How to properly care for a bedridden patient. Caring for bedridden patients - regular activities and necessary funds. The sequence of the procedure

Old age, accidents, chronic diseases, recovery from operations, many of us are bedridden. Habitual actions become difficult. Such people need help. How to provide it correctly, says a specialist with five years of experience, Irina Prudnikova.

Irina Prudnikova
specialist in the care of critically ill patients of the "Eleos" rehabilitation center

Room conditions

- An optimal indoor climate is an important condition for the comfort of bedridden patients. There are several rules.

  • Temperature - about 20 degrees, humidity - 30-60%.
  • Airing the room in autumn and winter - short-term, but frequent. In warm weather, the window can be open all the time.
  • Spraying fragrances and essential oils is not recommended. And here humidifiers and air ionizers with increased dryness will come in handy. The ability to breathe freely is a paramount need for bedridden patients. Daily wet cleaning also prevents dust from entering the respiratory tract.

Change of linen

- The procedure should be carried out weekly and as needed. Ideally, the person should be temporarily moved to another location. The movement should be carried out by two people. One puts his hand to the patient under the head and shoulder blades, the second puts his hands under the pelvis and takes the person by the legs. On command, the patient is moved.

If this is not possible, the following method is applied:

  • turn the person on their side;
  • we roll the old sheet into a roll and tuck it under the back;
  • at the same time we slowly roll out a roll of a clean sheet in the same direction as a roll of an old sheet;
  • turn the patient over to the other side;
  • remove the old sheet and roll out the clean one to the end.

If the patient does not control urination and is in a diaper, an oilcloth is laid on the sheet under the buttocks, and another narrow fabric upward across the bed for skin comfort.

Change of clothes

- As a rule, it is a T-shirt (or shirt) and underpants (or diaper). This is the most convenient option. It is advisable to change clothes daily.

Raise the person slightly. We put a pillow under the back. Pull the T-shirt / shirt from the sacrum to the shoulders. Raise your arms slightly. We release the head through the neckline. We take off our clothes.

If it is seriously ill, then it must be rolled onto its side. We also pull the shirt / shirt from the sacrum to the neck. We move our hand closer to the head. We release it through the cutout. Next, we lower the sleeve. We turn the patient on the other side and release the second hand.

You need to dress a person in the reverse order. First, hands, head through the cutout. Further (if the person can sit down) - we stretch the clothes to the sacrum or complete the process by turning the person from side to side.

The dressing process begins with a sore arm or leg. Otherwise, every unnecessary movement is discomfort for the patient.

Skin care

- The skin is wiped daily with tampons and sponges with water at room temperature. There are times when doctors advise doing this with camphor alcohol. This is an antiseptic skin treatment. All procedures must be performed with disposable gloves.

The back, sides and sacrum should be wiped using the same side-to-side rotation technique. It is important not to ignore the armpits and the place under the breast (in women).

If the skin is dry, moisturize it with creams. Check with your doctor.

Alcohol-free lotions are used for hand skin. They have a soothing and soothing effect. Foam is also perfect for washing. It works especially well when changing diapers.

All of these products can be found in the pharmacy and even in regular stores. Special moisturizing wipes are also sold - a very convenient solution.

Oral cavity treatment

- After each meal, rinse your mouth. If the patient cannot do this, then with the help of a napkin (do not forget about gloves), we grab the tip of the tongue with one hand and bring it forward. With the other hand, we wipe the tongue with a swab dipped in a 0.5% soda solution and release it.

We take the second swab and wipe the inner and outer sides of the dentition.

The inside of the cheeks cannot be processed in this way. This can damage the mucous membrane and infect the salivary gland ducts.

Eye treatment

- This must be done in the morning. Soak a cotton pad in a 3% solution of boric acid and wipe the patient's eyes from the inner corner to the outer corner from the top and bottom.

Ear care

- It is important to rid them of accumulated sulfur on a weekly basis. Turn the person onto their side. Place a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in your ear. Wait five minutes, place a cotton swab at the beginning of the ear canal and, moving along the auricle (you can slightly twist the stick), pull the wax out.

Nose treatment

- As a rule, a daily procedure. The patient is in a sitting position, the head is slightly thrown back. We moisten a cotton swab with vaseline oil or glycerin and wipe the nasal passages. We are waiting for a couple of minutes. Then we remove the separated crusts with rotating movements.

Nail care

- It is carried out as needed, but at least once a week using special scissors with blunt ends.

Hair care

- Hair should be brushed daily with an individual comb, washed - at least once a week.

This procedure for seriously ill patients is carried out in bed. The man lies on his back with his head hanging from one end of the bed. Under the shoulders - a roller or pillow. We put a basin under the head on the floor.

We wash my head with the help of special products and a jug of warm water. It is important that no water gets into your ears. Dry your hair with a towel.

After the procedure, it is just convenient to change the bedding.


- If the person moves minimally, you can carry out the procedure in the bath, seating the patient on a special seat. It is even more convenient in the shower, while the patient must sit on a chair.

Observe the water temperature of 36-37 degrees (you can just check the water with your elbow).

If the patient is seriously ill - wash in bed. You should have: one bowl of soap and one bowl of clean water, disposable gloves and a washcloth. Often these people have increased skin sensitivity, so towels are not always suitable. It is more convenient to use a clean sheet.

Lather your body from top to bottom, starting at the shoulders and working towards the feet. It is advisable to immediately rinse the treated area with clean water and dry the area. Then proceed to the sides and back, gently turning the person.

Don't skip the space between your fingers and toes.

Washing and replacing diapers

- Disposable gloves are used for washing (you can also purchase special disposable gloves at the pharmacy) and a basin of warm water.

The patient lies on his side. We take off the diaper. We remove feces. We moisten the mitten in water, squeeze and wipe the body, starting from the groin area and ending with the buttocks area. Dry the skin with a napkin. We put on a diaper, turn the person on his back, spread his legs, bend at the knees, fix the diaper with Velcro.

You can also use a cleaning vessel.

Use special care products if necessary.

How to choose a diaper for an adult?

- There are Velcro diapers and panties. The first are shown to seriously ill patients, the second - for those who remain independent.

The size depends on the fullness of the person (the smallest size is designated as 1 or S, the largest is 4 or XL). Measure your waist and pelvis, it is by these indicators that you can determine the appropriate option (more detailed instructions are indicated on the packages).


- Pressure ulcers are tissue necrosis as a result of constant pressure, local circulatory disorders and nervous trophism. The most problematic place is the sacrum, then the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades, buttocks, heels and the back of the head!

If the patient is not able to roll over from time to time, he needs to be helped to change his body position.

Pressure ulcer development rate

1. Redness of the skin in places of squeezing... It is often accompanied by swelling. The structure of the skin is not disturbed.

What to do? It is necessary to frequently change the position of the body (we turn at least every 2 hours). Timely change of underwear and bed linen, straightening of all folds on clothes and linen. The use of an anti-decubitus mattress and care products for bedridden patients is shown.

2. Damage to the upper layer of the skin (cracks, skin peeling).

What to do? Primary measures are used to combat pressure ulcers. Hydrogel dressings and disinfectants are used.

