Is it possible to drink Reduxin Light? Reduxin Light: application, instructions for use, composition, side effects, contraindications. Are there products on sale that are similar in properties to Reduxin Light?

The drug Reduxin Light helps not only to lose weight, but also to strengthen the immune system, lower cholesterol levels and speed up metabolism. Do you want to know what else beneficial properties does he have? Read the article!

Reaching the desired number on the scale is the dream of any woman who is familiar with problems with excess weight. Sometimes the determination of women who want to lose weight quickly pushes them to take the most daring steps. For example, on . Especially if the advertisement promises quick weight loss with their help.

One of these products is Reduxin Light for weight loss. Its appearance in 2010 aroused increased interest among those wishing to get rid of extra pounds. Over time, those who did experience its effect on themselves were divided into its fans and opponents.

Composition and action

The product can be bought at almost any pharmacy. It belongs to the category of dietary supplements (dietary supplements), and is therefore sold without a prescription. Available in the form of capsules, the shell of which consists of gelatin, purified water, glycerin and citric acid. One capsule contains 500 mg of conjugated linoleic acid.

– the main active component of Reduxin Light – belongs to the group of essential (not produced by the human body independently) polyunsaturated fatty acids. This element can be obtained from animal products (dairy products, red meat). However, it is not always possible to satisfy the body’s need for this substance exclusively with food. The fact is that modern techniques Feeding livestock involves grazing it on artificial feeding grounds, and not in the natural conditions of natural pastures. The process of accumulation of conjugated linoleic acid depends on this. Scientific research confirmed that there is a deficiency of conjugated linoleic acid in modern meat and dairy products. You can compensate for its optimal amount for the body with the help of nutritional supplements.

Properties of conjugated linoleic acid:

  1. Powerful stimulant immune system.
  2. It is an antioxidant and anticarcinogen.
  3. Stimulates metabolic processes, due to which metabolism accelerates and fat mass decreases.
  4. Slows down the process of fat deposition and, at the same time, activates the action of enzymes that process fat.
  5. When playing sports, it helps to increase muscle mass.
  6. Reduces cholesterol levels.
  7. Reduces the risk of developing diabetes mellitus through insulin resistance.
  8. Prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  9. Prevents diseases by preventing fat accumulation of cardio-vascular system, in particular, thrombosis, strokes and heart attacks.

In addition, the concentration of conjugated linoleic acid contained in the drug can actively fight cancer activity in the body and regulates timely saturation with food, thereby significantly reducing the likelihood of overeating.

Another component of this supplement is vitamin E. This is a fat-soluble vitamin that protects cells from unnatural oxidation.

Properties of vitamin E:

  1. Protects red blood cells.
  2. Stimulates the transport of oxygen to tissues.
  3. Prevents the development of vascular atherosclerosis.
  4. Positively affects blood clotting.
  5. Prevents the formation of blood clots.
  6. Improves the condition of skin, hair, nails.
  7. Promotes overall rejuvenation of the body.

The product is suitable for both women and men. The only obstacle to use is individual sensitivity to individual components. When taking Reduxin Light for weight loss, the following occurs:

  • burning fat deposits (including on internal organs) without losing muscle mass;
  • preventing the re-deposition of fat;
  • impact on problem areas (waist, hips, beer belly in men);
  • increased muscle tone.

Strengthened formula

The main active component of the Strengthened Formula, which is also a non-drug agent, is microcrystalline cellulose (). The action of the product is aimed at reducing and subsequently controlling appetite. By normalizing appetite, it is easier to adjust eating habits, the correctness of which determines weight loss and consolidation of the achieved results. Available in capsules.

Take Reduxin Light Strengthened Formula: 1 capsule 2 times a day during or after meals with a sufficient amount of water. Duration - 1 month, after 3-4 months the course can be repeated.

How to use

Reduxin Light is useful to take not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also as an additional supplement for diseases of the endocrine and immune systems, gastrointestinal tract, at inflammatory processes, for the prevention of atherosclerosis. The optimal dosage for individual prevention should be prescribed by a doctor.

To lose weight, Reduxin Light should be taken in courses (depending on the initial weight and the desired result), each of which should not exceed 2 months. Between courses you should definitely take a break of a month. Adults need to take the drug 1-2 capsules per day with meals, drinking plenty of water.

Required conditions to achieve the desired effect

  1. Avoiding alcohol: Alcohol will negate the effect of the product.
  2. Proper nutrition. You don't have to pass or starve. Learn to eat small meals (4-6 times a day), reducing your usual food portions by 30-50%, while increasing the frequency of meals.
  3. Maintain a balanced diet (optimal ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements) to maintain proper metabolism.
  4. Eliminate processed foods and other foods from your diet instant cooking, high-calorie sauces, fatty foods and confectionery.
  5. Drink at least 2 liters clean water without gas per day.
  6. Sports activities. , dancing, fitness, home aerobics or walking at a fast pace - at your discretion.

Fulfillment of these conditions will ensure maximum effect.

