Why do you dream of two budgies? Was there any contact with the parrot? Dream Interpretation - Catch a thief with gold jewelry

Seeing colorful parrots in a dream means holidays, celebrations, unforgettable love affairs, noisy companies, parties and reckless actions. The interpretation of the dream depends on the plumage of the birds and their location. It’s best if you dreamed about them in the wild, and not in a cage. Why you dream of a macaw, a gray gray or a cockatoo is well described by the modern dream books familiar to everyone.

Miller's Dream Book and its interpretations

The psychologist explains vivid, vivid dreams as rich in events in reality. The more joyful real life is, the more colors you will see in your dreams. In his dream book you can find simple and accessible explanations of why large and small birds, in particular colorful parrots, are dreamed of:

  • speakers - to public speaking;
  • sitting in a cage - to obstacles;
  • walking in freedom - to an idle lifestyle;
  • loudly screaming - to scandals.

Get ready for glory

Why motley “talkers” dream about is interestingly described in Vanga’s dream book. The bright plumage of birds in a dream means the dreamer's public life. Seeing them, talking to them means speaking from the podium, solo concerts, organizing concerts, meetings, parties. The more colors you see, the more intense the coming days and weeks will become.

Multi-colored parrots attract a lot of attention. Likewise in life, the dreamer becomes interesting to others. A dizzying success with the public awaits him. It’s especially good if you dreamed that you were in a joyful mood, and everything around you caused wild delight.

Obstacles are inevitable

According to many traditional dream books, seeing birds in a cage is not always good. Such dreams mean limitations on your capabilities. Look around carefully - rivals can weave intrigues and intrigues, spread gossip, which will be difficult to fight off in the future.

An open war with competitors, meetings with unnecessary people, performing unplanned duties instead of someone - this is exactly what multi-colored parrots in captivity dream of. But there is a small exception here too. If you dreamed that it was you who managed to imprison them, it means that in reality you will be able to eliminate your rivals from your path without any problems.

Live in pleasure

Seeing colorful parrots in a dream, teaching them to talk, feeding them, releasing them into the wild - means holidays, entertainment, noisy fun. If you dreamed that they were constantly circling above your head or sitting on your hand, be prepared for bright adventures that you will never be able to forget.

The guests of our dreams - birds, animals, various creatures - can be the most familiar and simple, or they can be completely exotic and extraordinary.

Particularly memorable are those dreams in which birds come to us - bright, colorful, overseas. How to understand why a parrot is dreaming - surely this bird does not appear in a dream without a good reason?

In itself, this symbol is bright, positive and very multifaceted. Often, as the dream book says, a parrot personifies a person, and sometimes it simply promises certain changes in life, events, new colors.

It is important to remember what exactly these birds were like - wavy or talking, small or large, sitting in a cage or on a tree, and what exactly you did with them in your dream. The answer to why the parrot is dreaming will depend on this, and only then will you be able to find out the interpretation of night dreams as accurately and correctly as possible.

For example, variants of such dreams involving colorful birds may be as follows:

  • You just saw an ordinary parrot from the outside.
  • We saw how talking bird chatting.
  • She is silent and behaves very quietly.
  • A very beautiful, overseas, exotic parrot.
  • Or he sits in a cage.
  • He is screaming.
  • A parrot in a circus performing in a show.
  • Lots of birds.
  • Dead.
  • A budgie or several of them.
  • You teach a bird to talk.
  • He repeats after you.
  • You are feeding a parrot.
  • They caught him.
  • You kill him.

You could either see the bird from the side, watch it, or have direct contact - teach it to talk, catch it, or even kill it.

Such dreams have a wide variety of interpretations, and the dream book will tell you which ones. Parrot, why did he dream?

Just flew by

Why do you have such dreams in which a parrot - one or several - was simply seen by you from the outside. It is important to take into account not only what he was like and what he did, but also who had the dream - after all, a dream means different things for women and men.

1. In general, parrots dream of joy and happiness. These are bright and beautiful birds, and simply cannot promise evil or grief. If you saw such a dream, expect happiness, pleasures and joyful events.

2. Such a dream, in which a bird chatters incessantly, promises you entertainment, joyful events and activities, holidays and noisy fun. Get ready to have fun and have fun like never before!

3. If the parrot in your dreams is completely quiet, meek, silent and sits calmly on a perch or branch - rest assured that from now on there will be complete peace, pleasant unshakable peace, order and harmony.

If there are any troubles or conflicts in your family nest now, know that they will soon pass. A happy and peaceful family life awaits you.

4. A very beautiful, large, green, yellow or multi-colored parrot is a good dream for women and girls. Ladies dream of such birds as a hint that they will soon have an unusually bright love adventure with some very extraordinary gentleman!

5. Well, a dream in which a parrot is sitting in a cage suggests that if you now have some kind of rival, enemy or competitor, then he is not dangerous to you at all - he will not be able to do anything to you.

If such an ill-wisher appears, then you will be able to disarm him without any special effort or strain, and even before the unkind person tries to harm you. Be sure that no one is afraid of you.

6. If a parrot screams loudly in your dream, this is a hint - be a little more modest in everyday life, and try not to communicate with suspicious, unkind, unpleasant people. And avoid suspicious or noisy places for now.

7. A vivid dream in which a parrot performs in a circus, arena, show or festival indicates that you are too kind and trusting. These are wonderful qualities, but try to be a little more objective towards people.

8. A lot of birds - small and large - is a sign that you are a bright personality and stand out from the rest. This will help your success.

9. A dead parrot in a dream is a sign that you will be able to refute any gossip and lies, and maintain your honor and reputation impeccable.

10. Budgerigars dream of friendly relations, pleasant communication with friends. But for women, a budgie promises tender and bright romantic experiences.

11. If in a dream a parrot flies free, expect news from afar. Perhaps even from people who have disappeared for a long time and have not been in touch.

Catch a bird

If you not only saw a parrot in your dreams, but also somehow came into contact with it, such dreams will have a separate meaning. The dream book will tell you which one, only you remember the details in detail.

1. If you taught a bird to speak in a dream, this means that you will soon have a very active personal life. There will be some new acquaintances, events, changes, interesting surprises and new experiences.

2. If a parrot in a dream simply echoes you, repeats every word, this means that you have to help someone.

3. Feeding a parrot, especially from your hands, is a good dream that promises a strong and pleasant love union. If you are single now, know that soon your life will change and you will meet your match. And if you already have a partner, have no doubt that you will be happy with him.

4. If you caught a parrot in your dream - no matter with your hands or with a net, this means that you will “catch” someone in your waking life. You can get a new friend or partner, colleague or associate. Anyway this one new person will appear nearby soon.

5. But if you killed an unfortunate parrot in your dream, this does not mean anything bad, it just promises changes in life.

A parrot is a bright, colorful bird, it stands out against the background of other birds, and it is impossible not to notice it. Here are the dreams with his participation - bright, memorable, colorful.

Such a dream cannot promise trouble or mourning - so be calm and completely confident that if this bird - large or small, colorful or wavy - flies into your dream - bright and joyful events await you.

Believe only in the good, and your life will shimmer with the brightest colors! Author: Vasilina Serova

The parrot is the personification of human stupidity. There is a well-known expression among the people: “Stop repeating like a parrot.” This is what they say about people who do not have their own opinions and repeat different thoughts after other people, without completely understanding what they mean.

Perhaps the image of a parrot appeared in a dream, thanks to a childhood tongue twister deposited in your subconscious: “The parrot said to the parrot, I will parrot you.”

This tongue twister did not arise out of nowhere, but was a consequence of the fact that previously the parrot was a constant companion of any pirate and sat on his shoulder.

So perhaps the image of a parrot appearing in a dream is a warning that real life You are about to meet with an evil person who threatens your honor and financial situation human.

Seeing a beautiful “overseas” parrot in a dream is a sign that in real life you will try in every possible way to regain the favor of an influential companion, whose trust you lost due to your own stupidity.

If you dreamed of an ordinary parrot, then in reality you should be on guard, otherwise you will seriously suffer from human stupidity.

Seeing a parrot in a cage in a dream is a sign that you will be able to disarm your enemy before he can stop you.

If you dreamed of a parrot in the wild, then in real life you are not even aware of the danger that threatens you.

Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will soon have a bad meeting with a person who has recently returned from not so distant places.

