Psychological games and exercises. Exercises for training on psychology

These exercises can help their participants to acquire skills and skills in communication, prepare for communication with a person "Any degree of complexity"; As far as possible to know yourself and other people; Develop the ability to feel and understand another person.

"Alien Morning"

The presenter asks for all participants to close the eyes. Then he turns to the first participant, asks him to describe how the second participant is dressed in what clothes. Then he asks him well tighten, and tell about his ideas, as the morning of the second participant passed.

Verifying can be asked suggestive questions, eg:

What time did he woke up?

He woke up himself or woke him?

He immediately got up or still bored in bed?

Does he do the charge?

Did you include any probes?

What color is his toothbrush?

What color does he have a towel?

What is he breakfast?

What did he drink, tea or coffee?


After the participant spoke about his ideas, he can open his eyes. The second participant, whose morning was described, gives a small comment on the coincidences of ideas with reality, and then describes the morning of the third participant. The circle closes when the last participant describes the morning of one who was the first.

"Geometry for dumb"

Participants are distributed sheets for drawing and simple pencils. They have to play a mini lesson passing under the following conditions. One of the participants receive the role of a "paralyzed teacher". He is forbidden in the course of the lesson to get up from the chair and show something with his hands. "Pupils", in turn, are "dumb", they are forbidden to speak and get out of place.

The host shows the teacher of the form with the image of the composition of the seven, in contact with one point, geometric figures: Equal triangles, squares and parallelograms. "Pupils" of this image should not see.

The teacher will have to describe what is shown in the figure. And the disciples should draw an identical picture for this story. The lead asks how much time is needed by the teacher, so that the group coped with the task? Having received a response, the presenter flows time, work


When the control time passes, and the task is not yet fulfilled, the presenter again asks about the necessary additional time. After this time, the result is checked. The teacher issues estimates to each student based on the results of his work.

The participants then discuss work, everyone expresses their wishes to the teacher. The teacher also makes the analysis of his work.

After the end of the work, there is a comparison of the effectiveness of two lessons.


Two participants are becoming against each other on both sides of a tightened dense material of the rectangular frame. Partners should not see each other. According to the leading signal, both players are applied simultaneously to the index finger into the wall separating them. The goal is the minimum number of attempts to find a common point of injection, i.e. Completely through matter with fingertips.

To exclude the possibility of easy victories, you can enter the condition: to apply injections not to the center of the canvas.


Among the participants of the game is chosen by the leading, it is removed from the room for a while. The rest of the participants make one of the players and the name of the lead. The presenter can ask the participants questions, with which they associate a mandated person. For example: What animals? What weather? What color? Etc. Then the leading 3 attempts are given to guess the person who was discussed.


A playing field is created - an extensive space with scattered matches. Participants are divided into pairs ("Robot" and "Operator"). The task of the "operator" with the help of its "robot" to collect as many matches as possible. To do this, he serves the robot of verbal teams, striving in detail and accurately control the movements of his hands, legs, torso. The task of the "robot" is - with a closer and accurately execute the commands of their "operator". The eyes of the "robot" during operation should be closed. The leading should emphasize that the "robot" should not play out to his "operator", he is just an obedient tool in the "operator" hands. When you turn on the game "Operator" begins to perceive inaccuracies in the movements "Robot" not as a partner's error in the game, but as your own.

Instead of matches, you can offer any other motor task: draw the figure, tie a node, pass the labyrinth, to build a group sculptural composition, etc.


The game is held in the fours, two participants are sitting opposite each other so that their knees come into contact and close their eyes. Indexing fingers of right hands - " space stations"- pull towards each other. Two other players become behind sitting. At the signal, each of the standing participants begins with the help of verbal teams or touches to control the movements of the right hand sitting in front of it. The goal behind the chairs of the players is to reduce the ends index fingers His partners. A competitive version of the game is possible: one of the players seeks to lead their "target" - the palm of a person sitting in front of him - from the pursuit of his "rocket" - the index finger sitting on the contrary. At the same time, the palm must, of course, are always within reach of the fingers, and the face is out of its limits.


Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, players distribute among themselves the role of "frozen" and "resuscitation". According to the "Frozen" signal, it is frozen in immobility, depicting the creature immersed in anabiosis - with a petrified face and an empty look. "Resuscitator" per minute must rescue the partner from Anabiosis, revive it. "Resuscitator" has no right to touch the "frozen" or contact him with any question, words. Tools "Resuscitation" - a look, facial expressions, gestures and a pantomime. The success of the "resuscitation" can be considered the involuntary replicas of "frozen", his laughter, smile. The exit criteria from anabiosis, which may vary from obvious disorders of silence and immobility to the hardly noticeable changes in the expression of the person, are established by the participants themselves.


The group is divided into pairs. One of the participants closes his eyes and folds his hand into the "claw" of several fingers. The other puts one or several items on the table. His task - with the help of "claws", obediently performing all instructions, capture the subject and shift it to another chair. "Cleash" is arranged so that it can move in all directions, while maintaining the orientation perpendicular to the surface of the chair, as well as to reduce the fingers.

In order to give this exercise a competitive nature, it is advisable to limit the time of its execution.

Another sharp and dynamic form of the game is a competitive struggle of two pairs, each of them drags them with the help of "claws" items from the rival stools on their chair until they all turn out to be focused on the same stool.

In the simplest version of the game, the winner of the Kleshni is given the role of the robot disinteited in the outcome, capable of mechanical execution of the "operator" teams: "From yourself!", "On yourself!", "Right", "Left", "up", "Down", "Capture", "Dismiss", "Stop". With such a distribution of responsibilities, the exercise works mainly on the "operator": it is from him that he mobilizes the ability to feel, since for the successful holding of the necessary manipulations, he must feel "claw" as his own. More complex option: "Operator" puts his palm on the shoulder or head of his partner and is trying to manage the "culse" in the language of pressing, compression, strokes, and so on.

