke within 12 - 24 hours, then it should be discarded smoking at least 1 to 2 hours just before the blood fence.

2 - 3 days before the collection of blood for analysis, we should eliminate the reception of any drugs so that they do not affect the accuracy of determining the concentration of progesterone. However, if for any reason it is impossible to refuse drug intake, the laboratory and the attending physician should be informed about which drugs are accepted and in which dosages.

Preparing for the delivery of an analysis to progesterone in children over 5 years old is the same as in adults, that is, described above. But for children under 5 years of age, preparation for the delivery of the analysis is that during the half an hour before surrendering blood they should not eat, but they should be placed in small portions of conventional net non-carbonated water. For these half an hour, the child should drink 150 - 200 ml of water (glass).

What medicines affect the level of progesterone in the blood

Some drugs are able to influence the concentration of progesterone in the blood, in connection with which it is necessary to cancel their reception a few days before passing the analysis to obtain correct results. Consider which drugs are capable of influence the level of this hormone in the blood.

So, the level of progesterone in the blood can increase the following drugs:

  • Clomiphene (there is an increase in the level of progesterone above the norm in the second phase of the menstrual cycle);
  • Corticotropin;
  • Progesterone and its synthetic analogues (injections of the oil solution of progesterone, duphaston, urozhastan, etc.);
  • Valproic acid.

Reducing the level of progesterone in the blood can cause the reception of the following drugs:

  • Gozerelin;
  • Danazole;
  • Dynogost;
  • Carbamazepine;
  • Leupromid;
  • Thrometamine;
  • Oral contraceptives;
  • RTustatin;
  • Prostantandin F2;
  • Phenytoin;
  • Ciproteron;
  • Epostan;
  • Estriol;
  • Ethinyl estradiol.

How to pass an analysis to progesterone?

What time is the analysis?

First, it is necessary to know that for analysis to progesterone, blood is taken from the vein strictly on an empty stomach (minimum after 6-hour abstinence from food, but better than 12-14-hour starvation). Secondly, the best time to give blood for analysis is a period from 8-00 to 10-00 in the morning, since it is in this watch that the concentration of progesterone is determined in the bloodstream during the day. That is, at another time of the day the concentration of progesterone in the blood is lower than in the period from 8-00 to 10-00 in the morning, but still within the normal range. But the norms of the concentration of hormone in the blood are determined precisely for the period of the maximum level of the hormone.

That is why, in order to know exactly, or no concentration of progesterone, it is better to pass blood from 8-00 to 10-00 in the morning. After all, if progesterone is on the lower boundary of the norm, then when you pass the blood to other hours, it may be below the norm, and this will cause improper diagnosis and fruitless attempts to treat.

What day of the cycle to take the analysis to progesterone?

In addition to the time of delivery of blood to the analysis of the second important factor, the observance of which is necessary for the proper and correct result is the day of the menstrual cycle to which the concentration of progesterone should be determined. Regarding the day of the cycle, in which the analysis should be given, there may be two options - either it is 6 - 8 day after ovulation (approximately 19 - 23 days of the menstrual cycle), or it is 1 - 3 cycle day (during menstruation).

So, if there is a suspicion of the neoplasm of the ovary (cyst, tumor) or the pathology of the adrenal glands, then the analysis of progesterone follows 1 to 3 day of the menstrual cycle, that is, in 1 - 3 days of the next menstruation. If during this period the level of progesterone is increased, then this is most often indicative of the ovarian functional cyst (follicular or yellow body). Less often a high level of progesterone in the blood in the first half of the cycle indicates a hormonal active ovary tumor (cystom). And even less often a high progesterone in 1 - 3 days of the cycle reflects impaired adrenal operations. But in this case there is a deficit or excess and other hormones, and signs of endocrine pathology (excessive overeximation, obesity, acne, etc.).

If you need to evaluate the operation of the yellow body, to identify the lack of lutein phase, reveal the causes of dysfunctional uterine bleeding or disorders of the menstrual cycle, then the analysis of progesterone is rented for 6 - 8 day after ovulation! It is very important to "catch" ovulation, notice this date and on the 6th - 8 day to pass the analysis to progesterone. You can "catch" ovulation by different methods - making an ultrasound in the days when it should happen, measuring the basal temperature in the rectum in the morning or simply using the test for ovulation (according to the principle of use the same as a pregnancy test) sold in pharmacies .

! It is important to know that the standard indication that the analysis of progesterone can be handed over to 19 - 23 days of the cycle correctly only for a 28-day menstrual cycle. After all, it is for a 28-day cycle period 6 - 8 days after ovulation falls on 19 to 23 days. And for menstrual cycles of another duration (25, 30, 35 days, etc.), the period of delivery for 19 - 23 days is incredible, as it does not fall on 6 to 8 day after ovulation. For the correct result, the surrender of the analysis should fall on 6 to 8 days after ovulation. That is why it is why to assess the level of progesterone at the right moment and avoid incorrect diagnostics, you need to "catch" ovulation and pass the analysis by 6 - 8 day after its offensive.

