See in a dream turquoise color. Burgundy color. Dreamed blue eyes: the value of color symbolism in a dream

What dreams color

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Color in a dream is a reflection of your explicit or hidden emotions.

Various colors and color combinations are of their particular importance.

Red color is a sign of high activity.

See red items in a dream - foreshadow you emotional arousal in one or another sphere.

White color is a sign of mental openness and purity.

So, white lights on a dark background in a dream - foreshadow hope.

At the same time, if white color It looks too pale - such dreams suggest that you can be defenseless before some heavy test.

Black color - symbolizes concentration on their deep experiences.

See black items on a white background - this is a sign of mourning and severe sadness.

Gray color disappointment.

The gray object on a color background - suggests that you risks to deceive in some of your expectations.

If you dream of gray dreams - Introduce you stand on the threshold of depression, and you urgently need to make a fresh stream in your life.

Orange I. warm shades Yellow - foreshadow you joy and good mood.

Cold yellow, salad and pale green - talk about insecurity. Such colors - usually foreshadow and various kinds of problems.

Poisonous green color means nervous tension And breeding. Such dreams warn that your irritability can become a source of big trouble.

Calm and warm shades of green - carry satisfaction and calm joy. Similar dreams "You foreshadow pleasant days without unnecessary concerns.

Warm brown shades - symbolize business suit, collens and dedication. This is the color of reliable success and have a good current Your deeds.

Cold brown color - Anxiety sign about the state of affairs. This color foreshadows troubles and discontent.

Swamp color means deep discontent and unpleasant experiences. After such sleep, it is difficult for you to count on a successful outcome of your affairs and normal relationships with others.

Blue, pink and silver colors - reflect your dreaminess and tendency to various fantasies.

Blue colour - This is a removal and coldness. For example, if you meet in your dream of someone, dressed in a bright blue suit, then sleep suggests that we should not count on loved ones or trusting relationships with this person.

Purple - color deep and all-consuming passion. Alas, he suggests that some of your desires will give you a lot of concern.

Golden color - reflects your desire for harmony and happiness.

See in a dream Golden items - the sign of your extremely strong desires and inclinations to some idealism.

What dreams color

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

White color in a dream - means a risky business that can bring or big profit, or great losses.

Yellow or the color of ocher - in reality to cause someone envy with the prosperous move of his affairs, you will in every way to impede in their completion.

Golden color - means that you will leave the winner in a difficult struggle thanks to an inexhaustible optimism and faith in your own strength.

Green color - Hope acquisition sign, monetary success, preserved far Ride Or receiving business visitor from afar.

Brown and coffee colors - foreshadow big trouble in the family.

Red and close to him on the color spectrum - soon get an invitation to a celebration or correct health, well resting.

Blue or blue color - the foresight of the fun about the lucky performance of your designs.

Black color - to bad luck, perhaps loss of a friend.

What dreams color

Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov

The color is bright - well; Brightness of flowers in a dream - achievement, successes, regardless of the color or light, perhaps, besides blue.

What dreams color

Modern dream book

Symbols of colors: Red - vice, rage, passion; black - night, anxiety; White - cold, virginity, immaturity; Yellow - intuition; Green - awakening, hope; Blue - meekness, humility.

If in a dream you paint yourself - you will be slandered in a cruel, paint any vehicle (Machine, wagon, cart) - You are waiting for surprise, any item - you will find yourself not very honest in relation to a friend.

Collect your face - to be ridiculous in someone's eyes, paint face to someone - you can not laugh at others.

Buy paints in a dream - means that you will experience longing for change in life, cooking watercolor to drawing - getting into the unreliable case, oil paints - To the hardening of the situation.

What dreams color

Noble dream book N.Grishina

Paints, colorful colors, colorful colored dreams - indicate a figurative, artistic warehouse of human thinking, an allegorical vision of the world.

Black and yellow dreams are characteristic of rational personalities who have an intelligence not only inhibits, but also displaces emotions.

Soft Green and Blue Dream Tones - Sign soul equilibrium and well-being.

Red and black tones in dreams - alarm satellites.

Red dreams - a loss of sincere equilibrium.

Black dreams - sadness, mourning, misfortune.

Sharp green and yellow tones in a dream - harbingers of the disease.

All yellow and brown - should cause some suspicion.

Dark blue, purple and purple tones are unfavorable.

