School maladjustment: signs, causes, consequences. The concept of school maladjustment (forms, causes, methods of correction)

Criteria. Tasks.

Working methods.

Mathematic teacher

MBOU "Krasnoarmeyskaya secondary

Comprehensive school"

Deviant behavior and personality.

There is nothing more terrible for a person,

Than another person who doesn't care about him.

Osip Mandelstam. About the interlocutor.

No matter how different the forms of deviant behavior are, they are interconnected. Drunkenness, drug use, aggressiveness and illegal behavior form a single unit, so that a young man's involvement in one type of deviant activity increases the likelihood of his involvement in another. Unlawful behavior, in turn, although less severe, is associated with violations of mental health standards. Social factors that contribute to deviant behavior also coincide (school difficulties, traumatic life events, the influence of a deviant subculture or group). The most important individual personality factors are locus of control and level of self-esteem.

American psychologist Howard Caplan created a theory of deviant behavior, tested in the study of drug use, delinquent behavior and a number of mental disorders. Kaplan began by studying the relationship between deviant behavior and low self-esteem. Since every person strives for a positive self-image, low self-esteem is experienced as an unpleasant state, and self-acceptance is associated with liberation from traumatic experiences. Low self-esteem in young men is associated with all types of deviant behavior - dishonesty, belonging to criminal groups, committing crimes, drug use, drunkenness, aggressive behavior, and various mental disorders.

In the scientific literature there are four main hypotheses on this matter:

1. Deviant behavior contributes to a decrease in self-esteem, because the individual involved in it involuntarily internalizes and shares the negative attitude of society towards his actions, and thereby towards himself.

2. Low self-esteem contributes to the growth of anti-normative behavior: by participating in antisocial groups and their actions, the teenager thereby tries to increase his psychological status among his peers, to find ways of self-affirmation that he did not have in the family and at school.

3. Under some conditions, especially with low initial self-esteem, deviant behavior helps to increase self-esteem.

4. In addition to delinquency, other forms of behavior have an important influence on self-esteem, the significance of which changes with age. Deviant behavior (by committing anti-normative acts, a teenager attracts the attention and interest of a deviant group) as a means of increasing self-esteem and psychological self-defense is quite effective. As a result, deviant actions turn from unmotivated to motivated.

Causes of school maladjustment.

The term (SD) school maladjustment is a broad concept that includes: a violation of the adaptation of the student’s personality to the complex, changing conditions of learning at school, i.e. violation of adaptation to learning; behavior disorder in which children with normal intelligence and not suffering from mental disorders refuse to study or attend school.

Or in another way, SD is the inability for a child to find his place in the space of school education, where he can be accepted as he is, maintaining and developing his identity, potential, opportunities for self-realization and self-actualization.

The fact of early SD especially in junior schoolchildren is currently one of the main prerequisites for the emergence of early childhood neuroses, various forms deviant behavior and development of psychopathological nature.

SD has grown into a problem that teachers, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, pediatricians, defectologists, and sociologists are called upon to solve. The severity and relevance of the problem lies in what SD carries within itself, what its consequences are for the individual as a whole. Those who suffer from this condition are, first of all, the maladaptive children themselves and, of course, those around them.

Criteria and signs of school maladjustment

1. Failure to study according to the programs, chronic underachievement, repeating a year, lack of systemic knowledge and skills.

2. Constant violations emotional and personal relationships to individual subjects or to learning in general, as well as to the personality of the teacher. They manifest themselves in an indifferent-indifferent, passive-negative, disdainful attitude towards learning. Those. complete protest.

3. Systematically recurring behavioral disorders in school education and the school environment in the form of refusal to study. Persistent anti-disciplinary, oppositional behavior. Contrasting oneself with the students, the teacher, with disregard for the rules school life.

Currently, attention is paid to the problem of SD in younger schoolchildren from the 1st grade, because the beginning of training is already stressful situation, the child’s lifestyle changes radically. Free play activity turns into arbitrary, educational activity (not by their will), as if imposed from outside, socially assigned, regardless of the child’s needs. Children strongly resist this fact.

As a result, already from the 1st grade from October-November the month from 30-70

% suffer from ShchD and it manifests itself:

  1. In reactions of passive protest reaching a pathocharacterological level. Children refuse to complete tasks, are emotionally tense at school, fears, palpitations, sweating, frequent urge to urinate, a feeling of imaginary insufficiency appears, and monosymptomatic neuroses (depressive, asthenic conditions) arise.

This mainly affects children who were perceived by their parents as unlucky, incapable, and disorganized even before school. These children are alarmingly suspicious and hypochondriac.

  1. In reactions of active protest, gross disobedience, abrupt refusal to study. This is in cases of directive-authoritarian education in education.

These signs, starting from the 1st grade, appear in subsequent grades: they influence changes in character, pathopsychological traits appear: aggressiveness, isolation, tearfulness, demonstrativeness, hyperactivity, etc., being a direct prerequisite for borderline, neuropsychiatric illnesses and delinquent behavior.

In finding ways to overcome SD, it is important to first highlightcauses of maladjustment states:

1. Insufficient psycho-emotional development of the child in the preschool period.

There is no emotional-volitional readiness: the ability to take responsibility, find a way out of a difficult situation, the ability to turn to adults for help to solve their problems. Insufficiently high self-esteem, self-confidence, self-awareness of one’s place in the situation. Communication is difficult, communication skills are insufficient. IN cognitive activity motivation and attitudes towards independent acquisition of knowledge are not sufficiently formed, because lack of arbitrariness in memorization, concentration of attention, etc.