"Shadow play"

Before starting the game, cards are harvested, the number equal to the number of playing. The cards are written on cards. Suppose the action of your "performance" occurs in the castle, then the list of roles may be as follows: King, Queen, Princess, Knight, servant, wanderer, court. Cards are mixed and distributed so that no one can see what role the other players are received. And then the communication begins, in the process of which everyone plays a role to him and at the same time trying to find out who others play. You can express your guesses out loud, then, if guess, then out of the game "exposed". If I was wrong - you go out by opening your card. The game continues until finally find out who is who. And then you can play the Tavern. There are a merchant, thief, sailor, wizard, robber, detective, ....

"His space"

Having allocated from a group of one of its members ("Protagonist"), the presenter suggests him to stand up or sit in the center of the playground and present himself to "luminaire", on a reasonable removal from which the "planets" will be "planets" -tal members of the group. And so that those whose "attraction" is felt more stronger, will be closer, and those whose attraction is weaker - further.

Now, the "protagonist" is necessary, slowly turning around its axis, inform each of those present, in which direction and for what distance he needs to move away, and the distance is fixed by the "rest!" Command. But those whom she was not given is generally leaving the platform. In addition, the "protagonist" can leave people in place and even bring them to themselves if it turns out that the preliminary distance was too large. The results of such an arrangement should be considered as a demonstration of the "protagonist" of their sympathies and antipathies. The reality is revealed in the second stage of the game when he is invited to evaluate the created psychological space in terms of comfort, which tests "protagonist" is experiencing inside the resulting environment, and increase comfort by changing the placement of participants and changing their composition (returning someone from expelled).


The group is broken down on the triple. In each triple, duties are distributed as follows.

1. The first participant plays the role of "deaf and dumb": he does not hear anything, can not speak, but at his disposal - vision "as well as a gesture and pantomime.

2. The server plays the role of "deaf and paralyticism". He can talk and see.

3.Tretes "blind and dumb". He is able to only hear and show.

The whole top three is offered tasks: to agree on the place of the meeting, about the gift of the birthday language or what color to paint the fence.

To facilitate the entry of participants, they can be provided with their respective details: bandages (for blind), sweets (for silent), bows or ropes (for binding limb to paralyticism), cotton (in the ears of deaf).


Exercise is performed in pairs. Every 5 minutes a partner change occurs and position.

1. Partners are sitting on the floor, back to back. Any conversation lead. Then share their feelings.

2. Partners look at each other in the eyes. Trying to establish visual contact, without the use of words. Then discussion.

3. During the conversation, one partner stands, another sits. After 1 minute, they change places. Discussion.


The whole group, with the exception of the leading, sits on the chairs in a circle. Drinking with tied eyes walks inside the circle, periodically sitting down to his knees. His task is to guess to whom he sat down. It is not allowed to feel his hands, it is necessary to sit back to the sitting, as if you sit on a chair. Sitting must say "BIP", distorting his voice so that he is not recognized. If the leading guessed, he sits on whose knees, then this member of the group begins to drive, and the previous one sits in his place.

"Siamese twins"

The group is divided into pairs. Each couple is taken by hand so that the left hand of one participant and right hand Another participant was free. Each pair is offered from sheets of paper to make any craft (aircraft, steamer, etc.). The pair makes the craft only with free hands.

Terms of completion of the task can be complicated:

· Perform the task silently,

· One participant works with closed eyes,

· Both participants work with closed eyes.


Participants are divided into pairs. The first participant says, and the second only listens.

2. Subject: "How will you be in 10 years"

Discussion of feelings, emotions caused during the exercise.


Participants get into the circles tightly hold hands. One of the participants becomes in the center of the circle. He must ask the players to release it from the circle so that they really want to do this, that is, to find a "weak link" and choose the right appeal.

"Sculptor and clay"

In pairs, participants in the exercise distribute roles. One of them becomes soft clay, and another "sculptor".

Sculptor silently "Lepit" from clay some kind of image that comes up with himself. If the "clay" does not suit the appeal of the sculptor, it can "fall apart."

At the end of the work, the participant who play the role of clay is trying to guess which image was blind from it and why.

"Intelligence service"

The game is carried out in the form of a dialogue between the two participants. Each participant receives a note with a task from the lead: find out something from your partner. For example: Does he have a guitar, whether he is played and chess, the date of birth of his mom, etc.

Each participant must receive an answer to his question and, in addition, to guess what he wants to know his interlocutor. The game is carried out within 5 minutes. The audience estimates the success of each in the task.

"The escape"

The participants of the game are divided into pairs. One of the participants becomes "concluded", another "escape organizer." They sit down against each other.

The presenter sets the situation: "The prisoner transfer incomplete information that the escape is preparing for it this night. The way of escape and time must be guessing the prisoner by writing about it in the note. At this time, the escape organizer describes its escape option in the note. "

Simplified version: Participants are forbidden to talk.

Complete option: Participants are forbidden to talk and generally exchange any signs.

Exercise participants are exchanged notes and taste text.

There are those pairs in which the text turns out to be approximately the same.

"What do I see myself?"

Participants are distributed markers and sheets for drawing. They are invited to draw a picture on a given topic, "what I see myself?". It can be any drawing: black and white or color, realistic or abstract, and maybe it will be some kind of scheme. Participants are absolutely free in choosing, both genre and technology. Drawing time - 10 minutes. Then the presenter collects drawings and hangs them, makes a "portrait gallery". Participants are trying to guess who is depicted in the picture and why. The author commented on his self portrait.

