Terbinefin from what this ointment. Terbinefin (tablets, ointment, cream, spray, solution) - instructions for use, analogues, prices and reviews. The daily dose of terbinafin ® for children

And skin is quite common diseases among the population in our time. To treat this ailment in the pharmacy, a huge selection of drugs was granted.

Among them, the cream of terbinafin is very popular. Cream is an antifungal agent of a new generation. Skin, nail plates, hair, as well as mucous membranes of various origins.

Composition and form of release

The terbinafin has the following form of release:

  • Pills;
  • Cream;
  • Ointment;
  • Spray.

Cream or ointment is produced in aluminum tubes of 15 gr and 30 grams.

The dosage form is in a cardboard box along with the instructions.

Manufacturer Vertex, Russia

Ointment and cream are made in 1% concentration, have white color, specific weak medical smell and homogeneous consistency. The active substance is terbinafin hydrochloride (Terbinafinum) 1 c with a 100% recalculation.

Auxiliary substances in the cream:

  • Alcohol benzyl - 1.0 gr;
  • Glycerin distilled (glycerol) - 18 grams;
  • Vaseline - 15 grams;
  • Stearinic acid - 5 grams;
  • Triethanolamine - 0.5 grams;
  • Emulsifier NO 1 - 8.0;
  • Water purified - before receiving 100 grams of cream.

Auxiliary substances in composition for ointments:

  • Polysorbat;
  • Propylene glycol;
  • Methyl apograproxybenzoate;
  • Polyacrylic acid carbomer;
  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • Purified water.

Due to its composition, the drug does not affect the high-neuronal human background.

Useful properties and action of the drug

Pharmachologic effect:

  • Suppresses the process of bioosynthesis of sterols, due to the content in the cream and ointment of the active substance, terbinafin;
  • Creates a lack of ergosterol, intracellular accumulation of the squalene, which provokes the destruction of the fungus;
  • Under the action of terbinafin is carried out inhibition of enzymascular electroxidaselocated in the mushroom membrane;
  • Even at low concentrations, there is a fungicidal or antifungal effect. on dermatophyt, mold mushrooms, yeast mushrooms, some types of dimorphous mushrooms;
  • On yeast mushrooms and their mycelical forms have not only fungicidal, but also a fungistatic action . There is a delay in the growth and development of mushrooms;
  • When used externally, the absorption of 5% of the antifungal dose occursHence the absorption in the body system is almost minimal.

In the treatment, the preparation is accumulated in the skin, nail plates and sebaceous glands, providing antifungal effect.

What is the difference in terbinafin cream from Mazi terbinafin?

The ointment of terbinafin is not used to treat fungal infections in areas of leather with high sweating:

  • Skin folds under lactic glands;
  • Gaps between fingers;
  • Paho area and between buttocks.

In these and in all other cases, the form of the drug is terbinafin in the form of a cream.

What does the cream of terbinafin help?

It is used for fungal infections with lesions of the skin and plates of nails, mucous membranes:

The cream is used not only for the treatment of fungal disease, but also for the purpose of prevention. Especially useful to process the surface of the stop after visiting public places, namely, saunas, baths and swimming pools.

How to use?

The pre-use of cream or ointment terbinafin, you need to get acquainted with the instructions and pay attention to the features when using this drug.

The diagram and the duration of treatment directly depends on the disease, the place of lesion and severity. And only a doctor will be able to put an accurate diagnosis and assign the correct treatment.

Application with leather and stop dermatomy

Dermatomycosis - skin infection caused by dermatophypite fungi can appear on the legs, footsteps and palms.

Phased treatment:

In case of heavy forms of skin dermatomycosis:

  • Wash and dry the affected area;
  • After a few minutes, we put the cream of terbinafin with a thin layer;
  • The procedure is carried out 2 times a day for 7-14 days.

The preparations of combined action with glucocorticoid, or a hormone or antibacterial drug add to local treatment.

Application for skin diaper

The diameters caused by fungus, especially surface candidiasis, appear in large folds, for example, under the milk glands, between the buttocks, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin, the gaps between the fingers where the skin moisture is increased.

Full people appear more often.

At the time of treatment, you need to wear free, not close, breathable clothes and shoes made of genuine leather.

Phased treatment:

Application with lichen

Phased treatment:

  • Damaged plot to wash and dry;
  • Apply a cream thin layer 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks, capturing 1 cm of healthy fabric.

In the absence of complete recovery from local treatment, systemic antimitics are used.

Application with nail plate fungus

With onchomicosis of brushes and stop, fungus affects the nail plates.

