Extracurricular activities in elementary school. Extra-curricular activities in elementary school: scenarios. Extracurricular activity for elementary school

Extra-curricular event "On the road of kindness"

Ulbutova Yulia Vladimirovna

Place of work, position:

MBOU "Chelutaevskaya secondary school No. 2", Deputy director for educational work.


The Republic of Buryatia

Characteristics of the lesson (classes)

The level of education:

initial general education

The target audience:

Classroom teacher

Teacher (teacher)


3rd grade


Extracurricular work

Goals :

    To cultivate the desire to do good deeds, the ability to give joy to people around.

    To expand children's knowledge about kindness and its role in the life of every person.

    Cultivate goodwill, attentiveness, the ability to sympathize with your comrades

    To form a positive emotional mood, cheerfulness, activity, morality

    Develop a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, the desire and ability to help.

Equipment: the name of the lesson topic, cut proverbs, children's drawings about good and evil, posters with the words "Good and Evil", rules of kindness, hearts, a tape recorder, recording songs

Preparatory work: drawings of children about good and evil.


Learned proverbs about good and evil,

Hearts cut out at labor lessons.

Suggested results:

Learn to distinguish between good deeds and bad deeds.

Expand the horizons of children.

Build friendships within the team and with others.

Event progress

    Organizing time.

(At the background of the song, a smile) (SLIDE 2)

Hello guys! Please guess the riddle:

Joy has a friend, In the form of a semicircle.

She lives on her face: Then she will suddenly go somewhere,

It will suddenly return. Sadness-longing is afraid of her. (Smile.)

I have a request for you: please close your eyes for a minute, smile (required from the heart), open your eyes, look: it has become brighter in our class. It was from your smiles that the sun shone, it warmed us with its warmth. When you smile you have a happy and kind face.

Let's just smile

Give smiles to random people.

What would not be for a penny, and not for a quarter,

And just smile at them!

Once again, good afternoon guys! When we say these words, we sincerely wish those with whom we meet, goodness and joy. And our hearts open to sincere and kind people. Today many guests came to our lesson, let's smile at them too, wish good day And good mood !


    scene (parents come out and each has a candle in their hands)

The first one said:

I -calmness . Unfortunately, people do not know how to save me. I think I have no choice but to go out!

And the flame of this candle went out.

The second said:

I -faith Unfortunately, no one wants me. People don't want to hear anything about me, so there's no point in burning me any further.

A light breeze blew and extinguished the candle.

Saddened, the third candle said:

I -Love I have no more strength to burn. People do not appreciate me and do not understand. They hate those who love them the most - their loved ones.

And that candle went out...

Suddenly ... went into the roomchild and saw three extinguished candles. Frightened, he shouted:

What are you doing?! You must burn - I'm afraid of the dark! Saying this, he wept.

Then the fourth candle said:

Don't be afraid and don't cry! While I am burning, you can always light the other three candles: I -hope.

SLIDE 1. Teacher: This candle in your life, dear children, is parents and teachers who shine for others, burning themselves, who teach you to be kind, to help others.

Today we will talk about the concepts you are familiar with. Nature has endowed man with great, brilliant virtues..(SLIDE 4) In each of us there is a small sun - kindness.

What is kindness?What does this word mean? (children's answers are heard)(SLIDE 5)

The teacher summarizes :

Kindness - this is responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others. (SLIDE 6 .)

1 student: The word is serious

Main, important

What it means

Much needed for everyone.

It has care and kindness

Warmth and love.

2 student : In it aspiration

Help again and again

This quality

Lives in the heart of many

And does not let others forget about the pain.

And it is more important than face beauty.

Did you guess that this is kindness of hearts?

3. Song about kindness "Barbariki"

Determining the theme of an extracurricular activity SLIDE 1

"On the road of kindness" And today we will play KVN

we dedicate our KVN to kindness.

2 commands are called.

Team "Polite guys"

Our motto: “Returning good with good is everyone’s business, and evil with good is the business of the brave.”

Team captain:……………………………..….(full name)

Team "Good-natured guys"

Our motto "Whoever loves good deeds, life is dear to him"

Team captain:……………………………………………...(full name)

Jury evaluates:(Knowledge, ingenuity, quick response and creative initiative of each team)

Teacher: I ask you to be attentive, active, help me in my work.

Teacher: Good and evil are the main basic concepts of morality (morality). Everything that helps man and nature is beneficial -good what harms it -evil . The highest manifestation of kindness: peace and love for the Motherland, for mother, other people, far and near, for the living and the dead, for home, for nature. The highest manifestation of evil is war, murder.(SLIDE 7 )

1 Quest ; Words in front of you, ……………………….. You must divide all the words into 2 groups, attach with magnets under the words: GOOD and EVIL


    Love indifference

    empathy aggressiveness

    Justice hate

    Selflessness envy

    mercy betrayal

    compassion indifference

    Sympathy rudeness

    caring selfishness

    Willingness to help Deception, disrespect


What kind of person do we call good? (children's answers)

Teacher: It is very pleasant that such concepts as “kindness”, “responsiveness”,

"humanity", "mercy", "goodwill", attention to each other.(SLIDE 8)

He loves people and is ready to help them in difficult times.

He loves nature and takes care of it.

Polite in handling, respectful to adults and to the younger ones.

"Do not look for beauty, look for kindness" (SLIDE 9) Such a wise conclusion was made by our ancestors and added:

"The world is not without good people" . They were sure that kindness, like mercy, comes from love. Kindness is said to be a language that the dumb can speak and the deaf can hear.

Today we are talking about qualities without which a person cannot be called a person.

Teacher: Remember that kindness and mercy have been developed by mankind for centuries in order to bring joy to this fellowship.

Since ancient times, people have striven for good and hated evil. And they reflected this idea in proverbs that are passed from mouth to mouth from generation to generation.

I offer you a task that will show your knowledge of proverbs about kindness.

2 Quest :In envelope No. 2 get the words, restore the scattered proverbs, read them and explain the meaning.





(command check)(SLIDE10)

So, let's check what proverbs you made up.

What do these proverbs teach?

Do you follow these proverbs in your life?

Teacher: Guys, what other proverbs about friendship and kindness do you know?? (Slide 11) (Slide 12)

- “A good word heals, an evil one cripples”

"Bad to the one who does no good to anyone"

- "Kindness without reason is empty"- "The world is not without good people"- "There is no evil without good"- "Friendly - you will not spill water"- "An old friend is better than two new ones

Teacher: From these proverbs, we see that kindness always brings joy to those around us. The first step to kindness is a kind word.

3 Task: Let's remember the magic words, the words of politeness. I read the beginning of the proverb, and you must finish it with polite words. (SLIDE 14)

    Even an ice block will melt from a warm word ... (thank you)

    Even the stump turns green when it hears ... (good afternoon)

    If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom ... (thank you)

    The boy is polite and frisky, he says when meeting ... (hello)

    When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... (please forgive me)

    And in France and Denmark they say goodbye .... (goodbye!)

Well done boys! Did an excellent job


Teacher: Learning to be truly kind is hard. The road to kindness is long and hard. Ups and downs, ups and downs, alternations of evil and good await a person on it. Walking along the road of life, one should not forgetabout the rules of kindness (SLIDE 13)

Student : People, please
Become a little kinder in life
So that from your hearts of warmth,
The world has become warmer
To melt the ice of all insults,
People, be kind
Warm each other with kindness.
Student: Well, what if you smile
And a good thing too
Helping everyone in the world
That kindness will always help.

Everything always, everywhere and everywhere
Words, thoughts, deeds
Do good, fight evil.

Student: Oh how do we good words needed.
More than once we were convinced of this with you.
Or maybe not words - deeds are important?
Deeds are deeds, and words are words.
They live with each of us
At the bottom of the soul until the time is stored,
To pronounce them at that very hour,
When others need them.
student: No matter how life flies -
Do not regret your days
Do a good deed
For the happiness of people.
To make the heart burn
And not smoldering in the mist,
Do a good deed
That's how we live on earth.

