Gleb cancer characteristic. The name Gleb - meaning, character traits and destiny. Friendship and romantic relationships

Meaning of the name

Gleb is a calm, reasonable, confident and enterprising man, not devoid of such qualities as gentleness and sincerity, which makes him attractive in the eyes of others. He is solid, benevolent, strong in spirit and strong character, therefore he endures any troubles stoically and does not regard them as a natural disaster that cannot be dealt with. But still, in many respects, his attitude to life depends on exactly when - in winter, spring, summer or autumn - the owner of this name was born.

Characteristics of the name Gleb

Winter Gleb - this is a dreamer and humorist, whose cheerful disposition not only disposes to himself, but also contributes to the fact that all emerging problems are solved without significant mental costs, which has a beneficial effect on his mood in general, and on health in particular. The sincerity and openness of this man makes him attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. Only winter Gleb himself is wary of women, as he is afraid of being deceived and betrayed. His location and trust will take a long time to win.

Spring Gleb - nature is mysterious and even mysterious. He is rarely sincere, while he has more than enough masks for any occasion. Often he flirts so much that in the end he himself cannot understand where he is real, and where he is just playing the next role. The gallantry and courtesy of the spring Gleb bribe women, but very quickly they realize that he loves and worships himself exclusively, while the feelings of his chosen one are of little concern to him. Only true love can change this man.

Summer Gleb insecure, so it is difficult for him to achieve the set heights. His indecision becomes the reason that in personal life he often fails and has unrequited feelings. He greatly experiences any setbacks, realizing that only he is to blame for them. Therefore, summer Gleb is either looking for a domineering woman who will make all decisions for him, or he is left alone. It is easier for him to close down than to listen to criticism and work on mistakes.

Autumn Gleb open, sociable and erudite, so he does not lack friends and communication. He is sick of loneliness, because he loves to be the center of attention. This is a positive man who is not used to playing secondary roles. Women are the weak point of autumn Gleb, because he loves each of his chosen ones in his own way, only for a short time. Therefore, most often this womanizer creates a family quite late, and even then mainly for the reason that it is supposed to be so.

Stone - talisman

Moonstone and jasper are Gleb's talismans.


This stone considered to be the embodiment positive qualities moon, recommended for people born on the full moon.

Moonstone Properties:

  • attracts love;
  • awakens passion and sexual attraction;
  • enhances psychic abilities;
  • helps to overcome obstacles;
  • relieves melancholy, anger and depression;
  • gives tolerance and understanding;
  • enhances the gift of eloquence.

Important! It is better not to wear the moonstone to capricious and dreamy people, since it exacerbates these qualities, and therefore can bring trouble.

In Hinduism Moonstone considered sacred because it brings good luck to its owner, calms the mind, enhances creativity.


The properties of jasper are varied:

  • promoting the establishment of working relationships and contacts;
  • development of intellectual abilities;
  • increased concentration of attention;
  • bringing peace and harmony to the house;
  • protection from envy;
  • getting rid of insomnia;
  • imparting wisdom.

Interesting fact! Representatives of earthly, as well as water signs, this stone energizes, giving strength and opportunities, while air and fire signs jasper promises cleansing from negative energy.

In the East, jasper is considered a stone of beauty, power and wealth. At the same time, this stone symbolizes generosity, modesty, nobility and pure love.

In Egypt, Greece and Rome, jasper products were used as medicinal amulets that protect against heart and stomach diseases. Also, with the help of talismans made of jasper, it was possible to ward off evil spirits and dispel magic spells.






Animal - symbol

Gleb's totem animal is a grasshopper, symbolizing abundance, fertility, fertility, valor, courage and good luck in China.

In Europe, the grasshopper personifies irresponsibility, hindsight and frivolity, while in Greece - aristocracy, exclusivity and imperiousness.

The Jews associate this insect with disaster. In the Bible, the invasion of grasshoppers personifies the wrath of God.

Those who are patronized by a grasshopper are endowed with such qualities as perseverance, peacefulness, the ability to analyze and synthesize information.


The plants-symbols of Gleb are apple and clover.

Apple tree

The apple tree is a meaningful and ambiguous symbol. For some peoples, this tree symbolizes spring rebirth, tender love and strong marriage, while for others, disagreements, passionate madness and the forbidden fruit.

It was the apple, according to biblical traditions, that gave people the knowledge that allows them to distinguish good from evil, but at the same time led Adam and Eve to the Fall.

In myths, the apple tree symbolizes joy, eternal youth and unfading feminine beauty (hence the expression "rejuvenating apples").

The ancient Slavs personified the fruits of this tree with good health, fertility, abundance, prosperity. In addition, the apple tree helped to reveal the secret of life and death, to preserve the images of those who left the earthly refuge in the memory of the living.


According to legends, the four-leaf clover brings good luck and awakens love to life, for which two people need to eat the plant in half.

Clover leaf symbolism:

  • the first is luck;
  • the second is faith;
  • the third is love;
  • the fourth is hope.

