Treatment with soul. How to cope with spiritual pain

Soulful pain - a specific phenomenon, deeply affecting the sphere of personality feelings and manifested in changing the mental state of the person. Unlike physiological pain syndromes, spiritual suffering does not act as a consequence of organic or functional diseases of the body.

Mechanism of development of mental pain

As an emotion, mental pain occurs in response to a sharp global change in the usual lifeguard personality, which a person interprets as an important negative event. In most cases, such emotion is a consequence of a significant loss for the individual, for example: the death of a close relative, parting with his favorite partner, gap due to betrayal with the best friend, the death of a pet, the loss of social status.

The rapidly arising emotion in a person's peculiar negative assessment is transformed into a long negative experience, translating mental pain into a deep, intensively expressed feeling. According to psychologists, any sudden loss by a person significant for the life of the components, whether it is a loss of a loved one or a valuable subject, removes a significant link from among the factors that are necessary to survive individuals.

Until recently, most doctors adhered to hypotheses that mental pain is purely subjective. Modern psychologists adhere to the theory that mental pain is a phenomenon, absolutely different from bodily sensations, peculiar unconscious suffering for their own "I". However, drawing studies conducted by American neuropsychologists denied this statement. The pictures obtained by magnetic resonance tomograph confirmed identity in the process of developing spiritual pain and physiological. In both cases, when a person is experiencing mental suffering, and physical pain is observed activation of neurons of the limbic brain system.

It is also established that spiritual flour can manifest themselves at the physiological level, in particular felt as a psychogenic pain. This type of pain syndrome is not associated with somatic pathologies and does not have a clear localization. Often, spiritual, as well as psychogenic pain - an indispensable satellite depression, hysteria, hypochondria, anxiety and other psycho-emotional disorders.

Causes of occurrence

As a rule, all responsibility for the occurrence of moral suffering, humanity is accustomed to shifting exclusively on external factors and circumstances. However, this unpleasant experience of a psychosomatic nature may arise due to prolonged physical and mental stress, for example: a permanent sense of irrational, long-held emotion of anger. Without taking into account the original physiological nature of such reactions: the deficit of certain chemicals - neurotransmitters, excessive production of anxiety hormones, a person treats his feelings as an extremely inner feeling, not paying attention to the associated muscles, headache of voltage and other somatic symptoms.

Pretty often, the personality pain cultivates independently, creating a direct association on the painful sensations experienced in the past. Such conscious fixation on the negative situations of personal history connects any, even a minor phenomenon with experienced earlies earlier, leading to chronic soulful "Jack".

Often demonstrated by the surrounding mental pain masks obscene human thoughts. So, the internal cynical need for an individual to gain certain benefits can be hidden for the suffering of the soul, for example: any way to pay attention to themselves, not to test the fiasco in actions. Explained to see the medium flour can be a skillful tool to revenge or become a means to achieve power over the surrounding.

An important reason for the widespread dissemination of mental suffering is the historically established fact: Christian morality encourages and cultivates mental pain. In the understanding of the believers of the torment of the heart - virtue, a signpost of righteousness and true faith of a person. Contemporary culture is preaching the principle: the experience of suffering - dignity, special heroism, a kind of indicator of an educated humane personality, the necessary man's desire to transformation.

Step 1. We give yourself time for suffering

How to cope with soulful pain - a non-crude guest, which is unceremoniously destroying happiness and faith? To cope with spiritual pain, you should give a time to experience a difficult period, do not rush and do not fit yourself. Remember: for most people, self-esteem is characterized by self-esteem, provided that you do not ban the "bleeding wound." It is similar to how relaxing after muscular spasm occurs over time, as psychogenic headache passes after high-quality rest. The rate of natural healing of the body depends on a number of factors: the age of a person, his psychological features, the state of the central nervous system, significance for the individual experienced events.

Step 2. Get rid of habits to dramatize

Unfortunately, most of our contemporaries inclined to torment hearts do not have sufficient psychological knowledge on how to relieve mental pain, or do not use skills in practice. Many of us have ritual behavira templates, the essence of which "pour salt to wound." This manifests itself in habit to raise and discuss the sick theme, remember those who have gone "happy" days, not to let go, but to pursue a person, even when a distinct relationship is clearly understood. Of course, the emerging minor feeling after a tragic event is a natural and understandable state, but the habit of deliberately dramatize and increase the scatter scale needs to be eradicated. If there is a mental pain in the heart provoked by an event that cannot be changed, for example: with the incurable incidence of a loved one, should work on emotions and change the interpretation of the situation.