2.Organic and psychosomatic diseases.

Brain diseases, nervous system etc. significantly interfere with and limit the possibilities of school adaptation. There is vicious circle: experiences cause a psychosomatic illness, which in turn is SD, and SD exacerbates psychosomatics (neuroses, bronchitis, etc.). This must be taken into account, help such children, know the peculiarities of their health.

  1. Social environment.

This includes family, relatives, peers in the yard and at school, etc. This is the reality that forms or causes a maladaptive state or behavior, especially in children with unstable character. Some children experience the influence of the environment on them, others succumb to its influence and become a product of the environment.

4. Teacher's personality.

The position of a teacher is acceptable in a democratic style, personality-oriented on character, abilities, and personality traits.

5.Emotionally – stressful experiences.

Includes internal and external interpersonal conflict. Children have a hard time experiencing negative assessments of them by adults and peers. They cannot respond promptly and adequately to a traumatic situation, which causes early childhood neuroses and maladaptive behavior.

6. Mental retardation.

Does not allow you to mobilize emotionally - volitional sphere for success in studies and behavior. The task of specialists to eliminate the delay is to determine the cause, the degree of delay and ways to overcome it.

7. Characteristic features of the student’s personality.

Character is hereditarily predetermined, given, so you have to take this into account. Character types such as unstable, psychosthenic, epileptoid, schizoid, excitable predetermine various forms of maladaptive state or behavior.

For example: the epileptoid type of character carries with it severe sadistic actions, difficulties in adaptation, and aggressiveness. Many behavioral disorders in some individuals: hyperactivity, hypoactivity: slowness, anxiety, disorganization, conflict, aggression, irritability, etc. are predetermined by their character type.

The nature of psychocorrection is not subject to psychocorrection, but behavior can be changed. These two categories are closely interrelated and this must be taken into account.

8. Defects in home education.

A special place in the formation of maladaptation is occupied by conflicts in the family, divorce, drunkenness, humiliation, authoritarianism and directiveness of parents, unfair punishment, and excessive control. In such cases, the main work is done with parents.

Methods of work used in working with maladaptive schoolchildren.

Knowing the listed causes of SD, you can prevent, avoid, not miss these conditions, and eliminate them with the help of specialists.

Working methods:

  • Early psychodiagnostics such as accentuation of character, attitude to study, school, teacher; interpersonal relationships, self-esteem, aspirations, conflict experiences, psychological trauma, etc.
  • Determining the causes of SD through psychodiagnostics, conversations, interviews, drawing tests, questionnaires, etc.
  • Determining the circle of people involved in psychological assistance to the child. These are: parents, teachers, school psychologist, social teacher, psychotherapist, peer, friends, relatives.
  • Determination of forms of work: group (conversations, psychotrainings, lectures, meetings at classroom hours, on parent meetings), individual. Discussed, analyzed difficult situations, the reasons for the appearance of SD.
  • Definition of types of psychological activities: counseling, psychocorrection, conversations, psychological exercises, trainings.

Problems solved in psychocorrection for maladjustment.

To give the student the opportunity to experience that he is accepted for who he is.

Provide positive models of behavior with peers.

Provide an opportunity to realize positive experiences with peers.

Savyonysheva Irina Vladimirovna,
teacher primary classes
GBOU secondary school No. 254 of St. Petersburg

Entering school brings big changes to a child's life. During this period, his psyche experiences a certain load, as the child’s usual way of life changes sharply and the demands made by parents and teachers intensify. In this regard, adaptation difficulties may arise. The adaptation period at school usually ranges from 2 to 3 months. For some, full adaptation to school does not occur in the first year of study. Failures in educational activities, poor relationships with peers, negative assessments from significant adults lead to a tense state of the nervous system, the child’s self-confidence decreases, anxiety increases, which leads to school maladjustment. IN last years Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of maladaptation that occurs in children in connection with the start of school. This problem attracts the attention of both doctors and psychologists and teachers.

In this article we will look at the actual concept of maladjustment, its causes, types and main manifestations; We will reveal in detail the clinical and psychological study of school maladjustment, and propose a method for determining the level of maladaptation of a first-grader; We will determine the direction and content of correctional work.

The concept of maladjustment.

The problem of maladaptation has long been studied in pedagogy, psychology and social pedagogy, but as a scientific concept, “school maladaptation” does not yet have an unambiguous interpretation. Let us dwell on the point of view that considers school maladjustment as a completely independent phenomenon.

Vrono M.Sh. “School maladaptation (SD) is understood as a violation of the adaptation of a student’s personality to the conditions of learning at school, which acts as a particular phenomenon of a disorder in a child general ability to mental adaptation in connection with any pathological factors"(1984).

Severny A.A., Iovchuk N.M. “SD is the impossibility of schooling, respectively natural abilities and adequate interaction of the child with the environment under the conditions imposed on this particular child by the individual microsocial environment in which he exists” (1995).

S.A. Belichev “School maladaptation is a set of signs indicating a discrepancy between the sociopsychological and psychophysiological status of a child and the requirements of the school learning situation, the mastery of which for a number of reasons becomes difficult or, in extreme cases, impossible.”

You can also use this definition:

Disadaptation- mental condition, arising as a result of a discrepancy between the sociopsychological or psychophysiological status of the child and the requirements of the new social situation.

