Class hour "Rules in a person's life: Do they need?" (Grade 6). The golden rule of life that each should know

"Rules in a person's life: do they need?"

The purpose of the classroom : To form students the need to abide by the norms of behavior.


Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to regulate human relations;

Develop the ability to correlate own feelings With feelings of surrounding people.

Equipment: cool board, leaves, markers.

Travel course.

Teacher. Guys today we have unusual occupation. We will spend the present scientific research! Who can say what does the word "study" mean?

In general, you all answered correctly. Yes, it is a study of something new until the others unknown. But in order to conduct research, scientists conduct many experiments. They definitely check whether their conclusions are correct.

Now we will try to ask yourself a question and the method of experiment to find an answer on it.

(At this time, the teacher on the board draws a blank for playing in "Noliki cross". Children recognize this drawing).

Draw on the cooked leaves the field for playing in "Noliki", and start our experiment! I promise you that I can win everyone! So, I'm starting the first.

(Passing in class teacher draws a cross in any cage. Then he invites children to make the "Nolikom" response and continues the game. Having reached the third stroke, the psychologist, violating the rules of the game, grows crossbars as he wants, declare each student: "I won!" This causes a rapid protest).

Oh! How do you like! Why?

Children. - You have broken the rule!

So do not play!

So do not play!

You can not do it this way!

It's not fair!

Teacher. What did I do? Right, I broke the rule! And now let's calm and how real scientists will try to find the answer: What happened? What caused such a cry and such a disturbance? First, let's try to look into yourself, "pupils inside," as the British say.

Answer me, please, on the question: What problem will we discuss today?

But the question (recorded on the board), to which we will answer, sounds like this:

Do you need rules in our lives?

Teacher. Can you answer this question now without experiment?

What did we do? Each of you thinks in my own way, there is no consent between you. And the most interesting thing is that everyone speaks correctly. So? That's it precisely to find one answer for all, scientists and conduct experiments. So, the experiment should always have a goal: why should I do something and that.

What is the purpose of our classes?

The goal is to find the cause that makes people live according to the rules. "

Try to answer the question: "What did you feel when I did not play according to the rules? When did I have won? What feelings appeared with you? "

(Everything is interviewed. The answers of children are written on the board)

So, indignation, offense, anger, discontent, shock, irritation, anger, indignation, rage ...

Teacher. Guys, tell me, are it bright feelings, pleasant or dark, ugly?

(Almost all children answer that these are dark feelings)

Teacher. Guys, I have to admit you that I also feel awkward.

After all, I deceived you, and I am ashamed. But I did for the sake of the experiment so that you felt what the person feels against which the rules violated.

Teacher. What is happening? All of you unanimously decided that they felt the same thing. And what did you want to do when you felt a hurt hurt?(Children think)

Teacher. Correctly you started screaming. Why? Because I did not want to immediately stop in my violations, and you could not stop me! So?

(Children try to analyze themselves, their feelings, feelings).

Teacher. What conclusion can we do? Right. When someone violates the rules, another person becomes bad: he feels that his good mood And hope was destroyed, broke. All agree? Then we conclude: violating the rules, a person destroys the bright feelings of another person.

Guys, we can now answer the question: "Why a person rules?"

(The answers of children sound.

Does this mean that life according to the rules can help people be kinder?

Will other people treat us well if we violate the rules?

So why do people need rules?

Teacher. And now you yourself must try to answer difficult question: "Why does the teacher happen sometimes or often increase your voice at the lesson? What does the heightened voice of the teacher mean?

(Almost unanimously guys agree that this result is not just bad behavior Pupil, and violation of the rules of behavior in the lesson).

Teacher. Name the rules of behavior known to you.

And now try to analyze your behavior over the past week.

Did you violate the rules of behavior in the lesson?

How did you feel at the same time?

How responded to it surrounding?

What conclusion for yourself did you do?

And now we will continue the experiment. Each team was on a uninhabited island. All of you are different, but you have one goal - survive on this island. Think and answer whether the rules can help you survive, and if you answer positively, you write the three main rules of your team on the sheet. You have 2 minutes.

And now every team will call their rules, and I will lock them on Watman.

Guys, now we have made a great thing: we have compiled the first rules of our class. And now we will take them in a nationwide vote and promise them to fulfill them. Vote! I congratulate you guys, with the first experience of legislative activities.

Guys, did you like to conduct an experiment? With the help of the experiment, you could independently determine how you should behave in life.

And now I will ask each team to appreciate our class hour - Make a syncewin (what is the rules, what they are, what helps to do. Conclusion about the need for rules in the life of a person):

1 noun.