3. Complete death of skin areas, pus appears in the wounds.

What to do? Consultation of a surgeon is required, who will prescribe medication. Bandages are applied, special pastes, gels, powders are used, and primary measures are taken to combat pressure ulcers.

4. Bone tissue, tendons and even the bone itself become visible, the wound is completely filled with pus.

What to do? Necessarily drug treatment. Physiotherapy procedures are prescribed. Consultation and supervision of a surgeon is required. It is important not to allow the extent of the problem to progress. Once the process has started, it is not easy to stop it.

P.S. Remember, the most important thing is the emotional state of the patient. As the saying goes: "The doctor heals, and the caregiver cures."

If a person is still able to adequately perceive reality, distract his attention from sad thoughts, invite people close to him to visit, try to please more often. Do not leave a person alone with your problem.

Pensions "ZABOTA" have been providing services for the care of bedridden patients, as well as for elderly people with limited mobility, for more than 10 years. In this article, we will share our experience of caring for a relative or acquaintance who is unable not only to move, but even to sit. We hope that the tips and instructions below will help you understand the nuances of this task. We understand that for many, such a burden may turn out to be unbearable for a number of objective reasons. No matter how much you love your loved one, this is a titanic job. Only professionals can perform it for a long time, observing all the recommendations. That is why the doors of our ten cozy boarding houses will always be open for those who need help. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for residents and extend the phase of active longevity for older people.

How to provide proper home care for a bedridden patient

If a person has lost the ability to move independently due to old age and serious illnesses, then it is important for his family and friends to know what is necessary first of all. It is not enough to simply supply the patient with food, water, and medicines, because restrictions do not allow him to independently carry out natural physiological functions: to maintain hygiene, go to the toilet, etc.

If the ward is over 60 years old, then the peculiarity is that a lack of care or improper procedures can have a very dramatic effect on well-being, and lead to a deterioration in the physical and psychological state. Below we will analyze what basic rules of care must be followed for bedridden patients at home, which will allow them not to harm when performing certain actions.

Why immobility is dangerous

The lack of movement has dire consequences for the internal organs. The blood of an immobile patient does not sufficiently saturate his body, and begins to stagnate in the vessels. This state of affairs can lead to the following complications:

  • the formation of bedsores;
  • persistent constipation;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • disruption of the joints, up to a complete loss of mobility;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • deterioration of the psychological state (depression, aggressive behavior, etc.)

In order to prevent the development of these negative phenomena, and to eliminate them in a timely manner, it is necessary to strictly follow certain instructions. What is necessary for caring for a bedridden patient, we will analyze in detail below.

Creating a comfortable environment

At the very beginning, create an environment suitable for being strangers in the house or apartment. It is very important to choose a room on the sunny side of the building that is well ventilated. Sunlight helps the production of hormones and also prevents depression. Fresh air has a very beneficial effect on the state of the body, saturating them with oxygen. It is advisable to provide an opportunity to take a person for a walk, for example, to a balcony or veranda.

The furnishings should not resemble a hospital, so special attention should be paid to the interior. Wallpaper should be chosen in pastel colors, with unobtrusive patterns or ornaments. Unfortunately, the ceiling is what the recumbent see most of the time, so try to decorate it in a way that creates a pleasant association when looking up. For a prompt response to requests, it is recommended to equip the room with baby monitors.

What to store in your bedside table

  • Hygiene products: cotton swabs, wet wipes with alcohol, etc.
  • Talc, antiseptics, and others, used in the treatment of problem areas of the skin and for the prevention of pressure sores.
  • Camphor alcohol or similar massage product.
  • Thermometer and pressure measuring device, with which you need to analyze the condition several times a day.
  • Diapers and cream for them.
  • Medicines to be taken.

(Important! If a person has dementia, medications should not be within reach.)

Temperature regime

How to observe the temperature regime, and how to care for a bedridden patient who, with prolonged immobilization, otherwise feels warm and cold? The delicacy of the situation is that the patient may not notice hypothermia or overheating of the body. Therefore, you should systematically measure the temperature, and react to the slightest changes. A person who is not transportable, cared for by loved ones, may hesitate to say that he needs to be wrapped up or turned on a fan just so as not to burden anyone.

Room cleaning and fresh air access

Ventilation, as mentioned above, is a very important factor in maintaining physical and psychological well-being. This procedure must be carried out at least three times a day, with a duration of at least 10 minutes. To prevent the negative effects of drafts, you should tightly wrap the stranger in a blanket during ventilation.

It is recommended to do wet cleaning several times a day. It is advisable to systematically arrange disinfection with a quartz lamp in order to get rid of harmful microorganisms to which elderly immobilized people are especially sensitive. Specialized home care equipment for bedridden patients can be purchased, such as a wheelchair, a lift-up bed, or a silent vacuum cleaner. With their help, it is possible to clean the room, without the need to take a person out of the room.

Psychological support

Providing emotional support is very important. So that he does not feel like a burden, you never need to show your bad mood or negative emotions at any of his requests. The more often you sit and talk, the better the loved one will be. And if you entrust him with some task, for example, wind up the threads in a ball or choose foods for dinner, then this can also have a very beneficial effect on his attitude. Caring for a bedridden is more than just performing purely mechanical manipulations to maintain its vital functions. This is, first of all, work on oneself and one's emotions, which sometimes act on a person better than drugs.

Choose the care your relative needs

For patients after a stroke

After a stroke, a person becomes almost helpless, especially if he is in old age. Elderly people are much more difficult to tolerate this disease. Patients after a stroke need quality care and, in addition, rehabilitation, which will partially or even completely restore the lost functions. Many relatives cannot cope with the elderly due to lack of time or for other reasons.

Price from 1 700 rubles.

For bedridden patients

In the boarding house for the elderly "Care" for each bedridden patient, comfortable conditions are organized. The wards are guaranteed quality care and assistance. Our wards are under constant supervision. We take care of bed patients after stroke, hip fracture and other diseases and help them get back on their feet.

Price from 1 700 rubles.

For Alzheimer's patients

In the initial stages, an Alzheimer's patient is almost impossible to distinguish from an ordinary person. His memory loss is not critical and occurs in periods. But over time, the disease progresses. Alzheimer's patients are characterized by indifference to reality, inability to retain any events in memory, loss of mobility. His immunity weakens, diaper rash and bedsores may develop. Caring for such patients and even more so rehabilitation is the task of professionals. In this case, it is difficult to do without the services of a specialized boarding house and qualified personnel with medical education.

Price from 1 550 RUR

For invalids

Caring for a disabled person is difficult. Due to various reasons and employment, the patient's relatives have neither the strength nor the time to provide quality care for an elderly disabled person. It is in such cases that the nursing homes for elderly disabled people of the Zabota network, located outside Moscow in ecologically clean areas of the Moscow region, come to the rescue.

Price from 1 550 RUR

For seniors with dementia

When choosing a room and a rehabilitation program for patients, we focus on their individual characteristics, as well as their emotional and physical condition. The program includes classes aimed at building new neural connections in the brain. These are exercises for the development of fine motor skills, breathing exercises, repetition of once familiar songs, stories, educational games, classes with a psychologist, etc.

Price from 1 500 rubles.