The periods of education during which school maladaptation is most often recorded are identified:

Start of school (1st grade);

Transition from junior school to secondary (5th grade);

Ending high school(7th - 9th grades).

According to L.S. For Vygotsky, the time boundaries of age-related “crises” are comparable to two periods of education (1st grade and 7th - 8th grades), “... in which school failure is predominantly observed, and the increase in the number of those who failed to cope with learning in the 5th grade is due to , apparently, not so much ontogenetically-crisis, but rather psychogenic (“change of life stereotype”) and other reasons.”

Causes of school maladjustment.

Regardless of the definition, the main causes of school maladjustment are identified.

  1. General level of physical and functional development the child, his state of health, the development of mental functions. Based on psychophysiological characteristics, the child may simply not be ready for school.
  2. Features of family education. This includes rejection of the child by the parents and overprotection of the child. The first entails a negative attitude of the child towards school, non-acceptance of norms and rules of behavior in the team, the second - the child’s inability to cope with school workloads, non-acceptance of regime issues.
  3. The specifics of organizing the educational process, which does not take into account the individual differences of children and the authoritarian style of modern pedagogy.
  4. Intensity study loads and the complexity of modern educational programs.
  5. Self-esteem of a junior schoolchild and the style of relationships with close significant adults.

Types of school maladjustment

Currently, three main types of SD manifestations are considered:

1. Cognitive component of SD. Failure in learning according to programs appropriate to the child’s age (chronic underachievement, insufficiency and fragmentation of general educational information without systemic knowledge and learning skills).

2. Emotional-evaluative, personal component of SD. Constant violations of the emotional and personal attitude towards individual subjects, learning in general, teachers, as well as prospects related to study.

3. Behavioral component of SD. Systematically recurring behavioral disorders during the learning process and in the school environment (conflict, aggressiveness).

In the majority of children with school maladjustment, all three of these components can be clearly traced. However, the predominance of one or another component among the manifestations of school maladjustment depends, on the one hand, on age and stages personal development, and on the other hand, on the reasons underlying the formation of school maladjustment.

The main manifestations of school maladjustment

School maladaptation in a child has a number of manifestations. One or a combination of them gives an alarming signal to parents and teachers.

1.Unsuccessful learning, falling behind school curriculum in one or more subjects.

2. General anxiety at school, fear of testing knowledge, public speaking and assessments, inability to concentrate in work, uncertainty, confusion when answering.

3. Violations in relationships with peers: aggression, alienation, increased excitability and conflict.

4. Violations in relationships with teachers, violations of discipline and disobedience to school norms.

5. Personality disorders (feelings of inferiority, stubbornness, fears, hypersensitivity, deceit, isolation, gloominess).

6. Inadequate self-esteem. With high self-esteem - the desire for leadership, touchiness, a high level of aspirations simultaneously with self-doubt, avoidance of difficulties. With low self-esteem: indecision, conformism, lack of initiative, lack of independence.

Any manifestation puts the child in difficult conditions and, as a result, the child begins to lag behind his peers, his talent cannot be revealed, and the socialization process is disrupted. Often in such conditions the foundation of future “difficult” teenagers is laid.

Clinical and psychological study of school maladjustment.

The causes of SD were studied through neurological and neuropsychological examinations.

One of the main factors contributing to the formation of SD is dysfunction of the central nervous system (CNS), which occurs as a result of various adverse effects on the developing brain. During neurological examination conducted conversations with the child and his parents, analyzed the pathology during pregnancy and childbirth in the child’s mother, the nature of his early psychomotor development, information about the diseases he suffered, and studied data from outpatient records. During neuropsychological examination, children were assessed general level intellectual development and the degree of formation of higher mental functions: speech, memory, thinking. The neuropsychological study was based on the methodology of A.R. Luria, adapted for childhood.

According to the results of the survey, the following causes of SD were identified:

1. The most common cause of SD was minimal brain dysfunction (MBD) and children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

2. Neuroses and neurotic reactions. The leading causes of neurotic fears, various forms of obsessions, somatovegetative disorders, acute or chronic traumatic situations, unfavorable family conditions, incorrect approaches to raising a child, difficulties in relationships with teachers and classmates.

3. Neurological diseases, including migraine, epilepsy, childhood cerebral palsy, hereditary diseases, previous meningitis.

4. Children suffering mental illness, including mental retardation(special place among first-graders, which was not diagnosed in before school age), affective disorders, schizophrenia.

The study showed the high informative value of complex neurological and neuropsychological research in objectifying the causes of school maladjustment. There is no doubt that the majority of children with SD require observation and treatment by a neurologist. Treatment of MMD and ADHD, which are the most common causes of SD, should be carried out in a comprehensive manner and necessarily include methods of psychotherapy and psychological and pedagogical correction.

Psychological maladjustment.

There is a problem of psychological maladjustment. It is associated with the peculiarities of the organization of the child’s mental processes. In a lesson, the child finds himself in a situation of maladaptation, since the child successfully completes tasks only in those conditions of performance to which his psyche is adapted. During the lesson, such children feel bad, because they are not ready to master knowledge in a regular lesson, and they are not able to fulfill the requirements.

Having considered the provisions of L.S. Vygotsky “every function in the cultural development of a child appears on the scene twice, on two levels: first - social, then - psychological, first between people as an interpsychic category, then within the child, as an intrapsychic category. This applies equally to voluntary attention, to logical memory, to the formation of concepts, to the development of the will... Behind all higher functions and their relationships there are genetically social relationships, real relationships between people,” we can also consider the process of formation of such psychological problems in children. The child's psyche adapts to existing type interactions with adults (primarily with parents), i.e. arbitrary mental process the child is organized in such a way as to ensure the successful implementation of his activities precisely in the conditions of existing social relationships.