Pregnant women can take an analysis to progesterone on any day when they need it.

Progesterone analysis standards

Before bringing specific numbers of normal values \u200b\u200bof the level of progesterone for men and women of different ages, consider what is understood under the norm and why they differ from different laboratories.

So, the norm for one or another indicator (in this case of progesterone) are the boundaries of the values \u200b\u200bthat it can take in a population of completely healthy people living in a particular area and related to the same racial type. Such boundaries of normal values \u200b\u200bfor any laboratory indicator are determined by examining healthy volunteers. But these identified norms are valid only if subsequent analysis will be carried out in exactly the same method and using a set of completely identical reagents. That is, it is obvious that for each set of different reagents and the method for determining the same indicator, it is necessary to identify norms.

And given the fact that every laboratory uses various sets of reagents and methods for determining the concentration of progesterone, it becomes obvious that they will have completely different norms, sometimes very different from each other. This does not mean that one laboratory has the norms not correct, and the other, on the contrary, faithful. This means only that laboratories use different sets of reagents and methods for determining progesterone in the blood. And therefore, if the analysis was performed in a particular laboratory, then it is necessary to take the norms of this institution to decipher the results, and the current time. After all, after six months, the same laboratory can start using another method or a set of reagents to determine progesterone, and then its norms will change. Therefore, the rules for evaluating the results must be taken every time the analysis is formed.

Below in the table, we present two variants of progesterone norms for the most common and frequently used methods for determining and sets of reagents. Moreover, the first standards for one common set of reagents will write after a colon or dash, and the second norms for another frequently used method definition will indicate next to the first in brackets.

Men Women
Boys 1 - 10 years old:
Girls 1 - 10 years:
Less than 1.1 nmol / l (or 0.2 - 1.7 nmol / l)
Boys 1 - 18 years old:
I, II Pubertata PanTanar Stages - less than 1.1 nmol / l (or 0.3 - 1.0 nmol / l)
III Podubertat Stage on Tanner - less than 1.1 nmol / l (or 0.3 - 1.5 nmol / l)
IV Stage Pubertata on Tanner - less than 3.5 nmol / l (or 0.56 - 7.8 nmol / l)
V Stage Pubertata on Tanner - 0.7 - 2.6 nmol / l (or 0.7 - 2.6 nmol / l)
Girls 1 - 18 years old:
I Podberrtata Stage on Tanner - less than 1.1 nmol / l (or 0.3 - 1.0 nmol / l)
Stage II Pubertata on Tanner - less than 1.8 nmol / l (0.3 - 1.7 nmol / l)
III Podubertata Stage on Tanner - 0.3 - 14.4 nmol / l (or 0.3 - 14.3 nmol / l)
IV Podberrtata Stage on Tanner - 0.3 - 41.6 nmol / l (or 0.5 - 15.0 nmol / l)
V Stage Pubertata on Tanner - 0.3 - 30.4 nmol / l (or 0.3 - 30.2 nmol / l)
Adult men older than 18 years old:
0.3 - 2.2 nmol / l (or 0.4 - 3.1 nmol / l)
Adults non-embled women older than 18 years and before Klimaks:
Follicular (first) phase of the menstrual cycle - 0.3 - 2.2 nmol / l (or 0.5 - 2.2 nmol / l)
The period of ovulation (middle cycle) - 0.5 - 9.4 nmol / l (or 3.7 - 7.1 nmol / l)
Luteinic (second) phase of the menstrual cycle - 7.0 - 56.6 nmol / l (or 6.4 - 79.5 nmol / l)
Adult women in the period of Klimaks:
Less than 0.6 nmol / l (or 0.06 - 1.3 nmol / l)
Pregnant women:
First trimester (1 - 13 weeks) - 9 - 468 nmol / l (or 32.6 - 139.9 nmol / l)
The second trimester (14-26 weeks) - 17.5 - 303,1 nmol / l (or 62.0 - 262.4 nmol / l)
Third trimester (27 weeks - to childbirth) - 88.7 - 771.5 NMOL / L (or 206.7 - 782.2 NMOL / L)

In some laboratories, the result of an analysis of progesterone is not issued in nmol / l, but in ng / ml, that is, in other units of measurement. To transfer units of measurement to each other, you need to use the following formulas:

  • nmol / l * 0.314 \u003d ng / ml;
  • ng / ml * 3,18 \u003d nmol / l

Deciphering analysis for progesterone

Consider what it may indicate an increase or decrease in blood progesterone.