2 adjectives.

3 verbs.

1 offer.

If we want to live in the world, if we want to have a lot of friends if we don't want to destroy your good mood, we must remember: "Violating the rules, we destroy the bright feelings for us from another person. We lose friends. We begin to be offended, crying, suffering. And that's all because they do not comply with the rules that are established in society. "

Thanks for the job!

Subject: "Rules in a person's life: do they need?"

purpose: To form students need to comply with the norms of behavior.


Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to regulate human relations;

Develop the ability to relate their own feelings with the feelings of surrounding people.

Equipment: Cool board, leaves, markers, media projector, presentation.

Plan lesson:

1. The game "Crossings - Noliki"

2. "Are the rules in our lives need?"

3. "What did you feel when I did not play according to the rules? When did I have won? What feelings appeared with you? "

4. "Why a person rules?"

Does this mean that life according to the rules can help people be kinder?

Will other people treat us well if we violate the rules?

5. And now you yourself must try to answer a difficult question: "Why does the teacher happen sometimes or often increase your voice at the lesson? What does the heightened voice of the teacher mean?

(Almost unanimously, the guys agree that this result is not just bad behavior of the student, but violation of the rules of behavior in the lesson).

6. Name the rules of behavior known to you.

7. And now try to analyze your behavior over the past week.

Did you violate the rules of behavior in the lesson?

How did you feel at the same time?

How responded to it surrounding?

What conclusion for yourself did you do?

Independent work in groups:

1.Ticket in Lyceum

2. Right behavior.

Behavior in class:

1. When the teacher enters the class, students get up, welcome teachers. A similar image students welcome any adult who entered the class during classes (except for work on a computer).

2. Each teacher defines the rules for the behavior of students in their classes; These rules should not infringe the dignity of the student.

3. During, the lesson cannot be noise, distracted and distracting other comrades from existently conversations, games and other, not related to the lesson, as it is violated by the rights of others to receive the necessary knowledge.

4. In the lesson, students have the right to use the school inventory, which they return to the teacher after classes. It is necessary to take it carefully and carefully.

5. If the student wants to ask a question to the teacher or answer the teacher's question, he raises his hand.

6. The student has the right to defend its gaze and its beliefs when discussing various controversial and ambiguous issues in a correct form.

8. A man was drawn in front of you on the board. Let each of you give him a sign of a raised person.

(From the little man in different directions, the arrows and students take turns write down the characteristics of the educated person)

If we want to live in the world, if we want to have a lot of friends if we don't want to destroy your good mood, we must remember: "Violating the rules, we destroy the bright feelings for us from another person. We lose friends. We begin to be offended, nervous, suffer. And that's all because they do not comply with the rules that are established in society. "

9. Make up of two parts of the proverb about the culture of behavior:

10. Students are legal responsibility for perfect misconduct and crime. Teenagers can exclude from educational institution For illegal actions (for crimes), for the gross and repeated violation of the charter of the educational institution. In each lyceum, there is a charter in which the rules of behavior in the lyceum are negotiated, the rules for visiting classes. If the student who has reached the age of 16, has repeatedly violated the charter, it is excluded from the lyceum. But do not think that after an exception, you can do nothing, rest, walk. Local governments together with parents are eliminated in monthly time Solve the issue of his employment or training in another institution.

In cases of causing material damage, a minor at the age of 14 and 18 is obliged to compensate him. If he has no income, then his parents or guardians compensation for damage. Damage is considered not only the deprivation of a person of any thing or money, as well as those cases when he has to spend funds for treatment due to harm to health.

General rules of behavior

  • The student comes in the Lyceum 15 minutes before the start of classes; Clean, tidy, takes off the cloves of top clothes, takes workplace With a warning to a lesson and prepares all the necessary educational supplies to the upcoming lesson
  • Bring all the necessary notebooks, benefits, written accessories
  • It is impossible to bring to the territory of the lyceum with any purpose and use in any way weapon (including knives), explosive, flammable substances; Alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, drugs, other foaming agents and poisons
  • Smoking on the territory of the lyceum is prohibited
  • Not allowed to chew chewing gum, use the players and mobile communications in the lessons
  • It is forbidden to use indecent expressions and gestures
  • Students in the lyceum must respect the dignity of pedagogical composition and lyceum workers
  • Physical confrontation, intimidation and bullying, attempts to humiliate personality, discrimination on national or racial sign are unacceptable forms of behavior. Lyceum categorically condemns such behavior.
  • The students protect the property of lyceum, carefully refer both to their own and to someone else's property, respect the purity and order in the territory of the lyceum. In case of damage to property, the lyceum parents (legal representatives) are obliged to compensate it.
  • All students take part in the landscaping events and territory, to the best of their physical opportunities.
  • The student should respect the ownership. Notebooks, handles, jackets and other personal belongings that are in the lyceum belong to their owners.
  • Disciplinary measures can be accepted to students who assignate other people's things, including criminal punishment.
  • The students who have found lost or forgotten, in their opinion, things are invited to hand over their duty administrator or teacher.
  • In case of passing classes, the student must present class teacher, Master p / about a certificate or write an explanatory about the reason for the lack of in class.