Psychological problems of child maladaptation can form and contribute to any individual sessions with him, if the methodology for conducting them differs significantly from the lesson ones.

To increase the effectiveness of learning, the focus is only on the individual characteristics of his personality (attention, perseverance, fatigue, timely comments, attracting attention, helping the child get organized, etc.). The child’s psyche adapts to such a learning process, and in conditions of mass learning in the classroom, the child cannot independently organize himself and needs constant support.

Overprotection and constant control of parents when doing homework often lead to psychological maladjustment. The child’s psyche adapted to such constant help and became maladapted in relation to the lesson relationship with the teacher.

Ensuring the comfort of learning plays an important role. From the point of view of psychologists, comfort is a psychophysiological state that arises in the process of a child’s life as a result of his interaction with the internal environment. Teachers consider comfort to be a characteristic of the organization of the school environment and educational activities of the student as a result of the realization of his abilities and capabilities, satisfaction from educational activities, and full communication with the teacher and peers. In the psychological pedagogical process, all its participants experience positive emotions, which become driving force student behavior and have a beneficial effect on the learning environment and the child’s communicative behavior. If the emotion of rejection is constant for a first-grader, then he develops a persistent disappointment to school life in general.

Psychological maladaptation of children can develop during group classes, if there are too many playful moments in the classes, they are completely built on the child’s interest, allowing too free behavior, etc. Graduates of speech therapy kindergartens, preschool institutions, studying according to the methods of Maria Montessori, “Rainbow”. These children have better preparation, but almost all of them experience problems in adapting to school, and this is caused primarily by their psychological problems. These problems are formed by the so-called preferential training conditions - training in a class with a small number of students. They are accustomed to the increased attention of the teacher, expect individual help, and are practically unable to self-organize and focus on the educational process. We can conclude that if preferential conditions are created for children’s education for a certain period, then their psychological disadaptation to normal educational conditions occurs.

Children in situations of psychological maladaptation need the help of parents, teachers and psychologists.

Methodology for determining the level of maladjustment.

Modern psychologists offer various methods for determining the level of maladjustment in first-graders. One of the most interesting questionnaires is proposed by the methodology of L.M. Kovaleva and N.N. Tarasenko, addressed to primary school teachers. The questionnaire helps to systematize ideas about a child starting to study at school. It consists of 46 statements, 45 of which concern possible options the child's behavior at school, and one - the participation of parents in upbringing.

Questionnaire questions:

  1. Parents have completely withdrawn from their upbringing and almost never go to school.
  2. When entering school, the child did not have basic academic skills.
  3. The student does not know much of what most children of his age know (days of the week, fairy tales, etc.)
  4. A first-grader has poorly developed small arm muscles (has difficulty writing)
  5. The student writes right hand, but according to his parents, he is a retrained left-hander.
  6. A first grader writes with his left hand.
  7. Often moves his hands aimlessly.
  8. Blinks frequently.
  9. The child sucks his fingers or hand.
  10. The student sometimes stutters.
  11. He bites his nails.
  12. The child has short stature and a fragile physique.
  13. The child is clearly “homey”, loves to be petted, hugged, and needs a friendly environment.
  14. The student loves to play and even plays in class.
  15. One gets the impression that the child is younger than others, although he is the same age as them.
  16. The speech is infantile, reminiscent of the speech of a 4*5 year old child.
  17. The student is excessively restless in class.
  18. The child will quickly come to terms with failures.
  19. Loves noisy, active games during recess.
  20. Cannot concentrate on one task for long. Always tries to do everything quickly, without caring about quality.
  21. After a physical break or an interesting game, it is impossible to get a child ready for serious work.
  22. The student experiences failure for a long time.
  23. When unexpectedly asked by a teacher, he often gets lost. If you give him time to think about it, he may answer well.
  24. It takes a very long time to complete any task.
  25. He does his homework much better than his class work (a very significant difference compared to other children).
  26. It takes a very long time to switch from one activity to another.
  27. The child often cannot repeat the simplest material after the teacher, although he demonstrates excellent memory when it comes to things that interest him (he knows the brands of cars, but cannot repeat a simple rule).
  28. A first grader requires constant attention from the teacher. Almost everything is done after a personal request “Write!”
  29. Makes many mistakes when copying.
  30. To be distracted from a task, the slightest reason is enough (a door creaked, something fell, etc.)
  31. Brings toys to school and plays in class.
  32. The student will never do anything beyond the required minimum, do not strive to learn or tell something.
  33. Parents complain that it is difficult for them to sit their children down for homework.
  34. It seems that the child feels bad in class and only comes to life during breaks.
  35. The child does not like to make any effort to complete tasks. If something doesn’t work out, he gives up and finds excuses for himself (stomach hurts).
  36. The child does not look very healthy (thin, pale).
  37. By the end of the lesson, he works worse, is often distracted, and sits with an absent look.
  38. If something doesn’t work out, the child gets irritated and cries.
  39. The student does not work well under limited time. If you rush him, he may completely switch off and quit work.
  40. A first grader often complains about headache, for fatigue.
  41. A child almost never answers correctly if the question is posed in a non-standard way and requires intelligence.
  42. The student's answer becomes better if there is support for external objects (counting fingers, etc.).
  43. After explanation by the teacher, he cannot complete a similar task.
  44. The child finds it difficult to apply previously learned concepts and skills when the teacher explains new material.
  45. A first-grader often answers not to the point and cannot highlight the main thing.
  46. It seems that it is difficult for the student to understand the explanation because the basic concepts and skills have not been formed.

