How to make a real magic wand with magic: options for beginner magicians and small fairies. Magic lessons: the power of magical words and formulas in witchcraft

Since ancient times, magicians and sorcerers use additional subjects in their work. Depending on the direction in which a specialist is a magical attribute, partly being a source of force, may be varied. For someone it will be a ring, for the other knife, for herbalists - a bottle with seeds. Some warlocks are used in the rituals of the skull and bones. Lane often wear beads and bracelets with natural stones. However, there are several items in everyday life of magicians who are familiar to us.

We are talking about a magic rod or a magic wand. It is worth understanding that this item can be both a gift from the highest forces and the perfectly made faith. The entire production process is the sacrament and requires a maximum concentration of attention. On the other hand, after you make a rod or wand, a number of manipulations with the "power item" will be required to fill its energy.

Do not forget that you can start making a rod only after receiving the blessing from the strength you work with. The blessing is required both before the start of manufacture and after. Filling magic Item The force must be implemented in the selected day, corresponding to all the canons of the exercise, in which you practice magic.

There are four sizes of magic wands made of wood and employees as auxiliary To concentrate and enhance your own strength.

Staff - in the growth of approximately

Big rod - two or three elbows

Small rod - one or two elbows

The smaller the rod, the more powerful, and even more thorough treatment it requires. Wands can also be manufactured from metal or stone, but because the complexity is significantly higher, I didn't even try to know about it. Preached the beginning you need to make a calculation rite corresponding to your views. During processing, what you call post should be followed. Any psychotics are categorically excluded, even tobacco or coffee can disrupt your work. For any wooden rod, the "his" tree is chosen (in my case it may be an oak or hawthorn), in general, preference is given to a more solid rock. The young tree is selected, suitable in thickness. For all, except for the Sour, part of the main trunk is suitable only without bitch. A tree is cut with a sense of regret on a ruined plant, and the confidence that your need is worth it. Used minimum tools, ideally one knife, hand-made. Since B. modern conditions It is difficult to deal with a personally discharged knife, you can use the Outcast-Vented Medical Scalpel, purchased specifically for this work. When working it is necessary to eliminate the feeling of celebration, hurry or anticipation. The magic wand, on the contrary, is made from possibly the rhizome tree, or, for example, a stem of Karelian birch. If part of the tree was taken for the manufacture of the magic stick, with complete self-confidence it makes sense to "give up" a tree - to grasp the blood droplet into an incision on its crust. The cut barrel will be transferred to the place where it will be processed, and does not move to other places until the end of work. Waste are collected, and after the end of the work, sacrificed forest perfumes (buried under the turne in the forest with a sense of gratitude). All processing is performed in a permanent meditation state on the material. Speed, distraction for random cases, attempts to speed up the work by risk to spoil the material (not even attempts themselves, and reflections on this topic, that is, if you can scrape something, but you can cut, but it is impossible to guarantee in the latter case, it should not be guaranteed There is even a doubt that it should be chopped). It is best to work in the forest or in the country. The work is performed in one reception exactly as much as in the buzz. Whenever desire to work, you need to do it, even if this work is to consist in two moves.

The bark and Cambium are written from the trunk, in the case of the armor, the swirls are cut off and scraped (not before smoothness), defects are cut. Staff may be finished after that at any time, but it is recommended to at least thoroughly and loving him. For the rest of the rods, the top (for the growth of the tree) the end is sharpened, the bottom is spinning. The lower part of the rod (for which it is then kept) scraps across the fibers. At this stage, the billet should no longer have any angles, or cuts. To this approximately time, the workpiece can be cracked along, it is normal. On the magic wand, both ends are curly.