Seeing a talking parrot in a dream means that someone’s rash words will greatly disturb you. Perhaps such a dream indicates that in your environment there is a stupid, but very sarcastic person.

If in your dream a parrot repeats your words after you, then in real life you are helping the wrong person: he is using your thoughts for his own selfish purposes.

If a parrot screams loudly, then such a dream warns of great danger. You are under threat of a bandit attack.

See in a dream a large number of parrots, then in real life you stand out from the people around you. You are very smart and quick-witted for being a simple employee.

Watching parrots perform in a circus in a dream is a sign that you are too trusting a person, and therefore unquestioningly follow the advice of evil people.

See in dead person's sleep parrot - such a dream means that you will be able to refute evil gossip Your envious people.

Perhaps this dream is clear evidence that you should gather all your will into a “fist” and refute the false information about you that was received by influential, superior people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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You always want to know what the dream is for? Does a parrot in hands indicate profit or loss? It is very important to remember, when deciphering a dream, whether the bird is silent or screams, breaks out or sits silently.

Maybe it’s good for a parrot to be held in your hands?

A parrot is a wonderful, beautiful bird. But for most, the parrot represents empty pathos, nothing to talk about, unjustified arrogance. People who are called parrots are not taken seriously. Scientists say that parrots may be talkative, but this chatter is justified. Thanks to this quality, the parrot has practically no enemies in nature. Bird sentinels, when they see an enemy, notify others of his appearance. However, dreams about parrots are in most cases associated with lies.

So why do you dream about a parrot? A woman who was planning to soon legalize her relationship with a man has a bird in her hand - an unfavorable dream for her. We need to wait for him to announce the end of the relationship. And the consolation that it was not her fault in what happened is unlikely to help her not cry. The dream suggests that the man is unsure of himself, and therefore leaves.

A parrot flutters around a woman. There is a man, but do you need a man who has a bad character and is talkative like a parrot? The dream warns about certain qualities of a man.

Parrot large sizes. It’s a shame, but a close friend will soon betray you.

Why dream of a parrot in your hands if you don’t associate parrots with anything serious in life? The brighter the parrot, the more carefully you should pay attention to the dream. The brighter the color of the bird, the more lies and betrayal you will encounter in life.

Why do you dream of a parrot in the hands of a man? He chose the flighty girl as his beloved. Even if she is caught cheating, she will deny the obvious to the last. The parrot breaks out of your hands - you will have to come to terms not only with lies, but also with betrayals. And you won’t be able to keep or re-educate your friend: if you love, accept it.

The parrot is chatting - you shouldn’t trust your friend with secrets. Looking at a beautiful bird with interest means it’s time to live with your own mind and not rely on others.

The parrot is free and screams loudly - in bird language. Colleagues are jealous and plotting behind their back. The parrot speaks loudly in human language - to avoid discussion, you need to think about what you are doing.

Feeding a parrot - it’s worth thinking about whether the person walking next to you in life is the right one, maybe he’s not worthy of attention? A dream about buying and choosing a parrot means that you won’t be able to achieve anything in business in the near future. All attempts to establish business relations will come down to non-binding chatter, which is conducted only out of basic politeness. Buying several birds - maybe it's time to pay attention to completely opposite things? Cargo has been transported - is it time to organize a kindergarten?

Why do you dream of a parrot in your hands and in a cage? The dream is wonderful. Soon there will be a patron who will want to help in business and will even take responsibility.

A dead bird is evidence that a long time ago you had to rely only on yourself. And soon we will have to be convinced of this. the business partner who took on the bulk of the transaction will avoid contact. It will be impossible to contact him. And the answering machine will repeat annoying phrases about the absence of a subscriber, like a parrot.

A parrot is taught to pronounce individual words in a dream. There will be troubles in life. If you remember the plot of the dream, and what words the bird was taught to say, then you can understand in what area these troubles will be associated. A bird's cage is being cleaned in a dream - promises made close person, will be empty. You can forget about them and not be offended.

In a dream you walk along tropical forest, you admire the beautiful pitchforks and flying parrots, which call to each other about something. The mood after such a dream is wonderful, but it tells you: those around you have not taken you seriously for a long time and do not take your opinions into account. And the only reason for this is my own frivolity.

Parrots attack. There is a possibility in real life that you will find yourself an outcast in the team; only one of the pack attacks - it’s time to sort things out with a close friend.

Why do you dream of a parrot in your hands? calm state, apathetic and toy-like? In real life, such a bird would definitely be taken to the veterinarian.

Wonderful dream - family life Finally, the long-awaited understanding will come and the quarrels will stop.

There is an unflattering opinion about parrots. But why you dream of a parrot in your hands depends not so much on public opinion about this bird, but also on the plot of the dream. If you want to decipher the dream in more detail, you need to try to remember it as reliably as possible.


A parrot in a dream warns that everything secret can become clear if you don’t keep your mouth shut. You should not trust strangers with your secrets, especially if this concerns not only you.

In addition, a dream about a bird can foreshadow meaningless conversations, empty promises that are not destined to come true. Be careful what you tell strangers.

What parrot did you see in your dream? What color was the parrot in your dream? What size was the parrot in the dream? Where was the parrot according to the plot of the dream? What were you doing in your dream? What happened to the parrot in the dream? Who dreamed of a parrot? How many parrots have you seen in your dreams?

What parrot did you see in your dream?

Why do you dream about a macaw parrot?

If you dreamed of a macaw parrot, be careful not to trust your business partners or work colleagues. They can betray you at the most crucial moment.

There are also likely to be unpleasant surprises from friends or relatives who, through carelessness and without malicious intent, may reveal your secrets.

Budgerigar Talking parrot

If you dream of a parrot chick

Why do you dream about a tiny parrot chick? The dream speaks of upcoming little joys and surprises. Life will be filled with positive moments that will make you forget about all your problems and, at least for a few hours, feel like an absolutely happy person.

Dreamed of lovebirds

Lovebirds are dreamed of as a reflection of your inner warm feelings. You are filled with tenderness and love. For family people, such a dream speaks of a sincere atmosphere in relationships, complete harmony and constant empathy.

For those who are free from relationships, such a vision symbolizes readiness to start family life and suggests that a loving person is currently next to you.

What does it mean to dream with a cockatoo parrot?

If you dreamed of a cockatoo parrot, then you strongly trust the opinions of others. You need to go your own way, defend your personal point of view and not be influenced by others, especially since at the moment your comrades are only pulling you down and preventing you from developing.

What color was the parrot in your dream?

Why do you dream about a colorful parrot?

According to Felomena’s dream book, dreaming about colorful parrots indicates that you are surrounded by honest and decent people. You can rely on them in any difficult moment, even if grief happens in the middle of the night.

Thanks to your easy-going nature and sociability, you have many friends and acquaintances, with the help of whom you can achieve heights in life. Always be sincere with others, don’t let external factors ruin your relationship.

White parrot Blue parrot Green parrot

What does a blue parrot mean in a dream?

A dream in which you saw a blue parrot warns that a reboot is needed before moving on. Stop and think.

What we have recently experienced - disappointments and mental trauma - does not allow us to see the right direction of movement. You should let go of the past so that it does not prevent you from getting into a happy future.

Dream about a red parrot

If you dream of a red parrot, it means someone behind your back is spreading gossip about your personal life. The truth will be revealed sooner or later, but discomfort they will remain from betrayal. By the way, this is done by the person from whom you least expect a dirty trick.

Bright parrot according to the dream book

A bright parrot in a dream symbolizes a versatile personality. You have a fairly wide circle of friends, but excessive openness and gullibility can be used to your detriment. It is worth choosing your close circle more carefully, and it is better not to make your personal life public at all.

The meaning of a dream with a yellow parrot

If you dreamed of a parrot with yellow plumage, carefully check the information you receive. Perhaps someone is deliberately providing you with false information to keep you in the dark about the current state of affairs. This interpretation is especially relevant if you hold a leadership position.

Seeing a purple parrot in a dream

If in a dream the parrot was unusual purple- some surprise will happen, something that you could not foresee. It’s not necessarily that something bad or negative is coming, it’s just that it wasn’t in the plans. If taken on time correct solution, the situation will even be in your favor.