Elderly care

By registering a relative in a specialized boarding house due to various circumstances, you can be completely sure that he will be surrounded by care. We provide complete care for an elderly person, which significantly improves the quality of life.

Price from 1 400 rubles.

For patients after a heart attack

Professional care for patients after a heart attack in boarding houses of the ZABOTA network is carried out under the constant supervision of a general practitioner and a geriatrician. Rehabilitation measures allow gradually, in several stages, to return the guest to his previous physical activity.
Myocardial infarction is a condition resulting from a sudden cessation of coronary blood flow due to thrombosis of a coronary vessel and the development of foci of necrosis in the heart muscle. The cerebral variant of myocardial infarction resembles a stroke, since it also includes confusion of consciousness and speech.

Price from 1 550 RUR

For diabetics

The blood sugar level of a diabetic patient also depends on his daily diet. Therefore, food in the network of boarding houses "Care" is dietary - developed by nutritionists, taking into account the characteristics of the human body in old age. Contrary to the mistakenly held opinion about nursing homes, food in our boarding houses is not only healthy, but also delicious home-style. The menu is not repeated for 21 days. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are included in the diet of our guests every day.

Price from 1 500 rubles.

Recovering from a hip fracture

One of the most common injuries in old age is a hip fracture. After a hip fracture, a person loses the ability to move independently. Private boarding houses "ZABOTA" set themselves the task of not only putting our guests on their feet after a hip fracture, but also returning them to their previous full-fledged lifestyle, which they led before the fracture. Statistics showed that about 70% of elderly people can move independently after two to three weeks, and after six months they completely return to their usual way of life.

Price from 1 600 rub.

How to eliminate risk factors for pressure ulcers

The lack of movement can quickly lead to the death of skin tissue, as a result of which a lethal outcome is possible. The so-called pressure ulcers can become infected, which, given the weakened immune system, leads to fatal consequences. To avoid their occurrence, the following actions are necessary:

  • regularly rotate the body, changing its position;
  • the patient's food must contain a large amount of nutrients and proteins;
  • constantly massage;
  • monitor the cleanliness and dryness of the skin.

For the average person, performing these operations day in and day out can be an overwhelming task. So how to take care of bed patients without straining? We recommend that you entrust the supervision of immobilized people to professionals. Employees of the nursing homes "Care" have all the skills and consider caring for the elderly as their vocation. Your loved ones will be in the safe hands of a responsive and competent staff.

Hygiene measures

It is very important to keep your body clean - wash it every day, morning and evening. The procedure takes place directly on the bed, the procedure is as follows. Need to:

  • Spread oilcloth or other water-repellent surface.
  • Place a container of warm water next to the bed.
  • Use a lotion that won't irritate your skin, such as liquid soap or special foams.
  • Gently wipe the patient with a soft cloth with an applied solution, periodically changing the liquid.
  • After washing, dab wet areas and apply moisturizer.

It is important not to rub with a sponge too much, because irritation can very quickly develop into a more acute form. Below you will find more information on how to maintain hygiene and wash every part of your body.

How to wash your hair

This procedure requires a bath with water drainage. In shape, it should resemble equipment from hairdressing salons, in which the patient is comfortably fixed. You need to put the bath in such a way that the liquid can easily drain into the bucket, and then gently dispense the shampoo and wash your hair.


Be sure to wash twice a day. This is done in a container using a special cosmetic product. First, the face is wiped, and then lather. After foaming and completion, the remaining foam is removed. When finished, blot your face dry and apply a moisturizer or protective cream.

How to brush your teeth

You can brush your teeth with a silicone finger tip. It is recommended to use a medicated paste and rinse your mouth with products to soothe the gums.

How to clean your ears

Bedridden patients who are cared for at home by relatives are usually unable to clean their own ears. Therefore, relatives need to wipe their ears with a damp sponge every day during the water procedure, and thoroughly clean them with cotton swabs every 5-7 days.

How to wash your hands

A container with heated water and a detergent diluted in it should be placed on a moisture-repellent surface. Then dip your palms into the liquid for a few minutes, and then clean and dry with a towel. It is advisable to apply the cream afterwards.


At its core, the process of removing facial hair is similar to washing your face. The only difference is that instead of soap, another product is applied, and then the vegetation is removed with a razor against growth. This should be done very carefully and use a soothing ointment at the end.

How to rinse intimate areas

When caring for bedridden patients, modern technological methods allow maintaining the hygiene of all places of the person. The easiest way to accomplish this challenging task is with a special vessel. Be sure to place a waterproof film or cloth underneath it. Then place the boat under the ward, whose lower limbs should be slightly apart, and clean the area. After wiping dry, it is recommended to apply an emollient to the skin.

How to wash your feet

They should be washed at the same frequency and in the same manner as hands. The feet are lowered into a container with a diluted aqueous solution for a few minutes, and then gently cleaned with a sponge. Then use a moisturizing cream.

Items necessary for the patient

How to care for and ensure maximum comfort? This will require the following items:

  • comfortable bed on castors, adjustable;
  • if a person has dementia, then in its design, lifting handrails should be provided to avoid falling to the floor;
  • an appropriate orthopedic mattress;
  • additional coating that prevents the formation of pressure sores;
  • baby monitor for quick communication with loved ones in difficult situations.


The bed should be changed daily. In the event of force majeure, the linen is replaced. It is advisable to choose a sheet with clamps to prevent slipping and rolling.

Physiological functions

An important question: how to properly care for bedridden patients at home during the administration of natural need? If a person does not control these processes, then diapers must be used to maintain hygiene. The situation is simpler with those who are not transportable, who are in their right mind. It is enough for them to use a duck and a boat. As a last resort, you can wear lightweight funds.

How to feed

Here are some tips on what food you can cook and how you should feed it:

  • food must fully comply with the prescription of the attending physician, it is he who decides what foods can be consumed, and in what form;
  • first, lift the patient up and cover the chest with a waterproof cloth;
  • further, a table with legs is installed, and plates with food are already on it;
  • the way of feeding depends on a person's ability to move: independent or from a spoon.

Warm up joints

A decrease in the mobility of the joints is called contractures. They arise from a long stay without movement, and can lead to negative consequences. To reduce the likelihood of developing contractures, certain exercises should be performed:

Starting position


The patient is supine, limbs extended.

Raising the arms at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the body, and then sharply lowering them.

Working out the neck. To do this, you need to carefully raise the patient's head and shake it.

Rotation of brushes.

Pull the toes of the feet gently.

Raising your legs at an angle of 90 degrees, and then a sharp drop.

Warm up all joints, as well as the phalanges of the fingers.

Hands to the side - on the chest. It is important to synchronize the exercise with breathing.

Classic movements from ordinary gymnastics: bicycle and scissors.

The patient is on his back, the upper limbs are straight, lie along the body, the legs are bent at the knees, under them is a roller or pillow.

Rotation of the knees.

Leaving involves the daily performance of this complex. Some parts of it with the visible development of contractures should be repeated every hour.