Using this method, the teacher fills out an answer form in which the numbers of behavior fragments characteristic of a particular child are crossed out.

Question no.

abbreviation for behavior factor


parental attitude

unpreparedness for school



neurotic symptoms


hyperkinetic syndrome, excessive disinhibition

inertia of the nervous system

insufficient voluntariness of mental functions

low motivation for educational activities

asthenic syndrome


intellectual disability

During processing, the number crossed out on the left is 1 point, on the right - 2 points. The maximum amount is 70 points. The maladjustment coefficient is calculated using the formula: K=n/ 70 x 100, where n is the number of points of a first-grader. Analysis of the results obtained:

0-14 - corresponds to the normal adaptation of a first-grader

15-30 - indicates medium degree maladjustment.

Above 30 indicates a serious degree of maladjustment. If the score is above 40, the student usually needs to consult a neuropsychiatrist.

Corrective work.

Scientific studies have shown that in each class there are approximately 14% of children who have difficulties during the adaptation period. How to help these children? How to build correctional work with maladjusted children? To solve the problem of school maladjustment of a child in social and pedagogical activities The parent, the psychologist, and the teacher must all be involved.

Psychologist, based on the identified specific problems of the child, makes individual recommendations for corrective work with him.

Parents it is necessary to maintain control over his assimilation of educational material and an individual explanation at home of what the child missed in class, since psychological maladaptation manifests itself primarily in the fact that the child cannot effectively assimilate educational material in class, therefore, his psyche has not yet adapted to the conditions lesson, it is important to prevent its pedagogical lag.

Teacher creates a situation of success in the lesson, comfort in the lesson situation, helps to organize a student-oriented approach in the class. He should be restrained, calm, emphasize the merits and successes of children, and try to improve their relationships with peers. It is necessary to create a trusting, sincere emotional environment in the classroom.

Adult participants in the educational process - teachers and parents - play an important role in ensuring the comfort of learning. Personal qualities teacher, maintaining close emotional contacts of children with close adults, friendly constructive interaction between teacher and parents is the key to creating and developing an overall positive emotional background relationships in a new social space - at school.

Cooperation between teacher and parents ensures a decrease in the child’s anxiety level. This makes it possible to make the adaptation period for first-graders short.

1. Pay more attention to the child: observe, play, advise, but educate less.

2. Eliminate the child’s insufficient preparedness for school (underdeveloped fine motor skills- consequence: difficulties in learning to write, lack of voluntary attention - consequence: it is difficult to work in class, the child does not remember, misses the teacher’s assignments). Necessary pay more attention to development imaginative thinking: drawings, design, modeling, applique, mosaic.

3. Parents create high expectations low self-esteem, diffidence. The child’s fear of school and of his parents increases for his failure and inferiority, and this is the path to chronic failure and developmental inhibition. Any real success must be assessed sincerely and without irony by parents.

4. Do not compare the child’s mediocre results with the achievements of other, more successful students. You can compare a child only with himself and praise him only for one thing: improving his own results.

5. The child needs to find an area where he could realize his demonstrativeness (clubs, dancing, sports, drawing, art studios, etc.). In this activity, ensure immediate success, attention, and emotional support.

6. Emphasize, highlight as extremely significant the area of ​​activity where the child is more successful, thereby helping to gain faith in himself: if you learn to do this well, then you will gradually learn everything else.

7. Remember that any emotional manifestations on the part of an adult, both positive (praise, kind words) and negative (shouting, remarking, reproaches) serve as reinforcement that provokes demonstrative behavior in the child.


Adaptation to school is a multifaceted process. SD is a very common phenomenon among primary school students. In case of successful adaptation to school, the leading activity of the primary school student gradually becomes educational, replacing play. In case of maladaptation, the child finds himself in an uncomfortable state, he literally excludes himself from the educational process, experiences negative emotions, blocks cognitive activity, and, ultimately, slows down his development.

Therefore, one of the main tasks to ensure the successful flow of adaptation period child for the teacher is to ensure continuity in the development of abilities, skills and methods of activity, to analyze the developed skills and determine, if necessary, the necessary ways of correction.

At correct definition specific individual problems maladjusted child and the joint efforts of the psychologist, teacher and parents, changes in the child are sure to occur and he really begins to adapt to the learning conditions at school.

The most important result of assistance is to restore the child’s positive attitude towards life, towards everyday school activities, towards all persons involved in educational process(child - parents - teachers). When learning brings joy to children, then school is not a problem.


7. Hyperkinetic syndrome is a disorder characterized by impaired attention, motor hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.


  1. Barkan A.I. Types of adaptation of first-graders / Pediatrics, 1983, No. 5.
  2. Vygotsky JI.C. Collected works in 6 volumes. - M., 1984. T.4: Child psychology.
  3. Vostroknutov N.V., Romanov A.A. Social and psychological assistance to difficult-to-educate children with developmental and behavioral problems: principles and means, game methods of correction: Method, recommendations. - M., 1998.
  4. Dubrovina I.V., Akimova M.K., Borisova E.M. and others. Workbook of a school psychologist / Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. M., 1991.
  5. Magazine " Primary School, № 8, 2005
  6. Gutkina N.I. Psychological readiness for school. - M.: NPO "Education", 1996, - 160 p.