Side effects

The manufacturer claims that correct dosage the drug eliminates the occurrence of side effects. However, in in some cases taking the drug provokes constipation, digestive disorders, sleep disturbances, dry mouth, anxiety, tachycardia, increased blood pressure. The result of an overdose can be: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, itching.


  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Contraindicated for use by persons under eighteen years of age;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver.


The cost of Reduxin Light is 1600-1900 rubles (600 - 700 hryvnia) per package (60 capsules). Price Reduxin Light Strengthened formula - 3300-3700 rubles (1700 - 1900 hryvnia) per package (60 capsules).

Video review from a nutritionist

It turns out that sometimes a child's dream of magic wand transforms in an adult into belief in magic diet pills. This is understandable when there is a problem, but you want to solve it with a minimum of effort. own efforts. If there is demand, there will be supply.

Dietary supplement Reduxin light is at our service. In accordance with the instructions, helps reduce the amount subcutaneous fat and strengthening muscle tissue, helps prevent the return effect of accumulation, has a positive effect on body modeling exactly in those places where it is necessary. Well, that sounds promising...

Today for those who still want to make sure magical properties drug, or reveal the secret of the trick, I’ll do a little research. I will focus, in accordance with my professional training, not on the subjective sensations of those taking the drug, but on clinical trials and reviews from doctors about the dietary supplement Reduxin Light.

However, please note that we are not talking about the drug Reduxin, the composition of which has nothing in common with the food additive Reduxin Light, and requires serious attention when using it from the attending physician.

Reduxin light - in search of the truth

Dietary supplements do not undergo the most serious clinical trials required for registration and permission for sale, as medicinal preparations. They are assessed only from a safety point of view. Thus, they quickly appear on pharmacy shelves, enhanced for better effect with magical promises of not only effectiveness, but also safety.

The first thing that catches your eye is Reduxin-Lite - a drug manufactured and registered only in Russia, so there is no information about it in foreign literature. Independent professional reviews confirmed by clinical trials of our Reduxin Light Russian doctors, also could not be found in the medical literature.

Well, let's turn to the composition... Just look at the name of the active ingredient of the drug, and we will be able to get the necessary information, however, from foreign sources. Conjugated linoleic acid, declared by the manufacturer as active substance The drug has been used for several decades as part of so-called sports nutrition for muscle building. Once isolated from the meat of herbivores, it discovered some antitumor properties, due to which it found its use in medicine.

As for its effectiveness in reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass, more than 30 studies have been carried out to date clinical trials Unfortunately, we couldn’t confirm it. The results showed that under the conditions of special physical exercises, perhaps, the amount of adipose tissue decreases by no more than 1%, giving way to muscle tissue. I emphasize that the subjects are athletes or, at least, people involved in bodybuilding. The overall effect of conjugated linoleic acid on weight levels is considered zero.

There is some good news. In the USA, where the duration of use of conjugated linoleic acid already allows clinical conclusions to be drawn, it is approved for use and recognized as safe. The supplement is recommended for people involved in special physical exercises and leading healthy image life, as a means of promoting the redistribution of adipose tissue.

However, it was noted side effects. It is believed that in very obese people, linoleic acid may increase the risk of developing diabetes, as well as kidney and bile duct stones.

What else would I like to draw your attention to? American researchers assessed the effectiveness various dosages conjugated linoleic acid and, in accordance with their recommendations, the optimal dose of the drug is 3.2 grams per day. On the website of the distributors of Reduxin-Lite 625 mg and in the instructions for the drug it is stated that one capsule contains 500 mg of the active substance. Thus, to achieve maximum effect, the recommended daily dose is already at least 6 capsules, and not 2, as the instructions indicate.

There are more in this regard serious problem. In addition to the active ingredient, Reduxin Light includes a concomitant drug - vitamin E. Strangely, its quantity is not indicated in the instructions for use. Having carried out simple calculations, we determine that one capsule contains 125 mg of vitamin E. When consuming 6 capsules per day, we get 750 mg of vitamin E. But this is not indifferent to our body!

This dose of vitamin E at long-term use threatens with symptoms of hypervitaminosis and severe side effects. There are also contraindications for taking such doses of the vitamin, as well as combining it with certain medications.

So, let's move on to the conclusions:

  • Reduxin Light is a biologically active food supplement with unproven effectiveness.
  • The active ingredient of the drug Reduxin Light - conjugated linoleic acid - is recognized as an ineffective means for reducing subcutaneous fat based on clinical studies.
  • Conjugated linoleic acid, declared by the manufacturer as the main active ingredient of the Reduxin Light dietary supplement, is a safe food additive approved for use in the USA.
  • Clinical studies on linoleic acid have shown its insignificant effectiveness in building muscle mass under the condition of special exercises.
  • The same clinical trials have proven the lack of effectiveness of linoleic acid as a means of losing weight.
  • The drug Reduxin-Lite contains Vitamin E in a dose not specified by the manufacturer!
  • The dosage of the drug should not exceed 2 capsules daily due to possible side effects associated with the presence of possibly large quantity vitamin E in its composition.