What size was the parrot in the dream?

big parrot

Seeing little parrots in a dream

Parrots in Felomena's dream book are defined as minor troubles and obstacles in business. They do not cause much harm, but repeating them too often causes a lot of trouble.

To stop this, you need to change tactics. It may be better to seek professional help. Otherwise, these same type of unpleasant stories will happen day after day, killing the desire to work further.

Where was the parrot according to the plot of the dream?

Parrot in a cage

Parrot in hands in a dream

A parrot in your hands, seen in a dream, means that success is very close. However, the desire to give up and retreat from the pursued goal is becoming stronger and stronger every day. Don't give in to him, you just have to wait a little longer.

Parrot on the shoulder

What were you doing in your dream?

Caught a parrot Fed a parrot Caught a parrot

Buying a parrot in a dream

If you dream that you are buying a parrot, then expect guests. These will not be exactly the people you would like to see, but you cannot refuse them hospitality. There will be a lot of conversations, at times unpleasant, but they will all be fruitless and will not clarify the situation at all.

What happened to the parrot in the dream?

I dreamed that a parrot sat on my hand

Why do you dream that a parrot sat on your hand? Your views are too conservative and this prevents you from drawing the right conclusions. You are focused on the problem, not on its solution, so there is stagnation in business. Try to look at things from a different perspective, move away from the standards - and everything will work out.

I dreamed that a parrot flew away

A dream in which a parrot flew away from you says that your hopes will not come true. The wrong path was initially chosen. No matter what you do, everything leads to failure. Do not despair, there will still be an opportunity to implement your plans, you just need to take into account the experience of previous mistakes.

Seeing a parrot falling in a dream

If you dreamed about a parrot falling, you should be more careful in your actions. They can be misinterpreted by others, which will lead to a loss of your authority. Be mindful of the feelings of other people you interact with.

What does it mean to dream about being bitten by a parrot?

If you dream that you are bitten by a parrot, you will find yourself in the midst of a scandal. A secret that you have carefully hidden will be revealed. The consequences will be extremely unpleasant and will leave a bitter aftertaste for many years. Try to prevent this incident. It will be better if you admit everything yourself.

Dead parrot

Who dreamed of a parrot?

A woman dreams of a parrot

For a woman to see a parrot in a dream means a breakdown in relations with her spouse or lover. Most likely, a quarrel will occur due to the dreamer’s unrestrained character. The inability to tame emotions will lead to a scandal over a mere trifle, and the consequences can be sad.

How many parrots have you seen in your dreams?

If there were a lot of parrots in the dream

If you dream of many different parrots, you will have a fun trip with your family or loved ones. Most likely, it will be a vacation in warm countries, which is earned through hard work. Your persistence and determination have led to success, and now you can relax and enjoy life.


I dreamed about a Parrot, what is it for, what does a Parrot mean in a dream

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife Parrot - I had a dream.

What does a Parrot mean in a dream? What does it mean - the desire to have what others have. Talking parrot - gossip.

Jewish dream book What does a Parrot mean in a dream:

What does a Parrot mean in a dream - Release a parrot from a cage - repeat and spread unverified messages. Talking to a talking parrot means listening to gossip. Catching a parrot in the forest means ruining your life by figuring out the veracity of rumors.

Magic dream book In a dream, why does a Parrot dream?

What does it mean to see a Parrot in a dream? What does it mean - an interlocutor who knows how to impose his opinions. Parrot sleeping in a cage - peaceful clarification family relations. If a woman dreams that she is teaching a parrot to speak, her partner will consider her a quarrelsome person.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Parrot mean in a dream:

What does a Parrot mean in a dream - Beware of gossip. Imagine putting a parrot in a cage and covering the cage with a dark blanket.

British dream book What does a Parrot mean in a dream?

What is this parrot for - Parrots are bright, noisy and annoying birds; in dreams they may represent someone you consider to be a superficial person. Why do you have a dream: Ask yourself who the parrot could represent. Is it an annoying co-worker or family member? Or even yourself?

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does a Parrot mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream What does a Parrot mean in a dream - You are dreaming of a talking parrot - by trying on a task that is beyond your capabilities, you will waste your time; Having said a lot, you still won’t say the main thing; wanting to take it, but not wanting to be seen, you will beat around the bush. You know that the parrot is talking, but you fail to make it talk - you will be able to put an end to family quarrels. It’s as if you are teaching a parrot to speak - the dream foreshadows troubles in your personal life: someone will say something wrong - maybe they will let it slip. You see a dead parrot in a dream - there was a time when your friends bored you; the time comes when you will be left without friends at all. A young woman dreams that she bought a parrot - this woman must watch her every word; the person she cares about may think she has a bad character and leave.

Slavic dream book Meaning of sleep Parrot:

You dreamed of a Parrot, what is this - empty rumors. Danger. Death of innocent people. News. Disease.


Dream interpretation of feeding a parrot

Why dream of feeding a Parrot in a dream according to the dream book?

Feeding a parrot in a dream means a prosperous family life. The relationship between partners is strengthening every day, and love will warm their hearts for a very long time.

If you happen to feed a bird by hand, you know that a meeting with your soulmate is close. For those who are already in a relationship, the dream promises a happy and long union.


Catch parrots in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Catch parrots. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of catching parrots mean, or what it means to see catching parrots in a dream.

Catch parrots in a dream

I remember the whole dream vaguely. I only remember walking through some dacha area, seeing cars standing near the dachas, including my own (families). I enter under a large spreading tree, the crown of which is like a tent above my head. I see a white parrot in the branches. I understand that, most likely, I flew away from someone. And that with the arrival of cold weather it will die. I start beckoning him to catch him and take him home. He sat on my hand, I took him by the body, he turned out to be soft and warm, and did not struggle at all. Then, using the same “makar”, she lured and caught a green parrot and took both of them home.

Parrots and cats in a dream

The dream was not scary at all, but when I woke up I had the feeling that I had seen it somewhere. I ended up in an institution that looked like a circus... But it was even some kind of castle (I wasn’t scared in it), just some kind of mystery. And it is not entirely clear why this castle circus exists. There were many rooms there. I remember one. There was something like an exhibition (museum) with three exhibits - a blue velvet robe hung from the ceiling; a rolling pin that smoothes out the red robe that lies there and something else, I don’t remember. While I was walking towards this room, I noticed that there were a lot of cockatoo parrots around, all tame, all different colors and everyone was talking and to my surprise there were several cats... And the parrots got along very well with the cats, the parrots impressed me and I brought my mom and dad there (this all happens in real time). And she began to show her parents - they say, look how wonderful the parrots are, how beautiful... The parents began to marvel... And then we visited that room with the exhibits and the dream ended.

Parrots and pigeons in a dream

I dreamed that I walked up to the window in my kitchen and on the low tide of the window on the street side sat about 10-15 parrots with bright multi-colored plumage, and not just any budgies, but rather large ones. And in the background among the parrots, like gray spots, sit several pigeons. I woke up feeling like I was going crazy.

Parrots and hyenas in a dream

In my dream I had 2 hyenas and 2 parrots. They lived in different cells. Although the hyenas were unlike themselves: black fur, each the size of a cat.

Suddenly, the hyenas began to make their way into the cage with the parrots, I was afraid for the latter, I began to pull the hyenas out, but they were painfully dexterous and strong, and they kept slipping out of my hands. One actually entered the cage, the parrots - one large, the other small, both green with admixtures of other colors - began to hide, one flew out. I caught a hyena, and it was so clearly and realistically escaping from my hands that I could barely hold it, then it disappeared somewhere. I caught a large parrot, fed it grains, he willingly pecked, calmed down and I returned him back to the cage. He looked very beautiful and peaceful at the end.

Parrots in a dream

I had parrots in a cage, 2 were large and 5 were small. They were all bright, multi-colored. I pulled out one small parrot and held it in my hands, then my friends squeezed it, and then it died right in my hands. What would this mean???

Parrots and cats in a dream

The dream occurs in fragments. First, I have 2 parrots in a cage at home, one is normal, and the other is like a chick, too small. I decide to feed them, pour some grains, the big one doesn’t eat, and the little one tries to peck, but he, as I put it, starts choking, he can’t swallow the food, no matter how hard he tries, he can’t and he remains hungry. Then I dream that I have a huge black one in my arms fluffy cat, he covers me like a fur coat, he’s so big, I walk with him and they ask me, did you have a son and not a daughter, and I answer that this is the second child already. Then I dream that I decide to feed one cat raw meat, take the meat outside, and a whole flock of cats come running and start growling and grinning so aggressively, in general, the one I wanted to feed didn’t work out, because the other cats took everything away and ate it themselves .