Phased treatment:

Application in thrush

The mucous membranes of the vagina are affected or vaginal candidiasis appears. Symptoms are.

Phased treatment:

  • A hygienic procedure is carried out - the damaged surface is washed and dried;
  • Cream is applied around the vagina and the outer genitals with a thin layer;
  • It is applied once a day if it is saved and redness can be applied twice a day;
  • Treatment lasts a period of 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the severity of lesions.

To achieve a faster effect of the treatment of thrush, the use of antifungal agent for receiving inside, as well as cure is promoted by dying, arms with a solution of soda (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) and chamomile decoction.

Cream can replace vaginal antifungal candles.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the drug can be applied if the necessary benefit from treatment will be higher than harm.

When breastfeeding, it is necessary to take into account the appearance of concentration in breast milk.

Therefore, for the period of treatment, it is advisable to transfer the baby to artificial feeding.

Such measures are explained by the fact that the action of the antifungal agent on the body of the baby is not fully studied.

And it is also necessary to strictly avoid the cover of the terbinafin cream on the baby's skin. Also contraindicated to handle nipples by antifungal agent when breastfeeding, to avoid hitting the baby's stomach.

Treatment with antifungal agent during pregnancy and lactation is no different from above these rules of antifungal treatment.


Children treatment with cream terbinafin is shown from 12 years of age, while the rules of application are the same as in the treatment of adults.

special instructions

To obtain a result from treatment with cream, terbinafin should comply with the following instructions:

  • In the first days, a positive result immediately appears.but treatment needs to go to the end correctly and regularly, since the likelihood of re-development of infection is high;
  • In the case when treatment for 2 weeks has no positive result, it is necessary to add to the diagnosis;
  • After applying a cream thoroughly wash hands with soap;
  • In the event of a cream in the eye, wash with water thoroughly. When preserving redness, itching, tears and irritation in the eye after the cream hit it - contact the ophthalmologist;
  • Applies only externally, with random swallow, rinse the stomach and have a sorbitating drug (polysorb, smect, etc.);
  • When using cream, it is necessary to observe body hygieneIn order to eliminate re-infection through clothing or shoes. At the end of the treatment, shoes and underwear are also treated from fungus. And also to displaced the surface in the apartment.
  • In the case of an allergic reaction to one of the components to immediately discontinue treatment And consult a doctor.
  • Caution prescribed treatment in patients suffering from psoriasis andred Volcankato eliminate the aggravation of these diseases;
  • When using a nutritional cream limit sweet And avoid stressful situations.


The cream has the following contraindications to use:

Is there an overdose of the drug possible?

Overdose cases have not been detected. In the case of overdose, it is likely to redness, burning in the area of \u200b\u200bapplying cream.

Possible phenomena of side effects in the form:

Interaction with other medicines

Any interactions of antifungal agents in the form of a cream terbinafin with other drugs are unknown.

However, since compatibility studies were not conducted, it is necessary to avoid simultaneously using cream with other drugs for outdoor use.

It is possible to use with systemic antimicotics.

Terms and Storage Terms

In the dry, inaccessible place, not higher than +25 C. Use for two years.

Shelf life is specified on the package. Do not freeze the drug. Overdue medicine is prohibited.


The price of the drug depends on the form of medication and volume of tubes:

  • Cream 15 gr75-85 rubles ;
  • Cream 30 gr140-160 rubles ;
  • Ointment 15 gr85-90 rubles ;
  • Ointment 30 gr160-180 rubles .

Possible analogs

Cream Terbinafin has the following complete analogues:

  • Lamizil - antifungal agent. Produced in the form of tablets, cream, spray and mortar, applied, candidiasis, leather dermatomycosis and stop. average cost 440 rubles ;
  • Termicon - Antimicotic preparation. Available in the form of cream, readings for use are similar to terbinafin. average cost 230 rubles ;
  • Terbizil - antifungal agent in the form of cream, ointment, tablets. Forms for external use are not used in the treatment of onchomicosis. The average cost 300 rubles ;
  • Fungoterbin - Antimicotic agent in the form of cream, spray. It has a wide spectrum of antifungal action. average cost 280 rubles .

BelMEDPreparations (Belarus), Biosynthesis OJSC (Russia), Vertex CJSC (Russia)

pharmachologic effect


It has an action on dermatophytes, yeast-like and mold mushrooms.

Active with respect to almost all mushrooms, pathogenic for a person, but most of all - red tricophytone and pathogenic yeast-mold, pitiriasis and mycelical forms of the genus Candida.

Quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract.

The maximum concentration is achieved after 2 hours, after receiving at a dose of 250mg.

Almost fully binds to plasma proteins.