"Contact bridge"

Participants are invited to be distributed on the pair. Partners become opposite each other at a distance of approximately drawn hands. The presenter gives the task: clamp a felt-tip between index fingers Both participants so that he acts as if "bridge" between partners. Next, not negotiating, partners begin to jointly move the felt-tip pen, performing the movement along the free trajectory. Participants are invited after some time to close the eyes and continue the movement.

Then there is a discussion of the exercise. Participants tell how to contact, turning special attention on the problem of leadership, subordination, adoption of the initiative, cooperation, etc.


Chairs of participants are placed in the form of an open circle, like the letter "C". A separate unoccupied chair is set in the middle of the interval formed.

Participants are in turn sit on a free chair. Everyone has 3 minutes to be held on the stool. They are invited during this time to report various positive information about themselves: about the nature, skills, abilities, achievements, etc. All 3 minutes are allowed to hold silently on the chair or say not all the time.

Below your attention is presented:A list of psychological training, psychological seminars, psychotherapeutic groups found on the Internet. Read, draw conclusions yourself, plus you can get acquainted with the opinion of the compiler of this list.

On-Line course on changing life.

Cost $ 100. - "The cost pleases, the more for that .. is it not true?"

Free On-Line Training "Fill life meaning"

And here is completely free. I signed up! AND YOU?. Especially here they promise, quote:

"And already very soon you can realize your destination and increase the effectiveness of your actions at work and in your personal life.

Seminar - Psychological training "Education Secrets"


"The goal is to teach parents to understand the child and teach effective interaction."

By the way for eight lessons, only 2500 ... Great! They will teach to understand the child, it is great, although not specified neighbor, your or transcendent, but it probably does not matter ...

Psychotherapeutic group "About it"

Here, Afftar burns already at the beginning of the article, quote:

"I and you, you and he, he and she, she and you. These simple combinations of prepositions sometimes give rise to the difficult combinations of relationships. "

True, difficult combinations ... Prepositions

"Come to us on a group to try delicacy from the tree of good and evil ..."

Psychotherapeutic group "Strange People"

Total from 1000 to 1,500 meeting you need five. As far as I understand, then, after some time you will answer the following questions, quote:

"So how to be in this strange world? Take your own solutions? Find out outs complex situations? How to feel your separate and uniqueness, while remaining with others? Interact with them? "

Program for students and high school students "Life Management"

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Continuous training kinesiology MPAK


"Kinesiology is more efficient faulty therapy

Kinesiology - a technique representing a complex of physical, psychological and energy practices, the purpose of which is to return the opportunity to make a choice in favor of success and health!

The method is based on the fact that the only source of human information is himself! You can learn not only the causes of questions that are facing you, but also methods of dispersion through a muscular test (direct-feedback with your body and subconscious)!

The possibilities of kinesiology are unusually wide! It gives fantastic results in all areas where we are experiencing emotions! These are the various psychological aspects of psychosomatic diseases, manifestations of stress and depression, issues of relationships, destinations, vocation and self-realization in life, success, creativity! "

"The Theater of Relations. Me and you"


"- Development of skills in establishing and maintaining psychological contact in communication.

Cognition for your capabilities and restrictions in cooperation with other people.

Awareness and removal of internal barriers interfering with effective communication.

Determination of basic life strategies used in relations with others.

Studying the features of polisher and age identification, and their influence on the establishment of relations in a pair.

Increased personal effectiveness. "

Art group "Paints of Life"


"Result: you get rid of unnecessary" negative "feelings and emotions, and in return fill your life bright colors, joyful and bright feelings! "

Course "I am a woman! "

Only 4000, for 10 lessons. And ... "I am a woman"

Return to yourself or awakening women's strength


"Discover the magic source of female strength, giving joy and lightness, freedom and confidence, beauty and sexuality!"

Relationship with life and death


"Relationships with life and death.

this is a module in the "Authority of Life" program. It will allow you to touch what we rarely can concern because of the tabernacle of death, realize the value of the emptiness and value of your own life path, realize and arrange priorities in your own needs.

This module is an existential study of the 2x deepest and main ones of our life. He will allow them to meet with him, free from all that has already served and prevents moving on. He is about freedom of desires, forgiveness and trust, laws of movement, balance and development of life. "

4 levels of personal growth or from chaos to space


"Session results:

When we are afraid of intimacy, we hurt for rituals. Rituals require masks, not living people and living feelings. Become ourselves and be alive, be, not to seem, take your feelings and your relationship with the world in all of their complexity and find your strength - here is the goal, and the path, and the result of this session. "

"Session results:

Having learned to hear yourself and others and learning how to think about yourself, about others and about the world, we get the opportunity to take other solutions and manage your life. "

"Session results:

Maybe the hardest work that we have to do in your life is to work yourself. To get one step closer to myself, another step, more ... The longest path starts from the first step ... "

"Session results:

Who am I? Am I my mind? Or am I my soul, my pain, my tenderness ...? And my body is me or only part of me? Who am I? ...

We only manage what we have identified with. Being yourself - it means to be your me and manage what you were able to ... dislinee, revealing new sources of inner strength, joy, freedom and creativity. "

Training Personal Growth "Sexuality - Source of Life"


"Before inclusion in the group, a personal interview is required (60 minutes) with a coach."

Psychotherapeutic group "Loneliness in the Big City"


"What can you get on the group?

1. You will understand how you do not allow yourself to find a partner.

2. Aware of your life scenario.

3. To overcome your shyness, flirt, attract to your life, new people interesting to you,

Create and maintain a happy relationship.