Nastya: I want everyone to laugh

So that dreams always come true

For children to dream happy dreams,

To have a good morning

To keep mom from being sad

"Three Wishes" - Anastasia Gubasaryan

4 Quest : On the roads of fairy tales ... (SLIDE 16)

Yes, don't just be polite! This must be learned throughout life. And not only our parents and teachers help us in this, but also good old fairy tales.let's remember what fairy-tale heroes did good deeds, brought joy to others. We need to guess what we're talking about.1. This fairy-tale hero wore a wide-brimmed hat. With a beautiful hurdy-gurdy, he walked around the cities, singing and music got his bread. He saved the dolls from the evil Karabas-Barabas and opened a wonderful theater for them. (Papa Carlo)2. He treated animals and birds, saved the sick animals of Africa (Aibolit)3. These were the favorite flowers of the girl who turned out to be stronger than the Snow Queen and saved her friend from the ice captivity (Gerda)4. This girl used the last petal to help a sick boy get well. (Zhenya from Kataev's Flower-Semitsvetik)5. This fairy-tale hero helped his master become a marquis, marry a princess and become the owner of a huge castle.(Puss in Boots)
6. This dog was an inseparable friend of the girl who helped the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion find what they lacked in life.(Tatoshka)
What is the difference between these fabulous good cause, interfere with the evil one.-Which character would you like to be like? Why?WARM-UP (SLIDE 15)

Now we will play a simple game. I have a toy in my hands. I hand it to the person next to me. At the same time, I call that person by name and tell him something nice compliment, the next one should do the same.Teacher: You see how nice it is when they turn to you by name and say something pleasant. You should always do this in life.

5 COMPETITION "Guess the melody". Teacher. The next test is called"Guess the melody".

Based on the initial chords, you must guess the song and perform the first verse.Suggested songs:

“Blue Carriage” (“Slowly minutes float away into the distance ...”),

Smile” (“From a smile, a gloomy day is brighter ...”), “It’s fun to walk together ...”,

Birthday” (“Let them run clumsily…”),

"Solar Circle"

"Mammoth Song"

"A grasshopper was sitting on the grass"

Problem test.

Now you only need to answer “yes” or “no” to my questions, using signal cards. Red circles indicate the answer "no", green - "yes".

Is it possible to call a kind person who:

does something useful for people;

does homework for someone;


Waiting to be called for help;

Transfers the old woman across the road;

Can a person be forced to be kind?

Is it possible to become kind for a while? Why?

Let's always be sincere and give good from the bottom of our hearts.

HOMEWORK (Slide 15)

For this lesson, I gave you homework to remember your good deeds that you did in your life. And now each team will talk about the good deeds that you have done.

(Protection of drawings).

Creative task "Tree of Kindness".

Work with "magic" words and greetings.

- We say kind words in greetings, wishes to each other. Remember, how often do you use kind words?(SLIDE 17 )

On the board you see the Tree of Kindness, which will help you remember Kind words and wishes.

Your task is to write magical, kind words on hearts and stick them to the branches of a tree).

What tree did you grow? Well done!(SLIDE 18)

Each of you can “plant” (draw on a sheet) the Tree of Good Deeds at home and from time to time add new hearts to it - fruits.

Summing up: rewarding teams


Guys, I prepared balloons with good wishes, take one balloon each and read what is written there:

Kindness without reason is empty.
Whoever loves good deeds, life is sweet to him.
- Do good to others - you yourself will be without trouble.
“A good deed nourishes both the soul and the body.
- A good person lives in goodness for a century.
- It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.
What you do not do by force, you will achieve with kindness.
- A hundred hands for a kind person.
“Kindness never loses its dignity.
- Good deeds never die

Not clothes make a person, but good deeds.

Without good deeds there is no good name

I want you to live by these rules

Now please give these balloons to our guests as a memento of this meeting..

(Slide 11) Presenting guests with heart-balloons as a keepsake.

Reflection (SLIDE 19)

Final word from the teacher:


So our competitive journey "On the road of kindness ..." has ended.

A person should stop and think about his actions more often. Human kindness, mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people are the foundations of human happiness.

It is also difficult to save the world we live in. You need to live in harmony with yourself and with others, see the beauty of nature, love animals, I wish you peace, happiness, health. and of course do only good deeds

ALL: - After all, doing good is great. (SLIDE 20)


Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

KSU "Secondary school named after. N. Ostrovsky»

Collection of extracurricular activities

Prepared by: Alieva N.V.

Borodulikha 2016

The house I live in

Purpose of class : to expand students' ideas about the value and significance of their home, school, village, republic, globe.


To reveal the meaning of the concepts "native land", "Universe", "small homeland";

Cultivate a sense of patriotism;

Cultivate a sense of responsibility;

Event progress.

Leading: Today our conversation is about an important word in the life of any person, this word is HOME.

Conversation: When you hear this word, what do you remember first of all or who?

(children's answers)

A small person is born and everyone has their own home. In his native home, he is surrounded by affection and care, they give him boundless love. Home is the place where you want to return again and again.

Imagine that the word DOM is not a word at all, but encrypted words.

How would you decipher this word?

For example: Kind Very Nice; Dear Father Mother;

Poems about the house: How they twist when we

Knowing neither fatigue, saddened sometimes

No rest - every hour, How much joy mom has

Day and night, our relatives. If someone praises us

Everyone is worried about us. How much torment they had with us

We were cradled, fed, And she doesn't need awards.

At the crib they sang to us, Mom dreams of one thing

They taught us first. About the love of your children!

Kind sweet words.

Reading an excerpt from the work "Young Guard" "Mother's Hands"

Thank you family for your concern

For every breath of the night at the head,

And sacredly fill with love.

After all, because of us, it is not easy for you

Stealthily wiped from my native cheek.

And no matter how hard it is for us in life

When longing scares with a black shadow

And God bless you, live longer in the world!

The song "Parental House" is performed


Leading: the children grew up and went to school. The house they have to go to day in and day out for 11 years. This is a very important stage in the life of any person. Guys, remember the school and try to decipher the word HOUSE so that it is directly related to the school.

For example, HOUSE: Friends. Very. Many, Doors Open to Many

And now let's listen to songs about the school that will say more than any words about it.

“In the very center of the village”, “School years”, “A note with doves”

Poems about school:

Time flies fast, everything changes

Everywhere colleges, lyceums appear

And among them our school is ordinary,

Our high school is great.

You will appreciate the school only then,

When the years fly by like moments.

She often dreams at night.

School years no one will forget!

Children grow up, leave their home, school. But the city in which he was born will never be forgotten. Our village, we call our home.

Story about the history of the village

Let's decipher the word HOUSE: My Dear Fatherland

Performance of the song "Borodulikha dear", "My village"

(Hearing parable C114)

I love you, my native land! Under the blue dome of heaven

Oh, how dear you are to me, The familiar meadow blooms

Oh, how dear to me you are! Living carpet around

Your modest beauty Any stream I know here

He is my old friend.

My dreams are full.

How not to call home, the state that gives you the opportunity to live without war, study, have friends. Of course, I am talking about our Republic of Kazakhstan.

Let's decipher the word HOUSE: Power Open to the World

We perform the song "Oh yes in Kazakhstan"

(We read poems about the Motherland 3 people)

"Native, native Earth" L. Leshchenko.

Each person has his own house, grows up and comes to school, where he has classmates, the inhabitants of his village, he proudly calls his fellow villagers, all the inhabitants of our Republic honorably bear the name - Kazakhstanis. And all people on the vast planet Earth boldly call themselves earthlings.

Here, guys, today we come to the most important thing in our lesson:

A person takes care of his home, all together we must take care of our home called school, proudly talk about our village, preserve nature, take care of the cleanliness of our village. The main thing is to grow up as a worthy citizen of your state: to honor the traditions of the people, to respect the language. To do everything to ensure that our "HOUSE" is liked by everyone!

Let's reveal the concept of HOUSE: Friendly Huge World - planet Earth!

That's what we all need to think about and do our best to keep it that way.

The most beautiful, dear,

Colorful, cheerful, lively,

You are for us, like a mother, alone in the world,

We are your caring children.

But sometimes under our hands

Your beauty disappears without a trace.

The oceans choke on mud

Animals, birds, herbs perish.

Wherever we live on the planet,

We are all responsible for fate.

We are your helpers, friends,

We, the Earth, are one family with you.

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world.

Her vibrant colors

Sunset, enchanting dawn,

Forests, plains, mountains greatness

And rivers of transparent blue

Such a rare treasure!

In the hands of people - his fate!

Song being performed:

"I, you, he, she - together the whole country"

Summary of the event:

The planet is the house we live in

And in it forests rustle, rivers flow and splash.