It takes histohematic barriers and is distributed over the tissues, high concentrations accumulate in the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

It is distinguished by pronounced epidermo and onychotroposis.

About 70% of the adopted dose is displayed with urine.

Effective with molding methods, tricudes, rubred, epidermofitilation.

The cream is used in an interpultitinine copy of the stop and brushes, ferrocying of smooth skin and multicolored lisp.

Side effect terbinafin

Sensation of gravity and pain in the epigastric area, disorder of taste, decline in appetite, nausea, diarrhea, cholestasis, neutropenia, skin allergic reactions, burning sensation, leaning of skin, and itching in the field of cream.

Indications for use

Fungal lesions of the skin, nails and hair, candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes.

Contraindications terbinafin

Hypersensitivity, pronounced hepatic cell and renal failure, blood disease, metabolic diseases, tumors, pathology of limb vessels, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children's age up to 2 years.

Method of application and dosage

Adults and children from 12 years old.

Before applying the cream, it is necessary to clean and dry the affected areas.

The cream is applied once or twice a day with a thin layer on the affected skin and adjacent areas and slightly rub.

In case of infections, accompanied by anelity (under the milk glands, in the interdigable intervals, between the buttocks, in the groin area), the places of application of the cream can be covered with gauze, especially for the night.

Dermatomikosis of the body, the legs:

  • 1 Week 1 time per day Dermatomikosis Stop: 1 week 1 time per day Candidiasis Skin: 1-2 weeks 1 or 2 times a day Multicolored Lisha: 2 weeks 1 or 2 times a day Reducing the severity of clinical manifestations is usually marked in the first days of treatment.

In case of irregular treatment or premature termination, there is a risk of resumption of infection.

In the event that after one or two weeks of treatment, there are no signs of improvement, diagnosis should be verified.

The dosing mode of the drug in elderly people does not differ from the above.


It is possible only when taking inside.


  • head bol
  • dizziness
  • epigastric pain.


  • symptomatic therapy.


Increase the plasma concentration of histamine H-2-blockers.

Terfenadine reduces, and rifampicin increases the clearance to 2 times.

special instructions

In the process of treatment, it is necessary to produce antifungal processing of shoes, socks, stockings.

Avoid cream in the eyes, nose, mouth.

Storage conditions

List B.

Store in a dry, protected from light place at room temperature.

Fungal diseases of the skin often appear suddenly. At the same time, the cause of their occurrence is not always associated with violation of the rules of hygiene. Terbanfin cream helps to cope with mikozami, to use which you need competently.

What is the difference in the ointment from the cream of terbinafin?

The preparation of terbinafin is produced in several pharmacological forms. The most common are spray, cream and ointment. At the same time, they are all similar in composition and have one current component. However, its concentration is higher in ointment. Given this feature, it is safe to say that, the cream is almost the same thing. However, due to the fact that the drug has a different form of release, there are features of use.

If we consider each form of terbinafin separately, the following features can be called:


  • fat and thick;
  • practically not absorbed and remains on the surface of the skin;
  • requires overlay over marlevary bandage.


  • soft texture;
  • penetrates through the nail plate;
  • it is allowed to apply to mucous and wet surfaces;
  • can be used with high sweating.

Terbinefin - composition

Terbinefin is a synthetic antifungal drug. Has a wide range of action. Finding on the mushroom cell membrane, it suppresses the synthesis of sterols in its cells. As a result, the mushroom displaces the substances they need and quickly dies. There is a recovery, the patient feels relief. The result is noticeable after a few days later.

Fast effect is achieved due to the unique composition of the terbinafin. The acting substance is terbinafinhydrochloride. This component has a high activity in relation to different types of mushrooms provoking the development of mycoses. However, not only this substance contains terbinafin cream, the composition of which is as follows:

  • benzyl alcohol;
  • cetyl alcohol;
  • sorbitanastearate;
  • cetilpalmitat;
  • stearligh alcohol;
  • isopropylmiristat;
  • purified water;
  • sodium hydroxide.

Terbinefin ointment or cream - what is better?

Following the fungal lesions of the skin and nails, patients often can't decide on the choice: terbinafin cream or ointment is better to use. It was noted above that this is the same drug in different dosage forms. The type is determined by the sole form of the disease, localization of fungal lesions. At the same time, the rules for the use of medication similar.

Ointment is recommended for use in case of lesion of open skin. At the same time, a small amount of drug is used, thoroughly distributing it throughout the area of \u200b\u200blesion. In order not to be stained with clothing, it is superimposed with a gauze bandage and fix it with a leukoplasty. Cream doctors recommend during fungal lesions of nail plates. It is better absorbed and penetrates deep into, affecting the cause of the disease.