Parrots in a dream

Help me interpret the dream! I dreamed that two macaws flew onto the balcony. One is big, the other is slightly smaller. I decided to take them for myself and asked my mother to help me. They caught only the middle one, the big one flew away. But I was very happy. In a dream she gave him a name, Pashenka. Now I feel like I should have it. I dreamed about January 2-3. Thank you in advance!

I caught a fish with a fishing rod in a dream

I caught a fish with a fishing rod, first I caught a small one, and then a rather large one!

Why this dream I caught a fish with a fishing rod?

Catch a thief with gold jewelry in a dream

I dreamed that I caught a thief (a young guy, faceless, not memorable) who was coming out of the door of my apartment (in fact, I live in a private house). I caught him and forced him to take out what he stole. He tumbled out of his pockets a lot of gold jewelry, and two massive chains with beautiful interesting pendants made of white metal, with stones (it seemed to me that it was costume jewelry, but I still didn’t fully understand what it was).

I first looked at the gold jewelry, everything was beautiful and interesting (chains, pins, brooches), and I knew these 2 white metal chains were not mine, but I decided to keep them, I really liked them.

She held the thief so that she wouldn’t run away. She made me show him how he opened the door. He showed that it was just some kind of wire.

Catch the bride's bouquet in a dream

I had a dream that before throwing the bouquet, the bride first set it on fire, explaining that it was such a tradition, and then threw it away. I didn’t catch it, but the girl who did soon gave the bouquet to me. I was also surprised in my dream what kind of tradition it is to set fire to a bouquet...

Caught a pigeon in a dream

I dream that I push off the ground with my feet and take off, as if through the roof of some house, in the sky I catch a dove, or a bird like a dove, with my right hand. She grabbed it and pulled me back to the ground. I’m standing with a bird in my hand, and I grabbed the bird so hard that I broke its wing. Thoughts that the bird needs to be nursed...

I caught a perch in muddy water and released it into clear water in a dream

A man had this dream.

He dreams that he is fishing, pulling the fishing line and pulling out of the muddy (!) water a small perch, about the size of a palm, with a hook in the back of the perch. The dreamer takes this perch in his hands and takes it to another body of water not far from clean water and releases this perch into a reservoir of clean water, the perch swims away in clean water...

What could such a dream mean?

Catch tits in a dream

A tit flew into the room where we were working, sat on the device under the ceiling and fell along with it. I went to the place where she fell and took her in my hands along with the grass, but when I brought my hands closer I realized that I had two tits in my hands: one large and one small. I was so afraid that they would die, I decided to try to let them in, maybe they would be able to fly. I went outside and threw them up, then several more birds appeared and my titmice joined them in a flock. I was very glad that they arrived alive, could fly and would not disappear alone.

Caught a fish with my late grandfather in a dream

I saw in a dream how my grandfather and I were standing on the bank of the river and fishing. And then I caught the long-awaited medium-sized crucian fish. And my grandfather and I became so happy, we sat and joked. His eyes sparkled with happiness and I thanked him. Why is this dream?

Caught a rare fish in a dream

I threw a fishing rod and float into the lake. Didn't expect to catch anything. Suddenly it started pecking. Joyful, I pull you ashore. The fish is large, visually 1 kg, maybe a little more. The fish is rare, the fishermen sitting nearby said that they had never seen anything like it. The head shape is non-standard. The color is incomprehensible: blue-gray-green. I would be grateful for your interpretation!


Catch a parrot with your hands

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

The symbolism of sleep signals you about the state of your body as a whole. Possibility of endless action. Qualitative characteristics of the ocean, hut, soon to rain,... Indicate an organismic situation, desire, approach, anticipation of the process... The need for protection.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Having sanity (man), your relationship (hands) with life (ocean) will be completely safe adventures (forest). But fear of possible changes (rain) can deprive you of (table) the desired freedom (drink). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Rainbows

Beautiful pure sleep! Start any business, follow the commandments of the Lord, joy and reward will exceed your expectations several times! Don’t be afraid, everything that you are afraid of is not reality, you are happy and the true is somewhere nearby!

Dream Interpretation - Rainbows

For lovers, such a dream foreshadows reciprocity of feelings and happy marriage. In general, a sign of very rapid changes, promising the fulfillment of desires, wealth and happiness! Good luck!

You will get angry, not for long, and not significantly, about some issue of your own, what exactly this will concern is not traceable in the dream, everything will quickly form during the day,

Dream Interpretation - Severed index finger

The dream reflected your dissatisfaction with how others perceive you ( forefinger), and the opinion of the wiser (snake) does not suit you the most. Your relationship with life (hand) will be much better (joy) if you are perceived differently (new finger), but it is up to you. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Gemini

Giving birth in a dream is a sign of some difficult matter that is causing you a lot of trouble. Boys, you worry about this. Gemini is a symbol that in all centuries has been intuitively understood as a sign of abundance. The pleasant-looking twins you saw in a dream reflect premonitions about a quick increase in income.

Dream Interpretation - Incomprehensible dreams

Your dream is that there is a period of cleansing from ostentatious actions and not sincere friends (parrots, etc.), everything in the present will change - and the people around you, relationships. Losses and separations are possible - a very expressive moment from your dream (“... I found myself on the deck (which was not flooded, the flooded lower part of the ship along with the cabins was at the bottom, the deck was at the top)

Dream Interpretation - Treason

Such disturbing dream could appear as a sign of overwork, nervous overload, internal, suppressed hysteria. Perhaps you should just rest and gain strength! The images that appeared in a dream can, of course, be interpreted - In general - a parrot - empty activities and idle gossip among your friends; seeing a parrot in a calm state foretells long periods of peaceful silence in family disagreements; for a young woman - playing, engaging with a parrot - means that your lover will have the opinion that you have a bad temper; Parents have a lot of animals in their house; What kind of fish? Fish are a peaceful image, but your attitude towards them is important. Animals can play any role in a dream. As experience shows, it was dreams about animals that proved true value dreams in general. They reveal the essence of personal problems and relationships and indicate the significance of circumstances. Animals can help us, talk to us, or they can chase us, even eat us, or simply be present in our dreams, causing calm or, on the contrary, anxiety. Animals often appear in dreams under the influence of individual life experience. To interpret a dream, it is important to compare your attitude towards any animal in real life and in a dream. At the same time, pay attention to the behavior of the animal in a dream and compare it with your stereotype of perceiving the animal in reality. This is significant, since perceptions in a dream and in reality can be diametrically opposed. Besides the fish in the aquarium, what animals were present?

Dream Interpretation - Give birth to a child eyes sand bird treason

External circumstances interfere with your endeavors, ideas, analyze everything and you will figure it out.


Catching birds with your hands

Dream Interpretation Catching birds with your hands dreamed of why you dream about catching birds with your hands? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see catching birds with your hands in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Catching birds

Catching birds means pleasure and benefit.

Dream Interpretation - Catching Birds

This means pleasure and profit.

Killing them signifies harm and loss.

Shooting at them means a futile attack from enemies.

Seeing many birds together means empty chatter or litigation.

Seeing birds fighting portends a quarrel or an imminent peace.

Seeing birds flying straight towards us foretells loss.

Hearing them sing signifies great joy and pleasure.

Hearing them speaking portends happy success in business.

Seeing yourself transformed into a bird means increasing wealth.

Seeing night birds, such as: eagle owl, owl, bat and others have a very bad omen and foretell a stop in all our affairs.

Seeing birds of prey, such as: falcon, hawk, eagle, kite and others, foretells an increase in wealth for the rich, and even greater poverty for the poor.

Dream Interpretation - Catching Birds

To profit; just seeing birds means empty talk; hearing them sing means profit.

