Development of personal qualities ©. Personal growth and self-development

3. Important years

Someone calls the years from the twentieth to the thirtieth the second youth, someone - the beginning adulthood... Dr. Mag Jay, a clinical psychologist, claims this is the most important decade in a person's life.

In her opinion, during this period it is worth seriously thinking about work, love, physical and intellectual development. A smart and constructive book about years not to be wasted.

Real life stories and fresh Scientific research... As well as observations of psychologists, sociologists, neurologists, economists and top managers involved in personnel policy.

4. Dreaming is not harmful

Bestseller with 35 years of experience on how to make dreams come true. This legendary book will help you discover your strengths and hidden talents, and then outline the path to the goal and implement the plan.

Barbara Sher is sure that it is easier to become the creator of your own life than it seems. You just have to be bolder: dream, read, do.

The book is really admirable (it was not for nothing that it was published in 1979 and is still popular). It's written to make you a winner. A person who gets what he wants.

5. Development of willpower

The book is for those who want to learn self-control and become the master of their own destiny.

Renowned American psychologist Walter Michel explains how to develop and apply willpower in the face of everyday challenges: the need to lose excess weight, quit smoking, prepare for dismissal and other important problems.

The publication is included in the top 100 in the "Cognitive Psychology" section.

6. Mindsight

Many people suffer from "mental traps": obsessions, mood swings, anxiety, unpleasant memories. How to get rid of these problems and become a happy person?

Psychiatrist Daniel Siegel talks about an important skill that can change your life for the better. This skill is the ability to focus on one's own the inner world and abstract from "autopilot" - ingrained irrational habits.

Real stories from the book prove that we have the power to change ourselves, our brain and our lives.

7. Memory does not change

Neuroscientists say there is no good or bad, short or long memory. Have a memory well or poorly trained.

"Improving memory is not only possible, it is also interesting," says psychologist Angels Navarro. You will agree with this statement when you see the fun brain training exercises in this book.

By doing them, you will not only train your memory, but also develop other cognitive abilities, including attention and thinking.


This book will help you get rid of overwork and stress. The author, a productivity expert, explains how to stay energized 15-19 hours awake without feeling tired.

Work days will no longer seem too heavy and busy to you, and in the evenings you will be active enough to take care of personal goals.

The book is for everyone who wants to do more at work and find time for family, rest and hobbies.

9. An easy way to stop procrastinating

This book will be useful to everyone who constantly puts off difficult and unpleasant activities, and then tries to do the impossible in one day.

Renowned psychologist Neil Fjork has been ridding his clients of procrastination for 30 years; and he believes that the tendency to procrastinate is a symptom of deeper phenomena, namely: loss of motivation and perfectionism.

10. Never eat alone

The author of this book was called by Forbes “one of the most sociable people in the world". And for good reason: Keith Ferzia is the # 1 network. He, like no one else, knows that the most important skill in business (and not only) is the ability to build relationships.

Over time, the views of people change, this is due to different reasons, the main of which is personal growth. This makes him rethink his life experience, find better ways out of problem situations and win where he would not have gone before.

What is personal growth?

Based on tempting training invitations, you might think that personal growth is a magical technique that will help you achieve what you want effortlessly. This definition is fundamentally wrong, you will have to work very hard. Personal growth involves working on your shortcomings in order to improve your own performance relative to the previous period. This is the all-round development of a person, the victory over fears and the expansion of horizons, which contributes to any business.

Personal growth psychology

The very concept of personal growth does not imply a pleasant pleasure walk. This is a laborious process, and often unpleasant. Its beginning may be associated with envy, which then will have to be eliminated, therefore in psychology it is always considered as a serious test, in passing through which help may be required. During it, there is a chance to get carried away with self-flagellation. As a result, there is a rapid degradation and loss of self-confidence.

What is personal growth for?

Before you start moving in this direction, you need to understand the benefits of personal growth. Many generations of our ancestors did not think about anything like that, raised children and were happy, and modern people constantly complicate their life. Consider what prompts them to take this step.

  1. No stops... You can either move forward or roll down. This is due to the loss of skills due to their non-use, and with the development environment... Even to maintain your level, you will have to work.
  2. Goals and dreams... To be successful, you need to constantly learn, acquire new professional skills and hone.
  3. A life... Existence without self-improvement is possible if you load yourself with hard work and overwhelming obligations. Only at the moment of rest will thoughts of missed opportunities slip through, which will ultimately lead to prolonged depression.