Processing should be interrupted and play with the resulting item. It is necessary to feel it with your own, finding a comfortable position in his hand, love it, to attach to it. From this point on, the workpiece should be kept constantly with you, at least in the attention zone. The feeling of this should be that you introduce it with you, with your life, with your habits, emotions. Further treatment is the main complexity. Part of the rod, except for the place for which you keep and the toss is covered with a pattern. It does not make sense that the appeared as the appearance of "want". Some of them can be small, some "will require" recesses, sometimes up to a quarter of the radius (I haven't had this, however). Scratches are applied with a knife pinned in the fingers (by the way, it is necessary to sharpen it only by hand), and require a solid hand. When working should be a sense of conversation, conversation with a rod. Small rod requires several times more thick and small pattern than large, but it should remain as part of the pattern of the starting surface (then, probably, the magic wand must be completely carved). If a crack was formed on the rod, then it should be scored by the same knife (only not very strong, and it will split the annealed copper, and even better silver, to the surface itself. For a magic sticks, another type of pattern is preferable - a continuous non-saving unclosed line covering may large square Magic wand. If you manage to apply it in one movement from start to the end ... But I doubt that you will succeed. No need to demand from the rod of European accuracy, he must have a link to the original shape of the trunk in his form, it should not be perfectly smooth, neither perfectly round, scored in the slot metal is not obliged to look like a seal, he is just stored there, although if he is not It will look like a waist, then it is correct. Unfortunately, it is not possible to describe in more detail the pattern of the pattern, as it happens in deep meditation. The work should wear an internally impression of a self-concrete process, you should not feel care about the result, even some nostalgic pity that, here, another part of the work is made. At the same time, he needs to be acquainted with the world, that is, show them in the sun, the moon, stars, trees, while intensively feeling their attitude towards the items shown. It is not necessary to show everything, as well as call names. Only then, the attitude to what you consider worthy to be marked. The pattern is narrowing until you have confidence that you can not add a big stroke. By the way, in the pattern there may be a variety of impulvets that you could see earlier, it is absolutely necessary to determine exactly, whether the subconsciousness is your indulgence, or just so scratches lay down. The first is not good, the second is normal. Symbols are such a quantity that they can be found in anywhere, you do not need to be afraid or to strive for them, they are always secondary to them interpreted. Applying the pattern, it is required to polish the rod with a rag and river sand. Who never did it - I warning, do not press, and then scratch. By the way, the sand is better to sift and / or rinse. Only the pattern is polished, the handle by this time is already treated with a knife, and the tip must be the knife and login. Polishing should be assigned in a joyful (but not buoyan-hysterical) arrangement of the Spirit, and this should not make the movement sharp.

By this time, the wand will make you feel the need for initialization lies in a completely emotional immersion of the island into something. In my case, it was night water, but it can be earth, wine, and milk, and a living body (do not give God, human), and sewage. If required, the next day the edge is wiped with the same cloth, which was polished by the rod (by the way, I did not say that it should be natural fabric from your old clothes?), Which can be buried along with the bark and sawdust, and may be thrown out or destroyed at your discretion.

The initialization of the magic wand looks somewhat more complicated. At first, one end of her end is immersed, then it does not have the value of the time and in advance in advance) another of its end is immersed in the other, counter-positionable according to the properties of the first. In the look of the phrase, a few Korywa, but if you take the manufacture of a magic stick, then at this stage you will all be clear.

The knife is necessary at the end of the work to sharpen, and ... all.

Many people want to have magic abilities. Someone wants to use them in good by another, and someone is to harm. Therefore, they are very worried about the question: " How to become a magic in real life at home? ".

Mages who are they?

Most people ask themselves such a question. The abundance of prejudice and speculation generated by the media and articles on the Internet does not give us a clear and correct answer.

The magician is a person who has an inner force that he can use to achieve any goals. This force is similar to creative abilities, it can be developed and improved, and at the same time it can be lost and lost if it is not used.

How to become a magic in real life at home (spell)

If you think that within you there is this inner force, it needs to be developed and improved, and spells will help with which you can develop magical abilities. The most difficult moment for newcomers, stepping on the path of magic, is overcoming internal insurance Before unknown.

Each beginning magician must define one of the four elements (land, water, fire, air), which will help him. To do this, you need to have special attributes for committing magic spells. The main attributes are:

  • bowl with pure spring water;
  • paraffin candles;
  • handful of earth;
  • ash.