4.We know the secrets of influence on any person whoever he is.

5. Instruct the creation of an atmosphere of interest, participation and attention to yourself.

6. Learn better to understand other people and know what is important for them.

7. Expand your idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you are capable. "

Meanings, values, goals. How to find your own?


"We will create the conditions for you:

Found answers to questions:"What are my values? How do I rode now? "

Found answers to questions: "Why do I live? What are my end sense? "

Found answers to questions: "What are the goals really inspire me without necessary and should?"

Found answers to the question: "How do I realize what I want?". "

"Conscious food: how to become slim once ... but forever"


"We guarantee a persistent result in weight reduction, provided 100% of the fulfillment of all recommendations!"

Women's practical seminars "flower of life. Awakening a natural woman "


"Goals and objectives of practical seminars:

  • Collect your female energy
  • Revive and correct your female strength
  • Learn to feel your body, remember the self-treatment of the female body
  • Learn to feel your life centers, find out where you live, moving
  • Open women's and male canal, revive their interaction
  • Learn how to position your female strength and be able to use it in the family and social life
  • Open your inner deep wisdom
  • Meet and start working with your natural woman "

Psychotherapeutic group "Be a man"

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Personal growth program "Path to yourself"


The program "Intensive course of identity development"


"In each person, growth potential is laid - as in every judder, an oak potential is laid and You really wonder what he is, your oak

Practical audio course for women "five steps to female freedom": how to survive a heavy divorce and start life from pure sheet "


How to stop living with past insults and losses? What is the real danger of soothing thoughts "everything will be fine", "I will meet my love", "Will we live long and happily"?

Is it possible to forgive betray?

5 ways to recover feminine confidence and attachment of losing deception and betrayal

What is really necessary to survive the divorce is calm and worthy, regardless of the behavior and nature of the former husband;

How to avoid mistakes of the past when choosing a new life satellite? "

Training "Happiness in Relations"


"During the training you can:

fill your "route card", which will indicate the path from you today to you, happy in the relationship,

Determine the destination route - you will understand what the relationship between a man and a woman will understand your resource state at the end point,

Find out what constituent "bricks" relations are being built,

I will understand and designate complex "quaggers, swamps and ravines" on your map - get acquainted and see "in the face" your fears, fears, problems, learn how to pass them.

... And after some time, with the help of your route card, you will reach the point called "Happiness in the relationship"! "

Rehabilitation program "Return yourself!



Adults - 25.000 rubles. (Accommodation, meals, participation in the program).

Children!!! - 12.500 rubles. "

Color and three exclamation signs in my quotation.

Visiting the goddess Macoshi or dolls of women's fate


"The course" Visiting Goddess Macoshi "includes cycles of trainings, where participants will know themselves and their internal states - Girls, girls, women and others. This is, of course, women's meetings. They are about women and for women. Together we learn how to get yourself, our inner states, our relationship with a man, the world around and much more. "

Syclical group on tarot


"Individual and group deep work with images, archetypes and symbols of senior Arkanov Tarot - a tool for studying their living space and personal development needs.

On Tuesdays in the evening from October.

<Это Личностная программа развития, где через символику старших арканов ТАРО исследуется свое бессознательное.

At the heart - the symbolrama method is a very eco-friendly and soft method that helps to resolve their internal conflicts.

There is a fine tuning of its inner world through a figurative space and work with unconscious. "

Women's Slavic gymnastics "Charovenica"

Just liked the name ...

Course on the psychology "Life Scales"


"In this course, we will explore the basis of the human psychology, while we will take into account many questions:

  • Rational world and spiritual world;
  • Genetics. "Apple tree from the apple tree ...";
  • Purpose of man: mission, path, result;
  • The significance of the mechanisms of skills, values, ego identification;
  • Self-realization (caterpillar or butterfly)?
  • Needs as a management tool;
  • Life experience. What is the delusion?
  • Deprivation: one is drowning, another - incentive;
  • The wisdom of the ancients. Why are we inventing what has long been invented?
  • Influence of stars on behavior of people;
  • Apple - philosophy of life.
  • Globalization: What is happening today in the world? Scary to know or scary not to know? "

Psychotherapeutic group "Mosaic of my soul"


"Method - psychodrama psychodrama makes it possible not to just talk about ... (a specific situation, the inner world, a dream - yes of anything!), And right here, with the help of other participants to put the scene, ask roles - and live inside. Psychodrama can be:

A tool for self-knowledge and self-development - see what is in my world, as it is arranged that it is more, but less important. - in the way to solve difficulties - to see what the root of the difficulties, and right there, in a psychodramatical reality, try another way of action, to find help, or just tryable - and maybe it really does not matter, but it is important completely different?"

Psychological program "Life in Kaif! Self-realization. "


"It is now that you have the opportunity to undergo a psychological program that was created in order to help implement your own potential as efficiently as possible and get rid of everything that prevents this.

These will be practical classes with regular meetings 1 time per week for 3 hours. In the practical part there will be:

Discussions and analysis of the problem of each participant individually

Specially selected unique exercises from Eastern bodily and spiritual practices, and the latest discoveries and achievements of Europe for personal self-realization.

Home practical tasks after each meeting

In a programme:

Introduction to the causes of human problems according to the most recent studies of psychologists, psychotherapists and physiologists

Testing the current situation: how well everything is fine or bad

Phased study of character traits that interfere with self-realization

Development of an internal rod

Personal border testing

Work with emotional resistance

Embedding new necessary skills on autopilot

Effective communication with loved ones, friends, partners

Email support »

Thematic group "Hello, Christmas tree, New Year!"

Just liked ...