In a historically short period of time, medicine as a science has come a long way in development. I assume that not everyone will agree with me, but it is true. And although the ability to heal is akin to art, it became clear that without evidence-based assessment therapeutic effect possible adverse reactions and long-term consequences of taking this or that drug cannot be avoided. I urge everyone to remember this and not risk their health by relying on unverified promises. While the magic pill for losing weight without dieting has not yet been invented, let's rely on our own willpower. And this will be another reason to be proud of yourself.

Candidate medical sciences Andreeva Svetlana Georgievna especially for the site

Review of clinical studies and reviews of the drug Reduxin Light: 67 comments

  1. Tamriko

    I want to try Reduxin Light, but I’m afraid there are a lot of reviews and everyone is different.....

  2. Elina

    There is nothing to be afraid of - this is a natural remedy that contains only CLA. There is no diuretic or laxative here. CLA is a fairly proven and studied remedy. The main thing is to exercise a little and at least follow a light diet. If it’s difficult to stay on a diet, as it was for me, for example, then you can drink the enhanced Reduxin Light formula. It also reduces your appetite a little, you eat less, you get full faster and it’s not difficult to stay on a diet. But with these products, I lost a total of 9.5 kilograms in two months and am now in excellent shape, even in the summer I won’t be at all embarrassed to wear a swimsuit))))

  3. Lara

    Interesting article)) it’s good that I didn’t know all this when I bought Reduxin Light - I took it for three months, there were no consequences other than improvement appearance I didn’t feel any)

  4. Slender Doe

    I have been taking reduxin for more than 10 years, at first I took regular reduxin-15, then reduxin-light, and this year I switched to reduxin-light-enhanced formula. Reduxin works great, only at the beginning of taking it there are problems: constant headaches, heart palpitations a little, dry mouth bothers me, but by 3-4 weeks of taking it everything usually goes away! With reduxin I don’t lose weight, I just lose extra kg - I lose 5-6 kg per month! Of course, Reduxin-Lite is a very expensive drug, but for the results you don’t mind the money

  5. Masha

    I took this reduxin light, the result was zero. About three months ago I decided to improve my figure for the summer: I started going to the gym, chose a diet, and then bought this reduxin. In a month and a half it took me 1.2 kg of weight and almost 2.5 thousand rubles of money for jars of reduxin-light. In general, the advertised drug turned out to be absolutely stupid. I feel incredibly sorry for the money I spent; I could have bought something more useful with it! One thing is good, this reduxin seems to have done without any side effects...

  6. Lyudmila

    It’s funny to read about the enhanced formula, what is there to strengthen? I tested Reduxin Light myself, took it for two and a half months. Then I got tired of observing all these ceremonies with the drinking regime and counting out pills. Because this reduxin light does not help, the weight does not go away.

  7. Renata Ermakova

    If there is no desire, then there will be no effect. And I liked more about the “counting pills”, it feels like you had to count 96 of them 10 times a day, and not one three times a day......Weight comes off, and very well, especially for those who make an effort. I successfully lost 9 kilograms with Reduxin Light.

  8. Zina

    On Reduxin Light, the enhanced formula, I lost weight in a race with my friend to see who could do it better, both lost it well, both are happy with the result and the state of the body, neither she nor I have any side effects, we feel great.

  9. Emma

    I took it the other day, they are already selling it in a new package with a burgundy stripe. I’ll be drinking for the second time, after last year’s weight loss I lasted almost a year, but it’s my own fault, I slipped up on vacation. Now we urgently need to remove almost 4 kilos.

  10. Lightweight

    Hello to all weight loss people! I drink Reduxin-Lite, I lost 4 kg, which I couldn’t lose for six months. I decided not to stop there, I bought the enhanced formula Reduxin Light from the pharmacy. I’ve been taking it for two weeks now, the pace is good, I’ve already lost a kilogram. So the result is obvious, I started taking Reduxin Light with a weight of kg (specify weight!), and now I have lost kg. It’s so nice to feel slim and beautiful! Friends will be shocked)))

    This is wonderful) I will deliberately leave this fake review so that people will think about the advertising methods of this manufacturer. Let's take a closer look - this is clearly a task left for someone positive reviews. Quote “.. reduxin light with a weight of kg (indicate the weight!)” - but the spammer forgot to indicate the weight!)) “... and now I’ve lost kg” - and again I missed the weight). Consider whether you should trust a manufacturer with fake reviews.


  11. Tamriko

    I wouldn’t be so categorical either, there is a lot of competition in this market and people can slander just as well as praise, and sometimes even faster. From taking Reduxin Light enhanced formula, I only have good impression. The most important thing is that in the process of losing weight it did not harm the body, and for me this is the main thing.

  12. Kira Sorokina

    I drank it in the summer, I felt and still feel great. Unlike simple diets, the mood was simply wonderful. By and large, I ate normally, just more often and in small portions. And the most important thing is that literally after a week my appetite became much smaller. A pleasant bonus was the improvement of hair and nails, which were always problematic.