Signs of stopping personal growth

  1. Inability to accept new things... A person tries to surround himself only with familiar things (books, music, films), not letting new acquaintances and ideas into his life.
  2. Not accepting yourself... An attempt at self-deception, a desire to adapt to other people's landmarks.
  3. Lack of harmony... There is no ability to match the living environment and attempts to somehow change it.
  4. Lack of flexibility... The ability to act only according to verified templates, the slightest deviation seems impossible.
  5. Intrapersonal conflict... There is a discrepancy between the real situation and its ideal "I".
  6. No responsibility for your life... For the crisis of personal growth that has come, other people and unfavorable circumstances are to blame, and not the person himself.
  7. Inadequate self-assessment... People fall into self-flagellation or exalt themselves above others. For any of the reactions, the smallest cause will suffice.

How to start personal growth?

Training of any kind begins gradually so as not to overload the body with too much stress. Personal growth and self-development will not be an exception, before you start learning, you need to at least understand what you plan to learn. It is recommended to start with the following sequential steps.

  1. Understanding... If there is no awareness of the need further development but no clever exercise or smart book will help.
  2. Your opinion... Even recognized authorities are mistaken, so it is advisable to consider all judgments through the prism of one's own experience and reason.
  3. Front of works... It is necessary, without modesty and regret, to determine your strengths and traits that need to be improved. This includes personal attraction.
  4. Plan... The next step is to outline ways to work on your shortcomings.

Personal growth: motivation

Without desire, nothing will work, and in the process of self-improvement, its presence is also necessary. Motivation, as a condition for personal growth, is divided into the following types.

  1. Self-affirmation... The desire to look better in front of loved ones, and status.
  2. Imitation... Striving to be like a successful person.
  3. Power... Getting pleasure from managing other people pushes you to improve your skills in this area.
  4. Work for work... Satisfaction with the performance of their duties, a person is passionate about their activities.
  5. Self-development... The conquest of each stage can bring joy, this feeling is the motivation for further movement.
  6. Perfection... The desire to reach heights in a particular area.
  7. Company... The need to become part of some company that is passionate about the same process.

Personal growth methods

You can move to a new level of development using several approaches. Some are based on personal perseverance, while others require professional help. It is customary to single out the following methods of personal growth.

  1. Literature... You need to choose and study best books for personal growth. The method is notable for its low speed of advancement. You will have to deal with all the subtleties on your own, looking for the right steps among the multitude of conflicting information.
  2. A complex approach... In this case, the following personal growth tools are used: books, video tutorials, psychologist consultations. The efficiency is higher than the previous approach. There is no need to rely on high speed, since it will be difficult to objectively assess the result.
  3. Trainings and courses... With experienced trainers, results can be quickly obtained, all information will be structured and explained in detail. There is a danger of falling under the influence of scammers.
  4. Personal coach... In terms of effectiveness, this approach is optimal, but it is also the most expensive. In this case, the approach will be individualized to create a balanced learning model.

Personal Growth Exercises

  1. What is lucky... It is advisable to perform in pairs. First, the couple takes turns talking about the positive moments in their lives. Then you need to discuss the impressions received.
  2. Steps... For this technique of personal growth, you need to draw a ladder with 10 steps and indicate your position on it. Low self-esteem corresponds to 1-4 steps, normal - 5-7, and overestimated - from 8 steps.
  3. Sunday evening... It is necessary to find time for yourself, which will be known to all those close to you. In these few hours, absolute freedom of action is given without any obligations. This is necessary to remember your interests, which are often forgotten under the burden of debt.

Personal growth books

Without studying literature, you will not be able to grow above yourself. Good result will help you achieve the following books for personal growth and development.

  1. D. Eyckaff. "Start"... Tells about the difficulty of standing out from the crowd and the advantages of such an act.
  2. D. Ron. "Seasonality of Life"... It will help to deal with internal contradictions.
  3. A. Lacaine "The Art of Planning"... He will tell you about the effective planning of your life, this is very useful during personal growth.
  4. B. Tracy "Get out of your comfort zone"... The book describes ways to get out of difficult situations associated with unusual solutions.
  5. K. McGonigal. "Willpower"... It will help to become spiritually stronger, all advice has scientific confirmation.