Group "My Women's Uniqueness"


"Work in the group "My female uniqueness" Allows you to disclose your "me", to learn and strengthen my female entity, resolve issues related to relationships, self-esteem in general and female self-esteem in particular. "

Psychotherapeutic group "You yes I, yes, we and you ..."


"What is a relationship for me?

Relationship is life. Relationships primarily with them, with others. And the latter in life is abused ... First, parents, then friends, classmates and teachers, then colleagues, bosses, and of course men. And I came to therapy with a great desire to "replace", "Fix" the relationship. I really wanted a magic wand (well, or a magic pendel) in order for everything to solve itself. But as it turned out, there is no magic, but there is a long and difficult work on yourself.

Yes, now everything is not always smooth, but I understood, there is no life, lively life, and tormented, without a hole and hobbies. I love live relationship. " (Nadezhda Binevskaya)

"For me, the relationship is the ability to be close and at the same time independently, it is an opportunity to be next to another holistic and separately remain holistic. And the most difficult thing is to take other people as they are (with all the features, disadvantages and advantages), not trying to redo or adjust to themselves. "(Sea Maria) »

Training "Voice Energy"


Training: "Open Heart"

Tin ...

Helping network dialogue


"I offer colleagues a short course on the development of a new advisory - cyberspace.

Colleagues, let's use the Internet by professionals! Let's start with us - yourself! "

So where everything went like. The word "went", please read with different stresses.

Psychological training "I and money - the path to success"


"At psychological training you can find out:

  • how to develop and consolidate the skill of a successful person
  • how to start acting to become richer
  • who and what prevents the money to be "

Psychological training "Heritage of my childhood"


"Questions over which we will work:

  • Heritage of my childhood. What is it?
  • Inner child, inner parent, inner adult.
  • Influence of an internal child on adult life.
  • Types of domestic child (wounded, divine).
  • How to heal the wounded inner child?
  • Formation of an internal parent. "

Art training "Rightphan drawing"

When I read the first time, I thought that they would have learning to draw the right hemisphere. Did not guess.


"The right hemisphere does not know how to lie, it allows you to be Vlad himself, feel yourself, without aspiration to be good for someone.

To awaken the resources of the right hemisphere - our creative spring - we use a lot of unusual and fun exercises. Aakatemism, logic and "correctness" on this training simply there is no place. Only spontaneity, freedom and joy! The ability to feel in practice the style of real world famous world "Relupported artists", with the works of which you will get to know during the training. And of course a lot of color and impressions! You can get an inexhaustible source of inspiration for further development and creativity. And you can "include" your inspiration at any time! And freedom and creativity are used in the future to create your own unique artistic style. "

Psychotherapeutic group "When I don't know what I want"


"The psychotherapeutic group is a small microcosm where you can experiment with reality and with you. And most importantly, in support of support and accompaniment, answer the question "What, in reality, I want?". Even if the problem of desires is not so acute, then you will have the opportunity to work on yourself, explore your fears, anxiety and causes of failure. "

The taste of my soul

Although one name is quite enough, I will give a quote.


"By visiting the training" taste of my soul ", you:

Learn to realize your needs through the taste of food.

Find for yourself another, less destructive, way to get pleasure from life

Create an individual style of your nutrition for health body and soul

Learn to solve your problems, and not replace them with food

You will understand how to correctly cope with your mental pain.

Desell creative understanding of cooking

Describe your own taste of personality

Learn to overcome your food addiction

Get acquainted with you from the new side "

Training: Big money Your reality!

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Evening therapeutic groups of family alignments. Individual family alignments on dolls.

Name!!! Zhzhzhby.

Promotion "Tea with a psychologist"


"There is a desire to discuss your problem and find a way out? What if they will not help? We are waiting for you to our free meetings! Check whether it is worth paying for qualified psychological assistance! The number of consultations is limited. "

Naturally, the number of consultations is limited, the blade is not rubber ...

Art is a parent. Program on the secrets of child behavior and the possibilities of solving them


"In the training you will learn:

* Diagnosis of the child's behavior and its reorientation; * Find effective solutions in cases with the hysteries of the child; * Solve conflicts with a child; * Transfer the responsibility to the child and do so that the child take the greatest responsibility; * Negotiate with the child and other family members; *Take care of yourself; * Cope with your fear and help the child to do it; * Cooperation with the child "

Training Personal Growth "Work with Death Awareness" - 1 Module of the program "Psychological assistance in mental injury"


"The tasks of the training are determined in accordance with the personal requests of the participants, but the main work is aimed at:

  • Overcoming the fear of death.
  • Fear of losses of loved ones.
  • The adoption and accommodation of their own death.
  • Forgiveness and adoption of dead relatives and loved ones. "

Pay attention to paragraph 2. Read: "The main work is aimed at the fear of losses of loved ones."

Happy couple. Workshop workshop


"How to choose a suitable partner? How to stay in a relationship - after all, love is sooner or later ... How to go through all the family crises and stay a happy couple? .. "

Psychological workshop "Look at your offense in the face"


"It is on my workshop that you will learn why we are offended, and how a resentment arises, let's talk about her meaning in our lives. And most importantly, we will return to the insults that are still seized by us. Only, we can deal with the reasons for specific offensive, get rid of the "old dominations", to heal the nunning wounds and learn to respond differently in stressful situations, not allowing new ones. "

Psychotherapeutic group "Tasty life"

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Training "Geniyev Strategy"

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Training equipment RPT-instant personal transformation

This is one of the coolest pieces. There is also an option: "Sudden transformation of the personality."

Children's Psychiatry Training


"Training" Children's Psychotherapy "is a fascinating journey into the world of childhood, to the world of toys and games. This is an opportunity to get acquainted with modern directions of children's psychotherapy, see and test various methods and techniques for working with children. Find in this manifold or come up with your unique work tool opening your door to the world of childhood. "

It is interesting for the discrepancy in the title and description. "Children's Psychiatry" is impressive.