To carry out a ritual, choose a quiet and peaceful place. It is important that in this place you feel calm and confident. Light a candle, spread the remaining attributes around it (bowl with water, earth and ash). Focus, close your eyes and in a low voice (you can whisper) say the following spell:

"Spirits of fire, earth, water, air! Hear me! Come to the call of the suffering! I am in your will, indicate me my element! ".

After these words, you will feel peace and calm. Open your eyes and carefully follow the candle flame:

  • if the flame leans towards the bowl with water, then your assistant is the spirit of water;
  • if towards the ashes - the spirit of fire;
  • towards the Earth - the Spirit of the Earth;
  • if the flame is raised up, your helper is the spirit of the air.

Having learned your element, you need to start developing your abilities. It should be remembered that the choice of elements is only a small step before becoming a real magician. About this sometimes forget newcomers and cease to improve.

How to become a magic of water when full moon

Water is a very strong element. You have to learn to feel it. It is necessary to visit the river or lake as often as possible and mentally join the dialogue with the spirits of water. If you feel that they became one whole with the spirit of water, you are ready to become a real magician of water.

Become a magician of water in real life at home right now you will help the ritual of initiation. To hold it at midnight, when the sky will shine full moon, It is necessary to come to natural water. It is necessary to undress the devil and go into the water. After standing for a few minutes, slowly go under the water. Look underwater as much as you can and go ashore.

Now dial in advance the prepared capacity of water. Put the vessel on the shore, and place 13 candles around it and burn them. Stand in the center, take the dishes with water and read the spell:

"Water perfumes come,

My call to answer!

Present strength and power to me!

In the magician of the water turn!

My word is firmly, and the case of Lepko! "

After reading, pay attention to the candles:

  • if they continue to burn brightly, then spirits heard your request and help you;
  • if they were extinct, then you can not be a water magician.

How to become a magician air right now

The air magician must have a strong spirit. To develop the power of the Spirit, you need to learn to control internal forces. To this end, you need to make friends with the forces of the wind. This can be achieved, daily praise and the removal of the air, making a simple ritual. Behold fresh air, or standing at the open window, say:

"Air Spirit, you are great! Give me, slave yours, strength! ".

To become a magician of air in real life, you need to spend another rite. In the dark, exit the wasteland. It is desirable that the place is desertless, and no one went there (the forest is well suited). In a circle, place 5 candles. Stand in the circle and read the plot:

"Affairs spirits to me come,

Especially powerful for me,

In the magazine, turn me out! "

If after reading strong wind, then the spirits came to your call. Refer to them again with your request. Now you can talk about what you want in your own words. After that, sleep low, hide the candles, take the entire props and go home.

Having come home to open all the windows to run the spirits of the air into your home. From this point on, they will help you in everything and protect against everything bad.

How to become a magic fire in real life

To do this, it is necessary to use both live fire (flame candles, a fire), and the second Ipostaska - ash. Try to look at them as often as possible and think at this moment about the formidable strength and power of fire, which brings joy and pain.

The fire is considered the elements of warriors. Mages choosing him as a patron, have great strength and can make serious harm to their enemies. Often these people are hot-tempered and persistent. They do everything to achieve their goal.

Magician fire is capable of becoming a large stock of energy and vitality. To gain special power and power, you need to spend a special rite.

Choose a secluded place outdoors (it can be a landing or big park). If you have a cottage, you can spend the ritual there. The main thing is that there are no people nearby, and no one interfered with your actions. On Earth, spread three bugs of twigs so that they lay in the form of a triangle and burn them.

Stand in the center of the triangle, take in right hand Grilled candle and read a plot:

"Fire spirits hear me

I call my call,

Show me out.

Take me by the power of my

So I become stronger than all people.

Help me desire to achieve

And in the magician of the fire turn.

My word is hard,

As said, so it will be! "

You need to read the spell three times. After that, pay attention to the candle behavior. If she was extinct, then the spirits of the fire ignored your request. If it was broken with a new force, then you were heard and in the near future please will be performed.

At the end of the ritual, worship three times in different directions and exit the circle.

How to become a magician of the earth

You should remember that the land magician is destined to become only a calm and balanced person. If you are not so, you should establish and streamline your life, and only after that begin to join the dialogue with the spirits of the Earth.