Prevention of congestive pneumonia

For bedridden people suffering from heart disease, dynamics is very dangerous. In a very short time, it can lead to disastrous consequences, up to and including death. To prevent the disease, the following measures are applicable:

  • regularly change the position of the patient;
  • rub your back in the area of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bthe lungs using camphor alcohol;
  • two times a week you need to put mustard plasters or cans;
  • carry out breathing exercises with loved ones;
  • monitor the temperature regime in the room and the absence of drafts.

Even the constant presence of relatives nearby does not cancel the periodic supervision of the attending physician. The more often a health worker visits a person, the higher the likelihood of stabilization with the development of congestive pneumonia.

Prevention of constipation

Improper nutrition and inadequate care of a bedridden patient at home can lead to constipation. Ways to prevent the accumulation of feces in the intestines are as follows:

  • choose a diet with a lot of fiber;
  • prohibit the use of unhealthy foods: spicy, fried, soda, etc.
  • prepare an abundant drink;
  • organize periodic physical education;
  • the daily routine must be followed strictly.

Massage and gymnastics

To ensure the flow of blood to the internal organs of the immobilized person, regular exercise and gentle massage methods are necessary. Caring for a sick person at home, who still retains some ability to move, implies his independent performance of actions under supervision. With a complete loss of motor function, passive physical exercise should be organized with the help of others. It does not have to be performed by a professional, it is enough just to rub and stimulate different parts of the body at regular intervals.

Treatment of pressure ulcers

When it was not possible to protect a loved one from the formation of pressure ulcers, you need to quickly start treating them. Maintain the greatest possible sterility, this is very important to reduce the risk of spreading the infection. We recommend that all procedures be carried out with gloves. The process consists of the following points:

  • for a start - to organize the stimulation of blood circulation in the affected areas, for this the patient must be laid in such a way that he does not lie on the wound;
  • use a special mattress, circles, etc.
  • turn the body over regularly;
  • wounds need to be cleaned and treated with antibacterial lotions that do not dry the skin, such as chlorhexidine;
  • bandage and take steps for early healing, dressings need to be changed every day.

Diapers: what and for whom

The rules for caring for bedridden patients who do not have the opportunity to go to the toilet on their own state the need to use these absorbent products. There are three types for adults:

  • Open (liners that are attached to regular underwear).
  • Semi-open (with side fasteners for fixing).
  • Classic closed (the most cumbersome option).

It is recommended to use the first type for more active wards, capable of performing movements, without dementia. The third option is used in the most difficult cases, when a person has completely lost motor activity, or suffers from an extreme degree of incontinence.

Diaper sizes for adults

Caring for bedridden patients will definitely require properly selected characteristics of hygiene products. Otherwise, very negative consequences can develop. If the size is too large, then the leaking fluid can lead to the formation of pressure ulcers. When it fits very tightly, chafing and blockage of blood circulation can occur, which also negatively affects the body. For different manufacturers, the marking of the size range may differ, so we recommend looking for the golden mean by the method of selection and careful observation.

How to help a bedridden stroke patient

After a stroke, a part of the body is often paralyzed, and the restoration of its motor function is the primary task of the family. After discharge from the hospital, regular gymnastics and massage treatments should be organized. Ideally, these activities should be carried out every few hours. The position is changed at least once every two hours.

Psychological comfort of the patient and relatives

The emotional well-being of the non-walker is a very important goal for family members. It can be extremely difficult for loved ones at home to provide quality care for a lying relative. If you feel growing fatigue, you understand that you cannot cope on your own, then it's time to think about how to do it. This will allow you to focus on supporting your loved one emotionally. Pensions of the Zabota network are equipped with multifunctional beds and anti-decubitus mattresses; our specialists have extensive experience in caring for bedridden wards. If you have any questions about the terms of accommodation, please contact us in any convenient way.

It can be very difficult to organize care for bed patients at home, especially for a person who is far from medicine. It is difficult to foresee all the nuances and upcoming difficulties. However, the price for a mistake can be not only the comfort of a loved one, but also his health. Rationally organized care of a sick bedridden person, a constant daily routine and preparation of an apartment will provide not only psychological comfort for all family members, but also have a beneficial effect on the patient's health.

Organization of space

The first thing that needs to be prepared for the moment of discharge from the hospital is the bedroom, in which the recumbent person will constantly be. Regardless of how long he will be bedridden, it is important to organize the space correctly and create maximum comfort. His psychological state and the speed of recovery directly depend on this. While maintaining some degree of mobility, installation in other rooms will be required.

Organization of the bedroom

The bed should be positioned so that the approach is from both sides.

You may also need the following devices for caring for bedridden patients:

Adaptation Appointment
Anti-bedsore mattress Allows you to evenly distribute the load on the entire surface of the body, preventing disruption of blood supply in soft tissues
Bedside table Instead of a full-fledged table, you can use special stands, but they are less comfortable and only fit beds with handrails
Therapy arc, ladder Pull-up device. Necessary if the patient has retained partial mobility and has physical strength
Chair-toilet It will be needed if the patient is able to move a little, but for some reason cannot get to the toilet
Lift A device that allows you to lift and move the patient. Especially important for caring for

If care is required for seriously ill bedridden patients with incontinence, it is better to install an ionizer from the first day. It will not only cleanse the air from the inevitable unpleasant odor, but also enrich it with ions, which has a beneficial effect on health.

Organization of other premises

For patients whose movement is limited, but it may be necessary to install additional devices in the apartment. Depending on his diagnosis and physical strength, he will need the following devices:

  • all kinds of handrails. They must be installed in sufficient quantity and fixed taking into account the weight and height of the patient;
  • toilet nozzle (raises the level of the seat). Such a device will be needed when caring for a bedridden patient with a hip fracture;
  • lift to the bathroom. For the elderly, as well as overweight patients, the lift often becomes the only option fully;
  • wheelchair.

Hygienic care

When caring for bed patients at home, the quality and frequency of hygiene procedures are of great importance. The weakened body is highly susceptible to infections, and the recumbency provokes the occurrence of skin inflammation and pressure sores. Maintaining good hygiene and changing your bed linen daily will help reduce this risk.

Daily hygiene procedures

Bedside care items that you will need:

  • a special toothbrush and paste, selected taking into account the diagnosis (for example, when caring for a bedridden patient after, an especially soft toothbrush and paste with a hemostatic effect is required);
  • medical gloves;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • that will help protect the bed from accidentally spilled water;
  • cotton swabs (for cleaning ears and treating pressure sores);
  • manicure supplies;
  • pH neutral cleanser;
  • cloth towels;
  • diapers (if necessary);
  • skin creams (the skin of bedridden patients is especially thin and dry and needs additional care and protection).

Daily hygiene procedures must include:

  • cleaning teeth and mouth,
  • washing,
  • cleansing the ears, nose, eyes,
  • hand washing,
  • processing of nails on hands and feet,
  • skin care,
  • treatment, prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers,
  • diaper change and intimate hygiene.

Before starting the procedure, you need to make sure that there are no drafts in the room and that the air temperature is comfortable.

Important! All procedures must be carried out with medical gloves.

Washing a bed patient

Adequate hygiene and care for bedridden patients involves washing the entire body and head at least once a week. Very often this becomes the most difficult duty for relatives. However, to facilitate this procedure, there is now a huge range of products for the care of bedridden patients. Their choice depends on the financial capabilities of the family and the physical condition of the patient.