Group of Personal Growth "I and You"

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Conflict management training "Conflict is easy!"

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"I am the director of my life itself!" - psychological training for adults


"Everyone has vulnerable places, but what's the difference where you have a button if you are a director and a remote in your hands !!!"

Practical program "I want a husband"

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Open seminar "Man. Instructions for use "


"At the seminar" Man. Instructions for use "You can learn about men if not all, then at least a lot of ...

For example:

"Five harmful councils": how to get rid of your beloved man quickly and efficiently (or how not to do this without following these advice)

"Rules of the first date": what can be done, and what is categorically impossible to do with a man on the first date, so as not to soak everything and immediately

"Hot ice": how to melt a serious and cold man, turning it into sensual and hot

"Antoski": how to melt it to stop scattering socks and arrange a mess in the apartment

"Talk to me": how to bring a man to a frank and sincere conversation, not including a soldering iron and not tie it to the battery

"Men from Mars": what men think really

"Anti-Isman": how to make a man not to change you (even with the most sultry beauty during the holidays in Cuba)

"Control Pault": how to finely influence the man so that he does not feel that he is influenced and thought that he himself wants himself

"Shub without scandal": how to make a man buying you what you want - without numerous requests and quarrels

"MMCHM": three types of men. What to expect from everyone to marry anyonelessly, and with whom you can live long and happy "

Training "Psychological Casino"

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Whims and disobedience of children. Causes, prevention, correction.


"Your child will become calmer and obedient. And you are more confident and more efficient! "

Secrets of happy women


"A simple test for verification, in women's condition you live:"

Note: All quotes are taken from Chelsey.

To work on yourself, it is not always necessary to contact a psychologist. In some cases, it is enough to take advantage of special exercises. They are effective if you need to restore faith in your own forces. It is not easy to succumb to despondency in a difficult situation. The goal may consist in restoring the mental shape, the clarity of the mind. Such classes are quite simple, interesting and effective. Therefore, a good psychological exercise allows you to quickly adjust yourself in the right direction.

How to get rid of stress

Quite interesting and simple is the exercise "Air Ball". The task is performed mentally. It is to present the ball, which is inflated at every breath. After it increases, it is necessary to detain the breath for 30 seconds. This psychological exercise must be repeated 5-6 times.

You can put hands on your knees. After that, it should be relaxed by closing the eye. In his right hand, it is necessary to imagine a lemon, and then squeeze the juice from it completely. The same needs to be performed for the left hand. Especially imagine it is quite notch. Then you should repeat the movement at the same time with two hands.

The psychological exercise "Seven candles" is running sitting. It should be convenient to settle down, closing the eye. After that, you need to present seven burning candles. It should be deeply inhaled. Then, representing a candle, blend it. The same actions need to be repeated with the remaining candles.

Exercise "fly" will help to get rid of the stress of the face. To do this, it is necessary to close your eyes and imagine that now the fly will go on face. It is annoying and constantly descended to different areas of the skin. That is, the insect has to be driven. Do not open your eyes.

If you present the lamp at the chest level, it also allows you to improve well-being. If the lighting is directed down, it is associated with comfortable sensations. Then the lamp begins to shine up, blinding the eyes. You should send it in your thoughts down.

Improving self-esteem

With the help of simple exercises, it is easy to lift self-esteem. It can be psychological exercises for trainings and those that can be done on their own. It is necessary to identify the qualities of which work will be carried out. To this end, it is preferable to take an ordinary piece of paper and transfer positive characteristics of the character to be strengthened. You should contact this list every day, working on the specified features.

But in the evening you do not need to be sad or engaged to self-suming. It is necessary to make a list even if small victories. The list should include even minor achievements. Here every victory has a great value. This task is very effective for

Exercises can be carried out as daily work with affirmations. It is necessary to allocate for yourself a positive installation and take it reading in the morning. This approach helps to establish the situation in the afternoon. If something does not work, you only need to remember the morning installation and repeat it. You should also read books written by successful people. For example, "The richest man in Babylona" J. Cleison, "The subconscious can be all" J. Kekho and others.

It should not be assumed that the use of such exercises will make it possible to quickly achieve explicit results. It all depends on perseverance and faith in their own strength. If you move in stages, it will gradually get better.

Psychological Exercises for Group

Classes in the team, which can be formed from several people, are fairly effective. Psychological exercises (group) are aimed at simultaneously work with several participants. Best of all, such classes help to establish difficulties with communication.

A rather popular problem is the following: a person feels not like that. Because of this, it develops a feeling of internal discomfort. He also begins to experience loneliness, it believes that others do not understand it. In this case, a certain psychological exercise helps.

Its purpose is to show the individuality of each of those present. To do this, you need to distribute all participants by a napkin. Then you should implement a number of actions on other participants:

  • Fold the leaf twice.
  • Open upper right corner.
  • Again folding the leaf twice.
  • Repeat an angle.
  • For the third time to do the same.
  • Repeat everything 4 times.

After that, each participant needs to deploy a piece of leaf and show the snowflake. Participants are compared with each other obtained by flexing the image. And it is noteworthy here that the same instruction was originally used. It turned out different snowflakes. That is thus the best psychological exercises work. They are unobtrusive and indicative. The reviewed training clearly demonstrates the manifestation of the individuality of each participant.

Improving relationships in the family

A family in which mutual understanding is missing between children and parents is not happy. You should be able to negotiate, explain and defend your point of view. At the same time, it is extremely important to do tactfully and not offend anyone with his behavior. To see each other as much as possible, you should also pay attention to psychological exercises for children and adults.