In order to become a labeled magician in real life, a special rite is required. We must come to the plowed field. It is desirable that it was sodged, but the sprouts have not yet sprouted. Put in a circle of 7 candles, burn them and stand up in a circle. Type the earth and read the spell:

"Earth perfume, call you to yourself!

Approval your expect!

Give me strength and open my abilities,

Make me in the earth! "

After that, wrap the land in the handkerchief and always carry with you. It will be your guard from all bad.

if you have magic forceIn any case, do not cease to develop it.

Video: how to become a magician in 5 minutes

Young loggers and sorceress or those who only dreams of learn how to make a magic wand, this article is specifically for you. We have prepared Uyma useful recommendationswho really help you become the owner of the magic stick. Also waiting for you interesting videowhere the process of making a stick, secrets of its use and mystery of initiations in the magic ritual is described in detail.

From our article you will learn not only how to make a magic wand literally in 5 minutes, and then, and how and where it must be stored, how to apply its power in domestic situationsAnd in what cases it is better to hide away. In a word, you are awaiting a fascinating journey, in which you alone will come across true magic, miracle, magic. In other matters, no matter how you call it, you are waiting for an exciting adventure.

Practice magic at home can different ways: For example, make a desire or work hard and, and you can make a real magic wand and dreams will come true by themselves. It's much better than waiting goldfish In the hope that she will fulfill your 3 desires. After all, I want the best to come true every day. So the magic wand you will be exactly useful - not for the game, of course, but for real Life. This is today, as they say, Gadget №1. If you have it yet available, then here you have an instruction, how to make it yourself yourself with your own hands.

After all modern magic He knows several ways to make magic chopsticks. They differ slightly from each other however, there is one secret - this is the time of action of sticks. If you have been dreaming for a long time, how to make a real magic wand in 1 second, then get ready for such a device to act quite short. Maximum one day. After all, experienced magicians know, the more time it went to make a stick, the longer she will serve her owner. The highest pilot cattle is definitely make a magic wand for life. But it should be spent whole year. However, not so much, considering the result. Look, what wands were in the wizards from the movie about Harry Potter and pick up the design.

Instantly wand for magic can be done using the strength of thought. As the great Harry Potter said, and stylish magic wand will find its owner herself. Sign so that you immediately appear this magical wonder. No matter how banal it sounds, the fate itself will provide you with a gift in the form of an oblong subject, which, with proper circulation, will definitely become magical. It may be an ordinary pencil, which you suddenly get off at home, a tree in the nearest park that "will give" one of your twigs. Yes, anything can happen! Magic around us.

Magic pencil wand: Master class for beginner magicians

The easiest I. available wayhow to make a magic wand at home and wait - it is Make it out of a pencil. First, you will not need to look for a tree and bring home all sorts of alien items. Secondly, the magic wand from the pencil and submitted items is completely free. So, learn a detailed master class, and get ready to conjure after 5 minutes.

  1. Let's start with the most beautiful and interesting - from the decor. we cut bright multicolored asterisks different size From felt fabric or fetra. Also suitable kitchen sponges made of tight fabric. As a template, use paper billets.
  2. Glue the stars among themselves - Greater, middle and smallest. It is better to cope with this task superchalter. If you use other types of glue, then note that it should be applied abundantly, to the center of the largest sprocket.
  3. For one magic wand you will need 2 decorative sprockets from 3 pieces..
  4. We are preparing the wand itself. Take the simple pencil with stiffness index "T" or "T2". It should be not sharpened and solid enough.
  5. Take a ribbon of soft tight fabric And wrap it with a pencil. Do it so that you have a place to have another winding.
  6. Watch out free areas of another color ribbon. At the ends of the pencil both tapes secure glue.
  7. Install a pencil vertically and one of the ends we put 3 tapes different colors one to another, in the form of snowflakes. We glue them.
  8. We fasten all the remaining items. To do this, we glue one star to the end of the pencil, where we have already fixed tapes. Lubricate the perimeter of the star with glue. We glue the second star from the other hand Pencil so that it secure the tape.

And here is another one of the options how to make a magic wand. And for this you will need only 1 sheet of paper.