Dream Interpretation - Birds

(See interpretation: also by name)

Birds have always symbolized receiving news or the appearance of guests. A flying bird in a dream foretells receiving news. If it is white, then the news will be good, and if it is black, then vice versa. Flying with birds in a dream foreshadows communication with people who have come from afar. You can judge your guests by the type of birds and their colors. Catching or eating birds in a dream means winning or profit. Seabirds are predators and do not disdain anything. Seeing them in a dream means that you have envious people. But they are not dangerous for you. In addition, after such a dream, know that what you lost will not be found, but what you want can come true. Night birds in a dream symbolize people who prefer a nocturnal lifestyle to a daytime one, because not everyone can see their activities at night. Such a dream warns you of danger from thieves, night robbers, speaks of obstacles in long journey. Sometimes such a dream indicates to you that your nightly adventures may become known and will greatly damage your reputation. Songbirds in a dream symbolize prosperity and life's pleasures. Birds of prey in a dream mean our enemies. However, if in a dream we kill them, then the dream predicts victory over our enemies. Driving away birds of prey in a dream means that you will achieve good luck, unless you are afraid of difficulties and danger. A dream in which you saw that you have a bird of prey trained for hunting means: great success in business and wealth awaits you. For the poor, such a dream predicts great and good changes in their lives. More details about birds See interpretation: by name. The tail of birds in a dream foreshadows the end of some business or some relationship. Bird plumage in a dream characterizes events or news that await you ahead. The brighter the plumage, the more happiness and fun the dream foretells. See interpretation: feather, catch, net, cage.

Sparrows symbolize anxiety, worries, doubts.

A raven in a dream is a symbol of evil, cruelty, and the deceit of enemies.

Dreaming of a crow is a warning about theft or greed. Often her appearance in a dream foreshadows grief and dissatisfaction with oneself.

Seeing a jackdaw in a dream is a sign of stupidity, a useless existence.

A dove in a dream is a sign of innocence, chastity, and reciprocity of feelings. In a dream, he promises happiness, fun, success in business and happiness in love.

A goose in a dream symbolizes stupidity and unwise actions.

We dream of a woodpecker to warn us of the need to be vigilant, patient and persistent.

The lark is a symbol of receiving good news.

Seeing cranes in a dream means loneliness.

A cuckoo crows in a dream - a sign of loneliness and an unhappy family life.

A swallow in a dream means receiving news from home.

Seeing a swan in a dream is a harbinger of true love and affection. A dream about him portends receiving news from those we love. It is sometimes believed that a swan in a dream symbolizes the discovery of some secret.

The rooster is dreamed of to warn of a meeting with a dandy who is constantly on the move and who cannot be denied courage.

Those who are overly trusting dream of a parrot. A dream about him portends deception or empty chatter.

An eagle in a dream means strength and quick reaction.

Seeing a starling in a dream means displeasure and chagrin.

Seeing a falcon in a dream is a sign of a bold act, a deft and bold move. If you dream about falconry, then you will have to take part in a risky business. A dream in which you saw a falcon rushing at its prey foreshadows attacks from envious people and slanderers. After such a dream, you should be wary of the revenge of your enemies. A flying falcon in a dream foretells receiving bad news.

A nightingale in a dream foretells receiving news from a loved one and pleasant conversations or meetings. If in a dream you see that a nightingale has built a nest in your home, then happiness and prosperity await you. Hearing him sing in a dream is a harbinger of family happiness and reciprocity in love. It is believed that the singing of a nightingale in a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding. If you dream that the singing of a nightingale alarmed you, then you will face unpleasant explanations.

Magpie is a sign of idle chatter, theft, gossip or slander.

Catching black grouse in a dream is a sign of imminent marriage, which will not bring you happiness.

A duck in a dream means marital harmony, family happiness.

Seeing an eagle owl in a dream is a warning about the need to be attentive so as not to miss an important event.

A heron in a dream is a symbol of patience.

The hawk is a symbol of toughness and mercilessness.

It is always better to see white birds in a dream than black ones, which symbolize evil, bad news, and the machinations of enemies.

Fairytale birds in a dream symbolize the unusualness of news or an incident that may happen to you.

Seeing slaughtered birds is a warning of danger.

Catching (many) birds in a dream means that soon there will be many guests in your house.

Hearing bird noise in a dream means that your house will be filled with fun and chatter from guests.

Catching a bird in a dream is a sign that what was lost will be found, and hope will be realized, although not in full.

Seeing many different birds in a dream is a harbinger of a process or meeting in which you will have to take part.

Dream Interpretation - Birds

Dreaming about birds with beautiful plumage is very auspicious.

If a woman dreams of something like this, she will have a quick and happy marriage.

A wounded bird dreams of deep sadness caused by the behavior of children.

A flying bird is a sign of prosperity. All unpleasant circumstances will fade into the background compared to the future good.

If in a dream you heard birds singing, then you yourself are unlikely to cope with the task facing you.

Killing a bird with a gun is a bad sign.

According to Nostradamus, the bird is a symbol of swiftness, prophecy, and impermanence. He interpreted dreams about birds as follows.

If you saw a small bird in a dream, peace and tranquility will reign in the family. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies happiness.

If you dreamed that a bird was screaming in a “wild” voice, then you have a difficult job in subordination to a cruel boss.

A headless bird dreams of sad events.

A dream about an iron bird sitting on the ground foreshadows a major disaster.

If you saw birds of rare beauty in a dream, then you live and are interested only in your past.

If you see a rare bird in a dream, then you will have to focus all your energies on the present, and not look back at the past or look to the future. This is the only way you can avoid the disaster that is approaching you.

Seeing an eagle soaring in the sky in a dream, you will strive for mercy.

An eagle in a cage means the desire for power and might.

The rooster dreams of quarrels and conflicts.

If in a dream you watch cockfights, then in reality you will witness an emergency.

And D. Loff talked about “bird” dreams as follows: “If you have ever watched Alfred Hitchcock’s film “The Birds,” you will immediately understand that the symbolism associated with them is interpreted by people in different ways. Since time immemorial, birds have had a reputation as troublemakers and harbingers of trouble. At one time, among the peoples of the Middle East, it was even considered a bad sign if a bird pecked a person.

Crows and vultures have had a bad reputation since ancient times, but the ability to fly, inaccessible to humans, contributed to the creation of an aura of majesty around birds as a species. Here it is worth giving as an example popular expression“soar like an eagle”, which is a metaphor for hope and self-confidence.

The vigilance of birds (just remember the well-known expression “hawk's eye”) is another example of their positive perception.

Crows and owls in the mythology and literature of many cultures are certainly associated with wisdom, and the ability of some birds to reproduce human speech generally distinguishes them into a special category of representatives of the animal world.

Some people in your dreams may look like birds.

If you talk to them in a dream, this may indicate communication problems, and this is true even if the birds do not answer you.”

Dream Interpretation - Bird

The bird is a symbol of swiftness, prophecy, impermanence.

If you dreamed very big bird, then this means that in the future the Earth is very threatened big meteorite, as a result of which several cities will be wiped off the face of the Earth. If in a dream a large bird approaches the dreamer, then the city in which this person lives will suffer from the meteorite.

Seeing a small bird in a dream is a sign that peace and quiet will come on Earth; there will be no wars, hunger and poverty. All people will be happy. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies happiness.

To see a bird without wings in a dream - the dream foreshadows real threat to the population of Australia, because it is on the coat of arms of this country that the emu bird is depicted, which has no wings.

If you dreamed that a bird was screaming in a “wild” voice, then in the future some country will be threatened by an invasion of barbarians. For the dreamer, such a dream predicts difficult work under the control of a cruel boss.

The black double-headed eagle is a symbol of the power of Russia.

Seeing a black double-headed eagle fighting with any animal is a threat of war and external conflicts.

Seeing a headless bird in a dream means sad events in Russia.

Seeing an iron bird in a dream is a sign that a unique aircraft will be invented very soon. If an iron bird sits on the ground, then this is an omen of a major plane crash.

Seeing birds of rare beauty in a dream is a sign that you live and are interested only in your past.

If you see a rare bird in a dream, then you will have to focus all your energies on the present, and not look back at the past or look to the future. This is the only way you can avoid the disaster that is approaching you.

To see an eagle soaring in the sky in a dream means striving for divinity and mercy. Dignity will not allow you to make the wrong choice in the future.

Eagle in a cage - the desire for power and might.

Seeing a rooster in a dream means quarrels and conflicts.

A dream in which a rooster attacks you means that someone will try to involve you in a conflict, the consequences of which are unpredictable.