  13. Daria Virenets

    Dietary supplement, this is essentially aid to help the body get rid of excess appetite and eliminate cravings for sweets. He won’t lose weight for you. Once you understand this, everything will work out. I have already checked it on myself. Reduxin light works great.

  14. Severina Marina

    In principle, I can understand why some people criticize. There is a category of people who lie on the couch, drink capsules, drink coffee, eat a bun and wait for a miracle. And then, when this very miracle does not happen, they immediately look for the culprit and say that the drug is to blame and did not help you lose weight. Reduxin Light will not lose weight for you, it will simply give an impetus to the body and support it, nothing more, and the rest is your work and your problems, but this must be understood.

  15. Joyful

    I understood one thing, it is better to alternate it with reduxin light enhanced formula and drink it for at least 2-3 months, then there will be good results and results not only on the face, but also on the butt and waist. Overall, a high-quality and effective, and most importantly natural product.

  16. Berberova Maria

    It’s undoubtedly better to alternate, I’m telling you this after I tried it on myself. After all, just losing weight is half the battle; after losing weight, it’s important to keep in good shape and keep your figure looking good. This is exactly where reduxin light helps.

  17. Alla Orekhova

    Mom bought all sorts of pasta and cereals and decided to survive in this way during the crisis. I don’t want to become fat from all this, so, in contrast to my relatives, I bought two courses of Reduxin Light with an enhanced formula and am losing weight with it. The process is going well.

  18. Marina

    An excellent drug Reduxin Light. It helps very well to lose excess fat in problem areas and the most important plus is that it almost completely discourages cravings for sweets and starchy foods, which I never expected. Even after stopping taking the drug, weight continues to go away due to giving up harmful carbohydrates.

  19. Asya

    I had to buy it too. The other day a guy made me happy that in a month and a half we are going to the seas, but I’m not in the best shape. I signed up for fitness and decided to speed up the process by taking a course of these capsules. I read that it is good for removing all sorts of unnecessary bulges.

  20. Galya

    Some have the sea, some have a boyfriend, but for me the main incentive was that I tried to fit into spring things and realized that I urgently needed to lose weight, otherwise I would have to update my wardrobe, but there was no money. So everyone has their own incentive to lose weight.

  21. Dasha Konovalova

    An excellent remedy, especially in matters related to getting your figure in order, I don’t mean just losing weight. Losing weight is still half the battle, it is important that after everything the body looks beautiful, and reduxin light does just that. Removes subcutaneous fat and overall the figure looks great.

  22. Catherine

    Well tell me “YES”!!! I've been lying there for three months and I'm afraid to start drinking.

  23. Svetlana

    Why not))) I think it’s worth a try. The only thing is that, if possible, still get tested to be sure that everything is fine with the body. It’s just that it’s generally contraindicated for sick people to lose weight, much less take anything. And so, if you are sure that your body is healthy, then you can start losing weight. Reduxin Light definitely won’t do any harm)))

  24. Anastasia

    Please tell me, what is really more effective - reduxin light or a stronger form, and what is the difference?

  25. Svetlana

    Reduxin Light will help eliminate strong cravings for sweets and starchy foods; the enhanced formula helps control appetite. Due to this, weight and volume go away in both cases, although it’s more obvious from the volume that you’re losing weight, so it’s better to weigh yourself more often.

  26. Inga

    I picked it up at the pharmacy and got a great promotion where they give two packs for the price of one. And when I called, I found out that the promotion was ending, so I took two and received four. Now my sister can’t escape, she will lose weight with me.

  27. Elizabeth

    The doctor advised me, my gynecologist. She says that she takes it herself, because... I attended a course and they were told about weight loss products. And what is in reduxine light KLK made in Germany. The Tonalin brand is ideal for different age categories. Not for those who are obese. He already needs to be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

  28. Sveta

    And I did this: before the start of the reception, I looked at their website, learned a lot of useful and interesting information. I advise everyone who wants to start taking Reduxin Light to first find out what it is and how to do it, and then drink it.

  29. Mira

    Girls, who knows, if I’ve been on a diet for two months now, I’ve basically lost 6 kg, but I still want to lose three or four kilograms, but the weight has stopped, maybe I can take Reduxin Light, or better yet, a stronger formula? I don’t want to accept anything else, because... From all the compositions I realized that there is no chemistry only in it.

  30. Nastya

    Women’s nature is inherently lazy and everyone always wants a miracle, that’s why they came up with reduxin and reduxin light. and if these drugs had not helped, in a couple of months we would not have seen them on the shelves of pharmacies, and for several years now the majority of those losing weight have been choosing these drugs. I think this is the best indicator.

  31. Inna

    Yes, we are all the same) I want to take a miracle pill and lose 10 kg))) Unfortunately, this does not happen. The main thing is that there are drugs similar to Reduxin Light. Many thanks to the manufacturers for this much needed product.

  32. Marina

    Tell me, where can I buy cheaper, or reduxin light, or a strengthened formula? You need at least two packages, but it turns out a little expensive. Thank you in advance.