Terbinefin Cream - Indications for use

Having learned from familiar and girlfriends on the effectiveness of the drug, the patients are trying to find out what the cream of terbinafin helps. In order to learn all the testimony for the use of the medication, you need to refer to the instructions attached to the medium. Among the main:

  • micoses of skin covers provoked by dermatophytes;
  • candidal skin lesions (caused by fungus from the genus Candida);
  • multicolored deprived.

Terbinafin - Side effects

The cream for outdoor use terbinefin is well tolerated by patients, even given its synthetic components. Side effects from the use of medication while complying with all medical destinations concerning the multiplicity of use and the duration of therapy are minimized. However, it is not always possible to completely exclude them. Among the main side effects arising from the use of terbinafin cream:

  • allergic reactions;
  • burning;
  • redness of the skin at the place of application of the drug.

Terbinefin - contraindications

Finding out why the Cream of Terbinafin is used, it is necessary to name the states when it is prohibited. When prescribing medicines, doctors carefully study the patient's history, learn about the presence of chronic diseases, predisposition to the development of allergies. The absolute contraindication to the use of terbinfin from fungus is an increased sensitivity to its active component or other substances present in the composition. With caution, the medicine is used at:

  • renal and liver failure;
  • oppression of the work of the red bone marrow;
  • tumors;
  • metabolic diseases;
  • limb vessel diseases;
  • childhood up to 12 years old.

Apply terbinefin cream during pregnancy is permissible only by appointing a doctor watching pregnant women. In the event of any reactions from the skin, the worsening of well-being, the future mother should report this to the doctor and stop using cream. It is also necessary to behave using terbinafin during breastfeeding.

Terbinefin - Application

How to apply a cream terbinafin, how many times a day to apply and how long to use - determines the attending physician. Features of therapy are fully dependent on the type of pathology, the stages of violation, the severity of clinical manifestations. The cream should be applied to clean skin in places of lesion and to the surrounding sections with a thin layer. Lightly rubbing the drug, it is evenly distributed over the surface of the entire focus. This procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day.

The duration of terbinafin therapy, cream can vary and depends on the origin of the type of pathology (terbinefin and cream). On average, the cream is used:

  • with drumatosis of the body, the legs - 7 days;
  • defeats stop - 14 days;
  • under the skin - 7-14 days;
  • multicolored deprived - 14-21 days.

Terbinefin from nail fungus

Doctors argue that correctly using terbinafin cream, you can get rid of 2-4 weeks. It is important to comply with all the rules for applying funds and follow them:

  1. The nail plates on their hands and legs wash and wipe dry.
  2. The cream is evenly applied to damaged nails and slightly rub it. Also capture and small sections of healthy skin around the nail.
  3. After the use of terbinefin (cream from the nail fungus), they carry out wet cleaning of the premises, handle the shoes with deeschor, change linens. Such events will help prevent re-infection and recurrence.

Terbinefin cream from losing

Antifungal cream terbinafin is effective and against. In this case, after working out the focus, the place of application is covered with a sterile marlevary napkin and fixed with the plaster. Already in the first days, patients note a decrease in the diameter of the hearth, relief of well-being. Therapy should be carried out regularly, in strict accordance with medical appointments. Otherwise, there is a risk of re-infection. If 1-2 weeks of improvement does not occur, the additional examination is carried out. On average, the course of therapy lasts 2 weeks.

Terbanfin cream during thrush

Talking about how the Terbinefin cream is properly used, doctors initially pay attention to the type of pathology. When candidial damage to the skin cream is applied directly to the foci. Previously, they are thoroughly washed under water and dried with a towel with clogs. After applying, terbinafin cream slightly rubbing, which improves its absorption. Processing is carried out 1-2 times a day for 7-14 days (according to the prescription of the doctor, and to the complete disappearance of the skin lesions).

Instructions for use:

Terbinefin is an antifungal drug for systemic and outdoor use, a wide range of antimicotic activity.

Release form and composition

  • tablets: from the facial and risk, from white to white with a yellowish or cream colors (7 or 10 pcs. In contour cellular packs, in a pack of cardboard 1-5 or 10 packs; at 14, 28, 50 or 100 pcs. in Polymer banks, in a pack of cardboard 1 bank);
  • cream for outdoor use 1%: from white to white with a yellowish or cream color tinge a homogeneous mass, which has a weak specific smell (10, 15 or 30 g in aluminum tubes; in a pack of cardboard 1 tube);
  • spray for outdoor use: a transparent, colorless or light yellow solution, possibly weakly opaleszing, with a characteristic odor of ethanol (10 or 20 g in the bottles of neutral glass, clapped by crimping microspreer, complete with a spray nozzle and a protective cap; 1 set in Package cardboard).