The dangers of training for personal growth

It was said just above that such classes can significantly speed up the process. But there are many examples of how personal growth trainings cripple the psyche. Such a result occurs if people end up with scammers who are willing to use the lowest ways to make a profit. After such lessons, people come out with confidence in their own insignificance, which only a new course will help to overcome.

The harm of personal growth training is not always associated with criminal activity. The fact is that development is possible only in the absence of serious violations. If a person is depressed, then such activities can only aggravate his condition. In this case, you first need to get rid of the unhealthy state, and then engage in self-improvement.

Sooner or later, all people begin to think about a new stage of personal growth. The fact is that such a process on the path of life is simply inevitable. After all, there are no limits to perfection. Everyone succeeds in reaching the stage of self-knowledge in completely different ways: someone begins to improve from early childhood, and someone only in adulthood. In any case, personal growth is present in our lives. The only question is whether we can keep it and continue to move in the right direction.

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Personal growth is a concept that is familiar to everyone who has at least once achieved success along the way. Without this process, a full-fledged active life will not come out, but only aimless existence will turn out. Few people want to spend their whole lives settling in the bog of their swamp, not moving further in the direction of their goals.
People have a deep potential for the development of their own skills, embedded in them from birth. They are created for great achievements, unprecedented discoveries, to conquer new heights and educate the next generation. Each person decides for himself which road he chooses. Either throughout your life you constantly improve yourself and grow further, or carelessly go with the flow, not developing in any way.

Personal growth will come only when the person himself wants it, putting his share of efforts. Therefore, it is always important to remember that this process requires special attention to itself, as well as a lot of work.

What is personal growth?

Personal growth is a long, laborious process of self-improvement, as a true individual with special talents and unique character traits. This process has both personal and social benefits. The fact is that on the path of personal growth, a person develops in order to declare himself in society, to achieve any positive results in the chosen case, heights in social sphere... That is, he receives not only spiritual and personal development, but also recognition in society, without which it is difficult to find his niche.

Each of us in the subconscious has an ideal image of our own “I”, to which we automatically strive. Such an ideal is created thanks to self-identification with idols and public people, and also from personal ideas about what is “good” and what is “bad”. Therefore, we create ourselves, like a sculptor cuts out another sculpture, so we cultivate a new quality or skill in ourselves. This is the most accurate and simple measure of personal growth.

10 signs of personal growth:

The famous Russian psychologist - Vladimir Lvovich Levy, thanks to many years of work, was able to deduce the main signs of personality development. These include:
1. Increasing the flow of interests, hobbies;
2. Strengthening life views, positions;
3. The emergence of interconnection, understanding of the actions of other people;
4. Awareness of their needs, desires;
5. Gaining inner freedom, liberation of thought;
6. Unauthorized acceptance of responsibility for their actions;
7. Defending personal opinions, interests;
8. Full acceptance of oneself as a unique person;
9. Inevitable work on your own shortcomings;
10. Search for internal talents, their further development.

If at least one of the above signs is observed in your life, undoubtedly, you are on the right path of personal growth and self-development. You should not dwell on the achieved result, because there is still a lot of work ahead to create an ideal personality.

Personal growth of a person and his inner potential

The potential of a person is the greatest ability of a person to improve his own talents and skills. It is embedded in each of us from the very birth. This potential gives us the opportunity to try the life we ​​want, to be exactly who we want to see ourselves. Without the development of internal potential, personal growth is simply impossible. After all, a strong relationship keeps them close to each other.

With the growth of personality, people come to the newest discoveries, opportunities for accomplishments. Thus, they become more meaningful and valuable to society. If you do not bury your potential in vain, but work hard to realize it, then it is quite possible to achieve great heights in life and a respectful position in society.

Through self-knowledge to personal growth

The process of self-discovery has always been a part of any person's life. It doesn't matter what age, height or skin color he is. We all gradually learn our habits, characteristics, reveal our inner “I”, our own potential. Each deed contains the choice of a person, his idea, thought. Therefore, it is actions that are part of self-knowledge. For example, the common adage “a friend in need” fits this conclusion perfectly. No one knows in advance how he will behave in a given situation until he himself is there and shows his abilities.