Prepare everything you need:

  • sheet of paper A4;
  • PVA glue;
  • gun for glue;
  • scissors;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • brush;
  • Golden paint, sequins.

So, we turn to the manufacture of a stick. Wash the sheet of paper glue PVA, retreating about 2/3 from the edge. Twisting on the diagonal tube, while watching, so that our wand thumps up. We are waiting until the glue dries, and cut the edges with scissors.

In order to secure the design, from a thin cut, fix the edge of silicone or glue from a pistol. Where the edge is wider, we fill out the emptiness of the stick with silicone or glue. You can also partially fill the wand with a newspaper. When your product is dry, you need to make a decor. To do this, we miss the pistol intricate convex patterns and wait until they dry.

Collapse wand. Breaks sketch with golden paint or sparkles. Magic wand ready.

Magic wand in minecraft

Well, if you're an avid gamer, then you do not need to bother yourself and do the needlework. You can simply make your personal magic wand in minecraft. To do this, you it will take an anvil, the stem of Iphrite and books. Take the Iphrite rod, add one book, press the folding button and get a magic wand. Next, you can improve this element by adding one book. Look details on the video.

Video lessons: How to make a magic wand at home?

The magical force concluded in artifacts is capable of transforming reality not only in fairy tales, but also in everyday life. How it works and how to make a real magic wand with your own hands - this will be discussed in this article about the real magic.

Many enterprising merchants after the release of the Sagi screens about the young wizard, became in vain to offer to acquire "Harry Potter's magic wand." However, a real magical wand, as we all know, the product is a piece, exclusive and "alive." The wand itself chooses its owner, so it is impossible to buy a valid instance in the store.

The true wizard finds his wand intuitively, but about how from a unlikely twig make a magic wand, you can find out. And it is better to do it right now!

How to make a real magic wand

Have you noticed that wishes are executed? It works magic, which one to some extent is endowed. By itself, the wand is just a rod, antenna, accumulating and reinforcing the power of the wizard. How to make a magic wand, which is obedient to his owner and "pretending" by the usual branch for everyone else?

Real magical wand - piece of goods, exclusive and "alive"

To begin with, simple truths:

  • The wand must be natural to store the memory of vitality Tree. Such can be found only in the forest or in the park, as the trees planted in the city are weak and devoid of communication with the elements.
  • The branch broken by the wizard loses its strength, "dies", so the tree must give a twig after the sincere request and honest promise not to use magic to harm living beings. If this condition is violated, the wand will never gain the necessary strength and will take energy from its owner.
  • Each tree is endowed with unique qualities, but "his" wand must feel. To do this, it is enough to take a twig, close your eyes and feel its weight in the palm. If it seems that the wand has become a continuation of the hand, then she is "that very."
  • Tell the tree "Thank you." Even science has already proven that sincere gratitude has magic propertySo this is not just the usual words, but the first spells available to all, the meaning of which was lost for most. Give a tree a little energy and wish good. In this case, the wand will not lose touch with the forest and will be focused on its clean, inexhaustory energy.

And now you can start making a magic stick!

How to make a magic wand at home: Available magic

Ash, birch, cedar, maple, chestnut, alder, nut ... in general, there are no trees completely unsuitable for creating magic chopsticks. However, there are copies that take energy (well, so they are arranged, what can you do?): Osina, spruce, pine. The selected inner flaw (seen by the "third eye") a branch must be hidden and bring home. In the house of the wizard, the wand will have its energy even before it becomes truly magical.

Beautiful pebble or crystal fill the magic wand in the inexhaustible energy of the Earth

How to make a magic wand at home? It is not difficult from a technical point of view, but not as simple as it may seem!