But purple and purple tones are favorable in a dream characterizing the life of perfume.

Changes to red or green - everything is good.

What dreams color

Dream Stranger

The color is unclean, with impurities, dimming - enhances the negative in this color.

Color saturation - a sign of well-being.

The color is unclean, with impurities, dimming - enhances the negative in this color.

Rainbow, (Multicolor) - reflects "rainbow", optimistic, but, more often, deceptive mood, illusion; Crash hopes.

What dreams color

Combined dream book

Any dreams in which objects or animals are white - good sign Symbolizing favorable events.

But, if you saw items, in white color, and in life for them this color is unnatural - this is a bad sign of foreshadowing trouble.

White clothes or flowers - sometimes warn about a mourning event.

What dreams color

Dream of black magic

The predominance of black, gray, brown, all other colors - dirty, muddy ...

What dreams color

Psychological dream book

Dreams are far from always color. You can offer the most common interpretation of some colors. Most often, green and red colors appear in dreams.

Green - means hope, healing, but also envy and jealousy.

Red - the color of danger, anxiety, by analogy with the traffic light - a signal to stop or slow down. In addition, this is a symbol of strength and excitement.

What dreams color

Large dream book

Color - Bright - Good; Brightness of flowers in a dream - achievement, success.

What dreams color

Dream Interpretation Kolden Medea

Colors - Illumination and color intensity complement the plot of sleep. Darkness emphasizes depression, negative feelings. Light promises to improve the situation. (For details about color, see Lesson 5.) White - clean, innocent relationship. Black - longing, death, separation. Red - someone threatens you. Yellow - you have the ability to guess the future. Green - has come to rest. Blue - Beware of unknown danger.

What dreams color

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Colors - should be taken into account both the total color range of fantasies, dreams and characteristics of the central image or spots, as well as color transformation. Dark colors (black, brown). Depression, perhaps thoughts about death. Symbols of aggression. Bright, colored dreams. State of euphoria; Increased energy, however, and compensation for fantasy dim life. Transition from black and white to color sleep. Improvement and development of individual consciousness, process spiritual growth. The black. The color of grief and death, darkness and depression, as well as aggression. Something hidden, dark, secret is especially the content of the unconscious, including the underworld. Dark, earthly, passive principle Yin. Female and, therefore, the figure of the mother, earthly. Blue. Heavenly and spiritual energy. Also intelligence, intellectual understanding. Blue color is also identified with loyalty. Blue tones are associated with the archetypes of the magic circle. Ultramarine is more associated with water and depths of the sea than with heaven. Intravert intuition. Instinct: Understanding inland Realities, such as archetypes and soul patterns, more than understanding other people. Sine-green. Liberation. Sea Freedom or Opposition Union: Affect and intuition. Brown. Excrement, land and, therefore, affect, archetypes of the family circle, close to black, but associated with gold or money. Gold. The sun, consequently, consciousness and mind, truth. Masculated principle. Recalling yellow, golden can mean intuition. Golden / silver. Male / female. Green. All Flora, Actually Life. Archetype family circle. In the shades of green there may be transitions to pastel colors, and in this case it refers to the symbol of the revival. Inexperience, the beginning of the process, jealousy. Lilac. Death, but also free love. . Orange. Color ruddhist priests. Mysterious power is close to gold. Pink. Emotions, illusions. Purpur (crapplaque). Power. Red. Blood, fire, wine and, thus, emotions, as well as sexual arousal; anger. Archetypes of a junior circle. Red tunnels, corridors, walls. Menstruation and victim. White (silver). Shine. Wisdom. Innocence, cleanliness. Feminity. Dirty white. Loss of virginity or sin. White black. Light, innocent side of nature / darkness, dark side. Shadow. Periods of life. White liquid, milk. Seed, maternal milk. Yellow. Extravert intuition, oriented on an external object or other person. Or cowardice. In combination with blue, the unity of extra-introvert intuition is, thereby being a mandala of the magic circle. Yellow liquid. Urine. Dark yellow. Death. Pastel tones, fog tone. Pastel tones are associated with air elements and thereby belong to the archetypes of the heroic circle. Archetypic tonality. Archetypical tonality is distinguishable in ornaments. As you move from one archetype to another intermediate tonality arise. For example, purple It may be considered as a result of the approximation of a magical archetype (blue) to youth (red). White and black in the center of the circle are associated with the integration of all aspects I and the shadow.