Drawing a conclusion, we can say that without self-knowledge it is rather difficult to understand in which direction it is worth developing further, where there are shortcomings that need to be eliminated and which character traits require improvement. Not knowing thoroughly your own abilities, it is not possible to improve them to the required level. Only those who are not afraid to study themselves are capable of further personal growth. Those who strive to become more perfect are always ready to overcome difficulties on the given path, are not afraid of changes and are open to new events.

Self-knowledge through destruction

It can be very different, and sometimes even dangerous for humans. You never know where your own thoughts, ideas and desires will lead you. Sometimes, in order to learn about the possibilities inherent in oneself, one has to descend into the darkest corners of one's personality. If you accept your own “I” as it really is, it is worth considering its shortcomings. Clever man will not just accept them, he will begin work on transforming them into dignity.

In the popular teen comedy "Bachelorette Party in Vegas", a wonderful quote was mentioned: "Falling to the very bottom is not so terrible, because now the only way is up." The meaning of this phrase is quite simple, it motivates you never to despair, even if your thoughts and desires have led you to a dead end. There is always a way out, the main thing is to take advantage of any situation and draw conclusions that will be useful in the future.

Personal growth trainings

Not all people are able to deal with impending problems on their own. And that's quite normal! For example, when a person has a toothache, he naturally goes to the doctor. The same should happen with mental wounds. If a person has a crisis in life, he cannot find motivation for action or a solution to a depressing problem, then here he needs urgent help specialist.

In Russia in recent times are gaining great popularity. They are aimed at motivating the audience for their self-realization. In fact, for many of us, such practices are simply vital! At such events, you will be taught how to believe in yourself and unleash your deep potential, as well as how to use these resources correctly to achieve personal growth.
Why do you need personal growth trainings?

Such trainings are a stimulus, an impetus for the beginning of decisive changes in life in better side... They allow you to see a positive future, as well as to see in yourself certain inclinations for its realization. At such events, it is important to believe in their results. If you come there with the attitude of an inveterate skeptic, then even the most experienced coach will be able to convince you. Remember that the main task of a coach is to motivate and stimulate the audience, the rest is only your efforts and work.

Criticism of personal training programs

Unfortunately, for residents of Russia, training practices are newest discovery accordingly, they raise doubts in the eyes of people. Why is this happening? The answer is quite simple, it is always difficult for a person to believe in promises from the outside until he sees a visual result on his own.

Human laziness became the main problem of the trainings. The trainer is able to put knowledge, motivation in the heads of the listeners, but only from their independent work the achievement of the set goals will depend. No matter how much the coach tries to convey to the listener the need for certain actions, until the listener himself tries to implement them, there will be no changes. This is where the criticism of trainings comes from. Many people who come to them expect instant changes, but they do not always receive them, since they do not want to strain too much and put in any effort.

The positive result and benefits of personal growth trainings will come only when the participants themselves begin to apply their own strength to achieve them.

Sociology of personality I.S. Kon

Soviet and Russian sociologist Igor Semyonovich Kon in his works argued that the concept of personality refers to one specific person, and explains his individuality, difference from other people.
To the main distinctive features the personality of I.S. Cohn attributed:
1. The specifics of the construction of everyday life;
2. Individual features;
3. The activities carried out by the individual.
As for the importance of personal growth for society, here, of course, it plays an important role. Without a certain status in society, it is quite difficult to take an advantageous position. If an individual does not correspond to social norms of behavior, then most likely he will face misunderstanding on the part of the people around him.

Human "I" according to Freud

Sigmund Freud is the most familiar person in modern society. Austrian psychoanalyst, psychiatrist and neurologist put forward many theories and judgments on the topic of the human "I" and its self-expression.

According to Z. Freud, individuality is created independently, by analyzing the surrounding world and already existing ideals. Each member of society strives for recognition, which is why it is so important for him to achieve the canons of a stable ideal. But it is important to remember that "as many people are in the world, there are so many opinions." Based on this, it is easy to conclude that a true personality is the result of self-education and self-development of a person. And personal growth is a process of self-realization.

Why do you need personal growth? We draw conclusions:

  • To start life from scratch;
  • Search for internal potential;
  • Spiritual development;
  • Victory over oneself;
  • Receiving recognition;
  • Improvements to skills;
  • Find yourself;
  • Development of personal abilities;
  • Creation and use of new opportunities.