Peaceful suffering can be consciously or not to strengthen the close environment, the rigging weaknesses, affecting unpleasant themes, giving "delivered" tips. In such situations, to relieve mental pain, it is necessary to revise personal contacts, temporarily stopping communication with such people who provide a bear service.

Step 3. Measure your flour with the difficulties of the universe

Most people are rapidly entering the fight with spiritual pain, without sobering whether there is a problem in fact. Psychologists argue that 99% of all the "intractable" difficulties are created by a person, more precisely, the brain. People make an elephant fly, temporary troubles are injected into the rank of apocalypse. And emerging mental pain - not evidence of an insurmountable threat, but the fact that the personality is confused in the interpretation of events, she lacks knowledge and skills.

In such a situation, mental pain is a valuable gift of nature, a guiding person to study his personality, thinking over the meaning of life, reflections on its reality. Psychologists advise to recognize the fact that a personal problem is a miniature grain of a complex device of the universe. Understanding this allows personality to immerse yourself much deeper than its difficulties, gives a person a chance to gain wisdom, change for the better, perform only useful actions and not to spend the forces in vain.

Step 4. We study yourself and your sufferings

An important step, how to overcome spiritual pain, give honest answers to questions: "What truth do heart flour open? What lesson do I need to extract from the event that happened? ". To cope with spiritual pain, it is necessary to immerse yourself in it and explore it. And to get out of the hard state will help faith in their own strength, purpose and motivation. Each person has a cherished dream, the implementation of which is constantly postponed for later. A man, guided by primitive instincts, does not leave himself a chance for the incarnation of dreams because of his own laziness, fictional excuses for inaction, fictional fears and the absence of faith.

To get rid of spiritual pain, you need to devote time to studying your condition and try to determine the actual reason for your sensations. To do this, on a piece of paper, one should state your activity to the smallest things for the last week and try to describe your current sensations. More than half of people, mental pain is provoked by regretful of the wrong time spent on absolutely useless things.

For example: a housewife instead of paying time for the development of personality and education, full-fledged public contacts, body care, sees its purpose exclusively in the performance of routine home affairs. Often, there is a mental pain in a woman with such a way, there arises from the accumulated fatigue from monotonous work on the housework, which does not meet due appreciation from the spouse, and reaches a critical point when caring a husband from the family.

What to do in such a situation, and how to cope with soulful pain? Accept the accomplished fact, revise the life priorities, to change the scope of activities, work on the disclosure of new facets, try to find your highlight.

Step 5. Revise your lifestyle

Important actions that must be done daily to carry out that break out of the bottomless abyss and cope with spiritual pain:

  • eat
  • sleep,
  • move.

A variety of useful, full and tasty menu should be made, enjoying the ritual of food intake. Sleep is an important component for restoring health, a magic agent for cure from pain. Movement is exactly the argument, because of what any organism lives.

To get rid of spiritual pain, it is necessary to have a healthy body, because the stability of the emotional sphere directly depends on the physical condition. In order to quickly cope with the painful state of the soul, you need to "include" the resources of the body, engaged in sports. The physical activity is not only a way to be in excellent shape and maintain a somatic health, but also a chance to achieve harmony in the inner world, get moral pleasure, stand up on a true life path and gain peace of mind.

Step 6. We care about loved ones

When the heart is very sad, remember about your loved ones and begin to take care of them. Sometimes it is very difficult to take a step towards another, because when the soul suffers, all thoughts are focused only at their own condition. Getting rid of egoism barriers, manifesting attention and love to another person, as a reward you get gratitude, tide of energy and stimulus to climb and live. Therefore, making good others, a person takes care of his well-being and can cope with the suffering of the heart.

Step 7. Get rid of destructive emotions

To survive sincere pain, you need to get rid of negative emotions. Remember: the one who justifies and cultivates the insult, envy, jealousy, doomed to feel soul flour, because the accumulated heat of negative passions will be destroyed first of all of the person himself.