If in a dream you watch cockfights, in reality you will witness an emergency.

Dream Interpretation - Catch

If in a dream you catch birds, no matter which ones - domestic or wild - this means that in reality you will waste your precious time on empty entertainment or pointless chatter. Catching any animals means you will overcome any opposition and take a leading position in your field.

Catching fish in a dream means doing something unpromising and unprofitable if you fish with a fishing rod; if the network is a sign of illness in one of your family members; fishing using prohibited methods and methods, that is, simply poaching, will not lead to trouble in reality.

A dream in which you catch a thief signifies your addiction to shopping. If you are caught in a dream, avoid punishment by proving your innocence.

Dream Interpretation - Birds

they indicate greatness, power and beauty, and for the merchant, profit. Sometimes they point to the traveler for the one on whose head the bird will land. And whoever sees that a bird has descended from the sky and sat down in front of him, then this is news from which he will be very happy. Birds swimming in the water are the ruler's subordinates. Birds flying or living on water of unknown species are angels. They also say that seeing a bird on your shoulders or neck means seeing your deeds. So, if the bird is black, then the deeds committed are bad; if the bird is white, then pure and good; if the bird is motley, then deeds can be both good and bad. Birds flying high in the sky in a dream mean joy. Seeing flocks of birds above your head in a dream indicates wisdom and power. If a patient sees birds of an unusual breed unknown to him, he may die. If a traveler sees them, then his journey will be unsuccessful.

Dream Interpretation - Bird

To everything good, success, profit, sometimes to gossip.

Seeing a lot of small birds is a sign that a small profit awaits you.

Throwing food to the birds means longing, searching for new acquaintances, a new society.

Hearing birds singing in a dream means talking with friends.

Hearing very loud singing means a quarrel.

A fight between birds in a dream means your upcoming participation in a quarrel between women.

Talking to birds is a sign of fun.

Catching a bird in flight is a sign that you will receive a letter from afar; the bird climbs into its bosom - fortunately.

A chick starting to try its wings and falling means failure in a poorly thought-out undertaking.

Seeing a bird of prey in a dream predicts that you will be deceived.

Shoot a bird of prey - after a struggle you will overcome all obstacles on the path to happiness.

For a young woman, scaring birds of prey away from her babies means that she will achieve her wildest dreams, but only when she is hardworking. The dream foreshadows real danger from your opponents.

Scare away birds of prey in a dream - your affairs will be successful.

Dream Interpretation - Birds

The appearance of birds can mean the arrival or arrival of a guest, the receipt of some information - it all depends on the breed, type and behavior of the birds.

Colorful birds or songbirds dream of good luck in love, joy, and prosperity.

Predatory and hunting - to changes in life, honors.

Water birds - to the treachery of your friends.

Night - symbolize adulterers and thieves.

Killing a bird of prey means defeating an ill-wisher.

In general, to injure or kill a bird in a dream - bad sign: It will be difficult to protect yourself from misfortune in reality.

Flying birds - to goodness, prosperity.

Catching birds or eating poultry dishes means profit and prosperity.

A lot of birds - for a lawsuit.

The chirping of a flock of birds - to tiresome conversations.


If you catch a parrot and

Dream Interpretation - Caught a fish with a fishing rod

Fish- positive symbol in relation to a person. Symbols of free instincts in all manifestations. An image of vitality, health and offspring. Perhaps now is the time when you have a chance to impregnate a woman. If a man sees that he has caught a lot of fish (of different sizes) - this indicates a desire to rest, to escape from problems in the current existing situation.

Dream Interpretation - Catch parrots

The dream seems to reflect your willingness to give or provide help to someone with whom something happened (I understand... He flew away from someone... With the advent of cold weather he will die.) Judging by the image of the “parrots” - your charges are in some way - then they were “stupid”...

Dream Interpretation - Catch a thief with gold jewelry

Reflection of robbing oneself (thief). You deprive yourself of Powers (jewels) by limiting yourself in something (theft) because of your obligations (chains). You want to get rid of it, but don't know how yet (door). The right choice and good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Catch the bride's bouquet

Hmm, your dream is interesting... According to the superstition, the girl who catches the bride's bouquet will then get married... In a dream, a wedding means changes in life. You can literally get married... And you will have something “burned in”, and even “third-hand”...

Dream Interpretation - Caught a perch in muddy water and released it into clear water

Fish in muddy water it is a disease, an illness. But he will quickly deal with it, since in a dream he released a perch into clean water.

Dream Interpretation - Caught a rare fish

“Suddenly it started biting. The fish are rare...” - a non-standard solution (to the surprise of everyone) of some important problem. “The fish is large. The fishermen said: they have never seen anything like it” - a meeting with an interesting person is possible. “Catch fish with a fishing rod and float” - there is a possibility that the meeting will end in disappointment (or health problems) or “Lake. Lake fish” - unexpected a pleasant surprise, profit, change in life. “The color is incomprehensible: blue-gray-green” - The outcome of the situation will depend on how correctly you are able to show wisdom and understand the “underwater” processes of life (“the head of the fish is non-standard”). And in the near future, if you look superficially, without delving into society, at the symbol of the fish, then you can simply observe changes in the weather: rain turning into downpour; bad weather.

Dream Interpretation - Budgerigar

A dream about your attentiveness, which will help you avoid any troubles. A parrot is a symbol of superficiality and a frivolous attitude to business. After such a dream, it doesn’t hurt you to think about your affairs and plans again, and at the same time be more careful about the advice of strangers.

Dream Interpretation - Budgerigar

Warm sunny day- this is the desired state of internal and external harmony of the Dreamer. A holiday in a Children's camp (a Holiday for the Soul in reality, long forgotten), at which various exotic Dishes-attributes and beautifully cut sculptures of Fruits that children will somehow have to eat - this symbolizes the incompatibility of true spiritual desires with external attitudes - attributes of society, which you have to keep, whether you like it or not. Instead of a Fence near the Camp, there are planed logs in a row, pointed upward - these are in reality the limitations of society, and the higher your aspiration, the sharper the restrictions (sharp ends of the logs). On one of the logs sits a budgerigar blue parrot, who sits on the outstretched Hand of the Dreamer every time - these are the external “sophisticated” needs of the Dreamer, bearing the stamp of generally accepted norms and needs of society, under which the real desires of the Dreamer are hidden (just to love and be loved, what in present time quite a difficult matter - a Blue Parrot in a blue embroidered Vest). This is what this wonderful Dream is about. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - A small parrot is trying to escape

The dream tells the Dreamer about her outwardly rampant internal unconscious emotions (the Dreamer needs to go somewhere very far, and in her hands there is a Little Parrot - in reality these are the necessary social aspirations and demands and the Dreamer’s emotions/unconsciousness), which in reality she tries to “take into her fist” (conscious willpower) and thereby stabilize your external position(The dreamer barely reached the house with her Parrot and put him in a Cage - limiting the manifestations of emotions/sphere, spiritual comfort in reality, that is, *emotional communication*). Only in this case will the Dreamer achieve external social success (education, formation, development and advancement in society). Sincerely

Dream Interpretation - The cat caught the mouse

The first dream is about some kind of concern, and the second is about the fact that there may be losses if you don’t take care of it in time... You have to worry about something...




I dreamed that I was walking from a store with some groceries and saw 2 parrots. I caught them both. There were green and blue color. And carried it home in my hands


Hello, I had a dream that my husband and I were sitting in a bathhouse and talking, and then a genie appeared and asked what I wished. I asked for health for my husband, and for a child for myself, and he seemed to turn into a parrot and flew right into my hands and began bite your fingers.


Hello. I dreamed that an unusual, beautiful, bright parrot flew into the room and I caught it and put it in a cage.