Christians attributed tremendous power to the three-leafed clover and believed that this plant brings happiness to the house and wards off troubles, gives strength and protects from evil spells.

Interesting Facts! For Christians, the four-leaf clover not only symbolizes Paradise and the Trinity, but is also associated with the cross. Also, it is often the clover that identifies the 4 Gospels.


Zinc is a symbol of youth, well-being, health and success. This metal is identified with longevity and power.

Auspicious day



The origin of the name Gleb

Name translation

From Old Norse, the name Gleb is translated as "favorite of the gods" or "heir to God."

From Old Slavonic this name is translated as "pole", "land", "arable land" or "soil".

Name history

The name Gleb has an ambiguous history. So, according to one version, this name, which came to Russia directly from Scandinavia, is a transformed form of the name Gottlieb, which in translation means "under the protection of the gods."

According to another version, this ancient name It has Slavic roots and comes from the words "lump" or "globa", which translate as "pole".

It is also possible that the name Gleb came from the Old Slavonic word "gleb", which is still used today in Polish and has the meaning "land", "soil" and "arable land".

Forms (analogs) of the name

The following forms of the name Gleb are most common: Glebka, Glebushka, Glebchik, Glebochka, Glebus, Glebonka, Glebik, Glebunya.

The mystery of the name Gleb

Patrons of the name

  • Prince Gleb Vladimirsky.
  • Passion-bearer Prince Gleb (baptized named David).
  • Prince Gleb Vsevolodovich.

Angel day (name day)

May: 15th number.

July: 3, 10 and 19 numbers.

August: 6th number.

September: 18 and 23 numbers.

The legend about the name Gleb

There is a legend about the faithful prince Gleb and his brother Boris.

It is the brothers Gleb and Boris, who received the names David and Roman at baptism, respectively, who are the first Russian saints, canonized not only by the Russian, but also by the Constantinople Churches.

According to legend, the younger sons of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir were born shortly before Rus was baptized, and therefore Gleb and Boris were brought up in Christian piety: they read the Holy Scriptures and the lives of the saints. It is not surprising that both brothers eventually wanted to devote their lives to serving God, especially since they were merciful, kind and sympathetic, which was especially manifested in relation to the poor, sick, suffering and disadvantaged.

The wise, just and meek Boris took care of his principality (from his father he received Rostov as his inheritance), he paid much attention to the spread of Christianity to his subjects. The young prince was also a glorious warrior, so it was to his help that Prince Vladimir resorted to fighting the Pechenegs. But after the death of Vladimir, his eldest son Svyatopolk illegally declared himself the Grand Duke of Kiev, although it was Boris who was supposed to take this place. But in order to avoid internecine war, he disbanded his squad.

But the insidious Svyatopolk for the sake of power went to fratricide. At the same time, Boris knew about his brother's insidious plan, but did not hide, but, on the contrary, readily met his death. Dying, Boris wished his brother Svyatopolk peace. But the power-hungry prince was not going to stop. His further step was the murder of Gleb, who, knowing about the betrayal a loved one, as well as Boris, preferred death to fratricidal war.

Thus, the lives of Boris and Gleb were sacrificed to the fundamental Christian dogma - love for one's neighbor. You cannot love God, but not love your brother. It was the feat of the holy brothers that showed, clearly demonstrated that evil cannot be paid for with evil.

Famous people

Famous scientists named Gleb:

  • Gleb Kotelnikov - created the first aviation knapsack parachute;
  • Gleb Lozino-Lozinsky - developer of Soviet aerospace technology;
  • Gleb Krzhizhanovsky is an energy scientist and politician.

Famous actors named Gleb:

  • Gleb Panfilov;
  • Gleb Strizhenov.

Famous writers named Gleb:

  • Gleb Uspensky;
  • Gleb Skorokhodov.

Gleb Samoilov - Russian vocalist and guitarist, who was the leader of the famous rock band "Agatha Christie".

The meaning of the name Gleb

For a child

Gleb is a calm, serious and even gloomy boy who thinks like an adult: so, his judgments are always clearly formulated, and his actions are logical and reasonable. At the same time, this is a very good-natured and sympathetic child who does not like excessive attention to his person, so he tries to avoid obsessive communication.

Even as a child, Gleb tries to do everything on his own, especially since he does it very well, and all thanks to such qualities as composure, perseverance and dedication.

This diligent boy easily learns, because he is used to being the first in everything. Moreover, he enjoys active social activities at school, thereby trying to overcome his shyness. It is quite natural that teachers love Gleb, and his peers recognize his authority.

One of the main advantages of Gleb is justice, therefore, from the very early age this independent child becomes a devoted protector for his loved ones. One cannot but mention the boy's responsiveness, which Gleb's friends appreciate.

Gleb's drawback is excessive gullibility, because of which he often suffers.

This rational and practical child, accustomed to communicating with adults on the same level, has been businesslike, diligent and thorough since childhood. He doesn't like unnecessary conversations.

For a teenager

Young Gleb is a knight "without fear and reproach" who will always come to the aid of the "humiliated and insulted". He is laconic and is not used to throwing words into the wind. He defends his convictions with enviable stubbornness, and his thoroughness can only be envied.