The term school maladjustment has existed since the advent of the first educational institutions. Only earlier it was not given much importance, but now psychologists are actively talking about this problem and looking for the reasons for its occurrence. In any class there is always a child who not only does not keep up with the program, but experiences significant learning difficulties. Sometimes school maladjustment has nothing to do with the process of acquiring knowledge, but stems from unsatisfactory interaction with others. Communication with peers is an important aspect of school life that cannot be ignored. Sometimes it happens that a seemingly prosperous child begins to be bullied by classmates, which cannot but affect his emotional state. In this article we will look at the causes of maladjustment at school, correction and prevention of the phenomenon. Parents and teachers, of course, should know what to pay attention to in order to prevent unfavorable developments.

Causes of maladjustment at school

Among the reasons for maladjustment in the school community, the most common are the following: inability to find contact with peers, poor academic performance, and the child’s personal characteristics.

The first reason for maladaptation is the inability to build relationships in a children's team. Sometimes a child simply does not have such a skill. Unfortunately, not all children find it equally easy to make friends with their classmates. Many simply suffer from increased shyness and do not know how to start a conversation. Difficulties in establishing contact are especially relevant when the child enters new class with already established rules. If a girl or boy suffers from increased impressionability, it will be difficult for them to cope with themselves. Such children usually worry for a long time and do not know how to behave. It’s no secret that classmates attack the new students the most, wanting to “test their strength.” Ridicule deprives one of moral strength and self-confidence, and creates maladjustment. Not all children can withstand such tests. Many people withdraw into themselves and refuse to attend school under any pretext. This is how maladaptation to school is formed.

Another reason- falling behind in class. If a child does not understand something, then he gradually loses interest in the subject and does not want to do his homework. Teachers are also not always known for their correctness. If a child does poorly in a subject, he is given appropriate grades. Some people do not pay any attention to those who are lagging behind, preferring to ask only strong students. Where can maladjustment come from? Having experienced learning difficulties, some children refuse to study at all, not wanting to again face numerous difficulties and misunderstandings. It is known that teachers do not like those who skip lessons and do not complete homework. Disadaptation to school occurs more often when no one supports the child in his endeavors or, due to certain circumstances, little attention is paid to him.

The personal characteristics of a child can also become a certain prerequisite for the formation of maladjustment. An overly shy child is often bullied by his peers or even given lower grades by his teacher. Someone who does not know how to stand up for himself often has to suffer from maladjustment, because he cannot feel significant in a team. Each of us wants our individuality to be valued, and for this we need to do a lot of internal work on ourselves. Not always small child this turns out to be possible, and therefore maladjustment occurs. There are also other reasons that contribute to the formation of maladjustment, but they are, one way or another, closely related to the three listed.

Problems with school among elementary school students

When a child first enters first grade, he naturally experiences anxiety. Everything seems unfamiliar and frightening to him. At this moment, the support and participation of his parents is more important than ever for him. Disadaptation in in this case may be temporary. As a rule, after a few weeks the problem resolves itself. It just takes time for the child to get used to the new team, be able to make friends with the guys, and feel like a significant and successful student. This does not always happen as quickly as adults would like.

Disadaptation of younger schoolchildren can be associated with their age characteristics. The age of seven to ten years is not yet conducive to the formation of special seriousness towards school responsibilities. To teach a child to prepare homework on time, one way or another, you need to supervise him. Not all parents have enough time to monitor their own child, although, of course, they should set aside at least an hour every day for this. Otherwise, maladjustment will only progress. School problems can subsequently result in personal disorganization, lack of self-confidence, that is, reflected in adult life, making a person withdrawn and unsure of himself.

Correction of school maladjustment

If it turns out that your child is experiencing certain difficulties in class, you should definitely begin to take active measures to eliminate the problem. The sooner this is done, the easier it will be for him in the future. Correction of school maladjustment should begin with establishing contact with the child himself. Building trusting relationships is necessary so that you can understand the essence of the problem and together get to the roots of its occurrence. The methods listed below will help cope with maladaptation and increase your child’s self-confidence.

Conversation method

If you want your child to trust you, you need to talk to him. This truth should never be ignored. Nothing can replace live human communication, and a shy boy or girl simply needs to feel significant. It is not necessary to immediately start asking about the problem. Just start by talking about something extraneous and unimportant. The baby will open up on his own at some point, don’t worry. There is no need to push him, interrogate him, or give premature assessments of what is happening. Remember Golden Rule: not to harm, but to help overcome the problem.

Art therapy

Invite your child to draw on paper his main problem. As a rule, children suffering from maladaptation immediately begin to draw pictures of school. It is not difficult to guess that this is where the main difficulty lies. Don't rush or interrupt while drawing. Let him express his soul fully, ease his internal state. Maladjustment in childhood is not easy, believe me. It is also important for him to be alone with himself, to discover his existing fears, and to stop doubting that they are normal. After the drawing is completed, ask your child what's what, referring directly to the image. This way you can clarify some significant details and get to the origins of maladjustment.

We teach to communicate

If the problem is that the child has difficulty interacting with others, then you should work through this difficult moment with him. Find out what exactly the difficulty of maladaptation is. Perhaps it is a matter of natural shyness or he is simply not interested in being with his classmates. In any case, remember that for a student to remain outside the team is almost a tragedy. Disadaptation deprives one of moral strength and undermines self-confidence. Everyone wants recognition, to feel like an important and integral part of the society in which they are located.