There are two ways to wash a bedridden patient:

  • washing in bed with or without water,
  • wash in the bathroom.

The latter method is possible if a person maintains clarity of consciousness, is able to move or has a physically strong assistant and the necessary adaptations.

Care Necessary tools and care products Features of the method, complexity and advantages
Washing in the bathroom
  • The lift from the bed
  • lifting device for the bathroom,
  • bathroom seat,
  • steps,
  • handrails,
  • anti-slip mats.

When choosing detergents, it is necessary to give preference to hypoallergenic, with a neutral PH, without a pungent odor and dyes.

Washing in the bathroom is much more convenient than washing in bed, but requires considerable effort on the part of the caregiver. In the absence of additional help and a large patient's weight, this method becomes unavailable.
Washing in bed (with water)
  • Inflatable bathtub or bath-sheet,
  • support under the back,
  • waterproof diapers on the bed,
  • soft sponges and a set of special products
The best option for washing the patient in bed. The feeling of water on the skin has a beneficial effect on the mental state. The bathtub is easy to install, there is no need to lift and move the patient, the presence of a hole and a hose simplifies the drainage of used water
Washing in bed (no water) Special without water:
  • foam,
  • sponges,
  • mittens,
  • napkins.

For some of them, water is required, but in the very minimum amount. The peculiarity of such funds is that they do not require rinsing. In addition to them, you will need cloth towels.

This method can be used as an additional one, since water procedures, according to doctors, are much more useful. Using it as the main one is an extreme case when there are no other options.

Fighting pressure sores

Pressure ulcers are a serious problem that all bedridden patients and their caregivers face. Due to the disruption of blood supply in the soft tissues, caused by constant pressure and lack of movement, necrosis begins. In especially severe forms, it spreads inward, affecting muscles and tendons. Treatment of pressure ulcers is very long and difficult, so special attention should be paid to prevention and hygiene. Poor quality of care is one of the reasons for their appearance.

Preventive measures

With poor hygiene and low mobility, the first signs of pressure ulcers may appear within a couple of hours. For their prevention, the following rules must be observed:

  • change bed linen daily. For people who are overweight or have problems with incontinence, replacement may be required much more often;
  • inspect the skin daily, when the first signs appear, immediately begin treatment;
  • change the position of the patient's body every 2 hours, turning it over;
  • fabric in contact with the skin (clothing, bedding) should be made only of natural materials, very soft, not have rough seams or fasteners;
  • use talcum powder and maintain a comfortable temperature in the room so that diaper rash does not occur;
  • use mild care products that do not contain alcohol and cannot cause skin irritation or allergies;
  • keep the patient's skin clean and dry;
  • regular massage and skin care for bedridden patients.

Treatment of pressure ulcers

Important! Treatment of pressure ulcers is determined by the degree of tissue damage and is carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

Treatment includes:

  • restoration of blood flow,
  • removal of necrotic masses,
  • wound healing.

Important! The transition to nutritional formula is carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor!

Psychological comfort

Limitation of mobility is a factor that causes depression in any person. Added to this are the sleep problems inherent in old age and a heavy awareness of their helplessness. For the psychological comfort and health of the patient, it is necessary to adhere to several rules:

  • the bedroom should be clean and light. It should be regularly ventilated, regardless of the season;
  • the patient should be surrounded by beautiful, favorite things: photographs, paintings, flowers;
  • the daily routine should not be disturbed, it gives a feeling of control and reduces the level of anxiety;
  • monitor the quality of sleep, and, if necessary, consult a doctor about the possibility of taking sleeping pills;
  • maintain his independence;
  • give the opportunity to do what you love or hobby;
  • do not delete it from the life of the family;
  • organize leisure, watching TV, reading books, listening to music;
  • in any case, do not refuse to receive guests. Pleasant communication and a habitual way of life have a beneficial effect on the patient's condition.

Bedridden patients are very sensitive to the psychological atmosphere in the family. Therefore, full-fledged modern care for bedridden patients is impossible without healthy egoism. And so that caring for a bedridden elderly sick relative does not turn into an unbearable burden, you must adhere to the following principles from the first day:

  • taking care of the bed should not become the responsibility of one family member. The rest is required not just periodic assistance in caring for the bedridden patient, but constant participation. Often the caregiver feels that he is losing his personality, turning into a servant, and this is a direct path to depression;
  • the family should not give up entertainment and recreation, if this does not harm the health of the patient;
  • it is important not to forget about your health. Often, by focusing on caring for a relative, a person ignores their own condition. However, back problems, joint problems, depression are what caregivers most often face;
  • dialogue with a sick person is very important. Anger, selfishness and other negative emotions are a natural reaction of the human psyche in such a situation. Psychologists advise to talk over all existing problems, otherwise a wall of misunderstanding and alienation will grow between the patient and the people who care for him;
  • if it is not possible to provide full medical care for a bedridden patient, then there is nothing shameful in placing him in a special institution or. Entrusting care to specialists who are better at all methods of caring for bedridden patients is often the most correct decision.

If a decision is made to take care of the patient on their own, then it is worth remembering that respectful attitude, sincere care and love are something without which caring for a bedridden will never be sufficient and complete.


A bedridden patient is a person who requires special care. It is not enough for him just to cook food and serve a plate. He is unable to wash himself, or to ensure himself normal hygiene after the toilet, or to straighten the bedding under him after changing his body position. And if he is over 65 years old, then improper performance of care procedures or refusal from them very quickly, literally in 2-3 days, ends with various complications. Therefore, we will talk about how to take care of bed patients at home.

Why immobility is dangerous

The human body consists of internal organs, skin, muscles, bones and ligaments. In order for this complex system to work harmoniously and correctly, it is necessary not only that they receive correct and timely commands from the nervous system. Adequate blood supply to every tissue and every cell is required. And it suffers greatly in conditions of forced immobility. This happens because the muscles that previously required good blood supply cease to work actively, and the blood begins to stagnate in the vessels themselves. This leads to complications such as:

  • associated with a violation of intestinal peristalsis;
  • joints and even their ankylosis;
  • amyotrophy;
  • the formation of kidney stones;
  • urinary incontinence, which will aggravate the course of pressure ulcers;
  • associated with the distance between the interlocutors: all relatives, when talking, either stand or sit at their feet;

It is precisely on the prevention and timely elimination of these complications that the care of bed patients at home should be directed. It requires a lot of dedication and hard work from the relatives of an elderly person. And the procedures described below should be performed daily, some of them several times a day.

Changing living conditions for the patient

Caring for a bedridden patient at home begins precisely with the fact that, by changing the situation in the house, create the most comfortable conditions for him. To do this, give an elderly relative the sunniest room, even if he has always led an "owl" lifestyle: sunlight promotes the production of melatonin, a hormone that has an antidepressant effect. If a bedridden patient is in a room where he “lives” or where the sun “peeps in” at least in the morning or in the evening, he no longer feels so abandoned and lonely.

Ideally, the room where the patient will be located should be on the ground floor or connected to the balcony: then you can take the elderly relative to fresh air, which is very important for providing all his organs with oxygen. In addition, walking improves the emotional state of people who are lying down and is an integral part of caring for them at home.