Although Gleb possesses leadership qualities, he does not seek to show his superiority, and he does not really like to command people. For him calmness is more important and peaceful coexistence with others.

This young man seems older than his years, and all because of the slowness, seriousness and thoroughness with which he approaches any issues. Empty promises are not his prerogative. He always fulfills what he promised. Friends love him and enemies respect him (although the calm Gleb practically does not have the latter).

At the same time, Gleb is very trusting and vulnerable, his responsive heart is sensitive to any offense, to any injustice. But even a serious deception or betrayal cannot make this young man not believe in people, in the fact that each of us has the right to make mistakes. But sooner or later the time comes when Gleb closes in on himself, becomes gloomy and secretive. Only close people whom he trusts infinitely can bring him out of this state.

For a man

The adult Gleb, remembering the pain that excessive trust in people brought him, becomes cautious and selective in relation to those around him. He fights with himself day after day, trying to cultivate such qualities as confidence, indecision and even healthy selfishness.

Despite his hard work and dedication, this man can give up in front of serious difficulties, and all for the reason that he will be afraid to look stupid in the eyes of others. He takes all the blows of fate for granted, and therefore goes through all the troubles quite easily, treating everything that happens philosophically.

In society, Gleb behaves tactfully, while he will not tolerate familiarity with himself and rudeness. He looks closely at a person for a long time before opening his soul to him.

The main thing for Gleb is peace of mind, while gloss, success and a bohemian lifestyle are of little interest to him.

Description of the name Gleb


Gleb belongs to the category of people who cannot transgress the laws of morality and ethics in order to achieve the set goal. His actions and motives may not be understood by others, but they are always honest and fair.


In general, Gleb's health is strong, except for possible problems with the work of the digestive tract and the spine.


In relations with the fair sex, Gleb is cautious: rapprochement occurs slowly and only after his chosen one has passed more than one test. In addition, the indecision and indecision of this man, who is afraid of being betrayed, interferes with building a personal life.

Gleb's courtesy and gallantry captivate, but women expect from him not only romance, but also courage, assertiveness, which he often cannot give them, since he believes that it is necessary to behave courteously and extremely delicately with women.

At the same time, Gleb is passionate, temperamental and amorous, therefore he is characterized by very violent hobbies, which do not always develop into a serious relationship. And one more thing: if this man does not feel the return from his chosen one, then sooner or later he will find a worthy replacement for her.

Gleb's woman must live by his thoughts, his hobbies, his passions and experiences. Truly, this man loves once or twice in his entire life.


Gleb belongs to the category of men who marry impulsively - in a fit of passion. At the same time, the owner of this name chooses an agreeable and calm woman, which he can completely subordinate to his will. But self-confident women with strong character he is scared off - Gleb is simply afraid not to cope with their character.

Family relationships

Gleb is an excellent family man. He is not afraid of any housework. Moreover, he gladly helps his wife to lead household, create warmth and comfort in the house.

The owner of this name loves his wife and children, while he does not seek to occupy leadership positions, preferring to build family relationships on equality and understanding, not tyranny. Children love Gleb, because he devotes a lot of time to them, it is not only interesting with him, but also fun.

Perhaps the only significant drawback of Gleb, poisoning the family idyll, is the jealousy of this man, which he does not know how to control. Therefore, his wife will have to be patient and come to terms with the fact that her husband will control her every step.


Gleb is a temperamental and passionate nature, but he is used to keeping his feelings to himself, so his sexual partners lack affection, tenderness and expressions of affection on his part. Before opening up to his chosen one, Gleb long time studies her, so as not to be deceived in her and her feelings. At the same time, this man is not able to hide his ardor and ardor in an intimate sense.

For the demanding Gleb, it is very important to feel not only wanted, but also loved, then he will try to show all his dignity. Caring is another key quality that his chosen one should show towards him.

Mind (intelligence)

Gleb has an analytical mindset. His actions are always logically verified and thought out, while he tries not to succumb to emotional impulses.


Hardworking, responsible and solid Gleb is a fair boss who enjoys authority among his subordinates. But even as an ordinary employee, he tries to prove himself exclusively with positive side, thanks to which he wins the respect of his superiors.

In his choice of profession, Gleb is extremely selective: for example, he prefers unusual areas of activity (he is especially comfortable at work that requires self-sacrifice and complete dedication). As a result, he will make a good doctor, soldier, lawyer or scientist ( Scientific research- that's his real passion). But the creative path is not for him, therefore, writers, artists and artists with such a name are extremely rare.

Gleb is a careerist, only he always goes to his heights honestly, without violating the laws of morality, ethics and morality. The main thing is stability and confidence in the future.


If Gleb decides to go into business, then fate will be favorable to him, because this man has perseverance, perseverance and enviable hard work. In his skillful hands any business is argued, in which such a quality of Gleb as diplomacy plays an important role.

Gleb is used to setting himself only those goals that he is able to achieve, thanks to which he manages to avoid many of the risks associated with doing business.