Under the blue sky, under the golden sun

We want to live in this house forever.

The planet is a house adorned with labor,

Do you know, answer, the price of such a house?

What happens if the roof is under fire?

What happens if the walls are broken in it?

The planet is a house in which, day after day,

Flowers and bread grow, children laugh.

And this house is one for all - one for all.

There is no other home in the whole world.

The planet is a home, under snow and rain,

In any frost and heat, it is arranged for glory.

Keep this house we live in

We all have a right to this peaceful home.

The song "Earth in the porthole is visible" is performed

Mother's day


Formation of spiritual and moral qualities.

March 8 is a wonderful and traditionally beloved holiday in our country. It is beautiful not only because it is the first spring holiday, when nature awakens and the time of love comes. Men bow before the bright image of a woman - a beautiful lady. Yes, and in our dynamic time - the time of high technologies, the Internet, mobile communications, computers and super speeds - a woman must still remain a Woman. For only on her kindness, mercy, tenderness, spiritual subtlety and generosity this world rests. When these qualities in a woman die, the world will collapse. And this is not a metaphor, but the truth. That is why it is so important to dedicate March 8 to a mother, wife, lover, sister, girlfriend, grandmother.


Today is March 8, a solemn day! A day of joy and beauty! On this day, men should kneel and give all women flowers - as beautiful as the women themselves!


Thank you very much you for the flowers, and for the kind words, and for the attention. I think all the women sitting in the hall will agree with me ...

Why, all the women of the world! Agree that more than anything in the world we, women, love warm words, the attention of men and flowers. If we have all this, we are ready for any feats!

Hello dear friends!


Hello lovely women! We know this holiday as one of the kindest and most beautiful. On this day, no woman should be left without a gift. Please accept our congratulations and let a smile appear on your face that will not leave you for a long time.


By tradition, the smallest came to congratulate you.

(Students of grade 4 read congratulations.)

    The winter cold still lingers

The eighth is just a day of spring,

But with golden flowers

All the streets are already full.

2. Sunday is not an idle day

The boys have a hundred worries

Spring first holiday

Walking down the street.

3. In a fluffy yellow dress

He entered every house.

Figure eight on asphalt

The student takes out.

4. In a cloudless blue

The brave pilot took off.

Big number eight

He painted the whole sky.

5. And bagels in the window

Eight spread out!

Number eight everywhere

You just take a look.

6. Number eight today

Love all others!

We congratulate you on the holiday

All dear women!

(A song is performed about mother, student of 4 "A" class)

Continue congratulating the 4th grade students.

    The sun is beautiful in the sky

The birds sing merrily

They wish you joy

And hello spring send!

2. Today we are all smart,

The boots are on fire.

Congratulate you on Women's Day

Gathered for a parade!

3. All shirts are ironed,

All pants are ironed.

We walked around the puddles today.

And we didn't fight.

4. We did not go upside down,

Didn't roll on the floor.

We didn't sit on top of each other.

And do not get dirty in chalk.

5. Today we are like dandies,

In front of you at the blackboard

But more beautiful than our girls

Still, we didn't.

6. We wish you only happiness.

And let's tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

Not in the whole school.

(Students of the 4th grade sing a congratulation song)


Spring, flowers, holiday. It's time to talk about what every woman dreams of. Let's really talk about the one that makes you smile, makes you happy. About love!

Leading. Love is different: the first, beautiful, tender and even funny. But in any case, enjoy!

We bring to your attention some life stories.

    5th grade student reading a poem

"There is a student in our class"

In our class, a student

I want to marry her.

Everyone at school is afraid of Nadya:

He's good at fighting.

This is the one I need

Faithful companion and wife.

At one of the changes

I'll go to Nadia N.

I'll ride from afar:

Let me write off the tasks.

Give, probably, a cuff.

Don't wait for surrender.

Let me at least apologize.

No, I'll be patient, you can't rush.

Since you've decided to get married.

Everything has to be experienced

But he will teach you how to fight

Will accompany you to school.

Everyone will start to fear me

And for the courage to respect.

2. (Staging of the poem "I remember the youth of the year"

3. The poem "Everyone can guess" is performedLeading.

Oh women, we praise you, shy ones,

And to the extent of good, and not to the extent of evil,

Sometimes faithful, sometimes changeable,

Semi-magical and semi-earthly!


Spring is the season of warmth and light,

It's time for excitement in the blood.

And let the words of hello

They sound like a declaration of love.

(Poems are read "The month of March," Give women flowers ")

The month of March, like a schoolboy skipping

He rushed to us, so mischievous.

Take out the bouquets, boys,

Congratulate your classmates on spring.

Where there are flowers, frost will recede,

To make the streams ring near the schools.

Do not forget to put mimosa

In the morning on the teacher's table.

Bared the tops of the trees,

Forgetting your winter dreams.

Freckles sparkled fervently

On the face of a laugher - spring.

A sunny bunny jumps on the desks,

Bird chirping floats from above,

From the smiles of cheerful March

Flowers appear everywhere.

Telegrams, postcards, greetings

March is approaching its eighth day.

Do not forget, boys, bouquets,

Congratulate classmates on spring.

"Give women flowers."

Give women flowers

Whether for a birthday, in the spring,

One at a time or in piles -

Give women flowers.

fragrant flowers

Suitable for anyone.

Coming to the house, leaving the house,

Give a sense of beauty.

Give at dusk and during the day,

On the square and in the corridor.

Those with whom in love or in discord,

Decorate with rainbow fire.

When a woman is sad

She goes to her kingdom

And here medicines are helpless,

But the fate of the lily is close.

And you need to give flowers like that,

To invest such a value in them,

So that a gentle heartbeat

conveyed their traits.

In the midst of endless turmoil

I call again: get up!

Forget yourself, don't forget

Give women flowers.


Be happy!

Be loved!

Be lucky in everything

So that all sorrows pass by,

So that only joy in the house!

(song being played)


We found out that a woman - love is synonymous!

But the main calling of women is to be a mother.

1. This word sounds the same

In various earthly languages.

Whispers - mom! caressed baby,

Falling asleep in her arms!

    First step and first fall

And through his tears, he calls his mother.

Mom is a true salvation,

She's the only one who can save you from pain.

    Became adults, became stubborn.

In the whirl of events and days

We are kept by mother's prayer,

But sometimes we forget about it.

    We are chasing ghostly happiness,

We don't have time, we don't have time.

But in a dream we return to our home

Touch the warmth of her hands.

    Bow to the graying head

And press her fingers to her lips.

Understanding everything, enduring everything,

You forgive your children, mother.

(musical number)

2nd reader.

Guide me on the road to life

The mother will carefully guide and keep.

And if I stumble suddenly on the go -

That mom will cover the trouble.

I'm happy - and mom's eyes shine,

I'm crying - tears fill my eyes.

And so as not to upset my mother,

I want to live this life with dignity.

3rd reader.

Mom's palms are warm and tender.

They warm like the sun of spring.

When you are sad or sometimes sick,

They will touch - down with ailments!

The clouds will hang, the thunder will rumble,

But your mother is sitting next to you.

Palm lightly on the forehead will hold -

And the sun will shine again.

Do not wither flowers and sadness away,

When your mom is next to you.

4th reader.

Beautiful mothers, there are many of you in the world,

In the eyes you look openly and directly.

No matter how far the road calls us,

We are accompanied by beautiful mothers.

We rarely bring bouquets to mom,

But everyone so often upsets her ...

And a good mother forgives all this -

A beautiful mother forgives all this.

Under the weight of worries without bending stubbornly,

She does her duty patiently...

Each mother is beautiful in her own way,

She is beautiful with her mother's love.


5th reader.

Thank you family for caring

For every breath over your head

For what our souls you willingly

And sacredly fill with love.

Forgive us for every wrinkle

After all, because of us, it is not easy for you ...

Forgive us for every tear

Stealthily wiped from my native cheek.

And how hard it is for us in life,

When longing scares with a black shadow,

Holy protects us from all troubles

Beloved mothers blessing.

May adversity not touch your days,

And God bless you to live longer in the world!

Today you love, health, happiness

Your children wish with all their hearts!

Matinee "Around the world with Santa Claus"

Purpose: Formation of aesthetic taste and development of cognitive qualities.

1. Reader

What kind of guest came to us?

How elegant and slender

Above the star is burning

And the snow glitters on the branches,

And all the way to the top

All in toys and crackers.