  33. Alexandra

    The other day I bought it at the pharmacy, they have a promotion right now, two packs for the price of one. But I took the risk only after I read the information on the Reduxin Light website.

  34. Anna Zavyalova

    Ladies over 45 years old need to be more attentive to losing weight and make more efforts than young women. At this age, fat replaces muscles especially strongly and to lose weight, you need 2 times more effort and time. But in any case, this dietary supplement will not harm, but will only help in the process of losing weight and support the body with vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids.

  35. Oksana

    I personally liked it and liked it. Some even criticize diets, although many women lose weight well on them, but these are the ones who have the willpower not to eat. I don’t have it, so I had to develop it with the help of this dietary supplement, fortunately everything worked out and what I planned to lose was safely gone.

  36. Sveta

    Of course, for those who want to remove more than 10 kilos, it is definitely not suitable. And in general, obesity is treated by doctors and there are more serious medications. This dietary supplement is up to a maximum of 7 kg, and in about three months, although the weight will be lost steadily and without side effects. I think it is a completely acceptable option as an alternative to chemical-based drugs.

  37. Tamara

    I was just on Reduxine Light Enhanced Formula 7 kg and lost it. Moreover, in just a month. I learned to do exercises in the morning and drink water daily at the rate of 30 ml per kilogram of weight. I feel great and am going on vacation with a bunch of new clothes.

  38. Nina

    I can’t decide whether to try or not. Vacation is already in August, whether I’ll have time to remove the excess or not, I don’t know. What is the maximum weight lost with this drug?

  39. Tamara

    If you help the body, then 5-7 kg with the enhanced Reduxin Light formula can be removed in a month. Sports, diet and water will help you.

  40. Alesya

    I'm personally satisfied. Reduxin Light helped me. I followed the same protein diet, but when taking it I tolerated it much more easily. Plus, I learned to drink water, although before that I couldn’t pour two liters into myself a day. In any case, thanks to the manufacturer.

  41. Vita

    I’m already 48, but I still want to look good, my daughter recommended this drug to me, because... She said it is suitable for all ages. I drank it for almost three months. I didn’t manage to lose as much as she did, but I still got rid of my extra five kilos. Do you know what a reset is? excess weight at my age, this is quite problematic. I'm glad that everything worked out for me.

  42. Savelichnaya

    Without a diet, it definitely won’t help. But it will help you stay on it. Therefore, as an addition to the weight loss process, I think this drug is simply irreplaceable. Try it and it will work. Only those who don’t try and don’t try don’t succeed.

  43. Svetlana

    Yesterday I finished my first package of 180 capsules. I ordered another one just like it. I'll take a break and take the second course. Now I have already lost almost 4 kilograms and ears from my hips.

According to statistics, approximately 50% of adults in our country today are overweight. Moreover, obesity leads to the development of such dangerous disease, How diabetes second degree of severity. This pathology can lead to sudden death due to ischemia or heart failure.

Scientists have already developed a huge number of medications that help fight extra pounds, however, due to the high price, few people use them. An analogue of such products is the domestic drug Reduxin Light.

Main components of the dietary supplement

This drug is available in the form of capsules with a volume of 500 mg. Reduxin Light, which consists of vitamin E and linoleic acid, is very popular among women.

It also contains excipients: distilled water, glycerin, lemon acid and even gelatin. Packaged medicine for plastic containers.

The main active ingredient in this weight loss drug is conjugated linoleic acid. It is of exclusively natural origin. Typically it is obtained from vegetable oils: sunflower, hemp, safflower, cedar, grape seeds.

The main benefit of linoleic acid is beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. Doctors advise taking 2 grams of it every day in order to:

  1. Normalize metabolism.
  2. Get rid of fat deposits.
  3. Add some muscle mass.
  4. Avoid re-deposition of fat.

In addition, linoleic acid helps changes in protein metabolism, which strengthens muscle tissue after reducing fat. That is why the drug Reduxin Light helps to quickly tighten your figure and make it more attractive.

By the way, conjugated acid is found in many dairy products, fish oil, as well as red meat, but in small quantities. That is why it is more convenient to use it in the form of a biological additive.

In addition to the listed advantages, linoleic acid can fight cancerous tumors. In addition, she is strong immune system stimulant, anti-carcinogenic and powerful antioxidant. Another benefit of its use is building lean muscles and burning fat.

The vitamin E present in Reduxin Light is known to have antioxidant properties and is fat-soluble substance and even prevents unnatural cellular oxidation.

This vitamin is necessary for all tissues and organs. For example, it improves blood clotting, fights menopause and depression, protects red blood cells, and has a rejuvenating effect.

Features of using Reduxin Light

Before you start taking this dietary supplement, you must first find out the opinion of a specialist about him. In addition, you should know that the use of Reduxin Light will not provide correction eating behavior, impaired for psychological reasons.

Therefore, when overeating, there is a strong craving for harmful products and an unbalanced diet, capsule medications are unlikely to help you lose weight. It is for this reason that the first step is to eliminate main problem, and only then proceed to the use of nutritional supplements.