Step 8. We say "no" harmful preferences

Attention! Many people experiencing suffering are trying to get rid of spiritual pain with alcohol, drugs, risky events. Because of the heavy painful inner sensations and misunderstanding of the nature of spiritual pain, a person instead of efforts to change his personality, prefers to escape from reality, forgetting in the fog of deraigous addiction. However, such a measure will not only help to cope with spiritual pain, but also creates even more dangerous problems, damping the strength of the will and taking the last hope of happiness.

Step 9. We temper your soul

Remember that it is easier to prevent mental pain than to cope with her. It should be developed its emotional stability, to train spiritual resistance, strengthen psychological invulnerability, to start hardening your soul is necessary with successful overcoming life detail. The main rule: to identify the wrong interpretation of the event and change your perception of the situation at least for a neutral look.

For example: you were fired from a prestigious position as a result of a reduction. Natural emotions will be anger, offense, anger, disappointment, fear for the future. However, such a forced "care" carries a lot of positive moments: make a novelty in everydayness, the ability to try yourself on a new field, to get one more education, to motivate on success in your own business, to open your talents in another sphere. In this case, the positive interpretation of events will not give the slightest chance to be captured by his spiritual torment.

Step 10. We work the muscles of the face

The strangest and funny, but effective way, how to cope with the flour of the soul: chewing the chewing gum energetically. The fact is that suffering includes static "fading" and the tension of muscles, including the muscles of the face. Rhythmic and energetic jaw movements eliminate muscles from immobility, eliminating spasms.

If you fail to cure mental pain yourself, you should seek the professional help of psychologists.

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  • Definition of mental pain

    What is pain in the soul? Is this a disease or a protective reaction of the body?

    From the point of view of the doctor, it is both.

    The brain, in this way, is trying to convey to us, to signal that he is sick and he needs help to cope with today's problem. If he does not help today, then tomorrow this condition can provoke the formation of a more complex mental pathology.

    Mental pain as a protective reaction

    Peace pain may experience any person, including the mentally healthy, for example, who experienced the meaningful loss of anyone or anything.
    Many conflicts that seek insoluble, people with a certain type of personality (a disturbing, disturbing, with increased responsibility, forever doubting everything) can cause a feeling of pain in the shower. In these cases, mental pain is regarded as a protective reaction of the psyche for excessive stress.

    Mental pain as a symptom of the disease

    However, not rarely mental pain may be a manifestation (symptom) of a mental illness (mental disorder). Special attention should be paid that the expression itself is "mental illness", has a direct origin of words of mental pain. The feeling of mental pain is the most frequent symptom of the most common mental disorder of recent years - depression.

    The reasons

    All the reasons for the experiences of pain in the shower, as mentioned above, can be divided into two groups:

    • first - diseases (mental disorders and behavior violations)
    • the second is psychological (psychogenic), conflicts between "valid" and "desired" (true neurosis).

    Help with sincere pain

    Help a person experiencing mental pain can and need.

    In some cases, help is a conversation and support or, on the contrary, isolation and temporary loneliness.

    In other - neurometabolic therapy with the use of special methods of psychotherapy and medicines, a constant strict supervision from the attending physician.

    Universal means of help from mental pain, unfortunately, does not exist. Each case requires an individual solution.


    Is it possible to remove or relieve mental pain yourself? If possible, how?

    If the pain in the soul is not a symptom of mental disorder, then independently treat mental pain you can try some events, such as: take a contrasting shower, try to give physical activity (squats, running, swimming), try to sleep.

    If there is a mental pain - this is a manifestation of any disease, then the help of a specialist doctor-psychotherapist or psychiatrist needs. The problem is that, as a rule, in mental disorders, a critical attitude towards its state may decrease, and the sick does not seek help, does not appeal to a specialist. A healthy person who after stress suffers from pain in the shower, on the contrary, is inclined to look for support, help from loved ones, trying to find a way to treat spiritual pain, appeals to the doctor for advice.

    What to do if you or your loved one covered and does not let go of the pain in the shower? If she, in addition, is also strengthened day from day?

    Answer one. You need to go to a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

    First, he knows how to quickly help and remove this painful feeling.

    Secondly, if mental pain is a manifestation of any mental disorder and will be treated, the doctor psychotherapist will be able to choose therapy (medication and psychotherapeutic).

    In the clinic, Brain Clinic is carried out adequate assistance to all the pain in the shower in the soul.

    Call +7 495 135-44-02

    We will help you or your loved ones to get rid of sincere pain!

    We help in the most difficult cases, even if the previous treatment did not help.