What dreams color

Dream of winged phrases

White Color - Association: Cleanliness, Snow, Industry, Bride, Wedding, Loyalty, Goodness, Milk, But - White Funeral Saban, Hospital (Hospital Chamber), White Bathrobes, Doctors, Illness.

Blue Color - Association: Heaven, Homosexuality, Coldness, Requests ("Blue Blood"), Romance ("Blue Dreams, Dali"), Tenderness, Cleanliness, Innocence.

Color Yellow - Association: sunlight, sun, gold, egg yolk, urine, wheat, wax, desert sand; "Yellowary" (undeveloped), "jaundice" (illness), "bull" (unhealthy, irritable). Yellow color is also traditionally considered to be the color of treason, betrayal, envy.

Color Green - Association: Youth, immaturity ("young-green"), nature, nature; "Greens" (dollars), growth, creation, flowering, green (inexperienced), "potion" (healing decoction), green snakes (alcoholism), prematurity. Extra. Idiomes: "Green longing", "green from anger".

Color Brown - Association: Earth, Dirt, Clay, unclean.

Color Red - Association: Blood, Excitation, Azart, Passion, Activity, Wine, Fire, Rassed Coals, Love, Red Banner, Revolution, Health (Rushenets, "Blood with Milk"), "Red Well done" (Beautiful, beautiful), "Blurry from shame."

Color pink - "see everything in pink" - unreasonable optimism, illusiveness, deceitability of perception or tenderness and purity of children's perception. "Pink Dreams" are immature, unrealistic, premature plans or pleasant illusions, as well as sublime love feelings.

Color gray - "Serious" - mediocrity, ignorant, darkness.

Color Blue - Association: Blue-Sea, Peace, Depth, Danger, Blue Lakes, Bruise.

Black color - gloomy mood; "To see everything in black or gray" (pessimism, depression). "Black clergy, monasticism" - renunciation from life joys; "Mobile" - the poor, the lower layers of society; mourning. "Black" is a dangerous, bad or demonic person.

What dreams color

Italian dream book Meneghetti.

The image is interconnected with variations of the shades of the ethereal field. Natural colors - white, yellow, turquoise, cornflower with deep transparency, light green - express positive speakers. The value of other colors is determined by the context of a dream and related images.

What dreams color

Dream Svuvalova

If the sleep is filled with clean, bright and transparent images of white, yellow, green, blue, purple colors is a positive sign, indicating a healthy strength and inner harmony. Brown - excess greed, inappropriate in this environment. Red, scarlet - depressed aggressiveness that you treat yourself.

What dreams color

Idiom dream book

White Color - Association: Cleanliness, Snow, Industry, Bride, Wedding, Loyalty, Goodness, Milk, But - White Funeral Saban, Hospital (Hospital Chamber), White Bathrobes, Doctors, Illness.

Blue Color - Association: Heaven, Homosexuality, Coldness, Requests ("Blue Blood"), Romance ("Blue Dreams, Dali"), Tenderness, Cleanliness, Innocence.

Color Yellow - Association: Sunlight, Sun, Gold, Egg Yolk, Watering, Wheat, Wax, Desert Sand; "Yellowary" (undeveloped), "jaundice" (illness), "bull" (unhealthy, irritable). Yellow color is also traditionally considered to be the color of treason, betrayal, envy.

Color Brown - Association: Earth, Dirt, Clay, unclean.

Color Green - Association: Youth, immaturity ("young-green"), nature, nature; "Greens" (dollars), growth, creation, flowering, green (inexperienced), "potion" (healing decoction), green snakes (alcoholism), prematurity. Extra. Idiomes: "Green longing", "green from anger."

Color Red - Association: Blood, Excitation, Azart, Passion, Activity, Wine, Fire, Rassed Coals, Love, Red Banner, Revolution, Health (Rushenets, "Blood with Milk"), "Red Well done" (Beautiful, beautiful), "Blurry from shame."

"Serious" - mediocrity, ignorance, darkness.

"To see everything in pink" - unreasonable optimism, illusiveness, deceitability of perception or tenderness and purity of children's perception. "Pink Dreams" are immature, unrealistic, premature plans or pleasant illusions, as well as sublime love feelings.

Color Blue - Association: Blue-Sea, Peace, Depth, Danger, Blue Lakes, Bruise.