Reader 2

Brighter, brighter let it sparkle

Christmas tree with golden lights

Happy New Year

Dear guests!

Reader 3.

Here it is, our Christmas tree,

In the blaze of radiant lights.

It seems that she is more beautiful than all

All greener and more lush.

Reader 4.

At the Christmas tree

Green needles.

And from top to bottom

Beautiful toys.

Reader 5

Balls hanging on branches

magic lanterns

And beads, and snowflakes,

And blue ice cubes!

Reader 6.

Let's dance merrily

Let's sing songs

For the tree to want

Come visit us again.

Reader 7.

Everyone have fun today

And laugh, don't be lazy

It's fun to celebrate the holiday

Don't be bored for a second.

Reader 8.

Today the law is simple:

"Sing and dance, dance and sing"

Forgive all mistakes today

But not the lack of a smile

Reader 9

Hello New Year's Eve

Christmas tree and winter holiday

All my friends today

We have invited you!

Reader 10.

New Year's round dance

The children waited all year round.

Dads, moms, kids

We are happy with the tree from the bottom of our hearts.


Words of congratulations, Remember who is the most important guest at the New Year's holiday. We are convinced that there are many such guests, but first of all we turn to the Christmas tree.

I am the Queen of the Yolka.

I invite everyone to the palace!

My needle shines.

There will be music playing!

We will sing and have fun!

Play, laugh, dance!

And never lose heart!

Dialogue with a Christmas tree.


    Do you like our holiday?

    Do our kids like it?

    Which children do you love the most?

    Kind? Naughty? Merry? Naughty?

Lazy? Capricious? Raised?

Conclusion: The Christmas tree will look after the children. At the end of the holiday, gifts will be received only by those who had fun, played and did not act outrageous!

(We perform the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

And now it's the turn of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Let's call them friends! Santa Claus! Ay!

Father Frost.

Hello children! I'm in a hurry to see you. My magic boots quickly rush me around the world and I will definitely come to you. You just need to be patient and wait a bit. You are ready?


I can't come to you now because I'm in India. Yes, don't be surprised. After all New Year celebrated all over the world. But everyone's traditions are different. During my trip, I will keep in touch with you, send you emails in which I will talk about the traditions of celebrating the holiday in different countries. Agreed?


So this is India! It is very hot here, there is no snow. But then there is the New Year. New Year's Eve in India is celebrated not at midnight, but at sunrise. On this day, it is forbidden to quarrel, get angry. The most fashionable and most important is considered

the ceremony of launching a bright kite into the sky.

I wish you a pleasant stay and see you soon on the air!

Concert number: "Gypsies" (4 people are selected from the hall in advance - a support group + Parents by cell phone number)

(Props: 6 scarves)

Father Frost.

Friends, I'm in Japan. In the land of the rising sun.

New Year in Japan is not just a holiday, but, as it were, a common birthday. On New Year's Eve, Japanese children are busy painting. A legend lives here that if you put a picture of what you dream of under your pillow, then any desire will come true. And I myself am a favorite game of the Japanese "Dancing Tiger" Play, see you soon on the air.

Concert number "Chocolate Bunny"

(Support group - 4 people.)

Game "Dancing Tiger" (2 bedspreads)

Guys, I am in a mysterious country - Tibet.

In Tibet, there is a nice New Year's custom: housewives bake pies and give gifts to all acquaintances and strangers. If you are obedient, I will bring you Tibetan sweets as a gift. Agreed? Bye!

Musical number "Oriental Tales", "Black Eyes"

(Support group - 8 people)

(Requisites - scarves, beads)

Father Frost.

(The sound of broken dishes, crackling, rattle, rumble is heard)

Host: What's going on? Earthquake?

D.M. Do not worry! It's OK. The Italians are celebrating the New Year. After all, I'm already in Italy. On New Year's Eve, Italians throw old furniture and dishes out of their apartments. It is generally accepted that if you throw away the old one, then in the new year you will buy new thing. I hurry to you, your Santa Claus.

Musical number: Modern Talking group

(Identify 2 parents + 4 children)

Game: "Cross the line" (4 ribbons)

Father Frost

Hello! I am already in sunny Ukraine.

Seeing off the old year, the lights are turned off in the houses. When the clock strikes midnight, everyone is plunged into darkness. In these seconds, many are trying to find Santa Claus in the dark and kiss his hand. , since, according to a comic belief, this portends good luck.

Play, I will be very soon!

Game (4 scarves, Santa Claus costume)

Musical numbers:

S. Rotaru, A. Lorrek, N. Koraleva.

Father Frost

And here is Moscow. I'm in Russia Christmas tree the same guys in the Moscow school. Here I see Kolya Baskov, he is in the 1st grade, Ellochka Pugacheva - she is in the 4th grade, Yura Shatunov is also here, and Valery, and Lasa, and Zara.

I declare a song marathon. Bye!

Well, did you dance well? And while you were dancing, I have already arrived in Astana, to congratulate the guys! Astana guys say hello to you and wish you a lot of happiness in the new year!

Leading: Rite "shishu"

Musical numbers:

Song on Kazakh language, "Hello capital"

Father Frost

Guys, I'm in the city of Semey.

And I'll be with you in a few minutes. Are you tired of waiting for Santa Claus? Then meet!


In the meantime, Grandpa is getting there. I want to ask you one question:

Which cartoon did you like the most last year?

In the outgoing year?

And on the stage is the same Masha with the song "About Traces"

I hear the chime!

Father Frost

Yes, you are not mistaken. This is me and my Granddaughter Snegurochka. Now I know for sure that you love me, you always look forward to it, and for this I brought you gifts.

1 Festive cake from Tibetan housewives.

2 gifts for each class.

The celebration ends with a song

« White snow sparkles bright"

"White snow sparkles brightly"

White snow sparkles brightly and everyone is waiting for gifts.

Because without gifts there is no New Year.

Looking forward to the holiday to receive a gift.

But it is much more pleasant - to give it yourself

We are waiting for guests from different places to our festive tree.

Everyone is not angry at all - no one will eat.

Even the snow runs skipping, and not just like that

It opens like a book - our merry New Year.

All in good mood- and the hedgehog hid the thorns

And on the general birthday - this wonderful day is similar.

There are skis, get up on your skis - keep up, fly, jump!

To white, black, red - a friend received a gift.

Class hour "My team"

( According to the methodology of the course Self-knowledge )

Target : deepen students' understanding of relationships in a large team.


To reveal the meaning of the concepts "school team", "class team", "joint creative activity";

To develop the ability to value friendship, mutual understanding and mutual respect in relations between classmates;

Cultivate an attentive, caring attitude towards your classmates.

Resources: video recording, photos of the class team, use of an interactive whiteboard.

1. Circle of joy.

Guys, I want to start our lesson with the words of Alexandre Dumas

"One for all and all for one" .

These words are from his famous work about the Musketeers, who were distinguished by their special courage and were strong in their friendship.

They will serve as an epigraph to our lesson. Because ... .., but in other matters a little later. I propose to say hello in an unusual way:

We leave one at a time, forming a general handshake, as the Musketeers did. And loudly pronounce the epigraph of our lesson.


2. Introductory conversation.

Guys, before revealing the topic of the lesson to you, telling you about the goals and objectives, I would like you to listen to one amazing legend.

I suggest you listen very carefully to what it is about? Or rather, what is it about?

Every year, on the same fine day, people bring and give into the good hands of the gardener the most precious thing: a delicate, fragile sprout. With what hope they look into the eyes, entrusting their treasure to him. And then a heavy burden of responsibility falls on the shoulders of a real gardener. Many questions come up at the same time. How to care for small shoots, how and when to water and fertilize in time? How to protect from bad weather, finally, so that real flowers would grow and would not worm their way among the huge splendor - thistles, thorns, dope. The gardener thinks and dreams of people admiring his flowerbed, Rejoicing, looking at her, seeing in her only a good beginning. And only then the joy of the gardener will be boundless.


Guys, what do you think, who is this legend about? Who is the gardener? And what about the fragile sprout and future flower?

So, guys, unfortunately, we have six months left to work together, and after this time I will transfer my “flower bed” to other gardeners. And how I want my flowers to be distinguished by their special beauty - spiritual!

Setting goals and objectives of the lesson:

Today we will once again talk about friendship, about mutual understanding, about the word - team.