Interestingly, the owner of this name can do business equally well both independently and in tandem with a reliable partner.


Gleb loves to devote his free time to his family, he pays special attention to raising children. In addition, he is fond of everything related to the repair of equipment, because Gleb is a jack of all trades.

Character type


Gleb is a man of few words, reasonable and stubborn, while he will not persistently prove his point of view, preferring to give the interlocutor food for thought, rather than clear instructions on how to act or reason in a given situation. He rarely shows his true feelings at all.

For Gleb, it is important to achieve peace of mind and harmony in life, for which he makes considerable efforts and never stops developing. This man always keeps his word, so those around him trust him infinitely.

Coldness and gloom are just a mask behind which a sensitive and sensual man is hiding.


Despite his well-developed intuition, Gleb is not used to being guided by feelings and emotions, so his "sixth sense" often remains unclaimed.

Horoscope named after Gleb

Gleb - Aries

This is a person whose mood changes several times a day, so sometimes it is impossible to predict either the motives or actions of Gleb-Aries. Such a changeable character is complemented by aggressiveness, behind which this man hides his sensitive and vulnerable soul. In relations with women, Gleb-Aries also behaves ambiguously, because he himself does not know what kind of chosen one he needs: today he dreams of a caring and gentle lady, and tomorrow he will go in search of a vamp woman.

Gleb - Taurus

This man can easily be called a person of mood, and often this behavior of Gleb-Taurus is a consequence of self-doubt, with which this man tries to fight throughout his life.

It is not surprising that Gleb-Taurus is attracted by more experienced women who are able to take the initiative into their own hands. In them he finds support and protection, which can negatively affect his personal development: so, next to strong woman Gleb can turn into a capricious child.

Gleb - Gemini

This man is endowed with excellent intuition, which helps him both in his personal life and in public. Gleb-Gemini is ambitious and vain, and therefore work and career growth are in the first place for him, which does not quite suit his chosen one. Gleb-Gemini himself is quite satisfied with the relationship without any obligations, which he is not afraid to openly speak to his companion. If a woman has enough patience, then over time this man will settle down and be able to become an excellent family man.

Gleb - Cancer

Direct, sincere and open-minded Gleb-Cancer is a real romantic, sensitive the world... He is gentle and dreamy, and therefore vulnerable (especially in the field of feelings). He has to experience betrayal more than once, from which he does not become tougher or callous. This sensual man is gentle and caring with his partner, although on occasion he will definitely manipulate her feelings. Sometimes Gleb-Cancer shows an extreme degree of unscrupulousness in relation to others.

Gleb - Lev

Attractive, delicate and charming Gleb-Lev makes an indelible impression on those around him: it seems that there is no such person who would not like this imposing and an interesting man... But sociability and excessive attention to his person make Gleb-Lev frivolous. Serious relationship not for him, so a woman will have to make a lot of efforts to win the favor of this loving and temperamental man.

Gleb - Virgo

This is a vulnerable nature, which often closes in on itself and goes into its own reality, where there is no place for lies, betrayal and disappointments. It is not surprising that the gloomy Gleb-Virgo has practically no friends, because it is much more comfortable for him to be alone. In relations with the opposite sex, Gleb is insecure and shy, so he needs a strong character and a decisive woman who is not afraid to take the initiative into her own hands. Her patience will be rewarded with a family idyll, which Gleb-Virgo always strives for.

Gleb - Libra

Serious and self-confident Gleb-Libra is non-conflicting and diplomatic. He does not welcome the language of force, believing that only through dialogue can any disputable situation be resolved. Rudeness, rudeness and pressure towards yourself or your loved ones can provoke attacks of aggression in this man. In a woman, Gleb-Libra values ​​femininity, care and the ability to negotiate. But quarrelsome and scandalous ladies repulse him.

Gleb - Scorpio

Impressive, sensual, but at the same time hot-tempered and unbalanced Gleb-Scorpio is not looking for adventure. He strives for stability and dimension. Therefore, he tries to create a family as early as possible, for the sake of which he will live and work. Only now his life partner should be able to give in return for such dedication all her love and tenderness. Then their family tandem will be strong, reliable and calm. Isn't this the real family happiness?

Gleb - Sagittarius

The cheerful Gleb the Sagittarius knows how to find maximum pleasure in all areas of life. He acts on the basis of emotional impulses, despite the fact that he has an analytical mindset. It's just that he is constantly in search of variety and unforgettable experiences. His relationship with women is fickle and frivolous, although in each of his chosen ones he tries to discern his future wife... The problem is that Gleb the Sagittarius does not understand people, which is why he often suffers.

Gleb - Capricorn

Dreaminess, impressionability and excessive suspiciousness are inherent in Gleb-Capricorn, who reacts sharply to any criticism addressed to him. In addition, he is afraid of being misunderstood, so he seeks support from his family and friends. Gleb-Capricorn will never betray his chosen one. On the contrary, he will protect her from all worries and troubles, despite the fact that he himself often needs understanding and care. Therefore, it is very important that there is a truly loving woman next to this man.