So, the increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood from non-remote women and men is characteristic of the following states:

  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding with the elongated second phase of the menstrual cycle;
  • Secondary amenorrhea (lack of menstruation);
  • Neoplasms of the ovary (cysts, cysts);
  • Renal failure (as a result of which progesterone is slowly excreted from the body and accumulates in the blood);
  • Tumor or adrenal hyperplasia;
  • Eggs tumor in men;
  • Reception of drugs that increase blood hormone levels.
Increasing the concentration of progesterone in the blood in pregnant women is observed in the following states:
  • Bubble skid;
  • Slow motion placenta;
  • Violation of the functioning of the fetotic placental complex.

Reducing the concentration of progesterone in non-remote women is characteristic of the following states:

  • Persistence of the Follicle (hyperstroaction - elevated level of estrogen hormones);
  • Lack of ovulation;
  • Luthene phase failure or low functional activity of the Yellow Body;
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding against the absence of ovulation;
  • Primary or secondary amenorrhea (no menstruation);
  • Chronic inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs;
  • Primary or secondary hypogonadism;
  • Reception of drugs of drugs that reduce the level of hormone in the blood.

Reducing the concentration of progesterone in pregnant women are characteristic of the following states:

  • Threat of abortion;
  • Placental insufficiency;
  • Delay of intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • True migration of pregnancy (in terms of 41.5 weeks or more).

Where to pass tests for progesterone?

Analyzes for progesterone can be passed in private laboratories on a commercial basis. Such private laboratories are available in all major cities, and branches for blood collection and in small towns. Blood fence for analysis in private laboratories is carried out at any time at the request of the client, but, of course, in working hours.

In addition, the analysis of progesterone can be submitted in state medical institutions in which there are laboratories that perform such a study. As a rule, it is a laboratory of large research institutes (research institutes), regional or urban hospitals, diagnostic clinics, etc. In government agencies in the direction of the doctor, the analysis can be passed free of charge in order. But if a woman wants to pass tests without a turn or on his own request without a direction from a doctor, then in a state institution this can also be done on a commercial basis (chargeable).

Sign up for analysis

To make an appointment to a doctor or diagnostics, you just need to call on a single phone number
+7 495 488-20-52 in Moscow

+7 812 416-38-96 in St. Petersburg

The operator listens to you and redirect the call to the desired clinic, or accept an order for writing to the specialist you need.

  • Biochemical blood test - norms, value and decoding of indicators in men, women and children (as wells). The activity of enzymes: amylase, alosa, asat, ggt, kf, LDH, lipase, pepsinogens, etc.
  • Biochemical blood test - norms, value and decoding of indicators in men, women and children (as wells). Indicators of fat (cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.) and carbohydrate metabolism (glucose, lactic acid, s-peptide), blood proteins
  • Progesterone is known to many women as a hormone of pregnancy. It is he who is responsible for the ripening of a fetal egg and a safe tooling the child. For those women who are planning a pregnancy to take an analysis to progesterone is very important, because this indicator is able to tell the doctors as pregnancy will occur and what risks exist for a woman in this difficult period. This study can be appointed as women just planning to become pregnant, and already awaiting a child.


    Female hormone progesterone is synthesized by a yellow body of a fetal egg and adrenal cortex. However, the definition of "female" is not quite true, in the body of men this hormone is also present in small quantities and is responsible for maintaining the functions of the sexual system. Its name "hormone of pregnancy" This substance received from what plays a crucial role in the ability of a woman to reproduction.

    This substance is responsible for the attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus and further growth, and the development of the embryo. Without the participation of progesterone, the woman's body would simply show the fertilized egg as a foreign body, and the onset of pregnancy would be impossible. During the baby tooling, progesterone is responsible for the full-fledged baby tool. With its lack, a serious threat of spontaneous miscarriage is developing.

    The norm in women depends on age and menstrual phase.

    Often women confused progesterone from 17 He progesterone. Most patients are confident that this is the same substance. However, it is completely wrong. Progesterone is a full-fledged hormone, while hormone 17 is an intermediate substance that is formed during the synthesis of cortisol and progesterone. Give 17 hormone needed when infertility and suspicion of adrenal diseases.

    Basic functions of progesterone:

    • Preparation of endometrial to the adoption of an egg.
    • Ensuring the normal state of the epithelium during the nipping of the child.
    • Ensuring the growth of the uterus during pregnancy.
    • Relaxing the muscles of the uterus to prevent miscarriage.
    • Preparation of the mammary glands to lactation.
    • Backup sealing of the fatty layer for the nutrition of the baby.
    • Arterial pressure adjustment.
    • Tissue growth.