The behavior of students in the dining room

1. During food in the dining room, students should adhere to good manners And behave decently.

2. Students must respect for dining workers.

3. Talking while eating should not be loud, so as not to disturb those who eat next door.

4. The students remove the table after making food, put the chairs.

5. Trainers take care of the school canteen.

1. In the lyceum students must come in tidy clothing designed for classes

2. Clothes must match the age, express respect for the owner to itself and society.

4. Sportswear is designed for lessons physical culture, in other lessons it is inappropriate.

5. To be in the lyceum in the upper clothes, without any reason, is not allowed.

11. Summing up the lesson.

Parable: One old east sage was asked: "Who did you study the pupils?" - "In the uncompatible, he answered, I avoided doing what they do"

  • The first condition of pupil is the knowledge of generally accepted norms and rules of conduct;
  • 2nd - train exercise in proper behavior;
  • the third is strong and sustainable behavioral habits.

When at work Avral, and at home endless troubles, often you want to escape on the edge of the world - away from the bustle and problems. We are starting to be nervous, to releaving anger and aggression on loved ones. As a result, strong relations are destroyed, scandals, quarrels and complete misunderstanding arise. To avoid a dysfunctional scenario, the golden rules of daily life should be developed, which will help preserve and equilibrium, and will also replenish the stocks of energy and forces, which will help to cope with the troubles on both domestic and business levels.

Appreciate what you have

The main laws that will bring happiness and will give calm, developed a famous Bulgarian figure, an astrologer, alchemist and the occultist Omrah Avankhov. The golden rules of daily life, in his opinion, begin with the main thing - the ability to rush what is given by God. Life is the most valuable benefit. It was embedded, risk, not to use existing opportunities and chances - the most real bulkness, even blasphemy.

Before complaining about problems in the family or at work, think about positive moments. All close healthy? Do children run in the house? Is the husband lying on the sofa? This is already good. The main thing is that they have them, and small penalties can be eliminated. If you strive to achieve peace and quiet family well-being, start with yourself. Become kind, affectionate, able to listen and understand. Think about how you love loved ones. Believe me, this feeling is the key to vital activity. When there is for whom to work and try, any, even the most difficult thing, the case arms in the hands.

Harmony of worlds

Golden rule of life - Mouse over in your head. First, appreciate your real opportunities, get out of the depths of consciousness the quality, feelings and skills that you do not use. Enjoy them. After all, the biggest richness of a person is not material benefits, but that individual and unique, which makes him truly happy. Live a spiritual life, help others, do not criticize them, do not climb in someone else's life. Exercise that he brings pleasure - your joy and satisfaction will attract people, make them happy. Yes, and take a lot of storm.

Secondly, remember that the outside world is a reflection. internal state. Rules that will help in life are allowed to understand: do not look for people in the people you do not possess. That is, if there is not enough wisdom in others, you may not shove your mind, so attracting similar personalities. Develop, read, attend theaters - the more beauty, love and intellectual possibilities will open in yourself, the more you will notice them in others.

Balance between time

Another golden rule of life is to enjoy the present. People often worry about the troubles that the future can bring them. But why wind yourself? What to poison the existence of thoughts about possible diseases, bankruptcy, death. Many psychologists are confident that the person himself programs himself on possible events. Therefore, the most positively set to the coming and fold bad thoughts. All problems need to be solved as they arrive.

Appreciate the past and dream of the future. But live exclusively here. Events awaiting us are built on the foundation that we will be raised in these minutes. If he is dilapidated and unsuitable, then hopefully for a brilliant future is useless. Therefore, sculpt the future with your own hands right now.

The golden rule of life is not worried if every day does not go out as you want. In case of failure, before going to bed again, analyze the causes and consequences of the oversight. Tomorrow morning - a great time to fix it and create better conditions For existence.