Sometimes we all need an impetus for self-development, having received it, it is not difficult to achieve truly high performance. Even those people who have already achieved full realization in life should not stop at one place. There is always something to strive for, in which direction to move on, to become even better!

And if you are confused in yourself, do not know how to correctly set goals on the path of success, then at personal growth trainings you will definitely be helped to unravel the tangle of your capabilities and direct it in the right direction. Sometimes it is just good motivation and a valuable incentive that we lack so much on the road to our goals. Good luck!

Your own self deserves special attention. Emotional and professional. Where can you find strength in yourself so as not to break down, but to develop and grow above yourself, especially in moments of internal or external crisis? How to start realizing a dream that has been living in your soul for more than one year? How to focus on opportunities instead of regretting lost chances? Personal growth training will help you get a professional guide to getting out of their life impasse.

What is personal growth training

Personal growth training- this is an instruction for your own life. Clear guidance for achieving personal goals. For years people have been saving up energy for the first step, which they never dare to take. The future is viewed through the prism of past experience. Personal energy is spent chewing on old troubles or worrying about the distant future, which, in fact, may not come. Internal resistance is so great that forces are spent on fighting with oneself. Self-development training will introduce techniques to start change here-and-now.

Personal growth trainings - real opportunity start making your wishes come true. Take the first step, albeit small, but visible. Stop blaming external circumstances and find answers to questions within yourself. Look around for the solutions offered by the professionals. Add new acquaintances and sensations to old habits. The experience of people who have already achieved heights in life, multiplied by the skill of a coach, is inspiring. After all, if Something Cool could be done by one person, then surely the others can do it. Self-development training will show that apart from pleasures in life there is joy, pride in one's achievements and happiness. And then the world just gets a little wider.

What is personal growth training for?

Each person lives life with their own stereotypes in their heads. Life on a knurled track calms down with predictability. But at one point, the usual actions no longer bring the expected result. The surrounding reality is less and less happy with stability, so that such moments come more and more often. You can get depressed, calling what is happening "an age crisis." You can pull yourself together to benefit yourself and others. And remember that the word "crisis" written Chinese characters consists of two meanings "danger" and "opportunity".

Personal growth begins with going beyond comfort. Do something that you never did, get new experience- the growth process is never painless. What steps are to be taken on the path of self-development?

  1. Honesty towards yourself. Excuses can be found endlessly. Honestly admitting to yourself that you are standing still is only the first step. Many take a wait and see attitude, hoping to return the past. Those who are not ready to justify their own doing nothing, start looking for a coach.
  2. Changing daily habits. There is such psychological reception called "pay in advance." Before you get what you want later, you need to "pay" the advance today. For example, getting rid of a bad habit. Or purchase a useful one. Moreover, the desire and payment for it may be in different areas life.
  3. Work on bugs. Dependence on stereotypes, public opinion constantly put a fence around a person. Fear of error fetters body and mind. But each new failure increases the chances of success. You can make a mistake in anything, even in the choice of training. But consider the mistake as an experience, albeit negative, continuing to go further.
  4. Expression of feelings. People "canned" in themselves dreams, feelings, experiences. Love is considered the most important thing in life, but they do not know how to express it. Sincerity becomes more of a problem than a lack of money. The ability to throw out emotions, but at the same time not harm others, is an art that is also taught in trainings.

Overcoming internal resistance- part of the growth of personality. Even a clear goal setting does not save you from a long period of waiting. After all, people pass all the facts of life through their own filter. Filter personal experience and your own beliefs. Personal growth trainings do not provide guarantees. They provide a chance to try on glasses of a different reality in which there is success.

What are the courses of personal growth

Courses are a more familiar word than training, especially for older people. Courses are rarely intensive, but at a more measured pace. This category includes lectures or seminars where the trainer provides information without involving the group in an active dialogue.

The training, which lasts 2-3 days, is presented in the form of abstracts. Companies invite famous coaches to proofread short course... In this case, the activity of the participants is important. Raised hand in time and the question asked- this is an opportunity to get an answer to a personal question. Passive listening- a reason to make sure that nothing can be changed.