Gleb - Aquarius

Independent and restrained in the manifestation of feelings, Gleb-Aquarius lives in a world of dreams, and such a disconnection from existing reality brings this man not only disappointment, but also inner loneliness, which can turn into depression if there is no reliable friendly shoulder nearby. To build family happiness, Gleb-Aquarius needs a woman-realist, who will have to lower her chosen one from heaven to sinful earth.

Gleb - Pisces

Shyness, shyness and modesty - these are the qualities that Gleb-Pisces is endowed with. It is quite difficult for him to overcome various difficulties alone. It is easier for him to let go of the circumstances and, remaining aloof, observe how fate itself will resolve the situation. Gleb-Pisces easily lends itself to outside influence, therefore he often lives not his own life, but imposed on him from the outside. This man is especially dependent on his chosen one.

Compatibility of the name Gleb with female names

Gleb and Olga

Yes, they have a lot of contradictions, but this does not prevent them from slowly but confidently building stable, lasting and happy relationships.

Gleb and Victoria

Gleb can both scold and nip Victoria, who needs protection and care. She completely trusts her chosen one, and therefore is ready to part with independence and all her ambitions, just to be close to Gleb.

Gleb and Ksenia

Gleb and Alina

This is a couple in which the partners sincerely love each other, therefore they strive to do everything so that there is no place for misunderstanding and mistrust in their relationship. Gleb and Alina have common goals that bring them closer together, making their union more united and stronger.

Gleb and Lyudmila

A couple of Gleb and Lyudmila can move mountains, both literally and figuratively. Indeed, the spirit of adventurism lives in both, and therefore there is no place for peace and regularity in their relationship. Change is what attracts this couple, making their life multifaceted.

Gleb and Galina

In this amazing tandem, they do not know what despondency is, since both partners are able to perceive life with all its pros and cons. In their relationship, the main thing is care, which Gleb and Galina consider the fundamental component of marriage.

Gleb and Love

Jealous Gleb will not let his chosen one get bored, who is used to attention from men. If Lyuba can pacify her emotionality, and Gleb manages to cope with jealousy, then their union will be strong.

Gleb and Evgenia

Bright and passionate love unites Gleb and Eugene, but this union is not destined to take place, since the interests of two strong personalities collide in it, who are not ready to give up their positions and put up with each other's shortcomings.

Gleb and Nadezhda

For Gleb and Nadezhda, marriage is something more than living together, housekeeping and raising children. This is work that is rewarded with comfort, warmth, stability and tender care for each other. Therefore, these two look closely at each other for a long time.

Gleb and Alena

Alena is used to living in her own world of illusions, and Gleb also has a certain degree of dreaminess, so it is not surprising that living together owners of these names is filled with deep philosophical meaning, far from the real world.

Gleb and Alexandra

A couple of Gleb and Alexandra can only be envied, because they have a bright future, in which there is recognition, and material security, and power. The question is, will they be able to properly dispose of all the listed benefits?

Gleb and Elizabeth

The owners of these names can create not only an ideal family, but also a successful business project, because both think in the same way. Gleb and Liza are hardworking, energetic and true to their ideals, which helps them achieve a lot in life.

Gleb and Ulyana

The talented Ulyana is a creative person who can find it difficult to understand the rational Gleb, who is used to approaching everything "wisely", but this does not prevent them from building a strong family.

Gleb and Sonya

Sonya is an energetic discoverer who cannot imagine her life without adventure and travel. Gleb, on the other hand, is always interested in discovering more and more new facets in his chosen one, so the monotony of this couple is not threatened.

During the growth of cities, this name lost its popularity, the city residents undeservedly considered the name too rustic. Today the topic of our article is Gleb: the meaning of the name, character and the fate that awaits a boy with this beautiful name. We will start, as in the rest of the articles, with the history of its origin ...

Gleb: an accurate description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, a guy, a man with that name?

In this article, you will learn:

The origin and meaning of the name Gleb

The name Gleb has taken root in Russia for a very long time. The reason may lie in the fact that it is one of those names that does not have foreign roots and is considered primordially Russian. Another reason for love for this name is the Orthodox Saint Gleb, the noble prince.

Here is his story:

The Grand Duke Vladimir, who baptized Russia, had two half-sons: Gleb and Boris. They were pious and very friendly brothers, both of them eradicated paganism in Murom and Rostov. In 1015, after the murder of Boris in an internecine struggle, the third brother, Svyatopolk the Accursed, was afraid of Gleb's revenge and sent a messenger to him with the news of the deadly illness of his brother - at that time already deceased.

Without thinking twice, Gleb gathered a small squad and headed to Kiev. On the way, having fallen from a horse, he broke his leg and continued on his way through the water from Smolensk. Then he received the news of the death of his father and brother. While mourning the deceased relatives, Gleb was attacked by armed mercenaries of Svyatopolk and killed him. The body was buried on the banks of the Dnieper. Gleb and Boris are considered the first Russian saints, however, the date of their canonization, for the distance of years, is not exactly known.