Opinion Randy Paul Gage

An American expert on self-development, a specialist in achieving success developed his golden rules in he calls them the laws of existence, the main goal of which is to increase the welfare of whoever they should:

  • Emptiness. If you need a new coat, throw out the old one. Unfortunately, part with stereotypes and complexes.
  • Circulation. To get the desired, release what you own.
  • Imagination. Dream about the perfect world, draw it, describe words. When everything rolls out of the hands, revise the records.
  • Creation. The energy of thinking, intuition and fantasy helps to achieve prosperity.
  • You are me, I am. Remember: what you give returns to you in tenfold. Share the benefits, divide the gifts with others.
  • Tint. The universe always takes 10% of what you have. But it will give in return: money, recovery, new relationships.
  • Forgiveness. A person can not yet live a resentment, hate, envy and other negative feelings in his soul.

These simple 7 rules will become your reliable assistants in the struggle for the favor of fate and the achievement of internal harmony.

Eastern practices

In India, all problems people decide with meditation. This is the golden rule of life they advise to use those who cannot assemble the Spirit, has no strength to solve pressing problems. According to Hindus, lovers of yoga, people are obliged to pay more time to worries about nervous systemMaking for her unloading. For example, when the charge of cheerfulness is almost on the outcome, you need to postpone towards the case and pay the time to rest. Take a comfortable posture, close your eyes, relax limbs and imagine how the light beam penetrates into the body. It is slowly blurred on the veins and veins, filling each cell of energy. After a few minutes of this meditation, you will immediately feel that the body has recovered.

In addition, yoga makes us confident in yourself, strong, hardy. She returns as a result of a person, having received a new tide of activity, ready to minimize the mountains. Therefore, daily lessons of Eastern practice - the golden rule of life for each person who does not stop on the achieved, but wishes further development and self-improvement.

Sport and Healthy Food - Our Best Friends

This is the postulate, which should be imposed by children from birth. After analyzing the main 19 gold rules, it can be noted that proper nutrition It takes not the last place in this list. Scientifically proven that fat, smoked, fried and sweet dishes cause a person feels broken and devastated. In addition, weight increases and heaviness arises in all body: I \u200b\u200bdo not want to work, move, engage in your favorite hobby.

But the diet, enriched with greens, fruits and vegetables, dairy and meat products, fish and gifts of the sea, makes us more healthy, active, enterprising and optimistic.

The same can be said about sports. Swimming and running, aerobics and classes in the gym will improve physical well-being, a figure, positively affect the appearance. Seeing changes in the mirror, a person will want internal perfection, which will make it work on himself, discipline feelings, control emotions, giving the surrounding only positive and gladly the openness of the soul, genuine honesty, goodwill and love.

Do you yourself write the story of your life or do you allow other people and circumstances to write it instead of you? You may not even perceive yourself with a person who lead through life, but there are several signs that you do not manage it.

You do not like your work. You may have chosen something that is easier and safer your dream career. Or worse than - You just do everything under pressure from your family.

You live from salary to salary. Often the problem here is not in the money, but in your priorities. The property you own, has long seen you.

You feel obliged to do what you do not want to do. First of all, you must ourselves. You can't save the world if you need to save you.

Help your life is not easy. To do this, you must free yourself from many different prejudice. At first, such freedom may scare and hurt, so the limited number of people comes in this way. It is much easier to follow the polls of society, even if they do not give you the opportunity for self-realization.

Here are 7 rules that will help you begin to build a life that you should live:

Rule first: Never let others indicate how to live you.

Neither your parents. Neither your second half. Neither your children. Managing their lives, you can allow the intervention of other people, but final decision There must be only yours. This means that the choice of profession, relations with people, your religion and lifestyle will be determined only by you and anymore.

This rule becomes especially relevant when you begin to overcome doubts. Do not allow doubts to become your weakness that other people will be used. Are you not sure what you want from life? This does not mean that you need to sit in inaction, allowing other people to decide for you.

Rule Second: Do not allow yourself to be attached to things.

The world is filled with all sorts of trash. Do not let the whore to block the path to something important. If you start tied to things, you stop controlling your life. Ask yourself the question: if you, in order to catch up your dream, tomorrow you will have to drop 90% of it, you can do it with ease? If you hesitate, then perhaps you are not able to manage your life because of such a weakness as affection for things.

Rule Third: Would own money. Do not let the money possess you.

Money is a tool, with which you can manage your life. You can use money to ensure convenience, to be able to pay attention to important work, for training and advanced training. But if you live salary to salary, it means that money is managed by you.

Here are some goals that you can put yourself to learn how to manage money in your life:

- Set an approximate annual amount of spending.

- You have to spend less than you earn.