    When assigned analysis

    The analysis of blood to progesterone is not included in the list of mandatory research. He is prescribed to women who have problems with conception or feel bad during pregnancy. The main indications for analyzing progesterone are:

    • Problems with conception.
    • The monthly schedule failure.
    • Induced ovulation.
    • Diseases of ovarian.
    • Uterine bleeding.
    • Suspicion of transferred pregnancy.
    • Cyst in ovary.
    • Diseases of adrenal glands.
    • The possibility of miscarriage.
    • Diseases of the thyroid gland.

    Hormone analysis Progesterone can be appointed both men, in case of suspicion of the pathology of the testicles.

    Features Analysis

    How to pass the analysis to progesterone? This question is asked many patients, because from compliance with all rules analysis often depends the accuracy of the results. The content of progesterone in the blood in women can fluctuate depending on the menstrual phase. Progesterone When to take on what day the cycle results will be more reliable? As a rule, the study is appointed to women in 7 days before menstruation. If a woman has a broken menstrual cycle, the study will have to spend several times a month so that experts can see the growth of progesterone in the dynamics.

    Analysis on progesterone How to pass? It is important to remember that blood for analysis is taken from Vienna. In this case, the patient can not be eaten until the fence is at least 6 hours. Exclusions should also be excluded, alcohol and stress. In addition, a few days before the blood fence, you need to stick to a gentle diet.

    Is it possible to take analysis in the evening? According to experts, there is nothing supernatural in the evening. The main thing is that the woman does not take food within 6 hours before the blood fence. Where to pass the analysis? Usually, the analysis is taken to be appointed in women's consultation, it can also be handed over in any diagnostic center.

    What are the results of the study

    Before passing the analysis to progesterone, you need to know the norms of its blood indicators. For not pregnant women, the norm of progesterone is as follows:

    The norm of progesterone in women already awaiting the child is:

    The deviationsterone level deviations can negatively affect both the conception of the child and to carry it. It is necessary to donate blood to progesterone when problems with fertilization and with any complaints about poor well-being during pregnancy. When to donate blood? Immediately at any complaints during pregnancy, especially with sudden bleeding and bloody discharges.

    Level up

    Hormone rises sharply during pregnancy. In the case when progesterone in women is raised, but the woman is not pregnant, this may indicate the pathologies of the kidney or excessive activity of the adrenal cortex. Also, the high level of hormone is observed in cancer of the adrenal glands, cirrhosis of the liver and ovarian tumors. This deviation can affect the general condition of the woman.

    The following symptoms can speak that hormone is elevated:

    • Total weakness.
    • Apathy.
    • Reduced performance.
    • Chronic headaches.
    • Rash on the skin.
    • Increase sweating.
    • Pain in lactic glands.
    • Mood swings.
    • Menstrual cycle failure.
    • Uterine bleeding.
    • Hair bulk.
    • Violation of the gastrointestinal work.

    Often, when the hormone is elevated, the woman begins to quickly gain weight, which indicates the relaxation of the muscles of the digestive system, which should prevent the reception of a large number of food. If the hormonal background is broken and it turned out that you have improved progesterone, you will most likely be recommended by medication treatment. If dangerous pathologies have not been found, and the hormone level is increased, it is not as dangerous for health than deviation in the opposite direction.

    If during pregnancy hormone rises above the norm, it means that there is one of the following problems in the body of the future mother:

    • Violation of the features of the placenta.
    • Pathology kidneys.
    • Not a one-bed pregnancy.
    • Improve sugar.
    • Ovarian cyst.

    Lower level

    If the norm of progesterone in a woman is lowered, many problems may arise in its body. Also, this deviation can adversely affect the health of the child. The main complications of the low hormone are as follows:

    • Infertility.
    • Unbearable pregnancy.
    • Loge in the development of the child.
    • Running the fetus.
    • Weakness of the features of the placenta.
    • Measuring pregnancy.

    Upon decreasing progesterone, replacement therapy with drugs of synthetic origin is prescribed. The treatment diagram and dosage should be determined by a specialist, because when self-medication, it is very easy to cross the permissible upper boundaries.

    Most often doctors face a situation when the hormone value is lowered.

    When to pass progesterone? The analysis should be carried out at the following signs of lowering the level of the hormone:

    • Chronic headaches.
    • Mood swings.
    • Raising or sharp decline in body weight.
    • Bloody issues.
    • Menstrual cycle failure.
    • Miscarriages in the early stages.
    • Depression.

    Each woman should remember, any deviations in a hormonal background can negatively affect the health of the woman. At the first signs of increasing or lowering the hormone, you need to see a doctor. Starting from the period of puberty, each woman should visit the gynecologist 2 times a year. Under this simple rule, your female health will be controlled, and you will never come across the problems of hormonal failure.

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