  • The sacrament of creating a stick does not tolerate prying eyes, so the magician should not allow it to be seen before the rite of initiation.
  • Carefully cleaned from the bark, the wand needs to be treated with a skin (emery paper), saying the spell "I spell you, oh, omnipotent branch (birch, cedar, etc.) by the forces of four elements - earth, air, water and fire! Recall their strength and power. Be my faithful assistant! "
  • At the base of the wand, you need to do the hole (nail, screw, screwdriver) so that it does not cracked, in order to put the magic core. Fabulous "nuclei", alas, there are not available to modern wizards, but magic, spilled everywhere and waiting for incarnation! Feather (not black crow or rooster!) Fill the stick with the power of the wind, beautiful light pebbles or real Crystal - It will give energy from the bowels of the earth, the corner will fill the power of the fire, and the scales of fish - the power of water. Choose the element close to the spirit, and it will help you everywhere.
  • A piece of wood or salted dough on the consecrated water Clear the magic core tightly, sealing it to Persnet or drawing the initial letter of the patron element (A - AIR, air; E - Earth, Earth; W - Water, water; F - Fire, fire).
  • Some covers lacquer wand. It is not rebeling, but not welcomed. Better a magic wand to a dedication to covered with natural fragrant oil and, wrapped in a handkerchief, leave to the nearest full moon.
  • The final step is the dedication of the stick. You can devote a wand in a full moon or one of the fiery festivals held by the magical community on May 1 (BelTan) or October 31 (Samine, Celtic new Year). To do this, at midnight, the magic wand is put on a snow-white fabric, light the candle and make "become a guide, assistant and keeper!". Then the candle is quenched in water and drunk in the ground. All these manipulations are tribute to ritual. It is important to understand that wand only attribute, magic is located inside the wizard And only concentrates in amulets and other artifacts.

Speech the idea is not about the children's "toy" stick, which small-sized "princesses" wear with them to all sorts new Year's matinee. We will talk about the most real, real magic wand, in the power of which to protect its owner from any danger emanating from all sorts of invisible entities that fill our world.

The wand can become the performer of the most intimate desires. However, it is not necessary to abuse the strength of which you charge your wand. The magic wand, whatever powerful it, is a tool in man's hands. Therefore, hitting in other people's hands and inept hands, she can even harm her owner!

If you still dreamed and think that without a wand, life is not life, then know that you will have a whole year. Does not stop such a long time? Then - forward to the dream, show all the effort, perseverance. In the process of creating a stick, you will have to teach a lot, and learn a lot to yourself. It is studying you will be together with your wand throughout your life - it is this term that your wand, endowed with your energies, will show the properties of the "magic" and will be able to conjure.

In order to make your wand properly (there are not entirely right, it will be discussed about them later), you need to find your tree that will voluntarily agree (yes, it will agree that you are not mistaken!) Become your friend and assistant for the rest of the rest a life.

In the search for a suitable tree, all the extraneous thoughts should be turned off, focuses on the task, listen to its intuition.

Note - the tree is also a living being! You can also talk to him, communicate. Some people have very well developed abilities, with which they communicate with the surrounding nature! But if you do not have such abilities - do not despair! Nobody canceled intuition and perseverance!

So, for the correct magic stick, the young tree is best suited. If a powerful tree responded to your call - then ask for a twig.
It is "Ask"! In order to "hear" your tree need not one day to wander in the park, in the forest, take a walk in the garden.

You can search for a wand material at any time of the year, even winter autumn is not a hindrance to communication with a tree. Yes, the tree is sleeping, but it continues to hear, which means you can answer.

Approaching each tree, contact him respectfully with my request, ask the tree a twig as his true friend and assistant.
Listen to yourself, perhaps you will attract you as a magnet to the tree you need.
Choosing a suitable glade, go among the trees, bring all your thoughts in order, start the meditation - it will help to focus, remove everything too much and enter the harmony with nature.
With a preliminary selection of wood, you can also be guided also by the Celtic horoscope, in it you will learn what tree matches your character. But, again, I remind you that the tree must agree and voluntarily give you its branch.

Showing a fantasy, you can find many more unity ways with nature that you subsequently will be very useful - with a magic wand, you also need to communicate, mentally merge ...

Some experts advise for the magic wand choose the kernels of trees. In young plants, the core is softer, and adults are characterized by a more solid basis, stronger.
Interesting properties will be possessing sticks made of oak, pine, as well as bamboo.

If your choice fell on the bamboo wood, then you will simply need to go to the place of growing this tree. Yet the best option There will be a grown bamboo personally in a pot - he is already half energetically connected with you.