There is no need to consider Reduxin Light as an exceptional weight loss drug. To achieve the best results, you must fulfill physical exercise and follow a diet.

It is also important to understand that you will not be able to lose weight quickly with the help of dietary supplements. According to medical standards, you can lose no more than 2 kg weekly with it. If there is no obesity, then taking the drug will most likely go unnoticed.

How to take Reduxin Light

Doctors recommend its use to people suffering from obesity and various problems associated with excess weight. Such disorders include problems with the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, immune and endocrine systems oh, and also cardiovascular pathologies.

To tighten your body, make it more athletic and get rid of the hated fat on your sides, you should take a course of Reduxin as a dietary supplement. Every day you need take 1-2 capsules washing them down with water.

The maximum dose is 2-3 grams of the drug per day. You need to take a dietary supplement evenly throughout the day. It is advisable to use Reduxin Light for at least two months, repeating the course several times a year.

Of course, it is desirable to achieve best effect read the instructions for use and consult a nutritionist, because only a doctor can choose suitable diet. When losing kilos with the help of Reduxin Light capsules, you need to drink a lot of water throughout the day.

Do not forget that with the help of this drug you can only prevent further accumulation of fat; you will not be able to burn existing kilograms. If you want to lose weight, it is better to combine the supplement with physical activity.

Contraindications for use

When using the dietary supplement, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. The following persons are contraindicated to take this drug:

  • young people under 18 years of age, since they are only allowed to consume natural conjugated linoleic acid;
  • pregnant women and breastfeeding, since the drug has not been tested on them.

In general, before you decide to take Reduxin Light, it is better to consult your doctor.

Possible side effects

After using the drug, dizziness, sleep disturbances, headaches, dry mouth, nausea, irritability, swelling and itching may occur.

Moreover, some exhibit problems with digestive system . Sibutramine may increase the risk of heart attack in heart patients.

When taking this dietary supplement, you must stick to the dosage. Excessive use of capsules may result in an overdose of vitamin E.

Differences between Reduxin Light and the medicine Reduxin

Before you compare these drugs, you need to understand that they are absolutely by different means . The remedies differ from each other chemical composition. Although they have a similar name, they have nothing in common.

Reduxin is a medicine, so it can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. This remedy is usually prescribed to patients who, despite all physical efforts and diet, cannot lose weight.

It is prescribed to be taken as part of complex treatment for obese people of type 2 and above. But Reduxin Light is simple over-the-counter dietary supplement to food.

After getting acquainted with the drug, interest naturally arouses its price. The price of Reduxin Light depends on the specific packaging. So, one package can contain 30, 90 capsules, 120 or 180 capsules. Accordingly the price is:

  • for a package with 30 capsules - 900 rubles;
  • with 90 capsules the price is already 1400 rubles;
  • if there are 120 capsules in a package, then the price will be 1900 rubles;
  • finally, with 180 capsules the price is 2500 rubles.

Similar drugs for weight loss

This biological supplement has no analogues in terms of active ingredients. You can only use a drug similar in mechanical actions in different dosage forms:

Some also use it for weight loss Multi-tabs, Zinaxin, Eiferol, Arterodiet, Elteans and many others.

What do doctors say about Reduxin Light?

Many nutritionists treat this dietary supplement well because it has a balanced composition and helps effectively fight obesity and redistribute energy.

Linoleic acid is actively involved in processes that are responsible for the feeling of hunger. But when cooking and storing food, it quickly breaks down, so the body begins to experience a deficiency in it.

All this leads to the fact that a person cannot get enough food for a long time, which is why he begins to eat a lot. Reduxin Light regulates this process.

One of the innovative developments, namely, what the medicine Reduxin Light is, application, instructions for use, composition, side effects, contraindications of the drug will be discussed today on the website I will tell you about the main features and capabilities of this drug and how to use it.

Description Reduxin Light


Reduxin light appeared on the market quite recently, since last fall. Refers to dietary supplements. It contains conjugated linoleic acid and beauty vitamin E.

Release form

Transparent capsules with a shell containing excipients: gelatin, purified water, glycerin, citric acid. The capsule contains 500 mg of conjugated linoleic acid.

The dietary supplement is sold in two forms of packaging: 30 capsules and 90 capsules.

We know that consuming polyunsaturated fatty acids in food is extremely necessary, since they are not produced in the body themselves, and our cells will not be able to function normally without them. Linoleic acid is among the PFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids). It has a beneficial effect on metabolism in the body. It is capable of acting in two directions: it inhibits the work of the enzyme that retains fat in the subcutaneous tissue, and at the same time activates the action of enzymes that process fat. The energy released during the breakdown of fats is used in protein synthesis, i.e. strengthening muscle tissue. The action of Reduxin Light is based on this ability of this acid.


According to the developers, the drug Reduxin Light is especially in demand after a course of treatment for obesity (with the drug Reduxin or others), for general health improvement or to consolidate the effect of diets.