1 tablet composition:

  • active ingredient: terbinafin (in the form of hydrochloride) - 125 or 250 mg;
  • auxiliary components: microcrystalline cellulose, calcium stearate, hydroxypropylcellulose (hypolosis), sodium crossarmellosis, monohydrate lactose, silicon colloidal dioxide.

Composition 1 g of cream:

  • auxiliary components: Polysorbat 60 (Twin 60), sorbitan monostearate, cetylpalmitate, isopropylmiristat, sodium hydroxide, alcohol benzyl, alcohol Cetylovy, purified water.

Composition 1 g Spray:

  • the active ingredient: terbinafin (in the form of hydrochloride) - 10 mg;
  • auxiliary components: propylene glycol, povidone-k17, macrogol-400, macrogol glycerilhydroxyistheate, ethanol 95%, purified water.

Indications for use

  • all forms of release: Treatment and prevention of fungal lesions of the skin caused by the infection of Trychophyton SPP. (T. Rubrum, T. Mentagrophytes, T. Verrucosum, T. Tonsurans, T. Violacium), Epidermophyton Floccosum, Microsporum SPP. (M. Canis, M. Gypseum): Packing epidermofitium, copies of the feet and smooth skin of the body, etc.;
  • tablets: Mycoses nails (onychomicoses) and the scalp (microsporia, trico), as well as severe common dermatomycosis of smooth skin of the body and limbs requiring systemic treatment;
  • tablets and cream: yeast skin infections caused by mushrooms of the genus Candida; in particular, the muscles (cream) and candidiasis of the mucous membranes (tablets);
  • cream and spray (local means): Multicolored deprived (PityRiasis Versicolor), called PityROSPORUM ORBICULARE (also known as Malassezia Furfur).




  • liver diseases in the active stage or chronic;
  • chronic renal failure with creatinine clearance (CK) ≤ 50 ml / min;
  • children's age up to 3 years;
  • body weight up to 20 kg;
  • pregnancy (the teratogenic security profile has not been studied);
  • the period of lactation / breastfeeding (terbinefin stands out with breast milk);
  • lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • increased individual sensitivity to terbinefin or auxiliary substances.

Relative (take care):

  • renal failure with KK\u003e 50 ml / min;
  • liver failure;
  • alcoholism;
  • oppression of bone marrowing;
  • tumors;
  • metabolic diseases;
  • occlusion of limb vessels;
  • skin or systemic red lupus.


  • children's age up to 12 years;
  • increased individual sensitivity to terbinefin or drug auxiliary substances.

Relative (applied with caution): renal and / or liver failure, depression of bone marrowing, tumor, metabolic disease, occlusion of limb vessels, pregnancy and breastfeeding, children's age from 12 years (not enough clinical experience), alcoholism.

Method of application and dosage


Tablets are taken inside, after meals.

Standard dose, subject to reception 1 time per day:

  • children over 3 years old with a mass of 20-40 kg - 125 mg;
  • children over 3 years old with weight\u003e 40 kg and adult patients - 250 mg.

The duration of the course of therapy and the dosing regimen establishes the doctor individually, depending on the localization of the infectious process and the severity of the course of the disease.

The average duration of therapy for various types of mycoses:

  • onychomicosis: 6-12 weeks; In case of damage to the nail plates of the fingers and the stop (except for the thumb) or in young patients, it is possible to reduce the duration of therapy< 12 недель; лечение большого пальца стопы обычно длиться 3 месяца; при сниженной скорости роста ногтей срок лечения может увеличиваться;
  • fungal skin infections: 2-4 weeks and more; Interpallase infection, plantar or socks, 2-6 weeks; Glands, torso - 2-4 weeks; Candidoz (mycoses caused by mushrooms of the genus Candida) - 2-4 weeks; Mikoses of the scalp, caused by mushrooms of the genus Microsporum - more than 4 weeks.

With hepatic or renal failure, the dose is reduced to 125 mg 1 time per day.

Cream for outdoor use

The cream is applied outwardly, a thin layer, on the affected and adjacent sections of the skin, first cleaning and driving them, and slightly rub.

In the treatment of infections, accompanied by the diatherness (in the interfallated intervals, under the breast, in the groin area, between the buttocks), the places of application of the gauze cream can be covered, especially for the night.

  • candidiasis of the skin: 1-2 times a day for 1-2 weeks;
  • multicolored lisha: 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Spray for outdoor use

Spray is applied externally on the areas of skin affected and adjacent to them, first cleaning and drying them, in sufficient for careful moistening.