At the lesson we have many guests who will observe our work throughout the lesson, appreciate my "flower garden"

(A beep is heard)

It came to us email. The hero Dobrozhelaikin sent us questions and asks us to answer them.

Question 1: What is a great team?

Question 2: Can your class be called a cool team? Why? And the family?

Question 3: Do you like, do you want to come to school every day? Why?

Suggested situations:

    How to collect scattered sticks in one second?

    Inflate 20 balloons at once and present them to guests.

    How to eat 20 candies at the same time?

Visualization demonstrating the concept of a team:

(Big tangerine, box of pencils, examples of children.)

Journey into the past.

Children, I suggest we remember how it all began. Three years ago we held a class hour, and it was called "A Huge Children's Heart" and this lesson was about kindness, about how important it is to be a good friend, to love your classmates.

Let's see what you said then? Have we managed to do everything?


We also talked about it in third grade. Let's see.


3. Reflection on the situation.


1. The lesson had just begun, the student dropped the briefcase from which the contents spilled out. How will you behave in this situation?

Let's go all out to help.

Let's laugh out loud, because it's funny.

Another variant.

2. At recess, two friends swear loudly and quarrel. Your actions:

Pass by, it doesn't concern me.

Is it possible to make a circus out of this spectacle? I like to watch quarrels and fights.

Pass by, that's their problem.

Tell the teacher, let them be punished.

Another answer.

3. The teacher calls a student to the board who does not know the topic, but is trying to answer something, looking to the team for help. How to do it right?

You can suggest.

Loudly laugh at him with the whole class, so that he becomes ashamed.

Intercede for him, and ask the teacher to ask him tomorrow, promising to help him deal with the topic.

4. Song marathon.

(Use karaoke) How many songs about friendship are composed, I suggest everyone remember the most popular ones and perform them together with the guests.

It's fun to walk together...

Friendship is strong...

5. Let's listen to proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Friendship is like glass, if you break it, you won't put it together

An old friend is better than two new ones.

Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are.

Friend is known in trouble.

There is no friend - look for, but if you find - take care.

Close together, but boring apart.

Where the needle goes, there goes the thread.

Not in service, but in friendship.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

The light is not sweet when there is no friend.

Good friend- comfort for the soul.

Remember friendship, but forget anger.

Do not love the friend of the indulgence, love the intruder.

Be with a friend in sorrow and in joy.

Help a friend in need.

Many friends, but no friend.

Without friends, an orphan.

6.Creative activity

The class is a large group of like-minded people. If the team is friendly, then learning is fun, easy and exciting.

Without exaggeration, I can say that we are the most famous class in elementary school. Because we have the highest speed of moving along the school corridors, the highest jumping ability on the stairs, the conquest of the top of the school Debye is our feat. And about what sonorous voices my children know not only at school - in the whole village.

This is of course a joke, we have a lot of good deeds. Last year, we were participants in the Ainalayyn competition, and won three diplomas at once. It is easy for me to hold school events, because I have a real children's, friendly team. We love hiking, excursions, we celebrate our birthdays together - we live like a big friendly family.

So today we will show and reveal our children's talents to you.

(The class was previously divided into four groups)

The guys were given the task to perform four musical numbers.

Number 1 - One simple fairy tale.

Number 2 - How can we not have fun ...

3 number - Chastushki

4 number - Here lives in high school our class.

7. Generalization.

We guys should try to be friendly and always respect those around us.

Remember that friendship in the class is strong trust and mutual understanding.


8 . Homework.

Write an essay about our school family. Do you feel good with us, maybe something is bothering you?

9. Circle "From heart to heart"

What good grown children!

You have amazingly clear faces,

Let it be easier for you to live in the world!

I wish you a lot in life to achieve.

Perhaps today is more difficult for you

Deeper programs

Harder subjects.

And yet good children grew up!

And how much enthusiasm in my guys!

And in other respects, judging by many signs,

We used to be the same

And it was not humility that brought us to the people.

Finishing our lesson - we want to wish everyone good luck, patience and health!


Class hour "The road of goodness"

Goals and objectives:

1) To instill in children a sense of friendship and camaraderie;

2) Give knowledge about moral standards behavior

3) to encourage children to self-education of moral qualities;

Event progress:

1) Opening speech of the class teacher:

Today we will talk about a topic that is very important for all people on the planet - this is

D O B R O»

2) In search of the good, we will hit the road along the road of good!

(The image of the desert appears)

Children! This is how the world will look without kindness, love! We must turn this desert into a blooming garden - full of joy, peace!

Is everyone ready to go with me? Children's answer

So, go!

What does the word friendship mean? Children's answers






(In advance, templates for making crafts were prepared on the children's tables)

Friendship is the basis of goodness on earth! (take from the template a circle that represents the desert land)


1) A true friend everywhere 2) And in everything without distant words

He is ready to help you!

faithful in happiness and trouble

Your sadness worries him

You can't sleep - he won't be able to sleep!

3) How to swear and tease

It's better for us to put up with you

Let's smile together

Songs to sing and dance

4) Swim in the lake in summer

And pick strawberries

Ice skating in winter

Bab sculpt, play snowballs.

5) Share sweets for two,

All problems and secrets

It's very boring to live in a quarrel

So let's be friends!

4. We continue to grow a garden. What needs to be sown in the ground. To see the result? (We plant a seed)

5 Guys, what is responsiveness?


Be kind to your comrades, be able to be friends. Help anytime, anywhere.

Be merciful, show mercy.

Guys, I want to know if you can distinguish good from evil, good from bad.

(We use signal cards-red and green)


"Cat Leopold and Mice", Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena, etc.

Which of the characters would children like to be like, and who would they never want to be? Why?

WORD OF THE TEACHER - we return to the flowers of our garden. Guys, why is the seed not growing?


(Glue a drop of water)

Verses: 1) Always do good and evil,

In the power of all people.

But evil is done without difficulty

Doing good is harder.

2) The beast gives birth to the beast.

A bird is born. bird

From good good.

Evil comes from evil.


What is a blessing? Questions: - Can children do good? Are you not small for good deeds? good deeds?

(Recording of children's answers, video recording)


1) Be merciful man

All people have one planet.

And there is no wind, but there are no borders for the flight of wild birds.

2) We are destined to breathe all the same air

Let's unite forever!

3) Let's save our souls,

Then we on earth will save ourselves!

5) (Back to our flower model)

Children, what else is necessary for the normal growth of a plant?

Children's answer: - light and heat.


Questions for conversation: Who is more pleasant to look at a gloomy, capricious or smiling person? Which one is better to be friends with? Why?

Teacher's word: Our guest is the Wise Owl. The owl will give us several tasks and check their solution. (3 teams participate. 3 situations are offered, children are invited to evaluate

Situations, give an answer and solve the problem correctly.)


Leaning on a stick, an old man walks. He stops to rest. And wanders again. The boys who were watching him began to imitate his gait, hunched over, ate moved their legs, the guys laughed merrily.


The little girl Aigul entered the school for the first time. The girl was scared, there were tears in her eyes. This was noticed by the older guys. They ran up to the girl and began to tease her. The girl was crying, and the guys laughed merrily.


The bus is crowded, everyone is coming home from work. Katyusha takes the vacant seat and with a smile, cheerfully looks at those who are standing.

(Staging is possible, analysis of answers)

Lyrics: Rejoice in the Light

rejoice in the sky

Rejoice friend

Rejoice everyone.

2) Life will be easier, life will be better

Everything will become more beautiful around.

Teacher's word: Let's finish the work, help, our flower will bloom.

In the heart of each flower are your names.

And now let's turn the desert into a blooming Garden.

The word "DOBRO" has not yet opened a vowelABOUT.

- Only brave people will be able to go through life's path "By the way of good »

Only brave people, but what kind of people can call themselves brave?


    Oh, how we need good deeds

We have seen this many times for ourselves.

Or maybe not words, deeds are important?

Words are words and deeds are deeds.

SUMMARY Events: The weapon of the strong is kindness!





Do not forget to give good to a neighbor,

relative, friend

It's like true magic.

It will come back to you in a circle.

Prom, dedicated to farewell to elementary school.

    (All the guys are backstage)

The presenter enters the stage: performs a song to the motive (KVN)

Back in our class

There is no empty space in our class.

It means holiday

The long-awaited holiday, but what?