The best solution would be to re-glue the wallpaper in the room where the immobilized elderly person is. They should not be bright or "childish", but it will be good if their color is light and the shade is pastel. They can be subtly painted with flowers or abstract patterns.

It is also desirable that the ceiling undergo changes, acquiring a more original color than the traditional white color, because it is at it that the patient will have to look all day. On the ceiling, you can stick the same wallpaper, you can - a different, but also light color. You can order tiles with a pattern, for example, a sky with clouds.

The next thing to consider is the patient's room setting. In no case should it have the slightest hint of a hospital, and, nevertheless, be simple and not contain things that will accumulate dust (chairs, sofas).

Put on a bedside table: choose one that will be different from the hospital, or glue the similar to the hospital with self-adhesive tape with some kind of pattern. Put things on the bedside table that the patient can reach on his own: a sippy cup, wet and dry napkins, books / newspapers, radio, telephone, remote control, glass for storing dentures. There should also be a means of communication between the bedridden patient and relatives so that he does not have to shout (baby monitor).

Put the things that you will use for daily care in the nightstand:

  • camphor alcohol, when applied, you will massage, especially in the chest area;
  • talcum powder, which you need to sprinkle on sweating places - so that there are no bedsores;
  • antiseptics: with their help, you need to process those places that rub against the surface of the bed or other parts of the body (for more details, see the article "");
  • a thermometer that needs to be used twice a day;
  • a tonometer with which the pressure is measured;
  • cotton swabs for ear cleaning;
  • alcohol and cotton wool (you can buy separate alcohol-treated wipes) - handle minor violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • stock of diapers, diaper cream or Sudocrem;
  • drugs taken (out of the patient's reach, if he has).

Multifunctional bed

A functional bed is needed - one that will allow you to raise your head, lower your legs (two-section) or even bend your knees (three-section). For a person with dementia, a two-piece design is sufficient, but others require a three-piece design. The latter is indispensable for the paralyzed, those who suffer from obesity or urinary incontinence. Then, by turning the lever on the side of the bed and "seating" the relative with the legs bent at the knees, one can: a) additionally ensure the prevention of bedsores; b) help a conscious person learn to go to the toilet; c) additionally avoid the appearance of contractures of the lower extremities.

Buy a functional bed on wheels so that you can move it around the room and take it out onto the balcony or outside for walks. If the conditions at home do not allow, the patient can be transferred to a sitting wheelchair and walk in this way. This is possible if there are assistants who can lift the elderly person and transplant him, or he himself retained the possibility of minimal movements.

The mattress must be appropriate - capable of taking the shape that will be installed on the rigid base of the functional bed itself. It is recommended to put an anti-decubitus on top of the orthopedic mattress. How to choose it is described in detail.

In addition, the room of a bed patient should always be lit: during the day - with sunlight, in the evening - with a lamp, and at night somewhere in the corner of the room, so that it does not interfere with sleep, a night light should be on. A bed patient does not get as tired as healthy family members, in addition, he often suffers from pain, so it is difficult for him to fall asleep. By the light of the night light, he will not be so lonely. If he is fully conscious and often cannot fall asleep, you need to think about how to make a remote control that turns on the light. So that he, as in those days when he was not yet lying down, could turn on the lamp himself, read, sew or raise (depending on interests).

If an elderly recumbent person is in a state, that is, he does not understand or does not understand well where and how he is, tricks with wallpaper and the color of the ceiling are not needed. But there should be a baby monitor on the bedside table; and he should also be in a lighter room - so that you notice a change in the color of the skin and mucous membranes and can call a doctor. A functional bed is also needed for a dementia patient.

When caring for a patient with dementia, special attention should be paid to his safety. To do this, before you leave the room, each time you need to lift the by-side of the bed so that it does not fall off it. In addition, he should not have access to cutting, piercing objects or electrical appliances. This way he will not be able to injure himself or you.

Temperature regime

The bedridden patient needs to provide a comfortable temperature regime. And in fact, and in another case, the risk of formation of pressure ulcers increases: in the first case, against the background of sweating, in the second - due to vasoconstriction and deterioration of blood circulation.

The peculiarity of the situation is that with a prolonged immobilized state, a person does not feel heat or cold as before, so he cannot always ask for help. In addition, he may be worried about asking again to come up to him. Therefore, you need to check the temperature of his skin and in a timely manner either cover him with a blanket, or turn on the air conditioner (fan).

Airing, wet cleaning

Caring for bedridden patients at home also includes mandatory ventilation. It is carried out at least 3 times a day, for 10-20 minutes. In this case, a draft should not be done, since elderly bed patients are weakened and can easily catch a cold. Therefore, cover it with a blanket when airing, and with a light sheet in summer.

The room where the bedridden patient is located must be quartz twice a day: this way you can kill potentially dangerous microorganisms and prevent the disease. Quartz can be carried out with an ordinary quartz lamp, which is hung from the ceiling so that an elderly person cannot accidentally look at it while it is working. In addition, when quartzing, the patient's eyes should be closed either with a diaper folded 4-8 times, or with fabric "glasses", which are usually used for sleeping.

You can purchase a bactericidal emitter that can be turned on in the presence of a patient (it is equipped with a fan that draws portions of air inside, where the quartz emitter is located).

Quartzing can be carried out with a portable lamp, which must be placed so that it is no closer than 1.5 m from the patient. Its plus is that it is convenient to use it at the slightest "hint" of bedsores, directing its light to the skin defect. The person performing the procedure himself must put on the black plastic glasses attached to the lamp and carry out the irradiation for no longer than 2-3 minutes.

Wet cleaning in the bed room is carried out twice a day. It is not recommended to use sharp-smelling chlorine-containing agents: they can irritate the patient's respiratory tract. If there is a need to carry out just such a cleaning, after it you need to ventilate the room well.

Psychological support

This is a very important point of caring for a bedridden patient, who subjectively feels only 2 problems: that something hurts him (or he cannot move some parts of his body) and that he is now a burden. And if it is possible to eliminate pain or improve limb mobility only with the help of medical manipulations (injections, pills, special massage), then it is within the power of relatives to help improve the psychological mood.
For this you need:

  • go to the patient's room more often;
  • talk kindly;
  • sit down on the bed with a relative more often;
  • do not show your irritation if he calls often, but try to kindly explain that all family members are busy. Some activities (ironing, activities with children) can be performed in the patient's room, if his character allows it. You can even assign him some activity (for example, doing lessons).

Prevention of bedsores

Bedsores are the main "scourge" of the bedridden patient. These areas of tissue death appear rather quickly, especially in weakened patients, and, becoming infected, can lead to their death.

To prevent them from arising, you need to take action from the very first day your relative lost the ability to move. It:

  • the patient turns at least 5 times a day;
  • placing air cushions or sandbags / cereals under the bony protrusions;
  • constant monitoring of the absence of folds on clothes, diapers and bedding;
  • a diet rich in vitamins and proteins, but not containing salty, fried or smoked foods;
  • constant monitoring to ensure that the skin is dry and clean;
  • massage of places prone to bedsores using blood circulation-enhancing agents.