  • dermatomymicosis of the body, legs and stop: 1 time per day for 1 week;
  • multicolored lisha: 2 times a day for 1 week.

Elderly patients corrected the dispensing mode of terbinafin in any of the forms of release is not required.

Side effects


  • digestive system: Very often - decrease in appetite, feeling of the overflow of the stomach, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, nausea, diarrhea; rarely - liver dysfunction; Very rarely - the hepatic insufficiency of the extreme degree of severity, including the fatal outcome;
  • bloodmarkes: very rarely - pancytopenia, agranulocytosis, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia;
  • musculoskeletal system: Very often - Malgy, Arthralgia;
  • nervous system: often - headache; Infrequently - distortion of taste (including Agevia);
  • skin: Very often - skin reactions (rash, itching, urticaria); Very rarely - Stevens - Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necroliza, exacerbation of the available psoriasis, psoriazo-like rash, alopecia;
  • hypersensitivity reactions: very rarely anaphylactoid reactions (including angioedema edema);
  • other reactions: very rarely - fatigue; Skin or systemic red lupus, or exacerbation.

Symptoms of overdose of tablets are rash, dizziness, headache, pain in epigastria, nausea, vomiting, rapid urination. For state therapy, it is recommended to carry out measures for the removal of the drug from the body: Reception of activated carbon, washing the stomach. If necessary, supporting symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Cream and spray for outdoor use

  • cream and spray (in places of application): redness, sensation of itch or burning, pain and irritation, deterioration of the current disease;
  • spray: rarely - eye irritation.

In the presence of hypersensitivity to terbinefin in isolated cases, the following allergic reactions are possible: widespread urticaria, rash, itching, bullous rashes. These states require immediate cancellation of the drug.

Due to the low system absorption, an overdose of funds for external use is extremely unlikely. But with a random intake of cream or spray, the same side effects are possible as in the overdose of tablets (dizziness, headache, pain in the epigastria, nausea, etc.). For state therapy, it is recommended to receive activated carbon, if necessary, supporting symptomatic treatment is carried out.

special instructions

With irregular use of terbinafin or in the case of premature cessation of treatment, there is a risk of resumption of infection.

Usually a decrease in the severity of clinical manifestations is observed in the first days of therapy. But if after 7-14 days, the improvement is not noted, it is necessary to verify the diagnosis, re-determining the causative agent of the disease and the degree of its sensitivity to the drug.

The duration of the course of therapy may influence concomitant diseases, and during onchomicosis - the state of nails at the beginning of treatment.

Tablets Tablets Terbanfin for the treatment of onychomicosis is justified only with the total defeat of most nails, the presence of pronounced subcast hyperkeratosasis and the inefficiency of previous local therapy.

The clinical response to the treatment of onchomicosis, confirmed laboratory, usually can be obtained several months after the completion of the course and micrical cure. This is due to the speed of full renewal of the nail plate.

It is not necessary to remove nail plates in the treatment of onychomicosis of brushes - 21 days and onychomicosis of stop - 42 days.

In case of liver diseases, it is possible to reduce the clien of terbinafin. An indicators of the level of hepatic transaminase in serum should be controlled in order to timely adjust the doses of the drug.

As a result of systemic use, in rare cases, three months later, cholestasis and hepatitis may occur from the start of therapy. The emergence of signs of hepatic insufficiency, such as persistent nausea, weakness, decrease in appetite, severe abdominal pain, urine darkening or discolored chair, jaundice, require immediate cancellation of tablets.

Applying terbinefin in psoriasis is necessary with caution, since, in very rare cases, the antifungal agent can provoke its exacerbation.

Terbinefin cream and spray are designed only for outdoor use. Cream and spray in the eyes should be avoided, in order to avoid irritation. If this happened, the eyes are required to immediately rinse with a large number of running water, and with the development of persistent irritation phenomena - to seek advice from the doctor.

Spray contains ethyl alcohol (33% by weight), which can cause irritation when applied to damaged skin areas. Propylene glycol, contained in the spray, can cause skin irritation.

If, when inhalation, the spray was accidentally introduced into the respiratory tract, when any symptoms appear, especially with their rescue, you need to contact a medical institution.

In the case of the development of allergic reactions, the drug is required to cancel.

Therapy of terbinafin is carried out in compliance with the general rules of hygiene in order to prevent the possibility of re-infection through underwear and shoes. In the course of treatment, 14 days from the beginning, and at the end it is necessary to produce antifungal treatment of shoes, stockings and socks.

There are no data on the effect of the use of terbolomotor reactions to the use of terbolomotor reactions.