The presenter takes the stage:

If there will be again

From smiles and from songs closely,

It means holiday

Our class is celebrating graduation.


Graduation, what does it mean?

Where are they released from? And where?


Let us out, Sasha, from elementary school in the middle, from one teacher to many teachers.

Oh how great!


Oh, how bad, Sasha!

(They sit on a bench, 2 children appear on the stage. A song is performed to the motive

"Happy Neighbor"

How can we not worry?

Today is a difficult day.

How many days have we waited, brothers,

This is graduation day.

But a little worried

How will the fifth grade meet us,

How can everyone learn

What will we get.

(everyone runs out)

How can we not have fun?

Everything will work out for us.

Both girls and boys -

Inseparable friends!

We stand up for each other

Together we are one family!

3. Conversation on stage.

School. This word has become dear and dear to us. And with what it begins - With a portfolio? From the first call?

From a piece of white chalk?

From the first letter? From the first evaluation?

Since the first school break?

Or maybe from the first album sheet?

With paints and a brand new diary?

From the board and desk?

From a primer.

Why - I don’t know for sure, but I only know when: always in early September!

4. (Sit down)

One simple story

Or maybe not a fairy tale

Or maybe not simple -

We want to tell you.

When we were seven

Or maybe eight

Or maybe six years

We will not specify.

To one simple school

Or maybe not to school

Or maybe not simple -

Our mothers brought us.

It was an autumn day

Maybe not autumn

Maybe he didn't stand.

They brought us anyway.

Some kind of aunt

Or maybe not an aunt,

Or maybe not some

It was the director.

Congratulated the parents

Congratulated the teachers

Congratulated the whole district,

Don't forget about us.

We stood for half an hour

Maybe they didn't stand

With briefcases, with flowers,

Under the sun, not in the shade.

But to the school where our class was,

Or maybe not our class.

Or maybe not to school.

We were still taken.

Outside the door, mom and grandpa

Outside the door, dad and grandmother,

Or maybe an aunt and uncle

Left to wait.

And in the classroom with us

Or maybe not with us

Only the teacher remained

And began to teach us

Host. (Pasha) Today we are a little worried - for four years we have been climbing the most difficult steps of the ladder of knowledge step by step. And today our holiday, like several years ago, is opened by our director Skoda Zoya Nikolaevna.

(Director's speech, presentation of certificates)

For four years we have climbed the most difficult steps step by step, we have learned thousands of lessons together with you since then. Learned dozens of rules, solved hundreds of problems and thousands of examples, many scientific facts settled in your heads, and some still do not fit there. Thousands of hours at the desk, and that's not counting the time spent on homework. During your studies at school, you have to write a whole book, and in four years we have collected material on good magazine with the name "Primary School".

Let's turn over the pages of our journal of memories. And if someone has a desire to add something on the pages, then please.

So we met 4 years ago.

(A fragment of the song “The clock strikes on the old tower” sounds)

There is a fragment of the photo. Against the background of the melody, the guys read poetry.

    We were all funny kids

When you entered this class for the first time.

And, having received a notebook with pencils,

They sat down at the desk for the first time.

    We remember that cheerful call,

That rang us for the first time.

When they entered the school with flowers,

In your best first class.

    As the teacher met at the door,

Our faithful friend for many days,

And a big faithful family

New girlfriends and friends.

4. To study, to study, we are going to first grade

Everything is new, everything is new, everything is new with us.

Brand new pen in brand new briefcase

New books, counting sticks,

New notebooks, new worries.

The first class is the hardest

Because for the first time!

5. Sitting down at the desk carefully,

So as not to crush the school uniform,

We opened our alphabets,

Opened a blank notebook.

6. Leading

1st. Yes, it was difficult to start, but now everything is behind us and we can handle any task.

2nd. All this is good, but what interesting things can we tell about our class?

3rd. We finished fourth and moved on to fifth. How many competitions and victories in them over the years, class hours and open events on "Hurrah!" , participation in olympiads and prize-winners.

1st All this is because we did everything together, together.

2nd. In my opinion, we have the most good class! And what makes us different from others.

3rd. High speed of movement along the school corridors, and a special noise level.

2nd. Oh yes it is.


I suggest you take a look at our tutorials.

(Staging Mathematics lesson.

Teacher. Let's start with mental arithmetic. Rustam, if you have 100 rubles and you ask your brother for another 100 rubles. How much money will you have?

Student. As before, 100 rubles.

Teacher. You just don't know math!

Student. No, you just don't know my brother.

Teacher.- Sasha, if you found 5 rubles in one pocket, and 10 rubles in the other ....

Student. So I put on someone else's pants.

Teacher. Now we will solve the problem. Dima, please tell me the formula for finding the area of ​​a rectangle.

Student. I'm sorry, but I don't remember her either.

Russian language lesson.


Nail, be honest about who wrote your homework.

Student. I honestly don't know, I went to bed early. (Julia, Nail)

Teacher So, let's start the lesson of the Russian language. I checked your notebooks. Sultan, I asked you to write more legibly.

Student. Yes, maybe you will ask me to write without errors.?

Teacher. Today we will write a dictation. Olya, I'm sure I won't see you cheating.

Student. And I really hope so.

Lesson of knowledge of the world.

Teacher. Where is water found in nature, Vera?

Student. You said it yourself, in nature.

Teacher. Lyuba, name six animals that live in the Arctic?

Student. Two seals and four polar bears.

Teacher. What teeth grow last, Pasha.?

Student. Golden.

Teacher. Aida, you're in the way, read to yourself.

Student. But nothing is written about me

6. The song "Wizard - Dropout" is performed)

For some reason, they began to load more and more of us,

The teacher asks us tasks with Xs,

The candidate of sciences and he is crying over the task.

It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning

Oh oh oh!

And we have a misfortune: Composition again.

Leo Tolstoy did not write such things at my age.

I don't go anywhere, I don't breathe ozone,

I am engaged in work synchrophasotron.

For some reason, they began to load more and more of us.

Today at school the first class is like an institute.

I go to bed at twelve.

There is no strength to undress ...

I wish I could become an adult right away - run away from childhood!

(A fragment of the song “The clock strikes on the old tower” sounds)

The second page is dedicated to those who helped the class teacher create a real team of us, spending a lot of time and effort on this.

Dear Saule Isupovna, Aigerim Kabdullaevna, Galina Ivanovna, Vladimir Yakovlevich, Svetlana Valerievna, Baziza Kashkenovna. We would like to express our gratitude and respect. Thank you for your hard work, ask for forgiveness for our terrible behavior and wish you continued patience in your work. (Adel )with us. And special words of gratitude are addressed to the musical director Sergei Vladimirovich. Thanks for your help, thanks for your hard work.

You were very strict

when you taught us.

And a lot in these years

you did for us.

You taught us how to think.

The world of creativity opened

How great that with joy

We learned from you.

We tried to write off

They were often wrong.

But we believe that the finest hour will come for us.

Perhaps our children and grandchildren will also say:

It's great that we studied with you at school.

Thank you for your kind attention

And for your care every day and hour,

For warmth, love and understanding,

For everything you have taught us.

We began to see deeper, think wider,

We are older, better and wiser.

And they understood why they are so valued in the world

Excellent and great teachers.

(The song "There is no time for teachers to grow old" is performed)

"How can we not have fun?"

Page three.

Dedicated to those who accompanied us in our ascent. These are our faithful friends and assistant parents. They guided us with good advice, a wise word and a command. How sad their eyes were when sometimes we brought a bad mark in the diary! What sparks lit up in them when everything worked out! We are lucky to have such wonderful parents.

    O faith of our mothers,

Forever not knowing the measure

Holy, trembling faith,

We are growing children.

    Her, like a light in a birch forest,

Will not corrode anything in the world:

Not a "one" in the diary,

No angry complaints from neighbors.

    Mothers are such a people

They will sigh, they will measure us with a long look:

“Let him get carried away. It will pass!” -

And again believe, believe, believe.

    So only mothers believe

demanding and patient.

And they are not loud

They don't consider it a miracle.

    And just nothing of the year

Their faith is trembling and tender.

But we don't always

We justify their hopes.

6. Dear mothers, dear fathers!

It's good to have you around now.

In this solemn joyful hour,

We share our joy with you

In life for us you are the compass of the earth.

After all, the most important thing for parents is their children!

We thank you with all our heart!