When a child is bullied by classmates, know that this is a difficult test for the psyche. This difficulty cannot simply be brushed aside and pretended that it does not exist at all. It is necessary to work through fears and raise self-esteem. It’s even more important to help re-enter the team and feel accepted.

"Problematic" item

Sometimes a child is haunted by failure in a particular discipline. Rarely will a student act independently, seek the teacher’s favor, and study additionally. Most likely, he will need help with this, to direct him in the right direction. It is better to contact a specialist who can “pull up” on a specific subject. The child should feel that all difficulties can be solved. You can’t leave him alone with the problem or blame him for the fact that the material is badly neglected. And we certainly shouldn’t make negative predictions about his future. This causes most children to break down and lose all desire to act.

Prevention of school maladjustment

Few people know that problems in the classroom can be prevented. Prevention of school maladjustment is to prevent the development of unfavorable situations. When one or more students find themselves emotionally isolated from the rest, the psyche suffers and trust in the world is lost. It is necessary to teach how to resolve conflicts in a timely manner, monitor the psychological climate in the classroom, and organize events that help establish contact and bring children closer together.

Thus, the problem of maladjustment at school requires careful attention. Help your child cope with his inner pain, do not leave him alone with difficulties that probably seem insoluble to the child.

School maladjustment can happen to every first-grader. According to child psychologists, the reason why a first-grader is lagging behind in his studies is his maladaptation to school conditions.

And only a family can help a child become successful during the difficult time of transition from carefree childhood to school education. But many parents, without pedagogical education, do not know how to properly prepare their baby. What is student maladjustment?

School maladjustment is a complex of problems

When entering first grade, a child must wean himself from previous living conditions and adapt to new ones. If the parents and the kindergarten were involved in preparing the child, then the process goes well and after a couple of months the first-grader feels great next to the teachers, finds his way around school, and makes new friends in the class. However, often everyday problems prevent parents from devoting the necessary time to their child.

And then it happens that the child:

  • afraid to go to school;
  • begins to get sick often;
  • loses weight, loses appetite, sleeps poorly;
  • behaves withdrawn at school;
  • does not seek help from school teachers;
  • may get lost in the school building;
  • loses self-care skills: cannot change clothes for physical education by himself, forgets things, textbooks, etc.
  • may begin to stutter, blink his eyes frequently, cough, etc.;
  • does not learn the material in class, is inattentive, absent-minded or moody.

These are signs that the baby is experiencing school maladaptation in children of primary school age.

If you do not pay attention to these signs in time, the child will best case scenario will be a poor student, at worst, you will have to treat him for a long time with a neurologist, or even with a psychiatrist.

Why does school maladjustment occur?

Difficulties in getting a child accustomed to school can be caused by both the characteristics of his
personality, and improper upbringing in the family.

Reasons for school maladjustment:

  • The child is not prepared for school: he does not realize the importance of the transition to education, and does not know how to make volitional efforts to concentrate on his studies. They say about such children: “He should play all the time.”
  • He is often sick and has serious health problems.
  • The processes of formation of thinking, attention, and memory are disrupted.
  • Has movement disorders.
  • Unbalanced, frequent unjustified mood swings.

How does school maladaptation manifest itself and what needs to be done to eliminate it?

The concept of school difficulties as a manifestation of school maladjustment.

The process of restructuring a child's behavior and activity in a new social situation at school is usually called adaptation to school. Criteria her success They consider good academic performance, assimilation of school norms of behavior, absence of communication problems, and emotional well-being. A high level of school adaptation is also evidenced by developed educational motivation, a positive emotional attitude towards school, and good voluntary regulation.
In recent years, in the literature devoted to the problems of primary school age, the concept maladjustment. This term itself is borrowed from medicine and means disruption of human interaction with the environment.
V.E. Kagan introduced the concept of “psychogenic school maladjustment,” defining it as “psychogenic reactions, psychogenic diseases and psychogenic formations of a child’s personality that violate his subjective and objective status in school and family and complicate the educational process.” This allows us to identify psychogenic school maladaptation as “an integral part of school maladaptation as a whole and differentiate it from other forms of maladaptation associated with psychoses, psychopathy, non-psychotic disorders due to organic brain damage, hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood, specific developmental delays, mild mental retardation, analyzer defects, etc.”
However, this concept did not bring significant clarity to the study of the problems of younger schoolchildren, since it combined neurosis as a psychogenic personality disease, and psychogenic reactions, which may be variants of the norm. Despite the fact that the concept of “school maladaptation” is quite often found in the psychological literature, many researchers note its insufficient development.
It is quite correct to consider school maladjustment as a more specific phenomenon in relation to general socio-psychological maladjustment, in the structure of which school maladaptation can act both as a consequence and as a cause.
T.V. Dorozhevets proposed a theoretical model school adaptation, including three spheres: academic, social and personal. Academic adaptation characterizes the degree of acceptance of educational activities and norms of school life. The success of a child’s transition into a new life social group depends on social adaptation . Personal adaptation characterizes the child’s level of acceptance of his new social status(I am a schoolboy). School maladjustment is considered by the author as result predominance of one of three styles of fixture to new ones social conditions: accommodative, assimilative and immature. Accommodative style manifests itself in the child’s tendency to completely subordinate his behavior to the demands of the school. IN assimilation style reflects his desire to subordinate the surrounding school environment to his needs. Immature style adaptation caused by mental infantilism reflects the student’s inability to adapt to a new social situation of development.
The predominance of one adaptation style in a child leads to disturbances in all areas of school adaptation. At the level of academic adaptation, there is a decrease in academic performance and learning motivation, and a negative attitude towards school requirements. At the level of social adaptation, along with a violation of constructive behavior at school, a decrease in the child’s status in the peer group occurs. At the level of personal adaptation, the “self-esteem-level of aspirations” relationship is distorted, and an increase in school anxiety is observed.
Manifestations of school maladjustment.
School maladjustment is a child's education inadequate mechanisms of adaptation to school in the form of disturbances in educational activity and behavior, the emergence of conflict relationships, psychogenic diseases and reactions, increased levels of anxiety, and distortions in personal development.
E.V. Novikova connects the occurrence of school maladaptation with the following reasons:

  • undeveloped skills and techniques of educational activities, leading to a decrease in academic performance;
  • unformed learning motivation (some schoolchildren retain a preschool orientation towards the external attributes of school);
  • inability to voluntarily control one’s behavior and attention;
  • inability to adapt to the pace of school life due to temperamental characteristics.
Signs maladjustments are:
  • negative emotional attitude towards school;
  • high persistent anxiety;
  • increased emotional lability;
  • low performance;
  • motor disinhibition;
  • difficulty communicating with the teacher and peers.
TO symptoms of adaptation disorder also include:
  • fear of not completing school assignments, fear of the teacher, comrades;
  • feelings of inferiority, negativism;
  • withdrawal, lack of interest in games;
  • psychosomatic complaints;
  • aggressive actions;
  • general lethargy;
  • excessive shyness, tearfulness, depression.
Along with obvious manifestations of school maladjustment, there are also hidden forms when, with good academic performance and discipline, the child experiences constant internal anxiety and fear of school or the teacher, he has no desire to go to school, there are difficulties in communication, and inadequate self-esteem is formed.
According to various sources, from 10% to 40% children are being tested serious problems associated with adaptation to school, and for this reason require psychotherapy. There are significantly more maladjusted boys than girls, their ratio is from 4:1 to 6:1.
Causes of school maladjustment.
School maladjustment occurs for many reasons. Four groups of factors contributing to its appearance can be distinguished.
First group factors associated with the characteristics of the learning process itself: richness of programs, fast pace of lessons, school regime, large number of children in the class, noise during breaks. Disadaptation caused by these reasons is called didactogeny, Children who are physically weakened, slow due to their temperament, pedagogically neglected, and have low level development of mental abilities.
Second group associated with improper behavior of the teacher in relation to students, and the variant of maladjustment in this case is called didascalogeny. This type of maladjustment often manifests itself at primary school age, when the child is most dependent on the teacher. Rudeness, tactlessness, cruelty, inattention to individual characteristics and children's problems can cause serious disturbances in the child's behavior. The authoritarian style of communication between teachers and children contributes to the greatest extent to the emergence of didascalogenies.
According to M.E. Zelenova, adaptation process in first grade is more successful with a personality-oriented type of interaction between the teacher and students. Children develop a positive attitude towards school and learning and do not increase neurotic manifestations. If the teacher is focused on the educational and disciplinary model of communication, adaptation in the classroom is less favorable, contact between teacher and student becomes more difficult, which sometimes leads to complete alienation between them. By the end of the year, children develop negative personal symptom complexes: self-distrust, feelings of inferiority, hostility towards adults and children, and depression. There is a decrease in self-esteem.
B. Phillips considers various school situations as a factor of social and educational stress and threat to the child. Typically, a child associates social threat with rejection, hostility from teachers and classmates, or a lack of friendliness and acceptance on their part. The educational threat is associated with a premonition of psychological danger in educational situations: the expectation of failure in class, the fear of punishment for failure from parents.
Third group factors associated with the child’s experience in preschool institutions. Most children attend kindergarten, and this stage of socialization is very important for adaptation to school. However, the mere presence of a child in kindergarten does not guarantee the success of his entry into school life. Much depends on how well he managed to adapt to preschool.
A child’s maladaptation in kindergarten, unless special efforts have been made to eliminate it, “transfers” to school, and the stability of the maladaptive style is extremely high. It can be said with some confidence that a child who is shy and timid in kindergarten will be the same at school, the same can be said about aggressive and overly excitable children: their characteristics will most likely only worsen at school.
The most reliable precursors of school maladaptation include the following characteristics of a child that manifest themselves in kindergarten: aggressive behavior in play, low status in the group, socio-psychological infantilism.
According to a number of researchers, children who did not attend kindergarten or any clubs and sections before school experience great difficulties in adapting to the conditions of school life and to a group of peers, since they have only little experience social communication. Kindergarten children have lower rates of school anxiety, they are calmer about conflicts in communication with peers and teachers, and they behave more confidently in a new school environment.
Fourth group factors contributing to maladjustment, associated with the characteristics of family upbringing. Since the influence of the family on the psychological well-being of the child at school is very great, it is advisable to consider this problem in more detail.

Methods to determine the causes of maladjustment in younger schoolchildren:
1. Drawing of a person, drawing “Non-existent animal”, drawing of a family, “Forest school” and other projective drawings
2. Eight-color test by M. Luscher
3.Children's apperception test -CAT, CAT-S
4. School anxiety tests
5. Sociometry
6. Questionnaire to determine Luskanova’s level of school motivation