Black color - gloomy mood; "To see everything in black or gray" (pessimism, depression). "Black clergy, monasticism" - renunciation from life joys; "Mobile" - the poor, the lower layers of society; mourning. "Black" is a dangerous, bad or demonic person.

What dreams color

Italian psychoanalytic dream book A.Bereti

The color image is in close connection with the variations of the shades of the ethereal field.

Naturally white, yellow, turquoise, purple with a high degree of transparency, light green - these colors are always expressing positive driving forces.

The value of other colors is determined by the concomitant image of the moment.

What dreams color

Dream Morozova

Any bright color in a dream - everything is good (except blue - trouble, danger and black - sadness, fear, mourning).

The brightness of colors - achievements, successes, a quick implementation of conceived than more intense, brighter seems to be some color or light, the better. It can be painting items, a landscape color, colored rays of light.

What dreams color

Vintage English Dream Interpretation

If you dream of something bright, for example, the multicolored flags curly in the wind means that soon your life will change for the better. You will achieve the position that you have long been dreaming, and you will be surrounded by honor and respect.

What dreams color

Dream icons

Color in a dream - reflects the mood of the dream, and consequently the nature of the course of a certain separate period of his life or event.

Gloomy, gray, monophonic colors - correlate with despondency, bad luck, hopelessness.

In turn, a bright colorful palette (out of bad sensations) - reports about the "bright", successful and interesting life In the future Javi!

What dreams color

Medieval dream book Daniel

See specifically Colors: White, Redhead, Yellow, etc.

What dreams color

Psychoanalytic dream book V.Sammukhalova

It should be taken into account both the total color range of fantasies, dreams and the characteristics of the central image or stain, as well as color transformation.

Dark colors (black, brown). Depression, perhaps thoughts about death. Symbols of aggression.

Bright, colored dreams. State of euphoria; Increased energy, however, and compensation for fantasy dim life.

Transition from black and white to color sleep. Improvement and development of the consciousness of the individual, the process of spiritual growth.

The black. The color of grief and death, darkness and depression, as well as aggression. Something hidden, dark, secret is especially the content of the unconscious, including the underworld. Dark, earthly, passive principle Yin. Female and, therefore, the figure of the mother, earthly.

Blue. Heavenly and spiritual energy. Also intelligence, intellectual understanding. Blue color is also identified with loyalty. Blue tones are associated with the archetypes of the magic circle.

Ultramarine is more associated with water and depths of the sea than with heaven. Intravert intuition. Instinct: Understanding inland Realities, such as archetypes and soul patterns, more than understanding other people.

Sine-green. Liberation. Sea Freedom or Opposition Union: Affect and intuition.

Brown. Excrement, land and, therefore, affect, archetypes of the family circle, close to black, but associated with gold or money.

Gold. The sun, consequently, consciousness and mind, truth. Masculated principle. Recalling yellow, golden can mean intuition.

Golden / silver. Male / female.

Green. All Flora, Actually Life. Archetype family circle. In the shades of green there may be transitions to pastel colors, and in this case it refers to the symbol of the revival. Inexperience, the beginning of the process, jealousy.

Lilac. Death, but also free love ..

Orange. Color ruddhist priests. Mysterious power is close to gold.

Pink. Emotions, illusions.

Purpur (crapplaque). Power.

Red. Blood, fire, wine and, thus, emotions, as well as sexual arousal; anger. Archetypes of a junior circle.

Red tunnels, corridors, walls. Menstruation and victim.

White (silver). Shine. Wisdom. Innocence, cleanliness. Feminity.

Dirty white. Loss of virginity or sin.

White black. Light, innocent side of nature / darkness, dark side. Shadow. Periods of life.

White liquid, milk. Seed, maternal milk.

Yellow. Extravert intuition, oriented on an external object or other person. Or cowardice. In combination with blue, it is the unity of extra-charge intuition, thereby being a mandala of the magic circle.

Yellow liquid. Urine.

Dark yellow. Death.

Pastel tones, fog tone. Pastel tones are associated with air elements and thereby belong to the archetypes of the heroic circle.

Archetypic tonality. Archetypical tonality is distinguishable in ornaments. As you move from one archetype to another intermediate tonality arise. For example, purple color may be considered as a result of the approximation of a magical archetype (blue) to youth (red). White and black in the center of the circle are associated with the integration of all aspects I and the shadow.