Of course, they require effort, but on the other hand, they enable the bedridden patient to live longer and with a better quality of life, and the caring relatives do not spend a huge amount of effort and money on treatment.

Hygiene measures

Body washing is described in detail in the article "". Here we will focus on the hygiene of the face, head and genitals.

Washing head

In order to wash your hair, you need to purchase a special inflatable bath - preferably one with a tube through which water can flow into the bucket. This bath should have a recess for the head, as in the washbasins in hairdressing salons.

Place an oilcloth or absorbent diaper at the head of the bed. Place this bath almost on the very edge, and help the patient to move there. The bath should be so that the water flows through the straw smoothly into the bucket.

Pour warm water on your head, lather it with shampoo, remove the water from the bath, then rinse with warm water, while doing a head massage. If your hair gets tangled, apply a conditioner balm to it, which will also need to be rinsed off.

Hair is blotted with a soft towel, then dried with a hairdryer.


It is carried out daily in the morning and in the evening. In order to well remove dirt, products of the sebaceous glands and keratinized particles, use special soft sponges or reusable washing napkins. This is done like this:

  • You bring a basin of warm water, put it on a chair;
  • dip a napkin or sponge into the water, wipe the patient's face (or he wipes it himself);
  • then a washing cream, foam or gel (for example, Tena Wash Cream) is applied to the face, they foam, all parts of the face, ears and the area behind the ears are washed;
  • using the same napkin or sponge dipped in water again, the face cleanser is removed;
  • the face is dried with blotting movements;
  • the area around the eyes is wiped with cotton balls in the direction from the outer edge of the eye to the inner;
  • a moisturizer is applied to it.

Teeth cleaning

The patient performs it either independently (if he is conscious and his hand can move), or relatives do it with the help of special silicone brushes that are put on the finger.

The sequence of actions is the same as usual: wet the brush, apply a little paste on it (preferably medicinal, with oak bark or herbs), brush teeth, cheek mucosa, tongue from all sides. You can rinse your mouth with water, but it is better to do this with a decoction of sage or chamomile, and with bleeding gums - with oak bark.

Ear cleaning

It is performed daily with the help of washing, and once a week with ear sticks. It is better to buy the latter with restraints or try not to enter them far into the ear canal, removing the wax only from the outside.

Hand washing

To wash your hands, you need to do the following:

  1. lay a moisture-absorbing diaper on top of the patient, put a light basin of warm water on it, in which a little detergent for hands is diluted;
  2. lower your hands into the pelvis, let them soak for 1-2 minutes;
  3. wash your hands with a sponge, paying special attention to the interdigital space;
  4. remove the patient's hands from the pelvis;
  5. dry them with a towel;
  6. apply cream on them.

Periodically, you need to trim your nails, and then file them with a soft file.


This procedure is similar to washing your face:

  • a basin of warm water is placed on the chair;
  • shaving foam is applied to the face;
  • the razor removes the hair in the direction against their growth - the machine is dipped into the basin. This manipulation is repeated as many times as necessary to eliminate vegetation;
  • the face is washed with a washcloth;
  • wipes his face with a towel, dabbing movements;
  • after shave moisturizer is applied to the skin that has lost its vegetation.

Genital hygiene

It is best done with the patient lying on the ship. An oilcloth / moisture-absorbing diaper is placed under this vessel, the patient's legs are moved apart and put on the heels, being bent at the knees.

Next, you need to wash the genitals with a soft sponge, on which a washing foam or gel for intimate hygiene is applied. The product is washed off by pouring water on the genitals. You need to flush everything: not only the genitals, but also the anus.

After that, the vessel is taken out from under the patient, his genitals and buttocks are dried with blotting movements. After that, a diaper or oilcloth is taken out from under it, and then a cream is applied to the skin, best of all - "Bepanten" or "Desitin".

Washing feet

It is carried out in the same way as washing hands - by lowering the feet into a basin with warm soapy water. After wiping your feet, it is advisable to lubricate them with a fat cream, for example, "Baby cream" or a mixture of sea buckthorn oil, baby cream and vitamin A, mixed 1: 1: 1.

Change of bed linen

Caring for bedridden patients at home implies a daily planned change of bed linen and unscheduled - if liquid, urine is spilled on it, or it gets dirty. It is better to buy a sheet with an elastic band sewn around the edge so that, when put on the mattress, it is fixed and does not slip with every movement of an elderly relative (this is important so that bedsores do not form).

Change the sheet when a person cannot stand up, in several stages. During them, do not forget to hold the patient:

  1. Pull one end of the sheet so that the relative is on their side. Throw this loose part of the sheet over it.
  2. Place a clean, full-length sheet on the vacant part of the bed behind the person's back. Spread half a sheet across the width of the sheet evenly (if with an elastic band, then put it on the mattress first), and fold the part of the bed sheet that cannot be spread out now with an "accordion".
  3. Remove half of the dirty sheet from the relative, fold it also "accordion", next to the clean one. Turn onto your back so that it rolls over both accordions.
  4. Now you need to get a clean "accordion" out from under the patient and pull it so that it is on the other side. Remove the dirty sheet and spread the clean one.

Physiological functions

How the patient will go to the toilet depends on his condition. If he is in profound dementia or cannot control urination or bowel movements, this is a diaper.

If he can move a little and feel the urge to go to the toilet, he is given a boat to fulfill a great need (and for women, a small one), and a duck to urinate. The duck can be hung on the bedside so that the man himself can get it without calling relatives for help.

If the patient can initially move, albeit in a small volume, it is better that he goes to the toilet on the toilet stool placed next to it. This is a device in which there is a hole in the seat and a bucket under the seat.

After the implementation of the physiological functions of the patient, it is imperative to wipe dry, help to put on panties or a diaper and lie down so that folds do not form on the underwear.

Feeding the sick

The diet and the nature of the diet - whether the dishes should be puree, liquid or regular consistency - are prescribed by the attending physician.

To feed the patient, the headrest is raised so that he is in a half-sitting position, a diaper is laid on the chest. Next, a special table is placed on the bed (it is included with some functional beds and looks like a pull-out board). A bowl of food is placed on the table, from which the patient himself or with the help of relatives will eat with a spoon. The best option is for the bowl to be with suction cups, that is, it could not fall if a person moves carelessly. Drink is given from a glass with a straw or a special drinker.

Prevention of contractures

Contractures are a decrease in the range of motion in the joints that occurs due to changes in the structure of the muscles. They develop when they are in the same position for a long time and can lead to a pronounced limitation of a person's mobility.

To prevent contractures from developing, you need to do exercises. For instance:

Starting positionAn exercise
Lying on your back, arms along the bodyYou need to rotate the hands of relaxed hands out and in, for 10 minutes every hour
AlsoYou need to slightly raise your head and shake it to the sides, 10 minutes every hour
AlsoStraight arms need to be raised above the body, and then "dropped" down
The same, under the knees - a roller or pillowRotate your knees out and in, for 5 minutes every hour
The same, without a cushion under the kneesPull the socks towards you - away from you
The same, without a rollerTry to raise one leg as straight as possible - “drop” it onto the bed. Repeat the same with the other leg.
AlsoFlex the fingers and toes in all joints
AlsoCircular movements with hands and feet
AlsoWhile inhaling, spread your arms to the sides, while exhaling - fold them on your chest
AlsoInflate your stomach and hold it in this position. Then pull it in as much as possible and also pause in this position

Details of the treatment and prevention of contractures are described in the article: "".