    Each person has many different emotions daily. And if with positive everything is extremely clear, then with negative person is sometimes very difficult to fight. That is why in this article I want to tell about how to cope with spiritual pain.

    What it is

    At the very beginning it is necessary to say that the concept of "soul" is very abstract. This is a certain substance that has no color, no smell, nor weight. However, it is precisely the entire basis of a person's life, a body engine, his leader. It must be said here that such concepts, as spiritual health, wound or mental pain, are also very abstract. After all, what does not even have forms cannot be sick. However, such feelings at least once in life experienced, probably, every person living on the planet Earth. It is a very difficult and dangerous thing, because it is impossible to cope with it in a short time with the help of tablets or special medical procedures (as in the case of physical pain). We need time and a certain set of actions.

    Components of mental pain

    I also want to say that any mental experiences (according to modern psychologists) consist of several simple elements:

    1. Emotions.
    2. Thoughts.
    3. Unpleasant sensations or discomfort in the body.
    4. Visual images (ideas, some pictures before your eyes).

    If a person has a soul hurts, what to do? Often there is a logical question. After all, I do not want to suffer too much time and spend in difficult thoughts. The first advice says: time treats. And this is true. This truth is known since time immemorial. All soul experiences Ancient doctors treated exclusively with time (well, labor). A person needs some time to enjoy his experiences. At this hour, everything is necessary to think about it, to live again by past events. You need my pain again - the last one is to feel. Only after that a feeling of completeness may appear. Often, after that, people are already starting to let their problem, gradually say goodbye to her. It will take place, and the trace will not remain from the experiences. It should always be remembered, looking into the future, and not in the past.

    However, this Council has one "but". Using how to cope with spiritual pain, you can not too link in your problem. After all, she can "tighten" for a long time in its networks. If during the week the condition does not improve, then you need to look for help on the side. After all, so you can gradually drive yourself into a long depression, to cope with which is very and very difficult.

    Soul hurts! What to do, how to help yourself? Why not apply for an extraneous help? In this case, there are several ways to exit a negative state. The first and, probably, the most important is the help of a psychologist. A specialist on the basis of the already couple of conversations will be able to figure out the problem of his patient and help him find a way out of the current situation. Attention: you need to remember that no one will solve the problem better than its owner. No need to hope that the psychologist will solve all the disturbing soul questions. Not at all, he will show ways out of the situation. Next, you will have to act independently. The following option to exit a difficult mental situation is the help of parents or others worth remembering that no one, except the most expensive and relatives and relatives, can help better. Mom, dad, sister, brother, aunt-uncle - these are those who are sincerely worried and will try to do everything to help their relative. Always need to look for help from relatives, because they often give very delight advice. And the last way, how to relieve mental experiences, feelings - seek help from friends. These are those people who will not, most likely dig in the past, and will open their eyes to the present (especially if we are talking about youth). Only good comrades can be chopped into a cycle of the day without giving their friend a minute of breathing. Study, fun, searching yourself, cinema, exhibitions, discos ... There will simply not be time for self-vaccination and extra experience. And there and time will pass, and everything will gradually subsides and rushing.

    A few words about medicines

    How else can you help if the soul hurts, what to do in such a situation? So, sometimes you can hear a simple tip: you need to take certain medicines. These are so-called antidepressants or simply soothing drugs. But this advice is very dangerous. The thing is to independently assign any medicines very and very dangerous. It can extremely negatively affect health. Antidepressants must prescribe an exclusively attending doctor after a certain inspection and diagnosis of the disease. Here you need to clarify: not so much there are many such mental problems in which medication helps. You need to learn how to cope with everything yourself, without the influence of foreign chemicals.

    A few words about relaxing means

    Many people can tell how to get rid of spiritual pain. After all, the most commonly used method is the reception of various relaxing drugs. It may be alcohol, light drugs. Undoubtedly, in a short period, they can bring relief, tuting consciousness. But it is absolutely not a way out of a difficult situation. After all, the next day the sensations are returned, and a severe physical state is also mixed. So worse becomes doubly. In addition, the reception of the above-described means negatively affects a person, and in some cases leads to the dependences with which it is not easy to cope with.