What dreams color

Dream Sheremeinskaya

White color - symbolizes sorrow and impaired, clean, clarity, connection with the highest forces. Virtue and divinity are often associated with this color.

Red - symbol of power, power, power. In a dream, red may be familiar not only by passionate love and health, but also danger, prohibition.

Yellow and orange - these colors are the color of the setting sun. The historically established symbol is the color of gold and wealth, a symbol of eternity and greatness. Buddhists symbolize divine qualities - holiness and enlightenment. But overly bright yellow color is envy; Delay; betrayal.

Green color - color of optimism and hope. It has all the positive color associations - health, life and well-being. Green also contributes to the appearance of good luck in life. This is the material wealth, and the happiness of our children, the whole family, financial welfare And deep meditation.

Blue is the color of magic. Some interpretatives believe that dreams, painted in blue colors, are alternating only big trouble. However, blue color symbolizes women start, loyalty, equilibrium, meekness, eternity, harmony and peace. It is also constancy, perseverance, perseverance, dedication, dedication, seriousness and rigor.

In the Christian symbolism saturated violet - the color of spiritual suffering, deregistration from the worldly. Since ancient times, it is considered a symbol of eternity connecting the present with the past and the future.

Black color is most often sadness and grief; bad luck. Black color is also associated with a secret and unnecessary sexuality.

World of Images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which different shades have dreamed

What is the dream color - the color image is in close connection with the variations of the shades of the ethereal field. Naturally white, yellow, turquoise, purple with a high degree of transparency, light green dreamed - these colors always express positive driving forces. The value of other colors is determined by the concomitant image of the moment.

Meaning of sleep about black or gray (black magic dream book)

What dreams color is the predominance of black, gray, brown, all other colors - dirty, muddy ...

Sleep value about one-photon (symbolic dream book)

Color - color in a dream reflects the mood of the dream, and consequently the nature of the flow of a certain separate period of his life or event. Gloomy, gray, monophonic colors - correlate with despondency, bad luck, hopelessness. In turn, a bright colorful palette (out of bad sensations) reports the same "bright", successful and interesting life in the future Javi!

Dream of flowers

What does color mean in a dream

Color - Bright - Good; Brightness of flowers in a dream - achievement, successes, regardless of the color or light, perhaps, besides blue.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

What dreams of color

Color - Secret Love; Sometimes to illness.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Color in sleep

Color - Yellow - Danger of envious; Green - safety, hope, money, meditation; Red - Health.

Dream Wander (Terentia Smirnova)

Interpretation of colors from your sleep

The color dreamed - unclean, with impurities, dimming - enhances the negative in this color.

New and most full dream 1918

What dreams in a dream

Color - Bright - Good; Brightness of flowers in a dream - achievement, success.

ABC Interpretation of dreams

See the dream about the color, what does this mean?

Colors - Illumination and color intensity complement the plot of sleep. Darkness emphasizes depression, negative feelings. Light promises to improve the situation. (For details about color, see Lesson 5.) White - clean, innocent relationship. Black - longing, death, separation. Red - someone threatens you. Yellow - you have the ability to guess the future. Green - has come to rest. Blue - Beware of unknown danger.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you dreamed a dream about color

Colors - you paint yourself - you will be slandered in front of your loved one, and he will believe the naval. If you paint what? Either a vehicle - you are waiting for an unexpected news about your partner. Collect your face - to be funny in his jealousy, paint face to whom? Then the other is to make jealous without reason. Buy paints in a dream means you feel the need for a change in life satellite. Cooking for drawing watercolor is to make a vicious love relationship, and oil paints - to marriage, stable relationships. Symbols of colors is as follows: Red - vice, rage, passion; Black - Night, Anxiety, Death; White - cold, virginity, immaturity; Yellow - egoism, sexy hunger; Green - awakening, hope; Blue - meekness, humility, innocence.

Meaning of sleep on tones (psychological dream book)

Colors - dreams are far from always color. You can offer the most common interpretation of some colors. Most often, green and red colors appear in dreams. Green in dreaming dreams means hope, healing, but also envy and jealousy. Red - the color of danger, anxiety, by analogy with the traffic light - a signal to stop or slow down. In addition, this is a symbol of strength and excitement.