6. Thank you, we will say together now.

"Thank you" -3 p. For patience, love, kindness

The fourth page is about what we have become in four years, and what to expect from us to those teachers who are looking forward to us in the fifth grade with great impatience. Yaroslav.

    We graduated from elementary school

They sang their farewell song to her.

After all, we have to part with childhood

And we don't want to grow up.

    We first have to part with the teacher,

In your cozy office only to visit,

And for seven years we will have to wander through the classes,

Walking the hard learning path.

(G.A. takes an oath)

“Entering the ranks of middle school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of martyr parents, in the face of hardworking teachers, I solemnly swear:

    To stand at the board, like the best goalkeeper, not letting a single question pass by your ears, even the most difficult and tricky one.

    Do not bring teachers to a boiling point of -100 C

    Be fast and swift, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km / h when moving along the school corridors!

    To draw from teachers is not a vein, not to squeeze juice, but solid and accurate knowledge and skills.

    Swim only "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths.

    Be worthy of your teachers! We swear! We swear!

Transfer of the class team.

(A song is performed to the motive "Moscow Windows")

Now the sky is getting dark,

So the windows in the neighborhood lit up,

Evening, graduation evening -

Sad holiday, and with longing

We say goodbye to elementary school, dear.

Build, glue, think and dream.

Let's be honest, not melting:

We are now one family

And we can't be separated.

We will dream of you at night

We wish you much happiness

We have known you for many years

You are kinder in the world!

You proved that

Teaching light.

It's time for us to forgive.

"Goodbye!" we tell you.

We'll be back in September

Let's meet autumn in the yard

And we'll set off on the school ship.

(The song "How can we not have fun" is performed)

Final word from the teacher.

There is no more honorable work in the world,

Than teachers work restless.

We will never forget you

And we will be worthy of your love!

Last quarter, spring quarter...

Thank you teacher

For the fact that, entering the school class at dawn,

You remain in our hearts forever.

The hallways are getting quieter

You can even hear the beating of hearts

Goodbye elementary school

We send you our farewell greetings!

We are sad, we sing, parting,

Remembering happy days

How did we get here as kids?

And how we left you.

Friends break up

Tenderness remains in the heart

Let's keep friendship

Goodbye, see you again.

In this class you dreamed with us

And they led the way of knowledge.

Here we met our friends,

We made discoveries here.

Do not be sad, our beloved teacher,

We will come running to you more than once.

Let others come to replace us

We are the only one with you.

The smallest children study in elementary school. All of them still believe in fairy tales, play with toys. Every kid has his favorite fairy tale character. Therefore, it is necessary to hold matinees and other events with fantasy elements. Young students will surely receive a charge of positive emotions and continue to gnaw at the granite of science with renewed vigor. Below will be presented ideas that allow you to spend in an original way for an elementary school.

Lesson on the topic "Guess the plot of a fairy tale"

The teacher will have to prepare in advance. Extra-curricular activities based on fairy tales (Grades 1, 2) will seem especially interesting to kids. A scenario for its implementation can be compiled with the parents at a scheduled meeting.

To create a festive atmosphere, decorate the classroom, hang balloons on the walls. On the board, hang pictures of your favorite cartoon characters and children's fairy tales. All the guys need to be divided into two teams and seated on opposite sides of each other. In advance, it is worth telling the students the conditions of the quiz. It does not hurt to remind the rules of conduct. Each player must respond in turn.

An extra-curricular activity for an elementary school must be carefully planned. The teacher begins to read out a passage about a fairy-tale hero, and the participant guesses the name of the work. If the answer of one team is incorrect, then the next participant from the opponents answers. 1 point is awarded for each correct answer. At the end, the points scored are calculated. Whoever has more of them is the winner. Such an entertaining quiz will help children develop thinking, learn to listen and answer correctly. After the event, a tea party with sweets is organized for children. All participants will be satisfied and receive a lot of positive emotions.

Holiday "Farewell to the alphabet"

The purpose of this lesson will be to sum up the important results of the study of the ABC. The class teacher will talk about great importance reading skills. The teacher will instill in children the desire to learn, to learn new things. During this event, students develop memory, creative thinking, attention.

The teacher with schoolchildren prepares drawings, an exhibition of books for the holiday. Each student is given an individual task. The children need to prepare a presentation about their favorite letter. You can have a costume event.

During the lesson, the teacher reads verses about each letter of the alphabet, asks riddles. Students actively respond and earn points. Administration and parents may be invited to an extra-curricular activity for elementary schools.

Museum visit in elementary school

There are certain state standards, according to which an extracurricular activity (FGOS) is held. Primary school needs not only general education training sessions, but also practice. A visit to the city museum would be an excellent option. Here, students will be able to learn a lot about the history of their city, animals and birds living in their native land.

Before the lesson, the teacher reminds the children to listen carefully to the story of the guide. You can not touch objects in the museum with your hands. Silence and order must be observed. At the end of the lesson, the teacher praises the students who behaved with dignity and answered the questions correctly. Joint trips to the museum will unite the team even more.

Trip out of town to nature

With the onset of spring, the guys want to spend more time on fresh air. On the day off, it will be great for the whole class to go camping in nature. This event will bring pleasure not only to kids, but also to adults. It is necessary to go on such a journey with a teacher and parents.

In advance, you need to draw up a menu for the day and distribute responsibilities. You can take a ball, jump ropes, badminton with you. If there are beautiful and clean places near the city, then you can go there on foot. If you are planning a long trip, you should take care of transport in advance. Such extra-curricular activities in elementary school will help parents get to know the teacher better, and children will get a lot of pleasure from communicating with each other in nature.

Don't forget to be polite

An extra-curricular event for elementary school (grades 3, 4) can be organized on the topic "Etiquette rules for schoolchildren." It is necessary to teach children to behave politely with their peers and people of the older generation, to use only friendly and literary words in their speech. The teacher will tell the students how to behave in public transport and other public places.

Competition is another option for the event. Two students must be selected. The teacher offers different options and situations. The task of schoolchildren is to behave in accordance with the rules of etiquette. At the end, a summary is made. The children, together with the teacher, sort out the mistakes in communication. Such classes teach schoolchildren courtesy, help to become worthy members of society.

Farewell first class

The main purpose of this holiday is to draw a line at the end school year. The first grade is one of the most important stages for young students. The guys show their knowledge, show the skills that they have received over the year. The teacher talks about the victories of his students. In advance, parents, together with the teacher, organize small gifts and prizes for the kids.

It is very important to jointly conduct such extra-curricular activities in elementary school. Scenarios and rules can be developed by the teacher and parents together. Schoolchildren need to distribute poems, songs, words. Everyone takes part in the event. Rehearsals are held after classes. Children memorize the sequence of their words, read verses according to the script. You can prepare in advance for parents and guests of the holiday. The date and time of the celebration will be indicated there.

The entire audience is decorated with ribbons, balls, drawings of students. In a circle, you need to arrange chairs for parents, guests and the school administration. The celebration begins with the words of the class teacher. He congratulates all those present on the completion of the first grade, thanks parents and students for their help in holding this event. Then the floor is given to the director of the school and students.

You can continue the holiday together in a children's cafe. A festive table is ordered there for kids. Animator is welcome. After such an event, the guys will surely be satisfied and will gladly leave for the summer holidays.

New Year's Eve for elementary school students

Children of elementary grades are New Year's party in the school auditorium. Kids still believe in miracles and fairy tales. Especially on New Year's Eve. It is necessary to conduct such extra-curricular activities in elementary school. Scenarios may vary. The main thing is that children get a lot of positive and joy from the holiday. You must come to the matinee in a fancy dress. Around the Christmas tree, students dance and sing songs.

Not without Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. You can also use your favorite characters from computer games and cartoons. Extra-curricular activities for take place with parents. They can also be asked to come in New Year's costumes.


Extra-curricular activities for elementary school can be very diverse. It is important that the lesson is productive and interesting for the children.

School is a second home... How often do we repeat these words, which have long become familiar to our ears. Indeed, an educational institution, where a child comes from his home, becomes a continuation of life in its entirety. For some, this period lasts exactly eleven years, for others, the school remains at home throughout their lives. If the school manages to take such an important place in the fate of its pupil, it means that the teachers managed to create an atmosphere of kindness, warmth, comfort for the student, which means that everyone felt good and comfortable within the walls of the temple of science.