    If a person has a soul hurts, what to do to cope with this state? So you need to tell about your problem. However, to open in front of a person, albeit close, far from always easy and simple. In this case, the diary is perfect. You need to try to pour all your feelings and experiences on paper. Make records need at a time when it is very bad. Write will have to have a minimum of week. Next, everything will need to reread. Already after reading written, it can become much cleared. Something will seem ridiculous, and from something will come out and so get rid of. It is worth remembering that, looking at the problem from the side, it can be better understood and clarified for myself some moments.

    How to calm negative spiritual feelings? You need to try to forget about the problem that is disturbing. For this you have to work a little. Namely - get rid of everything that reminds about the difficult past. For example, if parting with a loved one happened, you will have to throw out or distribute all gifts and destroy joint photos. Surrounded, nothing should remain, which can cause pain or memories.

    The next council, how to get rid of mental pain - to do your favorite thing. You need to do everything to just not remember your problem. Best of all in such a business will help creativity. Embroidery, drawing, cycling, music are those things without which it is simply impossible to imagine a normal life. After all the time, the negative thoughts and despondency simply do not have enough time.

    If a person is tormented by various mental suffering, you can try to engage in volunteering. In this case, you need to go to the nearest public organization and suggest yourself as an assistant free. At the same time, you can talk about the causes of such a deed. In this case, a person can send to various meetings where people are divided by their problems. After listening to the stories of others, it can make a simple conclusion that his problem is not so terrible that you can cope with it. After all, there are more complex and terrible situations. At the same time, helping people, you can understand perfectly, realizing that it is still very useful to society and other people. And such thoughts have very positively affect the process of recovery from mental suffering.

    What if a person has a strong soul wound? You can try to cope with it in a similar way. For example, if the cause of suffering is a gap with a beloved person, you need to start meeting other people. If they fired from work or expelled from the institute - you can go to courses and master the new profession. We must always remember that there is no. Fate loves punching and moderately arrogant, so you never need to lose heart and lower your hands. After all, who knocks out, they open.

    It must be remembered that life is alone. The second time it will not be possible to live. Therefore, you need to try to do everything that you can at this moment, here and now. As they say, it is necessary to take a maximum from life. If it is possible to periodically return to the past, you can not have time for changes that occur today. However, say is not to do. Everything is much more difficult here. Simple advice, how not to think about what was: if such a desire arises, and thoughts return back, you just need to bring yourself to visualize a different future. This is a great way to speed up sincere recovery. We must come up with a picture of a bright future and come back every time. And if everything is done correctly, the peaceful world will soon become a reality, and life will go back on the uplink.

    Everyone is known to the simple truth: you need to give more, and not get it. After all, it brings great moral satisfaction. If the shower is bad, you must try to improve life to all others. You can help my mother make a general cleaning, give dad long-awaited spinning or walk with the child of the sister. Gratitude and encouragement from the part perfectly increase the mood and give only positive emotions. And so with severe memories to cope much easier.

    Here it is not about egoism, but that you need to give yourself a maximum of what can please. At this time, you can try to implement at least one cherished dream - jump with a parachute, go to the sea or just go to the moon park. Waiting for something beautiful and positive emotions perfectly coped with multiple mental problems.

    Simple conclusions

    And so that various mental illnesses and problems do not arise, you must always try to think positively. After all, all those tests that fate sends should make a person just stronger. And besides, it should always be remembered that there will always be white for the dark life stripe. Waiting for the beautiful, soon it can be waited.

    Examine the true nature of your soul. Soul in nature Woman, and the Spirit is a man. Union of the Soul and Spirit gives rise to integrity. Living in the chauvinistic world, we deny the female consciousness of the soul and develop male, thereby creating an imbalance in their lives. Realize that your soul is a woman in nature, and she suffers from the desire to suppress women's energy.

    Your female energy is 1) imagination 2) Passion and desire 3) emotions and 4) creativity. Similarly, your male energy consists of 1) will of the will 2) actions and motivation 3) of intelligence 4) performance. If you appreciate and support female energy, you feed and heal your soul. Explore the components of female energy, discover the power of imagination, creativity, passionate hobbies and emotions. Paying time to the development of these qualities, you strengthen your soul.

    Deliver your connection with Divine. Review your perception of spirituality and make a new understanding of our practice, to whatever religion you do not belong. Spirituality is your personal and private relationship with God. Everyone has their own relationship with God, even at the atheists. Let it be dysfunctional relationships, but still this is a relationship. This is akin to mind. Each person has its own relationship with its own mind, they can be developed, and they may suffer from a brutal lack of interaction, but still these relations exist. Each person is a spiritual being, and it is through the soul that we gain connection with the divine. Delete this connection, and God, no matter how name, will help you to heal the soul.