Psychoanalytic dream book Samokhvalov

What symbolizes the background in the dyed dream

Colors - should be taken into account both the total color range of fantasies, sleep and characteristics of the central image or stain, as well as color transformation. Dark colors (black, brown). Depression, thoughts about death. Symbols of aggression. Bright, colored sleep. State of euphoria; Increased energy, however, and compensation for fantasy dim life. Transition from black and white to color sleep. Improvement and development of the consciousness of the individual, the process of spiritual growth. The black. The color of grief and death, darkness and depression, as well as aggression. Something hidden, dark, secret is especially the content of the unconscious, including the underworld.

Dark, earthly, passive principle Yin. Female and mother's figure, earthly. Blue. Heavenly and spiritual energy. Also intelligence, intellectual understanding. Blue color is also identified with loyalty. Blue tones are associated with the archetypes of the magic circle. Ultramarine is more associated with water and depths of the sea than with heaven. Intravert intuition. Instinct: Understanding inland Realities, such as archetypes and soul patterns, more than understanding other people.

Sine-green. Liberation. Sea Freedom or Opposition Union: Affect and intuition. Brown. Excrement, land and affect, archetypes of the family circle, close to black, but associated with gold or money.

Gold. Sun consciousness and mind, truth. Masculated principle. Recalling yellow, golden means intuition. Golden / silver. Male / female. Green. All Flora, Actually Life. Archetype family circle. In the shades of green there may be transitions to pastel colors, and in this case it refers to the symbol of the revival. Inexperience, the beginning of the process, jealousy.

Lilac. Death, but also free love. . Orange. Color ruddhist priests. Mysterious power is close to gold.

Pink. Emotions, illusions. Purpur (crapplaque). Power. Red. Blood, fire, wine and, thus, emotions, as well as sexual arousal; anger. Archetypes of a junior circle. Red tunnels, corridors, walls. Menstruation and victim. White (silver). Shine. Wisdom. Innocence, cleanliness. Feminity. Dirty white. Loss of virginity or sin.

White black. Light, innocent side of nature / darkness, dark side. Shadow. Periods of life. White liquid, milk. Seed, maternal milk.

Yellow. Extravert intuition, oriented on an external object or other person. Or cowardice. In combination with blue, the unity of extra-introvert intuition is, thereby being a mandala of the magic circle. Yellow liquid. Urine. Dark yellow. Death. Pastel tones, fog tone.

Pastel tones are associated with air elements and thereby belong to the archetypes of the heroic circle. Archetypic tonality. Archetypical tonality is distinguishable in ornaments. As you move from one archetype to another intermediate tonality arise. For example, purple color may be considered as a result of the approximation of a magical archetype (blue) to youth (red). White and black in the center of the circle are associated with the integration of all aspects I and the shadow.

Divida Loffa Dream Directory

Psychological analysis of sleep, where the beautiful color was dreaming

Colors - as a rule, we see colored dreams, because we live in the color world. But if some color becomes the dominant or in an unusual way manifests itself, it deserves a more careful consideration, especially if all the sleep effect occurs in the setting of various shades of one color or if any item is allocated to its non-standard color. Since many colors traditionally associate certain feelings and emotions, the nature of many of them is archetypical and is associated with Young's theory. But you should not be limited to a unambiguous interpretation: the color symbolism goes far beyond its limits and depends on your personal perception of color and associated situations.

If the characteristic of Jung does not fit you, try the method of free association, comparing images real life With that color, what item had in a dream. Color: Positive aspect - negative aspect. Blue, Blue: nobility, calm - depression. Black: power - death or mourning. Brown: Earth, Nature - Skatological. Gray: Neutral - no passion, death. Green: fertility, renewal, wealth - greed, envy. Red: self-sacrifice, sexuality - lust, forbidden sex, humiliation, physical injury. Orange: adventure spirit, change - forced changes, destructiveness. Lilac: greatness, positive personal growth - injury. Yellow: enlightenment - cowardice, illness. White: cleanliness, health, sacred ritual - emptiness.

in the dream of flowers

bright - good; The brightness of flowers in a dream is the achievement, successes, regardless of the color or light, perhaps, besides blue; Improving.

Dreamed Cherry

by dream of Miller

To see the cherry in a dream means that you will achieve popularity thanks to your friendliness and selflessness. There are cherries - foreshadows the possession of a certain very welcome subject. To see green cherries - the foresight of the approaching good luck.

Meaning of sleep about cherry

by Dream Freud.