Pokidko Victoria:

I was at some kind of dacha, my friend and I went to the store, but then we didn’t know how to go home, I wanted to call my grandmother, but the phone disappeared in my hands, and then we decided to go wherever our eyes led us, we went and there was my friend’s house, but in life I was her I don’t know, I previously had a dream in which I was at the dacha and at this aunt’s house, my friend and I climbed into the house and the aunt was standing there, and before I dreamed that if I passed this house, I would be at home, in order to deceive her, I threw a stone and wanted to go to another side but my friend didn’t know this, so we got burned and she started screaming at us like that and I thought she was my friend, I started telling her
hello, it's me Vika, you don't remember me
I remember I remember and well get out of here she said or I’ll call the police and her husband started telling his aunt
who is this
she said no one seemed to you
but won't you show the way as it has always been
no, I said get out, I was so surprised that such a kind woman who was always ready to help me refused, so we left and then I got a phone and I called my grandmother, told the whole situation and told her to come to the store, but she actually said that she I didn’t come to the dacha and then Nastya disappeared, there was a white background around me and nothing else, I was scared and through a dream I told myself that this was a dream and screamed wake up and I woke up


My father was clearing out the trash from the balcony, I went onto the balcony and he started removing the boards from the top, as if from there, 2-3 dogs stuck their heads out from the neighbors on the 3rd floor (I don’t remember exactly), then he began to dismantle the other side of the balcony, from there many multi-colored parrots flew , because I have parrots at home, me I tell him, dad, how beautiful this one and that one are... well, he caught them and I took them to my room. The parrots were very beautiful and there were a lot of them (the usual wavy type)


caught parrots in the grass. they did not fly away. They were big and small. Holding them in their hands and pressing them to their bodies, the large parrots wrapped their wings around the small ones, as if hiding them and warming them. The parrots are colorful, but one small one was white. I was looking for a place to put them, but I couldn’t find one, I woke up!


I climbed onto the roof, and there was a parrot sitting there and didn’t see me, I covered it with my hand and took it, it screams and bites, and then I caught another one with my other hand and carried it into the house, put it in a cage (I actually have two parrots) there were four, and one started talking to me.


in my apartment the window was open and something flew in, I started to catch and caught with one hand 2 parrots, a naked one and a green one, and they were so warm that when I woke up I thought that this was reality.


As I was sleeping, a yellow parrot flew into the kitchen window, I caught it, it was so cute, released it out the window, then I looked at another one and many, many…..around…..then a cat on the windowsill, I push it with my hand, then I realize that I feel sorry and want to let him in..... the sensations in the dream are pleasant, the colors are bright and cheerful. Thank you.


It was cold outside, I noticed a large parrot flying. He flew for a long time, then sat down on a tree, I called him to me, he flew in, I took him by the bosom and took him home.


I dreamed that I was catching a flock of multi-colored parrots that had escaped from a cage, and the feeling in the dream was as if these were all my parrots, I was catching them in some place unfamiliar to me, or this a private house or something else, after I caught them, I want to put them in another cage. In my dream, my father-in-law and my mother were also present. They helped me catch their generally very strange dream.


I was walking through the park and my friends and I saw a parrot flying, one of the friends was trying to catch it, but couldn’t, then I tried and it sat on my shoulder and then I picked it up and wanted to take it home, but my friend said why, buy a new one


I caught a small green parrot (chick) in a dream, held it in my hands for a long time, and for some reason it changed its color, became lilac, I looked for a long time for a jar to temporarily put it there, but I couldn’t find it until my alarm clock rang! !!


I dreamed that the parrots were common to my student group (there were only girls there), I studied, but had already graduated, I bought a new cage for these parrots and transplanted them - when I transplanted them, they grabbed me with their claws and beaks, blood was dripping, it was very painful when I looked at I felt like I had small wounds all over... Then I transplanted the parrots, everything became normal, nothing hurt...


A week ago, a parrot flew out of our apartment. We never found it, but today I had a dream in which I caught exactly such a Karelian, only all blue. And the head yellow color I brought it home. I decided to keep it for myself, but then I finally thought that someone was suffering after all and decided to advertise.


I went up to the cage and, thinking, took it, opened it and let him out, then, after thinking a little more, I began to catch him, but he didn’t wake up in any way, and it turned out to be not true))))


There are several blue, yellow and pink parrots sitting in a cage, I thought about which one to choose and chose the pink one, took it in my hand, he was calm


I dreamed of catching parrots with my hands. I caught it, I hold it in my palm, it is very small, like some kind of caterpillar in my hand. At first he seemed to be dead, and then he came to life.


I dreamed of yellow and green parrots that I was trying to catch and put in a cage so that they wouldn’t fly away into the street. At this time they peck the grains. Initially I saw one, then two, and when I try to catch them, many appear. What events does this dream represent, what does it mean? Thank you!


There is a yard with a grape bush. There are a lot of budgies sitting on it. There are two wounded large white parrots on the ground, I understand that they were killed by dogs. I take a cage and with someone I start to take several parrots and put them in the cage. It is full. I take the second one .I’m doing the same thing, but I’m focusing on the big white parrots, which are alive. This cage is also full, I’m taking a third one. I’ve collected everyone or not, I don’t know, I woke up, my soul is anxious………………….


I went to the market and when I left, I went up to people and bought a Shar Pei puppy, then I caught some kind of parrot in a hangar, and he said Kesha Kesha, so I realized that his name was Kesha and he flew away from someone, I caught him for a long time , but I caught it and then looked for a jar to bring it home...


I dreamed of a soft blue wavy parrot flying into the window of a house, she caught it and put it in a cage with her same parrot, a girl. I turned around and looked and I had another parrot like that in another cage. it turned out 3 parrots of the same color, only two in one cage are a boy and a girl, and the third is a girl in another


I’m walking down the street and a parrot seems to be flying towards me, it looks like it’s colored, but I caught a white one, not a small large one, and brought it home, I look at my parrot, I have an ordinary one, but he’s just like a fly


I caught two parrots and one of them turned into a black gut. I started stroking her, caressing her, but she wanted to taste me, and I let her go.


I caught two lovebirds, a couple, at first the male bit me on the finger, and then they became calm. I put them in a cage


I’m carrying a parrot in my hands, suddenly it flies away, I try to catch it, I close all the exits to freedom, but I don’t succeed.


Hello Tatiana. Today I dreamed that a small parrot flew onto my balcony. I caught him with my hands, he wanted to break free. He shit on my palms... And larvae appeared there. I got scared and woke up.


I went into the barn and on the top shelf I saw a large parrot, he was finishing the fish, he swallowed it very quickly, and while he was eating it, I decided to catch him, but I think that I couldn’t catch him just like that, and my daughter suggested that there was a net over there, I took the net and caught the parrot, he even didn't resist


a dream that a blue parrot flutters through the snow and says that it is very cold and wants to go home. I caught it and put it in my bosom and carried it home.


I caught the parrot around the room, I couldn’t catch it, it flew out into the street, I caught it there, put it in a cage, and in the cage the parrot was already beating, there were two of them and they began to play.


A parrot flew out of its cage, and I caught it. he was pecking, there were a lot of feathers and there was either a rabbit or a guinea pig nearby


Hello Tatiana. I don’t remember the beginning of the dream, but at the end I was chasing a parrot through the grove, as if I needed to catch it, I caught it with difficulty, it struggled a lot, but I held it, I didn’t feel any joy from catching it,


Hello Tatyana! I saw a yellow, green parrot and a gray dove fly into the house. I caught and kissed a yellow parrot. I was very pleased


I saw a budgerigar on a cherry tree in blossom, I decided to catch it, I looked and there was not just one, but already 5 or 6 and all of different colors and so bright


I dreamed about a week ago that it was a nice day, I went outside and saw a parrot, I put my finger and he sat on it, then let’s fly away, I’m holding him, he breaks free, flies away, then flies back again


I dreamed that I caught a big red parrot on the street. It was torn from my hands, but I somehow managed to hold it. I brought it home and put it in a cage. And there were two cages. One was my parrot and the other was empty. I put it in it.


Good afternoon, I pictured a bathtub filled with ankle-deep water, the water was clean, warm, I was standing in it, a person was also standing next to me, as if shaking himself off. After it, a small fish, a turtle and a parrot swim in the bath. I try to catch them, turn the water colder, it continues to take a bath. I’m trying to find the fish, it’s not there, the turtle swam away from me, I caught a parrot. She put him in a box and asked dad to bring the cage. Awoke


a cage fell from the window, the cage was empty, there was no parrot, it was flying, a white parrot, I caught it and held it in my hand, it struggled. then, taking the cage, I began to look for the owner and the apartment from which the cage fell


Hello Tatyana. I always have a dream about my parrot flying out of the house into the street and I always catch him in the air, once I caught him and broke his neck and again I see him alive. Please arrange my dream.