Its action is complex:

1. For your health

It is recommended to be included as an additional nutritional supplement for a number of diseases of the immune and endocrine systems, gastrointestinal tract, and for certain inflammatory processes; as well as in the program for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

2. For weight loss

* Burns body fat, without decreasing muscle mass including the abdominal area and internal organs.
* Prevents the re-deposition of subcutaneous fat, converting it into a source of energy for muscles.
* Acts on problem areas (belly, waist, hips, also beer belly in men), thereby helping to tighten the shape and make it more proportional.

3. To support an athletic body shape

* Acts as an antioxidant.
* Accelerates the speed of metabolic processes.
* Increases muscle tone.
*Helps achieve best results during physical training.

Application of Reduxin light

To maintain general health, the capsules are taken as a dietary supplement during meals: one or two capsules per day, washed down with water.

Recommended for weight loss and improving figure proportions. maximum dose from 2g (4 capsules) to 3g (6 capsules) per day. Distribute doses evenly throughout the day.

The course of treatment lasts at least a month (up to 2 months) three to four times a year. To get the optimal effect from using Reduxin Light, it is recommended to take it for 2 months.

Most the right decision When taking this dietary supplement, you will collaborate with a nutritionist who will expertly create an appropriate diet.

Analogues of Reduxin Light

Sibutramine + Microcrystalline cellulose


Reduxin Light should not be taken by children, pregnant women or breastfeeding women. If you are intolerant to any of the components, you should also stop taking it.

Side effects

If the dosage of Reduxin Light corresponds to the instructions, then if the drug is taken correctly, no side effects have been identified. Due to the fact that this drug is completely new on our market, there are not enough reviews about it yet. However, most nutritionists speak positively about the results of using it to improve the health of the body. In addition, according to available reviews from those taking the dietary supplement for weight loss, it is indeed very effective.

Naturally, it will have different results for each person, because each organism is different from the other, and each has its own reasons for the appearance of excess weight.

You should approach solving health problems comprehensively, and our advice is to take any drug (even of natural origin) after consulting with your doctor. In addition, the instructions for use of Reduxin Light are given on the website in a free presentation, and therefore, before using it, read the official instructions.

As well as additional ingredients: glycerin, gelatin, water, citric acid.

Release form

Reduxin Line is produced in the form of capsules; the package may contain 30, 90, 120 capsules.

pharmachologic effect

As the abstract indicates, this drug is active biological additive , which is recommended to be taken to control weight and shape the silhouette.

One of active ingredients, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a naturally occurring substance. It is an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid that was originally found in dairy products and cattle meat.

In modern pharmacology, conjugated linoleic acid is mainly obtained from raw materials plant origin. This element has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. CLA inhibits the activity of an enzyme that retains fat in the body. As a result, the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits decreases. Thanks to the correct distribution of energy in the body, protein synthesis is activated, thereby strengthening muscle tissue.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Data on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Reduxin Light are not provided.

Indications for use

Wikipedia indicates that this drug is recommended as an active biological additive. Is an additional source of conjugated linoleic acid for the body.

Contraindications for Reduxin Light

Contraindications for the use of this remedy are as follows:

  • chronic heart disease;
  • childhood and adolescence;
  • to the components of the additive;
  • period pregnancy And breastfeeding .

Side effects of Reduxin Light

The official website of this tool indicates that, provided correct application supplements side effects are not observed. But some experts still report that negative manifestations when taking dietary supplements are possible. In particular, in people with significant overweight linoleic acid may increase the likelihood of developing . In addition, there is evidence about Reduxin Light that its use can provoke the development stones in the biliary tract and kidneys .

Also, when taking the drug, there is a risk of developing hypervitaminosis due to overdose vitamin E . Therefore, those who are interested in how to take this remedy should note that the dosage of the drug cannot be exceeded.

Reduxin Light, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use of Reduxin Light include taking 1-2 capsules of the drug with each meal. It is recommended to take no more than 6 capsules per day.

It is advisable to continue taking it for 1-2 months. It is advisable to repeat courses of supplementation 3 or 4 times a year. But those who are interested in how to take the supplement correctly should take into account that the break between courses of use should be at least one month.

The instructions also note that while taking this medication, the patient must adhere to the principles of a balanced and healthy diet.


During the course of the drug, you must adhere to the dosage indicated in the instructions. If an excessive amount of capsules is taken, the patient may experience an overdose vitamin E .


There are no data on the interaction of this supplement with other drugs.

Terms of sale

Reduxin Light is sold without a prescription.

Storage conditions

It is important to store dietary supplements in a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Best before date

Capsules are stored for 3 years.

special instructions

Those who are interested in whether this remedy helps you lose weight should take into account that in order to achieve the desired effect, you should combine taking dietary supplements with , and also practice increased physical activity.

User reviews that they write on the forum or on specialized sites should not be a guide to taking this product. It is important to consult with a specialist before starting to take it.

Analogues of Reduxin Light

Analogues of this biological additive are preparations with similar action. These can be considered means Bioactive KLK 1000 , Floravit E , with Omega-3 , Mirrasil , Arterodiet .

For children

With alcohol

During pregnancy and lactation

Should not be taken during And .