See in a dream blooming cherry - sleep means that a wonderful sense of love will soon come down on you. A fruitful cherry with ripe berries promises a person's pleasure from intimate relationships with a new partner. Charm is the novelty of relations. But the dried cherry, alas and ah, says that your feelings faded and there is no hope of being returned.

Dreamed Cherry

by dream of plants

As a tree, bringing flowers earlier than the leaves, the cherry symbolizes what a person is born in this world a naked and the land takes him. The Chinese have a cherry symbolizes spring bloom, hope, youth, courage, as well as female beauty and feminine in nature. Cherry flower is the emblem of Japan. Symbolizes purity of thoughts.

See in a dream

by Dream Loffa

As a rule, we see colored dreams, because we live in the color world. But if some color becomes a dominant or unusually manifested in a dream, then it deserves a more thorough review, especially if all the dream effect occurs in the setting of various shades of one color or if any item is standing out by its non-standard color. Since many colors traditionally associate certain feelings and emotions, the nature of many of them is archetypical and is associated with Young's theory. But you should not be limited to a unambiguous interpretation: the color symbolism goes far beyond its limits and depends on your personal perception of color and associated situations. If the Jung's characteristic is not suitable for you, try the free association method, comparing the images of real life with that color, which item had in a dream. Color: Positive aspect - negative aspect. Blue, Blue: nobility, calm - depression. Black: power - death or mourning. Brown: Earth, Nature - Skatological. Gray: Neutral - no passion, death. Green: fertility, renewal, wealth - greed, envy. Red: self-sacrifice, sexuality - lust, forbidden sex, humiliation, physical injury. Orange: adventure spirit, change - forced changes, destructiveness. Lilac: greatness, positive personal growth - injury. Yellow: enlightenment - cowardice, illness. White: cleanliness, health, sacred ritual - emptiness.

What dreams of raspberry

in the dream of flowers

there is a disease; See - dangerous relationships.

Dreamed Malina

by dream of Miller

To see in a dream of raspberries - means that you are in danger because of the businessual task and running, however, in the process of unraveling your affairs you will be interested. A dream in which a woman eats Malina, warns her that she will have to suffer because of the indirect evidence of her involvement in one incident that caused gossip.

What dreams purple color

in the dream of flowers

protection; Protection over.

What is the dream color in the dreams -
"Large universal dream book for the whole family O.Smurov"

It was believed that the color carries a semantic load. This was reflected in customs, art, clothing and lifestyle different countries. Bright, juicy tones - foreshadowed, faded and the faded were a symbol of destruction, old age, failures; dark tones Always considered precursors of bad.

White color always meant the purity, the innocence of thoughts and desires, the joy of life, not overshadowed by suffering, the sincerity of words, recognition in love, the impassion of the soul. Brides were dressed in white, angels and saints were always white,

It is customary to give white flowers to the wedding. Catholics are taken to give white flowers to the funeral. And then the white color becomes a symbol of cleansing from sins, calling for angels to guard the soul of the deceased in the other world. Brilliant - glitter has never been considered astrolorals with color that brings good luck. The brilliant attracts an eye of an envious person, sparkle in the darkness of the eyes of a mad, glitter tears in their eyes, sinister shines the dagger before applied, hit. In a dream, this color means envy, danger, disease, mourning, goats of enemies, hypocrisy of friends, betrayal of a beloved or a loved one.

Blue color in a dream has always been considered a symbol of honors rewarded to people for their wisdom, the justice of wisdom. Blue color often became the color of kings or knights. In combination with gold, he personified the inviolability and justice of power that required submission and worship. So so often these combinations were used in the clothes of noble people and crowned persons, in the interior of magnificent palaces, in the ornaments of the porcelain and jewelry decorations. In combination with the red, he became even more powerful, and the surrounding or courtesies inclined their heads made an envy of the colors of the kings.

Yellow - the color of the sun, flooding the sky and the earth with its light with which no one and nothing can be equal, the color of glory, luxury. If it came about the colors, then yellow became a symbol of impermanence. And the elders taught young, which can not be made to the house yellow flowersso that there is no disaster in it. Yellow linens (according to legend) predicts the disorder between spouses. Yellow - and the color of betrayal, and the color of gold, attracting the views of the greedy people and fraudsters.