Prevention of congestive pneumonia

Congestive pneumonia in bedridden patients can develop in just a few days, especially if they suffer from heart disease. This disease sneaks up unnoticed, it is very difficult to treat and can end in the death of a person.

To prevent this from happening, you need to carry out a set of preventive measures. They are described in detail in the article "", and breathing exercises can be found in the article "".

Prevention of constipation

So that fecal masses do not stagnate in the intestines of a lying patient and do not poison the body, it is important to take the following measures:

  • add foods containing fiber to the diet. For example, apples with peels, dried fruits, bananas, bran bread, oatmeal and rice porridge;
  • provide the patient with a sufficient amount of drink: at least 30 ml / kg of weight, if there are no contraindications such as respiratory or renal failure;
  • performing the exercises described above;
  • exclusion from the diet of carbonated drinks, fast food, fried and spicy foods.

Thus, it can be seen that caring for bedridden patients at home is hard work, which is also burdened by moral aspects: simultaneous pity for your immobilized relative and impatience from his helplessness. There are services that are ready to help carry this "cross" and provide qualified care in a hospital setting. This can be a way out of this situation. In addition, in this way an elderly relative will not be annoyed with your specific character traits, but will maintain positive relations in the family. For your part, you can visit him at least every day, at any convenient time.

Many diseases have such serious consequences as complete or partial immobility of the patient. The most common disease with such disorders is stroke. The first 2-3 weeks the patient is in a hospital under the constant supervision of medical personnel. And after discharge, caring for him completely falls on the shoulders and arms of his family. But not everyone knows how to properly help a loved one and what to fear.

The main danger that lies in wait for patients who are deprived of the ability to move are bedsores. They are dead skin areas and form in places where tissue is squeezed between the bone and the bed. The main places of occurrence of bedsores are the scapula, the region of the sacrum and heel. At first, a slight redness appears in these areas, which gradually increases, the skin in these areas becomes thinner, and after a while a wound forms on this site.

The main care of the bedridden patient should be directed towards preventing the formation of pressure ulcers. First of all, this is the constant overturning of the recumbent. A change in body position should be carried out every 2-3 hours. At the same time, it is advisable to lay the paralyzed limbs on special rollers that can be made from rolled bedspreads. To prevent the patient from turning over on his back from the “lying on his side” position, a larger roller, rolled out of a blanket, can be placed under it.

Purchasing an anti-decubitus mattress can be a good solution to the problem. Its cells are inflated with air and alternately deflated and refilled, providing a constant massage of the skin.

Constant turning in bed can also be a good preventive measure against the development of congestive pneumonia.

Patient hygiene plays an important role in the prevention of pressure ulcers. It should be done daily. It is clear that it is impossible to bathe a person who is unable to move every day. But it is necessary to wipe the body with napkins moistened with warm soapy water. For patient care, nursing practitioners working in rehabilitation centers and departments recommend making the following solution: into an empty 1.5-liter bottle, pour a bottle of vodka, a bottle of liquid baby soap and add water to the rest. Using such a talker helps to solve several problems at once - soap cleans the skin, and alcohol dries it out.

We must not forget about intimate hygiene. It should be done twice a day. If the patient is in diapers, then with each change, the groin area is wiped with a napkin and treated with powder.

If, nevertheless, despite all the efforts, redness has formed on the skin, then it must be dried. The patient is placed on his side, if the pressure sore is on the sacrum, then the diaper is opened and the skin is allowed to “breathe”. The place of redness is treated with powder and special sprays and creams, which can be bought at the pharmacy.

Also, the pharmacies offer a wide variety of care cosmetics for bedridden patients. It can be selected based on the problems that the person faced when leaving.

Eating a bed patient

The nutrition of a stroke patient should not overload the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the diet must fully meet the needs for the necessary micronutrients.

Fried, smoked, spicy, salty foods are almost completely excluded. During the period of treatment of the disease, the patient receives a large amount of drugs. After discharge, treatment continues. All this has an extremely negative effect on the state of the liver. Improper nutrition can only make the situation worse.

It must be remembered that if a person lies or his physical activity is limited, the bowel function is disrupted, and constipation occurs. Therefore, the diet should include as many vegetables containing fiber as possible. Soups and crumbly cereals are a must. It is very important to follow the drinking regime. The patient should drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. If all these measures do not help, and the patient begins to have problems with stool, then a cleansing enema is done once every 3 days.

It happens that with a stroke, patients have impaired swallowing, and they cannot eat on their own. At the hospital, they are given a special nasogastric tube through which they are fed. This function is not restored soon, and the patient can be discharged home with a probe. How to feed such a patient at home, must show and teach the medical staff at discharge.

It must be remembered that only thoroughly grated food without lumps can be introduced through the probe. Otherwise, it may clog. It is best to run everything through a blender. Another option is to boil meat broths and add a jar of baby food to them. You can also buy special food for parenteral nutrition at the pharmacy. It is necessary to feed patients through a tube fractionally, 5-6 times a day, 200-300 ml of food at a time. After each feeding, the probe is rinsed with boiled water. They just inject it through a special syringe.

If the probe is still clogged, then ambulance personnel can replace it.

If the patient's condition stabilizes and movements appear in the paralyzed limbs, then exercise therapy is recommended to him. When to start classes, how to conduct them and what exactly needs to be done - the attending doctor tells at the time of the patient's discharge. However, there are several general rules.

The main principle of exercise therapy is gradualness. They begin to sit down in bed gradually and for a very short time. At first, they do not lower their legs. They simply put pillows under the back, and for 2-3 minutes a person is in this position. There should be several such approaches per day.

After 3-4 days, they begin to lower their legs out of bed. Before that, be sure to wrap them up with elastic bandages or put on special stockings. They begin to wrap with bandages from the toes, while the bandage is pulled. The legs are lowered for the first time for 2-3 minutes, after which the patient is laid. Gradually, the time is increased, focusing on his condition. Exercise therapy begins after the patient begins to feel confident in a sitting position.

Passive physiotherapy exercises can be carried out when the patient is completely supine. It includes flexion and extension of paralyzed limbs, massage.

When is a doctor needed?

Caring for a bedridden patient includes not only feeding and hygiene, but also treating it. All medications that the patient must take are prescribed by the doctor. They must be given strictly according to his recommendations.

The first time a local therapist is called at home immediately after discharge from the hospital. Then as needed. It is necessary to closely monitor the patient's condition. If the body temperature rises, the person “withdraws into himself”, stops responding to treatment and other stimuli, or, conversely, there are unmotivated attacks of aggression and motor excitement, then a specialist is called immediately. If the condition has changed dramatically, and there is no way to call a doctor (for example, weekends or holidays), then an ambulance team is called.

Caring for a sick person who has lost the ability to move is hard work, requiring great physical and psychological strength. Therefore, the support of the whole family is very important at this moment. Joint efforts can not only provide everything necessary for such a patient, but also significantly improve his condition.