How the origin of the name Gleb influenced its meaning

There are several variants of the origin of this name:

  • The first version says that the name Gleb came to Russia from Scandinavia, is derived from the ancient Germanic Gottlieb, translated as "favorite of the gods", "heir to God", "under the protection of the gods."
  • The second version tells us that this name is Slavic and scientists claim a connection with the Russian word "Glyba".
  • The third version says the name Gleb has Old Slavonic roots and comes from the word "gleb", which is still used in Polish with a meaning similar to the word "land".

What kind of character can the boy Gleb have?

The name Gleb absorbed the most good qualities a real man, a protector of the family.

The most outstanding traits of his character:

  • Responsibility for business and loved ones;
  • Kindness and restraint:
  • Neatness at home and at work;
  • Strong and strong-willed character;
  • He never leaves the work started unfinished.

From childhood, you need to develop a sense of humor in him, if this is not done, his seriousness and calmness can be perceived by others as gloomy, although close people know that he is very good-natured. Among other things, he is artistic, inclined to drawing and music.

What kind of fate could Gleb have?

Gleb may seem laconic and very serious. For him, his own principles are important, which he is ready to defend with special persistence.

When working, for him in the first place is the family, its comfort and stability, only then career advancement. Nevertheless, having achieved a high position, he commands respect from employees for his fairness, his word always has a foundation, and his authority is beyond doubt. In a team, he always creates a friendly atmosphere.

Very often he chooses a rare profession, to which he remains faithful. He gets used to people at work rather than makes friends. He does not like familiarity and noisy parties, rarely drinks alcohol. He behaves a little stiffly with women, but he is ready to enter into marriage quickly - without wasting time.

Love and family

A woman can reveal passion and romance in him. He assesses the subject of his sighing for a long time and purposefully, since it is hard to experience his failures and disappointments. But no matter how contradictory it may seem, he is always ready to have sexual contact immediately.

He expects openness and full dedication from his partner, does not like shackled women in bed. Loves affection and aesthetics in sex. The most suitable sexual partners: Dina, Lyubov, Tamara, Ada, Maya, Raisa, Maria.

The most strong energy possesses the name Gleb in combination with the patronymic Andrianovich and Andreevich.

V family life the dominant role is given to his wife. He is loyal to the spouse's shortcomings. He is very jealous of his companion to other men, if there is a doubt about the loyalty of a woman, he is even able to arrange an investigation. She strives to create a strong family for life, where harmony, comfort and warmth will reign.

Gleb can be described as a hospitable host. A successful marriage can develop with Tamara, Eugenia, Maria, Raisa, Maya, Sophia. If he chooses Catherine, Lydia, Victoria, Inna, Svetlana as his wife, it will be very difficult to get along.

Character traits

  • If Gleb has a middle name Vasilievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Dmitrievich, Mikhailovich, Ilyich, Sergeevich, Alekseevich, Ivanovich, Petrovich, in this case he is a very reasonable and reliable person, in extreme cases he can quickly accept correct solution does not give in to panic.
  • Capable of heroic deeds in moments of danger. Very responsive, will come to the rescue at any difficult moment. Physical strength and endurance are well developed.
  • Controls emotions well, external stimuli do not greatly affect his behavior. Loves risk and excitement, perceives losses painfully.
  • A man with this name is popular with the opposite sex. Does not feel material need, even if temporarily experiencing difficulties with a place of work, will always find a way to earn money. Likes to make expensive gifts to loved ones and does not attach importance to the price. There is quite a chance to become the head of the information department, director of a small plant, to become an irreplaceable link in any company.

Characteristics of the name Gleb, features of character and fate

What will the child named Gleb be like?

Little Glebka is very kind to the household, loves to spend a lot of time with his parents. From early childhood, he behaves calmly and seriously, sometimes he may seem like a sad boy.

Here are the traits inherent in him as a child:

  • He is eager to help elders, loves to fix and tinker with something.
  • A very diligent and diligent child. The surrounding people give him much more years than they actually are.
  • Quite often, he has a not bright appearance and a low voice. May not show decisiveness and leadership qualities.
  • It is important for parents to teach him to distinguish sincerity from tactlessness, to explain that not every deception should break off relations forever.