Green - security sign and reliability. Doctors believe that he calms his eyes, carries peace. So, the greens of trees and grass pleases the soul and instills confidence that everything will be fine. The beginning of spring, the new life symbolizes the awakening of the whole living, the beginning of the new year. Not in vain in the east new Year Meet at the end of February, on the holiday of lovers, and Valentine's Day falls on February 14th. Plants give fresh young green shoots, predicted to the growth of everything living, our being, our forces. Greens personifies both children's growth, their birth.

Golden color, like a brilliant, attracts the views of the envious, foreshadowing the danger due to intrigues exposed by enemies. People go to everything to take possession of gold. There is a slander, conspira, power, weapons, trick. Gold is the personification of wealth. But in a dream, everyone is rich in its own way. If sleeping is sick, his illness is his wealth. And after such a dream, he has nothing to hope for amendment.

The poor man is rich only with his debts and moans. The glitter of gold does not promise his wealth, but only recalls that he suffers because of his absence.

For a rich, such a dream is only a reminder that he must take care of not to lose it and take care of the goats of enemies, betrayal and hypocrisy.

The red color was always a sign of love, honor, worship, passion, shame and blood. Red roses have always been considered a symbol of love and recognition in their feelings. A red dress of Roman patrician, trimmed with gold, called the lower bowed to the head in front of them. Red velvet, embroidered with gold, was often a symbol of the royal power and glory of knights mined in a honest battle. Paint, speaking on the cheeks of the in love, testifies to the fervor of his feelings.

Red angle (the main, richly decorated, with icons in shimmering bronze and gold coot) was in every peasant hut. He was located in the house at the most prominent place, and the incoming baptized on him.

Brown in a dream means big experiences, grief, insufficient existence, need, lack of funds. None in the coat of arms, nor on one flag, in the interiors of palaces or clothes, the kings will not dominate brown color. He does not please the eye, gives the earthly shade of the face. There are no joy or freshness. He is not impressed. Color of dirt, autumn with blurred road, insufficient existence.

Purple color - Symbol of honors, wealth, mutual love. Mixing pink and blue means tenderness and purity of feelings. In the dream, he predicts the loyalty of the beloved, the joy of dating him, the enthusiasm of love, gifts with meaning.

Orange color Appears from the mixing of yellow and red. This is a mixture of ambitious, the desire of glory, contempt for other people, selfishness, indifference to foreign misfortunes.

The rainbow overflowing by all colors is the foresight of an unusual event that will surprise and pays you, as a suddenly revealed peacock tail, like a sparkling disco lights, as masquerade costumes overflowing all the colors.

Purple means power, power, health, enviable position in society, respect, elevated thoughts and plans. This is a rich red color, the color of the royal mantle, military banners, the tap of red wine, which has absorbed heat sun ray, shine rubies.

Pink color symbolizes tenderness, innocence, naivety, joy.

Gray means immersionless life, sadness, longing, boredom.

Blue color - sadness sign, bad omen, disease, dark night color, witch color and sorcerers.

Purple - a sign of wealth, prosperity, honors, power, wisdom.

Black color - sorrow sign, mourning, death, funeral, enmity, disasters. Black clouds bring a shower, the tornado has the appearance of a black pillar, all that demolished in its path.

All criminals, sorcerers, thieves, fraudsters, killers dressed in black clothes, dark nights are creating their dirty business in dark butt, basements, attic. Cm.

All related to this color means neutrality and extension. No communication.


People believe that they can rely on you. You have an abundance of energy and vitality.


Usually indicates new features and successful completion of projects. Seeing turquoise color in a dream - good luck sign.

Yellow, Golden

Yellow presents creative forces and true love. His appearance in a dream foreshadows a period of success and self-confidence.


Growth color and serenity. There are projects from which you are delighted. Many joys and pleasures from simple things.


This is a favorable color in dreams, it symbolizes material success, money, happy and long-lasting marriage.


This color speaks of great passion and sensuality in emotional relations.


Orange color in dreams means passion in every aspect of your life. Associated with creativity and healing.


Pink color is associated with tenderness and love. You can expect interesting and pleasant events in a relationship with the opposite sex.


Associated with the transition period. If light gray, then means peace and calm, dark gray symbolizes fear.

Blue, blue

This color in a dream is a dream presents calm and equilibrium in inner world. Symbol of peace and rest. The predominance of reason over emotions.


The color of big ambitions. It means an understanding of visible and invisible worlds. Associated with intuition and spirituality. Take advantage of your creative gift.

The black

Black color foreshadows insulation and transitional period. It shows conflicts, friction with relatives and friends.