Personal growth courses are distinguished by:

  • Subject. Business growth or development of communication skills. You can develop in the field healthy way life or in the spiritual realm.
  • Format. Private and public events are funded by corporations or individuals. Off-site courses by the sea or webinars that participants take place in front of a computer monitor.
  • Methods. Someone prefers meditation, and someone runs through the streets in search of money, following the instructions of the coach. Someone imagines the day of their own death or falls into a trance state. When choosing a training, you should pay Special attention on the methods of work of the presenter.
  • The degree of preparation of the participants. Basic courses provide general information... Participants learn to interact with each other and with the facilitator. The prepared audience communicates with each other in a professional language of terms. Trainers give difficult tasks designed for experienced participants.

There is no ready-made solution. None of the personal growth courses will provide a specific answer like: "you have to do this ... to get this ...". Learning provides opportunities. The goal of the participants is to take advantage of them. After all, even the smallest achievement raises self-esteem. And success is built on the foundation of failure.

How to choose a personal growth coach

There is no universal recipe for personal development. To get more on the scale of life, you have to pay with the most expensive - personal comfort. A conscious choice of a coach will help you overcome the path with fewer losses (but you still cannot do without them). How to choose a coach in absentia? Here are some ways to get to know him better:

  • author's blog or page in social networks;
  • materials that are in the public domain;
  • real feedback on forums from participants who attended original trainings;
  • the advice of people who have already taken part in this kind of event will help to evaluate the promises from the point of view of common sense.

Personal development coach - psychologist and coach in one person:

  • Tough but not rude. He does not set himself the goal of humiliating the participant. But a timely kick is a justified and win-win psychological trick.
  • Attentive, but not lisp. He will grasp the essence of someone else's problem without listening to complaints about life.
  • With a sense of humor, but without vulgarity. An appropriate joke can defuse the situation. The coach avoids obscene anecdotes and suppresses those from the audience.
  • Persistent, but not intrusive. Resistance to innovation is a natural response to change. The coach will persist in getting the assignment done, but will not impose his own conclusions or point of view.
  • Motivating but not coercive. Participants take their steps on their own. The coach can pay attention to mistakes, but will not provide a clear plan of action. Even if they ask him about it.

By paying for courses from a well-known trainer, participants buy his experience. Knowledge costs exactly what people are willing to pay for it. Nobody says it will be easy. No one will tell you how to be successful the first time. The trainer will provide participants with more than just information. He will provide them with the very "kick" that will lead to specific actions. And any action is a win-win option.

Personal change begins with the realization that safety is far more frightening than risk. It is important not just to know. It is important to do it. The day after the training, ordinary everyday life begins again, and only daily work on yourself will help you get what you want. Personal growth training helps you piece together the pieces of individual abilities and goals to create your own personality builder. One participant will fold the bike and the other will build the spaceship.


The desire to live a better life, to have a strong family, financial wealth visits each of us. To achieve goals, you need to develop, learn, work on yourself. This path is not easy and involves passing through several stages. The main thing is to move forward and take the steps leading to every day. A person comes to self-development and personal growth with different groundwork and state of mind. Therefore, work on oneself for each person proceeds individually. Let's figure out what self-development gives, and what impact does personal growth have on a person's life?

A bit of theory

There is a statement that self-development and personal growth are one and the same. Indeed, they walk side by side and lead to a common goal. Self-development is understood as a person's actions that he performs without pressure, interference from third parties. It is a conscious process aimed at achieving clear goals or beliefs.

Personal growth is a concept used in psychology. It means the upbringing of certain qualities by a person and the acquisition of skills that improve specific areas of life. This includes social, financial, cultural and other areas. The main task of personal growth and self-development is to increase a person's potential and high performance in selected areas of life.

A conclusion emerges from these two concepts. Actions are carried out in a specific direction. To achieve the result, a self-development plan is drawn up. It includes actions that a person must carry out. This is reading books on self-development, watching films on personal growth, passing trainings.

Self-development and personal growth goals

Today there are skeptics who claim that self-development is a waste of time. Similar thoughts arise in lazy people or individuals with no purpose. They live life automatically. In the morning they wake up, then go to work, return, have dinner and fall asleep to the sound of the TV. It is much more convenient to live and not think about anything. In this case, you shouldn't complain about your financial situation, personal failures or lack of career growth.