Famous people named Gleb

  • St. Martyr Gleb - Prince of Murom Gleb Vladimirovich - canonized together with his brother Boris; commemorated July 24 (August 6)
  • Uspenikiy G. Ivanovich (1843-1902) - Russian writer.
  • G. Maksimilyanovich Krzhizhanovsky (1872-1959) - public and political figure, author of the song "Varshavyanka", literary critic.
  • G. Petrovich Struve (1898-1985) - literary critic, translator, historian; in the USA, where he taught at various universities, published collected works of Russian poets: N. Gumilyov, N. Zabolotsky, Anna Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam, N. Klyuev.
  • G. Pavlovich Glebov ( real surname Sorokin) (1899-1967) - People's Artist of the USSR; Soviet actor, since 1926 - on the stage of the Kupala Belarusian Theater.
  • G. Alexandrovich Strizhenov (July 21, 1925, Voronezh - July 21, 1925 in Voronezh) - Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1974), Soviet theater and film actor. Brother of the actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1988) Oleg Alexandrovich Strizhenov.
  • G. Anatolyevich Panfilov (born May 21, 1934 in Magnitogorsk) - Honored Artist of the RSFSR, Russian film director, husband of actress Inna Mikhailovna Churikova.
  • G. Olegovich Pavlovsky (born March 5, 1951 in Odessa) - publicist, Russian politician, political scientist.
  • G. Borisovich Grebenshchikov (born December 14, 1984) - the son of B. Grebenshchikov, works as a DJ gebe
Published: 2017-02-26, Modified: 2017-02-26,

Name Gleb very rare and quite ancient. The origin of the name Gleb is not completely clear, there are several options. Perhaps it originated from the Old Norse word “ goodleith", Which means - give under protection, favorite of the gods... In addition, the meaning of the name Gleb for a boy can be interpreted as favorite of the gods, from the ancient Germanic word " gutleib».

The name Gleb is quite beloved in Russia, perhaps because it fell into the number not of overseas names, but of Russian Orthodox holy names. The attractive energy of this word also plays an important role. In this word, benevolence, firmness, thoroughness, thrift are heard quite well. Next, we will tell you what character and fate will be Gleb.

What does the name mean?

We can say with confidence that a person with the name Gleb is very lucky with him, despite the fact that in recent years it has not been particularly popular. It lost its attractiveness when city life became fashionable, as it sounded somewhat peasant-like. Although today this situation is not being corrected much.

The secret of the name Gleb: a person named by this name is inclined to thriftiness and efficiency, most often these qualities are decisive in life path... Since childhood, Gleb has been growing up as a rather serious and solid person. They say about him that this child is an adult beyond his years, as he is unhurried and reasonable. Likes to tinker, gladly helps adults, diligent enough, although somewhat stubborn and self-willed.

With age, others have respect for him. Gleb is a good-natured person. If in the team he occupies a leading place, then the subordinates are lucky, since, although he is strict, he is objective and benevolent. His authority is not in doubt, all that he achieves in life is the result of his personal labors.

Having become an adult, it is unlikely that Gleb's main goal will be a career, for him the main thing is to provide for his family, raise and put children on their feet, equip a house and a household. But despite this designation, another option is not excluded, where Gleb wants to achieve a higher position in life. Gleb has a strong enough character, so he can easily achieve his goals. Gleb has a good sense of humor.

Great people with this name

Famous people with the name Gleb meet quite often. One of famous people is the owner of this name Gleb Panfilov, film director and People's Artist of Russia. We can safely say that this person achieved everything in his life thanks to his work and talent. Working and learning his favorite craft in absentia, Panfilov, without stopping, and never doubting, moves towards the cherished goal. Finally, at the age of forty-three, he gets a directorial position.

In the future, his films win all sorts of prizes, and the most important thing is the location of the viewer. Gleb Panfilov achieved his goals in his life, no matter how difficult it was and all this thanks to his name and hard work!

Characteristics of the name Gleb. He respects in a man the ability to behave with dignity and masculinity, even when there is a rival in front of him. For women, in his understanding, softness and femininity are necessary, but not excessive hardness. Gleb is not disposed to throw words to the wind, and in turn does not like empty promises. In general, it should be noted that Gleb believes more in actions than words.

Astrology name

Let's take a look at what a name means in Astrology:
  • Zodiac sign corresponding to the name: Sagittarius;
  • Patron planet: Jupiter;
  • Character traits: Confident, firm, economic;
  • The colors of the name: White, green and blue are all shades;
  • Lucky Color: Shades of dark blue;
  • Patron saints named: Vladimirsky Gleb (July 3), Passion-bearer Gleb (August 6);
  • Talisman Stone: Sapphire and Star Stones.

The name Gleb is a derivative of the Germanic Gottlieb, which means “favorite of the gods”. The meaning of the name greatly influences the fate of Gleb - he is really lucky.

    Stone: Jasper

    Element: Water

    Planet: Jupiter


The secret of the name Gleb lies in the fact that Gleb is a kind, direct person, kind, sincere and simple. Honest and not capable of rude, offending others, actions. Outwardly, this may not seem so, and often others are mistaken, thinking that he is proud and arrogant. In fact, this is a mask under which a sensitive vulnerable soul is hiding - the main secret of the name of Gleb. Selective in the matter of choosing friends, therefore, most often the circle of people close to him is limited and not extensive. To the people whom he brought closer to him, Gleb becomes a real friend, devoted, capable of selfless deeds. V love relationship Gleb is distinguished by his excessive amorousness. In search of true love, he suffers greatly from breakups, but soon finds new love thinking that she is - real. Gleb is very attractive to women. In relation to the partner, he is gentle and caring. Having chosen a spouse for himself, he becomes her friend, entrusting her with his experiences. Does not forgive betrayal. The main thing that the name Gleb means is loyalty, reliability, kindness and ease of communication.