I dreamed of a big, green, bright parrot in the entrance of a house I didn’t know. When I saw him, I immediately wanted to catch him. And I caught him with my hands. This is where the dream began to writhe catch 2


I dreamed that a parrot suddenly sat on my shoulder. At the same time, his body was covered with sparse feathers. I was frightened by his sudden appearance on my shoulder and threw him off. Then I felt sorry for him, I wanted to pick him up, but it turned out that I took him by the tail, and he fell off.


Good afternoon I dreamed that a bird flew into the apartment and got entangled in the curtain! I freed her (a yellow-green budgie) and let her out into the street! What is this for?


I saw a parrot flying on the street and thought. that I have been dreaming about him since childhood. so at least I’ll say it now. but I didn’t have to catch him. he flew into my hands


Hello, I caught 2 parrots and wanted to hide them in a cage. I managed to catch one and put it in a cage, the second one didn’t want to be in a cage. I caught the second parrot but didn’t have time to put it in, so my sleep was interrupted


I walked into the entrance and got into the elevator, there were 3 men there. Someone pressed the elevator button, it went 1-2 floors, stopped and went down, I got out and decided to go up the steps. Having reached the desired floor, I opened the door in the vestibule, and when I closed it, a yellow wavy parrot with a green spot on its back appeared from somewhere. I closed the door, but the parrot crawled through the gap in the doorway. I opened the door and kicked the bird out, but it flew in again and seemed to land on me. Then I remember that the parrot is in my hand and I understand that it’s a girl, I’m in my room, looking for a cage for her and trying to fold the cage. Thoughts about having a girlfriend for my parrot (I actually have one). I remember that I put the parrot in a cage, she said something that I don’t remember.


I dreamed that I caught a budgie (green-yellow) and brought it home. Then I wanted to give it away, but it disappeared somewhere. I already had this dream a couple of weeks ago.


I dreamed that I caught a white, beautiful parrot. Who tried to escape by biting my fingers, but it didn’t frighten me and I even liked it. The parrot didn’t struggle much and then calmed down. I felt good.


In general, first we went on an excursion, went to the art gallery of some novice artist, but he was a little famous. In the paintings, I remembered there were mountains and his self-portrait, and even smaller peonies and other blessings. My sleep was fragmentary, but before the excursion I near the school I was catching a Macaw parrot, he had a gold ribbon on his paw, when I grabbed him he broke free and pecked me, but it didn’t hurt me. Then I stood on the mountain with my friend, like in the picture there were fires and someone was attacking us and I was on things folded I went down the mountain and a boy I like came down behind me. Then we seemed to be sitting in the room and I saw my biology teacher at the computer, and that boy and I were sitting next to our friends, we all seemed to have slept from the end of the world! There was supposedly a king who could take on any form. In order to survive, he had to kill someone. I saw that this boy was turned into a lion, they gave me a knife and took me into a room where there were some good creatures, but they beat them, they were on chains, but I didn’t kill the lion because I knew who it was and hugged his mane tightly, throwing away the knife, and I woke up.
This is what I remember
Thank you


I dreamed that I gave the parrot to the village, and then I caught it in the house. I wanted to pick it up and caught it. Then I planted flowers in potatoes /


He caught a large white parrot and did not resist. Under his feathers he had a casino royale tattoo. I took it to my house and gave it to my girlfriend and returned to the army myself. But I don’t work and I don’t know this girlfriend. oh yes, the parrot began to carry gold coins when they began to let him fly.


I dreamed that some young man was catching my parrot, everything around was dark gray and the parrot was multi-colored, I don’t remember the young man, the house was big and this man and I were just the two of us


I caught budgies and caught two blue and green


I dreamed that I was catching a parrot that had flown out into the street


hello.....a macaw parrot flew into the window, wanted to fly away, but I caught him and began to feed him.. he was very good and affectionate, did not escape from my hands.. thank you..


I dreamed about the process of how I climbed a tree and caught a bird, at first I hunted a green parrot that I used to have but died (in real life) and I caught a larger one with a tuft..


Since Sunday I dreamed of a large blue parrot running across the floor and a gray cat grabbed it, I screamed a lot but I couldn’t hear my voice
although there were other people there


I dreamed of a small green frog on my sofa and I caught it, the frog ran away and a beautiful bright parrot appeared.


In the house where I arrived big parrot lovebirds call them. like that... but he was alone and I caught him... and he gave in and I was surprised at the beauty in my hands... what does that mean?


a beautiful big parrot flew out of the window of someone else's house, I think it needs to be caught and I took it and then woke up

Bright and beautiful tropical birds in real life always evoke the most positive emotions. Therefore, dreamers always expect only positive omens from such dreams. But dream books do not always interpret positively the appearance of a given bird in dreams. Therefore, you need to know why parrots appear in pictures in order to be able to adjust real-life events in the right direction.

To correctly decipher dreams with parrots, it is important to pay attention to the details of the dream. They will allow you to correctly interpret the dream and have the opportunity to change the situation in reality in order to eliminate possible negative consequences.

Flock of beautiful parrots

If in your night dreams you saw a flock of beautiful and bright parrots flying past you, then this is a very good dream. A very happy period is coming in your life, filled with joy and pleasure.

Why do you dream about a chattering bird?

A dream plot in which a bird chatters incessantly is also a good sign. This portends that you will soon participate in festive events, which will fill your life with fun and good mood.

Parrot in a cage

To understand why you dream of a parrot in a cage, remember all the details of the dream. When you see in a dream a quiet and meek parrot sitting calmly on a perch in a cage, it means that a period of peace and harmony is beginning in your family. All troubles and conflicts will soon become a thing of the past, and a harmonious atmosphere will reign around you. When you see a parrot in a closed cage in your night dreams, it means that you have managed to distance yourself from your enemies. You are entering a period in life when no one can harm you, either by actions or words. Even if a new ill-wisher appears in your life, you can easily disarm him yourself, without resorting to outside help.

For women and girls, a dream with a large multi-colored parrot has a positive interpretation. This foreshadows a bright and unusual love adventure in real life.

See parrots at the circus

If you dreamed of a colorful performance of parrots in a circus, then this means that you are very trusting and open man. Of course, these are wonderful qualities, but in real life they are used by insincere people who live at your expense. Therefore, it is better to try to more objectively evaluate the actions of the people around you.

I dreamed about a lot of parrots

I wonder why many parrots dream. Seeing many bright birds in a dream characterizes you as a bright personality. If you realize this, it will help you become very successful person and create a prosperous and harmonious atmosphere around you.

Why do you dream about budgies?

A lot of budgies portends a pleasant time with friends in reality. If you see many birds flying freely, then pleasant news will come to you from afar.

Catch a parrot - interpretation of sleep

If you dream that you have caught a parrot and are teaching it to speak, then this indicates that you take an active position in life. In the near future, such a dream foreshadows new acquaintances and events that will lead to changes in life. If in a dream the training is progressing successfully and the bird echoes you, then in reality you will have to help close friends.

When your night dreams focus on the fact that you have caught a parrot, then in real life you will have a new one. trusted friend or partner. When, after this, according to the plot of the dream, you immediately began to feed the bird from your hands, then this dream promises a strong love union.

Color of the caught bird

The most a common question, it is believed that this is what multi-colored parrots dream about. When you caught a parrot in a dream, pay attention to its color:
    Yellow - the information received by you will be false; Blue - the news will take you by surprise and make you think; Black - the information received will greatly exaggerate it negative meaning; Green - your waking life will be painted in gray shades and there will be no bright events in it; Red – subconscious fear prevents you from perceiving life in bright colors; Blue - you were able to stabilize your state of mind after a strong heartache or experiences; White - you will get rid of subconscious fears.

A parrot has arrived - dream book

If in a dream a parrot flew to you on its own, then this foreshadows unexpected joy and pleasant troubles. After such a dream, do not doubt the correctness of your decisions. You are completely balanced and confident, so all your endeavors will end successfully. If attention is focused on the fact that a bird flew through the window, then you should prepare to receive guests. A parrot is a very colorful bird, so it is impossible not to notice it in a dream. In most cases, such dreams do not portend either much joy or great sorrow. Most likely, such dreams can be classified as neutral dreams that predict everyday events in the near future. Believe in the good - and your life will be filled with bright colors.