One of the successful examples is the exercise "Glass door". For its implementation, you need to imagine the metro car. As if one participant managed to enter it, and the other - no. Between them there were glass doors that prevent audibility, but retain visibility. And here the person who remains on the platform wants to tell a friend about where the next meeting will take place. Time for the conversation is 15 seconds, because after that the train leaves.

During the exercise, participants must set up 1 meters away from each other. After that, 15 seconds they need to spend to agree on a meeting and time. Then the train leaves, and the person who remains on the platform tells about whether he understood his partner.

Psychological exercises for trainings in the home environment can use a greater number of people than in a pair. Thus, the father could stay on the platform, and Mom and the Son - to leave. Or the daughter is one in the car, and mom and dad agree with her about the meeting place. This exercise should be repeated several times. The more options will be invented, the better.

Exercises for the smallest

Children like to search for a hidden object by performing an appropriate psychological exercise. To do this, you need to place anything in the room and tie a child's eye. Then you should give out loud teams as to how to move around the room. They may sound in this form: "Make a step to the right, turn, swell." And after finding the subject it is not bad to change the roles.

As a summary of the results should be discussed with the child the difficulty of performing exercise. What was it easier to do - listen to orders or command?

The game "Crocodile" is very popular. One participant using facial expressions and gestures, explains to everyone some word. They may be any nouns or sustainable expression. It can be abstract or specific. Solving the riddle correctly asks the following question.

Exercises to increase sociability

If there are problems with communicative skills, you also need to contact a number of exercises. It is not at all difficult to do at home, but it is best to do in the group. When carrying out all sorts of trainings, various social and psychological exercises are used. The success of the training team is to improve the ability of an individual to interpersonal interaction.

Such exercises are aimed at:

  1. Learn to perceive yourself and others.
  2. Get a number of social and psychological knowledge.
  3. It is better to understand each other's messages.
  4. Feel your own involvement in emerging situations.
  5. Understand the features of interpersonal communication.

Exercise Exercises for Training

A little discharge at the beginning of any training perfectly helps the exercise "Snowball". It is that each of the participants alternately called its name and epithet to it. But the adjective should begin on the first letter of the name. It can be Andrei Adequate, Sergey Sergey, Daria Daria and others. Thus, those present get the first idea of \u200b\u200bnew acquaintances. And, which is important, psychological exercise allows you to discharge the atmosphere and form the first contacts between the participants. 10 minutes stand out for exercise.

There is another exercise called "compliment". It must be divided into pairs of all those present. After that, each of them should be introduced to a partner, saying a compliment. Another person repeats this action. Then the pairs should change. But another partner should be called the last compliment. The game should be continued until a full acquaintance of those present with each other. Exercise takes 7 minutes.

Options for parents

Each adult person faces every day with a lot of demanding issues. This applies to working activities, problems in personal life, difficulties with the upbringing of children, and material issues.

To establish life, you need to take responsibility for everything that happens around. There is no one to blame for this, and the person who does not arise the events that occur. Therefore, it is necessary to realize the importance of its influence on what is happening. After that, uncomplicated psychological exercises for parents can be made.

It is necessary to imagine that the whole family is a very small company. And for its success, it is necessary to behave in analogy with entrepreneurs. Objectives should be placed, manage employees, carry out an analysis of activities, distribute duties. But it is not worth equating the family to something production, for example, an enterprise engaged in the cultivation of children.

Now you need to describe the ideal family in your presentation. It should be reflected on the overall state of family affairs. You need to reveal and record moments in which parents manage to manage what is happening. All force majeure situations should also be marked. Thus, all weak points of the company become detected.

Another exercise for parents

During the day, write all the complaints that arise. It is also necessary to pay attention to accusations of other people. Such psychological exercises are very effective. Often we do not even suspect how much energy we spend on accusation in your troubles of others.

After something similar in the head occurs, you need to pay attention to this idea. All the conclusions of the type "It happened because he did this way," should be replaced by "And what can I do to become better?" We must work on yourself for three weeks. The award will be the habit of taking responsibility for everything that happens in his own life.

If the complexity in solving life problems continues to be felt, then you need to perceive everything as a new task for creativity. It should be realized that everything is happening - the experiment. It is also necessary to work on finding new solutions, use fantasy. After all, a similar approach to business is very interesting in comparison with the one that implies the flow of flow.

Exercise to improve relations in the family

Now you need to decide with dreams and desires. Perhaps the wife believes that first of all you need to take care of the acquisition of a good house. The husband may assume that education for children is greater importance. Practical psychological exercises also provide for a discussion of the material side of the issue. Qualities that you want to see in your family are also essential. Moreover, it is very important that the spouses respected each other.

At this stage you need to arrange the evening of dreams. It is to tell each other his considerations about the perfect family. At the same time, her husband and wife must be mutually frank. It is very important to think about personal growth here, paying importance to children. What are the relationship with them after years? As a reference periods, you can choose 5, 10, 20 years.

Uncomplicated psychological exercises often allow to achieve essential results. For this you need to make quite a bit effort and patience. Perhaps life without stress is quite achieving the goal. So why do we often ignore ordinary techniques, for the incarnation of which additional costs do not need? After all, the situation is better to foresee or address the problem at the very beginning than to subsequently contact the help of a specialist.

Children and adolescents, however,, like adults, need psychological trainings, with the help of which they can understand themselves, correct their behavior, find the purpose of life, increase self-esteem, get rid of the complexes, communicate without conflicts with peers and loved ones. Experienced psychologists conduct such classes. In their arsenal, a variety of methods and psychological exercises, thanks to which you can achieve the desired results in the correction of individual mental functions or a specific person.