Self-development and personal growth help to achieve the following goals:

Building awareness. It begins with the release of an automatic model of life. When a person begins to ask himself questions, evaluate from the outside, draw conclusions. Awareness gradually develops. A person accepts the present and corrects it, and does not live in the past or bask in the hopes of the future. By influencing certain character traits, the personality develops and acquires new skills.
Compliance with the current day. The second target floats out of the first. The search for information leads a person to study various subjects, knowledge, mastering new skills. The modern pace of life is fast-paced, interesting and technologically complex. To keep up with the times, follow the changes that are taking place in the world. Everyday work allows a person to keep up with the times. Such skills help to be in demand at work,.
Comprehensive development. When pursuing personal growth, do not focus on one topic. A narrow specialization makes a person narrow-minded and boring. Take a little interest in everything. This does not have to take a lot of time. Instead of watching TV, look through the news heading in the world of culture, science, technology. Thanks to the accumulated knowledge, you will be able to start a conversation with a stranger and become the soul of the company. Comprehensive development helps with employment.

People engaged in self-development achieve goals and understand their own. In parallel, other areas are being pumped: health, proper nutrition, spiritual fulfillment. Personal growth leads to getting rid of bad habits, organization, improving relationships with loved ones.

Self-development and personal growth in a career

There are many requirements for a modern employee. The main qualities are stress resistance, the ability to adapt to different working conditions, correct psychological attitude... At the same time, not every manager is ready to send a new employee to trainings and trainings, preparing a valuable staff. We need workers who can join the team from day one.

To compete in your job search, seek information, develop skills, attend professional events and seminars. Personal growth in a career gives the following results:

conscious choice of profession and idea of ​​work;
quick and confident decision making;
understanding what qualities to develop for career advancement;
competitiveness, advantageous positions when looking for a job on a competitive basis;
the ability to present yourself correctly.

Self-development involves the study of information in a specific area. Fresh knowledge helps develop expertise. A person acquires related skills: the ability to plan a day and solve work problems.

Self-development in studies

Each person goes through compulsory education, developing and receiving certain knowledge. After studying at school, the road leads to higher schools... Here it is already worth showing interest in choosing a profession and focusing actions on in-depth study of specialized subjects. Getting a diploma is the first major step towards personal development.

Self-development in studies gives positive results:

the person learns to focus on the classroom;
gets the first skills for motivation;
participates in the learning process, does not go with the flow, but makes an informed choice;
enjoys studying and easily assimilates the material, since he learns of his own free will.

The institutes pay attention (critical and analytical). As a result, the education process is smooth and interesting. The student receives knowledge that he can apply in various life situations.

Personal growth in private life

The relationship between a man and a woman takes effort. Developing, a person receives new knowledge about personal life and applies them. Relationships are getting stronger and healthier. It's great if the other half is interested in self-development. Support loved one helps to achieve goals, the formation of a holistic personality.

Personal growth in private life leads to the following results:

a person understands himself deeper, close people;
the fear of building romantic or is gone;
a person opens up, makes contact easier, conflicts less with the other half, since understanding comes to actions;
self-development opens up new sides of loved ones.

A person develops an understanding of the family, his role and responsibilities. The knowledge gained helps during the current relationship, plus discloses ways of further actions. Difficult decisions are made: divorce, search for a new partner, and others.

Stages of self-development and personal growth

Banal curiosity, reading books and watching motivating films will not lead to results. To make a change in life, you have to work hard. To do this, go through the mandatory stages of self-development and personal growth:

Acceptance of the current situation. Analyze what you have today, what does not suit you, what knowledge you plan to acquire.
Desire to act. Draw a portrait of the new person you want to be. Describe the strengths and weaknesses... Set a specific goal for what you want to achieve.
Implementation. Take small steps every day to reach your goal. , repeat that everything will work out, and you will achieve the result.

Responsibility. Get ready for a thorny path. Achievements and mistakes are entirely yours. Do not shift the responsibility for failures to third parties. Analyzing mistakes and recognizing wrong actions is proof of self-development.

Personal growth is a journey that has a beginning but no end. Starting to develop, you will acquire harmony of body and soul. You will be able to understand people, build harmonious relationship with others. Take a step towards yourself, life will become more interesting and richer.

January 21, 2014