The meaning of the name Gleb changes, depending on the time of year in which he was born. Gleb, born in winter, is a merry fellow and the soul of any company. Possesses non-standard imagination and an excellent sense of humor. Gleb, born in spring, more than others, is drawn to art, is fond of painting and music. Gleb, who celebrates his birthday in the summer, is a little insecure, a modest person. Gleb, who was born in the fall, is shy and indecisive in relation to the representatives of the opposite sex, overly vulnerable and romantic.


Most often, Gleb's health is weak since childhood. Subject to frequent colds, has a poor appetite. Gleb's weak point is his back, he often suffers from lower back pain associated with heavy lifting. In adulthood, there is a danger of developing sciatica.

Very often he falls ill due to the nervous experiences to which he is subject. Against this background, the temperature may rise and a fever may begin. Not susceptible to alcoholism, but often has a persistent dependence on nicotine.

Study, career, hobbies

Gleb studies at school, as a rule, well. Studying is easy and fun for him. He is fond of music, history and various arts. Likes to attend various circles. His career is successful when his work is enjoyable. Most often he loves mental activities or activities related to art. Has a tendency to be easy to learn foreign languages, which can also be an activity that will bring him success. Thanks to his character traits, Gleb can achieve a lot in the field of medicine, journalism, art, history.

From early childhood, Gleb is distinguished by a tendency to commit serious, deliberate acts. He thinks a lot and learns from other people's mistakes. Very sensitive to family environment. It is important for him that the relationship between the parents is calm, he cannot stand scandals. It will be very difficult to bear the divorce of the parents.


Gleb, Prince of Murom - the son of Prince Vladimir; Gleb Kotelnikov - inventor; Gleb Krzhizhanovsky - academician, politician; film director - Gleb Panfilov; writer - Gleb Uspensky.

The name Gleb sounds very rough, cold and courageous. The bearer of this name is often an interesting and original person.

Translated from Old Slavic means "favorite of the gods."

The origin of the name Gleb:

The origin of this name is not yet clear. It is only known that it is very ancient and rare. Perhaps the name was borrowed from the Old Norse language and comes from the word "goodleithr", meaning "favorite of the gods."

But, along with this opinion, there is something else. It is assumed that the origin of the name Gleb is associated with the Old Slavonic word "gleb", which translates as "land", "arable land".

The nature and interpretation of the name Gleb:

Since childhood, Gleb has been distinguished by a serious and calm character, accordingly, he looks more adult than his age. He is unhurried and judicious in his actions and actions. Throughout his life, he can give the impression of a somewhat sullen person, however, the people around him have a rather reverent attitude and respect towards him, since he has a generous nature and good nature.

He himself does not like to give empty promises, to throw words to the wind. This is a man of his word, if he said, then, accordingly, he did. In a serious conversation, he behaves courageously and with dignity, even though his opponent is his blood enemy.

If Gleb holds a leading position, then his subordinates believe that they are very lucky with their boss, since he is a fair, strict, but moderately diplomatic, objective and benevolent person. Concrete and consistent in his actions. Gleb has "golden hands", in his house everything was done by him - shelves for books, or mezzanines, beautiful repairs and more.

Gleb is a passionate person with a strong sexual temperament. Very romantic, can be very passionate about his partner, to the point of madness. However, the partner learns about his affection last, since he will look at her for a long time and look for the right moment in order to pour out his ocean of love, because he is afraid of disappointments that he experiences very deeply. Sometimes, he can be quite straightforward and hasty, without a prelude to sexual intercourse. In most cases, this is characteristic of the "winter" Gleb - he has a more unstable psyche and straightforwardness that does not tolerate objections, compared to, for example, the "summer" type. "Winter" is more capable of spontaneous sexual relations, which, in his opinion, relieve sexual tension.

Often falling in love in his youth, or in his youth, he carries this love through the years, all his life, and this, sometimes, complicates relations with other women, so it is rather difficult for him to find real happiness. Entering into an intimate relationship, Gleb does not think about how long it will last, and accordingly does not think about getting married. Expects from a partner strong passions, exquisite caresses, great feelings, sexual relaxedness.

He is quite loving, and, on the second day of acquaintance, is able to lead his chosen one down the aisle. In marriage, he completely trusts his wife and gives her the reins of government, however, if he doubts her loyalty, then long questions and investigations cannot be avoided. And, conceived, having chosen one chosen one for her whole life, she does not notice any shortcomings in her.

Gleb loves to be independent and independent, but strives for the woman who will take care of him all his life, who will share his interests and hobbies, listening to his every word. The marriages of the "winter" Gleb, at times, are short-lived because of the despotic nature of this man in family life, intimacy with intimacy.

For children, Gleb is a wonderful nanny - he washes diapers, cooks porridge for babies, reads them bedtime stories. And also has no addiction to alcohol.

A few years ago, when it was fashionable to call children unusual Old Slavonic names, the name Gleb became very popular. Now interest in it is waning, it becomes rare again.