The meaning of psychological trainings

Psychological trainings contribute to personal development and self-knowledge. In their classes, experienced psychologists have a psychological impact on the client to normalize his mental state, help him express themselves, build a friendly relationship with others. Methods used by experts help children and adolescents to develop certain character qualities, useful skills and forms of behavior. Learn to act in various situations, tactfully communicate, to deal with difficulties yourself.

Psychological training for children of any age includes interesting psychological exercises and exciting games. In the course of each psychological classes, some particular skill or behavior model are trained.

Training on psychology can be individual or group. Depending on the desired result, the desired form of training is selected. The use of group psychological trainings is advisable to train communication skills, stress resistance, self-confidence. The benefits of psychological exercises are possible only if the child himself is interested in changes and personal growth.

Most Popular Psychological Training

  1. Communicative techniques and exercises.

With the help of psychological exercises, specialists are trained to find the right resolution of interpersonal conflicts, to achieve the desired result from the interlocutor. In the course of classes, the development of intuitive skills of necessary for communication, the formation of convincing speech and the development of installations for mutual understanding.

  1. Exercises personal growth.
  1. Preparation for school.

Classes will help to develop the skills and skills necessary for study at school. The child will learn responsibly to refer to the lessons, to behave correctly and culturally talk to teachers, make a friendly relationship with peers.

  1. Professional guidance games.

Psychologists will teach the skills of self-sustaining, help improve professional qualities. Training listeners will learn to set goals to seek them. Specialists will prompt in which a person will succeed, and what profession is unpromising for him.

  1. Role-playing games.

With this psychological training on the example of a simulated situation, several people interact with each other. They can be built in different roles and play the opposite personality. Such classes will help a person in a new way to take a look at the usual things, expand the behavioral repertoire, it is better to understand yourself, to overcome egocentrism in communicating with other people and personal distortions of social perception.

Those who wish to participate in psychology training or pass online training with modern hypnosis, can contact a psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturina. Practical recommendations and psychology exercises can be found

Requests are different. Topics for trainings and their names may be all sorts of.

In business coach, two categories of trainings are distinguished: Communication with them, communication with others. They can highlight 10 leading requests to the business coach:

Communication with me

    Stress management:stress lack of resources, stress lack of goals.

    Time management:time diagnostics, goaling, planning and organizing your life, hence the control and self-motive, correction of its plans and goals.

    Effective decision-making strategies:work with polyvariant strategies (no options), principal strategies (dilemma), a mixture of strategies.

    Life.-cucching:"All is well, but for some reason I'm hrenovo." A person cannot say about his problems; Against the background of universal well-being, depression is developing. Problems of self-deception and performing problems, i.e. How to file yourself to society so that you feel good.

    Health and family:balance of work and personal life; Problems in a family that can affect the efficiency of work.

Communication with others

    Psychology Sales

    Effective negotiations

    Team building and team management

    Conflict Management:how to conflict, effective strategies, ways to exit conflict, how not to get into the conflict situation.

    Self-testing training: The problem of an effective public speech.

In fact, the same topics can occur in personal growth training, and in the training of communicative.

    Training program

Most coaches face difficulties in independently writing the training program. It would still be one thing to carry out ready-made small programs, or training on the product, and completely different - with "0" write quality training. Yes, so write that I liked the participants, so that the leadership was not ashamed to show, in the end, to carry it out without any problems. Allocate 5 steps writing the training program:

Step 1: What do you please what? - We put the goals and tasks of the training. Descriptive note

It is also important to collect information: someone to learn what to learn where to teach. After these, at first glance, not cunning actions you will have enough material for setting the goals of the training. Drawing up an explanatory note. Step 2: Create a training concept.

This is the most creative part of the whole process, here you need to accurately determine the basic idea, thought and approach. Be sure - no concept, no organications. The main thing for myself to understand the need and benefit of such an event. The concept must be formulated briefly and Emko: "Carnival", "Expert Meeting", "Children's Maturenik" or "Vanity Exhibition", but you never even have any ideas to come into mind a professional. The main thing is to give the integrity of the trainings and will not give you the opportunity to spread.

Step 3: Compile a training plan. Now you can already make a preliminary training plan, in which it is important to combine the goals of the training with its concept, as a result of which it will be possible to distinguish thematic modules. We prescribe temporary gaps. Step 4: We select learning methods, make up the exercises, determine their goals, duration, stimulus material, possible distribution material, make up possible questions after passing each exercise.

Choose methods depending on the purpose of the training: If the purpose of the training is new knowledge, it means that in the course of the training, the strengthening unit (mini lecture, video survey of materials, moderation, group discussion). Choose methods depending on the topic of training: If the training is aimed at the formation of practical sales skills, then the main methods will be a role-playing game, video analyzes, method of cases, analysis and solving practical situations. Choose methods depending on the characteristics of the group: If the group is open, the participants are friendly and are positive for training, then methods will be appropriate for interpersonal interaction, self-analysis and self-discovery of participants (Picturesque technique, visualization, role-playing and business games, the "doitwrong" method). Choose methods depending on the time resources: Remember that methods are most predictable by temporary costs: mini lecture, performing a practical task, role-playing game (with time limit), video survey. And significant time costs require such methods as moderation, group discussion, business game, brainstorming, role-playing game with a free plot. Step 5: We write the training program itself The process of assimilation of the new material in the training, the development of skills, the establishment of installations is based on group processes. Due to the management of these processes, the effectiveness of learning increases. Thus, the structure of the training program is based on the laws of group dynamics. The program is formed from the description of the content of knowledge, skills, tools, methods and technologies.