- Clean, if necessary, significantly reduce your costs.

Financial freedom does not mean that you can buy everything that you wanted or live in luxury. This means that money is a tool, with the help of which you manage your life, and not what prevents how to manage it.

Rule fourth: you need relationships with other people.

Do you know people who cannot bear loneliness? They get rid of one inappropriate connection only in order to start another such inappropriate.

Why? Because they are very dependent on other people. They cannot exist without emotional and, possibly, financial support.

In any way, you must remain a person who will be in the foreground. This means that you can enjoy some kind of relationships, but you do not have to make them in itself.

Your goals and the ability to manage your life must be formed before the relationship in which you enter. Surprisingly, but when you do this, then your relationships become stronger and close, because they have no jealousy and feeling of the owner.

Rule Fifth: Never change your opinion depending on the opinions of other people.

"You can share food between people, but everyone has to digest her himself," said Howard Roark from the film "First Oiller".

Manage your life - it means being the master of your views. This means never to agree with anything without thinking and without deciding for yourself that this is indeed the truth. About everything in life argue critically. There are so many rough thoughts around you who are trying to attach to you right in the head and most likely it is sometimes possible.

The sixth rule: everything that you lack, you can learn.

Never think about something in this life you can not. People once said that you lack the mind, the power of will, physical strength or charisma in order to do something worthwhile? Do not pay attention to them. You spoke yourself that you have no talent? Do not pay attention.

Let your original rule be that any quality can be developed and you will also hardly find exceptions to this rule. For example, I was a shy and closed baby in my childhood. Now my friends describe me as an extreme degree of open person, which is not afraid to meet with new people, and they are proud of my ability to perform in front of a large number of people. Start with such as ideas: you can not find out what you are talented, as long as you do not learn anything.

Rule Seventh: The goal is generated on the basis of your creative abilities.

Do you want to know what is the purpose of your life? Everything is very simple. Pull your hands in front of yourself and squeeze them. Then look at them. Here is your goal and means of promoting it.

The goal is your ability to develop creative forces and transfer them to the world. We can choose different methods Implementation, but the goal of us is the same. You can be a manager who creates the art of communicating with people, a programmer who creates knowledge of algorithms, as well as an entrepreneur who creates the art of doing business.

Do not worry if you have not yet found the right way for you. One day you will feel this great goal of your life and you will understand that it is she who. Believing in it, you have become the owner of your own life.

1) Sure yourself only those people who will pull you above. Just life is already full of those who want to pull you down

2) do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live like others can not

3) If you find a person with whom you can behave freely, how we behave alone with you, then appreciate it like air

4) If you were told that your train left, remember - there are still aircraft and yachts

5) Drinking a nail into the soul, remember that even pulling it out with his apologies, you will still leave the hole there, which will overcome and torment your owner. Do not hurt those who love you with all my heart

6) Never justify. Neither before who loves you, none more - before who does not love. The one who does not love, anyway you never believe, and who loves - he himself thinks for you justification

7) If there are rumors about you, it means you are a person. Remember: NEVER discuss and do not envy bad. Envy the best discussing the best

Can you make a woman happy? Do not bother with another. Jajard Butler

9) Moderate forgive, because this property is strong. Weak never forgive. Mahatma Gandhi

10) fight, because the woman chooses strong, bold and
persistent, not those who, at the slightest quarrel, lower hands and go

11) Never argue with idiots. You go down to their level where they will ask you by our experience.

12) Always remember that people become close gradually, others - instantly

13) Learn to rejoice without alcohol, dream without drugs, communicate without internet and nervous without cigarette

14) Choose your own job in the soul, and you do not have to work for a single day in your life.

15) Do not rely too much on someone in this world, because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in the dark

16) Do not regret your mistakes, because without making them, you will never know how to do it right

17) If you want to have something that has never had, you will have to do what I never did. Coco Chanel

18) When you lost - just smile. The winner loses the taste of victory

19) You must have a dream. Be sure! So you can get up in the morning

20) If the bear binds you to the tree, saying something on Latin - go to bed. In any incomprehensible situation go to bed

21) If you are unhappy with the place that occupy, change it. You are not a tree! Jim Ron.

22) No one can bring you if you do not depend on anyone. Robert Antony

23) If you are rich, do not think about it if you are poor - do not take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in the world, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not touch you. Suffering - the result of a serious attitude to life; Bliss - the result of the game. Perceive life as a game, rejoice to her

24) Never tell people about their problems, 80% are not interested, the rest of 20% are glad that you have

25) Do what you want. Do what you think right. You will still be condemned until the end of life.


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