Medicinal interaction

With systemic use (tablets):

  • tricyclic antidepressants and selective inhibitors of serotonin reverse seizure (fluvoxamine, desipramine), β-adrenoblays (propranolol, metoprolol), monoamine oaminoxidase inhibitors B (SELEGINIL), anti-arhythmic agents (gallopenidol, chlorpromazine): terbinafin, inhibiting isoenzyme SYP2D6 , disrupts the metabolism of the above preparations;
  • rifampicin and other inductors of the cytochrome P450 isoenzymes: can increase the rate of terminal returns, reinforcing its metabolism, may require a dose correction of terbinafin;
  • cimetidine and other inhibitors of the cytochrome P450 isoenzymes: can reduce the rate of terminalfin, weakening its metabolism, a dose correction of terbinafin may be required;
  • oral contraceptives: Terbinefield can contribute to the impaired menstrual cycle;
  • caffeine: clearance decreases by 21%, half-life increases by 31%;
  • Store in a place protected from moisture and light, inaccessible for children, tablets and cream at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C, spray - from 2 to 20 ° C.

    Shelf life: Tablets - 3 years; Cream and spray - 2 years.

    Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

    Tablets are released by recipe.

    The cream and spray terbinefin are released without a recipe.

Terbanfin ointment is one of the most sought-after drugs in the dermatology of medicines. Depending on the type of pathogenic fungi, it is characterized by a pronounced fungicidal or fungiostatic effect. Doctors include the drug in therapeutic schemes in the diagnosis of dermatophys, mycoses, candidiasis, multi-colored deprivation. Even after one-time application of ointment, inflammation weakens, pain, burning, skin itching disappear.

The ointment of terbinefin is an antifungal medication of a wide range of action. We are talking about allylamin, which is used for therapy of the following types of mushrooms:

  • yeast;
  • mold;
  • dermatophytes;
  • dorphic.

The pharmaceutical agent shows pronounced activity in relation to almost all known pathogens of mycase etiology. The medicine is distinguished by the wide variability of the degree of impact. Based on the type of infection, the components of the liniment may exhibit fungistatic or fungicidal properties.

Clinical and Pharmacological Group

Ointment (cream) Terbinefin - not hormonal, local, antifungal drug. It is used only for local outdoor treatment of the illicit areas of the skin. One of the representatives of the allylamine group of medicines. Effectively eliminates the pathogenic microflora, regardless of its localization.

pharmachologic effect

As part of Mazi, terbinafin predominates the active component of terbinafin chloride characterized by severe antifungal properties.

Pharmacological effect substance:

  • inhibits biosynthesis reactions (suppresses squaleneepoxidase) of sterols at the cellular level;
  • forms the deficiency of ergosterina;
  • it helps to increase the concentration of the squalene inside the cells.

The activity of composites of ointments leads to a violation of the integrity of the membrane structures of the fungus, which invariably ends with their death.

The peculiarity of terbinafin is that it does not affect hormonal metabolism, does not show activity to other drugs. When regular skin treatment accumulates in tissues, guaranteeing severe fungicidal activity, which is very important in the treatment of fungus.

Systemic therapy makes it possible to level the risks of recurrence with a high probability. In addition to drug treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to the state of the immune system, increase its resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.

Release form and composition

The production of the drug under consideration is engaged in the Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory (MMF). It is produced in several therapeutic forms:

  • Ointment (cream) is a homogeneous consistency of medium density. Possing a drug in metal tubes of 10-30
  • Pills. Plastic blister accommodates from 6 to 10 tablets of a yellowish tint. There is a characteristic chamfer on the surface.
  • Spray - 1% Composition used externally.

The composition of the drug may vary depending on the manufacturer's company and the form of release. But the main active ingredient is present in each of the listed medicines.

The composition of the cream (ointment) terbinafin includes a valid component (terbinafine hydrochloride), a number of secondary ingredients:

In the territory of the Russian Federation, several pharmaceutical companies are engaged in the issuance of the above medicines. The compositions of different manufacturers are practically no different.

Terms and Storage Terms

According to the annotation ointment (gel), terbinafin is recommended to take place from direct sunlight location, storage temperature - up to +25 ° C. In hermetic packaging, the composition retains therapeutic properties of 24 months. After the deadline indicated on the cardboard package, the drug is prohibited, as in the case of a metallic tube integrity.

Instructions for use

Antifungal cream The terbinefin applies only externally. Before applying the composition, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the problem areas of the skin. The line is used only by a thin layer throughout the area of \u200b\u200bdamage to fungal infection.