How to achieve this? No one will give a recipe that guarantees success 100%. But among the recommendations and advice, teachers will surely hear the word “holiday”.

It is believed that a child, immersed in an atmosphere of joy from an early age, grows up more resistant to many unexpected situations, he is less prone to stress and disappointment. The value of positive emotions for a person is great. Doctors and educators have long equated fun, a happy smile and a person's physical health. That is why holidays and entertainment are so important for children. That is why adults, preparing for each school event, think about how to skillfully, thoughtfully and carefully organize it, how to fill it with the content necessary for the development of the child.

This manual contains scenarios for various holiday events for elementary school students, school-wide celebrations for elementary school. Game and competitive programs, theatrical performances, literary and musical compositions, scripts for performances by propaganda teams and KVN teams, holidays of health and science - this is the range of ideas and suggestions offered to the attention of the teacher-organizer and class teacher.

A good, smart holiday is such an event in the life of a child that should be remembered for its surprise, unusualness, give joy, cause vivid emotional experiences. In the midst of the plain of school everyday life, holidays should become shining peaks, alluring and at the same time requiring some effort to climb them. The scenarios proposed in the manual assume the joint participation of teachers and students in their implementation. This is very important point organization of leisure activities. Involving children in the preparation of the holiday, the teacher teaches them to take seriously the events of the collective life of the class, school. The participation of teachers in joint work with pupils allows an adult to be closer to the interests, preferences and desires of the child, to take them into account when preparing and conducting the school holiday program.

Scenarios of these events have been tested in practice. However, each educational institution is unique, because it has special traditions, its own own rules, a unique spirit, inherent only in this school, gymnasium, lyceum, hovers in it. That is why it is unlikely that a holiday script can be created that will enter the life of a particular group of students and teachers without amendments. Creative teachers involved in the organization of children's leisure know how great the role of a single idea or find is sometimes. I would like to believe that this manual will give the teacher the opportunity to make such a discovery.

The presented scenarios will certainly help those who want to decorate the life of the school harbor with the bright colors of the festive marathon, who want to make every child and adult who has found shelter in the shadow of the school fraternity happy.

Good luck in realizing your creative ideas!

Scenarios of extracurricular activities for primary school students

Gingerbread man - ruddy side. Puppet theater in verses for younger schoolchildrenAuthor of verses - Molokova Anna Vladimirovna, music teacher Description. The puppet theater in verse "Gingerbread-ruddy side" can be staged with children aged 8-11 attending classes in the theater circle. A puppet show can be shown to preschoolers. The author's puppet show uses two musical excerpts from the children's opera "Kolobok" by Vera Gerchik. Purpose: the formation of artistic abilities of children. Tasks...

Holiday on an ecological theme for students primary school"We are friends with nature forever!" Purpose: to form the environmental competence of students; to expand knowledge about the relationship between nature and society; develop environmental culture skills; arouse interest in nature; to cultivate emotional responsiveness, the desire to actively protect and ennoble nature. Preparatory work Posters Protecting nature means protecting the Motherland. (M. Prishvin) You are not alone on the planet. Exhibition of books...

Journey through the pages of the magazine "Being healthy is great!" (extracurricular activity for younger students with the use of health-saving technologies) Goals and objectives: To arouse interest in the problems of improving one's health. Give practical advice health promotion. Educate from schoolchildren negative attitude to bad habits. Promote a healthy lifestyle. Cultivate awareness of your own health. Organize knowledge and...

Scenario of the holiday "Dedication to Readers" Goals and objectives of the holiday: - Familiarization of first-graders with the school library and symbolic acceptance of them as readers; - Familiarization of first graders with the "rules of conduct in the library", the rules for handling books. The holiday takes place in the school library, decorated with balloons, drawings of fairy-tale characters, covers readers' diaries. An exhibition of children's books was organized. In the center is a poster "The kingdom of the book is a wise state." The course of the holiday The librarian ...

Important changes on the road. Conversation with children 6-8 years old on traffic rules Conversation about the rules traffic for children 6-8 years old. Road users Goal: Prevention of child road traffic injuries. Tasks: - to give the concept of "road users"; - fix the rules of behavior for pedestrians and passengers; - raise the level of culture on the road, road etiquette of all road users. Description: This lecture is intended for educators, parents, teachers additional ...

Abstract of the lesson for schoolchildren of grades 4-5 on the topic "Letter "B" - libraries of the city" I continue to publish my abstracts of classes on the author's additional program "ABC of the City" for students of grades 4-6. General information about the first lesson: type - lesson of communication and assimilation of new knowledge, form - conversation with practical tasks. Purpose: to introduce students to the work of the library through the event "Benefit of the Book". Tasks: - educational - to ensure during the lesson the assimilation of such concepts to ...

Poems about spring for junior schoolchildren "Spring mood" Authors: students of grade 4 Head: Yulia Dmitrievna Archvadze, primary school teacher Place of work: MBOU "Budanovskaya secondary school named after Hero Soviet Union M. V. Greshilov”, Budanovka village, Zolotukhinsky district, Kursk region. Description of the material: The poems presented to your attention can be useful to primary school teachers, educators, teachers of additional education, children ...

Poems for schoolchildren "Oh, spring!" Author: Valenteeva Olga Alexandrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, SBEI LNR secondary school of I-III levels No. 13 Description of the work: A selection of author's poems about spring. This material can be used in the preparation of spring holidays and events, conducting thematic classes for schoolchildren. Purpose: to develop skills in working with a poetic text, to cultivate a love for the word. Spring drops Do you hear the bells outside the window? April is coming...

Extra-curricular event in the Russian language in the elementary school "Grammar fight" Objectives: to cultivate respect for the Russian language and the Russian word; to form spelling vigilance and cognitive activity; develop the ability to express their thoughts; develop creativity, ingenuity, ingenuity. Course of the lesson Guys, mastering your native language is a difficult task. I hope that you are not afraid of difficulties on the way to knowledge and our game will help us all to make sure once again that Russki...

Summary of a classroom hour in elementary school on the topic "Conflicts and ways to resolve them" Class: 3. Age: 9-10 years. Class teacher: Zavalishina Olga Mikhailovna, primary school teacher. Class hour "Conflicts and ways to solve them" was held in the form of a conversation with elements of testing and discussion. Class teacher Zavalishina O.M. told the children about the causes of conflict relationships and ways to overcome them. The children were offered various situations from which they found the correct ...

Author's poems about a hedgehog and a bear for children 10-12 years oldAuthor: Nina Vladimirovna Nosova, educator MBDOU No. 364, Nizhny Novgorod Purpose: For educators of preschool educational institutions, teachers of grades 4-6, leaders of environmental circles. suitable for use in the classroom speech development, in thematic classes, ecological holidays, at home reading. Age audience: children 10 - 12 years old Tasks: To develop a cognitive interest in the study of wild animals - a hedgehog, a bear, especially ...

Scenario of the District intellectual game for younger students “What? Where? When? ”I propose to use the script I developed for extracurricular educational work both in general educational organizations and in additional education. It is intended for younger children school age(9-10 years). This material may be of interest class teachers, teachers-organizers, senior counselors or teachers of additional education and will help them develop cognitive ...

Scenario of staging the Spanish folk tale "The Magician's Apprentice" in elementary schoolAuthor: Changian Asya Sergeevna, teacher-organizer, teacher of additional education, MU DO "Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth of the Voroshilovsky District of the City of Volgograd". Description of the material: The script for staging the Spanish folk tale "The Magician's Apprentice" was developed for schools and institutions of additional education for elementary school students. It is aimed at the spiritual and moral education of students ...

Author: Changian Asya Sergeevna, teacher-organizer, teacher of additional education, MU DO "Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth of the Voroshilovsky District of the City of Volgograd". Description of the material: The script for staging the Caucasian fairy tale "Sheydulla the Lazy" was developed for schools and institutions of additional education for elementary school students. Aimed at the spiritual and moral education of students and the development of their acting abilities. The Caucasian fairy tale "Sheydulla the lazy" It sounds like a beautiful Caucasian ...

Negative emotions and ways of expressing them ”The purpose of the lesson: to teach a variety of ways to express negative emotions. Tasks: - to help the child understand how anger accumulates in a person and how it then, breaking out, can injure others, and even the person himself; - activate the sensory channels of perception so that the child can see, feel, “hear”, irritation and anger, and thus better understand their nature and meaning; - show and teach children safe sports...