    Explore passionate hobbies and pleasures. We are taught to fill in the place of passionateness of responsibilities and obligations. Most people believe that they have no time for pleasure and hobbies and, thus, they will warm their soul with hunger. If you do not know than passionately passionate, start searching for possible options and make a list of 5 ways to bring more pleasure in your life.

    Contact yourself and learn relaxing meditation. In a relaxed state, you can calm your mind and listen to the voice of intuition. If you are not familiar with meditation, it is not trouble, learn is not so difficult. The easiest way is to find a good CD with a manual for meditation. Find similar records through the search engine on the Internet, and meditation will help you not only relax, but also to heal your connection with your own soul. Relaxing and turning inside yourself, you can meet the love and compassion of your soul. Tip: Find a teacher with a pleasant and calming voice.

    Immerse yourself deeper into your feelings. Your emotions also have a connection with the soul. Start keep a diary and try to express in it crushed emotions, which are browning somewhere in the depths of you. You will find that creativity, enthusiasm, intuition and imagination are under these crushed emotions. This is like the find of the buried treasure. The price of this find is readiness to feel and express all unpleasant feelings, including anger, pain, disappointment and fear. Having done this, you will create a more harmonious space for your soul.

    Each of us at least once in life came across such a state as spiritual pain. It may arise after the death of a relative, native and beloved person. Also, spiritual pain visits us when parting or separating with a person who is very expensive to us. Sincere pain appears when our personal self-consciousness suffers, we are bad and our mind is looking for some way out of the current situation.

    What is mentality

    Is there an organ in our body called the soul? Any medic will answer that there is no. But why then she hurts? In fact, spiritual pain is manifested in the discomfort of consciousness, in violation of a holistic "I". When it is difficult for you, it hurts, you do not want to make a life situation and put up with it, your soul refutes information from the outside.

    With sincere pain, the heart shrinks, as if in the vice, it becomes difficult for you to breathe, look clouded, and the thoughts are concentrated only on one situation in your life. Sincere pain does not give normally to live, work, learn. With a strong soulful pain, a person stops any social life, it closes in four walls and thinks without end, thinks, thinks ... Perhaps he reflects, could it be different in a different way, could he prevent the situation.

    The soul of man is like a living being that is sick during the period of serious emotional shocks. And this soul, undoubtedly, must be treated so that it does not die. After all, if the soul dies, a person becomes cold, indifferent and aimed at the whole world. This can not be allowed.

    Causes of mental pain

    Sincere pain can visit us in different life situations.

    1. The loss of a loved one causes a strongest mental pain. At first, a person cannot accept what happened. He strongly refutes what happened and does not want to take it. Gradually, his consciousness takes and put up with what happened is the next step of the experience of what happened. A person learns to live without the deceased, builds his life without him. All stages of suffering from loss must be gradual and consistent so that the person gets rid of spiritual pain during the desired time frame.
      Typically, the grief takes place for the lack of a beloved and native person. After that, humility remains. Even in religion there are rules for which it is impossible to cry for a long time for the deceased person, because "he becomes bad in that light." Is this true, no one can check, but long suffering, indeed, will not lead anything good.
    2. Parting with a loved one. This is also one of the strongest experiences. When a close beloved person leaves - the world collapses, as well as all the plans for a joint life. It is important not to forget the reason for which parting happened. He threw you? Then why is it necessary for you? If a person could not consider all your advantages, it's not necessary to run and humiliate. There is one that will appreciate you on dignity. And if you threw it, then do not forget about the reasons for which you have taken such a decision. Every time thinking about his "beautiful eyes" remember why you decided to part.
    3. Disease of a family member or friend. Also a strong enough and painful feeling. Especially when the disease is serious. Soul pain is gnawing at any stage of the disease, especially if the child is sick. Parents are experiencing an incredible feeling of guilt. It seems to them that they could save, secure, earlier to notice minor symptoms. The feeling of guilt for noteping for the child, nibbles from the inside. In this case, you need to try to take yourself in your hands, and tell yourself that you are not to blame for anything. It could happen with each. And in general, you have every opportunity to return a sick person to your old life. Be stronger at least for the sake of it. And do not stop fighting.
    4. Betrayal. When the betrayal of an expensive and loved one occurs - spiritual pain takes all the insides. It is very difficult to survive. It is not only about love treason, although it is also undoubtedly the betrayal of pure water. You can betray a close friend, relative. After betrayal, the main thing is not to call the whole world and do not be outreach. It is necessary to accept that people are different and you caught not the best instance.
    5. Humiliation. For a person, this feeling is another catalyst for the strongest spiritual pain. Children suffer when parents are undeservedly and unfairly punish them, the wife suffers from her husband-tyrant, subordinates go on tiptoe to the head of the demon in fear of losing their job. Such destruction of the person can be found right and beside himself, it greatly affects the psyche. The strongest mental experience is experiencing a raped woman - spiritual pain remains with her almost until the end of life. It's not easy to get rid of such an experience, because every time we scroll around the events of the unfortunate day each time and remember everything in detail. Any memories as if the knife lies in our heart. In this case, it is necessary to understand that you are not to blame for the current situation, you turned out to be just a victim in this case. Find the strength to take this case and step over it. It is stronger and not allowed what happened in the future life.