It is allowed to process healthy skin sections. The composition is neatly rubbed into the epithelial layer for rapid absorption of active substances.

  1. The dosage determines the attending physician, based on the severity of the illness, its stage and the patient's condition. For the processing of small areas of leather, 0.5-1 g of means is enough.
  2. Procedures repeat from 2 to 3 times a day.
  3. The course of antifungal therapy lasts at least 10 days.

For the treatment of a disease that is localized in the interpallase zone, in the area of \u200b\u200bgroin or buttocks, as well as under the milk glands, the problem areas are covered with a sterile marlevant.

Indications and contraindications

The Terbinafin gel is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of pathologies caused by the activity of dermatophytes, mold and yeast-like fungi. Ointment from losing a slouching type is ineffective.

Indications in which the application of the line is advisable:

To establish an accurate diagnosis, you must consult a doctor. Only a specialist determines the dosage of medication, duration and treatment regimen. Otherwise, the infection may resume.

  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the medication;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • renal or liver dysfunction;
  • malignant or benign formations on the skin;
  • problems with the function of blood formation;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

Before applying the line, it is important to see a doctor in order to level the possibility of the occurrence of adverse reactions and effects from the body. The drug itself should be used strictly in the doctor dosage assigned to the doctor, with the recommended multiplicity.

Terbinefin in the form of ointment is used only externally. The thin layer of the liniment is applied to the skin-affected skin, are evenly distributed over the entire area, and then lightly rub in massage movements. The daily dose depends on the area of \u200b\u200bdefeat ailment.

When the question is, a dermatologist must be answered in each particular case.

  1. With onchomicosis, nail plates are treated 2 times a day for 3-5 months.
  2. Color deprived is treated at least 2 weeks. Problem areas are treated 1-2 times a day.
  3. For therapy of the delicacy of skin, it takes from 1 to 2 weeks, subject to the daily application of the medicine.
  4. Dermatomikosis (regardless of localization) suggest treatment within 1 week. Daily multiplicity of processing - 1 time.

Positive dynamics is fixed from 3-4 days of therapy. Processing of problem areas continues even on the elimination of negative symptoms of the ailment. Cancellation of the medication is possible only after an individual inspection of a dermatologist, obtaining relevant recommendations.

Side Effects and Special Instructions

The antifungal agent under consideration is used only externally, locally, and therefore the likelihood of the occurrence of side effects is minimal. External allergic manifestations are possible, since the drug does not have a systematic influence on the patient's body.

Side effects:

With a manifestation of at least one of the listed reactions, it is necessary to stop the treatment of ointment, turn to the dermatologist for the adjustment of the therapeutic scheme.

Cases of unintended use of the line inside the body are recorded. In such patients, there was a pronounced allergic rash, headache, vomiting and nausea. If a small amount of ointment fell inside, it suffices several activated carbon tablets. Otherwise, the first medical care is required, washing the stomach.

It is important to eliminate the contact of the medication with the mucous membrane of the eye. If this happened, the pharmaceutical remedy is washed off by an abundant amount of flowing water. Fungal lesions of the skin (and even more nail plates) are extremely dangerous diseases, therefore, self-treatment is categorically contraindicated.

Pregnancy and lactation

Terbanfin ointment is not recommended for pregnancy, due to the lack of relevant research. It has been established that the main active ingredient of the drug during the injection of blood flow, the placental barrier overcomes without problems. Since we are talking about limited absorption through the epithelial layer, a pronounced negative effect on the fruit is excluded.


Ointment is contraindicated to children under the age of 12. Upon reaching the recommended age, the liniment is used in the dosages provided for adults. Preliminary consultation with pediatrician is required!

Prices and conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Ointment from the Nail Fungus The Terbinefin is released in pharmacies of non-prescription. To buy similar tablets, the recipe from the doctor will be required. The average price of the drug in Moscow pharmacies is 130 rubles per 30 g aluminum tube. Tablets can be purchased at a price of 200 to 500 rubles per pack.

Opinion expert

Lyudmila Sheveleva, Pharmacist

Terbinefin - a drug with a pronounced antifungal action. It effectively eliminates almost all signs of fungal skin lesion, including itching. The drug is relatively safe, subject to the recommendations of annotation does not provoke side manifestations. But it is necessary to apply it only to appoint a doctor after laboratory diagnostics.


Patients with individual intolerance to the medication or allergies on its components are recommended to apply the analogues of the ointments under consideration. Often, the following external dosage forms are prescribed:

The above preparations differ in composition and features of impact on fungal infections, so it is important to get acquainted with the appended annotation before applying. Sostly sufficient consult with a dermatologist for the possibility of using a specific substitute.