And you know that with great success, even in our time, the priests of Ganesh and even some Indian yogins are used by magic chopsticks! They certainly do not open our centuries-old secrets and ways of making sticks!

So, you set out to walk through the forest (park, garden). Meditating, you felt that you call some kind of tree. Another instant and you are already standing under it. Try to start with a tree dialogue, listen ... If you have the ability to communicate with nature - it will be easier for you to establish contact with the right tree. If not, turn on intuition.

Listen to your sensations carefully and do not try to cut the first branch. When you clearly hear a tree response, explain to him for what you need a wand. Explain that you make a magical thing from it, which will be another friend and helper. Just getting consent from the tree to give you a branch, you can proceed to the next stage!

The consent was received. Now you need to cut off the desired branch. To do this, hit the base of the branch sharply, but not much. Proof of the fact that after all, you all heard all and correctly understood the answer of the tree, it would be easy to disappear branch.

And now the second important part of the conversion of the ordinary branch in the magic tool of witchcraft begins.

Video on the topic: How to make a magic wand at home?!

How to make a magic wand to conclus

It comes very important moment! The branch is obtained, now it is necessary to make the wand itself from it.

To begin with, the resulting branch needs to get rid of side shoots and kidneys, clean from the bark, make a planned shape and clean up to smoothness.

Take your branch in your hands, align the location of the cut, cut the other end of the branch, determining the desired length for your wand;
Cut all the shoots available on the branches;
Now put a knife! In the future, in the manufacture of a stick, it is more likely you need! All processes will need to be done manually!
Clean the harvest from the crust with the help of nails and teeth. When the workpiece becomes completely white you can stop - the bark is successfully removed;
The purified wand should dry well for 10-15 days, so that we can go to the next operation. I draw your attention - the wand must constantly contact the owner;

The next stage is smoothing. To do this, take only natural tools, namely, fine-grained pumice or stone. With their help, not in a hurry, putting the whole soul you should thoroughly treat the wand. If you wish, you can make one end of the sticks to sharpen. Passing thus the wand, achieve its full smoothness, align it all over the entire length;
For convenience and for the purpose of constant wearing a stick with them, do in it (again with the help of nails!) A small hole and thread in it from the braid.
Let you not frighten that shortness, the smooth wand will cover with small cracks - this is a normal and vented process. We continue to grind and try to dry out the sticks - then it will not crack, but will remain smooth forever. When this result is reached, know - your wand for witchcraft Fully ready!

A prerequisite is the constant contact of the owner with its future magic wand (from the moment of cut)! Whether it's a shower, be it bed, work, street - the blank "Candidate" in the sticks should be with you constantly and every second! Contacting with the owner, it is gaining its energy, born like a wand! Staying with the owner in various life situations, She singing with him the emotion experienced by the owner, which allows the wand to tune in to the owner and enter with him in contact. The most interesting thing is that over time and the owner will feel the emotions that the wand is experiencing - the connection is bilateral. Try with every opportunity to take a stick in your hands, talk to her, tell her about your desires, skip your thoughts through it. Making magic ritualsThe main member of the action should be your magic wand.

Do not leave your "wizard" for a moment during the whole year - it is during this time a stick is likely to be your energy. The contact will be installed so powerful that any of your desire, any of your surveillant idea will be known for the magic wand. It will become a formidable weapon in your hands, protection and other. You never want to part with her!

At the very beginning, we mentioned that there is another type of sticks that make it easier, easier, but also a long-term operation of such a wand will not differ.

The wand - it will be half magic if you don't have every second to contact if its manufacturers are significantly reduced if it was used in its processing instead of natural stones eats or nail file instead of natural stones.

In such a stick, there will also be some magical properties, that's just it will not last long.

Video how to make harry potter's magic wand

You did not scare everything read? Are you not afraid to be the owner of such power? Then look for and create, but do not forget that you should guide first of all justice, objectivity and mercy. Otherwise, your weapon in foreign hands will be directed at you! Facilitate the suffering of people to heal incurable diseases, get rid of malicious entities - here is a worthy application for a magic stick!