Reviews about Reduxin Light

There are very different reviews about Reduxin Light on the forums. When discussing these diet pills, many write that the drug helped get rid of extra pounds and provide photos demonstrating their achievements.

However, there are also negative reviews from those losing weight, who write that when taking the product there were no positive results, some users even provide photos as proof. Although official instructions does not contain information about negative manifestations; side effects still appear periodically.

In particular, users write about allergic manifestations, feeling unwell during the course of taking the supplement. Reviews from doctors about Reduxin Light are also varied. Experts emphasize that when taking the supplement, you need to take into account contraindications and be sure to consult with specialists.

Reduxin Light price, where to buy

How much Reduxin Light costs depends on the packaging. The price of Reduxin Light in pharmacies is on average 1100 rubles per pack of 30 pcs. Buy Reduxin Light 90 pcs. in Novosibirsk and other cities of Russia you can get it for a price starting from 1600 rubles. Packaging cost 120 capsules– 1800-2000 rubles.

You can purchase diet pills in Kazakhstan by ordering them online. The price in Belarus depends on the packaging and place of sale.

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    Reduxin light capsules. 625mg n30Polaris LLC/ Korolev Pharm LLC

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Education: Graduated from Rivne State Basic Medical College majoring in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnitsa State Medical University named after. M.I. Pirogov and internship at his base.

Experience: From 2003 to 2013, she worked as a pharmacist and manager of a pharmacy kiosk. She was awarded diplomas and decorations for many years of conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.


Information about medications on the site is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before use medicinal product Be sure to consult your doctor for Reduxin Light.


What I liked about Reduxin Light is its absolute harmlessness and reliability. There are no side effects. The weight goes away, steadily and irrevocably. Everything is on top

You won’t even know about the side effects with Reduxin Light. At least for me they were completely absent. Although my friends didn’t have them either. But it copes with weight and volume perfectly well. There are only positive impressions from the drug

I lost about 5 kg with Reduxin Light and the exercise machine. per month. I think this good indicator. Considering that this drug is natural without any side effects. I couldn't lose weight on my own

There are no special secrets. Reduxin Light simply works, it really works well and without fail. Reliable assistant for weight loss, I recommend

Before the holidays, I decided to think a little about the future and take reduxin light) It already helped me once with excess weight, I hope now it won’t let all the goodies settle on my sides

I can say that with Reduxin Light it is easy to lose weight without any problems! It perfectly solves the problems of excess weight and volume. Moreover, all this without any side effects. Good and reliable drug

On the advice of a nutritionist, I decided to take Reduxin Light. Although I didn’t believe in such drugs before. But with Reduxin Light, the weight comes off much faster, and it doesn’t affect your health. Everything is fine

I can't say anything bad about the drug. A good combination of qualities for your money. It will only be better if you don’t eat anything at all)

Very helpful. Very. Although at first I was going to refuse the appointment, and it’s good that I didn’t refuse. I endured a plateau and waited for the weight to go away, although I didn’t have to wait that long. Just three weeks of waiting and the first weight loss showed itself.

Reduxin Light was recommended by a nutritionist. The drug proved to be excellent in all respects. I was convinced of this from my own experience. Helps to permanently get rid of extra pounds, and without harm to health. I also noticed that my sex life has become brighter, or something. The sensations became a little worse. Also quite a pleasant moment.

I started drinking Reduxin Light on the advice of a friend gym. The drug is truly excellent. In addition to the lost kilograms, it gave me strength and vigor. The main thing is that it is not only harmless, but on the contrary even useful, because it really has a lot of advantages.

Many of my friends took Reduxin Light. One way or another, the drug was able to help everyone. I’m only taking it for the second month and I’ve lost 4 kilos so far. It didn't affect my health. Overall everything is fine, satisfied

By the way, walking (as practice has shown) is much more effective than running (although I practice both). In addition to this sport, I also really like roller skating. I didn’t use Reduxin Light for long. There are no particular problems with weight. Trying to stick proper nutrition and other points that accompany it: - do not overeat; - don’t get nervous over trifles; - do not eat after seven in the evening; - do not drink alcoholic beverages; - move more; - drink plenty of water; - eat fresh vegetables and fruits often, and other points that can be listed and listed.

I lost 7 kg in a month. At the same time, I didn’t exercise, I just started walking to work. That's about 40 minutes a day)

A good drug, it copes well with excess weight and volume in problem areas. Good drug for the right price

I understand why the drug is so popular) It helps to lose weight well overweight, without any special difficulties and does not harm your health. The skin became more elastic and drowsiness disappeared.

proper nutrition and small workouts every day with reduxin light, that’s all you need) I ate porridge for breakfast, light soup for lunch, dinner, fruits, vegetables, yogurt, cottage cheese) I drank a glass of water ten minutes before meals) and in the evening exercises, abdominal exercises 9 hikes alternating 20,30) leg lifts and scissors as well))

At one time I took reduxin-light. The results are good, I really managed to reduce the volume and lose a fair amount of weight, I lost 5 kilograms. I was very pleased and now I recommend reduxin-light to all my friends who want to lose weight.

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