    These are basic, but far from all the reasons why a person may experience mental pain. In life, anything can happen, because life is a series of good and bad moments, and you need to cope with the negative.

    1. The first and most important thing. After you have drawn, accepted and experienced the situation, you can not stay with it one on one. It is impossible to get closed in yourself and suffer, suffer, suffer. This should help close, relatives, friends. They must all the time to hold you with something interesting, fascinating. Try not to sit at home, go to walk, just roam around the city. Four walls will not cure you from spiritual pain.
    2. If your pain is mixed with angrily, it needs to be poured. Are you angry with a specific person, situation, life or fate? Buy a boxing pear home and thump on it as much as you like. So you can spill out your emotions and experiences.
    3. Animals are considered the best tool for treating mental pain. They incredibly easily remove the alarm, experiences, stress. Instead of a melancholic cat, it is better to choose a perky dog, which will not leave you sit still. There will also be an effective trip to the dolphinarium. Dolphins have a unique ability to charge energy and give the desire to live.
    4. Sorry and ask for forgiveness. If the cause of your soulful pain is the feeling of guilt - reap. Ask forgiveness from a person who was offended. And on the contrary, if you are angry with someone, stop doing it. Mentally release a person and rejoice at the happening situation. For example, if you were betrayed, understand, well, what happened is now, and not many years. If you were offended undeservedly and very much - let go and believe that fate will take offender according to merit and revenge for you.
    5. Take care of creativity. After all, mental pain creates a gap and emptiness that you need to fill something. Perfectly cope with soulful experiences Helps drawing, dancing, music, singing, embroidery. You will be able to throw out all your pain in this activity and make rid of it forever.
    6. Permanent self-destruction can lead to a real disease of the body. Therefore, stop blaming yourself in what happened. Try to get rid of spiritual pain with the help of exercise. Beautiful choice - running. During running along the alleys, the park or forest you can stay alone with you, listen to music and finally understand what exactly you are worried. Another real way to remove tension is swimming. Water will take with them all your excitement. Physical activity produces positive hormones that will help you cope with an emotional supervision.
    7. There is another way to get rid of experiences and pain. Write everything you care about paper. All your tears, anxiety, excitement - everything that makes you suffer. And then burn your letter and entee the ashes in the wind. This psychological reception will make you mentally let go of your emotional state.

    How to prevent sincere pain

    Some people like to suffer. They have not been experiencing experiences for a long time, but they are satisfied with the role of the victim. But we know that you are not like that. Therefore, they are trying to get rid of spiritual pain with all their might.

    Do not make an icon from your loss. If you encountered such a terrible situation as the death of a loved one, survive it with dignity. To do not return to the past every time, distribute all the things of the deceased, leaving for yourself something for memory. No need to leave the room in the same form as it was "with him / her." It will make you suffer.

    If you broke up with your love, you do not need to leave in the room at the most prominent place all your joint photos. It returns you to experiences and anxieties, by the days of past life. If you truly want to get rid of spiritual pain, get rid of this sacrifice immediately.

    Peace pain is peculiar to everyone, because we are living people with our feelings and emotions. If your soul hurts - it means that you have it. Do not dwell on your shock, try to go further into the future. Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger, remember this.

    Video: How to defeat mental pain